lengkuas baik untuk membantu membersihkan darah

Lengkuas baik untuk membantu membersihkan darah, mencairkan kahak, melegakan otot dan penting untuk membuatkan badan cergas dan bertenaga Serai dapat memperbaiki aliran darah serta menyegarkan tubuh badan. Ia berkesan untuk menurunkan berat badan, membuang lemak, dan memperbaiki salur darah yang rosak serta kembang semasa proses bersalin bagi wanita yang baru melahirkan anak. Ia juga baik untuk mengatasi masalah kebas-kebas, lenguh-lenguh, gigitan serangga dan kembung perut. Halia. Ianya bagus untuk mengeluarkan angin dalam badan, muntah- muntah, cirit-birit,sakit perut, menghangatkan badan dan membantu penghadaman makanan. Hampir keseluruhan bahagian pokoknya boleh digunakan. Kehebatan penyembuhan pokok misai kucing ini adalah lantaran kandungan kimianya yang hebat seperti cirsimaritin, myoinositol, orthosiphon, pillion, rhamnasin, bmlt oioioldsalvigenin, kerotin, kerotinoid, minyak pati, flavanoid, glukosid, glikoprotein, saponin dan terpenoid. Misai kucing telah terkenal sejak turun temurun kerana dapat membuang dan mencuci darah dari toksid yang berlebihan. Juga dapat membantu tubuh mengeluarkan bendalir berlebihan terutamanya dari sendi. Mengandungi kandungan kalium yang mencukupi untuk menggantikan kehilangan kalium dari badan semasa pembuangan air kencing. Ia juga tidak mendatangkan masalah pada buah pinggang seperti kebanyakan ubat-ubat moden. Dapat juga merawat penyakit lain seperti gout, athriris, reumatik dan penyakit batu karang, selain dapat mencegah pembentukan batu karang dan jangkitan saluran kencing, diabetes and nephritis. arteriosclerosis (capillary dan masalah peredaran darah), Terkenal juga dengan khasiatnya untuk merawat kencing manis, mengurangkan kadar kolesterol darah, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan melegakan kekejangan smooth muscle pada dinding organ dalaman disamping sifat antiseptiknya. Cures a fever: Tulsi has very potent germicidal, fungicidal, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties that are great for resolving fevers. It has the potential to cure any fever right from those caused due to common infections to those caused due to malaria as well. In ayurveda, it is strongly advised that a person suffering from fever should have a decoction made of

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Lengkuas baik untuk membantu membersihkan darah, mencairkan kahak, melegakan otot dan penting untuk membuatkan badan cergas dan bertenaga

Serai dapat memperbaiki aliran darah serta menyegarkan tubuh badan. Ia berkesan untuk menurunkan berat badan, membuang lemak, dan memperbaiki salur darah yang rosak serta kembang semasa proses bersalin bagi wanita yang baru melahirkan anak. Ia juga baik untuk mengatasi masalah kebas-kebas, lenguh-lenguh, gigitan serangga dan kembung perut.

Halia. Ianya bagus untuk mengeluarkan angin dalam badan, muntah-muntah, cirit-birit,sakit perut, menghangatkan badan dan membantu penghadaman makanan.Hampir keseluruhan bahagian pokoknya boleh digunakan. Kehebatan penyembuhan pokok misai kucing ini adalah lantaran kandungan kimianya yang hebat seperticirsimaritin, myoinositol, orthosiphon, pillion, rhamnasin, bmlt oioioldsalvigenin, kerotin, kerotinoid, minyak pati, flavanoid, glukosid, glikoprotein, saponin dan terpenoid.Misai kucing telah terkenal sejak turun temurun kerana dapat membuang dan mencuci darah dari toksid yang berlebihan. Juga dapat membantu tubuh mengeluarkan bendalir berlebihan terutamanya dari sendi. Mengandungi kandungan kalium yang mencukupi untuk menggantikan kehilangan kalium dari badan semasa pembuangan air kencing. Ia juga tidak mendatangkan masalah pada buah pinggang seperti kebanyakan ubat-ubat moden. Dapatjuga merawat penyakit lain seperti gout, athriris, reumatik dan penyakit batu karang, selain dapat mencegah pembentukan batu karang dan jangkitan saluran kencing, diabetes and nephritis.arteriosclerosis (capillary dan masalah peredaran darah),Terkenaljugadengan khasiatnya untukmerawat kencing manis, mengurangkan kadar kolesterol darah, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan melegakan kekejangan smooth muscle pada dinding organ dalaman disamping sifat antiseptiknya.Cures a fever:Tulsi has very potent germicidal, fungicidal, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties that are great for resolving fevers. It has the potential to cure any fever right from those caused due to common infections to those caused due to malaria as well. In ayurveda, it is strongly advised that a person suffering from fever should have a decoction made of tulsi leaves. In case of a fever boil a few leaves of tulsi with powdered cardamom in half a litre of water( The proportion of tulsi to cardamom powder should be in the ratio 1:0.3). Let it reduce to half its total volume. Mix this decoction with sugar and milk. Sip every two to three hours. This remedy is especially good for children.Beats diabetes:leaves of holy basil are packed with antioxidants and essential oils that produce eugenol, methyl eugenol and caryophyllene. Collectively these substances help the pancreatic beta cells (cells that store and release insulin) function properly. This in turn helps increase sensitivity to insulin. Lowering ones blood sugar and treating diabetes effectively. An added advantage is that the antioxidants present in the leaves help beat the ill effects of oxidative stress.Protects the heart:Tulsi has a powerful anti-oxidant component called Eugenol. This compound helps protect the heart by keeping ones blood pressure under control and lowering his/her cholesterol levels. Chewing a few leaves of tulsi on an empty stomach everyday can both prevent and protect any heart ailments.Beats stress:According to a study conducted by the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, tulsi helps to maintain the normal levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. The leaf also has powerful adaptogen properties (also known as anti-stress agents). It helps sooth the nerves, regulates blood circulation and beats free radicals that are produced during an episode of stress. People who have high stress jobs can chew about 12 leaves of tulsi twice a day to beat stress naturally.

Dissolves kidney stones:The holy basil being a great diuretic and detoxifier is great for the kidneys. Tulsi helps reduce the uric acid levels in the blood (one of the main reasons for kidney stones is the presence of excess uric acid in the blood), helps cleanse the kidneys, the presence of acetic acid and other components in its essential oils helps in breaking down kidney stones and its painkiller effect helps dull down the pain of kidney stones. To relieve kidney stones one must have the juice of tulsi leaves with honey, every day for six months to help wash out the stone from the kidney.Beats cancer:With strong anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties tulsi has been found to help stop the progression of breast cancer and oral cancer (caused due to chewing tobacco). This is because its compounds restrict the flow of blood to the tumour by attacking the blood vessels supplying it. Have the extract of tulsi every day to keep these conditions at bay.Helps to quit smoking:Tulsi is known to have very strong anti- stress compounds and is great to help one quit smoking. It helps by lowering the stress that may be involved in trying to quit smoking, or stress that leads to the urge to smoke. It also has a cooling effect on the throat just like menthol drops and helps control the urge to smoke by allowing the person to chew on something. Ayurveda relies heavily on tulsi leaves as a smoking cessation device. Keep some leaves with you and chew it whenever the urge to smoke arises. Another plus is that the antioxidant property of the leaves will help fight all the damage that arises out of years of smoking.Keeps your skin and hair healthy and glowing:The holy basil has powerful purifying properties. When eaten raw, it purifies the blood giving the skin a beautiful glow, and prevents the appearance of acne and blemishes. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties are very effective in preventing breakouts on acne prone skin. Ayurvedic doctors say that this herb can cure difficult skin conditions like those caused due to ring worms and even leucoderma. Apart from all this, it helps in reducing itchiness of the scalp and helps to reduce hair fall. Mix the powder in coconut oil and apply regularly to the scalp to prevent hair fall. Eating tulsi leaves, drinking the juice, or adding its paste to a face pack can help cure skin and hair conditions.

Heals respiratory conditions:Tulsi has immunomodulatory (helps to modulate the immune system), antitussive (suppresses the cough center, reducing the amount of cough) and expectorant properties (helps expel phlegm from the chest), that make it a great relief for coughs, cold, and other respiratory disorders including chronic and acute bronchitis. Another great property of this leaf is that it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help to beat the infection causing the respiratory problem. It also relieves congestion since it contains potent components like camphene, eugenol and cineole in its essential oils. Its anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties also help to treat allergic respiratory disorders.Cures a headache:Tulsi helps to relieve headaches caused due to sinusitis, allergies, cold or even migraines. This is because it has pain relieving and decongestant properties, that help relieve the pain and resolve the root cause of the condition. If you are suffering from a headache, make a bowl of water that has been boiled with crushed tulsi leaves or tulsi extract. Cool the water till it is room temperature or bearably hot. Place a small towel in it, wring out the excess water and place this on your forehead to treat a headache. Alternatively you could dip a towel in plain warm water and add a few drops of tulsi extract to the towel for immediate relief.These are just some benefits of the plant, other benefits include treatment for common colds, itchiness of the skin, treatment for insect bites, curing common conditions of the eye and as a herbal remedy for bad breath. So the text time you feel ill, try having a few leaves of tulsi. To know more about the health benefits of various everyday ingredients, check out our natural remedies page.Weight loss:Guava is very helpful for those who want tolose weightwithout compromising their intake of proteins, vitamins and fiber. Guava is very high in roughage and rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals, but it has no cholesterol and a low number of digestible carbohydrates. It is a is very filling snack and satisfies the appetite very easily. Guava, especially raw guava, also has far less sugar as compared to apples, oranges, grapes, and other fruit. Adding a medium-sized guava to your lunch and you will not feel hungry again until the evening. Ironically, it can also help with weight gain in lean, thin people. This is probably due to its wealth of nutrients, which keep the metabolism regulates and helps to promote the proper absorption of nutrients.Diabetes:In a related benefit to blood pressure mentioned above, an intake of guava can also help those patients who suffer fromdiabetes. The high level of dietary fiber in guava helps to regulate the absorption of sugar by the body, which decreases the chances of major spikes and drops in insulin and glucose in the body. Studies have shown that consuming guava can help prevent the appearance of type-2 diabetes.Eyesight:Guavas are extremely good sources of vitamin-A, which is well known as a booster forvision health. It can help slow down the appearance of cataracts, macular degeneration, and general health of the eyes. It can not only prevent degradation of eyesight, but even an improvement in eyesight once it has begun to degrade.Advertisement

Cancer Prevention:One of the most celebrated and important benefits of adding guava to your diet is its ability to inhibit the growth and metastasis of cancerous cells. There have been numerous studies done in recent years on guavas effects primarily onprostate cancer, breast cancer, and oral cancers. Guava leaf oil is extremely successful as an anti-proliferative substance, and has actually been shown to be more effective than some leading modern medicines in reducing cancerous growth. Guavas are alsorich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to be wildly successful in reducing prostate cancer risk. That same antioxidant has also shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, although further human trials need to be done.Finally, the naturally high levels of vitamin-C in guavas, which are four times higher than the levels found in oranges (the traditional vitamin-C powerhouse), provides the immune system a hugeboost in antioxidants. Antioxidants are the major lines of defense against the proliferation of free radicals in the body, which are one of the main causes of serious conditions like cancer and heart disease. Therefore, adding guava to your diet has numerous ways in which it helps you stay health and cancer-free.Scurvy:Guava can outdo many other fruits, including orange and other citrus fruits, in terms of its concentration of vitamin-C. Adeficiency of vitamin-C can cause scurvy, and proper intake of vitamin-C is the only known remedy for that dangerous disease. In fact, guavas contain 5X more vitamin-C than oranges, which are often heralded as the absolute best source of that beneficial vitamin.Diarrhea & dysentery:Guava is very rich in astringents (compounds that make your gums feel tighter and fresher). After you chew guava leaves, eat a raw guava, or use some guava-based toothpaste), your mouth feels healthier, and the astringent qualities also add substance to loose bowels andreduce symptoms of diarrhea. These astringents are alkaline in nature and have disinfectant and anti-bacterial properties, thus helping to cure dysentery by inhibiting microbial growth and removing extra mucus from the intestines. Furthermore, other nutrients in guava such as vitamin-C, Carotenoids and potassium, strengthen and tone the digestive system while simultaneously disinfecting it. Guava is also beneficial in treating gastroenteritis for the same reasons stated above.Advertisement

Thyroid Health:Guavas are agood source for copper, which is an important part of regulating thyroid metabolism by helping to control hormone production and absorption. The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands in the body for regulating hormones and organ system function, so guava can help balance your health in many ways.Constipation:Guava is one of the richest sources ofdietary fiberin terms of fruit. Its seeds, if ingested whole or chewed, serve as excellent laxatives. These two properties of guava help the formation of healthy bowel movements, and aid the body in retaining water and thoroughly cleaning your intestines and excretory system. It is said that constipation alone can lead to 72 different types of ailments, so any help with constipation is beneficial. Your total health is undeniably affected by proper digestion, and more importantly, proper excretion. Frequent consumption of guava can ensure both.Brain Health:Another of the tremendous positive benefits of guavas is the presence ofB3 and B6 vitamins. B3 (also known as niacin) can increase blood flow and stimulates cognitive function. B6 is a great nutrient for brain and nerve function. Therefore, eating guava can help you increase brain function and sharpen you focus.Cough & cold:Juice of raw and immature guavas or a decoction of guava-leaves is very helpful inrelieving coughs and coldsby reducing mucus, disinfecting the respiratory tract, throat and lungs, and inhibiting microbial activity with its astringent properties. Guava has one of the highest quantities of vitamin-C and iron among fruits, and both are proven to be preventive against colds and viral infections. In some areas of India, roasted ripe guava is used as a remedy against extreme cases of cough, cold, and congestion.Ripeguava should be avoided by people who are suffering from cough and cold, as it can exacerbate the problem, and one should also avoid drinking water immedaitely after eating guava as it can lead to a soar throat.Skin care:Guavas can improve the texture of your skin and help you to avoid skin problems more than even the highest ranked beauty creams or skin toner gels. This is chiefly due to the abundance of astringents in the fruit (more astringent is present in immature guavas) and in its leaves. Your skin can benefit from either eating the fruits (this helps tighten your muscles apart from your skin) or by rinsing your skin with a decoction of its immature fruit and leaves. It will tone up and tighten the area of loosened skin where you apply it. In addition to the astringents, guava is very rich in vitamin-A, B, C and potassium which are good antioxidants and detoxifiers, which keep your skin glowing and free from signs of premature aging, wrinkles and other dermal disorders.High blood pressure:Guava helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevents it from thickening, thereby maintaining the fluidity of blood andreducing blood pressure. Studies have shown that food lacking fiber (such as refined flour) add to blood pressure, due to its quick conversion to sugar. Guava, being very rich in fiber and hypoglycemic in nature, helps reduce blood pressure.Other benefits:There are so many health benefits of guava, it is hard to know where to begin. It is important to know that guava helps control diabetes and protects the prostate. The juice of guava leaves has been known to cure toothaches, swollen gums & oral ulcers, and the juice speeds up the healing process of wounds when applied externally. Finally, it reduces the frequency of convulsions, epilepsy, and bacterial infections.As with many alternative foods and supplements, there is little risk in eating them in natural form, but you must do your due diligence when taking it in medical forms. Be cautious when adding any new medicinal form of guava into your diet, and it is better to stick to eating guava in its natural form as a raw fruit.

The Benefits of Ginger1. Maintains Normal Blood Circulation.Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which can help to improve blood flow, as well as help prevent chills, fever, and excessive sweat.2. Remedies Motion Sickness.Ginger is a known effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness. The exact reason is unknown,but in a study of naval cadets, those given ginger powder suffered less.3. Improves absorption.Ginger improves the absorption and stimulation of essential nutrients in the body. It does this bystimulating gastric and pancreatic enzyme secretion.4. Cold and Flu Prevention.Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a natural treatment for colds and flu around Asia.TheUniversity of Maryland Medical Centerstatesthat to treat cold and flu symptoms in adults, steep 2 tbsp. of freshly shredded or chopped ginger root in hot water, two to three times a day5. Combats Stomach Discomfort.Ginger is ideal in assisting digestion, thereby improving food absorption and avoiding possible stomach ache.Ginger appears to reduce inflammation in a similar way to aspirin and ibuprofen6. Colon Cancer Prevention.A study at the University of Minnesotafound that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.7. Reduce Pain and Inflammation.Ginger contains some of the most potent anti-inflammatory fighting substances known and is a natural powerful painkiller.8. Fights Common Respiratory Problems.If youre suffering from common respiratory diseases such as a cough, ginger aids in expanding your lungs and loosening up phlegm because it is a natural expectorant that breaks down and removes mucus.. That way you can quickly recover from difficulty in breathing.9. Ovarian Cancer Treatment.Ginger powder induces cell death in ovarian cancer cells.10. Strengthens Immunity.Ginger helps improve the immune system. Consuming a little bit ginger a day can help foil potential risk of a stroke by inhibiting fatty deposits from the arteries. It alsodecreases bacterial infections in the stomach, and helps battle a bad cough and throat irritation.11. Combats Morning Sickness.Ginger has demonstrated a success rate of 75 percent in curing morning sickness and stomach flu. Keledek kuning1.Protein unik mengandungikesan antioksidan keledekmempunyai simpanan protein akaryang unik. Kajian mendapati iamengandungi kapasiti antioksidanyang penting. Dalam satu kajian,didapati protein-protein inimempunyai satu pertiga aktivitiantioksidan gluathione iaitu satudaripada antioksidan tubuh yangpaling mengagumkan terhasil secaradalaman. Ini bererti ubi keledekmempunyai nilai penyembuh.2.Sumber khasiat yang baik keledek yang dikelaskan sebagaisayur akar ini sangat kaya dengansumber vitamin A (dalam bentukbeta-karotin), vitamin C dan mineralseperti mangan dan kuprum. Keledekjuga kaya dengan fiber diet, vitaminB6, potasium dan zat besi.3.Makanan yang kayaantioksidan dan antiradangan vitamin A dan vitamin C di dalam ubikeledek menunjukkan ia mempunyainilai menyembuh. Beta-karotindan vitamin C berkuasamenyingkirkan toksid.Elak seranganjantung dan strokUbi keledek secara relatifnyaberkalori rendah dan tiada lemak.Kaya dengan beta-karotin dan limakali ganda lebih vitamin A dalamseketul keledek. Juga kaya denganpotasium. Khasiat-khasiat ini berupayamelindungi daripada serangan jantungdan strok. Potasium di dalam keledekmembantu mengekalkan bendalir dankeseimbangan elektrolit di dalamsel-sel tubuh serta mengekalkan fungsinormal jantung dan tekanan darah.Berat badanidealUbi keledek juga bersifatmenghalang peningkatanberat badan, antikanser,dan antipenuaan.Kelebihan dan kebaikan KUNYIT Agen antiseptik + antibakteria semula jadi, berguna dalam pembasmian luka + terbakar. Apabila digabungkan dengan kembang kol, ia telah terbukti dapat mencegah kanser prostat dan menghentikan pertumbuhan kanser prostat yang sedia ada. Menghalang kanser payudara daripada merebak ke paru2. Mengurangkan risiko leukemia terhadap kanak2. Boleh menghalang dan memperlahankan perkembangan penyakit Alzheimer dengan menghapuskan penumpukan plak amyloyd di dalam otak. Boleh mencegah daripada berlaku dalam pelbagai bentuk kanser yang berbeza. Anti-radang yang bekerja tanpa kesan sampingan. Boleh membantu dalam metabolisme lemak dan membantu dalam pengurusan berat badan. Telah lama digunakan dalam perubatan Cina sebagai rawatan untuk kemurungan kerana ciri2 anti-radang, ia adalah satu rawatan semula jadi untuk artritis dan artritis reumatoid. Meningkatkan kesan chemotherapy drug Paclitaxel + mengurangkan kesan sampingan. Harapan kajian sedang dijalankan ke atas kesan kunyit pada barah pankreas. Menghentikan pertumbuhan saluran darah baru di dalam tumor barah. Sangat pantas dalam penyembuhan luka2 + membantu dalam pembentukan semula kulit yang rosak. Boleh membantu dalam rawatan psoriasis dan lain2 keadaan kulit radang..

ALOEVERANo. 1: Alkalizes Your BodyOur bodies maintain a balance between acidity and alkalinity which is influenced by the foods that we take in. This juice makes your inner systems more alkaline which minimizes bad effects of the acidic stuff that we eat.The optimum level we should eat is80% alkaline and 20 % acidic.This liquid helps by alkalizing our organismand since diseases do not survive in such an environment this can stave off illness.No. 2: Removes ToxinsWhen it is produced it has a natural gel-like consistency even when it is first harvested. If you split its leaf and allow liquids to flow out you can see how it does not flow quickly like water but more slowly.[Make Sure To Check Out:Will The Venus Factor System By John Barban Work For You?]This property (when you drink it) absorb toxins from your gastrointestinal tract. When it absorbs these bad substances they travel through your organism and are discarded rather than entering your body.No. 3: Supports Your Immune System

Our immunity is always on alert ready to fend off attacks from the environments we live in. This juice canramp up our immunity with polysaccharides.These help our bodies produce macrophages which is our tool to defend against viruses. Besides polysaccharides it also has anti-oxidants reduce the amount of free-radicals within ourselves which slows the effects of aging.[Make Sure To Study This:7 Immunity Boosters That Will Help You Fight Diseases]No. 4: Drink Aloe Vera Juice To Lose WeightWe all would like to find the easiest formula for skinny body but unfortunately this is not such a miracle. Instead of directly contributing to weight loss the many benefits of this plant make losing pounds a secondary effect.It removes toxins, enhances our immune system,maintains a healthydigestion. All of these enable us to stay well and shed body mass.No. 5: Lowers High CholesterolMedical studies have shown that beta ()sitosterol can bring its high levels in your blood under control. This substance is a type of sterol with a similar chemical structure to cholesterol.However, it stops its absorption and helps to reduce its overall levels in your body and promotes good health.No. 6: Fight Against InflammationThis can be caused by a variety of factors. There could be an injury or it could be an auto-immune response. Either way, it makes our bodies experience pain and it minimizes what we are able to do by limiting our capabilities.The next timeyou aresuffering from inflammationtry drinking some AV juice. It contains over 12 different substances that can help to get rid of it.The most predominant one is beta-sitosterol that has been used by many runners to minimize swelling after a competition.No. 7: Improves Digestion & Reduces Irritation

We can all face issues with our digestive tract such as: Ulcers Acid Reflux General IrritationThis natural liquid has three properties that can improve stomach health and reduce irritation: Firstly, it is an adaptogen that can regulate your organism and make your bowel movements more regular. Secondly, it ease acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome by soothing and regulating your systems. Thirdly, it can rid your body of worms because it is a vermifuge as well.All of these work together to promote proper digestion.No. 8: Bye-Bye ConstipationIf youve ever been constipated you know that its not pleasant at all. However, drinking this juice canboosts regulation of your digestive systemand get both diarrhea and constipation under control.[Check Out:10 Natural Laxatives That Will Really Help]What is more, ithelps to also get rid of bad bacteriathat may have entered your organism. These benefits will make you more regular and function optimally. When it is optimized your overall health and feelings of well-being will improve.No. 9: Diabetes Patients Should Benefit From ItIf you are struggling with diabetes this amazing liquid can regulate your blood sugar.There are studiesthat have been done to show some improvements in glucose levels when patients drank aloe vera juice.There are three compounds in it that help to provide this benefit: Lectins Mannans AnthraquinonesNo. 10: Boosts Your Vitamin & Mineral Intake

This juice is a cornucopia of vitamins and minerals. Very few drinks or foods can boast these large amounts. It contains: Vitamins A, C, E. Contingent of B including B1, B2, B3, B6 & B12. Folic Acid CholineWhat is more, it hasover twenty different minerals. For example, theres: Calcium Sodium Potassium Selenium IronIt also contains fatty acids and8 essential amino acids.Overall, this one has more bang for the buck than any other choice on the market right now.No. 11: Hydrates Your BodyAloe vera gel has many applications when used as a topical application to treat skin conditions but it also has secondary benefits because it also works as a moisturizer and has anti-aging properties thatkeep it looking young.[You Might Want To Read This:Truth About Phen375: Reviews, Ingredients, Side Effects And Much More]Drinking AV juice can keep you hydrated which is good for keeping it healthy. Additionally, it gives your body the building blocks it needs to replenish old cells and regenerate.No. 12: Cures Your GumsIts benefits even extend to the area of your mouth. The reduction of inflammation and killing bad bacteria also apply to your gum but there is evidence to show that aloe plant can help reduce its bleeding and cure ulcers.Medical studies have shown thatmaintaining healthy gums is importantto our overall well being. Food and pathogens can enter through your mouth but if we allow them to take up residence and grow in our mouth then we are giving them a gateway into our organism.Extra Info:Aloe gel is starting to become more popular in toothpastes because of the benefits it provides to good dental care so you should go and look for some.No. 13: Reduces Acne & BlemishesAV juice combined with a gel is a greatway to combat acne and blemishes on your skin.It works internally to supply vitamins and nutrients, reduce inflammation and fight bacteria and infection.It also hydrates our bodies because of its high water content.Its gel form when applied topically helps to: Make It Supple Heal Blemishes Moisturize Minimize Inflammation Due To Shaving Or Sun BurnsAll of these improve the overall health of your skin and eliminate acne.No. 14: Improves Hair Growth

If youve always wanted to have long silky hair then maybe you should try drinking some aloe vera. It assists to keep its pH balance in the correct range to boost its growth. It also helps to retain moisture so that it can also grow.If you apply this liquid directly to the scalp it can also promote more growth. There are two things that it doeswhen applied to the scalp: It Clears Dead Skin Clogging Pores It Removes Sebum Which Can Lead To BaldnessOverall, both liquid and gel combined together can help you to have the full head of hair that youve always wanted to have.Aloe vera juice has become the new super-food in the health food industry. Very few natural liquids havethe long list of benefitsthat this one has. No longer is this just a topical solution that we use to heal cuts, burns and bites. Now many natural substances are available so that we can take full advantage of the advantages of this super-food.

ealth Benefits of Papaya:

1.Skin & Papaya-It is great for the skin and can be used as aface packto get its benefits. It helps to get rid ofacne and skin infectionsas it helps to open clogged pores. The fermented flesh of papaya also called as papain helps to dissolve the dead cells, givingfresh and glowing skinas a result. It is goodto cure the skin infections and woundsthat dont heal quickly.

2.Cholesterol & Papaya-As it is a fruit that is rich in fiber it lowers blood cholesterol levels. It contains enzymes that helpprevent oxidization of cholesterol, which in return helps to prevent heart-attacks.

3.Anti-ageing & Papaya-The antioxidants in papaya help in controllingpremature ageing. This quality of the papaya helps you to get a younger look.

4.Intestinal Worms & Papaya-The seeds of papaya too possess medicinal properties. They are very good intreating intestinal worms in the body.

5.Constipation & Papaya-Papaya helps in preventingconstipation and aids in digestion. The enzyme papain is a digestive enzyme that helps in natural digestion.

6.Colon & Papaya-Its juice helps incuring infections of the colonby clearing the pus and mucus from it. You need to take it regularly to heal quickly.

7.Weight Loss & Papaya-It is low in calories and high in nutritional values. Hence, it is a good food for thosewho want to lose some weight.

8.Morning Sickness & Papaya-In pregnant ladies, regular consumption of a small slice of papaya helps to curenausea and morning sickness.

9.Osteoporosis & Papaya-It contains anti-inflammatory enzymes that help inrelieving pain for those who are suffering from arthritis, edema and osteoporosis, and it also possesses anti-cancerous properties that can help prevent cancer.

10.Immunity & Papaya-It is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C that help inboosting the bodys immunityand hence is very good for those who are suffering from fever, cold or flu.

11.Shampoos & Papaya-Shampoos containing papaya are very good tocontrol dandruff.

12.Menstrual Irregularities & Papaya-It helps in controlling themenstrual irregularities in women. Papaya helps to ease menstrual cramps and helps in promoting regular flow of menstruation.

13.Liver cancer & Papaya juice-As it has anti-proliferativeeffect on liver cancer cellsit stops or slows down the growth of the cancer cells of liver and helps in its cure.

14.Contraception & Papaya-Research with adult male langur monkeys has shown that it hascontraceptive capabilityand maybe it has similar effect in adult males too.

15.Kidney disorder &Papaya-In poison related kidney disorder it was found that the aqueous seed extract of the unripe mature fruits of papaya induces antioxidant and oxidative free radical scavenging andhelp kidney to recover.

16.Dengue Treatment and Papaya -Researchers have found that the juice obtained from the papaya leaves helps in thedengue fever treatment. The extract obtained from the papaya leaf increases the platelet count also known as thrombocytes in patients with dengue fever.

How does Papaya get Spoilt?

1. Usually they get overripe if not eaten in good time and they lose their taste.

2. Viral infection of thepapaya ringspot virus (PRV)can cause premature molting and malformation of the leaves of the plant. In the 1990s, the virus threatened to wipe out Hawaii's papaya industry completely.

3. The papaya is also susceptible to the fruit fly, a small fly-like insect that lays its eggs in young fruit.

Khasiat Daun Kari Penawar cirit birit dan buasir

Daun kari boleh dijadikan tonik herba untuk menguatkan perut dan meningkatkan keupayaannya serta mengatasi masalah penghadaman. Ia juga boleh digunakan sebagai laksatif (julap) lemah untuk mengatasi masalah sembelit. Jus daun kari yang dicampur dengan madu juga dapat menjadi penawar kepada cirit birit dan buasir.

Khasiat Daun Kari Atasi masalah loya dan pening.Jus daunnya yang segar dicampur dengan jus limau nipis digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah loya dan pening terutamanya akibat makan lemak yang berlebihan. Caranya dengan mencampurkan satu sudu teh jus daun kari dan satu sudu teh jus limau nipis. Daun kari juga berkesan dalam mengatasi masalah haid dan penyakit gonorea (gonorrhea), menghilangkan rasa loya dan pening-pening lalat bagi wanita mengandung.

Air rebusan kulit batangnya yang kering dapat digunakan untuk mengubatdiabetes. Amalan memakan 10 helai daunnya setiap hari selama 3 bulan dikatakan dapat mencegah kencing manis yang disebabkan oleh keturunan dan kegemukan.

Khsaiat Daun Kari dalam perubatan.Dari segi perubatannya, khasiat daun kari amat berkesan dalam mengatasi masalah-masalah haid dan gonorea, menghilangkan rasa loya dan pening-pening lalat bagi wanita yang mengandung dan menyembuhkan penyakit cirit-birit dan penyakit berak berdarah. Selain itu khasiat daun kari juga baik untuk peredaran darah dan boleh bertindak sebagai sedatif.

Buah Kari

Buahnya yang didihkan dengan minyak kelapa hingga kehitaman boleh dihancurkan dan digunakan untuk merawat gigitan serangga dan haiwan berbisa. Daunnya yang dihancurkan dan dijadikan pes boleh digunakan untuk merawat lebam dan bengkak dengan cara menampalnya pada bahagian yang sakit.

Walaupun terdapat pelbagai kegunaan tumbuhan ini, namun penggunaannnya perlu mendapat nasihat daripada pengamal perubatan untuk mengelakkan kemudaratan

Khasiat daun Kari mnejadi ubat penyakit diabetisJika keluarga anda mempunyai masalah turun menurun penyakit diabetis cuba amalkan memakan pucuk daun kari selama 3 bulan tanpa memasak atau merebusnya, buat sebagai ulam Insya-Allah akan sembuh penyakit tersebut.

Lebih elok memakan mentah seperti anda makan salad atau pegaga kerana ia akan tercerna dalam abdomen anda secara semulajadi. Amalan memakanya tidak perlu direbus kerana akan mematikan kandungan enzim dan menjadi tidak berkesan.- See more at: http://www.noormalashahar.com.my/2012/05/khasiat-daun-kari.html#sthash.i9sW2dWe.dpufManfaat Dan Khasiat Buah Pinang Untuk Kesehatan

Keluar Darah BerlebihanAir rebusan biji pinang juga digunakan untuk mengatasi penyakit seperti haid dengan darah berlebihan, hidung berdarah (mimisan), koreng, bisul, kudis dan mencret.

Sakit pinggangAmbil beberapa lembar daun pinang. Tumbuk daun tersebut dan hangatkan. Daun pinang yang tenah ditumbuk dikompreskan di tempat yang sakit.

KudisParut satu biji buah pinang. Campur dengan seperempat sendok teh kapur sirih dan air secukupnya. Oleskan di bagian yang sakit.

DifteriSiapkan dua biji buah pinang kemudian rebus dalam dua gelas air. Tunggu sampai tersisa menjadi 1 1/2 gelas. Tambahkan satu sendok makan madu dan aduk rata. Minum perlahan-lahan untuk menyembuhkan difteri.

Mengecilkan RahimBiji pinang muda digunakan kaum wanita untuk mengecilkan rahim setelah melahirkan. Caranya masak buah pinang muda lalu airnya diminum hingga rahim kembali ke bentuk normal.

Rabun MataUntuk mengobati rabun mata. Cukup dengan langsung dikunyah dan airnya ditelan.

Meningkatkan gairahMeningkatkan gairah seks kaum pria. Khasiat ini di ketahui karena di dalam pinang terkandung arekolin. Ambil satu biji buah pinang yang belum mengeras. Potong kecil-kecil kemudian kunyah dan makan. Cara lain, ambil satu biji buah pinang kemudian hancurkan dan rebus dalam dua gelas air. Tunggu sampai menjadi satu gelas. Keduanya memiliki khasiat yang sama.

Mengobati luka kulit.Caranya, daging buah pinang yang masih muda ditumbuk hingga halus, lalu ditempelkan pada bagian tubuh yang terluka.

Obat cacinganSiapkan seperempat potong buah pinang, setengah jari rimpang temulawak, dan setengah jari rimpang kunyit. Semua bahan tersebut direbus kemudian disaring. Minum air hasil saringan tersebut untuk mengatasi cacingan.

Menguatkan gigi dan gusiAmbil beberapa biji buah pinang. Iris menjadi beberapa bagian, kemudian kunyah irisan tersebut.

Mengobati telinga bernanah.Caranya, ambil akar buah pinang muda secukupnya, tumbuk halus, peras airnya. Bersihkan terlebih dahulu telinga anak yang sakit dengan kapas, setelah itu tetesi dengan air perasan pinang di bagian telinga yang sakit sebanyak 3 tetes. Sumbat telinga dengan kapas agar air tetesan tidak mengalir keluar. Lakukan setiap hari secara rutin hingga sembuh.

Begitu banyak bukan manfaat dari buah pinang ini, maka dari itu jangan ragu lagi untuk mengkomsumsi atau menjadikan Buah Pinang sebagai tumbuhan Obat yang ada di sekitar kita, dan Jangan lupa baca juga artikel kami sebelumnya yakniManfaat Buah Rambutan, Terima Kasih.tomato1.Ward off CancerNumerous studies have concluded that the more tomatoes people eat the lower their risks of certain cancers, especially lung, stomach and prostate cancers. A substance called lycopene, which is responsible for tomatoes red color, is thought to be the reason for this cancer protective effect. Processed tomatoes contain even more lycopene than raw ones. The process of cooking breaks down the cell walls, helping to release the lycopene. Eating tomatoes with a little bit of fat, such as olive oil, helps lycopene to be better absorbed by the body.2.Prevent DNA DamageTomatoes are high in important antioxidants such as vitamin C and Vitamin A. These vitamins work to fend of DNA damage from free radicals. Consequently, tomatoes may help to ward off age related diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetes.3.Reduce the Risk of Heart DiseaseTomatoes contain important nutrients, such as niacin, folate and vitamin B6, that have associated with the reduction of heart disease risk. One study found that women who ate 7 to 10 servings of tomato products per week had a 29 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease than women who consumed less than a serving and a half of tomato products each week. Results were even more impressive when the women ate oil-rich tomato products.4.Protect Against ThrombosisAnother study showed that drinking 8 ounces of tomato juice daily reduced platelet aggregation significantly, among study subjects. Those drinking a placebo showed no benefit. Its important to drink low-sodium tomato juice if you are trying to protect against thrombosis (blood clots in the blood vessel) , as high sodium levels can cause negative effects for this type of disease.5.Ward off InflammationA double blind study found that drinking a glass of tomato juice a day can reduce blood levels of TNF-alpha by 34 percent. TNF-alpha causes inflammation. High levels have been found in individuals with most chronic, degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimers.Pengakuan pesakit2 selepas pengambilan jus daun belalai gajah

Pesakit mengidap Uterus Cancer -Ketumbuhan sebesar 6cm dan harus dibedah. Selepas pengambilan jus daun belalai gajah, ketumbuhan surut 3.4cm. Doktor kata tidak perlu di bedah dan sambung meminum jus tersebut dan ketumbuhan akan hilang.Pesakit Lang Cancer tahap 3 -Telah membuat chemotherapy sebanyak 6 kali. Ketumbuhan sebelum pengambilan jus daun belalai gajah sebesar 26mm, 44mm, 76mm. Tetapi selepas pengambilan jus tersebut ketumbuhan mengecil 20mm, 27mm, 67mm.

Cara2 kegunaan daun belalai gajah @ Sabah snake grass mengikut stage penyakit :

Stage 1 : 30 daun setiap hariStage 2 : 50 daun setiap hariStage 3 : 100 daun setiap hariStage 4 : 150 200 daun setiap hari

*Jika pesakit sudah beransur sembur, kurangkan penggunaan daun tersebut

Cara2 membuat jus daun belalai gajah @ sabah snake grassmasukkan setengah @ satu cawan air dalam blendermasukkan 2 @ 3 ice cube jika sukatambah setengah biji @ 1/4 jus lemonmasuk daun belalai gajah yang sudah dibersihkan mengikut stage seperti diatas. Elak basuh dgn air paipmasukkan sebiji apple hijau yang sudah dibuang kulit dan biji dan di potong 8blend halus dan terus diminum. Jangan dibiarkan lebih dari 5 minit kerana khasiatnya akan hilangjika badan terasa sejuk campurkan sedikit hirisan haliaPaling cepat berkesan jika diminum jam 4 pagi

Semasa minum jus belalai gajah ini haruslah sedikit berpantang dengan makanan2 ini seperti gula atau makanan yang ada gula, madu, ikan kembung, 7 angled fish, ray fish, daging ayam, daging itik, keladi, beras pulut, butter atau planta, durian, sarang burung, ginseng atau mana2 herba2 lain. Cuba berpantang sementara untuk melihat hasil dari daun belalai gajah.

Saya ambil dilink inihttp://kongsibersamanora.blogspot.com/2011/04/daun-belalai-gajah-atau-sabah-snake.htmldan boleh baca disini..http://pokokbelalaigajah.blogspot.com/siap dengan testimoni