landy mag sept 2011

Land Roving News September 2011 In this s issue Reports Other news Ordinary meeting - August 4 Committee positions 7 Committee meeting - August 6 Series LRs 13 AGM 2010 8 LRC Christmas party 20 Tallaganda Forest trip 10 Collector 14 Murrumbidgee Meander 12 Hot tips and tech talk 24 Land Roving News is the Official Magazine of the Land Rover Club of the ACT (Incorporated) PO Box 419, Civic Square, ACT, 2608. .

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Page 1: Landy Mag Sept 2011

Land Roving News 1

Land Roving News

September 2011

In this issueIn this issueIn this issueIn this issueReports Other news

Ordinary meeting - August 4 Committee positions 7

Committee meeting - August 6 Series LRs 13

AGM 2010 8 LRC Christmas party 20

Tallaganda Forest trip 10 Collector 14

Murrumbidgee Meander 12 Hot tips and tech talk 24

Land Roving News is the Official Magazine of the Land Rover Club of the ACT (Incorporated)PO Box 419, Civic Square, ACT, 2608.

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Land Rover Club of the ACT IncCommittee Members 2010-2011

President Peter [email protected]

Secretary Bob [email protected]

Vice President Denis [email protected]

Treasurer Keith [email protected]

Public Officer David [email protected]

Trip Coordinator Jim [email protected]

Ordinary members Ann DarkeRod [email protected]

Auxiliary PositionsEditor David Wilson

[email protected] John Tyson

[email protected]

Purchasing Officer Michael [email protected]

4WD NSW & ACT representative

Roger [email protected]

Web Master Margo [email protected]

Council of ACT Motor Clubs representatives

Allan HardingDenis [email protected]

Librarian Thea [email protected]

Membership Secretary Kathryn [email protected]

Kosciusko Huts Association representative

John [email protected]

Social Secretary Gemma [email protected]

Camp Ground Corner team [email protected]

Driver Education Sub-committeeDriver training coordinator Peter McQueen

[email protected]

Cover photo: 25,480 litres and 14 cylinders provide maximum power of 108,920 hp at 102 rpm and maximum torque of 5,608,312 lb/ft at 102rpm. These engines are designed primarily for very large container shipsRay Atkin

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Hello members, this is my final President’s report after 3 years in the chair and I have enjoyed it immensely!! I have had a few pointers from a few of you along the way – thanks for that.The committee has as a group performed well, and the club is in good shape with plenty of soul, enthusiasm and a comfortable financial position. There are enough trips – but always room for more. I would deeply like to thank the committee both those that are having a rest and those that have chosen to put their hand up for another term albeit in a different role, THANK YOU for your support and guidance.We are moving into the busy portion of the year - once the sun comes out, its all go – leading up to the 4WD Spectacular which requires a good amount of club volunteers in many areas to bring it to fruition. When considering how involved you may get – just bear in mind that it is a great fun experience with some work involved. The Land Rover Club of the ACT dues are minimal and there are no fundraisers such as raffles etc. The 4WD Spectacular every 2 years is our only fundraiser. Please bear this in mind when the rosters come round – which won’t be long.The club tent layout is slowly coming together – it’s me that’s being slow but it is progressing.I would also like to thank Peter McQueen and the Driver Training team for their continued efforts in providing a firm grounding for new and existing members over the past 12 months. The Heritage Drive has closed to Expressions of Interest and has begun accepting firm entries with funds beginning to flow in. The event is expected to enrich Outback Towns along the route and provide a large dose of camaraderie for Land Rover Enthusiasts.

I would also wish to thank the Heritage Drive committee for their efforts; its been fun, rewarding and at times demanding.The only ongoing negative that our club is associated with, is our representative body the 4WD Association ACT / NSW. I commend Roger Quarterman for his almost daily requirement in some direction or another to spend time above what would normally be expected in a volunteer organisation. Speaking personally I do not feel that the Assoc has been open and fair with the membership over the past 12 months. Since the financial failure of the 2010 Adventure show, it would appear to me that the Assoc has been far from transparent in its role as representative body of the 90 member clubs; had transparency been adopted they may well now have been in a better place.They claim the member clubs, with a quorum of 15 at a quarterly meeting, have voted to accept the activities of management of last year’s Adventure Show. That’s not quite the angle I have and I was at all the relevant meetings. My recollection of the past year is that the member clubs voted to move on on the basis that the event was a financial disaster. Following the conclusion of the Adventure Show, the Assoc called a meeting of club presidents; in my view, the Assoc provided insufficient information for me to form a proper opinion on the cause of the loss. My opinion was reinforced when the auditors report was released. Normally, an auditor would report that the financial statements give a true and fair record of the finances; however in this case the auditor reported that he was unable to give an opinion on the books. I support that should an enquiry be offered into the management of the 4WD Adventure Show 2010. The LRCACT would be wise to support it. The Assoc committee have used the constitution in my opinion to screen member clubs from the full truth; this may well be legal but is not the way to create camaraderie in volunteer organisations. To end on a friendlier note – thanks again for having me and for your overall support of the 2010/11 Committee.Defenderly Peter MercerProud President LRCACT

From The President ...

EditorialHullo allWelcome to the September Land Roving News.Thanks to your contributions, we're continuing to fill the magazine with local content - trip reports, and other member activities and interests.The deadline for contributions to the next magazine is 24 September. Please keep article text separate from any photos or diagrams. Don't worry about the size of photos as I can do whatever's necessary; photos of size 300-400 KB are best. Text can be sent in an e-mail, or attached to an e-mail as a plain text file or a Word document. PDFs are great for diagrams as they retain format.David Wilson Editor

Club membershipNew membersApplications for club membership will be voted on at the September Ordinary Meeting. An application has been received from Rooney Venables.New members are requested to pay the due fees to the Membership Secretary as soon as possible after being voted into the Club. New member packs will be available from the Membership Secretary.

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President’s ReportGood evening All. What a day I have just had. I went on a series Land Rover trip with the AMEC military vehicle club. I was sure in my mind that there was plenty of fuel on board – that confident I didn’t need to check!! Well, we went on our merry way, had a nice lunch and then, 21 km from Gunning, it failed to proceed. We checked a few things, as you do. Starved for fuel it seems. Yep - might just check the tank. What’s that I can see - the bottom!! Thanks to Gary Collins for the tow back to Gunning, and Andrew Schroeder for scooting ahead to pick up some fuel.Any way, if you have a cold that just won’t go away, GO TO the doctor. Margaret has just spent six days in hospital with pneumonia and I am aware that our Merchandising Officer John Tyson has been unwell for some time with similar symptoms.Judging by the pic in the magazine, I won’t be wearing any funny hats for a while. That’s really a terrible pic. Thanks Dave.The Club tent for the Spectacular is coming together, albeit slowly but I am sure it will all be completed as required.Satellite Phones – As I indicated in my report in the magazine we have been made aware of what seems a very good deal on pricing and ongoing costs for sat phones. It has been suggested these be purchased through the Heritage Drive account and be used on that activity, which is essentially Club property at the conclusion of the 2012 event. (Actually they would be purchased with current Club funds and repaid with Heritage Drive funds in June 2012; the majority of funds for the Heritage Drive will be collected by February 2012.) I have a brochure here you may wish to peruse. Should any member wish to take advantage of this current offer please see me and I will advise you how to purchase your own. A group purchase won’t be any cheaper but I don’t expect them to stay at this price for too long.I have also made mention of the possibility of purchasing a support trailer for Club use and also for the Heritage Drive. A fully-floored trailer with a minimum carrying capacity of 2000 kg is required. This trailer would be funded 50% from next year’s Drive and 50 % from the 2010 event. The major point here is that these items could be funded outside of general revenue. I have been asked for the specifications for the trailer from two members as they have contacts that can assist. We will have some discussion on these items in general business.The 4WD Assoc always seems to get a mention for all the wrong reasons and it seems the Exhibitor Manager – Greg Ebeling, who is a member of our Club, has asked a wide scope of questions referring to the management of the 2010 show. These questions

are quite strong and directed at the Exec of the Assoc. Whether or not these questions are pertinent, the fact remains its a disgruntled contractor to the Assoc and not our Club's view, nor is it in line with how the LRC disseminates information to our membership. I am sure an update will be provided in the coming months.Defenderly Peter MercerSecretary’s Report: (David Wade, a/g). The Club received some ARB catalogues and advertising material from TCIS. After three years in the job, Bob Z has indicated he will be standing down from the Secretary role at the AGM. Treasurer’s Report: (Keith Billingham). Keith emailed in his apologies and Treasurer's Report. However, in the Secretary's absence, these did not come to the attention of the meeting. For the record, bank accounts total $27.6k, expenses for the month $887, and income $5440, mainly subs and return of 4WD Spectacular advance. Trip Coordinator: (Jim Duggan). Mike Osborne spoke about the Tallaganda Forest trip - where he dislocated a finger. David Wade spoke about the Bulls Peak River snow trip.Tim Gardner has a Brindies trip planned for either 20 or 21 August. Peter McQueen is about to contact those who have put their names down for the two snow trips. Show and Tell as per calendar. Murrumbidgee CGC recce planned for September; date to be finalised. Could go as far as Narrandera.Tim Gardner has just returned from a quick trip up the Birdsville Track from Marree, returning via Tibooburra. Country in excellent condition. Punt still in use on the Track.Jim Duggan will be standing down from the Trip Coordinator role at the AGM. Driver Training: (Peter McQueen). The Club training manual about to be updated. Lots of questions to the Training Team, but no requests for training. A training day will be added to the calendar.Librarian’s Report: (Thea Moyes). Thea has acquired a DVD of the Leyland brothers' trip across Australia. Thea will be standing down from the Librarian role at the AGM.Membership Secretary: (Kathryn Tomlin). The new membership tags are available to financial members.Social Secretary’s Report: (Gemma Zeitlhofer). Christmas party registration is open. Trivia night tonight. Editor: (David Wilson). Nil Report.

Land Rover Club of the ACT IncMinutes, Ordinary Meeting

Monday 1 August 2011

Location: Eastlake Football ClubStart: 2000 hoursApologies: Bob Zeitlhofer, the Cape York contingent, David Darke, Paul Sheahan, Keith BillinghamVisitors: There were two visitors, one a previous Club member (see attendance book)New Members: nil Acceptance of minutes of previous meeting: Proposed: Alan Dixon. Seconded: Roger Quarterman. Accepted

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Driver trainingThe LRC formed the DEU (Driver Education Unit) in 2010 for the benefit of all club members. The DEU is there to assist and share our knowledge and experience with new and existing club members in safe, responsible and practical off road driving techniques. Regardless of whether you are a new or existing member, if you feel that you would benefit from a 2 hour theory night followed by a practical day, you should register your interest with the Driver Training Coodinator at [email protected] there is sufficient interest, the DEU may orgainise specific training events for club members such as Winching, Snatch Strap Recovery, Water crossing ETC. Your interest in this option should be registered with the Driver Training Coordinator.

Purchasing: (Michael Thomson) Rick Robin will be covering for Michael Thomson this evening. Normal goods for sale.Spectacular: (Ian Bragg a/g) Site bookings are proceeding well. New wheel covers (200) will be available soon.Merchandising: (John Tyson) Nil report; John absent. John will be standing down from the merchandising role at the AGM. 4WD Association: (Roger Quarterman). Roger reminded members of the availability of Assn business cards when assisting members of the public.CampGroundCorner: (Roger Quarterman) Roger reminded members of the availability of CGC business cards. Koszciusko Huts: (John Cooper) John absent; nil report. A reminder that there will be a Long Plain Hut working bee on the weekend of 19-20 November.OLRHD 2012: There are 109 expressions of interest for 100 places, and formal bookings don't open until 1 September. The Drive committee has received a favourable offer of discounted INMARSAT phones, including prepaid connection time. If acquired, these phones would be available for use by Club members, with members being required to reimburse call costs. Moved Peter McQueen. Seconded: Gemma Zeitlhofer that two INMARSAT phones be acquired at the discount rate. CARRIED.The Drive committee is investigating the purchase of a trailer. The cost of hiring a car trailer would be around $1500. A suitable large car/utility trailer with a gross capacity of 3000kg (2200kg net) is around $6000, new. Should a trailer be acquired, the cost could be spread across the 2010 and 2012 Drives. If a trailer was

bought, it would be available for Club and member use. There is no urgency to buy the trailer as the 2012 drive is nine months off. Moved. Rick Robin. Seconded. Denis Ford. That the Drive committee be authorised to purchase a suitable trailer up to a maximum expenditure of $6000. CARRIED.Other Business:LRC Website: It was confirmed that the October meeting would be Monday 17 October. (The two previous Mondays are public holidays.) Meeting closed: 9.05 pmNext Meeting: 5 September 2011

Meeting calendar5 September ordinary meeting + AGM

20 September committee meeting

17 October ordinary meeting

18 October committee meeting

7 November ordinary meeting

15 November committee meeting

Expressions of interestLRC Fraser Island 2012 trip

Expressions of interest are sought from those wishing to visit Fraser Island next year.Period: September to October 2012, to include school holidays. Camping at Cathedral BeachLeader: Trevor OwensVehicle Limit 12Please indicate your interest by 1 October 2011.

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PM welcomed members to the August Committee Meeting and noted that this would be his last meeting as president. He thanked the members of the Committee for their service during his tenure and believes that the club is in a good position to hand over to a new president and committee. Review Open Actions • Asset Stock Take - (DF and PM). Ongoing.Treasurer’s Report (KB) Treasurer advised current bank balances and the LRC holds approximately $26k in accounts. A review of club books will see the audit completed in time for the AGM next month. KB has advised he will stand again for the treasurer’s position at the AGM. The President thanked Keith for his contribution and support. Secretary’s Report (BZ). Club magazines – Nil official correspondence. BZ suggested members should read the magazines of other clubs as they often contain good ideas for club trips and useful technical information. BZ has indicated he will stand down as secretary after three years in the role. The President thanked Bob for his support and assistance. Trip Coordinator (JD). Check web for latest trips. JD advised that the CGC corner recce along parts of the Murrumbidgee is well advanced and more information will be out shortly. Due to work commitments, Jim has advised he won’t be re-standing for trip coordinator after the AGM. The President thanked Jim for is support.Vice President (DF). DF advised he has enjoyed his time as vice president during the last three years and will step aside at the AGM. Denis will continue as the Combined Motor Clubs delegate. The President thanked Denis for is support noting that he has held a number of key positions on the LRC committee over many years. Librarian (TM) Thea advised that she had recently bought the Leyland Brothers DVD of crossing Australia from west to east and is making good progress to completing the stocktake in time for the AGM. Thea has also indicated she won’t be continuing as librarian. The President thanked Thea for her efforts in sorting out the library and keeping it updated with useful and topical information and resources.Membership (KT) Kath advised that membership renewal continue to come in and indicated she will be happy to continue as membership secretary after the AGM.Social Secretary (GZ). Planning for the Christmas Party is well advanced and will be held at Caloola Farm on 26 November 2011. The trivia night held at the August Ordinary meeting went

over reasonably well, but attendance was poorer than hoped. Given the effort required to run a quiz night, coupled with the marginal attendance, Gemma has decided not to continue with quiz nights for the foreseeable future. Gemma will continue as social secretary after the AGM. The President thanked Gemma for her support and running a number of very successful events during the last 12 months.Merchandising (JT). John advised that the merchandise stocktake is complete and that he will not continue as merchandising officer after the AGM. The President thanked John for his contribution during the last couple of years.Editor (DWil) Nil Report. David has indicated he is happy to continue as editor after the AGM. Will David was absent from the meeting, the President did indicate a vote of thanks for his David’s work as editor.NSW / ACT 4WD Association (RQ). The next quarterly meeting of the Association is scheduled to be held on 21 August 2011. Ian Voerman will represent the LRCACT in Roger’s absence. The Association has recently sought assistance from ACT clubs to participate in track classification activities. The committee will look at the task with a view to supporting this initiative. The activity will require some competency based training for participants with likely dates in October and November. Additional Note: Greg Ebeling, a member of the LRC ACT, and a former contractor to the 4WD Association in relation to running the 2010 Adventure Show, is in dispute with the Association. The LRC ACT considers this a matter between Mr Ebeling and the Association.4WD Spectacular 2012. (MT) Michael advised that 162 exhibiters have submitted expressions of interest and indications are that the Spectacular will be very successful. Of particular note, is that at a recent meeting of the Spectacular committee, representatives from a member club indicated that the commercial operator of the Association’s 4WD Adventure Show has shown interest in running/managing the Spectacular. This suggestion is strongly opposed by the committee of the LRC ACT and would not be supported under any circumstances.Purchasing. (MT) Michael advised he has completed a stocktake which will form part of the club’s annual financial audit. Michael is continuing to seek deals on 80 channel radios and will advise the members in due course. Michael has indicated he will continue as purchasing officer after the AGM. The President thanked Michael for his contribution as purchasing officer and also his support for the Spectacular over many years.

Land Rover Club of the ACT IncMinutes, Committee Meeting

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Location: Eastlake Football ClubStart: 1935 hoursAttendance: Peter Mercer (PM), Denis Ford (DF), Bob Zeitlhofer (BZ), John Cooper (JC), Michael Thomson (MT), Kathy Tomlin (KT), Margo Wade (MW), David Wade (DW), Gemma Zeitlhofer (GZ), Keith Billingham (KB), Roger Quarterman (RQ), John Tyson (JT), Thea Moyes (TM), Jim Duggan (JD) and Ann Darke (AD)Apologies: David Wilson (DWil) and Rod Bronson (RB)Acceptance of previous minutes: Proposed: MT Seconded: DF Accepted

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LRC ACT AGM 5 SeptemberAll committee and auxiliary positions will become vacant at the Club's AGM to be held on 5 September.

Some positions have been held by committee members for a number of years and the current holders are not likely to re-stand.

I encourage members to consider standing for committee and auxiliary positions.

Don't forget that all members need to pay their membership dues from 30 June 2011. Membership is $75.00 per year.In order to stand for vacant positions and to vote, members must be financial by the AGM.

Peter MercerPresident LRC ACT

Go to for information on short notice trips.This feature is for all club members who find themselves with spare time on their hands at short notice and what to go for a day drive or a weekend away at a favourite spot.Please send brief details and a direct contact email address and phone numbers to the Webmaster ([email protected]) for posting onto the web, and then follow up with all interested parties. You are requested to let the Trip coordinator know of the trip and who is attending prior to the trip itself, but you need to coordinate all aspects of the short notice trip yourself. Trip reports for Short Notice Trips can be sent to the editor.This feature is for short notice trips only and is not to replace the trip calendar for more organised and detailed trips.

Short Notice trips

A page on the Club website provides links to road condition reports. You can access it via the trips page ( or directly via, don’t forget to check the short notice trips page from time to time. Re outback road information, I found this site very helpful - it has links to all States with outback connections: good Website for trips to central Australia is

Road conditions

KHA and Long Plain. (JC) John advised that KHA subscriptions are due. John also noted that the NPWS risk assessment for the working is to be held at Long Plain Hut in November is complete and will be submitted shortly. Details of the working bee will appear in the magazine in due course. John advised that he is prepared to continue as KHA representative after the AGM. Peter thanked John for his contribution and efforts in cementing the relationship between the LRC ACT and KHA.CGC. (RQ) Roger advised that orders continue to trickle in as a consequence of advertisements in the Rotary and Toyota Land Cruiser Club magazines. Roger also advised that the new CGC website is well advanced and will be on line shortly. Roger noted his thanks for Derek Moyes in designing and building the new website. Roger has advised he is prepared to continue as CGC representative on the committee and the club’s delegate to the 4WD Association. The President thanked Roger for his contribution particularly during the difficult times relating to the 4WD Association and its running of the Adventure Show.LR Heritage Drive 2012. (PM) Peter stated that the Heritage Drive is oversubscribed with expressions of interest for next year’s trip. Registrations will open on 1 September. Peter sought approval to buy two sat phone handsets at $750 each at the last Ordinary meeting and will buy one to check it out. These phones will be used during the Heritage Drive and will be subsequently available to club members under a loan regime yet to be

determined. PM advised that purchase of a recovery trailer is also on track and will available for member use. More research will be required to identify a robust enough trailer for the task, and importantly, one within a reasonable budget for the club.Other business:• Further Committee Meetings 2011: 18 Oct, 15 Nov and 20 Dec.• Defibrillator. DF continues to research buying a portable

defibrillator for club use.• Ordinary Member. Ann Darke has advised that she won’t be

continuing as ordinary member after the AGM and will be standing aside from brew-making activities at club meetings. The President thanked Ann for her contribution during the last few years.

Summary of Open Actions• Asset Stock Take (DF)Closed 9.45 pm Next Meeting: 20 September 2011 at Eastlakes.

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Land Rover Club of the ACT IncMinutes, Annual General Meeting

Monday 6 September 2010

President’s ReportEvening All I will be quick here. I would like to thank all current committee members for their time for the period they have been on the committee, in a few minutes all positions will be declared vacant by the public officer.This short report is to encourage those of you that may not yet have held a position on the committee, but enjoy the many benefits that the club offers, to apply your skills to assist the Club.It's quite simple if we don't have volunteers come forward to maintain or improve the activities of the club you won't enjoy it as much. Please help us to maintain the enthusiasm instead of sitting back in your chair, lean forward and sit on the edge just like in your 4WD vehicle. You and the club will be a better place for your input.Peter Mercer President LRCACTSee also minutes of September Ordinary Meeting.Treasurer’s Report (Peter Cummings)The audited financial report for 2009/10 was tabled and explained by the Treasurer. Peter made particular point of the fact that while we had a healthy bank balance, through the course of the year, most income was returned to the members via subsidies events or equipment purchases. There was unexpected additional revenue coming from the Heritage Drive, which flattered the accounts to some extent. The LRC members were reminded that some cash reserve needed to be kept and not all could be returned to the members.Election of CommitteeThe President thank all those members of the committee not standing for election again and handed the meeting over to David Wade the Public Officer who took the Chair for purposes of election of committee and declared all positions vacant.Through both written nomination received prior to the meeting and those coming from the floor, the following members were elected to the committee: Position Member Nominated Seconded President Peter Mercer Peter Cummings Margo Wade Vice President Denis Ford Stephen Winterton Ian Woonton Secretary Bob Zeitlhofer Kathryn Tomlin Gemma Zeitlhofer Treasurer Keith Billingham Roy Bendell Merle Hunt Trip Coordinator Jim Duggan Geoff Hill Kevin Phillips Ordinary Member Ann Darke Thea Moyes Margo Wade Ordinary Member Rod Bronson Peter Mercer Jim Duggan Editor * Derek Moyes (pro tem) John Tyson Peter Mercer Purchasing Officer Michael Thomson Margo Wade John Tyson Social Secretary Gemma Zeitlhofer Peter Gibb Kathryn Tomlin Membership Secretary Kathryn Tomlin Peter Gibb David Wade Web Master Margo Wade Michael Thomson Thea Moyes Librarian Thea Moyes Ann Darke Margo Wade Merchandising John Tyson Peter Mercer Ricky Robins 4WD Association Roger Quarterman Margo Wade Kevin Phillips Council ACT Motor Clubs* Denis Ford Peter Mercer Arie de Bear Kosciusko Huts Assn John Cooper Michael Thomson Arie de Bear

Location: Eastlake Football ClubStart: 2110 hoursApologies: David and Judy Wilson, Hugo and Di Dreimanis, Allan Dixon, Allan Harding, Phil Tomlin, Rosemary De Bear, Ian Toten and Sue AlexanderAcceptance of minutes of AGM 2009: Proposed: Michael Thomson, Seconded: Margo Wade, Accepted

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Notes:* Derek will continue until an editor is identified* Alan Harding – Registrar - Council ACT Motor ClubsThe president then resumed the Chair.Meeting closed: 9:30pm

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Tallaganda Forest Tracks Clearing Tour

Trip Reports

July 2011 Short notice tripTrip leader: Peter Mercer ‘Solo’ The Route Class ‘C’Attending:Cooper Jo, John + 1 Bozzard KarlOsbourne Mike & David Atkin Ray Collins GaryMcQueen Peter, Mitch & StevenWinterton Steve ??Forster Alan and WendyGorringe Raymond Banbury GeoffClayton Ron and Jo

The trip was organised by Peter Mercer at short notice and soon became know as the Letter Box Tour 2011. ‘It’s a Land Rover club thing, You wouldn’t understand’ As it happened, at the end of the day due to circumstances the letter boxes were again passed by a contingent of landies despite Peter’s best efforts to avoid them. The day started well at the scheduled meeting place, a familiar meeting place at the Spot Light car park in Queanbeyan. As I arrived last, despite my best efforts (it was all Mitchell’s fault, aged 12) I got the esteem privilege of putting fingers to keyboard to do the trip report and at a staggering 20 words a minute this will take no time? As we left and came over the top of the hill on the Captains Flat road, there was a nice low layer of mist sitting over Hoskinstown and the surrounding paddocks. As we drove the familiar route to the Lowden Park Water Wheel where we planned to stop and have a ‘look see’ have a coffee and move on, everyone was in good spirits and telling the usual stories over the CB’s. When we got there, there were no blue faced hippy’s on site to amuse us this time (Peter Mercer can tell that story). So we had a nice pleasant look around, a coffee and a familiar chat with the other attendees about all things four wheel drive. We moved off and soon became confronted with one of many fallen trees that we would be confronted with on the day. I lost count but at least 4 in total and there was also many manageable small branches and green waste that Peter and Ray cleared as we progress our way very slowly due to the stops every 1 kilometre or so to clear trees.

Tree one Tree two ‘and so on’

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Some of these we found a way around, the smaller ones where cut and cleared and some even smaller ones where man handled with keen enthusiasm. We pushed on and made our way onto Jinglemoney fire trail, North Black Range fire trail and stoped there for some lunch.We moved on and had a nice pleasant drive, it was to wet for dust but not to wet to be a pain, a little greasy in spots and some caution was required.As we came over a small hill we were confronted by this little impediment. Broken about 2.5 to 3 meters up the trunk this tree fell across the road and was balanced precariously at its breaking point, very unpredictable. This was a dangerous obstacle and there was some debate about going around it and others wanted to go under it. After some further debate, the right decision was made to go around it and clear the smaller branches on the other side. Again this was done with much enthusiasm, maybe too much? While moving the bigger branches Mike Osborne lost his footing and fell backwards. This did not deter the tough old bugger and he got back up but as the group kept heaving on this tree branch, my comments of “let’s slow down and think about this” were too late as Mike lost his footing again and while breaking his fall his hand got caught in some rocks and he dislocated his finger. This was more like a compound break as the bone was protruding through a rupture in the skin.It was clear that Mike need medical attention. Peter McQueen field dressed the wound by cleaning the exposed area of the wound, splinting and bandaging it and Peter Mercer made the correct call to go back the way we came in as we knew the track behind was clear. Mike was very calm considering what was happening.Peter McQueen escorted Mike Osborne out with his novice passenger now promoted to driver. Having never driven a 4x4 off

road he was thrown in at the deep end and learned to swim very quickly. The rest of the group followed Peter Mercer not that far behind.The more experienced drivers amongst us will consider a grade ‘C’ track as an easy task but for someone who never gets off of the black top, this was a real task and well done to David for taking on the challenge. As we neared Hoskinstown, the Osborne’s declared that they now knew where they were and they made their own way to Woden hospital via home. The rest of us made our way to Maca’s in Queanbeyan for a slow coffee? Extract from an email from Mike to Peter Mercer and me: The reason for relative calm probably came out yesterday in a 10.5 hour session in hospital with a lengthy session in surgery where the main task we suspect was repairing a severed nerve. Promise is six weeks in a splint. Still the reduced feeling had its advantages.Another good trip, except for Mike Osborne, and more prompts to promote Driver Training and introduce incident control as an SOP for trip leaders.Peter McQueen

Satellite phonesGday all – I have been able to source prepaid SAT phones for less than $700.00 plus a talk time cost of say 100 mins to be used over 2 years.If you are in the market for a SAT phone please contact me and I will put you in contact directly with the supplier.I have confirmed the LRCACT are ready to purchase 2 SAT phones for club use.DefenderlyPeter Mercer

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Mary BergstromOur plan is to follow the Murrumbidgee from Gundagai down to Balraynald, and paddle the river when possible.After a couple of weeks trying to get organised to leave Canberra, we were finally ready to go 15 May; how difficult it is to finally be ready to go, always seems to be something... We headed out to Wee Jasper along the Doctors Flat Road – I am not comfortable opening and closing gates when there are signs that say Private, but the road shows as a public road so we went that way. It was a good road and very interesting through the National Park.After stopping for lunch at Wee Jasper, always a great place to be, we then headed to Tumut where we booked into the Riverside Caravan Park on the Tumut River. We travel in a Landcruiser, sleep on a platform in the back with some storage under and try to carry only what we really need. There is a half basket on the roof and we carry tent poles in an aluminium tube attached to the driver’s side. Attached to the tube is a 2.5m roll out awning that is held up with 3 tentpoles. On the other side of the roofrack, we carry a 4.5m Canadian canoe. But it is now May and starting to get cold with short days, so power is attractive as we can sit outside after the sun sets and plug in a small blow heater which we aim under the table. Hot showers are also a plus.

BUT we were not expecting -3°C the first night out – we do go to bed early and watch DVD’s and don’t get up until the sun has warmed up the area, but the first morning was so cold and foggy, but beautiful, quite a shock after being at home in the central heating. We found a good launching point out on Tumut Plains road – 5k away and had a great paddle down the river which takes a long turn away from Tumut before coming back to town and we could exit at a small beach in the Riverside Caravan Park. I rode back to get the Landcruiser on the pushbike. It was a lovely trip down the Tumut River over some small rapids, the views were great with the mountains forming a background, lovely country – great fun for our first paddle.After Tumut we headed up the Brungle road to Gundagai to meet the Murrumbidgee. We have been checking out places for Campground Corner, taking notes and photos of suitable places to picnic or camp.

From Gundagai, we headed along the Nangus Road on the northern side of the Murrumbidgee River to Wantabadgery. Sandy Beach is the most fantastic camp on the banks of the river, a 5 Star camp, well maintained by Junee Council. Christian spent quite a while sawing up wood and lit a fantastic fire so we sat up until around 8pm! Sandy Beach is a large area with tables, shelters, fireplaces, water at each table and a pit toilet and would be a great destination for a club weekend away. The river was flow was strong so we did not paddle, apparently the fishing is good here also. After Sandy Beach we headed to Oura Beach Reserve, another fabulous campsite, similar to Sandy Beach but without water. Oura has wineries nearby.Wagga Wagga was our next stop, checking out campsites along the river on the way. It took us 6 days to get to Wagga…..I seem to remember it just taking a few hours from Canberra…….We do have a reputation for travelling slowly and continue to do so………….

Murrumbidgee Meander

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After leaving Wagga, we continued to check out different locations along the river but did not find any that were as attractive as Sandy Beach and Oura Reserve so we actually arrived in Narrandera in one day! But we have been here now for 5 nights…. We are intending to paddle on Lake Talbot and are staying in the Lake Talbot Tourist Park, originally on a powered site but on have moved to a cabin because the weather deteriorated. We were struck by a thunderstorm in the late afternoon and driven to bed by 5pm, waiting for the rain and wind to ease but it did not. The next morning was pretty bad, cold, windy and wet so we moved to a cabin here to wait for the weather to improve….maybe tomorrow we would be able to paddle on Lake Talbot. There is a wetlands at one end of the lake and lots of waterbirds around so it should be a nice paddle.Today we headed out to look at Leeton and Griffith, checking campsites and looking around. We actually travelled on Highways, up till now we have been on minor and mini-minor roads, so many trucks it will be good to get back to the minor roads.

Series Land RoversGday all – You may or may not be aware but we have an increasing number of members with Series Land Rovers and or Historic vehicles of varying descriptions. We do have an email address for this group [email protected] you would like to be included in this group either because you have a vehicle that suits or you have an interest in yesteryear please advise myself or Margo, and you will be included on the email list. [email protected] may attend a few more activities over the next few years both as static displays and day trips, maybe even down to Geehi for a few days. And over to Crookwell for the local show there.Looking forward to it Peter MercerSeries Nutter

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Collector is a small village on the Federal Highway halfway between Goulburn and the Australian Capital Territory. It is 7 kilometres north of Lake George. At the 2006 census, Collector had a population of 329 people.

The area around Collector was first settled by Europeans around the 1820’s. In recognition of his military service (for the British Empire) Sir Terence Aubrey Murray (1810-1873) was granted land in the valley north of Lake George. He was responsible for the layout of the township which was known as Murrayville or Murray Town, known later as Old Collector. Murray built himself a substantial home and around 1837

a postal service began from Goulburn across the flat plains to Lake George and down to Yass. This inevitably meant the development of staging posts and the towns of Gundaroo and Collector sprang up. It is said that, in spite of its obviously 'English' name, the town takes its name from an Aboriginal word 'colegdar'. By 1847 Collector had an inn, store, three hotels, several blacksmiths’ shops and a tailor. The village was illuminated by oil lamps in 1850 and a wind powered mill was operating in 1859 the year in which ‘new’ Collector was surveyed on higher ground. Collector was proclaimed a town on 20 March 1885. Unfortunately, fire destroyed many of the early historical records of Collector which were stored in the School of Arts. The Collector Court House was demolished in 1952 and the materials used in the construction of the Memorial Hall.Collector's history is the history of the roads which passed through it. When horse and bullock were the main means of transportation the town prospered as it was a day's journey from Goulburn. It was during this time that it had five inns and a number of stores. Because of its location on the road to the southern goldfields, Collector attracted the attention of numerous bushrangers including Frank Gardiner and Ben Hall. With alluvial gold yields declining by the 1860s, businesses closed down with

only the General Store and two hotels – the Bushranger and the Wheat Sheaf - remaining. Public education began in Collector in 1866. In 1874 an adjoining stone school and residence was erected on the present school site. The school was destroyed by fire in 1914 and two years later recommenced in the now dismantled Court House.Collector has a number of churches. The Uniting Church was built in 1865 and was originally the Wesleyan Church; St Bartholomew’s Catholic Church built of stone in 1851 and the All Saints Anglican Church built in 1859 where the Reverend Robert Cartwright (1771-1865) served the community for many years.

The Anglican and Catholic cemetery includes quite a number of interesting tombstones. For example, the tombstone of Isabella (died July 1860, aged 18 years), the daughter of the Rev. Robert Cartwright who preached the first sermon in the district. Sadly, there are the graves of many young children, including the Cullen children (aged between 3 months and 9 years) who died at Lake George, and the Davoren children (aged between 8 months and 5 years).


Other News

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Land Roving News 15

The most notable grave is the one for Constable Samuel Nelson (died 26.1.1865). It is located towards the rear of the cemetery near a fence separating the graveyard from the police station. The plaque on this tombstone reads 'On 26th Jan 1865, the bushrangers Ben Hall, John Gilbert & John Dunn bailed up Kimberley's Inn at Collector. Constable Samuel Nelson, the lock-up keeper, courageously challenged the bushrangers and was shot dead by Dunn. Erected on Australia Day 26.1.1965 by The Wild Colonial Days Society NSW Branch and the Goulburn & District Historical Society.'

The Bushranger Hotel was built in 1860 out of ironstone and was originally called Kimberley's Commercial Hotel - it was one of 5 inns which were established in the village. Sadly, it too has now closed. The hotel was renamed after the notorious event on 26 January 1865, when bushrangers Ben Hall, John Gilbert and John raided the hotel. While Hall and Gilbert searched the inside for valuables, Dunn who was guarding the outside of the hotel, fired a few shots to scare off a horseman who was passing by.

38-year-old Constable Samuel Nelson, the sole policeman in the township, and father of eight went to investigate. When confronted by the constable, Dunn shot him dead with a shotgun and a pistol. Two of Nelson’s sons, who were standing nearby, watched as their father was shot in the chest and head. Gilbert, on hearing the shots, came out of the Inn to investigate and robbed the dead Constable of his belt and carbine.

Dunn was finally captured on Christmas Day, 1865 and hanged at Darlinghurst Gaol on 19 March 1866. He was only 19 years of age. There is a monument to Nelson just outside the pub. It reads “In memory of a brave officer” and “This monument is erected by the Government of New South Wales to the memory of Constable Samuel Nelson who was shot dead on this spot whilst in the execution of his duty by the outlaw John Dunn on 26 January 1865”. Interestingly, there are some reports of the hotel being haunted by the ghost of the murdered constable, with reports of

paranormal activity such as glasses on the bar being rearranged, reports of a ghostly cat who likes to walk across people's pillows; moving shadows and strange sounds which can't be explained. In April 2009, the Bushranger Hotel was nominated for listing on the NSW State Heritage Register as a site of historical significance associated with the activities of the bushranger Ben Hall.Just down from the hotel, are the strange controversial sculptures Dreamers Gate created by Tony Phantastes between 1993 and 1997. It is constructed of cement and chicken wire. The artist and the Gunning Shire Council have been in constant battle regarding the structure since 1999.

The plot in which the sculpture stands is now for sale and the sculpture itself under demolition orders. Each May, Collector hosts the Pumpkin Festival which is steadily building a reputation as one of the regions not-to-be-missed annual events. The festival features over 80 market stalls, live music and entertainment, display of vintage farm machinery, classic cars, rural demonstrations, and one of the biggest displays of giant pumpkins weighing as much as 207kg. When Canberra was chosen as the national capital, the town benefited as the Barton Highway, later to become the Federal Highway, passed through the town and consequently was kept in good condition. Today the Federal Highway by-passes the town but it is still worth visiting. Although the township area is small in area, its churches, graveyards and bushranging history make it an interesting place to visit.

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Land Roving News 16

So, you have nearly a quarter of a million dollars spare. You could go and gamble it at a casino, where the odds are stacked against you and you are sure to lose it. Or you could buy some shares and hope the company doesn’t go belly up. Or what about an investment property? Just make sure it’s in a growth suburb.For my choice, it would be what is possibly the best car in the world – a Range Rover Autobiography. I might lose a bit of money in depreciation over the years, but boy, will I have had fun!

I had the chance to drive the V8 diesel model for a week recently and OK, it’s not a quarter of a million, but the petrol version is by the time you’ve added on-road costs. It’s still in the luxury car class at $215,000 – up against the BMW 7 Series and the Mercedes S350 in this country. But try taking those across the Simpson Desert or into the Victorian High Country!I have to admit, I’m not used to driving luxury vehicles, so I can only compare it to what I know. We used to own a 2003 Range Rover, but this current iteration of the L322 is way ahead of that.

The comfort and ride are brilliant, with complete silence in the cabin. I could have been doing wheelies around corners, but I’m sure I wouldn’t have heard. It’s certainly a lot different to our Defender. But then again, what isn’t?!Apart from the comfort, the fuel economy is better too. We did a bit of suburban driving first, before heading off over the Blue Mountains to our holiday home, some three hours west of Sydney. We did some gentle four-wheel-driving whilst up there and then drove back on country roads (no freeways).

Range Rover Autobiography

ReferencesCollector, New South Wales. Wikipedia.,_New_South_WalesCollector Village Pumpkin Festival Dictionary of Biography. (n.d.) Sir Terence Aubrey Murray (1810-1873). [Online] Morning Herald. (8 February 2004). Collector.[Online], J.L. (2008?). Collector. In Upper Lachlan Shire Community Heritage Study 2007-2008, pp.68-83. [Online]

Thea MoyesPumpkin Festival

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Land Roving News 17

We probably did about 500 kilometres all told and according to the on-board computer, we averaged 8.2 litres/100 kilometres (35 mpg)!! In a vehicle that weighs nearly three tonnes! Try getting that sort of economy in a BMW 7 Series!The engine is a 4.4 litre twin-turbo diesel V8, but possibly the biggest contributor to the fuel economy is the beautifully smooth 8-speed automatic gear box. It was interesting to compare my 1972 Range Rover. The same basic shape is there, but other than that, there was nothing remotely similar. The basic gauges in a binnacle have changed to a very fancy electronic display and the engine bay is packed with equipment whereas in 1972 you could see the ground on either side of the original V8.Off road, it is of course, faultless. I chose Rock Crawl mode to climb up a steepish, gnarly hill and it just eased its way up without any problems. Of course if I’d wanted to, I could have watched where my wheels were by using the cameras located in the wheel arches. The tyres on the 20-inch wheels actually allow quite a bit of bellying, which is good. Try doing that in your BMW 7 Series!The Autobiography has a number of extras that the Vogue doesn’t have – fancy front grill and side vents, heated, two-colour leather

seats front and rear, full leather facia and door panels, and sill tread plates. And of course, the discreet “Autobiography” badge on the rear tailgate.I tried most of the goodies on board. The navigation system is intuitive and accurate, both verbally and visually. The touch screen also allows the passenger to be watching a DVD whilst the driver is watching the navigation system through some technology that is beyond me! The menu system on the touch screen is also very simple to follow. If there is a fault, it’s that the screen leaves finger prints which can be annoying in the wrong light.The Cruise Control could be better. It runs away on the slightest downhill and is slow to change down on uphills, causing following traffic to bank up a bit behind.But other than that, this ticks all the boxes, as they say. Would I buy one? No, it doesn’t suit what we do. But if I was in the market for a luxury car, it would be a no-brainer.Patrick [email protected]

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Club Notice Board

80 Channel radios & antennasI sent an email to a number of radio suppliers requesting pricing information for a club purchase of the new 80 channel UHF radios. The answers I received were all based on a quantity buy, so, I have listed a number of radio options below. If you are interested in buying a new 80 (well really 77) channel radio, please let me know which one so I can build a rough count by model. (email: [email protected]) This will give me an indication of the numbers involved, and I hope, the necessary bargaining power to extract good prices! Happy for you to include your friends too, so we get greater numbers.I have listed GME radios, because most suppliers carried this range. If you would prefer something else, let me know make/model/best price you can find etc and I’ll add it to the wish list. The prices listed are “1st” offers by suppliers, so I am sure we can do better when we know how ‘bulk’ our order will be.Naturally I’d like to go with just one option, but some members would prefer not to drill holes in dash boards etc, so we need to consider options. I believe we have the expertise within the club to provide installation assistance, so will probably have a radio installation trip later in the year!I would like to get this sorted so that we have some substantial savings to offer members for Christmas stocking filling etc.Michael TPurchasing OfficerRadios

see for full details of radios and antennas.

GME TX3540 - all on the microphone $430

TX3420 - remote head $365

GME TX3500 - small form factor $290

GME TX3100 $260


GME AE4018K1 $90

GME AE4705 $165

PM Jacking Plate• a 'must have' for every 4wd• great Fathers Day opportunity• custom made exclusively for LRC-ACT members• sturdy 17mm Timber Ply construction• ideal for use on uneven or soft ground• strictly limited supply (only 40 in stock)• limit 1 per member vehicle (accessories not included)PS. materials generously supplied by Peter Mercer (PM)

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Land Roving News 19

The Club library holds material relevant to four wheel drives and related activities.

Recent donations:• Camping and Tramping in Australia's National Parks• Explore Wilderness Australia• Highway Guide Australia• Camps 3 Australia WideNew Purchases:• Leyland Brothers DVD - Wheels across a wilderness, and a

Journey revisited.

Stocktake:A stocktake of the Library items has been completed. The following books are missing. Can you please check to see if you have any of these items. If so, can you please return them to the Librarian at the AGM, or as soon as possible.• Range Rover Repair Operation Manual incorporating

automatic geatbox supplement (1986) 5th Ed• Advertising Land Rover Series I and II 1948-1971• Old Currango• West of CentreFor a listing of the material held in the club library, or if you would like to borrow any of these items, contact me at either the monthly meeting, or email [email protected] there is anything you think should be held in the library, please let me know.

Thea Moyes Club Librarian

Club Library

Get your body coveredFOR THE BODYPolo Shirt - Short Sleeve Cotton or Polycotton $35.00Polo Shirt - Long Sleeve Poly Cotton only $35.00Chambray Shirt - Long and Short Sleeve (Green) 2 pockets 100% cotton $38.00Chambray Shirt - Long Sleeve (Blue) 2 pockets 100% cotton $38.00Polartec Vest - Sleeveless Series II warmer $35.00Polartec Jackets - Long Sleeve Series III warmest $40.00

FOR THE HEADBeanie, Polartec Cool $13.00Sun Hat, broadbrim Cooler $16.00Cap, peak suede (out of stock) Coolest $17.00

FOR THE CARSpare Wheel Cover $55.00Key ring $10.00Motto Badge $ 5.00Stubby holder $ 5.00

Contact: John Tyson at [email protected]

Club Clobber

Campground CornerCan you help? We included in the July magazine a field worksheet which is a useful aid for speedy and easy gathering of data. It does not cover every possibility, but it provides a good guide to remind you of the major things to look for. The May issue of Land Roving News included an extensive list of known sites that are yet to be visited and recorded for CampGroundCorner. Of course we are not restricted to that list. If you come across any other good site worth entering then please submit it.Roger Quarterman

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2011 LRC CHRISTMAS PARTYWhen: From 1200 onwards on Saturday 26 November 2011

(You are welcome to stay over on Friday 25 Nov)

Where: Caloola Farm

Santa: Santa will arrive at 4pm Saturday

Caterers: Coast to Coast the Golden Roast

Cost: $10 per adult; $5 per child 4-10; Children under 4 are free

Accommodation: There is a variety of accommodation options this year. Whatever option you choose the Club will be paying/subsidising $5 per person for Saturday night. (Prices below are before subsidy).

Farm House or Cottage• Accommodates up to 18 and 7 respectively.• Cost: $18.00 per person per night.• You will need to bring all our own food and I suggest your own linen.

Camping• Situated next to a river bank on high ground – equipped with tank water, hot

shower, toilets and BBQ.• Cost: $5.00 per person per night.

The Club has secured sole use of Caroola Farm for the weekend. This includes use of Conference Centre with its fully equipped kitchen.

The venue is available for camping from 1600 on Friday 26th to 1200 Sunday 28th


Activities: As usual, there will be activities for the children as well as the adults. Don’t forget there will be prizes for best-decorated table, tent/trailer, etc.

Parents: Please be sure to bring a wrapped and tagged gift for each of your children/grandchildren to the value of $20.

Getting There: Travel south along Drakeford Drive, past Lanyon shops, over Murrumbidgee River at the Tharwa bridge veer left and stay on bitumen road, passing Cuppacumbalong Homestead on the left. Travel 11 kms and cross over Gudgenby River bridge. Immediately turn left into Top Naas Road (gravel for 8 kms) and follow road (through four grids) look for Caloola signs.

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Land Roving News 21



Accommodation:• Farm House

Friday @ $18/person Saturday @ $13/person• Cottage

Friday @ $18/person Saturday @ $13/person• Camping

Friday @ $5/person Saturday @ $0/person

Total Accommodation Costs:

Catering: $10 per adult; $5 per child 4-10; Children under 4 are free• Number of adults: • Number of children: • Ages of children:

Total Adults @ $10/head $

Total Children @ $5/head $

Total Catering Costs $


RSVP as soon as possible to [email protected] with numbers and method of payment.

Method of Payment:

Cash Cheque Direct Deposit

Direct Deposit - BSB: 032-719 A/c No: 56-2529 A/c Name: Land Rover Club of the ACT Inc.

If choosing Direct Deposit please put your name and ‘Christmas’ in the info line.

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Land Roving News 22

Membership fees

FeesIt’s that time of the year again. Membership fees for 2011 – 2012 are due on 1 July 2011 and payable before 31 August 2011. The Annual subscription is $75.00.

Please note that only financial members can stand for vacant committee positions and vote at the Annual General Meeting on Monday 5 September 2011.

Options for payment are as follows:

Option 1: in person, by cash, cheque or money order, to the Membership Secretary or the Treasurer at an ordinary meeting of the Club.

Option 2: by mail, either by cheque or money order, addressed to the Membership Secretary, Land Rover Club of the ACT Inc, PO Box 419, Civic Square ACT 2608.

Option 3: by bank transfer to the Club’s bank account. Land Rover Club of the ACT, Westpac BSB 032 719, Account no. 56-2529. If choosing this option, please identify yourself clearly in the transaction details.

Option 4: by Paypal. See the following web

Members’ detailsMembers renewal notice form will be available at the August meeting for members to complete.PLEASE complete this form and return to the Membership Secretary. This will ensure that your correct details are on the data base.Please notify the Membership Secretary if you are not renewing your 2011 – 2012 membership.

Kathryn Tomlin [email protected]


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Out Of The Shed'Out of the Shed' is a free service for club members where you can advertise anything you wish to buy, sell, rent, swap or give to a good home. Want to offload those old Landie split rims? Too many gearboxes in the spare bedroom? Looking for that special mahogany dashboard?Ads will run for one issue unless otherwise requested (no commercials, please).Send details to [email protected]

For sale

4 Cooper ATR tyres 275 x 65 x 18As new condition - less than 500 Km use$950Ph David on 04 2031 9324

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Hot Tips and Tech TalkHot tips and Tech Talk is a new feature in the club magazine. It is open to any club member to share those little tips and tricks that make life easy. You know the ones! The ones you have picked up along the way that make you go ‘WOW! That is so simple and so easy, I wish I knew that before!’ It is also there for those of us who are always adding accessories, servicing or repairing (Land Rover tragics take note) the trusty 4x4 to post any questions. I am sure the combined gray matter of the clubs members will have an answer. This feature needs club participation for it to work, so don’t be shy get those tips and questions to the editor today.I'm still seeking an article for the magazine from one of the Club's experienced 4WDers on ideal and not-so-ideal weight distribution in a 4WD, and how to pack gear efficiently.

National 4x4 & Outdoors Show and Fishing & Boating Expo2 – 4 September 2011 Melbourne Showgrounds

Land Rover Clubs’ 2011 Expo25 September 2011 Castle Hill Showground Castle

Penrith Caravan, Camping & Holiday Expo 9 - 11 September 2011 Penrith Panthers, Penrith

Australian CamperTrailers Group 2011 national get-together 26-30 September 2011Baradine NSW

Canberra Times Home, Leisure, Caravan, 4WD Camping Show21-23 October 2011Exhibition Park,

South Coast Caravan, Camping & Holiday Expo 4-6 November 2011 Mackay Park, Batemans Bay

Temora Air Show18-19 November 2011Aviation Museum Temora NSW

4WD Spectacular 11-12 February 2012 Queanbeyan Showground

Events for your calendar