khaleejieh issue 74 english

By Royal Order: Jawahery Appointed Member of Shura Council

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Khaleejieh Issue 74 English


By Royal Order: Jawahery Appointed Member of Shura Council

GPIC Family Function on Eid Al Adha

By Royal Decree: Mr. Jawahery Appointed Member of the SupremeCouncil for Youth and Sport

GPIC Supports the National Initiative for Development of the Agricultural Sector by Publication of ’Urea Fertilizer Use Manual‘

GPIC Confirms Its Continuous Support tothe Crown Prince‘s International

Scholarship Programme

New Structure of GPIC Executive :Management Jawahery appointed President of the Company

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Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager has been reappoint-ed as Shura Council Member in the Kingdom of Bahrain for the third leg-islative term of office through a Royal Decree issued by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain.

The issue of the Royal Decree No.42 of 2010 for the re-formation of the Shura Council in the Kingdom of Bahrain reflects the confidence of His Majesty the King in Mr. Jawahery who has been appointed for the third successive term of office in recogni-tion of his sincere efforts made on the Shura Council.

Mr. Jawahery said he was pleased and delighted at this Royal trust and hoped to exceed the expectations of the King and the country’s leadership, stressing at the same time that this appointment would motivate him to continue serving his country at this

esteemed Council during the current phase of political development wit-nessed in the Kingdom.

He emphasized the need for coopera-tion between members of the Shura Council and the Council of Repre-sentatives to ensure the success of the country’s new democratic experiment, which has already amazed the Arab world and the world at large. His Majesty has been able to attract all the Bahraini political groups together for a collective democratic cause within the special Bahraini political environ-ment.

The Shura Council is the first Cham-ber of the Bahraini Parliament (Na-tional Council) whose members are appointed by the King, while the Council of Representatives has an equal number of seats (40 members) that are won through general elec-tions.

It should be noted that Mr. Jawahery is a member of the National Oil and Gas Authority and is a Board member of the National Oil and Gas Holding Company, in addition to his member-ship of the Board of Trustees of the Bahrain Polytechnic. He is Chairman of inJAz Bahrain and is a founder member of the Bahrain Technology Transfer Association and a member of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport, amongst many other associa-tions.

In addition to his membership of sev-eral Arab and international associa-tions and councils, Mr. Jawahery has made numerous remarkable contribu-tions in the field of safety, health and environment that have culminated in his appointment as Ambassador of the British Occupational Health and Safety Council for the Middle East and a member of the Board of the U.S.National Safety Council.

By Royal Order: Jawahery Appointed Shura Council Member

1khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

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To keep abreast of the development of the management structures in public companies and to implement GPIC’s strategic plan, the Board of Directors led by H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to His High-ness the Prime Minister for Indus-trial and Oil Affairs, decided to re-form the structure of the company’s executive management effective 1st January 2011.

An announcement was made regard-ing the appointment of Mr. Abdul-rahman Jawahery as President of the company and Mr. Ahmed Nurud-din has been appointed as General Manager Manufacturing. The new appointments also include Mr. Fad-hel Al Ansari who has become Plants Operation Manager, Mr. Yasser Ab-dulrahim who is now Technical Ser-vices Manager, and Mr. Jassim Dar-wish has been appointed as Safety,

New Structure of GPIC Executive Management: Jawahery appointed President of the Company

Health and Environment Manager. The other members of the execu-tive management team remain the same.

On this occasion, H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa expressed his best wishes to members of the executive management on their new appoint-ments and renewed his confidence in the management team mem-bers who have shown their skill in managing the business with a team spirit.

General Manager, Mr. Abdul Rah-man Jawahery expressed his thanks to the Chairman of the Company and all Board members for the re-structuring of the executive man-agement and his appointment as President of the company effective 1st January, 2011. He praised the high standards achieved by the

company, whether in terms of the product quality or compliance with health, safety and environment lev-els, which have enabled it to win some of the most prestigious local and international awards.

He also expressed his congratula-tions and best wishes to members of the executive management on their new appointments and urged them to double their efforts to maintain the success of the company and its outstanding position, achieved over so many years of hard work and con-tinuous cooperation.

3khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

Board of Directors

Abdulrahman A. Hussain JawaheryPresident

Ahmed Abdulla NuruddinGeneral Manager

ManufacturingFadhel MalallaAl Ansari

Plants OperationManager

Adel Ahmed A.MalikFinance Manager

Jehad A.Rahman TaqiMarketingManager

Yusuf EbrahimFakhroo

Human ResourceManager

Zuhair A.Aziz TawfiqiPublic Relations


Adnan A.RazzaqAlMahmoodInformation

Technology &Knowledge Manager

Ahmed GhuloomIsmael


Yasser A.RahimMohamed

Techinical ServicesManager

Jassim AhmedDarwish

Safety, Helth &Enviroment Manager

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GPIC Confirms Its Continuous Support to the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship


Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager received at his office representatives of the working team who took part in the study organised by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince’s Outstanding Student Scheme.

The working group included six students from the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Programme, in addition to engineers from the National Oil and Gas Authority, Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) and GPIC.

During the meeting, Mr. Jawahery said this scheme reflects the keen desire of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to develop the younger generation and to encourage them to benefit from their academic studies, in compliance with the directives of the country’s leadership.

He added that HE Dr. Abdul

Husain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Oil and Gas Affairs and President of the National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA) has urged all concerned to offer every assistance and provide the required facilities to members of the working team, which would contribute greatly to the timely success of the study. It should be noted that this year’s project has been sponsored by NOGA and personally followed up by HE Dr. Abdul Husain bin Ali Mirza.

Concluding, Mr. Jawahery expressed his sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this ambitious scheme, which will help serve the Kingdom. He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the working team for their sincere efforts in ensuring the success of this assignment.

The study entitled ‘Future Expansion to Increase Output of Ammonia

and Urea and Availability of Natural Gas’ involved field visits to NOGA, Bapco, GPIC, the Bahrain Economic Development Board and Aluminium Bahrain (Alba).

HRH the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Programme, which was launched in 2006, is designed to enhance and further develop the outstanding students through engaging them in employment with companies and businesses in the Kingdom with the aim of benefiting from the available expertise in preparation for joining the best universities in the world.

5khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

GPIC Supports the National Initiative for Development of the Agricultural Sector by Publication of ‘Urea Fertilizer Use Manual’

Marking the launch of the Na-tional Initiative for Development of the Agricultural Sector by HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ebrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and Chairperson of the Su-preme Council for Women and as a contribution from GPIC to this ini-tiative, the company published the ‘Urea Fertiliser Use Manual’.

The publication of this brochure comes on the directives of HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ebrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and Chairperson of the Con-sultative Council of the National Initiative for Agricultural Develop-ment in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

On this occasion, Mr. Abdulrah-man Jawahery said the company was proud of publishing this brochure to underline the role that can be played by industry in increasing the local production of agricultural crops and

to better improve the agricultural output in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Mr. Jawahery added that the compa-ny continues to provide support and backing to farmers and gardeners to promote the culture of using fertil-izers. It should be noted that GPIC complies with the highest safety and health standards during the process of producing such materials. He added that Urea is manufactured at the GPIC complex in Sitra at a capacity of 190 tonnes daily. GPIC supplies all the local Urea require-ments for use in the improvement of agriculture in the country.

He concluded by reaffirming that GPIC would continue to support the agricultural sector and would explain the benefits of this produce to Urea users. He reiterated the company’s keenness to develop new concepts about the manufacture and use of Urea.

The publication has been distributed to all the company’s employees and has been gifted to the Ministry of Municipalities and Agriculture and the local schools in the Kingdom. It will also be distributed to the visi-tors at the Annual Garden Show due to be held in February 2011.

6 khaleejieh for petrochemicalsW W W. G P I C . C O M

Sportsmen working in GPIC expressed their sincere congratulations and best wishes on the issue of the Royal Decree No.34 of 2010 for the appointment of Mr. Abdulrah-man Jawahery, General Manager as a member of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport.

This took place during a reception at GPIC by Mr. Jawahery on Thursday 16th September 2010 in the presence of members of the execu-tive management. He welcomed the sportsmen and thanked the efforts of HE the Board Chair-man who has worked hard with fellow Board members to set aside a special annual budget for supporting sports and cultural associations and clubs in the Kingdom.

GPIC General Manager said the company now had a good image at all the sporting and cultural events and competi-tions by providing support and encouragement for sports. He also thanked the company’s initiative of giving leave to the sportsmen who had to take part in fixtures involving the national sports teams. He added that his membership of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport will encourage him to exert further efforts to supporting sportsmen and athletes in the company and all over the Kingdom.

Concluding, he said the company will continue to pursue its policy of supporting youth and sports activities and will provide all possible facilities to enable them to succeed and excel at sporting events.

As part of the care and support given by GPIC to sports events, it has set up a special club for its employees providing all the equipment, facilities and pitches and has employed the best and most competent sports coaches.

The Royal Order No.34 of 2010 provides for the reorganisation of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the appointment of HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa as First Deputy Chairman and HE Shaikh Isa bin Rashid Al Khalifa as Second Deputy Chairman.

By Royal Decree: Mr. Jawahery Appointed Member of the Supreme

Council for Youth and Sport

7khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

GPIC General Manager, Mr. Ab-dulrahman Jawahery has recently at-tended the Board meeting of the U.S. National Safety Council (NSC) held in the city of San Diego, California, as the first non-American member to be appointed on the NSC in the United States.

During the meeting the Board dis-cussed a number of key issues related to safety and the preservation of hu-man lives. It also approved a strategic five-year plan and the key points of the programme of action.

In a statement on this occasion, Mr. Jawahery said the time is right for the NSC to focus on the international community, after having proved its effectiveness in raising the level of awareness of safety issues in the US community. Mr. Jawahery’s proposal

was well received by the Board mem-bers who have assigned him the task of drawing up a global strategy for en-hancement of awareness.

The Board concluded its quarter-ly meeting by welcoming the new

member, Mr. Jawahery and praised the achievements made by GPIC in the area of safety. They recalled the positive steps taken by the Arab Gulf States in the field of safety, with re-gard to legislation and systems.

Jawahery takes Part in the US National Safety Council (NSC) Meeting

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Mr. Jawahery expressed his pleasure at his being selected to undertake this task as it put the Kingdom of Bahrain on the map of leading nations con-cerned with issues of safety and saving lives.

He added that the climate of work, legislation and services available in the Kingdom of Bahrain gave support to everyone who wished to achieve excellence and to reach international standards, as proved by the selection of GPIC for membership of the NSC Board of Directors. Mr. Jawahery led the company’s team to the NSC Annual Safety Congress and Expo during the period from 3 to 7 October 2010, which was attended by more than 300 delegates represent-

ing corporate leaders and specialists concerned with safety issues from all over the world. During the confer-ence sessions they discussed the latest information, research and develop-ments in the field of safety with the aim of achieving safety and protec-tion of human lives.

A Safety Solution Show was held on the sidelines of the conference with the participation of more than 700 exhibitors.

Earlier, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery honoured Mr. Joseph Ucciferro for-mer NSC President upon the termi-nation of his term of office on the Council and thanked him for his invaluable contributions to promot-ing global awareness of safety issues

in general and occupational safety in particular.

Mr. Ucciferro thanked Mr. Jawahery for this kind gesture and said that in spite of Bahrain’s small area, it was still recognised for its valuable global contributions to occupational safety. He paid high credit to Mr. Jawahery as a Board member of the NSC who would prove to be a very helpful asset for safety and those concerned with safety issues worldwide.

9khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

In compliance with the directives of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, GPIC Chairman, the company pro-vided a generous contribution to the Bahrain Animal Production Show 2010 (BAPS) which was held in the Kingdom of Bahrain under the pa-tronage of His Majesty the King dur-ing the period from 24 to 27 Novem-ber.

The presentation took place during a meeting between HE Dr. Juma’a bin Hamad Al Ka’abi, Minister of Mu-nicipalities Affairs and Urban Plan-ning and Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager. The Minister expressed his thanks to HE Shaikh Isa

bin Ali Al Khalifa, Board Chairman and executive management mem-bers for this generous support which would contribute to the success if the show.

In response, Mr. Jawahery praised the numerous initiatives taken by GPIC for supporting the agricultural and animal production sector and cited examples of some of the projects and contributions made by the company.

These include but are not limited to the publication of a brochure about the use of Urea, which is distributed to those concerned with fertilizers during the GPIC annual Health,

Safety and Environment Week.

The company has also contributed to the landscaping efforts of several pub-lic schools belonging to the Ministry of Education, in addition to many major projects carried out at the GPIC Complex including the estab-lishment of several gardens.

Over the years the company has also constructed a fish farm and created a safe sanctuary for migrating birds.

The General Manager highlighted the importance of such specialised exhi-bitions that focus on the contribution of the animal production sector in

GPIC Supports Bahrain Animal Production Show 2010

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meeting the citizens’ requirements of animal protein, in addition to help-ing attract investors to participate in related projects.

The Bahrain Animal Production Show is considered the first special-ised show in animal production held in the Arab Gulf region and Middle East and has attracted large numbers

of visitors and animal breeders.

His Excellency the Minister of Mu-nicipalities and Urban Planning, Dr. Dr. Juma’a bin Hamad Al Ka’abi ac-companied by Mr. Fahad bin Abdul Rahman Baghunaim, Saudi Minis-ter of Agriculture, visited the GPIC Stand at the show to have a closer look at the exhibits of Urea fertilizer

manufactured by the company.

They also reviewed a collection of en-vironmental brochures and publica-tions produced by GPIC to enhance environmental awareness and educa-tion among different sectors of the community.

11khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

Accompanied by NOGA mem-bers, HE Dr. Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Oil and Gas Af-fairs and Chairman of the National Oil and Gas Authority paid a visit to the GPIC complex on Monday, 8 November 2010.

The Minister and his accompanying delegation were received upon ar-rival by GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, members of the company’s executive management and senior officials. Congratulating the Minister on his reappointment, Mr. Jawahery welcomed the visit of HE Dr. Mirza and NOGA members, expressing the employees’ delight over

the visit. “It is a good opportunity to exchange views and review GPIC’s achievements and developments ac-complished in the field of operation and production” Mr. Jawahery said.

GPIC General Manager explained to the prominent guests the work process at the company’s plants and the Carbon Dioxide Recovery Unit, which was commissioned recently by HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, GPIC Board Chairman. The Unit is considered today as one of the world’s largest Carbon Dioxide (CO2) recov-ery plants and can capture 450 tonnes of CO2 per day, which is used as feedstock for Urea and Methanol syn-

thesis processes. GPIC has become the first petrochemical company in the Middle East to use this advanced technology to recycle carbon emis-sions.

During his visit HE Dr. Mirza inau-gurated GPIC’s Academy for Lead-ership and Learning. The Academy provides a number of development programmes and is aimed at training the company’s staff through the latest e-learning facilities. It will also offer training courses to university stu-dents who wish to benefit from the programmes available.

The Minister also laid the foundation

In his 1st visit following his reappointment as Minister of Oil and Gas Affairs,

HE Dr. Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza inspects the GPIC’s plants

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stone of GPIC’s latest landscaping project, the Olive Oasis which con-tains more than 500 Olive trees. The green project comes as a support to the National Agricultural Initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of HM the King, President of the Supreme Council for Women.

Later, the guests were briefed on the company’s operations through the use of a scale model of the plants. They were also briefed on the company’s achievements in the areas of produc-tion, safety, marketing, environment and occupational protection. This was followed by a tour of the process plants and environmental projects, such as the Princess Sabeeka Aromatic Plants Garden, the Charity Fish Farm and the Bird Sanctuary.

Recently, Gulf Petrochemical Indus-tries Company (GPIC) has been rec-ognised as the best in the GCC region for localising its workforce by receiv-ing an award during the recent meet-

ing of the GCC Labour and Social Affairs Ministers in Kuwait.

The award, designed to encourage and motivate private sector compa-nies to increase the percentage of jobs for locals, also aims at encouraging businesses to double their efforts in the training of nationals.

In a statement Dr. Mirza congratu-lated the company and praised the company’s keenness to develop the national workforce and provide them with the opportunity to gain the ex-perience and knowledge needed to boost the petrochemical industry, which is considered to be a reliable contributor to the economic prosper-ity of the kingdom.

He expressed his pride in GPIC which is considered to be a successful exam-ple of joint Gulf cooperation, adding that the company is known today as one of the largest regional manufac-turers of basic petrochemicals and fertilizer. “I believe that this visit was

a good opportunity to learn more about the company’s achievements and give new impetus to relations be-tween NOGA and GPIC; everything I’ve seen so far has made me feel good about where the company is going”, he further said.

He also noted the company’s substan-tial investment in developing its envi-ronmental system and its own projects and initiatives to improve the local environment around its complex.

At the end of his statement, the Min-ister expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chairman. He also expressed his admiration to the over-all accomplishments of GPIC, prais-ing the continuous and steady efforts made by the company in maintain-ing and caring for the environment, as well as its continuous attention to safety and security.

13khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

Minister Launches GPIC Safety, Health & Environment Week

Under the directives of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chair-man, Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) marked the Annual Safety, Health and Environment Week under the theme “No Damage”. This event was held with the participation of the company’s employees and con-tract workers.

This year’s event, which was held at the GPIC Complex in Sitra, was launched by HE Dr. Abdul Husain bin Ali Mir-za, Minister of Oil and Gas Affairs and President of the National Oil and Gas Authority in the presence of the Board members of the National Oil and Gas Authority, GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the company’s execu-

tive management during the Minis-ter’s visit to the GPIC Complex on Monday 8th November, 2010.

The Minister also opened the Safety, Health and Environment Exhibition attended by the company’s manage-ment and contractors, in addition to members of the Traffic and Civil De-fence Directorates. During his tour of

the exhibition, the Minister saw some of the local international awards won by the company since its inception, the most recent of which was the Interna-tional Safety Award from the British Safety Council, which was won by the company for the third successive time, in addition to the Chemical Sector Award from the Royal Society for Pre-

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vention of Accidents (RoSPA) UK for the ninth time in ten years.

The Minister was also briefed about some of the latest safety equipment imported by the company for en-hancement of safety measures within the industrial complex. Later the Minister honoured some of the com-pany’s outstanding workers. He also toured the plants and had a close look at the Carbon Dioxide Recovery Unit, which is considered to be the first of its kind in the Middle East, reflecting the company’s commitment to care for the environment.

In a speech on this occasion, His Ex-cellency the Minister praised the high standard achieved by GPIC in the area of safety, which prompted the Nation-al Safety Council of the United States of America to select Mr. Jawahery as a member of the Board of Trustees. He also noted with appreciation the use of the latest safety equipment in the company which would enable it to deal with any emergency at the Com-plex. He expressed his admiration of the effective partnership and coop-eration among the company’s com-mittees, contractors, Traffic and Civil Defence Directorates which reflected the company’s keenness to promote a culture of safety. Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery expressed his thanks and appreciation for the visit made by HE the Minister of Oil and Gas Affairs and his kind inaugu-ration of the GPIC Safety, Health and Environment Week.

15khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

On 8th November, 2010 HE Dr. Abdul Husain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Oil and Gas Affairs and President of the National Oil and Gas Author-ity inaugurated the Leadership and Learning Academy at a ceremony at-tended by members of the Board of the National Oil & Gas Authority, invited guests and executive manag-ers of GPIC.

The newly opened facility was in-spected by His Excellency the Min-ister and the accompanied delega-tion who were briefed by Mr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager about the Academy’s de-partments and future plans to make it a centre for graduating leaders not

only for the Company but also for the Kingdom and the region as a whole.

The Minister learned about the Elec-tronic Learning Centre, which is the first of its kind in the Kingdom and offers 25 technical courses and 27 skills programmes for the benefiut of hundreds of employees.

It provides practical trainers for fresh engineers and operators when they first join the Company.

At the end of the tour of the Acad-emy, the Minister and his party met with a group of new trainees and later inspected the Company’s environ-mental projects and visited the Safety,

Health and Environment Exhibition. The group attended a luncheon held in their honour at the Company’s Club.

HE Dr. Mirza expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery for the warm welcome and for what he had seen and the achievements made by Bahrainis .

The Minister said GPIC is actually considered as an ideal example to be followed on all levels and wished the Company further growth and suc-cess.

On his part, Mr. Jawahery expressed

HE Oil and Gas Affairs Minister Opens Leadership & Learning Academy

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his thanks to the Oil and Gas Affairs Minister for his visit to GPIC Com-plex and for devoting a whole day to meet with the Company’s employees.

Mr. Jawahery added tnat even though GPIC is one of the pioneering com-panies in the world it has been able, in spite of its smaller size, to compete with the giants of industry to become the only company in the world to win the Robert Campbell Award for Safe-ty, Health and Environment from the US National Safety Council and the Sir George Earle Safety, Health and Environment Trophy from the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) in the UK.

These awards are the highest certifi-cates of merit in the areas of safety, health and environment in the whole world. The Company has also won a package of awards in all fields. There is no doubt that such success is a re-flection on the huge human wealth enjoyed by the Company, which has a Bahrainisation level of 95%. This makes us realize that development and training plans have had a great impact upon making such achieve-ments possible.

The General Manager stressed that training and development were an in-tegral part of our priorities and such plans have been drawn up carefully and after detailed studies and con-sideration. The Company’s Labour Union has also contributed to draw-ing up this plan and does effectively participate in the Company’s training schemes.

Mr. Jawahery reviewed the future plans for training and development and said if we continued at the same rate and using the same approach, the results would be similar and could be less than expected owing to the changing circumstances and increased competition.

Therefore, the future phase requires us to refocus on our work and to make efforts at a faster rate to raise the stan-dards of our employees. Therefore, the Leadership and Learning Acade-my will play a crucial part in training and the qualification of Bahrainis to give modest support to the efforts of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince for the qualifi-cation of leaders of the future and on the other hand to meet the require-ments of the next phase. This Acad-emy, he said, will focus on quality rather than quantity and will turn out more competent personnel having in-ternationally recognized certificates.

Concluding, the General Manager expressed his sincere thanks to the Kingdom’s leadership for their unlim-ited support to the Company. He also expressed his thanks to the Board of Directors led by HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to His High-ness the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs who provided the ex-ecutive management with all mate-rial and moral support to make such achievements possible. The General Manager praised the Labour Union which worked hand in hand with the management for ensuring the devel-opment and success of the human de-velopment programmes.

Training & Development Achieve-ments in Brief:

• Excellence Award forTrain-ing and Human Resources Develop-ment from the Ministry of Labour, Kingdom of Bahrain, May 2010. • Excellence Award forTrain-ing and Human Resources Develop-ment from the Ministry of Labour, Kingdom of Bahrain, First Position 2009. • BestElectronicLearningAp-plications in the Middle East from SkillSoft 2009. • Excellence Award forTrain-ing and Human Resources Develop-ment from the Ministry of Labour, Kingdom of Bahrain, First Position 2008. • BestElectronicLearningAp-plications in the Middle East from SkillSoft 2008. • Excellence Award forTrain-ing and Human Resources Develop-ment from the Ministry of Labour, Kingdom of Bahrain, Second Posi-tion 2007. • Excellence Award forTrain-ing and Human Resources Develop-ment from the Ministry of Labour, Kingdom of Bahrain, First Position 2006.

17khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) has won a major corporate award in recognition of its efforts in the GCC localisation of jobs.

The company was honoured at a ceremony held on the sidelines of the GCC Labour and Social Affairs Ministers’ meeting which was con-cluded in the State of Kuwait on Monday 1st November, 2010.

The award is designed to encourage and motivate private sector firms and companies to increase the percentage of job localisation, given the pivotal role played by the private sector in creating suitable jobs for national manpower, empowering citizens in the job market and reducing depen-dence upon expatriates.

The recognition is also aimed at en-couraging businesses to redouble their efforts in the training and de-

velopment of national skills and giv-ing support to government initia-tives for the employment of national manpower.

Ultimately, as a strategic goal, such combined efforts will eliminate local unemployment.

The plan envisages making use of the available expertise for the benefit of all GCC States in instilling the spirit of Gulf citizenship and facilitating

GPIC Wins Outstanding Corporate Award for GCC Job Localisation

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the movement of qualified national manpower within the GCC States. On this occasion, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager, conveyed his congratulations to GPIC Chairman HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to His High-ness the Prime Minister for Industri-al and Oil Affairs, Board members, executive management and all the company’s employees for winning this prestigious award.

He praised the efforts being made to maintain the current level of Bah-rainisation of jobs.

He called for the preservation of this national approach pursued by the company, enabling it to win this outstanding GCC recognition.

Mr. Jawahery expressed his sincere thanks to HE the Board Chairman

and members of the Board for their continuous encouragement of the various training programmes de-signed to develop the company’s na-tional workforce in appreciation of the role they play in the company’s continuing success.

19khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

GPIC took part in the 8th Chem-istry in Industry Conference and Ex-hibition held at the Gulf Hotel from 18 to 20 October under the theme of ‘Modern Technology to Keep Abreast of Future Energy Demand’.

The Conference was opened by HE Dr. Hasan bin Abdulla Fakhro, Min-ister of Industry & Commerce on be-half of HRH Prince Khalifa bin Sal-man Al Khalifa, Prime Minister and in the presence of a large number of industrialists, CEOs and individuals concerned with the petrochemical in-dustry.

His Excellency visited the company’s stand at the exhibition held on the sidelines of the conference and praised the high standards achieved by the company and praised its remarkable achievements that have made it an ex-ample of joint Gulf cooperation. He wished the company further growth and success.

Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery thanked the Minister of Industry and Com-merce for opening the company’s stand and emphasized that GPIC’s participation, aimed to throw light on the latest developments in this in-dustry, in addition to having a pres-

ence at all events held in the King-dom or abroad to interact and to gain more experience.

He praised the tremendous and out-standing efforts of the conference and exhibition organizers, which proved the ability of the Kingdom of Bah-rain to attract major conferences and events.

The Conference was organised by the Saudi International Society of Chemi-cal Sciences, Chapter of the American Chemical Association in co-operation with the Bahraini Chemists Society.

Industry & Commerce Minister Visits GPIC Stand

At 8th Chemistry in Industry Conference and Exhibition

20 khaleejieh for petrochemicalsW W W. G P I C . C O M

HE Dr. Hasan bin Abdulla Fakhro, Minister of Industry & Commerce received at his office Mr. Abdulrah-man Jawahery, GPIC General Man-ager and some members of the execu-tive management.

During the meeting Mr. Jawayery provided financial support for spon-sorship of the Invest in Bahrain Fo-rum 2010 held under the patronage of HE Dr. Hasan bin Abdulla Fakhro, Minister of Industry & Commerce at the Bahrain International Exhibition Centre on Wednesday 29th Septem-ber.

Mr. Jawahery stressed that the contri-bution was in respect to the directives of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minis-

ter for Industry and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chairman, who was always keen on ensuring that the company supported various economic events which enhance the efforts of the Bahrain Government to promote the Kingdom as a vital investment centre in the region, offering investment fa-cilities in the industrial sector.

HE Dr. Hasan bin Abdulla Fakhro, Minister of Industry & Commerce thanked HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa for this generous contribu-

tion that would contribute to the suc-cess of the forum.

The Invest in Bahrain Forum present-ed a number of well-considered indus-trial opportunities in the e-commerce sector, engineering and construction industries and aluminium and fiber-glass manufacture. It also played host to a delegation of foreign businessmen and women who expressed a desire to learn about the investment climate in Bahrain.

GPIC Sponsors Invest in

Bahrain Forum 2010

21khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

Under the directives of GPIC Chairman and as part of the company’s policy of supporting specialised conferences and providing the highest levels of hospitality in Bahrain, GPIC provided financial support to the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry as part of its sponsorship of the Second Meeting of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Africa and the Arab World, which was held on 27-28 October, 2010 in Bahrain.

The presentation took place during a meeting between HE Dr. Esam Abdulla Fakhro, President of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry and GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, accompanied by a number of senior managers in the company.

HE Dr. Fakhro welcomed the GPIC party and briefed them about the Chamber’s arrangements for organising this event and its major significance to the economy of the Kingdom of Bahrain and economic and trade relations with various Arab and African States.

He expressed his thanks to GPIC for such support which he said was not unusual as the company was always among the leading firms to provide backing and assistance to specialised events and conferences.

On this occasion, Mr. Jawahery praised the vital role played by GPIC in serving the national economy and making the coun-try investor-friendly in keeping with the Bahrain Economic Vi-sion 2030.

GPIC Sponsors the Second Meeting of Chambers of Commerce & Industry

In Africa and the Arab World

22 khaleejieh for petrochemicalsW W W. G P I C . C O M

Supreme Council for Youth & Sports Secretary General

lauds GPIC Support for Sports in the Kingdom General Secretary of the Supreme Council for Youth & Sports, Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa ex-pressed his sincere thanks and ap-preciation for the warm welcome he enjoyed during his recent visit to the GPIC Complex. In a message to the General Manager Abdulrahman Jawahery, he added that the recent visit was a good op-portunity to have a close look at what this national company has to offer through clear contributions to the national economy by employing na-tional manpower, carefully selected and trained. We are now proud to see that GPIC has a 95% Brahinisation of jobs across the board and has thus become one of the few companies that give their trust to the Bahraini workforce. The senior official of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports praised the crucial part played by the compa-ny in boosting the sports and youth

movement. In addition to its support to sports clubs and associations and its contribution to sponsoring nu-merous sporting events and competi-tions, GPIC has made commendable efforts in offering sports programmes to its own staff members. He cited as an example the integrated GPIC Cub which has been built according to the latest international standards and equipped with modern facilities and wich provides high calibre coaches. HE Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa stressed that the company

represents a good example to be looked at with pride and respect since its concerns have covered industrial, social and sports aspects. He added the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports looks forward to furthering co-operation and building up a true part-nership with the company for support of sports programmes and activities, in compliance with the directives of HRH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports.

23khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

As part of the ongoing cooperation between GPIC and inJAz Bahrain, the company has provided financial sup-port as a contribution to furnishing and equipping the new inJAz head-quarters in recognition of its efforts and sincere initiatives for supporting the development of the youth sector in the Kingdom.

GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdul-rahman Jawahery praised HH Shai-kha Hessa bint Khalifa Al Khalifa, in-JAz Executive Director, for giving the company the opportunity to partici-pate in supporting their headquarters and taking part in equipping it. Such partnership, he said, is highly appre-ciated by the GPIC Board of Direc-

tors led by HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to His Highness the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs.

In this regard, he noted the highly ef-fective role played by inJAz in edu-cating students about practical life and the career opportunities available to them. It also enhances the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among students in a creative man-ner that introduces them to the busi-ness world. Mr. Jawahery, who is the current Chairman of inJAz Bahrain, expressed pride in the efforts under-taken by inJAz and the practical pro-grammes that contribute to allowing students to acquire some basic skills.

He pledged that the company would continue to offer all kinds of support and backing to inJAz Bahrain and its various activities to raise the standards of Bahraini youth.

It should be noted that, since its in-ception, inJAz Bahrain has enjoyed significant support from the compa-ny, as is clearly reflected in the offer-ing of volunteers from GPIC and the continuous financial support to the organisation. GPIC also sponsors and plays host to numerous events and ac-tivities organised by inJAz Bahrain.

GPIC Contributes to Equipping the New Headquarters of inJAz Bahrain

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Under the Patronage of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, GPIC Launches Safety, Health and Environment Week

Under the patronage of HE Shai-kh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Indus-trial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chair-man and in the presence of HE Mr. Anwar Saeed bin Salamah, Managing Director, GPIC launched its annual safety, health and environment week from 7 to 11 November. The opening ceremony was held at the GPIC Complex in Sitra and was attended by HE Mr. Jamil Humaidan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of La-bour and Chairman of High council for Safety and Occupational Health, HE Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, Secretary General of the Royal Charity Organi-sation and Chairman of the Bahrain Health and Safety Society, HE Mr. Salman Al Mahfooz, Secretary Gen-eral of the General Federation of Bah-rain Workers Trade Unions and pro-fessional experts in safety, health and environment in the Kingdom of Bah-rain. The guests toured the exhibition held as part of this event and familiar-ised themselves with the activities and achievements of the safety, health and environment sub-committees, the Joint Committee and contributions of the local contractors with whom the company has service contracts.During the ceremony, HE Mr. Jamil Humaidan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour presented the GCC Award for Outstanding Com-panies and Businesses in the Replace-ment and Localisation of Jobs recent-ly won by the company to HE Mr.

Anwar Saeed bin Salameh, Managing Director. At the ceremony held on the occa-sion of honouring all the employees of the company, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery delivered a speech in which he conveyed the best wishes of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advi-sor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chairman and his thanks to all the staff members for their efforts and contributions. He reiterated the company’s plan to hold SHE Week every year owing to the company’s concern with issues related to safety, health and the en-vironment. He noted that 2010 was an important year for the company, which was able to win many presti-gious prizes. The General Manager renewed his confidence in the em-ployees to achieve further milestones in the future due to their spirit of sac-rifice and team work commitment.

Mr. Jawahery said that GPIC, like all other companies and businesses, has faced many challenges and dif-ficulties to maintain its success and gains. However, thanks to the pursuit of balanced policies, it has been able to overcome the consequences of the world economic crisis and he wished the company further growth and ex-pansion in its future projects. In his speech the GPIC General Man-ager reviewed the most important achievements of the company during 2010. He highlighted in particular the giant environmental project of the Carbon Dioxide Recovery Unit, which was completed on time with-in budget and was carried out safely with no reported injuries. He added that the significance of this pioneer-ing environmental project is that it is the first of its kind in the region and also that it has significantly reduced GPIC’s carbon footprint. He noted that the 2010 Turnaround,

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which was the largest in terms of manpower, maintenance budget and capital expenditure budget, was suc-cessfully completed as planned dur-ing March of this year without any health and safety incidents. Mr. Jawahery underlined that Re-sponsible Care is the chemical indus-try’s global voluntary initiative under which companies, through national associations, work together to con-tinuously improve their health, safety and environmental performance and to communicate with stakeholders about their products and processes. The Responsible Care ethic helps the industry to operate safely, profitably and with due care for future genera-tions. Towards this end, the company man-aged to achieve RC14001 certification in a record time where to GPIC made a commitment in April 2010 and at-tained certification in June 2010. This is a testimony of the robustness of GPIC’s SHE management system and the employees’ commitment to excellence. Mr. Jawahery added that he was very pleased to announce that, as in pre-vious years, GPIC again achieved two highly acclaimed international awards in safety, health and environ-ment. The first award is the Chemical Sector Award from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoS-PA) which is the fifth time GPIC has won this award; and in total 9 Sector Awards in the past 10 years. The second award is the International Safety Award from the British Safety Council which GPIC has received for the third time in a row. All these awards have put GPIC in the fore-front of the international stage of

safety, health and environment. The company’s General Manager praised the tremendous efforts and the commitment shown by all the company’s employees and executives, which resulted in his appointment to the National Safety Council of the United States of America Board of Directors. This is a great honour for GPIC and one which reflects the em-ployee’s outstanding performance and professionalism. The National Safety Council is all about saving lives by preventing in-juries and deaths at work, in the home and community, and on the roads through leadership, research, education and encouragement. They look at GPIC for support, which is a great declaration of how well GPIC does things and the influence that the company can make worldwide. In his speech, he praised the wise leadership and prudent guidance of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Ad-visor to the Prime Minister for Indus-trial and Oil Affairs and the members of the Board of Directors for their guidance and support. Their trust and empowerment have made it pos-sible for GPIC to improve and excel. He also thanked the contractors and industrial associates, the sharehold-ers and customer for their significant contribution to GPIC’s success as a company. In particular, he thanked all the gov-ernment organisations in the King-dom of Bahrain and the shareholders in GPIC, namely the Saudi Basic In-dustries Corporation of Saudi Arabia and Petrochemical Industries Com-pany of Kuwait for their effective sup-port and contribution to the growth of the company and successful opera-

tions. Mr. Jawahery concluded his speech by expressing his sincere thanks and appreciation to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, HRH the Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister and HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander for their con-tinuous support and backing to the Company. This was followed by a presentation of the prizes for the best departments in housekeeping and safety at the work-place, namely the Ammonia Plants, Laboratory and Logistics Services De-partment. The best employees were honoured for their safety performance in various departments. A prize was given to the Maintenance Depart-ment for the best Housekeeping and a prize was given to R.B. Hilton for the best Contractor’s Housekeeping. A prize draw was held with the aim of educating the employees about the significance of safety and urging them to comply with its requirements and concepts, both at the workplace and at home. A prize was presented to Hert-MSL and to Mohamed Ahmed Cleaning Company as the best con-tractors committed to complying with safety precautions and maintaining a clean and hygienic environment and compliance with occupational health standards. A prize was also given for the Best Home Garden Competition.

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Nasser Al Sayyari visits GPIC

HE Mr. Nasser bin Ahmed Al Sayyari, former Managing Di-rector of the Gulf Petrochemi-cal Industries Company paid a visit to the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company on No-vember 25, 2010 where he was received by the GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery and members of the company’s executive manage-ment.

During the visit, Mr. Jawahery welcomed the prominent guest, praising his role in establishing the company’s management systems. He also admired his commitment to the national work force. “As a result of his effort, 95 per cent of the total workforce today is Bahraini

and the company’s entire man-agement is also Bahraini” said Mr. Jawahery.

Mr. Jawahery thanked the for-mer Managing Director for his outstanding efforts during his membership of the com-pany’s board for more than 21 years during which the com-pany made significant achieve-ments. “During his term of board membership, the com-pany made significant strides and realized many interna-tional achievements. Today, with the same determination and team spirit, the company’s employees are working hard to maintain these achievements and realise new ones”, he elab-orated.

For his part, Al Sayyari said that he was honoured to visit the company and meet with GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery, members of management and staff to learn more about the company’s latest achievements, adding that he was over-whelmed as he watched closely the key projects implemented by the company, noting that GPIC is now at the forefront of the regional petrochemical scene, and is one of the largest regional manufacturers of ba-sic petrochemicals.

He acknowledged in this re-gard the valuable and great ef-forts made by the company’s employees as well as the suc-

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cessful management policy of its operations.

This was followed by a tour to the Company’s plants and en-vironmental projects includ-ing the GPIC’s Leadership and Learning Academy. He then honoured the best and hard working employees before at-tending a luncheon held in his honour.

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Al Sayyari, who served as Managing Director of the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company for several years, en-joys a wide experience in the petrochemical industry. He is one of SABIC’s founders who served as Director General of the Planning and Studies de-partment and played an active role with foreign partners to establish a number of SABIC’s Industrial complexes.

Al Sayyari was appointed as SABIC’s Director of Project Management before becom-ing the Vice President of the Chemical Fertilizers Unit.

He was also an effective mem-ber in the Saudi Yanbu Pet-rochemical Company (YAN-PET) which is considered as one of the largest petrochemi-cal companies in the world.

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GPIC Delegation Visits Safco Plant owned by SABIC

As part of the mutual cooperation between GPIC and Saudi Basic In-dustries Corporation (SABIC) and under the directives of HE Mr. Mo-hamed bin Hamad Mady, SABIC Deputy Chairman and Chief Execu-tive, a high level GPIC delegation led by Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, Gen-eral Manager made an inspection visit to the Safco Plant, which is owned by the SABIC Group.

The GPIC team included a number of executive managers and senior of-ficials. Upon their arrival to the Safco headquarters, they were welcomed by Mr. Abdulla Al Bakre, Vice President of the Fertilizer Manufacture Unit who expressed his great appreciation of this brotherly visit, which enhanc-es cooperation and the exchange of expertise between the two companies that are bound by common objectives

and interests. SABIC is one of the key shareholders of GPIC.

Later, the group visited the Safco Complex and heard a detailed brief-ing about the company’s strategies

and future plans designed to broaden areas of operations and entering new markets.

29khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

A GPIC delegation recently made an inspection visit to Al Bayroni Com-pany which is owned by the SABIC Group, where they were welcomed by Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Al Jabr, Com-pany President and senior officials.

Mr. Fadhel Al Ansari, GPIC Techni-cal Services Manager made a special presentation about the RC 4001, during which he reviewed the com-pany’s experience in applying the Re-sponsible Care standards including environmental protection, worker’s safety and plant safety. The presenta-tion included concern with the so-ciety’s communication systems and transparency in business and decision making, in addition to consultation with the company’s staff and mem-bers of the community.

Mr. Al Ansari focused on the com-pany’s concern with adopting policies

of doing business transparently and candidly with other companies and firms, whether engaged in the same business or simply contractors and suppliers.

GPIC has for several years applied the Responsible Care standards, which

enabled it to obtain the RC 4001 Certificate within a record period of time.

Later, Mr. Nader AbdulRahim GPIC Inspection Superintendent gave an-other presentation about the compa-ny’s excellence in maintaining plant

Al Bayroni Plays host to GPIC Group

30 khaleejieh for petrochemicalsW W W. G P I C . C O M

reliability in view of the set objectives, safety of facilities and the reliability strategies adopted by the company.

Mr. AbdulRahim also reviewed the reliability audit programmes which seek to underline the important signif-icance of the precautionary measures designed to reduce corrective mainte-nance and the resulting reduction in costs.

The presentation also dealt with the best reliability practices represented by a number of points such as the need to save vital spare parts, especial-ly those related to the main operating plants and equipment.

At the end of the visit, Mr. Abdulrah-man Jawahery expressed his delight at this visit which he felt was very fruit-ful and thanked the Al Bayroni hosts and SABIC.

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Within the framework of coop-eration and boosting closer relations between France and Bahrain, the French Ambassador to the Kingdom, His Excellency Mr. Yves Oudin paid a visit to the GPIC on Thursday Oct. 21, 2010. He was received upon ar-rival by GPIC General Manager Ab-dulrahman Jawahery and members of executive management.

During the meeting Mr. Jawahery welcomed the French Ambassador and conveyed to him the best wishes of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minis-ter for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chairman, stressing that fre-quent exchanges of high level visits have laid a solid economic foundation bringing real benefits to the company and Industrial sector in Bahrain. The two sides discussed ways of enhanc-ing closer economic relations between

Bahrain and France on the basis of mutual benefit. The General Man-ager praised the distinguished trade relations between GPIC and French companies and suppliers.

Later, the distinguished guest was briefed on the company’s operations and the activities which have en-abled the company to win impressive awards highlighting the company’s global reputation. Through the use of a scale model of the process plants, the French Ambassador was briefed on the company’s achievements in the areas of production, safety, market-ing, environment and occupational protection. Mr. Jawahery then ex-plained the intensive and comprehen-sive training programmes offered by the Academy of Leadership & Learn-ing and the e-Learning Centre. This was followed by a tour of the plants and environmental projects.

At the end of the day’s events the Am-bassador expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, noting that such mutual visits will bring real benefit to the two countries and exert a positive impact on a wider scope. He also ex-pressed his admiration for the over-all accomplishments of GPIC, which has made it a wonderful example of fruitful Gulf cooperation. The Am-bassador praised the continuous and steady efforts made by the company in maintaining and caring for the en-vironment, as well as its continuous attention to safety and security.

The French Ambassador Visits GPIC

32 khaleejieh for petrochemicalsW W W. G P I C . C O M

In accordance with the directives of HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport and President of the Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC), and with the support of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chairman, Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company presented a generous contribution to French Week 2011. This came during a meeting held at the French Embassy between the French Ambassador to Bahrain, HE Mr. Yves Oudin and the GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery. The meeting was also at-tended by members of the GPIC’s executive management.In a statement following the meeting, Mr. Jawahery said that such contribu-tion comes as part of the company’s social responsibility noting that GPIC

will provide a Silver Sponsorship for the French Week where Bahrain will be able to witness the art, culture, cui-sine and lifestyles of the French com-munity. “We have always been active in the social sphere, striving to give back to society by supporting various activities”, he added. He went on to say that the company hopes through this support, to bridge and deepen French-Bahraini cooperation, noting in this regard the distinguished in-dustrial cooperation between GPIC and French companies.Mr. Jawahery praised the develop-ing economic and cultural relations between France and the Kingdom of Bahrain, adding that the country enjoys a long-standing and warm re-lationship with France. He explained that the company is willing through this sponsorship to give a true rein-forcement to the existing friendship between France and Bahrain, enlarg-ing the bonds that already exist and hoping that it will contribute to the success of the event.For his part, the French Ambassador expressed his gratitude for the sup-port given by GPIC, urging the vari-ous private sector businesses to follow in the footstep of GPIC. Being under the patronage of HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport, the next French Week will be a distinguished event, said the French Ambassador. He mentioned the role played by HH Shaikh Nasser in boosting the tight

sporting links with France.It is worth mentioning that French Week 2011 is being organised by the French Embassy in cooperation with the Bahraini French Business Club (CAFB) and is entirely sponsored by French and Bahraini companies based in the kingdom. The will be staged between 23 February and 1 March 2011.The event which has taken place twice, in 2003 and 2007, attracted a huge re-sponse from the Bahraini and French community who actively participated in the week-long festival to promote France in Bahrain. Businessmen, im-porters and retailers from France are encouraged to take part and showcase their products in the kingdom.The Bahraini French Business Club (CAFB) was established in 2001 for business professionals with an am-bition of building a strong relation-ship between Bahrain and France. Initiated by the Trade Commission of the French Embassy and a group of Bahraini Businessmen, the CAFB is a non-profit local association pro-viding a platform where Bahraini and French business personnel and cor-porate houses can interact with and exchange effective trade, legal, busi-ness and cultural dialogues. The club boasts nearly 140 members belonging to a wide spectrum of expertise with-in the economy and hosts monthly gatherings where top ranking busi-nessmen, important decision makers and leading industry experts are in-vited as guest speakers.

In response to the guidance of HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad

GPIC Sponsors French Week 2011

33khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

Under the directives of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to His Royal Highness the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chairman, GPIC has provided generous sponsorship and support to the Italian Festival due to be held during the first quarter of 2011 in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The move is consistent with the company’s policy of supporting and sponsoring various cultural, scientific events and programmes.

The presentation took place on Sun-day 14 November during a meeting between HE Enrico Padula, Ambas-sador of Italy to the Kingdom of Bah-rain and Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager in the pres-ence of a number of the company’s executive managers.

His Excellency the Italian Ambassa-dor welcomed Mr. Jawahery and his accompanying party and expressed

his thanks and appreciation to HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, GPIC Chairman for this generous support to the forthcoming Italian Festival. He noted with esteem the company’s contributions to various events and activities that are held in the King-dom, in order to enhance the com-munity awareness and culture in addi-tion to forging closer ties between the people of Bahrain and other friendly nations.

The Italian Ambassador praised the company’s outstanding position and unique status on the world markets in addition to the notable achieve-ments and international awards won by GPIC for its compliance with the highest standards of health, safety and the environment.

In turn, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that GPIC was determined to support various community events especially those designed to promote

closer ties between the people of Bah-rain and other friendly nations in the world. He praised in particular the close cultural and economic relations between Bahrain and Italy and said the forthcoming Festival would un-doubtedly further enhance such close relations. He expressed to the Italian envoy the desire of the company to strengthen ties with Italy that would go a long way towards supporting and strengthening the national economy.

He also praised the role played by the Italian companies and manufacturers who have contributed to the build-ing of GPIC plants and provided the necessary technology and support services.

The Italian Festival will include an art exhibition of the most famous Italian painters and will feature Italian cul-tural events and performances.

GPIC Sponsors Italian Festival 2011

34 khaleejieh for petrochemicalsW W W. G P I C . C O M

President of the Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) Visits GPIC

President of the Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) Mr. Mohammed Abdulla Mohammed paid a visit to the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company on Sunday 10 October. He was received upon arrival by Yusuf Abdulla Yusuf Deputy General Man-ager, members of GPIC’s executive management and senior officials. Mr. Yusuf welcomed the distinguished guest and conveyed to him the greet-ings of the GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery. He also thanked him for visiting the com-pany, which is at the forefront of the regional petrochemical scene and one of the largest regional manufacturers of basic petrochemicals and fertiliz-ers.

The AFA official was briefed on the

production and export operations, as well as the intensive and comprehen-sive training programmes offered by the company’s Academy of Leader-ship and Learning and the e-Learn-ing Centre.

During the visit, the guest was intro-duced to GPIC’s excellent record in safety and the continuous production runs, as well as the environmental achievements. This was followed by a tour of the process plants and envi-ronmental projects. The guest then planted a tree on the occasion of his visit to GPIC.

For his part, the President of the AFA expressed his happiness over the visit praising the company’s excellent cor-porate operating performance. He

also acknowledged GPIC’s substantial investments in developing its envi-ronmental system and own initiatives to improve the local environment around its complex. He expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Ad-visor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chairman.

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GPCA Gets Full Membership of Responsible Care Committee

The International Council of Chemical Associations decided to give full membership to the Respon-sible Care Committee at the Gulf Petrochemical and Chemical Asso-ciation (GPCA) during a meeting of the leaders of Responsible Care Committee held recently in Dubai.

The move comes in the wake of the GPCA member companies’ endorse-ment of the principles of responsible care and their pledge to continue working for improving the quality of life for all nations.

GPCA elected Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery , GPIC General Manager as Chairman of the Responsible Care Committee at the Association in January 2010 in a bid to enable

the Responsible Care Committee to acquire full membership from the International Council.

Thanks to his wide experience and broad knowledge, Mr. Jawahery was able, within a record period of 9 months, to urge the GPCA companies to obtain full member-ship for this Committee amidst the warm welcome by the International Council of Chemical Associations.

Mr. Jawahery said he was very pleased with this achievement which would give a new dimension to the role of industrial companies in serving the community through adopting noble ethics for the good and wellbeing of the region’s peoples and leaders.

Mr. Jawahery is a prominent and influential figure in the petrochemi-cal industry on the regional and international levels and his recent appointment as a Board member of the National Safety Council in the US is considered as a precedent that is unique in the Arab world and Middle East.

In addition, Mr. Jawahery has been appointed to the Strategic Commit-tee and Trustees Committee of the

National Safety Council. Both com-mittees are very important and influ-ential bodies of the Council.

Responsible Care is an initiative of the world chemical industry in the areas of health, safety, security and environment designed to improve the quality of life through compli-ance with various legislation and regulations and adopting voluntary initiatives jointly with governments and decision makers.

GPCA was established in 2006 and groups together more than 90% of the petrochemical and chemical manufacturers in the region. It is the first association of its kind in the Middle East and aims at enhancing the role played by companies to en-able them to play a major role in the global chemical industries to ensure sustainable industrial progress that achieves security and prosperity for people in the region.

37khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

SABIC Methanol Marketing Manager Visits GPIC

As part of the ongoing exchange of visits and continuous co-ordination between the two companies, Mr. Ab-dulla Al Madhi, SABIC Methanol Marketing Manager and Mr. Fahad Al Sayari visited GPIC Complex.

The prominent Saudi visitors were welcomed by GPIC Marketing Man-ager Mr. Jehad Taqi who underlined the importance of such visits and the exchange of views between them for developing procedures concerning the marketing and export of Metha-nol.

Mr. Abdulla Al Madhi expressed his thanks for the continuous co-opera-tion between GPIC and SABIC es-

pecially in the marketing of Metha-nol, which contributed to the good results achieved and the flow of products to their final destinations.

This visit comes within the frame-work of continuous co-ordination and consultation between the two companies’ marketing departments and to ensure the flow of Methanol exports to the world market.

The visitors inspected the Company’s facilities and environmental projects and expressed their admiration for the significance of these projects as a symbol of clean industry.

This is the first visit by Mr. Al Madhi

to GPIC Complex following his ap-pointment as Methanol Marketing Manager succeeding Mr. Fahad Al Thiban who is now SABIC General Manager (Turkey).

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Petrochemical Industry Veteran Visits GPIC

On Sunday 28th November, 2010 Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager received at the com-pany’s Complex Dr. Haldor Topsoe, founder and owner of Haldor Topsoe, the well known catalyst manufactur-ers. The meeting was attended by se-nior officials of the GPIC.

Mr. Jawahery welcomed the promi-nent guest who is considered one of the veterans of the petrochemical in-dustry in the world. He praised Dr. Topsoe’s contributions to the produc-tion of petrochemicals for more than 70 years, making him one of the few people who have a treasure of knowl-edge and experience in this vital in-dustry.

During the meeting, the guest was

briefed about GPIC’s operations and achievements in the areas of produc-tion, quality, environmental protec-tion and occupational safety and health. He then toured the process plants and visited a number of envi-ronmental projects launched by the company.

Dr. Topsoe established his Company in 1940 for the manufacture of cata-lysts and specialised equipment. Top-soe employs more than 1600 work-ers in many parts of the world and is based in Denmark. Dr. Topsoe has numerous research papers and contri-butions in the field of environmental protection and is considered as one of the prominent researchers and inven-tors of decontamination systems and waste treatment. In recognition of

such contributions, Dr. Topsoe was awarded the Withrop-Sears Medal from the US Chemical Heritage Foundation in 2008.

At the end of their meeting, Mr. Jawahery presented the distinguished guest with a commemorative gift in appreciation of his valuable services to the petrochemical industry. Dr. Haldo Topsoe thanked GPIC and its General Manager for their warm hos-pitality and said he was impressed by the high level of the company’s per-formance.

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GPIC provides Bahrain Polytechnic with anAdvanced Simulator

On Tuesday 26 October, 2010 Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC Gen-eral Manager received Mr. John Scott, Chief Executive of Bahrain Polytech-nic.

During their meeting, Mr. Jawahery presented the Polytechnic with an advanced simulator designed by the company’s engineers and consisting of 11,000 volt switchgear, which was re-engineered and provided with de-vices enabling the students to safely use it in practical experiments.

He said the simulator provided by GPIC will allow the students to get practical training on the switchgear and measuring devices incorporated in the simulator.

Mr. Jawahery, who is an active mem-ber on the Bahrain Polytechnic Board of Trustees, praised the high level of technical programmes offered by the Polytechnic and said the industrial sector in the Kingdom was in dire need for this kind of technical pro-gramme to bridge the current supply and demand gap in the workplace.

This was followed by a presentation made by Mr. John Scott during which he reviewed the courses offered by the Bahrain Polytechnic. During his talk, he said the Polytechnic was keen on graduating students with a high level to meet the requirements of the in-dustrial sector.

Within this framework, the company played host in September to 32 train-ees from the Engineering College at the Bahrain Polytechnic to receive practical training in the company’s workshops and plants. The General Manager welcomed the students and assured them that the company was keen on providing them with the re-quired training, which included prac-tical and applied training at various work sites. He urged the students to be persistent and serious at work and in learning in order to enjoy the greatest benefit from the experience gained from this training programme. He stated that the company would not spare any effort to provide the facilities to students from all universi-ties that wished to provide training to


The students later delivered a lecture in the presence of the GPIC Electrical Superintendent, Mr. AbdulAmeer Al Mulla and a group from the Electrical Section. They discussed the training activities offered to them and the les-sons gained from this comprehensive training programme.

In addition, Mr. Ahmed Ghuloom, Maintenance Department Man-ager chaired the periodical meeting for training and development of the Engineering College students at the Bahrain Polytechnic on 29 Wednes-day September, at the GPIC Club.

The meeting was held on the occasion of forming the Consultative Commit-tee of the Applied Engineering Cur-riculum at the Bahrain Polytechnic. This Committee comprises a number of leading industrialists from the ma-jor industrial companies in Bahrain, in addition to academics and special-ists at Bahrain Polytechnic.

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GPIC Best Company to Support Toastmasters

Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager received the Best Toastmasters Supporter Award for the Kingdom of Bahrain from Mr. Khalid Al Gaud, Deputy Governor of the Toastmasters for the 79th Sector for Education and Training Affairs. The presentation was attended by HE Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khal-ifa, Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport.

Mr. Jawahery said he was honoured and pleased with this recognition that reflected the company’s commitment to the Toastmasters programmes which are concerned with the art of public speaking and leadership skills. He added that the Toastmasters pro-grammes were a golden opportunity

for members to acquire the art of public speaking. He noted that the company gave financial incentives to the Club members who could com-plete this programme, with six of them able to successfully complete the programme within a short period of time.

He stressed that the company’s sup-port to the Toastmasters activities was not limited to the company’s employ-ees, but extended beyond that as the company has provided material and moral support to all the local confer-ences held by the Toastmasters Clubs during the last 3 years, in addition to the close co-operation with the Edu-cation Ministry to train the students on the art of public speaking.

The Toastmasters Deputy Gover-nor lauded the role of GPIC in sup-porting the Toastmasters activities, especially amongst young people in cooperation with the General Or-ganisation for Youth & Sport and the Ministry of Education and through the Young Leaders Scheme launched by the company during the summer holidays.

It should be noted that GPIC requires all its trainees for supervisory jobs to complete all the requirements of the Toastmasters Programme of Public Speaking so that a trainee must be skilled and capable as a public speaker and recognised by Toastmasters Inter-national in the United States.

43khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

GPIC Supports Gulf Petrochemicals & Chemi-cals Association

at 2nd Supply Chain Conference

Under the patronage of HE Dr. Ab-dul Husain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Oil & Gas Affairs and Chairman of the National Oil & Gas Author-ity (NOGA) Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) held its 2nd Supply Chain Conference dur-ing the period from 24-26 October 2010 with the effective participation of a number of major local, regional and international companies and with the major support from GPIC.

HE Minister of Oil and Gas Affairs and Chairman of the National Oil & Gas Authority deputised HE Dr. Shaikh Mohamed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Bahrain National Gas Com-pany (Banagas) General Manager to open the conference. Dr. Shaikh Mo-hamed delivered a speech in which

he underlined the significance of this event and the broad participation of a select group of experts, senior execu-tives and representatives from local, regional and international companies. The conference gave them the oppor-tunity to meet with their counterparts to discuss many common topics and to increase mutual benefits. Banagas General Manager discussed the ongo-ing developments in the Arabian Gulf region and the enormous reserves of oil and gas estimated at around 37% and 24% respectively of the available world reserves. Experts expect that the Middle East will produce more than 20% of the world’s output of petro-chemicals and polymers by the end of this year. This available possibility gives the regional countries the abil-ity to set up many industrial projects,

whether through the expansion of ex-isting plants or setting up new projects. These developments compel officials in the petrochemical and chemical industries to endorse an integrated strategy for development of this sector through procuring the latest available technologies for enhancement of pro-duction levels, ensuring markets for them and allowing the smooth flow of their products.

Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager said the convening of this conference in Bahrain for the second time was an indication of Bah-rain’s ability to host such specialised events and reflects the level achieved by this industry in the region in re-cent years. He stressed that holding the conference in Bahrain came in

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response to the leadership’s aspira-tions expressed in the Economic Vi-sion 2030 and HE Shaikh Mohamed bin Isa Al Khalifa, Chief Executive of the Economic Development Board to provide everything possible to ensure the success of this event. He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association for their confidence in the resources available in the Kingdom to host this event.

Mr. Jawahery praised the workshop held before the conference and re-viewed the standards approved by the Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI) and the possibility of apply-ing them in the Middle East for as-sessment of safety and quality in the supply chain system. He added that in view of the significant challenges and major competition witnessed by local and global markets in terms of the availability of conforming prod-ucts, made according to international specifications, it has become impera-tive upon companies to achieve excel-lence especially in the field of services. This prompts such companies to ap-prove the supply chain system in order to enhance their competitiveness and achieve customer satisfaction through delivering the agreed products at the fixed time and with the required qual-ity.

The Arabian Gulf region is considered as one of the most active regions in the world that has witnessed a rapid growth in this industry. It is expected that the production capacity of petro-chemicals in the Arabian Gulf region will reach around 153 million tonnes per annum by the year 2015 with an

increase of 20% compared to the year 2009.

Concluding, he expressed his pleasure at seeing this advanced level achieved by GCC petrochemical and chemical companies enabling them to compete with major international companies producing such products.

It should be noted that the confer-ence sessions opened with keynote addresses delivered by a group of ex-perts and specialists who represented major companies, including produc-ers or support service companies such as logistics companies, insurance firms and banks. The conference also dis-cussed a number of papers submitted by GCC companies that are members of GPCA.

The two-day conference discussed the available opportunities for achieving a sustainable system that would effec-tively contribute to serving the petro-chemical and chemical industries in the Arabian Gulf region to give them an additional competitive edge, in ad-dition to providing high quality prod-


The conference delegates adopted a number of key recommendations call-ing for enhancement of transparency, facilitating the acquirement of infor-mation and improving the continu-ity of resource management as well as the flow of information and capital. Participants included GPIC, Bahrain Petroleum Co. (Bapco), Aluminium Bahrain (ALBA), Bahrain National Gas Company (Banagas) and Tatweer Petroleum.

Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) was established in 2004 and includes in its member-ship leading Gulf companies involved in such industries, as well as both pro-ducers and consumers in addition to support service companies. GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrah-man Jawahery is one of the founding members and is an active member of its Board of Directors. GPIC played a leading role in the logistics prepa-ration for the conference and a large GPIC delegation actively participated in the event.

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GPIC Supports MAINTCON 2010

In response to the directives of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to His Highness the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Af-fairs and GPIC Chairman, GPIC has provided financial support to the Bahrain Society of Engineers as a contribution towards the ef-forts for organising the Middle East Maintenance Conference and Show MAINTCON 2010 which was held in Bahrain from 5-8th December under the patronage of HE Dr. Abdul Husain bin Ali Mir-za, Minister of Oil and Gas Affairs and Chairman of the National Oil and Gas Authority.

The presentation took place during the meeting between Mr. Abdul Majeed Al Qassab, BSE Chairman with Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager on Sunday

14th November, accompanied by members of the executive manage-ment.

Mr. Al Qassab expressed his sin-cere thanks and appreciation to HE Shaikh Isa bin Al Al Khalifa, Board Chairman for this generous support and praised the Company’s continuous contribution for vari-ous professional events and gather-ings held in the Kingdom.

Mr. Jawahery reiterated that GPIC was very keen on contributing to various local, regional and interna-tional conferences, exhibitions and events especially in industrial and engineering fields. He noted that this position stemmed from the Company’s keenness to support the Kingdom in its policy of support-ing events and convention tourism

that offer high financial returns for the good of the Bahrain economy.

MAINTCON 2010, which is or-ganised by the Bahrain Society of Engineers in co-operation with the Gulf Maintenance Professionals Association discussed specialised working papers related to equip-ment maintenance and efficiency.

An exhibition was held on the side-lines of the Conference displaying various inventions and technolo-gies related to the maintenance of plant equipment and machinery. This event was held in Bahrain for the first time.

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In accordance with the directives of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Ad-visor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chairman, and in line with the company’s strategic initiatives for a brighter community, Gulf Petrochem-ical Industries Company provided a Bronze Sponsorship to a seminar or-ganised by the Association of Occupa-tional Health Physicians.The cheque was presented by GPIC Managing Director HE Mr. Anwar Saeed bin Salamah in the presence of the General Manager Mr. Abdulrah-man Jawahery to Dr. Mohammed Saleh Abdullatif, President of the As-sociation. Mr. Jawahery noted the valuable efforts made by the Occupa-tional Health Physicians in promoting health in the workplace and raising

awareness about the current global oc-cupational health initiatives.As one of the major industrial insti-tutions in Bahrain, providing regular contributions to various causes and societies throughout the years, GPIC’s General Manager explained that the company has supported entities in-cluding major clubs, charity funds and social initiatives. These initiatives are aimed at achieving the sole goal and vision of a brighter future and community in the Kingdom of Bah-rain. He hoped that such sponsorship will contribute to the success of this significant seminar, which will help raise awareness of occupational health in the Kingdom of Bahrain.On his part, Dr. Mohammed Saleh Abdullatif, President of the Associa-tion of Occupational Health Physi-

cians expressed his utmost apprecia-tion and gratitude to HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chair-man for such a generous contribution, pointing out the company’s constant support to Bahraini society as a whole and hoping that other organisations would follow the example of the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company in this noble act.The seminar, entitled ‘Light Work, Concept and Application’ was attend-ed by 200 participants who discussed issues concerning legal aspects and procedures of light work. Held under the patronage of HE the Minister of Health, the seminar took place on 25 November 2010 at the Gulf Hotel, Bahrain.

GPIC Sponsors an Occupational Health Seminar

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GPIC Sponsors Forum on Agricultural Development Challenges

In keeping with the national initia-tive for the development of agriculture sponsored by HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ebrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and Chairperson of the initiative, GPIC has provided a generous contribution for sponsorship of the Bahrain Agricultural Develop-ment Challenges Forum held under the patronage of HE Dr. Juma bin Ahmed Al Ka’abi, Minister of Munici-pal Affairs and Urban Planning.

In a statement, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, General Manager said this sponsorship was in accordance with the directives of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime

Minister for Industry and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chairman to contribute to achieving the ambitions of the nation-al initiative for development of the agricultural sector. He reiterated that this initiative was consistent with the strategies of the company with regard to protection of the environment and expanding the greenery in the coun-try.

The GPIC General Manager noted that the company had taken several initiatives in this regard and mentioned as examples some of the projects and contributions made by GPIC in sup-porting this vital sector, especially the giant projects launched in its indus-

trial Complex such as the Medicinal Herb Garden, Olive Tree Oasis, Fish Farm and Bird Sanctuary.

He praised such specialised events and conferences that sought to find solu-tions for obstacles facing agricultural development and the preservation of farmland areas, use of modern tech-nologies, qualification of human re-sources and provision of new job op-portunities for the achievement of the Bahrain Vision 2030.

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GPIC General Manager Mr. Ab-dulrahman Jawahery took part in the regular meeting of the Execu-tive Management Group (EMG) of the International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA), held in Paris on Thursday 23 September 2010.Mr. Jawahery, who is also a member of the EMG, said that the signifi-cant meeting discussed IFA’s activi-ties and evaluated them in order to adopt the best concepts and take necessary measures to activate the committee’s role and to achieve its goals. He went on to say that in the current adverse global economic situation, there was a lot of pressure on business to contain resources and reduce costs and it was important for companies to help governments and other industry players to adopt joint action collectively and avoid taking unilateral decisions that may cast a shadow on efforts and plans set by authorities or governments. Such action will ensure mutual benefit,

especially in the fertilizer industry, owing to the contribution of this vital sector in providing the world with fertilizers used in the produc-tion of agricultural crops, he added. Mr. Jawahery said that challenges facing the fertiliser industry require caution and wise decisions to deal with changing circumstances, noting in this regard the global interest in the environment and the legislation adopted by officials to control pollu-tion emissions.“Therefore, we as fertilizer produc-ers and consumers must adopt all necessary measures to meet our ob-ligations through establishing an en-vironmentally friendly industry and adopting proper methods when us-ing fertilizers, in order to avoid pol-luting natural resources” he added. The participants discussed devel-opments achieved by the fertilizer industry in terms of new expected capacities, which will increase the level of productivity growth rate

to approximately 4% per year, af-firming that the fertilizer industry has witnessed a lot of development throughout the world, such as in China which is considered today as one of the world largest exporters af-ter being one of the largest importers of Urea.Currently, importing one million tons of Urea, Australia and Pakistan are expected to achieve self-sufficien-cy in the near future. The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) is a not-for-profit organisation representing the global fertilizer industry. IFA has more than 450 members in some 80 countries. About half of the membership is based in developing countries. IFA member companies represent all the activities related to the produc-tion and distribution of every type of fertilizer, their raw materials and intermediates. IFA’s membership also includes organisations involved in agronomic research and training with regard to fertilizers.IFA is the international voice of the global fertilizer industry and pro-motes the viewpoint of the industry and defends the general interest of its members. The Association’s mis-sion includes the promotion of the efficient and responsible use of plant nutrients to maintain and increase agricultural production across the globe in a sustainable manner.

Jawahery participates in the EMG meeting In Paris

49khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

GPIC effectively participates in Change Leadership Conference

On Wednesday 27th October, 2010 a GPIC delegation led by the Gener-al Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawa-hery took part in the first Change Leadership Conference organised by MSP Human Development Interna-tional at the Ritz Carlton Hotel and Resort.

Opening the Conference was the British Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain Mr. Jamie Bowden and was attended by a number of lead-ing international speakers involved in the aviation, telecommunications, education and finance sectors. They exchanged views concerning modern

by corporate leaders and general managers was an indication of the importance of leadership and man-agement development. He noted that the Conference was a good op-portunity for the exchange of views and ideas.

Mr. Jawahery underlined the signifi-cance of participating in such spe-cialized events that focus on the de-velopment of human resources and learning new theories in the area of leadership training and sharing the same ideas among industry leaders and experts.

leadership and the significance of change.

During their discussions, the del-egates spoke about the need for change against the current backdrop of economic slowdown witnessed in the world. They reviewed the most important elements leading to suc-cess in business such as customer ser-vice, the importance of management and staff training, market research, customer satisfaction and staff in-volvement.

In an opening speech Mr. Jawahery said that the extensive participation

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Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) takes receipt of new firefighting equipment, which will enhance the emergency capabil-ity of GPIC’s Emergency Respond-ers. The new equipment, two ‘One Seven Firefighting Foam Units’ and six specially designed trailer foam units with mounted hydro/foam fixed monitors are the first of their kind to be introduced to the King-dom of Bahrain.

The One Seven foam units manufac-tured by Giamex (Germany) are state-of-the-art foam producing machines. At the press of a button, high qual-ity foam is produced, which is quite unique in that each of the bubbles in the foam is uniform. This property enables the foam to remove the heat from the fire extremely quickly and therefore has the capability to knock out the fire quickly. The foam is ef-fective on all types of fire, in partic-ular oil and chemical fires and is the first foam that can be used on metal

fires. Another advantage of this foam is that it can be applied to high volt-age equipment up to 35,000 volts; the firefighters applying the foam do not risk electrocution.

The specially designed foam trailers, manufactured by Chemguard (USA) use a standard iso-container for a foam tank. This allows GPIC’s fire-fighters to replace the foam by lifting off the empty foam container and replacing with a full iso-container in seconds, instead of what was a labo-rious job of decanting foam from a container into a fixed foam tank. So now what used to take an hour can be done in minutes.

The fixed hydro/foam monitor on the trailer allows a firefighter to stand on the trailer and direct 1250 gallons per minute in a jet of foam to a dis-tance of 80 metres. Alternatively, if foam is not required, a water jet of up to 750 gallons per minute can be fired over 80 metres. The monitor

can be moved a full 360 degrees and through an angle of 60 degrees be-low the horizon to 85 degrees above the horizon.

Mr Abdulrahman Jawahery said “GPIC invests greatly in safety equipment for the plant and this new equipment is a fine example. Protec-tion for our employees and the plant is paramount. Therefore we provide our fire and rescue team with the best available equipment. However, this equipment and our expertise are always available for all of Bahrain and it will be provided at any time of need. This equipment will be made available to help protect our mutual aid partners and other citizens and their property anywhere in Bahrain, as part of our social responsibility policy”.

New Firefighting Equipment

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E-bags in Support of Small Enterprises Sponsored by inJAz Bahrain

As part of the policy of supporting various schemes and projects spon-sored by inJAz Bahrain, especially those targeting small enterprises, GPIC has taken the initiative to pur-chase environmentally friendly bags manufactured by a secondary school they are called “E-Bags”.

These high quality bags are light weight bags that have bright colours in addition to being attractive for a variety of occasions and uses.

Buying the new bags, is part of the Company’s desire to encourage stu-dents and to motivate them to create various ideas that lead to the launch of small projects for the good of the whole community.

Commenting, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said he was proud of the Company’s contribution to supporting the inJAz Bahrain students and motivating them to develop creative ideas. In this regard, he praised the tremendous efforts made by HH Shaikha Hessa bint Khalifa Al Khalifa, inJAz Bahrain Executive Director. He added that the Company’s management has sought, under the directives of GPIC Chairman Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, to support inJAz Bahrain by all possible means to achieve its objectives.

Mr. Jawahery, who is also the Board Chairman of inJAz Bahrain, called upon all private sector companies

and firms to contribute to supporting inJAz Bahrain to enable it to realize its noble objectives.

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The First International Military Women’s Conference was held under the patronage of HRH Princess Sa-beeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and Chair-person of the Supreme Council for Women. The event was organised by the Bahrain Defence Force in collab-oration with the Supreme Council for Women during the period from 30th November to 1st December 2010 in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Taking part in the Conference were specialised speakers from the Bah-rain Defence Force, Ministry of the Interior and delegates from the US, France, Britain and various Arab states.

and to the executive management for the contribution, which had a posi-tive impact on the organisation ac-tivities of the Conference.

In a statement, Mr. Jawahery said the support was usually provided by GPIC to various organisations, as-sociations and clubs in keeping with the company’s strategy of supporting various events held in the Kingdom. He also praised the significance of the Conference, which was designed to encourage the vital role of military women and to develop and promote partnerships between men and wom-en on military duties in addition to encouraging effective participation by military women in the decision- making process and enacting laws.

In compliance with the directives of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to His Royal Highness the Prime Minister for Industry and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chairman, GPIC has provided generous support for sponsorship of the First Interna-tional Military Women’s Conference held under the theme of “Military Women: Achievements, Challenges and Ambitions”.

The presentation took place during an audience given by HE Brigadier Shaikh Khalid bin Ali bin Mohamed Al Khalifa, Commander of Royal Medical Services, to Mr. Abdulrah-man Jawahery, General Manager. The Brigadier expressed his thanks and appreciation to HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, GPIC Chairman

GPIC Supports First International Military Women’s Conference

53khaleejieh for petrochemicals Issue 74 / December 2010

GPIC Employees Participate in Annual Cancer Marathon

Under the directives of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Indus-try and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chair-man, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawhery, GPIC General Manager presented a financial donation from the Compa-ny to the Bahrain Cancer Society.

As part of Company policy, several employees took part in the Moon Walk 4 Hope organised by the BCS with the aim of raising funds and ac-tivating the role of employees in sup-porting community causes and par-ticipating in charitable and national events.

The employees’ participation took place upon an appeal made by the Company for ensuring humanitarian involvement in all community sec-tors.

In this context, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the leading role played by BCS in serving the Bahrain community in general and cancer pa-tients in particular.

On his part, Dr. Abdul Rahman Fakhro expressed his thanks and ap-preciation to HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, GPIC Chairman and

Society’s desire to enhance aspects of co-operation with GPIC by organis-ing several educational activities and programmes to serve a broader group of citizens and residents in the King-dom of Bahrain.

the executive management for their generous contribution to the Soci-ety. The donation will be used in the treatment of certain cases looked af-ter by the Society, he added.

Dr. Fakhro recalled the pioneering role played by GPIC in supporting various charities and humanitar-ian societies in the Kingdom and expressed the hope that other busi-nesses and companies would follow GPIC’s example. He underlined the

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GPIC General Manager Mr. Ab-dulrahman Jawahery issued a direc-tive to promote of a number of em-ployees as part of the Bahrainisation policy pursued by the Company, to enable national manpower to take up key and supervisory jobs in the Company.

The decision announced the promo-tion of Mr. Mohamed Abdul Redha Ghulam to Superintendent of Man-agement Systems, Mr. Eyad Mo-hamed Rafie’e to Ammonia Superin-tendent, Mr. Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Zainuldin to Senior Test Engineer, Mr. Jassim Haji Hasan to Senior

Supervisor of Support Services, Mr. Mohamed Baqi to Senior Routine Maintenance Planning Engineer and Husam Bader Saeed to Cost Control Engineer.

Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery ex-pressed his confidence in the Bahraini staff members and said they enjoyed the confidence of the management, which offered them all means and fa-cilities for growth and development. He reiterated that GPIC would forge ahead with its policy of training and developing Bahraini manpower for occupying key management and su-pervisory positions. He stressed that

GPIC Supports Bahrainisation by Promotions

the recently promoted Bahraini em-ployees were known for their experi-ence and efficiency.

Mr. Jawahery praised the high level of programmes and courses provid-ed by the Company’s Training and Development Centre, which is well equipped with state of the art equip-ment and advanced programmes. Qualified instructors are employed in the Training Centre, which offers students and employees a number of specialised courses.

Concluding his remarks, Mr. Jawa-hery urged the recently promoted

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employees to continue making ef-forts and to show more commit-ment through acquiring the latest information related to the nature of their duties and to achieve more de-velopment for the Company and its operations.

GPIC boasts having 96% Bahraini-sation of jobs including the employ-ees under training and development. In this framework, the Company has received numerous recognitions and merit awards from the Bahrain La-bour Ministry and from the GCC Labour Ministers Council.

The promoted staff members ex-pressed their thanks and appreciation to HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minis-ter for Industry and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chairman for his continuous encouragement and determination to develop and motivate the national workforce in the Company. They

expressed their thanks to the execu-tive management led by the General Manager for his confidence and ap-preciation of Bahraini employees.

The Company also promoted Ms. Raeda Saif Al Shemeri to the posi-tion of Acting Media Analyst and Mrs. Lamya Isa Taqi to the position of Acting PR and Events Officer.

The two female employees expressed their thanks to the executive man-agement led by Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery for their promotion, which was recognition from the Company for their efforts at work.

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In a major ceremony attended by members of the executive manage-ment and senior officials, Gulf Pet-rochemical Industries Company (GPIC) honoured a number of its hard working employees who showed their excellence and effi-ciency in carrying out their duties during the last two months.

General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery honoured Mr. Jassim Haji and Mr. Mohamed Abdul Razaq of Mechanical Engineering Section, Mr. Saad Faraj, Mr. Hasan Ajjaj and Mr. Khalid Saeed of Product Han-dling & Export Section and Mr. Hasan Abdul Amir of the Equip-ment Maintenance Section for their sincerity and preserving the com-pany’s properties. Also honoured


was Mr. Ahmed Ali Jawad of the Training and Development Centre for winning the Best Suggestion Award.

Opening the ceremony, Mr. Jawa-hery congratulated the honourees and thanked them for their dis-tinguished efforts that made them worthy of being honoured.

He conveyed to the audience the best wishes of HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs, GPIC Chairman and Their Excellencies the Board mem-bers expressed their appreciation for the contribution of this pioneering institution that has become a suc-cessful model of joint Gulf coopera-


The company is also recognised for maintaining the highest levels of oc-cupational health, safety and social welfare.

Mr. Jawahery added: “As regards investment, GPIC has been able to make continuous profits since its incorporation and has effectively contributed to giving a boost to the national economy through giv-ing direct support to the Kingdom’s state budget or providing job op-portunities for hundreds of Bahraini employees and their families.”

He further said the growth in the company’s profits is a natural out-come of the continuous safe opera-

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tion and international record figures registered and made possible by the efforts of GPIC employees. In the area of occupational health and safety the company’s reputation has been enhanced worldwide so that the country and employees can take pride in this high reputation.

The General Manager praised the continuous efforts made by the em-ployees for protection and enhance-ment of the environment, which has resulted in remarkable environ-mental projects and programmes that have impressed visitors from all parts of the world to the GPIC Complex. The employees undertake a huge responsibility in maintaining such excellent levels of operating the company’s facilities. Also admi-rable is the employees’ involvement in social activities and their contri-

butions to supporting charitable ef-forts by providing expertise, advice and knowledge to civil society or-ganisations.

As an example he mentioned the employees’ support to HRH the Crown Prince’s International Schol-arship Programme.

He noted that the achievements made possible by the employees were definitely the outcome of their teamwork, sincerity and keen inter-est in preserving the company’s as-sets to increase the equipment’s ef-ficiency and reliability.

Concluding, the General Manager said the company has achieved high standards and every employee has a joint responsibility to work even harder to preserve such gains and to

maintain the good reputation en-joyed by the Kingdom of Bahrain. He said he has every faith in the em-ployees’ attitude and their desire to spare no effort in this direction.

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As Part of plans to further enhance job stability and improve staff per-formance as directed by the Board Chairman HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to His Highness the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs, the Company has launched a special scheme offering university scholarships to employees’ children.

The scheme has been operational since 2007 and has received a fur-ther boost this year with increased financial support plus a follow up of the students’ performance.

The budget allocated for the scheme equals BD179,000 during 2010 with

beneficiaries totaling 55 students at-tending courses in various universi-ties. So far ten students have gradu-ated after completing their studies.

In recognition of their efforts and to reward them for their contribu-tions, GPIC held a major ceremony on 21st October at the GPIC Club. marking the graduation of the 2010-2011 students who completed their courses The General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery congratulat-ed the students for their success and said the Company was very proud of them. The General Manager said he was impressed by the excellent results achieved by the students and recalled

the efforts and assistance given by their parents to reach such high lev-els of academic success.

Concluding, Mr. Jawahery expressed his thanks to both the students and their parents, promising that the Company would increase the num-ber of beneficiaries in the next few years.

GPIC Offers Scholarships to Employees’ Children

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On Thursday 2nd September, 2010 Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery honoured a number of employees who are members of the GPIC Toastmasters Club for winning the Competent Toastmaster title. The honorees won the title after completing all the requirements of the Toastmasters International Pro-gramme and the company has not spared any effort to honour the skilled Toastmasters by giving each of them a 5% basic salary increase in recognition of their hard work and persistence in winning this prestigious title. On this occasion, Mr. Jawahery delivered a speech in which he thanked the honoured employees for their commitment to follow up the Toastmasters’ activities and taking part in such efforts with a great deal of en-thusiasm. He added that the company is always keen on the training and development of its staff members by giving them the best programmes which would help im-prove their skills. Through the Toastmasters programme, GPIC seeks to develop an efficient generation of trained managers and leaders who are skilled in Toastmasters’ techniques and leadership practices. He praised the remarkable achievements and success of members of the Toastmasters Club, in spite of the short life of this Club which is frequented by other Toastmas-ters from Bahrain and abroad owing to the knowledge and expertise offered by the Club and its members. GPIC General Manager said: “Following the Club’s suc-cess, the company decided to expand its scope to include the members’ families and all the community through

GPIC Honours Competent Toastmastersof the GPIC Toastmasters Club

the the Young Leadership Programme, implemented by GPIC Toastmasters Club during the summer holiday over the last two years which has achieved remarkable success.” The YLP sponsored by the Club last month gave the opportunity to a group of youngsters to show their tal-ents and to learn from the expertise of the remaining members in the presence of officials from the General Organisation for Youth and Sports. Concluding, Mr. Jawahery urged young people to seize the golden opportunity offered by the Toastmasters Pro-gramme by joining one of its clubs, which total 50 in the Kingdom of Bahrain. He also congratulated the honoured employees for their remarkable success. Winners of the Competent Toastmasters title are Mr. Mahmood Ghuloom, Mr. Hasan Ebrahim, Mr. Salah Abdul Jabar and Mr. Yousuf Zainal. The GPIC Toastmasters Club is the only club in the Kingdom of Bahrain that holds its meetings in both Ar-abic and English. It has recently taken part in the Annu-al Conference of the Arabian Gulf Toastmasters Clubs that was recently held in Kuwait. During this event the GPIC team won three awards. The Club members give their support to many government and private sector organisations with the aim of promoting Toastmasters’ techniques and leadership skills, which are vital for the growth and development of human resources. The com-pany also offers annual sponsorships to several confer-ences held by Toastmasters Clubs.

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Many officials are mostly concerned with what their employees do within the boundaries of their company, an issue that affects both the worker and the establishment. Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) is one of the world’s leading companies which has achieved many international acknowledgments and awards in differ-ent fields, mainly in the field of health and safety at work.The company has won the most prestigious awards in this field such as the Sir George Earle Trophy from the UK Royal Society for Pre-vention of Accidents (RoSPA) in addition to the Robert W. Camp-bell Safety, Health and Environment Award in 2008 from the US National Safety Council, making GPIC the only company world-wide that has won both these important international awards.The main reason behind such achievements is the company’s relent-less efforts in providing the best care for its employees, their families and the whole society through annual envi-ronmental lectures given to school students and government officials during their visits to the company’s environ-mental projects. GPIC also provides its employees with annual comprehensive medical tests in order to detect any possible complications. In addition, the company has employed a nutrition specialist who provided the employees with valuable nutrition recommendations that proved to be very beneficial.The company included the families of the employees in its programmes by distributing health care brochures and holding health care competitions for the wives and children of the employees. Winners were rewarded during a ceremony at one of the major hotels in the kingdom. Those efforts are complemented by providing the GPIC Club with the latest physical training equipment, where the employees exercise under the supervision of qualified trainers.Many employees benefited from the nutrition and physical training programmes, such as Mr. Abdulla Hassan who lost 20 kgs; Mr. Ammar Abbas lost 15 kgs and Mr. Kubal Kindsami who has lost 30kgs.Commenting on this matter, GPIC’s General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that the health of the employees comes at the top of the company’s priority list, noting that GPIC’s management works closely with the company’s trade union on maintaining this issue by providing health insurance coverage for employees and their families.He added that the health committee at the company carried out many awareness campaigns by holding health lectures. The latest was about diabetes and was attended by a large number of employees, Mr. Jawahery was thrilled with the weight loss achieved by a number of employees. “This will positively reflect on their performance and activeness. These are just a sample of many employees who are currently exercising regularly at the company’s club or participating on the company’s sport teams” Mr. Jawahery added.Commenting on the importance of sport among the employees, he noted that the investment in employees’ health has benefited the company in several aspects. He thanked the company’s Board of Directors headed by HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chair-man for their efforts and encouragement.On their part, the three employees mentioned above expressed their gratitude to the company and to the General Manager for providing all the advanced medical services, the continuous health awareness campaigns and the latest fitness equipment.It is worth mentioning that the General Manager Mr. Jawahery was appointed by His Majesty the King as a mem-ber of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport headed by HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

Employees’ Health and Fitness comes at the Top of

GPIC’s Priorities

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As part of the company’s role to raise awareness of traffic safety and safe driving among its staff and within its policy to strictly imple-ment traffic safety standards inside its complex, GPIC hosted a number of traffic safety consultants and ex-perts from the US National Safety Council -NSC.This comes with the company’s de-sire to launch a field study focusing on defensive driving and safety on road in order to enhance the com-pany drivers’ driving skills and make sure that the GPIC’s road rules and signs match the international stan-dards of NSC.As is well known, traffic safety seeks to adopt traffic plans, programmes, regulations and preventive measures in order to reduce or prevent traffic accidents, injuries and save lives on the road.Vehicle, Road and Human are the

NSC Qualifies Trainers in Defensive Driving and Safety on the Road

3 key elements of traffic safety. the vast majority of accidents are caused by a complicated mix be-tween these elements, which makes it difficult to identify the real cause of car accidents. That is why acci-dent investigators usually jump to general causes such as speeding and distracted driving without looking to the accident’s circumstances and the involvement of the above 3 ele-ments.During their visit, the NSC safety consultants checked several traffic safety aspects applied in the com-pany, including the use of safety belts while driving, road planning and design, street lighting and the absence of natural obstacles such as dust and moving sand. The study’s investigation also included vehicle specifications and requirements, use of cell phones while driving, train-

ing drivers to avoid accidents and ways of reporting them, separating pedestrian routes away from work sites, as well as speed limits allowed within the company’s complex.Driving is a privilege. A driver’s li-cence gives a certain level of free-dom, but it also gives an enormous amount of responsibility. Accord-ingly, the study has recommended adopting further measures to en-hance safety on road, inside and outside the company’s complex as well as spreading traffic awareness among staff and their families.A number of GPIC’s employees were trained by the NSC consultants in order to ensure the maximum ben-efit of this study by qualifying as a group who will help in spreading the awareness of safety on the road within the company and will also help to save more lives by educating

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During July and August 2010, GPIC played host to a number of students from different schools and educational institutions to receive summer training at the company. This move by GPIC is consistent with its policy of supporting civil organisations and demonstrate its desire to contribute to the development of students’ skills in the Kingdom.

In this process, the Company offers a practical training programme to a number of students who attend various local and overseas universities. The trainees get their training in the various departments of the company according to their different academic specializations, with the aim of giving them the opportunity to learn about the concepts related to job market requirements. The training offered by GPIC allows students to become acquainted with the actual job environment and challenges brought about by the nature of operations and activities in the company.

In a statement, GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that the company played host this year to the biggest group of students in its history. The company has provided them with suitable training programmes that have, to a great extent, contributed to furthering their leadership skills and communication abilities as well as getting a feel for team work. This is a demonstration of GPIC’s keen desire to play its positive role for the good of students of both sexes by providing training opportunities to them and by providing them with the skills required for a prosperous future.

GPIC Plays Host to Summer Trainees

other members of society who share our country’s roads and highways.At the end for their visit, the NSC consultants expressed their admira-tion of the standards of road safety applied at GPIC’s complex and the company’s international achieve-ments in the field of safety. They praised the employees’ commit-ment and full compliance with traf-fic safety and regulations aimed at reducing the threat of accidents and injuries.The NSC consultants also expressed their satisfaction on measures taken by the company such as wearing

seat belts, preventing the use of cell phones while driving, speeding, checking tyres and cooperating with security personnel to ensure their safety and the safety of others and to reduce driving accidents.Founded in 1913, The National Safety Council has long been a partner with government agencies, nonprofit organisations, privately owned businesses and many others in the public and private sectors to improve traffic safety. Stronger laws and enforcement, coupled with ef-fective campaigns managed or en-dorsed by the NSC, have contrib-

uted to reductions in traffic deaths from impaired driving or distracted driving, non-use of seat belts and unsafe driving behaviours.

Motor vehicle crashes are the No. 1 cause of occupational fatalities and the leading cause of death for ages 2-39 and ages 50-72. Plus, the in-creasing number of new drivers and vehicles on the road creates a con-tinuing need for defensive driving training across all age groups.

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In accordance with the Bahraini Women’s Day initiative by HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of HM the King and chairwoman of the Supreme Coun-cil for Women (SCW), the GPIC Ladies Working Committee held a special function at the GPIC Club marking this special occasion.

The event was attended by the General Manager, members of the executive management and female staff. The day celebrated the life of the Bahraini woman who was able, through her longstanding march, to achieve many milestones including ministerial posts. It also celebrated the outstanding achievements of all the GPIC ladies who have contrib-uted positively to the company’s de-velopment on an equal footing with men.

The event began with a short speech

delivered by Mrs. Hanan Al- Maskati Chairwomen of the Ladies Working Committee in which she welcomed the GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, members of the executive management and the GPIC’s ladies, expressing her pleasure at the company’s initiative to celebrate the Bahraini Women’s Day. “As a reflection of its wise vi-sion, GPIC was the first industrial company to celebrate this occasion, which proves the commitment of the executive management to pro-mote the role of Bahraini women and present them with equal op-portunities” she stated. On behalf of all the GPIC ladies, Mrs Maskati expressed her gratitude and appre-ciation to the General Manager and the executive management for such initiative.

This was followed by a speech from Mr. Jawahery who welcomed the company’s female staff, expressing

his delight to participate on such a happy occasion. He pointed out that the Bahraini Women’s Day was first initiated by HRH Princess Sa-beeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of HM the King. “Such special oc-casions highlight women’s poten-tials and empowers them to become leaders and decision makers at all levels” he added. During his speech, Mr. Jawahery conveyed the greet-ings of GPIC Board Chairman HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa. “HE Shaikh admires your outstanding services and commitment to develop the company side by side with male employees” he added. Mr. Jawahery pointed out that the GPIC manage-ment will continue to provide the best training programmes for its employees and will work to remove every obstacle that hampers their way as they are the company’s real wealth. He noted that GPIC’s women em-

On the occasion of Bahraini Women’s Day GPIC honours its female staff

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ployees have proved their abilities as an equal partner of men. “When we see these female models who have committed themselves to the prog-ress of their country, we remember the leading roles played by Bahraini women in the past when they first joined formal education in 1928 and had engaged alongside men as effective and influential partners at every stage of the renaissance of Bahrain.” Mr. Jawahery added.

Highlighting Princess Sabeeka’s initiative to celebrate a Bahraini Women’s Day, the GPIC General Manager said that Her Royal High-ness tabled the idea in order to help women carve their way to become major decision makers and be an inspiration for other women and society as a whole. Mr. Jawahery said that it is a great

honour for GPIC to celebrate most of the country’s social occasions, events and gatherings including this special day. Mr. Jawahery affirmed that the com-pany is committed to maintaining equality among the employees of both sexes concerning promotion, incentives, scholarships and train-ing opportunities, both inside and outside the kingdom. This has con-tributed to further developing their skills and enhancing their knowl-edge.

He encouraged other organisations to follow GPIC’s footsteps in ob-serving such social events in recog-nition of the role played by the fe-male employees as effective partners in the country’s growth and devel-opment.

Concluding, he thanked the GPIC Ladies Working Committee for or-ganising the event. The GPIC ladies were then presented with gifts, fol-lowed by a luncheon held in their honour.

On their part, the female employ-ees thanked HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa for dedicat-ing 1st of December as the Bahraini Women’s Day. They also thanked HE Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, GPIC’sd Board Chairman and the executive management for such a gesture, praising the management’s unlimited support to the company’s female employees.

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On 18th November, 2010 the GPIC Social Activities Committee held a family ceremony for the em-ployees and their families marking Eid Al Adha. The event was held on the third day of Eid.

The family event was a gesture con-firming the family spirit prevailing in the Company and was attended by the General Manager Mr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery and the execu-tive managers. The event includede several recreational and musical presentations and involved the par-ticipation of a number of produc-tive families who served traditional Bahraini dishes. Handicraft prod-

ucts made by the Small and Handi-craft Industries Directorate of the Ministry of Industry and Com-merce were part of the highlights of this event.

On this festive occasion, Mr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery said organizing this event was part of the Com-pany’s keenness to promote a spirit of family feelings amongst the em-ployees and to emphasize the family spirit prevailing in the Company.

He also noted the high level of or-ganisation and the wonderful ar-rangements making the event a real success.

The family event was concluded by presenting gifts and awards to the guests who enjoyed themselves and thanked the Company for organ-ising such events on festive occa-sions.

GPIC Family Function on Eid Al Adha

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Warmest Greetings


His Majesty King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa,

His Royal Highness the Prime minister Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa,

His Royal Highness Prince Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa

Crown Prince And Deputy Supreme Commander

and the People of Bahrain on the occasion of the 11th Anniversary of His Majesty’s Accession on the Throne and the

39th National Day