letters from andromeda_v2n3

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  • 7/27/2019 Letters From Andromeda_v2n3


    LETTERS FROM ANDROMEDAVolume 2, #3 "To facilitate the free evolvement of all life equally." June 1996

    In This Issue

    The Pleaides - The Seven Sisters

    As you can see, the Pleadians arcontinued on page

    The human species called thePleaidiansevolvedfrom Lyra. Theare our far distant first cousins anancestralforefathers of someof ouraces. It has been said that thPleaidians as we know them werLyrans who migrated from Lyra ilarge space stations, or arksexploring young star systemseeking a potential new homworld. These Lyrans would sendown scout teams consisting oscientists, engineers and agrcultural specialists to explore thsurface of possible habitablplanets, and then return data aninformationto themothership. Eacplanet is explored and, based upoits unique nature, would bdeveloped for colonies that wersent down for settlement. Someothese first Lyrans colonized ouEarth for a time, while a largegroup eventually found the SeveSisters and other star systemduring the Orion Wars. Thdevelopment of effective weaponof war the Lyrans created 'wersustained through the Orion Warand beyond.

    5th Density - Starting Over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MoraneyThe Pleaides - The Seven Sisters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AlexLetter From the Editor ". . . . . . . . AlexAlpha Draconis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alex The Dow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AlexSouljers of the Awakening DachelThe Speed of Light MoraneyPublishers Notes Jon RobinsonCurrent Events Vasais

    And much more!

    What we at present precept re-garding the new density as itadvances toward us and you, thespirit of self becomesmoreintense,and the release of judgment willincrease correspondingly. Thepurifying frequency of this newdensity is very strong. Also,according to laws of physicality,those dressed in physical form thatare clouded by withheld love, willfind it difficult to endurethe new

    continued on page 4

    your awareness and capacity tounderstand. As the light and soundfrequency advances and the spiritof self increases, sickness andpurification will also. Manychanges are going to test yourstrengths, until your racesexperience a time of humility. Insimple speaking, our members ofthe council may play the part ofonlookers inscenesof war. But inthe scenes of sickness, they willhavean active role. To playa rolein serving your humanity is farsuperior than to play in the scenesof violence or destruction. Thelawsof physicality stress that we intime, live our lives constructively.We too, are in a dawn, but at avery different place of awarenessthan you are.

    5th Density - Starting Over

    This drama that we all havecreated is evolving all selves in avery unique way. And, regardlessof whereone is in conscious reality,we are all participants. We are allexperiencing change. For thosechoosing to remain unaware, they,without realizing, shall be at a lossto know how to interrupt themomentous happenings in ourdensities. In your times now,remember that as reconstructionadvances, destruction alsoincreases. In any drama there aretyrantcharactersandvirtuousones.And nearly always the virtuousones are harassed and tormentedby the tyrants. The dream ordrama ends with the virtuousvictorious. This is ordained in thedrama taking place in our galaxy.The present changes are of atpresent on an inconceivablemagnitude. If you Terrans but willbe intelligent observers as well asparticipants, your appreciation ofthis occurrencewill be proportion to

    All of us, regardless of our formand dimensional growth live in aboundless, mysterious conscious-ness. And it does appear that allthings seem to evolve and revolvein cycles. Thosecyclesareperiodsin which perspectives or motionsare repeated. Some of thesecycles occur in time and space asyou know them and some do not.All changes occur and recur withinthe eternal flow, now after theblindness of the last 5725 years,you on your Terra are about toregain yourselves. It is and will besuch an unprecedented changethat itwm be, for many, very difficultto grasp their own potential. It is aturning point on your world, whichnone of your planets' forefatherswere privileged to experience.

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    We all have the greatest treasureto be found on any dimensionallevel. Thereare no fortuneson thisearth that can be comparedwith it.The gift responds to all and anyvibrationsthat you can create. It isthe gift that each one of us wasgiven at the creation. That gift isthe breath of spirit, our connectionto eternity. The breath of theIsness is to create ourselves.I would like all of you to know thatchange is imminent. What thosechanges are we can create, oruncreate. Disaster does not haveto occur. We do not have to selffulfill an ancient prophecy or beliefsystem, but WE must take selfresponsibility for the change andthe creation of our selves.Friends, the Andromedans havesaid that everything in our worldand the rest of the universe is abeliefsystem. Whatwesee aroundus is here because we believe weneed it here. And, outside of themanipulationof some of the ET's

    The Draconis race is probably themost misunderstood. I havewitnessed a deep respect for thisrace which is generated out ofadmiration and fear. TheDraconians are the oldest reptilianrace in our Universe. Theirforefathers,somewhere in ourmostancient past, came to our Universefrom another separate Universeand/or reality. When this actuallyoccurred noone really knows. TheCouncil of Eleven have said thatthe Draconians themselves aren'tclear how or when they themselvesgot here, but what is interesting isthat they declare and teach to themasses that they were in thisUniverse first, before humanbeings, and that they are the true


    Letter From the Editorthat have been violating our freewill space, our world and theproblems it has are the resultof ouractions as a race. Real love forself creates trust and knowledge.Trust and knowledge dispels fearand where fear does not live insidea soul, there is no longer a need tobuild a self-imposed prison insideones own heart. Our spirit is freeto express itself and to createunconditional responsibility. Thereis no real division, I'm told byVasais, between spirit and matter.All things of matter respond tospirit, and all spirit responds tomatter. We are all hereon Earth tobuild our character, and it is theway that we face our problems thatcreates our character. That,develops Who and What we are,and builds what is inside us andthat is spirit."The seed is always true to itstype," Morenay once told me. Ourspirits grow through kindness,tolerance, sympathy, love, and

    Alpha Draconisheirs to this Universeand, as such,are all royalty. Most, if not all,human races don't recognize thisclaim as truth but, none the less,they don't debate the issue withthem either. Alpha Draconianshave colonized many star systemsand have created many races bygenetically altering the life formsthat they encountered.This reptilian race is composed ofmaster geneticists who tinker withlife,which in their perspectiveexistsas a natural resource. InDraconian legend a great war tookplace with a race that was creatinghuman lifeforms and was opposedto Draconian philosophy. The PaaTal created lifeforms that could

    Letters From Andromeda

    service to others. We are aspiritual beings and soon all of uwill face the responsibility of thfact. Our experiences are partour evolution and creation. Thtruth regarding our spirit selvesintended to free our planet and itraces, by teaching us to freourselves. It appears to be a sloprocess at times, because it's onmind at a time, but thAndromedans have said that masconversionalways fail because theviolate free will by using hypnottechnology.I would like to close my commento you with a quote from Morenaon Leadershipwhichwas publishein the first newsletter. It's simportant that I will be going bacto it from time to time. "They, thleaders, should thereby raise eacof the governed to his or her owlevel, according to the principlesconsistency (ed. commentconsciousness) from beginningto enThe mistakes, as we. have studie

    continued on page

    evolve on their own, with freexpression. The Draconians, othe other hand, created racesfunction as a natural resource ftheir pleasure. So, you can clearsee two opposing philosphieDraconians despise humans.Apparently, the Alpha Draconiacreated the primate race which wfirst brought to Mars then to EarThe primate race was tinkered wby 22 different races resultingHomo sapien sapien - who we aona physical level. We at one timhad 12 strands of DNA, butstrands were removed by a grofrom Orion in order to controland hold us back from learningcontinued on pag

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    Draconis cant.about who we are on a soul level.According to the Andromedans, wehumans are a part of a group ofenergies that they know of as thePaa-Tal. The Orion Group figuredthis out based upon our extremespan of emotions. We are verydifferent from all other races.Draconians are governed by aclass system that ranges fromroyalty through warrior classes.They are visually very frightening,yet an awesome race to behold.They range from 7 to 22 feet tall,average 1800 Ibs and have thestrength of 12 to 15 men. Havingincredible psychic powers, it isrecommended we stay clear ofthem or we will be killed.Their heads have a long snout anda boney headplate on the crownwith some even having small hornson either side of their head. Thosethat have short stubby tails are ofthe warrior class while the rulingclass often have wings and longertails. The longer the tail the moreimportant the rank. All smell ofsulphur and their hearts, two ofthem, are located near theirarmpits. Avoid them at all costs.They are carniverous and detesthumans.The most densely populated areaof Draconian sub-races are in theconstellation of Orion, Rigel, andthe star system known as Capella.Here lies a very dangerous part ofthe Universe for human beings.The mind set or consciousness ofthe majority of the races in thisregion is service to self and as, such they are always SUbverting,invading and manipulating lessadvanced races using theirtechnology for control anddomination. This is a very old andancient war with the peace thatdoes exist always being tested bythese beings that believe fear rulesand love is weak, that the lessfortunate are meant to be slaves.

    This belief system is created atbirth in the reptilian races as themother, at the time of birth, will hideher young and then abandon it tofend for itself. Most of the timethey are cared for by the warriorclass that uses the children forgamesof combatandamusements.They believe that if the young onessurvive they were meant to and inthe process they have had to fightall the way and at a young agethey are full warriors, used todepending on no one.Alpha Draconians are verysuspicious of all life forms includingtheir own, but not of course to theextent that they are of humans.They are taught the Draconianhistory of the Great Galactic War.The version or opinion that thehumans were at fault for theinvasion of the Universe and howwe selfishly wanted the Draconianrace to starve and struggle for thebasic materials for their society toexist. Therefore they are brainwashed at a young age just as allhuman races in the galaxy havedone to their younger generations.-Alex

    Editor cant.and observed, are that throughoutyour history, hero-worship andfame-seeking have risen to thepoint of the idea that your leadersare great, and the general populaceis ignorant and powerless. Thisconcept in your country contradictsa true democracy and iswrong. Soit shall be that individuals must andwill awaken and unite voluntarily.Some will be artists, scientists andothers from all walks of life. Theywill become teaching leaders of thepeoplewith whom they are workingdirectly and will teach all men andwomen to be leaders. At the sametime, it is important that those whosupport them also become leadersalso."Letters F'rom Andromeda

    Leadership is no place forcowardice.

    "To be a leader in your world, wewould only suggest that therequirement be simple and evolvefrom the real essence of mankind.Leaders should be in absolute faithof their humanhood, declaringalways, the greatness of God andself-responsibility. They must alsoput the right person in the rightplace and be courageous about it.The idea is to build long termintegrity in all aspects of life andleadership. Courage isindispensable to be a leader.Leadership is no place forcowardice.""Building an honest and healthyrace of human beings, meansproducing a world of leaders of thetrue law of ONENESS. Development of faith, integrity, andcharacter is both the starting pointand the end result. This will makeall people capable human beings.Being a leader is to help developpeople, and to help people developinto self-responsibility; to bespiritually mature and free tocultivate voluntary introspectionMankind can develop remarkablyevenunder adverse circumstances.When Earth awakens to hermission and towards her greaobjective, we have full faith that youall will be successful, and a sourceof great pride to us all."Friends, I cannot really expresshow much I love Morenay andVasais. They are my fatherbrother and friend. I only hope thawhat I share with you of my life andexperiences with them give yousome insight into who they areinside. They are leaders, and theyare teaching myself and others tobe leaders. That's just their wayPlease, remember not to turn oneach other. We are all we have. I

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    we don't care for our own, no onewill. I love you. -Alex

    Pleaides cont.very interested in our world and ourraces here. They have beenvisiting Earth for at least 79,743years,establishing and maintainingmany largesettlements. They havejust comeand gone throughout ourplanetshistory. Weare very similarin many ways to them, however,they are emotionally and spirituallymore evolved than we at this time.They too have gone through theirgrowing pains, as we areexperiencing right now. They have,and continue, to make attempts toshare with us the benefits of theirexperience so we ourselves don'thave to experiencethe same kindsof setbacks and possible destructions. At present,notenoughofus are listening.

    They are very concernedabout our misuse of oursciences today and thatwe have completely lostour spiritual center orharmony wi th oursciences.

    The Pleaides is an open starcluster consisting of 254 stars andmany times that in planetarybodies. Many of the stars are veryyoung. The Pleaides is located inthe constellation of Taurus. ThePleaidian and Earth alphabets areboth very similar. This was notedas of about 11,157 yearsago. Thescript form was developed here onEarth and carried back to theSeven Sisters. The original scriptform is the parent of most of ourpresent day alphabets. All Earth'slanguages are derived from an- - - ~ z


    ancient Pre-Sumerian languagecalled Tamil which was spoken inLyra and later in the Pleaides.Three of the Pleadianstar systemshavehuman lifeaswe know it, withthe most advancedbeing Daneb ofTaygeta. Another system is Tarowhich circles Alcyone. Most of thePleaidians look like us in both sizeand stature, build, color of hair, etc.They are also very knowledgeableand articulate when speaking anyof our languages, or discussingoursciences, history and so forth. Wehave inherited our aggressivenesstowards each other from them.Their life spans far exceedour ownby at least 10timesour norm. Theirtechnology has made it possible totravel anywhere in our Universe atspeeds faster than the speed oflight. They are capable of usingthe oceans for underseaoperations. They are veryconcerned about our misuse of oursciences today and that we havecompletely lost our spiritual centeror harmony with our sciences.They have no use for money,politicsand religions, clearly statingthat the latter two - politics andreligions, are really the same. ThePleaidians are worried that, asother benevolent racesvisit, wewilldestroy our planet and ourselvesand expose their failure to helpcreate a conscious shift.The Pleaidians, like other groups,have left descendants on Earth inthe past. They have said they arewilling to help us but not to thepoint of changingour ownevolutionand then therefore becomingresponsiblefor us as a race. Theysay we createour own futureas wego and that we need to correct ourown mistakes ourselves or sufferbecause of them. -Alex

    Letters From Andromeda

    5th Density cent.frequencies. Only those sufficientlycleared may service the remainderof the physical journey into 5thdensity. Some members of myown racemay beat difficulty duringthis time. Therefore,all must in selfendeavor to be prepared spirituallyand physically if we are to passthrough the scales of frequenciesinto the next beginning withcomparative ease. Your worldreligions will refer to this as ajUdgment. This is not altogethertrue. It's a clearing of old thoughtcreation-forms. It's a starting over.Not a jUdgment. Your planet Alex,is also on stage. Those of you thatchose to endure are enacting anoriginal performance. The conflictbetweenthe polarities is developingin a very complicated manner,There are more negatively chargedpersonalities than positivelycharged at this moment.

    Religions should teach themiracle of the Universe,wh i ch canno t beexplained by mere logic.

    It is not creeds that will heal yourrace, but consciousness and love.Creedsare doctrines and precepts.They cannot save your humanityAlex. Since your ancient timesnearly all religions have had theircreeds, some of themwell-consideredand elaborate. Weask you, have they succeeded inperfecting your world? Your holybook is a code of morals andstandards to live by. Religionsshould teach the miracle of theuniverse, which cannot beexplained by mere logic.We perceive that for your Terranreligions to be valid, they shouldteach to all the tangible use of spiritand self. And the more miracles,as your race calls them, are inevidence the more valid it may be

  • 7/27/2019 Letters From Andromeda_v2n3


    (0 DACHEL '96Publishers TUJte: One of our readers sent us this stirringpoem

    which offers superb sensory imput. I believe you willenjoy Dachel's gracious offering as much as we did. -DKR




    considered. It shouldnot be basedon past history, or ancient creeds,but only in the present and itsability to heal lives and foster thespreading of wisdomand commonsense. -Moraney2/25/95

    The DowThe Dow are a small group ofGreys that are responsible formany abduction/detentions. Theyhave very little emotionaldevelopment, but do possess verystrong telepathic powers. Thesepowers are often used to deceiveand conceal their true motives andobjectives. Their race is strugglingto assure their own selfpreservation but, as of yet, theyhave not met with any truesuccess. Unableto attacha soul totheir own hybrid bodies, they muststrip off energy layersof abductee'ssoul bodies. This energy is then"fed" to infanthybrids in attempts tosustain their life. This sametechnology is also used todisembody, capture, and contain asoul for future use. They areclearly regressive in nature.

    The Dow are ou t for theirow n survival and will doanything to us, withoutcompassion o runderstanding of whattheir actions will or havedone to us.

    The Dow have their heritage in thesystem of Zeta Reticuli, with theiroriginal place of origin being thestar called M-2, in Zeta Reticuli II.Their home sun had burned outand their planet destroyed manythousands of years ago. The exact

    date hasn't been given yet. Theywere Reticulans originally, lovinqhealers with tremendous skills intechnology and analytical powers.Their cousins, the Zeta's, who arestill there are very much thehealers in the Universe, especiallyon a third and forth density level.This group is said to be verygentle. However, this is no longerthe case for the Dow.As a smallgroup, the Dow ventured out ontheir own and werecapturedby theOrion Group. Geneticallyaltered many times through manygenerations, the Dow became theslaves and pirates in service to thereptilian species, specifically theOrions and the Draconians. TheDowwere deliberatelyalteredgenetically so that they couldn'treproduce, ensuring they wouldn'trise up in force against theircaptors. This forces them to stayvery much in the survival mode,making them much easier tocontrol. Theywould like to be free,Letters From Andromeda

    but instead have becomewanderers. They are no longeReticulans, nor honored in theihome systems, because of theiabuse of power (service to selfand the fact that they are now onthe same side as their ownersThey, like their owners, have left awake of destruction and slavery intheir path.Be very clear about this! The Doware out for their own survival andwill do anything to us, withoucompassion or understanding owhat their actions will or havedoneto us. I have been told to haveunderstanding'Of their situationandpossiblysome innercompassionfotheir plight, but to fight and stayvery clear of them as they are verdangerous to the human Terranrace on Earth.The Dow assignment is to go out igroups as biological and genetic

    continued on page


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    The Speed of LightThis information is given to youalsoto share with your race. Manyon your planet wish to know this.Wewould liketo speak to your raceAlex regarding the speed of light.Thesemeasurements are regardingthe units you understand. Wespeak of unit being 300,000kilometers per second. This speedof light is a volume comprising astandard from your worlds unit to76 galactic mediums of time andspace, as we understand yourscience. Evaluations of thissequence begin beyond yourunderstanding of the speedof light.Yourworld and time standards cannot be used here. Speeds of lightare taken into sections integratedas light years. This is a subjectivearea. This is an evaluation unit ofa medium where speeds of lightstop and settle. The volume ofspeed is annihilated where thoughtfrequenciesare transferred to brainenergies. We will call this for yourunderstanding as lightyear. This isa spectrum of light where manyfrequenciesfloat. Youmayimaginethis spectrum as a lake of light.The evaluated units we speak ofhere are subject to a beginningbeyond the limit of your 3rddimensionto whichyour planet andcertain galactic points areconnected. Beyond the limit whereplanetary and galactic spectrumsare connected, speed of light isterminated. The light then ismeasured and evaluated by lightyears. Not any longer by thespeed of light. This evaluation issubject to the cubis systems. Thestandard and speed of light isunder control of the brain energybeyondones thought frequency. Ifyour brain waves could control thespeeds of thought, then you wouldsee time as light years. It's wheretheybegin. We will try to makethismore comprehensible.a. - The speed of light is 300,000kms/sec. That is your belief.b - Thought frequencies are

    - ' ---c--. ---


    1/1,000,000seconds.c. - The speed of light in 3rddensity is equal to the thoughtfrequency of the beings on and inyour planet. Beyond your 3rddensity, speed of your thoughttransends the dimention you are inor creating.d. - Thought travels beyond aspeed of a billion light speeds, inhigher dimentions.e. - The speed of thought isequated to brain energy when itreaches a certain limit of the speedof light.f. - The cerebral generator in thebrain is there that transform thelight speed to the light year andthus condenses the light power tothe soul.g. - The density of light that yousee is equivalent to the brain andlight power.h. - When brain energy begins totranscend the light year, theevolutionarypotential heretakes allthe speeds of light under control.i. - Now here the brain power cancreate an entire universe andtransform itself into many differentdimentional energies.j. - All evaluation beyond thispresent limit are subject to the 11densities of universal potentials.This we feel has not been reachedyet. -Moraney

    Dow cant.engineers to find underdevelopedworlds and civilizations and thenconquer them without force. TheEarth fell victim to these plans.The Dow broke Cosmic Law asdecreed by the AndromedanCouncil by interfering with adeveloping world. The only grouporiginally given permission to behere was Pleaidian. Since then,several other groups have alsobeen granted permission. Thistype of interference is typical of theOrion Group. Here is how the plan

    was explained to me.The Dow first make contact with aworld that is developing, to whatdegree I am uncertain. They studyall of the world's religions,countries, governments, etc. thendecide which is the strongest andmake contact with that nation.Incredible technology is dangled inthe face of this nation or nations inorder to get treaties signed givingpermission for the Dow to be hereand study the life forms, etc. Oncethis is accomplished, they then'slowly take control of thegovernments that rule the populaceand then they become our leaders.Few in the populace really get toknow that it has happened.Clones or genetic doubles arecreated and programmed to dowhat the Dow want and then theyplay upon the greed of the beingson this planet. Frequently, the eliteand/or governments sell out theirown races to be, or remain, in favorof their rulers. Once in control,having done so in a mostsubversiveway, the Dowthen invitetheir rulers, the Reptilians and theOrion Group, to the planet tocontinue the conquest. Here iswhere it gets difficult for theAndromedan Council. The Doware the only group that reallyviolated the Lawbycoming down inthe first place. The Orion Groupand the Reptilians are asked asguestsof the ruling raceto come tothe planet and colonize. Theproblem becomes how to get theOrion Group to leave of its ownvolition. They technically have notbeen the ones to violate the Law ofNon-intervention. The Councilcannot hold the Orion Groupresponsible for the actions of theDow. Does any of this soundfamiliar to you? The Council ofEleven have said that this hashappened to many other worlds inour Universe and it has alsohappened to us here on Earth, orTerra, as the Andromedans call us.

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    We ourselves could suffera similar fate if we are notcareful about our ownbelief systems.

    The Dow presence here in theUnited States is strong. Whilethere are less than two-thousandensouledDow,thereare thousandsof clones. The entire group iscompr ised of a "hive"consciousnessby whichthey areallin contact with each other via acentral point where instructionsandinformation is transferred.Presently there are thousands ofDow on both the Earth and ourMoon. In 1953, 1955 and 1957large mother ships took uppositions along the equator. Eachship contained thousands of Dow.Severalshipswent into the oceans.The largest is still said to be verydeep in the Pacific, west of EasterIsland. The other two have leftorbit and, I'm told, have gone toPhobos and to Mars where theyare to meet the Reptilians fromDraconis and Rigel. The OrionGroup however, is still here and willbe addressed in a future article.The Dow havealso come herewiththeir own agenda, a survivalmission to find a home and a wayto save their own race fromextinction by interbreeding with us- without our consent or realknowledge. They have beencrossing our genetics, both DNAand RNA, and attaching some oftheir genetic material to it, alongwithother chemicalcomponents, toalter us to fit their life forms. Theyare made up of a combination ofbotanial geneticsand reptilianDNA.The reason for the addition of ourgenetics is to stop their supposedevolutionary decline on a physical .level.Their original agreement was toassist humankind by sharing

    technology and information. Thegovernment, in turn, gave itspromise that the Dow could studyour civilization, in completesecrecyin underground bases (Dow avoidbright light) built by thegovernment, all without publicknowledge. Almost immediatelytheDow broke the agreement andused their technological strengthsto take control of events here onEarth. The government did notwant to tell the people in theirrespective nations for fear ofretaliationfrom the massesand thealiens. Out of desperation, thesecret governments started toexperimentwith time travel Le.- theMontauk Projects, to send peopleinto the future to find and acquirefuture technology to bring backhere to our present that we coulduse against our conquerors now inthe present. This, the Council ofElevenhave said, is the reasonoursecret government went to anylength to accomplish the goal.The Dow have created this sametype of scenario on 26 other worldsinour Universespresent time. Theyhave enslaved these planets fortheir rulersand havebroken the willand the spirit of many. We ourselves could suffer a similar fate ifwe are not careful about our ownbelief systems. -Alex Collier

    Publishers NotesWhether you believe or not doesnot change the fact that our realityin this world is rapidly changing.For those who have awakened,your responsibility is to aid andassist others who have not yettaken the time to realize the greatparadigm unfolding around us. Inthis issue, you will find informationshared with us by both Moraneyand Vasais in regards to changesthat even the ET races must go

    through. Please focus on thinformation shared as it holdimportant keys to our near futurand how each of us casuccessfully advance.We have personally shared witmany we have talked to on thphone, the importance of the neeto speak from the heart about youinterests without fear regardinwhat others may think of you. Ware often asked, "How can I teothers about the information I'learning?" Each of us alreadknows how to be leaders, so jushare what interests you wiothers, the same as you wouregarding other issues of life. Hoyou introduce the subject we leavto your imagination; just do it! Ware positive you will find otherswhwill actually be fascinated at yodepth of understanding on thesissues. This also includes annegative responses too. Just reathe signals others put out and allothe conversation to flow at its owpace, so as not to overwhelm thoswho might be hearing thinformation for the first timRemember, even if others do nwish to continue the subjects, yhave planted the seed for theeventual awakening. Let's nforget to include the youth of todabecause surprises are in store fus all, once they feel comfortabThe youth of today havexperiences to relate that aoccurring now and are on-goinThey are the future incarnating noand these times are gettiexciting!If you haven't already noticed, tAndromedan information from Alis showing up in magazinepapers, and other sources. We aproud to see that the Andromedainformation is being so wideexcepted with open arms atgrassroots level. Some tidbworth mentioning; check out thcoming issue of the ConnectiLink MagaZine, where you can fin

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  • 7/27/2019 Letters From Andromeda_v2n3


    an article entitled The ForbiddenMoon and Mars. Also currently onthe newsstands, Nexus magazinehas reprinted a transcribed AlexCollier Dallas lecture that was firstfeatured three months ago in theLeading EdgeResearchNewsletter.It's only "Part One" so there ismore to come. Other newsletterssuch as "Center of Attention" out ofSanta Clara, CA are reprinting theAndromedan information also. TheLeading Edge Research web site(http://www.cco.neV-trufax) has anAndromedan page where currentinformation is often sent for on-lineviewing. Crystal Hill Multimedia([email protected]) is workingwith the Andromedan informationinvolving Sacred Geometry. Ourlove and heart felt thanks goes outto all who are helping spread theinformation, please check out theseother sources and tell your friendstoo. Because of everyones efforts,our newsletter subscriptions havebeen increasing and we have nowgone worldwide!If you too want to print theinformation all that Alex, theAndromedans and we ask is thatyou copy the information as it ispresented, without changing any ofthe intent. It is our goal that theinformation gets out. Producingthis newsletter is by no means amoney making tool. Al lsubscription and tape order fundsgo towards material costs, printing,and mailing. These efforts are notyet self-supporting and yoursubscriptions are needed. Becauseof this all those who are currentlyreceiving the Newsletter and haveon the mailing label an asterisk (*)to the right of your address will bemoved off the current mailing list sothat we can afford to sendcomplimentary issues out. to newpotential subscribers. However, wewill maintain your name on aseparate list so you can receiveimportant announcements as theydevelop. If you want to continue toreceive "Letters From Andromeda" --V--' ,- ".


    please send in your paidsuoscriptlons. We would muchprefer that you continue to receivethe information to further thenetworking to others.Our love goes out to all of you whohave written us or called. It reallytouches our hearts to read and talkwith you. We just recently went online, so if you want to ever eMail usor Alex you can find us [email protected]. We will seethat any messages to Alex andCarla are forwarded.We hope the continuing series onET races will help to bring all ofyou closer to understanding manyof the ET's involved with us. Asour times change we find morepeople seeking informationregarding other races and what wecan or can not expect from them.Let us not forget one importantpoint, even though they may seemmore powerful and intelligent thanus, we are just as important as theyare and their equals on a spirituallevel, so we have every right toexist, free from the bonds ofownership and slavery. There areraces that want to help us, and theytoo have their own agenda's, butthey are benevolent and conductthemselves within the boundary ofCosmic Laws. The last thing theywant is to assist us and then haveto baby sit us, because we end upworshiping them. Do not forget inthe coming times, that we areresponsible for our actions so wemust act responsibly. Love andLight. The Robinson's

    Current EventsThe most necessary action now, forall of you who are aware, is to dowhat you are capable of to iIIuminate your degenerated societies.Lett"EHS From Andromeda

    Consciousness is your scale. Italways provides balance, whichdoes not fail. It speaks to thoseand tells them what to do, and whatnot to do; To one or all beings whochose to be evolved. The administrators of your governments areresponsible for professional order,not for your moral codes of order.The key to your happiness,Terrans, is in the hands of yourown consciousness. We haveperceived that you Terrans havearranged your lives not accordingto yourselves, but according toothers. Your disappointments aredue to this fact. This kind ofconduct of yours is what is limitingyour races. Each one of you is afree soul, fI free consciousness.No one is the servant or a slave ofanyone else, though the hiddenones would trick you to believeotherwise. Mutual respect isimperative for a healed planetaryrace. Help is being extended toyou if you so want it. Because ofour genetic l ineage to your races,we would like to be with you duringyour difficult times. Today you area planet and a race that destroysitself in ignorance. Your goal is touncover the genuine human beingslost deep within yourselves.Always be at one with yourself.-Vasais 6-5-96"We have been in communicationwith many races in discussionsregarding militant decision making.We all agree that conflict in the endserves one purpose - To createfear. And, this we know removesthe original intent from creation.We are hopeful that sincerity willgain momentum. -Vasais 6-5-96

    Letters From Andromeda Statementof Purpose: Tohelp create a world of unconditional responsibility.Th is is a non-profit newsletter that is dedicated tohumanity, without reservation. This wisdom is 8gift. The truth should not be offered withr es tr ic ti ons. There is no copyright. Edited by:Alex Collier Published by: Jon & DeborahRobinson - 289 S. Rober tson B lvd. , Suite 212 Bever ly Hil ls CA 90211 (310) 247-8796