leviticus-a c gaebelein

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  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein



    The Annotated Bible

    Arno Clement Gaebelein



    !n"l#$i$ "nd !nnot"tion$

    !ppendi%: S&'I(KLI() THE BLOO* U&O( THE +E'C, SE!T -Ch"pter



    The third boo1 o2 the &ent"tech i$ Le3itic$. It h"$ been c"lled b# thi$ n"4e bec"$e it

    gi3e$ 2ll# the 2nction$ o2 the Le3ite$. The Hebrew$ h"3e gi3en the boo1 the n"4e 5V"6#i1r"75 the 2ir$t word in the Hebrew te%t7 4e"ning7 5!nd He c"lled.5

    The little word 5"nd5 connect$ the boo1 clo$el# with the preceding one. It$ be"ti2l

    rel"tion to the boo1 o2 E%od$ we hope to $how l"ter. The opening 3er$e$ o2 Le3itic$$ole4nl# decl"re th"t the word$ cont"ined in thi$ boo1 "re the 3er# word$ o2 8eho3"h.

    5!nd the Lord c"lled nto +o$e$ "nd $p"1e nto hi4 ot o2 the t"bern"cle o2 the

    congreg"tion7 $"#ing7 Spe"1 nto the children o2 I$r"el 75 etc. In no other boo1 o2 the

    Bible i$ $ch $tre$$ l"id pon the 2"ct th"t 8eho3"h $pe"1$7 "nd nowhere do we 2ind $o4"n# repetition$ o2 thi$ 2"ct. Twent#62or ti4e$ we 2ind the di3ine co44"nd7 5$pe"1

    nto the children o2 I$r"el 5665$pe"1 nto !"ron.5 Thirt#6$i% ti4e$ occr$ the phr"$e 5the

    Lord $p"1e.5 Twent#6one ti4e$ the $pe"1ing One $"#$7 5I "4 the LO'* -8eho3"h075 "nd"$ o2ten7 5I "4 the Lord #or )od.5 (o other proo2 i$ needed th"t the Lord i$ $pe"1ing on

    e3er# p"ge o2 thi$ boo1. +o$e$ recei3ed the 3er# 9ord o2 )od. He wrote the word$ "$ he

    h"d recei3ed the4 2ro4 the Lord. !n# other belie2 i$ nten"ble.

    !nd here we 4$t "dd the te$ti4on# o2 the (ew Te$t"4ent Scriptre$. Tho$e cont"in "tle"$t 2ort# re2erence$ to the boo1 "nd it$ ordin"nce$. 9hen or Lord 8e$$ Chri$t7 the

    in2"llible Son o2 )od7 w"$ on e"rth7 the boo1 o2 Le3itic$7 "$ well "$ the entire

    &ent"tech7 w"$ 1nown "nd belie3ed to be the 9ord o2 )od7 "nd written b# +o$e$. OrLord $et Hi$ $e"l to thi$7 "nd repe"tedl# bore witne$$ to the +o$"ic "thor$hip "nd

    in$pir"tion o2 the &ent"tech7 c"lled 5the L"w o2 +o$e$.5 How He con2ir4$ the boo1 o2

    Le3itic$ 4"# be $een b# trning to the 2ollowing p"$$"ge$: +"tthew :; "nd Le3. ;: +"tthew ?:; "nd Le3. ?;:@> +"tthew A:

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    Thi$ re4"r1"ble Epi$tle "lone7 in it$ )od6bre"thed n2olding$7 be"r$ "n incontro3ertible

    te$ti4on# to the di3ine7 "$ well "$ +o$"ic7 origin o2 Le3itic$. !nd to thi$ 4$t be "dded

    "nother 2"ct. The clo$er $td# o2 thi$ boo1 will di$clo$e the 2"ct th"t the di22erent rite$ "nddi3inel# "ppointed in$tittion$ "re indeed the 5$h"dow o2 good thing$ to co4e.5 The

    go$pel o2 the gr"ce o2 )od i$ in$ep"r"bl# connected with the entire boo1 o2 Le3itic$.

    (owhere el$e do we 2ind the rede4ption6wor1 o2 Chri$t $o 2ll# "nd $o ble$$edl# told ot"$ in thi$ boo1. The be"t# "nd wi$do4 o2 "ll i$ 2ro4 "bo3e.

    An Astonishing Assertion

    Le3itic$7 then7 i$ b# it$ own te$ti4on# the 9ord o2 )od. The Son o2 )od "nd the Hol#

    Spirit in the (ew Te$t"4ent con2ir4 thi$ te$ti4on#. The wor1 o2 Chri$t "nd the go$pel

    "re 2ore$h"dowed in it "nd clo$el# lin1ed with the le3itic"l in$tittion$. In 3iew o2 the$e

    gre"t 2"ct$7 belie3ed "nd cheri$hed b# the people o2 )od7 inclding the 4o$t $chol"rl#

    "nd de3ot7 how "$toni$hing i$ the "$$ertion now $o gener"ll# 4"de b# the bo"$tingr"tion"li$tic $chool o2 higher critici$47 th"t Le3itic$ i$ 5" prie$tl# 2orger# o2 the d"#$

    "2ter Er"5D One i$ lo"th to re2er "g"in to thi$ 4o$t d"ngero$ in2idelit# which h"$beco4e $o wide$pre"d throghot "ll Chri$tendo4. Or ti4e$7 howe3er7 de4"nd "

    po$iti3e "nd ot$po1en conde4n"tion o2 thi$ 4odern d"# in2idelit#7 which co4e$ in the

    g"rb o2 "n "ngel o2 light7 with the cl"i4 o2 being re3erent "nd de3ot7 bt behind which$t"nd$ the d"r1 "nd $neering $h"dow o2 the ene4# o2 )od. Higher critici$4 h"$

    con$igned Le3itic$ to " d"te "2ter the B"b#loni"n c"pti3it#. !ccording to the$e

    5$chol"r$5 the prie$tl# l"w$ were collected in B"b#loni" "nd were broght b"c1 to

    &"le$tine . So4e e3en go $o 2"r "$ to cl"i4 th"t the le3itic"l in$tittion$ were in2lencedb# the in$tittion$ o2 B"b#lon . Bt enogh o2 thi$D 9e do not w"nt to 2ill or p"ge$ with

    the in3ention$ o2 tho$e blind le"der$ o2 the blind. I2 the boo1 o2 Le3itic$ w"$ not writtenb# +o$e$7 gi3en to hi4 directl# b# 8eho3"h Hi4$el27 then thi$ boo1 i$ " colo$$"l 2r"d"nd 2orger#. In"$4ch "$ $o 4"n# 5theologic"l5 pro2e$$or$ den# the in$pir"tion "nd

    +o$"ic "thor$hip o2 Le3itic$7 thi$ boo1 h"$ been br"nded "$ " concoction o2

    2"l$ehood$. Sch i$ the logic"l con$eence. 9e let "nother $chol"r $pe"1 on thi$ 4"tter:59hile the Lord 8e$$ t"ght in 3"rio$ w"#$ th"t Le3itic$ cont"in$ " l"w gi3en b#

    re3el"tion 2ro4 )od to +o$e$7 the$e te"ch th"t it i$ " prie$tl# 2orger# o2 the d"#$ "2ter

    Er". Both c"nnot be right> "nd i2 the l"tter "re in the right7 then66we $pe"1 with "llpo$$ible deliber"tion "nd re3erence668e$$ Chri$t w"$ 4i$t"1en7 "nd w"$ there2ore n"ble

    e3en to tell $ with inerr"nt cert"int# whether thi$ or th"t i$ the 9ord o2 )od or not. Bt

    i2 thi$ i$ $o7 then how c"n we e$c"pe the 2in"l in2erence th"t Hi$ cl"i4 to h"3e " per2ect

    1nowledge o2 the F"ther 4$t h"3e been "n error> Hi$ cl"i4 to be the inc"rn"te Son o2)od7 there2ore7 " 2"l$e preten$ion7 "nd Chri$ti"nit#7 " del$ion7 $o th"t 4"n1ind h"$ in

    Hi4 no S"3ior

    5Bt "g"in$t $o 2"t"l " concl$ion $t"nd$ the gre"t e$t"bli$hed 2"ct o2 the re$rrection o2

    8e$$ Chri$t 2ro4 the de"d> whereb# He w"$ with power decl"red to be the Son o2 )od7$o th"t we 4"# 1now th"t Hi$ word on thi$7 "$ on "ll $bGect$ where He h"$ $po1en7

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    $ettle$ contro3er$#7 "nd i$ " $22icient grond o2 2"ith> while it i4po$e$ pon "ll

    $pecl"tion$ o2 4en7 liter"r# or philo$ophic"l7 etern"l "nd irre4o3"ble li4it"tion$.

    5Let no one thin1 th"t the c"$e7 "$ reg"rd$ the i$$e "t $t"te7 h"$ been "bo3e $t"ted too$trongl#. One cold not well go be#ond the o2ten cited word$ o2 Kenen on thi$ $bGect:

    9e 4$t either c"$t "$ide "$ worthle$$ or de"rl# boght $cienti2ic 4ethod7 or we 4$t2ore3er ce"$e to "c1nowledge the "thorit# o2 the (ew Te$t"4ent in the do4"in o2 the

    e%ege$i$ o2 the Old. 9ith good re"$on doe$ "nother $chol"r e%cl"i4 "t the$e word$7 The+"$ter 4$t not be he"rd "$ " witne$$D 9e tre"t or cri4in"l$ with 4ore re$pect. So then

    $t"nd$ the e$tion thi$ d"# which the 2ir$t 3er$e o2 Le3itic$ bring$ be2ore $: In which

    h"3e we 4ore con2idence In liter"r# critic$7 li1e " Kenen or 9ellh"$en7 or in 8e$$Chri$t 9hich i$ the 4ore li1el# to 1now with cert"int# whether the l"w o2 Le3itic$ i$ "

    re3el"tion 2ro4 )od or not

    5The de3ot Chri$ti"n7 who throgh the gr"ce o2 the crci2ied "nd ri$en Lord o2 who4

    +o$e$7 in the l"w7 "nd the prophet$ did write7 "nd who h"$ t"$ted the good word o2 )od7

    will not long he$it"te 2or "n "n$wer.5 -S.H. Kellogg7 Le3itic$.0

    To thi$ we $"#7 he"rtil#7 5!4en75 i2 the$e critic$7 who$e re"l di22iclt# i$ the 5p22ed p

    he"d5 "nd 5the e4pt# he"rt5 were to trn in h4ilit# o2 4ind "nd in dependence pon the

    Spirit o2 )od to the 9ord it$el27 c"$ting their 5little le"rning5 to the wind$7 the# wold$oon le"rn the wi$do4 o2 )od "nd repent o2 their 2ooli$hne$$.

    The Message of Leviticus

    9e h"3e pointed ot the 2"ct th"t Le3itic$ h"$ in it$el2 the n4i$t"1"ble i4print o2

    di3ine re3el"tion. 9h"t then i$ it$ 4e$$"ge One word gi3e$ the "n$wer. The word

    5hol#.5 (inet# ti4e$ thi$ word i$ 2ond in the twent#6$e3en ch"pter$. !nd here we c"llthe "ttention to it$ rel"tion to the boo1 o2 E%od$. 9e 2ond in or $td# o2 E%od$ th"trede4ption i$ there ble$$edl# 2ore$h"dowed. The 4e$$"ge o2 Le3itic$ i$ th"t which i$

    the otco4e o2 rede4ption7 5holine$$ nto the Lord75 5$"ncti2ic"tion.5 In the (ew

    Te$t"4ent the $"ncti2ic"tion o2 " redee4ed people i$ re3e"led in " two2old "$pect:S"ncti2ic"tion b# the precio$ blood o2 "tone4ent7 "nd $"ncti2ic"tion b# the Spirit o2

    )od. The 2ir$t i$ the 2ond"tion o2 "ll7 "nd the $econd i$ the re$lt o2 it. 9e $ee7 there2ore7

    th"t the boo1 o2 Le3itic$ begin$ with the di3ine in$trction$ concerning the o22ering$7 inwhich the per2ect wor1 o2 the Lord 8e$$ Chri$t "nd Hi$ per2ect li2e "re t#pic"ll#

    2ore$h"dowed. It i$ perh"p$ the 4o$t co4plete "$ well "$ wonder2l de$cription o2 Hi$

    wor1 "nd $"cri2ice which we po$$e$$. In their t#pic"l 4e"ning the 2ir$t $e3en ch"pter$ c"n

    ne3er be e%h"$ted. Then 2ollow$ the di3ine "ccont o2 the con$ecr"tion o2 theprie$thood7 telling $ t#pic"ll# th"t " redee4ed "nd $"ncti2ied people7 " hol# prie$thood

    - &eter ?:A07 c"n dr"w nigh "nd enter into Hi$ pre$ence. !cce$$ "nd wor$hip "re th$

    4o$t ble$$edl# ill$tr"ted. &r"ctic"l $"ncti2ic"tion in " $ep"r"ted w"l1 "nd hol# li3ing i$de4"nded b# the di22erent $t"tte$ "nd l"w$. !nd the$e t#pi2# the wor1 o2 the Hol# Spirit

    in the belie3er. !ll thi$7 "nd 4ch el$e7 4"1e$ the $td# o2 Le3itic$ o2 gre"t intere$t "nd

    3"le. It i$ needed in or d"#$. The 2nd"4ent"l trth$ o2 the go$pel7 t#pic"ll#2ore$h"dowed in Le3itic$7 "re the trth$ 4o$tl# denied or belittled. !nd "ll th"t 1now the

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    go$pel7 "nd re$t pon the 2ini$hed wor1 o2 the Lord 8e$$ Chri$t7 will $rel# 2ind in thi$

    boo1 new be"tie$ o2 Hi47 who i$ "ltogether lo3el#7 "nd le"rn 4ore wh"t Hi$ gre"t wor1

    "$ or $b$titte 4e"nt to Hi4 "nd wh"t it 4e"n$ 2or $.

    Prophetic Foreshadowings

    B# 2"r the gre"ter n4ber o2 the t#pe$ o2 Le3itic$ h"3e 2ond their 2l2ill4ent in the li2e

    "nd de"th7 the re$rrection "nd prie$thood o2 or Lord. Other$7 howe3er7 "re $tilln2l2illed. Thi$ i$ e$peci"ll# tre in connection with $o4e o2 the 2e"$t$ o2 8eho3"h. The

    2e"$t o2 tr4pet$7 the ing"thering "t the 2ll h"r3e$t7 the S"bb"tic #e"r7 the #e"r o2 Gbilee

    "w"it their glorio$ 2l2ill4ent in " 2tre d"#7 when I$r"el $h"ll be re$tored "$ " n"tion.The$eprophetic2ore$h"dowing$ will be pointed ot in the "nnot"tion$.

    The Time hen Leviticus as Given

    *i22erent 3iew$ "re held concerning the period o2 ti4e con$4ed in the gi3ing o2 the$e

    word$ o2 8eho3"h. It i$ e3ident th"t Le3itic$ "nd (4ber$ 6=:= were gi3en betweenthe 2ir$t d"# o2 the 4onth "nd the twentieth d"# o2 the $econd 4onth7 th"t i$ o2 the $econd

    #e"r "2ter their dep"rtre 2ro4 Eg#pt .

    The !cope and "ivision of Leviticus

    Le3itic$ cont"ining the di3ine in$trction$ 2or " redee4ed people re3e"l$ " progre$$i3e

    order. ! r"pid gl"nce "t the content$ will de4on$tr"te thi$ "t once. Fir$t the Lord gi3e$ tothe people7 who4 He broght ot o2 Eg#pt 7 Hi$ co44nic"tion$ concerning the

    di22erent $"cri2ice$. !2ter the$e o22ering$ "re de$cribed7 "nd the l"w concerning the4 i$

    gi3en7 the "ccont o2 the con$ecr"tion o2 !"ron "nd hi$ $on$7 hi$ 2ellow6prie$t$7 2ollow$7

    "nd how the# beg"n their prie$tl# 2nction$. The Gdg4ent o2 ("d"b "nd !bih 2orpre$enting $tr"nge 2ire i$ clo$el# connected with thi$. )od de4"nding holine$$ in Hi$

    redee4ed people co4e$ ne%t in thi$ boo1. The "ccont o2 the gre"t d"# o2 "tone4ent7when !"ron entered the Holie$t 2or " brie2 $e"$on7 precede$ the precept$ 2or the people o2

    )od in which their w"l1 in $ep"r"tion 2ro4 e3il i$ $o 2ll# entered pon. The gre"t d"# o2

    "tone4ent i$ the center o2 the boo1 o2 Le3itic$> e3er#thing in the boo1 i$ rel"ted to th"t

    d"#. The ne%t which 2ollow$7 "2ter the gi3ing o2 in$trction$ o2 " hol# w"l17 i$ the di3ine"ppoint4ent o2 the di22erent 2e"$t$7 "nd the l"w$ connected with the$e 2e"$t$7 e$peci"ll#

    the gre"t #e"r o2 Gbilee. Thi$7 with " ch"pter on thing$ 3owed "nd de3oted7 clo$e$ the

    boo1. It i$ 4o$t intere$ting to note thi$ l"$t ch"pter7 2or it cont"in$ the con$44"tion o2the boo17 "nd 2ore$h"dow$ the ti4e when )od will recei3e wh"t belong$ to Hi47 "nd

    when He will be "ll in "ll. The word$ 5nto 8eho3"h5665hol# to 8eho3"h5665it i$8eho3"h$566occr 2orteen ti4e$ in thi$ l"$t ch"pter. -The word 5Lord5 in Le3itic$7 "$throghot the Old Te$t"4ent7 i$ in the Hebrew 58eho3"h.50 5Hol# nto 8eho3"h5 i$

    4entioned thrice in the clo$ing 3er$e$ o2 Le3itic$. !nd thi$ i$ in 1eeping with the

    4e$$"ge o2 the boo1. 8eho3"h i$ hol#> Hi$ people 4$t "l$o be hol#. 5,e $h"ll be hol#: 2or

    I the LO'* #or )od "4 hol#5 -ch"pter @:?0. The l"$t 3er$e o2 Le3itic$ $t"te$ once4ore the $ole4n 2"ct o2 the beginning o2 the boo17 th"t 8eho3"h $p"1e "ll the$e word$

    nto +o$e$.

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    Thi$ brie2 $1etch $how$ the nit# o2 the boo1 o2 Le3itic$ "nd it$ progre$$i3e re3el"tion.

    Th"t it cold be the p"tchwor1 o2 di22erent writer$ or the prodct o2 "2ter e%ilic d"#$7 "$

    cl"i4ed b# the r"tion"li$t$7 i$ i4po$$ible. ! clo$er $td# o2 thi$ boo17 $o directl#co44nic"ted b# 8eho3"h to +o$e$7 $how$ the 4"r3ello$ wi$do4 o2 )od. Onl# the

    o4ni$cient Lord cold gi3e $ch in$trction$ "nd in$tittion$7 which 2ore$h"dow Hi$

    gr"cio$ w"#$ in rede4ption. 9e $h"ll "i47 "$ 4ch "$ thi$ i$ po$$ible7 in or"nnot"tion$7 to point ot the wonder2l t#pe$ "nd prophecie$ o2 Le3itic$. Here the

    "toning wor1 o2 Chri$t7 the re$lt$ 2or Hi$ people7 their pri3ilege$ "nd re$pon$ibilitie$ "re

    4o$t ble$$edl# otlined. I$r"el $ 2tre re$tor"tion connected with the co4ing d"# whenthe# $h"ll $ee Hi47 who i$ t#pi2ied b# !"ron7 when the# $h"ll loo1 pon the pierced One7

    "nd their gre"t n"tion"l d"# o2 "tone4ent d"wn$7 the 4illenni"l ti4e$ o2 ble$$ing "nd

    glor# "nd the gre"t 8bilee: "ll i$ 4ore th"n indic"ted b# the *i3ine co44nic"tion$.

    The "ivision of Leviticus

    The brie2 otline o2 the $cope o2 the boo1 $how$ th"t the di3i$ion i$ not di22iclt to 4"1e.

    !$ thi$ boo1 i$ $o little 1nown7 we $gge$t 2ir$t o2 "ll " c"re2l re"ding o2 the boo17noting the three gener"l p"rt$.

    The$e "re the 2ollowing:

    . The o22ering$ "nd the prie$thood -6=0

    ?. L"w$ "nd precept$ -6??0

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    . The L"w$ o2 the O22ering$ -:6:

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    ;. The S"bb"tic ,e"r "nd the ,e"r o2 8bilee -?A:6AA0

    A. The Ble$$ing$ "nd the Cr$e: I$r"el $ Hi$tor# -?:6;0

    *II# *&! A(" "%*&TI&(

    . The Cl"i4$ o2 8eho3"h 'e"lied -?:6 the $weet odor i$ nto )od "nd it i$ 2or the belie3er$

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    "ccept"nce in Hi4. ! 2ew hint$ on thi$ o22ering "nd the other o22ering$ will be $22icient

    to $how their t#pic"l 4e"ning.

    Fir$t the blloc1 i$ 4entioned. The o% gi3e$ $ the highe$t t#pe o2 Chri$t o22eringHi4$el2. Li1e the $heep "nd go"t$ $ed in the brnt o22ering7 the o% w"$ e"$il# gotten. He

    needed not to be hnted or be gotten b# 4"n$ e22ort$> the o% "nd the other do4e$tic"ni4"l$ $ed were7 $o to $pe"17 re"d# "nd willing. Led 2ro4 the green p"$tre$ to be

    1illed be2ore the Lord7 the o% i$ the t#pe o2 Chri$t7 who le2t the F"ther$ glor# "ndpre$ence to do Hi$ will "nd gi3e Hi4$el2 "$ the willing $"cri2ice -&$"l4 ;=:6> Hebrew$

    =:60. Bt the o% i$ "l$o the t#pe o2 the $er3"nt7 "nd re4ind$ $ o2 Chri$t7 the obedient

    $er3"nt7 who c"4e not to be 4ini$tered to7 bt to 4ini$ter "nd gi3e Hi$ li2e "$ " r"n$o42or 4"n#. There w"$ to be no ble4i$h wh"te3er in the "ni4"l. E3en $o Chri$t w"$ withot

    ble4i$h7 hol# "nd nde2iled. The t#pe w"$ to be withot ble4i$h7 Chri$t i$ withot

    ble4i$h7 "nd the Chrch which He lo3ed "nd 2or which He g"3e Hi4$el2 will be throghHi$ gr"cio$ wor1 withot ble4i$h7 h"3ing no $pot or wrin1le or "n# $ch thing -Eph.


    The o22erer h"d to o22er it o2 hi$ own 3olnt"r# will. The correct rendering i$ -3er$e

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    pt in order on the wood pon the "lt"r. It w"$ then co4pletel# con$4ed b# 2ire "nd ro$e

    p " $weet $"3or nto the Lord. !ll h"$ it$ t#pic"l 4e"ning. !ll i$ e%po$ed to the *i3ine

    g"e "nd "ll witne$$e$ to the per2ection "nd e%cellencie$ o2 Hi4 who g"3e Hi4$el2. The2"t i$ t#pic"l o2 Hi$ intern"l e%cellencie$. The inw"rd$ "nd the leg$ w"$hed in w"ter "ppl#

    to Chri$t$ hol# ch"r"cter in Hi$ "22ection$ "nd in Hi$ w"l1 in per2ect "ccord with the

    9ord -the w"ter0. The wood tell$ o2 Hi$ h4"nit# which He too1 on 2or the $22ering o2de"th. The 2ire w"$ the 2ire 2ro4 he"3en. It i$ not7 "$ o2ten t"1en here7 the $#4bol o2

    *i3ine wr"th con$4ing the $"cri2ice7 bt it h"$ "nother 4e"ning. It i$ the 2igre o2 )od$

    per2ect delight in the de3otion o2 Hi$ e3er ble$$ed Son. )od re$ted in Chri$t "nd 2ondHi$ 2lle$t $"ti$2"ction in Hi4. The Hebrew h"$ di22erent word$ 2or brning. The one th"t

    i$ $ed here i$ the $"4e "$ $ed 2or the brning o2 incen$e. Thi$ in it$el2 $how$ th"t it h"$

    no connection with wr"th. The contin"l 2ire pon the "lt"r in connection with thi$

    gre"te$t o2 "ll the o22ering$7 tell$ $ o2 )od$ perpet"l delight in the wor1 o2 Chri$t7 wh"tHe i$ "nd wh"t He h"$ done.

    9h"t bec"4e o2 the $1in o2 the o% Ch"pter : gi3e$ the "n$wer. It belonged to the

    prie$t. !nd th$ the brnt o22ering "$pect o2 the de"th o2 Chri$t co3er$ "nd hide$ "ll7 whotr$t in Hi4.

    (e%t we 2ind th"t $heep "nd go"t$ cold "l$o be broght "$ " brnt o22ering. The highe$t

    gr"de w"$ the o% "nd the gr"de$ which 2ollowed7 the $heep "nd the go"t. Thi$ w"$ in c"$e

    the o22erer w"$ poor "nd cold not bring the 4ore co$tl# o%. It "l$o repre$ent$ the 2"ith o2the o22erer. ! lower 2"ith "nd e$ti4"te o2 Chri$t which doe$ not re"ch p to the highe$t

    conception7 howe3er7 doe$ not "22ect the "ccept"nce o2 the o22erer. The in2erior o22ering$

    t#pi2ied Chri$t "nd were there2ore " $weet $"3or nto )od7 who beheld in "ll the $"4e

    per2ect $"cri2ice. Or 2"ith $hold re$t co4pletel# pon )od$ e$ti4"te o2 Chri$t "nd Hi$wor1. The $heep i$ the t#pe o2 Chri$t in Hi$ de3oted $el26$rrender7 nre$i$ting "nd $ilent

    -I$"i"h A

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    C$APT%' /

    . The gener"l in$trction -?:6 the pictre o2 2"llen n"tre in "n "4i"ble ch"r"cter7 #et

    $in connected with it. Le"3en i$ 2er4ent"tion> "nd the $weet hone# i$ the c"$e o2 it. It

    w"$ not "llowed in the 2ine 2lor7 2or nothing o2 "n nhol# $weetne$$ w"$ in Chri$t. Onl#the oil w"$ 4ingled with the 2lor. Bt the oil w"$ "l$o pored pon the 2lor. Thi$ i$ the

    t#pe o2 the Hol# Spirit7 "$ He c"4e pon Chri$t7 the "nointed One. He w"$ on e"rth the

    One who4 the F"ther h"d $e"led -8ohn :?0> in the 4e"l o22ering 5$"lt5 h"d li1ewi$e "pl"ce. It i$ the t#pe o2 the $ep"r"ting power o2 holine$$. Belie3er$7 born "g"in7 h"3e the

    Hol# Spirit in the new n"tre7 "nd b# the Spirit "re $e"led. Th$ we "re en"bled to w"l1

    e3en "$ He w"l1ed7 "nd $how 2orth Hi$ e%cellencie$. 9e "dd here " be"ti2l tribte to

    the per2ect h4"nit# "nd the 4or"l glor# o2 Chri$t:

    Thi$ 4e"l o22ering o2 )od7 t"1en 2ro4 the 2rit o2 the e"rth7 w"$ o2 the 2ine$t whe"t> th"t

    which w"$ pre7 $ep"r"te "nd lo3el# in h4"n n"tre w"$ in 8e$$ nder "ll it$ $orrow$7

    bt in "ll it$ e%cellence7 "nd e%cellent in it$ $orrow$. There w"$ no ne3enne$$ in 8e$$7no predo4in"nt "lit# to prodce the e22ect o2 gi3ing Hi4 " di$tincti3e ch"r"cter. He

    w"$7 thogh de$pi$ed "nd reGected o2 4en7 the per2ection o2 h4"n n"tre. The

    $en$ibilitie$7 2ir4ne$$7 deci$ion -thogh thi$ "tt"ched it$el2 "l$o to the principle o2

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    obedience07 ele3"tion "nd c"l4 4ee1ne$$7 which belong to h4"n n"tre7 "ll 2ond their

    per2ect pl"ce in Hi4. In " &"l I 2ind energ# "nd e"l> in " &eter7 "rdent "22ection> in "

    8ohn7 tender $en$ibilitie$ "nd "b$tr"ction o2 thoght7 nited to " de$ire to 3indic"te wh"the lo3ed which $c"rce 1new li4it. Bt the "lit# we h"3e ob$er3ed in &eter

    predo4in"te$ "nd ch"r"cterie$ hi4. In " &"l7 ble$$ed $er3"nt thogh he w"$7 he did not

    repent7 thogh he h"d repented.... In hi4 in who4 )od w"$ 4ight# tow"rd thecirc4ci$ion7 we 2ind the 2e"r o2 4"n bre"1 throgh the 2"ith2lne$$ o2 hi$ e"l. 8ohn7

    who wold h"3e 3indic"ted 8e$$ in hi$ e"l7 1new not wh"t 4"nner o2 $pirit He w"$ o27

    "nd wold h"3e 2orbidden the glor# o2 )od7 i2 " 4"n w"l1ed not with the4.

    Bt in 8e$$7 e3en "$ 4"n7 there w"$ none o2 thi$ ne3enne$$. There w"$ nothing $"lientin Hi$ ch"r"cter7 bec"$e "ll w"$ in per2ect $bGection to )od in Hi$ h4"nit#7 "nd h"d it$

    pl"ce7 "nd did e%"ctl# it$ $er3ice7 "nd then di$"ppe"red. )od w"$ glori2ied in it7 "nd "ll

    w"$ in h"r4on#. 9hen 4ee1ne$$ bec"4e Hi4 He w"$ 4ee1> when indign"tion7 whocold $t"nd be2ore Hi$ o3erwhel4ing "nd withering reb1e Tender to the chie2 o2

    $inner$ in the ti4e o2 gr"ce> n4o3ed b# the he"rtle$$ $periorit# o2 " cold &h"ri$ee

    -crio$ to Gdge who He w"$0> when the ti4e o2 Gdg4ent i$ co4e7 no te"r$ o2 tho$e whowept 2or Hi4 4o3ed Hi4 to other word$ th"n 9eep 2or #or$el3e$ "nd 2or #or

    children766word$ o2 deep co4p"$$ion7 bt o2 deep $bGection to the de Gdg4ent o2 )od.

    The dr# tree prep"red it$el2 to be brned. On the cro$$7 when Hi$ $er3ice w"$ 2ini$hed7

    tender to Hi$ 4other7 "nd entr$ting her in h4"n c"re7 to one who -$o to $pe"10 h"d beenHi$ 2riend7 "nd le"ned on Hi$ bo$o4> no e"r to recognie her word or cl"i4 when Hi$

    $er3ice occpied Hi4 2or )od> ptting both ble$$edl# in their pl"ce7 when He wold

    $how th"t7 be2ore Hi$ pblic 4i$$ion7 He w"$ $till the Son o2 the F"ther7 "nd thogh $ch7in h4"n ble$$edne$$7 $bGect to the 4other th"t b"re Hi47 "nd 8o$eph Hi$ 2"ther "$

    nder the l"w7 " c"l4ne$$ which di$concerted Hi$ "d3er$"rie$> "nd in the 4or"l power

    which di$4"#ed the4 "t ti4e$7 " 4ee1ne$$ which drew ot the he"rt$ o2 "ll not $teeled b#

    oppo$ition. Sch w"$ Chri$t in h4"n n"tre. -8.(. *"rb#7 S#nop$i$ o2 the Bible.0

    !nd 2r"n1incen$e w"$ thereon. Thi$ i$ the 2r"gr"nce7 n$pe"1"ble in it$ 3"le7 "$ it went

    p 2ro4 Hi$ ble$$ed li2e to )od.

    Bt the 4e"l o22ering w"$ b"1ed in "n o3en7 in " p"n "nd in " 2r#ing p"n or c"ldron.

    The$e "re the t#pe$ o2 the te$ting$ "nd tri"l$ in Hi$ hol# h4"nit#. He w"$ 4"de per2ectthrogh $22ering "$ the c"pt"in o2 or $"l3"tion -Heb. ?:=0. The o3en t#pi2ie$ the

    te4pt"tion$ 2ro4 the $ide o2 S"t"n661nown onl# to the Lord Hi4$el2. The p"n tell$ o2 the

    4ore e3ident te$ting$ "nd tri"l$ throgh which He p"$$ed7 endring the contr"diction o2$inner$ "nd "ll the oppo$ition "nd h"tred he"ped pon Hi4. The 2r#ing p"n or c"ldron

    $pe"1$ o2 the co4bining tri"l$ "nd $orrow$ o2 "n otw"rd "nd inw"rd n"tre. Bt "ll7

    whether the o3en7 the p"n or the c"ldron7 broght ot Hi$ per2ection.

    The 4e"l o22ering w"$ then brnt pon the "lt"r7 " $weet odor to 8eho3"h. The prie$t$cold e"t the re4"inder o2 the 4e"l o22ering. !$ prie$t$ o2 )od7 con$titted th$ throgh

    the gr"ce o2 )od7 it i$ or hol# "nd ble$$ed pri3ilege to 2eed on Hi4$el27 "nd the 2eeding

    on Chri$t will e3er 1eep $ in con$cio$ ne"rne$$ to )od7 "nd we"n $ "w"# 2ro4 e"rthl#thing$.

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    The obl"tion 4entioned in 3er$e ? re2er$ to the 5new 4e"l o22ering5 in which le"3en w"$

    per4itted7 "nd which w"$ not to be brnt. Thi$ we $h"ll 2ind 4ore 2ll# 4entioned in

    ch"pter ? "nd thi$ i$

    c"lled 5the 2ood o2 8eho3"h.5 He delight$ in thi$. The h"pp# $cene o2 how the prie$t$7 the

    o22erer "nd hi$ 2riend$ p"rtoo1 o2 th"t o2 which )od p"rt"1e$ Hi4$el27 we $h"ll $ee l"ter.

    1# The !in &ffering

    CH!&TE'S ;6A: bt in Hi$ $"int$7 thogh 4"de nigh b#

    blood7 there i$ $till le"3en7 the corrption o2 the old n"tre. How h"r4onio$ with thete"ching o2 the (ew Te$t"4entD 9e le"3e thi$ to or re"der$ to 2ollow with pr"#er7

    $e"rching7 "nd7 we tr$t7 e%erci$e o2 $ol.

    'ich "nd 2ll i$ indeed thi$ portion7 the conclding $ection> one 2eel$ li1e toching pon

    e3er# det"il "nd 4edit"te on the$e precio$ pictre$7 2ore$h"dowing or ble$$ing$ "ndpri3ilege$ in Chri$t.

    9e 4$t p"$$ "ll the$e riche$ b#7 bt pr"# th"t Hi$ Spirit 4"# open p the 4ine$ o2 di3ine

    wi$do4 "nd co42ort to e3er# child o2 )od. Bt one 4ore phr"$e we 4ention. The prie$t$

    h"d their portion in the pe"ce o22ering. The prie$t7 who brn$ the 2"t pon the "lt"rrepre$ent$ Chri$t. !"ron "nd hi$ $on$ recei3ed the bre"$t o2 the $"cri2ice. The $holder o2

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    the pe"ce o22ering belonged to the prie$t 2or "n he"3e o22ering. Li1e !"ron "nd hi$ $on$7

    prie$t$ o2 )od7 we c"n 2e"$t pon the bre"$t7 the t#pe o2 Hi$ lo3e7 "nd th$ enGo# Hi$

    "22ection$. The $holder i$ the $e"t o2 power. !nd power belong$ to Hi4 "lone7 wholo3eth $ "nd h"th w"$hed $ 2ro4 or $in$ in Hi$ own blood "nd h"th 4"de $ prie$t$

    "nd 1ing$. +"# thi$ 2ir$t p"rt o2 Le3itic$ -$o o2ten ignored0 beco4e " $orce o2 4ch

    Go# "nd ble$$ing to Hi$ people. The 2ew hint$ we cold gi3e will7 nder )od7 $how thew"# how the$e t#pe$ $hold be $tdied.

    II# T$% P'I%!T$&&" A(" T$% '%!)LT! &F


    .# Aaron and $is !ons and Their Consecration

    C$APT%' 6

    . !"ron -:6?0

    ?. !"ron "nd hi$ $on$ -: "nd it i$ #et 4ore "b$rd to $ppo$e th"t he $hold e3er

    h"3e intended hi$ word$ to be pre$$ed to $ch " rigid liter"lit#5 -S.H. Kellogg7 Le3itic$0.

    Bt the word$ do not nece$$"ril# 4e"n th"t e3er# indi3id"l w"$ pre$ent "t the door o2the t"bern"cle "nd "ll re4"ined there 2or the entire $e3en d"#$ o2 cere4oni"l ob$er3"nce.

    &erh"p$ onl# the repre$ent"ti3e$ o2 the tribe$ were c"lled to witne$$ "ll th"t w"$ done>

    the$e "ppointed le"der$ repre$ented the whole "$$e4bl# o2 I$r"el . !ll w"$ c"rried ot"ccording to the di3ine co44"nd. (ot le$$ th"n twel3e ti4e$ i$ re2erence 4"de to thi$

    2"ct in the eighth ch"pter. It w"$ "ll "ccording to di3ine "ppoint4ent. !"ron w"$ c"lled o2

    )od to thi$ o22ice7 "nd in thi$ he w"$ " t#pe o2 Chri$t in Hi$ o22ice6wor1 "$ prie$t. 5!ndno 4"n t"1eth thi$ honor nto hi4$el27 bt he th"t i$ c"lled o2 )od "$ w"$ !"ron. So "l$o

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    Chri$t glori2ied not Hi4$el2 to be 4"de "n high prie$t7 bt He th"t $"id nto Hi47 Tho

    "rt 4# Son7 tod"# h"3e I begotten thee5 -Heb. A:;6A0. !$ !"ron "nd hi$ wor1 w"$

    "ppointed b# )od7 $o the wor1 o2 or Lord in connection with $in. !"ron did 5"ll thething$ which the Lord co44"nded b# the h"nd o2 +o$e$75 "nd Chri$t co4pletel# did the

    will o2 Hi4 th"t $ent Hi4. Th"t ble$$ed will i$ 2ore$h"dowed in the prie$tl# o22ice "nd the

    prie$tl# wor1.

    9ithot 2ollowing the hi$toric"l "ccont in e3er# det"il we point ot $o4e o2 the le"dingt#pe$ in thi$ gre"t ch"pter. The princip"l "ctor$ "re !"ron "nd hi$ $on$. !"ron occpie$

    the le"ding "nd pro4inent pl"ce> hi$ $on$ "re "$$oci"ted with hi4. He i$7 "$ $t"ted "bo3e7

    " t#pe o2 Chri$t. Hi$ $on$ t#pi2# tho$e who "re c"lled into the prie$thood in their Chri$ti"npro2e$$ion. The prie$thood o2 the $on$ o2 !"ron depended pon their rel"tion$hip to hi4.

    9ithot !"ron the# cold not be prie$t$ "t "ll. Or rel"tion$hip to Chri$t con$titte$ $

    prie$t$. The &rie$thood o2 Chri$t re$t$ pon Hi$ Son$hip7 "nd belie3ing on Hi4 webeco4e children o2 )od "nd "l$o prie$t$ with Hi4. The $on$ o2 !"ron t#pi2# the

    Chri$ti"n pro2e$$ion> two o2 hi$ $on$ were t"1en in " Gdg4ent. The# 2ore$h"dow the tre

    "nd the 2"l$e in Chri$tendo4. Bt there i$ $till "nother "pplic"tion. I$r"el $ n"tion"lprie$thood i$ "l$o 2ore$h"dowed. 5,e $h"ll be nto +e " 1ingdo4 o2 prie$t$5 -E%od. @:0

    i$ )od$ c"lling 2or the n"tion. The# will #et po$$e$$ th"t prie$thood. 5Bt #e $h"ll be

    n"4ed the prie$t$ o2 the LO'*7 4en $h"ll c"ll #o the 4ini$ter$ o2 or )od5 -I$. :0.

    Thi$ will be "cco4pli$hed with the $econd co4ing o2 Chri$t. ! p"rt o2 the n"tion willthen be $wept "w"# in Gdg4ent7 while the belie3ing re4n"nt will e%erci$e the 2nction$

    o2 the prie$thood in the 1ingdo4. The$e two cl"$$e$ "re t#pi2ied b# the $on$ o2 !"ron.

    The 2ir$t thing 4entioned i$ the 5w"$hing with w"ter.5 Thi$ w"$hing o2 w"ter i$ the t#pe

    o2 the new birth. Thi$ i$ be"ti2ll# ill$tr"ted b# the $#4bolic"l "ction o2 or Lord in thew"$hing o2 the di$ciple$ 2eet -8ohn Heb.:@0. Bt lin1ed with Hi4 "re Hi$ 2ellow$7 Hi$ $eed7 the 4"n# $on$ He bring$ to glor#.

    Their g"r4ent$7 inclding the breeche$ -E%od$ ?:;?0 -not 4entioned here07 were o2

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    pre white linen7 the t#pe o2 the holine$$ "nd righteo$ne$$ into which the gr"ce o2 )od

    h"$ broght $ in Chri$t. 9e "re " hol# prie$thood. See "l$o 'e3. ;:;. 5!nd rond "bot

    the throne were 2or "nd twent# throne$7 "nd pon the throne$ I $"w 2or "nd twent#elder$ $itting clothed in white r"i4ent> "nd the# h"d on their he"d$ crown$ o2 gold.5 5!nd

    to her w"$ gr"nted th"t $he $hold be "rr"#ed in 2ine linen7 cle"n "nd white> 2or the 2ine

    linen i$ the righteo$ne$$ o2 the $"int$5 -'e3. @:0.

    The t"bern"cle7 the "lt"r7 the l"3er "nd 2in"ll# !"ron were "nointed with the hol# oil. Theoil w"$ $prin1led pon the "lt"r $e3en ti4e$. (o blood w"$ $hed 2or "tone4ent. !ll thi$

    h"$ it$ ble$$ed $igni2ic"nce. 9hile b# thi$ cere4on# the t"bern"cle with "ll th"t w"$ in it

    w"$ $"ncti2ied "nd con$ecr"ted7 it "l$o t#pi2ie$ the con$ecr"tion o2 "ll throgh Chri$t. The"nointing o2 !"ron i$ the t#pe o2 the "nointing o2 or Lord. 5)od "nointed 8e$$ with the

    Hol# Spirit "nd with power5 -!ct$ =: the liter"l rendering 2ro4 the Hebrew i$ 5the r"4 o2

    2illing$75 bec"$e o2 3er$e ?7 where we re"d th"t their h"nd$ were 2illed to w"3e it "ll "$

    " w"3e o22ering be2ore the Lord. The blood o2 thi$ $econd r"4 w"$ pt pon the tip o2 the

    right e"r o2 !"ron7 pon the th4b o2 the right h"nd "nd pon the gre"t toe o2 hi$ right2oot. The $"4e w"$ done to !"ron$ $on$. Their whole bodie$ were th$ $et "p"rt 2or the

    $er3ice o2 )od in 3irte o2 the blood which h"d been $hed. It i$ the 4o$t ble$$ed t#pe o2$"ncti2ic"tion b# th"t 5better blood57 the blood o2 Chri$t. The e"r i$ 2or he"ring> we "re $et"p"rt to he"r the 9ord o2 )od "nd #ield obedience to it. The h"nd i$ $et "p"rt to $er3e "nd

    to do Hi$ will7 "nd the 2eet to w"l1 in Hi$ w"#$. (o $ch $"ncti2ic"tion w"$ po$$ible till

    the blood h"d been $hed. !ll thi$ 2ore$h"dow$ or $"ncti2ic"tion b# blood7 "nd the re$lt$o2 thi$ $"ncti2ic"tion. The "nointing oil w"$ "l$o $prin1led with the blood -o2 the pe"ce

    o22ering0 pon !"ron "nd hi$ $on$ "nd their g"r4ent$. The $"cri2ici"l 2e"$t7 which

    2ollowed i$ intere$ting "nd 2ll o2 4e"ning. The# 2ed pon the r"4 "nd the nle"3enedbre"d.

    5Thi$ $"cri2ici"l 2e"$t 4o$t 2itl# 4"r1ed the concl$ion o2 the rite$ o2 con$ecr"tion.

    Hereb# it w"$ $igni2ied7 2ir$t7 th"t b# thi$ $ole4n $er3ice the# were now broght into "

    rel"tion o2 pecli"rl# inti4"te 2ellow$hip with 8eho3"h7 "$ the 4ini$ter$ o2 Hi$ ho$e7 too22er Hi$ o22ering$7 "nd to be 2ed "t Hi$ t"ble. It w"$ 2rther $igni2ied7 th"t $trength 2or the

    dtie$ o2 thi$ o22ice $hold be $pplied to the4 b# Hi4 who4 the# were to $er3e7 in th"t

    the# were to be 2ed o2 Hi$ "lt"r. !nd7 2in"ll#7 in th"t the rit"l too1 the $peci2ic 2or4 o2 "

    th"n1 o22ering7 w"$ thereb# e%pre$$ed7 "$ w"$ 2itting7 their gr"titde to )od 2or the gr"cewhich h"d cho$en the4 "nd $et the4 "p"rt to $o hol# "nd e%"lted $er3ice.

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    5The$e con$ecr"tion $er3ice$ were to be repe"ted 2or $e3en con$ecti3e d"#$7 dring

    which ti4e the# were not to le"3e the tent o2 4eeting> ob3io$l#7 th"t b# no ch"nce the#

    4ight contr"ct "n# cere4oni"l de2ile4ent7 $o Ge"lo$l# 4$t the $"nctit# o2 e3er#thingpert"ining to the $er3ice be g"rded5 -S.H. Kellogg0.

    How nece$$"r# 2or $ who "re con$titted 5" hol# prie$thood to o22er p $pirit"l$"cri2ice$5 to 2eed th$ on Hi4$el27 who i$ e3er be2ore $ in the$e cere4onie$. It i$ "t the

    Lord$ t"ble7 when we e"t "nd drin1 in re4e4br"nce o2 Hi47 we 2eed on Hi4 "nd thene%erci$e or hol# prie$thood o2 pr"i$e "nd wor$hip. The $e3en d"#$ 4e"n t#pic"ll# or

    li2e down here dring which or con$ecr"tion contine$. The $e3en d"#$ $t"nd 2or thi$

    "ge when " 5he"3enl# prie$thood5 i$ 2e"$ting -the Chrch07 "nd when the $e3en d"#$ end$o4ething new begin$. The eighth d"# which 2ollow$ 4"r1$ thi$ new beginning.

    /# The Functions of the Priesthood %7ercised

    C$APT%' 8

    . The new o22ering$ o2 the prie$t$ -@:6;0

    ?. The people$ o22ering$ -@:A6?0

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    ! $till 4ore intere$ting e3ent i$ gi3en in the clo$e o2 or ch"pter. !"ron c"4e down 2ro4

    the "lt"r where he h"d broght the o22ering$ to ble$$ the people. I44edi"tel# pon th"t he

    withdrew "nd entered with +o$e$ into the hol# pl"ce. +o$e$ "nd !"ron were thenin3i$ible to the people. Bt the# c"4e 2orth7 "nd " $econd ble$$ing w"$ prononced pon

    the people. (othing i$ $"id o2 how long both were in the hol# pl"ce. 9e h"3e here the

    be"ti2l t#pe$ o2 the wor1 o2 Chri$t "nd the ble$$ing7 which re$lt$ 2ro4 it 2or Hi$people. !$ !"ron c"4e 2orth the $econd ti4e7 $o Chri$t will co4e the $econd ti4e to

    ble$$ Hi$ people I$r"el with pe"ce. +o$e$7 the le"der o2 the people7 t#pi2ie$ 1ing$hip7 "nd

    !"ron the prie$thood. Both co4ing ot o2 the hol# pl"ce 2ore$h"dow the $econd co4ingo2 Chri$t7 the King6&rie$t. +elchi$ede1 w"$ 1ing o2 righteo$ne$$ "nd 1ing o2 pe"ce "nd

    prie$t "$ well7 the t#pe o2 Chri$t. 9hen Chri$t co4e$ "g"in He will recei3e Hi$ throne

    "nd be " prie$t pon th"t throne. !ll thi$ will 4e"n glor# 2or Hi47 glor# 2or the chrch7

    glor# "nd ble$$ing 2or I$r"el 7 "nd glor# 2or the e"rth. Then the glor# o2 the Lord will"ppe"r7 "$ it "ppe"red when +o$e$ "nd !"ron ble$$ed the people. The 2ire c"4e ot 2ro4

    be2ore the Lord. The She1in"h6)lor# "ppe"red "nd the 2l"$hing 2ire 2"lling pon the "lt"r

    con$4ed the o22ering$ "nd the 2"t. The Lord thereb# $howed Hi$ "ppro3"l o2 "ll th"t h"d

    been done. 8ewi$h tr"dition cl"i4$ th"t the 2ire which w"$ ne3er to ce"$e brning w"$$t"rted in thi$ di3ine "ct.

    0# (adab and Abihu, The False orship and Its 'esults

    C$APT%' .9

    . The 2"l$e wor$hip "nd the Gdg4ent -=:60

    ?. (ew in$trction$ -=:6A0

    4o$t li1el# it w"$ 2ire the# prodcedthe4$el3e$7 in$te"d o2 t"1ing the 2ire 2ro4 o22 the "lt"r -Le3. :?0. The whole "ction

    w"$ in tter di$reg"rd o2 the co44"nd4ent gi3en "nd "n "ct o2 di$obedience. Thi$ $in in

    the 2or4 "$ co44itted b# ("d"b "nd !bih w"$ ne3er repe"ted. Howe3er7 the principleo2 thi$ $in i$ to be $een on "ll $ide$ "nd in 4"n# 2or4$ in Chri$tendo4. It w"$ 5will

    wor$hip.5 It w"$ doing th"t in their own will7 wh"t )od h"d not co44"nded. !nd inChri$ti"n wor$hip7 $o c"lled7 how 4ch there i$ which i$ will wor$hipD How n4ero$the c"rn"l thing$7 the in3ention$ "nd tr"dition$ o2 4en7 $ed in wor$hip which h"3e not

    "lone no $"nction wh"te3er in the 9ord7 bt "re "ltogether contr"r# to " tre wor$hip in

    the Spirit. 9ell h"$ one $"id: 59hen one goe$ into 4"n# " chrch "nd ch"pel "nd $ee$ the4ltitde o2 de3ice$ b# which7 "$ it i$ i4"gined7 the wor$hip "nd "dor"tion o2 )od i$

    2rthered7 it 4$t be con2e$$ed th"t it cert"inl# $ee4$ "$ i2 the gener"tion o2 ("d"b "nd

    !bih w"$ not #et e%tinct> e3en "lthogh " p"tient )od7 in the 4#$ter# o2 Hi$ long

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    $22ering7 2l"$he$ not in$t"ntl# 2orth Hi$ 3enge"nce.5 The 2ire o2 Gdg4ent7 howe3er7 will

    $o4e d"# 2"ll pon "ll the 2"l$e wor$hip "nd 4"1e "n end o2 it.

    9h"t indced the4 to "ct in thi$ w"# $o th"t the Gdg4ent o2 )od 2ell pon the4 Thew"rning which 2ollow$ thi$ incident gi3e$ " $trong hint on the po$$ible c"$e o2 their

    pre$4pto$ deed. 'e"d 3er$e$ "nd @. The w"rning "g"in$t $trong drin1 hint$7 nodobt7 th"t the# h"d been nder the in2lence o2 $trong drin1. It 4$t h"3e been

    into%ic"tion. +"# we re4e4ber th"t there i$ "l$o "nother into%ic"tion7 which i$ " $tr"nge2ire "nd which )od h"te$. How 4ch o2 Chri$ti"n $er3ice "nd "cti3it# i$ there which i$

    not done nder the le"ding o2 the Hol# Spirit. Then there "re the $o6c"lled 5re3i3"l$75

    with their prel# $olic"l e4otion "nd c"rn"l 4e"n$ which "re $ed. The n$criptr"l7 "nd"l"$D $o4eti4e$ e3en 3lg"r l"ng"ge $ed b# " cert"in cl"$$ o2 e3"ngeli$t$7 "i4ing "t

    e%cite4ent "nd popl"rit#7 the 2orced "nd o2ten $prio$ re$lt$7 her"lded to incre"$e the

    2"4e o2 the le"der7 the "i4 to recei3e l"rge 2in"nci"l re4ner"tion7 etc.7 belong$ "ll to the$tr"nge 2ire. In one word7 "ll which i$ not done in wor$hip "nd in $er3ice in dependence

    on the Hol# Spirit "nd nder Hi$ gid"nce in obedience to the 9ord7 i$ $tr"nge 2ire.

    The Gdg4ent o2 the two $on$ o2 !"ron 4"1e$ 1nown the holine$$ o2 8eho3"h7 who

    dwelled in the 4id$t o2 Hi$ people. In $o4e re$pect$ it i$ "n"logo$ to the Gdg4ent o2!n"ni"$ "nd S"pphir" in the (ew Te$t"4ent -!ct$ A0.

    !"ron held hi$ pe"ce. )r"ce $$t"ined hi47 $o th"t he cold $b4it to the di3ine

    Gdg4ent withot " 4r4r7 thogh hi$ he"rt w"$ gre"tl# brdened -3er$e @0. He "nd

    hi$ $on$ were not to 4orn the de"d "ccording to prie$tl# c$to4. Then 2ollow$ theco44"nd to "b$t"in 2ro4 the $e o2 wine "nd $trong drin1 when the# were e%erci$ing

    their prie$thood. The re"$on 2ir$t i$ $t"ted in 3er$e$ =6?. 5Th"t #e 4"# pt " di22erence

    between hol# "nd nhol#7 "nd between ncle"n "nd cle"n> "nd th"t #e 4"# te"ch the

    children o2 I$r"el "ll the $t"tte$7 which the Lord h"th $po1en nto the4 b# the h"nd o2+o$e$.5

    5The prohibition o2 wine "nd $trong drin1 when going into the tent o2 4eeting connect$

    it$el27 o2 cor$e7 with the $in o2 !"ron$ $on$: "nd 2or $ pl"inl# co3er$ "ll 2le$hl#$ti4l$7 which pre3ent$ cle"r di$cern4ent o2 wh"t i$ or i$ not "ccording to the 4ind "nd

    n"tre o2 )od. For $ "l$o who "re c"lled to w"l1 in the light o2 )od$ pre$ence

    contin"ll#7 thi$ i$ not " c"$"l7 bt " con$t"nt rle. The i4pl$e o2 n"tre need$ there$tr"ining o2 Chri$t$ #o1e> e3en where7 "$ the "po$tle $"#$7 thing$ "re l"w2l to $7 we

    4$t $till not be broght nder the power o2 "n# - Cor. :?0. !nd how e"$il# do the#

    "cire powerD5 -(4eric"l Bible0.

    Co44"nd4ent$ pre3io$l# gi3en to the4 "re then re$t"ted. The Gdg4ent de4"nded thi$.!ll wh"t 2ollow$ in thi$ ch"pter 4"# be loo1ed pon "$ the e22ect o2 the Gdg4ent which

    h"d 2"llen pon ("d"b "nd !bih. Ele""r "nd Ith"4"r 2"iled in not e"ting the $in

    o22ering7 "nd onl# the interce$$ion o2 !"ron 1ept the4 2ro4 Gdg4ent. The e"rthl#prie$thood h"$ 2"ilre $t"4ped pon it.

    III# $&LI(%!! "%MA("%"

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    .# The Clean and the )nclean

    C$APT%' ..

    . Concerning the be"$t$ on the e"rth -:60

    ?. Concerning thing$ in the w"ter -:@6?0

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    the di22erent "ni4"l$. The$e l"w$ in their liter"l 4e"ning "re7 o2 cor$e7 no longer

    binding> the religio$ ob$er3"nce o2 the4 w"$ not " per4"nent thing7 "nd i$ done "w"#

    with in the (ew Te$t"4ent. The chrch h"$ no $ch l"w$ di$tingi$hing between thecle"n "nd ncle"n "ni4"l$. The cle"n t#pi2# the 8ew "nd the ncle"n the )entile. &eter$

    3i$ion on the ho$etop o2 8opp" w"rr"nt$ thi$ interpret"tion -!ct$ =0. The cle"n7 the

    8ew$7 "nd the ncle"n7 )entile$7 "re7 in belie3ing7 g"thered into the one bod#. 'e"dColo$$i"n$ ?:67 where the 2"ct i$ $t"ted th"t Le3itic$ i$ no longer in 2orce. -9hile

    the$e l"w$ h"3e no longer " religio$ $igni2ic"nce7 it i$ wi$e to 2ollow the4 "$ 4ch "$

    po$$ible. Orthodo% 8ew$ who hold $trictl# to the$e diet"r# l"w$ "nd 1eep the4 "re 2"r4ore 2ree 2ro4 cert"in di$e"$e$ th"n )entile r"ce$7 which ignore the$e l"w$. It h"$ "l$o

    been $hown b# $t"ti$tic$ th"t the 4e"n dr"tion o2 8ewi$h li2e "3er"ge$ 4ch higher th"n

    th"t o2 other$.0

    Bt there i$ "l$o " deeper 4e"ning to "ll thi$. ,et in loo1ing 2or deeper "nd $pirit"lle$$on$7 one 4$t be g"rded "g"in$t " 2"nci2l "nd 2"r62etched "pplic"tion. Thi$ h"$ o2ten

    been done. It i$ ob3io$ th"t the$e l"w$ concerning the cle"n "nd ncle"n7 te"ch the p"th

    o2 $ep"r"tion7 which 8eho3"h h"$ 4"r1ed ot 2or Hi$ redee4ed people. Onl# th"t which i$cle"n "ccording to the di3ine e$ti4"te w"$ to be their 2ood. !nd we7 "$ Hi$ redee4ed

    people7 4$t 2eed $pirit"ll# pon the 2ood )od h"$ pro3ided 2or $7 th"t i$ Chri$t. The

    cle"n "nd the ncle"n7 "ll $how cert"in ch"r"cteri$tic$7 which 4"# well be $tdied. In the

    (ew Te$t"4ent ncle"n "ni4"l$ "re $ed to repre$ent nbelie3er$ "nd n$"3ed per$on$.The dog "nd the $wine "re th$ $ed -? &eter ?:??0. The $heep7 "$ e3er#bod# 1now$7

    t#pi2ie$ " belie3er. The ch"r"cteri$tic$ o2 the cle"n "ni4"l$ 4"# there2ore gi3e $o4e

    t#pic"l le$$on$ on the ch"r"cteri$tic$ o2 tho$e who belie3e7 "nd the ncle"n7ch"r"cteri$tic$ o2 tho$e who belie3e not. Howe3er7 we repe"t7 the$e thing$ 4$t not be

    pre$$ed too 2"r. It i$ intere$ting to $ee the pro4inence gi3en to the chewing o2 the cd "nd

    the di3iding o2 the hoo2. The$e two thing$ 2ond together in "n "ni4"l con$titted the4

    cle"n. Tho$e which onl# chewed the cd7 bt did not di3ide the hoo27 "nd other$ di3idingthe hoo2 "nd not chewing the cd7 were ncle"n. The 2eeding "nd the w"l1ing "re th$

    4"de pro4inent. ! Chri$ti"n7 born "g"in7 "nd there2ore cle"n7 4$t 2eed pon the 9ord7

    4edit"te pon it con$t"ntl#7 li1e 5chewing the cd.5 The 2eet $t"nd 2or the w"l17 "nd th"t4$t corre$pond with the 2eeding pon the 9ord. The cle"n 2i$h h"d to h"3e 2in$ "nd

    $c"le$. The 2in$ "re 2or $wi2t 4o3e4ent throgh the w"ter$ "nd the $c"le$ 2or de2en$e.

    Thi$ too i$ not withot 4e"ning.

    /# Childbirth Laws and Inherited !in

    C$APT%' ./

    . The 4"n6child -?:6;0

    ?. The 4"id6child -?:A0

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    The childbirth l"w$ "$ cont"ined in thi$ ch"pter "re 2ll o2 4e"ning. The wo4"n i$

    con$titted ncle"n b# the birth o2 " child. 9hen " 4"n6child w"$ born7 $he w"$ to be

    ncle"n 2or $e3en d"#$7 "nd her pri2ic"tion w"$ to end thirt#6three d"#$ "2ter th"t> 2ort#d"#$ "2ter childbirth. -!. Bon"r7 in hi$ wor1 on Le3itic$7 4"1e$ the 2ollowing

    conGectre: 5+"# it h"3e been the c"$e th"t !d"4 "nd E3e re4"ined onl# 2ort# d"#$

    n2"llenD The$e 2ort# d"#$ wold th$ be " re4ini$cence o2 th"t hol# ti4e on e"rth. Thel"$t !d"4 w"$ 2ort# d"#$ on e"rth "2ter Hi$ re$rrection7 rec"lling to 4ind e"rth$ ti4e o2

    p"r"di$e.50 In c"$e o2 the birth o2 " 4"id6child the d"#$ o2 ncle"nne$$ were G$t doble7

    2orteen "nd $i%t#6$i%. Bt wh# w"$ thi$ The 1e# to the $pirit"l 4e"ning o2 thi$ ch"pteri$ 2ond in thi$ 3er# 2"ct. 5!d"4 w"$ not decei3ed7 bt the wo4"n being decei3ed w"$ in

    the tr"n$gre$$ion5 - Ti4. ?:;0. It w"$ b# the wo4"n th"t the 2"ll w"$ broght "bot

    throgh the Serpent. The 2"ct$ th"t $in i$ in the world7 how it c"4e into the world "nd th"t

    $in i$ inherited7 tr"n$4itted 2ro4 gener"tion to gener"tion7 "re 4"de 1nown in thi$ brie2ch"pter. The wo4"n i$ con$titted ncle"n bec"$e $he i$ " $in2l cre"tre. Her $orrow

    "nd p"in in childbirth7 which no $cience nor di$co3er# c"n re4o3e7 i$ " de2inite witne$$

    to the trth "$ cont"ined in the third ch"pter o2 )ene$i$. !nd bec"$e $he i$ " $in2l

    cre"tre "nd ncle"n7 her o22$pring too i$ $in2l "nd ncle"n7 2or 5who c"n bring " cle"nthing ot o2 "n ncle"n5 9h"t l"ter *"3id e%pre$$ed7 when he $tood in the light7

    con2e$$ing hi$ $in7 i$ here $een in the childbirth l"w$. 5Behold I w"$ $h"pen in iniit#>"nd in $in did 4# 4other concei3e 4e5 -&$"l4 A:A0 !nd one well 4"# thin1 here o2 her

    who w"$ " $in2l wo4"n li1e e3er# other wo4"n7 bt who concei3ed b# the Hol# Spirit7

    +"r#7 the 3irgin. The One born o2 her h"d no $in7 bt i$ 5th"t hol# thing5 c"lled the Sono2 )od -L1e :

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    $1in. The "rg4ent$ "d3"nced to $pport thi$ obGection "re $ilenced b# +"tthew :6;.

    The 4"n who c"4e to or Lord h"d lepro$#. The Lord told hi4 5$how th#$el2 to the

    prie$t7 "nd o22er the gi2t th"t +o$e$ co44"nded7 2or " te$ti4on# nto the4.5 Fro4 thi$we le"rn th"t Le3itic$ < "nd ; $pe"1 o2 the re"l di$e"$e7 $o lo"th$o4e "nd7 2ro4

    h4"n $ide7 incr"ble. The twel2th "nd thirteenth ch"pter$ o2 Le3itic$ "re clo$el# lin1ed

    together. Inherited $in i$ the the4e o2 the preceding ch"pter. It$ cre i$ "l$o indic"ted incirc4ci$ion "nd the o22ering. Lepro$# i$ the t#pe o2 indwelling $in "nd it$ "w2l

    corrption. Thi$ horrible di$e"$e w"$ cho$en b# the Lord to t#pi2# $in on "ccont o2 it$

    3ilene$$. Li1e $in it i$ progre$$i3e "nd e3ent"ll# "22ect$ the whole being> it i$ heredit"r#"nd incr"ble. !$ the di$e"$e progre$$e$ the 3icti4 beco4e$ 4ore "nd 4ore in$en$ible to

    hi$ dre"d2l condition "nd i$ e3en content with it.

    5In 3iew o2 "ll the$e corre$pondence$7 one need not wonder th"t in the $#4boli$4 o2 the

    l"w lepro$# hold$ the pl"ce which it doe$. For wh"t other di$e"$e c"n be n"4ed whichco4bine$ in it$el27 "$ " ph#$ic"l 4"l"d#7 $o 4"n# o2 the 4o$t ch"r"cteri$tic 4"r1$ o2 the

    4"l"d# o2 the $ol In it$ intrin$ic lo"th$o4ene$$7 it$ in$igni2ic"nt beginning$7 it$ $low

    bt ine3it"ble progre$$7 in the e%tent o2 it$ e22ect$7 in the in$en$ibilit# which "cco4p"nie$it7 in it$ heredit"r# ch"r"cter7 in it$ incr"bilit#7 "nd7 2in"ll#7 in the 2"ct th"t "ccording to

    the l"w it in3ol3ed the b"ni$h4ent o2 the leper 2ro4 the c"4p o2 I$r"el 66in "ll the$e

    re$pect$7 it $t"nd$ "lone "$ " per2ect t#pe o2 $in> it i$ $in7 "$ it were7 4"de 3i$ible in the

    2le$h.5 -S.H. Kellogg7 Le3itic$.0

    The Lord h"d 4ch to $"# "bot the e%"4in"tion o2 per$on$ $$pected o2 h"3ing lepro$#7

    "nd how the di$e"$e w"$ to be detected. Fir$t the c"$e o2 lepro$# i$ $t"ted when it ri$e$

    $pont"neo$l#7 $howing it$el2 in the $1in "nd the h"ir. Then 2ollow$ the c"$e where

    lepro$# ri$e$ ot o2 " boil "nd ot o2 " brn -3er$e$ 6?07 "nd 2in"ll# lepro$# on thehe"d or be"rd "nd it$ di"gno$i$ -3er$e$ ?6;;0.

    Bt the$e gener"l "pplic"tion$ o2 lepro$# "$ " t#pe o2 $in do not 2ll# e%pl"in the le$$on$

    o2 thi$ ch"pter. 9e 4$t re4e4ber th"t I$r"el i$ 3iewed "$ 8eho3"h$ redee4ed people.!$ $ch the# 4$t 1eep ot o2 their 4id$t th"t which de2ile$. The $"4e principle we 2ind

    in the (ew Te$t"4ent in connection with the chrch7 the "$$e4bl# o2 )od. Lepro$#7

    indwelling $in7 $howing it$el2 in "n# 4e4ber o2 the people o2 )od7 wor1$ h"3oc. It

    di$honor$ )od "nd de2ile$ other$. *i$cipline 4$t be e%erci$ed. 5There2ore pt "w"#2ro4 "4ong #or$el3e$ th"t wic1ed per$on5 - Cor. A:

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    it i$ to conde4n " brother "$ li3ing in $in7 $howing lepro$# in hi$ condct> " h"$t# "ction

    in e%clding " re"l child o2 )od 2ro4 Chri$ti"n 2ellow$hip i$ "$ $in2l "$ per4itting "

    wic1ed per$on in th"t 2ellow$hip. 9e c"nnot enter into the di22erent $ign$ o2 lepro$#.+ch which h"$ been written on it b# $o4e good 4en i$ $tr"ined.

    9hen "n I$r"elite w"$ 2ond to h"3e the tre lepro$#7 he h"d to be withot the c"4p.5!nd the leper in who4 the pl"ge i$7 hi$ clothe$ $h"ll be rent7 "nd hi$ he"d b"re7 "nd he

    $h"ll pt " co3ering pon hi$ pper lip7 "nd $h"ll cr#7 Uncle"n7 ncle"n. !ll the d"#$wherein the pl"ge $h"ll be in hi4 he $h"ll be de2iled> he i$ ncle"n7 he $h"ll dwell "lone7

    withot the c"4p $h"ll hi$ h"bit"tion be5 -3er$e$ ;A6;0. Th$ the poor leper w"$

    e%clded 2ro4 the congreg"tion o2 I$r"el "nd 2ro4 the t"bern"cle o2 8eho3"h. The rentclothe$7 the b"re he"d7 the co3ering pon the lip7 "ll $howed hi$ $"d "nd deplor"ble

    condition. So the n$"3ed $inner i$ $ht ot 2ro4 8eho3"h$ pre$ence on "ccont o2 hi$

    de2ile4ent "nd h"$ no pl"ce "4ong the people o2 )od. 9ithot the c"4pD 'e"d the$ole4n word$ in 'e3. ?:? "nd ??:7 A. The $inner n2orgi3en "nd not cle"n$ed will

    be 2ore3er $ht ot o2 the pre$ence o2 " hol# )od. !nd one7 who i$ " child o2 )od "nd

    belong$ to the 2"4il# "nd people o2 )od7 "nd per4it$ indwelling $in to wor1 ot7 i$ n2it2or both 2ellow$hip with )od "nd 2ellow$hip with Hi$ people. Bt notice it $"#$7 5"ll the

    d"#$ wherein the pl"ge $h"ll be in hi4 he $h"ll be de2iled.5 Here i$ the r"# o2 hope. Onl#

    "$ long "$ it w"$ in hi4 w"$ he e%clded. 'eco3er# 2ro4 the e3il thing which de2ile$ "nd

    di$trb$ or 2ellow$hip i$ ble$$edl# re3e"led in the (ew Te$t"4ent. It h"$ to be broghtinto the light7 4$t be con2e$$ed "nd pt "w"# - 8ohn 0. !nd "bo3e "ll7 we h"3e "n

    !d3oc"te with the F"ther 8e$$ Chri$t the 'ighteo$. Lepro$# in the g"r4ent i$ "l$o

    rec1oned with7 "nd it$ cle"n$ing b# w"$hing i$ co44"nded. ! g"r4ent i$ th"t whichbelong$ to " per$on "nd i$ $ed b# hi4. It i$ t#pic"l o2 cont"4in"tion b# $in in or e"rthl#

    occp"tion. The cle"n$ing b# the w"ter i$ the t#pe o2 the 9ord o2 )od7 which nco3er$

    the lepro$# in or w"#$ "nd c"n cle"n$e $.

    1# The Cleansing of the Leper

    C$APT%' .1

    . The cle"n$ing o2 the leper -;:6

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    The leper ot$ide the c"4p cold not do "n#thing 2or hi4$el2. He w"$ helple$$ "nd cold

    not cle"n$e hi4$el2> it h"d to be done 2or hi4. The prie$t h"d to 4"1e the $t"rt 2or hi$

    cle"n$ing "nd re$tor"tion. He h"d to go 2orth ot o2 the c"4p to $ee1 the leper> the lepercold not co4e to the prie$t7 the prie$t h"d to co4e to hi4. 9ell 4"# we thin1 here o2

    Hi47 who le2t the F"ther$ glor# "nd c"4e to thi$ e"rth7 the pl"ce o2 $in "nd $h"4e7 where

    the leper$ "re7 $ht ot 2ro4 )od$ hol# pre$ence. He c"4e to $ee1 "nd to $"3e wh"t i$lo$t.

    Two bird$ which the prie$t co44"nded to be t"1en 2or the leper "re " be"ti2l t#pe o2

    Chri$t in Hi$ de"th7 "nd Chri$t ri$en 2ro4 the de"d. The bird$ "re t#pic"ll# belonging to

    he"3en. The 2ir$t bird w"$ 1illed in "n e"rthen 3e$$el o3er rnning w"ter. Thi$ li1ewi$et#pi2ie$ Chri$t. The e"rthen 3e$$el $t"nd$ 2or the h4"nit# o2 Chri$t. The rnning w"ter i$

    the Hol# Spirit7 who 2illed Hi4 "nd then He g"3e Hi4$el2 "nd $hed Hi$ precio$ blood.

    !nd th"t ble$$ed blood o2 "tone4ent i$ wh"t cle"n$e$ 2ro4 "ll $in7 "nd on "ccont o2 th"tblood the leper c"n be re$tored. The $econd bird did not die7 bt w"$ $et "t libert# to t"1e

    p " he"3enw"rd Gorne#. The $econd bird w"$ dipped into the blood o2 the bird th"t w"$

    1illed o3er the rnning w"ter. Thi$ bird t#pi2ie$ Chri$t in re$rrection. The bird in it$pw"rd 2light7 $inging perch"nce " 4elodio$ $ong7 be"ring pon it$ white wing$ the

    precio$ to1en7 the blood7 t#pi2ie$ Chri$t in Hi$ "cco4pli$hed wor17 ri$en 2ro4 the gr"3e

    "nd going b"c1 2ro4 where He c"4e. He died 2or or o22ence$ "nd w"$ r"i$ed 2or or

    G$ti2ic"tion. Bt with the li3ing bird there w"$ "l$o $ed the ced"r wood7 the $c"rlet "ndthe h#$$op> the$e7 with the li3ing bird7 were dipped into the blood. 9h"t do the$e thing$

    $igni2# Sc"rlet i$ the bright "nd 2l"$hing color7 which t#pi2ie$ the glor# o2 the world

    -*"n. A:> ("h4 ?: 'e3. : :?7 0. Ced"r wood "nd h#$$op "re thing$ o2n"tre. The ced"r $t"nd$ in )od$ 9ord "lw"#$ 2or th"t which i$ high "nd lo2t#. The

    in$igni2ic"nt $4"ll h#$$op t#pi2ie$ th"t which i$ low.

    5Fro4 the lo2t# ced"r which crown$ the $ide$ o2 Leb"non7 down to the lowl# h#$$op66thewide e%tre4e$ "nd "ll th"t lie$ between66n"tre in "ll it$ dep"rt4ent$ i$ broght nder thepower o2 the cro$$> $o th"t the belie3er $ee$ in the de"th o2 Chri$t the end o2 "ll hi$ gilt7

    the end o2 "ll e"rth$ glor#7 "nd the end o2 the whole $#$te4 o2 n"tre66the entire old

    cre"tion. !nd with wh"t i$ he to be occpied 9ith Hi4 who i$ the "ntit#pe o2 th"t li3ingbird7 with blood6$t"ined 2e"ther$7 "$cending into the open he"3en$. &recio$7 glorio$7

    $ol6$"ti$2#ing obGectD ! ri$en7 "$cended7 tri4ph"nt7 glori2ied Chri$t7 who h"$ p"$$ed

    into the he"3en$7 be"ring in Hi$ $"cred per$on the 4"r1$ o2 "n "cco4pli$hed "tone4ent.It i$ with Hi4 we h"3e to do: we "re $ht p to Hi4. He i$ )od$ e%cl$i3e obGect> He i$

    the centre o2 he"3en$ Go#7 the the4e o2 "ngel$ $ong. 9e w"nt none o2 e"rth$ glor#7 none

    o2 n"tre$ "ttr"ction$. 9e c"n behold the4 "ll7 together with or $in "nd gilt7 2ore3er $et

    "$ide b# the de"th o2 Chri$t5 -C.H. +"c1into$h0.

    It i$ " be"ti2l ill$tr"tion o2 the gre"t trth $t"ted in )"l"ti"n$ :;. 5)od 2orbid th"t I

    $hold glor#7 $"3e in the cro$$ o2 or Lord 8e$$ Chri$t7 whereb# the world i$ crci2ied

    nto 4e7 "nd I nto the world.5 The leper w"$ $prin1led $e3en ti4e$ with the dipped bird7

    $c"rlet7 ced"r wood "nd h#$$op. It w"$ pt pon hi4. !nd th$ it i$ pon $7 redee4ed b#blood7 to li3e "$ de"d nto the world. Throghot the entire cere4on# the leper did

    nothing. Onl# "2ter the blood w"$ $prin1led "nd the bird $et loo$e beg"n he to w"$h hi$

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    clothe$7 $h"3e o22 hi$ h"ir7 "nd w"$h hi4$el2 in w"ter. !2ter we "re $"3ed "nd cle"n$ed we

    4$t go to the 9ord "nd cle"n$e b# it or h"bit$ "nd or w"#$.

    The $econd p"rt o2 the cere4on# on the eighth d"# re$tored the leper co4pletel# to hi$pri3ilege$. !ll i$ done "g"in 5be2ore the Lord75 " phr"$e 4i$$ing in the 2ir$t p"rt o2 the

    cere4on# bt repe"tedl# 4entioned in the $econd p"rt. The tre$p"$$ o22ering occpie$ thepro4inent pl"ce. !nd the blood o2 the l"4b w"$ pt pon the right e"r7 the th4b o2 the

    right h"nd "nd pon the gre"t toe o2 the right 2oot. The $#4bolic"l 4e"ning i$ cle"r> thee"r i$ cle"n$ed "nd re$tored to he"r the 9ord> the h"nd to $er3e "nd the 2oot to w"l1. The

    blood o2 "tone4ent in it$ cle"n$ing power i$ there2ore ble$$edl# 2ore$h"dowed in thi$

    cere4on#. It h"$ the $"4e 4e"ning "$ it h"d in the con$ecr"tion o2 the prie$t$. The leperw"$ li1e one who c"4e ot o2 the re"l4$ o2 de"th "nd corrption to beco4e "g"in "

    4e4ber o2 the prie$tl# n"tion. The oil w"$ pt then pon the blood. 9here the blood w"$7

    the oil w"$ "l$o "pplied. The wor1 o2 the Hol# Spirit in the $"ncti2ic"tion o2 the redee4ed$inner i$ t#pi2ied b# thi$ "nointing. The oil w"$ then pored pon hi47 the t#pe o2 the

    nction o2 the Hol# One7 which i$ pon "ll who "re redee4ed b# blood.

    Bt there i$ $till "nother le$$on connected with "ll thi$. The del"# in the 2ll "ccept"nce o2

    the he"led "nd cle"n$ed leper "nd hi$ 2ll rein$tittion "nd pre$ent"tion be2ore the Lordon the eighth d"# i$ o2 deeper 4e"ning. The eighth d"# in the 9ord o2 )od repre$ent$ the

    re$rrection "nd the new cre"tion. 9e "re now "$ Hi$ redee4ed people he"led "nd

    cle"n$ed bt not #et in the i44edi"te pre$ence o2 the Lord. The $e3en d"#$ the cle"n$edleper h"d to w"it 2or hi$ 2ll re$tor"tion "nd to enter in7 t#pi2# or li2e here on e"rth7

    w"iting 2or the eighth d"#7 the ble$$ed 4orning7 when the Lord co4e$ "nd we $h"ll

    po$$e$$ co4plete rede4ption "nd "ppe"r in the pre$ence o2 Hi4$el2 "nd behold Hi$ glor#.

    The eighth d"# c"4e "nd it w"$ i4po$$ible 2or the leper7 pon who4 the blood o2 the$"cri2ici"l bird h"d been $prin1led7 to be 1ept ot 2ro4 "ppe"ring in Hi$ pre$ence "nd

    recei3e the ble$$ing$ o2 2ll rede4ption. E3en $o there co4e$ 2or $7 Hi$ redee4edpeople7 the eighth d"#. +"# we "l$o re4e4ber th"t the leper7 w"iting 2or the eighth d"#7h"d to cle"n$e hi4$el2 b# the w"$hing o2 w"ter -3er$e @0. 5H"3ing there2ore the$e

    pro4i$e$7 de"rl# belo3ed7 let $ cle"n$e or$el3e$ 2ro4 "ll 2ilthine$$ o2 the 2le$h "nd

    $pirit7 per2ecting holine$$ in the 2e"r o2 )od5 -? Cor. :0. 5!nd e3er# 4"n th"t h"th thi$hope in Hi4 pri2ie$ hi4$el27 e3en "$ He i$ pre5 - 8ohn

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    The ho$e with lepro$# in it h"$ o2ten been "pplied to I$r"el . 9h"t w"$ done to the ho$e

    to "rre$t the pl"ge i$ "pplied to wh"t )od did to Hi$ people. Bt the pl"ge re6"ppe"red

    "nd cl4in"ted in the reGection o2 Chri$t> then the ho$e w"$ co4pletel# bro1en down.Other$ "ppl# it to the chrch "nd $ee th"t the lepro$# h"$ entered into the pro2e$$ing

    chrch "nd will $o4e d"# ter4in"te in the co4plete Gdg4ent o2 Chri$tendo4. 9e do not

    belie3e thi$ to be the entire 4e"ning o2 lepro$# in the ho$e. It li1ewi$e t#pi2ie$ thepre$ence "nd wor1ing o2 $in in the pl"ce where 4"n h"$ hi$ "bode7 th"t i$7 the 4"teri"l

    cre"tion o2 )od. !ll h"$ been dr"gged down b# the 2"ll o2 4"n. !ll cre"tion i$ nder "

    bond"ge o2 corrption7 4"de $bGect to 3"nit# "nd there2ore tr"3"ileth in p"in "ndgro"neth. Bt there i$ hope7 2or gro"ning cre"tion i$ to be deli3ered. Then 2or the

    cle"n$ing o2 the ho$e the $"4e cere4on# with the two bird$ w"$ en"cted "nd the ho$e

    w"$ cle"n$ed b# the $prin1ling o2 the blood. Thi$ i$ t#pic"l o2 the wor1 o2 Chri$t "$ it will

    e3ent"ll# bring ble$$ing to "ll cre"tion "nd "ll thing$ will be reconciled -Col. :?=0. Bthere i$ "l$o indic"ted the Gdg4ent b# 2ire which i$ in $tore 2or the e"rth -? &eter

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    The c"$e o2 the wo4"n with "n i$$e o2 blood -+"tthew @:6?0 i$ $t"ted in 3er$e$ ?A6

    ?. How gre"t 4$t h"3e been her tri"l "nd her $orrow dring the twel3e #e"r$ o2 her

    ncle"nne$$. Still gre"ter w"$ her 2"ith "nd the te$ti4on# $he bore to the hol# &er$on o2or Lord. !ll wh"t c"4e in toch with $ch "n ncle"n per$on bec"4e ncle"n. She

    belie3ed both th"t her toch cold not 4"1e Chri$t ncle"n7 2or He i$ hol#7 "nd th"t Hi$

    power cold he"l her.

    I*# T$% "A+ &F AT&(%M%(T, I( T$% $&LI%!T

    .# The "a- of Atonement

    C$APT%' .4

    . The co44"nd how !"ron w"$ to enter -:6A0

    ?. The pre$ent"tion o2 the o22ering$ -:6=0

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    blood o2 go"t$ "nd c"l3e$7 bt b# Hi$ own blood He entered in once into the hol# pl"ce7

    h"3ing obt"ined etern"l rede4ption 2or $5 -Heb. @:?0. !"ron h"d to co4e into the hol#

    pl"ce with " $in o22ering "nd " brnt o22ering. (othing i$ $"id "bot " 4e"l or " pe"ceo22ering. The$e wold be ot o2 1eeping with the prpo$e o2 the d"#. !$ we h"3e $een7 the

    $in "nd the brnt o22ering$ 2ore$h"dow the per2ect wor1 o2 Chri$t in which )od$

    righteo$ cl"i4$ "re 4et "nd in which "tone4ent i$ 4"de 2or the cre"tre$ $in$. !"ronh"d to l"# "$ide hi$ robe$ o2 be"t# "nd glor# "nd pt on white linen g"r4ent$ "2ter he

    h"d w"$hed hi$ 2le$h in w"ter. Chri$t did not need 2ine linen g"r4ent$7 nor w"$ there "n#

    need in Hi4 2or w"$hing. !"ron we"ring the$e g"r4ent$ "nd w"$hed in w"ter t#pi2ie$wh"t Chri$t i$ in Hi4$el2. !"ron h"d to t"1e ne%t two 1id$ o2 the go"t$ 2or " $in o22ering

    "nd " r"4 2or " brnt o22ering. He h"d to o22er the blloc1 o2 the $in o22ering -ch"pter

    ;: i2 we loo1 "t the

    golden "lt"r7 we 2ind the blood there> i2 we loo1 "t the 3"il o2 the t"bern"cle7 we 2ind the

    blood there> bt in no pl"ce do we 2ind $o 4ch "bot the blood "$ within the 3"il7 be2ore8eho3"h$ throne7 in the i44edi"te pre$ence o2 the di3ine glor#.5

    In He"3en Hi$ blood 2ore3er $pe"1$7 In )od the F"ther$ e"r$.

    Then the 2ir$t go"t w"$ 1illed "nd the blood w"$ "l$o $prin1led in the $"4e 4"nner. 5!nd

    he $h"ll 4"1e "n "tone4ent 2or the hol# pl"ce7 bec"$e o2 the ncle"nne$$ o2 the childreno2 I$r"el7 "nd bec"$e o2 their tr"n$gre$$ion$ in "ll their $in$> "nd $o $h"ll he do 2or the

    t"bern"cle o2 the congreg"tion th"t re4"ineth "4ong the4 in the 4id$t o2 their

    ncle"nne$$5 -3er$e 0. 5!nd "l4o$t "ll thing$ "re b# the l"w prged with blood> "ndwithot $hedding o2 blood i$ no re4i$$ion. It w"$ there2ore nece$$"r# th"t the p"ttern$ o2

    the thing$ in the he"3en$ $hold be pri2ied with the$e> bt the he"3enl# thing$

    the4$el3e$ with better $"cri2ice$ th"n the$e5 -Heb. @:??6?

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    behind the 3"il i$ de$cribed in 3er$e : 5!nd there $h"ll be no 4"n in the t"bern"cle o2

    the congreg"tion when he goeth in to 4"1e "n "tone4ent in the hol# pl"ce7 ntil he co4e

    ot7 "nd h"3e 4"de "n "tone4ent 2or hi4$el27 one 2or hi$ ho$ehold7 "nd 2or "ll thecongreg"tion o2 I$r"el.5 9e $ee "g"in the di22erence which i$ 4"de in the "tone4ent 2or

    !"ron "nd hi$ ho$ehold "nd "tone4ent 2or "ll the congreg"tion o2 I$r"el. It 2ore$h"dow$

    the "tone4ent 4"de b# the one $"cri2ice o2 Chri$t 2or the chrch "nd 2or I$r"el. I$r"el7howe3er7 doe$ not #et po$$e$$ the ble$$ing$ "nd 2rit$ o2 thi$ "tone4ent on "ccont o2

    their nbelie2. 9e $h"ll $oon $ee how thi$ gre"t d"# o2 "tone4ent 2ore$h"dow$ the

    2orgi3ene$$ o2 their $in$ in the 2tre. The tre prie$t h"3ing gone into he"3en with Hi$own blood "nd being there "lone7 the d"# o2 "tone4ent i$ now. !nd we who belie3e "nd

    con$titte Hi$ chrch h"3e boldne$$ to enter into the Holie$t b# the blood o2 8e$$7 b# "

    new "nd li3ing w"# which He h"th con$ecr"ted 2or $ throgh the 3"il7 th"t i$ to $"#7 Hi$

    2le$h. Thi$ entire "ge i$ the d"# o2 "tone4ent7 "nd it will end when He co4e$ 2orth "g"in.

    9hen the wor1 w"$ 2ini$hed b# !"ron "nd he h"d co4e 2orth "g"in the li3e go"t w"$

    broght. !"ron then pt hi$ h"nd$ pon it "nd con2e$$ed o3er hi4 "ll the iniitie$ o2 the

    children o2 I$r"el7 "ll their tr"n$gre$$ion7 "nd "ll their $in$. !ll the$e were pt$#4bolic"ll# pon the he"d o2 the go"t "nd " 2it 4"n $ent the go"t "w"# into the

    wilderne$$. 5!nd the go"t $h"ll be"r pon hi4 "ll their iniitie$ nto " l"nd not

    inh"bited> "nd he $h"ll let go the go"t in the wilderne$$.5 9e c"nnot 2ollow the di22erent

    3iew$ e%pre$$ed on the 4e"ning o2 the $econd go"t. Howe3er7 we 4ention " 2ew. Theword 2or $c"pego"t i$ in the Hebrew J""el. So4e t"1e it th"t J!"el i$ "n e3il being.

    In"$4ch "$ it $"ith th"t one go"t i$ to be 2or !"el7 !"el 4$t "l$o be " per$on. So4e

    critic$ cl"i4 th"t "ll thi$ i$ " 1ind o2 relic o2 de4on wor$hip> $ch " $t"te4ent i$ not onl#wrong7 bt pernicio$. Other$ cl"i4 th"t the go"t $ent to !"el in the wilderne$$ $how$

    I$r"el$ $in in reGecting Chri$t7 "nd th"t the# were on "ccont o2 it deli3ered to S"t"n.

    There "re $till other 3iew$ which we do not 4ention. 8ewi$h "nd Chri$ti"n e%po$itor$

    decl"re th"t !"el i$ S"t"n7 "nd tr# to e%pl"in wh# the go"t w"$ $ent to hi4.

    The be$t e%po$ition we h"3e $een on thi$ 3iew i$ b# Krt: 5The blood o2 the 2ir$t go"t

    w"$ c"rried b# hi4 into the holie$t o2 "ll7 on thi$ d"# -on which "lone he w"$ per4itted to

    enter0 "nd $prin1led on the 4erc#6$e"t. The $in$ 2or which "tone4ent w"$ th$ 4"de7were pt pon the he"d o2 the $econd go"t7 which w"$ $ent "w"# "li3e into the wilderne$$

    o2 !"el -the e3il de4on7 repre$ented "$ dwelling in the wilderne$$07 in order th"t the

    l"tter 4ight "$cert"in "ll th"t h"d been done7 "nd 1now th"t he no longer ret"ined powero3er I$r"el. Thi$ whole tr"n$"ction e%pre$$ed the thoght th"t the "tone4ent 4"de on thi$

    d"# w"$ $o co4plete7 "nd $o pl"in "nd ndeni"ble7 th"t e3en S"t"n the !cc$er -Gob "nd

    ?> ech. 'e3 ?:=7 0 w"$ co4pelled to "c1nowledge it. In the $"cri2ice o2 thi$ d"#7

    con$eentl#7 the $"cri2ice o2 Chri$t i$ $h"dowed "nd t#pi2ied 4ore cle"rl# th"n in "n#other7 e3en "$ we re"d in Heb. @:?: 5B# Hi$ own blood He entered in once into the hol#

    pl"ce7 h"3ing obt"ined etern"l rede4ption 2or $.5

    There i$ no need 2or "ll the$e $pecl"tion$. 5!"el5 i$ not "t "ll "n e3il being or S"t"n.

    The Hebrew word $igni2ie$ 5di$4i$$"l5665to dep"rt.5 It i$ tr"n$l"ted in the Sept"gint-)ree1 3er$ion o2 the Old Te$t"4ent0 with Jei$ Jteen J"popo4peen7 which 4e"n$ 5to let

    hi4 go 2or the di$4i$$"l.5 Both go"t$ "re 2or $in o22ering. The 2ir$t go"t repre$ent$ Chri$t

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    d#ing 2or the $in$ o2 Hi$ people. The $econd go"t l"den with tho$e $in$ which were

    "toned 2or b# the blood o2 the 2ir$t go"t7 repre$ent$ the ble$$ed e22ect o2 the wor1 o2

    Chri$t7 th"t the $in$ o2 Hi$ people "re 2ore3er ot o2 $ight. It i$ " ble$$ed h"r4on# with thetwo bird$ $ed in connection with the cle"n$ing o2 the leper.

    !nd here the di$pen$"tion"l "$pect$ co4e in. Be2ore the tr"n$gre$$ion$ o2 I$r"el cold becon2e$$ed o3er the $c"pego"t "nd be2ore the go"t cold be $ent 2ore3er "w"# with it$

    brden7 ne3er to retrn7 the high prie$t h"d to co4e ot o2 the Holie$t. !$ long "$ here4"ined "lone in the t"bern"cle the $c"pego"t cold not c"rr# o22 the $in$ o2 the people.

    9hen the Lord "ppe"r$ the $econd ti4e7 when He co4e$ 2orth ot o2 He"3en$ glor# "$

    the King6&rie$t7 then the ble$$ed e22ect o2 Hi$ de"th 2or th"t n"tion -8ohn :A0 will bere"lied "nd their $in$ "nd tr"n$gre$$ion$ will 2ore3er be pt "w"#. Then their $in$ will be

    c"$t into the depth$ o2 the $e" -+ic"h :@0 "nd the# $h"ll no 4ore be re4e4bered -I$.

    ; 2e"$t o2 tr4pet$ -thereg"thering o2 I$r"el0> the d"# o2 "tone4ent -when I$r"el repent$ "nd i$ 2orgi3en0> the

    2e"$t o2 t"bern"cle$ -4illenni"l ti4e$0. I$r"el there2ore i$ ncon$cio$l# w"iting 2or

    Chri$t$ retrn "$ their 2ore2"ther$ w"ited ot$ide7 till !"ron c"4e b"c1 to pt their $in$ on

    the $c"pego"t.

    O2 the 4"n# other intere$ting thing$ 2or brie2 "nnot"tion we bt 4ention the re$t

    connected with thi$ gre"t d"# -3er$e

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    (o blood w"$ to be e"ten. Bt in the (ew Te$t"4ent we "re co44"nded to e"t $pirit"ll#

    o2 the 2le$h o2 the Son o2 )od "nd to drin1 $pirit"ll# Hi$ blood.

    *# P'ACTICAL $&LI(%!! I( "AIL+ LIF%

    .# "ifferent )nhol- 'elationships

    C$APT%' .6

    . Sep"r"tion "nd obedience -:6A0

    ?. Unhol# rel"tion$hip$ -:60

    who being p"$t 2eeling h"3e gi3en

    the4$el3e$ o3er nto l"$ci3io$ne$$7 to wor1 "ll ncle"nne$$ throgh greedine$$5 -Eph.


    !nd 8eho3"h$ word$ re3e"l "ll the degr"d"tion$ "nd 3ile "bo4in"tion$ h4"n n"tre7 then"tre o2 $in "nd de"th7 i$ c"p"ble o2. He i$ the $e"rcher o2 he"rt$ "nd 8eho3"h onl# c"n

    $ond the depth$ o2 the de$per"tel# wic1ed he"rt o2 4"n. The ince$to$ rel"tion$hip$

    "g"in$t which the Lord w"rn$ were co44onl# pr"cti$ed "4ong the )entile$. The$enhol# i4pre thing$ "re $till co44on in the world7 not "lone "4ong the he"then7 bt

    "l$o in the $o6c"lled ci3ilied world. The l"%it# o2 the 4"rri"ge l"w$7 di3orce$ "nd other

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    e3il$ in the $"4e line "re the cr$e o2 or "ge. &ol#g"4# i$ 2orbidden in 3er$e . !ll th"t

    wold de$tro# the $"nctit# o2 the 2"4il# "nd bring in "b$e i$ $ole4nl# w"rned "g"in$t

    "nd 2orbidden. In the (ew Te$t"4ent the Spirit o2 )od e4ph"$ie$ the "b$olte prit# o2the 2"4il# rel"tion "nd how the Chri$ti"n 2"4il# i$ to be " witne$$ o2 the holine$$ "nd

    lo3e o2 8eho3"h to 4"1e 1nown the 4#$ter# o2 Chri$t "nd the chrch -Eph. A:??6

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    -3er$e$ @6= co4p"re with 'th ?:;60 4"ni2e$t$ the lo3ing c"re o2 8eho3"h. )od h"$

    $peci"l reg"rd 2or the poor "nd $tr"nger$. Hi$ ble$$ed Son bec"4e poor "nd w"$ indeed "

    $tr"nger in the world He cre"ted. Hi$ people h"d no he"rt 2or Hi4 "nd He w"$ hngr#7while Hi$ di$ciple$ h"d to t"1e e"r$ o2 corn 2ro4 the 2ield to $"ti$2# their hnger. The

    Lord Hi4$el2 w"$ the owner o2 I$r"el$ l"nd -Le3. ?A:? "nd the crie$ o2 the4 th"t

    h"3e re"ped h"3e entered into the e"r$ o2 the lord o2 S"b"oth.5 The di3ine ple" 2or thepoor "nd the l"borer i$ tterl# di$reg"rded in the l"$t d"#$7 "nd 8eho3"h h"$ to t"1e p

    their c"$e.

    The de"2 "nd the blind "re "l$o 4entioned. The de2encele$$ "nd helple$$ with the poor

    "nd the hired $er3"nt "re the obGect$ o2 Hi$ $peci"l c"re.

    In 3er$e @ the r"i$ing o2 h#brid "ni4"l$ i$ 2orbidden. !n#thing 54ingled5 )od de$pi$e$.Hi$ people "re to "3oid thi$7 e3en in the $4"lle$t thing$.

    He"then $per$tition$7 $ch "$ $ing ench"nt4ent$ "nd ob$er3ing ti4e$ "re 2orbidden b#

    8eho3"h. The$e "re nworth# o2 " redee4ed people lin1ed with 8eho3"h. !ll$per$tition$7 $ch "$ dre"ding cert"in d"#$ "nd n4ber$ -5Frid"#5 or 5

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    2orbidden b# )od in the 2i2teenth centr# B.C.7 c"n now be well6ple"$ing to Hi4 in the

    nineteenth centr# !.*. !nd tho$e who h"3e 4o$t c"re2ll# w"tched the 4or"l

    de3elop4ent$ o2 thi$ l"tter6d"# del$ion7 will 4o$t "ppreci"te the "dded phr"$e which$pe"1$ o2 thi$ "$ 5de2iling5 " 4"n. -S.H. Kellogg0

    It will be wi$e to 4edit"te c"re2ll# on "ll the$e co44"nd$ "nd prohibition$. The# re3e"lthe tenderne$$7 the wi$do4 "nd the holine$$ o2 )od.

    0# arnings Against !pecial !ins and their Penalties

    C$APT%' /9

    . 9"rning "g"in$t +olech66wor$hip "nd 2"4ili"r $pirit$ -?=:60

    ?. 9"rning "g"in$t cr$ing p"rent$ -?=:@0


    with 2"4ili"r $pirit$ -$pirit"li$40> di22erent 2or4$ o2 ince$t "nd $odo4#. +en "d3oc"te

    now the "boli$h4ent o2 de"th pen"lt# withot con$idering the otr"ged G$tice o2 " hol#)od. The obGect o2 the$e $e3ere pen"ltie$ i4po$ed b# 8eho3"h were the $"ti$2"ction o2

    G$tice "nd the 3indic"tion o2 " bro1en l"w. ! clo$er e%"4in"tion o2 the$e w"rning$ "nd

    the pen"ltie$ "tt"ched will re3e"l the $erio$ne$$ o2 the o22ence$ "g"in$t the theocr"tic

    go3ern4ent $et p in the 4id$t o2 I$r"el7 "nd the per2ect G$tice o2 e3er# pen"lt#. It i$ "$erio$ 4"tter i2 critic$ 2ind 2"lt with the$e $ole4n $t"te4ent$7 den#ing their "thorit#

    "nd Gdging the hol# "nd in2"llible Gdge.

    The ch"pter gi3e$ " te$ti4on# "g"in$t the "w2l dri2t o2 or ti4e$ in the l"% l"w$concerning 4"rri"ge7 di3orce$ "nd it$ "ttending e3il$ $o 3er# 4ch in e3idence "4ong

    the $o6c"lled Chri$ti"n n"tion$.

    1# Laws for the Priests

    C$APT%' /.

    . L"w$ concerning the per$on o2 the prie$t$ -?:60

    ?. L"w$ concerning their 2"4il# -?:6@0

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    9e co4e now to the $peci"l l"w$ "nd precept$ 2or the prie$tl# cl"$$ "4ong the people.

    The preceding l"w$ concerned the n"tion "$ $ch. The reire4ent$ o2 the prie$t$ "re the

    highe$t in the entire boo1 o2 Le3itic$. 'e$pon$ibilit# i$ "lw"#$ "ccording to rel"tion$hip.The prie$t$7 "$ we h"3e $een be2ore7 t#pi2# the chrch. The gr"ce o2 )od h"$ gi3en to $

    the pl"ce o2 ne"rne$$ in Chri$t7 "cce$$ into the Holie$t "nd con$titted $ prie$t$. The

    holine$$ reired o2 the (ew Te$t"4ent belie3er$ corre$pond$ to thi$ ble$$ed rel"tion$hip.

    +"n# "re the le$$on$ gi3en here. ? Ti4.

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    the o22ering o2 the hol# thing$. Hol# thing$ h"3e to be $ed in " re3erent "nd hol# w"#.

    The $"4e principle hold$ good in the (ew Te$t"4ent. 9e 4"# well thin1 here o2 the

    Lord$ t"ble. 'e"d Cor. :?

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    Hi$ rede4ption wor1 on the cro$$. !nd thi$ i$ the 2ond"tion o2 e3er# thing7 "$ we h"3e

    $een in the le3itic"l o22ering$ "nd cere4oni"l. In thi$ 2ini$hed wor17 "nd the $hed blood7

    )od re$t$7 "nd here the belie3ing $inner h"$ 2ond hi$ re$t. The 2e"$t o2 nle"3ened bre"di$ clo$el# connected with the &"$$o3er7 $o th"t it c"nnot be $ep"r"ted 2ro4 it. Le"3en

    $t"nd$ 2or $in "nd nle"3ened bre"d 2or holine$$. The 2e"$t o2 nle"3ened bre"d there2ore

    t#pi2ie$ the re$lt o2 the wor1 o2 Chri$t on the cro$$7 which i$ holine$$. !g"in we 4eet thegre"t trth th"t 8eho3"h h"$ redee4ed Hi$ people to be $ep"r"ted nto Hi4$el2. The#

    were not to do " $er3ile wor17 bt to bring "n o22ering b# 2ire nto 8eho3"h. On the 2ir$t

    "nd on the $e3enth d"# no $er3ile wor1 w"$ to be done. It t#pi2ie$ the 2"ct th"t inrede4ption there i$ no $er3ile wor17 bt " Go#o$ 4"ni2e$t"tion o2 Chri$t7 the $weet

    $"3or in the power o2 the Hol# Spirit.

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    The two lo"3e$ were " w"3e o22ering be2ore 8eho3"h. Th$ the chrch i$ pre$ented nto

    Hi4 5" 1ind o2 2ir$t2rit$5 -8"4e$ :0> the two lo"3e$7 the prodct o2 the whe"t7 the

    2ir$t2rit$ o2 Chri$t$ de"th "nd re$rrection.

    9e 4$t not o3erloo1 3er$e ??. The h"r3e$t here7 we dobt not7 i$ the $"4e "$ in


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    8er$"le47 $h"ll e3en go p 2ro4 #e"r to #e"r to wor$hip the King7 the Lord o2 ho$t$7 "nd

    to 1eep the 2e"$t o2 t"bern"cle$5 -ech. ;:0. It i$ the gre"t 4e4ori"l 2e"$t o2 4illenni"l

    ti4e$. &erh"p$ it will be dring th"t 2e"$t th"t the King o2 I$r"el7 the King o2 1ing$7 theLord o2 lord$7 will "ppe"r in 3i$ible glor# in 8er$"le4 to recei3e the ho4"ge o2 the

    repre$ent"ti3e$ o2 the n"tion$ o2 the e"rth. 9h"t " d"# th"t will beD The eighth d"# which

    we 4eet here "g"in point$ $ to th"t which i$ be#ond the 4illenni4. The $tor# o2 thetwent#6third ch"pter i$ 4"r3ello$D Onl# )od in Hi$ in2inite wi$do4 cold gi3e $ $ch

    "n n2olding "nd 2ore$h"dowing o2 Hi$ etern"l con$el$ "nd prpo$e$. 9e rehe"r$e it

    brie2l#. The S"bb"th i$ the t#pe o2 the end7 which will co4e "2ter the "cco4pli$h4ent o2"ll Hi$ prpo$e$> the etern"l re$t. &"$$o3er7 the t#pe o2 the de"th o2 Chri$t> the w"3ing o2

    the 2ir$t2rit$7 the t#pe o2 the re$rrection o2 Chri$t> &enteco$t7 the t#pe o2 the co4ing o2

    the Hol# Spirit 2or the 2or4"tion o2 the Chrch. Then I$r"el$ re$tor"tion "nd 2lle$t

    ble$$ing co4e$ in. How blind 4en 4$t be who c"n c"ll "ll the$e be"ti2l thing$ 2"ble"nd legend$D In the$e poor critic$ there i$ once 4ore 2l2illed the 9ord o2 )od7 pro2e$$ing

    the4$el3e$ to be wi$e7 the# beco4e 2ool$5 -'o4 :??0.

    /# Priestl- "uties, The Light and the !hewbread

    C$APT%' /1,.38

    . The light -?;:6;0

    ?. The $hewbre"d -?;:A6@0

    Thi$ ch"pter i$ not di$connected 2ro4 the preceding one "$ $o4e cl"i4> nor i$ it the wor1o2 " red"ctor "$ the critic$ te"ch. It i$ 4o$t be"ti2ll# lin1ed with the di$pen$"tion"l

    2ore$h"dowing$ we 2ond in the 2e"$t$ o2 8eho3"h. Between &enteco$t "nd the blowing o2

    the tr4pet$ there i$7 "$ $t"ted be2ore7 " long period o2 ti4e. 9hen the chrch w"$2or4ed7 "2ter the $he"2 o2 the 2ir$t2rit$ h"d been w"3ed7 I$r"el w"$ n"tion"ll# $et "$ide"nd night $ettled pon the4. +"int"ined b# the high prie$t7 " light w"$ to be 1ept $hining

    contin"ll# 2ro4 e3ening till 4orning> it w"$ the light o2 the golden l"4p$t"nd with it$

    l"4p$. The l"4p$t"nd t#pi2ie$ Chri$t "nd the high prie$t "l$o i$ " t#pe o2 Chri$t. Here i$ "hint o2 the te$ti4on# which $hine$ 2orth in Chri$t "nd throgh the he"3enl# prie$thood

    -the chrch0 dring the night7 the pre$ent "ge. Bt I$r"el "l$o will $o4e d"# $hine 2orth

    "nd be " light6be"rer -ech. ;:6;0.

    Then there w"$ the $hewbre"d. The# were $et in two row$7 $i% on " row7 pon the pret"ble be2ore the Lord. Shewbre"d 4e"n$ liter"ll# 5bre"d o2 the 2"ce75 th"t i$7 the bre"d

    be2ore )od. &re 2r"n1incen$e w"$ "l$o pt pon the4. (o dobt7 di$pen$"tion"ll#7 weh"3e in the $hewbre"d "nother pictre o2 tho$e who "re now Hi$ people -the chrch07while the twel3e lo"3e$ "l$o t#pi2# I$r"el "$ " n"tion.

    0# Blasphem- and Israel:s !in Foreshadowed

    C$APT%' /1,.93/0

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    . The bl"$phe4# -?;:=6??0

    ?. The pen"lt# e%ected -?;:?

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    S"bb"th$7 "$ long "$ it lieth de$ol"te7 "nd #e be in #or ene4ie$ l"nd> e3en then $h"ll the

    l"nd re$t7 "nd enGo# her S"bb"th$. !$ long "$ it lieth de$ol"te it $h"ll re$t> bec"$e it did

    not re$t in #or S"bb"th$7 when #e dwelt pon it.5 Thi$ prediction h"$ been 2l2illed.I$r"el i$ $c"ttered "4ong the n"tion$ o2 the e"rth "nd the l"nd i$ de$ol"te7 " witne$$ 2or the

    9ord o2 )od. 8eho3"h in gi3ing the l"w concerning the S"bb"tic #e"r7 g"3e to Hi$ people

    " pictre o2 th"t co4ing re$t7 "nd the "$$r"nce o2 Go# "nd ble$$ing. Bt the# 2"iled.

    The #e"r o2 Gbilee $how$ cle"rl# the re$tor"tion which i$ in $tore 2or I$r"el "nd I$r"el$l"nd. It point$ once 4ore to the 4illenni"l ti4e$ o2 ble$$ing "nd glor#. How ble$$edl# i$

    th"t co4ing "ge o2 re$tor"tion "nd o2 glor# $een in the #e"r o2 GbileeD 9ithot entering

    into det"il$ we gi3e " 2ew o2 the di3ine $t"te4ent$. 9h"t did the Gbilee #e"r 4e"n toI$r"el Libert# w"$ procl"i4ed> e3er# 4"n retrned to hi$ po$$e$$ion> e3er# 4"n to hi$

    2"4il#> "ll wrong$ were righted "nd the rede4ption o2 the bond4en too1 pl"ce. Se3en

    ti4e$ the word 5retrn5 i$ $ed> "nd o2tener the word 5redee4.5 It w"$ the ti4e o2retrning7 the ble$$ed ti4e o2 re$tor"tion "nd rede4ption.

    !nd how w"$ thi$ #e"r o2 Gbilee $hered in B# the $ond o2 the tr4pet o2 the Gbileeon the tenth d"# o2 the $e3enth 4onth7 in the d"# o2 "tone4ent. Thi$ gre"t #e"r o2

    retrning "nd rede4ption beg"n with the d"# o2 "tone4ent. +o$t li1el# "2ter the highprie$t h"d retrned 2ro4 hi$ hol# o22ice wor1 "nd $prin1ling o2 blood> "2ter he h"d pt the

    $in$ o2 the people pon the $c"pego"t "nd th"t $"cri2ici"l "ni4"l be"ring pon it$ he"d

    I$r"el$ $in h"d 3"ni$hed in the wilderne$$7 the tr4pet $onded. 9h"t "ll thi$ 4e"n$ weh"3e $een in the "nnot"tion$ o2 the 5d"# o2 "tone4ent5 ch"pter. The #e"r o2 Gbilee

    begin$7 when or Lord co4e$ b"c1 2ro4 the Holie$t "nd "ppe"r$ in the 4id$t o2 Hi$

    people. !nd thi$ ti4e o2 re$tor"tion7 ble$$ing "nd glor# i$ not con2ined to I$r"el$ l"nd. It

    4e"n$ 4ore th"n the pro4i$ed ble$$ing$ 2or th"t l"nd. 9e h"3e the #e"r o2 Gbilee in'o4"n$ :@6?

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    Thi$ gre"t ch"pter i$ 3er# 2itting 2or the clo$e o2 thi$ boo1. 9e h"3e no t#pe$ here7 bt

    direct tter"nce$ o2 8eho3"h. I$r"el$ hi$tor# "nd their 2tre re$tor"tion i$ here predicted.

    He re4ind$ the4 th"t He broght the4 ot o2 the l"nd o2 Eg#pt> the# "re Hi$ people.There2ore He w"nt$ obedience. I2 thi$ i$ #ielded ble$$ing$ wold be the re$lt$. The$e

    pro4i$ed ble$$ing$ con$i$ted in "bnd"nce o2 r"in7 gre"t 2rit2lne$$ o2 their l"nd7 pe"ce

    in the l"nd7 deli3er"nce 2ro4 wild be"$t$ "nd the $word7 3ictor# o3er their ene4ie$. The#wold 4ltipl# "nd Hi$ co3en"nt wold be e$t"bli$hed with the4> 4ore th"n th"t: 5I will

    w"l1 "4ong #o7 "nd will be #or )od "nd #e $h"ll be +# people.5 9h"t ble$$ing$

    8eho3"h held ot to the4D The# ne3er po$$e$$ed the4 in 2lne$$. So4e d"# I$r"el "ndI$r"el$ l"nd will enter into the$e ble$$ing$. Then +o$e$ l"$t word will be tre: 5H"pp#

    "rt tho7 O I$r"el> who i$ li1e nto thee7 O people $"3ed b# the LO'*7 the $hield o2 th#

    help7 "nd who i$ the $word o2 th# e%cellenc#D !nd thine ene4ie$ $h"ll be 2ond li"r$ nto

    thee> "nd tho $h"lt tre"d pon their high pl"ce$5 -*et.

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    Hi$ con$t"nt inter2erence "nd protection7 it wold be i4po$$ible 2or $ to e%pl"in it. For

    where el$e i$ there " people o3er which $ch Gdg4ent$ h"3e p"$$ed "nd #et not ended in

    de$trction5 -&ro2e$$or Chri$tlieb0

    So4e h"3e $pecl"ted on the $t"te4ent th"t7 the# $hold h"3e the Gdg4ent$ pon the4

    $e3en ti4e$. Howe3er7 the$e 5$e3en ti4e$5 c"nnot 4e"n the e%"ct dr"tion o2 I$r"el$di$per$ion. The 5$e3en ti4e$75 howe3er7 2ore$h"dow the ti4e o2 8"cob$ troble7 the l"$t

    $e3en #e"r$ o2 the ti4e$ o2 the )entile$7 dring which their Gdg4ent$ will be the$e3ere$t.

    Thi$ i4port"nt ch"pter clo$e$ with " pro4i$e o2 re$tor"tion. Con2e$$ion o2 $in7

    "c1nowledg4ent o2 their gilt7 h4ili"tion "nd deep $orrow 2or their iniit# open$ thew"# to thi$ re$tor"tion. It will "t once be $een th"t thi$ connect$ "g"in with the d"# o2

    "tone4ent. It i$ the #e"r o2 Gbilee. Then 8eho3"h re4e4ber$ Hi$ co3en"nt "nd

    re4e4ber$ the l"nd -3er$e ;?0. To thi$ 2tre repent"nce o2 the re4n"nt o2 I$r"el "nd

    their reg"thering7 the re$tor"tion o2 the l"nd to the people "nd the people to the l"nd7 the

    entire prophetic 9ord be"r$ witne$$.

    *II# C&(C%'(I(G *&!

    The Claims of gr"ce

    "lone c"n $"ncti2#. !ll 4entioned i$ connected with the people. The ho$e to be hol# to8eho3"h -3er$e ;0 i$ I$r"el. The l"nd too i$ 4entioned7 "$ well "$ the #e"r o2 Gbilee. The

    ho$e7 I$r"el7 beco4e$ 8eho3"h$> "nd the l"nd "l$o belongeth then to Hi4. The thoght

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    which rn$ throgh thi$ 2in"l ch"pter o2 Le3itic$ i$ th"t 8eho3"h will h"3e Hi$ own "nd

    )od 2in"ll# will be "ll in "ll.

    +"# )od$ Spirit le"d $ into the$e ble$$ed t#pe$ "nd 4"# we7 "$ Hi$ bloodboghtpeople7 $"ncti2ied in Chri$t7 w"l1 in $"ncti2ic"tion in the power o2 Hi$ Spirit.


    !P'I(?LI(G T$% BL&&" )P&( T$% M%'C+ !%AT @Chapter .4

    In the order o2 the $"cri2ice$ !"ron 2ir$t 1illed the blloc17 the $in o22ering which w"$ 2or

    hi4$el2 to 4"1e "tone4ent 2or hi4$el2 "nd 2or hi$ ho$e. Thi$ blloc1 i$ three ti4e$

    recorded "$ the $in o22ering 2or hi4$el2 -:7 0> "nd where3er the "tone4ent 4"de b#

    it i$ 4entioned it i$ $"id to be 2or hi4$el2 "nd hi$ ho$e -:7 7 0. So clo$el# "re thehigh prie$t "nd hi$ ho$e lin1ed on together> dobtle$$ to dr"w or "ttention to the

    onene$$ between Chri$t "nd Hi$ ho$e66onl# with " $tri1ing contr"$t "l$o66!"ron$

    blloc1 2or $in $22ered 2or hi4$el2 "nd hi$ ho$e66he being hi4$el2 " $inner7 "nd hi$ho$e co4po$ed o2 $inner$ Jli1e Jhi4$el2. Or High &rie$t 1new no $in7 "nd o22ered p

    Hi4$el2 $olel# there2ore on beh"l2 o2 other$.

    -Throghot the Epi$tle to the Hebrew$7 the high prie$t "nd the people "re "lone "llded

    to> there i$ no 4ention 4"de 5o2 hi$ ho$e5 Heb. A: :?> @:. The ho$e when $po1eno2 i$ )od$ ho$e7 "nd +o$e$7 not !"ron7 the he"d o3er it> the whole "$$e4bl# o2 I$r"el

    being inclded in 5the ho$e5 -Heb.

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    incen$e7 beto1ened prit#. The word 5pre5 i$ connected with it -E%od. who$e n$llied prit# 2or4ed " wondro$ contr"$t with e3er# other

    h4"n being. ! prit#7 " righteo$ne$$ $o 4"de 4"ni2e$t pon the cro$$ th"t e3en "'o4"n centrion e%cl"i4ed7 5Cert"inl# thi$ w"$ " righteo$ 4"n5 -L1e ? where3er He went7 tre lo3e7 $#4p"th#7 "nd pit# 2lowed 2ro4 Hi$he"rt tow"rd$ the we"17 the we"r#7 "nd the "22licted. He w"$ the tre +"n in the 4id$t o2

    2"l$ehood "nd deceit in h4"n being$ "ll "rond Hi4. Tre in Hi$ "22ection> tre in Hi$

    word$> tre in Hi$ $#4p"thie$> tre in Hi$ reb1e$ o2 e3il "$ well "$ in Hi$ 2orgi3ene$$ o2

    $in. It i$ ble$$ed to trn 2ro4 the h#pocri$ie$ o2 or own he"rt$7 "nd o2 4en "rond $7"nd conte4pl"te Hi4 5who did no 3iolence75 5neither w"$ gile 2ond in Hi$ 4oth5

    -I$". A &et. ?:??0. There w"$ no e22ort in Hi4> He $i4pl# li3ed7 4"ni2e$ting li2e in

    "ll He did "nd $"id. There w"$ no "22ect"tion o2 $pirit"lit#> He w"$ wh"t He "ppe"red tobe. Th$ Hi$ word$ "nd w"#$ were not 2orced. Hi$ $"nctit# w"$ not "$$4ed. He h"d

    nothing to l"# "$ide when He c"4e into the pre$ence o2 other$. He pt on nothing to g"in

    their "d4ir"tion. He w"$ "lw"#$ Hi4$el27 li3ing in the pre$ence o2 )od7 e3er ple"$ing

    )od. Ble$$ed contr"$t with 4en who h"3e to "$$4e religio$ne$$ to hide their own e3il7who thin1 th"t roghne$$ i$ $incerit#7 "nd who "re nn"tr"l o2t6ti4e$ e3en in the 3er#

    pre$ence o2 )od.

    The incen$e 5te4pered together pre "nd hol#5 4"# h"3e re2erence to the $weet 2r"gr"ncewhich the +"n Chri$t 8e$$ e3er pre$ented to )od. The I$r"elite$ were 2orbidden to 4"1e

    " per24e li1e it7 5to $4ell thereto.5 Chri$t i$ not to be i4it"ted b# " 2"l$e h4ilit# to

    gr"ti2# one$ own $el26conceit. There 4"# be " $hew o2 wi$do4 "nd h4ilit# b# which4en $"ti$2# their own 2le$h7 bt thi$ i$ li1e "n i4it"tion o2 the hol# per24e to $4ell

    thereto. I2 we "re i4it"tor$ indeed o2 Hi4 we 4$t 2ir$t h"3e been w"$hed in Hi$ precio$

    blood7 "nd be born o2 )od. To 2ollow Hi4 wold in3ol3e $el26crci2i%ion in$te"d o2 $el2


    The golden cen$er w"$ 2illed with brning co"l$7 "nd !"ron$ h"nd$ were 2illed with

    incen$e. The 3e$$el th"t held the 2ire66t#pe o2 the holine$$ o2 )od66w"$ 2ll. The "lt"r

    2ro4 which th"t 2ire h"d origin"ll# been t"1en w"$ " pl"ce where holine$$ o2 )od w"$

    e%hibited in no $c"nt# 4e"$re> "nd the cen$er w"$ "l$o 2illed7 th"t in the 3er# holie$tit$el2 th"t con$4ing 2ire 4ight "g"in be pre$ented "ccording to the di3ine e$ti4"te.

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    The high prie$t$ h"nd$ were "l$o 2ll o2 $weet incen$e. He h"d to gr"$p th"t hol#

    co4pond to the 2ll e%tent o2 hi$ "bilit#7 th"t hi$ 2illed h"nd$ 4ight "n$wer to the 2illed

    cen$er. He then pt the incen$e on the 2ire be2ore the Lord7 "nd the clod o2 the incen$eco3ered the 4erc#6$e"t7 "nd 4ingled with the clod o2 glor# pon the 4erc#6$e"t7 in

    which 8eho3"h "ppe"red.

    9e 4$t here dr"w " contr"$t betwi%t !"ron "nd Chri$t. The Lord 8e$$ pre$ented

    Hi4$el2 to )od on the 4orning o2 Hi$ re$rrection66c"lled o2 )od "n High &rie$t7 "2terthe order o2 +elchiede1. Hi$ entr"nce into he"3en it$el2 w"$ li1e the bringing in o2 2re$h

    incen$e be2ore )od> 2or He entered on the grond o2 Hi$ per2ect obedience nto de"th7

    e3en the de"th o2 the cro$$. )od h"d been glori2ied in Hi47 on th"t 3er# e"rth where )odh"d been $o di$honored b# 4"n> "nd when 2or the 2ir$t ti4e " +"n $tood in the pre$ence

    o2 the glor# o2 )od be2ore 5the throne o2 the +"Ge$t# in the he"3en$75 " clod o2 h4"n

    2r"gr"nce -4"# we not $"#0 4ingled it$el2 with the clod o2 di3ine glor#. 9h"t "wondro$ "ddition to the he"3en o2 he"3en$D 9h"t "n "dded glor# w"$ the entr"nce o2 the

    ri$en 4"n there 2or the 2ir$t ti4e "$ the ri$en 4"n66" 4"n "ble to $t"nd be2ore )od on the

    grond o2 Hi$ own righteo$ne$$7 Hi$ own obedience7 Hi$ own prit#7 Hi$ own holine$$>"nd "l$o "ble to $"# to )od7 5I h"3e glori2ied Thee on the e"rth7 I h"3e 2ini$hed the wor1

    which Tho g"3e$t +e to do.5

    +"# we not with re3erence conte4pl"te thi$ re$rrection o2 8e$$7 "nd Hi$ th$

    pre$enting Hi4$el2 be2ore )od in he"3en it$el27 "$ " 4"r3ello$ ch"nge in the econo4#o2 the he"3en$ One who bore the li1ene$$ o2 the cre"tre7 $t"nding in the 4id$t o2 the

    throne o2 the +o$t High in $ch ne"rne$$ to )od 9h"t indeed h"$ )od wroghtD 9h"t

    4"r3el$ h"$ He "cco4pli$hed throgh Hi$ ble$$ed SonD

    !"ron ne%t too1 o2 the blood o2 the blloc1 "nd $prin1led it with hi$ 2inger pon the

    4erc#6$e"t "nd be2ore the 4erc#6$e"t7 $e3en ti4e$. So "l$o he did with the blood o2 thego"t7 the $in o22ering 2or the people. H"3ing $heltered hi4$el2 nder the clod o2 incen$e7

    he w"$ "ble to bring thi$ record o2 de"th7 the blood7 "nd $prin1le it nder the glor# o2 )odpon the 4erc#6$e"t7 "nd pon the grond be2ore the 4erc#6$e"t> 2ir$t b# w"# o2

    "tone4ent 2or hi4$el2 "nd hi$ ho$e> "nd ne%t on beh"l2 o2 the people.

    9h"t " $ingl"r rit"l thi$. The e4ble4 o2 de"th pl"ced where )od in Hi$ glor#

    4"ni2e$ted Hi4$el2. 9h"t " wondro$ co4ing together o2 thing$ in the4$el3e$ oppo$edto one "nother. ! record o2 li2e pored ot on "ccont o2 $in7 broght into the hol# o2

    holie$. !nd #et how thi$ $h"dow# rit"l portr"#$ to $ the trth in which or $ol$ reGoice.

    The gre"t enig4" o2 trth $ol3ed to 2"ith in the de"th o2 )od$ Son.

    it w"$ $"id o2 the !"ronic high prie$t th"t 5he entereth into the hol# pl"ce e3er# #e"r withblood o2 Jother$75 -Heb. @:?A0 or7 "$ it 4ight be rendered7 $tr"nge or 2oreign blood

    -J"llotrio$70 $eeing there w"$ no "22init# between the blood o2 " blloc17 "nd " go"t7 "nd

    hi4$el27 " h4"n being. It i$ written o2 Chri$t th"t 5He b# hi$ own -Jidio0 blood enteredin once into the hol# pl"ce$75 -Heb. @:?0 "nd the word 5Hi$ own5 i$ "g"in repe"ted -Heb.

  • 7/26/2019 Leviticus-A C Gaebelein


    !"ron h"d to 4"1e "tone4ent 2or hi4$el2 "$ well "$ 2or hi$ ho$e. Hi$ own blood wold

    h"3e been o2 no "3"il 2or other$7 or 2or hi4$el27 2or he w"$ " $inner. Or High &rie$t i$

    5hol#7 h"r4le$$7 nde2iled7 $ep"r"te 2ro4 $inner$7 "nd 4"de higher th"n the he"3en$5> "ndwh"t He i$ now in the glor# th"t He w"$ when on e"rth7 "$ 2"r "$ reg"rd$ holine$$ "nd

    h"r4le$$ne$$. Free 2ro4 "ll h4"n in2ir4it#66the Son66who o22ered p Hi4$el2.

    !"ron h"d to $prin1le the 4erc#6$e"t e"$tw"rd7 bec"$e hi$ "ppro"ch into the holie$t w"$

    2ro4 the e"$t7 "nd he h"d to $prin1le be2ore the 4erc#6$e"t7 to e$t"bli$h " 2ooting 2orhi4$el2 be2ore )od> 2or hi$ own 2eet wold h"3e de2iled the grond be2ore the 4erc#6

    $e"t. The Lord 8e$$ h"$ Hi$ own right2l pl"ce66the L"4b "$ it h"d been $l"in in the

    4id$t o2 the throne66"nd He en"ble$ $ $inner$ b# n"tre to enter into the holie$t b# Hi$blood7 5b# " new "nd li3ing w"#7 which He h"th new 4"de 2or $7 throgh the 3eil7 th"t i$

    to $"#7 Hi$ 2le$h.5

    9e h"3e no thre"t o2 5le$t he die5 held ot to $ in or "ppro"che$ to )od> bt or 3er#

    w"# i$ " li3ing w"#7 4"de new in