kurunjang secondary college newsletter

Kurunjang Secondary College Newsletter Term 3 | Issue 5 | Date 1st August 2017 Welcome back to Semester 2. I hope that you and your families have had a relaxing break and are ready to begin an exciting new semester. While we are only at the end of July, it is important for our Year 12 students to be aware that they have only approximately twelve weeks of school left. These weeks are ALL very important and students need to make the very best use of this time to put themselves in the best position for their future. For those in Years 7 to 11, the next month will provide you with the opportunity to attend Course Information Evenings at the college and to then use this knowledge to select appropriate subjects and pathways for 2018. For those needing some extra professional advice, please take advantage of the expertise that the college has to offer by simply contacting us and we will direct your need to the appropriate person. End of semester reports have been made available to parents, carers and to students via COMPASS. It is important to discuss the report with your children and to have them develop goals and aims associated with their performance. If you require any assistance in accessing your account please contact the college. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind parents and carers about the importance of supporting the College?s Uniform Policy. Correct uniform not only provides our students and the wider community with a positive image, but also helps our students to remain warm and safe. I wish you all a very productive semester. John Mitsinikos College Principal A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL 2018 SUBJECT SELECTIONS Over the coming weeks there are a number of important information evenings regarding the selection of subjects and pathways for students in Years 8 ? 10. The information evenings provide a valuable insight into the opportunities that students can elect, as well as how these subjects relate to different career pathways. The information evening will also provide details on obtaining and reading the subject selection handbook for each year level as well as the brand new on-line process for changing subjects. Please ensure you check Compass and the School Website for up-to-date information in all of these areas. We look forward to working with families to enroll students in subjects in which they excel and enjoy. The school website has a web-page with all of the relevant and up to date information at - http://www.kurunjangsc.vic.edu.au/students/2018-subject-selection/ YR. 12 VCE IMPORTANT INFORMATION The college is holding a VTAC Community Information Session on 10th August, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the Senior School Study Centre. We aim to provide you with detailed and accurate information about the university and tertiary institution application process. This is the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre, which processes applications for universities and other tertiary institutions.

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Page 1: Kurunjang Secondary College Newsletter

Kurunjang Secondary College

Newslet t erTerm 3 | Issue 5 | Date 1st August 2017

Welcome back to Semester 2. I hope that you and your families have had a relaxing break and are ready to begin an exciting new semester. While we are only at the end of July, it is important for our Year 12 students to be aware that they have only approximately twelve weeks of school left. These weeks are ALL very important and students need to make the very best use of this time to put themselves in the best position for their future.

For those in Years 7 to 11, the next month will provide you with the opportunity to attend Course Information Evenings at the college and to then use this knowledge to select appropriate subjects and pathways for 2018. For those needing some extra professional advice, please take advantage of the expertise that the college has to offer by simply contacting us and we will direct your need to the appropriate person. End of semester reports have been made available to parents, carers and to students via COMPASS. It is important to discuss the report with your children and to have them develop goals and aims associated with their performance. If you require any assistance in accessing your account please contact the college.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind parents and carers about the importance of supporting the College?s Uniform Policy. Correct uniform not only provides our students and the wider community with a positive image, but also helps our students to remain warm and safe. I wish you all a very productive semester.

John Mit sin ikos

College Pr incipal


Over the coming weeks there are a number of important information evenings regarding the selection of subjects and pathways for students in Years 8 ? 10. The information evenings provide a valuable insight into the opportunities that students can elect, as well as how these subjects relate to different career pathways. The information evening will also provide details on obtaining and reading the subject selection handbook for each year level as well as the brand new on-line process for changing subjects. Please ensure you check Compass and the School Website for up-to-date information in all of these areas. We look forward to working with families to enroll students in subjects in which they excel and enjoy.

The school website has a web-page with all of the relevant and up to date information at - http://www.kurunjangsc.vic.edu.au/students/2018-subject-selection/


The college is holding a VTAC Community Information Session on 10th August, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the Senior School Study Centre. We aim to provide you with detailed and accurate information about the university and tertiary

institution application process.

This is the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre, which processes applications for universities and other tertiary institutions.

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Tuesday 1st Aug- Yr. 8 to 9 (6pm) & 9 to 10 Course Info Evening (6:30pm)

Tuesday 8t h Aug- Whole School Athletics Carnival

(Yr. 12 classes are running as normal)

Tuesday 10t h Aug- Yr. 12 VCE VTAC Information Evening

Tuesday 15t h Aug- Yr.10 Course Counselling

(Yr. 10 students will not attend normal classes. Each student is expected to attend a personal meeting with their parent/carer. Bookings can be made via

the Compass portal)

Parents visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children must always report to the General

Office first.

- Office hours: 8:15 am - 4:30 pm

Ph: 9743 9211

- Student Absence Line

9743 9211 -ext 1

Don't forget to leave the students name, year level and the reason for

the absence.


Study Hall is a support program

where students can use the

Library after school to complete

homework, study, or complete

Learning Tasks. Teachers from

across each Learning Area are

rostered to provide support

and assistance. Access to

computers and printing is also


Study Hall is held after school

between 3.20 and 4.20pm.


1st , 2nd, 9t h, 28t h & 30t h

Two of our proactive Year 8 students have identified a need for additional Down Ball Courts in the school, after noticing the congestion and demand for the space to play.

Shaun McAndrew ( Managaing Director) and Ty Duff (Second in Charge) have formed the "Down Ball Court Company" (DCC), and have surveyed the potential areas for new courts. Early next month they will be measuring, painting and preparing surfaces for the new courts.

Ms Gokmen has commended the leadership of the students.

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The Library is open in the mornings before school, luncht im es bet ween 1:30pm -2pm and af t er school t i l l 4:15pm when Study Hall is not running.

Please note that there is an expectation that students will be productively occupied when using the Library.


What is one of your hidden t alent s? - My hidden talent is that I have an amazing singing voice when no one is around to listen to it. (Not really). I think my hidden talent is that I almost never run out of topics to talk about no matter who I am talking to.

What m akes a ?great ? day at school?-A great day at school for me, starts off with a cup of coffee. It is pleasant when everything runs smoothly, even though there are many chaotic moments, everyone still manages to work well as a team, equally happy to lend a hand and keep up the positive momentum.

Your dream vacat ion would be? ? I constantly visualise about what my dream vacation would be like! I would definitely have to say that it would start by experiencing all the hidden gems in South America, attending Coachella festival in California. Next, I would be soaring the skies in a hot air balloon in South Africa, going on a cruise to Antarctica to watch the penguins and lastly go to Malta where I can swim in the ocean and nap during the day.

What inspires you? -People who spend their life dedicated to making the world a better place, people like Karl Marx and Bob Marley. My loved ones also inspire me because they make my world a better place. And when I need extra inspiration I can turn to a great book. I would highly recommend ?Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins.

What would st udent s be surpr ised t o f ind out about you? - I think students would be most surprised to find out I absolutely love hip hop music. Even with all the technology out there I still love buying albums and vinyls and I am a massive fan of artists like Lauryn Hill, Common, J.Cole, Mac Miller, Kendrick Lamar, Alicia Keys, just to name a few.

If you could pass on any w isdom t o your st udent s, what would you share? - One of my many favourite quotes is: If you do what you?ve always done you?ll get what you?ve always gotten. In saying this the biggest piece of wisdom I?ve learnt so far and would pass on is how vital it is to realise that the universe is a reflection of our own mentality. I truly believe that we all have the inner ability to stop waking up every-day expecting things to go wrong or believing we are not good enough, instead we can continue to be positive, take responsibilit ies for our own actions and stop leaving good karma to luck or chance.

The best t h ing about being an Educat ion Suppor t st af f m em ber at t he College? - It is an environment where I feel I am constantly learning. Working in the office means we get a chance to be the first faces parents and other visitors meet. We get a chance to be part of a collective group of people all aiming to do their part, in order for everything within the school to run smoothly and effectively for the children.

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