ketsela assefa cv oct 2014

Download Ketsela Assefa CV Oct 2014

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Mosisa Kena Tefera

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Ive an extensive experience in the area of Humanitarian Response Program activities management for emergency, recovery and long term development projects) I worked in government agriculture organizations as food security expert, extension communication expert and HIV/AIDs mainstreaming officer in SNNPRS Dawuro Zone Loma woreda agriculture department for 4years & 8months and 2year experience in international NGOs. Currently, Im working in Save the Children International, as Livelihood Zonal Coordinator. I have wider experience and am a flexible and adaptable individual with diverse experience of working in different agriculture positions and places in Ethiopia. I have got rich experience in project management, coordination, planning, monitoring and evaluation in general. I have got a solid reputation for upholding high ethical standards and realizing organizational goal. I have also managed wide range of emergency relief distribution, PSNP coordination, and early warning data collecting, analyzing, organizing and transferring to responsible body. I also have extensive experience in coordinating livelihood & economic strengthening activities. I am also familiar with different donors regulation and requirements like USAID, EC/ECHO, and WB and others.

2. PERSONAL DATAFull Name:Ketsela Assefa AyeleDate of birth:September 27, 1985 Nationality:EthiopianMarital status:MarriedSex:MaleLanguage:Amharic & Dawuregn, English (Fluent)Contact address:Tel. +251-925-23-24-14 (Cell phone) Email: [email protected] or [email protected] 3. EDUCATIONAL DATA

Bsc. in Food science and post-harvest technology from Haramaya University. July 14/2007.


7 Years of work - 2 -

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YEARORGANIZATIONPOSITIONRemarkFebruary 1/ 2013 To dateSave the ChildrenLivelihood - Zonal Coordinator Ethiopia, HawassaOctober 8/2007E.C-December 16/2008E.CLoma woreda Agriculture and rural officeFood security expert Ethiopia, DawuroDecember 17/2008E.C- May 7/2009Loma woreda Agriculture and rural officeAgricultural Extension Communication ExpertEthiopia, DawuroMay 9/2009- January 30/2014Dawuro Zone Agriculture Department HIV/AIDs mainstreaming officer Ethiopia, Dawuro

5. Major Achievements

Led and coordinated food security activities (PSNP, HABP, insuring relief distribution and HHs consumption).

Supervised agriculture extension workers at kebel level in Ethiopia, in Dawuro Zone Loma woreda.

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Led and coordinated agriculture extension communication activities (FTC development, magazine preparation, technology announcing & implementation).- 2 -

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Coordinated- 2 -

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HIV/AIDs prevention & protection program at Dawuro Zone agriculture department. Coordinated - 2 -

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agriculture growth program in Ethiopia, SNNPRs at Dawuro Zone agriculture department. Coordinated and managed livestock purchase for most vulnerable households and ensured proper delivery of livestock to owner. - 2 -

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Coordinated nutrition activity implementation at school, FTC and community level jointly with government staff. Led cooking demonstration- 2 -

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and agronomic demonstration practice at school, FTC and household level. Provided different training for agricultural extension workers; like community level participatory planning, gender mainstreaming, nutrition sensitive agriculture and household asset building program.

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Led and coordinated review meeting with government partners. Conduct- 2 -

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ed orientation and introduction in regard to the project, including activity plan and indicators, for relevant staff and stakeholders.Prepared timely and reliable- 2 -

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status report as per the requirement of the donor.Supported and ensured accurate data recording and reporting.

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TOT training in - 2 -

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Result-Based Monitoring & Evaluation organized jointly with SNNPR burea of agriculture and ILRI-IPMS held at Hawassa, September 5-9/2011. Computer skill training organized - 2 -

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by agriculture growth program (AGP) held at Hawass Eagle business and training center, September 15-24/2012. Gender and entrepreneurship training organized by SNNPR burea of agriculture held at Yirgalem from September 20-30/20011.

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TOT training on Perma-gardening training organized by save the children ENGINE project held in Oromia region from 29April to May 1/2013.

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TOT training on nutrition sensitive agriculture for agriculture extension workers organized by save the children ENGINE project held in Adam from March 3-5/2014.

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Yoseph Mekash (Dr): Haramaya University faculty agriculture head:

Mobile-+251- Email: -

Birhanu Bilate: Agriculture research institute , Researcher

Mobile-+251 -9-13-96-05-22 Email: -

Asefa Nana: Save the children Livelihood & nutrition Coordinator, Awassa

Mobile-+251-9-11-91-95-79 Email: - [email protected]