lenus company profil mai 2013

Company Profile

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Company Profile

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Lenus Pharma

Lenus Pharma GmbH (Ltd) is a fully privately owned and funded company, incor-porated under Austrian law and having its headquarters located at Seeböckgasse 59, A-1160 Vienna/Austria.

Lenus Pharma specialises in the research, development, marketing and distribution of nutraceuticals, according to European Union (EU) clas-sification named „foods for special medical purposes” (EU Commission Directive 1999/21/EC). The philosophy of the company is to develop

innovative products, meeting unmet medical needs, based on Evidence-based Medicine.

Beside product development and international market ex-pansion, Lenus Pharma is en-gaged in the local distribution and marketing of its own prod-uct range covering the urologi-cal, gynecological and ophthal-mological field in Austria and Slovakia.

Starting as the pioneer in the segment of Food for Special Medical Purpose especially for childwish, Lenus Pharma has developed to an international successful Pharma company.

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Nam reperum de est, ex enessum ut veres pro volut perum as enist unditaturit remquassum delenda esendam re laborpor aliquas cus es rem

illaboratiam reperibus aut resciunt. Rum fugitem olorem de perite dio. Et etur, comnis audit, et odis et et aut autet iur sit lam dignis aperiatur, odis ea

voluptati sundandamus atquiandem as maio molecusantio

The art of holistic approach

The human and their desires, the human and their worries: Lenus Pharma has made to it´s aim to satisfy human ex-pectations. We do not look singularly at the medical components, but analyse the problem in its totality by looking at the whole person, including understanding its physical, nutritional, envi-ronmental, emotional, social, spiritual and lifestyle values.

All these components are driving and influencing the development of our prod-ucts. Our dedication to this holistic approach - together with our implicit wish of mak-ing people’s lives healthier - is the cornerstone of our success.

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Only the best



is good enough.

We, at Lenus Pharma, focus on quality.

We are benchmarking ourselves not only according to our own high standards, but also to external, international guidelines for pharma-ceuticals.

Evidence Based Medicine EBM:

All products of Lenus Pharma are based on scientific and clinical studies, published in renowned journals.

Good Manufacturing Practice GMP:

All our products are produced in accordance with GMP, the highest quality standard for the production of pharmaceuticals. So from the selection of raw materials to the final product, we ensure the highest quality requirements.



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PROfertil® for the dietary manage-ment of sub-fertility in men.

With PROfertil®, Lenus Pharma has successfully developed a nutra-ceutical (Food for Special Medical Purposes) for the treatment of male sub-fertility - supporting couples to overcome their long-lasting unful-filled desire for children.

With this specific nutraceutical com-bination the problems of sub-fertile men (quality, quantity and motility of sperm cells) are treated by its roots and can be improved in many cases.

The specific and study proven com-position of PROfertil® is adjusted to the special nutritional needs in the indicated area of application and meets particularly the increased nutrient requirements of men with diet-related sub-fertility.

– it’s the combination and

concentration of nutrients that




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PROfamily product line - for the dietary management of women from the wish for a child to lactation.

PROfertil® female - optimal preparation of the female body towards pregnancy.Fulfills the particular nutritional requirements of women with child-wish until the end of the third month of pregnancy.

PROpregna®- the ideal compensation in an intensive period of life.Fulfills the particular nutritional requirements of women during pregnancy.

PROglanat® - nutritional supply during lactation period at the best.

PROfamily – from the wish for a child to the child of your wish!



PROSTAvital® for the dietary management of men with prostate cancer or other benign or

malignant disorders of the prostate.

Prostate problems are among the most common accompanying symptoms of the aging process in men.

About one third of men over 50 years struggle with prostate problems and prostate cancer has already become one of the most prevalent cancer in men.

PROSTAvital® - Victory for life!

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PROmacula® product line - PROmacula® areds, PROmacula® max!, PROmacula® lutein and PROmacula® omega for the dietary management of Age-related macular degeneration


With the PROmacula® line of products, Lenus Pharma has successfully managed to develop a Food for Special Medical

Purpose (FSMP) for persons with advanced age-related macular degeneration.

It was the first product in Austria and is the only complete product line for the indication of AMD, which is in line with the

A.R.E.D.S. study and thus preserves the eyesight.

PROmacula® lutein fully complies with the A.R.E.D.S 2 study.

PROmacula® – and brightness remains!

PROSTAvital® for the dietary management of men with prostate cancer or other benign or

malignant disorders of the prostate.

Prostate problems are among the most common accompanying symptoms of the aging process in men.

About one third of men over 50 years struggle with prostate problems and prostate cancer has already become one of the most prevalent cancer in men.

PROSTAvital® - Victory for life!

– it’s the combination and

concentration of nutrients that count




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History ofPROfertil®

Based on the increasing awareness of male fertility problems, a fruitful cooperation with doctors and researchers of the Vienna University Hospital has started in 2002 with the goal to develop an innovative product which improves male fertility.

Following a period of compound-analysis, efficacy-screening and development-studies in the search for the

ideal combination of nutrients, the pilot study was finally designed in 2005. In course of the product development, the Vienna University Hospital also conducted this pilot study which convincingly showed significant positive results already for the first interim-analysis!

In 2006, PROfertil® had become ready for patent application and serial-production and was notified in Austria as the first EU country, according to EU Directive 1999/21/EU on Foods for Special Medical Purposes.

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PROfertil® is a patented product with worldwide patent granted. Austrian Patent – 503 219 2008

Eurasian Patent – 015422 2011

European Patent – 1 978 949 2012

US Patent – 13/575,027 pending

PROfertil® is a registered trademark in Austria, European Union, the US, the Middle East and Asia.

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Studies and representation ofPROfertil®

Study Number of patients


1. Pilot study2006-2008:

„Micronutrients change the influence

of sperm quality in fertility”

120 EAU Bratislava 2010

2. Varicocele study 2009:

“Micronutrients as analternative to fertility

treatment in menwith subclinical



Fortbildungstagung der österr. Gesells-

chaft fürUrologie und Androlo-

gie mitJahreshauptver-

sammlung der ÖGU Linz 2010;

EAU Bratislava 2010

3. Controlled study2010:

„Improvement ofsperm quality after


205( 132 therapy

group,73 control


e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical

Nutrition and Metabo-lism Vol. 7 Issue 1 (December 2011)

&European Urological Review Volume 6 Is-

sue 2

4. DNA-study2010-2011:

“Sperm DNA fragmen-tation decreases after micronutrient supple-


107(67 therapy

group, 40 control


Menopause/Andropause and

Anti-Aging Congress Vienna

(December 2011)Poster presentation

The goal of Lenus Pharma is continuously providing studies of our products based on the latest scientifical standard. From the first pilot study of PROfertil® onwards, the medical team of Lenus Pharma is steadily working on new studies in cooperation with specialists.

In 2010 the positive results of the pilot study (2006 -2008, with 120 patients) and also the data of a new varicocele study (2009, with 55 patients) were presented at the 10th Central European Meeting (CEM) of the European Association of Urology in Bratislava/Slovakia.

In December 2011 the controlled study of PROfertil® - Improvement of sperm quality after micronutrient supplementation –was published in the e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Vol. 7 Issue 1.

During the Menopause/Andropause and Anti-Aging Congress in Vienna (December 2011) the first significant results of the latest study on PROfertil® were presented at the poster-session under the title – Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index Decreases After Micronutrient Supplementation.

Own studies and continuous research have been the backbone of the success of PROfertil®. Therefore further studies on PROfertil® are planned for the near future in order to increase PROfertil®’s position as the most evidence-based male fertility product on the international markets.

Outlook and future prospects:

Study in process: Double blind, controlled multi-center study – PROfertil vs. one of the most investigated single substance (with partly survey of DNA).

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2006 Austria

2006 Slovakia

2007 Azerbaijan

2008 Latvia

2008 Estonia

2008 Lithuania

2008 Czech Republic

2008 Kosovo

2009 Germany

2009 Ukraine

2009 Albania

2010 Russia

2010 Serbia

2011 Italy

2011 Georgia

2012 Romania

2012 Turkey

2012 Spain

2012 Libya

2012 Netherlands

2012 Tunisia

2012 Kuwait

2012 Bosnia& Herzegovina

2012 Macedonia

2012 Montenegro

2012 Greece

PROfertil® available in:(May 2013)

2013 Hungary

2013 Poland

2013 Rep. of Korea

2013 Taiwan

2013 Saudi Arabia

2013 Bulgaria

2013 Iraq

2013 Jordan

2013 UAE

Early in 2007, Lenus Pharma started its international expansion with PROfertil® and gained increasing popularity. Since our strategy is to have a constant and steady expansion with well selected Distribution partners, the company has gone through a successful and continuous growth on the international market.

Lenus Pharma is regularly represented at the following international medical congresses:

• EAU - Congresses of the European Association of Urology

• ESHRE - Congresses of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology

• AUA - Congresses of the American Urological Association

• MEFS - Congresses of the Middle East Fertility Society

• Arab Health

• ASA - Congresses of the American Society of Andrology

• COGI - World Congresses on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility

Besides international congresses, Lenus Pharma is participating at major medical congresses in the fields of Urology, Gynecology and Human Reproduction in its home markets Austria and Slovakia.

Status as of May 2013

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Social engagement is an important matter of concern to us, therefore Lenus Pharma supports several social and charity organizations, which have the aim to support life and health:

Sponsor of the Life Ball – “Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) ” of the William J. Clinton Foundation

Special Olympics

Fertility Europe - European umbrella association of 31 European country organizations and associations dedicated to fertility issues.

Austrian Cancer Aid

Austrian fundraising campaign “Licht ins Dunkel”

Support for the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka/Zambia

Local events

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Lenus Pharma/Managing Partner


09/2006: Woman Award Austria for outstanding success in Innovation

06/2007: Austrian most innovative company

09/2007: Great Women of the 21st Century Award (US)

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For more information about Lenus Pharma and our products, please contact:

Lenus Pharma GmbH, Seeböckgasse 59, A-1160 Vienna/Austria,

t: +43 (1) 405 14 19f: +43 (1) 405 14 19 - 20

m: [email protected]: www.lenuspharma.com

Company Register No. FN 282292k at the Commercial Court, Vienna. Company Profile, May 2013