kernel ridge regression - rensselaer polytechnic institute

Kernel Ridge Regression Prof. Bennett Based on Chapter 2 of Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini

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Kernel Ridge Regression

Prof. BennettBased on Chapter 2 of

Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini

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OverviewRidge RegressionKernel Ridge RegressionOther KernelsSummary

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Recall E&K model

R(t)=at2+bt+cIs linear is in its parametersDefine mapping θ(t) and make linear

function in the θ(t) or feature space2

2 2

( ) [ 1]' [ ]'

( ) ( ) [ 1]'

t t t s a b ca

R t t s t t b at bt cc



= =

⎡ ⎤⎢ ⎥= ⋅ = = + +⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥⎣ ⎦

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Linear versus Nonlinear

f(t)=bt+c f(θ(t))=at2+bt+c

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Kernel Method

Two parts (+):Mapping into embedding or feature space defined by kernel.Learning algorithm for discovering linear patterns in that space.

Illustrate using linear ridge regression.

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Linear Regression in Feature Space

Key Idea:Map data to higher dimensional space (feature space) and perform linear regression in embedded space.

Embedding Map:: n NR F R N nφ ∈ → ⊆ >>x

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Nonlinear Regression in Feature Space


[ ]1 2

2 2

2 21 2 3


( ) , , 2

( ) ( ) ,


r sw r w s

r s r s


w r w s w r s



== +

⎡ ⎤= ⎣ ⎦=

= + +

xx w


x x w


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Nonlinear Regression in Feature Space

[ ]1 2

3 3 2 2 2 2

3 31 2 1 0


( ) , , , , , , , ,

( ) ( ) ,

. . . . 2F

r sw r w s

r s r s r s s r s r s r


w r w s w r s



== +

⎡ ⎤= ⎣ ⎦=

= + + +

xx w


x x w



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Let’s try a quadratic on Aquasol

What are all the terms we need to add to our 525 dimensional space to map it into feature space?

Just do squared terms and cross terms.

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Kernel and Duality to the rescue

Duality Alternative but equivalent view of the problemsKernel trick – makes mapping to the feature space efficient

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Linear Regression

Given training data:

Construct linear function:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )1 1 2 2, , , , , , , , ,

points and labels i


S y y y y

R y R


∈ ∈



x x x x


… …

1( ) , '


i ii

g w x=

= = = ∑x w x w x

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Least Squares Approximation


Define error

Minimize loss

( )g x y≈

( , ) ( )f y y g ξ= − =x x

( )

( )( )




1 1

( , ) ( , ) ( )

, ,

i ii

i i ii i

L g s L w S y g

l y gξ


= =

= = −

= =

∑ ∑



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Ridge Regression

Use least norm solution for fixedRegularized problem

Optimality Condition:

2 2min ( , )L Sλ λ= + −w w w y Xw

( , )2 2 ' 2 ' 0

L Sλ λ∂

= − + =∂w

w X y X Xww

( )' 'nλ+ =X X I w X y

0.λ >

Requires 0(n3) operations

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Ridge Regression (cont)

Inverse always exists for any

Alternative representation:( ) 1' 'λ −= +w X X I X y

0.λ >

( ) ( )( )



' ' ' '

' '

λ λ


+ = ⇒ = −

⇒ = − =

X X I w X y w X y X Xw

w X y Xw X α

( )1λ−= −α y Xw

Solving l×l equation is

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Ridge Regression (cont)

Inverse always exists for any

Alternative representation:( ) 1' 'λ −= +w X X I X y

0.λ >

( ) ( )( )



' ' ' '

' '

λ λ


+ = ⇒ = −

⇒ = − =

X X I w X y w X y X Xw

w X y Xw X α( )( ) ( )

( )




where '




= −

⇒ = − = −

⇒ + =

⇒ = + =

α y Xw

α y Xw y XX αXX α α y

α G I y G XXSolving l×l equation is

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Ridge Regression (cont)

Inverse always exists for any

Alternative representation:( ) 1' 'λ −= +w X X I X y

0.λ >

( ) ( )( )



' ' ' '

' '

λ λ


+ = ⇒ = −

⇒ = − =

X X I w X y w X y X Xw

w X y Xw X α( )( ) ( )

( )




where '




= −

⇒ = − = −

⇒ + =

⇒ = + =

α y Xw

α y Xw y XX αXX α α y

α G I y G XXSolving l×l equation is

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Gram or Kernel Matrix

Gram Matrix

Composed of inner products of data

'K G XX= =

, ,i j i jK x x=

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Dual Ridge Regression

To predict new point:

Note need only compute G, the Gram Matrix

( ) 1

1( ) , , '

where ,

i ii

i i

g α λ −


= = = +


∑x w x x x y G I z

z x x

' ,ij i jG= =G XX x x

Ridge Regression requires only inner products between data points

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To compute w in primal ridge regression is 0(n3)

α in dual ridge regression is 0(l3)

To predict new point xprimal 0(n)

dual 0(nl)( ) ( )

1 1 1( ) , ,


i i i i j ji i j

g α α= = =

⎛ ⎞= = = ⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠∑ ∑ ∑x wx x x x x

Dual is better if n>>l

( )1

( ) ,n

i ii

g w=

= = ∑x w x x

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Notes on Ridge Regression

“Regularization” is key to addressstability and regularization.Regularization lets method work when n>>l.Dual more efficient when n>>l.Dual only requires inner products of data.

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Nonlinear Regression in Feature Space


( ) ( ) ,

( ) , ( )


i ii

g φ

α φ φ=


= ∑

x x w

x x

In dual representation:

So if we can efficiently compute inner product, our metis efficient

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Let try it for our sample problem

( )

2 2 2 21 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

2 2 2 21 1 2 2 1 2 1 2

21 1 2 2


( ) , ( )

( , , 2 ) , ( , , 2 )



u u u u v v v v

u v u v u u v v

u v u v

φ φ


= + +

= +


u v

u v

2D e f i n e : ( , ) ,K =u v u v

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Kernel Function

A kernel is a function K such that

There are many possible kernels.Simplest is linear kernel.

, ( ), ( )

where is a mapping from input space to feature space .



φ φ


=x u x u

, ,K =x u x u

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Dual Ridge Regression

To predict new point:

Note need only compute G, the Gram Matrix

( ) 1

1( ) , , '

where ,

i ii

i i

g α λ −


= = = +


∑x w x x x y G I z

z x x

' ,ij i jG= =G XX x x

Ridge Regression requires only inner products between data points

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Ridge Regression in Feature Space

To predict new point:

To compute the Gram Matrix

( ) 1

1( ( )) , ( ) ( ), ( ) '

where ( ), ( )

i ii

i i

g φ φ α φ φ λ

φ φ


= = = +


∑x w x x x y G I z

z x x

( ) ( ) ' ( ), ( ) ( , )ij i j i jG Kφ φ φ φ= = =G X X x x x x

Use kernel to compute inner product

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Nonlinear Regression in Feature Space



( ) ( ) ,

( ) , ( )

( , )


i ii

i ii




α φ φ







x x w

x x

x x

Kernel trick works for any dual representation:

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Popular Kernels based on vectors

By Hilbert-Schmidt Kernels (Courant and Hilbert 1953)

( ), ( ) ( , )u v K u vθ θ ≡for certain η and K, e.g.


( ) ( , )Degree polynomial ( , 1)

|| ||Radial Basis Function M achine exp

Two Layer Neural Network ( , )


u K u vd u v

u v

sigmoid u v c




⎛ ⎞−−⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠+

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Kernels Intuition

Kernels encode the notion of similarity to be used for a specific applications.

Document use cosine of “bags of text”.Gene sequences can used edit distance.

Similarity defines distance:

Trick is to get right encoding for domain.

2|| || ( ) '( ) , 2 , ,− = − − = − +u v u v u v u u u v v v

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Important Points

Kernel method = linear method + embedding in feature space.Kernel functions used to do embedding efficiently.Feature space is higher dimensional space so must regularize.Choose kernel appropriate to domain.

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Kernel Ridge Regression

Simple to derive kernel methodWorks great in practice with some finessing.Next time:Practical issues.More standard dual derivation.

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Optimal Solution

Want:Mathematical Model:

Optimality Conditions:

2 2min ( , , ) ( ) || ||L b S b wλ= − + +w w y Xw e

b is a vector of on≈ +y Xw e e

( , , ) 2 '( ) 2 0L b S b λ∂= − − + =

∂w X y Xw e ww

( , , ) 2 '( ) 0L b S e bb

∂= − − =

∂w y Xw e


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Let Try it: In class lab

Basic Ridge Regression

Optimality Condition:

Dual equivalent

2 2min ( , )L Sλ λ= + −w w w y Xw

( ) 1' 'nλ −= +w X X I X y

0.λ >

( ) 1

,where G ,

'i j i j

yλ −= +



α G I

x x

w X α

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Better model

Basic Ridge Regression

Center X and Y to get Xc, Yc

Dual equivalent

2 2,min ( , ) ( )b L S bλ λ= + − +w w w y Xw e

( ) 1' 'nc c c cλ −= +w X X I X y

0.λ >

( ) 1

,where G ,

'i j i j


c c


λ −= +



α G I

x x

w X α

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Recenter Data

Shift y by mean

Shift x by mean


1 :i i ii

y yc yµ µ=

= = −∑


1 :i i ii


= = −∑x x x x x

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Ridge Regression with bias

Center data by

Calculate w

CalculateTo predict new point

x and µ

1( ) 'c c c cλ −= +w X 'X I X y

'c c c µ= − = −X X ex y y e

b µ=( ) ( ) 'g x x x w b= − +