kp ezine 91 august 2014

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Page 1: KP EZine 91 August 2014

KP Ezine August 2014 1

Volume 8, Issue 7, August 2014

Page 2: KP EZine 91 August 2014

KP Ezine August 2014 2

Sl.No Par culars Author Page

1 Swedish general election 2014 Kanakkumar B. Bosmia 4

2 Transfer in Service Pranjal saikia 7

3 J.P. Morgan’s Horoscope Tin Win 10

4 Getting bail from court Navin Chitlangia 13

5 Spirituality and Self Emancipation- A KP Analysis

Gunti Nagaraju 17

6 Lost Mobile Kanakkumar B. Bosmia 21

7 Modi’s Swearing in Ceremony- Different Opinion

Dr. H.S. Nagi 23

8 Timing of Marriage Shiv Kumar Joshi 25

9 Permanent in Job Kanakkumar B. Bosmia 29

10 Question-Answer Tin Win 32

11 Book Review– Planetary cycles in the stock market, Volume 1

Tin Win 37

12 Reader's View 42

13 Planetary Position for August 2014 Generated from KPAstro 4.1TM



Volume 8, Issue 7, August 2014

Page 3: KP EZine 91 August 2014

KP Ezine August 2014 3

Published by: Kanakkumar B.


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Volume 8, Issue 7, August 2014


Page 4: KP EZine 91 August 2014

KP Ezine August 2014 4

Will the incumbent Red-Green coali on government win general elec on on 14-9-2014 ?

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug

Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165.

Email : [email protected]

Question: Will the incumbent Red-Green coalition government win in Swedish general elec-tion on 14-9-2014 ? Number. 89 (out of 249)Date of Judgment: 23-07-2014, Wednesday; Time of Judgment: 14:57:25 PM; IST Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’ Aynamsha 230.58'.12"

Hint: If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is assured.

Cuspal Sub Lord for Red-Green coalition: 10th Cusp (Pisces 190.29’.33”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. Venus is occupant of 12 owner of 5-12. No planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 1-2-8-10. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 4. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence Rahu represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 12, owner of 1-4. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 8-9. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Venus is the significator of 4-1-12 and connected with 12-5-1-2-8-10-9. Hence, the wining in election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for opponent: 10th Cusp (Virgo 190.29’.33”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Rahu and sub of Mars. Mercury is occupant of 6 owner of 7-10. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 10. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence Rahu represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 6 owner of 7-10. Sub lord Mars is occupant of 10, owner of 5-12. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is the significator of 10-6-7 and connected with 6-7-10-5-12. Hence, the wining in election is sure.

Joint period for Red-Green coalition: On the day of election (14-09-2014) the running joint das period is Mars-Jupiter-Moon-Rahu.

Dasa lord Mars is in the star of own and sub of Venus. Mars is occupant of 4, owner of 6-11. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 12, owner of 5-12. No planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 1-2-8-10. Thus dasa lord Mars signifies 4-6-11 and is connected with 5-12-1-2-8-10. Thus wining in election is sure.

Bhukti lord Jupiter is in the star of Saturn and sub of Ketu. Jupiter is occupant of 1, owner of 7-10. Star lord Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 8-9. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 10. No planet is in the star of Ketu, and Ketu is the CSL of 7. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 1, owner of 7-10. Thus bhukti lord Jupiter signifies 5-8-9 and is connected with 1-7-10. Thus wining in election is sure.

Antra lord Moon is in the star of Mars and sub of Jupiter. Moon is occupant of 12, owner of

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Horary No. 60/249

Sun Rise: 06:06:34 AM Sun Set: 07:25:23 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D

Nithya Yoga: Dhruva Hora: Moon Karana: Taitil

Horary No.: 60Question : The incomunt Red-Green coalition government will win in Swidish generla election on 14-9-2014 ?

Ke 29:31:38 X 19:29:33

XI 23:22:04 XII 26:13:29 Mo 27:07:34

Ve 11:49:55 Me 19:43:30 I 26:33:20

IX 18:01:20

Su 06:29:54 Ju 07:34:32 II 20:44:36

VIII 20:44:36

III 18:01:20

VII 26:33:20 VI 26:13:29

V 23:22:04 Sa 22:40:45 Ma 04:37:55

IV 19:29:33 Ra 29:31:38

Name: Swedish election 2014

Gender: MaleDate: Wednesday, 23/Jul/2014

Time: 02:57:25 PM SID: 10:22:00

Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E


Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 12"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

Star: Mrigasira, Pada 2

Star Lord: Mars

Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus

Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury

Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvadasi

Bal. Dasa: Mars 5 Y, 0 M, 3 D

Su 03:06:29:54Ju 03:07:34:32I 02:26:33:20

III 04:18:01:20

II 03:20:44:36

Ma 06:04:37:55IV 05:19:29:33Sa 06:22:40:45Ra 05:29:31:38

V 06:23:22:04

VI 07:26:13:29

VII 08:26:33:20

VIII 09:20:44:36

IX 10:18:01:20

Ke 11:29:31:38X 11:19:29:33

XI 00:23:22:04

Mo 01:27:07:34XII 01:26:13:29Me 02:19:43:30Ve 02:11:49:55












Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Dasa Summary

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Me Ma Mo

Mo Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Ve Ra

Ma Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Me Ra

Me Aridra(4) Me Ra Ma Ke Ve

Ju Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ke Mo Sa

Ve Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Mo Su

Sa Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Ve Ra

Ra Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Ra Sa

Ke Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Ra Sa

Cuspal Positions

Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

1 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Ve Ve Ve

2 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Ju Ra

3 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ma Su Ju

4 Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Sa Ve

5 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Sa Ra Ju

6 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ju Ju Ke

7 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Sa Ju

8 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Ve Me

9 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Su Ve Su

10 Revati(1) Ju Me Ve Ve Ra

11 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Sa Ma Ve

12 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ju Ju Ke

Significators - Planets View

Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)

Su+ 5 1 8, 9 3

Mo+ 4 12 6, 11 2

Ma 4 4 6, 11 6, 11

Me 4 12 1, 4

Ju 5 1 8, 9 7, 10

Ve+ 4 12 5, 12

Sa 1 5 7, 10 8, 9

Ra 4 4 6, 11

Ke+ 12 10 1, 4

Bhukti From

Mars Dasa27-Jul-2012 - 27-Jul-2019Mars 27-Jul-2012Rahu 23-Dec-2012Jupiter 10-Jan-2014Saturn 17-Dec-2014Mercury 26-Jan-2016Ketu 22-Jan-2017Venus 20-Jun-2017Sun 20-Aug-2018Moon 26-Dec-2018

Bhukti From

Rahu Dasa27-Jul-2019 - 27-Jul-2037Rahu 27-Jul-2019Jupiter 08-Apr-2022Saturn 01-Sep-2024Mercury 09-Jul-2027Ketu 26-Jan-2030Venus 13-Feb-2031Sun 13-Feb-2034Moon 08-Jan-2035Mars 09-Jul-2036

Bhukti From

Jupiter Dasa27-Jul-2037 - 27-Jul-2053Jupiter 27-Jul-2037Saturn 13-Sep-2039Mercury 27-Mar-2042Ketu 03-Jul-2044Venus 08-Jun-2045Sun 07-Feb-2048Moon 25-Nov-2048Mars 27-Mar-2050Rahu 03-Mar-2051

Saturn Dasa27-Jul-2053 - 27-Jul-2072Saturn 27-Jul-2053Mercury 30-Jul-2056Ketu 08-Apr-2059Venus 18-May-2060Sun 18-Jul-2063Moon 29-Jun-2064Mars 28-Jan-2066Rahu 08-Mar-2067Jupiter 13-Jan-2070

Mercury Dasa27-Jul-2072 - 27-Jul-2089Mercury 27-Jul-2072Ketu 23-Dec-2074Venus 20-Dec-2075Sun 20-Oct-2078Moon 27-Aug-2079Mars 26-Jan-2081Rahu 23-Jan-2082Jupiter 11-Aug-2084Saturn 17-Nov-2086

Ketu Dasa27-Jul-2089 - 27-Jul-2096Ketu 27-Jul-2089Venus 23-Dec-2089Sun 22-Feb-2091Moon 30-Jun-2091Mars 29-Jan-2092Rahu 26-Jun-2092Jupiter 14-Jul-2093Saturn 20-Jun-2094Mercury 29-Jul-2095

Venus Dasa27-Jul-2096 - 27-Jul-2116Venus 27-Jul-2096Sun 25-Nov-2099Moon 25-Nov-2100Mars 27-Jul-2102Rahu 26-Sep-2103Jupiter 26-Sep-2106Saturn 27-May-2109Mercury 27-Jul-2112Ketu 28-May-2115

Sun Dasa27-Jul-2116 - 27-Jul-2122Sun 27-Jul-2116Moon 13-Nov-2116Mars 15-May-2117Rahu 20-Sep-2117Jupiter 14-Aug-2118Saturn 03-Jun-2119Mercury 15-May-2120Ketu 21-Mar-2121Venus 27-Jul-2121

Moon Dasa27-Jul-2122 - 27-Jul-2132Moon 27-Jul-2122Mars 27-May-2123Rahu 26-Dec-2123Jupiter 27-Jun-2125Saturn 26-Oct-2126Mercury 27-May-2128Ketu 26-Oct-2129Venus 27-May-2130Sun 25-Jan-2132

Ruling Planets - 23/Jul/2014 02:57:25 PM


Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Lagna Ma Sa Sa Ra Ju

Moon Ve Ma Ju Ve Ra

Day Lord: Mercury

Rahu acts as agent for: Me.Ketu acts as agent for: Ju.

(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

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2. Star lord Mars is occupant of 4, owner of 6-11. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 1, ownerof 7-10. Thus antra lord Moon signifies 4-6-11 and is connected with 12-2-1-7-10. Thus wining in election is sure.

Sookshma lord Rahu is in the star of Mars and sub of Saturn. Rahu is occupant of 4. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence Rahu represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 12, owner of 1-4. Star lord Mars is occupant of 4, owner of 6-11. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 8-9. Thus Sookshma lord Rahu signifies 4-6-11 and is connected with 4-12-1-5-8-9. Sookshma lord does not signify 3-10-11 at all. Thus wining in election is not sure.

Joint period for opponent: On the day of election (14-09-2014) the running joint dasa period is Mars-Jupiter-Moon-Rahu.

Dasa lord Mars is in the star of own and sub of Venus. Mars is occupant of 10, owner of 5-12. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 6, owner of 6-11. No planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 7-2-8-4. Thus dasa lord Mars signifies 10-12-5 and is connected with 11-6-7-2-8-4. This indicates that wining in election is sure.

Bhukti lord Jupiter is in the star of Saturn and sub of Ketu. Jupiter is occupant of 7, owner of 1-4. Star lord Saturn is occupant of 11, owner of 2-3. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 4. No planet is in the star of Ketu, and Ketu is the CSL of 1. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 7, owner of 1-4. Thus bhukti lord Jupiter signifies 2-3-11 and is connected with 1-4-7. This indicates winning in election.

Antra lord Moon is in the star of Mars and sub of Jupiter. Moon is occupant of 6, owner of 8. Star lord Mars is occupant of 10, owner of 5-12. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 7, ownerof 1-4. Thus antra lord Moon signifies 2-3-11 and is connected with 1-4-7. This indicates winning in election.

Sookshma lord Rahu is in the star of Mars and sub of Saturn. Rahu is occupant of 10. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence Rahu represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 6, owner of 7-10. Star lord Mars is occupant of 10, owner of 5-12. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 11, owner of 2-3. Thus Sookshma lord Rahu signifies 5-10-12 and is connected with 10-6-7-11-2-3. This indicates winning in election.

My opinion: Sookshma lord for Red-Green coalition is not connected with 3-10-11 at all, thus there is no chance for this coalition to win this election.

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KP Ezine August 2014 7

Transfer in ServiceBy: Pranjal saikia

Garamur Duliagaon P O-Jorhat Engg College Jorhat Assam---785007

Ph no-0376-2360555; Mb no.-9435577375 [email protected]

Will I get transfer from my present place? My elder brother got transferred to a far off place from our home in January 2014. He was very upset and got confirmed that he would not get transferred again to a place near his hometown before 3 years of service. My elder brother asked me regarding his transfer from present place. He is currently away from home and wanted to get transferred to a place near hometown. I asked him to tell a number from 1-249. He gave number 9.

Query : Will I get transfer? Horary No : 9 (1 –249) Date : 24-02-2014; Time: 13:00:57 Place : JORHAT,ASSAM 94E13 , 26N45 ; Ayanamsa : KPNA 23:57:52

Hints: (1) Consider the houses 3, 10 and 12 for transfer in service with change of place (3rd-journey: being 12th from the 4th shows absence of the present residence i.e. change of place); 10th employment; 12th-(life in completely unfamiliar atmosphere). Ref: Nakshatra Chintamani, by C.R. Bhatt

Moon reveals the nature of query:

Moon represents mind, so in this chart Moon in 8th house means obstacles and frustration, tension regarding transfer. Moon is lord of 4. But Moon is aspected by Jupiter occupant of 3rd house, lord of 9 and 12. It is also aspected by Saturn in 7 lord of 10 and 11. So Moon signifies 3, 10, 12, and the querent’s mind regarding transfer is seen.

Cuspal analysis:

3rd Cusp-The sublord of 3rd cusp Moon is in the star of Ketu and sub of Venus. Ketu occupies 12th house. Ketu is aspected by Saturn lord of 10th house. Venus is in 9th house, close to 10th cusp. Thus, transfer is seen by signification of 3rd, 10th and 12th houses.

10th cusp- Rahu is 10th cusp sublord. Rahu is in its own star and sub. Rahu is in 6th house. Rahu is aspected by Jupiter from 3rd house owner of 9th and 12th houses. Rahu gives the results of Jupiter. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn (lord of 10th house) and in Libra sign of Venus in 9th house, close to 10th cusp. Its signification of 3rd, 10th and 12th houses clearly indicate transfer.

12th cusp- Mars is the sublord of 12th cusp in its own star and Venus sub. Venus is in 9th house, close to 10th cusp. It signifies 10th house for transfer.

Ruling planets at the time of judgment:

Asc-Signlord- Mecuryr, Starlord- Rahu, Sublord- Moon Moon -Signlord - Jupiter, Starlord- Ketu, Sublord- Venus

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Horary No. 9/249

Sun Rise: 05:42:14 AM Sun Set: 05:10:50 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D

Nithya Yoga: Vajra Hora: Moon Karana: Vanij

Horary No.: 9Question : Will I get transfer?

XII 01:15:48

Ke 07:25:40 I 11:26:40

II 11:43:55 III 06:27:40 Ju[R] 16:38:52

Su 11:38:25

IV 00:23:15 V 27:26:28

XI 27:26:28 Me[R] 25:15:33 X 00:23:15

Ve 28:42:37 IX 06:27:40 Mo 02:16:13 VIII 11:43:55

Sa 29:19:11 VII 11:26:40 Ra 07:25:40 Ma 03:23:39

VI 01:15:48

Name: Transfer

Gender: MaleDate: Monday, 24/Feb/2014

Time: 01:00:57 PM SID: 00:04:14

Lat: 26:45:00 N Lon: 94:13:00 E

Place: JORHAT, ASSAM, India

Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 52"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

Star: Moola, Pada 1

Star Lord: Ketu

Rasi: Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter

Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars

Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami

Bal. Dasa: Ketu 5 Y, 9 M, 21 D

I 00:11:26:40III 02:06:27:40


II 01:11:43:55

IV 03:00:23:15

V 03:27:26:28

VI 05:01:15:48Ma 06:03:23:39Ra 06:07:25:40

Sa 06:29:19:11VII 06:11:26:40

VIII 07:11:43:55Mo 08:02:16:13

Ve 08:28:42:37IX 08:06:27:40

Me[R] 09:25:15:33X 09:00:23:15

XI 09:27:26:28Su 10:11:38:25

Ke 00:07:25:40XII 11:01:15:48












Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Dasa Summary

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Su Ke

Mo Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Sa Me

Ma Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ma Sa

Me[R] Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Me Sa

Ju[R] Aridra(3) Me Ra Ve Ju Ra

Ve U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ma Sa Sa

Sa Visakha(3) Ve Ju Su Ke Ju

Ra Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Sa Mo

Ke Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ra Mo Ve

Cuspal Positions

Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

1 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Me Me

2 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ma Ve Ju

3 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Ve Su

4 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Mo Ve Ra

5 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Mo Sa

6 U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Ju Sa

7 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ve Sa

8 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Mo Me Ma

9 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Me Me

10 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Me Sa

11 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Mo Sa

12 P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Su Ve

Significators - Planets View

Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)

Su 6 11

Mo+ 12 8 4, 5

Ma 6 6 1, 8 1, 8

Me+ 6 11 1, 8 3, 6

Ju 6 3 9, 12

Ve+ 11 10 2, 7

Sa+ 3 7 9, 12 10, 11

Ra 6 6

Ke 12 12

Bhukti From

Ketu Dasa18-Dec-2012 - 18-Dec-2019Ketu 18-Dec-2012Venus 16-May-2013Sun 16-Jul-2014Moon 21-Nov-2014Mars 22-Jun-2015Rahu 18-Nov-2015Jupiter 06-Dec-2016Saturn 12-Nov-2017Mercury 22-Dec-2018

Bhukti From

Venus Dasa18-Dec-2019 - 18-Dec-2039Venus 18-Dec-2019Sun 19-Apr-2023Moon 19-Apr-2024Mars 18-Dec-2025Rahu 17-Feb-2027Jupiter 17-Feb-2030Saturn 18-Oct-2032Mercury 17-Dec-2035Ketu 18-Oct-2038

Bhukti From

Sun Dasa18-Dec-2039 - 18-Dec-2045Sun 18-Dec-2039Moon 05-Apr-2040Mars 05-Oct-2040Rahu 10-Feb-2041Jupiter 05-Jan-2042Saturn 24-Oct-2042Mercury 06-Oct-2043Ketu 11-Aug-2044Venus 17-Dec-2044

Moon Dasa18-Dec-2045 - 18-Dec-2055Moon 18-Dec-2045Mars 18-Oct-2046Rahu 19-May-2047Jupiter 18-Nov-2048Saturn 20-Mar-2050Mercury 19-Oct-2051Ketu 20-Mar-2053Venus 19-Oct-2053Sun 20-Jun-2055

Mars Dasa18-Dec-2055 - 18-Dec-2062Mars 18-Dec-2055Rahu 15-May-2056Jupiter 02-Jun-2057Saturn 09-May-2058Mercury 18-Jun-2059Ketu 14-Jun-2060Venus 10-Nov-2060Sun 10-Jan-2062Moon 18-May-2062

Rahu Dasa18-Dec-2062 - 18-Dec-2080Rahu 18-Dec-2062Jupiter 31-Aug-2065Saturn 24-Jan-2068Mercury 30-Nov-2070Ketu 19-Jun-2073Venus 07-Jul-2074Sun 07-Jul-2077Moon 01-Jun-2078Mars 01-Dec-2079

Jupiter Dasa18-Dec-2080 - 18-Dec-2096Jupiter 18-Dec-2080Saturn 05-Feb-2083Mercury 18-Aug-2085Ketu 24-Nov-2087Venus 30-Oct-2088Sun 30-Jun-2091Moon 17-Apr-2092Mars 17-Aug-2093Rahu 24-Jul-2094

Saturn Dasa18-Dec-2096 - 18-Dec-2115Saturn 18-Dec-2096Mercury 21-Dec-2099Ketu 31-Aug-2102Venus 09-Oct-2103Sun 09-Dec-2106Moon 21-Nov-2107Mars 22-Jun-2109Rahu 01-Aug-2110Jupiter 07-Jun-2113

Mercury Dasa18-Dec-2115 - 18-Dec-2132Mercury 18-Dec-2115Ketu 16-May-2118Venus 13-May-2119Sun 14-Mar-2122Moon 18-Jan-2123Mars 18-Jun-2124Rahu 16-Jun-2125Jupiter 02-Jan-2128Saturn 10-Apr-2130

Ruling Planets - 24/Feb/2014 01:00:57 PM


Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Lagna Me Ra Mo Ra Ju

Moon Ju Ke Ve Sa Me

Day Lord: Moon

Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Ve, Sa.Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa.

(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

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Conclusion: Ketu dasa and Venus bhukti jint period is running till 14-07-2014. Both planets are strong significators for transfer and they are also in the ruling planets. Now antra Saturn is running till 22th April 2014. I neglect Saturn because it is not in the ruling planets. Next antra Mercury is in the ruling planets but retrograde, so neglect it. After that antra Ketu is on from 21-06-20014 to 16-07-2014. I told him that he would get transferred during that period. He got transfer order on 30-06-2014, and joined duty on 11-07-2014. The place is near our hometown.

My sincere respect to Guruji KSK ji and C R Bhatt ji and Kanak Bosmia ji.

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KP Ezine August 2014 10

J.P. Morgan’s Horoscope By: Tin Win

Email: [email protected]

"Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire, you need an astrologer." -J. P. Morgan

Short Background J.P. Morgan was an American financier, banker, philanthropist and art collector who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. His exercise of power may have contributed to America’s long-standing antipathy to wealth and business. Known for organizing industrial trusts such as U.S. Steel and General Electric, he was the unofficial central banker of the USA before there was a Federal Reserve and single-handedly saved the United States from bankruptcy on two occasions.

Birth Chart Details 2. J.P. Morgan, 17 April 1837 at 03:00 AM LMT, Hr 4:50:44 West of GMT, Hartford,Connecticut, 41n46, 72w41, KP New Ayanamsa: 21:29:46, Ascendant Aquarius 4:50:27, Bal. Dasa Venus 0Y,2M,6D, by KPAstro 4.1,_J._Pierpont_Sr. (Link of chart details and short biography)

Why So Rich? 3. His 2n d, 5th, 10th and 11th cuspal sub lord (CSL) generally signify gaining houses 2, 6, 11,along other interesting houses 5, 8, 12, as shown below:

1) 2nd (wealth) cuspal sub lord (CSL) Mars+ is in house 6, lord of houses 3,10, and is theCSL of houses 2,7,8 having no planet in its stars. Mars is in the star of Mercury in house 2, lord of houses 5, 8, and sub of Venus in house 2, lord of houses 4,9, signify-ing houses 2,6,10 and 5,8. Mars is conjoined with Jupiter.

2) 5th (stock trading, speculation) CSL Saturn+ is in 8, lord of 1,12, and is the CSL of5,11,12 having no planet in its stars. Saturn is in the star of Jupiter in 6, lord of2,11, and in sub of own, signifying houses 2,6,11 and 5,8, 12.

3) 10th (profession) CSL Venus is in house in 2, lord of 4, 9, in the star of Mercury in 2,

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J.P. Morgan

Sun Rise: 05:17:07 AM Sun Set: 06:42:35 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D

Nithya Yoga: Dhruva Hora: Jupiter Karana: Balav

Ve 27:20:16 II 23:27:22

Su 05:35:05 Me 07:56:32 Ra 10:29:49 III 26:33:58

IV 20:15:44 V 10:55:44

I 04:50:27

VI 03:18:11 Ju 16:51:49 Ma 20:39:18

XII 03:18:11

VII 04:50:27 Mo 23:42:58

XI 10:55:44 X 20:15:44

IX 26:33:58 Sa[R] 23:36:58 Ke 10:29:49

VIII 23:27:22

Name: J.P. Morgan

Gender: MaleDate: Monday, 17/Apr/1837

Time: 03:00:00 AM SID: 16:40:57

Lat: 41:46:00 N Lon: 72:41:00 W

Place: Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Ayanamsa: 21° 29' 46"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

Star: P.Phalguni, Pada 4

Star Lord: Venus

Rasi: Leo Rasi Lord: Sun

Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn

Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dvadasi

Bal. Dasa: Venus 4 Y, 5 M, 3 D

I 10:04:50:27III 00:26:33:58

Su 00:05:35:05Me 00:07:56:32Ra 00:10:29:49II 11:23:27:22

Ve 11:27:20:16

IV 01:20:15:44

V 02:10:55:44

VI 03:03:18:11Ju 03:16:51:49Ma 03:20:39:18

Mo 04:23:42:58VII 04:04:50:27

Sa[R] 06:23:36:58VIII 05:23:27:22Ke 06:10:29:49

IX 06:26:33:58

X 07:20:15:44

XI 08:10:55:44

XII 09:03:18:11












Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Dasa Summary

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su Aswini(2) Ma Ke Ra Ra Ra

Mo P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Sa Ra Ma

Ma Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Ju Ve

Me Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Sa Su

Ju Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Me Ju

Ve Revati(4) Ju Me Ju Su Me

Sa[R] Visakha(2) Ve Ju Sa Ju Ju

Ra Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Su Sa

Ke Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Sa Sa

Cuspal Positions

Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

1 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Ve Ke Ju

2 Revati(3) Ju Me Ma Ra Ve

3 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Ke Me Me

4 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ke Sa Ve

5 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Me Ma

6 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ma Ve

7 Magha(2) Su Ke Ma Ra Ju

8 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ma Ra Ve

9 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ve Ve Ve

10 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Ra Sa

11 Moola(4) Ju Ke Sa Ra Ju

12 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Sa Sa Ju

Significators - Planets View

Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)

Su+ 8 2 7

Mo+ 2 7 4, 9 6

Ma+ 2 6 5, 8 3, 10

Me 8 2 5, 8

Ju 2 6 5, 8 2, 11

Ve 2 2 5, 8 4, 9

Sa+ 6 8 2, 11 1, 12

Ra 8 2

Ke 2 8

Bhukti From

Venus Dasa20-Sep-1821 - 20-Sep-1841Venus 20-Sep-1821Sun 19-Jan-1825Moon 19-Jan-1826Mars 20-Sep-1827Rahu 20-Nov-1828Jupiter 20-Nov-1831Saturn 21-Jul-1834Mercury 20-Sep-1837Ketu 21-Jul-1840

Bhukti From

Sun Dasa20-Sep-1841 - 20-Sep-1847Sun 20-Sep-1841Moon 07-Jan-1842Mars 09-Jul-1842Rahu 14-Nov-1842Jupiter 08-Oct-1843Saturn 27-Jul-1844Mercury 09-Jul-1845Ketu 15-May-1846Venus 20-Sep-1846

Bhukti From

Moon Dasa20-Sep-1847 - 20-Sep-1857Moon 20-Sep-1847Mars 20-Jul-1848Rahu 18-Feb-1849Jupiter 20-Aug-1850Saturn 19-Dec-1851Mercury 21-Jul-1853Ketu 20-Dec-1854Venus 21-Jul-1855Sun 21-Mar-1857

Mars Dasa20-Sep-1857 - 20-Sep-1864Mars 20-Sep-1857Rahu 16-Feb-1858Jupiter 06-Mar-1859Saturn 10-Feb-1860Mercury 22-Mar-1861Ketu 19-Mar-1862Venus 15-Aug-1862Sun 15-Oct-1863Moon 20-Feb-1864

Rahu Dasa20-Sep-1864 - 20-Sep-1882Rahu 20-Sep-1864Jupiter 02-Jun-1867Saturn 26-Oct-1869Mercury 01-Sep-1872Ketu 21-Mar-1875Venus 08-Apr-1876Sun 08-Apr-1879Moon 02-Mar-1880Mars 01-Sep-1881

Jupiter Dasa20-Sep-1882 - 20-Sep-1898Jupiter 20-Sep-1882Saturn 07-Nov-1884Mercury 21-May-1887Ketu 27-Aug-1889Venus 03-Aug-1890Sun 03-Apr-1893Moon 20-Jan-1894Mars 22-May-1895Rahu 27-Apr-1896

Saturn Dasa20-Sep-1898 - 20-Sep-1917Saturn 20-Sep-1898Mercury 23-Sep-1901Ketu 01-Jun-1904Venus 11-Jul-1905Sun 10-Sep-1908Moon 23-Aug-1909Mars 24-Mar-1911Rahu 02-May-1912Jupiter 09-Mar-1915

Mercury Dasa20-Sep-1917 - 20-Sep-1934Mercury 20-Sep-1917Ketu 16-Feb-1920Venus 12-Feb-1921Sun 13-Dec-1923Moon 19-Oct-1924Mars 20-Mar-1926Rahu 17-Mar-1927Jupiter 04-Oct-1929Saturn 10-Jan-1932

Ketu Dasa20-Sep-1934 - 20-Sep-1941Ketu 20-Sep-1934Venus 16-Feb-1935Sun 17-Apr-1936Moon 23-Aug-1936Mars 24-Mar-1937Rahu 20-Aug-1937Jupiter 07-Sep-1938Saturn 14-Aug-1939Mercury 22-Sep-1940

Ruling Planets - 02/Aug/2014 10:36:45 AM


Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Lagna Me Mo Ju Mo Me

Moon Me Ma Ra Sa Sa

Day Lord: Saturn

Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me, Sa.Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me, Ve, Sa.

(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

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lord of 5, 8, and sub of Jupiter in 6, lord of 2, 11, signifying houses 2,6,11 and 5,8. 4) 11th (gain and amassing of wealth) CSL Saturn+ is in 8, lord of 1, 12, and is the CSL of

5,11,12 having no planet in its stars. Saturn is in the star of Jupiter in 6, lord of 2,11, and in sub of own, signifying houses 2, 6, 11 and 5,8, 12.

4. Here house 5 represents not only speculation but also intelligence to carry out the plan-ning; 8 denotes wealth of others and 12 indicates investment, in addition to loosing indica-tion of these houses.

5. All the above CSLs are also connected with Jupiter, karaka for wealth and stock market,which is placed in 2nd house of wealth as the owner of gaining houses 6,11. Jupiter is the key planet to make him so rich by also aspecting 2nd and 10th houses and Neptune of stocks.

6. From the attached computer printout table of planet-wise significators we can see that:1.All nine planets from Sun to Ketu are the significator of 2nd house (wealth) to make

him so rich;1.All nine planets except Moon are the significator of 8th house (wealth of others) to man

age others’ wealth or money;1.Jupiter, karaka for wealth and stock market, is the significator of gaining houses

2,6,11 as well as 5,8.

Two Marriages 7. His two marriages are verified by the KP 2nd marriage rules as follows:

1. 7th CSL Mars+ signifies marriage houses 2 and 7, out of 2,7,11.2. 7th CSL Mars+ is in the star of Mercury, dual planet, and in sub of Venus in Pisces, a dual sign. 3. 2nd (2nd spouse by KP) CSL Mars+ signifies legal marriage house 7.4. 9th (2nd spouse by others) CSL Venus signifies houses 9,11.

Poor Health 8. His poor health in life is seen by 1st CSL’s signification of Maraka, Badhaka, 6,8 housesand survival is thanks to live saving 5th and 11th signification. 1st CSL Venus is in house 2, lord of 4,9 (Badhaka) , in the star of Mercury in 2, lord of 5, 8, and sub of Jupiter in 6, lord of 2,11.

9. It is said that he followed his astrologer Evangeline Adam’s advice not to go on Titanic.

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KP Ezine August 2014 13

Ge ng bail from court towards release from jail

By: Navin Chitlangia “RUDRA”Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Visharad,

Belabhumi – I, Flat No. 302, 2nd Floor, 22/2, Sukanta Sarani, Hind Motor Area, PO. BHADRAKALI, P.S. Uttarpara,

Pin - 712 232, W.B., INDIA. Mobile : +91-9830580345. Email : [email protected]

Background Note:

Subrata Roy Sahara is an Indian businessman and the founder and chairman of the Sahara India Pariwar, an Indian conglomerate with diversified ownership interests that includes London's Grosvenor House, New York's Plaza Hotel, Aamby Valley City and Force India. Roy founded the company in 1978. He was named among the 10 Most Powerful People of India in 2012 by India Today. In 2004, the group was termed by the Time magazine as ‘the second largest employer in India' after the Indian Railways. In 2014, Sahara was briefly jailed and then released on bail for contempt of court in a case involving alleged money laundering by the Sahara Group.

On 26 February 2014, the Supreme Court of India ordered the arrest of Subrata Roy for failing to appear before it in connection with the Rs. 24,000 crore deposits his company has not refunded to its investors. He was eventually arrested on 28 February 2014 by Uttar Pradesh police on Supreme Court's warrant, in a dispute with Market Regulator - SEBI. In a statement after the arrest, his lawyer said Mr. Roy's 92-year-old mother was in poor health and needed "her eldest son" by her side, and hence he failed to appear at the court. He was granted interim bail by Supreme Court of India for the same on 26 March 2014 on condition of depositing Rs 10,000 crore with the market regulator SEBI. As he has failed to appear in court during the ongoing legal battle, Mr. Roy has been in custody in a Delhi jail since March 4, 2014 and has been rejected his bail plea by the Supreme Court of India. Sahara was allowed to sell a part of its assets in India to raise part of the money in question.

Name & Sex of Querent : Self, Male. Major Question of the Querent: When Subrata Roy will get bail from court towards release from Jail? Horary (Seed) Number: 48 (out of 249) (on behalf of Subrata Roy). Date & Time of judgment : 01-07-2014, 00:11:29 Hrs. IST. Place of Judgment: Hind Motor – 22N41, 88E20, Hooghly, West Bengal, India.


If the cuspal sublord (CSL) of 12th (Jail, Imprisonment) signifies 2 (Family, increase or decrease of family member), 4 (House, Return to Home) or 11 (Success, fulfillment of desire, house to negate 12th Cusp i.e. Jail), getting bail from court towards release from jail is promised during the joint period of significators of 2-4-11.

If 12h cusp sublord signifies 8 (Misfortune, Hindrances, Obstacles, Difficulties in release from imprisonment), 12 (Jail) in the DBA of 8, 12, then getting Bail towards release from jail is not assured.

Matters signified by House

2nd House: Family, Increase or Decrease of Family Member 3rd House: Communication, away from home 4th House: House, Return to Home

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KP Ezine August 2014 14

6th House: Court Matters like Preparation & Filing of Bail Papers to Court. 8th House: Misfortune, Hindrances, Obstacles, Difficulties in release from imprisonment 9th House: Court 11th House: Success, Fulfillment of desire, House to negate 12th House (Jail). 12th House: Jail, Imprisonment.

Moon reveals the nature of query.

Moon (Cancer 22-51-48) is in star of Mercury and sub of self (Moon). Planet Moon is the occupant of 2, owner of 2 and 3. Starlord Mercury® is the occupant of 12, owner of 1. Sublord Moon is the occupant of 2, owner of 2 and 3. Moon signifies or is connected to the relevant houses, hence query is genuine.

Cuspal analysis

12th Cusp (Taurus 06-33-15): The sublord of the 12th cusp Mercury® is in star of Mars and sub of self (Mercury®). Planet Mercury® is the occupant of 12, owner of 1. Starlord Mars is the occupant of 4, owner of 6 and 11. 12th CSL Mercury® signifies 4-11 and in connection with 4-6-11, hence getting bail from court towards release from jail is promised.

(Note: Mercury is retrograde at present and will turn direct on 01-07-2014. Again Mercury turns retrograde on 04-10-2014 and will turn direct on 26-10-2014)

Planets signify the houses 2, 4 and 11 in respect to A. B, C, D.

A = Planets in Occupant’s Stars B = Occupant of Houses C = Planets in Owner’s Stars D = House Owner

(A) Significators of 2, 4 and 11: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu (Rep Mars).

(B) Ruling Planets: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Ketu. Moon posited in star of a retrograde planet (Mercury). Mars posited in self-star and sub of direct planet. Mercury posited in a sub of retrograde planet (Mercury).

Hous-es A B C D

2 Venus, Jupiter, Saturn Moon, Jupiter Venus Moon

4 Mercury, Mars, Rahu, Sun Mars, Rahu - Sun

11 - - Mercury, Mars, Rahu Mars

Ruling Planets at the time of judgment (01-07-2014, 00:27:40 am IST, Hind Motor – 22N41, 88E20,

Hooghly, West Bengal, India) Lagna / Ascendant Mars – Ketu Moon Moon – Mercury Day Lord Moon Nodes Ketu

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Horary No. 48/249

Sun Rise: 04:55:30 AM Sun Set: 06:25:23 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D

Nithya Yoga: Vajra Hora: Moon Karana: Vanij

Horary No.: 48Question : When Subrata Roy will get bail from court towards release

Ke 00:43:32 XI 01:45:25

XII 06:33:15 Ve 14:40:24

Me[R] 00:26:05 I 08:40:00 Su 14:55:48

X 27:48:36

II 02:33:46 Ju 02:35:13 Mo 22:51:48 III 28:07:54

IX 28:07:54 VIII 02:33:46

IV 27:48:36

VII 08:40:00 VI 06:33:15

Sa[R] 22:59:47 V 01:45:25 Ra 00:43:32

Ma 24:17:58

Name: Bail

Gender: MaleDate: Tuesday, 01/Jul/2014

Time: 12:11:29 AM SID: 19:09:50

Lat: 22:41:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E

Place: Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 9"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

Star: Ashlesha, Pada 2

Star Lord: Mercury

Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon

Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury

Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti

Bal. Dasa: Mercury 9 Y, 1 M, 5 D

I 02:08:40:00Su 02:14:55:48III 03:28:07:54

II 03:02:33:46Ju 03:02:35:13Mo 03:22:51:48

Ra 06:00:43:32Ma 05:24:17:58IV 04:27:48:36

V 06:01:45:25Sa[R]


VI 07:06:33:15

VII 08:08:40:00

VIII 09:02:33:46

IX 09:28:07:54

X 10:27:48:36Ke 00:00:43:32

XI 00:01:45:25

Ve 01:14:40:24XII 01:06:33:15

Me[R] 02:00:26:05












Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Dasa Summary

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su Aridra(3) Me Ra Ke Ju Me

Mo Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Sa Ju

Ma Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ra Ke

Me[R] Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ve Su

Ju Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ke Sa

Ve Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Ke Ve

Sa[R] Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Mo Mo

Ra Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Su Ju

Ke Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ke Me Ma

Cuspal Positions

Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

1 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Ju Ju

2 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ke Ra

3 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Sa Sa Ra

4 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Sa Sa

5 Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Sa Su

6 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Me Ra Ju

7 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ve Me

8 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Mo Sa

9 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Sa Ra

10 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ju Me

11 Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Ra Me

12 Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Ju Me

Significators - Planets View

Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)

Su+ 5 1 4

Mo 12 2 1 2, 3

Ma 4 4 6, 11 6, 11

Me 4 12 6, 11 1

Ju 2 2 7 7

Ve+ 2 12 2, 3 5, 12

Sa+ 2 5 7 8, 9, 10

Ra 4 5 6, 11

Ke 11 11

Bhukti From

Mercury Dasa06-Aug-2006 - 06-Aug-2023Mercury 06-Aug-2006Ketu 03-Jan-2009Venus 31-Dec-2009Sun 30-Oct-2012Moon 06-Sep-2013Mars 05-Feb-2015Rahu 02-Feb-2016Jupiter 22-Aug-2018Saturn 27-Nov-2020

Bhukti From

Ketu Dasa06-Aug-2023 - 06-Aug-2030Ketu 06-Aug-2023Venus 03-Jan-2024Sun 04-Mar-2025Moon 10-Jul-2025Mars 08-Feb-2026Rahu 08-Jul-2026Jupiter 26-Jul-2027Saturn 01-Jul-2028Mercury 09-Aug-2029

Bhukti From

Venus Dasa06-Aug-2030 - 06-Aug-2050Venus 06-Aug-2030Sun 06-Dec-2033Moon 06-Dec-2034Mars 06-Aug-2036Rahu 06-Oct-2037Jupiter 06-Oct-2040Saturn 06-Jun-2043Mercury 06-Aug-2046Ketu 06-Jun-2049

Sun Dasa06-Aug-2050 - 06-Aug-2056Sun 06-Aug-2050Moon 24-Nov-2050Mars 26-May-2051Rahu 01-Oct-2051Jupiter 24-Aug-2052Saturn 12-Jun-2053Mercury 25-May-2054Ketu 01-Apr-2055Venus 07-Aug-2055

Moon Dasa06-Aug-2056 - 06-Aug-2066Moon 06-Aug-2056Mars 07-Jun-2057Rahu 06-Jan-2058Jupiter 08-Jul-2059Saturn 06-Nov-2060Mercury 07-Jun-2062Ketu 07-Nov-2063Venus 07-Jun-2064Sun 05-Feb-2066

Mars Dasa06-Aug-2066 - 06-Aug-2073Mars 06-Aug-2066Rahu 03-Jan-2067Jupiter 21-Jan-2068Saturn 27-Dec-2068Mercury 04-Feb-2070Ketu 02-Feb-2071Venus 01-Jul-2071Sun 31-Aug-2072Moon 05-Jan-2073

Rahu Dasa06-Aug-2073 - 06-Aug-2091Rahu 06-Aug-2073Jupiter 18-Apr-2076Saturn 11-Sep-2078Mercury 19-Jul-2081Ketu 05-Feb-2084Venus 23-Feb-2085Sun 23-Feb-2088Moon 17-Jan-2089Mars 18-Jul-2090

Jupiter Dasa06-Aug-2091 - 06-Aug-2107Jupiter 06-Aug-2091Saturn 24-Sep-2093Mercury 06-Apr-2096Ketu 12-Jul-2098Venus 18-Jun-2099Sun 17-Feb-2102Moon 06-Dec-2102Mars 06-Apr-2104Rahu 13-Mar-2105

Saturn Dasa06-Aug-2107 - 06-Aug-2126Saturn 06-Aug-2107Mercury 10-Aug-2110Ketu 19-Apr-2113Venus 29-May-2114Sun 29-Jul-2117Moon 11-Jul-2118Mars 09-Feb-2120Rahu 20-Mar-2121Jupiter 25-Jan-2124

Ruling Planets - 01/Jul/2014 12:11:29 AM

Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India

Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Lagna Ju Me Sa Ve Me

Moon Mo Me Mo Sa Ju

Day Lord: Moon

Rahu acts as agent for: Ve, Sa.Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa.

(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

KP Ezine August 2014 5KP Ezine August 2014 5

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Ketu posited in self-star and self-sub of direct planet.

Among Ruling Planets, Ketu and Mars are more preferred than Moon and Mercury. Ketu is the strongest ruling planet as it is in the star and sub of self and represents Mars – a ruling planet. Ketu acts as an agent of Mars as it is posited in the sign of Aries – sign lord Mars and aspected by Mars. Mars is posited in the star and sub of direct planets.

(C) Fruitful (common) Planets among (A) & (B): Moon, Mars, Mercury, Ketu.

Present Dasha: Mercury (From DOJ to 06-08-2023) Mercury is a fruitful (common) planet. Although Mercury is a less preferred ruling planet, but we cannot ignore Mercury Dasha which runs for a long period up to 06-08-2023. This is because Mercury, being the CSL of prime house i.e. 12th, as stated above, signifies 4-11 and in connection with 4-6-11, which indicates that event is promised. And accordingly Mercury Dasha is taken into consideration.

Present Bhukti: Moon (From 06-09-2013 to 05-02-2015) Moon is a fruitful (common) planet. Although Moon is less preferred ruling planet, but Moon appeared twice under ruling planets. Hence, Moon Bhukti is taken into consideration.

In Mercury Dasha and Moon Bhukti, I prefer to select Ketu Anthra.

Anthra Lord: Ketu (From 16-09-2014 to 16-10-2014) Ketu is a fruitful (common) planet as well as the strongest ruling planet. Ketu acts as an agent of Mars as it is deposited in the sign of Aries (lord Mars) and aspected by Mars. Thus much preference should be given to Ketu. And accordingly we replace Ketu in place of Mars as because nodes are stronger than planet as per KP principles. In the chart, Mars is the occupant of 4, owner of 6-11. Hence, Ketu Anthra is taken into consideration.

Transit As the event will be possibly fructify within a year, hence transit of Sun we have to check. During the DBA period of Mercury-Moon-Ketu (from 16-09-2014 to 16-10-2014), transit of Sun will be –

From 28-09-2014 to 11-10-2014, Sun in Mercury Sign (Virgo) and Moon Star (Hasta). Mercury is the Dasha Lord and Moon is the Bhukti Lord.

From 11-10-2014 to 16-10-2014, Sun in Mercury Sign (Virgo) and Mars Star (Chitra). Mercury is the RP lagna lord and Mars is the RP Moon Starlord.

My Opinion: Getting bail from court towards release from jail is promised during the joint-period of DBA Mercury-Moon-Ketu (from 16-09-2014 to 16-10-2014). In preference, I will select the period from 28-09-2014 to 16-10-2014.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesha and Guruji KSK!

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KP Ezine August 2014 17

Spirituality and Self Emancipa on: A KP Analysis

By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer CAIIB, Retired Bank officer 12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar,

Tarnaka,Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371 Email: [email protected]

Background Note I would like to discuss the astrological chart of our Gurudev Yogacharya Sri Raparthi Rama Rao. He belongs to the Guru tradition of the great Himalayan Yogi Sri Ramlal Prabhuji Maharaj. Our Gurudev is fourth in the hierarchy. He was born on 01 October 1923 in a remote village Vijinigiri, Jami (mandal), Vizainagaram (dist) in Andhra Pradesh. He worked as a high school teacher at various places and retired as a principal. He married and led the life of a house holder. He is a sincere devotee right from his childhood. He practiced various methods of yoga under the guidance of his Guru Sri Kundala Gangaiah (third in the Guru Parampara) as a disciple to attain ‘Self Realization’. He attained “Nirvikalpa Samadhi’ in 1955. Since then he remained in ‘Sahaja Avastha’ and did not reveal himself. He dedicated himself to propagate Yoga on the direction of his Gurudev since 1979. Remaining in seclusion, he devotes much of his time for guiding his disciples at Yoga Chaitanyaramam, Vijinigiri. He is the spiritual head of ‘Yoga Consciousness Trust’ and over sees many of its branches through his disciples including the author of this article.

Analysis of the Chart

Birth details of Sri Raparthi Rama Rao DOB - 01 Oct 1923; TOB - 4:33:30 A.M; POB - Jami (A.P); Long: 83 E 15, Lat: 18 N 03

K.P. Rules on Spirituality and it's Path (KP-Ezine Dec 2009)

I. If the 1st cusp sub lord signifies-

A) main houses 3, 10, and 12--3rd house-Mental trend, ability, forsake home for ever. -12th house-directed towards moksha or salvation, worships, emancipation, renunciation, service to others. It denotes secluded places to do rigorous sadhana and practices of meditation and achieving higher state in Samadhi. -10th house-Para loka sadhana, karma sthana, regular practice of Spirituality, action, name & fame. B) supporting houses 9, 5, 11--9th house- tapas, divine worship, moral practices, higher knowledge. -5th house- poorvapunya, spiritual transformation on initiation. 1-1th house- siddhi, attainment of spiritual mind. C) and is also connected with Saturn or Kethu in any manner–one can become sanyasi during the conjoined dasa period of significators of 3, 10 12 main houses and 5, 9 11 supporting houses. - Saturn signifies seclusion, penance, renunciation, concentration, meditation, karaka for sanyasa. -Kethu —spiritualism, spiritual knowledge, self emancipation, jnana karaka, karaka for sanyasa, planet of seclusion.

The sub lord of the 1st cusp is Mercury posited in lagna house, lord of houses 2,11, also the cuspal sub lord of houses 1,9 having no planet in its stars. Mercury is in the star and sub of Moon in 9, lord of 9,12. Mercury, Sun and Saturn are conjoined in Virgo sign. 1st cuspal

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Sun Rise: 05:47:16 AM Sun Set: 05:46:31 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D

Nithya Yoga: Siddhi Hora: Saturn Karana: Gar

VIII 24:56:57

IX 25:36:25 Mo 18:41:44 X 26:04:01

XI 26:04:05

VII 25:39:06 Ke 17:11:07

XII 26:02:36

VI 26:02:36

Ra 17:11:07 I 25:39:06 Ma 26:19:47

V 26:04:05 IV 26:04:01 Ju 25:41:25 III 25:36:25

Me[R] 10:21:03 Su 14:02:30 Ve 19:31:42 II 24:56:57 Sa 28:20:59


Gender: MaleDate: Monday, 01/Oct/1923

Time: 04:33:30 AM SID: 05:11:09

Lat: 18:03:00 N Lon: 83:15:00 E


Ayanamsa: 22° 42' 9"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

Star: Rohini, Pada 3

Star Lord: Moon

Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus

Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun

Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti

Bal. Dasa: Moon 3 Y, 5 M, 22 D

Me[R] 05:10:21:03Su 05:14:02:30Ve 05:19:31:42I 04:25:39:06

Ma 04:26:19:47

III 06:25:36:25Ju 06:25:41:25

II 05:24:56:57Sa 05:28:20:59

IV 07:26:04:01

V 08:26:04:05

Ke 10:17:11:07VI 09:26:02:36

VII 10:25:39:06

VIII 11:24:56:57

IX 00:25:36:25Mo 01:18:41:44

X 01:26:04:01

XI 02:26:04:05

XII 03:26:02:36Ra 04:17:11:07












Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Dasa Summary

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su Hasta(2) Me Mo Ju Ju Ve

Mo Rohini(3) Ve Mo Me Mo Ve

Ma P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Ju Ju

Me[R] Hasta(1) Me Mo Mo Ju Sa

Ju Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Sa Ma

Ve Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Sa Su

Sa Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Me Mo

Ra P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Mo Ve Ra

Ke Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ve Me Ra

Cuspal Positions

Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

1 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Me Sa Me

2 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Sa Ra

3 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Sa Ve

4 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ra Ma Me

5 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Su Mo

6 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Ma Sa

7 P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Me Sa Mo

8 Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Sa Ra

9 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Me Sa Sa

10 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ra Ma Me

11 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Ke Ma Ju

12 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Ma Sa

Significators - Planets View

Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)

Su+ 9 1 12 1

Mo 9 9 12 12

Ma 1 1 3, 10 4, 9

Me+ 9 1 12 2, 11

Ju 3 3 5, 8 5, 8

Ve 9 1 12 3, 10

Sa+ 1 2 4, 9 6, 7

Ra 1 12 3, 10

Ke+ 12 6

Bhukti From

Moon Dasa23-Mar-1917 - 23-Mar-1927Moon 23-Mar-1917Mars 21-Jan-1918Rahu 23-Aug-1918Jupiter 21-Feb-1920Saturn 23-Jun-1921Mercury 22-Jan-1923Ketu 22-Jun-1924Venus 21-Jan-1925Sun 22-Sep-1926

Bhukti From

Mars Dasa23-Mar-1927 - 23-Mar-1934Mars 23-Mar-1927Rahu 19-Aug-1927Jupiter 06-Sep-1928Saturn 13-Aug-1929Mercury 22-Sep-1930Ketu 19-Sep-1931Venus 15-Feb-1932Sun 17-Apr-1933Moon 23-Aug-1933

Bhukti From

Rahu Dasa23-Mar-1934 - 23-Mar-1952Rahu 23-Mar-1934Jupiter 04-Dec-1936Saturn 29-Apr-1939Mercury 05-Mar-1942Ketu 22-Sep-1944Venus 11-Oct-1945Sun 11-Oct-1948Moon 04-Sep-1949Mars 06-Mar-1951

Jupiter Dasa23-Mar-1952 - 23-Mar-1968Jupiter 23-Mar-1952Saturn 11-May-1954Mercury 22-Nov-1956Ketu 27-Feb-1959Venus 03-Feb-1960Sun 04-Oct-1962Moon 24-Jul-1963Mars 22-Nov-1964Rahu 29-Oct-1965

Saturn Dasa23-Mar-1968 - 23-Mar-1987Saturn 23-Mar-1968Mercury 26-Mar-1971Ketu 04-Dec-1973Venus 12-Jan-1975Sun 14-Mar-1978Moon 24-Feb-1979Mars 24-Sep-1980Rahu 03-Nov-1981Jupiter 08-Sep-1984

Mercury Dasa23-Mar-1987 - 23-Mar-2004Mercury 23-Mar-1987Ketu 19-Aug-1989Venus 16-Aug-1990Sun 17-Jun-1993Moon 23-Apr-1994Mars 23-Sep-1995Rahu 19-Sep-1996Jupiter 08-Apr-1999Saturn 14-Jul-2001

Ketu Dasa23-Mar-2004 - 23-Mar-2011Ketu 23-Mar-2004Venus 19-Aug-2004Sun 19-Oct-2005Moon 24-Feb-2006Mars 25-Sep-2006Rahu 21-Feb-2007Jupiter 10-Mar-2008Saturn 14-Feb-2009Mercury 26-Mar-2010

Venus Dasa23-Mar-2011 - 23-Mar-2031Venus 23-Mar-2011Sun 23-Jul-2014Moon 23-Jul-2015Mars 23-Mar-2017Rahu 23-May-2018Jupiter 23-May-2021Saturn 22-Jan-2024Mercury 24-Mar-2027Ketu 22-Jan-2030

Sun Dasa23-Mar-2031 - 23-Mar-2037Sun 23-Mar-2031Moon 11-Jul-2031Mars 09-Jan-2032Rahu 16-May-2032Jupiter 10-Apr-2033Saturn 27-Jan-2034Mercury 09-Jan-2035Ketu 16-Nov-2035Venus 22-Mar-2036

Ruling Planets - 22/Jul/2014 11:33:44 AM


Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Lagna Me Mo Me Ve Sa

Moon Ve Mo Ra Me Sa

Day Lord: Mars

Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma.Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Sa.

(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

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sub lord's signification of required houses 9,11,12 and connection to Saturn have blessed the native to fulfill his most cherished and sacred goal of achieving the highest state of Nir-vikalpa Samadhi.

II. K.P rule also says that if the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 5, 10, & 11 houses, spiritual reali-zation is indicated.

As per the native’s chart, the 11th cusp sub lord is Kethu, planet of moksha karaka. A) Kethu is placed in 6th –a negative house for 7th – family life. No planet is placed

in the stars of Kethu, and so Kethu strongly signifies 9 and 11th by sub lordship of these houses.

B) Kethu is deposited in Aquarius sign of Saturn lord of 6&7 and Saturn is deposited in2nd housewhich has given enough strength to detach himself from family life even though the native married and led the life of a house holder.

C) Kethu is aspected by Jupiter 5th lord by its 5th aspect.Kethu is in the star of Rahu and it is deposited in 12th bhava responsible for realization

of self. D) Kethu is in the sub of Venus lord of 3&10 placed in lagna bhava. Venus a planet of

love and passion is conjoined with Saturn (deposited in Virgo- 2nd house) making him to lead only a restricted family life coupled with detachment.

Thus Kethu –the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 5 & 11, also 6 –a negative to married life, at planet level; 12th –house of salvation at star level; and through its sub lord Venus signifies 10th – house of karma, sadhana, profession, name & fame and regularity in his practices.

From the above it is clear that the native had all the necessary inputs to achieve his goal of life that is “Self –realization”.

Major Events in the Life of Sri Raparthi Rama Rao

1) The native first met his Guru Sri Kundala Gangaiah in April 1948 for initiation in to rajayoga. The period running at that time was Rahu dasa x Venus bhukthi x Mercury anthara x Kethu sookshma.

--Dasa lord Rahu directly signifies 1, 3, 10, &12 and through it’s sub lord Moon it signifies 9 & 12. Rahu co rules 2, 4, 6, 8,10, & 12.

--Bhukthi lord Venus as the lord of 3 &10 placed in 2nd signifies 1, 3, 9, 10 & 12 and through it’s sub lord Mercury it signifies 1,2&11.

--Anthara lord Mercury + as lord of 11 & 2 co rules 1, 3, 7 & 9 and signifies 1, 2,9,11 &12. Through it’s sub lord Moon it signifies 9 &12.

--Sookshma lord Kethu + placed in 6th co rules 5 & 11 and signifies 6 & 12 directly and 1, 3 & 10 through it’s sub lord Venus.

2) He practiced yoga as directed by his Guru for six years from then on, that is to say up to1954.

A) -- From 1948 to 1952 Rahu dasa was running with Venus, Sun Moon & Mars bhukthis.-- Rahu dasa lord signifies 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 as co ruler and 9 & 12 by it’s sub lord Moon. --Venus bhukthi lord signifies 3, 9, 10, 12 & 2 & 11. --Sun bhukthi lord signifies 1, 9, 12 & 3, 5 & 8. --Moon bhukthi lord signifies 9 & 12 and 1, 2 &11. --Mars bhukthi lord signifies 1,3,4,9,10 & 1,2 4,5,6,7,8 &9. All the above dasa and bhukthi lords cooperated the native for serious yoga practices.

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3) After that he had to practice vigorously for one year and three months to retain Dharanaat all times and in at all states. On the day of completion of reaching such a state of Dharana, his Guru came to him and taught Dhyana practices for 15 days. After completing his Dhyana practices, both the native and his Guruji sat for Dhyana and instantaneously went in to “Nirvikalpa Samadhi”. On the morning of the third day, i.e on 15 August 1955, when both came out of Samadhi, the native felt as though he was in that supreme state of bliss only for three seconds during which time he lost the time and space consciousness.

The period at that time was Jupiter dasa x Saturn+ bhukthi x Venus anthara x Mercury+ sookshma. --Dasa lord Jupiter as lord 5 & 8, signifies 3, 5, & 8 directly and 1, 2 &11 through it’s sub lord Mercury.

--Bhukthi lord Saturn+ signifies 1, 2, 4, 6, & 9 directly and 2, 6, & 7 through it’s sub lord Saturn.

-- Anthara lord Venus signifies 1, 3, 9, 10 & 12 directly and 1, 2, 1 through it’s sub lord Mercury+.

-- Sookshma lord Mercury + signifies 1, 3, 7, 9 as co ruler, 1, 2, 9 11, & 12 directly and 9 & 12 through its sub lord Moon.

From the above analysis of period lords and especially anthara lord Venus and sookshma lord Mercury+ which signify strongly 9, 11 & 12 (primary houses for attaining salvation) at all levels, clearly showed that they are responsible for salvation of the native.

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KP Ezine August 2014 21

Lost Mobile By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia

Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug

Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165.

Email : [email protected]

Question. I lost my Samsung Mobile on 1.11.2013 at 12 noon at CST, Mumbai bus stop. Can I get it back? Number. 109 (out of 1-249) Date of Judgment. 19-11-2013, Tuesday; Time of Judgment 17-44-56 PM IST Place of Judgment. Kankariya-Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’ Aynamsha 230.57'.38"


2nd house indicates movable articles which are lost or stolen, 6 house indicates loss to the thief, being 12 to the 7th-thief, and 12th house lost. If the cuspal sub lord of 2 or 11 be the significator of 2 (movable article which is lost or stolen), 6 (article) or 11 (regaining), movable property will be regained during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and 11.

Cuspal Sub Lord

2nd cusp (Libra 030.56’.41”): Sub lord of 2nd cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of own and sub of Rahu. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 2-9. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 2. Rahu is conjoined with Mercury and Saturn. Mercury is occupant of 2, owner of 1, 10. No planet is in the star of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL of 1-5-11. Saturn is occupant of 2, owner of 5-6. Thus 2nd cusp sub lord Venus signifies 4-2-9 and is connected with 2-1-10-5-11-6. This dasa indicates 2-6-11 with negative 1-5-10. So it is doubtful to regain the lost mobile.

11th cusp (Cancer 050.51’.00”): Sub lord of 11th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Rahu and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 2, owner of 1-10. No planet is in the star of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL of 1-5-11. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 2. Rahu is conjoined with Mercury and Saturn. Mercury is occupant of 2, owner of 1, 10. No planet is in the star of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL of 1-5-11. Saturn is occupant of 2, owner of 5-6. Thus 11th cusp sub lord Mercury signifies 4-2-9 and is connected with 2-1-10-5-11-6. This dasa indicate 2-6-11 with negative 1-5-10. So I have doubt to regain the lost mobile.

My opinion: I don’t think you will get back your lost mobile.

Outcome: He didn’t get it.

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Horary No. 109/249

Sun Rise: 06:55:42 AM Sun Set: 05:54:03 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D

Nithya Yoga: Siddha Hora: Mercury Karana: Gar

Horary No.: 109Question : I lost my Samsung Mobile on 1.11.2013 at 12 noon at CST, Mumbai bus stop. Can I get it back?

VII 05:06:40

VIII 03:56:41 Ke 12:33:26

IX 04:20:55 Mo 24:26:13

X 05:06:47 Ju[R] 26:17:54

VI 06:13:27

XI 05:51:00

V 05:51:00

XII 06:13:27 Ma 26:14:07

Ve 18:54:09 IV 05:06:47

III 04:20:55 Su 03:21:59

Sa 21:49:55 Me 14:06:15 Ra 12:33:26 II 03:56:41

I 05:06:40

Name: Lost Mobile

Gender: MaleDate: Tuesday, 19/Nov/2013

Time: 05:44:56 PM SID: 21:00:06

Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E


Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 38"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

Star: Mrigasira, Pada 1

Star Lord: Mars

Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus

Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury

Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvitiya

Bal. Dasa: Mars 6 Y, 5 M, 1 D

I 05:05:06:40III 07:04:20:55

Su 07:03:21:59II 06:03:56:41

Ra 06:12:33:26Me 06:14:06:15Sa 06:21:49:55

IV 08:05:06:47Ve 08:18:54:09

V 09:05:51:00

VI 10:06:13:27

VII 11:05:06:40

Ke 00:12:33:26VIII 00:03:56:41

Mo 01:24:26:13IX 01:04:20:55

Ju[R] 02:26:17:54X 02:05:06:47

XI 03:05:51:00

Ma 04:26:14:07XII 04:06:13:27












Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Dasa Summary

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Sa Sa

Mo Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ra Ju Ju

Ma P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Ra Ju

Me Swati(3) Ve Ra Me Ju Ma

Ju[R] Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Ke Ju Mo

Ve P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Sa Ma

Sa Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Sa Me

Ra Swati(2) Ve Ra Me Me Me

Ke Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Ra Ju

Cuspal Positions

Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

1 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Me Me

2 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ju Ve

3 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ve Sa

4 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ma Sa Su

5 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Su Sa

6 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Mo Me Me

7 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Ra Su

8 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Mo Ra Ve

9 Krittika(3) Ve Su Sa Mo Ke

10 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Su Ra Ma

11 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Me Ve Ve

12 Magha(2) Su Ke Ra Sa Ke

Significators - Planets View

Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)

Su+ 2 3 5, 6 12

Mo+ 12 9 3, 8 11

Ma 4 12 2, 9 3, 8

Me+ 2 2 1, 10

Ju 10 10 4, 7 4, 7

Ve 4 4 2, 9 2, 9

Sa 10 2 4, 7 5, 6

Ra 2 2

Ke 8 8

Bhukti From

Mars Dasa21-Apr-2013 - 21-Apr-2020Mars 21-Apr-2013Rahu 17-Sep-2013Jupiter 05-Oct-2014Saturn 11-Sep-2015Mercury 21-Oct-2016Ketu 18-Oct-2017Venus 16-Mar-2018Sun 16-May-2019Moon 21-Sep-2019

Bhukti From

Rahu Dasa21-Apr-2020 - 21-Apr-2038Rahu 21-Apr-2020Jupiter 02-Jan-2023Saturn 28-May-2025Mercury 02-Apr-2028Ketu 20-Oct-2030Venus 07-Nov-2031Sun 07-Nov-2034Moon 02-Oct-2035Mars 03-Apr-2037

Bhukti From

Jupiter Dasa21-Apr-2038 - 21-Apr-2054Jupiter 21-Apr-2038Saturn 09-Jun-2040Mercury 20-Dec-2042Ketu 28-Mar-2045Venus 04-Mar-2046Sun 02-Nov-2048Moon 22-Aug-2049Mars 21-Dec-2050Rahu 27-Nov-2051

Saturn Dasa21-Apr-2054 - 21-Apr-2073Saturn 21-Apr-2054Mercury 24-Apr-2057Ketu 02-Jan-2060Venus 10-Feb-2061Sun 11-Apr-2064Moon 24-Mar-2065Mars 23-Oct-2066Rahu 02-Dec-2067Jupiter 08-Oct-2070

Mercury Dasa21-Apr-2073 - 21-Apr-2090Mercury 21-Apr-2073Ketu 17-Sep-2075Venus 13-Sep-2076Sun 15-Jul-2079Moon 20-May-2080Mars 19-Oct-2081Rahu 17-Oct-2082Jupiter 05-May-2085Saturn 11-Aug-2087

Ketu Dasa21-Apr-2090 - 21-Apr-2097Ketu 21-Apr-2090Venus 17-Sep-2090Sun 17-Nov-2091Moon 24-Mar-2092Mars 23-Oct-2092Rahu 21-Mar-2093Jupiter 08-Apr-2094Saturn 15-Mar-2095Mercury 24-Apr-2096

Venus Dasa21-Apr-2097 - 21-Apr-2117Venus 21-Apr-2097Sun 21-Aug-2100Moon 21-Aug-2101Mars 21-Apr-2103Rahu 21-Jun-2104Jupiter 21-Jun-2107Saturn 20-Feb-2110Mercury 22-Apr-2113Ketu 20-Feb-2116

Sun Dasa21-Apr-2117 - 21-Apr-2123Sun 21-Apr-2117Moon 09-Aug-2117Mars 07-Feb-2118Rahu 15-Jun-2118Jupiter 10-May-2119Saturn 26-Feb-2120Mercury 07-Feb-2121Ketu 14-Dec-2121Venus 21-Apr-2122

Moon Dasa21-Apr-2123 - 21-Apr-2133Moon 21-Apr-2123Mars 19-Feb-2124Rahu 19-Sep-2124Jupiter 21-Mar-2126Saturn 21-Jul-2127Mercury 19-Feb-2129Ketu 21-Jul-2130Venus 19-Feb-2131Sun 20-Oct-2132

Ruling Planets - 19/Nov/2013 05:44:56 PM


Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Lagna Ve Su Ju Me Ra

Moon Ve Ma Ra Ju Ju

Day Lord: Mars

Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ju, Ve, Sa.Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Sa.

(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

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KP Ezine August 2014 23

Modi’s Swearing in Ceremony: - Different Opinion

By: Dr. HS Nagi Professor, SCD Govt. College, Ludhiana,

email : [email protected], Mobile 09417717910)

I have special respect for Tin Win Ji, who has very deep understanding of astrology, whom I consider as living encyclopaedia of KP astrology, and resource of all answers in KP. He puts his hard effort in providing treasures of KP astrological knowledge, I salute him. This article is not disregard for Tin Win Ji but I have different opinion which I am presenting here.

Reference to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s Swearing-in Chart by: Tin Win, KP-Ezine June 2014 issue, I disagree with his conclusion that “ In sum this swearing-in chart does not astrologically indicate a strong and stable government.” as it contradicts with 10th house analyses:

“10 th cuspal sub lord (CSL) Rahu signifies the winning houses 6, 11, against undesirable loosing houses 5, 8, 12, indicating strong power but with significant opposition.”

Let us analyse 10 th CSL Rahu. There is no planet in the star of Rahu, so Rahu is the strong significator of 10 th house ( Govt. and Karma).

Rahu holds strong positional strength in 11th house, though it is badhaka for moveable sign but it doesn’t apply for 10th house, so PM will take all decisions boldly. Sub lord of 10 th house Rahu in 11th indicates successful function of govt., therefore no danger for stability of govt.

Checking Rahu’s sub: Rahu is in sub of Ketu. Ketu is in 5th and in its own star, and so gets strong positional status in house 5 (politics), which is good for govt.

Other signification of Ketu: it is conjoined with Venus (Lagna lord, no harm and will save from enemies) and aspecting lagna and 12th house (means secret inimical activity).

Let us check Venus: Venus is in 5th house, as occupant of 5th . Venus has planets in its star, so weak power of positional situation. But Venus is in Ketu star, Ketu in 5th makes Venus strong significator of 5th (politics), so no danger to longevity of govt. as Venus is sub lord of Moon who is Lagna sub.

Checking lordship of Venus: It is lord of houses 1-8-12, but 8 and 12 houses are occupied by planets, so Venus is weak significator of 8-12. Lagna is unoccupied , so Venus gets strong signification of Lagna by ownership and also aspecting it, and in addition Venus is star and sub lord of Moon (Lagna sub) which may support strong signification of Lagna. So there is no danger to longevity of govt.

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NaMo' Swearing in chart

Sun Rise: 05:25:39 AM Sun Set: 07:11:00 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D

Nithya Yoga: Shobhan Hora: Venus Karana: Vanij

V 07:54:59

Ke 02:35:35 Ve 03:03:48 VI 05:46:19 Mo 14:24:36 VII 29:39:13

Su 11:13:44 VIII 29:26:14

Me 03:46:59 Ju 25:21:09

IV 05:47:54

IX 01:53:13

III 01:53:13

X 05:47:54

II 29:26:14

I 29:39:13 Sa[R] 24:53:23 XII 05:46:19 Ra 02:35:35

XI 07:54:59 Ma 15:19:10

Name: NaMo' Swearing in chart

Gender: MaleDate: Monday, 26/May/2014

Time: 06:12:37 PM SID: 10:07:28

Lat: 28:37:00 N Lon: 77:12:00 E

Place: Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi,India

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 4"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

Star: Bharani, Pada 1

Star Lord: Venus

Rasi: Aries Rasi Lord: Mars

Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus

Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Trayodasi

Bal. Dasa: Venus 0 Y, 9 M, 5 D

I 29:39:13III 01:53:13

II 29:26:14

IV 05:47:54

Ke 02:35:35Ve 03:03:48V 07:54:59

VI 05:46:19Mo 14:24:36

VII 29:39:13Su 11:13:44

VIII 29:26:14Ju 25:21:09Me 03:46:59

IX 01:53:13

X 05:47:54

Ma 15:19:10XI 07:54:59Ra 02:35:35

Sa[R] 24:53:23XII 05:46:19












Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Dasa Summary

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ma Ra Ke

Mo Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Ra Su

Ma Hasta(2) Me Mo Ju Ma Ju

Me Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Ra Ma

Ju Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Me Ju Ve

Ve Aswini(1) Ma Ke Su Mo Sa

Sa[R] Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Ma Me

Ra Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ke Me Ve

Ke Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Me Me

Cuspal Positions

Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

1 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Mo Ra Sa

2 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ra Ra

3 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Me Ra

4 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Mo Ra Me

5 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ke Sa Ke

6 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Ra Ra Ve

7 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ra Ju Ve

8 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ra Ra

9 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ju Ra

10 Magha(2) Su Ke Ra Ra Su

11 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Ve Ra

12 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Mo Ra Sa

Significators - Planets View

Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)

Su+ 6 7 9 10

Mo 5 6 1, 8, 12 9

Ma 6 11 9 2, 6, 7

Me+ 11 8 2, 6, 7 11

Ju 8 8 5 5

Ve 5 5 1, 8, 12

Sa+ 8 12 5 3, 4

Ra+ 11 11 2, 6, 7

Ke 5 5

Bhukti From

Venus Dasa01-May-2014 - 01-Mar-2015Venus 01-May-2014Sun 21-Jun-2014Moon 06-Jul-2014Mars 01-Aug-2014Rahu 19-Aug-2014Jupiter 03-Oct-2014Saturn 13-Nov-2014Mercury 31-Dec-2014Ketu 12-Feb-2015

Bhukti From

Sun Dasa01-Mar-2015 - 01-Jun-2015Sun 01-Mar-2015Moon 06-Mar-2015Mars 14-Mar-2015Rahu 19-Mar-2015Jupiter 02-Apr-2015Saturn 14-Apr-2015Mercury 28-Apr-2015Ketu 11-May-2015Venus 17-May-2015

Bhukti From

Moon Dasa01-Jun-2015 - 01-Nov-2015Moon 01-Jun-2015Mars 14-Jun-2015Rahu 23-Jun-2015Jupiter 16-Jul-2015Saturn 05-Aug-2015Mercury 29-Aug-2015Ketu 20-Sep-2015Venus 29-Sep-2015Sun 24-Oct-2015

Mars Dasa01-Nov-2015 - 17-Feb-2016Mars 01-Nov-2015Rahu 08-Nov-2015Jupiter 24-Nov-2015Saturn 08-Dec-2015Mercury 25-Dec-2015Ketu 09-Jan-2016Venus 15-Jan-2016Sun 02-Feb-2016Moon 07-Feb-2016

Rahu Dasa17-Feb-2016 - 17-Nov-2016Rahu 17-Feb-2016Jupiter 29-Mar-2016Saturn 04-May-2016Mercury 17-Jun-2016Ketu 25-Jul-2016Venus 10-Aug-2016Sun 25-Sep-2016Moon 09-Oct-2016Mars 01-Nov-2016

Jupiter Dasa17-Nov-2016 - 17-Jul-2017Jupiter 17-Nov-2016Saturn 19-Dec-2016Mercury 27-Jan-2017Ketu 02-Mar-2017Venus 16-Mar-2017Sun 26-Apr-2017Moon 08-May-2017Mars 28-May-2017Rahu 12-Jun-2017

Saturn Dasa17-Jul-2017 - 02-May-2018Saturn 17-Jul-2017Mercury 31-Aug-2017Ketu 11-Oct-2017Venus 28-Oct-2017Sun 15-Dec-2017Moon 30-Dec-2017Mars 23-Jan-2018Rahu 09-Feb-2018Jupiter 24-Mar-2018

Mercury Dasa02-May-2018 - 17-Jan-2019Mercury 02-May-2018Ketu 08-Jun-2018Venus 23-Jun-2018Sun 05-Aug-2018Moon 18-Aug-2018Mars 08-Sep-2018Rahu 23-Sep-2018Jupiter 01-Nov-2018Saturn 06-Dec-2018

Ketu Dasa17-Jan-2019 - 02-May-2019Ketu 17-Jan-2019Venus 23-Jan-2019Sun 10-Feb-2019Moon 15-Feb-2019Mars 24-Feb-2019Rahu 02-Mar-2019Jupiter 18-Mar-2019Saturn 02-Apr-2019Mercury 19-Apr-2019

Ruling Planets - 26/May/2014 03:03:58 PM

Maryland, USA

Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Lagna Me Mo Ve Ve Ju

Moon Ma Ve Ra Ju Ju

Day Lord: Moon

Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Ve, Sa.Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ve, Sa.

(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

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Timing of Marriage By: Shiv Kumar Joshi “Lala”

Jyotish Visharad and Jyotish Gana Shiromani 85B, Burtolla Street, Near Ganesh Flour Mill,

Kolkata – 700 007. Mobile: +91-98305 16666; Mobile: +91-98300 84394

Email: [email protected]

Name & Sex of the Querent: Vijay Kumar Rathi Question: My marriage – when? Horary Number: 36 (out of 249) Date & Time of Judgment: 15-12-2013, 19:42:57 Hrs. Place of judgment: Burrabazar – 22N35, 88E21, Kolkata, W.B., India


(1) Consider the houses 2, 7 and 11 for marriage (2nd increase or decrease in family mem-bers; 7th wife or husband, legal tie, prime house for marriage; 11th permanent tie of friend-ship). Venus is the chief governor of marriage and 7th Cuspal Sublord (CSL) is the guide.

(2) Consider the houses 1, 6 and 10 (being 12th from 2, 7 and 11 respectively) for absence of married life.

If the cuspal sub lord (CSL) of 7th be the significator (in the star of occupant or owner) of 2, 7 or 11 and/or in connection with 2, 7 or 11, marriage is promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 7 and 11.

Moon reveals the nature of query.

Moon (Taurus 09-52-17) is in the star of Sun and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occu-pant of 12, owner of 3. Starlord Sun is the occupant of 7, owner of 4. Sun is conjoined to Mercury. Mercury is the occupant of 7, owner of 2-5. Sublord Venus, being untenanted, is the occupant of 8, owner of 1-6 and the CSL of 1-3-5-6-7-8-9-11. Moon signifies and is in connection to the relevant houses (2-7-11), hence query is genuine.

Cuspal analysis

7th Cusp (Scorpio 20-26-40): The sub lord of 7th cusp Venus is in the star of Sun and sub of Saturn. Planet Venus is the occupant of 8, owner of 1 and 6. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and the CSL of 1-3-5-6-7-8-9-11. Starlord Sun is the occupant of 7, owner of 4. Sub lord Saturn is the occu-pant of 6, owner of 9 and 10. 7th CSL Venus signifies 7-11 and is in connection with 11. Hence marriage is promised to the native/querent.

11th Cusp (Gemini 01-19-10): The sub lord of 11th cusp is Venus and we have discussed above.

Points to be noticed:

As Punarphoo does not exist in this chart and 11th CSL Venus (also 7th CSL), being a fast moving planet, posited in star of Sun, a fast moving planet, indicates that event (marriage) will possibly fructify soon without delay.

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Horary No. 36/249

Sun Rise: 06:08:57 AM Sun Set: 04:54:24 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D

Nithya Yoga: Siddha Hora: Mars Karana: Gar

Horary No.: 36Question : Marriage When?

XI 09:41:27

Ke 11:10:31 XII 15:46:37

Mo 09:52:17 I 20:26:40

II 15:11:59 Ju[R] 24:13:06

X 07:09:05

III 09:40:33

IX 09:40:33 Ve 04:14:10

IV 07:09:05

VIII 15:11:59

Su 29:48:25 Me 22:12:48 VII 20:26:40

Sa 24:46:49 VI 15:46:37 Ra 11:10:31

V 09:41:27 Ma 09:56:45

Name: Marriage When

Gender: MaleDate: Sunday, 15/Dec/2013

Time: 07:42:57 PM SID: 01:43:57

Lat: 22:35:00 N Lon: 88:21:00 E


Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 42"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

Star: Krittika, Pada 4

Star Lord: Sun

Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus

Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus

Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturdasi

Bal. Dasa: Sun 0 Y, 0 M, 21 D

I 01:20:26:40III 03:09:40:33

II 02:15:11:59Ju[R] 02:24:13:06

IV 04:07:09:05

V 05:09:41:27Ma 05:09:56:45Ra 06:11:10:31

VI 06:15:46:37Sa 06:24:46:49

Su 07:29:48:25Me 07:22:12:48VII 07:20:26:40

VIII 08:15:11:59Ve 09:04:14:10

IX 09:09:40:33

X 10:07:09:05

Ke 00:11:10:31XI 11:09:41:27

XII 00:15:46:37Mo 01:09:52:17












Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Dasa Summary

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ju Me

Mo Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Ke Ke

Ma U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Ke Ju

Me Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Ve Me

Ju[R] Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Me Ke Ra

Ve U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Mo Ma

Sa Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Mo Me

Ra Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ke Sa

Ke Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Ju Ju

Cuspal Positions

Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

1 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Ve Ve

2 Aridra(3) Me Ra Ke Me Ju

3 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Sa Ve

4 Magha(3) Su Ke Ra Ve Me

5 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Me Mo

6 Swati(3) Ve Ra Ve Mo Ju

7 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Ra Ma

8 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Me Ve

9 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Me Su

10 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ju Su

11 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ve Sa Ve

12 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Su Ra Mo

Significators - Planets View

Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)

Su 7 7 2, 5 4

Mo+ 7 12 4 3

Ma+ 7 5 4 7, 12

Me 7 7 2, 5 2, 5

Ju 2 2 8, 11 8, 11

Ve+ 7 8 4 1, 6

Sa+ 2 6 8, 11 9, 10

Ra 5 5

Ke 11 11

Bhukti From

Sun Dasa05-Jan-2008 - 05-Jan-2014Sun 05-Jan-2008Moon 24-Apr-2008Mars 23-Oct-2008Rahu 28-Feb-2009Jupiter 23-Jan-2010Saturn 11-Nov-2010Mercury 24-Oct-2011Ketu 29-Aug-2012Venus 04-Jan-2013

Bhukti From

Moon Dasa05-Jan-2014 - 05-Jan-2024Moon 05-Jan-2014Mars 05-Nov-2014Rahu 06-Jun-2015Jupiter 06-Dec-2016Saturn 07-Apr-2018Mercury 06-Nov-2019Ketu 07-Apr-2021Venus 06-Nov-2021Sun 08-Jul-2023

Bhukti From

Mars Dasa05-Jan-2024 - 05-Jan-2031Mars 05-Jan-2024Rahu 02-Jun-2024Jupiter 20-Jun-2025Saturn 27-May-2026Mercury 06-Jul-2027Ketu 02-Jul-2028Venus 28-Nov-2028Sun 28-Jan-2030Moon 05-Jun-2030

Rahu Dasa05-Jan-2031 - 05-Jan-2049Rahu 05-Jan-2031Jupiter 18-Sep-2033Saturn 11-Feb-2036Mercury 18-Dec-2038Ketu 07-Jul-2041Venus 25-Jul-2042Sun 26-Jul-2045Moon 19-Jun-2046Mars 19-Dec-2047

Jupiter Dasa05-Jan-2049 - 05-Jan-2065Jupiter 05-Jan-2049Saturn 23-Feb-2051Mercury 06-Sep-2053Ketu 12-Dec-2055Venus 17-Nov-2056Sun 18-Jul-2059Moon 06-May-2060Mars 04-Sep-2061Rahu 11-Aug-2062

Saturn Dasa05-Jan-2065 - 05-Jan-2084Saturn 05-Jan-2065Mercury 08-Jan-2068Ketu 18-Sep-2070Venus 27-Oct-2071Sun 27-Dec-2074Moon 09-Dec-2075Mars 10-Jul-2077Rahu 19-Aug-2078Jupiter 25-Jun-2081

Mercury Dasa05-Jan-2084 - 05-Jan-2101Mercury 05-Jan-2084Ketu 03-Jun-2086Venus 31-May-2087Sun 01-Apr-2090Moon 05-Feb-2091Mars 06-Jul-2092Rahu 04-Jul-2093Jupiter 21-Jan-2096Saturn 28-Apr-2098

Ketu Dasa05-Jan-2101 - 05-Jan-2108Ketu 05-Jan-2101Venus 03-Jun-2101Sun 03-Aug-2102Moon 09-Dec-2102Mars 10-Jul-2103Rahu 06-Dec-2103Jupiter 24-Dec-2104Saturn 30-Nov-2105Mercury 09-Jan-2107

Venus Dasa05-Jan-2108 - 05-Jan-2128Venus 05-Jan-2108Sun 07-May-2111Moon 07-May-2112Mars 05-Jan-2114Rahu 07-Mar-2115Jupiter 07-Mar-2118Saturn 06-Nov-2120Mercury 06-Jan-2124Ketu 06-Nov-2126

Ruling Planets - 15/Dec/2013 07:42:57 PM


Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Lagna Mo Sa Ve Ve Ju

Moon Ve Su Ve Ke Ke

Day Lord: Sun

Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa.Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa.

(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

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Planets signifying the houses 2, 7 and 11

A = Planets in Occupant’s Stars B = Occupant of Houses C = Planets in Owner’s Stars D = House Owner

(A) Significators of 2, 7 and 11: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

* As per KP Principles, nodes are stronger than planets. In RP Chart, Rahu conjoined to Sat-urn (a ruling planet) and posited in sign of Libra (lord Venus, a ruling planet). Thus, im-portance must be given to Rahu at first in place of Venus and Saturn.

(B) Ruling Planets are: Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Rahu.

(C) Fruitful (common) planets among (A) and (B): Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn, Rahu.

Joint period (DBAS: Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra-Sookshma)

Present Dasha Lord: Sun (from 05-01-2008 to 05-01-2014) Sun is a fruitful (common) planet, but there is only 21 days left for Sun Dasha from the time of judgment. It seems quite difficult that any chance of marriage will be possible during only 21 days left of Sun Dasha. Hence, Sun Dasha is not taken into consideration and we have to proceed for next dasha.

Next Dasha & Bhukti: Moon (from 05-01-2014 to 05-11-2014) Moon is a fruitful (common) planet. As discussed above, Moon signifies and is in connection with all the relevant houses for marriage i.e. 2 and 7 and 11. Hence Moon Dasha & Bhukti are taken into consideration for marriage.

Now, in Dasha-Bhukti of Moon (from 05-01-2014 to 05-11-2014);

Anthra Lord: Moon (from 05-01-2014 to 30-01-2014) is a fruitful (common) planet and already taken as Dasha & Bhukti Lord, hence not taken for Antra into consideration for marriage.

Next Anthra Lord: Mars (from 30-01-2014 to 17-02-2014) is not a fruitful (common) planet, hence not taken into consideration for marriage.

Houses A B C D

2 Jupiter, Saturn(Rahu) Jupiter Sun, Mercury Mercury

7 Moon, Mars, Venus, Sun,

Mercury Sun, Mercury - Mars

11 Ketu Ketu Jupiter, Sat-urn Jupiter

Ruling Planets at the time of judgment are Lagna / Ascendant Moon – Saturn Moon Venus – Sun Day Lord Sun Nodes Rahu*

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Next Anthra Lord: Rahu (from 17-02-2014 to 04-04-2014) is a fruitful (common) planet. As discussed above, being a node, we must given preference to Rahu because it acts as an agent of Saturn and Venus (both are ruling planets as well as common planets). Hence, Ra-hu Anthra is taken into consideration.


Since the event will possibly fructify within a year, so we have to check the transit of Sun. During the Joint-Period of DBA Moon-Moon-Rahu (from 17-02-2014 to 04-04-2014), the transit of Sun will be ……..

1) In the sign of Aquarius (Lord Saturn, RP Lagna Starlord) and in star of Rahu (anagent of Venus – RP Moon signlord): from 19-02-2014 to 04-03-2014;

2) In the star of Jupiter and Saturn (both are the significator of 11 under category “C” inchart): from 05-03-2014 to 30-03-2014).

My Opinion: I will prefer to select the period from 19-02-2014 to 04-03-2014 for first choice, and then to select the period from 04-03-2014 to 30-03-2014 for second choice.

Actual Outcome: The native got married on 24th February 2014 during the joint pPeriod of DBA Moon-Moon-Rahu. It was on Sunday (a ruling planet), when Sun was transiting in the sign of Saturn (Aquarius) and in star of Rahu (Shatabhisha).

Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P. Roychaudhary!

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Permanent in Job By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia

Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug

Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165.

Email : [email protected]

Question 1: I am on govt. contractual job, my question is when I will get permanent status in this job? Date of birth. 14/2/1982, Sunday; Time of birth. 07-37-15 AM IST Place of Birth: Kalpa-HP Lon/Lat: 31° N 32', 78° E 15'. Aynamsha 23.31.02


If the cuspal sub lord of the 6th or 10th be the significator of 2, 6 or 10, service or earning is promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and 10.

Cusp 6th. (Cancer 090.40’.52”): The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of Sun and sub of Rahu. Venus is occupant of 11 owner of 4, 9. No planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 4, 6, 11, 12. Star lord Sun is occupant of 12 owner of 7. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is aspected by Jupiter & Saturn. Jupiter is occupant of 8, owner of 2, 11. Saturn is occupant of 8, owner of 1, 12. Thus 7th CSL Rahu signifies 12, 7 and is connected with 11, 4, 9, 4, 12, 5, 8, 2. So job is promised but due to 9, 5, 12, 8 signfiiction it is not a satisfied job.

Joint Period

At the time of judgment the running dasa is Saturn from 01-11-2008 to 01-11-2027.

Dasa nath Saturn is in the star of Mars and sub of own. Saturn is occupant of 8, owner of 1, 12. Star lord Mars is occupant of 8, owner of 3, 10. Thus dasa nath Mars signifies 8, 3, 10 and is connected with 1, 12. Dasa lord’s signification of job is sure but 8th indicates ma-terialization after some delay and hurdles.

Running bhukti is Mercury from 04-11-2011 to 15-07-2014.

Mercury is in the star of Sun and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 12, owner of 5, 8. No planet is in the star of Mercury and Mercury is CSL of 1, 7. Star lord Sun is occupant of 12 owner of 7. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 11 owner of 4, 9. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 4, 6, 11, 12. Thus bhukti lord Mercury signifies 12, 7 and is connected with 12, 5, 8, 1, 7, 11, 4, 9. Bhukti lord’s signification of job is sure but 8th indi-cates that after some delay and hurdles you will get permanent job.

For antra I preferred Rahu antra from 06-05-2013 to 30-09-2013. Rahu is in the star of Ju-piter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is aspected by Jupiter & Saturn. Jupi-ter is occupant of 8, owner of 2, 11. Saturn is occupant of 8, owner of 1, 12. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 11 owner of 4, 9. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 4, 6, 11, 12. Antra lord signifies 2, 11 and is connected with 2, 11, 6. With 8th signification it in-dicates that after some delay and hurdles you will get permanent job.

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Sun Rise: 07:00:23 AM Sun Set: 06:02:28 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D

Nithya Yoga: Vridhi Hora: Sun Karana: Vanij

II 24:40:03

III 26:32:29 IV 21:35:29 V 14:31:29 Ra 27:19:59

I 12:52:48 Su 01:32:02

VI 09:40:52

XII 09:40:52 Me 09:26:19 Ve 00:03:06

VII 12:52:48

Ke 27:19:59 XI 14:31:29 X 21:35:29

IX 26:32:29 Ju 16:38:59 Mo 12:03:58

VIII 24:40:03 Ma 25:23:32 Sa[R] 28:33:37

Name: Male

Gender: Male

Date: Sunday, 14/Feb/1982

Time: 07:37:15 AM SID: 16:55:21 Lat: 31:32:00 N Lon: 78:15:00 E Place: KALPA, HIMACHAL PRADESH, India

Ayanamsa: 23° 31' 2"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

Star: Swati, Pada 2

Star Lord: Rahu

Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus

Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn

Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti

Bal. Dasa: Rahu 10 Y, 8 M, 16 D

I 10:12:52:48III 00:26:32:29

II 11:24:40:03

IV 01:21:35:29

V 02:14:31:29Ra 02:27:19:59

VI 03:09:40:52

VII 04:12:52:48

Sa[R] 05:28:33:37Ma 05:25:23:32VIII 05:24:40:03Ju 06:16:38:59Mo 06:12:03:58

IX 06:26:32:29

X 07:21:35:29

Ke 08:27:19:59XI 08:14:31:29Me 09:09:26:19Ve 09:00:03:06

XII 09:09:40:52Su 10:01:32:02












Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Dasa Summary

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Ju Mo

Mo Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ra Sa

Ma Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ke Me

Me U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Sa Ma

Ju Swati(3) Ve Ra Ve Sa Sa

Ve U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Sa Ra

Sa[R] Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Ke Mo

Ra Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Ma Ve

Ke U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Su Ve Ke

Cuspal Positions

Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

1 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Me Ke Ra

2 Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Ju Ra

3 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Ke Sa Ju

4 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Ju Ju

5 Aridra(3) Me Ra Ke Ve Mo

6 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Sa Ve

7 Magha(4) Su Ke Me Ju Me

8 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ju Ra

9 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ke Me Sa

10 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Mo Mo

11 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Ju Sa

12 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Me Su

Significators - Planets View

Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)

Su 8 12 3, 10 7

Mo+ 5 8 6

Ma 8 8 3, 10 3, 10

Me+ 12 12 7 5, 8

Ju 5 8 2, 11

Ve+ 12 11 7 4, 9

Sa+ 8 8 3, 10 1, 12

Ra 8 5 2, 11

Ke+ 12 11 7

Bhukti From

Rahu Dasa01-Nov-1974 - 01-Nov-1992Rahu 01-Nov-1974Jupiter 15-Jul-1977Saturn 08-Dec-1979Mercury 14-Oct-1982Ketu 03-May-1985Venus 21-May-1986Sun 21-May-1989Moon 15-Apr-1990Mars 15-Oct-1991

Bhukti From

Jupiter Dasa01-Nov-1992 - 01-Nov-2008Jupiter 01-Nov-1992Saturn 20-Dec-1994Mercury 02-Jul-1997Ketu 08-Oct-1999Venus 13-Sep-2000Sun 14-May-2003Moon 01-Mar-2004Mars 01-Jul-2005Rahu 07-Jun-2006

Bhukti From

Saturn Dasa01-Nov-2008 - 01-Nov-2027Saturn 01-Nov-2008Mercury 04-Nov-2011Ketu 15-Jul-2014Venus 23-Aug-2015Sun 23-Oct-2018Moon 05-Oct-2019Mars 06-May-2021Rahu 15-Jun-2022Jupiter 21-Apr-2025

Mercury Dasa01-Nov-2027 - 01-Nov-2044Mercury 01-Nov-2027Ketu 30-Mar-2030Venus 27-Mar-2031Sun 26-Jan-2034Moon 02-Dec-2034Mars 02-May-2036Rahu 30-Apr-2037Jupiter 16-Nov-2039Saturn 22-Feb-2042

Ketu Dasa01-Nov-2044 - 01-Nov-2051Ketu 01-Nov-2044Venus 30-Mar-2045Sun 30-May-2046Moon 05-Oct-2046Mars 06-May-2047Rahu 02-Oct-2047Jupiter 20-Oct-2048Saturn 26-Sep-2049Mercury 05-Nov-2050

Venus Dasa01-Nov-2051 - 01-Nov-2071Venus 01-Nov-2051Sun 03-Mar-2055Moon 03-Mar-2056Mars 01-Nov-2057Rahu 01-Jan-2059Jupiter 01-Jan-2062Saturn 01-Sep-2064Mercury 31-Oct-2067Ketu 01-Sep-2070

Sun Dasa01-Nov-2071 - 01-Nov-2077Sun 01-Nov-2071Moon 18-Feb-2072Mars 19-Aug-2072Rahu 25-Dec-2072Jupiter 19-Nov-2073Saturn 07-Sep-2074Mercury 20-Aug-2075Ketu 25-Jun-2076Venus 31-Oct-2076

Moon Dasa01-Nov-2077 - 01-Nov-2087Moon 01-Nov-2077Mars 01-Sep-2078Rahu 02-Apr-2079Jupiter 02-Oct-2080Saturn 01-Feb-2082Mercury 02-Sep-2083Ketu 01-Feb-2085Venus 02-Sep-2085Sun 04-May-2087

Mars Dasa01-Nov-2087 - 01-Nov-2094Mars 01-Nov-2087Rahu 29-Mar-2088Jupiter 16-Apr-2089Saturn 23-Mar-2090Mercury 02-May-2091Ketu 28-Apr-2092Venus 24-Sep-2092Sun 24-Nov-2093Moon 01-Apr-2094

Ruling Planets - 25/Aug/2012 11:48:40 AM


Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Lagna Ve Ju Sa Me Sa

Moon Ma Me Me Mo Ju

Day Lord: Saturn

Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ju, Sa.Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju.

(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

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My opinion: After some delay and hurdles you will get permanent job during 06-05-2013 to 30-09-2013

Actual outcome: Prediction comes correct. The native got permanent status on 28-9-2013.

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KP Ezine August 2014 32

Ques on-Answer By: Tin Win

Email: [email protected]

Question & Answer 08 2014 Question – 1: I am following the KP ezine and I am a new learner of KP system (6 months old, I have a query which I would like to verify and your answer will be greatly helpful. A) In your May 2014 issue on page 67, other significators (11.) , you mentioned that a plan-et "may" become significator if the next house. Could you elaborate on when the planet will be the significator surely and when it will not? B) Say during chart analysis we are looking for child birth (2,5,11), we found the 5th CSLsignifying 2,5,11, and also 1,10 or 1,4,10 or 1,4. So now the significators are negating the fruitful houses along with signification of fruitful houses. How should a prediction be made in this case? C) someone who is interested in share trading as part-time income, should we consider 5thCSL or 10th CSL, and what combination of houses shows success and which shows failure?

Answer: 1 - A: KP-Ezine May 2014 issue on page 67: 11. If a planet is located very close to the next cusp within 3° 20' orb, that planet may be-come the significator of next house. In the above example chart, Rahu at 24°Pi36' is physi-cally located in the 2nd house, but very close to the next 3rd cusp 25°Pi44' within 3° 20' orb, and so it may also give the results of next 3rd house. Similarly Ketu at 24°Vi36' is physically located in the 8th house, but very close to the next 9th cusp 25°Vi44' within 3° 20' orb, and so it may also give the results of next 9th house.

In the above paragraph, the word "may" is used as a compromise because the theory of a planet near the house cusp giving the results of next house is not yet a commonly accepted rule, even though it is originated from the original Krishnamurti Padhdhati Vol. 2, 1966 of Sagar Publications, p 281 and KP Reader IV, page 108, and supported by many astrologers of East and West. As we follow this rule, those are the significators of next houses. Answer - 1- B: In checking the concerned CSL in order to know whether a matter under consideration is promised or not, generally as long as the CSL signifies any of required houses regardless of the simultaneous signification of negative houses. In this case of getting a child, as long as the 5th CSL for female signifies any of houses 2,5,11 regardless of signification of negative houses 1,4,10. The negative houses indicate difficulties in materialization of promise and problems after materialization.

In checking the dasa period DBAS lords whether they are capable of materializing a prom-ised matter, the signification of negative houses, especially in the sub level, should be thor-oughly judged whether such negative signification is overriding the positive signification.s Answer 1 - C: If the 5th cuspal sub lord signifies houses 2,5,6,11, one can gain in stock market trading during the joint dasa period of significators of house 2,6,11; if this CSL signifies houses 8,12, one can loss during the joint dasa period of significators of houses 5,8,12.

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Question - 2: Annual Horoscope Sir it is advised by few KP astrologers to see the solar return chart as advocated by Prof. KSK in private teaching. Does that have some significance and is it correct in you view but I'm not sure? Answer - 2: The annual horoscope or solar return chart was first published in the original Krshnamurti Padhdhati Vol. 2, Sagar Publications, 1966, pages 389-394; reprinted in KP Reader III, 1971 Edition, Practical Part pages 305-310 / new Edition pages 481-487. Annual Horoscope (An Example ) by Prof. KSK was first published in Astrology & Arthrishta July 1976 issue pages 3-8 , and reprinted in Stellar Effects in Human Life, editor K Hari-haran, pages 290-301, as shown by the attached first page of the article. The practical application of annual horoscope in KP has not been found published as far as my reading goes. An experiment has been tried to apply the annual or solar return or Tajaka or Varshphal horoscope in some Mandane predictions along with the Hindu or lunar new year chart, which is said by Dr. B V Raman as an excellent method of predicting events for the whole year. (KP Approach to Different Mundane Charts for Polish Parliamentary Elections 2011, KP-Ezine Oct 2011; Syrian Uprising: An Attempt for KP Appraisal, KP-Ezine June 2012 issue)

An effort has been found to integrate Sahams of Tajika Neelkantha (shown in the Dr. BV Raman’s Varshaphal or Hindu Progressive Horoscope, pp 58-59) with KP. However in KP the role of the top saham – “Punya or Fortune” has been downplayed from - being written in a separate chapter under “Fortuna” in the original Krshnamurti Padhdhati Vol. 1, Sagar Pub-lications, 1966, pages 471-474, in addition to calculation on pages 176-177 - to mentioning only a little bit here and there in KP Readers.

So the annual horoscope is not found so significant in practice of KP. Question - 3: Guruji KSK's Prediction of Plane Arrival Time and Numerology Has Prof. KSK mentioned anything about planets and their numbers (numerical values as per numerology) ? Regarding KP and numerology, I ask this question because of the following reason. This in-cident had happened in 1970 or 1971 if I remember right. (I was not born yet and I read this in a paper article which was written by a Sri Lankan astrologer named Mr. Sivapadam. He was the one who organized the Prof. KSK’s Sri Lanka visit. At the moment I do not have that article and trying to find it in archives. But it is very difficult as I do not remember the exact date of the paper. The article was published long after Prof. KSK’s visit. May be in 80’s) Incident: When Prof. KSK was about to leave Sri Lanka after successful tour, at the airport it was announced that his plane was going to be delayed. (Navigation system was not advanced then and hence ATC was unable to predict the correct arrival time of the plane. Then one person had asked KSK whether he was able to predict the arrival time and Prof. KSK was able to predict it up to the second and that prediction was appeared in all leading newspaper in Sri Lanka. But according to Mr.Sivapadam’s article, Prof. KSK was not only able to predict arrival time but also his seat number and some other number related to the Captain of the aircraft. All these were came true. So by chance if you come across such article please share with us. Answer – 3: The article "Exact time of plane touching air-port - revealed using ruling planets" pub-lished in "RP & KP" book, editors K. Subramaniam & K. Hariharan, Hariman Publications, 1985, pp 85-89, was about Guruji KSK's correct prediction of the Air India plane arrival time on the day of his departure from Sri Lanka on 28-11-1970 at Katunayake airport. The numbers mentioned in the article appear to be the author’s view, but not said by Prof. KSK in the context of numerology, as shown in the attached pages of the article.

Question- 4: Dr. Criticism and Acknowledgement of KP I’m known that Sri (late) V.B. Raman, very famous Vedic astrologer and editor of the Astro-logical Magazine and so many books, had acknowledged that Prof. KSK had enumerated the

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new system and his ayanamsa is correct. Sir do you have some idea in which magazine or platform, he did so. Please give little clue. Shri K.P. Kuppu Ganapathi, direct disciple of Guruji KSK said some years back in a KP re-search group which was run by Mr. Kanak Bosmia: “As a matter of fact when our GREATR GURUJI invented his Theory, the great Mr. B.V. Ra-man himself ridiculed our GREAT GURUJI through his writings in his ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZENE which our GREATR GURUJI reciprocated with calmness and expalained and this war went on for more than 15 years and finally Mr.B.V.Raman, had to concede that our GREAT GURUJI has really invented a new System and wished him success. These have all now become history and only people like me and Mr. Raichurji, may some others who were watching this at that time, have complete knowledge in this matter.”

Dr. B.V. Raman wrote in his "My Experiences in Astrology", Reprint 2001, page 239, “In 1958 when K.S. Krishna Murthy met me to explain his so-called ‘paddhati’ , I reminded him that the germ of theory was revealed by Meena and that mixing up Meena’s Nadi system , some principles of Hindu Astrology and a few Western theories would not constitute a new system! I suggested that he gave due acknowledgement to R. Gopalakrishna Rao, as he was the first to mention so-called sub. Murthy apparently did not like my advice.” The criticism and acknowledgement were most possibly published in Dr. B.V. Raman's As-trological Magazine. Regarding ayanamsa, DR. B.V. Raman introduced his own Raman ayanamsa, which is ex-plained in his Hindu Predictive Astrology, Appendix A: Calculation of the Ayanamsa as fol-lows: When exactly the two Zodiacs were in the first point is doubted by a number of astronomers and accordingly the Ayanamsa-precessional distance-varies from 19° to 23°. I do not wish to enter into explaining the complicated processes of astronomy at large which centre attention on the discussion of the exact nature of Ayanamsa but merely confine myself to giving a suitable and simple method for determining the Ayanamsa. First of all, cast the horoscope of birth according to the European manner and convert it in-to the terms of the Hindu Zodiac by the following process :- (1) Subtract 397 from the year of bitrh (A.D.). (2) Multiply the remainder by 50 1/3 seconds; and reduce the product into degrees, minutes and seconds. (3) Subtract this number of degrees, minutes, and seconds from the cusps of the houses and planets' positions in the European figure of birth and the figure thus obtained will be according to the Hindu system. Example:- Determine the Ayanamsa for 1912 A.D.? 1912 - 397 = 1515 * 50 1/3 " = 76255" 76255" = 21° 10´ 55" This is the Ayanamsa for 1912 A.D.

So there is no way for Dr. B.V. Raman to agree with the KP ayanamsa .

Question – 5: Rules for Second Marriage What may be the rule for a divorcee girl to marry with an unmarried boy. Please provide some guidance or take this query for next issue of KP-Ezine - question & answer section. Answer - 5: Below is a note on general rules for more than one marriage. But no clear cut rule is not yet available to marry with the unmarried or divorcee, and it needs further analysis of the chart for partner’s position.

Note on Rules/Guide Lines for Checking for More than one Marriage in a KP Chart (summarized by late Sri Raichur ji) Shree Kanak Bosmia, under the guidance of Raichur and Tin Win,did a statistical study on the 3 guidelines mentioned below:

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The assumptions ARE: GEMINI (Mithuna), SAGGITARIUS (Danhu), PISCES (Meena), are Dual SIGNS (for this study): MERC, JUP (Budha and Guru) owning these signs are consid-ered as DUAL Planets ( for these guidelines only). Hindoo Aspects (Vedic aspects) with no orbs, i.e. Sign to Sign are considered while finding or checking significators of houses.

Within these parameters, the rules are: RULE-1: MORE THAN ONE marriage is indicated if the BOTH following two condi-tions ARE simultaneously satisfied:

(i) The sub-lord of the 7th cusp OR its Starlord is deposited in a dual sign (Gemini, Sagittarius,

Pisces) OR if the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is Mercury/JUP; and

(ii) The sub-lord of the 7th cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 2 or 11 or both. If any of the above two conditions is not satisfied, then second marriage is denied.

RULE-2: Second marriage is indicated if the sub-lord of the 2nd cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 7 or 11. RULE-3: As per Kanak: ON ASSUMPTION 2ND WIFE IS CONSIDERED AS YOUNGERSIST-ER OF FIRST. Second marriage is indicated if The sub-lord of the 9th cusp is a significator of either of the houses 2 or 9 or 11. The study was done on 100 charts, where data were reliable. This was supplied from ASTRDATA BANK 4.0 and some by shri TIN WIN. THE RESULTS OF THE STUDY ARE AS UNDER: RULE 1: 74 PERCENT AGREE WITH THIS RULE RULE 2: 79 PERCENT AGREE WITH THIS RULE RULE 3: 93 PERCENT AGREE WITH THIS RULE No rule by itself gives a 100 percent co-relationship Final Recommendation: CHECK BY ALL 3 RULES, and then GIVE the prediction on more than one Marriage.

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Book Review- Planetary cycles in the stock market, Volume 1

By: Tin Win Email: [email protected]

Cykle planetarne na giełdzie, TOM 1 (Planetary cycles in the stock market, Volume 1) by Wojciech Suchomski WIG Press, Warsaw, 2010, 199 pages

Stock market analysts are trying to predict from year decreases and increases in the stock market, relying heavily on historical data. Stock market predictions will be more accurate if one can find correlations with the cycles of the planets, the position of which can be calcu-lated for decades ahead. This method, which first publications were created in the West 80 years ago, was published for the first time in Poland in this book “Planetary cycles in the stock market”.

This book review is just to give some hints on applied knowledge of planetary cycles of the author Wojciech Suchomski, who publishes the daily stock market commentaries, financial analysis, and articles on his website since 2005.

The first part of Planetary cycles contains useful information about investments, passive income, investment risk. It also is a lot of investment psychology, personality traits of a good investor, the 10 sins of loosing investors in stock trading (pp 39-40): 1) Lack of knowledge of stock market rules2) A bit complicated decision taking system3) Taking unnecessary risk4) Entering into stock market with debt5) Chaotic action6) Ensiling losses and picking immature fruits

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7) Wrong timing in taking decision8) Succumbing to emotions9) Disregard of transaction costs10) Greed

and also ten commandments to gain in the stock market (pp 41-42): 1) Explore market where one is trading2) Take care of credible and actual sources of information as well as data3) Trade with tested information only4) Accept realistic investment goals; must have a plan including -a) expected risk (daily, monthly, yearlyb) maximum losses, for which one is ready to bearc) maximum amount of capital which is intendedd) level of entrance and exit from transaction5) expect losses6) Open only such position for which one can afford7) Truncate losses8) Use stop-losses approach to be easier in cutting losses by trading stocks with limitedlosses 9) Discipline, do not allow oneself to emotion and hold on with one's investment plan.10) Spread risk by buying different kinds of stocks other than from one company only

In the second part you will learn the principles of financial astrology, for example, the astro-logical aspects of the planets indicating a collapse or boom in the stock market, or the cy-cles of the planets, symbolizing the reactions of markets. A lot of practical tips are discussed retrogression of the planets, Moon void of course, and many other important systems. There is also a glossary of astrology.

The third part discusses the basic elements of Books business astrology: horoscope busi-ness aspects conducive to winning, it is also a chapter on the horoscope of Poland and one chapter specifically is addressed to women investors.

Table of Contents

Introduction The three parts of this book

PART I. FINANCE Where to get the capital to invest in stock market? Some simple ideas on how to conjure up 100 thousand Zloty The minimum capital of a stock How much you have to have money to start investing in the stock market? Relative and absolute salary Both earn 10 thousand Zloty. Yet one earns less, and the second more. The proportion of Pareto 20% of expenditure brings up to 80% of revenue. Focus on what brings the most revenue. Passive income

The answer to the eternal question: how to earn, so as not to make it. A few words about the investment funds What proportion of your payment goes to the fund charges? Learn the secrets of these institutions. How to invest yourself? Several cordial tips to start adventure with the exchange. Where to invest money?

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Market is not only the shares of companies. Gold investment How cheapest to buy gold? How to predict stock prices to changes in other values? Is the decline in the euro exchange rate may herald the decline in the stock market? Character traits of good investor What psychology speaks of the "born investors"? What mistakes to avoid in investing in the stock market? Ten Deadly Sins of investors who are losing. The Decalogue trader Ten simple rules by which multiply his fortune. Indicators of fundamental analysis How to assess the financial condition of a company in a minute? Some light on the Japanese candlesticks How to simplify the daily fluctuations of index in the form of white or black candle? Technical analysis of action With a few strokes how to organize jumping candles? Indicators of technical analysis Alarm signals that show something is happening wrong with your shares. What is stop-loss? Precaution, so that'll save a lot of money. How to control investment risk?

The rate is one percent of your capital and profits are endless. Do you enter into the game? Stock market in the long term Who feeds the capital for long-term investors? Are term contracts ethical? Is it true that timely contracts invent themselves the devil? Glossary of finance

PART II. FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY Introduction to financial astrology. How does it work? It's just the cycles of the planets, there is no magic here. Financial Astrology - historical background Who studied the cycles of the planets in conjunction with the stock market and what discovered? Getting Started Where to start learning financial astrology? Cyclical nature of the markets What is the stock market cycle and how to predict a change in trend? Planetary cycle About conjunction, quadrature and other aspects of the planets. The dominant planetary cycles Which is the most important planetary cycle and when it creates its bottom? Statistics for Dummies How to measure statistically the usefulness of financial astrology? Planetary cycles with high correlation with the Dow Jones Chapter, which is a lot of graphs and results of research. Aspects of return on the stock market When markets break down or depart from the boom? Siderograf of Bradley The first planetary model of the stock index has already over 60 years. Retro-gradation of the planets When the force of the planets is cumulative and then how to adopt strategy? Moon void of course

The period when all your efforts will be fruitless.

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Horoscope of first public offer How to choose actions that will bring the highest profit? Horoscope of public offering of PGE The practical interpretation of the horoscope of listed shares. Other schools of financial astrology "Classics", "cyclists" and "kreskarze" and space levels of support and resistance levels. How much can you earn by using financial astrology? Investment performance of Astro-business. Duration of planetary cycles Volume 1 Glossary of astrological terms l PART III. ASTROLOGY IN BUSINESS Basic concepts of astrology What is astrology and birth horoscope of a native? How to interpret your birth horoscope? Importance of elements in your horoscope. Do women do better in the stock market and finance? Especially for women, who are investing. When to play the Lotto? A few tips on how to increase your chances of winning Lotto. Horoscope of a company Importance of elements in the horoscope of the company. When you start a business? Aspects of the planets to be included in the business Horoscope of Poland Horoscope of our nation with a forecast for 20 years Test for proof In the next part ... Bibliography List of charts

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Readers Views

Dear kanak, Namaste, KP-Ezine of May 2014 contains some beautiful articles in National context. 1. KP relationship method of composite chart is a unique approach. Well written and inter-esting one. Demonstration of relocation in case of Sonia gandhi , a new field in KP application by Great Tin Win ji. 3. Option theory By Sri O.V.N .Murthy.Thanks for publishing new ideas , hope these methods are proved useful . Team deserves congratulations. With best wishes Rameshcsrivastava Astrologer and Jaimini scholar.

---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- From: Sandeep Limkar [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 22/05/2014 2:26 PM To: Kanak Bosmia Subject: Re: MESSAGE :: - Prashna Jyotish

Hello Sir, I read your analysis on the election result and was indeed, amazing, to see your predictions exactly matching the outcome. CONGRATULATIONS!!! for the same. Thanks and regards, Sandeep ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Congradulations to Kanak Bosnia and VSN Moorthy for accurate predictions- -- Amrit sagar

---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Sri Kanak Bosmia Ji

Grateful thanks for emailing July issue release intimation; I have downloaded the file; many articles by different authors, reflects their indepth knowledge, skills in KP system and proves that KP is the scientific method. Wish all your vision, ambition, endeavor, service a Himalayan success.

Regards K S Narayanan

---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------

My warm wishes to the 90th foot step of KPEZ, and the Editor Sri Kanak Bosmia ji, Adviser Sri Tin win ji and all editorial staff. Sunaparantha Kalayan

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Planetary Positions For August 2014


Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto 01/Aug/2014 01:28:31 Cn 14:43:31 Vi 09:57:48 Li 09:10:44 Cn 06:08:09 Cn 09:29:15 Ge 22:15:30 Li 22:46:29 Vi 29:04:16 Pi 29:04:16 Pi 22:29:54 Aq 12:57:33 Sg 17:39:34 02/Aug/2014 01:32:27 Cn 15:40:56 Vi 22:06:33 Li 09:43:33 Cn 08:11:56 Cn 09:42:32 Ge 23:28:22 Li 22:47:37 Vi 29:01:05 Pi 29:01:05 Pi 22:29:24 Aq 12:56:09 Sg 17:38:17 03/Aug/2014 01:36:24 Cn 16:38:21 Li 04:29:25 Li 10:16:35 Cn 10:16:31 Cn 09:55:50 Ge 24:41:17 Li 22:48:51 Vi 28:57:54 Pi 28:57:54 Pi 22:28:51 Aq 12:54:43 Sg 17:37:00 04/Aug/2014 01:40:20 Cn 17:35:47 Li 17:11:09 Li 10:49:50 Cn 12:21:32 Cn 10:09:06 Ge 25:54:14 Li 22:50:11 Vi 28:54:43 Pi 28:54:43 Pi 22:28:15 Aq 12:53:17 Sg 17:35:45 05/Aug/2014 01:44:17 Cn 18:33:13 Sc 00:16:19 Li 11:23:17 Cn 14:26:43 Cn 10:22:22 Ge 27:07:13 Li 22:51:36 Vi 28:51:33 Pi 28:51:33 Pi 22:27:36 Aq 12:51:50 Sg 17:34:30 06/Aug/2014 01:48:13 Cn 19:30:40 Sc 13:48:43 Li 11:56:57 Cn 16:31:47 Cn 10:35:37 Ge 28:20:15 Li 22:53:08 Vi 28:48:22 Pi 28:48:22 Pi 22:26:54 Aq 12:50:22 Sg 17:33:17 07/Aug/2014 01:52:10 Cn 20:28:08 Sc 27:50:26 Li 12:30:49 Cn 18:36:30 Cn 10:48:51 Ge 29:33:18 Li 22:54:45 Vi 28:45:11 Pi 28:45:11 Pi 22:26:10 Aq 12:48:53 Sg 17:32:04 08/Aug/2014 01:56:07 Cn 21:25:37 Sg 12:20:54 Li 13:04:53 Cn 20:40:38 Cn 11:02:04 Cn 00:46:24 Li 22:56:28 Vi 28:42:00 Pi 28:42:00 Pi 22:25:23 Aq 12:47:23 Sg 17:30:53 09/Aug/2014 02:00:03 Cn 22:23:06 Sg 27:16:10 Li 13:39:09 Cn 22:44:01 Cn 11:15:16 Cn 01:59:32 Li 22:58:16 Vi 28:38:50 Pi 28:38:50 Pi 22:24:34 Aq 12:45:53 Sg 17:29:43 10/Aug/2014 02:04:00 Cn 23:20:37 Cp 12:28:40 Li 14:13:36 Cn 24:46:30 Cn 11:28:26 Cn 03:12:43 Li 23:00:10 Vi 28:35:39 Pi 28:35:39 Pi 22:23:41 Aq 12:44:21 Sg 17:28:33 11/Aug/2014 02:07:56 Cn 24:18:08 Cp 27:48:06 Li 14:48:14 Cn 26:47:55 Cn 11:41:36 Cn 04:25:56 Li 23:02:09 Vi 28:32:28 Pi 28:32:28 Pi 22:22:46 Aq 12:42:49 Sg 17:27:25 12/Aug/2014 02:11:53 Cn 25:15:41 Aq 13:03:05 Li 15:23:03 Cn 28:48:12 Cn 11:54:44 Cn 05:39:11 Li 23:04:14 Vi 28:29:17 Pi 28:29:17 Pi 22:21:48 Aq 12:41:17 Sg 17:26:18 13/Aug/2014 02:15:49 Cn 26:13:14 Aq 28:03:14 Li 15:58:04 Le 00:47:15 Cn 12:07:51 Cn 06:52:29 Li 23:06:25 Vi 28:26:07 Pi 28:26:07 Pi 22:20:48 Aq 12:39:43 Sg 17:25:12 14/Aug/2014 02:19:46 Cn 27:10:50 Pi 12:40:50 Li 16:33:15 Le 02:45:00 Cn 12:20:57 Cn 08:05:49 Li 23:08:41 Vi 28:22:56 Pi 28:22:56 Pi 22:19:45 Aq 12:38:09 Sg 17:24:08 15/Aug/2014 02:23:42 Cn 28:08:26 Pi 26:51:33 Li 17:08:38 Le 04:41:25 Cn 12:34:01 Cn 09:19:11 Li 23:11:02 Vi 28:19:45 Pi 28:19:45 Pi 22:18:39 Aq 12:36:34 Sg 17:23:04 16/Aug/2014 02:27:39 Cn 29:06:04 Ar 10:34:19 Li 17:44:11 Le 06:36:27 Cn 12:47:04 Cn 10:32:36 Li 23:13:29 Vi 28:16:34 Pi 28:16:34 Pi 22:17:31 Aq 12:34:59 Sg 17:22:02 17/Aug/2014 02:31:36 Le 00:03:44 Ar 23:50:39 Li 18:19:55 Le 08:30:05 Cn 13:00:05 Cn 11:46:04 Li 23:16:01 Vi 28:13:23 Pi 28:13:23 Pi 22:16:20 Aq 12:33:24 Sg 17:21:01 18/Aug/2014 02:35:32 Le 01:01:25 Ta 06:43:39 Li 18:55:49 Le 10:22:18 Cn 13:13:05 Cn 12:59:34 Li 23:18:39 Vi 28:10:12 Pi 28:10:12 Pi 22:15:07 Aq 12:31:47 Sg 17:20:01 19/Aug/2014 02:39:29 Le 01:59:08 Ta 19:17:16 Li 19:31:54 Le 12:13:07 Cn 13:26:02 Cn 14:13:07 Li 23:21:22 Vi 28:07:02 Pi 28:07:02 Pi 22:13:51 Aq 12:30:11 Sg 17:19:03 20/Aug/2014 02:43:25 Le 02:56:52 Ge 01:35:40 Li 20:08:09 Le 14:02:30 Cn 13:38:59 Cn 15:26:42 Li 23:24:11 Vi 28:03:51 Pi 28:03:51 Pi 22:12:33 Aq 12:28:34 Sg 17:18:06 21/Aug/2014 02:47:22 Le 03:54:38 Ge 13:42:45 Li 20:44:35 Le 15:50:29 Cn 13:51:53 Cn 16:40:19 Li 23:27:05 Vi 28:00:40 Pi 28:00:40 Pi 22:11:12 Aq 12:26:57 Sg 17:17:11 22/Aug/2014 02:51:18 Le 04:52:25 Ge 25:41:59 Li 21:21:11 Le 17:37:04 Cn 14:04:45 Cn 17:53:58 Li 23:30:04 Vi 27:57:29 Pi 27:57:29 Pi 22:09:49 Aq 12:25:19 Sg 17:16:17 23/Aug/2014 02:55:15 Le 05:50:15 Cn 07:36:14 Li 21:57:57 Le 19:22:15 Cn 14:17:36 Cn 19:07:40 Li 23:33:08 Vi 27:54:19 Pi 27:54:19 Pi 22:08:23 Aq 12:23:41 Sg 17:15:24 24/Aug/2014 02:59:11 Le 06:48:05 Cn 19:27:53 Li 22:34:53 Le 21:06:03 Cn 14:30:24 Cn 20:21:24 Li 23:36:17 Vi 27:51:08 Pi 27:51:08 Pi 22:06:55 Aq 12:22:03 Sg 17:14:33 25/Aug/2014 03:03:08 Le 07:45:57 Le 01:18:52 Li 23:11:59 Le 22:48:29 Cn 14:43:10 Cn 21:35:10 Li 23:39:32 Vi 27:47:57 Pi 27:47:57 Pi 22:05:25 Aq 12:20:24 Sg 17:13:43 26/Aug/2014 03:07:05 Le 08:43:51 Le 13:10:52 Li 23:49:14 Le 24:29:35 Cn 14:55:53 Cn 22:48:58 Li 23:42:52 Vi 27:44:46 Pi 27:44:46 Pi 22:03:52 Aq 12:18:45 Sg 17:12:54 27/Aug/2014 03:11:01 Le 09:41:46 Le 25:05:35 Li 24:26:40 Le 26:09:20 Cn 15:08:34 Cn 24:02:49 Li 23:46:16 Vi 27:41:35 Pi 27:41:35 Pi 22:02:17 Aq 12:17:07 Sg 17:12:07 28/Aug/2014 03:14:58 Le 10:39:42 Vi 07:04:53 Li 25:04:14 Le 27:47:45 Cn 15:21:13 Cn 25:16:41 Li 23:49:46 Vi 27:38:24 Pi 27:38:24 Pi 22:00:40 Aq 12:15:28 Sg 17:11:22 29/Aug/2014 03:18:54 Le 11:37:40 Vi 19:10:58 Li 25:41:58 Le 29:24:52 Cn 15:33:49 Cn 26:30:35 Li 23:53:21 Vi 27:35:13 Pi 27:35:13 Pi 21:59:01 Aq 12:13:48 Sg 17:10:38 30/Aug/2014 03:22:51 Le 12:35:40 Li 01:26:33 Li 26:19:52 Vi 01:00:41 Cn 15:46:23 Cn 27:44:32 Li 23:57:01 Vi 27:32:03 Pi 27:32:03 Pi 21:57:19 Aq 12:12:09 Sg 17:09:56 31/Aug/2014 03:26:47 Le 13:33:40 Li 13:54:49 Li 26:57:54 Vi 02:35:11 Cn 15:58:54 Cn 28:58:30 Li 24:00:45 Vi 27:28:52 Pi 27:28:52 Pi 21:55:36 Aq 12:10:30 Sg 17:09:15