kindy weekly update

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 1 . . . . . . . From School to Home 2021 Term 2 Week 1 Dear Parents The Health Promotion Board (HPB) conducts the eye screening exercise for all K1 & K2 (Joy & Peae) classes every year. This is to ensure early intervention for children with vision issues (eg short sightedness, astigmatism , etc.) Kindy Weekly Update

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Page 1: Kindy Weekly Update

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 1

. . . . . . . From School to Home

2021 Term 2 Week 1

Dear Parents

The Health Promotion Board (HPB) conducts the eye screening exercise

for all K1 & K2 (Joy & Peae) classes every year.

This is to ensure early intervention for children with vision issues (eg short sightedness, astigmatism , etc.)

Kindy Weekly Update

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For the Joy class, there was a short presention on eye and dental care and

how to maintain a healthly lifestyle.

It is never too early to take these necessary steps for the overall well being of our children!

We continue with the letters G & H for the next 2 weeks.

English Language & Literacy

- Info Time


The children had an informative session with My Animal Buddy Team @ Singapore Zoo!

“The Amazing Hornbill Virtual Show” was screened live for the Joy & Peace children & they even

participated in polls and open text questions during the session.

Hornbill (Oriental Pied Hornbill)

a) Characteristics/special features

b) Why it went extinct for a while?/How did it come back?

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Questions & some answers contributed by the Peace children for the word “hot”:

What are some things that are hot, other than fire?

- Hot springs (e.g. Sembawang Hot Springs)

- Geysers

- Lava from volcano

- Sun

- Urine (warm)


H is for Hornbill

The Joy children attended “The Amazing Hornbill Virtual Show” for preschools organised by the Singapore

Zoo. They were introduced to the Oriental Pied Hornbill that can be found in the Singapore Zoo and around


Inspired by what they saw, the children wanted to find out more about this interesting bird.

Some questions came up…

a) What do the Hornbills eat? They eat fruits, insects and lizards… did you know that some hornbills eat bats?


b) How do they build their nests?


c) How does the Hornbill fly? Watch a baby Hornbill leave its nest for the first time


d) Did you know that the Singapore Zoo saved a hornbill by printing a 3D casque for it and allowing it to live a

normal life


Love 1 & 2

All about the letter G

a) Giraffe (the body parts, food source)

b) Grasshoppers – how they rub their wings to create sound for communication

c) Grapes (different types / colours, vineyard)

- Phonics

Love 1

a) Letter Gg – Name & Sound

b) Words that start with letter Gg – Grapes, garden, green, grasshopper

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c) Song: “Green grasshopper, g, g, g”

d) Activity: Find green grasshoppers in the garden!


a) Introduction to long vowels

b) Does the word have a long or short vowel sound?

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- Learning Corners


a) Match the animals to their homes

b) Identify the missing vowels

c) Fill in the missing personal pronouns

d) Starting letter – identify/decode secret message

e) CVC words – identify the correct word families

- Worksheet: Fill in missing words.


a) Sequence small letters a – z

b) Circle the words that start with letters G and H

c) Find the vowels in “Bethany Kindergarten”

d) Write the capital letters of random letters

e) Match the small to capital letters

- Worksheet: Write the capital letters from A – G

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Love 2

a) Sort and match pictures that start with G & H

b) Match capital to small letters (Aa – Hh)

c) Spell my name

- Worksheet/Activities: Match capital to small letters (Aa – Ee)

Love 1

- Activities:

a) Letter G [garden, grass, giraffe, gate, germs]

i. Giraffes (spots, long necks)

ii. Gate, grass, garden

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iii. Germs (Pepper germs experiment! ; Importance of washing hands with soap)

b) Name and match the pictures

c) Fine motor skills – picking poms poms, bottle caps and ping pong balls.

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Chinese Language


- 阅读 : 爸爸的早餐

yue du : ba ba de zao can

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 填空 : 今天是__月___日 星期_

tian kong : jin tian shi __ yue __ ri xing qi __

b) 书写 :对应的中文数字/阿拉伯数字(十一到二十)

shu xie : dui ying de zhong wen shu zi/a la bo shu zi (shi yi dao er shi)

c) 配对(量词): 棵、条、朵

pei dui (liang ci) : ke, tiao, duo

d) 配对(量词): 只、头、匹

pei dui (liang ci) : zhi, tou, pi

e) 配对(量词): 本、支、架、辆

pei dui (liang ci) : ben, zhi, jia, liang


- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 排序 : 十到十四

pai xu : shi dao shi si

b) 配对 : 上、下、里、外

pei dui : shang, xia, li, wai

c) 配对(英文/中文) : 二、四、六、八、十

pei dui (ying wen/zhong wen) : er, si, liu, ba, shi

d) 数数 : 十三和十四

shu shu : shi san he shi si

e) 书写 :天

shu xie : tian

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Love 2 : - 儿歌 : 长脖子的长颈鹿

er ge : zhang bo zi de chang jing lu

- 词汇 : 七、长颈鹿、长; 一到六(复习)

ci hui : qi, chang jing lu, chang; yi dao liu (fu xi)

- 作业 : 圈一圈(七)

zuo ye : quan yi quan (qi)

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- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 数数 : 五和六

shu shu : wu he liu

b) 排序 : 一到七

pai xu : yi dao qi

c) 影子配 : 鱼和马

ying zi pei : yu he ma

Love 1 : - 儿歌 : 长脖子的长颈鹿

er ge : zhang bo zi de chang jing lu

- 词汇 : 黄、长颈鹿;红和蓝(复习)

ci hui : huang, chang jing lu; hong he lan (fu xi)

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- 作业 : 贴一贴(黄)

zuo ye : tie yi tie (huang)

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- Math is Fun


a) Shapes – Form shapes with 5 and more sides (pentagon, hexagon, octagon)

b) Activity: Use ice cream sticks to form shapes; draw out shapes on paper


a) Introduction to addition up to 5

b) What is the answer? Count and place the sticks in the right tray to get the right answer

c) Count and add the flowers to answer the sum

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Love 2

a) Introduction to sorting

b) Activity: Sorting by different attributes (e.g. colour, size, skin covering of animals, etc)

Love 1

Numbers 1-5. Number recognition

Move the slider to find the correct number

- Learning Corners


a) Use the information to complete the graph

b) Adjust the hands of the clock to show the correct

c) Determine if number is even or odd

d) Count in 10s to 100.

e) Solve the subtraction sums

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a) Count and match the numbers 11 – 15

b) I spy – count and write the numbers

c) Match the animal to the ordinal number

d) Sequence 10 – 1 backwards with grapes

e) Fix the puzzle from 11 – 20 with reference

- Worksheet: Arrange and paste the ordinal numbers from 2nd to 10th

Love 2

a) Sort letters and numbers

b) Count and place the correct number

c) Follow the pattern (using shapes)

- Worksheet: Count and match the correct number (1-5)

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Love 1

- Activity: Numbers 1-5. 1-to-1 correspondence

Count and transfer the correct number of ping pong balls

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Discovery Corner


Snowglobes are spherical but Peace children attempted to create their own 2D

snowglobes with the following materials!

The CDs were used to trace out a round spherical shape for their snowglobes.

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They were introduced to the use of hole punchers

to create the “snow” for their snowglobes.

(small sheets of recycled paper were used for their snow man & to punch out their “snow”)

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Coloured paper to decorate/accessorise their snowman!

Once they were done, they assembled it to the stand!

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The Joy class tried their hand at creating a collage entitled “Hearts and Hands”.

One of the children commented, “the hand looked like a tree and

the hearts around it were the leaves and flowers.”

Trace the outline of your hand and colour it.

This involves some hand-eye coordination as the child needs to look and trace their fingers and hand.

Some of their hands are really tiny and it got a little challenging but they managed it.

Someone said,” it’s ticklish” as he was tracing his hand.

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Colour 5 big hearts.

Learning to colour within the lines is part of a child’s developmental progress

and they get motivated and excited when they can do that well.

Cut out the hearts and paste them around the hand. Learning to cut with a scissors improves

their hand-eye coordination skills while developing their fine motor skills.

Someone asked “How come we don’t paste the hearts on the hand?”

Someone else replied “if you do that, then you will not be able to see the hand that

you drew and coloured. The hand will be blocked.”

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The masterpieces are completed…

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Show, Tell & Share

Love 1


Love 2

Charis and Ethan brought their colouring book with lots of stickers.

Both of them love the activities in their books.

Yaswitha brought a battery operated Pooh Bear fan. She showed her friends how the fan works.

L-R :

Elior excitedly bounced his yellow ball

and showed his friends the faces on his ball.

Geraldine demonstrated how to extend

and retract her measuring tape


Haegen connected the carriages to his

motorised train.

Noah imitated the sounds of the

airplane as it takes off and land.

Jordan made a crane using 3 Lego


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Fun & Movement

Love 1

Something different for our new additions to the class!

Learning to listen and follow Teacher’s actions and instructions.

Stacking the block by the colour called out…

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Learning to wait for their turn…

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Love 2

These two skills are what the Love 2 children will

slowly learn to develop and acquire through practices like these!

Hopping towards the table with bowling pins,

then knock one pin off the table (with strength).

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They will gradually learn to shift their body weight

and increase their stability of movement when hopping!


Jumping with both feet, towards ball.

They picked the ball up,

and tried throwing it at the pins in front of them, to knock them down.

They will gradually learn how to control the ball better.

i.e. Technique for throwing, how much strength to use, how to better direct the ball at objects etc.

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Learning to keep pace with each other as they move sideways from one end to the other.

Working together to deliver the ball to the other end…

While balancing it on the foam stick!

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Forming a continuous slide to roll the ball down!

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Players of each team would take turns to sprint forward to the table to…

topple the cone,

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put it back up,

and repeat process until all players have gone for their turn.

But one simple rule:

They could only go for their turn if (and when)

their friends returning from their turn,

had tapped them on their palms!

Because the objective of the game was to be the fastest team to complete all their turns,

they soon realised that raising their palms up while waiting for their turn,

would help facilitate the pass better!

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Aesthetics (Music & Movement)

Listen to the beat and play it on our drums!

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to the beat…

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Kindy Family News

It was double celebration for these 2 girls from the Peace class.

Maya Arun & Carolyn Rana turns 6 years old on 27 Mar 21.

for the lovely cakes and pressies!