
There is a strangeness to this entire situation that you can't quite fully comprehend yet; everything feels warm...slick...damp...the smell and taste of copper fill your nostrils and mouth with the same wet sensation you are feeling now ....Tasting? Breathing? As natural as these concepts are they feel new and entirely foreign. Come to think of it this is the first time you can actually recall ever feeling any sensation, even though your thought forms are strong and vivid you can't help but feel this is the first time you have been self aware. You begin to move your limbs and feel them squelch in...something that you still aren't entirely of what it could be. Your eyes try to open but this warm damp goop you are laying in is covering them, instinctively you begin to wipe away the unknown material and...fine...soft...delicate...the sensory receptors in your hands and face take note of these new sensations as you are finally able to open your eyes. The World is dim and you can make out a strange do you even know that word? Regardless of these vague bursts of fact you note the hue of the color of that substance you are laying in, a dark and runny crimson that stains your skin. You sit up and realize what you are laying in is the fresh viscera of, not something, someone. There are shards of bone mixed in with the clots of blood and chuncks of flesh, you can't help but feel someone would normally be repulsed or disgusted by this. You also still can't help but wonder where all these notions and thoughts are coming from. You begin to survey the area in hopes of figuring out where you are or better yet Who you are. You are in a strange room that you only vaguely recognize in the way one remembers a dream only partially upon waking. You are apparently laying on a gore streaked bed in a modestly furnished room; there is a desk with a computer that was left on, a lamp that had been knocked over from a small end table and cracked, a bookshelf filled a large number of works, and a lit bathroom where blood, bile, vomit trailed from. You begin to try and stand, your limbs feel weak and wobbly at first but you soon are vertical. Your center of gravity feels off but you somewhat expect this. You begin to make your way to the lit bathroom, hoping to look in the mirror. Not even questioning at this point as to how you know what a mirror or even a bathroom is anymore you walk in and find a tub overflowing with warm water still pouring from the faucet; the tile in a mess with bloody hand and foot prints along with vomit that missed the toilet, whatever happened here was not pretty. You look in the mirror and behold yourself for the first time; staring back at you is a pale young woman soaked in blood and bits, her hair is pale enough that it is deeply stained by the red fluids and her features are delicate but wrong somehow...limbs too long, fingers too sharp, her head a touch larger than what would be considered normal with big Black Doe eyes and a mouth that seems a bit too small and curled slightly at the edges giving a sort of permanent smile. There was something wrong,

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Post on 17-Jul-2016




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Chapter 1


There is a strangeness to this entire situation that you can't quite fully comprehend yet; everything feels warm...slick...damp...the smell and taste ofcopper fill your nostrils and mouth with the same wet sensation you are feeling now....Tasting? Breathing? As natural as these concepts are they feel new and entirely foreign. Come to think of it this is the first time you can actually recall ever feeling any sensation, even though your thought forms are strong and vivid you can't help but feel this is the first time you have been self aware. You begin to move your limbs and feel them squelch in...something that you still aren't entirely of what it could be. Your eyes try toopen but this warm damp goop you are laying in is covering them, instinctively you begin to wipe away the unknown material and...fine...soft...delicate...the sensory receptors in your hands and face take note of these new sensations as you are finally able to open your eyes.

The World is dim and you can make out a strange do you even know that word? Regardless of these vague bursts of fact you note the hue of the color of that substance you are laying in, a dark and runny crimsonthat stains your skin. You sit up and realize what you are laying in is the fresh viscera of, not something, someone. There are shards of bonemixed in with the clots of blood and chuncks of flesh, you can't help but feel someone would normally be repulsed or disgusted by this. You also still can't help but wonder where all these notions and thoughts are coming from. You begin to survey the area in hopes of figuring out where you are or better yet Who you are. You are in a strange room that you only vaguely recognize in the way one remembers a dream only partially upon waking. You are apparently laying on a gore streaked bed in a modestly furnished room; thereis a desk with a computer that was left on, a lamp that had been knocked over from a small end table and cracked, a bookshelf filled a large number of works, and a lit bathroom where blood, bile, vomit trailed from.

You begin to try and stand, your limbs feel weak and wobbly at first but you soon are vertical. Your center of gravity feels off but you somewhat expect this. You begin to make your way to the lit bathroom, hoping to look in the mirror. Not even questioning at this point as to how you know what a mirror or even a bathroom is anymore you walk in and find a tub overflowing with warm water still pouring from the faucet; the tile in a mess with bloody hand and foot prints along with vomit that missed the toilet, whatever happened here was not pretty. You look in the mirror and behold yourself for the first time; staring back at you is a pale young woman soaked in blood and bits, her hair is pale enough that it is deeply stained by the red fluids and her features are delicate but wrong somehow...limbs too long, fingers too sharp, her head a touch larger than what would be considered normal with big BlackDoe eyes and a mouth that seems a bit too small and curled slightly at the edges giving a sort of permanent smile. There was something wrong,

predatory, and entrancing about the reflection that set off several primal instincts, one being to kill the girl in the reflection as if you were supposed to do so, as if this was someone invading your territory. The other reaction was entrancement and slight revulsion, she was pretty enough but there was nothing natural about it.

The water from the over-flowing tub began to lap at your feet, you thought perhaps you should turn the water off. with a turn of the knobs above the faucet the flow ceases, you then start to think how inviting the water looks and climb into the tub. The water is stained the deep crimson of the blood as it washes off of you and splashes onto the tile, you are able to register thing about your body that you hadn't before; your nails are pointed and sharp witha green iridescent coloration to them, the tips seem to have a small indentation where you notice something sharp and thin is, they look almost like wasp stings but larger. your skin also has a slight iridescent quality as well, almost pearlescent like the underbelly of a fish. Your hair now appears tobe less crimson but more of a soft tea rose color, it manages to come down toyour shoulders and floats in the water as you sink in deeper, letting the gobbets of flesh and ichor wash away in the water. This was all so strange yetit seemed so perfectly normal at the same time, it would probably help if you knew who you were and what had happened before you came to.

a Shrill Ring echoed from the bedroom, jolting you from your cleansing ablution. Grabbing at the shower railing you lift yourself up and step on the red soaked mat to prevent any unwanted slipping. you walk back into the bedroom, careful not to step in the remains again and notice the ringing is coming from a cellphone near the computer. You slowly pick it up, almost unsure of what to do with it before you see a message on its screen 'Incomingcall from: Peter'; you answer it and are suprised at the sound of your own voice, it's soft and has a almost musical tone to it.

"Hello, who is this?"

the Voice on the other end sounds almost in disbelief, "You're kidding right; Kwan it's me, Peter, you know? Best friend since third grade, the only guy who will laugh about fucking the same guys you have? Seriously girl are High again? I haven't heard from you since you mentioned something about getting a nasty stomach virus a few days ago, you certainly sound like your feeling better at least."

It takes a moment before you can place a vague recognition as to who this 'Peter' person is. You are experiencing flashes of memories that weren't yours, they came to fast to get a solid understanding but enough that you had an idea of who you were speaking to. "Ah yes, sorry about that Peter. I

just have been a bit off since I woke up." You weren't exactly lying when you said this, of course you weren't exactly 'Kwan' either. "Sorry I haven't contacted you recently, I just haven't been myself lately."

"It's all good sweetheart, do you need me to come over and bring you anything?" This poor man sounded genuinely concerned for his friend who you assume is what you were laying in when you awakened. The thought momentarily makes you sick but the feeling dissipates just as swiftly.

"No, I'm fine. I think I may still be a bit contagious and I don't think that the place is in any state to have guests over." definitely not with the entrails of the owner of said place splattered all over the bedroom.

"Alright..." from the tone of his voice you think he may be curious as to why 'Kwan' wouldn't want visitors, "well let me know if there is anything I can do for you."

"Will do Peter, take care"

you hang up the phone and take your surroundings in now that you have an idenity to the visceral goop that coats the place. You Notice a photograph of three people at a park, two females and a male. The Male is lean and pale with dark hair and one of the females is a short girl with caramel skin and blue hair. It's the Middle female that you can't tear your eyes from; She's thin and pale with dark make-up that only makes her more pale, her outfit looks like something you would see on a hippie forest Witch at a pub crawl and her hair is a tea rose similar to your own only with black roots showing. She may be strange looking but she was clearly human and for that you couldn't help but envy and despise her at the same time. You felt memories surge through your head, memories of being Kwan, memories of what she did before she died, memories of a Smiling Jewel Wasp that used her as a host for its offspring, that's all you are; a Pretty Parasite that is pretending to be a Dead girl.

Your name is Kwan and now you have to figure out how you are going to clean this horrible mess up.