lesson 5 let me explain your diet

Physical Differences Worksheet Half the class take worksheet B/half A I will model the exercise first Hair Glasses Coat/Dress Shoes Belt

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Page 1: Lesson 5 let me explain your diet

Physical Differences Worksheet

• Half the class take worksheet B/half A• I will model the exercise first


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Helpful Phrases For The Worksheet

• Does he/she have• Is he/she wearing• What hand• Is he/she

Look for differences and write them down with your partner to share with the class

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Changing Appearance Game

• Two lines facing each other• Remember what the person looks like• Turn around from partner and change

something about appearance• Face partner and guess what has changed.

I will model the game for the class first

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Symptoms of Diabetes

• Can anyone remember?

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Symptoms of Diabetes

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Listen: 4D

• Write down 5 points (facts) • That Dr. Murry tells Mark and his mother• First time, just listen• Second and third time we listen, write things


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5 minute break

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Refined Sugar

• Refined Sugar = Candy • Can diabetic patients eat candy?

• Why? • Because?

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We will read an article about Refined Sugar in Diabetic Diets

• Pay attention to the pictures with the vocabulary words

• After the presentation, write one sentence or draw a picture for each of the words.

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Balanced Diet

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1st Reading

• Read through the article one time and turn it over. While reading answer this question:

What is the article about?

You will have more time to read the article later.

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2nd Reading

• Read the article again and try to answer these two questions.

1. Before the 1930s, how was diabetes treated?2. On what grounds did the ADA change its

policy on refined sugar?

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3rd Reading

• Read the article again. Underline the words you still do not understand and answer these questions.

1. If a patient asked you if it was all right to substitute 100 grams of grams of candy for 100 grams of potatoes, what would you say?

2. Should unrefined carbohydrates in the form of sugar be prohibited from a diabetic diet?

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Final Question

What kind of diet do you eat? Lots of Proteins? Carbohydrates? Fats?

-Please explain.

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Balanced Diet

• A diet that contains adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients required for healthy growth and activity.

• A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.

• Nutrients break down when you eat into– carbohydrates, fats and proteins, vitamins and minerals.

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How do foods break down?

Stomach• Upper left of abdomen• Food enters the stomach through

the lower esophageal sphincter.• The stomach secretes acid and

enzymes that digest food. • stomach muscles contract

periodically, churning food to enhance digestion.

• The pyloric sphincter is a muscular valve that opens to allow food to pass to the small intestine.

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Function• Small Intestines contain

enzymes secreted from pancreas.

• Breaks down food into nutrients which are then absorbed into bloodstream

• Large intestines absorb waste water creating stool.

• Pressure builds up creating the need to defecate waste.

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Digestion Video

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Lets Brainstorm some Foods We Eat:

• Fats• Carbohydrates (rice, pasta, bread)• Protein (pork, beef, chicken)

• Sugars• Fruits

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Food Pyramid

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Two main principles of a diabetic diet:

Keep your blood sugar at a steady level

• Monitor blood sugar levels• Insulin Injections

Eat a Balanced Diet

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Complete p. 10 5B

• Put the advice into the correct columns

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Exercise is important with a balanced diet!

• Lets do some exercise• Read through the words

• Then follow the gestures with me.

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5 minute break

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Listening Exercise 5C p. 10

• Nutritionist is seeing Mark and his mother to explain his diet.

• Lets guess what order the steps are. Number from 1-6.

• I will present some helpful vocabulary for understanding the dialogue

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Cook for

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According to

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Nutrition Labels

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“Fire Away”

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“Monster Servings”

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We will listen to the dialogue three times

• 1st time I suggest you just listen• 2nd time order the answers• 3rd time check your answers

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• One of the questions Mark has is about serving size.

• Size of Regular Serving • Calories per regular serving-Calorie= amount of energy from food (1 calorie = 4.18400 joules)-Size of Mark’s Mom’s Servings

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How many calories are in Mark’s Mom’s Servings?

• Complete 5D

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Role Play With Picture Game!

• In Groups of 5 Come up to the Front of the Class and take a picture

• In a group plan a 3 minute role play with the picture you have chosen.

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5E p.11 Taking Notes

• Class divided between student A and B. • Take notes on either 1 or 2 • Explain them to each other

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Remember who this is?

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Song: “Is This Love”

• Do you understand the title?• I’ll show you some vocabulary words

• Write a sentence/draw a picture to describe them when we are finished.

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Single Bed

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Treat You

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Feelin’ = Feeling

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• Complete the sentences for each word.

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Other Words You Should Know

“Willing and Able”• = Can Do

“Jah”= Rastafarian Name for God

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1st Listening

• What is the song about?• What does the singer want?• What does the singer believe?

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2nd Listening

1. Fill in the blanks. 2. After check your answers with a friend.

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3rd Listening

• Fill in the blanks again and compare with a partner

• After I will hand out a full text of the song so you can check your answers.

• Finally, I will answer any questions about vocabulary, meaning, phrases you do not know about……..

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• Have you ever been in love?• What does love feel like?

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• Physical Differences Game

• Diabetes Review• Refined Sugars Article• Balanced Diet/Food

Pyramid• Role Play with Pictures• ‘Is This Love’