kt. - university of hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38432/1/1887030901.pdf ·...

J 4 Mil 4 : ' I ? V. - u "A - W 'V-JL-...- . ...- - - - TS".. : 7 - ........... . r.- - - . .. r & H ft I 1 1 I id v h m r tr s it I . IT 'I a ' m if M IS: V 1 X Ik", PRICE 5 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY , iJARGH 9' l887' Advertisements. r' I. NO. 57. ' Bel DAILY njmercial Advertiser rt - I PUBLISHED (J--iiifi- r Except Sundays. J a i ii Q ' ' " - - - - - aawriamint2 'Advertisement. v ATTORXEYS-AT.LA- W. 8. L. 8TANLKY. . JOHK 8PB Spruanco, Stanley & O,,, Importers and Jobbers of Fine , CUEINCEW. TOINKTT a9h,. A.ro,. WHISKIES, WINES t and LI( ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. INTSIt-ISLAU- D Steam Navigation Co. (LIMITED.) V AMliford A ANhfortl, 410 Front St., San Francis 2 tf Aw "TORXEYS, SOLICITORS, ts. COUNSELLORS, I ADVOCATES, ETC. Claua Spreckels Wm. O. Irwin. CRIPTIONS : STEADIER W. G. HALL, (MALUI.ANI,) C. MAIN. E. l-- Wtvi - Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Pos Office -- r. 42dtftwtf uince. mm FEED cc IMPORTERS A DEALERS In HAY AXI OK A IX, Telephone No. 175. 5lf ISER, oneycur $6 00 : BKR, six mouths 3 00 iSkh, three, months. 1 50 IMIi-- CAPITAL, - - 10.000,000 UNLIMITI 1) LIABILITY. lusnraurr nf Ir !s'riili Iire be effected at Modeiate Kates of Prera uua, by the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN A CO 20-dfc- Managers for Haw. Islands .Cotumaude BATES Main & Wiwiesti Manufacturers and In. porters i DUi.Y CLAUS 8PKECKELS & CO. 60 ?! ! - Will run regnlar.y U Maalaea, Maui, and Kona and Kan, Hawaii. wskkJ" - HO P5EK pr ,DOnth t" t'i f ' I -- tiseii, one year j,.ir;v4, 'V. P. C. A. (includius 5 00 Ifarmss, Saddlew, llridlex, V ,t,,H, 6 50 1 s JOHN DAKE, at Bw' Attorney and ConJeHor 1 COLLARS. SADDLERY WARE, ETC. 1nvariablj in Advance Noa. 214, 216. 218 and 220 Battery sir ... X?lock. Honolulu. r.-- . ,o c.vo BANKERS. STEAMER IWALANI, FREEMAN fommande Will run regularly to Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleele and Waimea, Kauai. WHAT VO'jj- - ..cv,. luumuie u caiaioyne st i; on application. in; , , ; vohship is. 176 oct21tf The Siniiicat: Jon of the Wotd "Voudoo.- - Fred'ricksburff Mm U 3NT I O 2?J Fire and Marino Insurance Co. OC Xcw Zealnud. CAPITAL.. : fclO.OOO.OGO. v.? b in Ilaytl Temples. I St. Jolm ; gives a verj -- tion of VoikIoo worship in BROWN, ATT01sNEV'.AT-LAW'N-I CECIL Public, CampLell'a Block. MertSDt noxoi.n.u HAWAIIAN ISLANPS, spirited th''V ii ... t ; I I . street 2i SAN JOSE, CAL. STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, MACAULEV Commander Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukui-hael- e, Houokaa at-- Paauhau. Hawaii. EUBEIvA ! ffce- - LagerBeer ot he above Li w Draw KxchHQge on lhe priucipul parts of the world. Kslabli!tel an Affeuey at Having for the.Hawaiian Isl .nds. the ed are prepared io accept risk , against Fire In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo; freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Ise proinjttly adjusted A payable. 19-d- wtf WM. G. IRWIN A CO. M. THOMPSON. ATTORNEY T-LAW, of'i'ie Voudo ' to the trae secretaries . ..j.j,, r .he says, "who maintain V 'i' uU-- e its rules 'Voudoo' m ji.uit powerful and supernatural i'Ur-- U, l- - . fen depend, all the events l Jvh;Cir' i . j J; . We in the vorld. This U'.venomotis serpent one f",-"!n:!"';- 1 11 IVjtiaiid it is under its a"-pu- t.i ua:i those assemble who pro-f,- ., i!n u c.i.!i Acquaintance wiMi tue past, kno fe of lhe present) pre. -- c:.:nce ot tuo int flU appertlin tothis t.iat however, to Was Awarded' 'the First At the ES Positions of 1885 and JSb. t I r STEAMER- - JAMES MAKEE, WEI R Com mau tier Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. Will reeetve deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. And Solicitor In Chancery Office, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms ti and 0. Entrance on Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 44 tf T. R. FOSTER, President. J. En a, sorretarv. be his 76 HONOLULU, v Kolirtla. Saloon. e 1 will through thev - u q & granci priest, u huin the:ii'fret:; ft fpo.i. and Kfill more ! posits bearing interest received In their ISuv Injcs Department subject to published rules and regulations. lToc'Uf We have received a consignment o the most Economical an J Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Butter producer m use. Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, ofnu rltive matter; this nearly 9 per cent. 100 lbs. o this meal is equal to 300 lbs. of oats, or 31 lbs. of corn, or to 7G7 lbs. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lots to Suit. Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as our usual snpply of the best kinds o Hay, Oats, Wheal, Corn, Ktc, tc. ?'V that of the ne.1s,. wi1rtTTt fi,A i,lVn nf WILDEll'S STEAllSlIil' CO., tiie latt-- r had railLa' rank of high HI Mill MM J. M. MONSARRAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. CRACK Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors ALWAYS ON HAND. i h i n h . i Limited). ill V Biscuit Manufactui't s. Real relate In an part or the Kluic L COR. S.lSOMK BllOADM A V 1 Bough I, Sold and Leased on Commission I San Fraucisro, C!al. Loans Negotiated and Legal Ixwmoeuts Drawn JAMES DUNN, Supt. w. Fancy drink of every description a specialty. EL, EE, Webb, MAOFARLANE & CO-- , No. 27 MEKCHAST SHU'.ET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-- tf LAINE fe CO. 3i tf rilOLHSALE DEALEUS Afl UF.i. W eral Jobbers iu WINKS and LIQUORS. Proprietor. 50dAwly JSo. I'Z Unnliiiiuaiiu Street, HONOLULU. 28 tf priestess. u.te iM tieiegatc3) who de- clare themselves il. ?lired hy their goa or in whom tue i'1! iusoiration is really manifested, m tlm pjnVjn of their f bear the p )OUS name cf 'king' a;.d 'queen.' or tliq .Sp0tic one of 'mas- ter" and 4initre: s, thQ touching titles uf papa' and 'v.'il 1 1 'xhey are dur- ing their whole 111 the chiefs of the great family of tl-- r0udoes, and they h:earight to theV Urrdted respect of those who compose j itisthey who de-cid- e if the serpent al ,3 tQ admit a cau-dida- te into the toci,i,o,vh6 prescribe the ublio:;.tioiis and es he has to ful- - iill; i! is th-?- hol ive the gifts and presents winch the fe x5ect3 as a just hoinuge to him. I "To disobey them,M;esSt them, is to diso' ey (iod himself ; xpose one's self to t u greatest misfoi, s This system of u 'natation on thi e hand and of Jiind obeiience on tser being 'well established, they at t; elates meet to- gether and the kin.d que en of the Voiuloo preside, foWcg the forms which were probably 1fht from Africa and to which Creole cxis h?ive added STEAMER KINAU, (Loreuzeu, Commander), Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena. Mahu-koua- , KawailiaeLunpahoehoe. Hilo and Keauliou: C'omoiencing on MON DA V.July 26, t.SSS, and on every alternate Monday at 4 p. m., the Kinau will make the VOLCANO TKI1. reaching Keau- liou on Wednesday morning, where horses and carriages are in waiting to convey passengers to the VOLCANO HOUSE (five miles in the saddle and nine miles by carriage,). Passengers by this rout will have two days and two nights at tini VOLCANO HOUSE. TICKETS FOR THE RrtUND TRIP TO THE VOLCANO, FIFTV DOLLARS, WHICH Pa Ys ALL CHARGES. The Kluau will arrive Ju L'o in MiiiMtav lnornings on Volcano trips". On iivio .rips, wil leave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morning. PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the Kinau at MahuUona The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia and Paauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengers if a signal is made from the shore. TELEPHOTiE 55 NTEEPSIS! Dodge, Sweeney &- - San Fraud so Wholesale dealers iu ' .. . ,:t-- , Chov all kinds of provisions. SOLE AGENT Vu Rlat. II. ,H. In,. - v I.Hfl R .'. If HJi M. PHILLIPS & Co., aul lVlioleale Denlers in 1f;:iorlerM liootn. Ishoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing' and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumunu .Street Honolulu, H.I. l!5!J-w- tf PLANING- - MILL. W ENTERPRISE Carriage Company Are prepared to give Good Satisfaction To the public, and ask their patronage. A. 0. Cook & Son, OAK TANNED leathIr belting, lAoe leather and Header Drapers No. 415 Market street, .Sa . aiHti.s . 442 jan25'0 0 Alakta. near Uueeu St. 'I CM H. HAOKFELD & CO., E.VEItAI, rOMJIISSlOX ai;ts. Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. Henry VcHi.-- i- Cmiufd VI. i .it Siiu.ximc, A tut a. Y. liuuie'M "Flaar If tHHH. il .Salmon. Id iany variations and I traits which ctray European idei 1 for ..Instance b n the scarf or rich beltl the queen. CHARGES MODERATE. To tbo Public. ED. HOFFSOHLAEGER & CO., Commission Meroltunts. ImportorsA; Honolulu, II. I. 27-t- f THE INTER-ISLAN- D STE. IGATION C0MPANs STEAMER LIKE LIKE, (Davis, Commanoer), t Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. m toi Kauii".kakai, Kahului, Hueio. Haua and Klpsnulu, every week; Keanae, Mokula t and N ::u every other wtk. "Returning, will stop ut the above ports, arriving hack Saiurc' ij mornings. For mails and passengers only. if ti (Limited), Keep constantly on hand, for sn H M. II. KANE, THOS. KEEFE, Managers TF.LEl'HOXE M MKEKS: Bell, 3S3. Mutual, 542 505 marl 7 r Foundation Timbers ! ! The Pacific Transfer Co., Office with the Union Feed Co. Bell Telephone 175. Mutual " i !. :..h j 7". Ik Jl ' fAiuxii ana i3UAi;jtsMnu COAL.a assortment of KAR IKON. wears at these asseinblT nd which she occasionally varies." i As for the practice o i.Joo worship, it is well to saj' that of 5 votaries in llayti there stem to ..vo classes those who worship the! put and offer animal sacrifice to appefhis wrath or court his favor, and thosy 0 kill human beings and not only ollm as sacri- fices, but eat their tlesh.y, the former fully 13 per cent, of thHbitants of llayti are alleged to be gfj yer to that kind of Voudooism to a c(i "extent; of the latter sufficient bus bf0i The temples of the Voudoo are g' Uy small, unpretentious wooden b.lS - -- called by ti e nat ives llumfort ant ''scatt- ered gei'- - ally throughout til jor of Ila"" a.4 of them are Hacon- - 'heir intevlur decol .Vf.ad WM. McCANDLESS. Au. 6 iK -- ii street, Fish Market. 1 ?.'" -J pst BEK", VEAL M UTTON -- rt 'lc- - Famil.' a.'id MiIppiriK Onlers carefully attended to. Live 'fk furnished to vessels at short STEAMER KILAUEA IK);j, (Car oroii, ( onuii. TKTe'-j- , Will leave rtt !!ftr; for Lahjyna, Paauhau, Ko-holale-ie, Ookala. ui.iau, Hop.o". ft".4i.iipahoe hoe, Hakalau and O'.orxic.'i " lam fully prepared to d. ai. k! . f v have just received from Australia a few Iron- - hauling or moving wo!k, a.:...' void. J lU. bark Foundation Timbers. 7V. a IRW15. CLAC8 HPhBCIIKT.S RE antee to execute falthfnl.'v . 38 1y s. v- r.A HAM. Prr.i ri. ; . . WATERHOUSE & LEf Importers of "Wagon Lnm And CARRIAGE MATE 16 to 22 Ueele Street. Sau 1 13-Jy- notice, and veeet.'-Me- of all binds supplied to a in ii i u ' i i. j - fx 29 tf ordr. SIZES 16x24 Inches, 12 Feet Ionff. And IJxlKglnches, 16 Feet Ixngr. FATOStS and tl'omJtiissiosi SUOAK Honolulu H. I. IS t' tf STEAMS i ' ' . Naw KT. Booms. 0 ed a little dista ( '.m was nrofuseA Irl . SOPE Ti , Fut cossor to 1 V Oat, Jr., & Co., These timbers, as their name signifies, are nearly as solid and durable as iron, and for foundation purposes, or others of like nature, cannot be surpassed. .'titrations frt.m colo..-eekl- y i: u-! . viilaady nr., j, . various 4$. It-.-- . '. i t rly for same ports as K-- '. ' v t'i ' f t . i j ... ' ;' NICHOL'S STORK, FORT STREET, i rVilP xi the Hctures, Vr rt- - Schweitzer & i! 1 1 c i:- - ur i v;t s s 5 .r.t-- c i a uSeeil. 11 j ; ' THOMAS LINDSA7 llonolnln. IE. I. ui"cfV ." Pfe -- to -- .r ' v r.- 7'.... ... Cr V V.vb!. i -- ioke wi: h lit tie f vvi rv tone, t'.s.r.g : ut m"is "Cran'r. - ' ?" ail pa. Sllrov25tf Importers and Jobbers o HOSIERY, GLOVES, COJ ' v fiile ooS, r:iebtofderi . vhifin. J.a in, 1; t Mm.i.m. t,ly III lllrcs, f iidcril.) j ;9 aJattery 'it., San i - - I .una', K am , ' ..oirninir I.hi.t. n.".. ( ! ii'iid, arr-:- t Rouolu'u Sat- - j u b- - ?':Ufc;Sh. li.a. f ' koo, I. :v ... - . Pukoo i H !.-.- urday )...'T;i. Corr .. .:..- - 32 tf l - Particular attention paid to repairing. 2 ' T ist o- -'fo Katinav ' a- i bilious contrary to th .X i'fiffer v ill lO.Pu::"- - 1i: . "Vm-.- u PcieKi:- - ;t, Keturrn , ; u. . w - i. ' a 'ina. C Huko;, . .i 'i MtSi t' lulu ' n-.. , li 1 1: pg, its, onty. l nese u;mu Dtc-- d 11- - -- i'aii Mil;- - I good at times, were ,.,nnninn hlirn.'HlitV v ui.il"". - ii.r. mmo,i imanity could not undeVH, ? We have on baud a onsignment of Automatic Trash Feeding J Furnaces, Fo. four and five foot furnaces, complete with grtuc bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines i.-- i irr Metropolitan Market them. AU the great lmeiuuia "r TI &:ulrr cranks. Fulton was consul crankwVet in history he is reyeretV looked (upon as a icveat man. , ; A I pi 3 r 49 of lt;is make are now ir. successful operation : J E. H. Bucknam Manufacturers and Dealer SHIP STOV, Tin, Copier, Crockery and i M ares, Slilp Ianterus i.t Signal Oil, 22 Stewart St., bet. Market an KAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Ship and Job Work and btove Rep kinds a specialty. 4 WENNEA & r.ny f : ;t r . . unli rvopiia i i r, nor for pe"'itt' m ess 5'ii-ii- ii:arVu-i- . Net respot ' ; - .vAr jfw.-!i- i ji ess pieced In harge of the rursw. All possible care will he taken of Live Stock, but the Company will not assume any risk of accident, sAM'L . WILDER, President-K- . B. ROSE, Secretary. OFFH'E Corner Fort and Queen streets. C5-- ly Mar 30 S. P. TAYLOR & CO., I : l,nifU tohinnlrec'lsprefkelsville.Makeeyuerar Company and other whlfTlAvaS oi gU-.l- t -- J Uon8 Also, a consignment of thorn-ami- of women, was a crank. , KINO STREET, fellovs spoke sii.t.n-i- y ot h Filter Presses, was en-age- .lm perieetui- - his great r, vention. hut he live.l to elijoy the fru Havins all the latest Improvements. and AV!'ltc.,i, of hishr.-u- was a crank, yet lie did a great service i V IjAjS TERS ivh OT IILK PROPRIETOR Q J. WALLER, Physician and Surgeon, Residence and OfJIoe, 40 Emma Street. .OFFICE HOURS From 9 to 12 a. m. BELL TELEPHONE No. 423. 405jaln0.8 E. E. Mayhew, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, HR Hotel Street, Ilcnoiulu. II I., (Oppesite Fas'alon S tables). 130 Tlip Tnost wi entihe men which Professor Morse llVil iv?r5sted are requested to call and examine the the f!;;ein ivvei For prices aud further particulars ap pruiii u iced hnn to be a cran-v- , et to, iiaiiie is now surrounded by a bright hal. in the history of our country. 5 TTni (x TrWlll ifcCo TI- i- lccluivr referred to other men Choice! Meats "from Ffuel Herd NO. 1 FORT STRKKT. Opposite Wilder & Co.'s H. J. Holte, Propr. OPEN TOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M HUST-CLiS- S LlWCnXS, COFFEK, TEA, SODA WATE2, GIM;i:U ALE, Cigars and Tobacco? OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy 111 K.S personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BKST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICIS. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Klegant ; heaeiaciors tinu mu-uiu- i ,, Agents. f v. . Ve stigmatized as cranks, lie said that iii,.r iwre several hundred men in Xew en 92 Fort Street. Have on hand New Foreign and Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, K-Pin- s, Lockets, Cloci And ornaments of ail kJnc Silver and Gold 3 Elegant Solid Silver Tea Suitable ' for Presentation. - ENGRAVING AND NATIVE KW,IUi A Specialty. Repairing In all If branch. tar sole Agents for King's Eye Prewivrn. . millet and shipping supplied on SHORT Paper Manufacturers, AND DEALERS IN la pe r F; 11 a srs, T w I ii e, Ktc., 414 and 41G Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO Pioneer and 9sv. eronimo Paper Mills. South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel. Santa Cruz County, Cal. 441ja2r. '88 (jeo. C. Shreve k Co., TM ANCFACTL'RINfi S JEWE LERS And Importer of. Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Decorated China, Art Bra?s Goods, Fans, Canes, Umbrellas, Berlin aud ienna Leather Goods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc. Montgomery aiTd Sntter St.. SAN FRANCISCO. 443ja2 j '88 York citv who are worth millions or aoi- - . f ITIil L i A I T lars r nd" who work harder than men m i)Ji j DJLlljAJj 11 their .'I'-.plo- v so that they may add to their .? fwrtn.-.o- . Thev wanted to be the richest : ThSi :r, iils S iAirssir S:" 'TtoS r.iWwwr, of Buck Obaudt BELL TELEPHONE 53 P. O. BOX 315. NOTICE and at the Amevic.au merchant prince, and he i r lowing is a report of the corapo Maa obtained by Chemical anaiy- - 871. AH work In my line faithlully done. Plans and speciflcations made. Jobbing in all details done at short notice. Good work and low charges is my motto. 8.10 per cent 29.18 " wt'3. He r eceived the idea of erecting a ., r: vhite marble business build- - .' n er would be marred by a He was a crank on this . e had his way. Yet he ;, id ort time the entire build- - .s 1 with signs. Joseph flatter. mmiu & co, SHUAS9 tails on the Premises. J l iviatter 4.oo ir I 5 51 7H Lowest Market Prices. C7. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a rali X Iron 85 " .1 J Acid ... 1.89 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. J, i turn from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a OTICE. JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Builder, 31 Alakea Street,' 100.00 M7NCII. A SMOKE. OR A OAJU; lite 2.7 per cent. BlLLIAlIIiS. f rtir-eive- i will have iVoO vr Word. "ohr.es," The ITerald ; . only 'gents' wear n'.e en generally wear i uk it was. The - ed that men fre-- i - iton Record. AH accounts for Advertising and Joi Priu'Ju at the T "if" rrjTneretal i er- - loer tad vt'ul Attention. All meats delivered from this market are thor estimates and make contracts for Will fnm 4 T A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF V the Mutual Telephone Company, held this dav, it was decided to reduce the rent of instruments Koolau, Ewa, pa tic r t i ' - i - -- ' hi - .i l v- - ..ir p?-';T-r!- tr m. Irwin & Co., . , TT ! 1 T -- 1 1 Ki?i if, GU a '. Ali TE V. f Tc k:m' i;Ni.i-- ; ! o.ice wni ;.om t ...s date ba'.reaentel far pay. AFI-E- DKI.rV.i-;- T1 :1 fl'K-'Kf.Y- - I urii u:ii.-i.-- , NOLTE. 3l-- tf i i :uC"Sfe h-i- ve been dincor- - t'i3 or iue iiuwuimu xsiauua. S7 tf KILLED MEAT. .47 1? ' 1; iju.ji jlu, ili 2, ISiS. iltf Honolulu lic '.tkl-- e &.t M.snrauqua.N, Y. v i -

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Page 1: KT. - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38432/1/1887030901.pdf · ... Koloa, Eleele and Waimea, Kauai. ... Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule

J 4



' I ? V. -u "A

- W 'V-JL-...- ....- - - - TS".. : 7

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& H ft I 1 1 I idv h m r tr s it I . IT 'I a ' m if M IS: V






I. NO. 57.


njmercial Advertiser


(J--iiifi- r Except Sundays.

J a i ii Q ' ' " - - - - -

aawriamint2 'Advertisement.


8. L. 8TANLKY..


Spruanco, Stanley & O,,,Importers and Jobbers of Fine





Steam Navigation Co.(LIMITED.)V

AMliford A ANhfortl, 410 Front St., San Francis2 tf A w"TORXEYS, SOLICITORS,ts. COUNSELLORS, I

ADVOCATES, ETC.Claua Spreckels Wm. O. Irwin.CRIPTIONS :


C. MAIN. E. l-- Wtvi- Honolulu Hale, adjoining the PosOffice --r. 42dtftwtf


mm FEED cc



HAY AXI OK A IX,Telephone No. 175.


ISER, oneycur $6 00: BKR, six mouths 3 00iSkh, three, months. 1 50


CAPITAL, - - 10.000,000


lusnraurr nf Ir !s'riiliIire be effected at Modeiate Kates of Prerauua, by the undersigned.

WM. G. IRWIN A CO20-dfc- Managers for Haw. Islands

.CotumaudeBATES Main & WiwiestiManufacturers and In. porters i


?!! -

Will run regnlar.y U Maalaea, Maui, and Konaand Kan, Hawaii.

wskkJ" - HO P5EK pr ,DOntht" t'i f ' I -- tiseii, one year

j,.ir;v4, 'V. P. C. A. (includius5 00

Ifarmss, Saddlew, llridlex, V ,t,,H,6 501 s JOHN DAKE,

at Bw'Attorney and ConJeHor1 COLLARS. SADDLERY WARE, ETC.1nvariablj in Advance

Noa. 214, 216. 218 and 220 Battery sir ...X?lock. Honolulu.r.-- . ,o c.voBANKERS.


Will run regularly to Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleeleand Waimea, Kauai.

WHAT VO'jj-- ..cv,. luumuie u caiaioyne st i;on application. in; , , ;vohship is. 176 oct21tf

The Siniiicat: Jon of the Wotd "Voudoo.- -

Fred'ricksburff MmU 3NT I O 2?J

Fire and Marino Insurance Co.

OC Xcw Zealnud.CAPITAL.. : fclO.OOO.OGO.


b in Ilaytl Temples.I St. Jolm ; gives a verj

-- tion of VoikIoo worship inBROWN, ATT01sNEV'.AT-LAW'N-ICECIL Public, CampLell'a Block. MertSDtnoxoi.n.u HAWAIIAN ISLANPS,spirited th''V

ii ... t ; I I . street 2i



Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukui-hael- e,

Houokaa at-- Paauhau. Hawaii. EUBEIvA !ffce- - LagerBeer ot he above Li w

Draw KxchHQge on lhe priucipul parts of theworld.

Kslabli!tel an Affeuey atHaving for the.Hawaiian Isl .nds. the ed

are prepared io accept risk , against FireIn dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo;freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

Ise proinjttly adjusted A payable.19-d- wtf WM. G. IRWIN A CO.



of'i'ie Voudo' to the trae secretaries

. ..j.j,, r .he says, "who maintainV 'i' uU-- e its rules 'Voudoo'

m ji.uit powerful and supernaturali'Ur-- U,

l-- . fen depend, all the eventsl


jJ; . We in the vorld. This

U'.venomotis serpent onef",-"!n:!"';-

1 11 IVjtiaiid it is under itsa"-pu- t.i ua:i those assemble who pro-f,- .,

i!n u c.i.!i Acquaintance wiMitue past, kno fe of lhe present) pre.-- c:.:nce ot tuo int flU appertlin tothist.iat however, to

Was Awarded' 'the FirstAt the ES Positions of 1885 and JSb.




Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.Will reeetve deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business. And Solicitor In Chancery Office, Campbell's

Block, second story, rooms ti and 0. Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 44 tfT. R. FOSTER, President.

J. En a, sorretarv.be his 76 HONOLULU, vKolirtla. Saloon. e

1will through thev -u q & granci priest,

u huin the:ii'fret:; ft fpo.i. and Kfill more! posits bearing interest received In their ISuv

Injcs Department subject to published rules andregulations. lToc'Uf

We have received a consignment o the mostEconomical an J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer m use.

Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, ofnurltive matter; this nearly 9 per cent.

100 lbs. o this meal is equal to 300 lbs. of oats,or 31 lbs. of corn, or to 7G7 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual snpply of the best kinds o

Hay, Oats, Wheal, Corn, Ktc, tc.

?'V that of the ne.1s,. wi1rtTTt fi,A i,lVn nf WILDEll'S STEAllSlIil' CO.,tiie latt-- r had railLa' rank of high HI Mill MM




CRACKBest of Ales, Wines and Liquors

ALWAYS ON HAND.i h i n h . iLimited). illV

Biscuit Manufactui't s.Real relate In an part or the Kluic L COR. S.lSOMK BllOADM A V 1Bough I, Sold and Leased on Commission I

San Fraucisro, C!al.Loans Negotiated and Legal Ixwmoeuts DrawnJAMES DUNN, Supt. w.

Fancy drink of every descriptiona specialty.


Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-- tfLAINE fe CO.3i tf

rilOLHSALE DEALEUS Afl UF.i.W eral Jobbers iu WINKS and LIQUORS. Proprietor.50dAwlyJSo. I'Z Unnliiiiuaiiu Street,


priestess. u.te iM tieiegatc3) who de-clare themselves il. ?lired hy their goa orin whom tue i'1! iusoiration is reallymanifested, m tlm pjnVjn of their f

bear the p )OUS name cf 'king'a;.d 'queen.' or tliq .Sp0tic one of 'mas-ter" and 4initre: s, thQ touching titlesuf papa' and 'v.'il 1

1 'xhey are dur-ing their whole 111 the chiefs of thegreat family of tl-- r0udoes, and theyh:earight to theV Urrdted respect ofthose who compose j itisthey who de-cid- e

if the serpent al ,3 tQ admit a cau-dida- te

into the toci,i,o,vh6 prescribe theublio:;.tioiis and es he has to ful- -

iill; i! is th-?- hol ive the gifts andpresents winch the fe x5ect3 as a justhoinuge to him. I

"To disobey them,M;esSt them, is todiso' ey (iod himself ; xpose one's selfto t u greatest misfoi, s This systemof u 'natation on thi e hand and ofJiind obeiience on tser being 'wellestablished, they at t;elates meet to-

gether and the kin.d que en of theVoiuloo preside, foWcg the formswhich were probably 1fht from Africaand to which Creole cxis h?ive added

STEAMER KINAU,(Loreuzeu, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu as per following scheduletouching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena. Mahu-koua- ,

KawailiaeLunpahoehoe. Hilo and Keauliou:C'omoiencing on MON DA V.July 26, t.SSS, and

on every alternate Monday at 4 p. m., the Kinauwill make the VOLCANO TKI1. reaching Keau-liou on Wednesday morning, where horses andcarriages are in waiting to convey passengers tothe VOLCANO HOUSE (five miles in the saddleand nine miles by carriage,).

Passengers by this rout will have two daysand two nights at tini VOLCANO HOUSE.


The Kluau will arrive Ju L'o in MiiiMtavlnornings on Volcano trips". On iivio .rips, willeave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinau at MahuUona

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia andPaauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.



Dodge, Sweeney &--

San Fraud so

Wholesale dealers iu ' .. . ,:t--, Chov

all kinds of provisions.


Rlat.II. ,H. In,. - v I.Hfl R .'.

If HJi

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,aul lVlioleale Denlers in1f;:iorlerM liootn. Ishoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing' and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumunu .StreetHonolulu, H.I. l!5!J-w- tf PLANING- - MILL. W

ENTERPRISECarriage Company

Are prepared to give

Good SatisfactionTo the public, and ask their patronage.

A. 0. Cook & Son,OAK TANNED

leathIr belting,lAoe leather and

Header DrapersNo. 415 Market street, .Sa . aiHti.s .

442 jan25'0

0Alakta. near Uueeu St. 'I CM

H. HAOKFELD & CO.,E.VEItAI, rOMJIISSlOX ai;ts.Queen St., Honolulu, H.I.

Henry VcHi.-- i- Cmiufd VI. i

.it Siiu.ximc,A tut a. Y. liuuie'M "Flaar If

tHHH. il .Salmon. Idiany variations and I traits whichctray European idei 1 for ..Instancebn

the scarf or rich beltl the queen. CHARGES MODERATE. To tbo Public.ED. HOFFSOHLAEGER & CO.,

Commission Meroltunts.ImportorsA; Honolulu, II. I. 27-t- f


STEAMER LIKE LIKE,(Davis, Commanoer), t

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. m toiKauii".kakai, Kahului, Hueio. Haua and

Klpsnulu, every week; Keanae, Mokula t and N ::uevery other wtk. "Returning, will stop ut theabove ports, arriving hack Saiurc' ij mornings.

For mails and passengers only.


(Limited),Keep constantly on hand, for sn H



TF.LEl'HOXE M MKEKS:Bell, 3S3. Mutual, 542

505 marl 7

r Foundation Timbers ! !The Pacific Transfer Co.,

Office with the Union Feed Co.

Bell Telephone 175. Mutual " i !.:..h j 7".

Ik Jl 'fAiuxii ana i3UAi;jtsMnu COAL.aassortment of KAR IKON.

wears at these asseinblT nd which sheoccasionally varies." i

As for the practice o i.Joo worship,it is well to saj' that of 5 votaries inllayti there stem to ..vo classesthose who worship the! put and offeranimal sacrifice to appefhis wrath orcourt his favor, and thosy 0 kill humanbeings and not only ollm as sacri-fices, but eat their tlesh.y, the formerfully 13 per cent, of thHbitants ofllayti are alleged to be gfj yer to thatkind of Voudooism to a c(i "extent; ofthe latter sufficient bus bf0i Thetemples of the Voudoo are g' Uy small,unpretentious wooden b.lS - --calledby ti e nat ives llumfort ant ''scatt-ered gei'- - ally throughout til jor ofIla"" a.4 of them are Hacon- -

'heir intevlur decol .Vf.ad

WM. McCANDLESS.Au. 6 iK -- ii street,

Fish Market. 1 ?.'" -J pst BEK", VEALM UTTON -- rt 'lc- -

Famil.' a.'id MiIppiriK Onlers carefully attendedto. Live 'fk furnished to vessels at short

STEAMER KILAUEA IK);j,(Car oroii, ( onuii. TKTe'-j- ,

Will leave rtt !!ftr; for Lahjyna, Paauhau, Ko-holale-ie,

Ookala. ui.iau, Hop.o". ft".4i.iipahoehoe, Hakalau and O'.orxic.'i "

lam fully prepared to d. ai. k! . f v have just received from Australia a few Iron- -hauling or moving wo!k, a.:...' void. J lU. bark Foundation Timbers.7V. a IRW15.CLAC8 HPhBCIIKT.S

REantee to execute falthfnl.'v .38 1y s. v- r.A HAM. Prr.i ri. ; . .

WATERHOUSE & LEfImporters of


16 to 22 Ueele Street. Sau 113-Jy-

notice, and veeet.'-Me- of all binds supplied to a in ii i u ' i i. j - fx29 tfordr. SIZES 16x24 Inches, 12 Feet Ionff.

And IJxlKglnches, 16 Feet Ixngr.FATOStS and tl'omJtiissiosiSUOAK Honolulu H. I. IS t' tf STEAMS i ' '


Naw KT. Booms.0ed a little dista( '.m was nrofuseA

Irl . SOPE Ti ,Fut cossor to

1 V Oat, Jr., & Co.,These timbers, as their name signifies, are

nearly as solid and durable as iron, and forfoundation purposes, or others of like nature,cannot be surpassed.

.'titrations frt.m colo..-eekl- y

i: u-! . viilaadynr., j, . various 4$.

It-.--. '. i t rly for same ports as K--

'. ' v t'i ' f t . i

j ... ' ; '


rVilP xi the Hctures, Vr rt- - Schweitzer &i!1 1 c i:- - ur i v;t s s 5 .r.t-- c i

a uSeeil. 11 j; '


llonolnln. IE. I.ui"cfV ." Pfe -- to -- .r 'v r.- 7'.... ... Cr

V V.vb!. i

-- ioke wi: h lit tie f vvirv tone, t'.s.r.g : ut

m"is "Cran'r. -' ?" ail


Importers and Jobbers o

HOSIERY, GLOVES, COJ' v fiile ooS, r:iebtofderi. vhifin. J.a in, 1; t Mm.i.m. t,ly

III lllrcs, f iidcril.)j ;9 aJattery 'it., San i

- - I .una', K am ,' ..oirninir I.hi.t. n.".. (

! ii'iid, arr-:- t Rouolu'u Sat- - j u b- - ?':Ufc;Sh. li.a. f'

koo, I. :v ... - .

Pukoo i H !.-.-

urday )...'T;i.Corr .. .:..--

32 tf l -Particular attention paid to repairing.2


ist o- -'fo Katinav ' a- i

bilious contrary to th .X i'fiffer v illlO.Pu::"- - 1i: . "Vm-.- u PcieKi:- - ;t,Keturrn , ; u. . w - i. ' a 'ina. CHuko;, . .i 'i MtSi t'lulu ' n-.. ,

li 1 1 :

pg,its,onty. l nese u;mu

Dtc--d 11- --- i'aii Mil;- - Igood at times, were

,.,nnninn hlirn.'HlitVv ui.il"". - ii.r.mmo,i imanity could not undeVH,

? We have on baud a onsignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingJ Furnaces,Fo. four and five foot furnaces, complete withgrtuc bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines

i.-- i irrMetropolitan Marketthem. AU the great lmeiuuia "rTI &:ulrr cranks. Fulton was consul

crankwVet in history he is reyeretVlooked (upon as a icveat man. , ;

A Ipi 3 r 49

of lt;is make are now ir. successful operation :


E. H. BucknamManufacturers and Dealer

SHIP STOV,Tin, Copier, Crockery and i

M ares, Slilp Ianterus i.tSignal Oil,22 Stewart St., bet. Market an

KAN FRANCISCO, CAL.Ship and Job Work and btove Rep

kinds a specialty. 4


r.ny f : ;t r . . unli rvopiia i i r, norfor pe"'itt' m ess 5'ii-ii- ii:arVu-i- . Netrespot ' ; - .vAr jfw.-!i- i ji ess pieced Inharge of the rursw.All possible care will he taken of Live Stock, but

the Company will not assume any risk of accident,sAM'L . WILDER, President-K- .

B. ROSE, Secretary.OFFH'E Corner Fort and Queen streets.

C5-- ly Mar 30


I : l,nifU tohinnlrec'lsprefkelsville.Makeeyuerar Company and otherwhlfTlAvaS oi gU-.l- t -- J Uon8 Also, a consignment ofthorn-ami- of women, was a crank. , KINO STREET,fellovs spoke sii.t.n-i- y ot h Filter Presses,was en-age- .lm perieetui- - his great r,vention. hut he live.l to elijoy the fru Havins all the latest Improvements.

and AV!'ltc.,i,of hishr.-u-was a crank, yet lie did a great service i V IjAjS TERS ivh OT IILK


Physician and Surgeon,

Residence and OfJIoe, 40 Emma Street..OFFICE HOURS From 9 to 12 a. m.

BELL TELEPHONE No. 423. 405jaln0.8


HR Hotel Street, Ilcnoiulu. II I.,

(Oppesite Fas'alon S tables).

130Tlip Tnost wi entihe menwhich Professor Morse llVil iv?r5sted are requested to call and examine thethe f!;;ein ivvei For prices aud further particulars ap

pruiii u iced hnn to be a cran-v- , et to,iiaiiie is now surrounded by a bright hal.in the history of our country. 5 TTni (x TrWlll ifcCo

TI- i- lccluivr referred to other men Choice! Meats "from Ffuel Herd


Opposite Wilder & Co.'s

H. J. Holte, Propr.OPEN TOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and Tobacco?OF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy 111 K.S personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICIS.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Klegant

; heaeiaciors tinu mu-uiu- i ,,Agents.fv. . Ve stigmatized as cranks, lie said that

iii,.r iwre several hundred men in Xew en

92 Fort Street.Have on hand New Foreign and

Jewelry.Watches, Bracelets, K-Pin- s,

Lockets, ClociAnd ornaments of ail kJnc

Silver and Gold 3

Elegant Solid Silver TeaSuitable' for Presentation.-


Repairing In all If branch.tar sole Agents for King's Eye Prewivrn.


millet and shipping supplied on SHORT

Paper Manufacturers,AND DEALERS IN

lape rF; 11 a srs, T w I iie, Ktc.,414 and 41G Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO

Pioneer and 9sv. eronimo Paper Mills.South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel. Santa Cruz

County, Cal. 441ja2r. '88

(jeo. C. Shreve k Co.,TM ANCFACTL'RINfi S

JEWE LERSAnd Importer of.

Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver PlatedWare, Decorated China, Art Bra?s Goods, Fans,Canes, Umbrellas, Berlin aud ienna LeatherGoods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc.

Montgomery aiTd Sntter St..SAN FRANCISCO. 443ja2 j '88

York citv who are worth millions or aoi- - . f ITIil L i A I T

lars r nd" who work harder than men m i)Ji j DJLlljAJj 11

their .'I'-.plo- v so that they may add to their .?

fwrtn.-.o- . Thev wanted to be the richest :

ThSi :r, iilsS iAirssirS:" 'TtoS r.iWwwr, of Buck Obaudt


NOTICE and at theAmevic.au merchant prince, and he i r lowing is a report of the corapo

Maa obtained by Chemical anaiy- -871.AH work In my line faithlully done. Plans and

speciflcations made. Jobbing in all details doneat short notice. Good work and low charges ismy motto.

8.10 per cent29.18 "

wt'3. He r eceived the idea of erecting a., r: vhite marble business build- -

.' n er would be marred by aHe was a crank on this

. e had his way. Yet he;, id ort time the entire build- -

.s 1 with signs. Joseph

flatter. mmiu & co, SHUAS9 tailson the Premises.

J l iviatter 4.ooir I 5 51 7H Lowest Market Prices. C7.

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a raliX Iron 85 ".1 J Acid ... 1.89 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. J,i turn

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a OTICE. JOHN COOK,

House Carpenter & Builder,31 Alakea Street,'

100.00 M7NCII. A SMOKE. OR A OAJU;lite 2.7 per cent.BlLLIAlIIiS.f rtir-eive- i will have iVoO

vr Word."ohr.es," The ITerald

; . only 'gents' wearn'.e en generally wear

i uk it was. The- ed that men fre-- i

- iton Record.

AH accounts for Advertising and Joi Priu'Juat the

T "if" rrjTneretal i er-- loertad vt'ul Attention. All meats delivered from this market are thorestimates and make contracts forWill fnm

4 T A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OFV the Mutual Telephone Company, held

this dav, it was decided to reduce the rent ofinstrumentsKoolau, Ewa,

paticr t i ' - i - -- ' hi - .i l v- - ..ir p?-';T-r!- trm. Irwin & Co.,

. , TT ! 1 T -- 1 1Ki?i if, G U a '. Ali TE V. f Tc k:m' i;Ni.i-- ;

! o.ice wni ;.om t ...s date ba'.reaentel far pay.AFI-E- DKI.rV.i-;- T1 :1 fl'K-'Kf.Y- - I urii u:ii.-i.-- ,

NOLTE.3l-- tf

ii :uC"Sfe h-i-ve been dincor- - t'i3 or iue iiuwuimu xsiauua.

S7 tf KILLED MEAT. .47 1? ' 1; iju.ji jlu, ili 2, ISiS.iltf Honolululic '.tkl-- e &.t M.snrauqua.N, Y.

v i -

Page 2: KT. - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38432/1/1887030901.pdf · ... Koloa, Eleele and Waimea, Kauai. ... Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule


0 '

4AnTiDnT AT A nyiM'riDT.n'PACIFIC (ujuiiii" MARCH 9. 1SS7.

(Jack's Hour of L,eisurMUTINY ON SHIPBOARD.of the raw material for a test, and aa theTHE DAILY

TlicCrew of I lie Wlialin&r J'arii TXn.Unyllie put iu Irons.

Reckless of their money agWe-know- n

to be when on'ajr- - sailors nrmodels of economy wheypree, they pt

fv'A at a icvoyage. Spare hours sea,on -

i i, oi r ci nt bin rr t --- e d evoted to me IP - THEPacific Commercial Advertiserin" n. n.ttch when sole object in select- -

It is understood that a disagreement

company also owns two Coleman ma-

chines and two Lycan machines, thereshould be no failure through want of ma-

chinery.Now, putting out of the emulation,

altogether the promised bortus of $10,-00- 0,

which was set aside by the moregenerous provision last Legislature, what

-- "O A s one is needed being tc Howget a patch that..arose last evening between the Captain aillmeryIS PUBLISHED Popular Jas stand as mucn weaipossible.i nier- - t rlJunccaree trousers patched

or tc,I,sail that haswithbeen blow of a jib

104 Fort St., Honolulu.EVERY! MORNING.ami crew of the whaling bark Y in.Bayllies, now lying outside the reef, in

consequence of the men refusing duty.The vessel arrived last week from

New Bedford, after a six months' cruise,

and having been successful in securing

The oir- - ' n to pieces are uoo unuuuuv,!.of cl- - ' 'e which Jack brings on board, il

lv, may be broken but the pieces arP'refully saved aud doweled togethei

.ltreniouslv with bits of wire. If the pipe

inducement is offered to the ramie in-

dustry outside the legitimate profit uionproduction? The Appropriation Actmakes the following provision:

IN". S. SACHS, 2?roprieto-- :o:-

;)!a quantity of oil, the Captain determine,to put it ashore at this iort for hiprr NEW GOODS, JUST OPEStkkjis or ki:r.h'khtiox.

of 1to the coast. With the view ti'firrv.' j

ffilB If jill 1


all! scowing out this intention, awent out to the vessel last

Per annum...Kix months ..Per month....

,. :j oo.. 50c vening foi

the punose of convey iFine White Shetland-Woo- l Shawls,

Fine White Cashmere Scarfs,

Encouragement of ramie culture, tobe paid to planter of ramie at therate of titty dollars per acre oframie ready to be c leaned $f,0oo

Encouragement of the manufactureor ramie, $2i) per ton, to be paidto the owner or owner.s of the ma-chine or machines that will b;tprepare the ramie for market atthe lowest co.t to the producer ;5,0O

Hawaiian Ramie Company, in aidof cultivation and manufacture oframie 2,"0o

This is a very liberal bonus indeed,

lier cargoCntr.SnnHerlpt Jon Ijjnlle AlivajMin ashore, but on arrival the ship's side

W Its.the crew, who are ortutruese, refusedpositively to put a V" , . t, work as New Mitts, New Collars, Nev

A fine assortment of BE,OPEN - WORK - LISLE - TURK AT) -- J

Al VHIICe.CummunicKtions from all parts of the Kingdom

Will always he very acceptable.Person residing In any part of the United states

can remit the amount of subscription due by PostOftice money order.

Matter Intruded for public atbm in theeditori.ilcolumns should be addressed to" Kditor Pacthi; ('omvkrciai, Auvkrtiskk.'

Business communications and advertisementssnoull be addressed simply

P. C. Advertiser, ;

And not to individuals

they had hojl- -

cGme afihore at Jono.lulu to breaythe monotony of the longsea voyag whereas it was the Captain'sintent procee northward imme-,liat- y

on getting rid of the oil. Tlie,rV?ri were according' put in irons and

and during the current biennial periodthe Hawaiian Ramie Company shouldsecure from I he public Treasury the fol-

lowing sums at least, if the machine on

the spot does anything like the work

In Cardinal. Gurnet, fink. IJz'.it I?Ine ami ITiibleHeliej jj I;jt

VT.irur TiTTmri htui i vn ouinrn Tl 4 Tndhe work was performed by natives from


be of wood" a piece of an old tin can thathas held cabin grub is obtained from thesteward, and with it a neat fitting liningis made for the pipe that prolongs thsexistenc of the wooden bowl until it hasa strength that would make a 'longshore-man turn pale. Tlie sailor's sheath knifecuts the tin to the right size and a mar-line spike helps to round it into form.

Now aud then a sailor is found fore-handed enough to carry material along inhis clothes bag with which he can whileawav hours below more profitably than inmaking tlie ordinary half model picturesor engraving a sea lion's tusks. Twinefor making fish nets is a favorable articlefor Jack to work with. The price olnets is so small in these days, however,that he dos not make so much at thatwork as lie' used to do. Not long ago a

sailor came ashore here after a round voy-age to Portland, Ore., carrying two goodtenuis rackets in his hand, lie had gottlie materia Is in Oregon. Not nnfrequeutlya sailor can be found who can so manipu-late a gold coin that a ring nicely polishedon the outside and yet showing tho nameand date ot the coin on the inside is pro-duced. A marline spike and a hammeiwith a piece of leather for a polisher artthe only tools used.

Mat making is another favorite occupa-tion of the sailor man. lie usually Avorkswith line materials, smcIi as silks andworsted, and the care and skill and tastfwith which these materials are wroughttogether ere wonderful. Many a cabin irthe vessels that enter this port is orna-mented with no end of banners and mot-toes for the bulkheads and mats for thtable, sideboards aud floors that wertmade by the men in their off hours, and ilpurchased at. a fancy store would coslhundreds of dollars. New York Sun.

Mr. Lycan claims for it, namely, pre parA new line or Hiing one ton per day of bark worth '0 Infants' Worsted Bonnets and Jack aJ

if a

15c per pound :

T,...i..i rt).ik iTir iii 4 f Cult.

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

strength nnd v holosoincnesa. Jlore economicalthan the ord i r.arv kinds, and cannot li sold in com-petiti- o-i

with the multitude of lowtest, shortweight, alum or phosphate powders. SoiDONi-Tp- I

CANS. llOYAU BAKINO I'OWtfEB. CO.. 106 Wftll-S-

N. Y.3d wtt


R I BXSOjNT S !tion anu manuiaciuic cy "MlP.onus on ."(J acres ramie i,soo. ...

the scow.At a late hour last night nothing was

known of .the affair at the PoliceStation.

A Ituiiauay.Shortly before noon yesterday a horse

attached to a brake owned by MajorHills, of the Tahiti Lemonade Works,ran away from the stand on Hotelstreet on to Fort street. In turning the

Bonus on 10 tons prepared ark 2,000THE Pliin and Fancy, Narrow and vide.

MILLINERY - DEPARTW AnvA'j IPacific Commercial Advertiser


Total $0,300But a great deal Ag(re than ten toug of

bark may be Jpfa)SLred wjth three cut-tings a year, us the lomis ofton will coi up to Marcn ;n, 1SSS, itfollows Ujj tho total on tllis jieaJ may' G yY largely increased. There is,

Sefore, nothing to be said on the score

D' dom Man Chip holds full power of attorneyLATEST STYLES.

Ladies' & Children's Hats, Trimmed & Us i ;KriinijietI. i


to transact all business on behalf of me.YIM QUON.

Honolulu, March 3. 1887. 531 marl 7

IV O T I C E .

Is now for sale ijaily at tbe I ( Ur-- li p J'lscf f ;

J. H. SOPF.R .. Merchant streetA. M. HEW'ETT Merchant streetCRYSTAL WODA WORKS ..Hotel street JPrices to Suit tlie Times.illiberality of the Legislature. WeT. O. THKUM Port street.inrf Ti"nTnT (.n.i t t , . . 1 . .....

iT?rMRS. MELLIS' Dressmaking establishment on the premlstIMY ABSEXCK FROM THEDURING by brother, C. J. LANK, will act forFive fen is per

me with full power of attorney.J. D. LANE.mari2

i:.va'Aiti,iiii;i isoo.NOTICE.WEDNESDAY : . : March 9th.

presume the Hawaiian Ramie Companyhas already received the direct bonus of$2,500, and that in due course it will ap-

ply for further bounties. Of course some-

thing beyond lettei-writin- g must be doneto earn it. And let us say in conclusionthat no one will be more sincerely grati-fied than the Advertiser at the receipt,by Mie company named, of a muchlarger sum upon demonstration by itthat a new and profitable industry hasbeen permanently established.


-- Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers in- -THE CONSTITUTION.fi 1

Staple and Fine Grocf -. ries,

T A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OFihe W.iioliinii Agricultural and Grazing

Company, held at its office at Honolulu, on tb20ih of February ultimo, the following officerswere ele.-ie- lo serve for tlie ensuiug year;i. II. N;ihi?iu PresidentO. P. laukca Secretary and Treasurer

C. P. IAUKEA.Secretary.

Honolulu, March 7, 1887. 5:Umai8tf

lie si i i'tits 1.1 h .Till;,.! r'

Teas and Table Delicacies, fine Cigais and Tobaccos. Xos 0, 11 IS and 15 7San Francisco, Cal. Sol agents for Gordon & Uilworth's flue preserved!Wood Starch Company, H. O. Wilbur & Son's "Vanilla Cocoatina,,' the ,'known; Robert Xorton & Co.'s full cream pineapple cheese, Chicago Ooi Jperishable Egg," each pound equal to three dozen Eggs: V alter G. Wils

Mil )irnito IT" T T n..,-nKn- 8. ....., .1 14,...,;,. l.,vn . .i

' ,"'"" 'ii-W- la I e


f IfiiNV fine table

'' t.vvlosett cider, and i

.no. ii. m, j... u .iiiiai'rr u iu, n jauv l Jitl urm Hull i'Ja

pickles iii glass, B. F. Merritt Company's celebrated rnsitrrr CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.NOTICE

Remedies for Seasickness.Nothing can be more unreasonable thar,

continuous seasickness. The absoluteremedies are so many, the many voicedwitnesses are so grave that any one whepersists in being sick after the-thir-d dais simply obdurate, and I above all men.

Capt. Knight was something.of adoctoiand he could bring round in a day or tw e

by water cure treatment, lie succeededon the first day that I put my feet orshore! Remedies:

Go on bo:ird wilh afull stomach of plair.but nourishing food; do not have anything on your stonu-c- when you embark

Keep on deck. Do not go out of youistateroom but lie quietly on your back.

Take champagne or claret or brandy oiwhisky or gruel or oat meal porridge oibits of salt codfish scorched uoa livingcoals.

Then have an iceberg along your spine,a light belt should be worn hcUw thewaist; v.y.e homcej a (hie remedies freely, it

makes lift !e difference of what kind; bluepills and Congress water are a:; good asanything.

But the best of all things is to kick thedoctor out of your state room, lie still inyour berth and wait for land. This issure cure!

There are many alleviations of this condition the smell of bilge water, if obship; of grease, if on a steamer: thesmell of dinner, if your stateroom openson the?' dinirur saloon; tlie rattle of theknives and the jolly roar of merry men a1

OHX A. SPEAR, IIAV1XO THIS DAY BOUGHTout the entire interest of Charles H. Pfeifi'er CIGARSr

piu the late firm of Spear Jfc Pfeilfer, bes;s to no-tify bis former customers and the public that heis the sole owner of said business, and willcarry ou the business of s:ud late firm, solicit-ing for himself the patronage heretofore ac-corded said firm.

All debts and claims against the late firm ofSpear A: Pfeifter will be paid by the undersigned.

JOHN A. SPEAR.Dated March 4, 18So WSapr7

If you want a fine CIGAli, trv some of Straiten & Ft f i uir,.!, 1 justarnv


Ausnitlkiii Mail Service.

corner of King street the animal col-

lided with a saddle horse hitched nearHall's store, without doing any damage.For a moment it looked as if it wouldstop, but it went along King street at afurious rate, and the last seen of therunaway was turning the corner nearthe front gates of the Palace. It evident-ly went out to its home at Sunny Side.

Tle Japanese Acr bats.This evening another performance

will be given by the Japanese acrobatsat the Hawaiian Opera House, with anentire change of programme. No oneshould fail to see these clever people.Box plan now open at A. M. Hewett'sstore, Merchant street.

Musieale at Oaliu College.The musicale given in the parlors of

Oahu College last evening by the pupilsof Mrs. J. S. Ilanford, teacher of musicat that institution, was a success. Thehall was well filled with a cultivated andappreciative audience. Among thosepresent were Rev. W. C. Merritt, Presi-dent of the College, His Honor ChiefJustice Judd, Revs. Cruzan, Binghamand others. The piano solos played byMisses Hessie Dickson, Kate Rodgersand May Dillingham were well rendered,and the artistic manner in which theyplayed their parts highly pleased theaudience. "The Tar's Farewell," sungby Levi Lyman, was rendered in a grace-ful manner. Mr. Lyman possesses avery excellent voice, and his singingbrought down the whole audience. Hewas encored, to which he respondedwith "Then You'll Remember Me,"which was also splendidly rendered.The song "My Little Woman," by Prof.L. Van Slyke, was sung in an excellentstyle, and put the audience in a merryhumor ; he was encored. The song, "OLuce di Quest Anima," by Miss JennieGrieve, was beautifully rendered, herclear tones penetrating to every part of

the room. It was the gem of the even-ing. The concluding piece, "NorwegianWedding March," by the Punahou GleeClub, was rendered in first-clas- s style,after xhic-- the" visitors dispersed highlysatisfied vivth the evening's entertain-ment.

Seventh Day AAveutist Mission.At the usual hour last night the ser-

vices began at the Half. Quite a num-ber were present who listened attentive-ly to the discourse on "Modern Spiritual-ism." The speaker began by sayingthat he did not wish to assril individ-uals, but only to examine tie isms inthe light of the Bible.

He took as his text Isa. 8.;V:?. Hes.tted there were diflrcht opinions in

chs Keeeiveri ly tlie Hall Tliat tlieMiilolo Capsized Oir I.anai.

Soon after the steamer AV. G. ITall ar-

rived yesterday the news spread throughtown that the schooner Malolo had cap-sized off Lanai, and the crew were allsafe .with the exception of one man.Upon enquiring of Mr. A. Frank Cooke,President of the Pacific Navigation Com-pany, owners of the schooner, that gen-

tleman stated that he had received noletter confirming the news. When theHall arrived at Lahaina she learned thata fishing boat had arrived the previousday from Lanai, and the crew statedthat the schooner Malolo capsized offLanai and one of the rew was missing.

The Malolo left here last Saturdayafternoon under command of CaptainRosehill, for Laupahoehoe, Hawaii. Shehad about twenty tons of cargo on boardand also Jtwenty tons of ballast. Hercrew consisted of Gilbert Islanders. Shewas one of the largest schooners ownedby the Pacific Navigation Company, andhas made three trips to the South SeaIslands..

The steamer Surprise left yesterdayafternoon for Matii, and the Captain hadinstructions to first call at Lanai andrender any assistance necessary. Fullparticulars may be expected on her re-

turn from Maui. -

itheir a .'horrent mea! Lor variety 1O0 Iort Street.friend will visi-- . von and narrates his ex


The new and fine Al steel steamship

perience and ivcoi:o.'ends new torments.Henry Ward Beechcr in New Yort

World.A Yonii Art Club.

There is ;ui enterprising young art clubin this city called the Gotham Art Stu-dents, wk:ch has its quarters on liroad- -


We agree with the "Gazette" that toolittle attention has been paid to the Con-stitution by the people most affected byit. If the Organic law had been moreclose)' studied its defects would longago have become so patent to all thatneeded amendments would have beenmade. But such as it ia it remaiiiH pre-cisely as it was granted by Kamehatne-h- a

V, with the exception of a triflingamendment increasing the pay of themembers of the Legislature.

We do not agree with our contempo-rary's reading of the Constitution as tothe convening of an extraordinary ses-

sion. There is no question as to or-dina- ry

sessions. We did not ignore Arti-cle 23, as our contemporary assumes.The' tinal clause of that Article estab-lishes the Royal prerogative in the mat-ter of convening an extraordinary ses-

sion, which Article 40 confirms in moregeneral terms. The history of the Con-

stitution, shows that a diminution ofRoyal prerogative was not in the mindof t" "King who made it, and a clo.eperusal of that instrument must satisfyany intelligent reader that this pointwas jealously guarded. Whatever isloose or ambiguous in the Constitutionhas reference to popular rights.

We are not arguing as to whether thisis right or wrong, wise or unwise, in theabstract. Xor are we disused to thinkthat the King would convene an extrasession without the concurrence of thePrivy Council. That, however, wouldbe as much a matter of form as is theconsultation of the Privy Council beforeconvening the Legislature in regularsession for the dispatch of business inthe month of April every second year.This is mandatory under the Constitu-tion, and should the Privy Council ad-

vise against a regular Legislative ses-

sion its advice would be disregarded.But in the matter of an extraordinarysession the Constitution clearly leavesthe summoning of one to the discretionof the Sovereign. To avoid an appear-ance of acting without advice, the PrivyCouncil would probably be consulted.Of course, we do not infer that a special

11 1 T 1 1 1

ALAMEDA."It w;way, at Fourth strcc omuiecl

s tradesmostly by young workers in varkmore or less remotely connected with art,

ofttbu Oceanic steamship Company, will be duent Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

March 11th, 1887,Anil will leave for the abve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having .SUPERIORACCOM MO DAI IONS, apply to

Win. Cr. Irwin & Co.,AGKNTS.


B OS ,.Llf JE.This .fine . -- f . 111 tfoihe Fouson at

who by co-o- ?; ration, undertook to givethemselves a education i!b singleone could have afforded to. pay for. Sincethen it has taken in a number of youngpainters and students of more independ-ent mean?, and, thanks to the interestartists and art lovers have taken in it, itis now upon a thriving footing. Promi-nent painters instruct the classes, andthere arc interesting exhibitions and lecf-nre- s

at monthly inter vTs. Alfred Trum-bl- e

in New York News. For Sydney and Auckland.ii.': 'A ': 3.


C'liime of Hell.Sometime during next month a chime

of nine bells will arrive in this city forKaumakapili Church. They were or-

dered by Mr. W. W. Hall fromthe well known Clinton H. MeneelyBellCompany of Troy, New York. Thefloor and frame work to receive them isnow being fixed in the tower. The bellswill be suspended stationary froma frame work, with the excep-tion of the large tenor bell,which will be mounted over the othersso that it may be rung independ


i, i.flaiii Park,.in:WISHING i COMPETENT MURSKIADIES the services of .Urs. CHAMPLAIX

by inquiring At .Vrs. Hoyt's, 115 King str3ct,corneroi' Alakea street. 4(;G-nia- y3

Hawaiian Opera House!

The :iew and tine A 1 steel steamship,,

" ZEALMDIA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

March 19, 1887.And will have prompt dispatcn with mails andpassengers for the above ports.

For freight or passage, having SUPKRIOR AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,

i ily'f mares.

TO IIVSUH);, $100.great Almont, .sire of 1'iodn.ontertrand Black Hawk

, m by Mambrino Chief; Second dam

7ckkirIaTk' Rn of Vnont BlackSon of

Tuckahoe. BredbytMl

.!!fbsion will Dceaueu. it wouiu De veyexpensive, ands-th- necosity x6r it is notapparent.

ently at any lime required. Qra lout t. lveTeet from Tlie ground

floor will be fixed nine levers in a frame,and these will be connected to the bellsby means of chains and rods! One ofthe bells is tuned to the flat seventh toneof the scale, so that it will be possible toplay on the bells in two keys.

TERMS, $50 TrBos well, Jr., sired b

etc. His dam is Maud (rAlmont by Alexande

by Pilot, Jr. ;

Bertrand, No. 32G2, gIIawrk, 5 ; dam Belle Bur:Hawk, 5 ; grand dam NelRichmond, Jeffei-so- n Co.,

Maude has made three seas18 races, winning 15 of them, i

where she distanced a field ofKillarney, and four others, inTrack, San Francisco, Nov. 5ttthe half mile in 1:07, and, if othe mile in 2:15. Maude has rin presence of a number of hoipounds overweight, drove her



Wednesday Evening, March 9th,Friday Evening, March 11th,

Saturday, March 12th, Matinee andEvening Performance.



1 I;is sfarted'ta'

6 racn r"' tate or JS85,n s.StoekfJ.rirr Q.rm "en. j i

lieItell Telephone 3 IS. I. O.Kox 41.5. try DiH-- frIW. gol ng totri)Aim fiufimTV let Track" hll f,e0oiJ'1- - " tu '"ave mafie

Jtoc,forty --Be yen.1 HiUMmm CHAS. T. GULICK,


General Business Agent.


Last 3fi slit's Musicale.The musicale at Oahu College last

evening wrs very well attended, and acomplete success. The programme wasa varied one, and consisted of a pianoduet, piano solos, vocal daets and solos,and three choruses by the Punahou GleeClub. Mr. Yarndley also assisted in aduet for violin and piano. All the num-bers were excellently given and muchappreciated by the audience. Great pro-gress has been made in tho musical de-

partment of this College, and it redoundsto the credit of Mrs. Ilanford, the in-

structress, who takes great pains withher pupils.

DOI S TEE,iWho is oper . aiiy Stallion on the Islands

: ' EASOX.Rooks written ut- - Aeeonntsand Kent"olIeetel.

Fmployment and Shipping Agency. LaborContract Planks and Revenue Stamps always onhand. Copying and translating in all languagesused in this Kingdom. Orders from the otherIslands will receive prompt attention.

regard fo spiritualism. Some regard itas a humbug, others think it a reality.

Spiritualism originated In Hydesville,New York, a town near Rochester, in1848, in a family by the name of Fox.It was at first known as the "Rochesterknockings." Since its origin, less thanforty years ago, it has added to its num-bers more than all the churches. TheCatholic statistics of 187G stated that intwenty-eigh- t years it had gained 11,-000,0- 00

adherents.The speaker then compared their

works with the Bible ; see Isa. 8:19:20,"To the law and to the testimony, if t.eyspeak not according to this word, it isbecause there is no light in them." Hethen read the testimonies of some of theleading advocates of spiritualism, show-ing that they deny the Bible, and alsoGod ; see Ps. 53 :1. An extract was readfrom the "Banner of Light," also the"Crucible," showing that they do not be-

lieve in God, and that they claim theDevil as their father and God. "Ban-ner of Light," November 4, 18G5.

Mr. Curtis then said they were not inharmony with the Bible on any point.They deny Christ. They do not improvemorality. Statements were read fromleading spiritualists, showing that theyrepudiate the marriage rite. AncientlyGod had all who practiced necromancyput to death. Deut. 19:9-1- 3. See Web-ster's definition of necromancy.

Spiritualism bases its theory on pre-tended communication with the dead;see Eccl. 9:5-0- . "The dead know notanything," etc. ; also Job 14 ;10-2- 1. Thework of modern spiritualism is a subjectof prophesy; see 1 Timothy 4:1-- 3. Thesame was proven from Rev. 13:13-14- ;10:13-1- 4. All are invited to attend thediscourse to-nig- ht.

We read Mr. E. Lycan's letter in acontemporary on "Ramie growing in theHawaiian Islands," and regret to findthat up to date no really practical testhas been applied to the latest and pre-

sumably the lest machine for the pur-pose that has been patented or built onthese Islands. How a less perfect ma-

chine, equally without practical test,could lni held to fulfill the conditions ofthe law under which the original bonuswas offered is not, and has never beenapparent to our mind, although theMinister of the Interior of that daythought otherwise. Let the country seethe machine turning out a fairly market-able article of ramie in quantity for ex-port and no objection would he made tothe payment of a reasonable bonus ; butwe deny that any proof has yet beengiven, by any test yet applied, that tf iemachine in question has passed the ex-

perimental stage.We .make this point, not in a spirit of

opposition to the enterprise, but to stim-

ulate exertion and lead to practical re-

sults. Already an industry as importantas sugar has been established on paper ;

and a production of ramie bark worth10c to 15c jer pound has been assuredon paper also. There is abundance of

ramie to be had for an experiment on a



Will, while en route to San Francisco, New York,London and Taris, give a short season in Hono-

lulu. This Company consists of twelve per-

formers, males and females. Their feats aremarvelous, new and numerous, embracing thei omnia

ACTOGAWA,(walking with hare feet on the razor-lik- e edgesof Yacouin swords), walking in lire with harefeet, etc , etc.

The celebrated trick, devolving a Huge Tub,with one performer inpide an I one on the out-

side, the

LADJDKR TEICKGreatly improved, FiIaicing Fans, Umbrellasetc., are also among the feats.

Doncaster is a bright r .1, in and left hind foot whiteis 16 hands in height, wein, ,U ' ;".ls' IIe took firt and onlypremium'for stallion roadsters at tl 'l " inr'

PEDIGItEK I)om-a-f r wr ,5 trotting stallion KImo- -

Lady Emily; she by Uir W r!f Yo,,n Merrill: first dam. bv tTtBiver (thoroughbred); sec nl Jack' Bon of imP- - Doncaster;" thirddam by American EclipnC-- -

Hi' t

il!miie track.ng Island Black Hawk; he bv An-- sdam was by Sir Richard; he by

Elmo was sired by .wj .'y

drew Jackson; he by Y4ui'!r '

Jones' Sir Richard, a thoi.Mayfield Santa 'Clara

T.i . ' Co., i;aI.,for

Hi Majesty the Kiuy: Visits Taver-uier'- s

Stiitlio.His Majesty the King yesterday paid

a visit to Mr. Jules Tavernier's studio,and before leaving purchased an oilpainting 20x30 of Halemaumau takenfrom the north side. It will be pre-sented to tho Queen of England by HerMajesty Queen Kapiolani. It is one ofTavernier's finest productions.

Mr. Tavernier presented to His Maj-esty a pastel of Halemaumau taken froma different spot than the oil painting.This His Majesty intends presenting toII. R. H. the Prince of Wales.

There are numerous other pictures inthe artist's studio, and at the presenttime he has a large number of orderson hand.

"U,M oui io ii.iv. . tr ...

$15,000, where he stood tlV e Slre of verman, 2:19

Valnahle Vroperties for Sale. Twoacresof land, splendidly situated in Makiki forHomesteads.

One acre in Makiki, on Reretauia street, finebuilding site.

One. and five-eieht- h acres with Cottage,on Liliha street. A rare chance.

I'or Lease. Forty acres of land, 2 milesfrom Mossmau's corner 15 acres of which Issuitable for either rice or taro, and has beenunder cultivation for the last five years. Allbuildings necessary for a first-clas- s little ranchnow on the premises.

Wantetl. A Ritnation By a competent practi-cal Engineer, who has had many years' expe-rience, and can give the best of referencesEmployment on a plantation preferred.

Wanteil Hostler. A competent, handymanalout horses can find employment for the nextsix weeks. Japanese preferred.Full particulars given upon application at

No. Z8 MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU.Lately occupied by Messrs. Smith & Thurston.

D- O- feb2Jtf

J V ' i J TJlllt l J

ril 12. 1873, beatThe followiner is Flmn. in tf,reheats, three in five, for 92.5nn rfr

'r ight heats: time, jo5. i

?. $ic e' m.'at Jerome In two i :;u. My... for ,,, tJ-S-

K:n30, 1873, two miles and repeat? A4;S9. June 3, 173, mile heatsllstraight beats; time, 2:27, 2:27i f

IOIn.AK IltlT.K.Doors open at 7;3d p.m. A matinee will he given

at 2 p. m. on Saturday, when admissionwill be SO eents to nil parts

of the houre.Bg"F.n tire change of programme each evening.J?ox oflice at A. M. Hewett's, Newsdealer, Mer-chant street.

W. II. ALDRICII, Manager.52C marl2

t OM.itii,ji,orrttiGreatearHilsufficiently large scale. The HawaiianRamie Company has thirty-si- x acresgrowing on its Puna plantation, while

aboi4 twenty acres are growing at Kona

in Uvq patches. This ensures sufficient

i i : y..A GNEW,4v

i J -h

Page 3: KT. - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38432/1/1887030901.pdf · ... Koloa, Eleele and Waimea, Kauai. ... Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule





lasHonolulu, II. I.,Application is hereby made ly

for a vater

privilege for the premiss on

size of tap

vrith -- irrigation privileges, at the rate

per annum.

Water to be used for

Angora Goats la California.I w as on the summit of Tallac, nearly

10,000 feet in elevation, at sunset. Ithere found ,nearly 200 Angora goatscamped for the night on rocks aboutthirtv feet east of and below the summit.Thej: were in full sight of Tahoe and thebest views from the summit. There wasfine, green mountain pasture, soft soil

' bedding and shelter down below them amile or two, but they preferred the rocksof the summit and the keener air andmagnificent mountain pictures. Theirbed was nearer the stars, and they wouldhave the very earliest sight of the morningsun. Four hvmdred of this breed of coatswere, five years ago, every one killed bylightning near the same spot. They werethe property of the same owner, Mr. Gil-mo- re

of Glen Alpine Springs. Many ofthem were pure or half pure breeds. Thaherd was worth at least $6,000. Theywere dead several days before they werediscovered; so that not even their peltswere saved.

These goats are not herded; they takecare of themselves altogether, and exceptfnr linrr snltPil that is. sr.nnlied with

A silver watch with hair fob, etc., is ad-

vertised as lost.

The Queen's Own will meet at the Ar-

mory to-nig- ht for drill.Her Kxcellfii' y Cleverness Lanihau left

for Kauai yesterday.Special Lenten service at 5 o'clock at St.

Andrew's Cathedral this afternoon.The whaling bark" Hunter, of which Cap-

tain Jenks is master, brought 150 barrels ofsperm oil.

The members of Hawaii Baseball Clubare now practicing every afternoon makaiof the Enterprise Mill.

His Excellency Hon. Ii. II. Baker, Gov-

ernor of Maui, returned to his home bythe Kinau yesterday.

The Oceanic Company's steamship Aus-

tralia ir due tp-da- y from San Francisco,with dates to the 2d inst.

r,,!iorr.iT produce will he received by

h i, a, E.

Australia. Several more whalers are expectedduring the week.

The schooner Nettie Merrill sailed March 8thwith coal for Waimea, Kauai.

The German bark C. R. Bishop was shiftedfrom Wilder's wharf t the Oceanic Company'sWharf March fcth. She will finish dischargingcarto about next Saturday, and will tl-e- com-

mence loading sugar for San Francisco forMessrs. H. liackfeld & Co.

The tern Hera was hauled near the OceanicCompany's wharf March tJth to unload her cargoof lumber.

The steamer Kiuau took a.roller for the NiuliiSugar Mill, and a pinion for the Union SugarMill from the Honolulu Iron Works March bth.

The bark Forest Queen has been moved toWilder' wharf, where she will finish discharg-ing and also to receive sugar.

The schooner Rainbow brought 40 s ricefrom Koolau, Oahu, March 7th, and left ytster-wit- h

4u tons coal for Heeia.The schooner Kauiilua was lowered from the

Marine Railway March blh, wheie she has been

The biea . H.ll arrived from windward ports Mjiivh I r- -p rt ." - r

She brought .,-- .! 7 ll J :u:,. "

bags coffee, '". 1 .. 't: '" - .

29 head catt.i. ui. ; J : - s.

The schoo i. ) I.':nmft will ti-t- Uj it -- 1

ious ports . I'.r.m.Tbe SCbO::e V,'.i;,;i iiroujtit J U sui

from Waialua, Oahu, M..h Sii., aud will ;.

t. .j 1 ul't Waterr ... ;3lulu,h .j . ."ebru- - Full description of premises.




orks ford -

1. Apili. aioJ', 1

"apply sltall be lu w ."

'ciat; bucL apj.lioat'On,;, wLici

" 'uo! .n V't- -

TStfT Iti--A,,". .j.ace or tr f-lic -

r.-- t day of Jul) t.ic:. jHonolulu Water Wouf

fjly ofor coerce of

i bj , '! appli-- 'jU a i riuted

h. of the


A CALIFORNIA PBO! "TIOIN.salt to li-i- twice a week they get no care

All rates are payable semi-annuall- y, in ad-

vance, at th omea of the Honolulu Waier Worksou the iir3t daya of January and July of eachyear.

This Privilege is subject to the Rules and Reg-

ulations promulgated by the Minister of theInterior, ani to the Laws of the Kingdom moreespecially. Chapter of the Laws of 1B3C.

oir? a roarl" V

"f inoair,it. : : 'uad.

' ilroad etr'. i 1 f yearly

- itl.d the- - i the

ill- - Utin -- : oI The Honolulu Water Works shall in no case be ' .' wf yr- :. I

... -- U'-; ij liable for any claim for damage occasioned byWaier i the oui'sung of pipes whatsoever. A stop-coc- k

'.1 Ciif of- .:!. 1 .t j

ut 'x'J. Sanf r I

nov .i.f v. r. .ji ofFrawcisco Bulletin.

shall be put not more than two feet inside thefront boundary liue of premises by the holderof the privilege at his expense, aud the same beprotected by a box or otherwise, kept clean andmarked, so water can be turned oil immediately.

j again to-da- y.

the Eretlericksbum-- Brewing Co.

It J w ! hiJceadayn a'ter it Is .rut . n pert - . t

' iiliou to tho LaUr rie t,.ll be.. i.- i . ; Wouie dby the person hold-ivJlet- e,

aiid ti Pnpertnteujcut may' it m ' " hut oil tLe water from

, ricie :.d . j. e the fcxpeajf-- of thei lei 1 tie privilege, and all

. va f ,t. .t on from t'le t uvilegf u above--:o :--

The schooner Mana sails to-d- ay with generalniercnandise for Honomu, llilo, Hawaii.

The schooner Luka arrived March 8th fromHamakua, Hawaii, with l,3i0 bags sugar fromKobalalele. Reports very rough weather.

The schooner Rob Roy sailed March 8th forKoolau, Oahu.

i'.-dt- ,ii ;.iit: until the rate forind exptuse arts pid in

exhibits of tbe Mechanic I air was that of thOne of the most novel and unique .

Frederickbburg Lager Brewing Co. It was in the form of a bower, the r.;of ten. fortof hop vine- -, while around the sides were arranged the various package ef the f

Fredericksburg beer. This company was the pioneer in the manufacture of :mCoast. After overcoming many obstacles they have succeeded in prodacn-- hi M " 1

Let Me Have a. i ti c. fam ij' upplt:d with wateri 'Vs. rfr Vorks shall be per- -

iV' wa- - for a!iy putpostf othern t)"L. !u,t, i:nr t sup- -


Water Privilege No.

A water privilege is hereby

granted to as specified in

the foregoing application, subject to the same

and the Rules and Regulations of the HonoluluWater Works.

Executed in Duplicate.

Honolulu, 1S8

523feb28tfL. AHOLO.Minister of Interior.

a t CIGAR.!!' viev;r.l all

' fam- -


.t iy water; f theii j i olulu

tj.l t .11 Kl ir,'SM . r ' i li it a Ur-..-

'". O S 11 '. LU J. if

Yuen Kee &, Co. Lave removed to Hotelstreet.

Fine white cashmere scarfs with fringeat N. S. Sachs', 101 Fort street.

Fine millinery goods, new ribbons andnew trimmings at iSachs'.

Children's lace stocks, all colors, infants'worsted hoods and jackets at Sachs' store.

i'OUT OF liONOLLiiU, 11. J.

Lager Not Surpassedof this is seen in the fact '1 at tht irBy any other made iu the United Stales. A proot

goods are hold as far East as Chicago, despite Eastern competition. How can tl. do

this after paying freight over 3,000 miles of railroad, it may be asked. In .he Hii pi-u- c

hops are better and cheaper here than in the East; again, California hurley is the btstgrown in the United States; but the chief reason is the superior quality of the brew, asthey use only the finest artesian water and the very best material, and have all tut uesiand latest machinery, they are able to produce an article that

DEFIES COMPETITION.Their ExportXager is so perfect that it will ke?p any number or years in any climate,and is sold largely in Mexico, Australia, the Islands, South America, and in shortthroughout the Western Hemisphere. In three years their output has quadrupled; lastyear it amounted to 33,000 barrels, and this year will exceed that amount.

Since writing the above we learu that the Fredericksburg Brewing Co. wan awardedthe first prize, a silver medal, "for the best Export Lager," also the first prize, anothersilver medal, for the " best Kng Lager Beer." Journal of'Commerce, San Francisco.

.. b- -r v.t:- -. is '. i . siplied' t r tviia- -: 4"''- - !; . uuec-- j, .uitia t ;: pr. ( !( .ill be

y v-- nh o o fli i. j;.n t : s, and' y :ii.;uv i'r.L-.- . A Uioiis

t; lliv c ii. i i cut

A Kit I VALS.Tuesday, March 8.

Stmr W G Hall, from Maui and HawaiiAm whaling Lark Hunter, G W Jenks, from a

cruisseSchrLuka, from K malaleleSchr Waiehu, from Waialua

rpHE ABOVE REQUEST IS HEARD DAILY INJL cigar stores, saloons and other places where

cigars are sold, for it is an umlisputeil fact thatmost smokers prefer a miM cigar, ami that thosewho have for a long time smoked strong cigars,principally imported Manilas, will, aftti- havingthoroughly injured the stomach and impiiiied thenervous system, surely want a mild ciar if theycould lind the right kind.

How many thousands of smokers who sufferfrom loss of appetite, headache, nervous irrita-bility, asthma, etc , aud Mho have tried all pos-sible, remedies without success, mitht he curedif they knew that their sufferings were caused bythe intemperate use of strong cigars, and thatthey should only smoke mild an properly pre-pared ones.

It is a fact that not all mild cigars agree wellwith smokers, for in most cases there is a lackof care in the selection of the tobacco, and oftenthe necessary experience for it is wanting, yetthere is one brand which suits the most fastid-ious smoker, and that is

.1 p;

Special Xoti.Chas. T. Gulick, Notary Public, Gen-

eral Husiness Agency. Bills, accountsand rents collected. Mr. John Good" ..Jr.,authorized collector.

Employment Agency Mr. F. Marcos,siecial agent.

All orders sent to No. 38 Merchantstreet will rcceive'pronipt attention.

liell Telephone 348. P. O. Box 415.

; 5 I' - 1 .re i i. . i, those'." t ti aLs- - s ' t .... i wvileges

. .j Sunt i . L :r ;i- ".

1 i;e!u.-.:- i L iv.i.:; waterle vi aiged fui v ;t.r ru. unless; ; : t " ' -- 'i .'t j .r Hon- -

. 1 . ; :.- : i m the

All- v

p:i-.it- :

1 v : . t

o ; " :

ItKl'AlC'rUKKN.Tuesday, March 8.

Stmr Mikahala, Hall, for Nawiliwili, Waimea,Koloa, etc, Kaiiui, it 5pm

Steamship Kin.bii, Lorenzen, for windwardports, at J p 111

Stmr Surprise, W Weisbarth, for Kuau, at 4p m

Snur C H Bislop, Chaney, for liilauea andUanalei, via Wai..iiae,at 12 m

Stmr Kilauea ilou, Cameron, for Hamakua,at 12 m

Schr Sarah aud bliza, for Koolau. chr Mile Morris, for KoolauSchr Rob Roy, fur KoolauSchr Iiain!iow, lor Koolau, OahuSchr Nettie Merrill, fur Waimea

'I-- '


"Sampler ' Health Cigar,. in

' "".V li ; ,

r o' i

Alii; h- -

u-- j t ri ar and; age at

i I o:nndiugi Wii:',. n per- -

)!i.iui' Waier

. ?.ni' orizeit

.i l!1 !. iki.

' . : hii : t : or the

Foreman requests all members to be pres-

ent.Applications for foreign money orders

per steamship Alameda will be received atthe Post olhco up to 4 o'clock Thursdayafternoon.

"About His Father's Business" will bethe subject of the prayer and praise meet-ing at the Lyceum this evening. Itev. E.C. Oggel will lead.

By the Australia. Lewis & Co. will receivetheir usual consignment of fresh Californiafruits, fish and vegetables on ice. Leaveyour orders early.

The plastering on the interior walls andceiling of the Kaumakapili Church hasbeen torn off, and will be replaced by asuperior quality.

A shoe-blac- k stand has been establishedat the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, with HenryWilliams in charge. He will have copiesof the Aiivertiser for sale.

Do not forget that Davis it Wilder'sstore is the place to visit after the arrivalof the Australia if you wish fresh Califor-nia fruits, fish and vegetables on ice.

There will be the ufual services at St.Andrew's Cathedral this evening at 7:30o'clock, when the llev. George Wallacewill deliver a brief Lenten address. Choirpractice will follow.

Mr. N. S. Sachs will receive by the Aus-

tralia an entire new stock of goods, includ-ing the latest style of spring hats andfashionable summer goods. Look out forhis opening announcement.

Another large audience was in attend-ance at the concei t at Emma Square lastevening by the Royal Hawaiian Band.The music was fine. The next concertwill be given Thursday evening.

The regular and annual meeting of theWomen's Church Aid Society will be held

to-morr- at 2:.'J0 o'clock p. in., at theCathedral Sunday-schoo- l room. A full at-

tendance of members is requested.

A breast pin advertised as lost was foundyesterday by Mr. John T. Dare on Hotelstreet. Mr. Dare requested the reward of$5 offered to be given towards the readingroom of the Hawaiian branch of the Y. M.C. A.

The Honolulu Library and ReadingRoom Association has been presented withbound tiles of tbe "Polynesian" for sevmyears, and also several volumes of the"Friend," by Mrs. S, C. Damon. A num-ber of books have also been presented byMrs. J. Hyman.

The " Bulb tin" says that word was re-

ceived on Tuesday afternoon of a robberycommitted at the Half-wa- y House, Nuu-anu road, last Saturday night. Some per-son or persons effected an entrance intothe house from the back, and securing ashot-gu- n and a Springfield rifle, decampedwith the booty.

The oid Snow building on Merchantstreet, which has just been strengthenedby a new foundation, began to settle yes-

terday and 11 crack in the outside plastersoon became visible. The p'aster insidethe building was also disturbed. It is notsupposed that the settlement will be veryserious, the new foundation being

v)uc but t '' I w Lenvlui: To-Da- y.

Schr Waiehu, for WaialuSchr Mana, for HonomuSchr Kawailaui, for Koolt--Schr Kiuma, for Kauai

Which is made from mild, aromatic and particu-larly selected and prepared tobacco, and com-bines all the qualities which may be expectedfrom a health cigar. It causes no bad effect ofany kind, is agreeable to the taste, burns evenlyto the end and possesses a Cue aroma. Nosmoker should fail to give

Engelbreclifs "Sampler'' Cigar

A fair trial, and benefit himself at the sametime. I05mar'29

Sew liuIiieM.AV ill open on Wednesday, March 9th,

CHU ON & COMPANY, 44 Nuuanustreet, opposite Aswan street, large quan-


and SANDAL WOOD. Also, porcelain

and crockery ware, matting, fans, silk

handkerchief!, shawls and scarfs, gold

and silver jewelry.

Will be sold at lowest prices.

p.iiiiter.ii.i!t of tlie lloaoluiu WaterI ' ! " u

, ii tap of taru oil' or ou water from theorks sjiluuiii pipi'd

i':v.eis .mil duly authorized Inspectors" "" io'olnlu 'A'ater Works shall be admitted

Of t!:-- ' Ilt--i

r.ttble iiur to all parts ot any preiu-a- tail iing water : i Vlleges, to inspect the

isf-- Lr.

CP-Hav-ing been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the Hawaiian Islands for the above

celebrated Brewing Company, we are now prepared to fill all orders for the trade andfamily consumption at bedrock figures.


23 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu.P. O. BOX 504. (3C9 dec23d-wt- f BOTH TELEPHONES No. 46.


ALL GOODSAt Greatly Reduced Prices !

.A.fter Stock Taking.


Grocers and Provision Dealers,Fort Street, I-lonol-nlu.

waier shall b sold from any privileger bitten pcriu Hsion of the Superiuten- -

wjttr s!:ul' he supplied to ships oredeat No .r,t kl r:itt-- a or bv sDecial

The Leatlina: liillincrv HouseOF


VosselM in Jrort f'roiu rorein Pons.NAm bk Sonoma, Howes,' from Newcastle,N S W

Brit bark Zoila, McKay, fom Newcastle, NS W

H II M's training ship K imiloa, from Apia,Samoa

Nor bk P C Paterson, from Newcastle. N S WBrit bark Glengaber, RoL'eston, from Liver-

poolBrit bark Martha Fisher. Buckingham, from

LiverpoolGer bk C R Bishop, II Waters, from Bremen,

Germanv '

Am bktne S N Castle, II Hubbard, from PortTownsend.

Am bktne Forest Queeiy Winding, from SanFranciseo P

P.rit l.k Vlocitv. Martin from Hongkong

vessels esc0mcer of tbe Uou.

agreemi n.,authorized. In all cases

olulu Waterplied h reunder a receipt for the

oi water sut lie giveu aud paymentquantity enyi n

sou except on the produc- -

eipt from the omce of the Houo-tio- u

oi the ici.lulu Water Wo:

1 shall be confined to the hours15. lr"itlori:)lll,bl!d frolJ1 time to time by the

that sh-.tl- l be piof Waterworks.Superi ntendent

nv of these Rules and Itegu- -10. Violation -

the privilege, and thelations Khali

oil aud snail not i.e turned onwaters, x ije cut

Tiymeut of all costs aud ex- -again until the p

Am bktne Ella, O K Rust from Sau FranciscoAm bark Ceylon, R Caljoun, lrom san xran-cis- c

o fAm tern Hera, Closso from Eureka. CalAm wh bk William Bullies, from New Bed-Ha- w

bark Kalakaua, G j Armstrong, from Val-

paraisoAm wk bk Mary aud Sfan, from a cruiseAm wh bk Wanderer, fom a cruiseAm wh bark UuutenGeo W Jenks, from a

cruise j... , , 'utof Water Works is author- -


Tuesday, March 5th."Willfong vs. J. H. Paty. Bill in equity

to recover certain shares. Argued anddecision reserved. S. B. Dole for plaint-iff, F. M. Hatch for defendant.

C. W. Ashford vs. Ah Pow. Covenant.Judgment for plaintiff for $310 14. V.V. Ashford for plaintiff, no appearanceof or for defendant.


In re. estate of Charles Edward Hen-so- n

of Honolulu, deceased. Petition byMrs. Jvatherine M. Henson, the widow,for probate of the will. Tfiere was nocontest in the matter. After satisfactoryproofs the Court admitted the will toprobate, and ordered letters testamentaryto issue without bond. The sworn valueof the estate, real and personalis $2,000,and is solely devised to the widow. Pe-

titioner in person.BEFORE PRESTON", J.

In the application of Ah Kui, for awrit of habeas corpus for the custody ofChung Moy, already reported in

. j.etmissious for Waterizedto gnat and nnno.till tlCCIUCUM rM w

Privileiic, audii'ak .

tiou with watr rattuss my hand and" Ofhcial


By the Australia we have received a fine lineof NEW GOODS, which will he placed for sale onSaturday.

Ladies' Black Silk Clocked Hose,(Good Black.)

('renin At lrtss lioocls, DoubleWidth.

Cream OreiinUiuo and Sack in a DreUouiN.

Light Colored Cashmeres.Something new in Fancy Crape.

GAUZE RIBBONS,1 he Latest.

Infant' Hose in amet, l'ink,SSlueand Wliite.

A Fine Line of SUirt llalliiisr andllineiiin&s.

Finest Line of Silk GlovesEver imported to this City.

Npauisli I.ace Fielius In White V jsiackWe have on hand a very large stock of

Ul Wool Shawls.A fine line of Ladies Trimmed and Untrimmed


A full line of Elaok Cashmere, Gimps, Fringes,etc., etc.

Come and See our New Good.

teM'lMr.Kpfetedrom Foreign lorl.Ger bark Hydra, fru Hongkong, due January


German bark Herules, Schaefer, sailed fromLiverpool October y. due February 20-2- 8

Am bark Timour, Irewer, sailed from BostonDec 17, due May

Brit bark Ceratei from Liverpool, due May

Am barb Julia Fod, from Departure Bay, dueJanuary 10 31 I

Am wh bk Ohiorom New Bedford, due leb10-l- i8

tlay auJ date aboV writ"Seal thle"' L. AIIOLO,

Minister of Interior.

ins of privileges andThe follo.v are the fol

charts of w-a- : rate:n

Am wh bk Hel Mars, from San rrancisco,ii(..':LUof THE IKIEKIOE. )

i i.rABTMF'due Feb 10-2-8 ,'

Am wh bk Franlis Palmer, from San Francisco,due Feb 10-2- 8 1 ,

Am wh bk Mariifrom San Francisco, due l eb10--- 8

.r i:-.t- s for the HonoluluRegulations of wat

1 ,eTijeti lhis ;Ctll dayWater Work chant; a ,

f February, A. ;

Am wh bk And-- Hicks, from San Francisco,

j day's issue, the Court decided that a perH

OFJFER FOR SALE:SALMON (Columbia River) in bbls., H bbls. and cases; 15, 25 and 50 lb. kegs.BEEF (ex-Famil- y) in 100 lb. bbls. and5 and 50 lb. kegs.MACKEREL in 15 lb. kits.HERRINGS in 15 lb. kits, HERRINGS (Holland) in kegs.MIXED PICKLES, GERMAN PICKLES, SAUER KRAUT, WORCESTERSHIRE

SAUCE in 5 gallon kegs.SUGAR Dry Granulated bbls., bbls., and 30 lb. boxes.

Cube H bbls. and 25 lb. boxes." Powdered in 30 lb. boxes.

COFFEE Costa Rica green, in sacks." Folger's Java in 1 and 2 lb. tins.' Old Kona green and roasted.

FAIRBANK'S LARD in cases, 3, 5 and 10 lb. tins.CASES L., McN. & L 1 and 2 lb. Corned Beef."1 and 2 lb. Lunch Tongue.

" Underwood's Boned and Potted Meats and Lobsters.' Honey in glass.jars." Medium and Saloon Bread and Soda Crackers.

Table Fruits, Pickles, Sugar Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Jams and Jellies, Hops,Huckin's Soups, Catsup, Eagle and Vanilla Chocolate, etc., etc.

HAMS Buffalo, Whittaker, Dupee, and California Covered.BACON "Thistle," and II. M. Dupee.CHEESE California, New York, Young America, Edam Limburger, etc.

A large and complete invoice just opened up of Crosse & Llackwell's Meats, Soups,Jams and Jellies, French Peas and Mushrooms, Salad O'.'.a, Spices and Condiments,Chutney Sauces, Candies, etc., etc.

BUTTEiE-Plent- v for Evervbody.Woodlawn Dairy in 1 lb. bricks price reduced to CO cts. per lb. Received fresh from the dairydaily. Other Island Dairies, 50 cts. per lb. California Fresh Roll Butter on Ice --

50 lb. kegs Choice Gilt Edge. Whitney's Roll Butter in tins.

BEANS, ONIONS AND POTATOES,(New Zealand Potatoes by every steamer from the Colonies.)

E?"Our celebrated Family Flour "Fresno" brand, also Golden Gate.

Barley, Oats, Bran, Wheat and Corn,All of which we offer at very low prices.

I O. Ho 505. 513tf Tloll Telephones. , ISO

due Feb l;-2- 8

Am missioua y Ueam bktne Morning Star. IIF Turner, from t)e South Sea Islands; due i"eb20-2-8

PMSS City of lio de Janeiao, W B Cobb, fromSan Francisco, enroute to Yokohama and Hungkou,j, due March i

Haw schr general Siegel, Sanders, fromFreuch Frigate Shoals, due Nov 2u-3- 0

Haw bark Thos R Foster, F W Rugg, from Tic-tori- a,

B C, due Dec 25-3-1

Am bktrn Makah, from Newcastle, N S W, cueFebruary 25-2- 3

OSS Australia (Haw), H C Houdlette. fromSan Franoisc-'- . due M:i;vh :

' i

;dpl ziXuv o

son held under letters of guardianshipissued by order of one of the Justice'shaving competent jurisdiction in thematter, was not properly one of thosecases liable to be impeached on a writ ofhabeas corpus, and therefore dismissedthe application. His Excellency AntoneRosa for petitioner, J. M. Poepoe for W.White, the guardian.

CHAS. J. FISHEL,Leading Millinery House.i

511 febl9tfI'. M S S Alameda (A.ui, H G lrou t!.ej Colonies, en route to San IrancUct-- li i

j Brit bk Scottish Lassie. W Singer, ib-- frouiI.ivei pool Jan 10, due May 20-3- 1


Clilliiliootl.There is on exhibition at King Bros, a

very interesting painting by Mrs. J. D.

Strong. It is entitled "Childhood," andrepresents six little hrads against a bla1"background. They are all very prtaivfaces, and yellow hair, flaxen Lair, black,brown and curly red, artt all repre-sented.

Each head shows much careful study,and several are very decided likenesses.Little flaxen hair is Mr. M. M. Scott'syoungest daughter; the one with thedowncast eyes and golden hair is littleJuliet. King, and the round face underthe quaint blue cap and ribbons is Mrs.Strong's little boy Austin.

The etfe,ct of this pretty picture is verypleasing, and shows that it was paintedwith a loving hand. We are not sur-

prised to hear that it has already found apurchaser.

The painting will only be on exhibi-tion a couple of days, and is well wortha visit.

police Court.5" --3

--. 5 --.4. n

c r,

;,S-ipi-- d to be lost.


Kona, Ran, Maalaea and Lahaina, perfoV' & Ircb bth G W C Jones, A

Frank W Damon, F J Turner, Mrs Ctii J.-u- child, A Smith, Hon Kia Nahaole-ri- t

laenerg. Rev A O Forbes. Mrs Hi"Li'Jfvchild. W L Bond. L Uinkston. Miss E

SILVER WATCH WITH HAIR FOB, BLACKenamel and gold mounting; silver piece at-

tached with the names or LaheLi on one sideand Sammie on the other. A reward of five dol-lars will he paid to anyone returning it to thisoffice or to Geo. W. Burgess, 84 King street, Ho-nolulu. 542 marll



i 5

'wl w w



3-- cr ff p- - F r VLLer Majesty the Queen are requested to

J E Milled 31 Jons ud a'j0Ut B1 deck Passen--HeTS' DEPAKTTTKES.

f steamer Mikahala, March 6thKMeHi'ii5overneM LlIiLauud servants,

5r P Spencer, RevEs'rCteoani10111 70 deck P""g.

Kor windwaidjrl9' 1er 8teamer Kinau, Marchk-- h in- - Excel?y vernor Robert HoapiliBaker, wite and uamoo and nannah Karnai- -

L llenberg, Mr McLaughlinopili.ELjc.in j A JJeckwIth Mr ljart.

Stationer ; Newsdealerre 1

x orender the eauie on or before Saturday, March12th. All such should be sent under cover toMrs. Lyman Swan, Chamberlain's Office.



i '

K- t--l

c s a

.re? - -


saMechanical Drawing,

Machine Construction, jVTercliaiit Street,


Joe Bolabola and Waiehu were lined$6, and Poo forfeited bail of $10 fordrunkenness.

Joe Gaetano, for assault and batteryon a man whose name it is impossibleto make out from the record, was re-

manded to the 10th. J. M. Monsarratappeared for the defendant.

Ah Wah, for having opium in his pos-session unlawfully, was remanded to the10th.

Ah Cheung, King Sang and Ah Lai,charged with gaming, were brought upon remand. After part of the evidencehad been heard, the Attorney Generalagreed with counsel that a nolle pros, beentered against Ah Lai, which wasgranted by the Court, and he was dis-charged. Counsel for defendants thenasked that their clients be allowed towithdraw their plea of not guilty andenter one of guilty. Ah Cheung andKing Sang were then each fined $30,with costs.

Cheung Yok Cheung, Wung Lum,Quan Man and Chan Koan, brought upon remand from the 7th for gambling,j k-ad- i irnilty, and were each lined $30vill. o! tae ,V.;ri.

Quarterly Bills fi AccountsS3

; --1 j; !

HONOLULU, II. I.h?f V,, ."0, -- .' Caput: n J W Kaai andwife, Miss - and cuiM c Afoug, C Kwife, Mrs Xy ; " M about CO deck passeu- -Siitliuan, t ENGINEEEING

JTo Polieeimui Around.About noon yesterday two drunken

sailors were conducting themselves in avery disorderly manner on Nuuanustreet, near Kukui. They stopped every-

one they could lay their hands on, andmade matters lively for about twentyminutes. There was no policemanarouud, though there should have beenone on that leat, within a short distanceof where the men were misbehavingthemselves.

Where water is used for domestic purposes and -- era.

Irrigation of laud not exceeding half an acre, awl jBell Telephone 302. Mutual Telephone 371.

524 feb2tfSI s I

Tlu sleanish'


respectfully tenders his servicesfor this business, aud challenges competition Inthe way of satisfaction. Address

5armar5tf LEDGER, Post Office.

1STOTICE.a Is due to-da- y from

1. O. Box 307.ReM Telephone 172.Mutnal 372.

Lessons given in the above branches of educa-tion. Pupils meet on

Tuesday and Thursday Evenings,At 7:15 p. m.

Marine Engineers qualified to pass examinationsas per BOARD OF TRADE and





in ordinary dwellings, tenements ana o.nce.

Special rates will bo made in the followingcases: .

Shipping.H..tt'( and Boarding Houses.M.-1- and Machine Shops.Sie.im Boilers..Manufacturing aad Mechanical purposes.

When several Houses on same lot or premisej )use may be charged:

Fountain.Srrtrtt Sprinkling.,tl r purposes, SPECIAL RATES.

L. AHOLO.Minister of Interior.

S- - 11 Francisco.The Americai

coiuui.iuJof Cajthe American baMirch Slh from aoil. Caj tiin Colgato the Arctic, is xp

Australia.The whaling barks

Barker, Northern I.ig:

Hunter, underin-ar-

Jenks, formerly ofarrived off portilf,

, w 150 barrels sperm' take the Huntert toive to-da- y by the

ntcr4ncer, AbrabauiViU)Bayniefl, Fleet- -

THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING OFAT the PsM-ifl- c Hardware Company (limited),th follogY? officers were elected for 1887;

B. F. DlVham. ........ President and ManagerCampbell's Block, Merchant St.

. .Trfisurer and SecretaryJ AS .

' Honolulu Almanac niil Directory.The Honolulu Almanac and Directory

for 1SS7 is now for sale at J. II. Sopeisnews depot and at this office. Price 50

cents. It contains complete htati.suealan .1 L't'iuiul i 1 if-- , ."iii at ion relating to iLi -- j


Auuwwr Cook a, Labor n, Ifone He rvmt mJ all khnlnof help I'm nl&L i iin.lly, without cl.uifte toemployer, on jj !ic(', n u

i-- L. Wiil.on ma!i'.u. .i';it;,:i' Elixir. ear. Campbell's Block,rt-- i ar&m.-.- t ixral others are TN'C'KK,

Lift ; jMtnciiAMT KTKr irr, Honolulu.ir,j Mirv SllMI" ind &

A m ile pi-tw-.

w;i.--- , e.

otm! Chinese lor the s, 472ie..Ctf1 i 1. J ICrtOWM X ',iyinffandov the steamshipnow ting

Page 4: KT. - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38432/1/1887030901.pdf · ... Koloa, Eleele and Waimea, Kauai. ... Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule



TiT A IJJ EEADY.! 2 m - V : H. HL Mclntyre r j3roh. i Irwin & CoIMI'OKTEKS AND DEALKKfc


ITow can I tell the signals and the sinaBy v. hich out? heart auut'aer heart divinesHow can I tell the many thousand waysBy which it keeps the secret it lietrays?


Conquered at last she in his arms stool twined.And in her ej-e-

s he read confession true,That all her myriad victories combined

Less sweet to Ler than was her Waterloo.Sanda Knos in the CurivDt.

They who love best ned friendship most,Hearts only thrive on varied good.

And he who pat hers from a hostOf friendly hearts his daily foxl

Is the best friend that we can boast.T. (i. Holland.

1S87. Foiu tii Year of Publication. 1887. Groceries? Provisions Q n(j ITeecLOFFEJi FOE SALET I TI" f IT1 ilT-Tv- l TT T" T T

i i I 1-4 O V y j-l.- J lJ 1- -J

EAST COP.NEK FOKT AND KINGNew Ooods received by every packet from the Eastern S

Produce by every steamer. All orders fthfully attended to. undcity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction fjuarfc.

Horace (ii rcii y'" ilirt hnlsn-e- .

I.a:-- t rummer f went to sec tho house inwhich Horace (Jrcclcy was born, at Aia-hcis- l,

N. ib )n tIie waiUof the roomwliere that hero was boAi no, I cannottall Id in a hero cxartly,because he carriedhis old faded blue cotton umbrella alwaysto the dinner t:tble v,1k n he was asked outto dine, anI wore list slippers. A heroalways possesses adaptability. I mustcall Horace Creeley an eminent philan-thropist and literary man. The walls ofthe room were hung with the most amaz-ing works of art. Over the fireplace wasthe picture of a little graveyard; an enor-mous weeping willow tree in one cornerunder its shade four standing figures. Ablack dog with a piece of black crape tiedto his collar a tall man in full suit oftii( c lii-- i vUn'skers, eyes and hair of an

inky hue a sm:ijl woman, apparently hiswife, also in dark, somber garments ofwoe with an enormous coal scuttle bonneton her head a little girl in block panta-lettes; in her baud was a jet black doll.To crown all a coal black crow Was seenperched in the brandies of the weepingwillow tree.

It was very funny, certainly. I re mem- -

Europe, resft Californiaielivered to ny part of the

I'OHtollice Box No. W360 apl7Telephone No. 2


For the i'cjsr of (inv Lord 18S7, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'l Calend'r



In Barrels,Half Barrels,

And Boxes.CUBE

In Half BarreisAnd Jtoxea



iJMV UUUlO 11 LAITj iillJlirAJ.N-- :o:-


lu HaJf Barrels Official and Business Directory of HonoluluLH"1 clliOlIiei lun-j- r iuvlu uuiip uciinvu uiw j

windows of the room, representing A bra--

ham Lincoln and George Washington.Their faces were very pallid, both being j

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanttrns,Water Filters and Coolers. American Cordage, Barbed and Plain Annealed Fence y,,

Fence Staples.TOHLTHEl: WITH


Soap For tlie Holidays:

Silver Plated Ware.blue mottled,

family laundry. MendenSalmon.

Full Statistical and General InformationRElsATZN G TO THE FIAV'2tf ISLANDS,

Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac ani Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom.. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaianieed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-

tries.Its Court and Official Calendar tarefully corrected to the latest

moment.Articles of special value to the Islands have Deen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Send in your orders for copies early.

Cases Corned Beef.

A new invoice iu latest iiatterns. Carriage Paint for use in the. country, vithout varnish.invoice of the celebrated BPW

Dillingham iatent PlowsUorse floes and Cultivators, Harrows, Hoes, Lubricating Oils, etc., etc., etc...


NiK-cwyor- r to Dllliiiuitam A '. and Saimiel 2Vlt.Hour. lined. v

Kort Street H oiiOjUiuCs 31 odium Bread.6C

GEO. W. LINCOLN. 1886.1876.Oils.FUEL

-- And-

After Donelsoir Surrender.I mingled very freely with the Con-

federate "prisoners immediately after thesurrender. They were, save in theirofficers, a rather scaly lot, dressed intheir every day clothes, and looking as ifjust from the farm r the workshop. Atthe outset of the surrender they were pos-

sessed with the idea that they would bemassacred. I was talking with a group

f them in the streets of Dover when ain in the hands of some Federals in theicinity was discharged, and instantly

chere was consternation and anxiety onevery face.

"They're commencing to shoot theprisoners," ejaculated a slender youngfellow, with suddenly blanched features,ctp'-t-e .to me- - 1 undeceived him, and toldhim tha&uiG Yankees" were5 Hot savagesand that they would all be cared for asprisoners of war. Many of the prisonerswere mere boys who should have been atLome under the cover of the mothers'aprons. It was savagely cold, and theyvv.re without proper covering. They

eager to know when they would bepermitted to go south. I assured them thatthey would probably be soon exchangedr paroled, but I was mistaken. They

- ere needed to grace the triumph of ae nqueror, and were sent mainly toJaicago, where they stimulated an

r'jetic patriotism, and thousands of; k'ft their bones in an indistinguish- -

- grave near the site of Camp Douglas,.w two steamers laden with these

, r: - tiers land at Cairo. The lower decks,tv- - cabins and hurricane decks were

lged witli them like clusters of bees.''.. wind swept down on them from thetk and froze the very marrow in their

: s. The lines, spars and guards were- red with ice and frozen snow; it was: rrible change; they were without.' kets or any protection against the(. and in their hunger, exposure and

. !. --nakedness they must have infinitely- ed the "sunny south." "Poliuto"i hicago Times.

Surprising Change in Tony.'Mien A. Usinaleft for New York a. few

we. ks o,'nce he purchased a round tripti. r 3t via the Charleston line, but aftertl-- :' ' ing to the metropolis he took a notionto )ine back by rail, and disposed of histi et to a scalper. The scalper in order

nake things work straight requiredT : y to leave his business card, so that it

11 be given to whoever might purchase:! ticket. It was not long before a littlesh-Tt- r?d headed man walked into thescalper's and asked him for a ticket toPa! itka, when Tony's was sold him. Thefelww got along all right until after heleft Charleston. AVhen lie presented

ticket to Purser Morgan, of thetf unship City of Monticello, who hap-- r

; ed to be an acquaintance of Tony's,; i ...t officer asked:

"Is you name A. Usina?""Yes, sir," replied the tourist."Where do you live?" asked the

parser."At Palatka."

' What do you do there?""Well, I'm in business down there.

?! re's my card," at the same time pro-u- iting the card of our well known crock-deale- r.

Purser Morgan read it over and care-l:il- y

eyed the stranger, when Capt.M Kec happened along, and on being in-- ?

y med of the above conversation lookedj.t the little fellow and said:

"Well, Tony, you must have had ahades' of a time in New York to have

shortened you about a foot, and to haveturn from an ink blackness to

orj , I." Palatka (Fla.) News.

1LUBIUCAT1NU B IT I JLi D E H . M. W. McCHESNEY &Lime and Cement.

- HonoliilTi75 and 77 Kinp Street,vtRell TeIcltone No. 'J7S. Mutual Telephone Xo. 65.Galvanized Iron Booling,

6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10-fo- lengths.



r Mar'cef, frnlins J. I"

Iioctlale J

iy'H'li. J

eraoers iine table Iie.Hl2 I


May 8th Per Mariposa., 1,754 Paeliacs;May 22d Per Alameda, 1,922 Packages :

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Paalrag8,



dead or supposed to be. George ashmg-to- n

wore the uniform of a general, Mr.Lincoln a full dress sviit of broadcloth.They were depicted as if embracing in mid-,ii- r,

tOV tuelr feet were resting on clouds,and vapory matter surrounded both heroes.I asked the woman the meaning of sostrange a sight. "It is the meeting ofLincoln and Washington in the spiritland," replied she. I told her I thought4t the most astonishing picture I had everseen. "Ah! most every visitor who comeshere is attracted by it," answered she.Boston Cor. Hilein (Mass.) Gazette.

The I'mbrella in Poker Playing.One of the old timers was telling at

Macon the other day of the tricks ofgamblers of his day. There was one man,since reformed, and who now stands well,who came down from Atlanta about oncea month and cleaned up the Macon boysat poker. This was many years ago, andwhen Atlanta was but a village. As mightbe expected, the Macon boys used everyeffort to prevent him. One rainy nightthe Atlanta man came down, and aftersupper was seated at a table up stairs inabuildingon Mull erry street. But the boyshad fixed for him. A small hole had beenbored in the ceiling just over the table,and a wire run through the ceiling anddown the side and floor of the room untilit reached the side of the table opposite thedreaded poker player. Here the wire wasfastened to a piece of wood against whichthe sitter kept his foot. In this way itwas intended that the man above the ceil-ing could see the Atlanta man's hand, andcommunicate iiointcrs by slight jerks ofthe wire. That night the Atlanta sportlost heavily. At first he thought his luckwas bad, but the cards were good, and hementally concluded that something besidebad luck was causing his money to get onthe other side of the table by the hundreds.The Macon boys who were in the secretwere in high glee at the victory. Finallythe Atlanta man caught on, and, reachingdown by his side, picked up his um-brella deliberately, and without a word,hoisted and raised it above him. The um-brella shut off the view of the man abovethe ceiling, and in a short while the Atlantasport had won back his money and cleanedup the Macon boys, as usual. It was yearsbefore he ever mentioned the matter, andyou may be sure the Macon boys kept itquiet. Macon Telegraph.

How He Knew Iter.Mine, de Montgolfler, who died in Paris

in the last part of the reign of KingLouis Philippe, passed her 111th year. Itwas her habit to take a walk alone everymorning in the garden of the Luxembourg.One morning, while sitting on a benchthere, she became conscious of a peculiarsensation in her head and a loss of ideas.She rose to go home, but found that shehad forgotten, not only where she lived,but her name as well. She called to agentleman who was passing:

"Will you please conduct me home, sir?"The passer offered her his arm."Where do you live, madame?" he asked."I cannot remember the street nor the

number," said she; "and, what is worse, Icannot remember what my name is. Butperhaps you may understand better why Ishould be in this plight, sir, if I tell youthat I am 111 years old."

"One hundred and eleven years old!" heexclaimed. "Then you must be Mine,de Montgolfler, who lives at No. 17 rued'Enfer."

"Exactly, sir; I am she," the old womanexclaimed in delight. She had found outwho she.was.


She was conducted to her home, and diedpeacefully within two days. Youth'sCompanion.

How He Urgan to Chew.

Sugar Bags.Sizes 2'2x3C,,20xF4, 20x3'2. Ixixil.ei and. Coal.

Cordage.Manila and fsisal, JBanana fTwine, Whale Line

Doors, Siish and BliinJs. An kin;pof Bl'JJ DKKS' HARDWAKK, Paints, ( tin, Glass, MattingCorriig:U'.i Iron, 1i ihuid t r icr : ; -"i KH, SaII.S, much superior to Irou, and cost but littlemore. -v which

Reed's Felt Steam Pipeand Boiler Covering.

Will b( Sold at the Jowest Market Raios.tWtfff'f WHJI SA

M. W.. McChesney c, Sc;IU'25 "A TENTH, (suitable for campIng and surveying parties.)

22 tfA--

42 aiiI 44 iueu Street, lit




CARTSOf Every Description.


vixcYAien plows,OKC1IAKD PLOWS.

Cultivators and HarrowsOf all Kinds.


Advertise)Comwia 23 ISTiinLiin street HonolHIu 3rl. I.No. 502 Piano Box Buggy, enl Springs, 5125. -- :o:-STKAM BOOK AND JOB

jr-p.-- rT m . . me s kxotp r. 1 r. tax v3 &u c Sole Agents in the Hawaiian Inlands for .

llert's Scientific Courage.A li ving anecdote of M. Paul Bert's

i, th y as a savant is related by onewag to his connection with the

: it the time, is in a position tou u r its authenticity in every par-..- -;

Some years ago he visited Havre.will- ?vere epidemic of smallpox was.ai u that port. Noticing on his

uv'f- - j Paris that the mortality wasi lii the increase he began to enter-i'- u

: :')ts as to the efficacy of vaccina-- ;.ri pi h prophylactic, and resolved to

. Lkl t J - - lawwFEINTING 01MCI eu .ft Ihis is the Ureatest ixoveuy tierfZyjfS onereu, anu a. u iu

Traces and iou!!rees done aay wiia.

ts prepared to do all kinds o

&Ss i BridicsS.25

Hand and Self-Dum- p Rakes,

Barb Wire and HardwareOf all Kinds.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSOf every Description a Specialty.

XOTIt'E!!! We are the manufacturers ofthe Cart built for His Majesty. Look atit, as it will show you what kind of workwe turn out. Send for catalogue.


Truman, Isliam & Hooker,

' if problem to his own satisfaction. periinents on his own person. Ho "i

J. J. MELCHER" ELEPHANT" GIN,J' J' T,E":TN'8 PUre' U"CO,0red' ""encd OU; BRANDIES,



THE Ja SCHLITZ BEING.coOf Milwaukee.

Commercial & Legal WorkHaving just Received a Complete and NevAssortment of

Job Types and Ornament:V i ' Jl II 111" I X TI X.

421-42- 7 HAKKET STREET,S.-- Fiaiicisco, Cat. 488 aprlOTRUMAN, ISHAM & HOOKER. San Frar.cisco.

Of the Latest Styles, from the most Celf"brated Foundries of the United States,

ingly got himselt vaccinated, and,. fortnight afterward to the Cliarite

he courageously had himselftied with the virus of a man who

-- ''ng of the smallpox. No ill effects,imo, from this terrible experi-locW- -

Bert was completely won. : to the cause of vaccination, which

ighuntthe remainder of his life hadr .s vmer supporter. It is characteristic

.1 i 'avant that he never breathed arout this to any one, evidently re-th- e

trial to which he had sub-.a.hf-ns- elf

and the fearful risk which'tii' as a commonplace episode in

w--' irefi of a votary of science. Paris

". Ztn Son Telegraph.

IS. B. DREYFUS CO.'STHE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.r .. . .miilfinil snwl n(Tir fnr vule l!ie Inllmvinir I!ilpr4. vix:. - -


PK A Now York Lodging Ilouse.

"Is it not funny how many men beginwhen boys what they they know theywill regret when grown ?" asked a friendof Commodore Stephenson on 'changethe other day, as that well known gentle-man aimed a volume of tobacco juice at aknot in the floor and hit it.

"What do you refer to?" asked thecommodore.

"Tobacco chewing, of course," was theanswer.

"Well, I didn't begin it in that way. Itwas a hair of the same dog in my case. Iwas working in a tobacco factors", and thesmell of the tobacco leaves used to makeme deathly sick every day. Finally oneold hand suggested that in the morningwhen I came to work I put a piece of atobacco leaf in my mouth as an antidote.I accepted the suggestion and was nevertobacco sick again. I presume many aman has become a slave in the sameway." Cincinnati Times-Sta- r.

Girls' Feet Kast and West.The California girl's feet are shaped like

a chemist's spatula, very long and verynarrow. Eastern people are apt to laughoutright when they see those queer shapedboots for the first time. A long, slim footcannot, by any standard, be consideredbeautiful. It does not look as though itwas made for use or for ornament. It isdisappointing. The head of a familysoberly said that his children, born inMaine, had Maine feet, broad and ample,while those born in San Francisco hadthe genuine California foot, long and nar-row. Would it not no a good plan forBorne scientist to study into tht matterand determine why this is so? New YoikWorld.

California Vines.We offer-fo- r sale at the lowest market rait,, a full stock of the most favoritebrands0f

Ales, Win?, --Liqueurs, Etc., Etc.

i Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. G in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft,, also

1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

64 je27-- 8 Apply to Tile UchoItiIu Iron Works Co.Telephones No. 46.


and employing only Experi-- v .

and Tasty Workmen, v v.---,

prepared to turn ou .

Letter Hearts.Bill Heads.

Circulars.Note Heads.

Ktatenent '

Bills of LadiHKContracts,

Mortupntje Blauks,Leases,

Shipping Contracts,l(Jn Hawaiian & English)

Calendars.Blank Clivcks,

Stock Certificate,Business Carls.

meal Checks,9111k Tickets,

Fank 'Check-


Marriage Certificates.Diplomas.

Catalogues,Blotting; Infv

A.nd in fact everything which a first-cla- ss

office can do.

str i'SViTomons, president of the commit-r.o- t' vodging house, which was founded

rear ago at 9 Doyers street as ax k" dging house has become self

Porteun;5. Every lodger is required tonata bath and wear a night shirt pro-tenn- Jr

the Sanitary Aid society. Athe s Deen added to the establishment,

"Front" to bell boys, just as. Mft hotel. A bed costs 10 cents.

y 'o the lodging house is a restau-r- a

''e a bowl of coliee, a Hambur-gh and bread may be had for 10ce. - he lodging house was establishedtv with the hope of persuad-i- n

, xitable societies in the city Lo es-t- a

them in all of the thickly settledw 'r1 An auxiliary committee of ladiesIs - organizing under the auspices ofUi mitary Aid society with the view ofj r viding one or more similar lodging1, :ses for women. New York Sun.

EA..G-A- N & CO.Corner of Fert and Merchant Streets, J O I-X-jv NOT T,


Men ami Kr js' I nslom-mnd- e Itfcfne;, FiiriiiNliiu Ooodsi,


TRUNKS VALISES ETC Island ciJ"-- 8 elicited and prcnily attended to. Satisfaction guaran-,,- 1' 70 tf

LEWIS & CO.,HI l orl iret. Importers aiul DenlerM in

Staple and Fancy Groceries.

Portrait of Jeffersou." f ndrews, the artist, who has seven

i, : hanging in the White Ilouse, hasu- - rned to Washington from Paris,'ie'ir. will probably purchase this

nfer Ir. Andrews' picture of Presidenti. The face for this excellent

..nrtra was tsiken partly from Stuart's: Wure tnd partly from a medallion inlit iHj.tssion of Jefferson's granddaugh-C- v

Mrs. Meikelham. The costume was;e?'igi:ed by a noted costuiuer of th's city.-- Ne .r York WorhL

Wendell rhlllip Estate.W U iml. Bowditcb, of Boston, the ad--

si r: tor of Wendell Phillips' estate,has a Little book with leather back andfo-r- r.; - in which "Ann and Wendellvi,:;L recorded the money they gave

he grand total, inclusive of largedii-- i "11 sums, from 1845 to 1875 was

U ' '. And yti neither of them was. in the modern accepta'ion of th

Chicago Herald.

The Uaobab Tree in Africa.One marked feature of the Lowanda

district is the prevalence of the baob tree,that vegetable Falstaff which every onewho has campaigned in the easternSoudan will remember to have beendotted by hundreds over the burningplains of Darf ur and Kordofan. A strangelooking object it is, with its huge bulgingbarrel of a trunk and its outspreadbranches, irresistibly suggesting an enor-mously fat man who has wedged-himse- lf

into a tight suit of black and is flinginghis arms wildly about him in an agony ofsuffocation. On the uplands one meetsat every turn the stiff, wiry, ponglikeshoots of the "milky euphorbia," so calledfrom the white sap which oozes from ftwhenever a twig is broken. But of othervegetation, thanks to the prevalent wautof rain, there is little if any in the imme-diate neighborhood of the town. AfricaCor. New York Times.

-- :o:-

fores, Ranges and flousekeepiiu; Vi jiii:,

FRANEC CERTZ,FQjjmDorter and Manufacturer Jj

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESOrders from the other Islands solicited.

So. 114 Tort St., Honolulu.39-tf-

FBESH GOODSBv everv steamer from' California, and always on liand, a full and complete line of

Provisions "Ktc. 15tc.61 Satisfaction guaranteed. Telep! Qi No. 240. P, O. Box No. 29?.

Pinning, Tiiiy Copper and Sheet Iron WeilsC7


1a.... 1