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  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Table of Contents

    Getting to Know You

    Personal Shield 4Class Time Capsule 5

    Classmate Venn Diagrams 6

    This Thing Tells a Story 7

    Question Hat 8

    Spreading Kindness 9

    Name Card Appreciation 10

    Group Collage 10

    Fillers 11

    Add On 11

    Park It 12

    Picnic 12

    Word Chain 13

    Hidden Leader 14

    Silent Corners 14

    Animal Draw 15

    Number Drawings 16

    Monster 17Sign Me 18

    Observation Station 19

    Easy Poetry Formats 20

    Chalkboard Hangman 21

    Quick Word Scramble 22

    Words Within a Word 22

    Make a Word 23

    World Connection 24

    Shoe Relay 24

    How Good is your Memory? 25

    Think, Think, Think 26

    Adventure 27

    Mystery Word 28

    Changing Chairs 29

    Connect the Dots 29

    Mingle 30

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Curriculum-Based Starters (General)

    KWL 31

    Concentric Circles 32Venn Diagrams 33

    True or False 34

    Tennis Doubles 35

    2-3-4 Review 35

    Spider 36

    Basketball 37

    Alphabet Review 37

    Time Bomb 38

    Magic Moments 39

    Question Relay 40

    Heart Attack 41

    Content Tic-Tac-To 42

    Bingo 43

    Curriculum-Based Starters (Math)

    Graphing 44

    Magic Math Machine 45

    Mental Math Scramble 46

    Closest 47

    Patterns 48

    Silent Math Relay 49

    Heading Toward 100 50

    Finger War 51

    Curriculum-Based Starters (Language Arts)

    Eight 52

    Team Spell 53

    Calming Starters

    A Note about Calming Starters 54

    Stretches/Yoga 55

    Music Story 56

    Read Aloud 57

    Drop Everything and Read 57

    Storytelling 58

    Quick Creative Writing 59

    Silent Ball 60The Silent Six 61

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Telephone 61

    Slow Motion 62

    Add on to My Story 63

    Secret Message 64

    Appendix of Reproducibles

    Personal Shield 65

    Class Time Capsule 66

    Sign Me! 67

    Bingo 68

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Personal Shield

    AGES 5-11FORMAT IndividualMATERIALS NEEDED For each student: A photocopy of a shield

    p. 65, scissors and colored pencils

    DURATION 20-30 minutes

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Make your own shield as an example

    DESCRIPTION1. Tell the students that everyone is going to do an activity to get

    to know each other better.2. Ask them to help you brainstorm what types of information they

    might want to share:a. Hobbies/sports they likeb. Family membersc. Favorite animal, book, subject etc.d. Future job

    3. Write the ideas on the board.4. Pass out the shields and explain that they will write their name

    in the center star.

    5. In each of the other 3 sections they will make a drawing torepresent one of the ideas brainstormed on the board.

    6. Show them your example.7. Let them work.8. During the course of the next couple of days, ask different

    students to share their shield with the class.9. Once the students are finished sharing, display them in your


  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Class Time Capsule

    AGES 6-13FORMAT Individual


    MATERIALS NEEDED Per person: Photocopy of thereproducible sheet p. 66

    DURATION 15-20 minutes

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Photocopy the reproducible sheet


    1. Tell the students that this is a sheet seeking information aboutthem.

    2. Explain that they should put their answers on the first line onlybecause they will write on the second line when they pull themout at the end of the year. This way they can compare theiranswers and see how they have changed.

    3. Give students time to fill out the sheets.4. Invite them to share some of the information with the class.5. Collect all sheets and store them away in your closet/filing

    cabinet until the end of the year.6. Write Class Time Capsule in your lesson planner towards the end

    of the year.7. Pull out the papers at the end of the year and let the students see

    how they have changed.

    OPTION 2-More Student Involvement

    MATERIALS NEEDED Depends on what the students decide

    DURATION 15 minutes the first day20-30 minutes the second day


    DESCRIPTION DAY 11. Explain that you would like to make a class time capsule with

    them.2. Brainstorm with the students what you might want to include.

    Write all ideas on the board. Include any ideas that you have.3. Decide as a class what will be included:

    a. From each person: a drawing, a list of favorites, a stringshowing all tall he/she is, a special picture

    b. A story/book the class wrote/compiled together, a classpicture, graphs about class likes and dislikes

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Class Time Capsule cont.


    Day 2 is reserved as a work day:-to make the class graphs-to fill out a class created questionnaire-to create a book/story together-to measure themselves-to put all the items in a box/envelope and hide it away until the

    end of the year

    Follow steps six and seven above.


    Create magic around the creation and re-visiting of this capsule full ofthe students thoughts and representations of themselves.

    Classmate Venn Diagrams

    AGES 7-18FORMAT Small GroupMATERIALS NEEDED Per group: a piece of paper and pencil

    DURATION 20 minutes

    PREPARATION REQUIRED An example Venn diagram you did withyour family members

    DESCRIPTION1. Present your Venn Diagram as an example.2. Put students into groups of 2-3.3. Model what the Venn Diagram will look like for the number of

    students in each group.4. Give them time to find out how they are similar and how they are

    different.5. Using this information, the group should create a Venn Diagram.6. Once they are finished ask each group to share something

    interesting with the rest of the class.7. Ask the class to try to think of several characteristics that are the

    same for the entire class.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    This Thing Tells a Story


    DURATION 5-10minutes (then a few minutes a dayuntil all students have participated)

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Find a thing in your life that tells a story

    DESCRIPTION1. Find a belonging that tells an anecdote from your life:

    a. The hat you wore when you saw Bono in the airport

    b. The baseball glove you wore when you caught the last outof a game.

    c. A picture of a fun/sad/surprising/moving event.d. A coin from a memorable tripe. A ticket from the best concert everf. A rock/shell you kept from an unforgettable moment

    2. Bring the item in and share your anecdote with the students.3. Invite them to think about a thing in their lives that could tell a

    story.4. Schedule students to bring in their items over the next week.5. During different moments of the day/week give students the

    opportunity to share their items and anecdotes.6. Keep in mind, asking more than 2-3 students to share at a time

    gets long and other students lose their ability to pay attention.

    VARIATION1. Ask student to write their anecdote before presenting it.2. You could even read the anecdote without mentioning the author

    and ask the class to guess the owner.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Question Hat

    AGES 7-18FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED One hat or bag

    Per person: a piece of paper and pencil

    DURATION 10-20 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Give each student a small slip of paper and a pencil.2. Ask them to write a question that would help them to get to know

    someone better:a. What is your favorite color?b. How many people in your family?c. What kind of pets do you have?d. When is your b-day?

    3. Collect all slips and put them in the hat/bag.4. Invite all students to sit in the circle.5. Give the hat to one student.6. That student removes one slip of paper, reads it aloud, answers it,

    and mixes it back in.7. Pass the hat to the next student.

    8. That student takes out a slip, reads it, answers it, and puts itback in.

    9. Follow the pattern around the circle 1-3 times depending onattention span.

    VARIATION WITH MUSIC1. Turn on some fun music.2. Pass the hat around the circle until the music stops.3. The person who has the hat when it stops takes out a slip and

    answers it.

    VARIATION #21. The teacher can write out the questions ahead of time and pull

    out the hat any time there are extra minutes to be filled.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Spreading Kindness

    AGES 7-18FORMAT IndividualMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: a piece of paper and pencil

    DURATION 10-20 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Give everyone a piece of paper and ask them to write their name

    at the top.2. At the signal, each student should pass his/her paper to the

    person behind him/her.3. That person then writes something specific that they like about

    the student whose name is at the top of the paper.4. At the signal, the paper gets passed back to the next person.5. Students write a compliment on the new paper.6. You can change the directions the papers follow. (Pass them to

    the right, 2 people to the left, in front, etc.)7. Continue this until you run out of time or until everyone has

    written on each page.

    Name Card Appreciation

    AGES 7-18FORMAT Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED A name card for each person in the class

    DURATION 5-10 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Ask students to form a circle.2. Hand one name card to each person. No one should have their own

    name.3. Invite each person to say an appreciation or a kind comment about

    the person whose name appears on their card.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Group Collage

    AGES 7-13FORMAT Small GroupsMATERIALS NEEDED Per group: Magazines to cut up, scissors,

    Paper, glue

    DURATION 10-15 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Form groups of 3-4 students.2. Explain that they are to make a collage with pictures of things

    they ALL like.3. Hand out the materials and let the students work.4. Find time during the different transitions of the day to allow the

    groups to share their collages.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Add On

    AGES 5-12FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED None (although music can be fun)DURATION 10 min or more


    DESCRIPTION1. Ask students to form a circle.2. Request that each student think of a movement that:

    a. Does not require leaving the circle

    b. Follows a two count (The participants can slowly count abeat of 1, 2 as they perform the move).

    c. Are doable by all participants such as:i. Clap hands twice (1,2)ii. Tap right foot (1) Tap left foot (2)iii. Saturday Night Fever finger up diagonally (1) and

    down diagonally (2)iv. Raise one hand (1)and then the other(2)v. Snap your fingers (1) then slap your thighs (2)vi. Step to the right with one foot (1)then bring the other

    foot along side (2)

    3. Student 1 begins by doing and counting out a movement.4. All students in the group repeat movement and count it out three

    times.5. Student 2 immediately repeats Student 1s movement once and

    adds on his/her own.6. The group practices both movements together while counting

    three times.7. Student 3 adds his or her move.8. The group performs the three parts of the choreography together.9. This continues all the way around the circle.

    VARIATIONS1. If you have slow music in your classroom, it can be fun to

    perform the movements in order to music. Repeat the cycleseveral times.

    2. For younger students or if you have little time, you can limit thenumber of students volunteering movements.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Park It


    DESCRIPTION1. Ask all students to stand up.2. Explain that Park it means to sit down.3. Call out a characteristic proceeded by Park it if

    a. Park it if you have blue eyesb. Park it ifyour birthday is in spring

    c. Park it ifyou have a brotherd. Park it ifyou have black socks one. Park it ifyou played basketball during recess

    4. Students who fit into the category need to park it/sit down.5. Keeping the pace quick, call out another characteristic.6. The last student standing wins.

    VARIATION1. Allow students to jot down characteristics and put them in a hat.



    DESCRIPTION1. Sit students in a circle.2. Start by saying Im going on a picnic and I am bringing

    lemonade.3. Student 1 repeats what the teacher said and adds on an item (e.g.

    Im going on a picnic and I am bringing lemonade andbrownies.)

    4. Student 2 repeats the first two and adds a third. (e.g. I am goingon a picnic and I am bringing lemonade, brownies, and plates.)

    5. Go all the way around the circle.

    VARIATION1. Change where you are going (the moon, camping, the pooletc.)

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Word Chain


    DESCRIPTION1. On the board write an example like this one:

    a. Hope elephant teacher read -2. Ask students to look at the pattern and raise their hand if they

    think they know a word that could go next.

    3. Once a student identifies the pattern (the next word needs tostart with the last letter of the word prior), have the studentexplain it to the group.

    4. Tell the students that this is the idea of the game Word Chain.5. Do a practice round. (If I say the word yellow, what could be the

    next word?)6. Choose one of the formats below and begin the game.

    VARIATIONS OF FORMATS1. Sit all students in a circle and simply go around the circle.

    2. Ask all students to stand up and once they contribute a word tothe chain, they can sit down.

    3. Go up and down the rows.4. Simply raise your hand if you have a contribution.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Hidden Leader


    DESCRIPTION1. Ask students to sit in a circle.2. Invite one person to volunteer to leave the room for a moment.3. Once that person steps out, find a volunteer to be the Hidden


    4. The Hidden Leader begins a movement while seated in the circle.5. All other participants immediately do the SAME movement.6. The hidden leaders task is to change movements every 5-20

    seconds without being identified as the leader by the firstvolunteer. All other participants need to immediatelyfollow/repeat the changes.

    7. Call the first volunteer back into the room.8. The first volunteer has three guesses to identify the leader.9. At the end of the round, play again with two new volunteers if you

    have time.

    Silent Corners


    DESCRIPTION1. As a class give a name/description to each corner (next to the

    teachers desk, by the door, by the window, near the closet...etc)2. Choose one person to be it.3. That person sits in the center of the room and closes his/her eyes

    and counts to 15 slowly.4. During those 15 seconds all other students move quietly to one of

    the corners of the room.5. Before the student opens his/her eyes, he/she calls out a corner.6. All people in that corner must come and sit down quietly in the

    center of the room.7. Repeat the process with the students remaining until there are 2.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Animal Draw

    AGES 5-11FORMAT Small GroupsMATERIALS NEEDED Per group: one die, one paper, one pencilDURATION 5-10 minutesPREPARATION REQUIRED None

    DESCRIPTION1. Put students into groups of 3-4.2. Write the following on the board:

    1 Head and Trunk

    2 Legs3 Tail

    4 Ears

    5 Body

    6 tusks

    3. In each group, student one rolls the dice and draws thecorresponding body part(s) according to the chart on the board.

    4. The die is passed to Student 2 who rolls the die and he/shedraws the body part for that number.

    5. If a student rolls a number that is a repeat, he/she simply passesthe die on to the next person.

    6. This continues until the elephant is completed.7. The first group to finish makes an elephant noise to indicate their


    VARIATION1. The animal can be changed for future rounds. The animals

    home (a tree, a nest, the oceanetc.) can be added if you need anextra item.

    2. Curriculum material could be included. For example, if you arestudying the digestive system, the chart might look like this:

    1 Small intestine

    2 mouth

    3 Pancreas and gall bladder

    4 esophagus

    5 stomach

    6 Large intestine

    Part of the evaluation would be if everything is labeled correctlyand in its proper spot.

    Example 2: 6 parts of a time-line (for history or a story line)

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Number Drawings


    DESCRIPTION1. Have students fold their piece of paper into thirds and then in

    half. There should be 6 areas of the paper.2. Ask students to write the numbers 1-6, one in each area.3. Their task is to use each number as the basis for an imaginative


    VARIATION-LETTER DRAWINGS1. Ask each student to write down the first letter from their first

    name and the first letter from their last name.2. Now invite them to create a creature or drawing using the letters

    as the base.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities



    AGES 5-11FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: Pencil and PaperDURATION 10 minutesPREPARATION REQUIRED None

    DESCRIPTION1. Give a piece of paper to each student and ask them to fold it in

    thirds.2. Explain to the students that they are going to make a

    monster/alien/imaginary animal.

    3. The first person is to draw the head and neck in the first third ofthe paper.

    4. When they are done, they fold the first third toward the back so itcan not be seen.

    5. Then they pass it to the person to the right.6. Now it is time to make the body and arms on the new paper.7. Once finished, the second third is folded back and passed to the

    right.8. The last third is reserved for the legs and feet.9. It is good to ask the students working on the head/neck and the

    body/arms to draw a few centimeters onto the next section so

    that the parts all match up.10. Open the monsters up and get a good laugh.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Sign Me

    AGES 8-18FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: Pencil and PhotocopyDURATION 10-15 minutesPREPARATION REQUIRED -Make and photocopy a worksheet of 10-

    15 silly items that need to be performedby the students.-Reproducible example on p. 67

    DESCRIPTION1. Hand out a worksheet to each student.

    2. Explain that students must wander the class looking for people toperform the activities and sign their papers.

    3. The goal is to be the first one to have all items signed on the sheet.4. No person may sign two times on one sheet.5. Enjoy!

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Observation Station


    DESCRIPTION1. Quickly change something about your appearance without the

    students noticing.2. Tell them that you have just changed something. Can they guess

    what it is?

    3. After they guess, put students into pairs telling each one who is Aand who is B.

    4. Invite the Bs to close their eyes and count to 10 slowly and alltogether.

    5. While Bs eyes are closed, A should change something abouthis/her appearance.

    6. On the count of 10, B can open his/her eyes and try to identifythe difference.

    7. Then give B the chance to adjust something and let A guess.8. If there is time allow student to change partners and do it again.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Easy Poetry Formats

    AGES 7-12FORMAT IndividualMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: a piece of paper and pencil

    DURATION 20 minutes

    PREPARATION REQUIRED An few examples of the format you choose

    ACROSTIC DESCRIPTION1. Tell the students that they are going to write a poem about

    themselves using their name as the base of the poem.2. Share your acrostic poem:

    a. Pointing out your name verticallyb. Signaling how the first letter of each line begins with a

    letter from your namec. Show how each line gives information about you.

    3. Let them know that they can do any combination of their firstname, middle name and last name.

    4. Allow them time to write.5. Ask students to share their poems.

    HAIKU DESCRIPTION1. Share a few haiku poems with your students that you have

    written.2. Point out that the only rules are that:

    a. The first line have 5 syllablesb. The second line have 7 syllablesc. The third line have 5 syllables

    3. Haikus are often about nature, but can be about any topic.4. Let the students write.5. Allow students to choose their favorite to decorate and hang up in

    the classroom.

    LIMERICK DESCRIPTION-For older students1. Read a few examples of limericks.2. Write one on the board.3. Ask students to point out what they notice:

    a. 5 linesb. Lines 1,2 and 5 rhymec. Lines 3 and 4 rhyme.d. There is a particular rhythm to it

    i. Lines 1, 2, 5= da-da-daah da-da-daah da-da-daahii. Lines 3 and 4= da-da-daah da-da-daah

    4. Give them time to write.5. Share and laugh together.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Chalkboard Hangman

    AGES 9-18FORMAT Whole Group



    DESCRIPTION1. Draw the hangman scaffold on the board.2. Choose a spelling or vocabulary word from the students studies.3. Write one blank line on the board for each letter in the word.4. Ask for volunteers to guess a letter in the word.5. If the word contains the letter, fill that letter into its

    corresponding blank(s). Write it as many times as it occurs in theword.

    Example: photosynthesisIf the student guesses s, fill in all of the s.

    ____ ____ ____ ____ ____S____ ____ ____ ____ ____S____S

    6. If the student guesses a letter that does not appear in the word,

    write the letter on the board and add a body part to the victim:head, body, arms, legs, feet, hands7. The objective is for a student to guess the word before the last

    body part is added and thus the man is hung.

    VARIATION1. Allow the student who wins to come to the board and lead the

    next round.

    VARIATION #2-WALK THE PLANK1. A student volunteer is brought to the front of the room.

    2. Play Hangman as described above, however, every time someoneguesses incorrectly, the volunteer needs to take a step.

    3. The plank can be the teachers desk, a bench, a row of chairs orjust an imaginary plank on the floor.

    4. If it is imaginary, create a beginning and an endingline to be clear when the poor victim falls into the ocean.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Quick Word Scramble

    AGES 7-18FORMAT Whole Group



    DESCRIPTION1. Think of 5-6 words from a unit of study.2. Scramble each one separately and put them on the board.3. See how long it takes for the students to unscramble all the

    words correctly.

    Words within a Word

    AGES 8-18FORMAT IndividualMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper and a pencil

    DURATION 5-10 minutes

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Prepare a word or phrase that allows tbestudents to make many words

    DESCRIPTION1. Put a word or phrase on the board.2. Ask students to use the letters in the word/phrase to form as manyother words as they can.3. Letters can only be used the same number of times they appear.

    Partial Example:

    Arsenal plays Chelsea tonight.




  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Make a Word(based on Boggle by Parker Brothers)

    AGES 10-18

    FORMAT IndividualMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper and a pencilDURATION 5-10 minutes

    PREPARATION REQUIRED-Create a 4x4 grid or a 5x5 grid.-Fill in the grid with mostly common letters.-Play a round to ensure that many words can be formed.

    DESCRIPTION1. Put the grid on the board and give students 3 minutes to perform

    their task.2. Students are to use adjoining letters to form words.3. A letter may not be used more than once unless it appears

    multiple times in the grid.4. The letters need to connect in order to form the word. No

    jumping around.


    a r t h o

    d s e c t

    b w u a o

    m v l p l

    a n r f s

    Possible wordsDartWet



    Incorrect Attempts

    Search-because the r is not connected to the a or c.Sets-each square can only be used once in a word

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    World Connection

    AGES 10-18FORMAT Whole Group

    MATERIALS NEEDED Atlas for reference purposesDURATION 5-10 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Student 1 begins by naming a river, city, country, or mountain in

    the world. (e.g. Spain)2. Student 2 needs to name a river, city, country, or mountain that

    begins with the last letter of the first response. (e.g. Nile)3. Student 3 needs to name a river, city, country, or mountain that

    begins with the last response mentioned. (e.g. Eugene)4. Students have 5 seconds to respond.5. Any incorrect response or lack of response puts the student out

    of the game.6. If a students response is challenged, use the Atlas or internet to

    make the decision. If the original student was correct, thechallenger is out. If the challenger is correct, the original studentis out.

    Shoe Relay


    DESCRIPTION1. Ask all students to take off one shoe.2. Put all the shoes in a pile at the end of the room.3. Clear two safe, direct routes to the pile of shoes.4. Divide students into two groups.5. Each group should stand equidistant from the pile of shoes.6. On the count of three, the first student in each group, runs to theshoe pile, finds his/her missing shoe, puts it on and runs back to thegroup.7. Then student 2 runs to the pile and does the same thing.

    8. Continue this pattern.9. The team to get all their shoes on first wins.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    How Good is your Memory?

    AGES AllFORMAT Whole Group

    MATERIALS NEEDED Random items to put on a TrayDURATION 5-10 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Ask all of the students to sit in a circle.2. Place the tray of items in the center. (For younger students it

    should be 3-5 items. For older students it can be 10-15)3. Give the students 30 seconds to study the items.4. Take the tray away and secretly remove one item.

    5. Bring the tray back and see who is the first person to guess themissing item. This person becomes the volunteer for the nextround.

    6. Let the students see the tray again for 20 seconds.7. Ask the volunteer to take the tray away and secretly remove one

    item.8. Invite the volunteer to bring the tray back and see which student

    will correctly guess the missing item.9. Play for as many rounds as you like.

    VARIATION FOR OLDER STUDENTS WITH PAPER AND PENCIL1. Put the tray in the circle as above.2. Give the students 20 seconds to study the tray.3. Hand out paper and pencil and ask the students to write down

    all the items they remember from the tray.4. The student who remembers the most items correctly wins.

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    Think, Think, ThinkBased on the game Scattergories by Milton Bradley

    AGES 9-18FORMAT Small Groups

    MATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper and pencilDURATION 10-15 minutes

    PREPARATION REQUIRED-Think of the categories to be used:boys names, girls names, cities, fruits and vegetables, toys, musicalinstruments, animals, authors, actors/actresses, presidents, countries,candy/dessert, something you would find at a hardware store,-Play the game by yourself to judge the difficulty


    1. Choose 2-4 categories depending on time available.2. Decide on 3-5 letters.3. Draw the game chart on the board and ask students to copy it.

    (ex. If the categories are: fruits and vegetables, instruments andauthors and the letters are T, R, C, S, the game chart would looklike this:)

    T R C S




    4. Explain that they are to fill in a word for each category thatbegins with the letters provided.

    5. Inform students how much time they have to complete the chart.6. Once finished, put students in groups of 3-6.7. Students take turns reading the words on their chart. Here is an


    T R C S

    Fruits/veg tomato radish cantaloupe spinach

    Instruments trumpet clarinet Slidetrombone

    authors JR Rowling B. Cleary shakespeare

    8. If anyone else wrote the same word, it is crossed off and no pointsare given. Students get 1 point for each answer that is unique tothe group.

    9. Each student should tally up his/her points and compare it withthe others in the group.

    10. The person with the most points wins.

    VARIATION-PAIRS1. Put students in pairs and let them fill out the grid together.2. In this case, 2-3 pairs could play against one another.

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    AGES 5-12FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 5-10 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Clear the perimeter of the room.2. Ask students to form a circle along the outside of the room. It is

    best if no on is touching.

    3. Explain to the students that they will all be going on anadventure and that you hope they will really live the experience.

    4. Start walking around the circle in a normal fashion.5. After a bit change the scene:

    -There is a lot of tall, thick grass up here. Better get outyour machete.

    -Oh no! Quick Sand! Grab on to a branch!-Uh oh. This next part looks like hot lava.-Whew! Here is a river to cool us off. Just keep your eyes

    open for the crocodiles.-Eeew! This part is all sticky and muddy.

    -You arent going to believe this. This patch is all ice!-Whoa! We need to cross this gorge and there is only a tight

    rope!6. Continue changing scenes randomly and somewhat quickly. The

    unpredictability is part of the fun.7. Everybodys facial expressions and actions should be changing

    with each change of environment.8. You can ask students for situations/environments to pass


  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Mystery Word

    AGES 9-18FORMAT PairsMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper and pencilDURATION 10 minutes


    DESCRIPTION 1. Ask each student to think of a five letter word and write it down

    at the top of the paper.2. Each student should then fold over the top flap of the paper

    (which holds the word).3. Student 1 will attempt to guess Student 2s word by writing down

    a random five letter word.4. Student 2 writes the number of letters that are also in his/her


    Example:Student 1 guesses: trashStudent 2 word is: chain

    Student 2 would write next to trash.

    5. Now it is Student 2s turn to guess Student 1s word.6. This pattern continues until one person guesses the others word.7. Pairs that finish early can repeat the activity with a three or 4

    letter word.

    Suggestion1. Play an example round on the board with the whole class to ensurethat everyone understands.

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    Changing Chairs



    DESCRIPTION1. Ask students to throw out a category. (e.g. Soccer)2. Divide the students into 4-5 groups.3. Each group has a name that relates to the topic.

    (e.g. Liverpool, Juventus, Real Madrid, Manchester United, ACMilan)4. Form a circle with chairs. There should be one chair for each

    person.5. Remove one chair at random.6. The person who was sitting on the chair moves to the center of

    the circle.7. That person calls out one of the group names. (ex. AC Milan)8. All students in the AC Milan group need to stand up and change

    chairs.9. At the same time, the person in the middle tries to get a seat.

    10. The person without a chair goes to the middle and calls out adifferent group name.

    11. The person in the middle can also say the category name (ex.Soccer) and then all the students need to change chairs.

    12. Play until you run out of time.

    Connect the Dots

    AGES 8-18

    FORMAT IndividualMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper and pencilDURATION 5- 10 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Ask students to draw a specific number of large dots randomly on

    their page. (between 6-10)2. Collect the papers.3. Shuffle the papers and hand them out to a new owner.4. The students should create drawings using the dots as the main


  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities





    DESCRIPTION1. Explain the entire game to the students before letting them

    mingle.2. Ask students to mingle by repeating in a sing-song way the word

    mingle many times.3. After 3-15 seconds call out a pair command:

    -hand to hand-foot to hand-head to knee-elbow to shoulder

    4. Once the pair command is called, each person in the class needsto find another student and connect in the way mentioned.

    5. The person who does not have a partner, becomes the new leader.6. If the class totals an even number, the teacher does not have to

    play. However, if your class totals and odd number, you need to

    participate.7. The leaders should be different every time.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities



    AGES AnyFORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED Paper and PencilDURATION 10-20 minutesOBJECTIVE Begin a Unit/Lesson


    DESCRIPTION1. Write a three column table on the board or chart paper.2. Write the letters K, W, L on top of each column. (one per column)3. Introduce the new topic. (e.g. Today we are going to start

    studying mammals.)4. Ask the students what they already know about mammals.5. Write their responses in the K (Know) column.6. Once the students have told you all their knowledge on the topic,

    ask them if they have any questions about mammals or if thereanything they would like to learn about mammals.

    7. Write down their answers in the W (Want to Know) column.8. At the end of the unit, return to the chart to fill in the L (Learned)

    column about what they learned.


    1. This can be done in small groups with older students.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Concentric Circles

    AGES 9-18FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 10 minOBJECTIVE Review Homework/Discussion


    DESCRIPTION1. Divide the class into two even groups.2. Ask Group 1 to form a circle in the center of the room.3. Ask Group 2 to form a circle around the outside of Group 1.

    4. Group 1 should then turn to face someone in the outside circle.Each person should be in front of someone else.

    5. Give the students a topic to discuss. It can be as easy as:a. What did you learn from reading the article for homework?b. What struck you while you were reading the chapter last

    night?c. Why do you think the main character behaved like she did

    in last nights chapter?d. What were the three most important points to remember

    from the video?e. Ask the person across from you to help you improve a

    specific part of your essay.f. Share the strategy you used to solve last nights math

    problem.6. Allow the students a few minutes to discuss the topic and then

    ask ONE of the circles to rotate. This can be rotate one or twopersons to the right/left.

    7. Students can continue talking with the new person on the sametopic or you can give them a new topic.

    8. Rotate as many times as you like.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Venn Diagrams

    AGES 8-18FORMAT PairsMATERIALS NEEDED Per pair: 2 Paper Circles, 2 Pencils

    and a piece of paperDURATION 10-15 minOBJECTIVE Analyze Information

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Cut out a circle for each student.

    DESCRIPTION1. Choose two things to compare:

    a. Amphibians and Reptilesb. Two characters in a bookc. Two political leadersd. Our hometown and another place

    2. Give each student a circle.3. Assign half the class to write about topic A and the other half to

    write about topic B. This should be done in his/her circle.4. Once complete, form partners using one topic A student and one

    topic B student.5. Give each group a piece of paper and ask them to write out their

    thoughts/information in a Venn Diagram format:

    a. Ideas and information that pertain to only topic A stay onthe far right.

    b. Ideas and information that pertain to only topic B stay onthe far left.

    c. Ideas and information shared by both topics is written inthe area that overlaps.

    Variation to Increase Difficulty

    1. Compare three topics and make a three circle Venn Diagram(Second diagram).

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    True or False

    AGES 6-18FORMAT Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 5-10 minutesOBJECTIVE Review information

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Jot down 10-15 true/false statementsabout the current unit of study/homework.


    1. Invite all students to stand up.2. Decide on the movements or areas to indicate true and false and

    explain them to the class:

    TRUE FALSERemain Standing Sit Down

    Put your hands on

    your head

    Put your hands out to

    the sideGo to the back of theroom

    Go to the front of theroom

    3. Say a true/false statement relating to the unit or homework.4. Students should do the movement/go to the area that

    corresponds to their answer.5. Teacher can ask a student to prove or explain their answer.6. Continue to next statement.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Tennis Doubles

    AGES 10-18FORMAT Small Groups of 4MATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 5-10 minutesOBJECTIVE Review information


    DESCRIPTION1. Divide students into groups of four.

    2. Students should then form two groups of two and sit across fromeach other.

    3. The teacher calls out the topic: Pride and Prejudice-ElizabethBennett

    4. Student 1 of Team 1 says something that relates to the topic:strong

    5. Student 1 of Team 2 says something relating to the main topic:many sisters

    6. Student 2 of Team 1 says something relating to the main topic:self-righteous

    7. Student 2 of Team 2 says something relating to the main topic:

    Thinks Mr. Darcy is a snob8. The topic gets lobbed back and forth until someone can no longer

    continue.9. Have an extra topic or two for groups that finish quickly.

    2-3-4 Review

    AGES 12-18FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 5 minutesOBJECTIVE Review Information


    DESCRIPTION1. Give students 3 minutes to mingle and say two key points about thedays lesson to four different students.

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    AGES 7-18FORMAT Small Groups of 4MATERIALS NEEDED Paper and PencilDURATION 5-10 minutesOBJECTIVE Review information/homework


    DESCRIPTION1. Divide students into groups of 4.2. Draw a simple spider on the board. (One smaller circle on top of

    a bigger circle and many legs off the side.)3. Give them a piece of paper and ask them to draw the same thing

    on their paper.4. Give the students a topic and ask them to write as much

    information as they can around the spider. (One piece ofinformation per leg.)

    5. If the group has more than eight pieces of information, theyshould just add legs onto the spider.

    6. When groups are finished, or when the time is up, ask groups toshare with the class a few pieces of information off their spider.

    VARIATION FOR OLDER STUDENTS1. Simply eliminate the spider head and ask them to web about

    their knowledge of the subject.

    VARIATION 21. This can be done as a whole class activity.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities



    AGES 7-18FORMAT Groups of 4-6MATERIALS NEEDED Garbage Can and a ball or wad of paperDURATION 5-10 minutesOBJECTIVE Review information/homework

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Prepare a list of questions

    DESCRIPTION1. Have teams line up perpendicular to the front of the room.2. Explain that the first person in line is the only person who can

    answer the question.3. Ask question 1.4. The first person who answers correctly, gets a chance to shoot a

    basket.5. If he/she makes the basket, he/she earns 2 points for the team.

    If he/she misses, one point is earned.6. Each team should rotate its players. The first person goes to the

    back and everybody else moves up.7. Ask question 2 and follow the same pattern.8. Continue through all the questions or until all members of the

    team have had a chance at the front.

    Alphabet Review

    AGES 10-18FORMAT Individual/PairsMATERIALS NEEDED Per person/pair: paper and pencilDURATION 10-15 minutesOBJECTIVE Review Information


    DESCRIPTION1. Ask each student/pair to write the letters of the alphabet down

    the side of the paper.2. Explain that their task is to think of words starting with as many

    letters of the alphabet that relate to the unit of study:

    Possible Example Topics: plants, countries, presidents, authors,Julius Cesar by Shakespeare, chemistryterms

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Time Bomb

    AGES 9-18FORMAT Whole Group

    MATERIALS NEEDED A TimerDURATION 8-15 minutesOBJECTIVE Review Information

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Create a set of questions/topics

    OPTION 1DESCRIPTION-1. Ask students to form a circle.2. Provide the students with a topic like Adaptations3. Turn the timer to 20-30 seconds and pass it to a student.4. Student 1 gives a piece of information about adaptations

    a. Some animals use camouflage5 Student 1 passes the timer to the student next to him/her.6 Student 2 quickly adds information on the topic and passes the

    timer to the next student.7 This pattern continues until a student cannot participate or the

    timer goes off. If either of those two occurs, the student holdingthe timer is out.


    1. Prepare a list of 35-50 questions.2. Ask students to form a circle.3. To find the first player in the game, set the timer to go off in less

    than 20 seconds.4. Throw the timer to a player, that player in turn throws it to

    someone else. Students should keep throwing it until it goes off.The student holding the timer when it goes off begins the roundas player 1.

    5. Set the timer again. Vary the amount of seconds each time, butkeep it under a minute.

    6. Return the timer to player 1 and ask a question.

    7. Player 1 needs to answer the question as quickly (and correctly)as possible and throw the timer to another player in the circle.

    8. Ask another question. Player 2 needs to answer that questionand throw it to another player.

    9. This continues until the timer goes off. The player holding thetimer is out.

    10.If a student answers incorrectly they are out.11.Play for as long as you like or until there are only 2 players left.

    VARIATION FOR OPTION 21. The day before, ask each student to write up 2-5 possible test

    questions and their answers.2. Use these in the game.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Magic Moments

    AGES 7 and upFORMAT Whole Group or Small Groups

    MATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 10-20 minutesOBJECTIVE Synthesize Information

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Decide on a scene for each groupExamples:Science: liquid particles being frozenHistory: Battle at NormandyLiterature: Most important moment in Chapter 10 of our novelMath: A story problem

    DESCRIPTION-WHOLE CLASS1. Explain to the students that they are going make a

    moment in time come alive in the classroom.2. Grab a small group of volunteers (4-6) to be the actors.3. Tell the whole class the scene.4. Invite the class members to call out characters the volunteers

    should portray.5. Once the characters have been selected and assigned, let the

    students offer ideas about what the characters need todo/say/act.

    6. Let the volunteers make the moment come alive.

    DESCRIPTION-SMALL GROUPS1. Once the class has experienced this activity as a whole group,

    you might want to increase participation and do it in smallgroups.

    2. Divide the students into groups3. Give each group a different scene.4. Allow 5-8 minutes to practice.5. Let each group present their scene to the class.

    6. Permit time for short class conversations after each presentationto discuss important details, anything left outetc.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Question Relay

    AGES 9-18FORMAT Small Groups

    MATERIALS NEEDED For each group: A cut up photocopy anda pen and a paperclip

    DURATION 10 minutesOBJECTIVE Review Information

    PREPARATION REQUIRED-Make a list of review questions (7-10)-Photocopy one list for each group.-Cut up the list into slips of paper. (One question on each slip)-Paperclip the slips together. (one for each group)

    DESCRIPTION1. Divide the class into groups of 4.2. Ask all groups to huddle in the back of the classroom with a pen.3. Unclip the slips and lay each pack in a line across the front of the

    room directly in line with a group.4. When you give the signal, student 1 from each group will run to thefront of the room, grab ONE question from the teams pack and raceback to the team.5. The team will then write down the answer to the question.6. Then, student 2 will run up to grab another question from the

    teams pack.7. The team will write down the answer and send student 3.8. This continues until one team has answered all the questions.9. The first team to answer all the questions correctly wins.

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    Heart Attack

    AGES 9-18FORMAT Whole Group

    MATERIALS NEEDED ChalkDURATION 10-15 minutesOBJECTIVE Review Information

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Create a set of questions

    DESCRIPTION1. Give each person on the team a number. (All teams need to have

    the same numbers. If one team has an extra person, then givetwo numbers to a player on the other teams.)

    2. Call out a vocabulary word or review question.

    3. Then call out a number.4. The students who correspond to that number race to the board to

    write down the correct answer.5. The team whose player answers correctly first gets the point.

    SUGGESTIONS1. Have students clear the aisles between the rows so no one trips

    on a book.2. Move the teacher desk to the side if it sits in front of the chalk

    board.3. Keep track of how many times you call each number so everyonegets their fair share of participation.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Content Tic-Tac-To

    AGES 5-18FORMAT Pairs or Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED Per pair: worksheet and pencilDURATION 5-10 minutesOBJECTIVE Review Information

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Make a worksheet if you choose to do theactivity in pairs

    DESCRIPTION WHOLE CLASS1. Draw a tic-tac-to grid on the chalkboard.2. Include a piece of material to be reviewed in each square:

    For very young students: colored circles, body parts, Numbers,letters

    For young students: simple addition/subtraction problems,Spelling words with missing letters, vocabulary word definitions,2-D shapes

    For older students: simple algebra problems, 3-D shapes,science terminology, vocabulary words, musical notes

    3. Divide the class into two teams. Choose who will be representedby X and who will be represented by O.

    4. Decide which team will go first.5. Student 1 of team one selects a square and then gives the answer.

    If student is correct the respective X or O is put in that place.

    6. Students on the team need to work individually. No whisperinganswers. If you hear an answer being called out, the team loses itsturn.

    7.If the student makes an error, play simply moves to the other team.8. Team 2 follows the same pattern.9. No student can repeat a turn until all have played.10. The team to get 3 X or 3 O in a row wins.

    DESCRIPTION PAIRS (FOR STUDENTS 7-18)1. The game is the same, but allows for increased participation.2. It requires either:

    a. you making a photocopy with the tic-tac-to grid and the info aheadof time.

    b. you putting the tic-tac-to grid with the information on the boardand the students copy it down before playing.

    c. students making the tic-tac-to grid and writing in the information.

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    AGES AnyFORMAT IndividualMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper, pencil, beansDURATION 10-20 minutesOBJECTIVE Review Information

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Photocopy the Bingo Grid p. 68collect beans to mark the bingo card

    DESCRIPTION1. Give students an empty Bingo grid and ask them to fill in the

    squares with half of the information being studied. For example:

    Class/Subject Information forBingo Grid

    Information to becalled out

    Chemistry Periodic Symbol Element

    Language Arts ocabulary word Definitions

    History Historical Event Person whoparticipated in theevent or dateoccurred

    Math Numbers from1-50

    Number(in words)

    2. Give each student a handful of beans.3. Decide the type of bingo to be played: vertical, horizontal,

    diagonal, X, C, T, U, four corners, or whole card.4. Randomly call out a piece of information. (e.g. Carbon)5. Students look to see if they have the corresponding periodic

    symbol on their bingo card. If they do, they cover it with a bean.6. Continue to call out info randomly.7. Once a student covers the designated pattern on their card,

    he/she yells out Bingo.8. Check to make sure there was no error.9. Award a simple prize (e.g. Standing ovation)

    10. Play again using a different type of bingo.11. When finished collect the cards and beans to use again another


    QUICK VARIATION1. Instead of playing on the usual 5 x 5 grid, students can simply

    draw a 3 x 3 grid in their notebooks for a quick game.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities



    AGES 5-12FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED For each student: one square of paper

    And a piece of tapeDURATION 10-15 minutesOBJECTIVE Brain Jump Start

    PREPARATION REQUIRED -Prepare a poster board/bulletin board touse as a graph.-Pre-cut the tape and put the pieces nearthe graph.

    DESCRIPTION1. Give each student a square.2. Tell the students to write their name on their individual square.3. Ask the students a question and give them the possible

    responses:a. Favorite ice cream: vanilla, chocolate, mint, or otherb. Favorite color: blue, red, yellow, orangec. Number of brothers and sisters: 0, 1, 2, more than 2d. How do you get to school?: walking, bus, car, bike

    4. Show the students the class graph and model where to put the

    squares: correct area for response and one directly on top or nextto the other.

    5. Invite one table or row of students at a time to place their squareon the correct place on the graph.

    6. When finished, ask the students comprehension questions abouttheir class graph:

    a. Which answer had the most?b. Which answer had the least?c. How many people answered chocolate?d. How many more people answered chocolate than vanilla?

    VARIATIONS1. As your class becomes accustomed to graphing, you can leave the

    squares and tape out for them and they can answer the daysquestion as they come in the classroom.

    2. For small children, you can use drawings instead of squares (icecream cones, different colored circles, people, busesetc.)

    3. For older kids, they can turn these into line graphs or pie graphs.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Magic Math Machine

    AGES 7 and upFORMAT Individual


    PREPARATION REQUIRED-Choose the missing variable to the equation (e.g. +5)-Choose the sample equations

    4 ___=912 ___=1723___=2810___=15

    DESCRIPTION1. Draw a big box on the board.2. Tell the class that this simple looking box is actually a Magical

    Math Machine. When you put a number in at the top it ismagically transformed and comes out a different number at thebottom.

    3. The students task is to figure out what magical computation ishappening in the box.

    4. Using the numbers above as an example, start by writing a 4 on

    top of the box.5. Then tell the students a 9 has come out the bottom.6. Write 4 ___=9 to the side of the box so the students can

    remember and continue on with the next set of numbers.7. Write 12 at the top of the box. (Make a magical math machine

    noise while the number is transformed.)8. Write the number 17 at the bottom.9. Ask students to write down the magical computation if they know

    it.10. Write the next numbers on the board.11. After doing several equations, walk around the room and see

    what students are thinking.12. Ask students to share their ideas, strategies and prove their

    answer is correct.13. Choose a different computation to do it again.

    VARIATIONS TO ADJUST THE DIFFICULTY1. Subtraction and division are more challenging than addition and

    multiplication.2. For older students do a 2 step equation:

    2x+2o 5____=12o 8____=18o 3____=8

    o 2____=5

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Mental Math Scramble

    AGES 7 and upFORMAT Individual



    DESCRIPTION1. Write 5 numbers in different places on the board.

    3 58 7


    2. Ask the students to add these numbers together without the useof pencil and paper.

    3. Invite them to raise their hands when they are finished.4. Call on students to mouth the answer to you, so you get a sense

    of the different answers that are out there.5. Once all students seem to be done, ask a student to share how

    they went about adding these up. As the student talks, showhis/her thought process on the board.

    6. Ask if anyone else went about it differently and show their

    thought process.Student 18+7=153+2=515+5=2020+5=25

    Student 27+3=108+2=1010+10=2020+5=25

    Student 32+3=55+5=108+7=1510+15=25

    7. Be sure to probe students why they chose their strategy.

    VARIATION TO INCREASE THE DIFFICULTY1. Increase the amount of numbers to add.2. Increase the value of the numbers to add. (I like to keep in mind

    the strategy of forming tens/hundreds and so often choose mynumbers keeping that in mind.)

    3. Put one number on top and ask the students to subtract the 3numbers underneath from it.


    5 3 7

    4. Put several numbers on the board and ask the students tomultiply them together.

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    AGES 9-18FORMAT Individual

    MATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper and pencilDURATION 5-10 minutesOBJECTIVE Brain Jump Start

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Decide on a target number and the fiverandom numbers the students can use.

    DESCRIPTION1. Put the target number and the five random numbers on the board.2. Explain to the students that they are to use the random numberswith any mathematical operation to get as close to the target number as


    Example for Younger Students

    Target number 150Random numbers: 2, 3, 10, 72,100

    Possible answer: 2+3=55*10=5050+100=150

    Example for Older Students

    Target number 1224Random numbers: 4, 26, 145, 321, 562

    Possible answer [(26*145)-(4*562)] 321=1201

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    AGES AnyFORMAT Individual

    MATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper and pencilDURATION 5 minutesOBJECTIVE Brain Jump Start

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Choose an age appropriate pattern

    DESCRIPTION1. Write the pattern on the board including three blank spots at the

    end.2. Ask students to continue the pattern.3. Review as a class.

    EXAMPLES FOR VERY YOUNG STUDENTS1. Use colored circles or pictures instead of numbers.


    2. Place students in a pattern in front of the room. Who could benext?







    1. 3, 9, 15, 21, ________, _________, _________


    1. 3x + 1, 6x + 2, 12x + 4, ________, _________, _________

    2. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,________, _________, _________ (Add previous 2 terms)

    3. 1, 2, 2, 4, 8,________, _________, _________ (Multiply previous 2 terms)

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Silent Math Relay

    AGES 8-13FORMAT Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED ChalkDURATION 5-10 minutesOBJECTIVE Brain Jump Start

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Draw a 10x10 chart on the board for eachteam.

    DESCRIPTION1. Divide the students into 2-3 teams.2. Ask the teams to line up in front of their chart on the

    board.3. Tell them the information to be put in the chart

    1-100400-5003-300 Skip counting by 3Multiplication chart

    4. At the count of three, the first student in each group runs up tothe team chart and fills in the first square.

    5. Once the first person has returned, the second student runs upto write the second number.

    6. Then the third person writes the third number.

    7. If there is an error, a student can correct it INSTEAD OF writinga new number.

    8. There is no talking during this game which helps holds peopleaccountable.

    9. The group to finish correctly first, wins.

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    Heading Toward 100

    AGES 9-18FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED Cards with students names on themDURATION 10 minutesOBJECTIVE Brain Jump Start

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Cards with students names on them

    DESCRIPTION1. Flip a name card over at random and give a math problem

    (ex. 8+5)2. The student whose name is called can take as much time as

    he/she needs to answer.3. No one else in the room may speak.4. Once the student answers correctly, flip another card over and

    add on to the problem (e.g. +7) So Student 2 must take theanswer from Student 1 and add seven.

    5. Flip over another card and provide another number to add.6. The goal is to reach 100.7. The game starts over if: anyone makes a mistake, some one

    wasnt paying attention and thus doesnt know what numbers toadd, or if another student shouts out the answer.

    VARIATION1. In order to increase the difficulty, you can add in multiplication,

    subtraction and addition.2. The new goal would be to say as many correct answers in a row

    as possible.

    Partial Example:

    Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5

    5+5 10 x 10 100/4 25+37 62-13

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Finger War

    AGES 6-13FORMAT Pairs

    MATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 5-10 minutesOBJECTIVE Brain Jump Start


    DESCRIPTION1. Inform the students whether they should be adding, subtracting,

    or multiplying.2. The pairs stand facing each other.3. Each person puts one hand behind his/her back.

    4. On the count of three, the students say Finger War and showhis/her chosen amount of fingers.

    5. Each student tries to be the first to add, subtract, or multiply thefingers together and say the answer correctly.

    6. Continue until time runs out.

    VARIATIONS TO INCREASE DIFFICULTY1. Each player uses two hands.2. Make 2 dice with bigger numbers for each pair and use those.

    VARIATION TO INCLUDE MOVEMENT1. Line up the pairs.2. Play one round.3. The student in each pair who won, moves forward one group to

    make a new pair.4. The student who answered more slowly stays put.5. Play as many rounds as you have time for changing partners

    after each round.

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    AGES 12-18FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED Per person: Paper and PencilDURATION 5-10 minutesOBJECTIVE Brain Jump Start

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Decide the days topic. Some possibilitiesmight include:-Eight things to do after school-Eight topics youd like to learn about-Eight places youd like to go-Eight people youd like to meet

    -Eight favorite moments-Eight reasons why your parents should by you a car-Eight things youd do with a million dollars-Eight words to describe your family/yourself

    DESCRIPTION1. As a way to get brains churning, give the students a topic and 5-

    10 minutes to complete the task.2. At the end of the time, ask each student to quickly share one item

    from their list.

    VARIATION FOR YOUNGER STUDENTS1. Lower the number of items to 5 or 3.2. Allow students to think about it instead of writing (make sure to

    hold them accountable).

    SUGGESTION1. Allow students to suggest the topics.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Team Spell

    AGES 7-18FORMAT Groups of 4-6MATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 10 minutesOBJECTIVE Review information

    PREPARATION REQUIRED Have the weeks spelling words ready

    DESCRIPTION1. Divide the group into teams of 4-6.

    2. Ask each team to stand in a line perpendicular to the front of theclass room.

    3. Give Team 1 a spelling word.4. The first person says the first letter of the word.5. The second person says the second letter of the word.6. The third person says the third letter of the word.7. Continue this way until the word is complete.8. If the word is longer than the number of players on the team,

    then the order repeats itself until the word is spelled.9. At the end of the word, the rest of the student should indicate

    whether the word was spelled correctly or not by showing a

    1=correct and 2=incorrect.10.If the word was not spelled correctly, anther group may try it.11. At the end of each word, the first person in the line should move

    to the back and everyone else rotates up one place.12. Continue on with the rest of the teams and spelling words.13. Begin round 2.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    A Note about Calming Starters

    Getting students re-focused after a transition is often difficult andfrustrating. When changing classrooms or returning from lunch orrecess, the students frequently come in energized and need help settlingdown to be able to concentrate. It is important to include activities inones daily/weekly routine to provide the students with the chance tocalm down and get focused. This chapter offers many options thatcould be easily slid into your schedule and allow for a smoother andmore satisfying transition into learning.

    Having a short activity on the board that students can begin as soon asthey walk in the room is another successful option. It gives thestudents a focus and a responsibility. Although it will take somestudents longer than others to get on task, all students will eventually

    fall into the routine once they know to look for the assignment andrealize that they are being held accountable for its completion. Here area few ideas that do not require much planning on your part:

    a logic puzzle

    one of the starters from another chapter in this book

    students write sentences using the weeks spelling/vocabularywords

    math problems

    students find the grammatical/spelling errors in the paragraphon the board

    students respond to questions about the last lesson comprehension questions

    cloze activities

    filling out forms for a passport, job application, or drivers license

    Also, it is often a good idea to use transition times to have a pep talkwith a difficult student. Let them know what is coming up next, whatthey need to do to succeed, and give them some words ofencouragement.

    Regularly implementing some of these ideas into the most difficult

    portions of your schedule will offer relief and tranquility into your day.Give it a try!

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities



    AGES 5-12FORMAT Whole GroupMATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 5-10 minutes

    PREPARATION REQUIRED-Possibly checking out some of the childrens yoga sites to learn aboutsome of the animal stretches

    DESCRIPTION1. Ask students to find a place in the room where they cannot touch


    2. Explain to the students that they are going to do some stretchesall together.

    3. Model the activity:a. Teacher models a stretch while students watch.b. Then all together the students will perform the stretch 5

    times at the same slow pace and counting in an insidevoice.

    4. Do 8-12 simple stretches with the students. If you dont want todo yoga, just think back to your days in Physical Education class.It is a good way to change the flow of energy in the room.

    VARIATION1. After doing the activity on several occasions, let students earn the

    right to lead the stretches.2. Ask 8-12 people to lead one stretch each.3. If this is an activity that you do often, allow the students to name

    the stretches.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Music Story

    AGES 5-10FORMAT IndividualMATERIALS NEEDED Classical Music or Opera, paper and

    colored pencils/crayonsDURATION 20 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Explain to the students that music can tell a story or make us

    feel a certain way.

    2. Ask students to close their eyes and listen to a piece of musicallowing their imaginations to follow the music.

    3. Play the music.4. Pass out paper and colored pencils/crayons to each student and

    ask each person to draw an image that pops in their minds whilelistening to the music.

    5. Let them know that there is no right answer.6. Play the song several times while the students draw. The room

    should be quiet so students can be inspired by the music.7. Allow different students to share their drawings. It is interesting

    to ask the students what part of the music made them think of

    the image. Some students may tell a story while others will dosomething more abstract. All are acceptable.

    SUGGESTIONS1. Some music suggestions might be:

    a. Ludwig Van Beethoven Symphony #5b. Edvard Grieg The Peer Gynt Suite

    In the Hall of the Mountain Kingc. Gioachino Rossini William Tell Overture The Finaled. Johannes Brahms Hungarian Dance No. 5


    2. It is interesting to see how the students let their imaginations runwild when doing this activity in the future.

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    Read Aloud

    AGES All AgesFORMAT Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED A great storyDURATION 5-20 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Grab a great book and begin reading. It can be an old favorite of

    the class or a new selection.2. If students are charged with energy, they can remain in their

    seats to listen to the story while you walk around the room.

    Drop Everything and Read

    AGES All agesFORMAT Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED Reading material for each student

    DURATION 5-30 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Tell students that for the next x amount of time, everyone in the

    class (including you) will take some time to read silently andindividually.

    SUGGESTIONS1. If this activity is new to students, then it is a good idea to start

    with a short amount of time (e.g. 5 minutes) and work up to more.2. If your students are not accustomed to having a special place to

    sit on the floor away from others and work, then ask them toremain in their seats.

    3. Allow students to read anything during this time (as long as it isschool appropriate and they are quiet.)

    a. Magazinesb. Cartoons/comic booksc. Novelsd. Short storiese. Newspaper

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities



    AGES All agesFORMAT Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 5-10 minutes

    PREPARATION REQUIRED -Choose a story that you know well.-Plan ways (like repeated text pattern orsound effects) that would allow the classto participate

    DESCRIPTION1. Find your theatrical self and make the story come alive.

    EXAMPLES FOR CLASS PARTICIPATION1. Goldilocks and the Three Bears-Divide the class into Three

    groups. First group will chant about Papa Bears things. Thesecond group will chant about Mama Bears things and the thirdgroup is in charge of Baby Bears things. Students can repeatafter you to make sure they all say the same thing.

    2. For The Three Pigs get the class to be the wolf and say Openup! Open Up! Let me in or Ill huff and Ill puff and Ill BLOWyour house down

    3. For The Little Red Hen the students can do actions for each ofthe animals and say Not I, said the _______.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Quick Creative Writing

    AGES All agesFORMAT Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 20 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Throw an interesting topic on the board. If topics are often fun:

    a. If you could beam yourself anywhere right now, wherewould you go? Why? What do you think it would be like?

    b. If you could meet any famous person, who would it be?

    Why? What would you say to them? What activity wouldyou want to do with them?

    c. If you could have one super hero power, what would it be?Why? What would you do with it?

    d. If you could change into any animal for a day, what animalwould you choose? Why? What do you think your daymight be like?

    2. Give the students 20 minutes to write silently.3. Allow students to share their ideas.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Silent Ball

    AGES All agesFORMAT Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED Soft or rubber ballDURATION 5-10 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Put desks into a circle.2. Ask students to stand in front of his/her desk.3. Explain the following rules:

    a. Students can sit on their desks (only sitting and only if

    being safe)b. Students must remain silentc. Students throw the ball gently to other studentsd. Students who dont follow these rules are out.e. Students who do not catch the ball when thrown directly to

    them are out.4. Give students options of what to do once they are out of the

    game:a. Watch the game silentlyb. Do their homework silentlyc. Read a book silently

    d. Draw silently5. Give a student the ball. He/She throws the ball gently to another

    student.6. That student throws the ball gently to yet another student.7. Continue like this until there is only 2 people left or until you run

    out of time.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    The Silent Six


    DESCRIPTION1. Choose 6 silent volunteers to go to the front of the room.2. All other students need to close their eyes and put their heads

    down and are quiet.3. While the heads are down the Silent Six quietly move around the

    class. Each volunteer softly touches the head of one of thestudents at the desks.

    4. The student who is touched puts their hand up.5. Once done, the Silent Six return to the front of the room and say

    Silent Six Successful.6. At this, all the students lift their heads and open their eyes.7. The six students whose hands are up take turns trying to guess

    who touched them. Each student gets two guesses.8. If they are correct, they become part of the new Silent Six. If they

    are incorrect, new members are chosen.9. The old Silent Six take their seats and the game is played again.


    AGES All agesFORMAT Whole ClassMATERIALS NEEDED NoneDURATION 5 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Make two or three lines of students.2. Tell the first person in line 1 a command (jump three times)3. The first person, whispers the command to the second person.4. The second person whispers it to the third person.5. This continues all the way down the line.6. The rest of the teams are trying their best to hear the command andwrite it down before the end person does the task.7. If the other team(s) writes it correctly, they get a point.8. If the last person on the team sending the message performs the

    task correctly, they get a point.9. When team 1 is done, give a command to the first person on team 2.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Slow Motion



    DESCRIPTION1. Using a slow motion voice (drawing out all of the vowels:

    IIIIIIIII neeeeeed youuuuuur aaaatteeeeeentiooooooon), and slowmovements get the students attention. Most will stop what theyare doing to see what your strange behavior is about.

    2. Explain in a normal voice that:a. the whole class needs to move and talk in slow motion

    for the next few minutes.b. only one person talks at a time.c. in order to talk students should raise their hands and

    wait to be called on.3. Ask the students to perform a variety of tasks:

    -walk around the room-do 3 jumping jacks-climb an imaginary tree-flap your arms like a bird.

    4. Invite volunteers to suggest movements.5. Sing a movement song with the students in slow motion

    -The Itsy Weensy Spider-Head Shoulders Knees and Toes-The Wheels on the Bus

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Add on to My Story

    AGES 8-18FORMAT Individual

    MATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper and penDURATION 15-20 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Start the entire class off with an interesting beginning. It can be

    taken from a book, a students writing, or you can invent yourown.

    2. Ask students to continue the story from the point at which youstop.

    3. Tell students how much time they and remind them toinclude a problem, climax and resolution.

    VARIATION1. Begin the same way as above.2. After 5 minutes, ask the students to put his/her name on the

    paper and pass it to the right.3. All students get a new paper and continue the new story

    developing the problem and heading toward a climax.4. After 5 minutes, ask the students to put his/her name on the

    paper and pass it to the right.5. This student should try to finish up the story with a climax andresolution.

    6. When finished, allow the students time to go back and read eachof the stories they participated in.

    7. Allow students to share ones they feel are particularly good.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Secret Message

    AGES 7-12FORMAT Individual

    MATERIALS NEEDED Per person: paper and penDURATION 10 minutes


    DESCRIPTION1. Use the secret code provided to write a message on the board.



























    Example Message (Dont forget to do your homework tonight):

    2. Ask students to decode the message.3. When students finish, ask them to write a message using the

    secret code.4. Students can trade papers to decode each others messages.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Personal Shield

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson Starter Activities


    Class Time Capsule

    What is your favorite :

    1. Color--------------- --------------

    2. T.V. show?

    --------------- --------------

    3. FOOD

    --------------- --------------4. After School Activity?

    --------------- --------------

    5. Subject in school?

    --------------- --------------

    6. Song?--------------- --------------

    What job do you want when you

    are older?

    --------------- --------------

    Where do you want to go onvacation?

    --------------- --------------

    What is the first thing you

    would buy if you won $1000.

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    --------------- -------------


    Sign Me!1. Stand on one foot for 25 seconds _______________________

    2. Meow Twinkle Twinkle Little Star__________________________

    3. Do 4 push-ups

    4. Sing 10 seconds of Opera (type) music____________________

    5. Play Patty Cake ____________________

    6. Walk the length of the room clucking

    and flapping your wings like a chicken__________________

    7. Balance a text book on your head andwalk to the Chalkboard ____________________

    8. Say Two tigers tapped their toes at

    twilight on Tuesday five times quickly _________________

    9. Dance a 10 second ballet ____________________

    10. Balance a pencil on your upper lipfor five seconds ____________________

    11. Throw a piece of paper in the air and

    catch it behind your back ____________________

    12. Write your name legibly with your

    non-dominant hand ____________________

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    13. Put your shoes on backwards and

    dance around ____________________


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