lesson four contracts. to know the difference between a general power of attorney and a special...

Lesson Four Contracts

Upload: agnes-fisher

Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Lesson Four Contracts

To know the difference between a general power of attorney and a special power of attorney.

Explain how option contracts may be discharged.

Describe the different types of contracts used in the real estate business.

Be familiar with good faith deposits and liquidated damages deposits.

Learning Objectives

Power of Attorney

General PowerSpecial Power

Other Contract Terms

Option Contracts

Option MoneyOptionor/Optionee“Exercising the Option”Optionor makes a promise

Optionor Makes Promise

10 Acres

Right of First Refusal


Uniform Vendor and Purchase Risk Act

Risk of Loss remains with seller until title is passed

Handwritten Provisions

“As Is”

Must Tell if There is a Known Vice


Good Faith and IntentDo Not Make the Contract

BindingNot Required

Types of DepositsEarnest Money Deposit

(Good Faith)Earnest Money

(Liquidated Damages)

Earnest Money Deposit $5,000

Earnest Money $5,000