kleeneze 2010 ewb 05

BULLETIN 560-071-08 12.02.10 Issue 05 This Monday, Distributors throughout the Network were to be found in a state of frenzy. Some were crying, others screaming, a few even shaking. Such was the reaction to a phone call from Head of Network Development, Michael Khatkar. Of course, it wasn’t any old phone call that brought these Distributors to their knees. Michael was calling to let them know that he could happily confirm their qualification for the Spring Destination 2010 – Cape Town! For the past five months, Distributors have been battling it out in the Cape Town competition. The League Tables, published at the end of each Period, fluctuated from month-to-month and, when it came down to it, it was anyone’s game! Many upped their retailing drastically; held meetings geared towards the Destination and basically pulled out all the stops to ensure they were part of the Great Kleeneze Destination. And it worked! EWB caught up with some of the slightly frazzled, but extraordinarily happy Distributors who this week found out that they were coming to Cape Town: “I wasn’t really sure if I was going to laugh, cry or my heart was going to jump about of my body when I heard. I was just so excited. In fact, I’m still shaking a bit now! I’m over the moon,” said Gold Distributor, John McNally. “It has been a huge effort, but, without a shadow of a doubt, it was a team effort. Going out over the last few months with the snow and this bad weather! If it wasn’t for the team, there’s no doubt about it that myself and Lesley wouldn’t be going to South Africa in three weeks’ time. I can assure you that these team members will be rewarded in future, hopefully by getting to Hong Kong! I’m a first-time Conference qualifier. I came in dreaming big and I always knew that I would eventually qualify. I’m absolutely made up about it. It’s also great, because this qualification will help me sell the business to others too and help them have belief that it works. I was at a family get-together when I got the phone call. It was my brother-in-law’s birthday and all the family were visiting. They were all more excited about me qualifying than his birthday in the end! Even within the family, the belief is there now. It gives us that edge that we can start selling the business. “WE’RE OVER THE MOON!” FINAL CAPE TOWN QUALIFIERS ARE ANNOUNCED CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

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Page 1: Kleeneze 2010 Ewb 05



12.02.10 Issue 05

This Monday, Distributors throughout the Network were to be foundin a state of frenzy. Some were crying, others screaming, a few evenshaking. Such was the reaction to a phone call from Head of NetworkDevelopment, Michael Khatkar. Of course, it wasn’t any old phone callthat brought these Distributors to their knees. Michael was calling tolet them know that he could happily confirm their qualification for theSpring Destination 2010 – Cape Town!

For the past five months, Distributors have been battling it out in theCape Town competition. The League Tables, published at the end ofeach Period, fluctuated from month-to-month and, when it camedown to it, it was anyone’s game!

Many upped their retailing drastically; held meetings geared towardsthe Destination and basically pulled out all the stops to ensure theywere part of the Great Kleeneze Destination. And it worked!

EWB caught up with some of the slightly frazzled, but extraordinarilyhappy Distributors who this week found out that they were coming toCape Town:

“I wasn’t really sure if I was going to laugh, cry or my heart was goingto jump about of my body when I heard. I was just so excited. In fact,

I’m still shaking a bit now! I’m over the moon,”said Gold Distributor, John McNally.

“It has been a huge effort, but, without ashadow of a doubt, it was a team effort. Goingout over the last few months with the snow andthis bad weather! If it wasn’t for the team,there’s no doubt about it that myself andLesley wouldn’t be going to South Africa inthree weeks’ time. I can assure you that these

team members will be rewarded in future, hopefully by getting toHong Kong!

I’m a first-time Conference qualifier. I came in dreaming big and Ialways knew that I would eventually qualify. I’m absolutely made upabout it. It’s also great, because this qualification will help me sell thebusiness to others too and help them have belief that it works.

I was at a family get-together when I got the phone call. It was mybrother-in-law’s birthday and all the family were visiting. They were allmore excited about me qualifying than his birthday in the end! Evenwithin the family, the belief is there now. It gives us that edge that wecan start selling the business.



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I’m looking forward to the whole thing. Meeting like-minded people,getting as much experience as I can from them to take and move mybusiness forward. I’m quite a figures-orientated person and I havebeen monitoring the figures since the competition began. I knew onthe Blue side of the business exactly where I stood and that therewould have to be a disaster if we didn’t qualify, but until you get thephone call, you’re still not 100% sure. I wasn’t sure how it was goingto happen, but I was hoping I’d get a phone call, so when we wereout collecting catalogues yesterday, my sons kept on phoning me andwinding me up! Eventually the phone went and it was Michael. I wasthe happiest man in the whole wide world!”

“We’re absolutely over the moon to be going toCape Town, we really are,” exclaimed SilverSenior Executive Distributor, Sue Burras.“When we saw the qualification criteria thatKleeneze brought in last year, we were like ‘yes,we’re going to do that – we’re going to qualifyfor Cape Town.’ And we’re looking forward toHong Kong too!

Obviously you put certain things in place to tryand qualify, but you never really know if you’ve got the right amountof growth. We had a good Period 13 and 1 and we were quitepleased, especially with the conditions – the ice and the snow andeverything. But I was over the moon when Michael rang us yesterday.

I used to travel on the ships with my husband when we first gotmarried. We were in the merchant navy for seven years. One time weanchored off Cape Town to take on more stores, but we weren’tallowed to go on shore. Looking at Table Bay Mountain was justfantastic and I remember thinking, one day I’m going to go there. It’sa dream come true.

We really had to knuckle down and focus on making this us ournumber one priority. We’ve got another four people from our teamthat have qualified also, so that’s great. This year for Hong Kong,we’re hoping to have 20!”

“When I first heard from Michael to confirmthat we’d qualified, I was a little overwhelmed,a little bit shocked and totally speechless!” saidthe just-recovered Senior Distributor, RichardPeuleve. “We knew were in with a goodchance, but you have to wait for it to beconfirmed. I heard from other people who hadalready been invited onMonday, so I knew Michael

was making calls! We were kind of waiting….notsat on the phone, but definitely keeping it free!

We’ve been working quite closely with ourUpline, Mike and Amanda Bibby, over the courseof last year. We ran a few incentives for theteam to get them motivated and to get thembehind us really. I’d say we were quietlyconfident in qualifying, but we had a big teammeeting on Saturday to thank everyone for alltheir efforts over the past months.

We narrowly missed out on Club Med lastyear, so qualifying for Cape Town is justamazing. I’m definitely looking forward to thefood and the wine tasting!

“We’ve had some challenges over the last fewPeriods,” admits Gold Executive DistributorMichael Laydon. “When Michael Khatkar callsand tells you you’ve been rewarded for yourefforts, though, it makes it all worthwhile.Certainly something you wouldn’t get it in thejob world.

We’ve got some team members coming outwith us this time and it’s their first InternationalDestination. We’re more excited for them really, knowing theexperiences that they’re going to come back with.

We went to Sun City back in 2003 and then we sort of hit the buffersa bit, so it’s nice to be back in the fold so to speak. We’re lookingforward to being with like-minded people, socialising in exclusivesurroundings - just to be like a celebrity for a week and live themillionaire’s lifestyle really. It gives you the reminder about why it isyou’re out there in the wind and the snow! The extras that Kleenezeprovide on these trips make it that much better and extra special.”

“I was on the phone to my Senior Upline whenmy house phone rang,” explains GoldDistributor, Mary Whinfrey. “I asked Pete togo and get it, thinking it was a customer. Butthen I heard him say: ‘hello Michael Khatkarfrom Kleeneze!’ I thought Pete was winding meup! I took the phone off Pete and just screamedwhen I found out. I bet Michael had to go havehis hearing checked after that!

My husband and Iwere both in the airforce when we firstmet. We worked up ata place in Lincolnshireat a place called RAFBinbrook, which waswhere Fire SquadronLightning Aircraft wasbased. Now, there’s a

living museum in Cape Town called Thunder City and they have theonly flying Lightning Aircraft in the world. As soon as we were off thephone from Michael, we contacted the museum told them we used towork on Fire Squadron Lightning aircrafts in the eighties and we’d liketo get close up to the aircraft. They replied saying: ‘the general public

do not usually have access to the hanger, butbecause of your close association with theaircraft we’ll make an exception’. So we studiedthe itinerary and we’re going to go in our freetime. That’s the icing on the cake for us!

In the past four weeks, we have had a fewchallenges we didn’t expect. We didn’t know wewere going to do it. We’d worked so hard sincePeriod 10 and with 14 days left of Period 1, we’ddropped from position 6 in the League Tables toposition 16. We thought, ‘ok, do we give it all upand say we’re not going to make it or do wesacrifice everything else in our lives and go for it 24-7’. And that’s what we did.


Table Mountain

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Lorraine & Ian Balcombe

Alf & Carol Bell

Michael & Amanda Bibby

David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin

Andrew & Susan Boswell

Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva

Mikaela & Andrew Brown

Susan & Geoffrey Burras

Lesley Burroughs

Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly

Richard & Clare Chantler

Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris

Patricia & Dennis Corser

James Dale & Claire Daniels

Ivan Darch

Mike & Jean Day

Adele & Jaime De Caso

Deborah & Allan Dewar

Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward

Jane & John Dunkerley

Peter & Sheryl Dutton

Richard & Ranti Fallowfield

Sue & Steve Ferguson

Trish & Lee Fisher

Christine & James Foster

Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth

Debbie Gee & David White

Linda & Tony Gower

Clare Haines

Amanda & Andrew Holland

Dave & Susie Horton

Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox

Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree

Jack Kirby

Ramon & Sylvia Laing

Christine Lappin & Simon Place

Michael & Sandra Laydon

Derrick & Maria Longwright

Jennifer & Garry Luke

Christopher & Wendy Mason-Paull

John & Lesley McNally

Alan Meldrum

Paul Melville

Denise & Stephen Neal

Stephen & Deborah Nell

Alison & Michael Ogden

Heather & James O’Neil

Timothy & Tina Pace

Johanna & Stuart Peuleve

Richard & Helen Peuleve

Rosina & Frank Pocock

John & Christine Prosser

Claire & Peter Rea

Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee

Doug & Sandra Roper

Keith & Helen Sandland

Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes

Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark

Melissa Squires & Ian Slade

Linda & Ian Stanley

Kerry & Paul Stonall

Paul Tawn & Clare Bason

Chantele & Barry Travis

Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Lawlor

Bob Webb

Geoff & Fiona Webb

Mary & Peter Whinfrey

Peter & Jackie White

Craig & Magdalena White

Mel & Irene Wilson




My voice is so hoarse now. Since Michael phoned, I’ve been phoningeveryone and just screaming ‘we’re going to Cape Town’! I can’t stopgiggling! I think it still hasn’t sunk in. I don’t think it really will untilwe’re at Heathrow.”

”We were thrilled to hear we are going to share the excitement of theCape Town Conference with so many of our team. Time to let our hairdown, enjoy the company and recharge the batteries ready to hit the

ground running to qualify for Hong Kong. Whata brilliant way to wrap up a great 2009 as wespearhead into what is looking like one of thebest years ever.“

Chris Mason-Paull, Platinum PremierExecutive Distributor

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As we fly into February, we’re now nine months away from anotheramazing destination – Hong Kong! Hopefully, you all have your plansin place to join us. However, it’s not enough to have a plan – weneed some action, which is why we’ve come up with a special wayfor the Network to kick-start their qualification.

This year, not only will 14 February be a day for romantic dinners,smelling the roses and scoffing the chocolates; it’s also time tocelebrate the Chinese New Year.

One of the most important traditional Chinese holidays, Chinese NewYear Celebrations are a time when friends and families get together tocelebrate over special feasts of food that symbolise abundance,wealth, longevity and good fortune. Sounds like a sizzle of epicproportions to us!

To celebrate we have a special retail incentive lined up. To coincidewith half-term, the incentive runs from 9.15pm 9 February until

Wednesday 24 February at 9.15pm. We’re also proposing a sizzle toend all sizzles; a sizzle to celebrate the year coming, to get togetherwith your teams and to hurl yourselves into qualifying for Hong Kong.After all, how amazing would it be if your entire team were in HongKong with you?!

We’ve asked our celebrity chef, Nigel Smith tocome on board and create some specialChinese recipes and we’ve even created a flyerfor you to help you with the preparations. TheNew Year celebrations traditionally continueover two weeks, so whether you choose tohold yours on New Year’s Day on the 14February or the last day of the New Year (28February), it’s up to you. In fact, why notdo a marathon of them!

THE INCENTIVEEach week, all you need to do is place the following orders*:

WEEK 1(Tuesday 9 February, 9.15pm – Wednesday 17 February, 9.15pm)Place orders of 300BP or more

WEEK 2(Wednesday 17 February, 9.15pm – Wednesday 24 February, 9.15pm)Place orders of 300BP or more

If you complete this criteria, you will be entered into a draw (one ticketper Distributor, not per order) with prizes including Retail Kits, PoloShirts, Waterproof Jackets, Opportunity DVDs, Naked Wine vouchers,TV flyers, Pop-Up Banners, plus one week in Cyprus for 2 people and 4three night breaks at Hever Hotel in Kent for two!

* Please note, your account must be compliant throughout the courseof the incentive and up to and including the draw. All the results willbe published in EWB and on the DSA after the draw. The winners willbe contacted separately.

THE PRIZES15 x Retail Kits15 x Polo shirts15 x Waterproof jackets15 x boxes of Opportunity DVD/Brochures15 x boxes of TV Flyers2 x Pop up Banner5 x £50 Naked Wine vouchers1 x 1 week in Cyprus4 x 3 night break at Hever Hotel for 2 people

THE SIZZLEWe also have some sizzling action for you lined up in the form of agigantic Network sizzle! You and your teams can take part in aChinese New Year feast with food from Nigel Smith!

On the DSA, you will find all the recipes, shopping lists, checklists andflyers that will help you organise your sizzling sizzle. Don’t forget, EWBwants to see all the photos from your event so make sure you sendthem in afterwards.




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The Success Seminar is back and set to help your business grow!Taking place at the Park Plaza Hotel in Belfast on Saturday 20 March,the event will include some top class training to help you take yourbusiness forward.

The corporate team will also be there on the day, so it’s a chance tomeet the people behind the scenes of your business and put faces tonames.

“I love this event, because we always get such a heady mixture of oldand new Distributors from all over Ireland. We’ve got some exclusivestrategic training lined up for the day and it’s going to be an event notto be missed,” Michael Khatkar, Head of Network Development.

The event takes place on Saturday 20 March and is completely free ofcharge! That’s boosting your business for FREE! Registration takesplace at 11am.


Congratulations go to Kleeneze’s chef, Nigel Smith who at the end ofJanuary scooped the award for the Best Restaurant in the North West.

The UK and Ireland’s top restaurants and chefs lined up to berecognised at the annual Hi-Life Dining Awards at Manchester’s HiltonHotel.

The Hi-Life Dining Awards honour Hi-Life restaurants and chefsthroughout the UK and Ireland, with nominees and winners voted forby members of Hi-Life Diners Club, the UK and Ireland’s largest diningclub, which offers two for one dining for all members.

BBC North West Tonight’s anchorman and news presenter GordonBurns hosted the evening, with music legend, Noddy Holder, and starsfrom Hollyoaks, Emmerdale and Coronation Street presenting awards.




Nigel accepting the award from DebbieRush (Coronation Street’s Anna Windass)

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Kleeneze clothing boosts business“This Kleeneze clothing is working wonders for me! Any day I am outdoing activity promoting my business and as soon as anyone sees thename Kleeneze on my fleece T-shirt or whatever I’m wearing, theyhave no problem putting up my advertisement.

When I was in the bank paying my account afew weeks ago, the lady behind the counternoticed the name on the statement andcommented that she had seen the advert onTV and she wanted a catalogue. I also had 7other people looking for catalogues in variousdifferent areas as we were doing activity withsome new team members. It gives the newDistributors great confidence to see peoplelooking for a catalogue.

I think every one should invest in brandedclothing, as the company are due to golive on Irish TV channels soon and they’llmeet us with the brand Kleenezebeing advertised. The power ofassociation will be very powerful, butonly if it’s used. I am proud of what I do andthat is the message I am putting out there -be a Kleeneze agent not a secret agent.”

Marie Ryan,Gold Senior Executive Distributor

Get the books out there and therest will take care of itself!“We have been retailing a new area for the past 2 weeks and thecustomers advised us they haven’t had catalogues for over 2 years!

The orders have been good but thelatest pick up was the best. We blanketdropped 92 books to a really awkwardbit of the town - some big houses withlong drives, flats up really narrowstairwells, some behind shops etc. Youknow the type of properties most justwalk past to get to a good area?!

Anyway, we got 84 out of 92 cataloguesback and a total of £314 in orders. Thiswas helped by a single order of £102.You can work out the averages - all weknow is that this is very profitable!

You know the funny thing - we still getpeople who tell us the business doesn’twork and we even have Distributorswho say they can’t get orders? Ouradvice is simply to get the books outand the averages will look afterthemselves. Consistency is the name ofthe game.”

Jim and Vicky Smith,Senior Executive Distributors

Success of Doorstep Destinationscontinues“We received thispostcard from acustomer of ours whotook up the DoorstepDestination offer lastyear. It just goes toshow that Kleenezelooks after its customersand Distributors alike.”

John andAnn Champion,Silver Distributors

Personally presenting works!“I personally presented my 50 catalogues and was disappointed toreceive no orders but I was determined that this would work forme, so I placed them out a second time and received a fantastic£300+ in orders

This helped me achieve my first goal of placing enough orders in myfirst 21 days to qualify for a free Retail Kit! I It also gave me a ‘story’ toshare with others and subsequently I have also managed to sponsorthree people into my business within my first few weeks, one of whichhas already placed their first order and is halfway to qualifying for afree Retail Kit too.

I am now aiming at the next incentive level to qualify for a furtherpack of 50 catalogues by the end of my first four weeks.”

Tina Rowland, Distributor

Kleeneze legacy lives on“We have a lovely customer calledJoan Porter. She is 79 years youngand vividly remembers working forKleeneze in Hanham from the age of15 in 1945 - 1959.

She started working in the polishdepartment, putting lids on the tinsof polish as they went by. She movedon to packing customer orders and then on to the office adding upcustomer orders. At the time she thinks the MD was a Mr Bush. Sheremembers Harry Crook too. She says they used to go to the ’shopfloor’ to check on how the workers were doing and regularly did ’spotchecks’ to make sure no products left the building by unauthorisedmethods, especially on a Friday night!

She enjoyed working for Kleeneze, saying there was a greatatmosphere and all the girls loved flirting with the drivers. Now she stillenjoys the products and even has many which were bought a long,long time ago.”

Rae Gray, Gold Distributor


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100,000 And AboveBob Park & Lynn Macdonald 1,322,714.24Nasko Ratchev & Oksana Karachun 1,319,165.56Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes 1,299,826.61Gillian Nicholson 887,203.11Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden 753,431.19Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull 739,937.50Freda Fenn & Heather Summers 737,597.80Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott 729,091.93Muriel & Tony Judson 696,010.75Bob Webb 684,565.15Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat 580,723.36Peter & Jackie White 533,780.72Rob Forster & Ray Aziz 494,822.79Terry Carr 494,816.00John & Jeanette Hawkes 373,603.98Margaret & Roy Japp 306,242.28Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton 257,033.59John & Steven Sharp 248,557.53Hazel & John Stephen 241,431.65Mike & Amanda Bibby 230,383.62Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks 198,334.84Gordon & Judy Seldon 179,150.55Craig & Magdalena White 177,680.58Phil & Jean Warrington 170,179.78Terence & Jean Ash 165,451.83Gary & Esther Watson 164,177.17Judy Jodrell 143,369.65Michael & Jean Day 134,511.00Mark & Delfina Prosser 130,382.70Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer 116,332.03John & Anne Donaldson 115,087.01Robert Gibbons 111,945.54Sylvia & Jack Hood 111,271.97John & Christine Prosser 106,515.23Geoff & Fiona Webb 103,470.78Michael & Susan Pirie 102,644.43Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch 102,614.57Andy & Carolyn Cooper 100,896.84

35,000 And AboveTrevor Mitchell 98,542.23Stephen Geldard & Catherine Brookes 97,982.91John & Sarah Mckie 97,529.06Claire & Peter Rea 92,160.45Anthony Greeves 85,302.97David & Anne Pemberton-Smith 84,764.50Carole & Benny Morris 83,910.96Vie & Keith Robertson 83,646.81Tony & Katharine Briffa 80,471.42Malcolm Ashmore 78,162.63Adele & Jaime De Caso 78,162.63Martin & Yvonne Boyce 76,444.27Susan & David Darton 74,562.26Declan O’Neill 73,776.27Heather & James Oneil 72,422.02Justin & Olivera Toner 72,156.02Angela & Norman Campbell 68,738.39Marcell & Joanne Treanor 68,616.92Robert & Mary Higgins 67,593.92Caroline Harris & Craig Cox 67,510.65Rosina & Frank Pocock 64,657.06Victor & Una Brown 64,465.49John & Jenny Holden 63,893.89Jill Corlett 63,373.96Gaynor Morgan 61,053.93Andrew & Sue Boswell 60,707.06Raymond & Miriam Turnbull 58,423.07Julie Collier & Peter Richards 56,982.78Helen Lambert & Richard Woods 56,218.18Deborah & Allan Dewar 55,611.53Julie & Anthony Cornick 55,580.30Mel & Irene Wilson 55,478.85Jane & John Dunkerley 54,922.85Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark 53,398.33Sue & Geoffrey Burras 51,527.13Chris & Julia Norton 51,392.05Alan Meldrum 50,675.29David & Rosie Bibby 50,181.71Mike & Dawn Gough 49,721.33Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 48,534.23Sue & Steve Ferguson 48,224.23Stephani & Bill Neville 47,244.92Stanley & Roy Stewart 46,134.92Lauren & Peter Jackson 45,674.25Dave & Susie Horton 44,551.67Alf & Carol Bell 42,519.64Ron & Judy Speirs 41,285.99Richard & Clare Chantler 41,140.87Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young 40,643.27Andrew & Ann Meldrum 40,537.79Brian Harwood 40,510.60John & Wendy English 39,528.95Steve & Debbie Roper 39,054.56Ramon & Sylvia Laing 38,782.40Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 38,327.77David & Samantha Branch 37,804.14Gill & Donato Sepe 37,264.67

15,000 And AboveGlenn & Caroline Royston 34,819.89

Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey 34,803.26Clare & Martin Whitelock 34,769.61James Curtis 34,401.14Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva 34,105.34Eve & Norman Branch 34,105.34Sharon & Andrew Bird 33,641.48Stephen & Debra Nell 33,614.59Craig & Mary Hawkes 32,571.23Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan 32,537.84Doug & Sandra Roper 32,161.03Lesley Burroughs 32,006.82Helen Brooks 31,971.53Denise & Stephen Neal 31,873.00Michelle Kennedy 31,630.38Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw 31,582.67Sunil Popat 31,379.22Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 31,379.22Helen & Paul Allgood 30,632.68Stuart & Gail Mckibbin 30,271.15Steven & Sarah Curtis 29,821.41Peter & Sheryl Dutton 29,595.01Stephen Clark 29,416.14Peter & Myrna Wellock 29,332.75Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 28,676.88Belinda & Peter Clarke 28,539.16Keith & Helen Sandland 28,511.25Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 28,435.13Karen & Neil Young 28,064.97Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox 27,977.22Karen & Peter Flitton 27,242.30Conor & Linda Treanor 26,457.89Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 25,795.79Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 25,445.70Chantele & Barry Travis 25,411.31Melanie & Andrew Wilson 25,339.59Alison & Michael Ogden 25,133.87Roger & Barbara Green 24,968.85Caroline & Simon Harvey 24,593.14Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 24,407.68Linda & Tony Gower 24,076.44Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock 23,927.25Derrick & Maria Longwright 23,768.99Michael & Jennifer Allsop 23,764.33Graham & Georgina Long 23,423.94Tracy & David Sheehan 23,281.50Christopher & Louise Brown 23,060.21John & Karina Beesley 22,694.20Gordon & Patrick Davidson 22,669.95Paul Flintoft 22,566.56Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi 22,317.42Debbie & Trevor Collins 21,882.39Su & Jas Bains 21,882.39Maria Monaghan & Shane Treanor 21,684.55John & Sophia Clements 21,420.15Jay Singh 21,395.75Harry Hancock 21,373.10Nuala & Ronan Mcdonald 21,295.99Michael & Sandra Laydon 21,250.55Tom & Bernadette Hingley 20,942.56John Webb & Kathryn Price 20,871.33Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor 20,723.43Angela & Stephen Burchell 20,606.47Steven Clements 20,606.47Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 20,374.79Ann & John Coe 20,131.15Toby Acton & Donna Gold 19,742.76Kerry & Paul Stonall 19,638.42Caroline & Philip Thompson 19,529.99Rhian & E Anthony Jones 19,036.28Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 19,035.93Maria & Lee Kowalkowski 19,003.90David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 18,856.84John & Janice Halsall 18,698.06Ram & Joginder Singh 18,692.30Ivan Darch 18,670.78Allan Ledwidge 18,457.51Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman 18,384.95Alexandra Tuesley 17,810.42Graham & Catherine Hyde 17,768.07Gill & Tim Evans 17,757.73Linda & Ian Stanley 17,567.98Christine Lappin & Simon Place 17,422.51Jen & Garry Luke 17,404.13Harold & Minnie Fulton 17,264.02Steven Harding & Narissa Mather 17,232.33Debbie Gee & David White 17,069.32Charlie & Gillian Whitton 16,876.60John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 16,872.63Amy Warrington 16,855.36Robert & Rosemary Annan 16,726.35Martina & James Mcgrath 16,667.97John & Kath Clease 16,549.74Kenneth Rooney & Karen Jordan 16,466.94Keith & Teresa Faulkner 16,001.55Pamela Jarvis 15,774.47Suzanne & Richard Woolven 15,555.71Jillian & Peter Griffiths 15,491.56Jack Kirby 15,426.26Amanda & Andrew Holland 15,321.70Nicola & Jerome Neville 15,287.51Bill Caddy 15,227.57Gareth & Gil Duffy 15,212.77

Neil & Susan Maclean 15,182.36Colin Roy Scott-Smith 15,182.36Mikaela & Andrew Brown 15,076.51Angela & James Macleod 15,055.55

10,000 And AboveDavid Byatt & Janet Smith 14,851.87Heather Brown 14,832.49Steve & Cathy Chambers 14,806.98John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone 14,616.70Phil Curtis 14,516.62John Smith 14,481.31Christine & Jim Foster 14,472.84Diane & Geoff Owen 14,431.37Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse 14,341.74Richard & Helen Peuleve 14,167.90David Belcher 14,167.90Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 14,063.95Colin & Charlene Sadler 14,032.51Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 13,694.71Karim Karmali 13,677.48Brian Manchester 13,677.48Rosemary & Christopher Day 13,587.91Trish & Lee Fisher 13,470.12Abigail Colclough 13,445.89Mary & Peter Whinfrey 13,437.02Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher 13,431.58Colin & Sarby Turnbull 13,413.19David & Judith Mccreath 13,387.08Jim & Vicky Smith 13,301.14Carole & James Sunter 13,138.09Ian & Anita Saville 13,002.31Seph Oconnell & Sarah Watson 12,909.79Bernadette Murray 12,772.89Amelia & Hannah Mchard 12,741.06Gareth & Jeanette Jones 12,696.17Nichola & David Walmsley 12,660.71Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Lawlor 12,612.77Raymond & Barbara Mann 12,612.65Arthur & Susan Cuthbert 12,573.71Darren & Christina Simmons 12,558.98Melissa Squires & Ian Slade 12,555.21Eamonn & Anne Roe 12,418.05Denys & Laura Harris 12,394.29Helen & Andrew Walsh 12,388.82Richard & Ranti Fallowfield 12,383.76Robert & Jennifer Clifton 12,341.28Michael & Janet Wallace 12,243.15Christopher & Lynne Marshall 12,162.46Patricia & Dennis Corser 12,079.22William & Sharon Stevenson 12,071.77Andrew & Vicky De Caso 11,920.92James Dale & Claire Daniels 11,904.67Christopher Young & Helena Edwards 11,726.49Coleen & Stephen Batchelor 11,561.71Stephen & Joyce Milne 11,543.86Norman & Joanne Grundy 11,496.42Keith & Patricia Phillips 11,471.93Kimberley Sunter 11,309.44David Pope 11,303.40Vivienne & Richard Washington 11,260.46Elizabeth & George Kerr 11,129.93Elaine & Martin Spafford 11,124.02David Potter 11,107.03Kira Mckibbin & Andrew Thomas 11,025.65Steven Mee & Jaqueline Mullings 10,963.10Fay & Andrew Roe 10,878.34Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford 10,876.66James & Jane White 10,855.98Robert Gould 10,823.82Gerwyn Duggan 10,823.82Timothy Murphy 10,767.51Johanna & Stuart Peuleve 10,660.53Narendra & Kashmir Kalon 10,518.77Timothy & Tina Pace 10,451.00Mark & Sarah Wildman 10,429.73Brian & Gay Redstone 10,396.44Claire Mires 10,356.84Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall 10,326.89Michele & Henry Moss 10,325.27Donna & Charles Warr 10,309.14Cindy & David Brown 10,306.63Robert Wellock 10,306.63John & Jenny Caton 10,295.10Mark Law & Diana Searle 10,285.95Ian & Agnieszka Clarke 10,284.24Nigel Le Long 10,254.57Gerard Coste 10,079.44David & Jenny Gerry 10,010.27Shirley Gowland & Josephine Davies 10,001.51

7,500 And AboveChristopher Conroy 9,940.38Lorraine & Ian Balcombe 9,940.38Terry Hayden 9,919.57Kevin Sands 9,862.57Michael & Julia Tolton 9,853.42Iain & Jackie Swanston 9,796.54Geth & Lynwen Thomas 9,782.44Sheila & Nigel Fowler 9,780.51Martyn Cunningham 9,780.18

Paul Melville 9,722.58Bob & Diane Goulding 9,721.36Stephen & Elaine Blay 9,619.57Roger & Simon Mantle 9,604.75Barry & Cecilia Bradbury 9,576.79Andrew Platten & Tracie Lowndes 9,565.42Gail & Darren Drew 9,543.74Isobel & James Orr 9,461.67Debra & Oliver Pusey 9,398.21Lyn & Tony Davies 9,369.92Angel & Stuart Hill 9,366.99Leslie & Moira Harris 9,366.99Alex & Kathleen Langler 9,364.84Norah Bohan 9,362.68Gloria & Clive Davies 9,360.73Linda & Graeme Kirkwood 9,341.98Tim Sandom 9,334.57Michael Amor-Wilkes 9,334.57Robert & Jacqueline Dolan 9,332.93Janet & Roger Bowen 9,170.87Ann & Robert Campbell 9,128.01David & Elaine Luke 9,112.99Sarah Sancho 9,064.41Bob & Rosemarie Hardy 9,021.55Declan & Monica Manning 8,998.57Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin 8,950.75Gavin & Trish Conway 8,902.87Douglas & Theresa Hack 8,869.05Ann Searle & Philip Linsey 8,864.63Rhys & Susan Williams 8,823.86Peter Savidge 8,728.97Kodwo Anderson 8,723.49Keith & Veronica King 8,723.49Bev & Dave Townsend 8,719.65Georgina & Phil Gale 8,649.95Lesley & Gordon Whittington 8,648.13Maryan & Don Nicolson 8,626.06Jennifer & Martin Amos 8,618.87Omran Zaman 8,564.49Joseph Odonnell 8,549.83Janet & Andrew Mitchell 8,535.39Kelly & Steve Elliott 8,494.68Julie Golding 8,470.54Stephen & Laine Shepherd 8,449.46Shorne & Judith Hodds 8,446.24Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert 8,442.12Simon Luckett & Cristina Simoes 8,382.46Rita & Peter Noble 8,382.46Emma & Chris Shafe 8,352.79Tom & Kathryn Forbes 8,331.90Christina & Rob Cann 8,285.70Jake Ellington 8,227.13Terry & Jane Hodge 8,201.41Jerome Hadley & Marissa Gigg 8,194.47Barry & Nina Mitchell 8,193.31Anthony Mervin 8,179.29Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman 8,179.27Philip & Alison Wimbles 8,176.40Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent 8,175.76Brian & Diane Holmwood 8,163.70Mark & Sian Jennings 8,148.00Jim & Marian Lombard 8,145.55Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec 8,132.71Richard Roberts 8,042.68Raymond & Lorraine Satchell 8,039.43Jackie & Stuart Bower 8,025.09Richard & Greta Brownridge 7,986.50Sharon & Steve Agnew 7,962.06Susan & Graham Green 7,950.98Angela Wallace 7,949.42Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham 7,825.95Michael Prior 7,815.00Alison & Kevin Thomas 7,809.56Gabrielle & Christopher Brace 7,807.74Nicola Poor & Lewis Griffiths 7,801.19Terry Drew 7,792.45Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 7,787.79Christine & Michael Paxton 7,785.19Susan & Tony Cater 7,773.57Deborah Morgan 7,766.17Linda Charles 7,762.33John & Lesley Mcnally 7,762.33Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore 7,745.60Diana Babbage & Joanna Turner 7,707.02Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan 7,700.74Ian & Carol Parker 7,693.37Emma Colley 7,682.27Kevin Howe & Leah Harper 7,676.47Shirley Pere & John Barnes 7,647.60Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 7,637.24Claire & Mac Mcgregor 7,606.63Nick Oakley 7,606.63Alan & Barbara Rea 7,601.63Frank & Lee Johnson 7,599.65Richard & Kim White 7,587.80Seamus & Clare Houghton 7,561.21Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy 7,544.63Sharon Owen 7,531.65Catherine & Stephen Lord 7,524.03Glenn & Claire Few 7,516.34Lynda & David Buchan 7,512.56


* Please note: Bulk Sales Figures (combined) for Period 13 are now available to view on the DSA

Page 8: Kleeneze 2010 Ewb 05


COMPANY SHOWCASES AND TRAINING DAYS2-9 Mar Kleeneze Spring Destination 2010 – CAPE TOWN

20 Mar Kleeneze Success Seminar, PARK PLAZA


4 Sept Kleeneze Xmas Showcase – THE NIA,


11 Sept Kleeneze Ireland Xmas Showcase – THE


6-13 Nov Kleeneze Destination 2010 – HONG KONG

TRAINING MEETINGS - 2010 COUNTRYWIDE20 Feb (20/3; 17/4; 22/5; 19/6; 17/7; 14/8; 11/9; 16/10; 13/11;

11/12) Going For Gold. At: The Globe Hotel, TuesdayMarket Place, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk.PE30 1EZ (Use hotelentrance in Kings Street, opposite ‘Prezzo’) 7.30pm for8pm prompt start. Business Dress only please. £2.50 perperson. Guests free. Everyone welcome. Contact Ann &John Coe on 01553 829241 or Ezereach 01553 888118.

7 Mar (every four weeks) Freedom Training. 10.00am – 1.00pm(doors open at 9.30am) Best Western Moat House Hotel,Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ.Guest speaker: Michael Khatkar. Bookings only, £6.00 perperson. Please send cheques (payable to A de Caso) to:Adele & Jaime de Caso, 38 Poplar Close, Blythe Bridge,Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be held at the door,no tickets are sent out) Business dress only please,everyone welcome. For further information, please call01260 218574.

21 Mar Titans Business Building Seminar The Cedar Court Hotel,Mayo Avenue, Rooley Lane, BRADFORD BD5 8HW Tel01274 406606 off J26 M62. 11.30am - 5pm Top Line up ofSpeakers - Eamon Lynch & Maria Ryan (Gold SED) Gary& Esther Watson (Platinum SED)Tracy Payne & HarveyKent (Silver Exec) Knowledge is King will be present. £1in the bucket money draw. Raffle and an AwesomeRecognition Parade Across Pd12 2009 - Pd 3.2010 Only£10 per head. Book into this event by logging ontowww.titans-seminars.co.uk No tickets are issued. Yourname will be on a list on the door upon entrance. This isan open event for everyone. A Training Event not to bemissed - www.titans-seminars.co.uk

28 Mar It’s back, it’s bigger than ever, it’s ‘The Big 1’! The EastMidlands premier event is coming up soon, so book nowto secure a place with top speakers - Peter Rea, CraigWhite, Heather O’Neil, Laura Kelly and the amazingMichael Khatkar!!! Knowledge is King will also be thereon the day, plus Barney’s Print Shop. Tickets only £7 perperson for a fantastic afternoon of training with a fantasticraffle. Starts at 12 noon (Doors open 11am) Finish at5pm. For further details contact Laura Thorpe & Les Wardon 0116 294 7827 or Andy Buxton & Laura Kelly on07830 190485. Make cheques payable to ‘The Big 1’ to34 Rectory Lane, Thurcaston, Leicestershire. LE7 7JQ.The meeting is at the Novotel, Long Eaton,NOTTINGHAM - Jct 25 M1. You cannot by tickets on theday so don’t delay - book today - this will be a sell outevent. See you there.

28 Mar ( 30/5, 25/7, 19/9, 14/11) Gillian Nicholson’s WealthEvents Training Thurrock Hotel, THURROCK, Essex.Registration 13:00 for prompt start at 13:30hrs. Finish4pm. £4.00 per distributor – Guests free Furtherinformation email: Gillian Nicholson [email protected] Arrive ready to learn, leaveready to earn! Wealth of Income, Wealth of Knowledge,Wealth of Friendships.

18 Apr Move On Up Training Day 11:00 until 5:00 Whitwood InnCASTLEFORD WF10 5TG junction 31 off M62 MichaelKhatkar, Ram & Sylvia Laing and others Ticket only event£11. Including Buffet lunch Hosts Georgina & GrahamLong 01757 268830 [email protected]

OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND13 Feb (every four weeks) Aberdeen Opportunity and Training

Meeting, Holiday Inn Express – Aberdeen ExhibitionCentre, Parkway East, Bridge of Don, ABERDEEN, AB238AJ. 10am – 1pm, £3. Contact Lynn Macdonald [email protected] or Tel: 01506 414456

16 Feb (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity MeetingPREMIER INN, George Square, GLASGOW 8pm- 9pm.Contact Lynn Macdonald at [email protected] orTel: 01506 414456.

22 Feb (22/3; 19/4; 17/5; 14/6; 12/7; 9/8; 6/9; 4/10; 1/11; 29/11)Titans Training and Opportunity Meeting, Change of

venue - Cedar Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Off RooleyLane, BRADFORD, BD5 8HW, 7.30pm for 8pm start.Everyone welcome. Contact Neil Young on 07932 965071 or Ezereach: 0113 350 8763.

24 Feb (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, TheWindmill, a purpose built Conference and SeminarCentre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directlyon A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Openmeeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per head.Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. SuePhoenix 01642 918340 / Peter Neesham 01642 918258.

2 Mar (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting,CHANGE OF VENUE – Premier Inn, Haymarket,EDINBURGH. 8pm 9pm. Contact Lynn MacDonald [email protected].

3 Mar (every four weeks) Opportunity Meeting at the WhitwoodInn, Pioneer Way, CASTLEFORD, WF10 5TG (1/4 mile jct31 M62). 7.30pm for 8pm start. Everyone welcome.Please note smart dress. Hosts Graham and GeorginaLong, Eze 01937 858018.

9 Mar (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings atCarlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE

CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8pm start. Alldistributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts AlistairTownsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature apresentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. Forinformation, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126email: [email protected], Malcolm Bullough 01228675553 e mail: [email protected].

SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES15 Feb (15/03, 19/04, 17/05, 21/06, 19/07, 20/09, 18/10, 15/11,

13/12) South East Open Evening Bracknell. WelcomesBlue & Red Groups across the Network. Join us for anevening of FUN with Opportunity Presentations andKleeneze Stories. Hospitality Suite (upstairs), BracknellLeisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Berks,RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors £3 -guests FREE Business dress please. Contact DebbieGee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540.

15 Feb (15/3; 12/4; 10/5; 7/6; 5/7; 2/8; 30/8; 27/9; 25/10; 22/11;20/12) Norwich Business Opportunity Evening, HolidayInn, Ipswich Road, NORWICH, NR4 6EP, 7.30pm for 8pmstart. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business dressplease. Contact Stephen on 07810 126010.

17 Feb (17/03, 14/04, 12,05, 09/06, 07/07, 1/09, 29/09, 27/10,24/11) Open Opportunity Meeting at The Summit Centre,Pavilion Road, Kirkby In Ashfield, NOTTINGHAM, NG177LL. Junction 27 or 28 of the M1. 8pm - 9.30pm.Telephone 01623 752008. Hosts: Margaret & MikeDrayton 01623 722500, or [email protected].

17 Feb (17/03, 14/04, 12/05, 09/06, 07/07, 04/08, 1/09, 29/09,27/10, 24/11) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at theHoliday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF, J28– M25. 7.30 for 8pm start. Business Dress please.Everyone welcome, hosts Craig White. EzeReach: 01206804 635.

22 Feb (First Monday of each Period – 22/3; 19/4; 17/5; 14/6;12/7; 9/8; 6/9; 4/10; 1/11; 29/11) Westcountry OpenEvening at Padbrook Park Hotel, Cullompton, DEVON

EX15 1RU (signposted 5 mins from J28 on M5). All fromRed and Blue groups welcome. Prospect focusedBusiness Opportunity Presentation, Book Stall, Bids table,Testimonials, raffle and business related stands. Bookingin starts from 7.00 pm. and the event starts at 8pm.Distributors £3 per person or £4 per couple. GuestsFREE. Ample parking. Accommodation, meals, coffeeand bar available. Contact Sheelagh & Paul 01392462710 (Ezereach 01803 898592) or Nigel & Lucinda01392 874412 (Ezereach 01803 898652).

22 Feb 22/3, 19/4, 17/5, 14/6, Business Opportunity OpenEvening, Everyone Welcome, Supreme Inns, Bicker barRoundabout, BOSTON A17/A52 junction, registration7.30pm, £3 per person, Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Hollandemail:- [email protected] Eze-ReachNumber:- 01553 886597

24 Feb (24/3, 21/4, 19/5, 16/6, 14/7, 11/8, 8/9, 13/10, 10/11, 8/12)Folkestone business opportunity evening at the Firs club,Firs lane, FOLKESTONE, CT19 4QF, J12-M20. 7.30 foran 8.00pm start. Business dress please. All welcome,hosts Chris & Emma Shafe, EzeReach: 01227 808744

24 Feb (every 4 weeks) Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough &Harrow Hotel, 135 Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pmregistration for an 8pm prompt start. Ample free parking,

good reception areas & bar for team sizzles & meetingyour guests. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair accessto the room (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship, guestsfree (bring loads & see your business grow). If you want2010 to be your best year ever – don’t wait till then – your2010 business starts NOW. Hosts Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785) and Geoff & DianeOwen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870)www.birminghambom.co.uk.

25 Feb (29/04, 27/05, 24/06, 29/07, 26/08, 30/09, 28/10, 25/11)Showcase Opportunity Briefing, Tottenham Green LeisureCentre, The Gold Room, First Floor, 1 Philip Lane,LONDON N15 4JA. 7.30pm. Registration for 7.45pm start.Special guest speakers each month. £3 perdistributorship, guest free. Everyone welcome! Hosts:Gary Dixon and team. Contact 07973 712 425,I.T.S.113915, or email: [email protected].

2 Mar (First Tuesday of every month) Business OpportunityMeeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, StLeonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP. 7.30pmfor 8pm start, £2.50 per distributor, Guests Free! Businessdress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on01425 480675 or Ezereach 02380987429

9 Mar (06/04; 04/05; 01/06; 29/06; 27/07; 24/08; 21/09; 19/10;16/11). Bristol Opportunity Meeting. Ship Inn (next toPremier Inn), Thornbury Road, Alveston, BRISTOL, BS353LL. 8.00pm start. Business dress please. Distributors£2.50 per head, guests FREE. Host: Andy Cooper, E/R:0117 911 7561.

9 Mar (6/4; 4/5; 1/6; 29/6; 27/7; 24/8; 21/9; 19/10; 16/11; 14/12)Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn,Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA. £3per distributor, guests free. 7.30pm for 8pm start.Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank Pocock.Tel: 01442 256405.

15 Mar (19/04, 17/05, 21/06, 19/07, 20/09, 18/10, 15/11, 13/12)Welcome Blue & Red Groups across the Network . Joinus for an evening of FUN with Opportunity Presentationsand Kleeneze Stories. VENUE: Forest Suite , BracknellLeisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Berks,RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors £3Single - Joint distributors 5.00 guests FREE Businessdress please. Contact Debbie Gee on 01628 626327 orKate Lee on 0118 9268540.

26 Apr (21/6, 19/8, 11/10 13/12) ELTHAM open evening. We mayhave changed to Bi-monthly but we are still the only openevening in South London. Open to Blue and Red Groups.7:30pm registration for prompt 8:00pm start, ends around9:30pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle in our owncomfortable Bar & Lounge. Still only £3 perdistributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual.Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, Eltham,London SE9 1AA. Contact Joyce & Pete Rowe on 0208463 7133 or Ezereach 020 3393 2408 or email:[email protected]

THE NETHERLANDS20 Feb (20/3; 17/4; 15/5; 12/6; 10/7; 7/8; 11/9; 2/10; 30/10; 27/11;

18/12) Hotel van der Valk de Cantharel, Van Golsteinlaan20, 7339 GT APELDOORN. Guest Speaker MichaelKhatkar. 1pm – 3pm. Email Rita & Frank Kamsteeg [email protected].

Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings inyour area? Let us know, at [email protected] we will include them in our weekly meetings diary.DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY.