kleeneze 2010 ewb 10

BULLETIN There’s a reason Destination qualifiers will tell you that ‘you have to be there’. Nothing (no, not even EWB!) can do justice to describing a Kleeneze Destination. Yes, we can tell you about staying in an ultra- luxurious hotel with breathtaking views of Table Bay. But until you walk into that suite and take a look outside your window, you cannot comprehend. We can, and will, tell you about the abundance of 5-star cuisine that’s available to you at every opportunity. But until you’re sat in the company of other Distributors with a plateful of mouth-watering food in front of you and a never-empty wine glass, you cannot realise. You’ll hear tales of travelling around the Cape Peninsula on a speed boat, basking in the sun, spotting seals and holding on incredibly tight! However, unless you’re on that boat laughing your socks off with not a care in the world, you will not understand. Unless you were there in the Townships of Cape Town, meeting the inspirational people who are working so hard to turn their and their children’s lives around, creating monumental goals and going onto achieve them, you won’t have a grasp on how life-changing these Destinations can be. It’s not until you reach the top of Table Bay Mountain with its magnificent views and are handed a glass of champagne to officially toast your arrival on the Spring Destination 2010 that you will take in how far you’ve come. How worthwhile all the work it took to qualify for Cape Town truly was. Perhaps, when you think back to your pre-Kleeneze job when you would work above and beyond the call of duty simply to receive a bonus or a firm handshake of gratitude, you can recognise what an extraordinary business this really is. We hope you can, because the next stop is Hong Kong. Don’t be the one who hears about it from others. Be the one who experiences this amazing adventure. Be the one who has worked the hardest to achieve this incredible reward. Be the one who can say with conviction, ‘you need to be on one of these Destinations, because they’re like nothing you will have ever experienced before’. Be the one picking up hints and tips from the top Distributors while forging relationships that will last the length of your business. Be the one who is there. www.hongkong2010.co.uk 560-068-02 19.03.10 Issue 10 ORDINARY PEOPLE LIVING EXTRAORDINARY LIVES

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Page 1: Kleeneze 2010 Ewb 10


There’s a reason Destination qualifiers will tell you that ‘you have to bethere’. Nothing (no, not even EWB!) can do justice to describing aKleeneze Destination. Yes, we can tell you about staying in an ultra-luxurious hotel with breathtaking views of Table Bay. But until you walkinto that suite and take a look outside your window, you cannotcomprehend.

We can, and will, tell you about the abundance of 5-star cuisine that’savailable to you at every opportunity. But until you’re sat in thecompany of other Distributors with a plateful of mouth-watering foodin front of you and a never-empty wine glass, you cannot realise.

You’ll hear tales of travelling around the Cape Peninsula on a speedboat, basking in the sun, spotting seals and holding on incrediblytight! However, unless you’re on that boat laughing your socks offwith not a care in the world, you will not understand.

Unless you were there in the Townships of Cape Town, meeting theinspirational people who are working so hard to turn their and theirchildren’s lives around, creating monumental goals and going ontoachieve them, you won’t have a grasp on how life-changing theseDestinations can be.

It’s not until you reach the top of Table Bay Mountain with itsmagnificent views and are handed a glass of champagne to officiallytoast your arrival on the Spring Destination 2010 that you will take inhow far you’ve come. How worthwhile all the work it took to qualifyfor Cape Town truly was.

Perhaps, when you think back to your pre-Kleeneze job when youwould work above and beyond the call of duty simply to receive abonus or a firm handshake of gratitude, you can recognise what anextraordinary business this really is.

We hope you can, because the next stop is Hong Kong. Don’t be theone who hears about it from others. Be the one who experiences thisamazing adventure. Be the one who has worked the hardest toachieve this incredible reward. Be the one who can say withconviction, ‘you need to be on one of these Destinations, becausethey’re like nothing you will have ever experienced before’. Be the onepicking up hints and tips from the top Distributors while forgingrelationships that will last the length of your business. Be the one whois there.



19.03.10 Issue 10


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One cable car, one very large mountain, over 100 Distributors, bucket loads of champagne anda proposal! And we hadn’t even been in Cape Town 24 hours yet!

It was 37 degrees when we touched down on South African soil, but there was no time to sitback and bask in the rays. After a quick stop-off (and gorgeous buffet lunch) at the hotel, it wasoff to the base of Table Mountain. There, several revolving cable cars (gondolas) took everyoneto the very top of the mountain where there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the views of CapeTown were simply magnificent.

“You are the heart of Kleeneze,” said Michael Khatkar at the champagne reception on TwelveApostles Terrace. “Enjoy every second, take back the magic, and have the best week that you’veever had.”

We then applauded the first-time qualifiersbefore Michael asked Gold Distributor, VinnyTsoi to come up and say a few words. And thefew words he had to say certainly bowled overone of the Distributors.

“Vinny just proposed and I said yes!” said abeaming Lorraine Lawlor a few momentslater. “We’re getting married! Thanks toeveryone in the team for all their help in gettingus here, we really appreciate it. And I hope thatthey’re all on the next Conference so we cancelebrate with them!”

She wasn’t the only one smiling. As everyone took in the view, socialised with other qualifiersand supped their champagne, it was the perfect start to the perfect trip.

“It’s just sensational,” said Premier Executive Distributor, Craig White. “We’re here on Table Top Mountain,having a champagne reception; who else would do that? You could go away, pay for a five-star holiday yourself,but it’s the extra magic that Kleeneze and being with like-minded people brings that makes this different.Kleeneze makes it 7-stars. Hong Kong is going to be superb.”

As the sun went down over the first day in Cape Town, everyoneheaded off to Gold, one of Cape Town’s top restaurants. Thefood was stunning – amazing African dishes in a beautifuloutdoor setting. However, what was even more fantastic was the

entertainment. Traditional singers and drummers took to the tables, with masked puppeteersand Distributors even had the chance to have their face painted – South African style. A trulyawesome end to a spectacular day.


”Kleeneze makes it 7-stars”

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It was an early start for day three, because there was a lot to pack in! First a slap-up breakfast at the hotel – some had even managed to fit in aquick swim before heading down to the extraordinary buffet. Then, full and happy, it was onto the coaches for day two

If you were following our Cape Town blog (http://dailydiaries.kleeneze.co.uk), you’ll already know how fond we are of these coach journeys.Firstly, they’re full of excited, mad-cap Distributors. Secondly, we have the most fabulous tour guides and an unbelievably beautiful backdropalong the way.

We were split into groups; one travelled along the Atlantic seaboard, via Hout Bay and Chapman’s Peak Drive before stopping off along the wayto walk up to the viewpoint overlooking Cape Point. It was supremely beautiful and helped hit home the enormity of this trip.

Then it was off to the shore. On the way we saw baboons wandering along the roads (apparently, they’re not so nice to you if you get off thecoaches – but from the safety of the vehicle, everyone was enraptured with them!), as well as ostrichespreening in the sun!

Once everyone had reached the shore line, they climbed into speed boats and went on the most exhilaratingride along the Cape Peninsula. There’s nothing more exciting/fun/thrilling than speeding along the waves under

a red hot sun. The seals came out to greet us (Kleeneze-arranged, ofcourse…). A couple of high speed hand-break turns in the water and then itwas back for a lobster lunch in the sun, joining the other group who haddone the same activities.

“We’ve just been on a speed boat trip across the Cape Peninsula,” said a breathless Paul Melville, GoldDistributor. “It’s absolutely amazing riding the waves! This is an incredible first international conference for me.You need to be here. Find the reason why you’re doing the business, get to the meetings, plug into everythingand just take action”

Other first-time qualifiers were similarly enraptured:

“It’s absolutely phenomenal,” explained Richard and Ranti Fallowfield, Senior Distributors. “Going on thespeed boat this morning, holding on for dear life and going with the waves! It was amazing. Set your goals andgo for this because it’s absolutely excellent.”

“The things we’ve been doing – like the cable car up to the top of Table Mountain and riding on speed boats,it’s been absolutely fantastic,” agreed Sheryl and Pete Dutton, Bronze Executive Distributors. And thecompany has been incredible. You’ve just got to make it to one of these Destinations. Use the criteria to qualifyand grow your business at the same time. We can’t take this totally back to people – until you’ve been on oneyou don’t know how brilliant they are. We’re off to see the penguins now!”

They were right – we were! Boulders Beach is a surreal place, full of thousands ofpenguins basking in the sun. It became even more surreal as our Distributors,

falling in love with the little things, checked their Cape Town bags to see if they could fit a penguin in there. Takingp-p-p-pick up a penguin to a whole new level, we thought.

“Our highlight had to be seeing the vast array of animals from seals sunbathing just in front of the hotel anddolphins in the harbour to baboons at the side of the road!” said Bronze Senior Distributors, Heather and JamesO’Neil. “We saw ostriches wandering around at Cape Point and penguins on the beach at Boulders. The wildlife isjust incredible here and helped to make this trip one of the most interesting and exciting we have been on.”

The evening brought more fine dining at the Silvertree Restaurant. Glasses of bubbly preceded ‘Bobotie’ – adelicious local dish – followed by hot Malva pie – a delectable South African version of sticky toffee pudding!

“This is just absolutely awesome,” exclaimed Bronze Executive Distributor, Ivan Darch. “I’ve always wanted to geton an international Destination, so this has been the best accolade for me so far. There’s been a bit of drinking, a bit of socialising, a bit oflearning and just having an amazing time. Every day has just been packed doing the most amazing things.

“All these Destinations are achievable, you know,” he added. “You need to have the belief and attitude that you can do this. They’re open toeveryone. If I can, everyone can!”


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Almost everyone has come across the above saying at some point in their life and most definitely throughout the life of their Kleeneze business.However, conference day in Cape Town really showed the power of this phrase and was for many a thought-provoking, even life-changing day.

The day started with the conference, held in the beautiful Banqueting Hall of Table Bay Hotel. Everyone showed up to listen to tales from thesingle-minded, resolute Distributors who held onto their dream and were rewarded for their passion. Speakers included Silver PremierExecutive, Amanda Bibby; Gold Distributors John McNally, Stuart Peuleve and Mary Whinfrey; Senior Distributor Garry Luke;Bronze Executive Sandra Roper; Silver Executives Debbie Gee, John Dunkerley and Laura Kelly; Gold Executive Teresa Divers;Silver Senior Executive Sue Burras and Gold Premier Executive Peter White.

The speakers inspired, trained and shared their stories with the audience, who were feverishly taking notes to take back to their teams. First-timeInternational qualifiers, John and Lesley McNally said later: “The highlight was sharing my testimonial on stage with my fellow Kleenezenetworkers. Being here is the reward of a lifetime. You have to work harder and smarter than ever and work towards Hong Kong.”

The inspiration didn’t finish with the morning’s events, though. After another beautiful buffet out on the sun-soaked terrace, the group left forthe local townships of the city. The history of apartheid is well-documented, but it was here Distributors saw the all-encompassing effect it hadon communities. They visited the shanty towns of Langa and Khayalitsha, where they had a quick drink in a shebeen (local bar), visited a nurseryschool and Africa’s smallest hotel. It was inspirational and entirely humbling. Slowly, the people of South Africa are regenerating these townsand with their vision, goals and beautiful spirits – they are succeeding. If you ever wanted to see an amazing example of following a dream, itwas all here.

Many shed a tear at the sheer determination and joy of these people. We were greeted at the local primary school with song and dance, beforemeeting the key people in these communities that are making a difference.

“This has blown our minds,” said Sandra Roper. “You realise that we can be building ourbusinesses to make a difference somewhere else in the world. We’ve seen inspirational mothersthat have a passion for life and improving life around here. We visited a woman, Vicky, who musthave been through so much, but she’s set up this bed and breakfast so instead of people comingthrough and looking at – her phrase was ‘us as if we were elephants in a cage’ she’s invitedpeople in and said look this is my neighbourhood and I love it. She’s built a business from that – areal entrepreneur.

We moved on to a lady who wanted to look after children so they weren’t on the streets whiletheir parents were out working. She started with eight children, but there was a goal board onthe wall, and a vision statement and she now has 90 children that are looked after every day.They’re doing it themselves – they’re building it themselves. They have such pride and positivity.It’s humbling.”


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Visiting the Cape Town townships was something that no one could have expected. Please, pleaseensure you are doing everything you can to qualify for Hong Kong. You cannot miss anotherDestination, because experiences like these don’t happen every day.

“It’s been an amazing day at the Townships,” described Dave Birtwistle. “Seeing the kids and thefamilies and how they all work together. They’ve really got nothing but it’s everything to them. Itmakes you so humble. It’s been amazing to see – thank you Kleeneze.”

“Visiting the townships was the highlight of our trip to Cape Town,” said Sylvia and Ram Laing.“For us personally to see the poverty and deprivation that was there was a humbling moment butwe were soon to realise that the community they have is one built on helping each other andbelief that things are going to change for the better. Everyone we spoke to were full of hopeexcitement and passionate about there community. One lady decided that she was sick of seeing

children wandering round the streets so she took it upon herself to educate herself and open up a kindergarten. It just took one person in thatcommunity to change so many people’s lives and we were just so inspired by so many of the stories we heard.

Just think if every one adopted the same principles in this business they too could change so many people’s lives. Adversity does not buildcharacter it reveals it.

Thank you again for a fantastic experience - one we will always treasure.”

“This Destination is absolutely outstanding, the best one yet,” confirmed Sue and Geoff Burras. “We’ve been on a quite a few now and theyjust get better and better. When we go to different places, we like to immerse ourselves in different cultures, so to see the townships, how theylive and how proud the people are was incredible. It’s so moving to see thechildren singing and see what they’re learning.

There’s so much excitement in our team for Hong Kong at the moment. Aslong as they have the plan in place and are following it, they’ll be there. Lotsof lots of activity. Plan, do and review all the time.”

“The townships were so inspirational,” agreed Jackie White. “The peoplethere really want to build their lives and build a future for their children andthey’re working so hard to do that. When we were there we were specificallytold not to give the children anything, because we don’t want them to rely onthis and turn to begging. We want to teach them to have self-esteem. What afantastic philosophy. It made us feel humble to be here.”

All the speeches from Cape Town are now up on the Cape Town blog: http://dailydiaries.kleeneze.co.uk


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THE HEAT IS ONCape Town was experiencing a heat wave. Temperatures were past the mid 40s and feeling hot, hot, hot. So, what do you give over 100 hotDistributors when in Cape Town? Yes, that’s right – wine.

The area of Stellenbosch is home to several wine manufacturers and Distributors were taken out for day of winetasting in this renowned region. After a tour of the cellars, an informative explanation about various wines and howthey are made and an obligatory drink of several glasses of wine, it was back on the coach and off to picnic in theheart of the beautiful countryside.

“I’ve never heard wine explained with so much enthusiasm and I’ve learnt so much!” said ex-Distributor of the Year,Jean Day. “I never used to like red wine, but I do now! It’s not just that, though. It’s the setting, the way we’ve beentreated. We’ve had the most fantastic day. And we’ve just had a picnic – actually, it was more like a banquet!”

Funnily enough, most people took advantage of the coach trip back to the hotel to have a little nap.47 degrees + wine + good food = sleepy Distributors.

“This Destination has been absolutelyfabulous,” said Bronze Executive Distributors, Keith and HelenSandland. “We’ve been wine tasting, to Table Bay Mountain,speed boat rides, lobster lunch – it’s been incredible. Definitelynot like your average holiday! We’ve seen and done so much.”

“It’s been a wonderful experience,” agreed Gold Distributors,Pete and Mary Whinfrey “I don’t think we’ve had any sleep!We went on the power boat rides which was an amazingexperience. We’ve seen penguins, seals, all sorts of flora andwildlife. And the food has been excellent – I think the first jobwhen we get home will be to go on a diet!”

For many, after jam-packed days of seeing the very best that CapeTown had to offer (and jam-packed nights of seeing what thebartenders had to offer), it was a struggle to get from the sun-loungers to the pool on their day of leisure – bless.However, others took full advantage of their ‘day off’, going off on allmanner of wild and whacky excursions and one Distributorship evenwent off cataloguing!

“Thanks to Kleeneze, I got torealise a lifetime dream. On ourfree day, Lee and I went sharkcage diving. I am addicted tothe water and spent many yearstravelling around the worldteaching diving, along with

diving with many sharks including hammer heads, black tip, white tipand leopard sharks. But the ultimate has to be the Great White Shark.Having the opportunity to come face to face with these magnificentcreatures was something I will treasure for a lifetime.

Kleeneze really do make dreams come true. Do what ever you have todo to make sure you don’t miss out on Hong Kong, they say that’sgoing to be even better (how do they do it?!).”

Trish and Lee FisherBronze Executive Distributors

“On our day of leisure, Gary and I decided to go offand visit Robben Island to see where Nelson Mandelawas held for 18 years. The tour of the island and theprison was very educational, and to see his actual cellall 8ft by 6ft of it was very emotional.On our way back, they stopped the ferry in themiddle of the sea. We thought it had broken down,but no - there was a whale to the left side of theboat! It was truly amazing. The whole week was wonderful. Thankyou Kleeneze, you make our dreams come true.”

Jackie Norris and Gary Cooper, Silver Executive Distributors

“We got picked up from the hotel at 8 o’clock andshipped off to the other side of the island for anamazing day. It was something we’d never everdreamed of doing – shark cage diving out in themiddle of the Atlantic. We saw four or five sharks –the biggest was about 4.5 metres. And they justhung around the cages. It was unbelievable. Onlywith Kleeneze could we have done something likethis. From start to finish, the treatment you get on

these Destinations is fantastic. You can’t do this on a normal holiday.”

Robert Branch and Marianna GrinevaBronze Executive Distributors


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“Customers of ours, Gilli and Davidhave a property in Noordhoek CapeTown, so when we found out wherethe Spring Destination 2010 was, wesaid to them that we would delivertheir catalogues to them when wequalified, therefore continuing ourregular service! Here we are giving

them their latest Kleeneze catalogues!”

Richard Houseago and Vanadis FoxBronze Executive Distributors

“We’ve spent our day off doing quite abit of shopping and using all the facilities atthe hotel.This is so different to a normal holiday. Youget to do absolutely everything. If you camehere on your own, you might get to do oneor another, but not all of this. This is five-star,prestige. In the normal 9-5 job that I used todo, we certainly couldn’t have afforded all this.”

Richard and Helen Peuleve, Senior Distributors

Here we are standing beside aformer 5 foot squadronlightning aircraft. Walking intothe hangar and smelling theaviation fuel transported usback more than 20 years toour days in the Royal Air Forcewhere we first met. We couldnever have achieved this visitby ourselves. Only inKleeneze!”

Pete and Mary WhinfreyGold Distributors

CAPE TOWN BRAINTEASERS – THE ANSWERS(as featured on http://dailydiaries.kleeneze.co.uk)Cape Town brainteaser 1: Which Distributorship entered Cape Town dressed as Batman and Robin and why?Lee and Trish Fisher – the Caped Crusaders!

Cape Town brainteaser 2: Which Distributor had all the moves, when he jumped in to join the traditionaldancers at Gold Restaurant? Peter White (who we believe has shimmied all over the world, courtesy of Kleeneze now!)

Cape Town brainteaser 3: Which Distributorship celebrated a birthday in the stunning surroundings of SilvertreeRestaurant on Thursday (bonus points if you guess the right age)?Ram Laing, who turned, of course, 21 (shame on you who guessed otherwise!)

Cape Town brainteaser 4: Which SED admitted at the Conference that she does an ‘orders-exceeding £100 dance’ behind the bushes ofher customers’ homes?! Amanda Bibby (and she says if you buy her a couple of vodka tonics, she’ll show you this dance too!)

Cape Town brainteaser 5: Which Distributor nipped off after the restaurant to perform a little karaoke at a local bar? It was Mr Michael Laydon – Kleeneze’s Got Talent!

“Cape Town was absolutely awesome. Fromstart to finish it was an amazing experience.

The Table Bay Hotel was not only stunningfrom the architecture to the location to theviews, but it was stunning right down to themarble skirting boards! The excursions werewell thought out and well organised. Therewere so many fabulous experiences, fromwonderful food and so many thrills on theadventure jet boat ride to the cable car rideto Table Top Mountain and Cape Point.

The whole trip was wonderful and we really enjoyed ourselves. Thankyou Kleeneze for all the hard work and effort you put in to organisingsuch wonderful trips for us Distributors.”Linda and Tony Gower, Silver Executive Distributors

“Thank you for the most incredible trip to Cape Town. We just wantedto say that we had a fantastic time out in the sun with so many like-minded people who quickly become friends! We are just aboutbeginning to recover from the whirlwind week of wine, sights andfood – we have never seen such a banquet for breakfast and don’tthink we will again until the next Kleenezeconference, of course! The view from ourbedroom window was breathtaking. We hadTable Mountain standing in all its glorybefore us along with the harbour and itsresident seals - it could not have been moreperfect. So thank you Kleeneze and all ourfellow Distributors for making Cape Town anunforgettable experience. We can’t wait forHong Kong!” Jane and John Dunkerley, Silver Executive Distributors


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Here’s the final full list of all our qualifiers (alphabetical order): Lorraine & Ian Balcombe, Alf & Carol Bell, Michael & Amanda Bibby, David BirtwistleAndrew Buxton & Laura Kelly, Richard & Clare Chantler, Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris, Patricia & Dennis Corser, James Dale & Claire Daniels, Ivan Darch, Mike Ranti Fallowfield, Sue & Steve Ferguson, Trish & Lee Fisher, Christine & James Foster, Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth, Debbie Gee & David White, LindaJack Kirby, Ramon & Sylvia Laing, Christine Lappin & Simon Place, Michael & Sandra Laydon, Derrick & Maria Longwright, Jennifer & Garry Luke, ChristopheHeather & James O’Neil, Timothy & Tina Pace, Johanna & Stuart Peuleve, Richard & Helen Peuleve, Rosina & Frank Pocock, John & Christine Prosser, Claire & Melissa Squires & Ian Slade, Linda & Ian Stanley, Kerry & Paul Stonall, Paul Tawn & Clare Bason, Chantele & Barry Travis, Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Lawlor, Bob W

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e & Angela Tonkin, Andrew & Susan Boswell, Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva, Mikaela & Andrew Brown, Susan & Geoffrey Burras, Lesley Burroughs,& Jean Day, Adele & Jaime De Caso, Deborah & Allan Dewar, Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward, Jane & John Dunkerley, Peter & Sheryl Dutton, Richard &a & Tony Gower, Clare Haines, Amanda & Andrew Holland, Dave & Susie Horton, Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox, Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree,r & Wendy Mason-Paull, John & Lesley McNally, Alan Meldrum, Paul Melville, Denise & Stephen Neal, Stephen & Deborah Nell, Alison & Michael Ogden,Peter Rea, Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee, Doug & Sandra Roper, Keith & Helen Sandland, Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes, Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark,

Webb, Geoff & Fiona Webb, Mary & Peter Whinfrey, Peter & Jackie White, Craig & Magdalena White, Mel & Irene Wilson

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Doors open for Registration at 11am. Start is 12pm

prompt and the event finishes at 4.30pm.

4 Sept Kleeneze Xmas Showcase – THE NIA,


11 Sept Kleeneze Ireland Xmas Showcase – THE


6-13 Nov Kleeneze Destination 2010 – HONG KONG

TRAINING MEETINGS - 2010 COUNTRYWIDE20 Mar (17/4; 22/5; 19/6; 17/7; 14/8; 11/9; 16/10; 13/11; 11/12)

Going For Gold. At: The Globe Hotel, Tuesday Market

Place, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk.PE30 1EZ (Use hotel

entrance in Kings Street, opposite ‘Prezzo’) 7.30pm for

8pm prompt start. Business Dress only please. £2.50 per

person. Guests free. Everyone welcome. Contact Ann &

John Coe on 01553 829241 or Ezereach 01553 888118.

21 Mar Titans Business Building Seminar The Cedar Court Hotel,

Mayo Avenue, Rooley Lane, BRADFORD BD5 8HW Tel

01274 406606 off J26 M62. 11.30am - 5pm Top Line up

of Speakers - Eamon Lynch & Maria Ryan (GOLD SED)

Gary & Esther Watson (Platinum SED)Tracy Payne &

Harvey Kent (Silver Exec) Knowledge is King will be

present. £1 in the bucket money draw. Raffle and an

Awesome Recognition Parade Across Pd12 2009 - Pd

3.2010 Only £10 per head. Book into this event by

logging onto www.titans-seminars.co.uk No tickets are

issued. Your name will be on a list on the door upon

entrance. This is an open event for everyone . A Training

Event not to be missed - www.titans-seminars.co.uk

28 Mar The Big 1 Event, in NOTTINGHAM, is now FULLY

BOOKED. Thank you for everyone’s support with this

event, details of the next event in September will be

published shortly.

28 Mar (30/5, 25/7, 19/9, 14/11) Gillian Nicholson’s Wealth Events

Training Thurrock Hotel, THURROCK, Essex. Registration

11:00 for prompt start at 11:30hrs. Finish 2pm. £4.00 per

distributor – Guests free. Further information email: Gillian

Nicholson at [email protected] Arrive ready to

learn, leave ready to earn! Wealth of Income, Wealth of

Knowledge, Wealth of Friendships.

4 Apr (every four weeks) Freedom Training. 10.00am – 1.00pm

(doors open at 9.30am) Best Western Moat House Hotel,

Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ.

Guest speaker: Gill Nicholson. Bookings only, £6.00 per

person. Please send cheques (payable to A de Caso) to:

Adele & Jaime de Caso, 38 Poplar Close, Blythe Bridge,

Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be held at the door,

no tickets are sent out) Business dress only please,

everyone welcome. For further information, please call

01260 218574.

OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND22 Mar (19/4; 17/5; 14/6; 12/7; 9/8; 6/9; 4/10; 1/11; 29/11) Titans

Training and Opportunity Meeting, Change of venue -

Cedar Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Off Rooley Lane,

BRADFORD, BD5 8HW, 7.30pm for 8pm start. Everyone

welcome. Contact Neil Young on 07932 965 071 or

Ezereach: 0113 350 8763.

24 Mar (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, The

Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar

Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly

on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open

meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per head.

Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. Sue

Phoenix 01642 918340 / Peter Neesham 01642 918258.

30 Mar (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting,

CHANGE OF VENUE – Premier Inn, Haymarket,

EDINBURGH. 8pm 9pm. Contact Lynn MacDonald at

[email protected].

31 Mar (every four weeks) Opportunity Meeting at the Whitwood

Inn, Pioneer Way, CASTLEFORD, WF10 5TG (1/4 mile jct

31 M62). 7.30pm for 8pm start. Everyone welcome.

Please note smart dress. Hosts Graham and Georgina

Long, Eze 01937 858018.

7 Apr (5/5, 2/6, 30/6, 28/7, 25/8, 22/9, 20/10, 17/11, 15/12)

BRIGHOUSE BOM, Brighouse Holiday Inn, Brighouse

HD6 4HW. Dress Code - Business Suit. Host - Craig

White 01733808670

10 Apr (every four weeks) Aberdeen Opportunity and Training

Meeting, Holiday Inn Express – Aberdeen Exhibition

Centre, Parkway East, Bridge of Don, ABERDEEN, AB23

8AJ. 10am – 1pm, £3. Contact Lynn Macdonald at

[email protected] or Tel: 01506 414456

13 Apr (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Express by

Holiday Inn Glasgow City-riverside, Stockwell Street,

GLASGOW, G1 4LW 8pm- 9pm. Contact Lynn

Macdonald at [email protected] or Tel: 01506


13 Apr (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at

Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE

CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8pm start. All

distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair

Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a

presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. For

information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126

email: [email protected], Malcolm Bullough 01228

675553 e mail: [email protected].

SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES22 Mar (19/4, 17/5, 14/6, Business Opportunity Open Evening,

Everyone Welcome, Supreme Inns, Bicker bar

Roundabout, BOSTON A17/A52 junction, registration

7.30pm, £3 per person, Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland

email:- [email protected] Eze-Reach

Number:- 01553 886597

22 Mar (19/4, 17/5, 14/6, 9/7, 6/9, 4/10, 1/11, 29/11) Westcountry

Open at Padbrook Park Hotel, Cullompton, DEVON,

EX15 1RU (signposted 5 mins from J28 on M5). All from

Red and Blue groups welcome. Prospect focused

Business Opportunity Presentation, Training, Book Stall,

Bids table, Testimonials, raffle and business related

stands. Booking in starts from 7.00 p.m. with small group

training from David Bibby. Presentation starts at 8p.m.

Distributors £3 per person or £4 per couple. Guests

FREE. Ample parking. Accommodation, meals, coffee

and bar available. SPECIAL GUESTS FOR MARCH,

MIKE AND AMANDA BIBBY! Contact Sheelagh & Paul

01392 462710 (Ezereach 01803 898592) or Nigel &

Lucinda 01392 874412 (Ezereach 01803 898652)

24 Mar (every 4 weeks) Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough &

Harrow Hotel, 135 Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm

registration for an 8pm prompt start. Ample free parking,

good reception areas & bar for team sizzles & meeting

your guests. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair access

to the room (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship, guests

free (bring loads & see your business grow). If you want

2010 to be your best year ever – don’t wait till then – your

2010 business starts NOW. Hosts Gerard & Claire Tucker-

Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785) and Geoff & Diane

Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870)


27 Mar (Last sat of every month) Announcing the new PORT

TALBOT BOM at the Twelve Knights hotel Margam rd

Port Talbot, South Wales SA13 2DB. £3 per person,

guests free. Starts 1pm till 3.30pm. Free parking, less

than 1 mile from junction 38 of the m4. Host: Raymond

Underwood. All welcome. Ezereach: 01792-824532, e-

mail: [email protected]

29 Mar (26/4; 24/5; 21/6; 19/7; 16/8; 13/9; 11/10; 8/11; 6/12;

3/1/2011. Bassaleg, NEWPORT, GWENT, Open

Opportunity meeting at The Ruperra, 73 Caerphilly Road

Bassaleg Newport NP10 8LJ. J28 M4.

(www.theruperra.co.uk for directions) Doors Open 7pm

Start 8pm. Admission £2.50 each, Guests Free. Dress

code smart casual please. Comfortable surroundings to

enjoy a drink and sizzle afterwards. For more details

contact Nick Newham & Jeanette Legge on Ezereach

02920 007 637 or 07791 891 208

6 Apr (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity

Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St

Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP. 7.30pm

for 8pm start, £2.50 per distributor, Guests Free! Business

dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on

01425 480675 or Ezereach 02380987429

6 Apr (04/05; 01/06; 29/06; 27/07; 24/08; 21/09; 19/10; 16/11).

Bristol Opportunity Meeting. Ship Inn (next to Premier

Inn), Thornbury Road, Alveston, BRISTOL, BS35 3LL.

8.00pm start. Business dress please. Distributors £2.50

per head, guests FREE. Host: Andy Cooper, E/R: 0117

911 7561.

6 Apr (4/5; 1/6; 29/6; 27/7; 24/8; 21/9; 19/10; 16/11; 14/12)

Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn,

Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA. £3

per distributor, guests free. 7.30pm for 8pm start.

Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank Pocock.

Tel: 01442 256405.

12 Apr (110/5; 7/6; 5/7; 2/8; 30/8; 27/9; 25/10; 22/11; 20/12)

Norwich Business Opportunity Evening, Holiday Inn,

Ipswich Road, NORWICH, NR4 6EP, 7.30pm for 8pm

start. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business dress

please. Contact Stephen on 07810 126010.

14 Apr (17/02, 17/03, 14/04, 12,05, 09/06, 07/07, 1/09, 29/09,

27/10, 24/11) Open Opportunity Meeting at The Summit

Centre, Pavilion Road, Kirkby In Ashfield, NOTTINGHAM,

NG17 7LL. Junction 27 or 28 of the M1. 8pm - 9.30pm.

Telephone 01623 752008. Hosts: Margaret & Mike

Drayton 01623 722500, or e-mail

[email protected].

17 Apr (12/05, 09/06, 07/07, 04/08, 1/09, 29/09, 27/10, 24/11)

Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at the Holiday Inn,

Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF, J28 – M25.

7.30 for 8pm start. Business Dress please. Everyone

welcome, hosts Craig White. EzeReach: 01206 804 635.

19 Apr (17/05, 21/06, 19/07, 20/09, 18/10, 15/11, 13/12) South

East Open Evening Bracknell. Welcomes Blue & Red

Groups across the Network. Join us for an evening of

FUN with Opportunity Presentations and Kleeneze

Stories. Hospitality Suite (upstairs), Bracknell Leisure

Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Berks, RG12 9SE.

7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors £3 - guests FREE

Business dress please. Contact Debbie Gee on 01628

626327 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540.

26 Apr (21/6, 19/8, 11/10 13/12) ELTHAM open evening. We

may have changed to Bi-monthly but we are still the only

open evening in South London. Open to Blue and Red

Groups. 7:30pm registration for prompt 8:00pm start,

ends around 9:30pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle in

our own comfortable Bar & Lounge. Still only £3 per

distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual.

Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, Eltham,

London SE9 1AA. Contact Joyce & Pete Rowe on 020

8463 7133 or Ezereach 020 3393 2408 or email:

[email protected]

29 Apr (27/05, 24/06, 29/07, 26/08, 30/09, 28/10, 25/11)

Showcase Opportunity Briefing, Tottenham Green Leisure

Centre, The Gold Room, First Floor, 1 Philip Lane,

LONDON N15 4JA. 7.30pm. Registration for 7.45pm

start. Special guest speakers each month. £3 per

distributorship, guest free. Everyone welcome! Hosts:

Gary Dixon and team. Contact 07973 712 425,

I.T.S.113915, or email: [email protected].

THE NETHERLANDS20 Mar (17/4; 15/5; 12/6; 10/7; 7/8; 11/9; 2/10; 30/10; 27/11;

18/12) Hotel van der Valk de Cantharel, Van Golsteinlaan

20, 7339 GT APELDOORN. 1pm – 3pm. Email Rita &

Frank Kamsteeg at [email protected].

Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings inyour area? Let us know, at [email protected] we will include them in our weekly meetings diary.DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY.


Page 11: Kleeneze 2010 Ewb 10


100,000 And AboveNasko Ratchev & Oksana Karachun 2,485,304.14Bob Park & Lynn Macdonald 2,481,448.29Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes 2,452,514.09Bob Webb 1,328,320.35Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat 1,059,701.07Gillian Nicholson 943,699.75Terry Carr 902,055.95Rob Forster & Ray Aziz 901,927.64Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden 803,946.53Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull 781,430.81Freda Fenn & Heather Summers 760,831.34Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott 753,057.60Muriel & Tony Judson 720,076.05John & Jeanette Hawkes 663,169.86Peter & Jackie White 564,243.21Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton 451,237.21Mike & Amanda Bibby 405,967.12Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks 379,496.76Margaret & Roy Japp 361,230.77Terence & Jean Ash 314,818.89Gary & Esther Watson 312,147.87John & Steven Sharp 293,112.03Hazel & John Stephen 283,717.74Robert Gibbons 218,851.49Gordon & Judy Seldon 207,030.46Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch 200,347.52Claire & Peter Rea 187,121.46Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer 178,018.49Craig & Magdalena White 173,680.26Vie & Keith Robertson 172,722.47John & Sarah Mckie 171,454.02Phil & Jean Warrington 160,911.59Tony & Katharine Briffa 160,730.91David & Anne Pemberton-Smith 157,756.32Michael & Jean Day 148,134.96Stephen Geldard 143,700.33Judy Jodrell 137,491.58Mark & Delfina Prosser 123,217.21Victor & Una Brown 121,415.93Sylvia & Jack Hood 119,619.02Michael & Susan Pirie 117,753.20Robert & Mary Higgins 115,817.88Geoff & Fiona Webb 113,745.24Heather & James O’Neil 111,442.79John & Anne Donaldson 110,074.37Jill Corlett 109,345.65Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan 109,017.50Andy & Carolyn Cooper 104,047.48John & Christine Prosser 103,754.42Sue & Geoffrey Burras 100,689.49

35,000 And AboveRaymond & Miriam Turnbull 96,290.33Trevor Mitchell 93,146.55Mel & Irene Wilson 92,528.30Dave & Susie Horton 87,636.99Stephani & Bill Neville 85,993.85David & Rosie Bibby 84,118.26Anthony Greeves 81,363.90Malcolm Ashmore 79,846.12Adele & Jaime De Caso 79,846.12Lauren & Peter Jackson 79,683.91Sue & Steve Ferguson 79,628.71Steve & Debbie Roper 79,369.29Carole & Benny Morris 79,306.56Martin & Yvonne Boyce 75,034.58Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young 74,717.12Susan & David Darton 74,488.60Nuala & Ronan Mcdonald 74,350.38Declan O’Neill 72,145.66David & Samantha Branch 71,753.22Rosina & Frank Pocock 71,491.95Justin & Olivera Toner 70,633.03Caroline Harris & Craig Cox 66,898.04Ramon & Sylvia Laing 66,470.10Angela & Norman Campbell 66,276.34Alan Meldrum 66,136.96Marcell & Joanne Treanor 65,805.91Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark 65,012.64Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw 62,322.92John & Wendy English 61,975.33John & Jenny Holden 61,302.55Glenn & Caroline Royston 61,026.83Gaynor Morgan 60,981.66Deborah & Allan Dewar 60,179.42Peter & Myrna Wellock 59,177.60Julie & Anthony Cornick 57,756.14Andrew & Sue Boswell 57,655.04Julie Collier & Peter Richards 57,647.68Jane & John Dunkerley 56,753.15Stephen & Debra Nell 56,717.60Helen Brooks 56,632.86Craig & Mary Hawkes 56,541.65Richard & Clare Chantler 56,033.92Stanley & Roy Stewart 55,853.05Michelle Kennedy 55,778.82Helen Lambert & Richard Woods 55,165.92Andrew & Ann Meldrum 55,156.88Eve & Norman Branch 54,293.87Karen & Neil Young 53,842.55Helen & Paul Allgood 53,357.66Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva 53,342.41Brian Harwood 53,133.99James Curtis 52,383.75Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 49,651.35Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi 49,559.26Alf & Carol Bell 48,296.84Roger & Barbara Green 47,928.34Mike & Dawn Gough 47,701.69Belinda & Peter Clarke 47,590.10Steven & Sarah Curtis 47,447.52Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 46,997.35Christopher & Louise Brown 46,958.15John & Sophia Clements 46,441.32Steven Clements 43,454.18Eamonn & Anne Roe 42,523.86Chris & Julia Norton 42,489.10Jay Singh 41,922.13Angela & Stephen Burchell 41,853.63Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 41,530.10Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock 41,187.83Debbie & Trevor Collins 40,025.47Su & Jas Bains 39,942.27Ron & Judy Speirs 39,686.37Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 39,672.36Derrick & Maria Longwright 38,427.87John Webb & Kathryn Price 38,360.58Denise & Stephen Neal 38,343.55Alison & Michael Ogden 38,156.80Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 37,842.03Tracy & David Sheehan 37,451.45Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey 37,246.13Toby Acton & Donna Gold 37,168.73Ram & Joginder Singh 37,123.73Rhian & E Anthony Jones 37,075.85Trish & Lee Fisher 36,691.11

Tom & Bernadette Hingley 36,137.67David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 35,864.18Graham & Catherine Hyde 35,194.34Gill & Donato Sepe 35,171.54

15,000 And AboveGraham & Georgina Long 34,901.35Melanie & Andrew Wilson 34,824.10Sharon & Andrew Bird 34,726.36Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 34,366.51Debbie Gee & David White 34,042.09Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 33,884.62Allan Ledwidge 32,744.31John & Janice Halsall 32,465.01Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 32,444.00Doug & Sandra Roper 31,898.11Clare & Martin Whitelock 31,674.50Caroline & Philip Thompson 31,572.86Sunil Popat 31,392.99Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 31,304.69Christine Lappin & Simon Place 30,794.01Peter & Sheryl Dutton 29,923.47Stuart & Gail Mckibbin 29,604.10Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman 29,145.62Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox 29,036.01Stephen Clark 28,950.50Michael & Jennifer Allsop 28,527.97Kerry & Paul Stonall 27,761.83Keith & Patricia Phillips 27,558.45Jack Kirby 27,408.25Brian Manchester 27,345.59Michael & Sandra Laydon 26,850.20Ian & Agnieszka Clarke 26,837.85Karim Karmali 26,679.96Alexandra Tuesley 26,375.38Linda & Tony Gower 26,017.38Robert Gould 25,856.00Gerwyn Duggan 25,856.00David Pope 25,774.40Ivan Darch 25,652.84Amanda & Andrew Holland 25,533.53John & Karina Beesley 25,150.21Jen & Garry Luke 25,055.98Chantele & Barry Travis 24,840.88Steve & Cathy Chambers 24,816.76Lesley Burroughs 24,783.56Conor & Linda Treanor 24,683.61Nicola & Jerome Neville 24,634.83Debra & Oliver Pusey 24,430.67Paul Flintoft 23,845.54Seph Oconnell & Sarah Watson 23,844.07Gordon & Patrick Davidson 23,780.01Colin & Charlene Sadler 23,387.16Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin 23,371.91Keith & Helen Sandland 23,069.42Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 22,922.57Robert Wellock 21,922.61Cindy & David Brown 21,922.61Joseph O’Donnell 21,727.88John Smith 21,460.09Rosemary & Christopher Day 21,329.42Brian & Gay Redstone 21,319.54Karen & Peter Flitton 21,271.44Mikaela & Andrew Brown 21,242.78Gill & Tim Evans 21,171.20Amelia & Hannah Mchard 20,770.16Phil Curtis 20,721.09Coleen & Stephen Batchelor 20,508.39Harold & Minnie Fulton 20,352.84Christopher & Lynne Marshall 20,193.43Harry Hancock 20,011.05Abigail Colclough 19,939.65Kevin Sands 19,640.49Terry & Jane Hodge 19,626.90Bernadette Murray 19,606.63Maria Monaghan & Shane Treanor 19,579.90Tony & Wendy Vallerine 19,533.82Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy 19,470.56Michael & Janet Wallace 19,348.60Patrick & Helen Loftus 19,216.44Colin & Sarby Turnbull 19,188.87Angela & James Macleod 19,142.52Steven Harding & Narissa Mather 19,064.23Jim & Vicky Smith 18,950.52Pamela Jarvis 18,883.98Gareth & Gil Duffy 18,808.88Charlie & Gillian Whitton 18,560.02Mark & Sarah Wildman 18,524.42Robert & Rosemary Annan 18,400.38Barry & Cecilia Bradbury 18,363.82Alison & Kevin Thomas 18,315.03Gareth & Jeanette Jones 17,801.25Amy Warrington 17,797.30Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor 17,758.81Ann & John Coe 17,663.04Diane & Geoff Owen 17,559.78Terry Hayden 17,358.31Steven Mee & Jaqueline Mullings 17,329.68Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 17,319.07Kodwo Anderson 17,137.98Keith & Veronica King 17,137.98Timothy & Tina Pace 17,046.15Christopher Young & Helena Edwards 16,722.40Darren & Christina Simmons 16,688.49Jillian & Peter Griffiths 16,680.27Jim & Marian Lombard 16,565.28Linda & Ian Stanley 16,482.41William & Sharon Stevenson 16,474.14John & Kath Clease 16,411.05Elaine & Martin Spafford 16,398.85Kenneth Rooney & Karen Jordan 16,387.61Gloria & Clive Davies 16,316.92Caroline & Simon Harvey 16,233.88Martyn Cunningham 16,176.89Bev & Dave Townsend 15,946.61Donna & Charles Warr 15,943.76Narendra & Kashmir Kalon 15,913.61David Belcher 15,815.55Shirley Pere & John Barnes 15,760.22John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 15,742.67Heather Brown 15,714.76Richard & Helen Peuleve 15,693.00Christine & Jim Foster 15,678.63Michael Amor-Wilkes 15,665.04Maria & Lee Kowalkowski 15,550.93Nichola & David Walmsley 15,436.67Raymond & Susan Kirkland 15,404.25Omran Zaman 15,310.74

10,000 And AbovePaul Meikle 14,949.91Tim Sandom 14,902.10Arthur & Susan Cuthbert 14,735.14David & Judith McCreath 14,735.14Lyn & Tony Davies 14,677.57Dawn & Bruce Marsden 14,409.76Michael & Julia Tolton 14,362.17

Peter & Jean Monroe 14,352.55Clive & Pamela Lennard 14,318.57Anthony & Susan Peacham 14,285.43Varghese & Leeba Koshy 14,212.30James & Jane White 14,122.11Ian & Pauline Pilkington 14,018.14Claire & Paul Howells 14,007.28Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 13,966.98Michael Godwin 13,875.55Helen & Andrew Walsh 13,853.68Iain & Jackie Swanston 13,771.93Robert & Jacqueline Dolan 13,738.05Angela Wallace 13,709.73Wendy Fielding 13,695.06Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 13,690.27Denys & Laura Harris 13,685.46Bill Caddy 13,567.93Bernie & Barbara Klinger 13,445.42Ann Searle & Philip Linsey 13,426.54Andrew & Cheryl Williams 13,296.48Jeffrey & Frances Topple 13,289.34Keith & Teresa Faulkner 13,263.25Bill & Joyce Rowe 13,224.06Sarah Jenkins 13,224.06Colin Roy Scott-Smith 13,087.10Neil & Susan Maclean 13,087.10James Dale & Claire Daniels 13,086.93Shirley Gowland & Josephine Davies 13,077.29Declan & Monica Manning 13,027.38Tavis Taylor 13,026.73Sandra Brown 12,863.17Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester 12,863.17Darryl Allen 12,863.17Richard & Ranti Fallowfield 12,820.37Stephen & Joyce Milne 12,818.95Robert & Jennifer Clifton 12,804.64Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras 12,782.29Warren & Pamela Sewell 12,691.57Barry & Nina Mitchell 12,640.76Sheila & Nigel Fowler 12,599.09Raymond & Lorraine Satchell 12,563.83Roger & Simon Mantle 12,501.26David Potter 12,496.86Norman & Joanne Grundy 12,452.56David Byatt & Janet Smith 12,448.34Seamus & Clare Houghton 12,423.90John & Jenny Caton 12,318.45Bob & Rosemarie Hardy 12,286.08Isobel & James Orr 12,194.01David & Jenny Gerry 12,115.14Angel & Stuart Hill 12,107.50Leslie & Moira Harris 12,107.50Paul Melville 12,089.99Claire Mires 12,064.29Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse 12,047.33Christine & Con Browning 12,001.40Barbara Margaret Webb 11,958.41Gavin Thomson 11,891.50Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison 11,831.79Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham 11,805.63Pierce & Janet Hartley 11,724.78Timothy Murphy 11,647.70Raymond & Barbara Mann 11,563.71Sharon & Craig Davis 11,557.57Ian & Carol Parker 11,503.69Ian & Anita Saville 11,477.90Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley 11,412.10Karl-Josef & Brigitte Mergler 11,410.39Roger & Gillian Coupe 11,408.46Richard & Greta Brownridge 11,396.13William & Jane Warrington 11,342.36Carole & James Sunter 11,309.58Michael & Anne Barnaville 11,286.86David & Elaine Luke 11,261.56Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher 11,257.55Norah Bohan 11,208.20David & Christine Rhodes 11,206.85Gerard Coste 11,148.37Fay & Andrew Roe 11,136.81Dean & Rachel Rothwell 11,136.33Marion & Anthony Homer 11,012.92Lorraine & Ian Balcombe 10,997.31Christopher Conroy 10,997.31Kelly & Steve Elliott 10,979.04Chris & Nicky Evans 10,976.18Patricia Fisher 10,943.01Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman 10,923.24Janet & Terry Mulley 10,901.99Michael & Lianne Rust 10,901.99Robert Young & Clare Mears 10,892.35Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 10,858.27Philip & Alison Wimbles 10,843.61Georgina & Phil Gale 10,791.01Jackie & Stuart Bower 10,683.35Nigel Le Long 10,669.62Trevor & Janet Rawding 10,644.81Boban Abraham & Gimma Boban 10,641.29Kate Lee 10,640.92Terry Card 10,600.38Elizabeth & Ian Hyams 10,563.95Mark Law & Diana Searle 10,490.74Marcus & Joyce Emerson 10,481.20David & Lynn Bole 10,375.42Andrew & Denise Hunt 10,358.20Terry Drew 10,328.67Andrew & Vicky De Caso 10,317.03Kira Mckibbin & Andrew Thomas 10,308.10Melissa Squires & Ian Slade 10,303.57Veronica Nixon 10,249.57Gail & Darren Drew 10,240.39Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz 10,176.22Catherine & Stephen Lord 10,140.79Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan 10,136.77Tim & Freda Drinkwater 10,136.08David & Deborah Lord 10,136.08Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr 10,106.17Cath & John Wilkinson 10,049.63John Greenwood 10,010.97

7,500 And AbovePeter & Angela Abrahams 9,999.06Graham & Christine James 9,923.18Diana Schuch 9,902.47Julian & Karen Pike 9,875.33Markus Klotzer & Petra Romoser 9,859.76Vivienne & Richard Washington 9,858.12David & Heather Flannagan 9,846.27Glyn Thomas 9,829.43Alex Dewar 9,777.62Jerome Hadley & Marissa Gigg 9,756.16John & Mary Marsh 9,744.60Henry & Diana Crosby 9,721.85June & David Love 9,717.13Peter & Cathy Legg 9,677.93Patricia & Dennis Corser 9,669.24Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton 9,648.56Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks 9,594.51

Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso 9,568.44Geth & Lynwen Thomas 9,544.01Ron & Heidi Body 9,465.33Sarah Trim 9,452.04Steven Bond 9,443.63Sarah Darch & Timothy Philp 9,441.83Brian & Diane Holmwood 9,438.75Johanna & Stuart Peuleve 9,431.53Anthony & Leslie Carrick 9,408.27Kimberley Sunter 9,374.60Pete Gill & Amy Kisnorbo 9,372.67Allan & Myra Collins 9,367.32Sarah Sancho 9,367.06Craig & Linda Lomas 9,280.54Christine & Ian Brennan 9,273.59Binil Mathew & Sherry Theckanath Chacko 9,210.33Tom & Kathryn Forbes 9,179.81Shorne & Judith Hodds 9,164.81Diana Babbage & Joanna Turner 9,128.92Sadie Oboyle 9,084.45Kathleen & Dominic Carolan 9,084.45Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent 9,080.68Frederick & Karen Mason 9,056.34Elizabeth & George Kerr 9,053.70Ian & Lucy Bradwell 9,032.08Rosie Ward & Jack Kerbel 8,998.96Paul Smith & Angela Solomon 8,935.93Ann Tawn 8,882.62Suzanne & Richard Woolven 8,870.99Bentley & Catherine Knight 8,867.14Geoffrey & Berenice Davey 8,841.50John Rees & Diane Mowels 8,812.76Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec 8,747.30Lynne Flaxman 8,713.80Joe Croll 8,709.93William & Agnes Burgess 8,692.27Clare Haines 8,665.78Antony & Aileen Gunn 8,645.16Bob & Diane Goulding 8,640.85Chaitali & Ajit Nath 8,616.05Louise Puttick 8,559.88Jess Kochery Varghese & Ancil Issac 8,548.46Robert & Jennifer Radbourne 8,543.48Christina & Rob Cann 8,528.43Susan Clements 8,518.03Yvonne & Jonathan Coffey 8,467.65Anne & Michael Grieve 8,462.44John & Lesley Mcnally 8,459.12Linda Charles 8,459.12Lesley & Gordon Whittington 8,450.44Lesley & Steven Tombs 8,382.85Sylvia & Gary Green 8,376.15Paul & Gosia Hammond 8,375.29Susan Walton 8,342.37Colin & Gillian Campbell 8,323.70Jeanette & David Ward 8,312.77Janet & Andrew Mitchell 8,311.47Kevin Rider 8,246.25Linda & David Leadbetter 8,236.21Philip Gaffney & Isabella Wharton-Gaffney 8,236.21Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall 8,231.56Martina & James Mcgrath 8,215.52Richard Tibbetts & Suzanne Pilcher 8,203.29Richard Roberts 8,164.13Andrew Platten & Tracie Lowndes 8,143.84Georgina Marshall & Will Goodger 8,137.27Sara & Steven Smith 8,129.10Simon Luckett & Cristina Simoes 8,120.43Rita & Peter Noble 8,120.43Janet & Roger Bowen 8,119.11Rhys & Susan Williams 8,117.82Paula Macleod & Pierre De Spa 8,116.69Jacqueline Akhurst & Steven Ellis 8,114.81Tammy Mullins & Simon Lanning 8,109.62Sharon & Steve Agnew 8,087.43Anna & Paul Scott 8,073.78Kim Atherton 8,066.37Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford 8,058.35Stewart Lonsdale & Susan Allen 8,056.81Karen & Lee 8,022.56Kenny Liggett 7,985.69Sally Print & Darren Phipps 7,974.24Jasbir Kaur 7,973.37Alex & Kathleen Langler 7,972.95Graham & Jennifer Shaw 7,966.94Douglas & Theresa Hack 7,944.64Peter Savidge 7,942.92Jennifer & Martin Amos 7,917.19David Russell 7,912.65Ron & Sue Keeler 7,909.38Jason Leigh 7,899.39Linda & Alan Cannings 7,890.01Gabrielle & Christopher Brace 7,870.75Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore 7,865.05Michael & Mercy Radbourne 7,826.62Sandra Ellis 7,801.97Cormie Marshall & Gwen Drysdale 7,794.16Liz & Andy Gowland 7,786.81Daniel & Michelle Marshall 7,784.00Emma Colley 7,769.55Michael Prior 7,765.76Margaret & Michael Drayton 7,764.31Glenn & Claire Few 7,752.98Suzanne Jane & Robin Colbourne 7,736.23Mark Jones 7,711.34Paul & Elaine Evans 7,699.04Jane & Andrew Connor 7,692.74Negin & Michael Backhouse 7,692.16Lorraine & Mark Collins 7,691.48Alan & Barbara Rea 7,675.12Adam Swire & Deborah Heron 7,670.10Susan & Gerald Osborne 7,669.30Stephen & Laine Shepherd 7,665.05Anthony Mervin 7,658.06Alan & Rebekah Larner 7,655.25Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell 7,653.15Kathleen Watson 7,653.04Alan Bennett 7,652.89Peter & Angela Bach 7,650.31Stephen & Barbara Courtney 7,650.31Caroline & Mark Sellars 7,646.71David Lewis 7,640.56Michael Collin & Gwendoline Hannan 7,627.34Susan Hook 7,620.81Ronnie & Chris Mclachlan 7,595.19Richard Howe 7,589.51Karen Lewis & Kevin Marriott 7,587.24Sheelagh & Paul Humphries 7,586.47Andrew Webber & Kerryann Perry 7,573.50Gavin & Trish Conway 7,569.41Andrew Nicoll & Danielle Young 7,567.85Niall & Eileen Mckenna 7,563.88Emma & Chris Shafe 7,548.72Paul & Avril Coleman 7,539.35Joy Dwyer & Verena Clarke 7,536.84Jeanette & Roy Bonella 7,535.58Stuart Chantler & Claire Garrod 7,534.75Ann & Robert Campbell 7,532.14


Page 12: Kleeneze 2010 Ewb 10


WE’RE BACK - BUT NOT FOR LONG,BECAUSE WE’RE OFF TO HONG KONG!Everyone we spoke to in Cape Town was determined to get as manyof their team mates out to Hong Kong in November as possible.“Nobody really joins Kleeneze to go on one of these trips,” DougRoper said. “They join for the income. But, you have to achieve them.Sandra and I have built our business around these trips. It helps tomove your business forward. You need to take massive action and lotsof it.”

Building your business – who would have believed it could be thisrewarding?!

“We had a fabulous time out in Cape Town – it was truly anexperience never to be forgotten. To think this business all starts withdistributing your first catalogue and speaking to your first potentialteam member - its amazing how far you can take not only yourbusiness but your lifestyle.

We intend to help and support as manyteam members as possible to achieve thesuccess our first time qualifiers John andLesley McNally have had and more. We havea fantastic team spirit and very colourfulteam status. 2010 is going to be a veryexciting year! For anyone who would also liketo achieve success, it has to start with you.

Have a plan that you believe in and make sure you take advice fromthose who are qualified to guide you. Then make sure you action yourplan with immediate effect and continue to do so daily, regardless ofwhat challenges might come your way.

The criteria to qualify for Hong Kong would be a good choice to usefor you to be able to move your business forward, and in the worsecase scenario if you just miss Hong Kong think of how much biggeryour cheque would be?? So very much a win-win situation.”Michael and Sandra Laydon, Gold Executive Distributors

“As a Cape Town Qualifier, I vaguelyremember the competition from Period 10 toPeriod 1 2010 being announced but thatwas it. I had goals of my own: to doBP2000+every period, to have a PSG of atleast BP 3,400 and to qualify at BronzeExecutive a few times. I sponsored a fewpeople, and basically worked my socks off forthree months. I qualified at Bronze in Period12 and then 13. The latter was vey specialbecause that was the first time since 2001!

The rest was down to the team. I did a newsletter every period. I didan email to the team every week listing their retail. I went to everymeeting I could. I only became aware that I was in the frame onJanuary 23 when I attended Mike and Amanda Bibby’s workshop.What an incredible reward for all the work I put in from October toend of Period 1. It certainly pays to be a headless chicken!”

Michael Ogden, Silver Executive Distributor

“I’ve got to say that Cape Town is absolutely fantastic. It’s beenwonderful to see so many people who are coming on an internationalDestination for the first time. It’s a fantastic mix of people. We’ve allhad so much fun together.

There’s lots of excitement in our team aboutHong Kong now. Make sure you’ve set yourgoals. Everyone knows what to do. Getsponsoring and get people off to a goodstart in the business. Hong Kong may be thenext Destination, but you need to thinkabout the next and the next and the next.Hong Kong could be the start of the next 10conferences for you.”Jackie White, Gold Premier Executive Distributor

“We’re home safe and sound from a trulyamazing conference in Cape Town. We had afun-filled, packed agenda of events giving usa chance to see a lot of what the city has tooffer.

We’ve had loads of laughs, made some greatnew friendships, eaten and drunk far toomuch, been pampered in 5-star luxury where

nothing is too much trouble and gained lots of useful information tohelp improve our business

We are so fired up to make the rest of this year equally if not morefantastic than these first few periods. Hong Kong is just around thecorner and we’re really looking forward to sharing it with lots of teammembers so they too can see the wonder of a Kleeneze conference - itblows your mind.”

Jim Dale and Claire Daniels, Senior Distributors

“It’s been the most fantastic Destination.Even after all the build up from the company– it’s far exceeded our expectations. There’sno way you could go on a normal holidayand compare it to this. Even if you couldafford it and even if you did the sameactivities, it would be lacking the camaraderieand positivity that Kleeneze brings.

To qualify for Hong Kong, it’s all into the planning. You will not do thisunless you have a plan. That plan might change a few times along theway, but that doesn’t matter. Keep to it and follow it step by step.Have a laser focus. Don’t have the mentality that you have to do theminimum of the criteria. Do all you need to do.

It will strengthen your businesses and in qualifying for Hong Kong,you’ll be in a strong position to qualify for the next, your business willbe stronger and your cheque will be bigger It’s as simple as that.

Do as much as you can and get it in the bag early.You don’t want to miss it.” Andrew Buxton and Laura Kelly, Silver Executive Distributors