kingdom classification practice

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  • 8/14/2019 Kingdom Classification Practice


    One Stop Shop For Educators

    The following instructional plan is part of a GaDOE collection of Unit Frameworks, Performance Tasks, examples of Student Work, and TeGaDOE approved instructional plans are available by using the Search Standards feature located on GeorgiaStandards.Org.

    Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Science GRADE 7

    Georgia Department of Education

    Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools


    JULY 2008 Page 1 of 4

    Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


    Standards (Content and Characteristics):

    Content Standards:

    S7L1. Students will investigate the diversity of living organisms and how they can be compared sc

    a. Demonstrate the process for the development of a dichotomous key.b. Classify organisms based on physical characteristics using a dichotomous key of the six kingdom

    eubacteria, protists, fungi, plants and animals).

    Habits of Mind:

    S7CS2. Students will use standard safety practices for all classroom laboratories and field investiga. Follow correct procedures for use of scientific apparatus.b. Demonstrate appropriate techniques in laboratory situations.c. Follow correct protocol for identifying and reporting safety problems and violations.

    S7CS3. Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and


    d. Draw conclusions based on analyzed data.S7CS4. Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating equip

    scientific investigations.

    c. Learn and use on a regular basis standard safety practices for scientific investigations.S7CS6. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly.

    a. Organize scientific information using appropriate simple tables, charts, and graphs, and identify r
  • 8/14/2019 Kingdom Classification Practice


    One Stop Shop For Educators

    Georgia Performance Standards Framework for SCIENCE GRADE 7

    Georgia Department of Education

    Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools

    Enduring Understandings:Differences and similarities exist within the structures and functions among the six kingdoms.

    Dichotomous keys are made of paired and opposite statements that allow the reader to identify an organis

    Essential Questions: How can we use a dichotomous to classify various specimens from the six kingdo


    Outcome /



    Students will observe specimens of the six kingdoms and classify them by using a d

    General Teacher


    I. Teaching and Learning Strategy: Dichotomous Keys and Classification

    1. Set up approximately 30 stations in the room.2. Each station should have one example specimen from the six kingdoms.

    3. Students will need to take out their field notebook, journal, etc.

    4. They can title their paper, Using a Dichotomous Key to Classify5. Give each student a kingdoms dichotomous key.

    6. Inform students to work in groups of two.

    7. Instruct the groups to visit as many stations as possible, using the dichotomous k

    organism to kingdom. Many specimens can also be classified out to phylum and cla

    II. Assessment

    1. Distribute and grade the dichotomous key assessment to determine learning out


    JULY 2008 Page 2 of 4

    Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

  • 8/14/2019 Kingdom Classification Practice


    One Stop Shop For Educators

    Georgia Performance Standards Framework for SCIENCE GRA A

    DE 7

    Georgia Department of Education

    Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools


    JULY 2008 Page 3 of 4

    Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


    Needed:kingdoms dichotomous key for each student or group of students.

    Dichotomous key assessmentfor each student The following shows example specimens that can be set out in this investiga

    be collected by students for homework or obtained from teacher/department Specimens may range from living, dead, or preserved. If 3-D samples are no

    images from magazines or the internet could be used.

    I. Archaebacteria

    Obtain images from the internet to displayII. Eubacteria

    Set up a microscope with prepared slides of eubacteria Set up a microsope with a wet mount of yogurt to view bacteria cultures. A

    search provides procedures for preparing a slide.

    Obtain images from the internet to displayIII. Protists

    Set up microscopes with slides of prepared protists Set up microscopes with slides or real protists (obtain elodea from the pet sto

    sit for several days in water; the water will be full of protists).

    Obtain images from the internet to displayIV. Fungi

    Set out mushrooms collected by students or from the grocery store Set out shelf fungi collected by yourself or by students Set out yeast obtained from the grocery store Set out moldy food items

  • 8/14/2019 Kingdom Classification Practice


    One Stop Shop For Educators

    Georgia Department of Education

    Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools


    JULY 2008 Page 4 of 4

    Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

    Georgia Performance Standards Framework for SCIENCE GRADE 7

    Set out various plant examples (mosses, ferns, a flowering plant, a cone-bearV. Plants

    VI. Animals Set out examples of various invertebrates Set out examples of various vertebrates



    1. Inform students to handle all specimens with care.2. Inform students to use the microscopes with care.

    Task with



    I. Teaching Activity: Classifying Specimens of the Six Kingdoms

    1. Set up your field notebooks, journals, etc. with the title, Using a Dichotomo2. With a partner, visit the stations in the room.3. Use the kingdoms dichotomous key to classify the specimen out to kingdom

    out to phylum and class if the key allows this.4. Record the common name of the specimen on your paper as well as the spec


  • 8/14/2019 Kingdom Classification Practice



    Kingdoms Dichotomous Key

    Kingdom1. A. unicellular

    B. multicellularGo to 2Go to 3

    2. A. prokaryotic

    B. eukaryotic

    Go to 5

    Kingdom Protista

    3. A. autotrophic/producer

    B. heterotrophic/consumer


    Go to 4

    4. A. no cell wall

    B. cell wall



    5. A. lives in extreme, harsh environmentB. lives in milder environment


    Kingdom Protista1. A. heterotrophic

    B. autotrophic

    Go to 2

    Common name=Euglena

    2. A. moves with cilia

    B. moves with pseudopods

    Common name=Paramecium

    Common name=Amoeba

    Kingdom Fungi1. A. produces a mushroom shaped fruiting body

    B. does not produce a mushroom shaped fruiting


    mushroom fungusGo to 2

    2. A. produces a shelf-like fruiting body

    B. produces a stalk-like fruiting body

    shelf fungus


    Kingdom Plantae1. A. Produces spores

    B. Does not produces sporesGo to 2Go to 3

    2. A. Spores are located on the undersideof leaf-like organs

    B. Spores are located in a capsule atthe top of a stalk

    Phylum Pterophyta

    Phylum Bryophyta

    3. A. Produces flowers

    B. Produces cones

    Phylum Angiospermae

    Phylum Gymnospermae

  • 8/14/2019 Kingdom Classification Practice


    Kingdom Animalia1. A. has a nerve cord or backbone

    B. does not have a nerve cord or backbone

    Phylum Chordata: Go to 2

    Go to 3

    2. A. feeds young milk with mammary glands

    B. does not feed young with milk

    Class Mammalia: Go to 4

    Go to 53. A. is asymmetrical

    B. is symmetrical

    Phylum Porifera

    Go to 6

    4. A. has canine teeth

    B. has no canine teeth

    Got to 7

    Order Herbivora

    5. A. body covered with feathers

    B. body not covered with feathers

    Class Aves (Birds)

    Go to 8

    6. A. has an exoskeletonB. does not have an exoskeleton

    Phylum Arthropoda: Go to 9Go to 10

    7. A. has flat molarsB. has sharp, pointy molars

    Order omnivoreOrder carnivora

    8. A. body covered with dry scalesB. body not covered with dry scales

    Class Reptilia (Reptiles)Go to 11

    9. A. body has six legs

    B. body does not have six legs

    Class Insecta (Insects)

    Go to 12

    10. A. has tube feetB. does not have tube feet

    Phylum EchinodermataGo to 13

    11. A. leads a double life; gills as larvae and lungsas an adult

    B. does not lead a double life

    Class AmphibiaGo to 14

    12. A. body has eight legs

    B. body has more than eight legs

    Class Arachnida

    Class Crustacea

    13. A. has stinging tentaclesB. does not have stinging tentacles

    Phylum CnidariaGo to 15

    14. A. has a bony skeletonB. has a cartilaginous skeleton

    Class Bony fishClass Cartilagenous fish

    15. A. Has a tube-like bodyB. Does not have a tube-like body

    Phylum wormsGo to 16

    16. A. Has a mantle

    B. Does not have a mantle

    Go to 17 Phylum molluska

    Dead end

    17. A. Has tentacles with suction cups

    B. Does not have tentacles

    Class Cephalopoda

    Go to 18

    18. A. Has two shells

    B. Has one shell

    Class Bivalves

    Class Univalves

  • 8/14/2019 Kingdom Classification Practice



    Dichotomous Key / Classification Activity for the Six Kingdoms

    1. A. unicellular

    B. multicellular

    Go to 2

    Go to 3

    2. A. prokaryotic

    B. eukaryotic

    Go to 5


    3. A. autotrophic/producer

    B. heterotrophic/consumer


    Go to 4

    4. A. no cell wall

    B. cell wall



    5. A. lives in extreme, harsh environment

    B. lives in milder environment



    DIRECTIONS: Use the dichotomous key above to classify each of the following organisms into

    the appropriate kingdom. Write the kingdom name on the line.

    1. _______________ This rather soft, low-lying organism spends its day taking nutrients from a

    rotten log through its hyphae. It continues to undergo cell division and grow larger.2. _______________ This organism spends its day roaming through the forest in search of food.

    Its hunting techniques require use of its keen sense of smell and hearing.

    3. _______________ This very small, thin organism spends its day using its flagellum to propel

    itself through pond water. If sunlight is available, it can make its own food.4. _______________ This tiny organism spends its day reproducing rapidly (about once every 20

    minutes), often inside the bodies of other organisms. Its genetic material is not contained inside a

    nucleus.5. _______________ This organism spends its day in hot gases and molten rock deep within the

    earth. This type of tiny organism existed billions of years ago.

    6. _______________ This organism spends its day taking in carbon dioxide and releasingoxygen through its stomata. It never eats but can grow many meters tall.

    7. _______________ This organism spends its day moving through water or soil by usingpseudopods which may surround food and take the food inside its cell membrane.8. _______________ This organism spends its day attached a hard underwater surface. Water

    currents flowing through it provide the organism with food and oxygen and remove its wastes. It

    has no organs, but some of its cells have specialized jobs.

    BONUS: Besides classifying the kingdom, can you determine specifically what each organism

    is? Write your answers in the spaces below. Be prepared to defend your answers. If you have

    extra time, create an organism description of your own!

    1. ____________________ 5. ____________________

    2. ____________________ 6. ____________________

    3. ____________________ 7. ____________________

    4. ____________________ 8. ____________________