library of congress...fiusmfss botuts. l(m r .tit hkitftrterv mhiolm a5d joh0 . ada st. nzab mjuk....

fiusmfss Botuts. l(M R .Tit HKitf tRTERv MHIOLM A5D JOH0 . ADA ST. NZAB MJUK. Ol ER THE TTIitlCS. IUU Oat.e Clo IJt.B Ktao, BSTI. tMCMIW Or SWELBV .".TV ..., T .i.veials Bs'asm. W. B.Oarr-dl- , lI oat i . c iwa, minr- - " ' l.imi asiar-- t CLR-- a exisn kx w. tieier. bbiawi l '"'" servsekary. R w Cretan. Por.L.. owvw an .ne pmHiit J. 1 .11 , BBBBBaRns1 w. teAAry ' v B i mi n1- -f aetreterv. Metinf mr? - ,, - - aMki t capi Bssije, Cessey "-- ". thre. seers k ol ti lUXMH' SB, CLUB. W. F. ieWtt. pre. Ml i J B Oberty. "err Thnve- - .v Pi! at MMk MUWI. citt PorfLU aki omu Ciea .cs. evwft TWkl . " ewraar Male aal IllM woo mm tnn. K"" i J J- - cmrj All Democrats ays .writs u Mat mrettn. rM aaromeal. Ml"1 .. WHI aaeR he ku4 s Ik' heAtrtrs IIMIIkatisa. tlflT lo C B . at R C. bank or rtrbt TtkNESs&K TRE lwtM4in la tkia hat win tear mind tnei Baa astern! BaaXaBBaht aC hps atoA-- a per share iy ae.apit.latnc is owe tks 1st day ol Ocwaram. UK MAT. Oaakier MEWFRt. ttl. ISM aext-t- d FASHIONABLE OtiOT TEL INOI lit MASKS St co. 31 MAIN STREET, (Opeoeide Be'.:.) WOru ,M a tke eit.reee J Memphis an nelnity. that .hoy bares mm' Iks .lore Ml street, r.w- - erlv ay J. A. Btrsst wTjare ike. will bee A FIRST CLASS -- T0OE r KEADY-MAD- E CLOTHING in GKTS FURNISHING GOODS. ALIO A STOCK or YOrTHS CLOTHING. FATB AMD CAPS. BOOTA AMD SROBR TM.'i . AA4 BXAll. Oar araaU fr. OCBOWH MAKrPAfTOBT la IB aaat, aa aaata in a aaaawtar atria, aaa in aa aoM LBWBMI EBBB rrar I III II iBBnl la IBtaotr. r aataaaaaa ara aajck tkaA aa can Bapf naawmilf. KRW ARRIVALS OF OOODS CTBRT VBEE ' JAMES a. CO., .-IJ Sia MAIN LEECHES FRESH LEECHES, Alwsrs on kaaal by Wm. C. vTebbeb. Cupper aX LaaiAer, Ma. It Maia sues!. Iilam Vartat mA H.CfbU ON aad altar the FIRST DAY OF f.EP-T- P r - a. w ariRmasrseair kasataaaa opacsiiaaa to Hot-- aisaai. aakni aasaksr use eater the Bra will be rooo.1 every TaaiBi ll. r'raark. A ..Stilt e'rVaOk p a Nu aoS-- m MTLTOK B TORI AM HERNANDO INSURANCE COMPANY, OF MEMPHIS, CAPITAL saons. Ol RECTO sa W B. Roes. B at rnfc.iir-- . B. Vruaiaasas. C. A.T Tviswwill. ST. B. asOasX, Prenlnl Wa Boaasrs, Baajilary. avSI-l- r For SLi vea, Grstes, MaafAsIs, H u-- a Kurniot r eie.. see RAflRrran- - B Rtrsttor'r adver of Ward A McClel- - LasuL ava liiaai aa atleea, aassosite W Have yen seer, that bir Indian in Roots. Bares so; Lxatzs, Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Mill aktaery. RCAd advertn i mist of OBjawLL, awas B on la ilumn, see the advertiaemen: of areas Pall ana B Oa, Bi iHURr sod stAtaroera, SXS ieat F H. Oark fc Co.' coin WANTED. the WANTF.D. . - -- AhMoaic aad tka Raal: woon Btln Baasaasi P. 0.. RUUi Oa . Miaa. are AbU WAHTEa. A..rMTLrJIAM. wife sac child baae ta a prl- - Caty refaeease reeairas. A ini in J B. A Maaapkli aaa aSBte. Wanted H A TRW fR ARKS r Maeapkil sad Miaalssippl Xa.i-ro- J Slack, ror wktek a faer prieo will be said 0 aad MOM SABBAT. DTPsVEE k Oil. luition. A CiRAIH. AT! af Ranrsed tlilaaa. sod rarvaLv a l teaoker al tk aaaaaaR liSBiasRi. wosld llee to a OARMe al bears aaaB dav to BSUsf a vol- - for rvdlese or to lewd IDS the Allllll "hi. R. la AepEAL ORBCS. asxd-l- FOR SALE OR RENT. to rrtHE CtBrw ta aiytke'a BuWinr St .resent scrapie A SrMsroaaJ MrRSi, sasd aass IS. olRos and cspssst by R. T HtUhert. ror the aaasa Eia Ial of Oc 'Cor. ror Kent, spore kTATaRBB sa Mass sti asl. own oo- - .aaa-t- , A a R II. SSaseav- - I ana real the wkaoe frrl ta kiaw. ar a part M aeaurad The apper roco. 'i'i a.e aWairatl. snlts-- t to tke oaaasR trade A ' JmmlZAL t. Mii.a' ar. i Aa at, a. w a : ra Bas SIS Paal OBVr. For Sale. and c'TBIBEBB tsEMEBAL FIXE sal A. 17 QT 1 SEIZE es IsvwrsSAa ema. rkey aaa lay ai Measseils m ... poets rns sis a. Sal Far Baurshealaey tacfstpe of B. M. APPEEB.IR R CO., ac CAVPT. P. f LEMINO. AeT-l- Os bosrtt Q srrier we House and Lot for Sale. ROI SI rvmtsaasR; aewev rssme. wftk as. AtaOOP aaaasBSARv aa esaary osevaaaaaee lor s fam- ily, aew is s caatrsl ewaaasa aeal aaaasasat siakkiwas al. ess se ii r 1 1 1 as aaad tsrws Apply lo in prssc FarL r ..nuns all ta STRAYED STOLEN. ISTRA NOTICE. A ETAS at Tt ai RAT EsTBttSss a 1 st SSR eBt. Tke.waae' will ills.. AV forwaid pay -- Aovse. Snl take awsy. as ke win ts aate to pay bill, ia twewiv day. Strayed or Stolen. 47 I van a use aaa. IrWtmm TAstaTAtOsaR wtT. .BajW r as tke Its sf AY asset, aas bay MARETamask Ri'LE. auakt o- - auaa rsats aid ; kesvy kmlt 1M is skelHi mas. asd tall row aa bar lot bees trimmed lately, tor wkack a II 111 pewsrt will be past. sell WM WATT 9fi CLOTH 1 N G, tllKTH MO FurnigMHff tioo4 FOR MEM, BOY t Nil (HII RHn are NEW FALL AND WINTER STfX'I Jtut HtciUtd ml line Slevall k MitdieUX la it MAIN MTBEFT T" rvi FAji Aeu "trisTrxsi "TBtrisr-- at rrBMRVHlMt, 0O0D. f a aassrvAvaasd in EITENT arvLE aad cJI'ALITT ky soy etc is tk aosthn. . omtry. sa wttl ke arit LOWER Maaa aka aaasa asAlltr km tiaa hass aaat Is Uia market. Oar start of Children' Claiming . .fegro Clothing- mntt India sMvAtsstssw- - Vvsasa, ssaa be tswwd -- snT- by any at tke city. AS wtR sat st very rodsced srtcst Wa rsawittslly aat sine er stack, sa tt rives tapieaa Bvwrytbtaj aaat is taataallil t aararaasttB miisr- STOVAIi ft MITCHELL, aad WCOTT, the VFF'CE WOOPEI FV BlKE. MAIM I 1 S est A FAMILY OF NEGROES wm Hot ol4 batox, mm4 m ku wit. mgK m W jmaam, mm& tij ckaid. mm gk 7n Tt- - mtm trot rmm in ill, mm mm mm umu, onai nu tmm mm mjU TO COTTON SHIPPERS -t. lCkt rooTnecsMd sn Jnow ia I . o - ar aaske.lle via BaraeaaB to New Task, al aa.TB per ksae. laaata sli ctsar.aa. By rail- - . rsaatsasesaaaa, saw rw - tssmsaipa. rt. aaes si Ciallai Oaartss t. BRACE sf N I as BSe. atasasatiji s. .tta Fairf.." ryvM wtk ilasll ta tad ' oaaapasy ace kevessy aotiSed a 1 tket fivtdaad er tasW par or t par ah re eitioRai Ml Hat a :. ke aal oa Mrs, Baa aaaBSttBR . A atari sTiairt Ptvui-- n. (oral fUilrrs. Ralarda j 71. rains;. .epieatTr t, lwW. TR.UCI.Knit' t.MDF. Rirm aid rHimrtToi rmi hi AUIVI 'I Mali tre. I at r M . ' a Evpre trait. Ilt. M t X r. InwMMM t,.,. tat a r ML AMID OHIO RAILROAD. A1AITE pleAST Mail and express Irats .P4 P a ' A. M,'. V Ma m t p. M XIUIHim A "ID TEH r. RAILROAD. ARM r I've ART. Mali trail.. .14 a F.aisbl am . 18 p a VI VI rill i Mi LITTLE ROTH RAILROAD m ill ala immx- - PWrT LaaMliiax Aa: iSaa- - day- - rararAi bi'a m Arrive at a P. TO ABI E EJf. All atiai llaau or Wabi, Ror aarf ant li and roaM, AlaaailMal .Waartor- -. fat xra4. ! Ar liaa, ara laaartaa w ta AppCaL. aailrr MrapAr baaAlaav. at V' . ai far aaa laawiiHiiai. two tiaaaa far 7a oamAAUroo Uwaa lo ftl , Aivl (. waak for 91.01, faraMa laoanaa'7 la adraajro Tempera TTRK. Top thprtnomctpr alorxl aa low aa ro ob ypaterday moraia Rika WAT. A'piandpr. ater or Jampa Crocker, wai on -- aaterrUr eoioittl aa a runaway PrsRACioua. Jaaiaa Dipanrt " diadar " roaw ob Teaterdavf ari laducad btm to pitcB Into bit w- - frtotid. wbo diamiaaed him with a " drobbiBp." Jotices' CoraTB. The justice had a . in.' time of it jeaterday, and were ruilti of noth- ing (rtawaaJ arkiteeer. On Bail Frank Castillo and 8. Lewellrn, two of the Watson riotera, were released on bail yesterday. 3T There will be divine services and a sermon at the country residence of A. 0. Har- ris, on Sunday moraine, next at 11 o'clock, by th RfT. Mr. Applega't. "Ir his Crrs." Hurfa Murphy manafea occuiostally to "worn dowa" a tile of the arden' , and was committed yesterday for carrj-i- B an cverloat) of careo. yTyler'i ia tb the p:ace to pet eood pic- tures. There ia no pallery in the city at which you can ret better or more readily auited than opposite 'a hall. PoLmcAL Steabisc The Hon. JefferaoD Davia will bt address the citizens of Memphis no the politic-a- l issues of the day. H'e have not learned tbs place chosen for the apsakiae. Court Ear biter. John Fcrrest, wbo was arrsstetl about a month siace for having '.' '' la counterfeit bills upon his person, was up before one of tbs city justices yesterday, and otaiRsd bail. Fpoptive The Regimrmt." Henry Miller, wbo waa comraitted to CapL Penn's keeping for "regimental purposes,'' escaped tratB the service about a month aiace, and waa recaptured until yesterdiy. RA,ci.iT.oR.-Areq,Ii.i'.- .A5 w. j BauA represented a. in city yerterday from Goveror Caway, e ille-o- f for Win. with chsiged fMy offi The had horse stesling in that State, and row ia dty jail. Labcirv raoM a Pan ate Room. A thief entered Co!. Finnie'a private room on aou .h aide of Court square night before last, during his temporary abaence, and stole a gold watch aad chain belongiae to bim, which be had left oa hia table. New Ces roa a Hammeb. Thomas n and R. K. got into a scrim- mage" y ester da v evening down near Ihe foun- dry of Qumby A Hob .eon, on the levee. Tbs former heat and badly bruis'd head of Karwan with a after which he grace- fully beat a retreat from pursait of the city arrrTHjTrties. The RrrosTEn Irsfbbectior Excitement at Hon v SpRiRca. We learn from a geatle-ma- n of this city, wbo haa jost returned from Holly Spr:: s, ihat the insurrection exci'.etaen'.articb we n -- ntioner! in ye erday'a ArrtAL as existing at Holly Springs, is not founded on fact, but is "a hoax ' It may he proper to mention that we slated the rirenm-atanc- e upon the ift dixit of an Oxford Miaa.) CTeLaaxge. New Fibm. Meaara. Jameson It Bro. have Bold their s'ock of groceries to Messrs. Wath-erfor- Simpson A Co wbo succeed to the boaineaa, aad will ia future conduct it. The boote of Jameson, Bro. baa enjoyed an en- viable reputation, and we have no doubt that their surcsssora will maintain the good name establiabioent has hitherto borne. Their card will he found in another column. Rri tiPTa or New Cot-to- r. The following th. receipt, of new co ton by river and railroad ror yesterday asaaku and Ohio railrea MB Meaashii sad Ckarleatoa railroa SS MesApka ssd Little Bsc railroad BM Hiseia-ip- and Tiiaaaasm railroad S BtsAaaer Masonir Gesa IS D Mesrs tt aha Gaslt SI E Blllmas SS Tsrssris as Tvtal last Fire Fraarniii. To those of our friead desiring souething bsndsome and aubstantiai ttie furaiture line, we could perform no more acceptable service than in recommending them the bouse of J. ic M. Fla herty, on Union street. Their stock i. unusu- ally full aad complete, embracing not only the staple articles, but om of th fineet rowood mahogany sets ever brought to city. Their terms, too, are favorable, and purebaa-ar- a will no doubt had it greatly to their advaa-tag- e to give thcat a call. See advertiaemeat s Mother column. Damcikc. The Smith sisters, whose card appears ia another place, propose to open a school for the purpose of teaching dancing calistboaic, in the new hall, on Main tree, erected by Meaars. Farringtoa, Lenow and o These ladies have an es- tablished reputation aa teacher of the beauti- ful art of dancing, and bare slwsys, aa far as ar inform ed, given entire satisfaction to their patrons. Tbey will open their school on Moaday, the la; of October, at which time the hall or. of the largest and bandeon.est the country be completed We refer iaterearted to the card of the Miaaea Smith ha fseAt ta our advertisinc col Chambes or Commebce. The following ales were made on yesterday, th 21st laaL, the Chamber of Commerce ii caaka of abonldert, lOic: 3in bag yellow cam, flOc ; lAObaga prime yellow, 66c ; 300 bags ditto, tttc; 5 brla. potatoes. 1.25 The followine ale were reported as being made outaidr sacks cora msal, 77 tc 22 brla. XXX aW, S7J0; Al bale cotton. 10,c; 11 ditto, lOfr.; sacks miEed corn, laOc.; I bale cotton. We.; IS ditto, lOJc; 11 ditto, ltHc; rVi brl. .tiperttiie flour, " brl. extra di to. ::; 72 ditto, fei.23'. 15 brl. doubl extra, 7.75; 2110 bags coarse salt, El. 10; 100 bags oats, 42. c, 50 bag (levee) f)2ic. fff Aa we war walking down Beal street this meraiMg, in the vicinity of the South Mem phis market, we were much aurpriaed to are that our energetic friend B. P. Tucker ft. Co., aetjo were for a time connected with Meaars. SatTarraa ft Stratton, hau eatablsshed them-aetv- e far tka irbitssi af carry! Bar on th tin, sheet iron aad copper manufactory These enterprising and clever gentlemen, Bad atacb a locality baa long been needed in that We would ad viae those of our read-er- a and eitixen in ntvad of aaytbiug in their to give them a call, aa they trill do tbeir work aa cheap and as well ss aay other shop city. All kiavda of lobbing done with Beataeaaaad i.iBXEa Delegates to the Railboad Corvemtiom Crw immati. W have called attention aeveral time to tbe inter eat manifested m ia th conatruetion of a railroad lo same eligible pttlBt South. Several roaven-tio- bare already bean held there Laving thia project in view, and have been aumtrously at-- t ended by reprfaentatire from other citi, dtnoBT to secure tbe coaoec ion. We are hip- py to that Meaxpbie, true to ber aekaowledeed character for eaterpriae, e. erg. industry, bats taken th matter into aad fairy sensible of the bmefita to nsaH from its coaaumma t ion has af pointed foUawiac gntlemen of this city aa dele to the isart coarntioa. Boon to be held EClsrtr ' R- D. aUasTh.Jaag Dr. Merrill, S. T. Morpaa, D 1. MoUoy, D. H. Feger, la R Richard. Wat. Hrk, Sam. Tate, frask M. White, Jaha Rohertsoa, Robert Toern and A. Street. Ibcsbaie i Trade. A atrikiac proof of trade of sosae af our buainess ana i be found ia the unprecedented auc- - eata af th well known bosase of Sproule ft McCowt, Thia bouae, it ia well ha only been stirted a year, aad It now ranks among th foremost, if not tbe IVrst, la tbe fine etathtRg trde of the city. The increased large artock of clothing to be found in their would truly urpris those wh" bare not seen their fall stock. Having taken look through tbeir goods, w think it will pay oar reader to drop in and see, whether tb) WBth to buy or not. We noticed a large variety of busineaa attita of very ea.ra; stylet, sr.. very suitable fr present WttthsRT. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-SATURD- AY, SEPTEMBER 33, I860. LITTLE i. l I CLI B. At a regular msetlBg of Little Giant elub, held at Democratic headquarters last evsB'nf, H Vollintine being called upon addreaasd tbs association in an able and eloqueat rindira-io- n of the cause of the national Democrat) Hia efforta were directed to an eEpoallon .f tba position and principles of the varloss par-ti- e claiming the support of tbs American peo- ple. He substantiated by inexorable bgicthit the na'ional Democracy, under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas, was the only party thought to be worthy the confidence and ct of every section of Union, having warm aupportera in every hamlet and vilLage ia the Union. Tba cause of unieeraal euBrage wherever goverameat ia orgaaized, upon all ..ueationa ol purely local concern, baa been Bad is the fuadamentsl pnacile of the Democratic creed, and it elicita the en- - thoaiaatic support of the lovers of the Pais and a republican government, la thia re- gard the na'ional Democracy stand alone. Hrerkinri'tge and Bell in the Sooth, and Lin coln ib the North, may claim a majority of their reapertire sections, but Douglas, being the defender of the rights of all sections, I admired by all, and will he found to be the fa- - eorite on the day of election. On a motion to adjourn. Before putting the question to the house, Mr. L. W. Finlav ad- - dresse.l the association jn a feeling ent manner, exhorting the members ! the club ,o put oa their armor and prerare for the Norember conflict. He made a beautiful to that perio-- ia Grecian history at which th- - eonfederarT was united and power ful, an I th- - manner In which the policy of Phillip divided the Statea and Greece ceased to he the borne of libertv. Beware of the Phillip of Alabama and hia son Alexander of Ken- - oeky, woald be the keyao'e of a modern De-- inisthenes. It waa announced that on next Wedaeaday a Douglas pole r ill be raiaed ia Chelae. All national Dtmocrala are invited to be present. 1FETI; OF RAILROAD CWNtttTTEE The following committee, appointed by the bosr.i of msyor and aldermen to viait Cincin- nati and open negotiations for a direct rail- road between Mempbia and that city, will pleaae meet, to-d- at 11 o'clock, a. at., at the oSce of the Mississippi and Tennessee rail- road, in the Clay buildiag, for the purpose of making preliminary arrangemeata to carry oat tje objec of the committee. O the part of the board R. D. Baugh, Judge Selby, Dr. Merrill, S T. Mor gan, I). B. Molloy. and D. H. Feger. On the part of the citizens J. T. Trexevant, L. R Richard. Wm Kirk, Sam Tate, Frank White, John Robinaon, R. Topp, and A. Street. Any of tbs above gentlemen who cannot serve will please attend and nominate a sub- stitute whom they know will act. R. D. Bat ch. Chairman. The Omrx 'or Citt Cost soli r.s. By request we publish the follosring card from Samuel Carpen'er, Eaq., ia regard to the city controllerahip : .Memphis. September 21, I860. Editors A rrr i In this morning'a ArriAt end Enqui rrr, in what purports to be a sketch of the debate on the aubiecr of the con'roller- - m I decided." This is evidently Tlie questioa was never to me, sad I gave no such decision. I have rriven do opinion on the subject at all in fact, I have not even readth A. ordinance creating the office. In reply ta a question of the mayor, " the board could pass an ordinance in conflict with the i charter," I replied they could not. Thia ia the origin of the miAke. ervtmlv, Sam'l Cabpentee, City AU'y. To THE APVEBTISIMG PcBlIC Let the .a vr . c a... Is, nind ,1.. e5.. sr.i o. ...v. ,,.,.. osi.. .a co.s,., -- c reeved ,ip , M,yor .. this MjtvtA ,hf controller an Arkanaaa. Kate, erM,,d eity attorney the Karwan tbs hammer, the rumored , : this recently beri. will : potatoa locality. the announce , Slby, known, awS the mainly the allusioa Mayor : mis'ake. referred whether . c : that the Atpeai baa a weekly circulation of aaes sskaad a larse stack of Lam her ar all kind. Floor mas White Pens aa Pss-l-ar Mealheraasaedia, orer ntv sAoaasRcf eopiti, and a daily circala- - J si.ewiiac. tRvtiides. pencts. end a tatre la sf Codec Hon larrer 'ban any other jotrnal published ia r" " msaafa. 'stun ta esder pervision sf an eaperieaca toremsa. aad wa flAtter the city. It is therefore the beat advertising ssraelees tkst as to prtce, qaaltty, siyte and daraktiity, med.m in Memphi. and all wbo consult Iter, JT " .st interest should sdrrrbae through its Whipple, beid ft oo., . Ptaaim Mill, rolumna. Jvlt-- ij Near Uts ItayoQ on Madlaoo streel. The hnaoee committee will pleaae meet a' the mayor's office at 10 o'llock thu morn- ing, on busineaa of importance. R. D. BaroH, Mayor. SEPTEMBER 19TH. Rice, Lull & Co. RICK, LU L L & CO. I Elegant Medallion Silks ; Elegant Rroche Embroidered Silki Fine ChinU Tafletts Silts ; Solid Roi de Sole Silky ; Imperial Robe it Cbsmare; Ottoman Velours, ia rep. aad sfael ; Km- - Printed French Merinos; Fiae Priated German Merinot ; Elegant lot of Embroideries : Supers Lace 8ts in Point and Vsknciennes; Travelling Sets in Camb. and Pique; Mariposa Gloves, Hoops; Choice assortment of Corsets . Skirt Supporters, Bustles latest novprtT Black Silk Baaqtvea ; Zouave Mantle Arsbir-Mantle- s ; Superb Mantles, in Lyons Velvet; Etc., Etc., Etc., Btc. Bml Kentucky TtrUlm; Brit Krnlurku Limey PRINT3. PRINTS, PRINTS! All the heat American bran. Including Mernu-ack- , Phillip Allen'. Sprague'a, etc.. AT TEN CENTS PER YARD. RICK, LULL & CO., CLAY Bl llill, l!r jmi.r STREET. wI!s-tr- Improved Metal) BURIAL CASKET. rmtented Ih-loh- llh lRi, irr H MARSHALL, nit in iiit ft Oklrn. W. Ii- - SMI TH leave ts call tke attest na ol tke rtusaas of BBvS aad senaf., to tke tsct thark bas a .ap- ple of tka .li eel mssAiowed HI RI I. CASKETS. wiiich far beasvy. Iirktner aad durability, stand T rivaled by any the see. Tke twprass-kerev- tkay kaea keen la- - tradored. is daahlles. .Arias b. tk. fact tket they ear- - paw all others it. the lollowiaf parocoiai lat Reins made of Galvanised Sheet Metal, they Is sa eaaaar fsam ten b twelves stress Shews, hast cam ha Laadied sa easily aa a wastes easBR, aad ar deposited la tke crave withcal aaer w pel, aad will aat creek er break ty hard ncaae or ar Tod Belvar lined silBOw ia Pard.s o- - India RsSeAv, aa a aaaket of the asm' materiel to Basks tasm uski. we avoid tbe very ted Ions sad nnplaasar.r prorska of sslas cement or est for tket UBipaee Bl They ess. be opened and Cosed witkost the Aid sf is af tbe body red anv sn.iali 4th Tba aster isl Is cspsh'e f sskaoars It taseer orr des. aad bas maicLaiaed it. .saststace aal rotor oadee wate- - for near,' res-- . are --. msde. w,tt. cro. sUrs, of srchlnxs, ssd keae-- a, at to aire them a streetfth alt ability of eoitrasee sasicsly tsews a, say outer sa stsnce OAS BSC lRl an U bave os raaetved a sspply. and itrvite all M 'nrr 4 Main r. I IB set tw XT. ft. BMrTE i I.atr i our i. .W.TerRas. leBmma x I c tk OamaRoa Law avd Cksscary Court of Use cttyt of Metophl- - It sppeare,! tt. tbe oortrt Ihat law deletvdaal ass a al of Ike Stale of Tesaaaass. Itwa4 therefore ordered t ial psMlcalcoa be made loer --wa, at w rodore Ihe -r-ead Hornby . f ... ..t liatl ant DteAd. answer er .tornor to tkl .. - - w..uU - ad bv efall .rs. AAA. hi to (4 wrett t OS VABCt SJ WEISHT. Clerk By A J. WRESTLER. Deputy Clerk. Taocs ft Aaeerans. slteesevs for plaintiff tpXe ar The Mound City Packet., EETILL. tram Una dste bbi,i allarec TT na psoctnalty. aad leave Meaipk everv day alt. l. and Ilk A w SB 1 1. st..'. 4 s e M Lasv. I'll Jd t k B, tndlJA M, an Ik A3 P kX. Tie Roam City packet it new and well adapted tor tesaRr triM lu Round cur. H. 1 latest Rftos by (Trirgrapb ZZrX,MMt llf.irnrihrllrrai It ni 1" -- V.M M . - OOO rlh of Prvprriy irtira)r r.iT 'WITH, AfX., SfCMBtU x Vi u t - flr scrnrttHJ m O.U city rlwrtmf, "tuck &rirmr& lb CT Bo(1 eVaVd UM ftW Of itefMhaV " th fisi'risv n Mocft. Tfc U nUiiM 4 fd0 MB, epean wai act taXM m pavrtUl lBMrtxsW. Tb 0r 11 nr. ' t tba ark of u ifswiidury. Ihr PrlMCC of Ualfi a i Urtiull. IKToiT. HnilrT W. ro Roafr -- H oll .urNul in ts.ii citr T"4raVs, woro rcolvtt Ur ootiro Hr dcvarimwnt uatl t.l 4 tko nuiitaftr- - Tfco taTbia' rTV! .Oil WAR Vrr sjsasit. il.- - n imi Miur. Trvasarr AmmoTOK, Vp:elMrtl. .dins u " sUt k Rill Villi lt ObbsV hMajalr1 Rtvl MVMtTHPfN IboosaaxAaJ djullH. Arrleaxl ml Trawps ait tort Sawllai. roBT Smith. Ark., Sutaaalu Jl aRa Itaiuai Suiaa Ir vpa and aaraSJtr aillltarr oaaasa, nnSer tka mafia I .4 Oapt Msrfaa, arrlaa al ikja place aa TBeraaay. Scksssar Iks Distress. ielLlin, aiauajl irtl --Akeaaaaaax Raatiae Ba'aa, I un.1 from Braaoa Saaliafo to Mew Tork pal tan. Mokii oa tk i tail. In Biro al siesa- - rlostms. NEW OBLEARa. paaaSrII.-aar- Al lie, atarea aa tae oaraar al Lai. ..tie ial tSaaRRkaslaa atresia ara noa kanuoc aeveral pari na kaa kaea kille bp tae fallinf at araliai the nauber not seas ascertained. I.exlnsioli HIRIIII fy.. BaHeaaaar Hnatefi b- raa, Bkarrod, ky tveeaassla. aroai tk twe-e- aroSwe akakrte-A- ar Tlaaa, ISSA a, lllkl. Nw raaiMtcrfells Ira rirrtalaiiata. HEW Toax. September XI New consterteil Ikree dollar kalla all tke EvrhaDA- - Hank ot thia ity bare t een pajt MRS The KBraauR's stalls. Bostos Saptewber XI Tka ateaBaaRip Kir ,..r- - rirect bera Her foreifa ware aeu: to New Tork 00 IBa anenaxa tral. A awamary of bar area telerrapbed frnni HalirAX on Waitbaaday. RhlBaaenl at Hpecl la Europe. Mara Tors. SeaAemterxl Il la eeumaterf tkal orer ka!f a million dollars is rpecia will be abilTe. to Par- - It 1 1 a r mielllgrnre. LornrlLLE. September 21 p r. Tie (!. river at tbis pots', la fall.ns. wttk 4 feel water ia the canal. Huff It9wr Trunks AT WRIGHT'S, 221 MAIN a Bsa - ci 5r"r" - 1 i IS - N : BM c i Mj I k e as. I : AT If. A - 9. WRIUHT, MAI PTTtRrr. PS-l- y Opposite Odd-P- el Iowa' Rat'. WRIPPLE ARCH kill . M HOPRIAl. P Ti VaI Nfi All I I sjrn LUMBER YARD. ecently teuit a larzs ackli' VV'h and filled tp ..or tnasefi the modern machinery t tore ol Doors, Binds, MJaaMtai W .. . Frames. Casta.. Comtre f. TomiAA aad Brr.,,1 W L' Lumber, Lumber :i,000,000 FEET fV hOltiX lis laVfaWl RaVII t Fftfl I blYP OVOT s- Jttrr ivTrwAl ft fWpablt, Hi rt of Ihm, Cnrm r l PispUr Fravmiuc l.wwbof , roogb an-- raHtssfMEtM w.vti.r BoaMitu, I. H tm4 t inrb rmmr M nDtxsD Iin -- d CfrK Arm FTrmk toe .r..l Oilinf ol T- --. or FnttU, how-- -i mwH from 4 bj 4 to 11 by IS tur. Alas, oo koad, riry IiTf lepTiD'a! of Fin mwd C pm S.imgx m mm sUVfaTl Ltll, WwT, SaVsax. tVaavl pLftlD aVOd fLlry rctr,t. Pont of W tv hi oua esbmsJ Jmfmw trmtu. tmrtl-- 1 y lwtts.TfJ M. n. oaimmAH. FEED STOEE. J. A . ID K TsT I K ,1 T nil imi --e ST liny, Tit f orn, mm, Bran, Flour, and Product . relS-l- y ivri II SIDE CltTBT Sc.'' IRE. WH RELIEF IN TEN M I N D T ES. wl I.' PULMONIC WAFERS. TRE Mediatne Rwtab!ihed In 17X7. and Brat snide of tke kssd ever tsirodseed trsder the name of " PvLjiosic fftrtu," IR tki or say aikae ssaaarsi ail other Pulmonic w stars are cwaoterfetto. Tke eetv ott.e an be known I . the name BET AS heinc aa sack WAFER. Brvar'i PvuHORir Wafers Relieve CcwAThs. Colds, Sore Tkmat, Roareei Rrvas'i Fulmoric waver Relieve AstlimA. Broach. u. Dirnm t Rrearh Bavi leliere Rptt s ike Ck Ban r f Al ir: diere laetj SSTi Relieve V LAI Arse Blessin to ell I EL' BRVAR's PCI Are adapted foe Toes Nk SpeAkers. lariVi Pri tFTRA Are In a simple r.irrxt to tka lasts. Bbvas'b ITlrowic Wafkra Hmt aly relieve, bnt effect rapid aid laeuat Car s PI.D BBVAW'a Fulsiosic Warxaa TR" A re sarreoted Ui five aatisfa. Ho f aml y ebnstd be wltboot s bos of BRYAR'a FtruisRic Warxaa ts Ike boose. Ms traveler skosld be wttkooA a sssyasly Saves Pulmosic Waraaa Me pan aim will aver assert lo sire far BavAS'a Pvlmoric wafers Twawty-- F vt Can's CES JOB aORES, Sola Proprietor. tVoobeste , M. Ts Bead is Metaphi. by ctAodier a c.. , Aad All I evetywke-e- . J. Wri-- kl at Co., Kea OrleaaA, wkola Alsasiesla. OILS PAPER WAREHOUSE. cfLVBR. P4fcE, H0VE k Ml.. MAI, n: H I T. MEMPHIS TBWMERSRR Kc; Psperc swMaBH Papers. Card Board. was I Paporc, Bnvelusiaa. Blank Boas a a kXattasswy aa 3! CHEROKEE REMEDY AM UNF Al LI TO GONORRHEA, Aof Ail Disf asrs or tbe I rlnary Orean rewtsor earea afceti all other precaBralloBe fail. THIS Is entirely ail ike every atker esmspnnsd us uiBin ss Hisseal Peisaa or Rasas as Larsa. aa it a r spat ed aaisly from Basts, tacks aad Leaves, an haa It a m swn imriBs.c mertu. It parfena. its ttoty .stctly and korosskly Tk satortmuie. si etUaar sea will be re- - aa BBkaJ Ml rs,,,.o.. ll I 'hesi.elve. at tbe metry ,,t antes at me rots or to. oiswae , it. veaoeacy t. net and auaply b. suspend tke poataa, tat to remove She aaaae aa aMch ll depaaakt Pali divscttora. ta naiklil Rest, acoosipaay asck bottle. The spely and icravanest re-- by this All csee-- of rCtop.) Oleet, Oravel. Striclares. Her Albuf. (White, is female..) as all dies aaaa sf the frmary Orasna, haa Astonished me aaat actentiBc aaea ol tk. we. Tka remedy not only eradica'ea a'i potsoa from tbe system, bst invisorates Ike raal delicate oowsUtalloa I f H d.wa re aSkct tke breaUl, or .slerlere with say class af bealneae, or raqsire aay dsvistlo from the taaal diet. 4 r U reqairee so laillssrl ftwa stker ssaaBSaa. rye An) wast ash aa re. iu raise, la the entire sb ss:. e a . tso-sw- tsete. Ue;n A plesasat end airnp. Pnc tt t par kBBBe. PeTTEB ft MEBW1S Bale franc, St- - IsPBls Mo. .'. Bold in asp is ky Oksndiar ft Oa aat al Srsctiets evervwbeee. Jno WriAktaO.., Kew Or SOMETHING NEW. CARPET AND ( I RTAIN STORE. ftaa aBtlTalft-B- , twil - - la tmm fa' i' mm THE pnrpVwtA to mhmm to mim tTmOm and tb pWr It Btrv k of CarjvpU M tod carta to road tti a Ip! r T 4rTUtattr, ? T m. I'mri-- R .. Mat. MhMitic. tnt Mat- - mtt. ic flitk. Pamask 1 arw atari rt,TTt Cirtaita, till le.i- - Baodp pictaaToO-r- PaiaUto, rtr. no ir la. UoiMt. oT d.LTortnit width, Ooull i.i ..tin Ahadoa. W" Oil I'poti. tt-- C ta U iAk4 , rinfttt t I.? ' Of' iVw.stt th lasPtn fmmilT pswvinc tilo Tavao, for from to 1K of ow1aaam ao laasd tocmt mmm mm mr cmrmmt, IJAjtmirtaTtalBs, wtxstAa, Otd" tks .- - Una Rrl-d- l- jW mnrmmm ixxAmrm iocft. TTansparencieB. TbRDErr FOR FOUTICaL TRAXSPABEMC W uailal tBtioA, ti cm an part lei ail Risers, at Ike loneet nri.-e- s BILI.ER k PIMM, PsiBiers. anil SMMsls tweet. iron Tie m by TV DlSB al aaer.ta Ra tk aale ol these swosrior USA asactaaaa ran oe seen ai onr Ortier, sol lefts. ORsIAN ll CRISP. 47 rt aa ffr Jttlllit Snd. Yrw r Asakmtwakal aJakd fur mR.t) It Jw 8 W JOMBXftCn Est anftrset. ore tfoTimtrtial Iflatlcrs. MBMPK rsAi 1'rna, Sati COITOII -- TRa aak mlas'ei ssai-- k. at naAin. rale, ara asM,ee aala or SI tail at lukjc, II at ISRc, 7 at IU-- . IS at aaal II ai lR - TB ran 11 la nallaaa haaarv up ilia ap eer lass balsa jinaisSy. Salaa ara asssl SB eavct at aw iao'atio, a .lda'i raanaii.itis arm arkile lrera Be asA eeam rSajni I to laraat at praaas' M KMPB1S I OTTUM Vl( OTATIOKS. Isreri... 4 at f. I M M41B Aajiejio orlisatr 5 H A A I Strict Middlloj iaisSk ll.4 Ordinary SR 7 I Mood Midd ISA I .AI.tSal I, . MiUllst.. S a) a I Mlddna ratr... D Tilnal. SEW CROP. MiaVllliut IO4falO( i.'jud MlOAiloa. . It stilt slri.ilMi'HUBA loajaaios MasninarYakr .. ,11 Rasll a. iiotneaiic markets Mr Telaarapa. Ma oat eaai. Sept r m fleam n isarkri ' oeed ASISB with sale al JSSS kales at HMs a) ! e H tor New tlrllial mi'Mliat. Tka prira. s s irpasslat The aaias ai She week iwiasl Is S3 Sis. t.slaa atSealsAa al Ike week aaooasrt lo II 60s lajla., sA.UBet ttJUn balaa darta the aaaae Usaa asl year. Tka exxeria al the was aannal ta aB.oaS kalaa. Tka VoUl expert, al tke aeaaaa assaenl to XT SOD bales. Tke stock al aatkaa al thia part laiaaa Is latVtao kalaa. ricw claaed qatel at lR)ms. tiiaSnill,. . tear aMsa are qeoled at IV. Tobaoro claasd Srm at tajSMr tor loss ami & SR foe tae tear Coffee claaed drai IBa aa is ol tke week aaaoaat to S4SO baa at llSatltlie The Work at tkia port ataowou 11,760 baaa alarnat Sao Baca bast year. STkiay-t- ka wklaky market la alaXRaat Ka- - ftariAs on Loastv u quoted si SaBati Bills or ladioa. 8Rstk. itaaxnas on Mew res, kj preaaiasa rreirkkj on r ilaaa to Liverpool are staaSsd al M. NEW Tore SAptembcr XI, p. at. r.or closed actlre at saVIOeeS 10 Sale, or Ste brf whisay at xs l ca closed dull al aSRSJSSV with salsa ol OS. 000 seehsla Po k closed Ott. and asUer, with Sale, of 430 brla. al IS 361 It 17R Lard ckassd boy.yaat .1 ItkaBIKfr lit. sales aj 800 krla. Caatea cloaad trmi salsa ol 4SS barsatllM Kenlm-k- tobaeoa la senior al sA, with saiei al 160 kbda. BtlSSMim ailai li la sel'Ul st XV, salea ol 10 krls. ol oneens at cRsBAir Rnsar claaed steady at RMHc lor cemmos reSaery, tH&lr tor CnbA, 7SSV lor Pans Rico, (he lor Hatasa. ClRcllfRATI, September tl P M Hoar claaed 9 na wtak asaaa al aoau brls. At f6 Whiak-s- s'a al lion brla. at ISHc. Westers Maaa Pork ia sallies at tlv.TS Bexar laasilisfatSKsiSltc., wttk sales of l barrels. Ooffee ia aSaTSSS al ltaRlSHc with sales al JJO baas. Mo- - ssaas closed at laglt , wiU salea al IBS brla cloaad with an advancing laRdisry at SO: al Sir. fflKTIFIIIV. PRICK HKHI.VT. siare I'rl.rt. BrTTKB Northern 10 to IS Cwsatry tojt steak as.. ra to au BRA s Per basket i ia BR A M Per cast. . I 29 to 1 SO BAOOIJIO AMD ROPE Rope.. .. t to I India BsairiaE. 18 to Ills Eeottscky hand Loom . 17 R to IS Kentocky Power Lcem..... . IS telSR BEESWAX . s toff oorrsa ra.r u rood fair . IH to 17 17 to 17 Java. .as to at Ianirs . IT to 17k COS R Prime White Te i w aTlial CORN MEAL. h0 CBACEEES Bolter. 4 OS amasaav. .......... 4 art as Western Beserva . . . M to IS Pise Arable. CANDLK-Tallo- w, m.kl. KM Surde I UBS CDRDAQB Manilla- - Ilk toll OottoD thrssd St DEI ED PB. IT A pad at I to Peackea. t .to Peeled Peackea. .... tc r.QciS per doi... II to 11R FLOrB City mills, eatre. 8 SO to I OP Oity milbc. esperfiae .... at. LoRta a ...s. I ns to at St. Loia, fancy a ts to t 75 St. lASata, extra. w S 00 ta FISH Ko. 1 warlerel, m Idle. SS SO as do u kits. t S,. 1 do inbrts...,, IS OK do da - in kits. a an Mo. I a la brla. It 0 Be S In kits. 3 7b BAAS 8BBDS Herd 1 SO to t OB Ordcard. 3n Bias. t SO to 1 7S Oiover. 70 US SS HUSs-I- .t box of rt) Frescb Wm tow. Sxio tat PitlAbara,SAl4 1 t to t 70 Pittsberc. I Ox IX. I K to 1 4R SrjKPOWDBaV Keourky RlSa I B Mining. 4 as SLCE. X. le . HIDES Dry flint IS Sailed. la Dsniafe, t to tsreea.. to atreet, Salted. 7k to It R to IS BAT Per UA .... SI 00 lo IT LtED Brls. II tolls e i 14 to IS Old Boerboa Whisky.. i an n i as lo to as 4 at ta s ia a ooust aa as as aa as to a num. ... Si to SS MIT"!" OOlt ta ts SI Bridla. far ttoaj. ... ....47) to a on rpfewr UjaT, mm tVa. . os as as at lXA n Bstsir S M OKR Toplr 1 TSlot 0 ('tBTrrw......... I a toa os la mlm t to t OR rw floorlTijt t 00 to 4 SS 0r whltO Tint t 00 to 6 o S SS I. 4 UO ;'!. LIME Per STI I Xo 'o i ss Sol tisaik. '. '. '. '. '. .".V.'.V.V '. 44 so to lo M 4 ta It. TTVitotB PROVISIONS Bacon Clear Aidee. . 14 k to IS Illkll .... I.R R II .... II to PIN Ham.) .... It to tan csrod haras... 14k toll .... tt ton PICEl.ES- -l SAllos. ....7 at tot a k da t M to t ft k s ... .3 76 to I 00 PAPER -- Eac 46 toS RtOR aa SU.1AR Fair to fully fair. to ts Prim- - k to i"k Choice 10k lo ll SALT Pine ....tln to IT 1 t n. I In SOAP v iusasb... .... t A 2CH. ................ . 8 to 8k IsriiiIM .... tsisi ta flu' .... 4 so I al r-- ksysaa 7 k 1 as Black at to i as TOBiri'O-- M Ey . .... i3r tola IS to so I a to x ss 6 SO to 4 00 Pise Leaf ... 4 00 lo 7 00 EAT .... Is WT1IRET Perssl .... 13 US MR Claret in cast. . ..3 SO to I SO Ckaraparwe ....(is tt. n at WOOL Week ad .... to ts Cn washed. .... Itk It I tools aa ktati HEOGAS Planters.... l tat I as at so to l m 10 to I to e.' split J Dry Goaals. k (So..). M to 10 6 lo 10 7r u a 8J IA It sn-- i t to 7 S to ISM t tall S twin sh to i 7 fa 11 the iock. S fo II Is B to Ml inch. 4 11 M to IS E DRMIN'H Heavy II to US APRON CHECES. K " to Bk KEMTI'CET JEANS, S4 m m EEMn CET UMSETS. at us EES8ETS. 18 t. 34 ALL WOOL LISTSETS IS to IS MCS1.IN Di: LAIN BR IS lo ts RKDS tO to ' BINS 18 I., tt FLAN VII . R- -i and White 30 to 40 Drxgi, Oils aad Rpiees. 111 1L1 OA1LT BT B. ARIFIELB ft CO A SO SSS MAIS STREET BORAX Bef SS to SO BRIMSiMKI tk v. COFFBHAS. .... tut AM TAETAR- , .... Batata CAMPHOR. to to ta EPSOM SALTS. tk to s TS to l .tt MAIIBRE II to IS Lcioaed 75 totB Lsr to Bl Ts users' is to as $i aa to 7 of .... S to s QflNINF Bslpk .. SI 00 and SODA Kawc.stie. . .... a to 7 SClJ-Hr- S to feet SPIVS II to ilk a ss teat Ctwees. It toSC tsinfer ..... S to 10 Alhspice II to Ilk Mstsnsa. SB to SB n TtRi.RT1ME WRITS I.B AD Waters ft Pox, pare.. y ion Ra toft ClinAow , ion Be READER It CO. mm CAMP & CO., two (SrsRwrTT tO Qr'kSrpfjyrr CtBaaxBP ft Co.,) PIAHO, FURNITURE, Co 'svv. t, ' mrLmstsT 15! Carpet Dealers. arm from tmm Bai;t-- X. Av tk F.NOS od otftttr frxBaax Xmw Tork. RatkBw'w.Btkd pr!or SuiU, emmmrmm with ftryitll ; If boAarrr mmd WUot Soil, umtimC wiLb Bairckata. t1 rmh i taww,, Mtki.Avnr auii VtUnat rVHroflt, Suit tmU otvor tfta l cjf nil mtitmm ml COMMON FrRMTI RE. tab The beet Sorin.- - Bottom. ! r a Bat r. Cotton, M e Nhak MATTRERSBS TapeaArv, Brsaaele. Three-pl- Sapor and laarsin I'ARPFTINOS Oil. CARPET- - INO. from three to eltkteen reel wide. u LASSES of all kinds AMP ax, CO.. Ott Stead, Ms. BBS Mala aires l. RsSBflpki'. Tenn. THE .RfciT EMdil.lSH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED BSVltL. JSM LETTERS and BE BspTU, PdliMLffl Prepare from a iwaeuistlo of Air J. Clarke, M V. Pkvstcisa Bilraordinary to me Qsi.B. lnralosble tsediciae la BBfailiBX in THIS tksa paiafsl aad Sascsee. diaesaee It wodertf. til asaaa sa removes all whAUrver caate, and a apaady cars may be relied TO MARRIED LADIES a psoxUsrly .sited It wilt, la s abort Urns, krls aa msstkly period with rerslsrltr. Barb bottle, pttss Oas IVafiar. bears the fl laaamaal of tarsal Bntals. to peeves! oostlerfelu. OlCIIOf. Tkeee Pins akiall aal he takes by frtaslaa that Al aaaaaast. aarina tk Era Base aaaathe. aather sr. sal aaaaa.ipwiusr) ... . uta.i tins, ami in . aa a I BaakM H Back sad Limes, savrsasa, OS stiXht ever. Palpitation ol tk Heart, n stance. Whiles, these Pill, am atr-c--t a rsre whes alt otkev raeas. have failed Bad Atuv-.c- h a p.wavfst rswacy. a sat a mi in iron, eaksmel. sntlmeay, oe asrthlat ksrtfst to lie rveaKlts- - ttoa. rsH u iriliti la tk assassklet inaal ear sera aaa wkKk Wosld be csrefally presereed Bel tee''- - tor me rn.led States aad Crovlaa, JOB MORRS (Lata I. 0. Baldwin aCo.l sCBsasr. sf. T. M R. BI OS aadalT paaiAts stamps enclosed to any anthof Ited at ent, al'linasre A hottle.Ccn' - In 50 pills, of ret of o aaata. ti- - Sold ia Memphis Iry Cksadier ft Ca , and all drasaists eiaiiakswe. J. Wrutht ft Co Mew -- .'I c Marble Mantles. 'Hi. : ir- t set. l.aOJ- - - leu., aa it pra- se pais to furnish paste than Lafeufors ..Caret In tkissity. fl B QBOSVKN.iR ..14-l- t. Jl left, tit Haul tire. i. glnnrtari) anil manna I. MRMPHIS T APPBAL OWCI, I BTORRav. Savlrakai XI, Usa ( Ie heat ol aa rRaaaa kI HIM.I: AID MAMA SBTB i.lRTs MAILT ST THE SAIO. l lAIIASA rrrTt'Tios estat "o'err aevn ra Xrasa'ard. MSB Bsc'... eft (Back ot Cla'U ItaoS Ataerl'A . Uaumorclal Baaak ara a Sank of WssATawo.... par aACtcaiia Bank Teas BAck of BstasRla per railed. City aana. Maakvllle I aia AarieellstAl Bank al EnsaivtUa 1 Sal e I o.arsssee Co. par a. . r Act villa.... I lis Baak of Middts faaa. I ta Bank I dial Traders' Beak I eta MorUiera aVaskTWaa. I deal Bart of Parks. I Axel Her. karto" Baa River Bask. :..ia. ;N.wthera Beak Ala. die . V Banks I .... t ln lliiiaai lain I na BRelbTvllla Bank l BR I lis Rail if tt,eUuloe.... I dialOtl ' I die I AtortRaAa Baaak al Bad. I das t of Jefferson.. n at die t alalrrae Baasa lul. atlss. MstSAl Iua. Co.. .raw! EriAAAea aVine Rales MewTjrk R avaaslCSAriaetoa faaSBsSSpklA. R sraaetOarlBaen R S BosIjs R ptemim lAHtia Maw tVRsaaa. ...... M srs allASSlaytlaa Royal Havana Lottery. IT1HE neat Ordinary Drawing ta las Royal Harass X LcC.ary. aaada ISS by lAv Spenlsk overSBRat, RhV der tke seeiiekMOB at Usa CapAAla aaasral al Cube, wul lake place at Havara, oa TueMlay, October M, 1HGO. S 3 G CTO OO ! SORTED ISTMERO 613 ORDINARIO, OaxiraltaSkl d-iss- o 0X00.000, Priieol.... 60 Priaeaof .. I, no I Priasatt.... Prises ef.. 1 Prisset .... I6J Prisea of . t Priaeef.... 8.RM IPriieof M, I sonroalmations to tke SIOO 000 of tbAI each i 4 cf a to aaBjas ; of sas to ase.eee; a of sen n, aaju aaoi 4 of tss to ai,at. Xp- - wooie Tt. set. jd; naivea paal ifaarTers ao. Prises cashed at si cot at S per cent, dlacoant. Bills of the Maehrille dty bank, taken at par. A drawim will be forwsrde.1 c. Cnm nu. e'lona adctressed to DOM RODRiarES. at the City Fust. Charleston. S. 0-- saUl the 3d of October. Will he Attended to. selA-lw- tf !!f I.nilOI.D's HEI.Mnoi.irw llt.I.sxnoi.OS Hil.rlllOI.DS hi: i. mho Mr m 111 I MBOI I) . HFLMBOLD's H EL MOO MI'S HIIMItOLO'S HF.I.1BO!,D'S H I I . M HO MJ)a HEIs.lfB01.IVtl HEI.MBOI.aVN HM.M HOLD'S Extract Baehu, Ex'ract Buchu, Extract Bnchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, -- Extract Extract Buebu, Bnchri, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Bnchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Bnchu, rox SKI RET AM zucATC !isoMnrRn. roM SECRET AMI :i.i ate nisoRnrB' ron EM RET A.fl FUR SECRET ASD DFLlt ATE DISORl FOR SECRET i.TP PELICATE DISOB7 rOC ' ' .1 T AND DELICATE DISORl A Positive and Specific Remetly A Poaitivo and Specific Rrmetlv A P, ailtve and Specific Kemcdy A Positive aad Specific Remedy A Poaitive and Specific Remedy A Poaitive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy fob ni- - or tme , jBBVSl, Eidaers, Dewpev. Rla.ld.r, lira' a h. adder, Oravel, Sidneys. Dr.oisv. (.ravel. Kidneys, Drops,, B,Ad.Ier, i.eavel, Eidaey., Bladder, Urarel, Kidneys, Dr.o-- y, Bladder, tJrAvet, Kldaeys, Drop-- OMOASIC WEAKWESt, MtKAXIC Pflfcl OROA.VIC T UM" ORC.I.Vr HEAKSESS. oRtiA.VIC WEAKNESS, organic rMt.rr.vj. And all Diaeaaes of Sexual Organe, And All Diaease of Sexual Organ-An- d all Diaeaaes of Sexual Organs, Aad all Diaeaaes of Sexual Organ, Aad all Diseases of Sexual Organs, Aad all Disease of Sexual Organa, ARI8IN1. FROM Etcswe-- , Ftposarf-- t aat Inprsdenriee in Life, Excaasa. ExpossTSa aal Impendence, is I. tie. Excesses. Expose res ssd la.prnd.BCls. ip Ue, Etreases. Eaptores and lmprndrnciea in I. lie, Pvceae.. bpaaares and lnipru leaciaa in Life, Fsnesses. EtpMBier sad I mpfn asanas in Life, Fries wkatespr came urlttnatir.n. and whether f MALE OR FEMAI.F. Femalss. take aeasar PVI-- I They are id no avail fee of I incident lo Ihe aet. I i Extract Ruchtt. Rxiract Rsckn - a me!., ne whiab User fadiy ates'snt m it uate an-- l ..slor. tut ism-dis- te IB acu si, slviiit health asd vitor to tka frame, bios the patltd cheek, aa reat.Aint lb patient to a per fectwt.te. f HBALTH AND Pi BITT. Helmtsdd'a Bxlrsct Paebe is prepared at iiartwat t pharmacy sad chemistry, and M prescribed aad aaed by Tax aYotl mi sen.' PaeeOAta. ar Delay loneer. Procnre tke remedy at eac. Price $1 per battle, ar alx tor SB a Depd lOI Cotuk TsMk atreet, Philadelphia. RBW ABB OP DRALEBB Ttyia lopalm AT tke If set sf stker srtlclsa el Bwcftl tbe repntAtloa allaiRe by e Hrltnbolil's ETtract Rttcttii. The Ovttinal an-- I only tseastae. We deeire to ran oa the merit of ear article. Their, is w r tkle s Is snkt at mack less rale aat ret eommaaioii-- , csiseqaently paytas A mack batter profft. WE DEFT COMFETTT10N ' Ask fo Hrlmbold's Extract Baehu. Till RO OTHER. Sold by All di tsEEtots eesry-whrr- rf-C- nt thu sot sod sent for it a. W. JONES ft CO , ox k no. H. P. PARMSWtiBIR Co. lekd" cod wly .all 1 ottce. WILL k. try ,,u Land a rstt supply cf Fain. ) i f nil kinds Call sad see Corner Vsnce ,r in streets. asatvaa UAMRB H. WIRL aiel Ist-tle- PresmcsA. IUST received, a larse sautSr ef Latter Fresaaa, st ft enpert ,r ..nahty. XI RE WILUABS. r.14 " Main atreet. tor Elmwood Cemetery. Momphis JOS. LENOW, Prest. C H AMILTON. pt. AKA'. El JOS. LENOW. T. II ALU W B. MILLER, ase J. M. WILLIAMSON, w HAMI. Cemetery ta raw mile i..etb-ea- st rrc . the citr rIE ke office ..( the c.mpsny I, n the rrent ts. where Snperintendent easy Bl all Uass ft assent Whes h not m Ihe effjee. tint the bell, an Ihe am sc s appear tavartsblvcaak. mlSdlr Two Improrra Lts for 8alf . 80-- ACRBS, Hasae of roaaas. eaa and er- - and vsau' well of c ad water, cistern, etc , ai! new, on Mosley's aveaoe. Also tares lk a a ass, kltckeo and nsrsaaarp bnllaXsts. oa Marty 'a Been, and wtncfc can be hsd oa rsssiaakte tersas Apply to J. L Dr. ersev, er on tl e premtee-ao- Dr. N RWTVIM MABI.RT Dr. Dr. !.,00 Re tear a, Wr. Bp, r AT frcsT- -i ttf T)immr .irimt. ( miloaOatv RAMA cf OoAlaxJd poat TtlliBOtoali roaiil i Tm MiaVRIBRH. taxrOO DTO OnOO, w RILL a rrry dark rof pf r mToi roTjxwiaa- I- ll fa-- ; imil band' and trmii mmmmmrmk.lmmTk-lur-d- -. w.lm maim in Lia aara tor riaa; rather a aid or down nmm pd ipokoa U; Pioulbci.t; Bsr f t fish in. -t fcirt, aod would wmith mmmr omm haffadrpd and imj prsan 1; wi rath briaa. with ftitcii in hi- - sail. Aloa, OaxORsatl, a black MaTT.i abk4it twanty-oiara- yatara of mmi utraiatit: floo tmmt alorcn A arad woald welsh probaWr one btrndred aod aajpa a. a aoaah-- a, ia alow mmmtmm a a itht a ar oor mm mis errbrvrwa, a .Ltrnmiw rtaher bat exhttsiu mmmm whets apa-t- UA hu walk slow aiartj face, alawt aqcar bo: It. by Alao. ISDAM. a dark nmtpmr mmmrm aftTi fall ats biark: woald wetck one baodred and eiabty Atbtaxat ihlrtp-flr-a jeam mt ace; tmm btu)t; boavr pboii.:er--d- : raof-- i and fcreak- - ;ntdk, mm talka paj- - r.'.r I r, r! ,a-iitl- m r.'ti . These throo nacaaei left my plant aiia-- oa Tocksvaa-pata- rlTpr, aNnit the flrat of Jul- - Uw Tbe ffrat ' Bill, will proaf.'T make kta war to Do Art. af Arkanaaa, where he ba a wife. The C.Mtm, with Bill, and U praitoblr ta hia ooajtpanr Tmm third aetfTo, laham, my etvlootTur to make hia way to Bowline Qreew. KentTj-k- aa he r - relatlre there. tS For the above ib--d mrrom, if takea loge'her ttoliwtrwd to me, or pat ia 9rmmm toil ao that 1 eta gat thwas. 1 win pay thya twaa of three haaaakad dollar, ar hnadred V(1ara f .r Bill, arid fifty dollar etch for fwOnrtc and Ishant. if ukn -l A ax wroratt--- a todct--d with S:ralton, MrTHvitt A Mcniph.', will ba alf-d- rewar 4. ROBT S RATBraJ, (tokland. Tallahaika r on'y, - Mlaelaatlppl. St. towjA astopcrbheaa aavt Vm Are (Ark.J Cituaa cotay two toaatha a weeklt. J S-p- O Reward. Br from tfk aabecrlber. in Part r. STOLEN tke Bltbt of tbs 14th in.! a SB, .arte, litkt Iron tvav HORSE re" . vieen naaals kutbl six rears otd: hat a sm.' white sear aa of the left for le. aat crack in Roof at seme, aenr keel; akod ail aroarsa, lul tart t. end af bona, very white, holds ll a little to the left sale wtten the m.vincl works and shows well in bat news, feel trotter; -- well in aa atria kta aksss when trot tint fssl, rnlhsr rontk a Oder tke saddle. 1 a. II aire far the amlc mcKli a ol lite thief, and the hers, or far either, or any laforai.ti n that am lea Is tka rec- verv of 'hv l H IRJRIUR, JK., At ktall ft IB Front roa, Memphis. NEW BOOM! NEW G00D8!! AMP Ureal Bargains TO BE HAH AJ . t ' y f f wv. 215 Main At reft. .f OPPOSITE HALL. dmdsMf to rtatioae tonl I turn tww re-- . HAT1K a e aad well Mlected) tux of Famy BtittJe Dry Ootada, Flniat,-- n &vmm, etc., trhkrh will be aold at fitreHtsViy tow peirxw Mr Rork of aa-r-o b aoaiets. (Hoaburca, Keraeya, Liaaerat ato, aat , U aow tyaaptoto aad aaaaiat ha excelled ia thia city. Tbe old natron of th and pnrfbar will Bad it to Ueir iatof et to cito mmm a rail. aptvwiM g. OMjnmm. 9 SErOND 8AIE OF LOTS IN THB CITT OP JB U m i C E. A NCR to incest .a real estate at tks . ay ol Es Artl j. tke eaetem termtnns of tks Miatssipoi, Oas-chl-ta sad Rest rivsr railrosd. On Ike lttk day of Oc- tober. 18SD, will ke aaad. At pnklia aaetlon. alrasat re serve, s son Ion ,d Leu ara owned by the Miai.'lppl Onschita ssst Red river railroa compear, at tk city of Bsakre. oa tke Miaalssippl tim, beina tke eaatees af seat road. A pint of the Lais can be see by alliBsral tkeotv ertaeeaasaaar. at Cassis, .w so Osat Dasidwdi, chief eaeiseer. at the above pawl. One-k- f af Ihe aarehaae mrasev will be reqaired to be paid IB cask oat Ike asy af sals, and use rsmsinder tt ssviths thereafter. Botes kesrinc ten per cent, interest nte date. Bills on anivetrt hanke of Tesnsasea sad LamitiBiis. of approved .irtit drarta o Mew Oriesns. win be taken in pa. s.--n'. from psrrhaaera of leas, tae read will be owpieie aad ia operatt n lo Mrs. LV e's flaj mils) by Ike day or aal A better casmee fw the tsvealssenl ol capita' on presented, the prospect for tk. early completion tke read throw h the Mialtcippl bottom It rertala, of and when dose property at saw paal wilt sell for osb!e the amonat it will brine oa the day of aato. A city will .print op in a few years mat will rival la cosnoorce and importance any point oa tke MlA.iaslppI river, between 91 Loeit aad New Ovleen-- . Thei s will aim be sold it the same Us.e sod place. towmtveaierit to aad sear th bttalnovi pr :ta ul th ciq wtaM of mad auiowd oa Hatr 4my of tai Ml THOB ELLIOTT, pre..M Mitottslpfi, Ota-- m rtUtrvesd e!l-F-r- .t ferial otufs. Or. J. Hvtteffer' t clpbratrd MoMttacta Blitrrs. IS aaa ol tbs 1st BM MiasBlkaalaa praaraikaaa es. laaL It la espeelAlly ataplld to tkass who are aasrted with Ike raver And Axes, or say ataari tin i aeiaaRB nraaaa disordeyed esaaakaeSRaf tk tlanUaw seaSASS. Far serf Ass there Is ailkasi as miMuoa .a ta awrid aaresi to it. as il a isbss ska baaad, wkAtasaa a lapiihssl ts BasMky sc. sow us I ass as ss of ikis oatare are aa basob tk saaat (aaaaaisr, aad si lb aaasa time, elaaa or iO--s ia tk assdl'sl world. It a n 1 la It to Ota pMic, we are rally cmirnssj ol dates tkew s sreet vvlcw. kaiwia aa wa lo, their maav ascelleat aSaskSRSA. Aad asra sod speed, act lea la all essea the dies as. ts by tk irrasslsiity o? tke duyeative .dSSM A nrtal aaaMaa par the mast akesReral. e Fw sale by draaklMI aad dealers siainBf abate. MOSTBTTER B v ' Maw Tl .i'.isls Ms. From tka savsei.l Tke Nicsjay . I mill !t la aaa ttset aa of tat rr oietaaaaaaf IhU State m Ma nasM I ro f iwisaa tines In this " Tka too. ircl he ataxia kept at hay. Owl a om tared kta tkia hairs si axreer ttesp. " Wacarsard roack for IBs IrMh rsf IkM. ksl we do kaow LAI ateter the atVcti al apalKsi.AU of Ralmalraef. "an Rea'ssatles. a Adeor steeps' ra tt he-- eesss (In appesraaee al least) members af A acre lea Price my can,. .Mtm. Boot aearywker a. W R. HAOAM BOO , StTI III awlw Prepelaasis. Troy, M. T Hi tan . Tattelcaa crrulfiice- - - y with laet toatoi ape, Wkevweara, wkllifn. Aval pea aXeS Bryaa. V.rmifiufe ia asra Beery kisd of woraaa to rsre, Re the spec is. small or hsae , Try the Taatelaaa Vermitoaa Pat ar Is bottles. Price 24 ceats. Saad by atx-l- MAMSPIELD ft CO. McCllulock'B Pectaral sir ii p. AMERICA ii tiled Ritk me tame cat ike treat hysi cisn And ahrslaaaai.t, asd a his Fadorai Byrap as kava t A nca sii and reassMR. Mo kassaa t.ema nee perish or cooatuRPtssa m any lift... cat tk aeaaaa a respirs era. -- ok. r.ttof Is rims fium max s - amass asasassm Pries !... Bold by MAKSF1XLD ft CO MtaVIm Dr. Jtvs. Mcl Ilntock'A told and oilgh MlaTtntP. THIS sreat fabxllv medicine was Sret tsirodseed by Dr McClinbrt al. Doaa J the Pbllaslelskia Collece af Medoitae The entire r ifniiia im in it I asd it is ansrsi.tee.i '., si. ..rlinary cold or oasak, catarrk. InSner.xs et. . with AbW'late cerlaiaty An A deree of rai'inty iba win asreeaoiy awBBBSB IS aaxtent PnoaXOcenta. Saad by seXS-l- tr. ft CO McLean's Streroth eriro Co roi a i This rtRRSStr has been before Ike psblst only a Abort tiaav. I 00,1 au ' Wrenatkaa tk ajafaa ; every oae who aaes It it u. others, asm it bas become the stood aid remedy with .very family is tke Foiled Stelae. Wt every reader, try it 11 a s da.lchllal aisaraUc A Warning to the lit wary. AMD ose ' miakty to wee," is contained in Ike bosk, "miti Frstlty, ar, PkyaliilaBtral Reaesrchee " H aXDktsln. fslly sat assaaj a.ri tbs secret cana of fsartbtna! ,'er intemestal and pfatrate prwera. with tSataltlBf tn.trnclioss to eradicats ewery trace sad al the veasm af disease, that ssaaing worm ihat nst Tw sorely eaa sway sad ssaasrui tke SBBRfJtXcte, lesera mas but the wreck cf Parmer self The victim ef this fata! tenter lose ant a Bscaaesl la nroearia this week. Vld ky Dr. BARROW, Msw Tork. Pram St ess Bent tree ef peasaxe everywhere. tntaaaky (aelt-lm- ) MAMSF1ELD ft oo. Drs. I. W. .abbert ana u. W. i : i ..'.. T. si em RR ttvs pecial alia at to. to al! Rarwaof ckrao i' dtaaasaa, bat mere aarticsuarly to daesaes of Lsnss, Bye end Womb. They also l seen i Psa.s. s. Tarn til I, Be . wttk ar atasat tke kail e, and lartotm all sortie, oners' ions 'a the moat approved and arlestiSc maaaer. Tbey will board pailents from Use country, a Ikst Lkey office .n Issaww's BalSdis, Cue atreed, seeoad daa from Maja. There is NofhinE I.Ike It. HOW to net. nam aad ssaTerta aay. scan life i tea he aaead be Rac ist t apply of DatLLET'S MAOI- - A L PAIN EXTRACTOR ra sand, in esse f aoudeBt.. Is cats, wsRads, bsrvss, scalds, sprains brsisss caaaalu.s ts children areooaetatitly 'ect the ansae of tke Fata Extractor ia ewer Iks a famille. ahoal.lti.vrr be wilhoat it. Full dlr bit aay say sack nwx. Tke seanine ts always sixoed. Heavy Dalles, maacfartarer, spa a steal entraved label. Foe sale in Mew Orlean., wholesale aad retail by J. sTBiattT ft CO 11 sad ISI Ckartres arret 8-- ' th. ScHitbern Slates, and to whom al areas . elasnm ne a" t Hollos ax's Ptlls--sjrvot- tR Oe-bili- tx, etc. AS a eilasttt mm iotiatm at;nf aaiadtrioe. those Fill hae had an a'triahl nf acrreax ta aeery part 4 tha rixihred ajiftpe. Thar ara aaaaBkalii hy rUaaate, aa their ap4Tal awjwhi ar thr awatOaW i tb t rrid aaaw or th t r 5 iA. TTpwy rVstalata the pala anl the artiua tha heart. br-- e aad 4rtxBtben lb relaxed oereea, gtre Itjaeand mmmrry to tha aaaeral aratoai. aad br ra etxtabliahin- - a viloroaa ert ..f the Tital Iwxlinirm. the element, of meiaiaxrwly, dAwprew! ptrtU, Maaa, vaaon, etr. Sold hy all BrianiaU. at Sac.,, 91c. awd Bl per hu. aafJaTJ Ataawlw llhat an it bef of IW the procreaa lrivthiailoB. ttd Ideas ta aJaiuat every .rpirtrF"at csf !,fe, kit plare to ttvmr whKh ara aw, ar awatal1y aVBed by them While it hj traa ihl f- -- are aat abray- - it ha libel (trwa ih race to say that there haa not beet, a a al tdraor in onr hanaan ttouditioat aBKnii: h ntorwetrta which pertain tu all cliea af at ;'f-- , axd to every ttXAtividnal la partinnlar. m add ha!th ! We know f no toedirme eirv-- e th apua-to- pa i lad, vnu haa worked n re miratloaa crev, than lb licbtociRl Bitter They are th oaly trae tm all diatw of Ihe BW. StVMatoaj, Liver and atowrls ewer dleeorered which may be cjltwd a aae, a u in. an-- : periajaaeilt car. Bat I hy I M ANrFl BLD J. CO. ft hp all I Bess rtBble drsmrlsU aad dealera e Se sd, ertteeraent. in:, mo Pax t THE BISBIS91PP1 DIARRHEA OORPI A L- - Tkls in- - vspaable saetkinx sad keallB medicine few the Stomach and Bowel, wss Srst lot; laced to tke BSlK kal laa asaaa aaa, ky lis preeeal impnetocs. who pm it ap m a Mall way ai tksir all ataad. Mo. 44 Frost Row, MsaS-SB- Tweaaaasee. Its niadeifal tBamX is tana all psawl Campiatata, tack as Dyeeatery. Cssac, Cholera IN Mstttts aad Diarrhea, wtether acute or chronic, sons : ,r it fetspral fsesA-- , sad wnkool the aid of pflris cernScates It k axaRkallr toad its sas wsy act bast its own story, want ssw, whes ike daw sad far it a trsly astonish in. The sale it immense aad cwaetaatey tacrraaias. wkack to tsaS test ta at amp it as tke remedy tkia class sf dtoeasr s. Wker. a "vrloAkle medical dltvaeeery." ty 11 owa aorta, wr aaplWkm what tke Buaissipp! Disrrhea Cordis! baa done, aad that. tan. wttneat Ike aid at seas- - paper issummsadatioaa tsaerally resorted to, it la time the pahlie twasrslly to as away aitk ewery prejo-CB- ( sad keep it slwsys oo hand asd onr wor l . they will save! s rut sasssai car pais And expense ssd dssth itself is many instances prevented. We refer yea to ike following tantiemes, merchants, physictaaa aaat other., wh.- - hare need aat said thia in- - cxnpar sbte reraed. It is pronosaced by Ik em a ear. Rsvsv-fsili- care for Diarrhea, Flat, tkslic, t'hoiera MerhR., asd all dXseaaee of tke Stosssch Bowel . T. A. Iraelal..... ...... ..sear Memphis Tens. W . McAsslly ..near Memphis. Tean. 1. ft. States..... ....Olive Branch, Mim. T.aac Fslwm Wtlhshni t. Art. TVs. ti MoC,e:laed.... Hertdemen Ray Post Oak. Bias. BSStsa t ft AherSAthy Sktffsrdtville. Bias. Belts a Bam Bsteaeitle. Mow. p. war iss Fssssis. Miaa - . ; s- - l... n . James S. Smith Xevtactoa, Taaa. Costrwa. Bias. I Flewelleyn's Croat Boada the Qslscy. Tans. J'dln Caaalvss Bewpkis. Tenn Cksaev k Hardy Wesley. Tenn J. Jsais rredonia. Bias B. Peterson. Tsllsloosa. Maw. Aad baadreds of others la Memphis and vicinity yp-- Rrmeaber that thia mediciae is ptepmml safy aat; all other Diarrhea Cordials are sortbleee itnita- - VBw A core taaranteed in all caaea. C actio s We earseatly msklo IBs pwkitc apataal mescal aparioas tmltstioas of this incompsrskle rem-B- SBAton sp sscler the head of "oordiala," tks object wkKk la to deceive, sad Ikweby tots atvaatas af lie rrpotauonol tbe MISSISSIPPI DIARRHEA CORDI AL. Beware of sack worth Uw. trash. Am tw psseaaae article, prepared oaly by as. and yon ca snot S. MANSFIELD ft CO.. WhtlesAle ItrasBtoSa, Mos tBI and SSS Mata .tre.t. Memphis, Tew. til I. LETTS pTr.jrr As steFaL brfsh ix)tton gin- - rpHBSK Ota taas. the aiwary tor th aato af which X w hv acceateti, differ froaa all othrra af cnnbia-la- s tka aar at m Btoat Oaaah Brab with two Brut: laltea By th art to of tttwa iriMhe th- - taa iihiirled to a alhrht ctvaaas procwaa. which tharaashly aUaAAhtawftf. th tbr without the leat latBT to tmm memm macb of the fitrt wi n b-r la Attachad ta alao a Jhtmtmr, placed ia front ,abt.. h:.-h adda tartwly to IU capwcitT as aad imnrovlbc th aample. It i not CTrfY- r- plKate-- l or liable ft. -t ewt it order ; caa be raw with linar pwer aaad ; fiaa vary rapidly, mm pwr- - weM ia every rtewperi STBAmiS. DA x ITT a. I ll MHEM1 lUiK FEMALE INSTITUTE. rfp tod flnclv wttdel rjx,i .'esfjof rt ai. - latry r th are of FT'friir A B S. aa, w;!l t poel Th Kirs. Monday la telfr. Code, tbe rspervistoa J D BEREDTTH aided im a 0,1 expert. Rs aakwlsstic vesr will be divtd.0 into two tsresty-aa- weeks asck, ast.a iat Ihe aunt! of Septeuvker and ctoaiax Ike last ol Jaae, aitk aa vaca- tion excet t ChrulaSSB week. TBRMS FSTR SESSION OF WEEKS Academical Depsrtmest pit.' C.llece Denartmen! --. XI .SO IncnleoX.I Fee. laclRdl-- lak. I.t no extra cfcarae ".00 Piano, Taaal and laatruBoentAl, with ss of is- - all Attar Coilese. :n India IRialBBaa rasm, am ia. reel ao Itskts. TO. eft BareUest bosrdlsg U be bad in private rami Ilea oo Board and taitlos bill, do l fall the Brat of Oetotsw sss! th" drat f February. PsaRts will he chAisad fram the assanatas tt th aaenik IB which tbey eater. er Ma tstaciioa saade for loss ol tiate lam uta oa montk. as thR stUv Is aass or pr eVsetssl l.ok' ew at er. J C Ffl afrBAKTl 11 e.,tent I. Dtctviaatw. Becretary. jyiB-wi- For Sale. FfSITE tectio of lead f rnisriy owa by Dr. j. t M Wt ne rep., ax. sow is tbe paeaeee sahacrib. r. is oflbred at private mie. Isad is sitnaled eltkt miles west ol ibe Mofile and OS- ranrawd. lasvfe. atlas east of Psaaastac. aad aaa mile aad a half ansa .at Ike road rtom Poatclcs- - lo Fall .a la a healtky aelthbovkwal ; aa miss ss s half fssm Pmlajtmiaii rkorck. aad three miles from s Balhsttirl chsrch, share there ta rexslar preachin. .. ectioo cf lend there it saaaa tva h sati at scree open laa. UBBtpu ed cklsSy sf aaady clay creek Sot par. and land ; some rerv rood .sad . And some iekedly worn, hat ess ke improved by bill-si- ditthist aat kfteiasatal plswtac. On the place are tw AC three never fa Ilia ipriasta, tw. .r three well, of water, and stork water armada-- ; I BBS asple orcksr and peach orchard, and eeerirkior th.t s;.pertsiB. to s Barm swap per va dea.r la aay rartaee ,i,lorxst. t, y .1 leal, an. h Terms cask, or acceriied trsfts on i. . .Snsnraitif. Geo. W. L. Crook, Agent. TELEGRAPH BUILDING, Coort street, (up stairs,) aI"ArRXEAxlaai, Taaiuiiaa c KTATE.1IE. 1 fim.IL, IsWKTs Ual i.MRM.ITIKS OP TttB OOMPAMT OF THE Valley of Vlrjflnia. ljSkwae aa. " , Tm f laanrswe ronipai.j ol tk Vs ley ml TiraiaiA." at Mirekaator. V.rxiaiA adceaviui stock. ism ass as os api'si sco ka.....M....... BBSS, rH Ika rasuiietor da. u rasrr . awl 1 1 aacwrltr s.Ts ASABTS OP TBS COM PART Assent al cask a head la tk kaada af aceeta aaa) atker psrsoaa M 111 S A, I kecka, Baaak. W Bl at! II '""'Imsio..!, an i. raise. Market valae 3 MO !. 9 11 Tirairua aaaaaBatxMa.. lt,m U & m. v. r I Maw x lOsftBQ .farjr, i !.r ewBsxan hBxd l aVn i y 1 OaratottM! Wtarti u tar ' cobTcBmrb koathj 1 COTtiBteo jf TtrtUOia reiiatwrd abtcft l m m tu oo Dvm. aacmrad bv toortr.aa t- Oa real totate worth fehi im- - mhX eenmrt. $14 avl per aal eatwtty '. ih n aEaaaatto iwemianu "S.444 40 mhar aecariltea a twftowa t.vnt vtotvala IMtahare, P.roier' Baak ef trtoiaaaaam. 'lifj !i Jn akara. Merer, aal. aad lent" Ba, s shAres Baak ol Tlrttai. stock I Exxbane saatef Ta.. SO .hares Sank Commerce. no I ap W. IS .bares Psirmoant Bant. 6 shaves Bank of Esntn, ky, ten and S .hares Commercial Baak .if Kenta av.. 1 o. res Baak of Lawns-ril- ls, Ky 1,77 SS M tt- - - rs sts - 71 sh. res Baak at rasa Tsl- - ey of T rvikls 7.BSS a) shsrea Beak ol Win- - a 47 s it era n u,8U a Ofa-- e fSrnltor- -, ry ptstea, est. sr.j ir. .. doe so.1 . dee to kaaka Aad other indodir.t dse to -- tcrr. tsaa SA Looses .1 mated aad se sad mvpsi.l beessas of contest twi credc- - toes. i m sa lessee adJSsaadend nal dna A MB W ft -- pi SA tsasst la sassisn sad wai.laa tor tka pr... Except s'e restate on the trows I sf fraad. aad not admitted All stker rlAtAsa assusas tk oantpany, it era are aosse tseltled xt.fe w- - :.. ...s-- i ..... iu. balance in favor of the iibsbbbj. eat tke .Baal, sa gmm ars a.t enslrsced is th. ahoss atalemenl of II asaatawi aatnoal laaared in aav aa. risk tha. - seal rale id the saaj ss sal to esraed BSBBk la aaa allowed ky tks- - rales of tks ease. " - - . fk stss aa Law kail. all wad p. SW Is IW I to mm mmm Us extent aad i.a.l.nili .f Incoroortuaa mt tka aa.i tbs - t..rst,.'3 .1-- : J. S. CAESON, 1. BEST, necreur. STtTE OF T1BOINIA J. S C ASSOC PvaaUtesi. ami Wat L U'v 'h.. day neessssallv ssDenrrd be'oeeie. . a J act ice r Ike Peats, is aa far am issay, pa sas aaa ta by I e baa, sad papers alka Olven asder my hand, this task saw of Jnly, MB. J R BOWEN, i. p. STATE OP TTBOIMIt. I Frederic Castuy. tt t I. J. C REILV. Clerk of tks CseaXtV Casart af Frede ric onty. ta tka Stats t Sat It, id, an hers, certify mad., ia s Jnslics ,.( ui. pance n sad fjanld coaa- - ty. only .onmiaapAvad aa aa..-s- , sad that to ail kla acts aa sack, fall faitk aad credit are das. aad of ritkl oathl w d. a ver. a. w..i in courts of luetics, a la tsetimeay whereof. I herecnt use. an t dxad tke aaal of aas saaat. thia Rath dav C awry. iww'. ana ia tae ssva yea- - of Ihe ammRsa- - sslth. l. c RBLT. C. C. AT err OP TIBOIMIA. J Fralencft cwnety. it j f 1, R..M. P w ,!f., Notary PnRiir. ia and ihamaam aforesaid, do hereby ertify that I have examined. i. aaaa f smak. aaRlfasm, etc . to Compeny af Ik VsUey at Tirtmis. ramaat tkerwiik. Aral I do fsrtker Ihat tht value aaXxed to IRR Is ser- - o far ae I am sh e UdeterSAlse from eetl,ooi, the- - 'Itabts cores of laJawstauea. ssd tkal Ike tate. ere an pnasrty .f loalle the valae .at tke debt-- , secn.-e- l Ubsrsbv, sad of an.ple vatse aa rar stale- - la issliansy whscsal, I hare heresato snbscribed ay ime aad ."tied ate aotatial sal. al the town Win- - , Ta., Jnly tt. I BSD. ROBT B. WOLFE. MoAsry Psbtfe. STATE OF TtTBrNESSEE I Ull'l OFFICE. SaahviUe. ASE II 1W0 ' This ia v. Ihat the Tri.nrance OmkWaav ef aaa Taltow sf Vlrxiala. totaled st Wiaekeeler, in the state VirrmiA. ha compile with all ike .mem. ,rf tke as o tbe aaBtml .,' I. ww urn taamwat msa.1 rtoaa IBIS ts 187 inclasive. as well a tka act of Xth of Marc 188 Ranter tit eeetsaa 7. r. eirla a depssf with the caetroller id ftWBXBJ thon-aa- dollars of six per real boast, o' the State, aad taaa W L. Cesok Wlks letslly asxh .riaed atent af askl compaay la tha city af Memphis. State af Tiasilsl. I. T. DCNLAF, Oawureiwr. Stha aaaarriher tsatamas to kaae aad rsaew polictm as ad lost sa pay laa I Par Tks. ost and reliable v USO W L CROOK, llsit. Adam Baps saa BoiMla, aatt N..1S .tie al Cwwrt sasaurs. Deposited with tbe State Controller, aa a Capital or Loctl Fond, ror tkr in lit of Phetxlx Pal- - nt Haiders. DER 1 STANDARD ORDER BT THB PH K NI X IN8UR ANCE COMPANY. OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. ath I apllal. MOO.OOO. AsrcIr Oxer, FHEXIX INSCBAMCE COMFAMT bets a THB ,! sad ksatitsRson. wttk a bBstnemeyttemof kcal oaXoea aoabiished throaah-aa- t the entire coaatry. ovaftse tke c.ndnct of eminent aaderwrit rs ! tare, experience. A.Sottas Its entire or Fire Inanrance Exclusively, ft. ins free Ihe dtaasBsrs assd I Bar IB. and tstsnd Mat itsllon In asanas aa available cask capital of Fear Hua.rryl Tkvasaia Hollars . WITH ASSETS AMOtTNTIMts T1 OVER HALF A MILLION HOLLARS. Twrnlx Thoiivtaixd lloi.ira, I. aal Pwnd, .a Caps Ini. as well aa paid losaas to tk cilisesa al tkia to tks Fifty Thousand Dollars, the Baa ,'- - fBB vpiwrt of uta tstf.o. CONTROLLER'S I1KFICB, I Nashville Tenn . September I. ISai. Tke Pkesiv lasnranr' iaa- - ttCBI. baa this day enta, Mask R M.rr ol Each March. IS hap. -- 'II BSJR S Car trailer al raiDvii k a ''illv Agents, B a I BUILDING, ml Memphis Twasssasss. O'Ftlloo Whiu Lead aad Oil Works, WTMAM, BAMKEB. CARPBNTBE b 171., Praprletors, sr. torra, Missouri. A. L (TMMINS, ileal. Maasphls, Teas. to the above, I aonsd Inform dealer, an.1 REFERRING trade partienlar'r, that I will .1 tlmaa he rally sspplle with evftry trad- - of this cel- - etrste.1 White Lea. Tka !. srv are. BkB c s w rt - ar . dewripnoa. and I ofTer this Lead to the Ma with the fall l IB t It i i thai it cannot be oaslttv br anv mannfnctnre in 'he Tailed aaaaewl by or,. - in. t ktaaewaawaSR i aspertontv over aH otkev kraask. I wilt stale thst .11 of th- - la.: snd l.raml rainter. 'a SI. Ixtsi. sr. asirt it exclmivetr. rawtecioe in lb. Wade i. my aaatto. Call asad tor a circa tar of price. A. L. txaattsn. aa."'. mon . Wm S M'Ka.thtaad I w.. A ' .chnteat, son, ol tke Ira ol Ma-- I idwnt set lew, debt pS. Catobt hp. vs. rX, Ham state. aWaml B. Tow.. ) tkl. raaa. at the laet Jnly term ef tke Law aide Fl at tke Commas Laa aa Ckaac-r- y Peart af tks city it m me own tstat oavsaoaat the,..' e .. lere v lie art Soar wests ascceauvel. in th Memphis Daily Appeal, rSRalrtac deleadsnl to appear ai or aerors 'he BSaarssTw temi .d wld cwnrt, cswrnenctnf ,n tke a Sotslsv.' la SBBlBSBawaPkWe plaintifT's actio, la Uta behalf, er initial. I. ky wtl, ke ..tare .- A.- By A. J. WHEELEE, Depaty Clerk Sberwla, littk Bmtl, attorney, tm , Isistiff. aaawssht aJTtf ST RF.F HIVED 1 ill BASKETS Piper Heda.nk Chatitpntne . U 11 p taxes Jules lias'. Champaaoe i BO casts Toaster' t Ssatck Ale ; 19 sacks Potatoes ; 4B brl. OR toast ALSO 9oar, Tas, CcaBks ToOaoca. aVdlnes NBAS, Cifsrs Pit, etc lie. Fw Ml by I. T. FRAME, tm) V. H rront Row. Cotton ffi COTTON SEED Oil, l'0HPM fa now mantrfacturiLg a iperir arricl. of OIL 1IaE.1L for fklo. " ",nm Sa, ' 1 II. cksap. It s.alnl aad sstrrttoaa tka t espsrtAtly lev MltXB COWS, a tea i a net E nop, wkere sU kiats .at too are raised ataaaSRtaf is. tww per ton. avssaesawa m a m recsn ttalrime! as three si. CReo ni Is awtiona wher- - Ike anac.n tented drwadk haa pr slifBte fee car ssstisf mack lam, wfciis its Batritiooa We refer the to a Iva was have ase ft, FROM H W LEFFINi. Marias hear Ike Cettoa Baa (Ml Bead kllklv re. Baa of it, aal keva caallaaa IU ase ever since ; aa I am tot a halSrUn tee- -. I have .car need I . Ms. Tessa araly, Ws srs mine at are eoe't tun. near Mewsrt Me SMperty prepared, foe fat mead aa Bulk, tfa Af all ratten, a aad Aaivj as.. bf far tke parpatee awtallar aar AAioAvsi taieeeat.. Oae San Irs aant BBky osas nr. . ai lid c k Co. Fvosrl sBaea Bsmsfftl won." '.see .... If" f I. " v.- - tjt, wi s ihe arsstssl .sllafsatea Ra.iaA fa my caw wi of a. la. wf a rick aa ftasasl lass, ... 1 I won. ot Very raepecttntry. To be had al Mk all I ale al ear Oil Mill, Navp Tar, OTKK. HA VI MO ta ar saa stw eat, re emrt B.rn. aassttovv Baedwar. Shoe Fin I. Mr. J.J Bwsbte. a- - weald lak. hia ,srasla to retnm tkeeats to oa. tries, ass IBB satRBt lanini tor use to as. ta retina suaeaa, ar sis piassarw m r.i maa.i Slat ' aa oa. wor'kv af Banna aatroaaaa. ke se ta a saatlemaa of correct kaaiaea habtu. sad baeinf a practi'-a- l ttseala et Ike kaaaskass. W P LBTFtS R HBO Id, laakl l;ySl-t- HAVISBB hajtamt em tks i wit arm. I will the hsitsi ss hitsimtra at th aid toad I amid a limit to rssstv tks atR mmm hsestseats v. my a. pint by strict an.ottos to baaussaa to (tea enure auisaacttsa My -- ad. snd Use pnt tft v...r.. I ... .bars in - ms. t rytt-a- J T brobtr. J. T. BM.HIt (Barramsi to ST. P. Lewis ft BV". ( arifr af Mail aad liror Sirr'c, MEMPHIS, TEItlf., MAN' FACTVRRR OF SADUIJS SB1DLBS. II VR. BASS, aw., aa T itn sn I. E .f T f 7 v Sock aa SEIBTI N'l. I1AENCSS. SOLS. BRIDLE, CALF SKINS. PATENT aad BMAMfXCS) LEATHER, ew. SaOR FIMDIN33. SADDLBRT RARDST ARB, tetM AND BILL BANDS. PLA.STBRIKO HAIR. Jytt-lv- i. DR. J. B. ncLFA Strengthening Cordial AMP BLOOD PURIFIER, Tke i.reaw Rrardjf in tbe World, A an twb 1st UflklBBS ssn Belli kt rat rattBal ETXR TAKXM It U aelcuy a i ea rn Co tts-- t s. harks aad hart Tat. w lot Mast - 1, XTsaft i ssl si laslBR. 3. wtst ttswvy bs-- k aa i tw .latum . Tk. tftrr lakiic. antctc active rsmedial pr IBCApAe af sw - ,ar.lit i, Ue.rotan.iv .V raced by str aew aim 1 of dtooihrx. prodacias s dsUcioaa, exkHeraUa spirit, aad ike anal and reslo'int the . ,aaer.r.t aad letil.ltAIS.1 to heaJtk and streeaMk. ti - mi'i r in an iiismsiii. is Hliii k nali m assnw dakiuty. diaeasea ol '.he kidneys, aad all iiaeaaee arlatrti fram a tasarders User or a mask, dyspcpsiA, hasrt- - sara. hewm Miaa. acaeklx or strkssm sf tke vma-k ralbsaaeaf ataad to Ota bawd, dall pain ar ia tk bawd, palpi 1st toe of Ike heart, fsraisw ar waithl ia tksaSBRaarh. twar a mlsalsm. akasBaRt ar aanVaita feelm wsws lytas ft aa. lijaim ac y.ltowsaas af tke skis aad et, Bixfct .weals, inward revert, ram is Ike assail of tke Rack, skew or aisle, lallen taaket of heal araaata af sptrtto, Irisktral arsmaa. maasr, lis. nd ssap. se aay aeeweaa dissaee. soce. or blotches aa ate aft. a. as fevsr an axne. (or ch.lls aad lever.) Over mitliaa ef kottlea have been sold da rial the last Wa warn he, ss is as haa tt failed in trvmaes tirs sat isfactss. Who, lasts, WUI mftbr fram weaknew a Jahility when McLean's atissrtkisx Cordial all ears year Ao srmafts eaa is u aBRRsRXaam mas Iran diate aaa alssaaA miracaleaa haa. Bloa bv tat in mfa cwanal ta the nacd. drtiiiitated and .katteve by owe WSSk ke Asters or tmpAir-- d hy slckna. . tt,. r. axel aad an stoma orsaaisatbsa ts reatored te its p. latin, heallh aad eiror Mar-.e- per cone, ar At-- rs ef tnahiBtv. fram wfcaiever mass, wit! ffat RcLrm .enntewiaCoesaal attsae ack reesernbw m Ike sc Irs ; aad Alt who may have latere 'hessaft.veA by impsapev laikia ria, alii Sal in tbia ttaediai a aad weeds remedy TO THE 1. 11 C'.dial is t sovereum and tropttoa. whiten, obalra-re- or dttwait ..ii ta, a aaasase a wrne ur ,n..,i antary dlschnrte. thereof, fkl'ln af the t nw. fainliaa. sa t ail diasssss larvawwA to reeaalea TRAseiaimasaaassaslwsllt SwaTwr aa kstpsr. Take it Pis to directions, it will a'wnl.te, ar esse kea and isviftaeate von, aal cans, ike bloom af kealth P Rasa year caeeft axala. Beery ketxl I am raato-- l For t'taliarett. If yarn cftOatren are aerllr, psay. scA-lt- Mrls-.'-- i aal sent stake tkem healthy, fat asd r .bast. Delay aaa aawaeat. try u aad yea win he caa v tared It CftOTtos Beware of draEXtsta r wtt. mat Irv to palm apwa ywa nam hatSBr. or mrsasariita Uaak. whn-- k they ran bar cheap, by sayint it a yam aa tan. Aeest asm Bftes. Ask Par attLeaa's Strenctkestn Oct dial, aad take t elae. It ia tka oahv twaaly thai attX pnrtfy tke hlassl tkorootklv. aad at tk mm time Oae taMoapraasfBI taken everv marnisx fasti rsx. to t rtsiB prerwntivs f.c ckasiers, .hilts aad fewer, ywllca raver, ar aay prevalent ssw ss. II is pat sp is lata Price sal. SI per - t e r :v b..'t! f'.r Be. st. I M.LEAN.e ia !.. ASM aVoicaclci) Liniment Frinctsal tova. 'oa tk mi aat af Tklrd sad Pita streets, at. L. acs. Mo. Fw sale in Memphis by A. B. MANSFIELD ft CO.; Shan by . W JONES ft CO., tad WARD ft Rrl'LBI - Fall Trade. ISKO. B. WALKER & BSC'S, JOBBERS AVD DEALERS IN ( I.OTHI it. dry ax)rs, Boots. Shoes Etc , Vt. l.-- s VJaia-At- ., ( lay Bitililiuc CLOTHING! fllTHING !! EXTB are saw reeet viae from oar ma laraamay. Mo. lit W North Tktrd street, Ph.ledelphi, a torts ABd spleadid aassetasBRt of CLOTHING, to tait th traaV. We ara alas la receipt of a (art aad ;. tft af DRY GOODS. BaoU,hrra.TrniA. Valitwa, Hat, etc, etc. Ta Piaaters. Co entry aerakaaas sspt River Trader we lavit ptricnar alteatlea to JSr exteosac-stoc- before porch aftRS elsewhere. Aa we manufacture swr nws f ir lbs market, we thftrelore Essrsales afl i s al EAAtrra pcicea. Oar XEfiEO ( I. O T H I t. la eery tars sad deair able, sad af tke most durable ttallty. Va aal Veil from every oae an exsatinatioa of B WALKER ft BRO 'S. atdl Clay BaildlBE, IBS Ms. it streel. WESTERS SPICE MILLS. -- in r Loria, .no. (.round Coffee, Spire, Muatard, Cataups, etc. OtWcp, 43 Rascaaxa Street. NORRIS a; UARESCHE, sell tm Ftspsletors. FALL TRA D E. SHEPHERD MOO BE, EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS II Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, Clothing, Varieties, Etc AIM 8TKEET, BMPRIS, TENNESSEE bt BR trade s iaite stel complete stock of 0' asppatwRl .t their line, and reapecUailr solicit the snrefol -- t- rest i.i of cash aad prompt time Anv... Their stock of DRBSS OOODS. TR1MM1NUS EM - REOIDBRIES .1 rlor, sad all at aa as s.- - SR , 8 - ieaOl - a'M J -- 1 3 lofs to s - e of to 2, - if! s. CI - n a 2 eca s S aa w - E is. . k i o el 51 b a UU? o e .- - a fc - aa IF NEW GOODS. oaf. SEESSEL, . S33 Main tat, oprsntylt. Coort Squar, JOBBER RETAIL OEmSLER I M I FBy ami Staple Dry Goods Clothinz. BOOTS A HOBS HATS. PLUsTATIOR 0OO0S ETC. XXTS lock hafts Willi t tww. be to starts ll vrv low p'icwa, his saocto tats quick mlee aad small proSIs TO TUB TRADE. An ettensive .lock of C LOT lllw, Wktrrk has kes maeojsstarwd aader kla own ,aper- - CoAntry MerchAnt. psrtlcstarry tnsucl a vs, BaamxaTB a.aare. drii tfon Tk-- T . - t ii. .isriii- n M s at nllolni R. I BBMJ E 'TaS A. f o. IHtMI KI MtlsK i'..i.nBi.nihi.i i he. Oa ThiM Mlreet. P WmWMMt to a aaari af th Qhaaiai i Coart at MhwaafAaa, rawatoaf. May ta Uto 'mm of J On o . itfwtiav aaat W aa. B. Krtfi4w va. Waa. Qmrnmsf, mmmt rthvra. I wul. On Tnrhy, er , lh la rr r cm. m th d y 4 Meapble, prrt-- d to aal to taj hil A Val ble L t of GrOtond. to iaac ia "die v TMaewa.. aaal vta d tmn af a oahara, aarvw o- tttxBd aapi i wM aWjgi tveaaw parar. aarth Hi Watsto. TKBMS Or Haatt- -' . MUM I 11 -- til OP VILUiBLE REU ESTATE. Mm Shelby Street. LTMITAjrr to a axuaa mcmrr c .or t i emi'b. sM.ierswd a ta tha caa Tfe A Ms.Ci vi. A A Oa Txestlay. Offfjlepr i. IW, .a ihm ajto f prvrceod toaaai tovvae hirbaai kahiai, A Valuable Lot of Iaand, aphis. 9fceinv tmBttP, aaamtkasesas aa hV tS. wast si to al staaftkT II tM I It a UU OP Valuable Lands to vvn "lots, la by auu Fayette Uaattrt, ANT to a aaciw of th Chaa-er- y Obarf mt PrmSL phi. radMird Haw l&Bl. ta tha raaa af Jaaaj C. Waaaall, aatoiaiMi nui of Juhs . Ban 4ac' v. Bsvotavia F Ball aatt Mortba Ball, 1 will. Or I . rlrtifffi. Lhtber 9, 1 I 'i fr. ; aotl t lah I fi A Valuable Tract of Land where.. n the I -- Id a wood- -. J. I.. CASE A t O., COMMISSION MTR HANTS. IB!) HUN sTKl.ET, l'N, tnae, Misa MASOIS fe CO.. Cotion Factor, o n aaiaa, recei viv, isn Forrdain wten-hant!- . IH.i Vlain atreet. rmsOnr ckarte tar storms And . ss her. i .f ire. SH par cwol. aa aSAB. rsanraac always -- tt ied t J. J. HIT. JAB T- SSCRRE WW. J. J. SMITH a CO., niajnissiim am! Furwardin.' MereliRBts, AMP DEALERS IN Store and Rtaip I rt (Iweer Wkftrf Boat.) MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. II AV1NO assastASS 11 -- , ' kaea had her Ikaaswashly ret Una of oae of Eata k Nelson Celebrated Strain Pr.tsne. she ts ana .ne at tka safest kale aa Ik M'asiaalpps elver. W are prepared to do a fsseral At aad For. wardinv. tras nana, (with every facility aw lib! cash ftftvances ci p- I ice prodoce to 3a t nslam othevaiae wiu be indorsed n onr open policy. Oar staamh wt friends may rely spun tar trains in stantlT ammiiad with every at tide in tte boat .tor. hip chsndlerv line At tke lowest prases, and tkat win advance the caec. on all Itatskbt detlv.rl ua onr boat 1.1 I y J J. SMITH B BELLEVTJE Gardens and Nursery. Fro teur of th . B the .nbl TRE vnrts of choice Fruit. Flowers. Stwrtreeoa. Creepers, aiwanhssss Ptaam. sa hardy Fkrakbery ,f all kinds. variety f rboi a ajaa aaa flat Carren.a. asaft- - berrte.. Fit. Pecan.. Spsr.ish Cheatnota. Bwjll.h Walnsts. Raspberries, et... .St. Aass, hunafl ' PJasmaitaa, .at kinds sad usee ; Firs, Teas. Cedars Arhw Tltw. Ttwe Dwsrf ssd Tan Mated Baa. aa WsspaRs Et sisi naa. of salt, sellable for csssstscies I tit Flowers Fnrnisksd at all aaaaaaa of the year. A chew attaso taw of Bftibs as Ptowst saad tally .net from Esmpe. psmft p. is a, mtksaws to the propr letnr a remittance or aaStaaactory reference asset aor swpaay all onaers All 1 an akftsld tics cpactBc direct toaa aa to past tat ahtnmenl sad place of lestinntlon. A moderata cbarae male tat packtiw. saSavAwst ta rawer aspana sf hsxiss. AB paskmyss, after beioe tacpkst for bp Isn j- - t, ms at the risk of ih. parchassr. BhoBjd say omiaal w ar ncrst It s shipmc t. the . tme axil ns cheerrsily corrected apoo ncdlc. netni; siewo to tk penpal. tor . Dv. S M. Wbeab'O Is Bow in Barops, where k 1 ms Prsit Trees. Boss.. Bail.. Seeds, and all Ora .mnrnal Skruba pertaiRias to a Srst-cla- Nnr-er- y and OrnBmentAl Uardess. Cami.a n s.oi rati uF t maroe to All ipHlraaat R. B WhlRATOM. Mswtlll, Tesft. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! I.KO PATTI0i A CO., WIOKSELUIIS WD STT!0ERSt .ro. 23 .Wain Strtet. JtrST BjaXraTIvaa-BOlTLRD- Be Mim HATR NEMESIS. Bv the si lB.ii t "'t.'. H .tpleo Path LIFE OF WM. T POBTBR adit .r.f Porter's S,rl, tke Times. BAWEST1EW. Bv Bora. Lsr. ROSAi OR. THB PARISIAN IsIRL BTtWASD EVERETT MT VERNON P.tFKBS KIMsl SOLOMON I AIOMXT i OR. TBR TEMPLAR'S TIMOTHT TTTCOMB'S LBTTBRB TO TOCMO MSN s An. .ssortmeM of Wrrt-- n Desks Wl4 Ohecring New? Afflicted. SNn.EMRN tat science t Ale BBI ' Vp RXBmRS IftSI HI wmm theoriee the world rear prodoced. Dat A. 6. GOODLETt Ta aknnw'.wttad try all ho ltavell. its tttat. tat ,n. -- ' lb. best medicines ever seed for the aire al all ..'..', fr-- a sdtc .'in.aB - ' k. sc." in Oi. city of I - asraat, - ii re- L.-- ii stXcacy. ctMcMlsmnUe.TellB., The Rev. J. TL A 0 OOOOLET-D- ssr Str It way rrim -w- e'.-"- m Middle Tennes,.. I has art. a s seed i 31 JZTaaatl l" kaa hasa rv rawtfRTts '""TcJZ mmemim. Wot t an by .ii.taji ax .tlatActoptoce. Tsryraapemlslly. aajw-DO- a w JOMBBBCO txtal, .stsODLBTT aCO..rJFTcA-asw- . t R. B. wOOIsLakTf k CO.. ...... ssASytiva, i I T I : an rtr. r. r ai wf nti 1

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Page 1: Library of Congress...fiusmfss Botuts. l(M R .Tit HKitftRTERv MHIOLM A5D JOH0 . ADA ST. NZAB MJUK. Ol ER THE TTIitlCS. IUU Oat.eClo IJt.B...,Ktao, BSTI. tMCMIW Or SWELBV .".TV T .i.veials

fiusmfss Botuts.l(M R .Tit HKitf tRTERv



IUU Oat.e Clo IJt.B

Ktao, BSTI. tMCMIW Or SWELBV .".TV..., T .i.veials Bs'asm. W. B.Oarr-dl- , lI

oat i . c iwa, minr- -

" 'l.imi asiar-- t CLR--a exisnkx w. tieier. bbiawi l '"'"


R w Cretan.Por.L..owvw pmHiit J. 1 .11 , BBBBBaRns1 w. teAAry 'v B i mi n1- -f aetreterv. Metinf mr?- ,, - - aMki t capi Bssije, Cessey "-- ".

thre. seers k ol tilUXMH' SB, CLUB. W. F. ieWtt. pre.

Ml i J B Oberty. "err Thnve- -

.v Pi! at MMk MUWI.citt PorfLU aki omu Ciea

.cs. evwft TWkl . " ewraar Male aal IllMwoo mm tnn. K"" i J J- - cmrj

All Democrats ays .writs u Mat mrettn.rM aaromeal. Ml"1 .. WHI aaeR he ku4 sIk' heAtrtrs IIMIIkatisa. tlflT lo C

B . at R C.

bank or rtrbt TtkNESs&KTRE lwtM4in la tkia hat win tear mind

tnei Baa astern! BaaXaBBaht aC hps atoA-- a per share iyae.apit.latnc is owe tks 1st day ol Ocwaram.

UK MAT. Oaakier

MEWFRt. ttl. ISM aext-t- d




(Opeoeide Be'.:.)

WOru ,M a tke eit.reee J Memphis an nelnity.

that .hoy bares mm' Iks .lore Ml street, r.w- -

erlv ay J. A. Btrsst wTjare ike. will bee








TM.'i . AA4 BXAll.


la IB aaat, aa aaata in a aaaawtar atria, aaa in aa

aoM LBWBMI EBBB rrar I III II iBBnl la IBtaotr. r

aataaaaaa ara aajck tkaA aa can Bapf naawmilf.KRW ARRIVALS OF OOODS CTBRT VBEE '


LEECHES FRESH LEECHES,Alwsrs on kaaal by Wm. C. vTebbeb. CupperaX LaaiAer, Ma. It Maia sues!. Iilam Vartat mA


ON aad altar the FIRST DAY OF f.EP-T- P

r - a. w ariRmasrseair kasataaaa opacsiiaaa to Hot--

aisaai. aakni aasaksr use eater the Bra will

be rooo.1 every TaaiBi

ll. r'raark. A ..Stilt e'rVaOk p a Nu




W B. Roes. B at rnfc.iir-- .

B. Vruaiaasas. C.

A.T Tviswwill.ST. B. asOasX, Prenlnl

Wa Boaasrs, Baajilary. avSI-l- r

For SLi vea, Grstes, MaafAsIs, H u-- a Kurniotr eie.. see RAflRrran- - B Rtrsttor'r adver

of Ward A McClel- -LasuL ava liiaai aaatleea, aassosite W

Have yen seer, that bir Indian inRoots. Bares so; Lxatzs,

Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Millaktaery. RCAd advertn i mist of

OBjawLL, awas B on

la ilumn, see the advertiaemen: ofareas Pall ana B Oa, Bi iHURr sod stAtaroera, SXS

ieat F H. Oark fc Co.' coin


WANTF.D.. - -- AhMoaic aad tka Raal:

woonBtln Baasaasi P. 0.. RUUi Oa . Miaa. are

AbU WAHTEa.A..rMTLrJIAM. wife sac child baae ta a prl--

Caty refaeease reeairas.A ini in J B. A Maaapkli aaa aSBte.

Wanted H

A TRW fR ARKS r Maeapkil sad Miaalssippl Xa.i-ro- JSlack, ror wktek a faer prieo will be said 0


luition.A CiRAIH. AT! af Ranrsed tlilaaa. sod rarvaLv a

l teaoker al tk aaaaaaR liSBiasRi. wosld llee toa OARMe al bears aaaB dav to BSUsf a vol- - for

rvdlese or to lewd IDS theAllllll "hi. R. la

AepEAL ORBCS. asxd-l-


rrtHE CtBrw ta aiytke'a BuWinr St .resent scrapieA SrMsroaaJ MrRSi, sasd aass IS. olRos andcspssst by R. T HtUhert. ror the

aaasa Eia Ial of Oc 'Cor.

ror Kent,spore kTATaRBB sa Mass sti asl. own oo- - .aaa-t- ,

A a R II. SSaseav- - I ana real the wkaoe frrl takiaw. ar a part M aeaurad The apper roco. 'i'ia.e aWairatl. snlts-- t to tke oaaasR trade A ' JmmlZAL

t. Mii.a' ar.i Aa at, a. w a : ra

Bas SIS Paal OBVr.

For Sale. andc'TBIBEBB tsEMEBAL FIXE sal A.17 QT 1 SEIZE es IsvwrsSAa ema.rkey aaa lay ai Measseils m ... poets rnssis a. Sal Far Baurshealaey tacfstpe of


AeT-l- Os bosrtt Q srrier we

House and Lot for Sale.ROI SI rvmtsaasR; aewev rssme. wftk as.AtaOOP aaaasBSARv aa esaary osevaaaaaee lor s fam-

ily, aewis s caatrsl ewaaasa aeal aaaasasat siakkiwas al. essse ii r 1 1 1 as aaad tsrws Apply lo inprssc FarL

r ..nuns allta


A ETAS atTt ai

RAT EsTBttSss a 1 st SSR eBt. Tke.waae'will ills.. AV forwaid pay --Aovse. Snl takeawsy. as ke win ts aate to pay bill, ia twewiv day.

Strayed or Stolen.47

I van a use aaa. IrWtmm TAstaTAtOsaR wtT. .BajWr as tke Its sf AY asset, aas bay MARETamaskRi'LE. auakt o-- auaa rsats aid ; kesvy kmlt 1Mis skelHi mas. asd tall row aa bar

lot bees trimmed lately, tor wkack a II 111 pewsrtwill be past.

sell WM WATT9fi



FurnigMHff tioo4FOR

MEM, BOY t Nil (HII RHnare


Jtut HtciUtd mlline

Slevall k MitdieUX la


T" rvi FAji Aeu "trisTrxsi "TBtrisr-- atrrBMRVHlMt, 0O0D. f a aassrvAvaasd in EITENTarvLE aad cJI'ALITT ky soy etc is tk aosthn.. omtry. sa wttl ke arit LOWER Maaa aka aaasa asAlltrkm tiaa hass aaat Is Uia market. Oar start of

Children' Claiming .

.fegro Clothing- mnttIndia sMvAtsstssw- - Vvsasa,

ssaa be tswwd -- snT- by any at tke city. AS wtRsat st very rodsced srtcst Wa rsawittslly aat

sine er stack, sa tt rives tapieaaBvwrytbtaj aaat is taataallil t

aararaasttB miisr-STOVAIi ft MITCHELL, aad



A FAMILY OF NEGROESwm Hot ol4 batox, mm4 m ku wit. mgK mW jmaam, mm& tij ckaid. mm gk 7n Tt- - mtm

trot rmm in ill, mm mm mm umu, onai nu tmm mm mjU

TO COTTON SHIPPERS-t. lCkt rooTnecsMd sn Jnow ia

I . o - ar aaske.lle via BaraeaaB to NewTask, al aa.TB per ksae. laaata sli ctsar.aa. By rail--.rsaatsasesaaaa, saw rw -tssmsaipa.

rt. aaes si Ciallai Oaartsst. BRACE

sf N I as BSe. atasasatiji

s. .ttaFairf.."ryvM wtk ilasll ta tad ' oaaapasy ace kevessy aotiSed a1 tket fivtdaad er tasW par or t par ah re

eitioRaiMl Hat a :. ke aal oa

Mrs, Baa aaaBSttBR .A atari

sTiairt Ptvui-- n.

(oral fUilrrs.Ralarda j 71. rains;. .epieatTr t, lwW.

TR.UCI.Knit' t.MDF.Rirm aid rHimrtToi rmi hiAUIVI 'IMali tre. I at r M . ' aEvpre trait. Ilt. M t X r.InwMMM t,.,. tat a r


Mail and express Irats .P4 P a ' A. M,'. V Ma m t p. M


Mali trail.. .14 aF.aisbl am . 18 p aV I VI rill i Mi LITTLE ROTH RAILROAD

m ill ala immx- - PWrT LaaMliiax Aa: iSaa- -day- - rararAi bi'a m Arrive at a P.

TO ABI EEJf. All atiai llaau or Wabi, Ror aarf ant

li and roaM, AlaaailMal .Waartor- -. fat xra4.! Ar liaa, ara laaartaa w ta AppCaL. aailrr

MrapAr baaAlaav. at V' . ai far aaa laawiiHiiai. two tiaaaa

far 7a oamAAUroo Uwaa lo ftl , Aivl (. waak for 91.01,

faraMa laoanaa'7 la adraajro

Tempera TTRK. Top thprtnomctpr alorxl aalow aa ro ob ypaterday moraia

Rika WAT. A'piandpr. ater or Jampa

Crocker, wai on --aaterrUr eoioittl aa a

runawayPrsRACioua. Jaaiaa Dipanrt " diadar "

roaw ob Teaterdavf ari laducad btm to pitcBInto bit w- - frtotid. wbo diamiaaed him with a

" drobbiBp."

Jotices' CoraTB. The justice had a . in.'time of it jeaterday, and were ruilti of noth-

ing (rtawaaJ arkiteeer.

On Bail Frank Castillo and 8. Lewellrn,two of the Watson riotera, were released onbail yesterday.

3T There will be divine services and asermon at the country residence of A. 0. Har-

ris, on Sunday moraine, next at 11 o'clock, byth RfT. Mr. Applega't.

"Ir his Crrs." Hurfa Murphy manafeaoccuiostally to "worn dowa" a tile of thearden' , and was committed yesterday for carrj-i- B

an cverloat) of careo.

yTyler'i ia tb the p:ace to pet eood pic-

tures. There ia no pallery in the city atwhich you can ret better or more readily auitedthan opposite 'a hall.

PoLmcAL Steabisc The Hon. JefferaoD

Davia will bt address the citizens ofMemphis no the politic-a-l issues of the day.H'e have not learned tbs place chosen for theapsakiae.

Court Earbiter. John Fcrrest, wbo wasarrsstetl about a month siace for having '.' ''la counterfeit bills upon his person, was upbefore one of tbs city justices yesterday, andotaiRsd bail.

Fpoptive The Regimrmt." HenryMiller, wbo waa comraitted to CapL Penn'skeeping for "regimental purposes,'' escapedtratB the service about a month aiace, and waa

recaptured until yesterdiy.RA,ci.iT.oR.-Areq,Ii.i'.- .A5 w. j BauA represented a.

in city yerterday from Goveror Caway, e ille-o-ffor Win. withchsiged fMy offi The had

horse stesling in that State, and row iadty jail.

Labcirv raoM a Pan ate Room. A thiefentered Co!. Finnie'a private room on aou .h

aide of Court square night before last, duringhis temporary abaence, and stole a gold watchaad chain belongiae to bim, which be had leftoa hia table.

New Ces roa a Hammeb. Thomas n

and R. K. got into a scrim-

mage" y ester da v evening down near Ihe foun-

dry of Qumby A Hob .eon, on the levee. Tbsformer heat and badly bruis'd head ofKarwan with a after which he grace-

fully beat a retreat from pursait of the cityarrrTHjTrties.

The RrrosTEn Irsfbbectior Excitementat Hon v SpRiRca. We learn from a geatle-ma- n

of this city, wbo haa jost returned fromHolly Spr:: s, ihat the insurrectionexci'.etaen'.articb we n -- ntioner! in ye erday'aArrtAL as existing at Holly Springs, is notfounded on fact, but is "a hoax ' It may he

proper to mention that we slated the rirenm-atanc- e

upon the ift dixit of an Oxford Miaa.)CTeLaaxge.

New Fibm. Meaara. Jameson It Bro. haveBold their s'ock of groceries to Messrs. Wath-erfor-

Simpson A Co wbo succeed to theboaineaa, aad will ia future conduct it. Theboote of Jameson, Bro. baa enjoyed an en-

viable reputation, and we have no doubt thattheir surcsssora will maintain the good name

establiabioent has hitherto borne. Theircard will he found in another column.

Rri tiPTa or New Cot-to- r. The followingth. receipt, of new co ton by river and

railroad ror yesterdayasaaku and Ohio railrea MB

Meaashii sad Ckarleatoa railroa SSMesApka ssd Little Bsc railroad BMHiseia-ip- and Tiiaaaasm railroad SBtsAaaer Masonir Gesa IS

D Mesrs ttaha Gaslt SI

E Blllmas SSTsrssris as

Tvtal last

Fire Fraarniii. To those of our frieaddesiring souething bsndsome and aubstantiai

ttie furaiture line, we could perform no moreacceptable service than in recommending them

the bouse of J. ic M. Flaherty, on Union street. Their stock i. unusu-

ally full aad complete, embracing not only thestaple articles, but om of th fineet rowood

mahogany sets ever brought to city.Their terms, too, are favorable, and purebaa-ar- a

will no doubt had it greatly to their advaa-tag- e

to give thcat a call. See advertiaemeats Mother column.

Damcikc. The Smith sisters, whose cardappears ia another place, propose to open a

school for the purpose of teaching dancingcalistboaic, in the new hall, on Main

tree, erected by Meaars. Farringtoa,Lenow and o These ladies have an es-

tablished reputation aa teacher of the beauti-

ful art of dancing, and bare slwsys, aa far asar inform ed, given entire satisfaction to

their patrons. Tbey will open their school on

Moaday, the la; of October, at which time thehall or. of the largest and bandeon.est

the country be completed We referiaterearted to the card of the Miaaea Smith

ha fseAt ta our advertisinc col

Chambes or Commebce. The followingales were made on yesterday, th 21st laaL,

the Chamber of Commerce ii caaka ofabonldert, lOic: 3in bag yellow cam, flOc ;

lAObaga prime yellow, 66c ; 300 bags ditto,

tttc; 5 brla. potatoes. 1.25 The followineale were reported as being made outaidr

sacks cora msal, 77 tc 22 brla. XXX aW,S7J0; Al bale cotton. 10,c; 11 ditto, lOfr.;

sacks miEed corn, laOc.; I bale cotton.We.; IS ditto, lOJc; 11 ditto, ltHc; rVi brl..tiperttiie flour, " brl. extra di to.

::; 72 ditto, fei.23'. 15 brl. doubl extra,7.75; 2110 bags coarse salt, El. 10; 100 bags

oats, 42. c, 50 bag (levee) f)2ic.

fff Aa we war walking down Beal street

this meraiMg, in the vicinity of the South Mem

phis market, we were much aurpriaed to are

that our energetic friend B. P. Tucker ft. Co.,aetjo were for a time connected with Meaars.

SatTarraa ft Stratton, hau eatablsshed them-aetv- e

far tka irbitssi af carry! Bar on th tin,sheet iron aad copper manufactory These

enterprising and clever gentlemen, Bad

atacb a locality baa long been needed in thatWe would ad viae those of our read-er-a

and eitixen in ntvad of aaytbiug in their

to give them a call, aa they trill do tbeirwork aa cheap and as well ss aay other shop

city. All kiavda of lobbing done with

Beataeaaaad i.iBXEa

Delegates to the Railboad CorvemtiomCrw immati. W have called attention

aeveral time to tbe inter eat manifested m

ia th conatruetion of a railroad lo

same eligible pttlBt South. Several roaven-tio-

bare already bean held there Laving thia

project in view, and have been aumtrously at-- t

ended by reprfaentatire from other citi,dtnoBT to secure tbe coaoec ion. We are hip-

py to that Meaxpbie, true to ber

aekaowledeed character for eaterpriae, e. erg.

industry, bats taken th matter into

aad fairy sensible of the bmefita to

nsaH from its coaaumma t ion has af pointed

foUawiac gntlemen of this city aa dele

to the isart coarntioa. Boon to be held

EClsrtr ' R- D. aUasTh.Jaag Dr.

Merrill, S. T. Morpaa, D 1. MoUoy, D. H.

Feger, la R Richard. Wat. Hrk, Sam. Tate,

frask M. White, Jaha Rohertsoa, Robert

Toern and A. Street.

Ibcsbaie i Trade. A atrikiac proof of

trade of sosae af our buainess

ana i be found ia the unprecedented auc- -

eata af th well known bosase of Sproule ft

McCowt, Thia bouae, it ia well haonly been stirted a year, aad It now ranksamong th foremost, if not tbe IVrst, la tbe fine

etathtRg trde of the city. The increasedlarge artock of clothing to be found in their

would truly urpris those wh"bare not seen their fall stock. Having taken

look through tbeir goods, w think it willpay oar reader to drop in and see, whethertb) WBth to buy or not. We noticed a largevariety of busineaa attita of very ea.ra;

stylet, sr.. very suitable fr presentWttthsRT.


At a regular msetlBg of Little Giant elub,

held at Democratic headquarters last evsB'nf,H Vollintine being called upon addreaasd tbs

association in an able and eloqueat rindira-io- n

of the cause of the national Democrat)Hia efforta were directed to an eEpoallon

.f tba position and principles of the varloss par-ti- e

claiming the support of tbs American peo-

ple. He substantiated by inexorable bgicthitthe na'ional Democracy, under the leadershipof Stephen A. Douglas, was the only party

thought to be worthy the confidence and ct

of every section of Union, having

warm aupportera in every hamlet and vilLage

ia the Union. Tba cause of unieeraal euBrage

wherever goverameat ia orgaaized, upon all

..ueationa ol purely local concern, baa been

Bad is the fuadamentsl pnacile of the

Democratic creed, and it elicita the en- -

thoaiaatic support of the lovers of the Paisand a republican government, la thia re-

gard the na'ional Democracy stand alone.Hrerkinri'tge and Bell in the Sooth, and Lincoln ib the North, may claim a majority of

their reapertire sections, but Douglas, being

the defender of the rights of all sections, I

admired by all, and will he found to be the fa- -

eorite on the day of election.On a motion to adjourn. Before putting the

question to the house, Mr. L. W. Finlav ad- -

dresse.l the association jn a feelingent manner, exhorting the members !

the club ,o put oa their armor and prerare for

the Norember conflict. He made a beautiful

to that perio-- ia Grecian history atwhich th- - eonfederarT was united and power

ful, an I th- - manner In which the policy of

Phillip divided the Statea and Greece ceased to

he the borne of libertv. Beware of the Phillipof Alabama and hia son Alexander of Ken- -

oeky, woald be the keyao'e of a modern De--inisthenes.

It waa announced that on next Wedaeaday

a Douglas pole r ill be raiaed ia Chelae. All

national Dtmocrala are invited to be present.

1FETI; OF RAILROAD CWNtttTTEEThe following committee, appointed by the

bosr.i of msyor and aldermen to viait Cincin-

nati and open negotiations for a direct rail-

road between Mempbia and that city, will

pleaae meet, to-d- at 11 o'clock, a. at., at the

oSce of the Mississippi and Tennessee rail-

road, in the Clay buildiag, for the purpose of

making preliminary arrangemeata to carryoat tje objec of the committee.

O the part of the board R. D.

Baugh, Judge Selby, Dr. Merrill, S T. Morgan, I). B. Molloy. and D. H. Feger.

On the part of the citizens J. T. Trexevant,L. R Richard. Wm Kirk, Sam Tate, FrankWhite, John Robinaon, R. Topp, and A. Street.

Any of tbs above gentlemen who cannotserve will please attend and nominate a sub-

stitute whom they know will act.R. D. Bat ch. Chairman.

The Omrx 'or Citt Cost soli r.s. By

request we publish the follosring card fromSamuel Carpen'er, Eaq., ia regard to the citycontrollerahip :

.Memphis. September 21, I860.

Editors A rrr i In this morning'a ArriAtend Enqui rrr, in what purports to be a sketchof the debate on the aubiecr of the con'roller- -


Idecided."This is evidently Tlie questioa

was never to me, sad I gave no suchdecision. I have rriven do opinion on thesubject at all in fact, I have not even readth A.

ordinance creating the office. In reply ta a

question of the mayor, " the boardcould pass an ordinance in conflict with the i

charter," I replied they could not. Thia ia

the origin of the miAke.ervtmlv,

Sam'l Cabpentee, City AU'y.

To THE APVEBTISIMG PcBlIC Let the.a vr . c a... Is, nind ,1.. e5.. o. ...v. ,,.,.. osi.. .a co.s,., -- c

reeved ,ip , M,yor ..this MjtvtA ,hf controller anArkanaaa. Kate, erM,,d eity attorney






























that the Atpeai baa a weekly circulation of aaes sskaad a larse stack of Lam her ar all kind.Floor mas White Pens aa Pss-l-ar Mealheraasaedia,orer ntv sAoaasRcf eopiti, and a daily circala- - J si.ewiiac. tRvtiides. pencts. end a tatre la sf Codec

Hon larrer 'ban any other jotrnal published ia r" " msaafa. 'stun ta esderpervision sf an eaperieaca toremsa. aad wa flAtter

the city. It is therefore the beat advertising ssraelees tkst as to prtce, qaaltty, siyte and daraktiity,

med.m in Memphi. and all wbo consult Iter, JT ".st interest should sdrrrbae through its Whipple, beid ft oo.,

. Ptaaim Mill,rolumna. Jvlt-- ij Near Uts ItayoQ on Madlaoo streel.

The hnaoee committee will pleaae meeta' the mayor's office at 10 o'llock thu morn-

ing, on busineaa of importance.R. D. BaroH, Mayor.


Rice, Lull & Co.


Elegant Medallion Silks ;Elegant Rroche Embroidered Silki

Fine ChinU Tafletts Silts ;

Solid Roi de Sole Silky ;

Imperial Robe it Cbsmare;Ottoman Velours, ia rep. aad sfael ;

Km- - Printed French Merinos;Fiae Priated German Merinot ;

Elegant lot of Embroideries :Supers Lace 8ts in Point and Vsknciennes;

Travelling Sets in Camb. and Pique;Mariposa Gloves, Hoops;

Choice assortment of Corsets .

Skirt Supporters, Bustles latest novprtT

Black Silk Baaqtvea ;Zouave Mantle

Arsbir-Mantle- s ;

Superb Mantles, in Lyons Velvet;Etc., Etc., Etc., Btc.

Bml Kentucky TtrUlm;

Brit Krnlurku Limey


All the heat American bran.Including Mernu-ack- , Phillip Allen'.

Sprague'a, etc..



CLAY Bl llill,l!r jmi.r STREET.


Improved Metal)


rmtented Ih-loh- llh lRi,irr


nit in iiit ft Oklrn.

W. Ii- - SMI THleave ts call tke attest na ol tke rtusaas of

BBvS aad senaf., to tke tsct thark bas a .ap-ple of tka .li eel mssAiowed

HI RI I. CASKETS.wiiich far beasvy. Iirktner aad durability, stand T

rivaled by any the see. Tke twprass-kerev-

tkay kaea keen la- -

tradored. is daahlles. .Arias b. tk. fact tket they ear- -

paw all others it. the lollowiaf parocoiailat Reins made of Galvanised Sheet Metal, they Is

sa eaaaar fsam ten b twelves stressShews, hast cam ha Laadied sa easily aa a wastes easBR,

aad ar deposited la tke crave withcal aaer w pel,aad will aat creek er break t y hard ncaae or ar

Tod Belvar lined silBOw ia Pard.s o-- India RsSeAv,aa a aaaket of the asm' materiel to Basks tasmuski. we avoid tbe very ted Ions sad nnplaasar.r prorskaof sslas cement or est for tket UBipaee

Bl They ess. be opened and Cosed witkost the Aid sf

is af tbe bodyred anv sn.iali

4th Tba aster isl Is cspsh'e f sskaoarsIt taseer orr des. aad bas maicLaiaed it. .saststace aalrotor oadee wate- - for near,' res-- .are --. msde. w,tt. cro. sUrs,of srchlnxs, ssd keae-- a, at to aire them a streetfth altability of eoitrasee sasicsly tsews a, say outer sastsnce OAS BSC lRl an

U bave os raaetved a sspply. and itrvite all M

'nrr 4 Main r.

I IB set tw XT. ft. BMrTE i

I.atr i our i..W.TerRas. leBmma

xI c tk OamaRoa Law avd Cksscary Court of Use cttyt

of Metophl- - It sppeare,! tt. tbe oortrt Ihat law deletvdaalass a al of Ike Stale of Tesaaaass. Itwa4therefore ordered t ial psMlcalcoa be made loer

--wa, at w rodore Ihe -r-ead Hornby . f... ..t liatl ant DteAd. answer er .tornor to tkl

.. - - w..uU - adbv efall .rs. AAA.

hi to (4 wrett t OSVABCt SJ WEISHT. Clerk

By A J. WRESTLER. Deputy Clerk.Taocs ft Aaeerans. slteesevs for plaintiff tpXe ar

The Mound City Packet.,EETILL. tram Una dste bbi,i allarecTT na psoctnalty. aad leave Meaipk

everv day alt. l. and Ilk A w SB

1 1. st..'. 4 s e M Lasv. I'llJd t k B, tndlJA M, an Ik A3 P kX.

Tie Roam City packet it new and well adapted tor

tesaRr triM lu Round H. 1

latest Rftos by (Trirgrapb


llf.irnrihrllrrai It ni 1" - - V.M M . -

OOO rlh of Prvprriy irtira)rr.iT 'WITH, AfX., SfCMBtU x Vi u t -

flr scrnrttHJ m O.U city rlwrtmf, "tuck &rirmr& lb

CT Bo(1 eVaVd UM ftW Of itefMhaV " th fisi'risv n

Mocft. Tfc U nUiiM 4 fd0 MB, epean waiacttaXM m pavrtUl lBMrtxsW. Tb 0r 11 nr. '

t tba ark of u ifswiidury.

Ihr PrlMCC of Ualfi a i Urtiull.IKToiT. HnilrT W. ro Roafr --H oll

.urNul in ts.ii citr T"4raVs, woro rcolvtt Ur

ootiro Hr dcvarimwnt uatl t.l 4 tko nuiitaftr- - Tfco

taTbia' rTV! .Oil WAR Vrr sjsasit. il.- -

n imi Miur. TrvasarrAmmoTOK, Vp:elMrtl. .dins u

" sUt k Rill Villi lt ObbsV hMajalr1 Rtvl

MVMtTHPfN IboosaaxAaJ djullH.

Arrleaxl ml Trawps ait tort Sawllai.roBT Smith. Ark., Sutaaalu Jl aRa

Itaiuai Suiaa Ir vpa and aaraSJtr aillltarr oaaasa, nnSer

tka mafia I .4 Oapt Msrfaa, arrlaa al ikja place aa


Scksssar Iks Distress.ielLlin, aiauajl irtl --Akeaaaaaax Raatiae

Ba'aa, I un.1 from Braaoa Saaliafo to Mew Tork pal tan.

Mokii oa tk i tail. In

Biro al siesa- - rlostms.NEW OBLEARa. paaaSrII.-aar- Al lie, atarea

aa tae oaraar al Lai. ..tie ial tSaaRRkaslaa atresia ara

noa kanuoc aeveral pari na kaa kaea kille bp taefallinf at araliai the nauber not seas ascertained.

I.exlnsioliHIRIIII fy.. BaHeaaaar Hnatefi

b- raa, Bkarrod, ky tveeaassla. aroai tk twe-e- aroSweakakrte-A- ar Tlaaa, ISSA a, lllkl.

Nw raaiMtcrfells Ira rirrtalaiiata.HEW Toax. September XI New consterteil Ikree

dollar kalla all tke EvrhaDA- - Hank ot thia ity bare t een

pajt MRS

The KBraauR's stalls.Bostos Saptewber XI Tka ateaBaaRip Kir ,..r- -

rirect bera Her foreifa ware aeu: to New

Tork 00 IBa anenaxa tral. A awamary of bar areatelerrapbed frnni HalirAX on Waitbaaday.

RhlBaaenl at Hpecl la Europe.Mara Tors. SeaAemterxl Il la eeumaterf tkal orer

ka!f a million dollars is rpecia will be abilTe. to Par- -

It 1 1 a r mielllgrnre.LornrlLLE. September 21 p r. Tie (!. river at

tbis pots', la fall.ns. wttk 4 feel water ia the canal.

Huff It9wr TrunksAT WRIGHT'S,

221 MAINa

Bsa - ci 5r"r" -


i IS




i Mj

I ke as.



If. A - 9. WRIUHT,MAI PTTtRrr.

PS-l- y Opposite Odd-P- el Iowa' Rat'.


P Ti VaI Nfi All I Isjrn

LUMBER YARD.ecently teuit a larzs ackli'VV'h and filled tp ..or tnasefithe modern machinery t

tore ol Doors, Binds, MJaaMtaiW .. . Frames. Casta.. Comtref. TomiAA aad Brr.,,1 W


Lumber, Lumber:i,000,000 FEET

fV hOltiX lis laVfaWl RaVII t Fftfl I blYP OVOT s-

Jttrr ivTrwAl ft fWpablt, Hi rt of Ihm,Cnrm r l PispUr Fravmiuc l.wwbof , roogb an--

raHtssfMEtM w.vti.r BoaMitu, I. H tm4 t inrb rmmr MnDtxsD Iin -- d CfrK Arm FTrmk toe .r..l Oilinf

ol T- --. or FnttU, how-- -i mwHfrom 4 bj 4 to 11 by IS tur. Alas, oo koad, riryIiTf lepTiD'a! of Fin mwd C pm S.imgx m mm

sUVfaTl Ltll, WwT, SaVsax. tVaavl pLftlD aVOd fLlry rctr,t.Pont of W tv hi oua esbmsJ Jmfmw trmtu.

tmrtl-- 1 y lwtts.TfJ M. n. oaimmAH.


J. A . ID K TsT I K ,1

T nil imi--e STliny, Tit

f orn,mm,

Bran,Flour, and

Product .relS-l- y ivri II SIDE CltTBT Sc.'' IRE.



I.'PULMONIC WAFERS.TRE Mediatne Rwtab!ihed In 17X7. and Brat

snide of tke kssd ever tsirodseed trsder the name of" PvLjiosic fftrtu," IR tki or say aikae ssaaarsiail other Pulmonic w stars are cwaoterfetto. Tke eetvott.e an be known I . the name BET AS heincaa sack WAFER.

Brvar'i PvuHORir WafersRelieve CcwAThs. Colds, Sore Tkmat, Roareei

Rrvas'i Fulmoric waverRelieve AstlimA. Broach. u. Dirnm t Rrearh

Bavileliere Rptt s ike Ck

Ban r f Al ir:diere laetjSSTi

Relieve V


Arse Blessin to ell I EL'BRVAR's PCI

Are adapted foe Toes Nk SpeAkers.

lariVi Pri tFTRAAre In a simple r.irrxt to tka lasts.

Bbvas'b ITlrowic WafkraHmt aly relieve, bnt effect rapid aid laeuat Car s PI.D

BBVAW'a Fulsiosic WarxaaTR"

A re sarreoted Ui five aatisfa.

Ho f aml y ebnstd be wltboot s bos ofBRYAR'a FtruisRic Warxaa

ts Ike boose.Ms traveler skosld be wttkooA a sssyasly

Saves Pulmosic Waraaa

Me pan aim will aver assert lo sire farBavAS'a Pvlmoric wafers

Twawty-- F vt Can's CESJOB aORES, Sola Proprietor. tVoobeste , M. Ts

Bead is Metaphi. by ctAodier a c.. , Aad All I

evetywke-e- . J. Wri-- kl at Co., Kea OrleaaA, wkolaAlsasiesla.



Kc; Psperc swMaBH Papers. Card Board.was I Paporc, Bnvelusiaa. Blank Boas a akXattasswy aa


GONORRHEA,Aof Ail Disf asrs or tbe I rlnary Orean

rewtsor earea afceti all other precaBralloBe fail.THIS Is entirely ail ike every atker esmspnnsd usuiBin ss Hisseal Peisaa or Rasas as Larsa. aa it a

r spat ed aaisly from Basts, tacks aad Leaves, an haa

It a m

swn imriBs.c mertu. It parfena. its ttoty .stctly andkorosskly Tk satortmuie. si etUaar sea will be re--

aa BBkaJ Ml rs,,,.o.. ll I ' tbe metry ,,tantes at me rots or to. oiswae , it. veaoeacy t. net and

auaply b. suspend tke poataa, tat to remove She aaaae aaaMch ll depaaakt Pali divscttora. ta naiklil Rest,acoosipaay asck bottle. The spely and icravanest re--

by this All csee-- ofrCtop.) Oleet, Oravel. Striclares. Her Albuf. (White,is female..) as all dies aaaa sf the frmary Orasna, haaAstonished me aaat actentiBc aaea ol tk. we. Tkaremedy not only eradica'ea a'i potsoa from tbe system,bst invisorates Ike raal delicate oowsUtalloa

If H d.wa re aSkct tke breaUl, or .slerlere withsay class af bealneae, or raqsire aay dsvistlo from thetaaal diet. 4r U reqairee so laillssrl ftwa stker ssaaBSaa.rye An) wast ash aare. iu raise, la the entire sb

ss:. e a . tso-sw- tsete. Ue;n A plesasat endairnp. Pnc tt t par kBBBe.

PeTTEB ft MEBW1SBale franc, St- - IsPBls Mo.

.'. Bold in asp is ky Oksndiar ft Oa aat alSrsctiets evervwbeee.

Jno WriAktaO.., Kew Or


aBtlTalft-B- , twil - - la tmm fa' i' mm

THE pnrpVwtA to mhmm to mim

tTmOm and tb pWr It Btrv k of CarjvpU M

tod carta to road tti a Ip! r T 4rTUtattr, ? T m.I'mri-- R .. Mat. MhMitic. tnt Mat- -

mtt. ic flitk. Pamask 1 arw atari rt,TTt Cirtaita, tillle.i- - Baodp pictaaToO-r- PaiaUto, rtr. no irla. UoiMt. oT d.LTortnit width, Ooull

i.i ..tin Ahadoa. W" Oil I'poti. tt-- C ta UiAk4 , rinfttt t I.? ' Of' iVw.stt th lasPtn

fmmilT pswvinc tilo Tavao, for from to 1Kof ow1aaam ao laasd tocmt mmm mm mr cmrmmt,

IJAjtmirtaTtalBs, wtxstAa, Otd" tks.-- UnaRrl-d- l- jW mnrmmm ixxAmrm iocft.


W uailal tBtioA, ti cm an part leiail Risers, at Ike loneet nri.-e- s

BILI.ER k PIMM, PsiBiers.anil SMMsls tweet.

iron Tie m by


DlSB al aaer.ta Ra tk aale ol theseswosrior USA asactaaaa ran oe seen ai onrOrtier, sol lefts. ORsIAN ll CRISP.

47 rt aa

ffr Jttlllit Snd.Yrw r Asakmtwakal aJakd fur mR.t) ItJw 8 W JOMBXftCn

Est anftrset.ore

tfoTimtrtial Iflatlcrs.MBMPK rsAi 1'rna,

SatiCOITOII -- TRa aak

mlas'ei ssai-- k. at naAin. rale, ara asM,eeaala or SI tail at lukjc, II at ISRc, 7 at IU-- . IS ataaal II ai lR - TB ran 11 la nallaaa haaarv

up ilia ap eer lass balsa jinaisSy. Salaa araasssl SB eavct at aw iao'atio, a .lda'i raanaii.itis armarkile lrera Be asA eeam rSajni I to laraat at praaas'


Isreri... 4 at f. I M M41B Aajiejioorlisatr 5 H A A I Strict Middlloj iaisSkll.4 Ordinary SR 7 I Mood Midd ISA I .AI.tSalI, . MiUllst.. S a) a I Mlddna ratr... D Tilnal.

SEW CROP.MiaVllliut IO4falO( i.'jud MlOAiloa. . It stiltslri.ilMi'HUBA loajaaios MasninarYakr . . ,11 Rasll a.

iiotneaiic markets Mr Telaarapa.Ma oat eaai. Sept r m fleam n isarkri

' oeed ASISB with sale al JSSS kales at HMs a) ! e H torNew tlrllial mi'Mliat. Tka prira. s s irpasslat Theaaias ai She week iwiasl Is S3 Sis. t.slaa atSealsAa alIke week aaooasrt lo II 60s lajla., sA.UBet ttJUn balaadarta the aaaae Usaa asl year. Tka exxeria al thewas aannal ta aB.oaS kalaa. Tka VoUl expert, al tkeaeaaaa assaenl to XT SOD bales. Tke stock al aatkaa althia part laiaaa Is latVtao kalaa. ricw claaed qatelat lR)ms. tiiaSnill,. . tear aMsa are qeoledat IV. Tobaoro claasd Srm at tajSMr tor loss ami &

SR foe tae tear Coffee claaed drai IBa aa is ol tkeweek aaaoaat to S4SO baa at llSatltlie The Work attkia port ataowou 11,760 baaa alarnat Sao Baca bast year.STkiay-t- ka wklaky market la alaXRaat Ka- -ftariAs on Loastv u quoted si SaBati Bills or ladioa.

8Rstk. itaaxnas on Mew res, kj preaaiasarreirkkj on r ilaaa to Liverpool are staaSsd al M.

NEW Tore SAptembcr XI, p. at. r.or closedactlre at saVIOeeS 10 Sale, or Ste brf whisay at xsl ca closed dull al aSRSJSSV with salsa ol OS. 000 seehslaPo k closed Ott. and asUer, with Sale, of 430 brla. al

IS 361 It 17R Lard ckassd boy.yaat .1 ItkaBIKfrlit. sales aj 800 krla. Caatea cloaad trmi salsa ol 4SS

barsatllM Kenlm-k- tobaeoa la senior al sA,with saiei al 160 kbda. BtlSSMim ailai li la sel'Ul stXV, salea ol 10 krls. ol oneens at cRsBAir Rnsarclaaed steady at RMHc lor cemmos reSaery, tH&lr torCnbA, 7SSV lor Pans Rico, (he lor Hatasa.

ClRcllfRATI, September tl P M Hoar claaed 9 nawtak asaaa al aoau brls. At f6 Whiak-s- s'a al lionbrla. at ISHc. Westers Maaa Pork ia sallies at tlv.TSBexar laasilisfatSKsiSltc., wttk sales of l barrels.Ooffee ia aSaTSSS al ltaRlSHc with sales al JJO baas. Mo- -

ssaas closed at laglt , wiU salea al IBS brlacloaad with an advancing laRdisry at SO:

al Sir.

fflKTIFIIIV. PRICK HKHI.VT.siare I'rl.rt.

BrTTKB Northern 10 to ISCwsatry tojtsteak as.. ra to au

BRA s Per basket i iaBR A M Per cast. . I 29 to 1 SOBAOOIJIO AMD ROPE Rope.. .. t to I

India BsairiaE. 18 to IllsEeottscky hand Loom . 17 R to ISKentocky Power Lcem..... . IS telSR

BEESWAX . s toffoorrsa ra.r u rood fair . IH to 17

17 to 17

Java. .as to atIanirs . IT to 17k

COS RPrime WhiteTe i w aTlial



amasaav. .......... 4 artas

Western Beserva . . . M to ISPise Arable.

CANDLK-Tallo- w, m.kl. KMSurde I UBS

CDRDAQB Manilla- - Ilk tollOottoD thrssd St

DEI ED PB. IT A pad at I toPeackea. t .toPeeled Peackea. .... tc

r.QciS per doi... II to 11R

FLOrB City mills, eatre. 8 SO to I OP

Oity milbc. esperfiae LoRta a ...s. I ns to atSt. Loia, fancy a ts to t 75St. lASata, extra. w S 00 ta

FISH Ko. 1 warlerel, m Idle. SS SOas do u kits. t

S,. 1 do inbrts...,, IS OK

do da - in kits. a anMo. I a la brla. It 0

Be S In kits. 3 7b

BAAS 8BBDS Herd 1 SO to t OB

Ordcard. 3nBias. t SO to 1 7SOiover. 70 US SS

HUSs-I- .t box of rt) Frescb Wm tow.Sxio tatPitlAbara,SAl4 1 t to t 70Pittsberc. I Ox IX. I K to 1 4R

SrjKPOWDBaV Keourky RlSa I B

Mining. 4 asSLCE. X. le .HIDES Dry flint IS

Sailed. laDsniafe, t totsreea.. toatreet, Salted. 7k to

It R to ISBAT Per UA .... SI 00 lo IT

LtED Brls. II tollse i 14 to IS

Old Boerboa Whisky.. i an n i aslo to as4 at ta s ia

a ooust aaas as aaas to a

num. ... Si to SSMIT"!" OOlt ta ts SIBridla. far ttoaj. ... ....47) to a onrpfewr UjaT, mm tVa. . os as as at

lXA n Bstsir SM OKR Toplr 1 TSlot 0('tBTrrw......... I a toa os la

mlm t to t OR

rw floorlTijt t 00 to 4 SS

0r whltO Tint t 00 to 6 oS SS I. 4 UO

;'!.LIME Per STI I Xo 'o i ss

Sol tisaik. '. '. '. '. '. .".V.'.V.V '. 44so

tolo M

4 taIt.

TTVitotBPROVISIONS Bacon Clear Aidee. . 14 k to IS

Illkll.... I.R R II.... II to PINHam.) .... It to tancsrod haras... 14k toll.... tt ton

PICEl.ES- -l SAllos. ....7 at tot ak da t M to t ftk s ... .3 76 to I 00

PAPER -- Eac 46 toSRtOR aaSU.1AR Fair to fully fair. to ts

Prim- - k to i"kChoice 10k lo ll

SALT Pine ....tln to IT1 t n. I In

SOAP v iusasb... .... tA 2CH. ................ . 8 to 8k

IsriiiIM .... tsisi taflu' .... 4 so I alr-- ksysaa 7 k 1 asBlack at to i as

TOBiri'O-- M Ey . .... i3r tolaIS to so

I a to x ss6 SO to 4 00

Pise Leaf ... 4 00 lo 7 00EAT .... Is

WT1IRET Perssl .... 13 USMR Claret in cast. . ..3 SO to I SO

Ckaraparwe ....(is tt. n atWOOL Week ad .... to ts

Cn washed. .... Itk It Itools aa ktatiHEOGAS Planters.... l tat I as at

so to l m10 to I to

e.' splitJ

Dry Goaals.k (So..). M to 10

6 lo 10

7r u a8J IA It

sn-- i t to 7S to ISMt tallS twinsh to i7 fa 11 theiock. S fo II IsB to Ml inch. 4 11 M to IS


EEMn CET UMSETS. at usEES8ETS. 18 t. 34


RKDS tO to 'BINS 18 I., tt

FLAN VII . R- -i and White 30 to 40

Drxgi, Oils aad Rpiees.111 1L1 OA1LT BT B. ARIFIELB ft CO



BRIMSiMKI tk v.COFFBHAS. .... tutAM TAETAR- , .... BatataCAMPHOR. to to taEPSOM SALTS. tk to s

TS to l .ttMAIIBRE II to IS

Lcioaed 75 totBLsr to BlTs users' is to as

$i aa to 7 of.... S to sQflNINF Bslpk .. SI 00 andSODA Kawc.stie. . .... a to 7SClJ-Hr- S to feetSPIVS II to ilka ss teat

Ctwees. It toSCtsinfer ..... S to 10Alhspice II to IlkMstsnsa. SB to SB n

TtRi.RT1MEWRITS I.B AD Waters ft Pox, pare.. y ion Ra toft

ClinAow , ion Be


CAMP & CO., two

(SrsRwrTT tO Qr'kSrpfjyrr CtBaaxBP ft Co.,)


'svv. t, ' mrLmstsT

15!Carpet Dealers.

armfrom tmm Bai;t-- X. Av tkF.NOS od otftttr frxBaax Xmw Tork.

RatkBw'w.Btkd pr!or SuiU, emmmrmm with ftryitll ; IfboAarrr mmd WUot Soil, umtimC wiLb Bairckata. t1rmh i taww,, Mtki.Avnr auii VtUnat rVHroflt, Suit

tmU otvor tfta l cjf nil mtitmm ml


The beet Sorin.-- Bottom. ! r a Bat r. Cotton, M eNhak MATTRERSBS TapeaArv, Brsaaele. Three-pl-

Sapor and laarsin I'ARPFTINOS Oil. CARPET- -INO. from three to eltkteen reel wide.

u LASSES of all kinds

AMP ax, CO..Ott Stead, Ms. BBS Mala aires l.

RsSBflpki'. Tenn.


SIR JAMES CLARKE'SCelebrated Female Pills.


BE BspTU, PdliMLffl

Prepare from a iwaeuistlo of Air J. Clarke, M V.Pkvstcisa Bilraordinary to me Qsi.B.lnralosble tsediciae la BBfailiBX inTHIS tksa paiafsl aad Sascsee. diaesaee

It wodertf. til asaaa sa removes allwhAUrver caate, and a apaady cars may be relied

TO MARRIED LADIESa psoxUsrly .sited It wilt, la s abort Urns, krls aa

msstkly period with rerslsrltr.Barb bottle, pttss Oas IVafiar. bears the fl laaamaal

of tarsal Bntals. to peeves! oostlerfelu.OlCIIOf.Tkeee Pins akiall aal he takes by frtaslaa that Al

aaaaaast. aarina tk Era Base aaaathe. aather sr. salaaaaa.ipwiusr) ... . uta.i tins, ami in

. aa a I BaakM HBack sad Limes, savrsasa, OS stiXht ever.

Palpitation ol tk Heart, n stance. Whiles, thesePill, am atr-c--t a rsre whes alt otkev raeas. have failedBad Atuv-.c- h a p.wavfst rswacy. a sat a mi in iron,eaksmel. sntlmeay, oe asrthlat ksrtfst to lie rveaKlts- -ttoa.

rsH u iriliti la tk assassklet inaal ear sera aaawkKk Wosld be csrefally presereed

Bel tee''-- tor me rn.led States aad Crovlaa,JOB MORRS (Lata I. 0. Baldwin aCo.l

sCBsasr. sf. T.M R. BI OS aadalT paaiAts stamps enclosed to any

anthof Ited at ent, al'linasre A hottle.Ccn' - In 50 pills, ofret ofo aaata.

ti-- Sold ia Memphis Iry Cksadier ft Ca , and alldrasaists eiaiiakswe. J. Wrutht ft Co Mew

-- .'I c

Marble Mantles.'Hi. : ir- t set. l.aOJ- -

- leu., aa it pra-sepais to furnish paste than Lafeufors

..Caret In tkissity. fl B QBOSVKN.iR..14-l- t. Jl left, tit Haul tire. i.

glnnrtari) anil manna I.


I e heat ol aa rRaaaa


rrrTt'Tiosestat "o'err aevn ra Xrasa'ard.

MSB Bsc'...eft

(Back ot Cla'UItaoS Ataerl'A .

Uaumorclal Baaak ara aSank of WssATawo.... par aACtcaiia Bank TeasBAck of BstasRla per railed.City aana. Maakvllle I aia AarieellstAlBank al EnsaivtUa 1 Sal

e I o.arsssee Co. para. . r Act villa.... I lisBaak of Middts faaa. I taBank I dialTraders' Beak I etaMorUiera aVaskTWaa. I dealBart of Parks. I Axel

Her. karto" BaaRiver Bask. :..ia.

;N.wthera Beak Ala. die. V Banks I ....

t ln lliiiaai lain I naBRelbTvllla Bank l BR I lisRail if tt,eUuloe.... I dialOtl ' I die

I AtortRaAa Baaak al Bad. I dast of Jefferson.. n at diet alalrrae Baasa lul.

atlss. MstSAl Iua. Co.. .raw!

EriAAAea aVine RalesMewTjrk R avaaslCSAriaetoafaaSBsSSpklA. R sraaetOarlBaen R SBosIjs R ptemim lAHtiaMaw tVRsaaa. ...... M srs allASSlaytlaa

Royal Havana Lottery.IT1HE neat Ordinary Drawing ta las Royal HarassX LcC.ary. aaada ISS by lAv Spenlsk overSBRat, RhV

der tke seeiiekMOB at Usa CapAAla aaasral al Cube, wullake place at Havara, oa

TueMlay, October M, 1HGO.

S 3 G CTO O O !


OaxiraltaSkl d-iss- o 0X00.000,Priieol.... 60 Priaeaof .. I, no

I Priasatt.... Prises ef..1 Prisset .... I6J Prisea of .t Priaeef.... 8.RMIPriieof M,

I sonroalmations to tke SIOO 000 of tbAI each i 4 cfa to aaBjas ; of sas to ase.eee; a of sen n, aajuaaoi 4 of tss to ai,at.

Xp- - wooie Tt. set. jd; naivea paal ifaarTers ao.Prises cashed at sicot at S per cent, dlacoant.Bills of the Maehrille dty bank, taken at par.A drawim will be forwsrde.1 c.

Cnm nu. e'lona adctressed to DOM the City Fust. Charleston. S. 0-- saUl the 3d ofOctober. Will he Attended to. selA-lw- tf

!!f I.nilOI.D's HEI.Mnoi.irwllt.I.sxnoi.OS Hil.rlllOI.DShi: i. mho Mr m 111 I MBOI I) .HFLMBOLD's H EL MOO MI'SHIIMItOLO'S HF.I.1BO!,D'SH I I . M HO MJ)a HEIs.lfB01.IVtlHEI.MBOI.aVN HM.M HOLD'S

Extract Baehu, Ex'ract Buchu,Extract Bnchu, Extract Buchu,Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, --

ExtractExtract Buebu, Bnchri,Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,Extract Buchu, Extract Bnchu,Extract Buchu, Extract Bnchu,

rox SKI RET AM zucATC !isoMnrRn.roM SECRET AMI :i.i ate nisoRnrB'ron EM RET A.flFUR SECRET ASD DFLlt ATE DISORl


A Positive and Specific RemetlyA Poaitivo and Specific RrmetlvA P, ailtve and Specific KemcdyA Positive aad Specific RemedyA Poaitive and Specific RemedyA Poaitive and Specific RemedyA Positive and Specific Remedy

fob ni- - or , jBBVSl, Eidaers, Dewpev.Rla.ld.r, lira' ah. adder, Oravel, Sidneys. Dr.oisv.

(.ravel. Kidneys, Drops,,B,Ad.Ier, i.eavel, Eidaey., Dv..cyBladder, Urarel, Kidneys, Dr.o-- y,

Bladder, tJrAvet, Kldaeys, Drop--


And all Diaeaaes of Sexual Organe,And All Diaease of Sexual Organ-An- d

all Diaeaaes of Sexual Organs,Aad all Diaeaaes of Sexual Organ,Aad all Diseases of Sexual Organs,Aad all Disease of Sexual Organa,


Etcswe-- , Ftposarf-- t aat Inprsdenriee in Life,Excaasa. ExpossTSa aal Impendence, is I. tie.Excesses. Expose res ssd la.prnd.BCls. ip Ue,Etreases. Eaptores and lmprndrnciea in I. lie,Pvceae.. bpaaares and lnipru leaciaa in Life,Fsnesses. EtpMBier sad I mpfn asanas in Life,

Fries wkatespr came urlttnatir.n. and whether f

MALE OR FEMAI.F.Femalss. take aeasar PVI--I They are id no avail fee of

I incident lo Ihe aet.

I i Extract Ruchtt.Rxiract Rsckn - a me!., ne whiab User

fadiy ates'snt m it uate an-- l ..slor. tut ism-dis- te IB

acu si, slviiit health asd vitor to tka frame, biosthe patltd cheek, aa reat.Aint lb patient to a per

fectwt.te. f HBALTH AND Pi BITT.Helmtsdd'a Bxlrsct Paebe is prepared at iiartwat t

pharmacy sad chemistry, and M prescribed aad aaed by

Tax aYotl mi sen.' PaeeOAta. arDelay loneer. Procnre tke remedy at eac.Price $1 per battle, ar alx tor SB aDepd lOI Cotuk TsMk atreet, Philadelphia.


Ttyia lopalm AT tke If set sf stker srtlclsa el Bwcftltbe repntAtloa allaiRe by e

Hrltnbolil's ETtract Rttcttii.The Ovttinal an-- I only tseastae.

We deeire to ran oa the merit of ear article.Their, is w r tkle s Is snkt at mack less rale aat ret

eommaaioii-- , csiseqaently paytas A mack batter profft.WE DEFT COMFETTT10N '

Ask fo

Hrlmbold's Extract Baehu.Till RO OTHER.

Sold by All di tsEEtots eesry-whrr-

rf-C- nt thu sot sod sent for ita. W. JONES ft CO ,ox k no.H. P. PARMSWtiBIR Co.

lekd" cod wly .all

1 ottce.WILL k. try ,,u Land a rstt supply cfFain. ) i f nil kinds Call sad see CornerVsnce ,r in streets.

asatvaa UAMRB H. WIRLaiel

Ist-tle- PresmcsA.IUST received, a larse sautSr ef Latter Fresaaa, st ft

enpert ,r ..nahty. XI RE WILUABS.r.14 " Main atreet.


Elmwood Cemetery. Momphis



Cemetery ta raw mile i..etb-ea- st rrc . the citrrIE keoffice ..( the c.mpsny I, n the rrent ts. whereSnperintendent easy Bl all Uass ft assent Whes h

not m Ihe effjee. tint the bell, an Ihe am sc s appeartavartsblvcaak. mlSdlr

Two Improrra Lts for 8alf .80-- ACRBS, Hasae of roaaas. eaa and er- - andvsau' well of c ad water, cistern, etc , ai!

new, on Mosley's aveaoe. Also tares lk a a ass,kltckeo and nsrsaaarp bnllaXsts. oa Marty 'a Been, and

wtncfc can be hsd oa rsssiaakte tersas Apply to J. L Dr.ersev, er on tl e premtee-ao- Dr.

N RWTVIM MABI.RT Dr.Dr.!.,00 Re tear a, Wr.Bp,

r AT frcsT- -i ttf T)immr .irimt. ( miloaOatvRAMA cf OoAlaxJd poat TtlliBOtoali roaiil i TmMiaVRIBRH. taxrOO DTO OnOO, w

RILL a rrry dark rof pf r mToi roTjxwiaa- I- llfa-- ; imil band' and trmii mmmmmrmk.lmmTk-lur-d- -. w.lmmaim in Lia aara tor riaa; rather a aid or down nmm

pd ipokoa U; Pioulbci.t; Bsr f t fish in. -t

fcirt, aod would wmith mmmr omm haffadrpd and imjprsan 1; wi rath briaa. with ftitcii in hi- - sail.

Aloa, OaxORsatl, a black MaTT.i abk4it twanty-oiara-

yatara of mmi utraiatit: floo tmmt alorcn Aarad woald welsh probaWr one btrndred aod aajpa a.

a aoaah-- a, ia alow mmmtmm a a itht a ar oor mmmis errbrvrwa, a .Ltrnmiw rtaher bat exhttsiu

mmmm whets apa-t- UA hu walk slow aiartj face, alawtaqcar bo: It. by

Alao. ISDAM. a dark nmtpmr mmmrm aftTi fall atsbiark: woald wetck one baodred and eiabty

Atbtaxat ihlrtp-flr-a jeam mt ace; tmm btu)t; boavrpboii.:er--d- : raof--i and fcreak- - ;ntdk, mm talka paj- -

r.'.r I r, r! ,a-iitl- m r.'ti .

These throo nacaaei left my plant aiia-- oa Tocksvaa-pata-

rlTpr, aNnit the flrat of Jul- - Uw Tbe ffrat' Bill, will proaf.'T make kta war to Do Art. af

Arkanaaa, where he ba a wife. The C.Mtm,with Bill, and U praitoblr ta hia ooajtpanr Tmm

third aetfTo, laham, my etvlootTur to make hia way toBowline Qreew. KentTj-k- aa he r - relatlre there. tS

For the above ib--d mrrom, if takea loge'herttoliwtrwd to me, or pat ia 9rmmm toil ao that 1 eta gat

thwas. 1 win pay thya twaa of three haaaakad dollar, arhnadred V(1ara f .r Bill, arid fifty dollar etch for

fwOnrtc and Ishant. if ukn -l

A ax wroratt--- a todct--d with S:ralton, MrTHvitt A

Mcniph.', will ba alf-d- rewar 4.ROBT S RATBraJ,

(tokland. Tallahaika r on'y,- Mlaelaatlppl.

St. towjA astopcrbheaa aavt Vm Are (Ark.J Cituaa cotaytwo toaatha a weeklt. J

S-p- O Reward. Br

from tfk aabecrlber. in Part r.STOLEN tke Bltbt of tbs 14th in.! a SB,.arte, litkt Iron tvav HORSE re" . vieennaaals kutbl six rears otd: hat a sm.' white sear aa

of the left for le. aat crack in Roof at seme, aenrkeel; akod ail aroarsa, lul tart t. end af bona,very white, holds ll a little to the left sale wtten

them.vincl works and shows well in bat news, feel trotter;-- well in aa atria kta aksss when trot tint fssl, rnlhsrrontk a Oder tke saddle. 1 a. II aire far the

amlc mcKli a ol lite thief, and the hers, orfar either, or any laforai.ti n that am lea Is tka

rec- verv of 'hv l H IRJRIUR, JK.,At ktall ft IB Front roa,



Ureal BargainsTO BE HAH AJ

. t ' y f f wv.

215 Main At reft. .fOPPOSITE HALL.

dmdsMf to rtatioae tonl I turn tww re-- .HAT1K a e aad well Mlected) tux of Famy

BtittJe Dry Ootada, Flniat,-- n &vmm, etc., trhkrhwill be aold at fitreHtsViy tow peirxw Mr Rork of aa-r-o

b aoaiets. (Hoaburca, Keraeya, Liaaeratato, aat , U aow tyaaptoto aad aaaaiat ha excelled ia

thia city. Tbe old natron of th and pnrfbarwill Bad it to Ueir iatof et to cito mmm a rail.

aptvwiM g. OMjnmm. 9


JB U m i C E.A NCR to incest .a real estate at tks . ay ol EsArtl j.

tke eaetem termtnns of tks Miatssipoi, Oas-chl-ta

sad Rest rivsr railrosd. On Ike lttk day of Oc-

tober. 18SD, will ke aaad. At pnklia aaetlon. alrasat reserve, s son Ion ,d Leu ara owned by the Miai.'lpplOnschita ssst Red river railroa compear, at tk city ofBsakre. oa tke Miaalssippl tim, beina tke eaatees

af seat road. A pint of the Lais can be see byalliBsral tkeotv ertaeeaasaaar. at Cassis, .w so

Osat Dasidwdi, chief eaeiseer. at the above pawl.One-k- f af Ihe aarehaae mrasev will be reqaired to bepaid IB cask oat Ike asy af sals, and use rsmsinder ttssviths thereafter. Botes kesrinc ten per cent, interest nte date. Bills on anivetrt hanke of Tesnsasea sadLamitiBiis. of approved .irtit drarta o Mew be taken in pa. s.--n'. from psrrhaaera of leas,tae read will be owpieie aad ia operatt n lo Mrs.LV e's flaj mils) by Ike day or aal

A better casmee fw the tsvealssenl ol capita' onpresented, the prospect for tk. early completiontke read throw h the Mialtcippl bottom It rertala, of

and when dose property at saw paal wilt sell forosb!e the amonat it will brine oa the day of aato. A

city will .print op in a few years mat will rival lacosnoorce and importance any point oa tke MlA.iaslppIriver, between 91 Loeit aad New Ovleen-- .

Thei s will aim be sold it the same Us.e sod place.

towmtveaierit to aad sear th bttalnovi pr :ta ul th ciqwtaM of mad auiowd oa Hatr 4my of tai MlTHOB ELLIOTT,

pre..M Mitottslpfi, Ota-- m rtUtrvesde!l-F-r- .t

ferial otufs.Or. J. Hvtteffer' t clpbratrd

MoMttacta Blitrrs.IS aaa ol tbs 1st BM MiasBlkaalaa praaraikaaa es.

laaL It la espeelAlly ataplld to tkass who are aasrtedwith Ike raver And Axes, or say ataari tin i aeiaaRBnraaaa disordeyed esaaakaeSRaf tk tlanUaw seaSASS.

Far serf Ass there Is ailkasi as miMuoa .ata awrid aaresi to it. as il aisbss ska baaad, wkAtasaa a lapiihssl tsBasMky sc. sow us I ass as ss of ikis oatareare aa basob tk saaat (aaaaaisr, aad si lb aaasa time,elaaa or iO--s ia tk assdl'sl world. It a n 1

la It to Ota pMic, we are rally cmirnssj ol dates tkews sreet vvlcw. kaiwia aa wa lo, their maav ascelleataSaskSRSA. Aad asra sod speed, act lea la all esseathe dies as. ts by tk irrasslsiity o? tke duyeative.dSSM A nrtal aaaMaa par the mast akesReral. e

Fw sale by draaklMI aad dealers siainBfabate. MOSTBTTER B v '

MawTl .i'.isls Ms.

From tka savsei.lTke Nicsjay . I mill

!t la aaa ttset aa of tat rr oietaaaaaafIhU State m Ma nasM I ro f iwisaa tines In this

" Tka too. ircl he ataxia kept at hay.Owl a om tared kta tkia hairs si axreer ttesp. "

Wacarsard roack for IBs IrMh rsf IkM. ksl we do kaowLAI ateter the atVcti al apalKsi.AU of Ralmalraef.

"an Rea'ssatles. a Adeor steeps' ra tt he--eesss (In appesraaee al least) members afA acre lea

Price my can,. .Mtm. Boot aearywker a.W R. HAOAM BOO ,

StTI III awlw Prepelaasis. Troy, M. T

Hi tan . Tattelcaa crrulfiice- -- y with laet toatoi ape,

Wkevweara, wkllifn. Aval pea aXeSBryaa. V.rmifiufe ia asraBeery kisd of woraaa to rsre,Re the spec is. small or hsae ,Try the Taatelaaa Vermitoaa

Pat ar Is bottles. Price 24 ceats. Saad byatx-l- MAMSPIELD ft CO.

McCllulock'B Pectaralsir ii p.AMERICA ii tiled Ritk me tame cat ike treat hysi

cisn And ahrslaaaai.t, asd a his Fadorai Byrap as kavat A nca sii and reassMR. Mo kassaa

t.ema nee perish or cooatuRPtssa m any lift... cat tkaeaaaa a respirs era. --ok. r.ttof Is rims fiummax s - amass asasassm

Pries !... Bold by MAKSF1XLD ft COMtaVIm

Dr. Jtvs. Mcl Ilntock'A told andoilgh MlaTtntP.THIS sreat fabxllv medicine was Sret tsirodseed by

Dr McClinbrt al. Doaa J the Pbllaslelskia Colleceaf Medoitae The entire r ifniiia im in it I asd itis ansrsi.tee.i '., si. ..rlinary cold or oasak, catarrk.InSner.xs et. . with AbW'late cerlaiaty An A deree ofrai'inty iba win asreeaoiy awBBBSB IS aaxtent

PnoaXOcenta. Saad byseXS-l- tr. ft CO

McLean's Streroth eriro Co roi a i ThisrtRRSStr has been before Ike psblst only a Abort tiaav.

I 00,1 au ' Wrenatkaa tk ajafaa ; every oae who aaes Itit u. others, asm it bas become the stood

aid remedy with .very family is tke Foiled Stelae. Wtevery reader, try it 11 a s da.lchllal aisaraUc

A Warning to the lit wary.AMD ose ' miakty to wee," is contained in Ike bosk,"miti Frstlty, ar, PkyaliilaBtral Reaesrchee " HaXDktsln. fslly sat assaaj a.ri tbs secret cana offsartbtna! ,'er intemestal and pfatrate prwera. withtSataltlBf tn.trnclioss to eradicats ewery trace sad

al the veasm af disease, that ssaaing worm nst Tw sorely eaa sway sad ssaasruitke SBBRfJtXcte, lesera mas but the wreck cfParmer self The victim ef this fata! tenterlose ant a Bscaaesl la nroearia this week.

Vld ky Dr. BARROW, Msw Tork. Pram St essBent tree ef peasaxe everywhere.

tntaaaky (aelt-lm- ) MAMSF1ELD ft oo.

Drs. I. W. .abbert ana u. W.i : i ..'..

T. si em RR ttvs pecial alia at to. to al! Rarwaof ckraoi' dtaaasaa, bat mere aarticsuarly to daesaes of Lsnss,Bye end Womb. They also l seen i Psa.s. s. Tarn til I,Be . wttk ar atasat tke kaile, and lartotm all sortie,

oners' ions 'a the moat approved and arlestiSc maaaer.Tbey will board pailents from Use country, a Ikst Lkey

office .n Issaww's BalSdis, Cue atreed, seeoad daafrom Maja.

There is NofhinE I.Ike It.HOW to net. nam aad ssaTerta aay. scan life i tea

he aaead be Rac ist tapply of DatLLET'S MAOI- -A L PAIN EXTRACTOR ra sand, in esse f

aoudeBt.. Is cats, wsRads, bsrvss, scalds, sprainsbrsisss caaaalu.s ts children areooaetatitly'ect the ansae of tke Fata Extractor ia ewer Iks afamille. ahoal.lti.vrr be wilhoat it. Full dlrbit aay say sack nwx. Tke seanine ts always sixoed.Heavy Dalles, maacfartarer, spa a steal entraved label.

Foe sale in Mew Orlean., wholesale aad retail byJ. sTBiattT ft CO

11 sad ISI Ckartres arret8-- ' th. ScHitbern Slates, and to whom al

areas . elasnm ne a" t

Hollos ax's Ptlls--sjrvot- tR Oe-bili- tx,

etc.AS a eilasttt mm iotiatm at;nf aaiadtrioe. those Fillhae had an a'triahl nf acrreax ta aeery part 4 tharixihred ajiftpe. Thar ara aaaaBkalii hy rUaaate, aa

their ap4Tal awjwhi ar thr awatOaW i tb t rrid aaaw or tht r 5 iA. TTpwy rVstalata the pala anl the artiua

tha heart. br-- e aad 4rtxBtben lb relaxed oereea,gtre Itjaeand mmmrry to tha aaaeral aratoai. aad br raetxtabliahin- - a viloroaa ert ..f the Tital Iwxlinirm.

the element, of meiaiaxrwly, dAwprew! ptrtU,Maaa, vaaon, etr. Sold hy all BrianiaU. at Sac.,, 91c.awd Bl per hu. aafJaTJ Ataawlw

llhat an it bef ofIW the procreaa lrivthiailoB. ttd Ideas ta aJaiuat every.rpirtrF"at csf !,fe, kit plare to ttvmr whKh ara aw,

ar awatal1y aVBed by them While it hj traaihl f- -- are aat abray- - it ha

libel (trwa ih race to say that there haa not beet, a al tdraor in onr hanaan ttouditioat

aBKnii: h ntorwetrta which pertain tu all cliea afat ;'f-- , axd to every ttXAtividnal la partinnlar. m

add ha!th ! We know f no toedirme eirv-- e th apua-to-

pa i lad, vnu haa worked n re miratloaa crev,than lb licbtociRl Bitter They are th oaly trae

tm all diatw of Ihe BW. StVMatoaj, Liver andatowrls ewer dleeorered which may be cjltwd a aae, a

u in. an--: periajaaeilt car. Bat I hyI M ANrFl BLD J. CO.

ft hp all I Bess rtBble drsmrlsU aad dealera e

Se sd, ertteeraent.

in:, mo Pax t

THE BISBIS91PP1 DIARRHEA OORPI A L- - Tkls in--vspaable saetkinx sad keallB medicine few the Stomachand Bowel, wss Srst lot; laced to tke BSlK kal laaasaaa aaa, ky lis preeeal impnetocs. who pm it ap m a

Mall way ai tksir all ataad. Mo. 44 Frost Row, MsaS-SB-

Tweaaaasee. Its niadeifal tBamX is tana all

psawl Campiatata, tack as Dyeeatery. Cssac, Cholera INMstttts aad Diarrhea, wtether acute or chronic, sons

: ,r it fetspral fsesA--, sad wnkool the aid of pflriscernScates It k axaRkallr toad its sas wsy act

bast its own story, want ssw, whes ike daw sad far it atrsly astonish in. The sale it immense aad cwaetaatey

tacrraaias. wkack to tsaS test ta at amp it as tke remedytkia class sf dtoeasr s.

Wker. a "vrloAkle medical dltvaeeery." ty 11 owaaorta, wr aaplWkm what tke Buaissipp! DisrrheaCordis! baa done, aad that. tan. wttneat Ike aid at seas- -paper issummsadatioaa tsaerally resorted to, it la time

the pahlie twasrslly to as away aitk ewery prejo-CB- (sad keep it slwsys oo hand asd onr wor l . they will

save! s rut sasssai car pais And expense ssd dssthitself is many instances prevented.

We refer yea to ike following tantiemes, merchants,physictaaa aaat other., wh.- - hare need aat said thia in- -

cxnpar sbte reraed. It is pronosaced by Ik em a ear.Rsvsv-fsili- care for Diarrhea, Flat,

tkslic, t'hoiera MerhR., asd all dXseaaee of tke StossschBowel .

T. A. Iraelal..... ...... ..sear Memphis Tens.W . McAsslly ..near Memphis. Tean.1. ft. States..... ....Olive Branch, Mim.T.aac Fslwm Wtlhshni t. Art.TVs. ti MoC,e:laed....Hertdemen Ray Post Oak. Bias.

BSStsa t ft AherSAthy Sktffsrdtville. Bias.Belts a Bam Bsteaeitle. Mow.

p. war iss Fssssis. Miaa- . ; s- - l... n .

James S. Smith Xevtactoa, Taaa.Costrwa. Bias. IFlewelleyn's Croat Boada theQslscy. Tans.

J'dln Caaalvss Bewpkis. TennCksaev k Hardy Wesley. Tenn

J. Jsais rredonia. BiasB. Peterson. Tsllsloosa. Maw.

Aad baadreds of others la Memphis and vicinityyp-- Rrmeaber that thia mediciae is ptepmml safy

aat; all other Diarrhea Cordials are sortbleee itnita- -

VBw A core taaranteed in all caaea.

C actio s We earseatly msklo IBs pwkitc apataalmescal aparioas tmltstioas of this incompsrskle rem-B-

SBAton sp sscler the head of "oordiala," tks objectwkKk la to deceive, sad Ikweby tots atvaatas af

lie rrpotauonol tbe MISSISSIPPI DIARRHEACORDI AL. Beware of sack worth Uw. trash. Am tw

psseaaae article, prepared oaly by as. and yon ca snot

S. MANSFIELD ft CO..WhtlesAle ItrasBtoSa,

Mos tBI and SSS Mata .tre.t.Memphis, Tew.

til I. LETTS pTr.jrr As

steFaL brfsh ix)tton gin- -

rpHBSK Ota taas. the aiwary tor th aato af whichX w hv acceateti, differ froaa all othrra af cnnbia-la- s

tka aar at m Btoat Oaaah Brab with two Brut:laltea By th art to of tttwa iriMhe th- - taa

iihiirled to a alhrht ctvaaas procwaa. which tharaashlyaUaAAhtawftf. th tbr without the leat latBT to tmm

memm macb of the fitrt wi n b-r laAttachad ta alao a Jhtmtmr, placed ia front

,abt.. h:.-h adda tartwly to IU capwcitTas aad imnrovlbc th aample. It i not CTrfY- r-

plKate-- l or liable ft. -t ewt it order ; caa be raw withlinar pwer aaad ; fiaa vary rapidly, mm pwr- -weM ia every rtewperi

STBAmiS. DA x ITT a. I ll


rfp tod flnclv wttdelrjx,i .'esfjof rt ai. - latryr th are of FT'friir A B S. aa, w;!l t poel

Th Kirs. Monday la telfr.Code, tbe rspervistoa J D BEREDTTH aided

im a 0,1 expert.Rs aakwlsstic vesr will be divtd.0 into twotsresty-aa- weeks asck, ast.a iat Ihe aunt! of

Septeuvker and ctoaiax Ike last ol Jaae, aitk aa vaca-

tion excet t ChrulaSSB week.TBRMS FSTR SESSION OF WEEKSAcademical Depsrtmest pit.'C.llece Denartmen! --. XI .SO

IncnleoX.I Fee. laclRdl-- lak. no extra cfcarae ".00

Piano, Taaal and laatruBoentAl, with ss of is-- all

AttarCoilese. :n India IRialBBaa rasm, am

ia. reel ao Itskts. TO. eft

BareUest bosrdlsg U be bad in private rami Ilea oo

Board and taitlos bill, do l fall the Brat of Oetotswsss! th" drat f February.

PsaRts will he chAisad fram the assanatas tt thaaenik IB which tbey eater. er

Ma tstaciioa saade for loss ol tiate lam uta oamontk. as thR stUv Is aass or pr eVsetssl l.ok' ew at

er. J C Ffl afrBAKTl 11 e.,tentI. Dtctviaatw. Becretary. jyiB-wi-

For Sale.FfSITE tectio of lead f rnisriy owa by Dr. j.t M Wt ne rep., ax. sow is tbe paeaeee

sahacrib. r. is oflbred at private mie. Ssl.ttIsad is sitnaled eltkt miles west ol ibe Mofileand OS- ranrawd. lasvfe. atlas east of Psaaastac. aadaaa mile aad a half ansa .at Ike road rtom Poatclcs- - loFall .a la a healtky aelthbovkwal ; aa miss ss s halffssm Pmlajtmiaii rkorck. aad three miles from sBalhsttirl chsrch, share there ta rexslar preachin... ectioo cf lend there it saaaa tva h sati at scree

open laa. UBBtpu ed cklsSy sf aaady clay creek Sotpar. and land ; some rerv rood .sad . And someiekedly worn, hat ess ke improved by bill-si- ditthistaat kfteiasatal plswtac.

On the place are tw AC three never fa Ilia ipriasta,tw. .r three well, of water, and stork water armada-- ; IBBS asple orcksr and peach orchard, and eeerirkiorth.t s;.pertsiB. to s Barm

swap per va dea.r la aay rartaee ,i,lorxst. t, y .1

leal, an. hTerms cask, or acceriied trsfts on

i. .


Geo. W. L. Crook, Agent.TELEGRAPH BUILDING, Coort street,

(up stairs,)aI"ArRXEAxlaai, Taaiuiiaa c



Valley of Vlrjflnia.

ljSkwae aa. " , Tmf laanrswe ronipai.j ol tk Vs ley ml TiraiaiA."at Mirekaator. V.rxiaiA

adceaviui stock. ism ass asos api'si sco

ka.....M....... BBSS, rHIka rasuiietor da. u rasrr . awl 1 1


Assent al cask a head la tk kaada afaceeta aaa) atker psrsoaa M 111

S A,

I kecka, Baaak. W Bl at! II

'""'Imsio..!, an i.raise. Market valae

3 MO !. 911 Tirairua aaaaaBatxMa.. lt,m U & m.v. r

I Maw xlOsftBQ .farjr,

i !.r ewBsxan hBxd l aVn i y

1 OaratottM! Wtarti utar ' cobTcBmrb koathj

1 COTtiBteo jf TtrtUOiareiiatwrd abtcft l m m tu ooDvm. aacmrad bv toortr.aa t-

Oa real totate worth fehi im- -mhX eenmrt. $14

avl per aal eatwtty '. ih naEaaaatto iwemianu "S.444 40mhar aecariltea a twftowa t.vntvtotvalaIMtahare, P.roier' Baak ef

trtoiaaaaam. 'lifj !i Jnakara. Merer, aal. aadlent" Ba, sshAres Baak ol Tlrttai.

stock IExxbane saatef Ta..

SO .hares Sank Commerce. no I ap W.IS .bares Psirmoant Bant.6 shaves Bank of Esntn, ky, ten andS .hares Commercial Baak

.if Kenta av..1 o. res Baak of Lawns-ril- ls,

Ky 1,77 SS

M tt- - - rs sts -71 sh. res Baak at rasa Tsl--

ey of T rvikls 7.BSS a)shsrea Beak ol Win- -

a 47 sit era n u,8U aOfa-- e fSrnltor- -,

ry ptstea, est.

sr.j ir. ..doe so.1 .

dee to kaaka Aad other dse to --tcrr. tsaa SA

Looses .1mated aad se sad mvpsi.lbeessas of contest twi credc--toes. i m sa

lessee adJSsaadend nal dna A MB W

ft-- pi SA

tsasst la sassisn sad wai.laa tortka pr...

Except s'e restate on the trows I sf fraad. aad notadmitted

All stker rlAtAsa assusas tk oantpany, it era are aossetseltled xt.fe w- - :.. ...s-- i ..... iu.balance in favor of the iibsbbbj. eat tke .Baal, sa gmm

ars a.t enslrsced is th. ahoss atalemenl of IIasaatawi aatnoal laaared in aav aa. risk tha. -

seal rale id the saaj ss sal to esraed BSBBk la aaa

allowed ky tks- - rales of tks ease." - - .fk stss aa Law kail.

all wad p. SW Is IW I to mm mmmUs extent aad i.a.l.nili

.f Incoroortuaa mt tka aa.i tbs t..rst,.'3 .1-- :

J. S. CAESON,1. BEST, necreur.


J. S C ASSOC PvaaUtesi. ami Wat LU'v 'h.. day neessssallv ssDenrrd be'oeeie. .a Jact ice r Ike Peats, is aa far am issay, pa sas

aaa ta by I e baa, sad papers alkaOlven asder my hand, this task saw of Jnly, MB.


Frederic Castuy. tt tI. J. C REILV. Clerk of tks CseaXtV Casart af Frede

ric onty. ta tka Stats t Sat It, id, an hers, certify

mad., ia s Jnslics ,.( ui. pance n sad fjanld coaa- -ty. only .onmiaapAvad aa aa..-s-

, sad that to ail kla actsaa sack, fall faitk aad credit are das. aad of ritkl oathlw d. a ver. a. w..i in courts of luetics, a

la tsetimeay whereof. I herecntuse. an t dxad tke aaal of aas saaat. thia Rath dav C

awry. iww'. ana ia tae ssva yea- - of Ihe ammRsa- -sslth. l. c RBLT. C. C.

AT err OP TIBOIMIA. JFralencft cwnety. it j f

1, R..M. P w ,!f., Notary PnRiir. ia and ihamaamaforesaid, do hereby ertify that I have examined.

i. aaaaf smak. aaRlfasm, etc . to

Compeny af Ik VsUey at Tirtmis.ramaat tkerwiik. Aral I do

fsrtker Ihat tht value aaXxed to IRR Is ser--o far ae I am sh e UdeterSAlse from eetl,ooi,

the- - 'Itabts cores of laJawstauea. ssd tkal Iketate. ere an pnasrty .f loalle the valae .at tke

debt-- , secn.-e- l Ubsrsbv, sad of an.ple vatse aa rar stale- -

la issliansy whscsal, I hare heresato snbscribed ayime aad ."tied ate aotatial sal. al the town Win- -

, Ta., Jnly tt. I BSD.


Ull'l OFFICE. SaahviUe. ASE II 1W0 'This ia v. Ihat the Tri.nrance OmkWaav ef aaa

Taltow sf Vlrxiala. totaled st Wiaekeeler, in the stateVirrmiA. ha compile with all ike .mem. ,rf

tke as o tbe aaBtml .,' I. ww urn taamwat msa.1rtoaa IBIS ts 187 inclasive. as well a tka

act of Xth of Marc 188 Ranter tit eeetsaa 7. r.eirla a depssf with the caetroller id ftWBXBJ thon-aa-

dollars of six per real boast, o' the State, aad taaaW L. Cesok Wlks letslly asxh .riaed atent af askl

compaay la tha city af Memphis. State af Tiasilsl.I. T. DCNLAF, Oawureiwr.

Stha aaaarriher tsatamas to kaae aad rsaew polictmas ad lost sa pay laa I Par Tks. ost and reliable v

USO W L CROOK, llsit.Adam Baps saa BoiMla,

aatt N..1S .tie al Cwwrt sasaurs.

Deposited with tbe State Controller, aa aCapital or Loctl Fond,

ror tkr in lit of Phetxlx Pal--nt Haiders.





ath I apllal. MOO.OOO.

AsrcIr Oxer,

FHEXIX INSCBAMCE COMFAMT bets aTHB ,! sad ksatitsRson. wttk abBstnemeyttemof kcal oaXoea aoabiished throaah-aa- t

the entire coaatry. ovaftse tke c.ndnct of eminentaaderwrit rs ! tare, experience. A.Sottas Its entire


Fire Inanrance Exclusively,

ft.ins free Ihe dtaasBsrs assd I

Bar IB. and tstsnd Mat itsllon Inasanas aa available cask capital of

Fear Hua.rryl Tkvasaia Hollars .



Twrnlx Thoiivtaixd lloi.ira,

I. aal Pwnd, .a Caps Ini. as well aa paidlosaas to tk cilisesa al tkia to tks

Fifty Thousand Dollars,

the Baa,'- - fBB

vpiwrt of utatstf.o.

CONTROLLER'S I1KFICB,INashville Tenn . September I. ISai.

Tke Pkesiv lasnranr' iaa- -ttCBI. baa this day enta,Mask R M.rr ol EachMarch. IS hap. --'II

BSJR SCar trailer al

raiDvii k a ''illv Agents,B a I BUILDING,

ml Memphis Twasssasss.

O'Ftlloo Whiu Lead aad Oil Works,WTMAM, BAMKEB. CARPBNTBE b 171., Praprletors,

sr. torra, Missouri.A. L (TMMINS, ileal. Maasphls, Teas.

to the above, I aonsd Inform dealer, an.1REFERRING trade partienlar'r, that I will .1

tlmaa he rally sspplle with evftry trad- - of this cel- -etrste.1 White Lea. Tka !. srv are.BkB c s w rt - a r .dewripnoa. and I ofTer this Lead to the Mawith the fall l IB t It i i thai it cannot beoaslttv br anv mannfnctnre in 'he Tailedaaaaewl by or,. - in. t ktaaewaawaSR iaspertontv over aH otkev kraask. I wilt stale thst .11 ofth- - la.: snd l.raml rainter. 'a SI. Ixtsi. sr. asirt itexclmivetr. rawtecioe in lb. Wade i. my aaatto. Call

asad tor a circa tar of price.A. L. txaattsn. aa."'.

mon .Wm S M'Ka.thtaad I w.. A ' .chnteat,

son, ol tke Ira ol Ma-- I idwnt set lew, debt pS.Catobt hp. vs. rX, Ham state.

aWaml B. Tow.. )tkl. raaa. at the laet Jnly term ef tke Law aideFlat tke Commas Laa aa Ckaac-r- y Peart af tks city

it m me own tstat oavsaoaat

the,..' e .. lere v lie artSoar wests ascceauvel. in th Memphis Daily Appeal,rSRalrtac deleadsnl to appear ai or aerors 'heBSaarssTw temi .d wld cwnrt, cswrnenctnf ,n tke aSotslsv.' la SBBlBSBawaPkWe

plaintifT's actio, la Uta behalf, er initial. I. kywtl, ke ..tare .-A.-

By A. J. WHEELEE, Depaty ClerkSberwla, littk Bmtl, attorney, tm , Isistiff.aaawssht

aJTtf ST RF.F HIVED1 ill BASKETS Piper Heda.nk Chatitpntne .

U 1 1 p taxes Jules lias'. Champaaoe iBO casts Toaster' t Ssatck Ale ;

19 sacks Potatoes ;4B brl. OR toast

ALSO 9oar, Tas, CcaBks ToOaoca. aVdlnes NBAS,

Cifsrs Pit, etc lie. Fw Ml byI. T. FRAME,

tm) V. H rront Row.

Cotton ffi

COTTON SEED Oil, l'0HPMfa now mantrfacturiLg a iperir arricl. of

OIL 1IaE.1L for fklo.


Sa,' 1

II. cksap. It s.alnl aad sstrrttoaa tkat espsrtAtly lev MltXB COWS, a tea i a netE nop, wkere sU kiats .at too are raised ataaaSRtafis. tww per ton. avssaesawa m a m recsnttalrime! as three si. CReo ni

Is awtiona wher- - Ike anac.n tented drwadk haa prslifBte fee car ssstisf mack lam, wfciis its Batritiooa

We refer the to a Iva was have ase ft,FROM H W LEFFINi.

Marias hear Ike Cettoa Baa (Ml Bead kllklv re.Baa of it, aal keva caallaaa IU ase ever since ; aa Iam tot a halSrUn tee--. I have .car need I .Ms. Tessa araly,

Ws srs mine at are eoe't tun. near Mewsrt MeSMperty prepared, foe fat mead aa Bulk, tfa Af allratten, a aad Aaivj as.. bf far tke parpatee awtallaraar AAioAvsi taieeeat.. Oae San Irs aant BBky osas nr.

. ai lid c k Co. Fvosrl sBaea Bsmsfftlwon." '.see .... If" f I. " v.-- tjt,wi s ihe arsstssl .sllafsatea Ra.iaA fa my caw wi

of a. la. wf a rick aa ftasasl lass, ... 1 I won. otVery raepecttntry.

To be had al Mk all I ale al ear Oil Mill, Navp Tar,

OTKK.HAVI MO ta ar saa stw eat, re emrt

B.rn. aassttovv Baedwar. Shoe FinI. Mr. J.J Bwsbte. a-- weald lak. hia ,srasla to retnmtkeeats to oa. tries, ass IBB satRBt lanini tor use

to as. ta retinasuaeaa, ar sis piassarw m r.i maa.i Slat' aa oa. wor'kv af Banna aatroaaaa. ke se

ta a saatlemaa of correct kaaiaea habtu. sad baeinfa practi'-a- l ttseala et Ike kaaaskass.

W P LBTFtS R Id, laakl l;ySl-t-

HAVISBB hajtamt em tks i wit arm. I willthe hsitsi ss hitsimtra at th aid

toad I amid a limit to rssstv tks atR mmmhsestseats v. my a. pint by strictan.ottos to baaussaa to (tea enure auisaacttsa My

-- ad. snd Use pnt tft v...r.. I ... .bars in -ms. t rytt-a- J T brobtr.

J. T. BM.HIt(Barramsi to ST. P. Lewis ft BV".

( arifr af Mail aad liror Sirr'c,MEMPHIS, TEItlf.,




DR. J. B. ncLFAStrengthening Cordial


BLOOD PURIFIER,Tke i.reaw Rrardjf in tbe World,

A an twb

1st UflklBBS


Belli kt rat rattBal


It U aelcuy a i earnCotts-- t s.

harks aad hart Tat.w lot Mast - 1,

XTsaft i ssl si laslBR. 3.wtst ttswvy bs-- k aa itw .latum . Tk. tftrr lakiic.

antctc active rsmedial pr IBCApAe af sw - ,ar.lit i,Ue.rotan.iv .V raced by str aew aim 1 of dtooihrx.prodacias s dsUcioaa, exkHeraUa spirit, aad ike anal

and reslo'int the . ,aaer.r.t aad letil.ltAIS.1to heaJtk and streeaMk.

ti - mi'i rin an iiismsiii. is Hliii k nali m assnw

dakiuty. diaeasea ol '.he kidneys, aad all iiaeaaee arlatrtifram a tasarders User or a mask, dyspcpsiA, hasrt--

sara. hewm Miaa. acaeklx or strkssm sf tke vma-kralbsaaeaf ataad to Ota bawd, dall pain ar iatk bawd, palpi 1st toe of Ike heart, fsraisw ar waithl iatksaSBRaarh. twar a mlsalsm. akasBaRt ar aanVaitafeelm wsws lytas ft aa. lijaim ac y.ltowsaas af tkeskis aad et, Bixfct .weals, inward revert, ram is Ikeassail of tke Rack, skew or aisle, lallen taaket of healaraaata af sptrtto, Irisktral arsmaa. maasr, lis. nd

ssap. se aay aeeweaa dissaee. soce. or blotches aa ateaft. a. as fevsr an axne. (or ch.lls aad lever.)

Over mitliaa ef kottlea have been sold da rial the lastWa warn he, ss is as haa tt failed in trvmaestirs sat isfactss. Who, lasts, WUI mftbr fram weaknewa Jahility when McLean's atissrtkisx Cordial allears year

Ao srmafts eaa is u aBRRsRXaam mas Irandiate aaa alssaaA miracaleaa haa. Bloa bv tat inmfa cwanal ta the nacd. drtiiiitated and .katteve

by owe WSSk

ke Asters or tmpAir-- d hy slckna. . tt,. r. axel aad anstoma orsaaisatbsa ts reatored te its p. latin, heallh aadeiror

Mar-.e- per cone, ar At-- rs ef tnahiBtv. framwfcaiever mass, wit! ffat RcLrm .enntewiaCoesaalattsae ack reesernbw m Ike sc Irs ; aad Alt who mayhave latere 'hessaft.veA by impsapev laikia ria, aliiSal in tbia ttaediai a aad weeds remedy

TO THE 1. 11C'.dial is t sovereum and

tropttoa. whiten, obalra-re-

or dttwait ..ii ta, a aaasase a wrne ur ,n..,iantary dlschnrte. thereof, fkl'ln af the t

nw. fainliaa. sa t ail diasssss larvawwA to reeaaleaTRAseiaimasaaassaslwsllt SwaTwr aa kstpsr. Take

it Pis to directions, it will a'wnl.te, aresse keaand isviftaeate von, aal cans, ike bloom af kealth P

Rasa year caeeft axala. Beery ketxl I am raato-- l

For t'taliarett.If yarn cftOatren are aerllr, psay. scA-lt- Mrls-.'--

i aal sent stake tkem healthy, fat asd r .bast. Delayaaa aawaeat. try u aad yea win he caav tared It

CftOTtos Beware of draEXtsta r wtt. matIrv to palm apwa ywa nam hatSBr. or mrsasariita Uaak.whn--k they ran bar cheap, by sayint it a yam aa tan.Aeest asm Bftes. Ask Par attLeaa's Strenctkestn Octdial, aad take t elae. It ia tka oahv twaaly thaiattX pnrtfy tke hlassl tkorootklv. aad at tk mm time

Oae taMoapraasfBI taken everv marnisx fasti rsx. to trtsiB prerwntivs f.c ckasiers, .hilts aad fewer, ywllca

raver, ar aay prevalent ssw ss. II is pat sp is lataPrice sal. SI per - t e r :v b..'t! f'.r Be.

st. I M.LEAN.e ia !.. ASMaVoicaclci) Liniment Frinctsal tova. 'oa tk

mi aat af Tklrd sad Pita streets, at. L. acs. Mo.Fw sale in Memphis by A. B. MANSFIELD ft CO.;

Shan by . W JONES ft CO., tad WARD ft Rrl'LBI -

Fall Trade. ISKO.B. WALKER & BSC'S,


( I.OTHI it.dry ax)rs,Boots. Shoes Etc ,

Vt. l.-- s VJaia-At- ., ( lay BitililiucCLOTHING! fllTHING ! !

EXTB are saw reeet viae from oar ma laraamay. Mo. litW North Tktrd street, Ph.ledelphi, a torts ABd

spleadid aassetasBRt of

CLOTHING,to tait th traaV. We ara alas la receipt of a (artaad ;. tft af

DRY GOODS.BaoU,hrra.TrniA. Valitwa,

Hat, etc, etc.Ta Piaaters. Co entry aerakaaas sspt River Trader

we lavit ptricnar alteatlea to JSr exteosac-stoc-

before porch aftRS elsewhere. Aa we manufactureswr nws

f ir lbs market, we thftrelore Essrsales afli s al EAAtrra pcicea. Oar

XEfiEO ( I. O T H I eery tars sad deair able, sad af tke most durablettallty. Va aal Veil from every oae an exsatinatioa of

B WALKER ft BRO 'S.atdl Clay BaildlBE, IBS Ms. it streel.

WESTERS SPICE MILLS.-- in r Loria, .no.

(.round Coffee, Spire, Muatard, Cataups, etc.OtWcp, 43 Rascaaxa Street.

NORRIS a; UARESCHE,sell tm Ftspsletors.




IIStaple and Fancy

DRY GOODS,Clothing, Varieties, Etc


bt BR trade s iaite stel complete stock of0' asppatwRl .t their line, and reapecUailr solicitthe snrefol -- t- rest i.i of cash aad prompt time Anv...Their stock of DRBSS OOODS. TR1MM1NUS EM -

REOIDBRIES .1rlor, sad all at

aaas s.--

SR ,

8- ieaOl- a'M

J -- 1

3 lofstos -e of

to 2,- if! s. CI

- n a 2 ecas S aa w -E is. . k io el 51 b a UU?

o e .-- a

fc - aa IF



S33 Main tat, oprsntylt. Coort Squar,


FBy ami Staple Dry Goods Clothinz.


XXTS lock hafts Willi t tww. be to starts llvrv low p'icwa, his saocto tats quick mlee aad

small proSIs TO TUB TRADE. An ettensive .lock of

C LOT lllw,Wktrrk has kes maeojsstarwd aader kla own ,aper- - MerchAnt. psrtlcstarry tnsucl

avs,BaamxaTB a.aare.

drii tfon

Tk-- T .

- t ii..isriii-n M

s atnllolni


E 'TaS A. f o.


i'..i.nBi.nihi.i i he.Oa ThiM Mlreet.

PWmWMMt to a aaari af th Qhaaiai i Coart atMhwaafAaa, rawatoaf. May ta Uto 'mm

of J On o . itfwtiav aaat W aa. B. Krtfi4w va. Waa.Qmrnmsf, mmmt rthvra. I wul.

On Tnrhy, er, lhla rr r cm. m th d y 4 Meapble, prrt-- d to

aal to taj hil

A Val ble L t of iaac ia "die v TMaewa.. aaal vta d tmn

af aoahara, aarvwo- tttxBd aapi i

wM aWjgi

tveaaw parar.

aarth HiWatsto.


Haatt- -' .

MUM I 11 -- tilOP


Mm Shelby Street.LTMITAjrr to a axuaa mcmrr c .or t i

emi'b. sM.ierswd a ta tha caaTfe A Ms.Ci vi. A A

Oa Txestlay. Offfjlepr i. IW,.a ihm ajto f prvrceod

toaaai tovvae hirbaai kahiai,

A Valuable Lot of Iaand,aphis. 9fceinv tmBttP,aaamtkasesas aa hVtS. wast si to al staaftkT


Valuable Landsto vvn "lots,la by auu Fayette Uaattrt,

ANT to a aaciw of th Chaa-er- y Obarf mtPrmSL phi. radMird Haw l&Bl. ta tha raaa afJaaaj C. Waaaall, aatoiaiMi nui of Juhs . Ban 4ac'v. Bsvotavia F Ball aatt Mortba Ball, 1 will.

Or I . rlrtifffi. Lhtber 9, 1I 'i fr. ;aotl t lah I fi

A Valuable Tract of Land

where.. n theI -- Id a wood- -.



l'N,tnae, Misa

MASOIS fe CO..Cotion Factor,

o n aaiaa, recei viv,isn

Forrdain wten-hant!- .

IH.i Vlain atreet.rmsOnr ckarte tar storms And .

ss her. i .f ire. SH par cwol. aaaSAB. rsanraac always -- tt ied t


J. J. SMITH a CO.,niajnissiim am! Furwardin.' MereliRBts,


Store and Rtaip I rt(Iweer Wkftrf Boat.)


11 -- , 'kaea had her Ikaaswashly retUna of oae of Eata k Nelson Celebrated Strain Pr.tsne.she ts ana .ne at tka safest kale aa Ik M'asiaalppselver.

W are prepared to do a fsseral At aad For.wardinv. tras nana, (with every facility aw

lib! cash ftftvances ci p- I ice prodoce to 3a t nslam othevaiaewiu be indorsed n onr open policy.

Oar staamh wt friends may rely spun tar trains instantlT ammiiad with every at tide in tte boat .tor.hip chsndlerv line At tke lowest prases, and tkat win

advance the caec. on all Itatskbt detlv.rl ua onr boat1.1 I y J J. SMITH B

BELLEVTJEGardens and Nursery.

Fro teur of th . B the .nblTREvnrts of choice

Fruit. Flowers.Stwrtreeoa. Creepers, aiwanhssss Ptaam. sa hardyFkrakbery ,f all kinds. variety f rboi a

ajaa aaa flatCarren.a. asaft- -

berrte.. Fit. Pecan.. Spsr.ish Cheatnota.Bwjll.h Walnsts. Raspberries, et... .St. Aass,

hunafl ' PJasmaitaa, .at kinds sad usee ;

Firs, Teas. Cedars Arhw Tltw. Ttwe Dwsrfssd Tan Mated Baa. aa WsspaRs Et sisi naa.of salt, sellable for csssstscies

I tit FlowersFnrnisksd at all aaaaaaa of the year. A chew attaso

taw of Bftibs as Ptowst saad tally .net fromEsmpe.

psmft p. is a, mtksaws to the propr letnr a remittanceor aaStaaactory reference asset aor swpaay all onaersAll 1 an akftsld tics cpactBc direct toaa aa to past tat

ahtnmenl sad place of lestinntlon. A moderata cbaraemale tat packtiw. saSavAwst ta rawer aspana sf hsxiss.

AB paskmyss, after beioe tacpkst for bp Isn j- - t,

ms at the risk of ih. parchassr. BhoBjd sayomiaal w ar ncrst It s shipmc t. the . tme axilns cheerrsily corrected apoo ncdlc. netni; siewo to tkpenpal. tor .

Dv. S M. Wbeab'O Is Bow in Barops, where k 1

ms Prsit Trees. Boss.. Bail.. Seeds,

and all Ora .mnrnal Skruba pertaiRias to a Srst-cla-

Nnr-er- y and OrnBmentAl Uardess.Cami.a n s.oi rati uF t maroe to All ipHlraaat

R. B WhlRATOM.Mswtlll, Tesft.




.ro. 23 .Wain Strtet.JtrST BjaXraTIvaa-BOlTLRD- Be Mim

HATRNEMESIS. Bv the si lB.ii t "'t.'. H .tpleo Path

LIFE OF WM. T POBTBR adit .r.f Porter's S,rl,tke Times.



s An. .ssortmeM of Wrrt-- n Desks Wl4

Ohecring New? Afflicted.SNn.EMRN tat science t Ale BBI '

Vp RXBmRS IftSI HI wmmtheoriee the world rear prodoced.

Dat A. 6. GOODLETt

Ta aknnw'.wttad try all ho ltavell. its tttat. tat,n. --' lb. best medicines ever seed for the aire al all

..'..', fr-- a sdtc .'in.aB- '

k. sc." in Oi. city ofI

- asraat, -ii re- L.-- ii

stXcacy. ctMcMlsmnUe.TellB.,The Rev. J.

TL A 0 OOOOLET-D- ssr Str It way rrim

-w-e'.-"-m Middle Tennes,.. I has art. a sseed i 31 JZTaaatl l" kaa hasa rv rawtfRTts

'""TcJZ mmemim. Wot t an by .ii.taji ax

.tlatActoptoce. Tsryraapemlslly.aajw-DO-

a w JOMBBBCO txtal,.stsODLBTT aCO..rJFTcA-asw- .

tR. B. wOOIsLakTf k CO..

...... ssASytiva, i





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