lesson plan bestari

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  • 7/25/2019 Lesson Plan Bestari


    Date : 23rdJanuary 2011

    Time/ Duration : 60 minutes

    Form : 3 A

    Proficiency : Intermediate

    Theme : Enironment

    Focused !"i## $s% :&eadin' and (ritin'

    Inte'rated !"i## $s% :)istenin' and s*ea"in'

    Curriculum Specifications:

    1+0 )an'ua'e for inter*ersona# use

    1+1 d+ Ta"in' *art in conersations and discussions

    2+0 )an'ua'e For Informationa# ,se

    2+1 -.tain information for different *ur*osesc+ readin' materia#s in *rint such as re*orts and artic#es and usin' other e#ectronic media such as the internet+

    )ee# 1 2 3ii+ &eadin' si#ent#y and a#oud (ith understandin' a ariety of tet+

    2+2 Process information .ya+ s"immin' and scannin' for s*ecific information of ideas

    2+3 Present information to different audiences .y:d+ Presentin' information in non#inear forms inc#udin' ta.#es 'ra*hs dia'rams charts and ice ersa+


  • 7/25/2019 Lesson Plan Bestari


    Behavioral/Instructional Objectives:

    y the end of the #esson students shou#d .e a.#e to:

    1+ Identify ty*es and effect of natura# disaster+

    2+ Find out more information re'ardin' natura# disaster throu'h the internet+3+ E*#ain the cautionary measure to ta"e (hen natura# disaster ha**ened at their o(n *#ace+

    Educational Emphasis:


    )oe of nature

    Language Content:


    - !im*#e Past Tense

    !eaching aids:

    - u#timedia source $ideo c#i* hea# the (or#d *ictures stimu#ant% (or"sheet handout mah4on' *a*er mar"er

    "revious #no$ledge:

    -!tudents has some "no(#ed'e a.out natura# disaster+

    %nticipated problems:

    - !tudents mi'ht hae *ro.#ems in formin' 5uestions- Time constraint


  • 7/25/2019 Lesson Plan Bestari


    Element of Smart Learning Management

    Learning skill:Listening skillMemorizing skill

    Reading skillWriting skillNote writing skill

    Informational skill :Learning skillResearching skillCommunication and presentation

    Thinking skill:Reasoning skillDecision making skillPredicting skill

    ICT Skills:Web surng skillPresentation using M! PP" skill#sing M! Word skill!toring in$ormation skillPrinting skill!ending in$ormation %ia email skill


  • 7/25/2019 Lesson Plan Bestari


    Stage/!ime !eaching&Learning %ctivit' (emar)s

    !et 'nduction

    () minutes*

    1+ "eacher pla,s a %ideo clip on a song entitled

    -.eal "he World/ b, Micheal 0ackson+

    2+ "eacher asks $ew uestions based on the%ideo clip

    What the, can ,ou see in the clip3

    Did ,ou see this thing happening in


    &+ "eacher e4plains what the lesson will be+

    Multiple intelligences Theory :5isual6spatial

    De%elopment(17 minutes*

    While reading(&7 minutes*

    Activity 1

    1+"r shows some slide and ask !s to identi$,t,pes and e8ect o$ the disaster shown+

    2+ "r and !s discuss about natural disaster thatis happening now+

    Activity 2 !" minit#

    Multiple intelligences Theory :5isual6spatial9 5erbal6linguististik9'nterpersonal

    Learning skill :Listening skillMemorizing skill

    Learning skill :Reading skill


  • 7/25/2019 Lesson Plan Bestari



    (17 minutes*

    1+ !s di%ide into ) groups+

    2+;ach group is to research and sa%e the in$ormation$rom the internet dan present their nding in M!Powerpoint presentation a$ter group discussion+

    &+ !s to sur$ the internet to get in$ormation relatedto the t,pe o$ natural disaster that the, are assignto+

    :+ ;ach group to present their discussion usingM! Powerpoint+

    )+ opp, disk ? thumb dri%ePrinting materials


  • 7/25/2019 Lesson Plan Bestari


    email+ !ending email+

    Closure() minutes* 1+ "eacher sums up the lesson b, encouraging

    !s to take care o$ their en%ironment+

    2+ "r discusses the moral %alues o$ the lesson

    with the !s+

    Thinking skill :Making decisionPredicting

    Prepared b,

    Na@wa At Md Ramli

    Bol,n =alini At Mohd =auzi

    hairunnisa At "a@ul rin

    (PL' DC !A MA'LN N