kotlin: maybe it's the right time

Kotlin: maybe it’s the right time Davide Cerbo - Entaksi CODEMOTION MILAN - SPECIAL EDITION 10 – 11 NOVEMBER 2017

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Page 1: Kotlin: maybe it's the right time

Kotlin: maybe it’s the right timeDavide Cerbo - Entaksi


Page 2: Kotlin: maybe it's the right time

Chi sono

Hi, my name is Davide and I’m writing bad code since I was 7. Since 2003 I’m paid for that.

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DisclaimerHere we have a lot of println, and some jokes.

My wife said that they aren’t funny.

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C’era una volta OAK

It was 1992 and in Italy there was a big scandal: Tangentopoli.

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C’era una volta OAK Java

Borns in 1995 and now can drink beers.

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Il grande problema

Backward compatibility

(The art of killing your app because the environment evolve while you can’t)

JDK 1.0 (21 january 1996)JDK 1.1 (19 february 1997)

J2SE 1.2 (8 december 1998)J2SE 1.3 (8 my 2000)

J2SE 1.4 (6 february 2002)J2SE 5.0 (30 september 2004)Java SE 6 (11 december 2006)

Java SE 7 (28 july 2011)Java SE 8 (18 march 2014)

Java SE 9 (26 september 2017)

Tutte compatibili!

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JVM != Java


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JVM != Java

class Hello {

fun sayHello(): String {

return "hello!"



public final class Hello {

// access flags 0x11 public final sayHello()Ljava/lang/String; @Lorg/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull;() // invisible L0 LINENUMBER 8 L0 LDC "hello!" ARETURN L1 LOCALVARIABLE this Ltotest/Hello; L0 L1 0 MAXSTACK = 1 MAXLOCALS = 1

// access flags 0x1 public <init>()V L0 LINENUMBER 6 L0 ALOAD 0 INVOKESPECIAL java/lang/Object.<init> ()V RETURN L1 LOCALVARIABLE this L/Hello; L0 L1 0 MAXSTACK = 1 MAXLOCALS = 1

@Lkotlin/Metadata;(mv={1, 1, 1}, bv={1, 0, 2}, k=1, d1={"\u0000\u0012\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u0000\n\u0002\u0008\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u000e\n\u0000\u0018\u00002\u00020\u0001B\u0005\u00a2\u0006\u0002\u0010\u0002J\u0006\u0010\u0003\u001a\u00020\u0004\u00a8\u0006\u0005", d2={"L/Hello;", "", "()V", "sayHello", "", "production sources for module coroutine_main"}) // compiled from: Hello.kt}


mv = {1, 1, 7},

bv = {1, 0, 2},

k = 1,

d1 =



d2 = {"Ltotest/Hello;", "", "()V", "sayHello", "", "production sources for module coroutine_main"}


public final class Hello {


public final String sayHello() {

return "hello!";



Compile Decompile

Page 9: Kotlin: maybe it's the right time

Machine code is not enought?

Assembly languagesMachine code

Logic languages(Prolog)

Functional languages(Haskell)

Procedural languages(C)

Object-oriented languages(Java)

The Case for Kotlin and Ceylon by Russel Winderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFL_DDXBkJQ

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Why Kotlin?

Hey! People said the same about Scala in the past. So why not Scala?

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So, why not Scala?

Kotlin is a better Java while Scala is more powerful than Java, and probably than Kotlin. But, Kotlin borns in the industry for the industry

and it evolves with the industry in mind, while Scala borns at the university and it is adapted to the industry. Unfortunately, we work

for the industry.

https://agilewombat.com/2016/02/01/scala-vs-kotlin/ https://superkotlin.com/kotlin-vs-scala/

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Page 13: Kotlin: maybe it's the right time

Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure.

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Since 2010(2012): KOTLIN!

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04 Gennaio 2017Introducing Kotlin support in Spring Framework 5.0


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17 Maggio 2017Kotlin on Android. Now official



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5 Giugno 2017kotlin-react borns!



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1.0 Release

1.1 Release

Kotlin is born


Android Official


Statische download

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Please shutdown the lights

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Var o Val

var serie = "B"

var a = "Salernitana will win Serie $serie"

val b = "Salernitana will win Serie $serie"

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fun main(args: Array<String>){

hello("Davide", "Salerno")


fun hello(name: String, city: String){

println("Hello $name from $city")


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Fun fun functions

fun hello(name: String, city: String = "Salerno") = println("Hello $name from $city")

hello("Davide", "Salerno")

hello(name = "Davide")

hello(city = "Salerno", name = "Valentina")

fun Int.multilpy(x: Int): Int = this * x // 5.multilpy(10)

infix fun Int.multilpy(x: Int): Int = this * x // 5 multilpy 10

Aiuta anche nel refactoring!

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E gli operatori?data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {

operator fun plus(a: Point) = Point(x + a.x, y + a.y)


operator fun Point.unaryMinus() = Point(-x, -y)

val point = Point(10, 20)

println(point + point + point) //Point(x=30, y=60)

println(-point) // Point(x=-10, y=-20)

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Tailrec● Rercursion, in some language, can cause: StackOverflow!

● Reduce stack execution.

● Tailrec will resolve this issue only if the recursive call is the last one.

● How? Transform your code in imperative code. Less readable, but more fast.

● Performance improvement

fun factorial(n: Long): Long = if (n <= 1L) n else n * factorial(n - 1)

tailrec fun factorial(n: Long, accumulator: Long = 1): Long = if (n <= 1L) accumulator

else factorial(n - 1, accumulator * n)

Tailrec cannot


“If” will return the verified condition value

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Tailrec decompiledpublic static final long factorial(long n, long accumulator) { while(n > 1L) { long var10000 = n - 1L; accumulator *= n; n = var10000; } return accumulator; }

public static long factorial$default(long var0, long var2, int var4, Object var5) { if((var4 & 2) != 0) { var2 = 1L; } return factorial(var0, var2); }}

public static final long factorial(long n, long accumulator) { return n <= 1L?accumulator:factorial(n - 1L, accumulator * n);}

public static long factorial$default(long var0, long var2, int var4, Object var5) { if((var4 & 2) != 0) { var2 = 1L; }

return factorial(var0, var2);}




Tools > Kotlin > Show Kotlin Bytecode > Decompile

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open class Person(val name: String) {

init { println("init…") }

open fun speak() { println("Hi $name!") }

infix fun and(o: Person) = "Hi ${o.name} & ${this.name}"


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Person("Davide") and Person("Valentina")

val p = Person("Jack")



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class Customer(name: String) : Person(name) {

override fun speak() {

println("Welcome $name!")



class CustomerDavide : Person("Davide") {

override fun speak() {

println("Welcome $name!")



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Equals, hashCode, toString e copy, nevermore!

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

val davide = User("Davide", 35)

val davideJunior = davide.copy(age=0)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val (name, age) = davide

println("$name $age years old")



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Nothing is equal as appear

data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)

val a = Point(1, 2)

val b = Point(1, 2)

val c = a

println(a === b) // false

println(a == b) // true

println(a === c) // true

println(a == c) // true

Controlla il riferimento


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fun main(args: Array<String>) {

arrayOf("Valentina", "Davide").forEach { println("Hello $it!") }

val ints = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)

val logger = { msg: Any -> println("log $msg") }

ints.map { value -> value * 2 }.map { v -> logger(v) }

ints.map { it * 2 }.map { logger(it) }


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class Customer(val name: String) {

fun forEach(action: (char: Char) -> Unit) = name.forEach(action)

fun hello(callback: (name: String) -> Unit) = callback(name)

fun upperCaseAndConcat(callback: () -> String) = "${callback()} $name".toUpperCase()


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val customer = Customer("Davide")

customer.hello { println("Ciao $it") }

println(customer.upperCaseAndConcat { "Cerbo" })

customer.forEach { println(it) }


È il tipo con un solo valore vuoto. Corrisponde a void in Java.

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Lambda & Function Label

fun forEachTest() {

val numbers = 1..100

numbers.forEach {

if (it == 25) {



println("index $it")




fun forEachTest() {

val numbers = 1..100

numbers.forEach {

if (it == 25) {



println("index $it")





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Tell me when, when?

fun describe(obj: Any): String = when (obj) {

1 -> "One"

"Hello" -> "Greeting"

is Long -> "Long"

!is String -> "Not a string"

else -> "Unknown"



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Null is safe!var testA:String = "ciao"

var testB:String? = "ciao"

testB = null

val nullableList: List<Int?> =

listOf(1, 2, null, 4)

val intList: List<Int> =


println("a0 ${testA.length}")

println("a1 ${testA?.length}")

println("a2 ${testA!!.length}")

println("b0 ${testB.length}")

// ^ Not safe! Compile time error! ^

println("b1 ${testB?.length}")

println("b2 ${testB!!.length}")

// ^ KotlinNullPointerException ^

// NPE Lovers

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Null is safe!val nullableList: List<Int?> = listOf(1, 2, null, 4)

val intList: List<Int> = nullableList.filterNotNull() // [1, 2, 4]

val aInt: Int? = b as? Int

// If b is null, normally we will will have a NullPointerException, while if the type is

differente we will have a ClassCastExeption. Usin “as?” we haven’t exception, we

will have a null value assigned to the aInt value.

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Null è sicuro

data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int?)

val person:Person? = Person("Jack", 1)

if (person?.age != null) {

println("The person is aged ${person?.age}")



person?.age?.let {

println("The person is aged $it")


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?:Elvis operator

val davide = Person(testA)

val elvis = Person(testB ?: "Elvis")


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Get & Set

class Strange(var value: Long) {

var strangeValue: Long

get() = value * 2


if(value > 5) this.value = value



fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val customer = Strange(10)

println(customer.strangeValue) //20

customer.strangeValue = 3

println(customer.strangeValue) //20

customer.strangeValue = 6

println(customer.strangeValue) //12


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Delegated properties: non può farlo qualcun altro?

class Delegate {

operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {

return "$thisRef, thank you for delegating '${property.name}' to me!"


operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) {

println("$value has been assigned to '${property.name} in $thisRef.'")



class Example {

var p: String by Delegate()


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Delegated properties: il pigro e l’osservabile

val lazyValue: String by lazy {




fun main(args: Array<String>) {




class User {

var n: String by Delegates.observable("empty") {

prop, old, new -> println("$old -> $new")



fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val user = User()

user.n = "first"

user.n = "second"


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Coroutine ⋍ light-weight thread● Are like threads, they run in parallel, wait for each other and they communicate.● Area cheap, we can create many of those without having performance issues.● Are executed in a thread pool.● A thread can handle more than one coroutine.● The thread became free while a coroutine is in waiting when the coroutine will return active, it

will use a free thread in the pool.


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Coroutine sono oneste

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {

val jobs = List(100_000) {

launch {





jobs.forEach { it.join() }


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val jobs = List(100_000) {

thread(start = true) {





jobs.forEach { it.join() }



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Coroutine: suspend, async / awaitfun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> { val time = measureTimeMillis { val one = doSomethingUsefulOne() val two = doSomethingUsefulTwo() println("The answer is ${one + two}") } println("Completed in $time ms")}

suspend fun doSomethingUsefulOne(): Int { delay(1000L) return 13}

suspend fun doSomethingUsefulTwo(): Int { delay(1000L) return 29}

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking<Unit> { val time = measureTimeMillis { val one = async { doSomethingUsefulOne() } val two = async { doSomethingUsefulTwo() } println("The answer is ${one.await() + two.await()}") } println("Completed in $time ms")}

suspend fun doSomethingUsefulOne(): Int { delay(1000L) return 13}

suspend fun doSomethingUsefulTwo(): Int { delay(1000L) return 29}

~2 sec.~1 sec.

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Coroutine is the basement


ActorsCommunication Sequence Process


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class GreeterTest { @Mock lateinit var user: User lateinit var tested: Greeter @Before fun setUp() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this) tested = Greeter(user) } @Test fun englishGreetIsCorrect() { whenever(user.fullName()).thenReturn("Codemotion") assertEquals("Hello Codemotion!", tested.getGreeting()) }}

all values are final by default. With lateinit the compiler knows that someone will intialize it later.

Mockito.`when` is not the best choice with Kotlin. The cause is that Kotlin avoid null, and can cause issues with .any() mehtod. The “whenever” method is part of mockito-kotlin libary.

backticks are used when the method name is a reserved word.

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Testing: Mockito-Kotlin

class GreeterTest {

val user: User = mock {

on { fullName() }.then { "Codemotion" }


val tested: Greeter = Greeter(user)


fun `english greeting is correct`() {

assertEquals("Hello, Codemotion!", tested.getGreeting())



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Testing: Kluentclass GreeterTest3 {

val user: User = mock {

on { fullName() }.then { "Codemotion" }


val tested: Greeter = Greeter(user)


fun `english greeting is correct`() {

tested.getGreeting() `should equal` "Hello, Codemotion!"



fun `cannot smoke`() {

val davide = User("Davide", "Cerbo")

val davideSmoke = { davide.smoke() }

davideSmoke `should throw` RuntimeException::class `with message` "Cannot smoke!"



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dependencies { compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre8:$kotlin_version" testCompile "org.mockito:mockito-core:2.8.9" testCompile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test-junit:$kotlin_version" testCompile 'de.jodamob.kotlin:kotlin-runner-junit4:0.3.1' testCompile "com.nhaarman:mockito-kotlin-kt1.1:1.5.0" testCompile 'org.amshove.kluent:kluent:1.30'}


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Now is the time to remember that Kotlin is good because the trade-off between synthesis and

readable code is really good.

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Automatic restart

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Webapp: Gradlebuildscript {


dependencies {


classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-noarg:$kotlinVersion"




apply plugin: "kotlin-jpa"

group = 'it.devday'

version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'



JPA need an empty constructor in some entities, and Kotlin objects don’t have. To solve this issue we can use this plugin that will create an empty constructor in any object, without any change to our codebase.

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Webapp: Domain & Repository

import it.devday.kotlincodemotion.domain.Contact

import org.springframework.data....JpaRepository

interface ContactRepository: JpaRepository<Contact, Long>

import javax.persistence.Entity

import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue

import javax.persistence.Id


data class Contact(



val id: Long,

val name: String,

val surname: String)

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Webapp: Resource 1/2@RestController


class ContactResource(val contactRepository: ContactRepository) {

@GetMapping //curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/contacts

fun getAll() = contactRepository.findAll()

@GetMapping("/{id}") //curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/contacts/1

fun getAll(@PathVariable id: Long) = contactRepository.findById(id)

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Webapp: Resource 2/2@PostMapping //curl -XPOST http://localhost:8080/contacts -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d

'{"name":"Davide", "surname":"Cerbo"}'

fun insert(@RequestBody contact: Contact) = contactRepository.save(contact)

@DeleteMapping("/{id}") //curl -XDELETE http://localhost:8080/contacts/1

fun delete(@PathVariable id: Long) {

val contact = contactRepository.findById(id).unwrap()

contact?.let { contactRepository.delete(contact) }



aspetta...unwrap() non esiste su Optional

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Webapp: Application@SpringBootApplication

class KotlinCodemotionApplication

fun <T> Optional<T>.unwrap(): T? = orElse(null)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {



ecco unwrap()!

array is passed element by element, it is used with vararg argumentspublic inline fun <reified T : kotlin.Any> runApplication(vararg args: kotlin.String)

The generic type will be avaible in the method. Wow!

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Hey, I’m a frontend developer, where is my code?

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$ create-react-kotlin-app kotlin-codemotion-front

$ cd kotlin-codemotion-from

$ yarn start








Kotlin React: Application

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React is a framework made by Facebook to build UI. Is the

View in the MVC pattern.

It simple associate a state to a specific UI. Your UI will change

regarding your state.

Kotlin React: Stop! What is React?

{name: “Davide”, color: “red”}

Hi Davide!

{name: “Jack”, color: “green”}

Hi Jack!

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Kotlin React: Application: Component definitioninterface ContactListProps : RProps {

var owner: String


interface ContactListState : RState {

var list: Array<Contact>


class ContactList(props: ContactListProps) : RComponent<ContactListProps, ContactListState>(props) {

override fun ContactListState.init(props: ContactListProps) {

list = emptyArray()



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Kotlin React: Application: Data loading override fun componentDidMount() {

async {

val listData = httpGet("/contacts")

setState { list = JSON.parse<Array<Contact>>(listData) }



remember to define the proxy in package.json:

"proxy": "http://localhost:8080"

Page 61: Kotlin: maybe it's the right time

Kotlin React: Application: UI rendering override fun RBuilder.render() {

div("ContactList-header") {

key = "contactListHeader"

h2 { +"${props.owner}'s contact list" }

ul {

for (c in state.list) {

li { +"${c.id}: ${c.name} ${c.surname}" }



} } }

fun RBuilder.contactList(owner: String = "No-name") = child(ContactList::class) {

attrs.owner = owner


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What we miss?

● Spring WebFlux● Reactor● Android + Kotlin● Native + Kotlin


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Everything is here:https://github.com/jesty/kotlin-fossavotabona

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Useful resourceshttps://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/












