learn quranic arabic grammar class notes 20110513


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�� ���� ���� ��� � ��� ����� � ��� ���� �� ����� �� ������� ���������� �� ����� ���� ����� �� ���� ���� �� ������! �"�# ���$ �� ������! ��%��&��� ���$


Page 2: Learn Quranic Arabic Grammar Class Notes 20110513

Learn Qur’anic Arabic – Class Notes


“Learn Qur’anic Arabic” was taught by Imam Dr. Yusuf Ziya Kavakci multiple times at Islamic

Association of North Texas (IANT). Through only around 30-40 hours teaching, Imam Yusuf’s class

helps the students wonderfully to understand the overall picture of Qur’anic Arabic grammar, and

most of commonly used grammar phenomena appear in the Qur’an. The teaching is also organized in

a systematical way which helps students to memorize what they learn. Imam Yusuf’s teaching leads

students to start tasting and enjoying the beauty and accuracy of Qur’anic Arabic and, more important,

the beauty and profound meaning of the Holly Qur’an. May Allah (SWT) reward him, his family, and

his teachers the best for his many years efforts and patience to spread Islamic knowledge. Ameen.

You can find related class videos and notes at: http://iant.com/lqindex.php

Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved

Page 3: Learn Quranic Arabic Grammar Class Notes 20110513

Learn Qur’anic Arabic – Class Notes


Contents LEARN QUR’ANIC ARABIC – CLASS NOTES ............................................................................................ 1

Chapter 1 Morphology ( ������� ) ............................................................................................................ 5

1.1 Pronouns ( � ���� ��� ) ......................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Patterns ( �����) of Arabic Verbs ........................................................................................................ 6

1.3 Verb Conjugation on Tense ........................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Verb Conjugation on Past Tense Active Form ............................................................................... 8

1.5 Verb Conjugation on Past Tense Passive Form ........................................................................... 11

1.6 Verb Conjugation on Present / Present Continuous Tense Active Form ..................................... 13

1.7 Verb Conjugation on Present / Present Continuous Tense Passive Form .................................... 16

1.8 Derived Nouns ( �� �� �� ������ ������ ) of Three-Letter Verbs ................................................................. 18

1.9 Signs of Feminine Words ............................................................................................................ 19

1.10 Dual Forms of Nouns ( ������) ....................................................................................................... 20

1.11 Plural Forms of Nouns ( �� ) ..................................................................................................... 20

1.12 Dual Forms ( ������) and Plural Forms ( �� ) of some Derived Nouns of �!�"�# ................................ 21

1.13 Negation, Prohibition, Imperative, and Others ......................................................................... 22

1.14 Conjugation of Present / Present Continuous Negation ( �$�%�& �'�( ����� ) ..................................... 23

1.15 Conjugation of Future Negation ( �$�%�& �) *���� �+�, ) ......................................................................... 24

1.16 Conjugation of Past Tense Negation ( �$�%�& $�- ��� ) ................................................................... 26

1.17 Conjugation of Past Tense Negation Emphasis Form ............................................................... 27

( �./�0�12 �$�%�& $�- ��� ) ............................................................................................................................... 27

1.18 Conjugation of Imperative ( ����� �� ) ......................................................................................... 29

1.19 Conjugation of Prohibition ( �$�34��5� ) ........................................................................................ 30

1.20 Six groups ( �6 7 ) of Three-Letter Verbs .................................................................................. 32

1.21 Four-Letter (3+1) Verbs ( 8$�9 7���� �.:�;��� ) ..................................................................................... 34

1.22 Five Letter Verbs (3+2) ( 8$ �+ ���< �.:�;��� ) ...................................................................................... 35

1.23 Six Letter Verbs (3+3) ( $ �+.8=� �.:�;��� ) ....................................................................................... 37

1.24 Four-Letter Root Verbs ( >$�9 7�( �?���@ ) and Their Derivative Groups ( �64��7A ) ................................. 38

1.25 Three Sick Letters and Seven Categories ( �B =�C �� ��"��* �=� ) of the Verbs ....................................... 40

1.26 Sickness Curing of Verbs ( �)D�9�E) ................................................................................................ 41

Chapter 2 Syntax ( �F�5� �4 ) ....................................................................................................................... 45

2.1 Word ( ����GH�� ) and Sentence ( ��G ����I ) ............................................................................................ 45

2.2 Indefinite Form ( �J� �H�5� ) and Definite Form ( ��#���"��� ) of a Noun ................................................... 46

2.3 Different Meaning of ) ����L �M:���"���� ( �) .......................................................................................... 47

2.4 Declinable Words ( �6��"�� ) and Indeclinable Words ( >�O�*� ) ......................................................... 47

2.5 Some Terms Related to Syntax ( �4 �F�5� ) ....................................................................................... 48

2.6 Categories of �P(����@ (Words in Genitive Case) .......................................................................... 49

2.7 Categories of �P 94�#��� (Words in Nominal Case) ........................................................................ 50

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Learn Qur’anic Arabic – Class Notes


2.8 Categories of �P 74���5� (Words in Accusative Case) .................................................................... 52

) Maker of Verbs in Present or Present Continuous Tense جزم 2.9 �B��4Q �'�( ����� ) ............................. 56

2.10 ��A vs. ���E .................................................................................................................................... 58

2.11 Auxiliary Verbs ( �) "��# �� ����C �5� ) .................................................................................................. 59

2.12 “Almost Happened, But Actually did not” ( �) "��# �� ��7( ����� ) ........................................................ 60

2.13 Categories of Declinable Words ( �6��"�� ) ................................................................................... 60

2.14 Putting Harakah on ) �6�9�E R? 5���� ( ? 5��R ...................................................................................... 62

2.15 Declinable Nouns ( �� ��A ������5�� ) and Indeclinable Nouns ( �� ��A ����/S T�����5�� ) ............................... 62

2.16 Conjunction Letters ( ������L �M�U"�� ) ............................................................................................ 63

2.17 Phrase �V/�0������ 8 �W -��X ................................................................................................................... 64

2.18 Phrase �V/�0������ 8$�%�Y4�� ................................................................................................................... 65

2.19 Followers ���74�2 ........................................................................................................................... 65

2.20 Sun Letters ( �������Z ���/ �=����� ) and Moon Letters ( �������Z ���:������ ) ............................................... 66

Appendix A: Terminologies and Approximate Translations ................................................................. 68

Appendix B: Abbriviations ................................................................................................................... 71

Appendix C: Examples of Full Conjugation ......................................................................................... 71

�6 *�� : !"�# �!�"�%�: �!�"�%�� : ��& �����5�: ................................................................................................... 72

�6 *�� : !"�# �!�"�%�: �!�"�%�� : �H\ ���H��: .................................................................................................. 80

�6 *�� : !"�# �!�"�%�: �!�"�%�� : ) C �)4���: ..................................................................................................... 88

�6 *�� : !"�# �!�"�%�: �!�"�%�� :� S ��;�]�: ..................................................................................................... 96

�6 *�� : !"�# �!�"�%�: �!�"�%�� : �.\ 8.��: ................................................................................................... 104

�6 *�� : !"�# �!�"�%�: �!�"�%�� : !� �!���1: ................................................................................................... 112

�6 *�� : !"�# �!�"�%�: �!�"�%�� : 6�- �6����: .............................................................................................. 120

�6 *�� : !"�# �!�"�%�: �!�"�%�� : .9� �.�": .................................................................................................... 128

�6 *�� : !"�# �!�"�%�: �!�"�%�� : ) 0 �!/�H: ................................................................................................. 136

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Learn Qur’anic Arabic – Class Notes


Chapter 1 Morphology ( �'���(�� )

1.1 Pronouns ( ���)� ���*�� )

In Arabic, pronouns have two forms:

1. Separate form, which is used as a stand alone word. For example:

�+�, � � ����-�.�� /���. He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).

��%�# 01���2 I am a student.

2. Attached form, which is attached to another word as a suffix. For example:

���$ �3 �� on them, upon them /��4 ���5 your (plural) Lord

Below table lists pronouns in both Separate form and Attached form

Table 1: Pronouns (Attached form / Separate Form)

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

���, / ���,

them / they (three

or more masculine)

����, /����,

them / they (two


�+�, / �= �=

him / he

3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

�?�, / �?�,

them / they (three

or more feminine)

����, /����,

them / they (two


�@�, /��,

her / she 3rd.p.M. ( �� �A���)��>� )

���B�9%�# / ����

you / you (three or

more masculine)

����B�9%�# /�����

you / you (two


�C�%�# / �D

you / you 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

�?�B�9%�# / �?��

you / you (three or

more feminine)

����B�9%�# /�����

you / you (two


�C�%�# / �D

her / she 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

���% �? /��%

us / we (two or more masculine / feminine)

��%�# /��%

me / I 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

To make the memorizing easier for above paradigm, as well as the paradigms in the following lessons,

Imam Yusuf introduced “Arabic Grammar Hand”:

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1.2 Patterns ( 0��F��) of Arabic Verbs

The conjugation of Arabic verbs is following patterns ( 0��F��). Verb �G �. 0H is commonly being taken as a

model to express these different groups of patterns in various context, although as a verb, �G �. 0H has its

own meaning (do, make, etc), and follows only one group ( 0I��� ) of patterns.

Each letter ( �J �' " ) in �G �. 0H is called a radical. Each of these three radicals in �G �. 0H is also given a

name for reference purpose:

' Is called �H�.�;�� �K��G

J Is called �?���$ �H�.�;��

" Is called �L�M �H�.�;��

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The vowels in Arabic are expressed by Harakat ( ����� 0N� ), or vowel marks, which refers to:

) �999 � 0999 � 999 � �999 � �999 � �999 � �999 ( .

Maybe more than 99% of Arabic verbs are rooted from three-letter root verbs ( @�Q�R�Q ) or derived from

three-letter root verbs, the other 1% are four-letter root verbs or more letters root verbs and their

derivatives. In his Morphology ( �'���(�� ) classes, Imam Yusuf first focused on three-letter verbs and

their derivatives, then discussed four letter root verbs and their derivatives.

1.3 Verb Conjugation on Tense

Below table shows Arabic verb conjugation on tense: past tense, present / present continuous tense,

and imperative (order) mood. �G �. 0H is used as a model to express the patterns.

Table 2 Verb Conjugation on Tense


( �1�2��E���� ���!�# )

Present/Present Continuous

Tense ( 0J�4��*�! )

Past Tense (@�S��! )

�� �H�.�9G �H�.�;�9T �H�.�9G Active ( +��.����� �L )

�H�.�;�9T �H�.�G Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

The meaning patterns are:

�H�.�9G : he did ..

�H�.�G : he was done upon ..

�H�.�;�9T : he does .. / he is doing ..

�H�.�;�9T : he is done upon .. / he is being done upon ..

�� �H�.�9G : (You) Do it!

Many Arabic verbs follow above patterns to form their tenses and imperatives. E.g.:


( �1�2��E���� ���!�# )

Present / Present

Continuous ( 0J�4��*�! )

Past (@�S��! )

�� �����$ �����.�9T �����$ Active ( �L+��.����� )

�����.�9T �����$ Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

The meanings are:

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�����$ : he worshipped ..

�����$ : he was worshipped ..

�����.�9T : he worships / he is worshipping ..

�����.�9T : he is worshipped / he is being worshipped ..

�� �����$ : (You) Worship!

1.4 Verb Conjugation on Past Tense Active Form

How to express in Arabic verbs different persons, 1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person? How to

express the numbers, such as singular, plural? In fact in Arabic, dual (two persons) is also

differentiated. How to express the gender, masculine and feminine? Arabic verbs conjugate on persons,

numbers, as well as on gender. These types of conjugation are generally through inflection, which is

end-changing, such as putting suffix. These conjugations are following patterns. The following

paradigm expresses verb conjugation on person, number, and gender for past tense active form.

Table 3 Verb Conjugation on Past Tense Active Form

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

+��.�9G �R�.�9G �H�.�9G 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

�.�9G �?� ��B��.�9G ��.�9G �C 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

���B��.�9G ����B��.�9G �C��.�9G 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

�?�B��.�9G ����B��.�9G �C��.�9G 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

��8��.�9G �C��.�9G 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

The meaning patterns are:

�H�.�9G : he (masculine, one person) did ..

�R�.�9G : they (masculine, two persons) did

+��.�9G : they (masculine, three or more persons) did

�C��.�9G : she (feminine, one person) did ..

��B��.�9G : they (feminine, two persons) did

�?��.�9G : they (feminine, three or more persons) did

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�C��.�9G : you (masculine, one person) did

����B��.�9G : you (both gender, two persons) did

���B��.�9G : you (masculine, three or more persons) did

�C��.�9G : you (feminine, one person) did

����B��.�9G : you (both gender, two persons) did

�?�B��.�9G : you (feminine, three or more persons) did

�C��.�9G : I (both gender, one person) did

��8��.�9G : we(both gender, two or more persons) did

For example, below is the paradigm for ��$:

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( �� �;�! 0: )

������$ � �����$ �����$ Absent M. ( �1�)��>��� )

�� �����$ �����$��� �����$ �N 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

�����$ ���� �����$����� �����$ �N 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

�����$ �?�� �����$����� �����$ �N 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

�����$��% �����$ �N 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

The meanings are:

�����$ : he (masculine, one person) worshipped ..

� �����$ : they (masculine, two persons) worshipped

+��.�9G : they (masculine, three or more persons) worshipped

�����$ �N : she (feminine, one person) worshipped..

�����$��� : they (feminine, two persons) worshipped

�����$ �� : they (feminine, three or more persons) worshipped

�����$ �N : you (masculine, one person) worshipped

�����$����� : you (both gender, two persons) worshipped

�����$ ���� : you (masculine, three or more persons) worshipped

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�����$ �N : you (feminine, one person) worshipped

�����$����� : you (both gender, two persons) worshipped

�����$ �?�� : you (feminine, three or more persons) worshipped

�����$ �N : I (both gender, one person) worshipped

�����$��% : we(both gender, two or more persons) worshipped

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

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1.5 Verb Conjugation on Past Tense Passive Form

Similarly, the following paradigm expresses verb conjugation on person, number, and gender for past

tense passive form.

Table 4 Verb Conjugation on Past Tense Passive Form

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

�.�G+� �.�G �R �.�G �H 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

�.�G �?� �.�G��B� �.�G �C� 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

�.�G ���B� �.�G����B� �.�G �C� 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

�.�G �?�B� �.�G����B� �.�G �C� 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

�.�G��8� �.�G �C� 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

The meaning patterns are:

�.�G �H : he (masculine, one person) was done upon ..

�.�G �R : they (masculine, two persons) were done upon

�.�G+� : they (masculine, three or more persons) were done upon

�.�G �C� : she (feminine, one person) was done upon ..

�.�G��B� : they (feminine, two persons) were done upon

�.�G �?� : they (feminine, three or more persons) were done upon

�.�G �C� : you (masculine, one person) were done upon

�.�G����B� : you (both gender, two persons) were done upon

�.�G ���B� : you (masculine, three or more persons) were done upon

�.�G �C� : you (feminine, one person) were done upon

�.�G����B� : you (both gender, two persons) were done upon

�.�G �?�B� : you (feminine, three or more persons) were done upon

�.�G �C� : I (both gender, one person) was done upon

�.�G��8� : we(both gender, two or more persons) were done upon

For example, below is the paradigm for نصر in past tense passive form:

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Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

��� �(�% ��� �(�% �� �(�% 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

�� �(�% �� �� �(�%��� �� �(�% �N 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

�� �(�% ���� �� �(�%� ���� �� �(�% �N 2nd.p.M. ( ��E����� �1�2 )

�� �(�% �?�� �� �(�%� ���� �� �(�% �N 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

�� �(�%��% �� �(�% �N 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

The meanings are:

�� �(�% : he (masculine, one person) was helped ..

��� �(�% : they (masculine, two persons) were helped

��� �(�% : they (masculine, three or more persons) were helped

�� �(�% �N : she (feminine, one person) was helped ..

�� �(�%��� : they (feminine, two persons) were helped

�� �(�% �� : they (feminine, three or more persons) were helped

�� �(�% �N : you (masculine, one person) were helped

�� �(�%� ���� : you (both gender, two persons) were helped

�� �(�% ���� : you (masculine, three or more persons) were helped

�� �(�% �N : you (feminine, one person) were helped

�� �(�%� ���� : you (both gender, two persons) were helped

�� �(�% �?�� : you (feminine, three or more persons) were helped

�� �(�% �N : I (both gender, one person) was helped

�� �(�%��% : we(both gender, two or more persons) were helped

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

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1.6 Verb Conjugation on Present / Present Continuous Tense

Active Form

Present / Present Continuous Tense ( 0J�4��*�! ) of Arabic verbs is formed by prefixing and suffixing the

root with specific letters with vowels according to person, number, and gender. Prefix letter can be one

of the four letters: � V N # . Sometimes they are called particles of present tense ( �J�4��*���� �'���� ).

Below paradigm expresses the conjugation for active form:

Table 5 Verb Conjugation on Present / Present Continuous Tense Active Form

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

+��. �;�9T �� ���R�.�;�9T �H�.�;�9T 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

�?��. �;�9T ���R�.�;�9� �H�.�;�9� 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

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��+��. �;�9� ���R�.�;�9� �H�.�;�9� 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

�?��. �;�9� �R�.�;�9� �� �?���. �;�9� 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

�H�.�;�9% �H�.�9G�# 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

The meaning patterns are:

�H�.�;�9T : he (masculine, one person) does / is doing ..

���R�.�;�9T : they (masculine, two persons) do / are doing

��+��. �;�9T : they (masculine, three or more persons) do / are doing

�H�.�;�9� : she (feminine, one person) does / is doing ..

���R�.�;�9� : they (feminine, two persons) do / are doing

�?��. �;�9T : they (feminine, three or more persons) do / are doing

�H�.�;�9� : you (masculine, one person) do / are doing

���R�.�;�9� : you (both gender, two persons) do / are doing

��+��. �;�9� : you (masculine, three or more persons) do / are doing

�?���. �;�9� : you (feminine, one person) do / are doing

���R�.�;�9� : you (both gender, two persons) do / are doing

�?��. �;�9� : you (feminine, three or more persons) do / are doing

�H�.�9G�# : I (both gender, one person) do / am doing

�H�.�;�9% : we(both gender, two or more persons) do / are doing

For example, below is the paradigm for �5W in present/present continuous tense active form:

���5 �X�T : he (masculine, one person) thanks / is thanking ..

������5 �X�T : they (masculine, two persons) thank / are thanking ..

������5 �X�T : they (masculine, three or more persons) thank / are thanking ..

���5 �X�� : she (feminine, one person) thanks / is thanking ..

������5 �X�� : they (feminine, two persons) thank / are thanking ..

�����5 �X�T : they (feminine, three or more persons) thank / are thanking ..

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���5 �X�� : you (masculine, one person) thank / are thanking ..

������5 �X�� : you (both gender, two persons) thank / are thanking ..

������5 �X�� : you (masculine, three or more persons) thank / are thanking ..

���5 �X�� �T �? : you (feminine, one person) thank / are thanking ..

������5 �X�� : you (both gender, two persons) thank / are thanking ..

�����5 �X�� : you (feminine, three or more persons) thank / are thanking ..

�# ���5 �W : I (both gender, one person) thank / am thanking ..

���5 �X�% : we(both gender, two or more persons) thank / are thanking ..

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

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1.7 Verb Conjugation on Present / Present Continuous Tense

Passive Form

The Passive Form of Present / Present Continuous Tense of Arabic verbs is formed similarly as active

form except that vowels changes. The following paradigm expresses the conjugation for passive form:

Table 6 Verb Conjugation on Present / Present Continuous Tense Passive Form

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

�. �;�9T ��+� �. �;�9T ���R �. �;�9T �H 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

�. �;�9T �?� �. �;�9� ���R �. �;�9� �H 3rd.p.F. ( ���)��>��� �A )

�. �;�9� ��+� �. �;�9� ���R �. �;�9� �H 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

�. �;�9� �?� �. �;�9� ���R �. �;�9� �?�� 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

�. �;�9% �H �.�9G�# �H 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

The meaning patterns are:

�H�.�;�9T : he (masculine, one person) is done upon / is being done upon ..

���R�.�;�9T : they (masculine, two persons) are done upon / are being done upon

��+��. �;�9T : they (masculine, three or more persons) are done upon / are being done upon

�H�.�;�9� : she (feminine, one person) is done upon / is being done upo ..

���R�.�;�9� : they (feminine, two persons) are done upon / are being done upon

�?��. �;�9T : they (feminine, three or more persons) are done upon / are being done upon

�H�.�;�9� : you (masculine, one person) are done upon / are being done upon

���R�.�;�9� : you (both gender, two persons) are done upon / are being done upon

��+��. �;�9� : you (masculine, three or more persons) are done upon / are being done upon

�?���. �;�9� : you (feminine, one person) are done upon / are being done upon

�R�.�;�9� �� : you (both gender, two persons) are done upon / are being done upon

�?��. �;�9� : you (feminine, three or more persons) are done upon / are being done upon

�H�.�9G�# : I (both gender, one person) am done upon / am being done upon

�H�.�;�9% : we(both gender, two or more persons) are done upon / are being done upon

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For example, below is the paradigm for �5W in present/present continuous tense passive form:

�T �5 �X �� : he (masculine, one person) is thanked / is being thanked ..

�T �5 �X ����� : they (masculine, two persons) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�T �5 �X ����� : they (masculine, three or more persons) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�� �5 �X �� : she (feminine, one person) is thanked / is being thanked ..

�� �5 �X ����� : they (feminine, two persons) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�T �5 �X ���� : they (feminine, three or more persons) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�� �5 �X �� : you (masculine, one person) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�� �5 �X ����� : you (both gender, two persons) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�� �5 �X ����� : you (masculine, three or more persons) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�� �5 �X �� �T �? : you (feminine, one person) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�� �5 �X ����� : you (both gender, two persons) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�� �5 �X ���� : you (feminine, three or more persons) are thanked / are being thanked ..

�# �5 �W �� : I (both gender, one person) am thanked / am being thanked ..

�% �5 �X �� : we(both gender, two or more persons) are thanked / are being thanked ..

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

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1.8 Derived Nouns ( �A�Y�9B �X���� �K��� ��� �Z�� ) of Three-Letter Verbs

Arabic nouns can be subdivided into two types:

1. [\�B �X�! the derived, means they are derived from some root words, usually verbs.

2. 0��!��7 the non-derived, means they are type of isolated, not derived from root verbs.

Derived nouns are formed following certain patterns. These patterns can be many based upon a root

verb, and very commonly, a specific pattern is associated with a specific meaning (pattern). In this

class, Imam Yusuf discussed some popular derived nouns of three-letter verb model: 0H�.�G . The

grammar terms / names of these derived nouns are also provided, which are common even for

four-letter or more letter verbs.

Table 7 Derived Nouns ( �A�Y�9B �X���� �K��� ��� �Z�� ) of verb 0H�.�G

Meaning of Example Example Meaning Derived


Grammar Name

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Helper 0� ����% Doer 0H�$��G �� �H�$��;�� �� ��

The helped 04+�(�8�! The one who is done

upon 0"+�.�;�! �� �"+�.�;���� �� ��

The place of helping;

The time of helping;


0��(�8�! The place of the


The time of the

action; Doing (The gerund);

0H�.�;�! �� ����5���� �� �� �� ����!�]�� �� ��

04���(�! [�����!

The tool to help 0��(�8�! The tool of the

action 0H�.�;�! �� �A��Z� �� ��

Better helper /

The best helper ���(�%�# Better doer /

The Best doer �H�.�9G�# �� �H� �*�;�9B� �� ��

One time helping 0 ���(�% One time doing 0A��.�9G ���! �K��8�� �4���(�! Kind of helping /

Type of helping 0 ���(�% Kind of doing /

Type of doing 0A��.�G J�+�9% �K��8�� �4���(�!

Little helping 0� �9��(�% Little doing 0H���.�9G �� ����>�(�B� �� �� Helping related [V���(�% What related to

doing [@��.�9G �� �I+���8���� �� ��

Too much helping 04��(�% Too much doing 0"��.�9G �� �A�>�������� �H�$��;�� �� �� Helper /

The helped 0� �9� �(�% Doer / The one who

is done upon

(depends on context)

0H��.�G �� �� �H�$��;�� �� �� �� �� �� �"+�.�;����

Helper /

The helped 04+�(�% Doer / The one who

is done upon

(depends on context)

0"+�.�9G �� �� �H�$��;�� �� �� �� �� �� �"+�.�;����

1.9 Signs of Feminine Words

In Arabic, feminine words are usually indicated by some special signs. Below are these signs to

indicate feminine words:

Table 8 Signs of Feminine Words

Examples Signs Grammar Name

�0A�����_ 0A�+�B�Y�! 0A9 � A9 ��A9 �B� �K��� � ��%�a

�� ��K��� ��� �K��: �+ �K��9 � �:��� ������ �b��# ����9%�: �c�� �9��� ��9 ��4+�(�Y���� �b��#

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1.10 Dual Forms of Nouns (��8�9��!)

Not like English, Arabic differentiates one person, two persons, and more persons. So in addition to

singular, plural, Arabic words have their dual forms also, while the plural is dedicated to three or more

persons. Commonly, this dual form of noun (��8�9��!) is formed by adding either suffix of ����9 or �9 �?�� .

����9 is for nominative case, and �?���9 for accusative case and genitive case.

Table 9 Dual Forms of Nouns (��8�9��! )

Meaning Dual (��8�9��!)

Suffix Singular ( 0:���;�!)

Two truthful males, two

truthful females ����B�9_�:��� � ����_�:��� ����9 0A�_�:��� � 0d�:���

Two truthful males, two

truthful females �?���9B�9_�:��� ��?���9_�:��� �?���9

1.11 Plural Forms of Nouns ( 06��7 )

There are three types of plural forms of nouns in Arabic:

1. Sound Masculine Form ( ������� �����e���� �6��U��� ): formed by adding suffix of ��+�9 or �?��9 , ��+�9 is for

nominative case, and �?��9 for accusative case and genitive case.

2. Sound Feminine Form ( ������� � �%�f���� �6��U��� ): formed by adding suffix of N��9 , 0N��9 is for

nominative case, and N��9 for accusative case and genitive case.

3. Non Regular Form ( �����5���� �6 ���U��� ): no rule for this form

Table 10 Plural Forms of Nouns

Plural ( 06��7) Suffix

Singular ( 0:���;�!) Type

��+�_�:��� ���+�����$ ��+�9 0d�:��� �0����$ Sound Masculine Form

�?��_�:��� ��?������$ �?��9 0N��_�:��� � 0N������$ 0N��9 0A�_�:��� �0A�����$ Sound Feminine Form

N������$ N��_�:��� � N��9 01�B�� � 0"��7�4 0I��B�� � 0"��7�4 Non Regular Form

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1.12 Dual Forms (��8�9��!) and Plural Forms ( 06��7 ) of some

Derived Nouns of 0H�.�G

Below table lists the patterns of dual forms and plural forms of some derived nouns of 0H�.�G .

Table 11 Dual Forms (��8�9��!) and Plural Forms ( 06��7 ) of some Derived Nouns

Non Regular Plural

( 0����5�! )

Plural ( 06��7) Dual (��8�9��!) Singular ( 0:���;�!)

0A��.�9G �0H�.�9G � 0"��.�9G ��+��$��G ���R�$��G 0H�$��G �?���$��G �?����$��G

�H�$��+�9G 0N�R�$��G ����B��$��G �G� 0A��$

�R�$��G N �?���9B��$��G �H�$��;�! +�.�;�! ��+� ���M+�.�;�! 0"+�.�;�!

+�.�;�! �?�� +�.�;�! �?��� 0N�M+�.�;�! +�.�;�! ����B� 0A�+�.�;�!

N�M+�.�;�! +�.�;�! �?���9B� �H�$��;�! ��+��. �;�! ���R�.�;�! 0H�.�;�!

�?���. �;�! �?����. �;�! 0N�R�.�;�! �! ����B��. �; 0A��. �;�!

N�R�.�;�! �?���9B��. �;�! �H�$��;�! ��+��. �;�! ���R�.�;�! 0H�.�;�!

�?���. �;�! �?����. �;�! 0N�R�.�;�! ����B��. �;�! 0A��. �;�!

N�R�.�;�! �?���9B��. �;�! ��.�9G ��+� ��.�9G ���M 0"��.�9G

��.�9G �?�� ��.�9G �?��� ��.�9G 0N�M ��.�9G ����B� 0A���.�9G

N�M��.�9G ��.�9G �?���9B�

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�$��G�# �H ��+��.�9G�# ���R�.�9G�# �H�.�9G�# �?���.�9G�# �?����.�9G�#

�H�.�9G �����.�9G 0N �������.�9G ���.�9G �����.�9G N �?���9���.�9G

1.13 Negation, Prohibition, Imperative, and Others

In Arabic, the present tense negation of a verb is formed based on present / present Continuous

( 0J�4��*�! ) form by preceding it particle ��! or �M . If we put preceding particle ��� before present ( 0J�4��*�! )

form, it renders into past tense negation. This ��� also renders the Harakah on radical " into sukun ( �999 ).

Present ( 0J�4��*�! ) form is also being used to construct imperative form, prohibition form, future tense,

etc. We’ve learnt, in former class, the imperative of the 2nd person ( �1�2��E���� ���!�# ) . The imperative of

the 3rd person is formed by preceding present ( 0J�4��*�! ) form the particle of �" . The Harakah of the

third radical ( �L�M �H�.�;�� ) is rendered into sukun ( �999 ). Preceding particle �M is used to make prohibition

form, while �g or �'�+�� is used to form future tense.

Below table is an overview of some grammar forms based on present / present Continuous ( 0J�4��*�! )

form, including negation, prohibition, future tense, imperative, etc. We’ll learn the detail of some

forms in the following classes.

Table 12 Negation, Prohibition, Imperative, and Others

Meaning Forms Grammar Name

He doesn’t do �H�.�;�9T ��! �J�4��*���� �@�;�9% He doesn’t do �H�.�;�9T �M �J�4��*���� �@�;�9%

He will never ever do �H�.�;�9T �?� �M� �@�;�9% �"��� �Y�B ��

He didn’t do �H�.�;�9T ��� @�S����� �@�;�9% He never ever did �H�.�;�9T ���� @ �S����� �@�;�9% ������a��

He will do (near future) �H�.�;�9� �� �M�� �"��� �Y�B �� He will do (far future) �H�.�;�9T �'�+�� �M�� �� �"��� �Y�B

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Let him do � �H�.�;�9� �1�)��>�� ���!�# Let him not to do �M �H�.�;�9T �1�)��>�� �@ �3�9%

(you) do! �� �H�.�9G �1�2��E���� ���!�# (you) don’t do! �9� �M �H�.�; �1�2��E���� �@ �3�9%

What a wonderful doing ��.�9G�# ��! �� /U�.�9B� �H�.�G � �Z� �1 �"�� What a wonderful doing ���� �H�.�G�# /U�.�9B� �H�.�G@�%����� �1

1.14 Conjugation of Present / Present Continuous Negation

( �J�4��*���� �@�;�9% )

When present ( 0J�4��*�! ) form is preceded by particle ��! or �M , its meaning becomes negation of present

/ present continuous tense, that is “.. doesn’t do ..” / “.. is not doing .. ” For example:

�M ���(�8�9T : he doesn’t help / is not helping.

��! �����(�8�9T : they (feminine, three or more persons) don’t help / are not helping.

��! ���(�8�9% : we (two or more persons) don’t help / are not helping.

The following paradigm expresses the conjugation of present / present continuous negation form on

person, gender, and number. H.G is used as a model.

Table 13 Conjugation of Present / Present Continuous Negation ( �J�4��*���� �@�;�9% )

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

��! ��+��. �;�9T ��! ���R�.�;�9T ��! �. �;�9T �H 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

��! �?��. �;�9T ��! ���R�.�;�9� ��! �. �;�9� �H 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

��! ��+��. �;�9� ��! ���R�.�;�9� ��! �. �;�9� �H 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

��! �?��. �;�9� ��! ���R�.�;�9� ��! �?���. �;�9� 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

��! �. �;�9% �H ��! �.�9G�# �H 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

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Simply replace ��! with �M in above paradigm, we’ll get the conjugation for using �M .

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

1.15 Conjugation of Future Negation ( �M� �@�;�9% �"��� �Y�B �� )

When present ( 0J�4��*�! ) form is preceded by particle �?� , its meaning becomes future negation, that is

“.. will never ever do ..”. For example:

�?� ���(�8�9T : he will never ever help.

�?� �����(�8�9T : they (feminine, three or more persons) will never ever help.

�?� ���(�8�9% : we (two or more persons) shall never ever help.

Note that the ending Harakah of 0J�4��*�! following �?� renders into Fatha ( �999 ) .

The following paradigm expresses the conjugation of future negation form on person, gender, and

number. H.G is used as a model. Please pay attention to the change of the ending Harakat.

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Table 14 Conjugation of Future Negation ( �"��� �Y�B ���M� �@�;�9% )

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

�?�+��. �;�9T �?� �R�.�;�9T �?� �H�.�;�9T 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

�?� �?��. �;�9T �?� �R�.�;�9� �?� �H�.�;�9� 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

�?�+��. �;�9� �?� �R�.�;�9� �?� �H�.�;�9� 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

�?� �?��. �;�9� �?� �R�.�;�9� �?�@��. �;�9� 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

�?� �H�.�;�9% �?� �H�.�9G�# 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

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1.16 Conjugation of Past Tense Negation ( @�S����� �@�;�9% )

When present ( 0J�4��*�! ) form is preceded by particle ���, its meaning becomes past tense negation, that

is “.. didn’t do ..”. For example:

��� ���(�8�9T : he didn’t help.

��� �����(�8�9T : they (feminine, three or more persons) didn’t help.

��� ���(�8�9% : we (two or more persons) didn’t help.

Note that the ending Harakah of 0J�4��*�! following ��� renders into sukun ( �999 ) .

The following paradigm expresses the conjugation of past tense negation form on person, gender, and

number. H.G is used as a model. Please pay attention to the change of the ending Harakat.

Table 15 Conjugation of Past Tense Negation ( �;�9%@ �S����� �@ )

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

��� +��. �;�9T ��� �R�.�;�9T ��� �H�.�;�9T 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

��� �?��. �;�9T ��� �R�.�;�9� ��� �H�.�;�9� 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

��� +��. �;�9� ��� �R�.�;�9� ��� �H�.�;�9� 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

��� �?��. �;�9� ��� �R�.�;�9� ��� @��. �;�9� 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

��� �H�.�;�9% ��� �H�.�9G�# 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

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1.17 Conjugation of Past Tense Negation Emphasis Form

(@�S����� �@�;�9% ������a�� )

When present ( 0J�4��*�! ) form is preceded by particle ����, it forms the emphsis form of past tense

negation. Its meaning is “.. never ever did ..”. For example:

���� ���(�8�9T : he never ever helped.

���� �����(�8�9T : they (feminine, three or more persons) never ever helped.

���� ���(�8�9% : we (two or more persons) never ever helped.

The ending Harakah of 0J�4��*�! following ���� renders into sukun ) �999( .

The following paradigm expresses the conjugation of emphasis form of past tense negation on person,

gender, and number. H.G is used as a model. Please pay attention to the change of the ending Harakat.

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Table 16 Conjugation of Past Tense Negation Emphasis Form (@�S����� �@�;�9% ������a�� )

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

���� +��. �;�9T ���� �R�.�;�9T ���� �H�.�;�9T 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

���� �?��. �;�9T ���� �R�.�;�9� ���� �H�.�;�9� 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

���� +��. �;�9� ���� �R�.�;�9� ���� �H�.�;�9� 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

���� �?��. �;�9� ���� �R�.�;�9� ���� @��. �;�9� 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

���� �H�.�;�9% ���� �H�.�9G�# 1st.p. ( ��&�5�B����� )

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

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1.18 Conjugation of Imperative ( ���!���� �Z�� )

We’ve learnt the imperative of the 2nd person ( �1�2��E���� ���!�# ) in former classes. The imperative of the

3rd person is formed by preceding present ( 0J�4��*�! ) form the particle of �" . The Harakah of the third

radical ( �L�M �H�.�;�� ) is rendered into sukun ) �999( . Its meaning is “.. let .. do ..”. For example:

� �9� �����. : let him worship

� �� �����.�9� : let them (feminine, three or more persons) worship

�������.�9� : let them (masculine, two persons) worship

The following paradigm expresses the conjugation of imperative form on person, gender, and number.

H.G is used as a model. Please pay attention to the change of the ending Harakat.

Table 17 Conjugation of Imperative ( ���!���� �Z�� ) Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

�+��. �;�9� � �R�.�;�9� � �H�.�;�9� 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

� �?��. �;�9� � �R�.�;�9B � �H�.�;�9B 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

��+��.�9G �� �R�.�9G �� �H�.�9G 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

�� �?��.�9G �� �R�.�9G ��@��.�9G 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

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1.19 Conjugation of Prohibition ( �@�,��+�98�� )

The prohibition is formed by preceding present ( �4��*�! 0J ) form the particle of �M . The Harakah of the

third radical ( �L�M �H�.�;�� ) is rendered into sukun ) �999( . Its meaning is “.. let .. not do ..”. For example:

�M �����.�9T : let him not worship

�M �� �����.�9T : let them (feminine, three or more persons) not worship

�M �9� �����.� : You (masculine, three or more persons) do not worship

The following paradigm expresses the conjugation of prohibition form on person, gender, and number.

H.G is used as a model. Please pay attention to the change of the ending Harakat.

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Table 18 Conjugation of Prohibition ( �@�,��+�98�� )

Plural ( 06 ���7 ) Dual (��8�9��! ) Singular ( 0:���;�! )

�M +��. �;�9T �M �R�.�;�9T �M �H�.�;�9T 3rd.p.M. ( �1�)��>��� )

�M �?��. �;�9T �M �R�.�;�9� �M �H�.�;�9� 3rd.p.F. ( �A���)��>��� )

�M +��. �;�9� �M �R�.�;�9� �M �H�.�;�9� 2nd.p.M. ( �1�2��E����� )

�M �?��. �;�9� �M �R�.�;�9� �M @��. �;�9� 2nd.p.F. ( �A���2��E����� )

The “Arabic Grammar Hand” for this paradigm is as follows:

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1.20 Six groups ( 0I��� ) of Three-Letter Verbs

In former classes, we’ve learnt conjugation on tense of three-letter verbs, below is the paradigm:


( �1�2��E���� ���!�# )

Present/Present Continuous

Tense ( 0J�4��*�! )

Past Tense (@�S��! )

�� �H�.�9G �9T �H�.�; �H�.�9G Active ( �L+��.����� )

�H�.�;�9T �H�.�G Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

If we pay attention to its active past tense and active present tense, especially to the Harakah of the 2nd

radical of H.G ( �?���$ �H�.�;�� ):

�;�9T �. �H �9G �. �H

We noticed that its harakah is �999 ) 0A���B�9G( in active past tense, and �999 ) 0A���S( in active present tense, or the

combination is: ( �999 � �999 ), or ) 0A���B�9G � 0A���S( .

Can the harakat be other combination in active tenses, such as ( �999 � �999 )? The answer is yes. In fact,

three-letter Arabic verbs are devided into six groups ( 0I��� ) according to different harakah

combinations of �?���$ �H�.�;�� in active past tense and active present tense:

Harakah of 2nd

radical ( �?���$ �H�.�;�� ) Groups

Active Present Tense Active Past Tense

�999 �999 0I���) 0A���S 0A���B�9G( 1st

9 �99 �999 0I���) 0 �� ���� 0A���B�9G( 2nd

9 9 �9 99 �9 0I���) ����B���B�9G( 3rd

9 9 �9 9 �99 0I���) 0A���B�9G 0 �� ����( 4th

99 �9 9 �99 0I���) 0A���S 0A���S( 5th

9 �99 �999 0I���) ������� ����( 6th

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The following table illustrates conjugation on tense of these six groups ( 0I��� ) of three-letter verbs:

Table 19 Six groups ( 0I��� ) of Three-Letter Verbs


( �1�2��E���� ���!�# )

Present / Present Continuous

Tense ( 0J�4��*�! )

Past Tense (@�S��! ) Groups ( 0I��+�9��# )

�� �$ �� �� �.�9T �� �� �$ �� �� 0I���) 0A���S 0A���B�9G( 1st

�����.�9T �����$

�� �S �� �I �*�T �� �I �S �� �I 0I���) 0 �� ���� 0A���B�9G( 2nd

�I���*�T �I���S

�� �9G �B �h �;�9T �B �h �9G �B �h 0I���) ���B�9G ����B( 3rd

�h�B �;�9T �h�B�G �� �$ � �� �.�9T � �� �$ � �� 0I���) 0A���B�9G 0 �� ����( 4th

����.�9T ����$

�� � �� �? ���T �� �? � �� �? 0I���) 0A���S 0A���S( 5th

�?�����T �? ���

�� � �� �1 ���T �� �1 � �� �1 0I���) ������� ����( 6th

�1�����T �1 ���

Meaning of above example verbs:

There are several rules here (please refer to above paradigm, especially pay attention to the red high


1. Harakat combination of active past tense and active present tense of the 2nd

radical ( �?���$ �H�.�;�� ) are

changing from group ( 0I��� ) to group ( 0I��� ), which differentiates different groups.

2. For all these six groups, the passive past tense and passive present tense are following the same

pattern, that is: ( �H�.�G �H�.�;�9T ), no harakah change from group to group.

3. For active past tense and active present tense of these six groups, the Harakah of the1st radical ( �K��G

�H�.�;�� ) are following the same pattern, no change from group to group.

4. For active past tense and active present tense of these six groups, the Harakah of the 3rd

radical ( �L�M

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�H�.�;�� ) are following the same pattern, no change from group to group.

5. For the Imperative ( �1�2��E���� ���!�# ) of these six groups, all the preceding Hamzah are hamzat ul

wasl ( �H���+�� � �]���, ), the harakah rendered to this hamzat ul wasl depends on the harakah of the 2nd

radical ( �?���$ �H�.�;�� ) in active present tense: if the the harakah of the 2nd

radical in active present tense

is �999 or �999 , the hamzat ul wasl in its imerative is rendered to harakah �999 , if the the harakah of the 2nd

radical in active present tense is 9 �99 , the hamzat ul wasl in imperative is rendered to harakah �999 .

1.21 Four-Letter (3+1) Verbs ( ��T�]���� /@�$�������� )

We’ve learnt different groups of 3-letter verbs in Arabic. By adding 1 or more letter(s) before or after

different radicals of a 3-letter verb, or repeating a particular radical, new verb can be derived from this

3-letter verb. For example, if an alif ( # ) is added in front of the first radical of �H�.�9G , we get �H�.�9G�# ,

which forms a 4-letter (3+1) verb. The name of this group of verbs is �I��� ��i� �"��.�9G . 0"��.�9G�j is the verbal

noun of this group ( �I��� ).

Up to 3 letters can be added upon a 3-letter verb, which makes these derived verbs can be of 4 letters,

5 letters, or 6 letters. In this lesson, Imam Yusuf teaches several commonly used Four-Letter (3+1)

( ��T�]���� /@�$�������� ) verb groups derived from 3-letter verbs:

1. �"��.�9G ��i� �I���: it makes intransitive verbs (in original 3-letter �I��� ) transitive ( �T���.�9B�� �A )

2. �I��� � �9B �H��. �; : it can have two types of meanings:

(a) it makes intransitive verbs transitive ( �T���.�9B�� �A )

(b) it means doing something a lot ( ����� �5�B�� )

3. �I��� �� �A��$��;�� : it means doing something mutually ( �A���4�������� )

The following paradigm shows conjugation on tense of above three derived groups ( 0I��+�9��# ), also their

verbal noun ( 04���(�! ), and some derived nouns. For each of these three groups, its passive participle

( �"+�.�;���� �� ���� ), place noun ( �� ����5���� �� �� ), time noun ( �� ����!�]�� �� �� ), and gerund ( 04���(�! [�����! ) are

same. To simplify, we’ll call them “Four Nouns” in the following sessions.

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Table 20 Four Letter Verbs (3+1) ( ��T�]���� /@�$�������� ) conjugation and derived nouns

Four Nouns

�"+�.�;���� �� ���� �� ����5���� �� �� �� ����!�]�� �� ��

04���(�! [�����!



�� �� ���� �H�$��;

Verbal noun

( 04���(�! )


( ���!�# �1�2��E����)

Present /




( 0J�4��*�! )

Past Tense

(@�S��! )

�I��� �"��.�9G ��i�

0H�.�;�! 0H�.�;�! 0"��.�9G�j �H�.�G�# �H�.�;�9T �H�.�9G�# Active

( �L+��.�����) �H�.�;�9T �H�.�G�# Passive

( �"+�3U�����) �I��� � �9B �H��. �;

0H�.�;�! 0H&.�;�! 0H��. �;�9� �9G �H&. �H&.�;�9T �H�.�9G Active

( �L+��.�����) �H�.�;�9T �H&.�9G Passive

( �"+�3U�����) �I��� �� �A��$��;��

0H�$��;�! 0H�$��;�! �! �0A��$��; 0"��.��G � 0"��.�G

�H�$��G �H�$��;�9T �$��G �H Active

( �L+��.�����) �H�$��;�9T �G + �H�$ Passive

( �3U����� �"+ )

1.22 Five Letter Verbs (3+2) ( ��T�]���� /@ ������E��� )

In this lesson, Imam Yusuf teaches several commonly used Five-Letter (3+2) ( ��T�]���� /@�$�������� ) verb

groups, which are derived from 3-letter verbs by adding 2 letters in front or after base radicals.

There are five groups ( 0I��+�9��# ) discussed falling into 3+2 category:

1. �I��� ��M� �"��.�;�% : it means obedience; obedient actions ( �A�$����k���� )

2. �I��� ��M� �"��.�B�G : it means obedience; obedient actions ( �A�$����k���� )

3. �I��� ��M� �"�R�.�G : it means something becomes a certain color (red, white, black, etc) ( ����+�� �l� )

4. �I��� � �9B �H/.�; : it means to carry / do something with difficulty / effort ( � �b/�5�B )

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5. �I��� � �9B �H�$��; : it means to do something mutually with intensity ( �A���4��X���� )

Table 21 Five Letter Verbs (3+2) ( ��T�]���� /@ ������E��� ) conjugation and derived nouns

Four Nouns

�"+�.�;���� �� ���� �� ����5���� �� �� �� ����!�]�� �� ��

04���(�! [�����!



�� �� ���� �H�$��;

Verbal noun

( 04���(�! )


( ���!�# �1�2��E����)

Present /




( 0J�4��*�! )

Past Tense

(@�S��! )

�I��� ��M� �"��.�;�%

0H�.�; �98�! 0H�.�; �98�! �� 0"��.�;�% �� �H�.�;�9% �H�.�; �98�9T �� �H�.�;�9% Active

( ��.����� �L+ )

�H�.�; �98�9T �� �H�.�;�9% Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I��� ��M� �"��.�B�G

0H�.�9B �;�! 0H�.�B �;�! �� 0"��.�B�G �� �H�.�B �9G �H�.�B �;�9T �� �H�.�9B �9G Active

( �L+��.����� )

�H�.�9B �;�9T �� �H�.�B �9G Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I��� ��M� �"�R�.�G

[H�.�;�! [H�.�;�! �� 0"�R�.�G �� ��H�.�9G �� &H�.�9G /H�.�;�9T �� �H�.�9G Active

( �L+��.����� )

/H�.�;�9T �� �H�.�G Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I���� �9B �H/.�;

0H�.�;�9B�! 0H&.�;�9B�! 0H/.�;�9� �H�.�;�9� �H�.�;�9B�9T �H�.�;�9� Active

( �L+��.����� )

�9T �H�.�;�9B �H&.�;�9� Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I���� �9B �H�$��;

0H�$��;�9B�! 0H�$��;�9B�! 0H�$��;�9� �H�$��;�9� �H�$��;�9B�9T �H�$��;�9� Active

( �L+��.����� )

�H�$��;�9B�9T �H�$+�;�9� Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

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1.23 Six Letter Verbs (3+3) ( �� @ �����/��� ��T�]�� )

In this lesson, Imam Yusuf continues to discuss six-letter (3+3) ( ��T�]���� /@�$�������� ) verb groups, which

are derived from 3-letter verbs by adding 3 letters in front or after base radicals.

There are four groups ( 0I��+�9��# ) discussed falling into 3+3 category:

1. �I��� ��M� �"��. �;�B �� : this �I��� has two meanings:

(a) it makes intransitive verbs transitive ( �T���.�9B�� �A )

(b) it means to ask (someone) to do something

2. �I��� ��M� �"�R��.�G : it means something becomes a certain color (red, white, black, etc) ( ����+�� �l� ) more

3. �I��� ��M� �"��.��.�G : it means something becomes intensive by itself ( �L�F �R� 0A�>�����! )

4. �I��� ��M� �"��+�.�G : it means something becomes intensive by itself ( �L�F �R� 0A�>�����! )

Table 22 Six Letter Verbs (3+3) ( ��T�]���� @ �����/��� ) conjugation and derived nouns

Four Nouns

�"+�.�;���� �� ���� �� ����5���� �� �� �� ����!�]�� �� ��

04���(�! [�����!



�� �� ���� �H�$��;

Verbal noun

( 04���(�! )


( ���!�# �1�2��E����)

Present /




( 0J�4��*�! )

Past Tense

(@�S��! )

�I��� �"��. �;�B ����M�

0H�.�;�9B ���! 0H�.�;�9B ���! �� 0"��. �;�B �� �� �H�.�;�9B �� �H�.�;�9B ���T �� �H�.�;�9B �� Active

( �L+��.����� )

�H�.�;�9B ���T �� �H�.�;�9B �� Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I��� �"�R��.�G��M�

["��. �;�! ["��. �;�! �� 0"�R��.�G �� �.�9G� � �" �� �.�9G� &"

�. �;�9T� /" �� �"��.�9G Active

( �L+��.����� )

�. �;�9T� /" �� �H��.�G Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I��� �"��.��.�G��M�

0H�$�+�.�;�! 0H�$�+�.�;�! �� 0"��.��.�G �� �H�$�+�.�9G �H�$�+�.�;�9T �� �H�$�+�.�9G Active

( �L+��.����� )

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�H�$�+�.�;�9T �� �H�$+�.�9G Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I��� �"��+�.�G��M�

0"�+�.�;�! 0"&+�.�;�! �� 0"��+�.�G �� �"&+�.�9G �"&+�.�;�9T �� �"�+�.�9G Active

( �L+��.����� )

�9T �"�+�.�; �� �"&+�.�9G Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

1.24 Four-Letter Root Verbs ( 0:���U�! [@�$����4 ) and Their Derivative

Groups ( 0I��+�9��# )

Until now, we’ve discussed about three-letter root verbs and their derivative groups, such as 3+1, 3+2,

3+3. Three-Letter root verbs and their derivatives may cover 99% Arabic verbs, but there is a small

portion of Arabic verbs are rooted from Four-Letter verbs, that is in stead of three letters, the root verb

itself has four letters. This type of verbs are called Four-Letter Root Verbs ( 0:���U�! [@�$����4 ).

Four-Letter Root Verbs ( 0:���U�! [@�$����4 ) can also have derivative groups ( 0I��+�9��# ) by adding 1 or more

letters into the original radicals. These derivative groups are called 0�T�]�! [@�$����4 . Most commonly used

groups are Five Letter (4+1) and Six Letter (4+2) Verbs. In this section, Imam Yusuf discussed below

Four-Letter Root Verb group and its derivative groups ( 0I��+�9��# ):

1. �I��� �� �A���.�; : it makes intransitive verbs transitive ( �T���.�9B�� �A )

2. �I��� � �9B �H��.�; : it means to obey to do something ( �A�$����k���� )

3. �I��� ��M� �L��U�%�� � : it means to obey to do something ( �A�$����k���� )

4. �I��� ��M� �"�R�.�G : it makes intransitive verbs transitive more

Note: For verbs having more than 3 letters, the following four derivative nouns are of the same form:

Past Participle (The one whom is done upon) ( �� �"+�.�;���� �� �� );

Place Noun ( �� ����5���� �� �� );

Time Noun ( �� ����!�]� �� �� );

The Gerund ( 04���(�! [�����! ).

For example: 0H��.�;�! has all four meanings above.

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Table 23 Four-Letter Root Verbs ( 0:���U�! [@�$����4 ) and their derivative groups ( 0I��+�9��# )

Four Nouns

�"+�.�;���� �� ���� �� ����5���� �� �� �� ����!�]�� �� ��

04���(�! [�����!



�� �� ���� �H�$��;

Verbal noun

( 04���(�! )


( ���!�# �1�2��E����)

Present /




( 0J�4��*�! )

Past Tense

(@�S��! )

�I��� �A���.�;��

0H��.�;�! 0H��.�;�! 0"�R�.�9G �0A���.�9G �H��.�9G �H��.�;�9T �H��.�9G Active

( �L+��.����� )

�H��.�;�9T �H��.�9G Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I��� �H��.�;�9B�

0H��.�;�9B�! 0H��.�;�9B�! 0H��.�;�9� �H��.�;�9� �H��.�;�9B�9T �H��.�;�9� Active

( �L+��.����� )

�H��.�;�9B�9T �H��.�;�9� Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I��� �L��U�%�� � ��M�

0��U�%�� ���! 0� �7�� ���! �� 0L��U�%�� � �� �� �U�%�� � ���U�%�� ���T �� ���U�%�� � Active

( �L+��.����� )

���7�� ���T �� �� �U�%�� � Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

�I��� �"�R�.�G��M�

[H��. �;�! [H��. �;�! �� 0"�R�.�G �� ��H��.�9G �� &H��.�9G

/H��. �;�9T �� �H��.�9G Active

( �L+��.����� )

/H��. �;�9T �� �H��.�9G Passive

( �"+�3U����� )

We have gone over all these groups ( 0I��+�9��# ), three-letter root verbs and four-letter root verbs and their

derivatives, as a practice, you can write down their conjugations on person, gender, number, and

tenses in active/passive forms, then put each paradigm on “Arabic Grammar Hand” and try to

memorize them.

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1.25 Three Sick Letters and Seven Categories ( ��� �L����_� �Z�� �. �9� �A ) of

the Verbs

In this section, another type of categorization of Arabic verbs is introduced. This categorization is

based on if an Arabic verb has so called “sick letters”, and how it has them.

There are three sick letters ( �A��.�� �'���� ) in Arabic:

1. ) � ( 0����

2. ) V ( 0K��T

3. ) # ( ��# 0b

According to the way Arabic verbs having sick letters, they are divided into seven categories:

1. �C����� ����

2. �C�������!

3. 0b�$��*�!

4. 0b��;� 5. 0m�_��% 6. 0F+�� �3�!

7. 0'�+ �7�#

More details are following (not in the order above):

1. 0h� ���� : Healthy verb ( 0h� ���� 0H�.�G) 0�����( )

Verbs in this category have no sick letter ( �A��.�� �'���� ������� �H�.�G )

E.g. �1�B��

2. 0F+�� �3�! : Verb with hamzah ( 0F+�� �3�! 0H�.�G )

Verbs in this category have hamzah.

Hamzah = Alif + Harakah

Hamzah always has harakah.

Different forms of hamzah include: �n � �o �0K ��# ��j ��# e.g. �n � �o �0K ��# ��j ��#

3. 0"����! : Head sick verb ( 0"����! 0H�.�G )

Verbs in this category have their first letter sick ( 0���� �H�.�;�� �K��G / 0K��T )

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e.g. 0� ���T ����7��

4. 0'�+ �7�# : Hollow verb ( 0'�+ �7�# 0H�.�G )

Verbs in this category have their second letter sick ( 0���� �H�.�;�� �?���$ / 0K��T )

e.g. 0"�+�9_ �0H���� � 0'�+�7

5. 0m�_��% : End sick verb ( 0m�_��%) Verb in this category have their last letter sick ( �M 0���� �H�.�;�� �L / 0K��T )

e.g. )c�]�p ( ���]�p

6. 0b��;� : Double sick verb ( 0b��;� )

Verbs in this category have two sick letters ( �A��.�� �'���� �?�! ����G��� )

There are two sub categories under 0b��;� :

1) Mafruq ( 0d����;�! ): The first and the third letters are sick letters

e.g. �@�_��(to protect), �@�$ �◌(to be aware)

2) Maqrun ( 0�����Y�! ): The last two letters are sick letters

e.g. �V�+��(to burn, to sear), �V�+�2(to fold, to shut)

7. 0b�$��*�! : Verb with repeating letters ( 0b�$��*�! )

Verbs in this category have a letter repeated, not necessarily sick letters.

e.g. ���!(to prolong), ���9G(to flee, to run away), �H�$ (to be ill), �:�� (to love, to be fond)

1.26 Sickness Curing of Verbs ( 0"�R�$�j)

When we conjugate a verb with sick letters, those sick letters may need to be omitted or changed to

other letters according to conjugation rules. The process to conjugate sick letters correctly is called

Sickness Curing ( 0"�R�$�j ). Sickness Curing ( 0"�R�$�j ) may have many rules related to different scenarios,

in this section, Imam Yusuf overalled some fundamental rules:

1. Amongst Harkat ( �999 �9 �99 �9 �99 ), �999 is the heaviest one, �999 is the next heaviest one, while �999 is the lightest one.

In some situation, some Harakah need to be put for the purpose of just protecting Harakah, otherwise

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it will be sukun ) �999( , in such a case, �999 is the one to be put as the protecting Harakah. For example, in

the case of �r��! (imperative form of the 2nd Person), we need to put some Harakah with Shadda as

protecting Harakah, in this case, �999 is put, and it becomes ���!.

2. �� ���5���� �D&��s � �D&��s ��t�j �?������� When a letter with sukun ) �999( has to be given some Harakah, Kasra ( �999 ) is given. So for the above

example, the �r: in �r��! has to be given some Harakah, according to this rule, we can put Kasra �999 , it becomes &��!. That is why for �r��! (imperative form of the 2nd Person), we can use either ���! or &��!.

3. If the Harakah on the letter before V �� is �999 , V �� will change to ��9.

For example: �"��_ <- �"�+�9_

Below are some examples of Sickness Curing ( 0"�R�$�j ) process:

a) �"��_ <- �"�+�9_; �"��5�T <- �H��5�T <- �H�� �5�T b) �?��9_ <- �?��9_ <- �?���_

c) �"+�_<- �� �"+�_ <- �� �"�+�9_

d) �H�� <- ����� �H <- �� �H�� ��

e) �H�5�T ��� <- �H��5�T ���

f) �?T�]�p <- �����]�p

g) ����]�>�9T <- ������]�>�9T

h) �]�>�9T ��� <- ��]�>�9T ��� <- ���]�>�9T ���

i) �� �L�4 <- �� @�!�4

j) �L���9T ��� <- �@�!���9T ���

k) �d <- �� �d <- �� @�_��

l) �� �+ �� <- �� �+ ��V

m) �+ �5�T ��� <- V�+ �5�T ��� n) �����T ��� �&����T ��� <- �:�� ���T ��� <- �:�� ���T ���

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Table 24 Conjugation of Verbs with sick letter(s)

Meaning Verbal


( 04���(�! )

Imperative ( ���!�# �1�2��E����)

Present / Present


Tense ( 0J�4��*�! )

Past Tense

(@�S��! )

0"����!u V����� promise 0��$�� ���$ ���.�T ���$�� Active ( �L+��.����� )

���$+�T ���$�� Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

0"����!u @�)��T

make …

easy 0� ���T �� ���T �� �����9T �� �����T Active ( �L+��.����� )

����+�T �� ���T Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

0'�+ �7�# u V�����

talk, speak 0"�+�9_ �H�_ �"+�Y�9T �"��_ Active ( �L+��.����� )

�"��Y�9T �H��_ Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

0'�+ �7�# u @�)��T




0H���� �H�� �H��5�T �"��� Active ( ����� �L+��. )

�"� �◌ �v�T �H��� Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

0m�_��%u V�����




0 ���]�p �� �]�p ��]�>�9T c�]�p Active ( �L+��.����� )

c�]�>�9T V�]�p Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

0m�_��%u @�)��T

cast, throw 0A���!�4 �� �L�4 @�!���9T ��!�4 Active ( �L+��.����� )

��!���9T @�!�4 Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

0b��;�u 0d����;�!

protect @�_�� �d @�Y�T ��_�� Active ( �L+��.����� )

��Y�9T @�_�� Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

0b��;�u 0�����Y�!




0@�� �� �+ �� V�+ �5�T c�+�� Active ( �L+��.����� )

c�+ �5�T V�+�� Passive ( �"+�3U����� )


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prolong [��! &��! ����! /����T ���! Active ( �L+��.����� )

/����T ���! Passive ( �"+�3U����� )

For examples of full conjugation, please see appendix C: Examples of Full Conjugation.

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Chapter 2 Syntax ( ���8�� �+ )

2.1 Word ( �A����5��� ) and Sentence ( �A� ���U��� )

Arabic words can be categorized from different aspects. One aspect is to categorize words into:

1. 0'��� : Letter, Particle. It is a word that possesses neither independent meaning nor time factor.

2. �� 0� �� : Noun. It is a word which possesses independent meaning, but no time factor. In fact 0� ���� is a

wide category in Arabic, which includes the counterpart of noun, adjective, even adverb in English.

3. 0H�.�G: Verb. It is a word which possesses both independent meaning and time factor.

While Arabic sentences can be categorized mainly into two types: �A���� ���M� �A� ���U��� and �A����.�;�� �A� ���U���

1. �M� �A� ���U��� �A���� �� : Nominal sentence. Its structure is:

0# ���B���! + 0��9� �s

Both 0#���B���! and 0��9� �s are nouns or equivalence of nouns. For example:

0��)��_ 0��T�F

Zaid stands.

2. �A����.�;�� �A� ���U���: Verbal sentence. Its structure is:

0H�.�G + 0H�$��G + 0"+�.�;�!

0H�.�G is a verb, 0H�$��G is the subject, while 0"+�.�;�! is the object.

For example:

������$ 0��T�F �H�B�9_)��� ���$(

Zaid killed Amr.

Another example:

��$ �H�B�_ 0��) 0� ���$( Amr was killed.

Here 0����$) 0� ���$( is subject grammatically, but from the meaning point of view, it is object. This type

of subject is called �H�$��;�� �1�)��%.

In Arabic, both 0����$) 0� ���$( and �����$ are popular names. They are same in writing without Harakat. To

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differentiate them, 0� ���$ is written as 0����$ usually.

Arabic verbs can be either intransitive ( 0L�F�M ) or transitive ( [V���.�9B�! ).

2.2 Indefinite Form ( � �� �5�8�� ) and Definite Form ( �A�G���.����� ) of a


Arabic nouns have indefinite form ( � �� �5�8��) and definite form ( �A�G���.����� ). For example, “book” has two


0I��B�� : means “a book”, this is the indefinite forms;

�I��B�5��� : means “the book”, this is the definite form.

The x �" within definite form is called �bT���.�9B� �'��� . When x �" comes before a noun, it makes the noun

0'���.�!, or definite form. While the y on top of Alif of x �" represents 0A� ��, means “connection”. For

example, &I�4x �?������.� …

Hamzah ( 0 �] ���, ) has two types:

1. �H���+�� � �]���,: Connection Hamzah. Connection Hamzah pronounces when it starts a sentence, for

example, the Hamzah in �� �I��B�5� ; it doesn’t pronounce when it is proceeded by other letters, for

example, &I�4� �?������.�

2. �6�k�Y�� � �] ���,: Decisive Hamzah. Decisive Hamzah always pronounces. For example, the Hamzah in

�j ����,����9�

So Tanwin ( �?T�+�8�9� ) is the symbol of indefinite form ( � �� �5�8�� ) of nouns; while x �" ( �bT���.�9B� �'��� ) is the

symbol of definite form ( �A�G���.����� ) of nouns. They two can neither come into being together nor

disappear together at the same time in a noun. In Arabic, this is called: �� �� 0K��Y�B� �� 0"����! 0d����B�_

Some categories of definite words �A�G���.����� ( 0'���.�! ) :

1. Definite noun ( �A�G���.�����): e.g.: �I��B�5���

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2. Demonstrative Pronoun ( ��4��W��i� �� ���� ):

e.g.: � �e�, �v���t ��z�e�, �

3. Pronoun ( 0��)����S ):

e.g.: �C�%�# ���%�# � �@�, � �+�,

4. Relative Pronoun ( �� �"+���+���� �� �� ), which connect sentences together:

e.g.: �� �V�e� ��@���R�� ��?T�e�

0��T�F �� 0��)��_ �+�, V�e�

2.3 Different Meaning of ) �'��� �bT���.�9B� ( �"��

�"�� possesses four types of meanings:

1. �{�8 �U���: a type of, a kind of, a category of

e.g.: �I��B�5���, a kind of book

2. �� 0d����>�B �� : including everything, covering all

e.g.: �?������.�� &I�4, the Cherisher and Sustainer of all the worlds

3. 0@ �7�4��s 0� �3�$: the one just mentioned before

e.g.: 0�T���7 �I��B�5��� � 0I��B�� ��e�,, this is a book, which is new

4. 0@�8 �,�t 0� �3�$: something not mentioned before, but the addressee knows

2.4 Declinable Words ( 0I���.�! ) and Indeclinable Words ( [@�8���! )

Arabic words can be classified into declinable words ( 0I���.�! ) and indeclinable words ( [@�8���! ):

1. 0I���.�!: Declinable words, i.e. words whose end changes to reflect their grammar roles, such as case,

etc. Usually this end changing is reflected in ending Harakat ) �999 � 0999 � 999 � �999 � �999 � �999 � �999 ( change;

sometime, it is also reflected in ending letter change accompanied by Harakat change.

e.g.: 0I��B�� is a 0I���.�! word, based on its case, it can be �� �I��B or I��B�� or �I��B��, etc.

2. [@�8���!: Indeclinable words, i.e. words whose end (ending harakat or letters) does not change to reflect

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their grammar roles.

e.g.: �?�! , �z�e�, , etc, their ending harakat will not change based on their cases;

Past tense verbs (@�S��! ) are all [@�8���! words. �H�.�7 will not change its ending Harakah in different


May be around 90% of Arabic words belongs to �I���.�����, the other 10% belongs to /@�8�������. In the

following sections, Imam Yusuf teaches the details and categorizations of Declinable words ( 0I���.�! ).

2.5 Some Terms Related to Syntax ( �+ ���8�� )

Harakah ( 0A����� ) refers to the vowel marks ) �999 � 0999 � 999 � �999 � �999 � �999 � �999 ( . They are divided into 4 types:

1. [��7: it refers to the ( �999 9 �99 ) at the end of a word

(a) [4��7: [��7 maker, i.e. words or grammar structures that can render another word to [��7 at its end

(b) 04��� �U�! (plural 0N��4��� �U�! ): words ending with [��7 . Its approximate counterpart in English is the

genitive case.

2. 01�(�%: it refers to the ( �999 �9 �99 ) at the end of a word

(a) 01����% (plural �1�������% ): 01�(�% maker, i.e. words or grammar structures that can render another

word to 01�(�% at its end

(b) 0I+�(�8�! (plural ��+�(�8�! 0N� ): words ending with 01�(�% . Its approximate counterpart in English is the

accusative case.

3. 06�G�4: it refers to the ( �999 09 �99 ) at the end of a word

(a) 06�G��4: 06�G�4 maker, i.e. words or grammar structures that can render another word to �G�4 06 at its end

(b) 0J+�G���! (plural 0N��$+�G���! ): words ending with 06�G�4 . Its approximate counterpart in English is the

nominal case, when 0� ���� is addressed. But we’ll see that 0H�.�G is also addressed in 0J+�G���! .

4. 0L�]�7: it refers to the Sukun ) �999( at the end of a word

(a) 0L�F��7: 0L�]�7 maker, i.e. words or grammar structures that can make another word to 0L�]�7 at its end

(b) 0L��] �U�!: words ending with 0L�]�7

Generally speacking, in Arabic syntax ( �+ ���8�� ), there are “maker” ( �$ 0H�!� ) and “taker” ( 0"+���.�! ) of

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( 0L�]�7 �06�G�4 � 01�(�% � [��7 ). “Maker” includes 0L�F��7 �06�G��4 � 01����% �[4��7, who can render another word to

( 0L�]�7 �06�G�4 � 01�(�% � [��7 ); while “taker” includes 0L��] �U�! �0J+�G���! � 0I+�(�8�! �04��� �U�!. i.e. they end with

( 0L�]�7 �06�G�4 � 01�(�% � [��7 ).

0I����$�j (declension) refers to the process to render proper ending changes, i.e. ending harakat and/or

letters, onto a word based on its case.

2.6 Categories of 0N��4��� �U�! (Words in Genitive Case)

There are two categories of 0N��4��� �U�!:

1. '������ 04��� �U�!: Words end with [��7 because they are following one of a special group of letters

(particales). These group of letters (particles) are called |��7 �'���� , which are:

�$ � �?�! ���� � �� ���� 0L�M ����j ���B� ����$ � �?) �"( �H�.� ��M�+� �� ���$ ���W�� ��M��s � �I�4 � �e�! ��e�8�! � �D ���G �

The meaning of these letters is as follows:

(1) ���: with, to

(2) �� ) �����Y�� �����( : by (Allah). It is used when taking oath

(3) ��� ) �Y�� �K��� ����( : by (Allah). It is used when taking oath

(4) �?�!: from

(5) �?�$: from (= �?�! )

(6) ���$: on, upon

(7) ��B� : until, till

(8) ���j: until, till (=��B� )

(9) �": belong to, for, to

(10) ��G: at, in, inside

(11) �D: as, like

(12) �e�8�!: since, from that time

(13) �e�!: since, from that time (= �e�8�! )

(14) �I�4: how many, how much

(15) �M��s: except, excluding, but

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(16) ��W�� : except, excluding, but

(17) � ���$: except, excluding, but

(18) �M�+�: maybe (most likely it is “impossible”)

(19) � �H�. : maybe (likely it is “possible”)

Notes: it is debatable, or not agreed unanimously, whether or not �H�.� ��M�+� should be categorized as

&��U�� �'���� or not.

When a word follows one of above letters (particles), it becomes 04��� �U�! . For example:

\��$ �?�! : from a clot of blood;

�?�&B��� : by the fig (swear by the fig);

�4 ���Y�� �A��� ��G : in the night of Qadr;

2. �A�G��S�i��� 04��� �U�!: in 0A�G��S�j grammar structure, ������j �'��*�! is 04��� �U�!

0b���S means “attach to, ascribe to”. 0A�G��S�j is a type of phrase structure in Arabic which includes two


0'��*�! + ������j �'��*�!

While ������j �'��*�! is 04��� �U�!

For example:

��T�F �I��B��

, �I��B�� is 0'��*�!, while ��T�F is ������j �'��*�!. Since ������j �'��*�! is 04��� �U�!, so it is ��T�F.

Another example:

�}� �"+���4

, here �"+���4 is 0'��*�!, while �}� is ������j �'��*�!. That is why it takes [��7 at its end.

2.7 Categories of 0N��$+�G���! (Words in Nominal Case)

As said, nominal case refers to those categoires when 0� ���� is addressed. But �J�4��*����� is also included

into 0J+�G���! categories.

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Before going over categories of 0N��$+�G���!, let’s first review sentence structures ( �A� ���U���) in Arabic.

There are two types of sentence structures in Arabic: �A���� ���M� �A� ���U��� and �A����.�;�� �A� ���U���

1. �A���� ���M� �A� ���U���: Nominal sentence. Its structure is:

0# ���B���! + 0��9� �s

Both 0#���B���! and 0��9� �s are nouns or equivalence of nouns. For example:

0��)��_ 0��T�F

Zaid stands.

2. �A����.�;�� �A� ���U���: Verbal sentence. Its structure is:

0H�.�G + 0H�$��G + 0"+�.�;�!

0H�.�G is a verb, 0H�$��G is the subject, while 0"+�.�;�! is the object.

For example:

������$ 0��T�F �H�B�9_)��� ���$(

Zaid killed Amr.

Another example:

0����$ �H�B�_) 0� ���$( Amr was killed.

Here 0����$) 0� ���$( is subject grammatically, but from the meaning point of view, it is object. This type

of subject is called �H�$��;�� �1�)��%.

There are 10 categories of 0N��$+�G���!, while categories 7-10 can be considered as special cases of

category 1 and 2:

1. �# ���B������� (in �M� �A� ���U��� �A���� �� ):

For example, 0��T�F in the sentence: 0��)��_ 0��T�F.

2. ���9� �E��� (in �M� �A� ���U��� �A���� �� ):

For example, 0��)��_ in the sentence: 0��T�F 0��)��_ .

3. �H�$��;��� (in �A����.�;�� �A� ���U��� ):

For example, 0��T�F in the sentence: ������$ 0��T�F �H�B�9_)��� ���$( .

4. �H�$��;�� �1�)��% (in �A����.�;�� �A� ���U��� ) :

For example, 0����$ in the sentence: 0����$ �H�B�_) 0� ���$( .

5. �J�4��*�����:

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For example, �H�.�;�9T ������.�9T 6. �:���;���� c�:��8�����: the one who is called upon when it is a single word.

For example:

�b��+�T ��, �����,����9��j ��T Hei Yusuf, Ya Ibrahim

In these examples, �b��+�T �����,����9��j are called ��c�:��8��� , the one who is called upon ( 0K����% means “to

call”). Both �b��+�T and ����,����9��j are a single word, so they are 0N��$+�G���! .

While ��, ���T , together with another one /V�# , are called �K���&8� �'���� .

7. �� �9%��+ �s�j �� ����� �� ����3 :

For example: ������$ �}� ����� , here, �}� is ����� �� ���� .

8. ���j ���9� �s:

For example: 0��)��_ � ���T�F ���j , here, 0��)��_ is ���j ���9� �s .

9. �{�8 �U�� �@�;�98� �M ���9� �s:

For example: 0"+���Y�! K����! �H���$ �M (no deed with showing off is acceptable), here, 0"+���Y�! is �@�;�98� �M ���9� �s �{�8 �U�� .

10. �� �M �� ��! �� �� : when �M ���!, like �{���, is used with the meaning “not”

For example: �M�R� �������� �M, here, �������� is �M �� ���� .

2.8 Categories of 0N���+�(�8�! (Words in Accusative Case)

There are 8 categories of 0N���+�(�8�! :

1. ) �j ���B������ �1����+�9% ( ��M� �1�������% �� ��

2. �����E�� �1����+�9% 3. �� �"+�.�;��� and its sub-categories in verbal sentence ( �A����.�;�� �A� ���U��� )

4. �*���� �1�������% �J�4�

5. 0"��

6. �9��� ���� 0] 7. ) �M�j( �K��8 �9��B ���M� �'���

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8. �1�������� c�:��8�����: the one who is called upon when it is phrase, or not a single word

The following is some detail explanation of these 8 categories:

1. ) �j ���B������ �1����+�9% ( �% �M� �1������ �� �� : They are a group of particles which render the �# ���B������� into 0I+�(�8�!

when any of these particle comes before a norminal sentence ( �A���� ���M� �A� ���U��� ).

There are 8 particles in �M� �1�������% �� �� , they are:

�# ����j �M ��M�j ��H�.� � �C��� ��?�5� ����a�� ���

(1) ���j: no doubt, of course, definitely

(2) ���#: no doubt, of course, definitely

(3) ���a��: as if

(4) �?�5�: but

(5) �C���: I wish … had (this is an impossible wish situation)

(6) �H�.�: maybe (this is a possible situation)

(7) �M�j: but, except

(8) �M: no, not (negation for a whole category)

Some examples:

�?�5� �H�,��U�� �F��G ��! �����.�� 0]�)��G

The arrogant will not succeed, but the knowledgeable is the successful.

�H�.� �}� @��+�%�t ���G��p

Maybe Allah will forgive my sin.

�M �H�$��G 0]�)��G |��W

Evil doer will never succeed.

2. �����E�� �1����+�9% : They are a group of particles which render the �� �����E� into 0I+�(�8�! when any of these

particle comes before a norminal sentence ( �A���� ���M� �A� ���U��� ).

There are 5 particles in �����E�� �1����+�9%, the are:

�M ���! � �{��� ��4��� ������ (1) �����: to be, to exist

(2) �4���: to be, to exist, to be changed / turned to be

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(3) �{���: was not, is not

(4) ��!: was not, is not

(5) �M: was not, is not

Some examples:

�}� ��������T���_

Surely Allah is the All mighty.

0��T�F �4���������$

Zaid became a scholar.

�}� �{����# �z�����$ '��5��

Isn’t Allah sufficient for His servant?

3. �"+�.�;����� and its sub-categories in verbal sentence ( �A����.�;�� �A� ���U��� ) : �"+�.�;����� of �A����.�;�� �A� ���U��� is

0I+�(�8�! , �"+�.�;����� has several sub-categories:

(a) ���� �"+�.�;�����: to For example: 0��T�F �H�B�9_������$

(b) ���8�! �"+�.�;����� / �8�$ �� : from

(c) ��� �"+�.�;�����: for

(d) ����G �"+�.�;�����: inside, at

(e) ���.�! �"+�.�;�����: together with

(f) �\��k���� �"+�.�;�����: it is the �4���(����� of the verb of a verbal sentence ( �A����.�;�� �A� ���U��� ). ��k���� �"+�.�;����� �\

usually is used for emphasis, and it is 0I+�(�8�! .

For example:

�T�#�4 � ���T�F �C�T�#�4 �?�! �����~ �A���4������ @�G � �g�4���� �C���9���

I did saw Zaid in the school, coming from home to study.


� ���T�F is ���� �"+�.�;����� ;

�4������ @�G �A�� Is ����G �"+�.�;����� ;

�C���9��� �?�! Is ���8�! �"+�.�;����� ;

�g�4���� Is ��� �"+�.�;����� ;

��T�#�4 Is �\��k���� �"+�.�;����� ;

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�����~ Is 0"�� (another category of 0N���+�(�8�! );

4. �J�4��*���� �1�������%: They are a group of particles, when any of them comes before a 0J�4��*�! , it renders

the �� �J�4��*��� to 0I+�(�8�! . This group of particles includes:

�" ���t�j � �@�� � �?� � ���# + ) ���#( .

The following are some details about these particles:

(1) ���#: on (doing..)

e.g.: �Y�9��# �R�7�4 ��+��9B �"+�Y�9T ��# ��9�� �@&��4

Are you going to kill a person just because his saying “my Lord is Allah”?

(2) �?�: never ever, at all (future negation)

e.g.: ���+��. �;�9� ?�

And you will never be able to do.

(3) �@��: for

e.g.: ���% �@�� ��&��������� �v

For that we may exalt you much.

(4) ��t�j: that time, then

(5) �" + ) ���#( : for

Conjugation of a present / present continuous tense verb ( 0J�4��*�! ) following any of

�" ���t�j � �@�� � �?� � ���# + ) ���#( is same. As an example, please see section 1.14 for the conjugation of a

0J�4��*�! following �?� .

5. 0"�� : It is a word to describe the way in which a subject / object is doing / acting. 0"�� is 0I+�(�8�! .

For example:

0��T�F �K��7��� �W��! /�������4

Zaid came walking / driving.

Here, ��� �W��! /�������4 is 0"�� , used to describe how 0��T�F came.

6. 0]��� ����: It is used to discriminate / differentiate something, or make the meaning complete. 0]��� ���� is

0I+�(�8�! .

For example:

����� �X�$ �@��$ �v���4�M��:

You own me 20 Dollars.

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��4�M��: is 0]��� ����, used to make the meaning complete.

7. ) �M�j( �K��8�9��B ���M� �'��� : As �K��8 �9��B ���M� �'��� , �M�j means except, excluding. Word comes after ) �M�j( �'��� �K��8 �9��B ���M� is called ��8 �9��B ������� , which is �! 0I+�(�8 .

For example:

�M�j �L �+�Y�� �K��7����T�F

People came except Zaid.

Here, ����T�F is ��8 �9��B �������, while �L �+�Y�� is called ���8�! ��8 �9��B �������

This category has two sub-categories:

(a) �H �(�B�����: in this case, ��8�9��B ������� and �� ���8�! ��8 �9��B ����� belong to the same category, like in above example.

(b) �6�k�Y �98 �����: in this case, ��8�9��B ������� and ���8�! ��8 �9��B ������� belong to different categories, like in the following


�M�j �L �+�Y�� �K��7��4��� �

People came except donkey.

��4��� � and �L �+�Y�� are from different categories.

8. �1�������� c�:��8�����: c�:��8����� (the one who is called upon) will take 0I+�(�8�! form, if it is a phrase, not a

single word. For example:

��T �"+���4 �}�

Ya, Allah’s messenger!

Notes, when c�:��8����� is a single word, it takes 06�G�4 form. For example: ��T �b��+�T

Maker of Verbs in Present or Present Continuous جزم 2.9

Tense ( �J�4��*���� �L�F��+�7 )

0L�]�7 makers is a group of particles, when any of them comes before a 0J�4��*�! , it renders the �� �J�4��*��� to

0L��] �U�!. This group of particles ( �J�4��*���� �L�F��+�7 ) can be subdivided into two sub-categories:

1. Single 0L�]�7 maker ( �� � ��+�� �J�4��*���� �L�F��+�7 )

2. Double 0L�]�7 maker ( �� �L�F��+�7 �?���$�4��*�� )

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The following discusses some more details about thses two sub-categories.

1. Single 0L�]�7 maker ( �� � ��+�� �J�4��*���� �L�F��+�7 ): Which renders the �� �J�4��*��� following it to 0L��] �U�!. There

are 4 particles belong to this sub-category:

�" ����� ����) ���!� �Z� �L�M( �M �

(1) ���: didn’t (past tense negation)

e.g.: ��� ����T ���+�T ����� He didn’t beget, nor was He begotten.

(2) ����: never ever did (past tense negation with emphasis)

e.g.: ���� ���5 �X�T He never ever appreciated.

(3) �") ���!� �Z� �L�M( : do! (imperative)

e.g.: � ���5 �X��

Let him be thankful.

(4) �M: not to do! (prohibition)

e.g.: �M �������.�9� ����k���X�

(You) Do not worship satan!

Please see section 1.15 – 1.18 for the conjugation of a present / present continuous tense verb ( 0J�4��*�! )

following �" ����� ����) ���!� �Z� �L�M( �M � .

2. �?���$�4��*���� �L�F��+�7: This group of particles is usually used to form conditional sentences which have

two clauses. Both 0J�4��*�! in the two clauses will be rendered to 0L��] �U�!. There are 12 particles belong to

this sub-category:

��!��t�j ���!�t�j ��������� ����/T�# �/V�# ���%�# ���B�! ��?�T�# � �?�! ���! ���� �3�! � ���j (1) ���j: if For example: ���j ���3�B �U�� �6�U�8�9�

If you study hard, you’ll be successful.

(2) ��� �3�!: whatever

For example: ��� �3�! �H�.�;�9T �"�a ���� ���8�!

Whatever you do, you’ll be questioned.

(3) ��!: whatever

For example: ��! �H�.�;�9T ����s �?�! �] �U�T �}� �z

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Whatever good a person does, Allah will reward him. Here, �] �U�T is from �V�] �U�T , according to sickness curing ( 0"�R�$�j )

(4) �?�!: who, whoever

(5) �?�T�#: where, wherever

For example: �?�T�# �?�5�� ���4 ���T �N�+���� �v

Wherever you are, death will come to you.

(6) ��B�!: when, whenever

(7) ��%�#: whenever

(8) /V�#: what, which, whoever, anyone

(9) ���/T�#: whenever, wherever

(10) �������� : whenever, wherever

(11) ��!�t�j: whenever

(12) ��!��t�j: whenever

For example: �{�8� �� �9� �s �?�5�� �v����.�� �H���.�9� ��!��t�j Whenever you do and act upon your knowledge, you become the good one from human being.

2.10 ���# vs. ���j

���# and ���j have the same meaning, “of course, surely”, question is when we should use which.

Generally speaking,

1. ���j is used at the beginning ( �K����B�� �M� @�G ) of a sentence:

e.g.: 0��)��_ � ���T�F ���j

2. ���j is also used after 0"�+�9_ as well as its different forms ( "�+�9_ � �:��! ) of conjugation

e.g.: 04+�;�p �}� ���j ���+�! �"��_

3. ���# is used when in the middle of a sentence:

e.g.: � ���T�F ���# �C����$ 0��)��_

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2.11 Auxiliary Verbs ( �A�(�_��8� �"��.�9G� �Z�� )

�A�(�_��8� �"��.�9G� �Z�� is similar as auxiliary verbs in English, they don’t have the full functionality as a

regular verb has. �A�(�_��8� �"��.�9G� �Z�� is used before a nominal sentence ( ��M� �A� ���U��� �A���� �� ), and they are all

belonging to �����E�� �1����+�9%, no matter what tense they are of.

The most famous example from �A�(�_��8� �"��.�9G� �Z�� is �����, so these auxiliary verbs are also called

����� and its brothers ( ����� ��3�9%��+ �s�j �� ). Please refer to section 2.8 for ����� as �����E�� �1����+�9% . Below is

a list of auxiliary verbs:

1. �����: was

2. �4���: became to be, turned to be, came to be

3. �h�����#: became morning

4. ����!�#: became evening

5. ����S�#: became Duha time

6. �H�S: happened

7. ) �C���9�( �N��� : night time happened

8. ��~: happened, took place

9. �:��$: happened, turned to

10. � ���p: morning turned to happen

11. ����4: happened, departed

12. �"��F ��!: continued, didn’t disappear, didn’t cease

13. �! �D��;�9%�j � : it was there, didn’t depart, didn’t cease

14. @�B�G ��!: didn’t leave

15. ������ ��!: didn’t leave, didn’t go

16. �L��: ��!: didn’t continue

17. �{���: didn’t happen, did not

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2.12 “Almost Happened, But Actually did not” ( ���� �"��.�9G� �Z�� �A���4��Y )

Verbs in �A���4��Y���� �"��.�9G� �Z�� category have the meaning of “Almost happened, nearly happened”, but

didn’t happen really. Below is a list of �A���4��Y���� �"��.�9G� �Z�� :

1. ����$ : Almost happened. This verb doesn’t have 0bT���(��. e.g. 0��T�F ���� ���T ���# ����$

Zaid almost came out (but he didn’t really).

2. ) ������( �:��� : Almost happened. This verb has 0bT���(��. 3. �\�;�2 : Almost happened

4. �I���9_ : Almost happened

5. �H�.�7 : Made … happened

6. �v�W���# : Nearly happened

2.13 Categories of Declinable Words ( 0I���.�! )

As discussed in section 2.4, Arabic words can be classified into declinable words ( 0I���.�! ) and

indeclinable words ( [@�8���! ). Imam Yusuf discussed further in this section about declinable words.

Declinable words ( 0I���.�! ) can be categorized into two groups:

1. �A�����3���� 0I���.�!: Declension through ending Harakat ) �999 � 0999 � 999 � �999 � �999 � �999 � �999 ( . We already discussed

this category in former sections (sections about � 0N���+�(�8�! 0N��4��� �U�! � 0N��$+�G���! )

2. 0I���.�! �'��������� : Declension through some special letters. Usually these letters are:

0���� is used to represent 06�G�4

0K��T is used to represent [��7

0K��T or 0b��# is used to represent 01�(�%

0I���.�! ��������� �' can be subcategoried into below sub-categoires:

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(a) 6 special words ( �A��9B�.���� �A�B&�� �K��� ��� �Z�� ):

i. 0I�#: father

ii. 0��#: brother

iii. 0�� : aunt

iv. 0?�,: aunt

v. 0��G: mouth

vi. ��t: owner

These 6 words form their �(�% �06�G�4 �[��7 01 through changing their end letters. Use 0I�# as an example:

0J+�G���! : �K��7 +���# �z ;

04��� �U�! : @�G����# �� ;

0I+�(�8�! : ���j����# �z ;

Below table presents their 01�(�% �06�G�4 �[��7 for these 6 words:

Table 25 �G�4 �[��7 01�(�% �06 of 6 special words ( �A��9B�.���� �A�B&�� �K��� ��� �Z�� )

owner mouth aunt aunt brother father

��t 0��G 0?�, 0�� 0��# 0I�#

��t +���G +�8�, +��� +�s�# +���# 0J+�G���! ��t ����G ��8�, ���� ��s�# ����# 0I+�(�8�! V�t @���G @�8�, @��� �#@ �s @���# 04��� �U�!

(b) Dual form of a noun ( ��8�9��! ):

Dual form of a noun forms their 0J+�G���! by suffix ����9; while 04��� �U�! and 0I+�(�8�! by suffix �?���9 , For


0J+�G���! : �������B�� ;

04��� �U�! and 0I+�(�8�! : �?���9���B�� ;

(c) Healthy masculine plural nouns ( 0����� 0����e�! 06���7 ):

This type of plural nouns form their 0J+�G���! by suffix ��+�9; while 04��� �U�! and 0I+�(�8�! by suffix �?��9 , For


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0J+�G���! : ��+�����.��� ;

04��� �U�! and 0I+�(�8�! : �?������.��� ;

(d) Healthy feminine plural nouns ( 0����� 0 �%�f�! 06���7 ):

This type of plural nouns form their 0J+�G���! by suffix 0N��9; while 04��� �U�! and 0I+�(�8�! by suffix N��9 (no

�N��9 from for 0����� 0 �%�f�! 06���7 ), For example:

0J+�G���! : �_�:��� 0N� ;

04��� �U�! and 0I+�(�8�! : N��_�:��� ; (no such a form of �����_�:��� )

2.14 Putting Harakah on )c�:��8���� �I����$�j (c�:��8�!

First the meaning of word 0K����% :

0K����% : to call

c�:��8�! : the one who is called upon

�K���&8� �'���� includes ��, �/V�# ���T

Below are rules to put Harakah on c�:��8�!:

1. 0J+�G���! �:���;���� c�:��8�����: when c�:��8�! is a single word, it takes 0J+�G���!. For example:

�b��+�T ��, �����,����9��j ��T Ha! Yusuf; Ya! Ibrahim

2. +�(�8�! �1�������� c�:��8����� 0I : when c�:��8�! is a phrase ( 01������9� ), not a single word, it takes 0I+�(�8�!. For


�}� �"+���4 ��T Ya, Allah’s messenger!

2.15 Declinable Nouns ( 0'���(�8�! 0K��� ���# ) and Indeclinable Nouns

( '���(�8�! �� �9��p 0K��� ���# )

Declinable Nouns ( 0'���(�8�! 0K��� ���# ) are nouns whose end changes to reflect their grammar roles, such

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as case. Indeclinable Nouns ( '���(�8�! �� �9��p 0K��� ���# ) are nouns whose end does not change to reflect their

grammar roles, such as case.

Maybe around 99% nouns are Declinable Nouns, while the other 1% nouns are Indeclinable Nouns.

Declinable Nouns’ discussion has been covered in some of former sections. This section discusses

different categories of Indeclinable nouns.

Indeclinable nouns ( �(�8�! �� �9��p 0K��� ���# '�� ) include the following subcategories:

1. Non Arabic words ( 0A�� �U�$ ):

e.g.: �g�M��: (Dallas), �{� �7 ������+� (Los Angeles)

2. When two words come together to form a noun:

e.g.: �v����.�9�, it comes from �H�.�9� + �v��

3. Verbs used as nouns ( �� �H�.�;�� ���F ):

4. �� �H� �*�;�9B� �� �� :

e.g.: ���� � �#, the meaning is “the one who praises most”


1. Indeclinable nouns ( '���(�8�! �� �9��p 0K��� ���# ) doesn’t take 0?T�+�8�9� 2. Indeclinable nouns ( '���(�8�! �� �9��p 0K��� ���# ) doesn’t take [��7, instead, it takes 01�(�%. e.g.: �v����.�9� @�G ����� � �# �?�! � �g�M��: @�G

But there is an exception, when Indeclinable nouns ( '���(�8�! �� �9��p 0K��� ���# ) is used as 0'��*�!, it takes [��7:

e.g.: ��YT���!�# �g�M��:

(Compare: 0����� 0 �%�f�! 06���7 (Healthy feminine plural nouns) take no 01�(�%, instead, they take [��7 )

2.16 Conjunction Letters ( �b�k�.�� �'���� )

Conjunction Letters ( �b�k�.�� �'���� ) are used to connect two peer parts in grammar, for example:

���� � �# �� 0������!

���� � �# is called ������$ �'+�k�.�! (the one who is connected by something)

, �� is called �A�;�k�.�� �'��� or 0b�2��$

, while 0������! is called 0'+�k�.�! (the one connecting to something)

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So, the general structure related to �b�k�.�� �'���� is as follows:

������$ �'+�k�.�! + �b�k�.�� �'���� + 0'+�k�.�!

Below are some commonly used �b�k�.�� �'���� :

1. �� : when �� is used to connect two things, no order is applied, that means we don’t know which one

is the first, which one is the second.

2. �' : when �' is used to connect two things, order is applied, that means ������$ �'+�k�.�! is the first,

while 0'+�k�.�! is the second.

3. ���Q : after

4. ��B� : after

5. ���# : or

6. ��!�j : either

7. �L�# : or, usually used in question sentence started with �# or �H�,

8. �M : no, opposite

9. �H�� : no, opposite

10. �?�5� : but

2.17 Phrase /@�G��S��i� �1������9B��

/@�G��S��i� �1������9B�� is a type of phrase structure in Arabic, its structure is as follows:

0'��*�! + ������j �'��*�!

Some examples:

��T�F �I��B�� ( �I��B�� is 0'��*�!, while ��T�F is ������j �'��*�! )

�A�G���>�� �I��� ( �I��� is 0'��*�!, while �A�G���>�� is ������j �'��*�! )

Some rules related to /@�G��S��i� �1������9B�� :

1. 0'��*�! and ������j �'��*�! forms a unit

2. 0'��*�! takes no ) �999 9 �99 09 �99 ( 0?T�+�8�9�

3. ������j �'��*�! is something known

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4. ������j �'��*�! always takes [��7 at its end

2.18 Phrase /@�;���+�� �1������9B��

0b���� means “to describe, to qualify”.

/@�;���+�� �1������9B�� is a type of phrase structure in Arabic, its structure is as follows:

0'+���+�! + 0A�; ��

For example:

0�T���7 0I��B�� ( 0I��B�� is 0'+���+�!, while 0�T���7 is 0A�; �� )

There is a rule that is: �'+���+���� �C�.���� �A�; �(��� It means that: �A�; �(��� follows �'+���+����� in definitivity ( 0 ���5�% / 0A�G���.�! ), gender ( 0 ��%�a�� / 0�����e�� ), number

( 0:���$ ), case (ending Harakah ( 0I����$�j )).

This is also called 0\����k�� (corresponding) of 0A�; �� to 0'+���+�!.

2.19 Followers �6����+�9�

In this section, Imam Yusuf discussed about “following” phenomena in some Arabic grammar

structures, such as case (ending Harakah) following.

1. 0A�; ��: Describing

0b���� means “to describe”

0A�; �� structure in Arabic is as follows:

0'+���+�! + 0A�; ��

e.g.: ���2 0H�7�4 01 (a good man)

, 0H�7�4 is called 0'+���+�!, while ���2 01 is called 0A�; ��

Rule: �'+���+���� 0A�.����� �A�;&(��, or 0A�; �� follows 0'+���+�! in below aspects:

(a) 0I����$�j : case (Ending Harakah)

(b) 0 ��%�a�� / 0�����e�� : Gender (Masculine / Feminine)

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(c) ) �;�! 06 ���7 ���8�9��! �0:�� ( 0:���$ : Number (singular, dual, plural)

(d) 0bT���.�9� / 0���5�8�9� : Definite /Indefinite

For example: �� ����B��� ���! ������#���! (two Muslim females)

2. 0'+�k�.�!: the one connecting to something

e.g.: 0?��� �� ���� � �# �K��7 (Ahmed and Hasan came)

, ���� � �# is called ������$ �'+�k�.�! (the one who is connected by something)

, �� is called �A�;�k�.�� �'��� or 0b�2��$

, while 0?��� is called 0'+�k�.�! (the one connecting to something)

Rule: 0'+�k�.�! follows ��$ �'+�k�.�! ���� in 0I����$�j (case (ending Harakah)).

3. 0"���� : Something takes the place to explain or complete the meaning

e.g.: ��T�F ���j ���� � �# �L �+�Y�� �K��7

, ���� � �# is called 0"����, while �L �+�Y�� is called ���8�! 0"�����!.

Rule: 0"���� takes the same 0I����$�j (case (ending Harkah)) as ���8�! 0"�����! takes.

4. �����9� �b�k�$ : to explain something

e.g.: �?������.�� &I�4 ���� �� ������� , �?������.�� &I�4 is called �����9� �b�k�$, which explain ���� ( ��� ) in front of it.

Rule: �$ �����9� �b�k follows the word it explains.

2.20 Sun Letters ( �A�� �� ���X� �'�������� ) and Moon Letters ( �'�������� �A�T�����Y�� )

Arabic letters are divided into two groups:

1. Sun Letters ( �A�� �� ���X� �'�������� ):

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�g �F �4 �t �: �� �N� �" �� �� �� �y ��

2. Moon Letters ( �A�T�����Y�� �'�������� ):

V �� �= �L �D �d �' �� �J �� �� �� �I �# , to remember them easily: �������Y�$ �b�s�� �v�U� �����#

Shadda ( r999 ) need to be put above Sun Letters ( �A�� �� ���X� �'�������� ) when they are following "�, in such

a case, " (in "� ) is not pronounced; while no need to put Shadda ( r999 ) above Moon Letters ( �'�������� �A�T�����Y�� ) when they are following "�, in such a case, " (in "� ) need to be pronounced. For example:

� �����Y��� �{���X�� .

�?������.�� &I�4 ���� �� ������� All praises be to Allah! The Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!

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Appendix A: Terminologies and Approximate Translations

Terminology Approximate English Translation (Counterpart)

0'�+ �7�# Hollow Verb

�"��� �Y�B ���M� Future Tense

����!�]�� �� ���� Time Noun, The Time Of An Action

�H�$��;�� �� ���� Active Participle

�"+�.�;���� �� ���� Passive Participle

����5���� �� ���� Place Noun, The Place Of An Action

'���(�8�! �� �9��p 0K��� ���# Indeclinable Nouns

0'���(�8�! 0K��� ���# Declinable Nouns

0I����$�j Declension

0"�R�$�j Sickness Curing (Of Verbs)

�A�Y�9B �X���� �K��� ��� �Z�� Derived Nouns

�A�(�_��8� �"��.�9G� �Z�� Auxiliary Verbs

���!� �Z��� ���!���� �Z�� Imperative, Command, Order

�� �1������9B Phrase

�A�T���.�9B�� Transitive

����� �5�B�� Doing Something Extensive (A Lot)

�A� ���U��� Sentence

�A�� �� ���X� �'�������� Sun Letters

�A�T�����Y�� �'�������� Moon Letters

��T�]���� /@ ������E��� Five-Letter (3+2) Verbs

�� ��T�]���� /@�$������ Four-Letter (3+1) Verbs

��T�]���� @ �����/��� Six-Letter (3+3) Verbs

�'���(�� Morphology

���)����*�� Pronouns

�1�)��>��� The Third Person (The Absent) Masculine

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The Third Person (The Absent) Feminine

�� �A����5� Word

�� �A�>������� Doing Something Intensively, Intensive Form


The First Person (The Addresser)

�A���4�������� Doing Something Mutually

�"+�3U����� Passive Form

�1�2��E����� The Second Person (The Addressed) Masculine

�A���2��E����� The Second Person (The Addressed) Feminine

�A�G���.����� Definite Form

�L+��.����� Active Form

�+ ���8�� Syntax

� �� �5�8�� Indefinite Form

�@�,��+�98�� Prohibition

0I���� 0I��+�9��# (Verb) Groups

������a�� Emphasis

�6����+�9� Followers

Maker, I.E. Words Or Grammar Structures That Can Render Another جر 4��7]

Word To جر At Its End

0L�F��7 جزم Maker, I.E. Words Or Grammar Structures That Can Make Another

Word To جزم At Its End

[��7 Genitive Case

0L�]�7 Sukun

�7 06 �� Plural Form

����� 0N� Vowel Marks

�b�k�.�� �'���� Conjunction Letters

�A��.�� �'���� Sick Letter

06�G��4 رفع Maker, I.E. Words Or Grammar Structures That Can Render Another

Word To رفع At Its End

0:���U�! [@�$����4 Four-Letter Root Verbs

06�G�4 Nominal Case (When Noun Is Addressed)

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0h� ���� Healthy Verb

0b��;� Double Sick Verb (Verbs Having Two Sick Letters)

����+�� �l� Becomes A Certain Color

�b/�5�B� Do Something With Difficulty

�A���4��X���� Do Something Mutually With Intensity

�A�$����k���� Obedience

@�S��! Past Tense

�L�F �R� 0A�>�����! Something Becomes Intensive By Itself

[@�8���! Indeclinable Words

0"����! Head Sick Verb

��8�9��! Dual Form

0:���U�! Absolute, Pure, Not Derived

04��� �U�! � �� �U�! 0N��4� Words Ending With جر . Its Approximate Counterpart In English Is

“Genitive Case”.

0L��] �U�! Words Ending With جزم

0J+�G���!� 0N��$+�G���! Words Ending With رفع . Its Approximate Counterpart In English Is

“Nominal Case”, When اسم Is Addressed

04���(�! Verbal Noun

[�����! 04���(�! Gerund

0J�4��*�! Present/Present Continuous Tense

0b�$��*�! Verb With Repeating Letters

0I���.�! Declinable Words

0:���;�! Singular

c�:��8�! The Called, The One Who Is Called

0I+�(�8�!� 0N���+�(�8�! Words Ending With نصب . Its Approximate Counterpart In English Is

“Accusative Case”.

0F+�� �3�! Verb With Hamzah

Maker, I.E. Words Or Grammar Structures That Can Render نصب 01����%

Another Word To نصب At Its End

0m�_��% End Sick Verb

01�(�% Accusative Case

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�@�;�9% Negation

�6�k�Y�� � �] ���, Decisive Hamzah

�H���+�� � �]���, Connection Hamzah

0��F�� Patterns

Appendix B: Abbriviations

Abbreviation Stands For m. Masculine

f. Feminine

1st. First

2nd. Second

3rd. Third

p. Person

pl. Plural

Appendix C: Examples of Full Conjugation

Example words and their conjugations in this appendix are taken and edited from the book of:

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�I������ : �H�.�;��� �H�.�;�9T �H�.�9G : ���(�8�9T ���(�% �6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �! @ �S��! 0L+��. ����& ��& ��& �1�)��>��� ����& 2��& �P��& �A���)��>��� �� ���& �_���& P���& �1�2��E����� � �2���& �_���& �P���& �A���2��E����� &���& �P���& ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �;����� �:�� 0"+�3 �U�! @ �S��! ��� ���& � ���& � ���& �1�)��>��� ��� ���& 2� ���& �P� ���& �A���)��>��� �� �� ���& �_�� ���& P�� ���& �1�2��E����� � �2�� ���& �_�� ���& �P�� ���& �A���2��E����� &�� ���& �P�� ���& ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� �9��������8 �:���;����� 0L+��.�! 0J�4��*�! �������5��: �����5: �����5�: �1�)��>��� ������5�: �����5�2 �����5�2 �A���)��>��� �������5�2 ������5�2 �����5�2 �1�2��E����� ������5�2 ������5�2 :�����5�2 �A���2��E����� �����5�& �����& ����� ��&�5�B

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�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� 0"+�3 �U�! 0J�4��*�! ������5��: �����5��: ����5��: �1�)��>��� �����5��: �����5��2 ����5��2 �A���)��>��� ������5��2 �����5��2 ����5��2 �1�2��E����� �����5��2 �����5��2 :����5��2 ��E����� �A���2 ����5��& ����&� ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� @ �S������ �@�;�9% �L+��.���� ������5�: �a ����5�: �a �����5�: �a �1�)��>��� ������5�: �a ����5�2 �a �����5�2 �a �A���)��>��� ������5�2 �a �5�2 �a��� �����5�2 �a �1�2��E����� ������5�2 �a ����5�2 �a b�����5�2 �a �A���2��E����� �����5�& �a �����& �a ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �"+�3 �U����� @ �S����� �@�;�9% �����5��: �a ���5��: �a ��5��: �a �� �1�)��>��� �����5��: �a ���5��2 �a ����5��2 �a �A���)��>��� �����5��2 �a ���5��2 �a ����5��2 �a �1�2��E����� �����5��2 �a ���5��2 �a b����5��2 �a �A���2��E����� ����5��& �a ����&� �a ��&�5�B�����

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���U��� �6 ��8�9������ �:���;����� @ �S����� �@�;�9% ������a�� �L+��.����

������5�: ��� ����5�: ��� �����5�: ��� �1�)��>��� ������5�: ��� ����5�2 ��� �����5�2 ��� �A���)��>��� ������5�2 ��� ����5�2 ��� �����5�2 ��� ��� �1�2��E�� ������5�2 ��� ����5�2 ��� b�����5�2 ��� �A���2��E����� �����5�& ��� �����& ��� ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� @ �S����� �@�;�9% ������a��

�"+�3 �U����� �����5��: ��� ���5��: ��� �5��: ��� ��� �1�)��>��� �����5��: ��� ���5��2 ��� ����5��2 ��� �A���)��>��� �����5��2 ��� ���5��2 ��� ����5��2 ��� �1�2��E����� �����5��2 ��� ���5��2 ��� b����5��2 ��� �A���2��E����� ����5��& ��� ����&� ��� ��� ��&�5�B��

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �J�4��*���� �@�;�9% �L+��.���� �������5�: � ������5�: � �����5�: � �1�)��>��� ������5�: � ������5�2 � �����5�2 � �A���)��>��� �������5�2 � ������5�2 � �����5�2 � ��E����� �1�2 ������5�2 � ������5�2 � :�����5�2 � �A���2��E����� �����5�& � �����& � ��&�5�B�����

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�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �"+�3 �U����� �J�4��*���� �@�;�9% ������5��: � �����5��: � ����5��: � �1�)��>��� ��5��: � ��� �����5��2 � ����5��2 � �A���)��>���

������5��2 � �����5��2 � ����5��2 � �1�2��E����� �����5��2 � �����5��2 � :����5��2 � �A���2��E����� ����5��& � ����&� � ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �J�4��*���� �"��� �Y�B ���i� �@�;�9%

�L+��.���� �������5�: , ������5�: , �����5�: , �1�)��>��� ������5�: , ������5�2 , �����5�2 , �A���)��>��� �������5�2 , ������5�2 , �����5�2 , �1�2��E����� ������5�2 , ������5�2 , :�����5�2 , �A���2��E����� �����5��& , �����& , ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �J�4��*���� �"��� �Y�B ���i� �@�;�9%

�"+�3 �U����� ������5��: , �����5��: , ����5��: , �1�)��>��� �����5��: , �����5��2 , ����5��2 , �A���)��>��� ������5��2 , �����5��2 , ����5��2 , �1�2��E����� �����5��2 , �����5��2 , :����5��2 , �A���2��E����� ����5��& , ����&� , ��&�5�B�����

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�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �i� �@�;�9% ������a�� �"��� �Y�B �� �J�4��*���� �L+��.����

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�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �"��� �Y�B ���i� �@�;�9% ������a��

�"+�3 �U����� �J�4��*���� �����5��: � � ���5��: � � ���5��: � � �1�)��>��� �����5��: � � ��5��2 � � � ���5��2 � � �A���)��>��� �����5��2 � � ���5��2 � � ���5��2 � � �1�2��E����� �����5��2 � � ���5��2 � � b����5��2 � � �A���2��E����� ���5��& � � ���&� � � ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� ���!�# ��.���� �L+ ������5�/�� ����5�/�� �����5�/�� �1�)��>��� ������5�/�� ����5���� �����5���� �A���)��>��� ������&� ����&� �����&� �1�2��E����� ������&� ����&� b�����&� �A���2��E����� �����5�5�� �����& �, ��&�5�B�����

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�6 ���U��� �������8�9� �:���;����� �"+�3 �U����� ���!�# �����5��/�� ���5��/�� ����5��/�� �1�)��>��� �����5��/�� ���5����� ����5����� �A���)��>��� ������5����� ����5����� �����5����� �1�2��E����� ������5����� ����5����� b�����5����� �A���2��E����� ��5��5�� �� ����&� �, ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �@ �3�9% �L+��.���� ������5�: , ����5�: , �����5�: , �1�)��>��� ������5�: , ����5�2 , �����5�2 , �A���)��>��� ������5�2 , ����5�2 , �����5�2 , �2��E����� �1 ������5�2 , ����5�2 , b�����5�2 , �A���2��E����� �����5�& , �����& , ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �"+�3 �U����� �@ �3�9% �����5��: , ���5��: , ����5��: , �1�)��>��� �����5��: , ���5��2 , , ����5��2 �A���)��>��� ����5�2 , ��5�2 , ���5�2 , �1�2��E����� ����5�2 , ��5�2 , b���5�2 , �A���2��E����� ����5��& , ����&� , ��&�5�B�����

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�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� �"��� �Z� �1/U�.�9B� �H�.�G � �c�3���& �d���& � �e���& � �1�)��>���

� �3���& � �d���& � 3���& � �A���)��>��� �c�0���& � ��0���& � f���& � �1�2��E����� � �0���& � ��0���& � �f���& � �A���2��E����� &���& � �g���& � ��&�5�B�����

�6 ���U��� ��8�9������ �:���;����� @�%����� �1/U�.�9B� �H�.�G �c��h �� ���& ���h �� ���& �i�7 �� ���& �1�)��>��� � ��h �� ���& ���h �� ���& �h �� ���& �A���)��>��� �7 �� ���& �c�H ��H�7 �� ���& j�7 �� ���& �1�2��E�����

� �H�7 �� ���& ��H�7 �� ���& �j�7 �� ���& �A���2��E����� 5�7 �� ���& �k �� ���& ��&�5�B�����

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Learn Qur’anic Arabic – Class Notes


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