letters from andromeda_v2n2

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  • 7/27/2019 Letters From Andromeda_v2n2


    LETTERS FROM ANDROMEDAVolume 2, #2 "To facilitate the free evolvement of all l ife equally." April 199

    In This Issue

    We feel t ha t t he dimensionalityyour world depends on tdevelopment of consciousneW it h y ou r race having reached t

    continued on pag

    consciousness changes adevelops, the wisdom of spachanges an d develops also.

    the forth dimension. And spacimper fec t ly s e n s e d a napprehended by consciousnesuccessively, does thereby createtemporal illusion. And, as sucyou are concerning yourselves wiideas an d magni tudes to whiordinary logic no longer applWe feel that ou r concepts contaa pathway in it - a bridge of thvery poles of thoughts. To some,will rob them of their dearest anmost sacred illusions, an d will cth e very ground from beneath thfeet. It will be, we hope,destroyer of complacency. Wknow there are different gradesconsciousness observable in natu- those of vegetable an d animan d animal an d man. An d wthe reason of seeing space an d timclearly, you will se e. that

    MoranayMoranayAlex Collier. Alex Collier. . . . . . . . Alex Collier....... Jon Robinson

    TIe Andromedan Council(}gotes andmuch more!

    TIe Isness .Tune: An Andromedan PrincipleLetter From the Editor .Our Unioerse . . . .Lyrans .Publishers NotesCurrent Events .

    reorganize all knowledge. I willendeavor to explain, using thelanguage of common sense. WeAndromedans use or employ ninem u t u a l l y i n t e r c h a n g e a b l ecoordinates, six of space an d threeof time. In other words we usetime as though it were a dimensionof space. Time is in your concepts,

    A moment of consciousness. Thusconsciousness is a background uponwhich ou r thoughts, an d feelings,an d sensations ca n revealthemselves. O ve r a nd above all,this consciousness has severalexactly definable forms or phasesan d each one - such as thoughts,feelings, an d sensations - ca nfunction independently an d caneach give different results. It isimportant only to establish the factthat these three forms are no tconsciousness, an d that it(consciousness) is per ta in ing tothem bu t is still separate fromthem.Here IS an idea which could

    TilDe:An Androm.edan PrincipleT he I sa es s

    There should be no shrines, notemples among you except nature,an d mankind, caretaking of nature.Be a real, natural, human being.Your real faith ma y no t beformulated in creeds, as you havebeen taught, bu t comes from adeeper portion of yourself, that youhave only forgotten, or ignore.Temples were built to h on or a ndworship the Extraterrestrial Beingsbelieved to be gods. Th e Isnesscan be worshipped by honoringyourself an d that which is givenyou; Nature. By honoring yourselfyou honor the Isness because youtruly are one an d the same. Lookat your Earth, your Ocean, yourNight Sky, an d th e Galaxy. Thisis your church, an d you are thealter in that church, so releaseyourself from your pas t limi tedthinking. It only takes a decision.What anyone else thinks doesn't

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    Th e worship of the Isness (God) issilent an d solitary; free from all selfseeking. Th e silence is a necessityas all speech is feeble an dimperfect. Therefore, as with yourancestors an d ours, their spirits an dconsciousness would ascend out oftime an d space to the Isness (God)in wordless adoration/feelings.There are no priests or saviorsauthorized to come between a ma n(soul) an d ou r Maker. Eachexperience is personal, differentthan a no th er a nd should no t inany way be meddled with orjudged. Each soul should becomeconscious of th e divinity that isi'self,

    Letters From Andromeda

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    There is just one consciousness.And every soul is part of it. Thosewho can access this eternal mindsoul, can be connected to allknowledg-e that is or that can bedone.The human race is history. Theworks of the human mind are therecord of history, for the whole ofhistory is in one man and can beexplained from the individualexperience. A man is a wholeencyclopedia of facts. Mankind isconnected to all things, even asthere is a relat ionship between thehours of ones life and the centuriesof time. Every soul dreams breathfrom the great repositories ofnature, even as the light of a star,which we use to see, is yieldedfrom a star millions of miles away.If we were to look at this oneconsciousness as an individual,then it could be said that we all are

    Our Universe consists of elevenprimary dimensional levels or belts.Within these levels are 11 differentlevels or frequencies of sound andcolor. This is important to statebecause that which we perceive asthe Universe is the last level ofcreation that is occurring in ourpresent. In other words, 4thdensity is our next level and withinthat vibration is 11 levels of matterand creation, and so on with allthe other levels, until we reach the11th density and the last level ofthat density. Now in the creationof this Universe the more advancedcivilizations state that the truebeginning of this Universe startswith the thought conception of it.First there was the idea and thenthe word and then it became


    Letter From The Editorone incarnation of his or he r g-iantg-reat soul. One more piece oftime, experience , and history,recorded as it occurred, and evenbefore. As each of us has athoug-ht or an idea, that hasn'tmanifested physically, it is alreadya part of history, just because ofthe thoug-ht. Because the humanbeing is the car rie r of his soul andspirit, a soul that never sleeps,records all thoughts, moments andincar-nations, the spirit of the soultells the human if his or herthoughts are full of clear intent ormisplaced.I've been told by the Andromedansthat the spirit is the carrier of thecreational domain, that the spiritholds the out look for perfect ion ofharmony, peace, love, recognition,understanding,knowledge,wisdom,and truth in all things. Alltogether they form the spiritualdimensions, which exist within the

    Our Universemanifest into the many levelsmoving down the scale intophysical matter that we call 3rddensity. It is here that we, withour still limited sciences, try tomeasure time and space to equal orvalidate our belief systems thatfocus mos t of the time on thephysical realm.Accordingly, the sciences of someof the extraterrestrial civilizationsstate that our Universe is 21trillion years old as we measuretime which is not how theymeasure time. But, for the sake ofall the readers, I will state allmeasurements of time in Earthyears. Using this conception ortruth we are being asked to look atour home and ourselves in a

    Letters From Andromeda

    Isness.All souls who exist on the 3rd and4th dimensional level experienceThe Wandering. Fo r some, thismay be difficult to g-rasp and toothers, it will sound like a tale offantasy, or a mystic journey andyet, there will be a few who willunderstand this wisdom veryclearly, and what is taking place asthey reflect on the purpose orreasons for life. It is here tha t Iwould like to address the true valueof the Becoming process. TheAndromedans feel that this is anarea that is tremendouslymisunderstood, more and moreevery day. So, I would like toshare this information to helpset the record straight, about themyths and the realities of becominghuman.As spoken of earlier, we are all

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    different light. The beings which Ishall refer to f rom this moment onas the 11 have stated that not all ofthe civilizations in space expla inthe truths the same way, so I leaveit to the reader to absorb and feelthe information and trust your ownwisdom. The physical creation ofour Universe accordingly was 21billion years ago. If this is the truenature of what our Universe is andhow it works, then we must cometo realize that there is more to usalso since we are connected to thisprocess as well, on most levels ifnot all of them.It has been explained to me thatour conception of the big bangtheory is correct in its simplicity

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    Letter Feorn th e Editor cent,spirit. Spirit is an energy forcethat is separate and at the sametime part of the one completesource of light and love. We areall free to experience any and allrealities that we choose, or feel,that we can learn from. TheIsness doesn't judge right orwrong,simply because in a very real senseall is just experience. And Iunderstand that reality is yearsfrom mass voluntary experience.That's O.K.! Ear th, like all otherplanets is evolving. There aremany millions of incarnated soulswho look to the sky every night,asking for release from their ownself-imposed prisons, sharing fromthe core of their physical selves,their fears, doubts, loves, losses,etc., etc. Because of thousands ofyears and many lifetimes ofreligious indoctrinations of one orall earths religions, many humanbeings on Earth have placed theirsalvation outside of themselves.Many of our race here on Earthbelieve themselves to be separatedfrom the Isness or God. This isabsolutely incorrect.

    Earth is progressing at anastonishing rate, butmankind is not in harmonywith our self creation orour original intent.

    This falsehood has been taught tothose who have been subjected tothe censorship of thought. And itstarts with our Earth religions.The Andromedans have said manytimes how unique our religions areto this galaxy. They exist nowhere else. And they really meanit when they say no where else.There is some good in our religionsbut because of competitiveness, and

    the pressure for finances and newconverts and the lack of truemorality, the Andromendans seeno future for our religions outsideof the Earth. In fact, they are theprime factor holding humanityback from its huge spiritual leaps.They see our religions littered withjudgements and misconception, ofwhat Earth is really all about.

    We must honestly look atall the incarnationalinvestments we've madein belief systems thatweren't true and never willbe.

    This unfortunately is as much bydesign as it is by unconsciousprogramming. Scientifically, Earthis progressing at an astonishingrate, but mankind is not inharmony with our self creation orou r original intention.The problem lies in the nature inwhich mankind views itself. It alsolies in the misguided teachings ofreligions that state destructivenessand man will be taken off thehook, "as God will make all thingsnew". Dear friends, we all sharethe burden and the responsibilityto heal our home, the Earth. Somany people are waiting for somedramatic, divine affair to occurwhile our planet gets sicker andsicker. Our planet is at a pointwhere she may begin to feel thather life is threatened. Look at thefabric of our SOCIetIes andcivilization as a whole. They areunravelling at the seams. Thereare so many reasons for this. Oursystems of checks and balanceswere designed to fail, to create aclass system of have and have nots.This again has been deliberate.

    Letters From Andromeda

    There is no such thing as chance.We have been betrayed and theAndromendans and other races aretrying to share with us the reasonsand the causes. We are all goingto go through tremendous changethat's going to affect all aspect ofour lives. Please remember thatyou're no t going crazy. We'vebeen crazy! We must rememberour real self.We must honestly look at all theincarnational investments we'vemade in belief systems that weren'ttrue and never will be. The truthcan only help us and teach us, ifwe put ourselves on its path. Tobe in truth of who we really arewill take a lot of courage. We'vebeen told that the truth is theshadow of God and in order to useit we must know who He is. Well,I would like to say here to all ofyou STOP LOOKING! The truthwe need to hear is inside us. Weall are a part of one singleincarnation in the eternal life ofthe Isness.All of our experiences, regardless ofany Earth moral judgements wemay place on them, will serve us inthe times to come. Nothing iswasted, forgotten, discarded orgiven away. All experience is partof the stages of the true humanbeing and the true human being isliterally the recorded physicalhistory of this particular universe,which in Earth terms is 21 billionyears old.The stages of the true humanbeing are these:-The Wandering; Where we comefrom, Why, our purpose; Gatheringour tools.-Init iation; Preparing our ownpath. Each one different andpurifying. Centering.


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    -Honoring; Understanding thesource of our creation.Recognizing the sacred in one self.-Stating intention; Realizing andacknowledging ones true purposeto create self.-Surrender; Letting go of control ,to allow vulnerability. To learnwhat is already known.-Embrace our own darkness;Walking into the unknown parts ofself. Being and becoming the void.-Lighting the flame in the heart;connecting to higher self, andfinding meaningful honest ritual.-Transformation; Climb ing theladder of self responsibility. Tohold a vision of being oneness.Being the vision that alters allperception.-Becoming Human; Empathy andcompassion toward all. Be ing intruly responsible relationships.-Walking the Path; Integrating allof life's experiences. Being ateacher by being.-Service; Discarding the illusion ofseparateness. Total approach tolife in humility and joy.-The worship of the Isness is thecreation of Self.

    Our Universe cont.and that the idea of creation andevolution are correct also, soeveryone is r igh t and all of ourpresent theories and evaluationsare incomplete.The creation of ou r physicalUniverse occurred quite suddenly ifwe could have all been watching it.The 11 have said that on the 1stlevel of 4th density it was agreed toby the power of ou r thoughts tocreate a lower vibration of density.We were in fact very successful. In4th density as this idea was givenpower,3 huge pockets were created


    and,as soon as these pockets ofenergy could no t hold any morelight and all that we wanted tocreate was manifested, then thesepockets of matter exploded into avoid of space and time, thuscreating the magnificence that wesee as our present home physicalUniverse. This is also the sameprocess that we used to create thelast level of the 11th density. Thisalso explains why our science seesthis Universe as a closed Universe.Because we have not created anylevels of dens ity below or lowerthan 3rd density. This is thelowest level of the dimensionalladder. From here everyoneevolves up. The black holes arethe windows from which the bigbang explosions originally camefrom and the Andromedans thinkthey are portals to anotherdimension of Universe.

    .. . fear in its creationalform is not free. It is veryrestrictive, controlling anddestructive.

    We, the creators and the infants ofthe Isness, we all as a collectiveconsciousness created it. Allthought from all forms of spirits,both individually and those thatare collective created this particularUniverse. We all come fromanother Universe and/or thoughtdimensional plane. Thisdimensional plane is said to be onthe 45th plane. Here we alljoinedto create another separate, but verydifferent physical and spiritualdensity, as well as other densitybodies that accompany any pureenergy. Three large groups ofsouls, totaling in the trillionsdecided that they were going to

    Letters From Andromeda

    leave the source and create. TheIsness set up the rules for thexperiment and we all had to agreto play by the rules. Not one souwas kidnapped or forced. Free wiloverrode any and all decisionsWe gathered at ou r respectivportal or black hole. Each portahad a significant position or patof evolution. The paths werdifferent as per each soul. We achose a different journey, we werseparated into three groupsThose tha t were to remain in 4thdensity and evolve up. The 2ngroup were those souls that were tobe planets, moons, stars, sunsplants, animals, and other forms.

    The 3rd density group were thosthat were to be t rue carriers of thspirit in physical forms. Thigroup had to begin, wi th the 2ngroup and evolve to the 3rd densitand up. This is no t to bmisunderstood with the idea thahuman beings o r other consciouphysical life forms are bet ter thaany other evolved life forms.Mankind could not exist if it wernot for the efforts of the 1st an2nd kingdoms. Each Universe isliving organism. Each Universein the mind of God (Isness) onliving soul. The shaping of ouUniverse of history is unique in thvastness of t ime. Creational lovand advancement, technology anhappiness are second to noneBut, because of our other polaritof fear which we agreed texperience, we also have gone tthe extreme of war, hatedestruction and self-punishment.Fear is almost as powerfulcreational force as love. Evethough it is no t real, real in thsense that your are trulthreatened. You're not; no t th

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    real you. However, fear in itscreat ional form is no t free. I t isvery restrictive, control ling anddestructive.

    Alex Collier

    LyransThe Lyrans are the original whiteAryan Race. What is left of theAryans is the Pleaidians andAndromedans. Ancient Lyranswere known as the Titans. Thegiant Bigfoot also descended fromthe Lyrans. Lyra consists of 14inhabited planets. Three weredestroyed during the wars: Bila,T eka and Merok. 50 million wereslaughtered. All of life wasdestroyed on Lyra and the RingNebula 's Eye of God in Lyra.Lyrans s ta rted the Black Leaguewho's symbol was the BlackDragon.The birth of the humanoid racehas all of its genetic DNAoriginating from the Lyran System.Lyrans grew into Sirian, Arcturian,An tarian , Pleaidian, Andrornedan,Cignus Alphan, Alpha Centauri,Sagittarius A & B, Cass iopia, allhuman evolution. Based upongenically human forms in higherrealms and very highly evolvedUniverses, it was decided thatmany forms of life would becreated here in Lyra because itappeared to be ideal as far as theage of the suns and planets and thelength of probable stability. Thehuman race would have time toevolve and create space explorationand gravitate by means of energyand spiri tual recognition intoplanetary civilizations and thatthose races would in turn createthere own root races and life. Itwas also important that these racesbe allowed to manifest and create

    different aspects of ourselvesmen ta lly , emotiona lly , andspiritually. Thus we would becreating diversity and expressingour own need to create.As the human race fragmented, theraces moved, traveled, and settledmany different planets in manysystems as space travel evolved.The human became aware of otherplanetary civilizations in thesesystems. Different cultures metand grew. Belief systems clashedor spread. New thoughts ofphilosophy or technologies cameinto being. Mankind was evolving.A very strong social communitydeveloped between all in the LyranSystem. The Lyrans were a verypeaceful race on the whole. Therewere disagreements and lightconflicts, but much was alwayscleared and resolved. The Lyranslearned to adapt to virtually all ofthe p lanetary environments thatthey settled. They learned to livein complete harmony with theirrespective planets. They developedagricultural communities that wereliterally awesome. They were no tonly efficient and could feedbillions of beings, bu t it wasactually enhancing the planet itselfand creating an even wealthierenvironment. All aspects of lifeseem to benefit from the Lyran'scommitment to be at one withtheir home planets. At the sametime, the life expectancy wasbetween 300 - 425 years on theaverage. This was to increase by 3times later. Everyone worked as acommunity; They were not in service of self, bu t were a race thatbeat as one heart , and shared andmoved in t he same direction as awhole and would try to make suretha t none of their race would lagor fall too far behind the whole. Inother words, "The needs of the

    Letters From Andromeda

    many, outweighed the needs of thfew." They were an incredible romodel for all humanity thfollowed to this present momentThe human race is history. thworks of the mind are a recordthat histo ry , for the whole recoof the human race is in one maIf you read these words then yoare a part of Lyran heritage andpart of you carries this histowithin.

    Alex Coll

    Time...coat,forth stage in that development,is now a clear sense of thrdimensional space, and for whreason. Again we feel that nothiexcept consciousness unfolds andevelops and there appears tono limit to this development.We understand space to bemulti-dimensional m irrorconsciousness and time and motias illusions. J1!hat then does this meto you i fyour world? What appeato be time and motion arereality only the movementconsciousness upon a higher spaor dimension. The challenge thwe feel is coming to those thdevelop higher dimensionthought is that they will indeinherit and control and regulahuman affairs by reason of thsuperior wisdom and power.The struggle for mastery betwethe blind and the unconscioforces of mater ia li sm on the oside and the spiritually awakenon the other is soon to be upyou. And all conflicts betwenations, peoples, and classes munow be interpreted in terms of thgreater warfare between two rac

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    of men, in which the superiorminority will e ither conquer ordisappear. The Isness is polarizingthe beings of love and those offear. The separation is beginningto occur. The world you arecreating will be a direct reflectionof who you on Earth believeyourselves to be. Do you knowwho you are?

    - Moranay

    The Isness cont,matter.I t is important to remember thatthe Isness does not place valueupon the material fabric of time.This has only been created so thatwe as souls, could learn moreabout ourselves and return withour experiences to cont ribute tothe creation of ourselves. Therituals of offerings and sacrifice andother symbolic objects, only meansomething to you. The ISNESS isonly interested in your intent, thepath of your heart. Look to findyour highest happiness and themotive for power to your existence.Do not look il l upon those ofsimplicity or poverty, the goal ofones paths regardless of lifetimes orlife forms is not the accumulationof wealth, and the enjoyment ofluxury. I t is to discover your trueself. That which is apart from theISNESS, that part of you whichchose to leave the comfort andsafety of eternity, to fall into theconcept of Time. To become atrue human be ing is the practiceand constant embracing of youressential self and, from that placeof eternity, your thoughts, actions,and emotions should emanate intothe world. Human beings shouldbe vulnerable, open, focused,


    strong, and flexible. In yourworld, the three concerns all ofyour must address personally areSe l f -Wor th , Trus t , andExpectation. Your Earth not onlyneeds healing, she also needs aresponsible and worthy companion. That companion is themasculine.

    Learn to have faith in yourinstincts. Develop trustfor your deep innerwisdom. Learn to walkyour path of heart, andnot the il lusion ofconvenience.

    There is a great need for the menof your world, to become intuitiveand soulful. Men must cultivateuncondit ional love on all levels,The men of your world are tooaggressive and full of self-imposed .loneliness. Please remember thatall energy moves in a circle, soeverything returns - the love andthe anger and the despair. Please,we ask you to also acknowledge thefact that the love that you withholdis the pain that you carry. So, letlove warm your voice, let love bethe wonder to children's ears. Letimagination create a world ofunconditional responsibility. It willchange the order of the old world.Let your emotions give motion tothe hero's that struggle within all ofyou, for the freedom to act, to be,to witness, and to apologize.The responsibility of becoming ahuman being is great, but it is alsonatural. It is prayer in motion. Itis your evolution and free will inaction. It is the flow of life in allthings. It is as your world shouldbe. All of you are born of yourEarth, so love your Earth and

    Letters From Andromeda

    make new life, for children arealways a new beginning. Most oyou have yet to rediscover a worlyou've already discovered.Strive to keep your consciouthoughts from clogging with envyand pride. Find time, make timeto be outdoors in solitude. Allowthe magnetic forces of your Eartto revitalize your nervous systemsFo r your busy lives dissipate thesvital life and spiritual energiesYou are all sages, thouguntutored.You all live in two worlds, twrealities, two minds. The first ithe spiritual world, that of purspiri t, which is the only essence oall things. It is here that all of threasons for your present existencin your life form come from. It ialso here that you, as sages, loofor no favors or help. There is nworship of the symbolic. It's thplace of beingness - Isness. Thplace of knowing nothing, which itum is the same place of knowineverything.The elements that make up youworld, the forces of nature such aWind, Fire, Water, Air, Lightningshould truly .be regarded aspiritual powers, manifest into thphysical realm, because spirpervades all of the ISNESS and itcreation. And, all creatures possesa soul in some varying degree. Iis important to understand thasome life forms can only holdsmall degree of soul, while othercan hold much more weight anlight of the soul. And thesdifferent life forms are nonecessarily a soul conscious oitself.Learn to have faith in youinstincts. Deve lop trust for you

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    deep inner wisdom. Learn to walkyour path of heart, and not theillusion of convenience. Pleaseremember tha t your knowingness,your deep wisdom is no t really amystery. It is the gift of being andawareness you gave yourself uponthe moment of Becoming.Accept the fact that each of you,all of us, your distant forgottenrelatives, agreed to be here. Youroutside world reflects yourrelat ionship with self. Please payattention. We can't rescue you.We have no right to intercede inyour dream. You must consciouslyask, and be at peace with yourdecision. -Moranay

    Publishers Notes

    Bursting fourth within these pagesis universal truth and wisdom of ahigh order. Our friends, theAndromedans truly want us torealize who we are so each of uscan expand our conscious minds torealize our original intent so thatreality, as we currently define it,will change.Read, then reread, Moranay'sthoughts regarding The Isness andTime and Alex's own thoughtprovoking Letter From the Editor.Each of these is written not only toincrease your awareness, bu t toraise each of us to a higher level ofconsciousness, so we can betterunderstand the interweaving of theholographic nature of what we call"life on third density".Alex and I have discussed theimportance of sharing theAndromedan perspective regarding

    our Ancestry. This will be anongoing theme for up and comingissues. As we start unfolding theancient his tory of the galacticraces, you will see the truth that isout in print by other sources. It isalways a good feeling whenval idation becomes part. of ourcollective awakening. Many of uswill be called upon in the nearfuture to become the realambassadors of this planet. Otherswill be counting on those of uswho have taken the time now toreacquaint ourselves to otherrealities.We need to pay particular attention to the current events section.Realize that major happenings aregoing on that we are not evenaware are happening. Thanks arein order for the Andromedansociety as a whole and the rest ofthe Andromedan Council for theirefforts on our behalf.The day is rapidly approachingwhen we will stand together withour brothers and sisters from otherstar systems to show that we dopossess free will and theconsciousness that it takes to bepart of the galactic community.WE ARENOT THE PROPERTYOF OTHERS! EMBRACETHOSE WHO WOUlD STANDWITH US AGAINST ONESWHO SEEK TO OPPRESS ANDCONTROL US! Realize that weare all of one race of people uponthis planet which proudly bares thename, Terran. Be exceptionallyproud of your life. We come hereto learn, to progress, and to oneday share ou r knowledge, with ou rfull emotions intact, to advanceand benefit all other races. WEAREAWESOMEL..LETUS NOTFORGET WHO WE ARE.

    Letters From Andromeda

    Alex, Carla, Debbi and I, want tothank each of you who have placedyour orders for this newsletter.This is a grass roots effort, i ntenton spreading the teaching andthoughts of ou r Andromedanfriends. Please understand thatbeing as grassroots as we are, wemay not get "Letters" out to you inas timely a fashion as we wouldlike. We know how valuable theinformation is for all Creation anddo our best, but seem to keepmissing our deadlines by 1 week.Bear with our tardiness please, andknow that we thank each of youfor your support . Please continueto spread and the share theinformation . Love to all...The Robinson's

    Current Events

    Approximately two months ago alarge Mothership was found parkedjust outside ou r Solar SystemCurrent reconnaissance showed alarge number of reptilian soldierin cryogenic stasis on boardWhile the exact number and theintent for their presence is noknown at this time, we have beeninformed that the crafts origin waUrsa Minor.The Andromedans state Hale-Boppis really a very large craft made toappear as a comet, with othecrafts in tow within its extremellong tail. In addition, a secondcomet-shaped ship has beendetected and is heading towardour Solar System as well. Thinew one originates from theconstellation of Cancer.Alex's friend Vasais has beeextremely busy travellin


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    throughout our Galaxy with othersperforming ambassador ia l functions to head off a possible GalacticWar by negotiat ing some type oftreaty or truce. The intended goalis to keep any conflict fromexpanding ou t beyond as fewsystems as possible.Groups from the Pleaides, Procyonand Tau Ceti have been hav ingconfrontations with both Orionsand Draconians within the outskirtsof our Solar System. This action isdesigned to maintain the quar-antine in our solar system. It wasreported that loss of life hasoccured on both sides of theconflict.Furthermore, seven ships arecurrently parked up in ou ra tmosphere with the purpose ofcreating a blockade defense systemfor Earth. The blockade consists oftwo Andromedan, two Pleaidian,and three Procyon ships. Procyonhas recently become a very strongpartner in the efforts to quarantineus so that we are given a chance toevolve on a natural basis. TheProcyons themselves have beenliberated from the Dows (Greys) sothey are very supportive andcompassiona te regarding theposition that most people on ou rplanet don't even know about yet.

    A large Annada of ships have beenfound amassing around Sirius B.Early information points towards apossible conflict between the SirianB's and some Orion's over ou rquadrant and us. Moranay'sperspective is that the conflict is amistruth. Facts point to analliance between them because theyboth have something to lose inregards to us. It is believed thatsometime around 2003 - 2005,


    It Was Once Said..."Find the Truth in everything thatis presented to you. We arebombarded these days with halftruths, and twisted truths, andpartially obscured truths. It oftentakes a lot 0/ thoughifulexamination to sort them out. "

    Vance A. DavisUnbroken Promises

    "1 have alaioys strenuously sup-ported the right 0/every man to hisopinion, however different thatopinion might be to mine. He whodenies to another this right, makesa slaoe 0/ himself to his presentopinion, because he precludeshimselfthe right 0/ changing it."

    Thomas Paine"The American war is over; butthis is fir .from the case with theAmerican Revolution. On thecontrary, nothing but the first act0/the great drama is closed. "

    Benjamin Rush, 1787"The earth-mother had marrychildren other than men: the loftyspruce, all the birds 0/ the air, thebeasts 0/the plain andforest, theinsect and the ant. They too hadequal rights to life." Hopi Legend

    Frank WatersThe American Indian Speaks

    "Too marry people don't know thatwhen they harm the earth theyharm themseloes, nor do theyrealize that when they harmthemseloes, they harm the earth. "

    Rolling Thundera modern medicine man

    Letters From Andromeda

    based on linear time, the Armawill be coming to this sector of oGalaxy. All this can change.In closing, the AndromedCouncil recently participated inconference at an undiscloslocat ion which inc luderepresentat ives from Sirius B anthe Orion Empire. No DowsDraconians were present . Tdiscussion revolved arounterritiorial rights and quadrant tito certain parts of our Galaxythose from Orion and Sirius.The Andromedans spoke on obehalf and asked they we be lalone so that we could be allowto evolve. The Andromedafurther stated that their whole rawas prepared to support us in fuThe Sirian B's became very upand promptly left the conferencwhile the Orions stayed. The eresults of this conference aunknown.Alex asked Moranay if tAndromadan race, not noted aswarrior race, is capable of takion the entire Orion Empiretheir own. Moranay replied ththe Andromedans do no t staalone in this idea. (TAndromedan Council is currenmade up of 14-1 races.) Indeemuch is being done on ou r beha

    Letters From Andromeda Statement of Purpose: Thelp create a world of unconditional responsibiliThis is a non-prof it newsletter that is dedicatedhumanity. without raservation. This wisdom isgift. The truth should not be offered wres tr ic ti ons. There is no copyr ight . Edited bAlex Collier Published by: Jon & DeborRobinson - 289 S. Robertson Blvd., Suite 212Beverly Hi lls CA 90211 (310) 247-8796