kingdom of saudi arabia

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ashwag Alqahtany

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Post on 19-May-2015




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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ashwag Alqahtany

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Capital City: Riyadh

Population: 26.6 million

Languages: Arabic and English

Religions: Islam

Government Type: Monarchy

Location: Middle East, western Asia

The modern Saudi state was founded in 1932 by Abd AL-AZIZ bin Al SAUD .

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Flag of Saudi Arabia

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Geography:•Saudi Arabia is 2,149,690 sq km and almost 1/5 the size of the US.‘The CIA World Factbook's lists Saudi Arabia as the world's 13th largest state.”Wikipedia

•Desert cover almost the central and eastern south of the country, there are no rivers or lakes and there is lots of sandstorms.

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• The red sea border the eastern coast, and the Arabian gulf border western coast.

•Saudi Arabia has a desert climate

with extremely high day-time temperatures and a sharp temperaturedrop at night.

Average summer temperatures are around 45 °C, but can be as high as 54 °C.

•In the winter the temperature rarelydrops below 0 °C.

-Annual rainfall is extremely low except Asire region, there isa huge mountain ranges in the west called the Sarwat rangeswhich is generally considered the highest point in the country

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Animal life includes wolves, hyenas, mongooses, baboons, hares, sand rats, and jerboas, snakes, lizards. Larger animals such as gazelles, and leopards.

Domesticated animals include camels, sheep, goats, donkeys,

Animal life

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Islam and Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam and home to Islam's two

holiest cities Mecca and Medina. The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was born in Mecca in about

571. The king's official title is the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques

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Saudi Arabia is the world’s leading oil producer. About 90% of export earnings come from the oil industry.

Other petroleum product like natural gas, ethane, polymers, plastic, fibers and so on.

Saudi Arabia is the largest Dates producer.(palm tree)


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Food and traditions: Coffee symbolize

generousity and people like to share it with their guest.

Kabsa is the national dish in Saudi Arabia which is a rice dish with lamb or fish.

Meet: lamb and beef but no pork.All animals are slaughtered in accordance with halal.



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Clothes Saudi men usually

wears the traditional clothes.

According to Islam, the Muslim woman should be dressed modestly at all times, they wear Abiah when they get outside of their home.


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Sports camel racing

Paragliding and mountain climbing. football Sand skating, Car drifting Road skating.


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Education is free at all levels. Classes are segregated by gender Healthcare is free and available to all

citizens. There is no Tax. Saudi Arabia has problems like water

shortage, and traffic.


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