kranendonk structural steel

Improve your efficiency and effecvity Robozing the steel construcon industry � is the robot technology centre for non-repeve producon.

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Page 1: Kranendonk Structural Steel

Improve your effi ciency and eff ecti vityRoboti zing the steel constructi on industry

���������� is the robot technology centre

for non-repeti ti ve producti on.

Page 2: Kranendonk Structural Steel

10 MM

20 MM

30 MM

New York / USA

10 m

20 m

Mexico city / Mexico

10 m

20 m

London / Great Britain

10 m

Lagos / Nigeria

10 m

San Paulo / Brazil

10 m

20 m

Infl uencing local and global economySteel is essenti al to technologies and soluti ons all around us. Automoti ve, constructi on, transport, power, machines but also food and water supply rely on steel. From this viewpoint, steel is more important to our society than ever before. Therefore, steel demand heavily depends on the economic outlook and our global economy. Both steel manufacturers and constructi on companies have to deal with the volati lity of the industry, putti ng pressure on their cost competi ti veness and effi ciency.

Key driver for the global economy

Manufacturers are increasing effi ciency Worldwide overcapacity results in tough competi ti on. Price drops are common during periods of economic weakness, negati vely aff ecti ng profi tability and putti ng pressure on steel constructi on companies. Manufacturers are expected to reduce their producti on cost per ton and have to respond quickly to market changes. At the same ti me, companies are expanding worldwide and pursuing open markets. Steel is one of the most internati onally traded manufactured products, which makes competi ti on even tougher.

Overcapacity and globalizati on increase competi ti on

Steel constructi on is a vital part of our society. It is closely linked to

economical development and has strong regional roots. The industry

employs millions of people worldwide and is indirectly linked to even

more jobs. Consequently, the impact of global economics is large.

Constructi on companies feel the force of competi ti on to survive in a

tough market.

Linking design and producti onArchitects and engineers are provided with an enormous freedom of design, supported by advanced 3D design soft ware. It puts pressure on the constructi on companies, as the designers of the structures demand accuracy to the mm. To achieve this, technological innovati ons at constructi on companies are inevitable. The soluti on for producing these complex designs is 3D CAD. By linking the 3D CAD design and the actual producti on with intelligent soft ware, highly accurate constructi ons can be achieved.

Giant structures to the mm accurate

Facing our global challenges together

Actual populati on

1 Million

Evoluti on in 10 years

2 ���������� Smart roboti cs

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Tokyo / Japan

10 m

20 m

30 m

Shanghai / China

10 m

20 m

30 m

Guangzhou / China

10 m

20 m

30 m

Delhi / India

10 m

20 m

30 m

Need for perfectly manageable producti onAs sustainability factors become more prevalent in constructi on projects, there is a need to manage and justi fy all steps in the producti on process. Insight in the producti on before it even starts is possible by using advanced soft ware. This gives the possibility to make more sustainable decisions that aff ect all steps in the steel constructi on process.

Sustainable factors become prevalent in project design

Ongoing growth in AsiaSteel plays a major role in rapidly growing Asia. Constructi on companies are seeking for effi cient steel soluti ons to deal with the urbanizati on and increasing populati on. They require steel to build new high-rise buildings, bridges, roads and railway lines to facilitate these developments. China feeds the growth in steel demand and take up the largest share. In China's case, this also means the crude steel producti on has skyrocketed in the last 10 years. And this growth, as well as the increasing importance of steel, is not expected to stop in the near future.

High demand in Asian economies

EU-27 11,7% EU other 2,6%

CIS 7,4%

NAFTA 7,7%

Others 6,3%Asia other 12,1%

Japan 7,1%

China 45,1%

2011 1,518 m tonnes

2001851 m tonnes

World producti on of crude steel

3 Structural steel automati on by ����������

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Smart roboti csTraditi onally, industrial robots are used for repeti ti ve tasks. We develop sensors and soft ware that make our robots smarter. It means we can automate non-repeti ti ve producti on processes. This unique competence opens a world of opportuniti es for manufacturers. We use our skills to build fully automated producti on shops, where all processes are integrated and aligned.

Cutti ng edge technologyOur wide knowledge on roboti c automati on makes us excellent problem solvers. We assist you from an early stage, to create an opti mal producti on fl ow for your factory. This way, we jointly create a tailored automati on plan that raises producti vity and saves costs. The culture for innovati on within ���������� makes sure we always deliver cutti ng edge technology at the highest level.

Innovati ng steel constructi onWe implement cutti ng edge technology for steel constructi on companies. While roboti cs are sti ll fairly new to the steel constructi on business, our experiences in the industry dates back to the 1980's. Our roboti c beam cutti ng lines build on this experi-ence. Currently, we are supplying the 3rd generati on with ten-thousands of engineering hours in it. It makes working with ���������� a secure step.

Developing towards the future The margins are ti ght in today's steel constructi on markets. It drives us to build robot lines that make a diff erence and help you to gain a strong competi ti ve edge. Our Beam Assembly Line is the world's most advanced robot line for structural steel. It paves the way to the future of structural steel, where robot technology will make the diff erence.






Cutti ng edge innovati onThe Robot Technology Centre

KRANENDONK is the robot technology centre for non-

repeti ti ve producti on. We make robot systems suitable

for non-repeti ti ve tasks, by developing smart sensors and

soft ware. ���������� can maintain a Technology Centre

positi on by simultaneously being an engineer, supplier,

supporter and partner, and connecti ng to all stakeholders.

4 ���������� Smart roboti cs

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‘Being fanati c in robot engineering’‘At ����������, we use clear methods when designing new robot applicati ons. Whether it's a specialized welding tool or a soft ware interface, our way of work-ing is characterized by an approach we call Triple C. The fi rst C is for Constructi on. Creati ng a rigid constructi on that handles a harsh producti on environment is the main requirement. Secondly, Calibrati on makes sure our systems are extremely accurate. By applying soft ware correcti ons, we make a robot more accurate that it can physically be. Lastly, Controls are being developed. We use smart soft ware to enable easy opera-ti on of the machines. In any new develop-ment process, we pay att enti on to every detail. You can call us fanati cal about this.’

Evert GeurtsenTechnical [email protected]

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In the process we focus on:Beam processing Realizing cost savings in the beam processing shop, by using the fl exibility of robots.Beam assembly and welding Assembly of plates to beams requires smart robot technology, that com-bines hardware, sensors and intelligent soft ware.Heavy robot welding Robot welding of conti nuously changing products is our experti se. The key is in smart soft ware and sensor technology.

Improving processes for effi cient and unique structures

Automati ng the beam assembly process

Automati ng key parts in the process chainWhen building steel structures, processes have to be aligned to deliver projects within ti me and budget. ���������� off ers advanced roboti c systems to automate key parts in the process chain. Working for leading constructi on companies, we are oft en involved in consulti ng new automati on plans. Our soluti ons are focused on enhancing effi ciency and fl exibility of steel constructi on fabricators.

2 Input heavy steelThick steel plates

3 Beam processing shopsCutti ng, drilling and coping (page 12)Assembly of sti ff eners (page 10)Welding of sti ff eners (page 14)

1 Input hot rolled steelHot rolled beams, square tubes and profi les

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‘Keeping your fl ow running’‘As customer support manager, it is my goal to maintain the highest possible pro-ducti vity of your ���������� equipment. We off er a full pack of services to do so. Our support engineers regularly visit your plant for inspecti ons and performance tests. This way, we keep you producti vity high and reduce downti me to a minimum. Also, we train your operators and mainte-nance crew. In this way, we improve your fl ow and keep it running.’

Werner Smeiti nkManager Customer Support

HelpdeskHolland +31 344 655 443Japan +81 832 425 [email protected]

Heavy welding of steel assemblies

The all-in-one beam processing cell

4 Heavy steel constructi on4 Heavy steel constructi onCutti ng of all partsAssembly and welding of constructi ons (page 15)

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A new and innovati ve landmark In the summer of 2012, one of the world's most talked about cycling bridges was realized: The Hovenring in the Dutch city of Eindhoven. The cable-stayed bridge off ers cyclists and pedestrians an exciti ng crossover. The impressive 70-metre pylon suspends the circular deck, which is a complete roundabout with four exits. The innovati ve steel constructi on and lighti ng make it a new landmark for the city.

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Beam Assembly Line

Innovati ng steel constructi onwith roboti c beam assemblywith roboti c beam assemblyA big step in producti vity and quality

Easy to operate due to advanced soft wareThe Beam Assembly Line brings many technolo-gies together: robot vision, automated welding, advanced soft ware and integrated logisti cs. All systems work together to create a machine that is easy to operate and that adapts to the changing conditi ons in structural steel shops. This results in high quality producti on that is very consistent.

Realizing large cost savingsMounti ng and welding plates to steel beams is one of the most labour intensive processes in the steel constructi on shop. Roboti zing this process leads to huge cost savings. The Beam Assembly Line can run 24 hours a day, and needs only one supervisor.

The Beam Assembly Line brings quality and producti vity in steel constructi on to a new level. The robots accurately pick, place and weld steel plates to beams. It brings large cost savings and raises producti on quality.

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'Improving producti vity and quality''All structural steel manufacturers strive for consistent quality of their produc-ti on and the reducti on of errors. Welding robots can deliver this. Our Beam Assembly Line is a machine that is smart enough to fi t into the diverse structural steel fabricati on process. Advanced vision technology is used to adapt to the tolerances of the steel. With the Beam Assembly Line, a steel constructi on company will take a big step in effi cient producti on and save costs.'

Jelle JanssenSales [email protected]

Consistent robot welds Automati c assembly of att achments

Automati cally pick and place partswith vision technology

11 Structural steel automati on by ����������

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Beam cutti ng line CCS 1250

Increasing effi ciency withall-in-one beam processingRoboti c beam processing line

Super-accurate cuts are made withplasma or oxy fuel cutti ng

Lowering your costs per ton Structural steel plants use a large variety of machines to process beams. Sawing, drilling, mark-ing and coping are all separate operati ons, but these can be combined into one soluti on. By using the fl exibility of roboti cs, our beam processing line can perform all beam operati ons in one cell.

The most trusted supplier���������� has been delivering robot cutti ng lines for more than 25 years. It makes us the most experienced supplier in the market. Our engineers know the situati on at the shopfl oor. We use this knowledge to make our cutti ng lines easy to control and easy to maintain.

Steel constructi on companies are confronted with ti ghter budgets, putti ng pressure on the producti on process. Roboti c beam processing brings the soluti on. Our robot beam processing line replaces multi ple machines. With this all-in-one soluti on, you will improve effi ciency and fl exibility.

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One soluti on for all operati ons

All processes combined in one machine: cutti ng, drilling, marking, coping and grinding.

'The security of 25 years of experience’'In the past years, we've seen a growing interest in roboti c beam cutti ng lines. The versati lity and speed of these machines are key reasons to invest. In the mid-1980's, ���������� was among the world's fi rst companies to develop a roboti c beam cutt er. It is used by dozens of companies all over the globe. We have used this large experience to develop the completely redesigned 3rd generati on robot cutti ng line, which was introduced in 2011. Our excellent track record in roboti c beam processing gives you the most reliable product in the market.'

Kevin Jongkindarea sales [email protected]

Easy to use with touch controlsIn the past, robot programming was a challenge. We have solved this by developing sophisti cated soft ware, that allows the operator to enter only parameters. Our soft ware is open to the end user, which allows adding of custom shapes and adding functi onality. During daily producti on, all process steps run automati cally from infeed to outf eed. On top of this, direct CAD interfacing is possible to further increase effi ciency of the producti on line.

Using the fl exibility of roboti csA robot can easily reach all places on the beam, to make 3D cuts and holes on all sides. Also, it can hold diff erent tools. This way, our robot beam processing cell performs all the required tasks in one machine.

A touch interface, remote control and camera systems

Profi le types

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In steel constructi on, no product is the same. Welding automati on has to be fl exible enough to cope with this versati lity. Our robot lines are self-programmed, which means that no ti me is lost in setti ng up of the system. It raises quality and accelerates your business.

Robot welding for quality and producti vityRobots boost your producti vity and make your quality highly consistent. The robots use sensor technology to produce perfect welds, every ti me. Multi ple robots can smartly distribute their work, to prevent distorti ons due to heat input. All these technologies boost your producti vity and quality.

Gaining more with automati c programmingThe largest benefi t of ���������� robot welding lines is the drasti c reducti on in programming ti me. The robots are easy to setup: based on product-families or directly linked to CAD. This eliminates manual programming ti me. It makes the welding of conti nuously diff erent designs possible.

Accelerati ng your business with robot welding linesSelf-programmed robot welding for unique products

Beam Welding Line

Conti nuous producti on fl ow with our multi -stati on concept

Multi -layer welding with smart multi -session functi onality

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Adapti ng to steel tolerances with smart sensorsMake welding man-independent requires intel-ligence and adapti on to the real world product. For this reason, the robots are equipped with sensors and are able to compensate for deviati ons (tole-rances). In this way, the theoreti cal data and the real world product are connected. This makes sure that every weld is perfect, securing quality for construc-ti on companies.

Our proven welding technology will save costsRobot welding for non-repeti ti ve producti on is the core business of ����������. The technology is mature and proven, which means that a ������-���� robot welding line is a secure investment. Many references in the steel constructi on industry prove that robot welding will make the diff erence to improve quality and producti vity. It leads to less rework and saves cost in the total producti on fl ow.

Smart safety sensors enable close process monitoring

Beam Welding Line

Submerged Arc Welding robots

Automati c welding of conti nuously changing products

Roboti c subarc welding tool

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���������� is the robot technology centre for non-repeti ti ve producti on. By implementi ng intelli-gent robot technology, we enable manufacturers to produce more effi ciently and eff ecti vely. We supply custom build soluti ons that are cleverly integrated into material and data fl ows.

���������� was founded in 1983. We started our company as a supplier of custom automati on systems for industrial applicati ons. Over the years we have specialized in advanced roboti cs for heavy steel applicati ons. Today we off er an innovati ve approach that creates a range of automati on oppor-tuniti es for manufacturing companies.

In the near future we see technological and macro-economical developments putti ng pressure on the producti on process. Advanced automati on is spreading into new areas. Integrated process and centralised operati ons are decisive factors in choos-ing the right equipment. ���������� will keep assisti ng companies in transforming their produc-ti on processes to make them more effi cient, fl exible and ready for the future.

Contact informati on

Kranendonk Producti on Systems ��(headquarters)

Phone +31 344 623 944Fax +31 344 623 388

P.O. Box 6147��-4000 �� TielThe Netherlands

[email protected]


Sir Rowland Hillstraat 10��-4004 �� TielThe Netherlands

v 07 2013