library of congress · qmnmammmamrm the mk vtpmii p s !!!! iiami m inn , ijlil....

Qmnmammmamrm s !!!! iiami m inn , ijlil. .aaassaBjBsaaa.atL. THE MK VtPmii P . , U . y -- V'K, L, SATTTR ' s V. : ; 5RTTAEY Q8. 1SSO. " KAlLt.OVD TiaE-TAiiLi- :. f.eelvUIe ana AiaNnvllle al threat L4.V. A.UK1 Express, dally.... It :20 P.m. ft m, Mall, dally. 6 4l) a.10. 4:20 p.m. Br iwns.iil vocom.nodi'.t'n dally (exoepl Sundays)... 4:20 p.m. O.TT1 On Sndinihy, Kxoress run only to M'Kenile.oon neoiin lor Mtsnvuie. 'iloiwinpl ana TtiwmM. L.KAVK. aXKIT. Now Orleans Mall, dally... 2:45 p.m.l 10:45 S-- m. Sunlit Awomnm t o, diti y teti-ep- t rVuidnrs) 4:43 Pm. 9:00 a,m. V -- .... T, I.. ., .. dim. day. eVt.ted .. . . 6:43 a.m.1 6:00 p.m, .emn-.- K rmrlwloii. I LH4VB. m:uv time) I i. Mall A ttwi Train, dully 11116 p.m. 1 IK) p.m. Bom l.'IMc AOCO'n:" !uui: 4 40 p.m. 8 00 a m Mcnsphl. and A.tttlc Kwt. ' LEaVS. aUBlta. Mill train, is;. y 6:10 p.m. 115 p.m. VMljtit,d.ii.9. f.; fJu.j.). e?:i)n a.m. r:05 Ma. Parlm-u- h una U e an ph I w. l.kaVK. ABB1VS. M lit .'t :'3i.r!' f '.rin,i!aU 1 :fH) p.m. 0:110 a.m. in .... i tin- i r n WHO a m. K:M0 pro FINANCIAL. TheM wan not lima of moment ' be learned among the banks on Madison street outside routine matters; In Met. tilings generally were aeneieni in animation. Excba ge came In sufuolenlly to meet all wants, and tnere was l lie usual quietude In lue demand for money, except when wanbd for very brief periods; tne rate was tbe ordinary H per cent. Charleston was much discussed, and Itie desire to get bolu of It was as earnest as ever v beard of two oases in wn en in was cnereo, out oouiu nv learn wbeiber sales were consummated at tbat amount Tbat any lower i.ffer than tuat would meet with attention appealed to be out of the question. The Hen York ttuUelin, of Tuesday, re- pot ts : " N w Yntk exchange waa quoted liHiir as follows at Hie puces nameu Hiiuinah-h- ui I rii. 8 ItkU premium Charleston stead: parr?!. Unit- - Ns Orleans mmniewlal. 'A.', discount: batik. 1 preuil um. UU Louis, 75 discount. Chicago, 8u discount. Boston, 40 discount. Exchange at our banns qo.ied at 14 discount 0.1 New York and otber prominent eastern points; wltn three days' grate. m aiacoum; selling atpar. On New Orleans, 14 discount; selling it par. Brielliy county scrl :i Is quoted at 8Hr7iH) buying, and H:iiit'5 selling. Tbe last sale of Memphis gas stock aia Mt 77L: the I nit sale of MerubUls comnromise bonds was at U7ti Little Rock first mortgHge bonds last sale at HUU: highest sale of Charleston rail- road stock at 1 be New York Vhrott-irt- s of yebruary 21st, quotes aa follows: Tennessee Mnw coupons. 10 bid. 25 asked; Mem phis and Cuarlestun rallmad first moitgge is, 100 bid; second miirutave is. w.i diu; aiisisippi ami Tennessee flr- -t mortgage 8, A, 117 bid, second mortgage ns, 11, v.t. MEM I'll 13 BANK CLBABLNGS: tnrttrma. Balancm. February 27, 1HH0.. t25rt,07il 77 S77.32U 80 Total this week !,4H5,tHt0 13 81)5,781 40 Bame time last week.. 1,191.442 2 2I1.HH8 (i5 Bame time week twlore 1 .iiOb.Httn 22 2;)H,4lJ HH IBT TKLKGUAfH. I tAH3. February 21). Bemes. 82 f. a5r. LONtKiN, Febniary ols, P7 15-lr- New rs, lOfi-Vi- ; 4W-1- . I I0W; 4s. ItHiUi; Illinois Central. KM); Peiiiisyi.iina Central, f4; Hfle,47l; seconds. li Hi; Heading, do 14. Miff ORLKAN3. Kobn-ar- y 27. Bight exchange n New York. l on Sl(NK) premium, sterling xeb-um- bankers' bills. 404. NBW Y0HK, bruary 27. Money loaned down from 6 to 4 per erut., oloslng easy at 4. Prime mer- cantile palter, htlhvi. bterilng exchvnge bankers' bills lienor. 4H44. New York sight exchanse. 4H7I4. Uoverntneui bonds auomr. sbade firmer; higher for 4V. Unlkrd States ooupous of 1HX. lU.'ti;oew5s, 10 H( new 4Vis, 1ok."!b; new4s,10Kn; Paoiiio Hs of lKW;'i, 1V25V. btate bonds dull ana nominal; Lonli-lin- 71 consols, 4H; Missouri. 1UH; Bt. Josepb, 103; Tennisseeds, old, 80 IS; Teuues-- e r)s, uerr.Uil'j; vtralnta lis, old, 24; Virginia s new. 25; Virultila eonsuls, 75: preterreo, 714. Rtllroad bonds were strong and higher. Tbe stock market waa ttniim tbrougiiout almost tbe entire day. At Intervals a alluhl reactlou look p.ace, uuder s, but at lue close quotations In some were tne h'gheat of the Anf. Tbe advance was 10 pur erut. In New Albauy and Chicago, and Ifa to 4S ter cx.'it. In the remainder of tbe list, tbe trunk lines, grangers, K and Texas, and the coal slocks being Hie most conspicuous In Ibe Im- provement- Nasiivllle, Chattanooga and HL Louis declined from llrlVa to 1 lot's, and Loul-vll- le and Nashville from to 141, out the former afterward rose to 117Vl and do ed at Urt Boutbwestern stocks were sluing. It was rumored tbst Jay (Jould and Kussell Bage were active luurcbaslng back their recent sales ana covering ouiatauoing auorts. Wa basil soli at 44; Hannibal aud rtt. Joseph, 41H: nreierred, 75h; Iron Mountain, K214: Kansas and Tex, 4:114. Among tbe exceptions were tbe stock 01 IheCntCHgo, Columbus and Indiana Central com- pany, wuich le!t to 21Vt on a rumor that the Penn- sylvania Ceutrnl would carry lbs long litigated ca to tbe supreme court by vptieal; luuomes fell to 44ta; first recti tils. Kill) liomtou and Texas Cen- tral fell to 7Ht. on a report tbat tbe pool bad recently maiketed a large block of sto-K- . Nashville, Chattanooga and fcL Louis advanced 7 ner cent from tbe lowest point of tue morning to 1 lot on tbe announcement tbat fresiuent lie bud withdrawn his resignation. Tbe A'praM says tbe reduction of tue tmblle debt for July will probably reach $5,000 000. The American excbaiige detiounoes jcsteidui's raid on Little id says It wui a movement designed to force down tbe stock In onler to freeze out siu dl holders. Coal Is Inaotlveueniandaiid selling at 93 60 per ton; most companies mime to make large contracts ahead, Tram,acl one awn-gule- 4'JiHHX) shares, fif which 250 wme At antic aud Faolllo Telegrapn, 2200 Canada Bouibern. 5S0O ChlCdgo, Coiumous and Indiana Central, 11400 Chicago, et. Louis and New Orleans, rHth) Lack.twanna, ;it)00 Delaware aud IIu isoo, Hei.LHK) Krle, 11,000 Hannibal and t. Joseph, 1MH) Hnuilon and lexas, tltHM) Iron Mountain, llrt.OOO Kansas and Texas, 52,000 Lake fcbnre. 1200 Little Hitt.ibnrg. D2O0 Michigan NoitliAeK rD,4L iKMlNasbvllle and Chat lanouga, l:).00o New Jeisey Central, 20,000 New York Ceulral, IOO hortliero Paeitlo, K400 Ohio and Mlssisslpnl, 5400 Onturlo and Western (cloned at 2rUt). 7il'H PaciiiJ Mall, 400 Beading, 1,000 Bt Paul, 11200 St. Paul and Btoux City, 1000 Bt Paul and Mlnueiiiiolta, 10.0 i0 Wabash aud Pacific and B21M) Western Union. Climlng quotailous: Bock Island, ; PaQama. 1M2; Fort Wayne, lliltii; PittHbuig, 1101; Illinois Central, I1UI4; ChligO, Burtl iglon and Uulncy, 144ex.alv.; Chicago anu Al on, 1 Oil In; Chicago and Alton pre- ferred. 11M; Nesr Yorg Central. 18214 ollered; llarleiu. i0; l ke ehorn, 107; Can.m 00111 ti- er 11. H51.ii; .vilctilaan Central, U2L: Erie, 45; Krle preferreu, 71; Nuribwesteiu, y:iU; Nortuwestern preferred, 10ttli Bt Paul, 81; Bb Paul pmerred. 10J t: dt Paul an MlnnOHpolls, 5tWn; Bt PnuJ and Bioux City, 4:)&t; Bt I aul and Bloux City preferred, 80; Lftkawarmasnd Western, VH Morns and Kssex, 1081s: Delaware and Hudson, 7HU: New Jersey Ce tral, Ohio mul MlsslsiotJ, lirI4; unlo and Mississippi prelerred, 7Jl; Cliesaptake and Oblo. 21&t; Mobile and Ouio, 22; Cleveland and Columbus, 8OI1; Cbloago, Columbus and Indiana Ceutral, 211 ottered; liuiiluglou. Cedar Hapldl and Northern, 101; Alton and Terra Haute, 12iili; Alum and Torre Haute preleriel, 104; Wabash, Bt Louis and Pacific. 444; Wabash, Bt Louis and Padiic preferred, HUI4; Hannibal and Bt Joe, 41 'H: Uaunlbal arid Bt. Joe preferred, 758; Iron MountiUn, tlli: Bt Louis and Ban Frau-elso- 44; Bt l.ouU aud ban tfranclneo prefened, MVt; Bt Louis aud Ban i rancisco, first prelerred, 70; Chicago, bt Louis and New Orleans, 41O4; Kautas and Texas, 451; L'nlou Paoltlo stock, 01; Kansas pacific 80; Northern Pacific, BUVi: Northern pur' lis preferred, ritlVt; Louisville and Nashville, i:ni; Houston and Texas, offered; Westsrn limon Telecrapb, 114; AUaotlc and Paolflc Telnaraph. 4HX4; paclllo Mall, 43&t; Little Pitisb'irK, 15; Heading, Adams hx-- riress, 10MU; Weils i rargo, HUl,; smerlcan iCxpress, MI4: United Btates Kx press, 48; Quick- silver, 20ta vffsrad: yulcksllver pret'd, Bt; Lea.:-vlll- e, .Hj; f nirHl Pacitle bonds, 112; Union Ha-etl-io tlrsts, 1 1 il; Union Paclho land grants, llSti; I'nlon PaclOa singing funds, 1111; Letilgh aud Wlikesbarre. 115; St. Paul and Bioux City firsis, lot; Chlean, Columbus and Indiana Central tlrala, no sulus: Chlumo, Cnlumbua and Indiana Cen- tral seconds, HI I4; Kne 100; Louisville, Nashville and clnitlano. gi. ; Louisville, New Al- bany and Chicago, HU; Central Arlztma, 110 sales; ribon. no sales; hxwisior. U4; Home blase, 1)8; Ontario, 28; Btandard, 3jla-- COTTON. There was a he . look ablut thft tel- egrams yesterday; less, "dull" and ear; but there was nothing animated, and Liverpool sbugred a pretty large receipt Prices, however, held stead In all the principal markets. In our market the morn- ing opened with a belter demand, but In the after- noon a heavy and penisient rain set In and dark clouos niana ue .tuple scarcely distinguisha- ble from another. This restricted sales. Business was done al tu exlntlng rales, and quotations are repeated The New York huUetin, ot Wednesday, retiorts: "Tbe cable stowed nothing really enoour. aging In character, but the prooabillty Is that the market sernrmt strength mainly through local sources. A great many new short deals weia maue list week, and there wa nlso considerable cotton quietly put oul, it Isthought, men-l- r to add weight to lue effort to fix lower rates for buying, aud y a great many. It noi a m)owyof ibe previous seilero, have beoi.iie buyers. Including some of the 'longs' who threw ever their engagements his baa created the deiunud and storied a new advance, wblcn pretty nearly recovered lb Immediately g loss. We nsllce a oontinuatiuu of the old feeling of perplexity auiong a laigs proportion of tbe itada. Iit It Is the 'bears' al tue in iinenl vthoara ui out anxious to lliid out 'what It all means.' " TesCnfuv. ly Kbrs Ordinary rTI0h & 107(1 Hood orilltiaty -- fflj'ig rf lit L middling rtl'ilg r?l2i Mlddllnx tT12l rM2tii OjixI middling rTI2H tTlirs Middling I.Ur . ifl.'lU tt laui Kalr. Nominal. Nominal. B tains 11112 11-8- 12- Market easy. Bales, 2iKK bales. Including 1700 to exiwrters, and DUO to spinners. Week's sales, 10.4i 10 bales, including 0100 to exported, ttttbO U spinners, and 050 to speculators. COTTON BTATBMKNT. Btock, Septfmber 1, 187l 886 heielved y J,.)ttil Hecelvod prevleusiy 851,t:i5 85.1,401 Shipped to--d .. :,0Ht 85:1.787 Bblpped pr u 17 .. 2.1J.U8 2:ld.2H7 Btock, running account 118,660 IMPOBT3. Tuui far this week 16.351 Thus far lust week 14.175 Since Bepteutber I ... 853.401 Memphis an.1 Charleston B- -B 4.S.1 Mississippi and Teniieo-se- e H. B. 2i0 lAMilsvllIa. Nashville and Ureal Southern B. B. Irl5 Memphis and LlUle Ro.'k K. K 417 Paduoah and MempUlg H. it. Bteamera Jj1; W agooa and other sources 200 Total..... a.StttJ IXP0HT3. Thus 'far this week, .... l.7rt.'f thus far laxt week. I5.rrt0 blue Beptember 1 . 2!t5 237 Msmpbls and Charleston railroad 481 Misstmiiiol aud Tenuessee K. K 1,470 liuisvtlle, Nashville and Ureal Southern B.1K, 525 bteamera north. 01.1 Total .......8.08k) lr TKlKaH4fH 1 Ttia following are the latest telegrams of t do- mestic marketa, aa reported yesterday to the cotton ImI-- bt-l- l of Market Kec'it. Galveston Dull. 1.015 New Orleans Unlet II,:I50 Mobile tjulet 2.025 bsvannali ky. 1,848 Cliartealon Dull. B2:l Wilmngon.,.. Ouiet 55 Norfolk Dull. l,2lt Haiti more ....... (Jllet. ....... NewVorg biernly. 8tl.i Boston Dull H08 PlJlla.lelul.ui .... Quiet 44N Augusta Quiet 170 i'rv-- a MiditUng. ! 12! 12 1 124 llr.H 121, 13 1T1 U l it 13la 12kJ Tbe foliowiu are Hie New turn ims ,1 uotatlons iw, rwiwunr; I'ruinifT, 11 good orxUuary J Jtio; low nildxlUng, 1 J ; middling. 13 good middling. 13 middling fair. 14 c At 10JJ0. weak; 1 -- 20. dull; 2:16, steady; 8:10. steady. Stock, 84rt,714 bales. Thi tone or the future ".""""fUa 10-i- steady at n shade easier; 1 MO. steady; ao'steadleVTsJI, quiet and firm. Salee, U8.000 bhi following shows the closing quotations of futures in the New York market yesterday: jfOnfeb Yvtterday. Day J fort. JannT... '7.. 12.12WI2.1H 12.20r?l2H0 .ebruaiT S12M1 12.H8tfl2.N4 March... r?12.Wl 12H312.H4 4yrU 13.14?i:i 15 May r?13:J7 13.30 June c713.5s 13 5H13.K0 July 13.H8ftl3.rill 13.ti'.ta 13.70 ' august 13 75r213.77 13.77S13.70 Beptember..... 13.iiWfil3.31 14.2flS18.2D OjUitfer 12 4iffl245 li! 42314 45 November 12.13S12 lrt 12.15912 1W December .. 12 05dl2 00 12.10312.14 The New Orlenns nisrKet closed quiet at rc for middling. Sales, 41KM) bales; receipts, 8350 bales. Btock. 345,714 bales The following shows the closing quotations of fu- rores In Ibe New Orleans market : MonthM. Xuttrday. Day tutfun ft.. 9 March 12.R03I2H0 12.ft0ar2.fl9 AprlL 12.75312.80 12.73312 75 May 12 85312.87 12 84312 8rt June 13 02313 Of) 13.02313 07 July 1300313.1a 13.11313.18 August 13.103 13 14313 18 September 12 63312 HO 12.523,...-- . October lll5311."8 1103311.97 November. 11H03I1H4 11H0311.H4 Decern ber. 1 1.5H31I 50 H 65311.00 The market closed quiet. Bales, 2300 bales. The Liverpool telegrams yesterday reported Cotton dull: middling uplands, 7 5-- rid; Orleans, 7 7-- 1 Hd. Sales. OOOO bales, of wblch 5200 bales were American. Receipts, HH.000 bales, of wblrb 3 1,000 were American. Ordinary, 8Vid; good ordinary, fld; low middling. 7 3 lHd. Liverpool tulures opened dull; February, 7 9 82d; Felruary-Marc- 7ld; Maicb Aprll, 7Ud; Aprll-aa- y, 7 H2d; May June, 7 June July. 7 September-OcUtoe- r, 74td. At 3:80, Manebes-te- r yarns and fabric srere easier; October- - Novem- ber, 7 1 82d. at 4, February, 7 June-July- , 7Kd; Augu-t-S- ei tember, 7 At 6:10, 1 1 74d. Futures closed dull but steady. The following Is tbe Liverpool weekly cotton state- ment: Bales. 42.000 bales, 34.000 bales Of which were American; speculators took 2000 bales; took 40O0 bales; forwarded from ship's side direct 19 spinners, 18 000 bales; actual exoort, 8OO0 bales. Total receipts, 105.000 bales, nf which 78.000 were American. Total stock. 575,000 bales -- 1182,000 American. Amount afloat, 304,000 bales 252,000 American. Tbe movements at tbe porta were reported as fol- lows: Thin Laid This Week Wile. Week. lsu year. Rec'tsslnee Friday 89,100 98.H44 90,10r) Kxp'tsto (i. Britain 43,522 57.375 7H.023 Kxp'ta toContlneut 40,910 27.10' 21,504 Stock - 987.209 1.000,57 802.724 Total receipts at all United Btates purls, 4,210,-H5- 9; same date 1878, 8,81 1 429; same date 1K77, 8,657.971. Increase of receipts at United Btates ports this year, 299.239. Total stock at all porta, 93 517. against 797 342 same time tbe year e; in 1877, e 13,294. Tbe following Is tbe Naw York weekly eomparat tlve cotton statement: Net receipts at all United 8tates porta.... 142.000 Same week last year Ill ,000 Total receipts at all U. S. ports to date.. 4,210,n00 dame date last year .3,800,000 Exports from all V. B. ports for the week. 101.400 Same week lant year 112.000 Total exports from U. S. ports to date. .. 2.403.000 Same date last year 2,440.000 Block at all U. S. ports I 84,000 Same time last year 797.000 btock at all Interior towns. 179.000 Bauie time last year 1 04 5 IX) Btock at LIveriiooL 51 1,0(10 Same time last year 510,000 Stock of American afloat for (it Britain.. 250.000 Same time last year U3t),O0O UKNEUAL TRADE. The weathpr vpsterdny morninir was warm and cloudy, followed by rain. Business was very quiet Corn went on but slowly at former prices. Oats were quiet and unchanged. Some bay changed bai.ds: round lots of oralne are offering at 89 50. Comment was quiet and unchanged, potatoes be- came scarcer aud were very firm. ggs were better ana more active, cnicxens are siigutiy lower. Quotattoru detoie are for round lots at the landing and tne r ittroad dVpots, and nctude neither dray-oo- ttorage. nor other ixvenxex outside of the bare freight ana cnarge up to tne tune of arrival, joo-bin- g ami store , aUm are at higher ra tcs, as they dravage, storage and vroftt of the dealer. TRED. Oom sales of 250 sacks of yellow at 49pc 300 sacks at fiOj; 175 sacks ear-cor- n a' 50.'; In store. 6He . Cki&i-s- ale of a car-lea- of mixed at 5f)c; In store, 50c Bran In store. 80c Corn Aran -l- ust sale at 89. Hay quotes atS21 for prima, ' 50) for tlmotbi: sales of 40 bales at 821. 1H0 at? 12: tbree cur-loa- d of prairie at S10; In store, SI 1031 25s prairie, 70c FLOUR AND lliiL- .- (our superfine, ?5; extra, S535 25; double extra, $5 5036 75; treble extra, So 7530 5ft: family. SH3H 50: choice. SO 7537: fancy. S737 50. Cornmeal, $2 45; dray loads. 82 50. VKOErABUEa. Potatoes I eacbblows. In slo e. SI 5531 HO; sale of 15 sacks or peacbblows at 1 100 delivered. Seed votatoes. In store - early russets, S2; late russets, Si 75; early western, $2; New York peerless, $2 25; western etrly rose, $2 25; New York early rose, 82 75; early goodrlcb, S2; London Indies. $2; pinkeyes, S2 2o. tfoeet votatoes. Si 2o32 60. Onions, 84 503 5 a barrel lu store, heed onions tops, 84 bono a ounnei; bottoms, S030 60 a bushel. rurniiM, 75o3Sl a barrel. While beans. S232 25. Vabljag Loulslaaa, $4 7635 25; fresh choice, S5 50. NUTB.Jeat-Ke- d. 41350; Virginia, 737IA0 terlb. Alinuud. 220 Der lb. Pecans. 10315c. ac cording to size. Brazil Nuts, 120 per lb. Filberts, 14c per id. nainuvt, irw per id. . uocoanuis, giy. KKiua AND BUTT Kit Egq bttter. 12c per dozen. Butter medium, 21 32il choice, 253 27c ereameiy, 85c FBUITd AND BEBRISa Apple. S3 5034 50 a barrel: New York Baldwins. S4 75. Oranges, 50 34 60; Valentlas, 810 a case. Lett 6ns, dl per box. awir -- old, sj; uew, j3 per noz. t ts, loeperlb. IMiUs, 10c per lb. Dried Apples, 939WC per lb irtf jieavhes, UMl310e per lb. 1.1 n r, iiu r.ji r.. i . ijtttie, 31 tu a Darrei. Louisville eetnent. SI 75 a bt rrel: Bosedale cement S2 25 a barrel. ruutiixi.-umcsxns.- xA lorraau. miciot, zo. 6w, 4 2525 per dozen. Turkeys. 10315 per dozen. eojiSli MKAT. ETC. 2lAfB 8Pjc; hindquarters. 430c Af ulton, by tbe carcass, net ik-- , nogs, naive rigsr ten kegs, i; nati-barrel- s, S4 25; barrels, 8 J 7o38. HOU PROOUCK Pork clear sides, loose, 73 7Uo; clear rib, loose, fVU3H.85c; shoulders, loose. 4ts34&ttc tioartirod hams packed, 9Pgc Mess ptyrk, i3 25318 60. Bacon clear side, packed, 7ic: clear rib, 7to; shoulders, 6VSC lard tierce, 7tt)38c; palls, ijc UBOCEB1K& Wffee, 14M)315o for ordinary, 16c for lair, 17317Mio for good lair, 18V319V90 for choice. Tea Imperial, 55385c Alos Louisiana, ,440; carouna, nwixwc tsau per oray toad, irom store, SI 95 per barrel; coarse, per sack, SI 403 1 60; Una, SI 75-- Hugars Louisiana open kettle, 7438ao; yellow clailUed. 9iA.30jo: white olarttled, 9Vs394tc; cut loaf. 1 lUrMityc; granulated, 1 13 lmc; powdered, 1131114c Molasses Louisiana sugaj house scarce; 52355c tor unfermenllng choice; rebolled choice, 483500; prime, 44340c; fair, 40c MISCELLANEOUS Hominv.- - S3 f5 a barrel. Buckwheat flour, til 50 a barrel. Peach butter, 1 2e per pound. Vider western, S7 : Shaker, $838 50 a barrel. Macaroni Imported, 84 a box; American, 1 Oo per pound. Garlic Spanish, 75c3Sl a string. Kraut, $537 a barrel. BAUU1NU AND TLE3. Bagging flax. OaiOc; Jute. 2 lbs., 1131113; mixed, 1010. Ties, $2 60 32 75 per bundle. Twine, 12c per lb. H1DKS. XTC Oak sole. 88341c; bemlock. 283320 per lb: harness, 80340c; skirt- ing, 88340c; French calf, S4O300 per dozen: do- mestic calf, S30345 per dozen. Hkleslirj flint, I80: dry salt 15c: green, H37o; green salt, 738e KVejMAina, 50cal 5U Tallow, 6Vx30c Beeswax, 20c CATTLK MARKET. -- J. LaCroIx. of Second slrvet Chelsea, reports: Sales for Ibe past week bave been lively. Unod to choice cattle and bogs are In active demand; both are commanding quotations readily. The run of sheep has been large during the last few dai s. At present there is an over supply. Hecelpts of cuttle are very light The demand for tbe best grades bus increased, as ibe butchers seem to be unable to use the class of cattle has been received of late. Prices are firm. Very few bogs In yaids. Choice butchers' grades se 1 at 434140 readily. Sheep are lu over supply and slow ot sale. Cattle Choice western and Texas corn feo,434to per pound; medluui.3Va3Kit4C per pound; choice giass, 833140 per 0111111: smooth fat oxen, weighing IOOO10 1500 pounds, 3U33iO per pound; rougu oxe and eows lu good condition, 2Ms33c per pound; poor aud common cat'le, lt3 2c ter pound; milch cows with young calves, 4l5 330 per bead, yearlings, 4aH per bead. Hheep choice, 4Vg3 5o per poud; medium, 434Uje per pound ; coin mon.J 1 ft I 60 per bead. Bogs uuolce, weighing 175 to v?25 pounds, 434140 per pound; meulum, per pound; sboats, UVa33tc per pouuU. ' BT TKLHO RA PU. LOTJISTILLK, February 27. Flour quiet Wheat firm. SI 20 Corn Qnn; No. 2 white, 4534f3c: No. 2 mixed, 43344c Oats quiet but steady; No. 2 white. 40341c; No. 2 mixed, 88339c Bye steady; No. 2. 80387c Hay quiet. $14318 60. Pork quiet, SI2 nO. Lard sternly; prime steam,. 7'C-- Bulk lu.-a- quiet 4i4rr044. 7c Bacon sternly. 4g rr5, 7U. bugar-cur- ed hams, 9310WC Whisky hrm, si 05. MEW YOBK, February 27. Flour dull; super fine western and biale, 535 4.". Wheat Inactive with light export demand; ungraded spring, SI 2531 271.1. Hye active and Dtra. Cotlee dull and lower; Rio, cargoes, 13iC; job lots, 14318:-- . Sugar higher and lu better uemand; lair togoou iMiwo. Mulaases steady with alairde-man- Re quiet but steady; Carolina, HUrJTixC 1'jrW dull; old mees, spot, quoted at SI 1 quiet tut "leaJy. W hlsky uomlnal, SI lo CINCINNATI. February 37. Flour nulet: family, StWrH 25; fancy, St) 2530 85. Wheat weaker, SI 80. Corn quiet and weak. 41c Oats dull and lower to sell, 30c aye steady, 85c. Barley dull; extra No. 3 lall, 75c Pork weak, SI 2. Laid dull and drooping; 7 I60 bid, 7.'JOo aked. Bulk meats quiet but llrm; shoulders, 4c; clear rib. 6 65c; c ear, 0.75c Bacon demand lair ar.d market arm; shoulders, 51hc; olear rib, 714c; clear, 7Pc Wblsky steady with a fair demand. 1 05. Butter qUet; choice western reserve, 20328c; choice ceulral Ohio, 23325c ST. LOUIS, February 27. Flour fancy, S 12t bid cash: choloe. S: cash, S5 92lu5 95 March, St) 05 April; ramlly, 86 86 oab; tieole extra, S5 00 bid. Wueat lower; No 2 red, SI 87H bid cash, SI 87Vii31 3831 37 March, SI 3131 318 April. St HJW31 817HMay,l 20n31 2tli4Juue; No. 3 red, SI 2d bid. corn lower, U4U334LHC easb, 353 B5io March. 8rit380H;i April, 38r374so May. Oais lower, 88ls- - cash and March, Rye dull, 75c Barley dull. Wblsky quiet. SI 07. Pork dull; Job- bing, SI 2 25 Dry salt meat dull. 434 10, 6 60O 0.00. tt 6o31.75c Bacou easy, 6, 7W374C CHICAtJO, February is ". i'lour nominal Wheat dull ai d lower: No. 2 spring Chicago, Si '2'$ bid cash. SI 24 bid March, SI 25 bid April :Nd. 8 spring Cutoago. SI 1131 12; rejected, 910. Corn quiet and weak; iresh, 8733710 cash; 38ko Marcb, 87Mc April. 41 to May; rejected, 8614c Oats-- 82 33.10 cash, 31o February, 85lio May, Bye steady, hurley ste dy. Pork dull, weak and lower; JU 70 311 75 aash.SU 72W March. $11 90311 April. Lard dull, week and lower; 7.12ljjO cash, 7 12Pt3715e March, 7.25c April." Bulk meals 4lr3H 553 0.70a Whisky steady, SI 07. 'io.. Wheat dull and lower; declined nc Corn easier; declined ic OaU steady. Pork dull, lower and heavy; declined lc Laid dull and lower; de- clined 7 Vc, NBW ORLEANS, February 27. Flour steady and nrm; superfine, $535 25; double extra, $5 75 30; treble extra, S030 37Vj; high grades, SO 60 rd 87la- Corn active and hrm. 58ii5to. Oau quiet 450. Cornmeal good demand and prices a shade higher, $2 00. Hay dull; ordinary, S28324 ; prime, $25; cboloe, S27. Pork scarce and firm; old, Sl2 76, uew.Si:!- - Lard dull; tierce, 7i37tie; keg, 83t.tac Bulkmeau In fair demand and mark, t fluu: shoulders, loose. 4 4oo: packed, ,Vg. clear rib, 0.3 H4tc; clear, ftVf 7c Bacon scarce aud Orm; shoulders, 6i435Vso; clear rib, 7t7 clear 8..aM.iO Bugar-cure- d bams quiet; cauvased, 9i 10e. WUIsky steady: western reotltled, SI 0531 10. C'flee In giXHl qemsnd at full prices; ordinary to prime, 143 10x4a. Sugar quiet ami weak: Infe- rior, 63513c; roinmnn to goodomimon. OujaH.HC: lair to mliy fair, o.'n37t.'c; prime to choloe. 7U' 7c: yellow clarified, 8liifs:ViO Molss-e- s quiet but sternly common. 30433 ; talr. 8tti38c; centrllu-ga- l. 110342c, prliuetocoolce. 42i?52o Klo quiet but steatiy; Louisiana, ordinary 10 choice, rlu7lsJ- - TJIOH THK BPFFDYCURK of Seminal WeaJmess, jT Lost Manhood aud all'iiars tiKyiivht on by ludlscrauon ot excess. Any druggist baa the ingre- dients. DR. JAUURS A CO., ISO West 8UU stras.ClnoauiU Klvera awd Weather. tl. r.. : s,otA;..i i , : .i ,- -, l :,, 1UC lUlllllUK UIUOI4I IAUIO 1(1 1 1 , ini BIV- lars concerning the condition of rivers and weather IU ail uuiwrMiiii iwniis- - orncg BiensL Bkrvicb U. 8. A. Man phis, February 27, 1880. "Above low Changes water. STATIONS. Rise Fall Feet Inches Inches Inches Cairo 42 10 Cincinnati 24 Davenport 3 H Dubuque. 4 Helena. Ark... Keokuk ''6 2 Leavenworth . . 6 1 20 Little Rock.... 2 10 Louisville J4 8 "2" Mesiiihls... 8X ft 3 Nashville 21 62 Mew Orleans.. 8 8" 2 7 1 12 flltsburg 9 7 at Lotus 11 "2" 37 11 6 Below high water of 1874. t Low water ot 1870. benchmark. METEOROLOGICAL BEPOBT. Time. Bar. Thar Wind. Weathe". 29.9H9 61 8.E. Cloudy. p.m. 29 930 69 S W. Cloudy. 9:00 p.m. 29.903 69 N.E. Cloudy. Maximum thermometer, 69 deg. Minimum thermometer, 59 deg. Balnfall. 0.42 Inches. D. T. FLaNNKRY. Corp. Slgnal.Corps, U.S. A. BY TELEGRAPH. NASHVILLE, February 27. River rising, with 21 feet on tbe shoals. CINCINNATI. February 27. River 24 feet 3 tncbes and failing, weather raining. PITTSBUKO, February 27.-Bl- ver 7 feet 4 lnctaM and rising, weather clear and pleasant E VAN3VILLB. February 27. - River falling, wltb with 31 feet 6 Inches by the gauge. Weather rain ing; mercury, 04 deg. Down: uuidiug star, new uneans. 11 p m. LOUISVILLE. February 27. River falling, wltb 10 feet In the canal and 8 feet 00 tbe falls. Weather cloudy and warm. Down: Robert Mitchell, Cincin- nati to New Orleans; James D. Parker, Cincinnati to Memphis. NEW ORLKAN9, February 27. Weather clear and warm; thermometer, 79 deg. Arrived: ew Mary Houston. Cine nnatl; A J. Baker and barges, Bt Louis. Departed: Henry Frank, Memphis; Grand Lake 10. V ana osrges, 01 Louts. VICKSBUKO, February 27. Weather clear and warm ; thermometer, 76 deg. River risen 6 inches Un: Golden City. 9 a.m : Fannie Lewis. 10 a.m. Belle of Sbreveport. 6 p.m Down: Thomas Sher lock, 7am; John Dippold and barges, 5 a. in ; John A. scudder, 1 Am. CAIRO, February 27. River 42 feet and falling. Weather eloudv: thermometer. 66 dec. Arrived: Vlrgie Lee, Memphis, 2 p m.; John A. Wood and Panther, Oblo, 5 p.m. Departed: Vlrgie Lee. Cin- cinnati, 3 pm.; John A. Wood and Panther, New Orleans, b P m. aiaveaneata at the lievee. ARRIVALS. U. P. Scheock, Cincinnati; Golden Crown. New Orleans: City of Vleksburg. St. Louis: City of Hel ena, Vlcktburg; Coahoma, Osceo a; James Le, Fri- ars Point; Josle Harry, Wh'te river; Katie Hooper, Arsunsas river ; onteias, commerce; Diiveruiorn, commerce. DBPARTUBES. IT. P. Scnenck. New Orleans: City of Vleksburg. Vleksburg; James Lee, Friars Point; Shields, Com- merce; Bllverlhorn, Commerce; Coahoma, Osceola; Mark Twain, Dyersburg; W. J, Poltevent Hatchle river; Golden Crown, Cincinnati; Cons Millar, Cin cinnati. IN PORT. Katie Hooper, Josle Htrry. BOATS DUB. Up-.- Sllverthom, Shields. . Down. Colorado, Com moo wealth. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAT. Et. Louis -- Colorado, Sam M'Pheeters mister, 5 p.m. Cooncil Bind Shields, Wm. J. Ashford master, 6 p.m. Commkkqk-SUvertho- rn, 8. H. Whitehead master, 6 p.m. Wbitx Riveb Josle Harry, Hilt R. Harry master, o p.m. Arkansas Rivkh Katie Hooper, Ed Nowland master, 6 p.m. Niw Oblsans Commonwealth, George Corvell master, 6 p.m. RECEIPTS YB8TERDAY. U. P. Scheock 85 tons merchandise SUverthorn 8 bales cotton, 9 bags seed-cotto- City of Helena 1 bale cotton. 61 pkgs sundries. Golden Crown 75 brls molasses, 32 casks pitch, 10 brls resin. Shields 419 bale cotton, 886 sacks cotton-seed- , 33 pkgssnndriet. Jam- -. Lre- - 18J bales cotton, 611 sacks cotton- seed, 60 t'fls oil. 81 pkgs sundries. Coahoma h8 exiles cotton, 23 oags seed-cotto- n, 1H.4 sacks cot on seed, 30 pkgs sundries. Josle Barry - Brought out of White river 484 bales 505 sacks cotton-see- 82 pkgs sundries. Katie U .oner Brought out of Arkansas river 651 bales cotton, 1930 sacks cotton-see- d, 85 pkgs sun-- d lies. Local Port Note a. Business fair. Heavy ruins yesterday evening cleaned off the levee. Tbe Mark Twain departed yesterday evening for Dytrsburg. Local packets departed or) tlnje yesterday evening wltn fair trips. The Golden Crown passed up yesterday morning for the Ohio river with a good trip. The Guiding Star, Captain W. B Miller, is due down Sunday, en route to New Orleans. Tbe John B Maude, Captain W. H Blake, passes down morning for Vleksburg. Receipts by river yesterday. 1338 bales cotton. 32 bags seed-cotto- 3576 sacks cotton-seed- . The w. J. Poltevent having been detained, got aay yesteiday evening for Hatchle river with a good trip. in Commonwealth, Captain George Corvell, pnsses down tills evening at tlve o'clock for New Or- leans. Tue City of Helena passed np yesterday evening for St Louis. She added here 800 bales eastern- - bound cotton. Tbe Ciy of Vlcksfenrg passed down yesterday morning for Vleksburg loaded Hat She added here 80 tons 1 f f reignt Toe Colorado, Captain Sam M'Pheeters. Is the Ancher-lln- e packet this evening at five o'clock for Cairo and St Louis. Tbe Shields. Captain Wm. J. Ashford. goes through to Council Bend this evening at nve o'clock. Ed Cruwell Is her clerk. The SUverthorn. Captain S. H Whitehead. Is the packet for Commerce at tne usual hour this evening. Nell Booker is ber clerk. The u. p. schenck passed down yesterday morn-In- s for New Orienns loaded flat She added here 760 sacks and 50 brls lime. The Mark Twain. Captain W. P. Hall, will leave tbls evening at five o'clock for Dyersburg and all way lanuings. inaries meveos is ner cierK. The Katie Hooper, Captain Ed Nowland, Is the packet ibis evening at five o'clock for all points on Arkansas river. Jimmy Thompson presides In ber office. The ferryboat John Overton let down yesterday and went to the bank. Tbe Mark Twain supulles her uce until repairs can be made, wblcn will pro Da- ly be this evening. The Josle Hairy. Captain Milt R. Harry on deck, la the packet this evening at five o'clock for all points on White river, going through to Jacksonport Walk er Outlaw has charge of ber office. The cons Miliar departed yesterday evening for Cincinnati with 807 bales cotton, 250 barrels oil, 15 000 feet lumber, 20 tons scrap-iro- a lot of sun- dries, and a fair showing of people. Tue warm and cloudy weather reported by tele- graph from points above portend a check to tbe tan in tne river, wmcu set in yesterday, creeks, bayous, lagoons and lakes below are luil to overflow- ing, and tbe chances are tbat planting operations will be much retarded. Pergonal. V.I T V.n I Ml Vniwn tt. All a Ika steamb'iatment of this port, was married on Tues day to Miss Flora Lozler, of Aurora, Indiana. Cincinnati inquirer: alias otamie unaerwooc, daughter of Captain William Underwood, tbe wen known pilot, died Tuesday night at her borne. In Newpori, of consumption. Sbe was seventeen years old. and an accomplished young lady. Captain Un derwood has the sympathy 01 a large number or friends." John Cameron, a mate, aged sixty-tw- died on Monday, and waa burled In Bellefontalne on Tues- day, He bad been sick for some time, and was cared for by some of bis old friends. He was a very Just man and much thought of. Cameron was mate on tbe Lizzie Gill, Olive Branch and Peerless, wltb Jim Blssell, In tbe Missouri, Illinois, Lower Missis- sippi, etc Picked In Adrift. A dlpatcb from Louisville yesterday afternoon says that tbe Eldorado was gotten s float yesterday morning, and waa assisted down over the falls by the Resolute. The freight that was put ashore la being placed on a barge. The Jim Fisk, Jr., now In the Cairo and Paducab trade, has been sold to parties In Muscatine, Iowa. Tbe prloe paid Is (4000, and she Is to be delivered to ber new owners as soon as her successor, the new Gus Fowler, Is teady to take ber t lace. Bt Louis "Upper Mississippi pilots are sensible Quite a number ot them bave learned tue lower river, got licenses, and bave gone to work, and yet there Is not an Idle lower river pilot in town, Wa-- Hight and Warren Renfro aie southern boat- men now, and John N. Hamilton Is piloting en the City or Vlcksourg " Tbe house committee on railways and canal have agreed 10 re, ort lavorably on Representative Willis's bill which provides that after tbe first day of July, tolls shall becbaiged or collected at the Louisville and Poitland eaual;bat the 1 ecretary of shall be authorized to draw his warrant trom luieiotline uvon tue secretary of the treasury to pay the actual expenses 01 pperatlng and keeping said canal In repair. Senator Jones yesterday presented In the United States senate, a petition from the owners of steam- boats on the Mississippi rtver, reciting tbat they suffer great inconvenience and pecuniary loss by the desertion of eiews and parts of crews. Passeugers and malls and cotton shipments are thus disastrous- ly delayed. Tbe prosperity ot a large portion of the southwestern people depends on the regularity of this commerce The only penalty now laid on such desertion is a forfeiture of wages, and even this can- not always be enforced. Legislation to remedy this evil by compelling bauds U abide by tbelr contracts Is prayed for. Tawboate and B arses. Tbe Dlok Fulton, with a tow of empties, passed op for the lower Oblo yesterday. RATTLE Oi" THE KAIL. B.C. Cage. Jr., of the Memphis and Little Rock ralirnad, is out at Brownsville on a visit to his many friends. The RogersvlUe and Jefferson (Tenn.) railroad Is doing a heavier business than It baa ever done at any time since tt was built. At Montreal last wee a a locomotive crossed the river on the Ice. We prefer quail on toast, bnt still a locomotive en Ice Is food for rellectton. Sidney B Jones, general southwestern passenger agent of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Bt Louis was In Nashville, TbHrsday, enjoying a brief "lay-ove- r ' among bis friends there Captain Johu Cain, conductor on the Little Rock and Fort Smltn road, bas Just returned to duty after a three weeks' siege ot sickness. Mr. Ed liarr, ot this elty, baa located In Little Rock, and will probably take a position In the freight otUce of the Memphis and LlUle Rock road. Felix Marcoiub, brake man on tbe Nashville and Decatur railroad, waa run over and killed at Decatur, last Sunday night As be was erosslDg tbe track he was run over by a freight train, which was backing at the time Hon. L. A. Plndall and Colonel II. L. Bell, promi- nent Arkansas attorneys, are now In LlUle Hock look? lug alter tue interests ot the Little RJck, Mississippi river and Tex.s railroad, in a suit filed by what is known as the Old Napoleon road. These gentlemen feel sonridant that they will defeat the action. II was tue taik among railroad men yesterday. In- spired by statements ol parties JuH from St Louis, that the bt Iamls. Iron Mountain and Southern road bad seourea control of tb Memphis and Little Bock connection. It may be true, but until the fact Is 0 atiuount ed we must be excused for not putU ug too much faith lo the mere rumor In tbls connec tlon a paragraph taken Irom the St Louis BevubU-ca- concerning tbe financial standing ol tbe Iron Mount tin In tbe New York market may not be with- out interest: "The question aa to the payment of the Iron Mountain Income interest appears to be still unsettled, although tbe weight of opinion still in- clines to the view tbat tbe payment rriU I maue Dt week. A meeting was ueld at the New York ofUoe of the Iron Mountain company on Baturda last, which was called for tbe purpose of seuiln tbls matter finally, but for some reason no definite conclusion appears to bave been reached Pending such olllclal action, It Is urged on the bear side that the bonds bave already sold above their real Intrinsic vaiu, and that me parties innuenaai in toe board, wbo were large holders, bave unloaded tbelr bonds and hare now no Inducement to pay the Interest. Both the firsts are quoted weak In New York, the firsts being about ninety-on- e and the seemds about eighty." Nashville Arnerkan 27th: Tbe stock In tbe Nash-vllle- . Chattanooga and St. Louis railway, retire senled by the directors of the Louisville and Nas'i. vllle and Great Southern railroad. about Sx 500 OOO. Is held In trust by the continental unr k of Nw York Of theSlO.OOO.OiKlof stock of the Lou isville and Nashville and Gieit Southern railroad S0,50O,000 Is held in New York It was re nortrd yesterday Messrs. Stevenson. Kcee Evans and Baldwin, directors In tbe Na bvllle, Chat tanooga ana ot. Louts railway, wi 1 resign J meeting of the board of dnectors of tue Nashville Cbatlanocga and St. Lwli railway will be held here Saturday. N'eacomb and party left here at tbree o'clock In tbe afternoon for Mon gim- - ery, ana win sropovernere 00 tnelr retnrD.baiuiday, to be present at the meeting of tne board At the meeting yesterday live otr.cersof tbe Louisville and Nashville a-- a t,re it buinern railroad rer resented nearly four millions of the at ck. recently uurchased. while Color. el A. S. Colyar held the proxies of minor ity stockholders to the extent or two millions. Not more tban thirty small stockholders were present A man who owns only thlrtr-tbre- e shares did most of the talking. The bualness In band was trans acted as smoothly as in a meeting 01 tne tnirteen directors or tbe Nashville, Chattanooga and St Loots railway. The stock has, In fact, got Into the bands or a very lew men. Tne vacancies or iour managers, who have passed In their checks', so to speak, will bave to be filled Tbe presumption Is tbat It will not be by Nashville men, as tbe majority of tbe stock Is likely to control. If tbe majority should even go so far as to suggest tbat theywint to be represented by eight out of the thirteen direct- ors, no one would be astonished As tbe stock bas been gobbled, it would not be an odd thing If the di- rectors be scooped also that Is, providing tbe di- rectors elected to serve until September should re sign, ana it may ne taken lor granted thai some sug- gestive blots will be thrown out In that dUectlou. 4:5 Tears Before the Public THE GENUINE Dr. C. McIaANE'S ULTER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the Liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dys- pepsia, and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. ACUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepara tory to, or after taking sjuimne. As a simple purgative they are nnequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coate- d. Each box has a red-w- ax seal on the lid with the impression, Mc LANE'S LIVER PILL. iach wrapper bears the signatures of C McLajjk and Fleming Bros. JS?" Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS, prepared by FLEMING BEOS., Pittsburgh, Pa the market being full of imitations of the name JilcJUane, spelled ditterently but same pronunciation, INALIDS AID OTHERS BKKKINO HEALTH, STRENGTH AUD ENERGY, WITHOUT THE VSE OF DRUGS, ABB SEND FOR THE ELECTRIC REVIEW. AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR 3TAL, WHICH IS PUBLISHED FOB FREE DISTRIBUTION. r TREATS npon HEALTH, HYGIENE, and Phyt ca) CQltnre, and to complete eocyclnpEedia at information for invalids and tboae who sutler from Kervous, Exhausting and Painful Diseases. Every abject tbat bpara opon health aod human happiness, receives attention La Its pages: and tbe many ques- tions asked by Buffering invalids, who have d is paired of a cure, are answered, and valuable information is volunteered to all wbo are in noed of medical advice. The subject of kc4iio Belt ecrvw Medicine, and the hundred and one qoestioos of vital importance to suffering humanity, are daly ooo&tdered and ex plained YOUNG MEN And others who rafter from Kervooa and Physical De- bility. Loss of Manly Vigor, Prematare Exhaustioa and the many gloomy consequences of early indiscre- tion, etc.. are especially benefited by consulting it contetita. The ELECTRIC REVIEW exposes the unmitigated frauds practiced by quacks and medical impostors who profess to " practice medicine," and points out the only aafe, simple, and effective road to Health, Vigor and Bodily Energy. 8end your address on postal card for a copy, and information worth thousands will be sent you. Address, the publishers. PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO., COR. EIGHTH & VINE STREETS, CINCINNATI 0. THE ALLEN'S GREAT LUNG BALSAM Conarha, Colli. Con an mp tlon. REMEDY Asthma. Bronchitis. stnl All olherThroat and Lang AftVc-t- f ions. Kndoi'Sfd by the li rn FOR r Phyilelans. Taken bylhou anUa and sureewiful always. 1 1 baa no Jtiqoal. CURING -- SQLD EVERYWHERE- .- Autnorlzed by the Commonwealth ot Kentucky, and xairesfcinuje worm. POPULAR MONTHLY DBA WING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Co. At Maoauley's Theater, In tbe cltr of Louisville, on HATCRVAY, FEB SCARY Si, 18M. These Drawl nes. authorized by act ot tbe Leg islature of 18R9, and sustained by all tbe courts of Kentucky occnr regularly on tbe last day of every monta (aim ays excepted), aod are suiiervlsed by prominent citizens of tbe State. Tbe Management call attention to tbecrandnnnnr- - tunlty presented of obtaining, for only of Q THE FOLLOWING PBIZEd : 1 Prize . . 9 80,000 1 Prize 18,000 1 Prize 6,000 10 Prizes 81000 each 10,000 20 Prizes 600eaub 10,000 100 Prizes 100 each 10,000 i'Xt Prizes eoeacb 10,000 BOJ Prizes 20 each la.niMi 1000 Prizes 10 each 10.0OC APPROXIMATION PRIZKS. 9 Prizes J300 each 2,700 9 Prizes 200 each. 1,800 9 Prizes 100 each 900 1H0 Prizes 8112,400 Whole Tlcketa. . Half Tickets, SI a 1 ncneiB, &ru. tx riCKers, siuu. All aiiDllcntlona for club rates should ha made to the home office. run list of drawl nar DUbUshed In Louisville Cour and NewYork Herald, and mailed to all ticket-holder- s. Bend all orders by money or bank-draf- t. In letter, or by express. Orders of S5 and up- ward, by express, can be sent at our expense. Ad- dress R M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journ- al Bulldlntr. Louisville, Kentucky, or at No. 163 Broad ay. New York, or tr No wmf Com trwt Vwphln Tnn It Is the best Blood Purifier, and stimulates every function to more healthful action, and is thus a benefit In all diseases. In eliminating tbe impurities of the blood, the natural and necessary result is the cure of Scrof- ulous and otber Skin Kruptions and Diseases, Including Cancers, Ulcers and other Sores. Dyspepsia, Weakness of the Stomach, Consti- pation. Dizziness, General Debility, etc., are cured by the Kaffe Bitters. It is un equaled as an appetizer and regular tonic It is a medicine which should be in every fam- ily, and which, wherever used, will save the payment of many doctors' bills. Bottles of two sixes ; prices, SO cents and S1.00. BSTWarner's Safe Hem e-d- ies are Bold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every where. H.H.WAMER&CO., Proprietors, Rorhnlrr, N.Y. WSSend for Pamphlet and Testimonials. told wholesale in Memphis by MANSFIELD CO. RESORPTION FREE T7tor tne speedy Cure of Seminal WoakrieM, Ioet J? Manhood, Premature Usoility, Nervousness Despondency, Confusion of Idfts, Aversion to Socie- ty, Defective Memory, and all Disorders Brought on by Secret Habit and Excoasea. Any dmegnt has the iXAffredienta. Aaar-- ., DR. JAQUES A CO., 180 Weat Sixth Street. ATI. OHIO. Eli w Mi A HEW NO. 81 Mosler, Bahmann & Co.'s Safe, 65 INCHES HIGH, CHEAP FOR CASH miYAT Tm orricK, lu.'tiiii.ror Vlevrnted WJTi tluu if ,1; iiIHn rile itrineuy foil, cura. tiivt- iiumedutt relief, ctirpi caw of on stand, inir in 1 wtMk. ordinary c;ises in 9 days. S 1 foot tin. F"M ly U dnuwipt . J. 1. M rt.Lt n, M. !.. 416 Snmre St.. Pbila., Pa,, Sols ia. fre in all dineamja, Call or vmtfi TION Wrapper on bottle i iFroM prwul i S. W. J0NK3 &. OO. AjrentH, 2B7 Main street, Insolvent Kotlce. State of Tennessee, Shelby county Offloe County 9u vJer,.UemPn-8- ' Tennessee, February 25, eeieeeaserUlam GetZ" Admllllstr?-,0- T ot Creole H4VI'-- i suggested tio insolvency of tbe pf .iecrge Geti. deeesed, you are hereby ordered to give notice, In some newspaper published within the sld State, and also at the Courthouse door of Sbelby county, for all persons having claims airalnst said estate, to appear and Die the same wltn in Clerk of the Coun- ty Court, authenticated In the manner proscribed by aw. on or txfr re twenty fifth day of June, ltihO; and an- - claim not filed on or before sa'.d oy. or bstore an appropiiatlon of the fund o( said estate Is made. shH'l e haired, both In law and equity. Wltfiess my hsnd, at offlee. this 25th day ot Kebru- - W. a ttUsson, Attorney. ' (- l LANE & B ODLEY tO. i tS W fl nnmTTIITl , m?aTT.T,L j"""""- - X i MANUFACTURED OW 8T4NDABD Plantation Machinery, Stationary and Portable HTKAJ3 SAW MILLS, UBIST-MILL- SHsfrTING HANU Pullers. He Our mschlnert u atrnno. aim. pie and well nude, and Is specially adapted to the wants of Farmers and Planters, and tilnnlnic, nam- ing, Krindlng and Factory use. Send for an II lu- - iriueaisaiaiogue. likhoiii.kvi:0., John and Water street '. Cincinnati, O FAIitMOUIT. INSTITUTION FOR YOUNO LADIES, on near Senanee, Tennessee. Term begins March 15, 1S80. An escort will leave tbe Peabo-J- hotel on March 12tl, on the evening's Nashville train, to take charge of nuplis comliiK to iu kqqol ror iunner inrormauon respecting tne bcduoi appiy w tne principal, MBS. H. B. KELL9, Mogatt. Marlon county. Tenn. CO T3 !: e IB. 2 P W 2 m S Iaw3 t ' r - I I m is r w I (9 r 8K H.b S g 3m ? o pa a p H j J, 4 &2 ga J. J3I1Y X CO., COTTOIe DCS PKABL 8TRKET, NBW YORK. I'ottnn am KnaKaad la Arrlv. Orders executed for future delivery. iasn aavancea maae on uonaignments. Cotton Factors And Commission 31 ere li ants. 832 FBIWT STREET, w .. Wesnpbla. Xeiii" FIMGY W BUS, Dress uotniH. bilks and ClutUmt; dyed in ab!octIui; Jrate Veils D DRY GLEANING. Dreeses in all fabrics cleaaied without rippint or Temovtng the trimmiog. The most elaborate pSrty and theatric., dresses ate thus elegttntly cleaned. WM. li. TEAS D ALE, 265 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ol BfV .no-i- by fXpiM f:r!tilly pa: k ed. HENRY MOORE'S FLORAL ESTABLISHMENT, HERN AA DO STREET R. Month date or Klmwood Cemetery. The finest and Largest Assortment of CUT FLOWERS' -- IN THI3 CITY. nasnolla Trees and Kverareena at the LOWEST PBICE3. CamAltna. azAllna PallA 1.111m TTvnnlntlia atn In full flowers, or Plants shipped to any part of tbe United States. Masks and Costumes Tor toadies and Gentlemen Hew Stock, In Great Variety. Sam'l May.Costumer, SBSS 1IIAIW RTRRKT. Cathartic Pills Combine the clioicest catbartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately arU instpd in uniformity of effet-t- . Tliey are the" result v. v o ul raifiui rsiuuy uiiu itracticai ex. periment, and are the most effectual rem- edy jet disroveriHl for diseases, raused by deranseuient of the 'stomach, liver, and bowels, which require prompt aud effectnal treatment. Avers Pills are specially ap- plicable to this class of diseases. TheV act ilir.,,'tlw nn Ait. 1 ,....1 processes, and restore regular healthy ac-- wuu. juuir extensive use ny pnvsicians m their practice, atid by all civilized nations, .. . .. . . t " - un ii miuo ii9 a safe, sure, nnd perfectly reliable purgative medicine. Being comiwunded of the con- centrated virtues of purely vegetable sub- stances, they are positively 'free from calo- mel, or any injurio-.i- s properties, and can be administered to children with perfect safety. Ayer's Pills are an pfiWmnl niiro tcir Constipation or Costivenesa, Indiges- tion, IJyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness, Headache. Loss of llemorv.limiiliiiraa. Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Kruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors,' Worms, Neuraipria, Colic, Oripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. . "While gentle in their action, these Prtrji are the most thorough and searching cathar- tic that can be emnloved. and never frivn pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is healing. They stimu- late the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and Impart renewed health and vigor t the wuuio system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aye; 6u Co., I'racUciU and Analytical Chemists, Lo Well, Mass. SOU BT ALT, PBUoSlSl'S TOKYWHSBS- - M i'rcurri plion Fre. For the Ppeedv Cure of Sem- inal Wnaknefts, Loas of Manhood, and all disorders ferouirht on ly indl&crvtion or exceaa. Any Druit bait the in trrWliu ta. A d dress DAVIDSON Sc CO., 78 Nassau Su. N. V. 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., mc.t j bis rracuc iU pror. Cnros aU toriuc "FJJHI'V" A TK, CHILONIO aud SXUAL KASS bperuxalorriioa wd Isnpoteccy, sthsTV.'t cf ia touUi, fccoal ews.-r- s in lc n.rtrie-ii'- . r ctl.r rau-- mnl pnvi'-itif- f of r t K'Wit." NriTOU--ioi.-s imw- -l r;ii .auf tv .Jpft!i. Dim.:.. nf hipUt, c M.ti.; i kcbID-vm- tiniieafi r'4.e. Arr.-iP- tiSvii-- ol ." LiM of Wc of Power. V.. Birriipt iiapiTHt'T r uprtiiTT re tbortwizMT act. j. cur. .!. S"Vl?2IIXi IS Pl"v "if curcxi .m cMr erryti.(c I rem Uic GoUOTrllCa. GIjEET, Stricture, Orctius, Heriii. re fiiw and j(.i:t;r private wwT6ii. it is .fc.ii pi' win wbo tr a s no. cwvis of dtaa. trtaUitf.w- - at,. aoqul7s rcat kU t-ii iS bra h i r. r" , JSll m 1 .aacnt, caa beaut jinf iIy oj mil or eptr iu) nbere. Cures Gaav&toed Iq rXl Qtiskt Couiu.:.o .,uii..Vr w y letMr lr and tr.TitM. Cim&z ix3oiiU: hua oorrrpoudcnc uric 'It oooiivifCli PRIVATE COUNSJLoR or mr.m ; j .nj .:,, carei. .itd. tin- -. otu. r Vt. P.?. sut : Memphis Floral Co. Iaamnenae Cireealieaaea lVt Xtllea from CJr. Store 357 Mala street, Memphis. Tenn. BKAUTIKUL rLLCSTBATKD CATALOG UK3 OF Bulbs, Flower Seeds, etc, mailed f&U, upon application. S. XohnsoTiVa raivTR Mm o " CO - aa. Lu I JENNINGS' TR API ESS WATER ClOSET. PLUMBERS' GOODS havmir for their obiact daaniinM. darability, and exclmionof SEWER OAS. Plumbersi Sewer Connections. PHIL J. MALLON & CO 204M4VIW rVTREET. LACLEDE HOTEL, Fifth, Sixth & Chestnut Sts.. t. Louis, : Missouri. NAM SO K. PEGBAII A CO. MOSBS HfLLARD J. H. CHA8SAINS J. W. X. BROWNE, PLUMBER! IS prepared to do all kinds of work in this line In a thorough and sanitary msnnAr; titM A.rMwiai attention to Sewer and Building Connections. Also, has a laree stock nf kh vntTttRirB. Gas, Steam and Water-fittin- and Fixtures. Pumps, Hose, Bathtubs, etc. Bas a large force of compe- tent workmen All work warranted. Agent for the Hailaday WIND-MILL- Orders solicited. BROWNE, THE PLUMBER, 40 Madison Street. R.G.GRAIG&CO Memphis, Tenn. Agency ' FOB Brin. j Combination. John Deere Steel and South-Ben- d Chilled Champion Reaping and Mowing: MACHINES! 81 eel-Too- th Biding GERHA.V 3I1LLEI', GUASS & QkRDES CJilAlO & CO, 861 Main St.. Memphis. Election Notice. THK annuAl meeting of the Stockholders of tbe KRllshc. Conpaaty will be held at the oflice of tbe company, 58 Madison street, Mepaphls. Tenn., MOND4Y. March 1, 10, to elect Ing rear. Election from 10 a.m. to 2 cm. u a.. aiwocrn vnjiiu, decreuirf. Miliatte Sail OF MEMPHIS. TENN. ICR ARTEBED III ISC. A GENERAL BANKING AND TRANSACT3 .. . . . ..... .... .. a a.tA J - l. - ii r.nU'CS UIUVB I Ul UIO purchase and sale of Local Bonds and blocks. D'atta for sale. In sums to suit purchasers, on all parts of Europe. DIKEGTOBH. Laz. Levy, Louis Hinauer, J. 8. Uoblnson J. Siurnrman. Lou Leubrle, Hon. Jacob ThomDion. m. Kaizenbergr. JonHthan Kloe, a. uoiasmltn. OfflGEBH. L. LEVY. President. 't. HAN ACER. Vlce-Pres- L It. GOLDSMITH. Cashier. M. MAAS. A sst rashler. I U.iTaaocHAaK iXI Aa entirr?lT NVw aJid nnairwlw mTmtt.wm J Rented for th inrdt nd nmunAnl cura of Seminal Emission end I m potency b Om oay tnm wy, to., Ihrt Application to U. but of tbm Dmum, Th of tim mud; m aCtradd with bo mid or iixmnninc, umI daaw do aMarfLie wiLat Um otiiaMTj ptinuica 4 lit. Thm mod ec tiMtnwDl bm Mood Km cm Id rr amr dm at. and ia no a bo mumom bout thu pnparuioB. Prtetic. obarrrniiom mMtM mt pamuT KtiaravaMw mil x w.Tm cerrrrt ; tat aaa. wtod by tbe Kedtcal tofMaioe to be tha mam rationaJ bmiu at dteoov and of rofcchinir and cuitajr tbia ytij prvTalant tronbU. Tbo Boawdj k (laltlM smk). $J; i (S; N. 3 (la,a Pull tllraoiaas far aiu aoMnnur aafii hrm. fmr a DsacJuH's PampalM loa Aaatratrai IilMarW.Mi wOlta- - (daad aha OWM akpl laa lW oaa b. rwrnraj p,tt a.r.bw4. 8ft. Ik. dsAiM of Itf. aa tf w.r afieUl, btmt bhIh tot ip M HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF'B CHEMISTS. Mar itct una htrceta, WT. I.Ol IS, MO. Public SaleReal Estate CAMP MARKS" FOR SALE. ON SiTUliUAT, FEBKUAUY 28, 1880. --AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M., 70 ACJI2ES OP LiND Lyln? on both slds of I t Mississippi and Ten- nessee H lirond for ll, known as FETEB MITCHEL'8 ePING TrtACT. Tkrr.Nprl.ia f iiwr,fillin water, the best timbered uplsnil In West Tennessee. Keitnttlnl Ualld-Ini- c tltn. unl wrll (bailrd Two rldees run iiaraiel to thdicllioit oneon either side with a gradual alone to tne roari-bed- . All those who spent Duiuuirr ni. vrtm niiir&s can ten jmi or ine nat- ural betutr or th s tract. It will be sola In lots of from 20 to SO acres. In addition to this tr.irt, i bave another to be sold same day. north c? Nonconnah Crf ek and east of M. and T. H B. Forty acret ol this tisct la cleared; balance In good timber. This land Is equal to Mississippi river bo: torn and has bemtliul build- ing site on it. This tract will not be dirided . M ps can be seen at the ofUce of Scales ft Win- chester, Attorneys, So. HH Kajlson street, Mr. Peter liiteiiel will tase pleasure in showing those over the land who go to look at it. Trains run every day 10 tbe lanL so that those who desire It can iro out al 6:80 a m. and 2:30 p.m. and come In at 10 a m. ami 5 p.m. No sucn opportunity has ever been eifered to men of nmall means who want suburban homes. Tkrhs of !?ALS-H- alf cash; balance In twelve months; lien retained on land. of Salb Corner or Main and Madison streets. Memphis, Tenn. Title perfect. PETES MITCHEL. Scales & Winchester, Atfys, at) Madison st. A new and romplpte UnnR TO WCniiM'E. bood. Selection of wife, Evidencea of Vlrcin-i- t, TemperameDta,fetpriltTt Ar)vee to Brid- - H.i. nd. ''.V l.i'7 m aatrlawaf laa.laaL Cjufal lli- -. r,an,. Ctt1tir.Tit. and CvartaAnB. to BUf S.. fl-- La- - i M.rr .f. tsi lmrm. Lni L. iUy. it fa aJao a " Private Medical Adviser " od diaaas r. tmltina; from impure aezual LMociatinna. and on itlf ibmi ths " wta atl w arla.1 aftr ta. nwa y,!.U. rml m . Um mt wiiia, it yraani n Ikw ml.Hn raawa a nil dT f atrk tKat (a, ia larr kr hink. Bad kau UJU aM, WiOl mM UU rVaa B.tu inltN all iM.r frMa trrma ErPTTM U. Vr T'tV (Dr. rtdi mmi mm l LksA Xhrj will Uar. rtianinaj m Laay 1 8r"bDTTS' PlsVciTsAIITi Hh St.. m. tnh. WAHTED THE Memphis Cooperage and Mannfacturlng Co. contrac. with responsible parties for the delivery ot 1, OOO OW4 Flreea or Otl-barr- rl HtaveH and Mradlncon their switch. In tbe city of Memphis; or will buy In quantities or not les than 100 000 pieces on the line ot difteient railroads. For particulars address MEMPHIS COOPERAGE AND M'F'G. CO., IX Madison trwt. Memrhl.. Tenn. J. FLAHERTY & CO And Raonfatturera of Mahertj'a Patent rivnerving Casket or Corpse Cooler, 817 and 818 MECORII HT., EI PHIS WB keep on hand full lines ot Metallic So Walnut, Bone wood Finished Casket and Cases, trimmed In the highest style ot ri. crders Motl or Teleeranh will hnmmrtftv lilt.C. O n NOTICE TO CQTT02 PLAriTERS I WILL bave tow-boa-ts of RAB-OOR- X at Memphis by the 16th or 20th of February. will deliver to plantations in lots of " one thousand (1000) bush'- - iess than For partlculari u " tne rnarllM Prtee. Memnh'- - - aiABTLN WALT, Front street, - address me, at New Orleans, care noward k Flower, 113 Poydras street. w c. RtPTiwrnr. City Collecting Agency THU undersigned have added to the Rental and Estate business, a department for toe col- lections ot monthly bills of mercnanla, physicians and others We will employ active and thorough collectors, and make prompt reports and returns of all business placed In our hands. Try us, and we guarantee satisfaction. AVEBV BKBXtiai, SO MaUllM .treet. 1 175-177-1- 79 Main St., EXemuliis. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALER9 IN Carriages, Buggies, Wagons! AMi-- i ati. ir iki wa vr CAIlUIAiiK AKD WAON MATE'UALS ! we have recently greatly enlarge i our Storehouse, and added to --our former stock a full line of BRIDLES. COLLARS. HAIMM.FKY AXD 11 AKMKNW all kinds. General Agents for the Celebrated Mil burn, and Tennessee Farm Wagons ! H. ClaTUi Jwtlal as, Matlll-vavm- . M. GATFIN & Go. Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors. And Commission J9Xcrchants. QOa Bont street, HoweBi Adatts uur L. pt. kaihkt devote his wnole time to the mvr charge. We bvionrwm Corton Wamhonse. W. A. jAK. Hfo. 800 FROUT HTKKRT. FADER. HENRY HILL, A. AND 296 and 298 I TEJTS. I for tn W B. I Late of Harris, Mallory & Co. I HAKOWAKK MATEK1ALS Mompnla, W. A. GAGE BRO. FRANK. FADER, FRANK & GO. Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors 294: Front street, Memphis, Tenn. SAVtfhEOHi HILLFON COTTON FRONT STftEET, MEMPHIS.... HTAgfat rmfhrntq MsLliOHT, TAINE&6 MALLORY, CRAWFORD & GO (6CCCKSSORS W. MALLOUY CO.) Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors COMIS ISSIOX MKKCnAIiTS, 384 'Front Street, 3MCoixxrlijs, are Liberal conslsnments of Cotton, which be handled interest of the 1HD1IRW HTKWAKT. INDBCtt now uriram, 58 . W S BATK ON HAND A Banns stuns, iron-ue- s. pieces Iron-Tie- s Tarions barrels lbs. and Rib 100 Sugar all styles and 100 barrels Refined and And all pertatnlntt to our Una. To nnr II AMES. of It. J. Clark. aul Jeirerwaa, Welghlna and Bale or all OMtoa to oorrter Warthlnffton and Heinrt. A. M. SAUK, JOS. JEB0ft HILL. TO B. ft AND We to make on will for the best STEWART, ) 6WTN WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS Vo. fcsi J Front St., Memphis. Tenn. Aiyj Stewail Brothers Co., Cotton Factors and Commission Eerchants. Vew OrlanM. C P. HUNT ICO. WHOLESALE GROCERS & COTTON FACTORS 306 FRONT STREET, Mosbv tfs Sunt Block, ::: Memphis, ITenn TO THE CONSTANTLY LABQS wnisities. 2000 Bajrffln? Jnte. 2000 patterns. 2000 lour, 100,000 hhds. grades, York Hard Sugars, 1M2ARC1S. COCHRAJi. TKArE-niAlIV- S. viavrat. Tonn, Intrusted SUGABMAN PMJTTAJ.5E. Tenn. prepared Advances & FACTORS COR. THIRD AND LOCUST STS., hT. LOUIS MISS0CR1. Canrr I W. CRiwrflRD, I Late of W. a. Galbreath & Co. O. HWVX.a, H. tAA.KA.KY, netatpBta. MPS j UVl ioniain. TRADE : AND D O? SBOCKRIE.S 200 barrels Choice Orleans lasses and Syrup-- . bags Coffees, kegs Nails, lOtiO eases Assorted Canned Goods. 500 packages Tobacco, 100 barrels Whisky, 500,000 Cigars Domestic and Imported. mlebrated brand nf " Trarfn-Mj- rt " Mnnmrram. 1 It. SUtfGSM. nKAOHAlL J. H. POSTOM. Ml. A. COCBBAH. RAM AGO. Tobaccos, Clears, case-good- etc, etc At present our stock embraces : bdls. Sleat Clear Sides. New otber articles AJ1 Tim, lna. 1TOCK New 1000 1000 Hood L;iek" and " Grand Central" Floors, we Invite especial attention. These brands are manufactured exclusively for our use and trade, and are bandied bv no other firm In any market. Oar w hiKltiew come from the bet distilleries of Ohio. Middle Tennessee and the "Blue-gras- s Bcglon," may at all tunes be relied on to equal representation arJtor1 Clra Is well kept up, and complete. Not only do we handle all of the most re- liable and popular domestic brands, but our house Is the Wholesale Depot PARK A TILFORD'3 best and choicest Imported goods. Dealers particularly Invited to call and look for themselves. Bought prior to the late advance, and for cash , we offering our stock " dead low," and claim to be able to com- pete with all markets and all competitors. All we a.k at tbe hands of the " trade" Is a trial. 0oL VV-- J " Is large, commodious and splendidly lighten. Samples are at all times displayed to the best advantage, and sales effected under tbe personal supervision of tne senior member of our Arm. WEIGH IS are carefully guarded, and liberal Cash Advan.s made on all consignments confided to onr cm re. ill. C. Mo Rio PEARCE, SUGGS & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, Mo. 258 Front Street, Memphis, Tenn. eyParticnlsir ttntow Paid to the Wale of Coi.oif.jg3 K. K. Ma L M I A f E i M Is 06o Grocers, Cotton Factors, AND SALT AGENTS, Io. O Uniiftu street. : ; : : jyiempliig, Tenn. MANUFACTURERS OF CIGARS AND WHOLESALE .DEALERS IN, Tobacco. Pies and Smoker's Articles. 286 Main street, Memph!-an- d 310 East 54th street, New York. Respect rullylntormthelr no, and the trad, that tner have on hand the largest and beat selected o Uis tn the martreC trwortWrs aolieimd. and satisfaction gnaranteed. K. A. R. L COCH J. J. P. ann for are are OA' Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Dears. Baal. u Bllatd., aad svll lUaAa mt JfrneJUmm Boxes. Onic aod Yard, foot or WaaklnffUm st. Haw and FlaBiag' Kills, North end Xtj Id SALXSBOOM CORNER Of UNION AND FRONT STREETS. nemphla TeniteMee. Oispensarv. Ne. 17 JEFFERSON STREET, K t vr . Mm rra.t, Mrawphla. m lHftO.l R JOHNSON I. tKwllird ot ell parties In (erestnl as by far the moat successful physician In the treatment of private or secret Otilck trxirooeri and permanent cures gnaranteed In every enae, male or remain. Recent kmh of Uonorrbea nnd Syphilis eared In a few days, wlthjt the ne of nsercury, eharwe of diet, wr blndraoee from business. anfo?"7 S"', " th M ""tu eradloa ed wltb- - !r???..,n ' ,hort Suflerers from Impotencr r 01 toi powers restored to free vuror n a m"' .peedUy and perms- - Particular attention paM to the Disease, of Women, and euro, guaranteed. Throat and Lung Diseases enred by new remedies. .mm. ui. urns ui oaus tie or the knife. All oonaultailons strictly eonfldeoUai. " afndiAfnM aant ri A -- 11 .- &- - ny. ura nours from 8 a, m. to 9 p. m. 8aadays rrom 8 to o p. m. r. a. jeuivgor?. w.d. Cbaocerr Sale of Real att. No-- 27Mare3eryCoorttf finelbi County-M- ary BY..TL n lo'erlocutory decree for sale above causes on the 2vh dav of January. 1880, 1 will sell, at public hhest bidder. In from of Uie MaSet offlee. Courthouse of Shelby county. HmpK. Taxing-distri- ct of Shelby county. Tennmaee.M a", fefcrstary sa, r 'i vu" Diat-awe- i anas, near Battled, ngloti 4 and U of the subdivision of tb. msl. tniA M atnlii laril mal a., tf r n record In wild court r In plat-boo- k N 1 rwLrninr ZtZ. oZTZ. . ana is lb us de- - Banning on an extended avenoe at the sou tbwest corner of lot No, bolit byDr. N. Blackwell; thenSait wlS Ttba south line of said lot No. 1, 17 ehalnsto tbTeatt Una nl M Int. 1 .nH a. to the Somen 111. road; thenos wet with saldad seated south ofth. Somervl le road, aouth ol thedovmtractr Beginning on the south line of tbe v i.) j'.L.r .Z w,,u www tine or lot souWiwest corner of said lot 11; thenos west f'lEii0 j2LNo" 10: east wltidlot aid dower tract to tbe beginning. ' i u ana witnoai redemption. "r viatx, m ceruun lot sit uated in that part of Memphis, Suelby county. Ten. Chel laMdo'on-- K. W. RuSe?. msS S aaeuipuis, suuatea on tne northeast corner of tlftn and Sycamore streets, Chelsea. Terms of Sale One-ha-lf cash; balance to i UeoDrinea?iMer UHn DOto' wltnout security; Also, at the same time and place, for cash, th. " J : - owtci vi aa. u Drown as an avenue between lots I aod 2 and 8 and 4 of Ibe sub- - ' "l lm rriain tract north of tb. Somervllle road, being a strip of land 4'60 enalna long and about 20 feet wide. This Ftb. i 180i Bmlth at Collier. Attorneys. tun Triutee'a Nal. I DKB ami by virtue or a trust deed mad. dated Atav 18, 1878, and recorded In the RegisteVa office of 8heiby county, TeonesM., in book ho. 124. ul the Boathwest oorrer ot Seoond uid Mtie. X.v.aa.waa viv a. ucuiuuw, ODUU r Jtk tilWH . ftZ public aud ton, to the highest bidder, th. following described property, to wit: "Situated nearBuntya and described as follows: Beginning at the north eut corner ot tbe intersection of Speed and SdoUs-woo- d avenues; thence tun with th. north line of Spottswood avenue one hundred (100) feet to a stake; thence north on. hundred (100) feet to av stake; thence west one hundred feet to a stake on th. east line of Speed avenue; unoe south with tbe rast line of Speed aVsoue one hundred (100) feet to tnf.lT?,,?nIf,0t,tner wl,n be Improvemenuoa said lot." Tbe equity $ redemption Is axpreastr waived in Bald trust det d Thetttie I thought to be good, but I shall seH and ebnvey only as trusteeT WSLTBK e? RJteK) H T. Trcwtft. NoB-Kealde- nt VnttM No. 8484 In the Chancery Court of Shelby eoontv. - Tjrmeefr--Charlou- e At. Gailor et ai. vs. Mary il It appearing from affidavit tn this cans, that th. ucucimkhiis, aaary v. a Duress aou ner husband. Wm. UAnaress, are non residents of the state of Ten- - ...... wwmvu, a dbi Luej maM) tnetr in- - pearance herein, at the courthouse of Stelbt ooantT. In Memphis. Tenn., on or before th. flrst aonday la March, 1880. and plead, answer or demur to com- plainant's bill, or the same will be taken foreoa-feaee- d as to them and set for bearing exparte: and that a copy of this order be published one. a week, for four successive weeks, In the Memphis AlipeaL This 23d day ot January. 1 88a A copy attest: B J BLACK. Clerk and Master By a. B. M'Henry. Deputy a and M. Toung A Martin, Sola for eompl'nt, stat Non-Reslde- Bt HoUaa. No. S48n In the Chancery Court of Shelby county Tertnessee-Chvlo- tta at QaUor et aL va. Mary d It appearing from affldavlt In this cause that Um v. aimrew auu ner nusoana. Wm. CLAndress, are ot th. Stat, if Too-- U ia therefor, ordered. Tbat they Biak. tbelr ap-- ui, uiuiuiuun oi eneioy count). In Memphis, Tenn., on or before the tin Monday, lu March, 1880. and plead, answer or demur to com- plainant's olll, or th. same will be taken for eon-ross- sd as to them and set for bearing exparte: and that a opy of this order be published once a week, tor four successive weeks. In the Memphis Appeal. This 28d day ot January. 1 880. A ropr-atte- st: R. j. BLACK. Clerk and Master. By X. a M'Henry, Deputy a and M. Young Al Martin, Sols, for eompl'nt. sat Chaacerr Sal or Real Estate. No. 3333. B Chancery Court of Shelby count. W .Canada. Adm'r, vs. J. R Hudgens et aL BW. VIRTUE of an Interlocutory decree for sale, In the above cause on tbe 27th dav of January, 1880, 1 will eU, at public auction, tothe bbzheat bidder. In front ot the Clark and Master' a ofBoe, courthouse of Shelby Taxing-Distri- of Shemy count,, TmeewiV6n Matarday. braarr AW, HHO, vrlthlniegal hours, th. following described property, situated in Sbelby county, Tenn., lt: Known aa a portion of sections 18 and 14 of township l, rang. 8 west ot the basis meridian of tb. Chickasaw ces- sion, bounded as follows: Beginning at tbe north- east earner of J. D. Plunket'e tract on section south one hundred and elgbty-Av- . ift poles to J. D. Plonket's southeast corner on said ?aoll??.,.!,': thence east on. hundred and twenty-tw- o (122) Poles to a stake on section 18; tbeoo. south one hundred and seven (107) poles to a stake; thence east twenty-fou- r (24) poles to a stake; thenca north on. hundred and seven (107) poles to a stake-- i hence east on. hundred and twenty-fiv- e (125) pole, to stake; tbeoo north one hundred and eU-- h tr- ove (185) poles to tbe weat boundary; theneewesk tw. hundred and seventy-on-e (271) poles to the be- ginning, containing 884 acres, more or leas. Includ- ing two pieces ot two (2) and three (H) acres by Wm. Edmondson and J. H. Morgan of 55 acres sold to J. E. Felts, except the following part thereof: Commencing at a stake at HUderbrand'a corner; thence west ten (10) chains to a stake In trie lane; thenos south 0 deg west along said lane seven (7) chains and twenty (20) links to a stake; tnenm east eleven (11) chains aod thirteen (18) links to a stake; thence north seven (7) chains and eleven (1 1 ) links to the beginning, containing seven acre, and Qv. chains. Terms of Sale One-fourt- h cash; balance la 0 and 12 months; purchaser executlnjt nouw with an. ?rIT?8ecurttIi retained, etc This February 4.1H0-- B. J. BLACK, Clerk and Master. L. B. M'Farland. Sot for oompln't. sat. Chapcerj Male or Real Estate for Par- tition. No. 3224, R. Chancery Court of Shelby county Ma- tilda Mathews et al. vs. Kllza Jan. Mayer et aL L Y virtue of an Interlocutory decree for sale, ra. 1J tared In the above cause oo tbe 8J day ot Feb- ruary. 1880. M. B. 2, P. ISO, I will sell at publlo auction, to tbe highest bidder, in front ot the Clerk and Master's office, courthouse ot Shelby county. Memphis, Tennessee, now known as th. Taxing-Distri- ct ot Sbelby county, Tennessee, oo 1 Hatarday, March , 1SSO. within legal hours, the following described proeertr situated In Shelby county. Tennessee: Being part of a tract conveyed by Moses Cheek and wife to P. w Porter, July 12, 1864: Beginning at the southeast eorner of tbe lot on which Rev. T. P. Davidson form- erly reoldeo; thenos running east with Holly Springs avenue (which Is sometime known as Jack on street extended) Ave hundred and sixty (5HU) feet to a siae, the southwest comer of Grot's lot, purchased of W. Williams; thence north with Greer's line three hundred and ten (310) rttn a stake; thence east five hundred and sixty (6tH feet to a stake on toe east boundary ot said Davidson's lt; theneei south three hundred and tea 8 10) feet to tb. begin- ning, containing four acres, being same tract con-ve.e- d by P. W. Porter to Andrew Mathews, February 10, 1858. recorded In Register's office In book 2ri, page 25, to which reference Is made; same being the homestead upon which stands a two story residence and otber Improvements, known as Mathews's place. Terms ot 6ale One-four- th cash; balance on a credit of P, 12 and 18 months; pureaaserex.-otln- g notes, with approved personal security, bearing In- terest f roia dale ot sale for deferred payments; Ilea ret Unfed, etc This Kebraary 13. 18HU. AJ; BLACK. Clerk and Master. L. R M'Farland, Sol, fr eompl'nt. sat A Notice. No. 8405 In th. Chancer. Court of Sbelby county. Tail 1 A DttAlla, m, rr w, avUUvwv w. w. uaivruv - VA TTJ. A OO 'p-I- t town Rolling Mill company etai. apoearina Iron iDMit in ihii m ii,., defendant, Th. Youngs town Rolling MUM Company, w. ,uv omhv vi .onnesaee; mat It Is Indebted to the complainant In ths sum of S4104. evidenced by open account, and attachment having been Issued and levied on lis property, as shown by ' tbe return of the sheriff: It It therefore ordered. That It make Kb herein, at the courthouse of Shelby eormty. in Memphis, Tennessee, on or before th. nrst Monday in April, 180. and plea, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or tbe same will be taken f confessed as to It and set for bearing ex- parte; and that a copy ot this order be published once a week, tor four soeeeeatv. weeks, tn th. Mem- phis appeal. This Both day of January, 1880. t "SP K J BLACK, Clerk and Master. By B. JTHenry, Deputy caod M. Metavtlf x Walker. Sols, for eompl'nt. M J.A.FORREST & CO Dealers in .Horses and Mules. 61 A 6S Moaroe 81 sear Peabodr II o tel. X are receiving dally a large assortment ot w HORSES and MOLES. Persons wanting stock will save money by calling before porehaalng elsewhere. Everything sold by us fully guaranteed. Order, soilelted.1 OTTO SCHWILL & Co OFFER AT LOWEST PRICES New Crop Grass Seeds ONION-8XT- WHEAT, RYE, AND BUISTB PREMIUM GARDEN SEEDS! Fratt and Uraaaseotal Trees, Asparagus and Huubarb Roots, Strawberry Plants, etc Also, Wrapping Paper, Paper-Bag- s and Twines, 223 Main street. Memphis. Tenn.

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Page 1: Library of Congress · Qmnmammmamrm THE MK VtPmii P s !!!! iiami m inn , ijlil. .aaassaBjBsaaa.atL.. , U . y --V'K, L, SATTTR ' s V. : ; 5RTTAEY Q8. 1SSO. "KAlLt.OVD TiaE-TAiiLi-

Qmnmammmamrm s !!!! iiami m inn , ijlil. .aaassaBjBsaaa.atL.THE MK VtPmii P . , U . y -- V'K, L, SATTTR ' s V. : ; 5RTTAEY Q8. 1SSO. "

KAlLt.OVD TiaE-TAiiLi- :.

f.eelvUIe ana AiaNnvllle al threatL4.V. A.UK1

Express, dally.... It :20 P.m. ft m,Mall, dally. 6 4l) a.10. 4:20 p.m.Br iwns.iil vocom.nodi'.t'n

dally (exoepl Sundays)... 4:20 p.m. O.TT1

On Sndinihy, Kxoress run only to M'Kenile.oonneoiin lor Mtsnvuie.

'iloiwinpl ana TtiwmM.L.KAVK. aXKIT.

Now Orleans Mall, dally... 2:45 p.m.l 10:45 S--m.

Sunlit Awomnm t o, diti yteti-ep- t rVuidnrs) 4:43 Pm. 9:00 a,m.

V -- .... T, I . . ., . . eVt.ted . . . . 6:43 a.m.1 6:00 p.m,

.emn-.- K rmrlwloii.I LH4VB.

m:uv time) I i.Mall A ttwi Train, dully 11116 p.m. 1 IK) p.m.Bom l.'IMc AOCO'n:" !uui: 4 40 p.m. 8 00 a m

Mcnsphl. and A.tttlc Kwt.' LEaVS. aUBlta.

Mill train, is;. y 6:10 p.m. 115 p.m.VMljtit,d.ii.9. f.; fJu.j.). e?:i)n a.m. r:05 Ma.

Parlm-u- h una U e an p h I w.

l.kaVK. ABB1VS.

M lit .'t :'3i.r!' f '.rin,i!aU 1 :fH) p.m. 0:110 .... i tin- i r n WHO a m. K:M0 pro

FINANCIAL.TheM wan not lima of moment ' be learned

among the banks on Madison street outside routinematters; In Met. tilings generally were aeneieni inanimation. Excba ge came In sufuolenlly to meetall wants, and tnere was l lie usual quietude In luedemand for money, except when wanbd for verybrief periods; tne rate was tbe ordinary H per cent.Charleston was much discussed, and Itie desire toget bolu of It was as earnest as ever v beard oftwo oases in wn en in was cnereo, out oouiu nvlearn wbeiber sales were consummated at tbatamount Tbat any lower i.ffer than tuat would meetwith attention appealed to be out of the question.The Hen York ttuUelin, of Tuesday, re-

pot ts : " N w Yntk exchange waa quotedliHiir as follows at Hie puces nameuHiiuinah-h- ui I rii. 8 ItkU premiumCharleston stead: parr?!. Unit- - Ns Orleans

mmniewlal. 'A.', discount: batik. 1 preuilum. UU Louis, 75 discount. Chicago, 8udiscount. Boston, 40 discount. Exchangeat our banns qo.ied at 14 discount 0.1New York and otber prominent eastern points;wltn three days' grate. m aiacoum; sellingatpar. On New Orleans, 14 discount; selling it par.Brielliy county scrl :i Is quoted at 8Hr7iH) buying, andH:iiit'5 selling. Tbe last sale of Memphis gas stockaia Mt 77L: the I nit sale of MerubUls comnromisebonds was at U7ti Little Rock first mortgHge bonds

last sale at HUU: highest sale of Charleston rail-road stock at 1 be New York Vhrott-irt- s

of yebruary 21st, quotes aa follows:Tennessee Mnw coupons. 10 bid. 25 asked; Memphis and Cuarlestun rallmad first moitgge is, 100bid; second miirutave is. w.i diu; aiisisippi amiTennessee flr- -t mortgage 8, A, 117 bid, secondmortgage ns, 11, v.t.

MEM I'll 13 BANK CLBABLNGS:tnrttrma. Balancm.

February 27, 1HH0.. t25rt,07il 77 S77.32U 80

Total this week !,4H5,tHt0 13 81)5,781 40Bame time last week.. 1,191.442 2 2I1.HH8 (i5Bame time week twlore 1 .iiOb.Httn 22 2;)H,4lJ HH


tAH3. February 21). Bemes. 82 f. a5r.LONtKiN, Febniary ols, P7 15-lr- New

rs, lOfi-Vi- ; 4W-1- . I I0W; 4s. ItHiUi; Illinois Central.KM); Peiiiisyi.iina Central, f4; Hfle,47l; Hi; Heading, do 14.

Miff ORLKAN3. Kobn-ar- y 27. Bight exchangen New York. l on Sl(NK) premium, sterlingxeb-um- bankers' bills. 404.NBW Y0HK, bruary 27. Money loaned down

from 6 to 4 per erut., oloslng easy at 4. Prime mer-cantile palter, htlhvi. bterilng exchvnge bankers'bills lienor. 4H44. New York sight exchanse.4H7I4. Uoverntneui bonds auomr. sbade firmer;higher for 4V. Unlkrd States ooupous of 1HX.lU.'ti;oew5s, 10 H( new 4Vis, 1ok."!b; new4s,10Kn;Paoiiio Hs of lKW;'i, 1V25V. btate bonds dull ananominal; Lonli-lin- 71 consols, 4H; Missouri. 1UH;Bt. Josepb, 103; Tennisseeds, old, 80 IS; Teuues-- e

r)s, uerr.Uil'j; vtralnta lis, old, 24; Virginias new. 25; Virultila eonsuls, 75: preterreo, 714.

Rtllroad bonds were strong and higher. Tbe stockmarket waa ttniim tbrougiiout almost tbe entire day.At Intervals a alluhl reactlou look p.ace, uuder s,

but at lue close quotations In somewere tne h'gheat of the Anf. Tbe advance

was 10 pur erut. In New Albauy and Chicago, and Ifato 4S ter cx.'it. In the remainder of tbe list, tbetrunk lines, grangers, K and Texas, and thecoal slocks being Hie most conspicuous In Ibe Im-provement- Nasiivllle, Chattanooga and HL Louisdeclined from llrlVa to 1 lot's, and Loul-vll- le andNashville from to 141, out the former afterwardrose to 117Vl and do ed at Urt Boutbwesternstocks were sluing. It was rumored tbst Jay (Jouldand Kussell Bage were active luurcbaslng back theirrecent sales ana covering ouiatauoing auorts. Wabasil soli at 44; Hannibal aud rtt. Joseph, 41H:nreierred, 75h; Iron Mountain, K214: Kansas andTex, 4:114. Among tbe exceptions were tbe stock01 IheCntCHgo, Columbus and Indiana Central com-pany, wuich le!t to 21Vt on a rumor that the Penn-sylvania Ceutrnl would carry lbs long litigated cato tbe supreme court by vptieal; luuomes fell to44ta; first recti tils. Kill) liomtou and Texas Cen-tral fell to 7Ht. on a report tbattbe pool bad recently maiketed a largeblock of sto-K- . Nashville, Chattanooga and fcL

Louis advanced 7 ner cent from tbe lowest point oftue morning to 1 lot on tbe announcement tbatfresiuent lie bud withdrawn his resignation. TbeA'praM says tbe reduction of tue tmblle debt forJuly will probably reach $5,000 000. The Americanexcbaiige detiounoes jcsteidui's raid on Little id

says It wui a movement designed to forcedown tbe stock In onler to freeze out siu dl holders.Coal Is Inaotlveueniandaiid selling at 93 60 per ton;most companies mime to make large contractsahead, Tram,acl one awn-gule- 4'JiHHX) shares,fif which 250 wme At antic aud Faolllo Telegrapn,2200 Canada Bouibern. 5S0O ChlCdgo, Coiumousand Indiana Central, 11400 Chicago, et. Louis andNew Orleans, rHth) Lack.twanna, ;it)00 Delawareaud IIu isoo, Hei.LHK) Krle, 11,000 Hannibal and

t. Joseph, 1MH) Hnuilon and lexas, tltHM) IronMountain, llrt.OOO Kansas and Texas, 52,000 Lakefcbnre. 1200 Little Hitt.ibnrg. D2O0 Michigan

NoitliAeK rD,4L iKMlNasbvllle and Chatlanouga, l:).00o New Jeisey Central, 20,000 NewYork Ceulral, IOO hortliero Paeitlo, K400 Ohioand Mlssisslpnl, 5400 Onturlo and Western (clonedat 2rUt). 7il'H PaciiiJ Mall, 400 Beading, 1,000Bt Paul, 11200 St. Paul and Btoux City, 1000 BtPaul and Mlnueiiiiolta, 10.0 i0 Wabash aud Pacificand B21M) Western Union. Climlng quotailous:Bock Island, ; PaQama. 1M2; Fort Wayne,lliltii; PittHbuig, 1101; Illinois Central, I1UI4;ChligO, Burtl iglon and Uulncy, 144ex.alv.;Chicago anu Al on, 1 Oil In; Chicago and Alton pre-ferred. 11M; Nesr Yorg Central. 18214 ollered;llarleiu. i0; l ke ehorn, 107; Can.m 00111 ti-

er 11. H51.ii; .vilctilaan Central, U2L: Erie, 45; Krlepreferreu, 71; Nuribwesteiu, y:iU; Nortuwesternpreferred, 10ttli Bt Paul, 81; Bb Paul pmerred.10J t: dt Paul an MlnnOHpolls, 5tWn; Bt PnuJand Bioux City, 4:)&t; Bt I aul and Bloux Citypreferred, 80; Lftkawarmasnd Western,VH Morns and Kssex, 1081s: Delaware andHudson, 7HU: New Jersey Ce tral, Ohiomul MlsslsiotJ, lirI4; unlo and Mississippiprelerred, 7Jl; Cliesaptake and Oblo. 21&t;Mobile and Ouio, 22; Cleveland and Columbus,8OI1; Cbloago, Columbus and Indiana Ceutral,211 ottered; liuiiluglou. Cedar Hapldl andNorthern, 101; Alton and Terra Haute, 12iili;Alum and Torre Haute preleriel, 104;Wabash, Bt Louis and Pacific. 444; Wabash, BtLouis and Padiic preferred, HUI4; Hannibal and BtJoe, 41 'H: Uaunlbal arid Bt. Joe preferred, 758;Iron MountiUn, tlli: Bt Louis and Ban Frau-elso-

44; Bt l.ouU aud ban tfranclneo prefened,MVt; Bt Louis aud Ban i rancisco, first prelerred,70; Chicago, bt Louis and New Orleans, 41O4;Kautas and Texas, 451; L'nlou Paoltlo stock, 01;Kansas pacific 80; Northern Pacific, BUVi:Northern pur' lis preferred, ritlVt; Louisville andNashville, i:ni; Houston and Texas, offered;Westsrn limon Telecrapb, 114; AUaotlcand Paolflc Telnaraph. 4HX4; paclllo Mall, 43&t;Little Pitisb'irK, 15; Heading, Adams hx--riress, 10MU; Weils i rargo, HUl,; smerlcaniCxpress, MI4: United Btates Kx press, 48; Quick-silver, 20ta vffsrad: yulcksllver pret'd, Bt; Lea.:-vlll- e,

.Hj; f nirHl Pacitle bonds, 112; Union Ha-etl-io

tlrsts, 1 1 il; Union Paclho land grants, llSti;I'nlon PaclOa singing funds, 1111; Letilgh audWlikesbarre. 115; St. Paul and Bioux City firsis,lot; Chlean, Columbus and Indiana Centraltlrala, no sulus: Chlumo, Cnlumbua and Indiana Cen-tral seconds, HI I4; Kne 100; Louisville,Nashville and clnitlano. gi. ; Louisville, New Al-

bany and Chicago, HU; Central Arlztma, 110 sales;ribon. no sales; hxwisior. U4; Home blase,

1)8; Ontario, 28; Btandard, 3jla--

COTTON.There was a he . look ablut thft tel-

egrams yesterday; less, "dull" and ear; but therewas nothing animated, and Liverpool sbugred apretty large receipt Prices, however, held stead Inall the principal markets. In our market the morn-ing opened with a belter demand, but In the after-noon a heavy and penisient rain set In and darkclouos niana ue .tuple scarcely distinguisha-ble from another. This restricted sales. Businesswas done al tu exlntlng rales, and quotations arerepeated The New York huUetin, ot Wednesday,retiorts: "Tbe cable stowed nothing really enoour.aging In character, but the prooabillty Is that themarket sernrmt strength mainly through localsources. A great many new short deals weia mauelist week, and there wa nlso considerable cottonquietly put oul, it Isthought, men-l- r to add weight tolue effort to fix lower rates for buying, aud y agreat many. It noi a m)owyof ibe previous seilero,have beoi.iie buyers. Including some of the 'longs'who threw ever their engagements his baacreated the deiunud and storied a new advance,wblcn pretty nearly recovered lb Immediately g

loss. We nsllce a oontinuatiuu of the oldfeeling of perplexity auiong a laigs proportion oftbe itada. Iit It Is the 'bears' al tue in iinenl vthoaraui out anxious to lliid out 'what It all means.' "

TesCnfuv. ly KbrsOrdinary rTI0h & 107(1

Hood orilltiaty --fflj'ig rf litL middling rtl'ilg r?l2iMlddllnx tT12l rM2tiiOjixI middling rTI2H tTlirsMiddling I.Ur . ifl.'lU tt lauiKalr. Nominal. Nominal.B tains 11112 11-8- 12-

Market easy. Bales, 2iKK bales. Including 1700to exiwrters, and DUO to spinners. Week's sales,10.4i 10 bales, including 0100 to exported, ttttbO U

spinners, and 050 to speculators.COTTON BTATBMKNT.

Btock, Septfmber 1, 187l 886heielved y J,.)ttilHecelvod prevleusiy 851,t:i5 85.1,401

Shipped to--d .. :,0Ht 85:1.787Bblpped pr u 17 .. 2.1J.U8 2:ld.2H7

Btock, running account 118,660IMPOBT3.

Tuui far this week 16.351Thus far lust week 14.175Since Bepteutber I ... 853.401

Memphis an.1 Charleston B-- B 4.S.1Mississippi and Teniieo-se- e H. B. 2i0lAMilsvllIa. Nashville and Ureal Southern B. B. Irl5Memphis and LlUle Ro.'k K. K 417Paduoah and MempUlg H. it.Bteamera Jj1;W agooa and other sources 200

Total..... a.StttJIXP0HT3.

Thus 'far this week, .... l.7rt.'fthus far laxt week. I5.rrt0blue Beptember 1 . 2!t5 237

Msmpbls and Charleston railroad 481Misstmiiiol aud Tenuessee K. K 1,470liuisvtlle, Nashville and Ureal Southern B.1K, 525bteamera north. 01.1

Total .......8.08k)

lr TKlKaH4fH 1

Ttia following are the latest telegrams of t do-

mestic marketa, aa reported yesterday to the cotton

ImI-- bt-l- l ofMarket Kec'it.

Galveston Dull. 1.015New Orleans Unlet II,:I50Mobile tjulet 2.025bsvannali ky. 1,848Cliartealon Dull. B2:lWilmngon.,.. Ouiet 55Norfolk Dull. l,2ltHaiti more ....... (Jllet. .......NewVorg biernly. 8tl.iBoston Dull H08PlJlla.lelul.ui .... Quiet 44NAugusta Quiet 170



! 12!121


13 1T1U l it13la

12kJTbe foliowiu are Hie New turn ims ,1 uotatlons

iw, rwiwunr; I'ruinifT, 11 good orxUuaryJ Jtio; low nildxlUng, 1 J ; middling. 13

good middling. 13 middling fair. 14 c

At 10JJ0. weak; 1 --20. dull; 2:16, steady; 8:10.steady. Stock, 84rt,714 bales.

Thi tone or the future ".""""fUa10-i- steady atn shade easier; 1 MO. steady;

ao'steadleVTsJI, quiet and firm. Salee, U8.000

bhi following shows the closing quotations offutures in the New York market yesterday:

jfOnfeb Yvtterday. Day J fort.JannT... '7.. 12.12WI2.1H 12.20r?l2H0.ebruaiT S12M1 12.H8tfl2.N4

March... r?12.Wl 12H312.H44yrU 13.14?i:i 15 r?13:J7 13.30June c713.5s 13 5H13.K0July 13.H8ftl3.rill 13.ti'.ta 13.70 '

august 13 75r213.77 13.77S13.70Beptember..... 13.iiWfil3.31 14.2flS18.2DOjUitfer 12 4iffl245 li! 42314 45November 12.13S12 lrt 12.15912 1W

December .. 12 05dl2 00 12.10312.14The New Orlenns nisrKet closed quiet at rcfor middling. Sales, 41KM) bales; receipts, 8350

bales. Btock. 345,714 balesThe following shows the closing quotations of fu-

rores In Ibe New Orleans market :

MonthM. Xuttrday. Day tutfun

ft.. 9March 12.R03I2H0 12.ft0ar2.fl9AprlL 12.75312.80 12.73312 75May 12 85312.87 12 84312 8rtJune 13 02313 Of) 13.02313 07July 1300313.1a 13.11313.18August 13.103 13 14313 18September 12 63312 HO 12.523,...-- .October lll5311."8 1103311.97November. 11H03I1H4 11H0311.H4Decern ber. 1 1.5H31I 50 H 65311.00

The market closed quiet. Bales, 2300 bales.The Liverpool telegrams yesterday reported

Cotton dull: middling uplands, 7 5-- rid; Orleans,7 7-- 1 Hd. Sales. OOOO bales, of wblch 5200bales were American. Receipts, HH.000 bales, ofwblrb 3 1,000 were American. Ordinary, 8Vid; goodordinary, fld; low middling. 7 3 lHd.

Liverpool tulures opened dull; February, 7 9 82d;Felruary-Marc- 7ld; Maicb Aprll, 7Ud; Aprll-aa- y,

7 H2d; May June, 7 June July. 7September-OcUtoe- r, 74td. At 3:80, Manebes-te- r

yarns and fabric srere easier; October-- Novem-ber, 7 1 82d. at 4, February, 7 June-July- ,

7Kd; Augu-t-S- ei tember, 7 At 6:10,1 1 74d. Futures closed dull but

steady.The following Is tbe Liverpool weekly cotton state-

ment: Bales. 42.000 bales, 34.000 bales Of whichwere American; speculators took 2000 bales;

took 40O0 bales; forwarded from ship's sidedirect 19 spinners, 18 000 bales; actual exoort,8OO0 bales. Total receipts, 105.000 bales, nf which78.000 were American. Total stock. 575,000 bales-- 1182,000 American. Amount afloat, 304,000bales 252,000 American.

Tbe movements at tbe porta were reported as fol-lows:

Thin Laid This WeekWile. Week. lsu year.

Rec'tsslnee Friday 89,100 98.H44 90,10r)Kxp'tsto (i. Britain 43,522 57.375 7H.023Kxp'ta toContlneut 40,910 27.10' 21,504Stock - 987.209 1.000,57 802.724

Total receipts at all United Btates purls, 4,210,-H5- 9;

same date 1878, 8,81 1 429; same date 1K77,8,657.971. Increase of receipts at United Btatesports this year, 299.239. Total stock at all porta,93 517. against 797 342 same time tbe year e;

in 1877, e 13,294.Tbe following Is tbe Naw York weekly eomparat

tlve cotton statement:Net receipts at all United 8tates porta.... 142.000Same week last year Ill ,000Total receipts at all U. S. ports to date.. 4,210,n00dame date last year .3,800,000Exports from all V. B. ports for the week. 101.400Same week lant year 112.000Total exports from U. S. ports to date. .. 2.403.000Same date last year 2,440.000Block at all U. S. ports I 84,000Same time last year 797.000btock at all Interior towns. 179.000Bauie time last year 1 04 5 IX)Btock at LIveriiooL 51 1,0(10Same time last year 510,000Stock of American afloat for (it Britain.. 250.000Same time last year U3t),O0O

UKNEUAL TRADE.The weathpr vpsterdny morninir was warm

and cloudy, followed by rain. Business was veryquiet Corn went on but slowly at former prices.Oats were quiet and unchanged. Some bay changedbai.ds: round lots of oralne are offering at 89 50.Comment was quiet and unchanged, potatoes be-came scarcer aud were very firm. ggs were betterana more active, cnicxens are siigutiy lower.Quotattoru detoie are for round lots at the landing

and tne r ittroad dVpots, and nctude neither dray-oo-

ttorage. nor other ixvenxex outside of the barefreight ana cnarge up to tne tune of arrival, joo-bin- g

ami store , aUm are at higher ra tcs, as theydravage, storage and vroftt of the dealer.

TRED. Oom sales of 250 sacks of yellow at49pc 300 sacks at fiOj; 175 sacks ear-cor- n a' 50.';In store. 6He . Cki&i-s- ale of a car-lea- of mixedat 5f)c; In store, 50c Bran In store. 80c CornAran -l- ust sale at 89. Hay quotes atS21 for prima,

' 50) for tlmotbi: sales of 40 bales at 821. 1H0at? 12: tbree cur-loa- d of prairie at S10; In store,SI 1031 25s prairie, 70c

FLOUR AND lliiL- .- (our superfine, ?5; extra,S535 25; double extra, $5 5036 75; treble extra,So 7530 5ft: family. SH3H 50: choice. SO 7537:fancy. S737 50. Cornmeal, $2 45; dray loads.82 50.

VKOErABUEa. Potatoes I eacbblows. In slo e.SI 5531 HO; sale of 15 sacks or peacbblows at

1 100 delivered. Seed votatoes. In store -early russets, S2; late russets, Si 75; earlywestern, $2; New York peerless, $2 25; westernetrly rose, $2 25; New York early rose,82 75; early goodrlcb, S2; London Indies. $2;pinkeyes, S2 2o. tfoeet votatoes. Si 2o32 60.Onions, 84 503 5 a barrel lu store, heed onionstops, 84 bono a ounnei; bottoms, S030 60 abushel. rurniiM, 75o3Sl a barrel. While beans.S232 25. Vabljag Loulslaaa, $4 7635 25;fresh choice, S5 50.

NUTB.Jeat-Ke- d. 41350; Virginia, 737IA0terlb. Alinuud. 220 Der lb. Pecans. 10315c. according to size. Brazil Nuts, 120 per lb. Filberts,14c per id. nainuvt, irw per id. . uocoanuis, giy.

KKiua AND BUTT Kit Egq bttter. 12c perdozen. Butter medium, 21 32il choice, 25327c ereameiy, 85c

FBUITd AND BEBRISa Apple. S3 5034 50 abarrel: New York Baldwins. S4 75. Oranges, 5034 60; Valentlas, 810 a case. Lett 6ns, dlper box. awir --old, sj; uew, j3 per noz. t ts,loeperlb. IMiUs, 10c per lb. Dried Apples, 939WCper lb irtf jieavhes, UMl310e per lb.

1.1 n r, iiu r.ji r.. i . ijtttie, 31 tu a Darrei.Louisville eetnent. SI 75 a bt rrel: Bosedale cementS2 25 a barrel.

ruutiixi.-umcsxns.- xA lorraau. miciot, zo.6w, 4 2525 per dozen. Turkeys. 10315 perdozen.

eojiSli MKAT. ETC. 2lAfB8Pjc; hindquarters. 430c Afulton, by tbe carcass,net ik--

, nogs, naive rigsr ten kegs, i; nati-barrel- s,

S4 25; barrels, 8 J 7o38.HOU PROOUCK Pork clear sides, loose, 73

7Uo; clear rib, loose, fVU3H.85c; shoulders, loose.4ts34&ttc tioartirod hams packed, 9Pgc Messptyrk, i3 25318 60. Bacon clear side, packed,7ic: clear rib, 7to; shoulders, 6VSC lard tierce,7tt)38c; palls, ijc

UBOCEB1K& Wffee, 14M)315o for ordinary, 16cfor lair, 17317Mio for good lair, 18V319V90 forchoice. Tea Imperial, 55385c Alos Louisiana,,440; carouna, nwixwc tsau per oray toad, iromstore, SI 95 per barrel; coarse, per sack, SI 4031 60; Una, SI 75-- Hugars Louisiana open kettle,7438ao; yellow clailUed. 9iA.30jo: white olarttled,9Vs394tc; cut loaf. 1 lUrMityc; granulated, 1 13lmc; powdered, 1131114c Molasses Louisianasugaj house scarce; 52355c tor unfermenllngchoice; rebolled choice, 483500; prime, 44340c;fair, 40c

MISCELLANEOUS Hominv.- - S3 f5 a barrel.Buckwheat flour, til 50 a barrel. Peach butter, 1 2eper pound. Vider western, S7 : Shaker, $838 50 abarrel. Macaroni Imported, 84 a box; American,1 Oo per pound. Garlic Spanish, 75c3Sl a string.Kraut, $537 a barrel.

BAUU1NU AND TLE3. Bagging flax. OaiOc;Jute. 2 lbs., 1131113; mixed, 1010. Ties, $2 6032 75 per bundle. Twine, 12c per lb.

H1DKS. XTC Oak sole. 88341c;bemlock. 283320 per lb: harness, 80340c; skirt-ing, 88340c; French calf, S4O300 per dozen: do-mestic calf, S30345 per dozen. Hkleslirj flint,I80: dry salt 15c: green, H37o; green salt, 738eKVejMAina, 50cal 5U Tallow, 6Vx30c Beeswax,20c

CATTLK MARKET. --J. LaCroIx. of Secondslrvet Chelsea, reports: Sales for Ibe past weekbave been lively. Unod to choice cattle and bogsare In active demand; both are commandingquotations readily. The run of sheep has beenlarge during the last few dai s. At present there isan over supply. Hecelpts of cuttle are very lightThe demand for tbe best grades bus increased, asibe butchers seem to be unable to use the class ofcattle has been received of late. Prices arefirm. Very few bogs In yaids. Choice butchers'grades se 1 at 434140 readily. Sheep are lu oversupply and slow ot sale. Cattle Choice western andTexas corn feo,434to per pound; medluui.3Va3Kit4Cper pound; choice giass, 833140 per 0111111: smoothfat oxen, weighing IOOO10 1500 pounds, 3U33iOper pound; rougu oxe and eows lu good condition,2Ms33c per pound; poor aud common cat'le, lt32c ter pound; milch cows with young calves, 4l5330 per bead, yearlings, 4aH per bead. Hheepchoice, 4Vg3 5o per poud; medium, 434Uje perpound ; coin mon.J 1 ft I 60 per bead. Bogs uuolce,weighing 175 to v?25 pounds, 434140 per pound;meulum, per pound; sboats, UVa33tcper pouuU. '

BT TKLHO RA PU.LOTJISTILLK, February 27. Flour quiet Wheat

firm. SI 20 Corn Qnn; No. 2 white, 4534f3c: No.2 mixed, 43344c Oats quiet but steady; No. 2white. 40341c; No. 2 mixed, 88339c Bye steady;No. 2. 80387c Hay quiet. $14318 60. Pork quiet,SI2 nO. Lard sternly; prime steam,. 7'C-- Bulklu.-a- quiet 4i4rr044. 7c Bacon sternly. 4grr5, 7U. bugar-cur- ed hams, 9310WCWhisky hrm, si 05.

MEW YOBK, February 27. Flour dull; superfine western and biale, 535 4.". WheatInactive with light export demand; ungraded spring,SI 2531 271.1. Hye active and Dtra. Cotlee dulland lower; Rio, cargoes, 13iC; job lots, 14318:--.Sugar higher and lu better uemand; lair togoou

iMiwo. Mulaases steady with alairde-man-

Re quiet but steady; Carolina, HUrJTixC1'jrW dull; old mees, spot, quoted at SI 1

quiet tut "leaJy. W hlsky uomlnal, SI loCINCINNATI. February 37. Flour nulet: family,

StWrH 25; fancy, St) 2530 85. Wheat weaker,SI 80. Corn quiet and weak. 41c Oats dull andlower to sell, 30c aye steady, 85c. Barley dull;extra No. 3 lall, 75c Pork weak, SI 2. Laid dulland drooping; 7 I60 bid, 7.'JOo aked. Bulk meatsquiet but llrm; shoulders, 4c; clear rib. 6 65c; c ear,0.75c Bacon demand lair ar.d market arm;shoulders, 51hc; olear rib, 714c; clear, 7Pc Wblskysteady with a fair demand. 1 05. Butter qUet;choice western reserve, 20328c; choice ceulralOhio, 23325c

ST. LOUIS, February 27. Flour fancy, S 12tbid cash: choloe. S: cash, S5 92lu5 95 March,St) 05 April; ramlly, 86 86 oab; tieole extra, S5 00bid. Wueat lower; No 2 red, SI 87H bid cash,SI 87Vii31 3831 37 March, SI 3131 318 April.St HJW31 817HMay,l 20n31 2tli4Juue; No. 3red, SI 2d bid. corn lower, U4U334LHC easb, 353B5io March. 8rit380H;i April, 38r374so May.Oais lower, 88ls- - cash and March, Rye dull, 75cBarley dull. Wblsky quiet. SI 07. Pork dull; Job-bing, SI 2 25 Dry salt meat dull. 434 10, 6 60O0.00. tt 6o31.75c Bacou easy, 6, 7W374C

CHICAtJO, February is ". i'lour nominal Wheatdull ai d lower: No. 2 spring Chicago, Si '2'$ bidcash. SI 24 bid March, SI 25 bid April :Nd. 8 springCutoago. SI 1131 12; rejected, 910. Corn quietand weak; iresh, 8733710 cash; 38ko Marcb,87Mc April. 41 to May; rejected, 8614c Oats-- 82

33.10 cash, 31o February, 85lio May, Bye steady,hurley ste dy. Pork dull, weak and lower; JU 70311 75 aash.SU 72W March. $11 90311April. Lard dull, week and lower; 7.12ljjO cash,7 12Pt3715e March, 7.25c April." Bulk meals

4lr3H 553 0.70a Whisky steady, SI 07.'io.. Wheat dull and lower; declined nc Corn

easier; declined ic OaU steady. Pork dull, lowerand heavy; declined lc Laid dull and lower; de-clined 7 Vc,

NBW ORLEANS, February 27. Flour steadyand nrm; superfine, $535 25; double extra, $5 7530; treble extra, S030 37Vj; high grades, SO 60rd 87la- Corn active and hrm. 58ii5to. Oau

quiet 450. Cornmeal good demand and prices ashade higher, $2 00. Hay dull; ordinary, S28324 ;

prime, $25; cboloe, S27. Pork scarce and firm; old,Sl2 76, uew.Si:!- - Lard dull; tierce, 7i37tie; keg,83t.tac Bulkmeau In fair demand and mark, tfluu: shoulders, loose. 4 4oo: packed, ,Vg. clear rib,0.3 H4tc; clear, ftVf 7c Bacon scarce aud Orm;shoulders, 6i435Vso; clear rib, 7t7 clear8..aM.iO Bugar-cure- d bams quiet; cauvased, 9i10e. WUIsky steady: western reotltled, SI 0531 10.C'flee In giXHl qemsnd at full prices; ordinary toprime, 143 10x4a. Sugar quiet ami weak: Infe-rior, 63513c; roinmnn to goodomimon. OujaH.HC:lair to mliy fair, o.'n37t.'c; prime to choloe. 7U'7c: yellow clarified, 8liifs:ViO Molss-e- s quiet butsternly common. 30433 ; talr. 8tti38c; centrllu-ga- l.

110342c, prliuetocoolce. 42i?52o Klo quietbut steatiy; Louisiana, ordinary 10 choice, rlu7lsJ- -

TJIOH THK BPFFDYCURK of Seminal WeaJmess,jT Lost Manhood aud all'iiars tiKyiivht on byludlscrauon ot excess. Any druggist baa the ingre-dients. DR. JAUURS A CO.,

ISO West 8UU stras.ClnoauiU

Klvera awd r.. : s,otA;..i i , : . i ,--, l :,,1UC lUlllllUK UIUOI4I IAUIO 1(1 1 1 , ini BIV-

lars concerning the condition of rivers and weatherIU ail uuiwrMiiii iwniis- -

orncg BiensL Bkrvicb U. 8. A.Man phis, February 27, 1880.

"Above low Changeswater.STATIONS. Rise Fall

Feet Inches Inches Inches

Cairo 42 10Cincinnati 24Davenport 3 HDubuque. 4Helena. Ark...Keokuk ''6 2Leavenworth . . 6 1 20Little Rock.... 2 10Louisville J4 8 "2"Mesiiihls... 8X ft 3Nashville 21 62

Mew Orleans.. 8 8" 27 1 12flltsburg 9 7

at Lotus 11 "2"37 11 6

Below high water of 1874.t Low water ot 1870. benchmark.


Time. Bar. Thar Wind. Weathe".

29.9H9 61 8.E. Cloudy.p.m. 29 930 69 S W. Cloudy.

9:00 p.m. 29.903 69 N.E. Cloudy.Maximum thermometer, 69 deg.Minimum thermometer, 59 deg.Balnfall. 0.42 Inches.D. T. FLaNNKRY. Corp. Slgnal.Corps, U.S. A.

BY TELEGRAPH.NASHVILLE, February 27. River rising, with 21

feet on tbe shoals.CINCINNATI. February 27. River 24 feet 3 tncbes

and failing, weather raining.PITTSBUKO, February 27.-Bl- ver 7 feet 4 lnctaM

and rising, weather clear and pleasantE VAN3VILLB. February 27. - River falling, wltb

with 31 feet 6 Inches by the gauge. Weather raining; mercury, 04 deg. Down: uuidiug star, newuneans. 11 p m.

LOUISVILLE. February 27. River falling, wltb10 feet In the canal and 8 feet 00 tbe falls. Weather

cloudy and warm. Down: Robert Mitchell, Cincin-nati to New Orleans; James D. Parker, Cincinnati toMemphis.

NEW ORLKAN9, February 27. Weather clearand warm; thermometer, 79 deg. Arrived: ewMary Houston. Cine nnatl; A J. Baker and barges,Bt Louis. Departed: Henry Frank, Memphis; GrandLake 10. V ana osrges, 01 Louts.

VICKSBUKO, February 27. Weather clear andwarm ; thermometer, 76 deg. River risen 6 inchesUn: Golden City. 9 a.m : Fannie Lewis. 10 a.m.Belle of Sbreveport. 6 p.m Down: Thomas Sherlock, 7am; John Dippold and barges, 5 a. in ; JohnA. scudder, 1 Am.

CAIRO, February 27. River 42 feet and falling.Weather eloudv: thermometer. 66 dec. Arrived:Vlrgie Lee, Memphis, 2 p m.; John A. Wood andPanther, Oblo, 5 p.m. Departed: Vlrgie Lee. Cin-cinnati, 3 pm.; John A. Wood and Panther, NewOrleans, b P m.

aiaveaneata at the lievee.ARRIVALS.

U. P. Scheock, Cincinnati; Golden Crown. NewOrleans: City of Vleksburg. St. Louis: City of Helena, Vlcktburg; Coahoma, Osceo a; James Le, Fri-ars Point; Josle Harry, Wh'te river; Katie Hooper,Arsunsas river ; onteias, commerce; Diiveruiorn,commerce.

DBPARTUBES.IT. P. Scnenck. New Orleans: City of Vleksburg.

Vleksburg; James Lee, Friars Point; Shields, Com-merce; Bllverlhorn, Commerce; Coahoma, Osceola;Mark Twain, Dyersburg; W. J, Poltevent Hatchleriver; Golden Crown, Cincinnati; Cons Millar, Cincinnati.

IN PORT.Katie Hooper, Josle Htrry.

BOATS DUB.Up-.- Sllverthom, Shields. .

Down. Colorado, Com moo wealth.BOATS LEAVING THIS DAT.

Et. Louis -- Colorado, Sam M'Pheeters mister, 5p.m.

Cooncil Bind Shields, Wm. J. Ashford master,6 p.m.

Commkkqk-SUvertho- rn, 8. H. Whitehead master,6 p.m.

Wbitx Riveb Josle Harry, Hilt R. Harry master,o p.m.

Arkansas Rivkh Katie Hooper, Ed Nowlandmaster, 6 p.m.

Niw Oblsans Commonwealth, George Corvellmaster, 6 p.m.

RECEIPTS YB8TERDAY.U. P. Scheock 85 tons merchandiseSUverthorn 8 bales cotton, 9 bags seed-cotto-

City of Helena 1 bale cotton. 61 pkgs sundries.Golden Crown 75 brls molasses, 32 casks pitch,

10 brls resin.Shields 419 bale cotton, 886 sacks cotton-seed- ,

33 pkgssnndriet.Jam- -. Lre- - 18J bales cotton, 611 sacks cotton-

seed, 60 t'fls oil. 81 pkgs sundries.Coahoma h8 exiles cotton, 23 oags seed-cotto- n,

1H.4 sacks cot on seed, 30 pkgs sundries.Josle Barry - Brought out of White river 484 bales

505 sacks cotton-see- 82 pkgs sundries.Katie U .oner Brought out of Arkansas river 651

bales cotton, 1930 sacks cotton-see- d, 85 pkgs sun-- d


Local Port Note a.Business fair.Heavy ruins yesterday evening cleaned off the

levee.Tbe Mark Twain departed yesterday evening for

Dytrsburg.Local packets departed or) tlnje yesterday evening

wltn fair trips.The Golden Crown passed up yesterday morning

for the Ohio river with a good trip.The Guiding Star, Captain W. B Miller, is due

down Sunday, en route to New Orleans.Tbe John B Maude, Captain W. H Blake, passes

down morning for Vleksburg.Receipts by river yesterday. 1338 bales cotton. 32

bags seed-cotto- 3576 sacks cotton-seed- .

The w. J. Poltevent having been detained, gotaay yesteiday evening for Hatchle river with a goodtrip.

in Commonwealth, Captain George Corvell,pnsses down tills evening at tlve o'clock for New Or-leans.

Tue City of Helena passed np yesterday eveningfor St Louis. She added here 800 bales eastern- -bound cotton.

Tbe Ciy of Vlcksfenrg passed down yesterdaymorning for Vleksburg loaded Hat She added here80 tons 1 f freignt

Toe Colorado, Captain Sam M'Pheeters. Is theAncher-lln- e packet this evening at five o'clock forCairo and St Louis.

Tbe Shields. Captain Wm. J. Ashford. goesthrough to Council Bend this evening at nve o'clock.Ed Cruwell Is her clerk.

The SUverthorn. Captain S. H Whitehead. Is thepacket for Commerce at tne usual hour this evening.Nell Booker is ber clerk.

The u. p. schenck passed down yesterday morn-In- s

for New Orienns loaded flat She added here760 sacks and 50 brls lime.

The Mark Twain. Captain W. P. Hall, will leavetbls evening at five o'clock for Dyersburg and all waylanuings. inaries meveos is ner cierK.

The Katie Hooper, Captain Ed Nowland, Is thepacket ibis evening at five o'clock for all points onArkansas river. Jimmy Thompson presides In beroffice.

The ferryboat John Overton let down yesterday andwent to the bank. Tbe Mark Twain supulles her

uce until repairs can be made, wblcn will pro Da-ly be this evening.The Josle Hairy. Captain Milt R. Harry on deck, la

the packet this evening at five o'clock for all pointson White river, going through to Jacksonport Walker Outlaw has charge of ber office.

The cons Miliar departed yesterday evening forCincinnati with 807 bales cotton, 250 barrels oil,15 000 feet lumber, 20 tons scrap-iro- a lot of sun-dries, and a fair showing of people.

Tue warm and cloudy weather reported by tele-graph from points above portend a check to tbetan in tne river, wmcu set in yesterday, creeks,bayous, lagoons and lakes below are luil to overflow-ing, and tbe chances are tbat planting operationswill be much retarded.

Pergonal.V.I T V.n I Ml Vniwn tt. All a Ika

steamb'iatment of this port, was married on Tuesday to Miss Flora Lozler, of Aurora, Indiana.

Cincinnati inquirer: alias otamie unaerwooc,daughter of Captain William Underwood, tbe wenknown pilot, died Tuesday night at her borne. InNewpori, of consumption. Sbe was seventeen yearsold. and an accomplished young lady. Captain Underwood has the sympathy 01 a large number orfriends."

John Cameron, a mate, aged sixty-tw- died onMonday, and waa burled In Bellefontalne on Tues-day, He bad been sick for some time, and wascared for by some of bis old friends. He was a veryJust man and much thought of. Cameron was mateon tbe Lizzie Gill, Olive Branch and Peerless, wltbJim Blssell, In tbe Missouri, Illinois, Lower Missis-sippi, etc

Picked In Adrift.A dlpatcb from Louisville yesterday afternoon

says that tbe Eldorado was gotten s float yesterdaymorning, and waa assisted down over the falls by theResolute. The freight that was put ashore la beingplaced on a barge.

The Jim Fisk, Jr., now In the Cairo and Paducabtrade, has been sold to parties In Muscatine, Iowa.Tbe prloe paid Is (4000, and she Is to be deliveredto ber new owners as soon as her successor, the newGus Fowler, Is teady to take ber t lace.

Bt Louis "Upper Mississippi pilotsare sensible Quite a number ot them bave learnedtue lower river, got licenses, and bave gone to work,and yet there Is not an Idle lower river pilot in town,Wa-- Hight and Warren Renfro aie southern boat-men now, and John N. Hamilton Is piloting en theCity or Vlcksourg "

Tbe house committee on railways and canal haveagreed 10 re, ort lavorably on Representative Willis'sbill which provides that after tbe first day of July, tolls shall becbaiged or collected at theLouisville and Poitland eaual;bat the 1 ecretary of

shall be authorized to draw his warrant tromluieiotline uvon tue secretary of the treasury to

pay the actual expenses 01 pperatlng and keepingsaid canal In repair.

Senator Jones yesterday presented In the UnitedStates senate, a petition from the owners of steam-boats on the Mississippi rtver, reciting tbat theysuffer great inconvenience and pecuniary loss by thedesertion of eiews and parts of crews. Passeugersand malls and cotton shipments are thus disastrous-ly delayed. Tbe prosperity ot a large portion of thesouthwestern people depends on the regularity ofthis commerce The only penalty now laid on suchdesertion is a forfeiture of wages, and even this can-not always be enforced. Legislation to remedy thisevil by compelling bauds U abide by tbelr contractsIs prayed for.

Tawboate and B arses.Tbe Dlok Fulton, with a tow of empties, passed op

for the lower Oblo yesterday.

RATTLE Oi" THE KAIL.B.C. Cage. Jr., of the Memphis and Little Rock

ralirnad, is out at Brownsville on a visit to his manyfriends.

The RogersvlUe and Jefferson (Tenn.) railroad Isdoing a heavier business than It baa ever done atany time since tt was built.

At Montreal last wee a a locomotive crossed theriver on the Ice. We prefer quail on toast, bnt stilla locomotive en Ice Is food for rellectton.

Sidney B Jones, general southwestern passengeragent of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Bt Louis wasIn Nashville, TbHrsday, enjoying a brief "lay-ove- r 'among bis friends there

Captain Johu Cain, conductor on the Little Rockand Fort Smltn road, bas Just returned to duty aftera three weeks' siege ot sickness.

Mr. Ed liarr, ot this elty, baa located In LittleRock, and will probably take a position In thefreight otUce of the Memphis and LlUle Rock road.

Felix Marcoiub, brake man on tbe Nashville andDecatur railroad, waa run over and killed at Decatur,last Sunday night As be was erosslDg tbe track hewas run over by a freight train, which was backingat the time

Hon. L. A. Plndall and Colonel II. L. Bell, promi-nent Arkansas attorneys, are now In LlUle Hock look?lug alter tue interests ot the Little RJck, Mississippiriver and Tex.s railroad, in a suit filed by what isknown as the Old Napoleon road. These gentlemenfeel sonridant that they will defeat the action.II was tue taik among railroad men yesterday. In-spired by statements ol parties JuH from St Louis,that the bt Iamls. Iron Mountain and Southern roadbad seourea control of tb Memphis and Little Bockconnection. It may be true, but until the fact Is 0

atiuount ed we must be excused for not putU ugtoo much faith lo the mere rumor In tbls connectlon a paragraph taken Irom the St Louis BevubU-ca-concerning tbe financial standing ol tbe IronMount tin In tbe New York market may not be with-out interest: "The question aa to the payment ofthe Iron Mountain Income interest appears to be stillunsettled, although tbe weight of opinion still in-clines to the view tbat tbe payment rriU I maueDt week. A meeting was ueld at the New YorkofUoe of the Iron Mountain company on Baturdalast, which was called for tbe purpose of seuiln

tbls matter finally, but for some reason no definiteconclusion appears to bave been reached Pendingsuch olllclal action, It Is urged on the bear side thatthe bonds bave already sold above their real Intrinsicvaiu, and that me parties innuenaai in toe board,wbo were large holders, bave unloaded tbelr bondsand hare now no Inducement to pay the Interest.Both the firsts are quoted weak In New York, thefirsts being about ninety-on- e and the seemds abouteighty."

Nashville Arnerkan 27th: Tbe stock In tbe Nash-vllle- .

Chattanooga and St. Louis railway, retiresenled by the directors of the Louisville and Nas'i.vllle and Great Southern railroad. about Sx 500 OOO.Is held In trust by the continental unr k of NwYork Of theSlO.OOO.OiKlof stock of the Louisville and Nashville and Gieit Southern railroadS0,50O,000 Is held in New York It was renortrd yesterday Messrs. Stevenson. KceeEvans and Baldwin, directors In tbe Na bvllle, Chattanooga ana ot. Louts railway, wi 1 resign Jmeeting of the board of dnectors of tue NashvilleCbatlanocga and St. Lwli railway will be held hereSaturday. N'eacomb and party lefthere at tbree o'clock In tbe afternoon for Mon gim- -ery, ana win sropovernere 00 tnelr retnrD.baiuiday,to be present at the meeting of tne board At themeeting yesterday live otr.cersof tbe Louisville andNashville a-- a t,re it buinern railroad rer resentednearly four millions of the at ck. recently uurchased.while Color. el A. S. Colyar held the proxies of minority stockholders to the extent or two millions. Notmore tban thirty small stockholders were presentA man who owns only thlrtr-tbre- e shares did mostof the talking. The bualness In band was transacted as smoothly as in a meeting 01 tne tnirteendirectors or tbe Nashville, Chattanooga and St Lootsrailway. The stock has, In fact, got Into the bandsor a very lew men. Tne vacancies or iour managers,who have passed In their checks', so to speak, willbave to be filled Tbe presumption Istbat It will not be by Nashville men, as tbe majorityof tbe stock Is likely to control. If tbe majorityshould even go so far as to suggest tbat theywintto be represented by eight out of the thirteen direct-ors, no one would be astonished As tbe stock basbeen gobbled, it would not be an odd thing If the di-rectors be scooped also that Is, providing tbe di-rectors elected to serve until September should resign, ana it may ne taken lor granted thai some sug-gestive blots will be thrown out In that dUectlou.

4:5 Tears Before the PublicTHE GENUINE


are not recommended as a remedy " for all theills that flesh is heir to," but in affections ofthe Liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dys-pepsia, and Sick Headache, or diseases ofthat character, they stand without a rival.

ACUE AND FEVER.No better cathartic can be used prepara

tory to, or after taking sjuimne.As a simple purgative they are nnequaled.

BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.The genuine are never sugar-coate-d.

Each box has a red-w- ax seal on the lid withthe impression, Mc LANE'S LIVER PILL.

iach wrapper bears the signatures ofC McLajjk and Fleming Bros.

JS?" Insist upon having the genuine Dr.C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS, prepared by

FLEMING BEOS., Pittsburgh, Pathe market being full of imitations of thename JilcJUane, spelled ditterently butsame pronunciation,





FOB FREE DISTRIBUTION.r TREATS npon HEALTH, HYGIENE, and Phytca) CQltnre, and to complete eocyclnpEedia at

information for invalids and tboae who sutler fromKervous, Exhausting and Painful Diseases. Everyabject tbat bpara opon health aod human happiness,

receives attention La Its pages: and tbe many ques-tions asked by Buffering invalids, who have d ispairedof a cure, are answered, and valuable information isvolunteered to all wbo are in noed of medical advice.

The subject of kc4iio Belt ecrvw Medicine, andthe hundred and one qoestioos of vital importanceto suffering humanity, are daly ooo&tdered and explained

YOUNG MENAnd others who rafter from Kervooa and Physical De-bility. Loss of Manly Vigor, Prematare Exhaustioaand the many gloomy consequences of early indiscre-tion, etc.. are especially benefited by consulting itcontetita.

The ELECTRIC REVIEW exposes the unmitigatedfrauds practiced by quacks and medical impostors whoprofess to " practice medicine," and points out theonly aafe, simple, and effective road to Health, Vigorand Bodily Energy.

8end your address on postal card for a copy, andinformation worth thousands will be sent you.

Address, the publishers.PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO.,



Conarha, Colli. Con an mp tlon.REMEDY Asthma. Bronchitis. stnl AllolherThroat and Lang AftVc-t- fions. Kndoi'Sfd by the li rnFOR r Phyilelans. Taken bylhouanUa and sureewiful always.1 1 baa no Jtiqoal.CURING -- SQLD EVERYWHERE- .-

Autnorlzed by the Commonwealth ot Kentucky, andxairesfcinuje worm.


Commonwealth Distribution Co.At Maoauley's Theater, In tbe cltr of Louisville, on

HATCRVAY, FEB SCARY Si, 18M.These Drawl nes. authorized by act ot tbe Leg

islature of 18R9, and sustained by all tbe courts ofKentucky occnr regularly on tbe last day of everymonta (aim ays excepted), aod are suiiervlsed byprominent citizens of tbe State.

Tbe Management call attention to tbecrandnnnnr- -tunlty presented of obtaining, for only of Q

THE FOLLOWING PBIZEd :1 Prize . . 9 80,0001 Prize 18,0001 Prize 6,000

10 Prizes 81000 each 10,00020 Prizes 600eaub 10,000

100 Prizes 100 each 10,000i'Xt Prizes eoeacb 10,000BOJ Prizes 20 each la.niMi

1000 Prizes 10 each 10.0OCAPPROXIMATION PRIZKS.

9 Prizes J300 each 2,7009 Prizes 200 each. 1,8009 Prizes 100 each 900

1H0 Prizes 8112,400Whole Tlcketa. . Half Tickets, SIa 1 ncneiB, &ru. tx riCKers, siuu.All aiiDllcntlona for club rates should ha made tothe home office.

run list of drawl nar DUbUshed In Louisville Courand NewYork Herald, and mailed to all

ticket-holder- s. Bend all orders by money or bank-draf- t.

In letter, or by express. Orders of S5 and up-ward, by express, can be sent at our expense. Ad-dress R M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journ-al Bulldlntr.Louisville, Kentucky, or at No. 163 Broad ay. NewYork, or tr No wmf Com trwt Vwphln Tnn

It Is the best Blood Purifier, and stimulatesevery function to more healthful action, and isthus a benefit In all diseases.

In eliminating tbe impurities of the blood, thenatural and necessary result is the cure of Scrof-ulous and otber Skin Kruptions and Diseases,Including Cancers, Ulcers and other Sores.

Dyspepsia, Weakness of the Stomach, Consti-pation. Dizziness, General Debility, etc., arecured by the Kaffe Bitters. It is un equaledas an appetizer and regular tonicIt is a medicine which should be in every fam-ily, and which, wherever used, will save thepayment of many doctors' bills.

Bottles of two sixes ; prices, SO cents and S1.00.

BSTWarner'sSafe Hem e-d- ies

are Boldby Druggistsand Dealersin Medicineeverywhere.H.H.WAMER&CO.,

Proprietors,Rorhnlrr, N.Y.

WSSend for Pamphletand Testimonials.

told wholesale in Memphis byMANSFIELD CO.

RESORPTION FREET7tor tne speedy Cure of Seminal WoakrieM, IoetJ? Manhood, Premature Usoility, NervousnessDespondency, Confusion of Idfts, Aversion to Socie-ty, Defective Memory, and all Disorders Brought onby Secret Habit and Excoasea. Any dmegnt has theiXAffredienta. Aaar-- ., DR. JAQUES A CO.,

180 Weat Sixth Street. ATI. OHIO.

Eli w MiA HEW NO. 81

Mosler, Bahmann & Co.'s Safe,65 INCHES HIGH,


lu.'tiiii.ror Vlevrnted WJTitluu if ,1; iiIHn rile itrineuyfoil, cura. tiivt- iiumeduttrelief, ctirpi caw of on stand,inir in 1 wtMk. ordinary c;ises in 9days. S 1 foot tin. F"M ly U

dnuwipt . J. 1. M rt.Lt n, M. !..416 Snmre St.. Pbila., Pa,, Sols

ia. fre in all dineamja, Call or vmtfiTION Wrapper on bottle i iFroM prwul i

S. W. J0NK3 &. OO. AjrentH, 2B7 Main street,

Insolvent Kotlce.State of Tennessee, Shelby county Offloe County

9u vJer,.UemPn-8- ' Tennessee, February 25,eeieeeaserUlam GetZ" Admllllstr?-,0- T ot Creole

H4VI'-- i suggested tio insolvency of tbepf .iecrge Geti. deeesed, you arehereby ordered to give notice, Insome newspaper published within the sld State,and also at the Courthouse door of Sbelby county,for all persons having claims airalnst said estate, toappear and Die the same wltn in Clerk of the Coun-ty Court, authenticated In the manner proscribed byaw. on or txfr re twenty fifth day of June, ltihO; andan- - claim not filed on or before sa'.d oy. or bstore an

appropiiatlon of the fund o( said estate Is made.shH'l e haired, both In law and equity.Wltfiess my hsnd, at offlee. this 25th day ot Kebru- -

W. a ttUsson, Attorney. '(-

l LANE & B ODLEY tO. i tS Wfl nnmTTIITl , m?aTT.T,L j"""""- - X



Plantation Machinery,Stationary and Portable


Pullers. He Our mschlnert u atrnno. aim.pie and well nude, and Is specially adapted to thewants of Farmers and Planters, and tilnnlnic, nam-ing, Krindlng and Factory use. Send for an II lu- -iriueaisaiaiogue. likhoiii.kvi:0.,John and Water street '. Cincinnati, O


near Senanee, Tennessee. Termbegins March 15, 1S80. An escort will leave tbePeabo-J- hotel on March 12tl, on the evening'sNashville train, to take charge of nuplis comliiK toiu kqqol ror iunner inrormauon respecting tnebcduoi appiy w tne principal,

MBS. H. B. KELL9,Mogatt. Marlon county. Tenn.

CO T3 !:


IB.2 P

W 2 m S Iaw3

t ' r - I I m isr w I

(9r8K H.b S g3m ? o pa

a p H j J,

4 &2 gaJ. J3I1Y X CO.,

COTTOIeDCS PKABL 8TRKET, NBW YORK.I'ottnn am KnaKaad la Arrlv.Orders executed for future delivery.

iasn aavancea maae on uonaignments.

Cotton FactorsAnd Commission 31 ere liants.

832 FBIWT STREET,w .. Wesnpbla. Xeiii"

FIMGY W BUS,Dress uotniH. bilks and ClutUmt; dyed in

ab!octIui; Jrate Veils D

DRY GLEANING.Dreeses in all fabrics cleaaied without rippint or

Temovtng the trimmiog. The most elaborate pSrtyand theatric., dresses ate thus elegttntly cleaned.WM. li. TEAS D ALE, 265 Walnut St., Cincinnati, OlBfV .no-i- by fXpiM f:r!tilly pa: k ed.



HERN AA DO STREET R.Month date or Klmwood Cemetery.

The finest and Largest Assortment of


nasnolla Trees and Kverareena at theLOWEST PBICE3.

CamAltna. azAllna PallA 1.111m TTvnnlntlia atnIn full flowers, orPlants shipped to any part oftbe United States.

Masks and CostumesTor toadies and Gentlemen Hew

Stock, In Great Variety.

Sam'l May.Costumer,SBSS 1IIAIW RTRRKT.

Cathartic PillsCombine the clioicest catbartic principlesin medicine, in proportions accurately arUinstpd inuniformity of effet-t- . Tliey are the" resultv. v o ul raifiui rsiuuy uiiu itracticai ex.periment, and are the most effectual rem-edy jet disroveriHl for diseases, raused byderanseuient of the 'stomach, liver, andbowels, which require prompt aud effectnaltreatment. Avers Pills are specially ap-plicable to this class of diseases. TheV actilir.,,'tlw nn Ait. 1 ,....1processes, and restore regular healthy ac--wuu. juuir extensive use ny pnvsicians mtheir practice, atid by all civilized nations,

. . . .. . .t " - un ii miuo ii9a safe, sure, nnd perfectly reliable purgativemedicine. Being comiwunded of the con-centrated virtues of purely vegetable sub-stances, they are positively 'free from calo-mel, or any injurio-.i- s properties, and can beadministered to children with perfect safety.

Ayer's Pills are an pfiWmnl niiro tcirConstipation or Costivenesa, Indiges-tion, IJyspepsia, Loss of Appetite,Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness,Headache. Loss of llemorv.limiiliiiraa.Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheumatism,Kruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy,Tumors,' Worms, Neuraipria, Colic,Oripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gout,Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and allother diseases resulting from a disorderedstate of the digestive apparatus.

As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. .

"While gentle in their action, these Prtrjiare the most thorough and searching cathar-tic that can be emnloved. and never frivnpain unless the bowels are inflamed, andthen their influence is healing. They stimu-late the appetite and digestive organs; theyoperate to purify and enrich the blood, andImpart renewed health and vigor t thewuuio system.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aye; 6u Co.,I'racUciU and Analytical Chemists,


Mi'rcurri plion Fre. For the Ppeedv Cure of Sem-inal Wnaknefts, Loas of Manhood, and all disordersferouirht on ly indl&crvtion or exceaa. Any Druitbait the in trrWliu ta. A d dress

DAVIDSON Sc CO., 78 Nassau Su. N. V.

37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY.,

mc.t j bis rracuc iU pror.Cnros aU toriuc "FJJHI'V" A TK,

CHILONIO aud SXUALKASSbperuxalorriioa wd Isnpoteccy,sthsTV.'t cf ia touUi, fccoal ews.-r- s in lc

n.rtrie-ii'- . r ctl.r rau-- mnl pnvi'-itif- f of r tK'Wit." NriTOU--ioi.-s imw- -l r;ii

.auf tv .Jpft!i. Dim.:.. nf hipUt, M.ti.; ikcbID-vm- tiniieafi r'4.e. Arr.-iP- tiSvii-- ol ." of Wc of Power. V..Birriipt iiapiTHt'T r uprtiiTT re tbortwizMT act. j.

cur. .!. S"Vl?2IIXi IS Pl"v "if curcxi .mcMr erryti.(c I rem Uic GoUOTrllCa.GIjEET, Stricture, Orctius, Heriii. refiiw and j(.i:t;r private wwT6ii.

it is .fc.ii pi' win wbotr a s no. cwvis of dtaa. trtaUitf.w- -at,. aoqul7s rcat kU t-ii

iS bra h i r. r" , JSllm

1 .aacnt, caa beaut jinfiIy oj mil or eptr iu) nbere.Cures Gaav&toed Iq rXl Qtiskt

Couiu.:.o .,uii..Vr w y letMr lr and tr.TitM.Cim&z ix3oiiU: hua oorrrpoudcnc uric 'It oooiivifCli

PRIVATE COUNSJLoRor mr.m ; j .nj .:,, carei. .itd. tin- -.

otu. r Vt. P.?. s u t :

Memphis Floral Co.Iaamnenae Cireealieaaea lVt Xtllea

from CJr.Store 357 Mala street, Memphis. Tenn.BKAUTIKUL rLLCSTBATKD CATALOG UK3 OF

Bulbs, Flower Seeds, etc, mailedf&U, upon application.

S. XohnsoTiVaraivTR

Mmo "


PLUMBERS' GOODShavmir for their obiact daaniinM.

darability, and exclmionof SEWER OAS.

PlumbersiSewer Connections.


LACLEDE HOTEL,Fifth, Sixth & Chestnut Sts..t. Louis, : Missouri.



PLUMBER!IS prepared to do all kinds of work in this line In

a thorough and sanitary msnnAr; titM A.rMwiaiattention toSewer and Building Connections.Also, has a laree stock nf kh vntTttRirB.Gas, Steam and Water-fittin- and Fixtures. Pumps,Hose, Bathtubs, etc. Bas a large force of compe-tent workmen All work warranted. Agent for theHailaday WIND-MILL- Orders solicited.


40 Madison Street.R.G.GRAIG&CO

Memphis, Tenn. Agency'


Brin. j Combination. John Deere Steeland South-Ben- d Chilled

Champion Reaping and Mowing:

MACHINES!81 eel-Too- th Biding


CJilAlO & CO,861 Main St.. Memphis.

Election Notice.THK annuAl meeting of the Stockholders of tbe

KRllshc. Conpaaty will beheld at the oflice of tbe company, 58 Madison street,Mepaphls. Tenn., MOND4Y. March 1, 10, to electIng rear. Election from 10 a.m. to 2 cm.

u a.. aiwocrn vnjiiu, decreuirf.

Miliatte SailOF MEMPHIS. TENN.

ICR ARTEBED III ISC.A GENERAL BANKING ANDTRANSACT3 .. . . ...... .... .. a a.tA J - l. -ii r.nU'CS UIUVB I Ul UIOpurchase and sale of Local Bonds and blocks.

D'atta for sale. In sums to suit purchasers, on allparts of Europe.

DIKEGTOBH.Laz. Levy, Louis Hinauer,J. 8. Uoblnson J. Siurnrman.Lou Leubrle, Hon. Jacob ThomDion.m. Kaizenbergr. JonHthan Kloe,

a. uoiasmltn.

OfflGEBH.L. LEVY. President. 't. HAN ACER. Vlce-Pres- L

It. GOLDSMITH. Cashier. M. MAAS. A sst rashler.

I U.iTaaocHAaK

iXI Aa entirr?lT NVw aJid nnairwlw mTmtt.wmJ Rented for th inrdt nd nmunAnlcura of Seminal Emission end I m potency b Om oaytnm wy, to., Ihrt Application to U. but of tbm Dmum, Th

of tim mud; m aCtradd with bo mid or iixmnninc, umI daaw doaMarfLie wiLat Um otiiaMTj ptinuica 4 lit. Thm mod ec tiMtnwDl bmMood Km cm Id rr amr dm at. and ia noa bo mumom bout thu pnparuioB. Prtetic. obarrrniiom mMtM m tpamuT KtiaravaMw mil x w.Tm cerrrrt ; tat aaa.wtod by tbe Kedtcal tofMaioe to be tha mam rationaJ bmiu at dteoov

and of rofcchinir and cuitajr tbia ytij prvTalant tronbU. Tbo Boawdj k(laltlM smk). $J;

i (S; N. 3 (la,aPull tllraoiaas far aiu aoMnnur aafii hrm.

fmr a DsacJuH's PampalM loa Aaatratrai IilMarW.Mi wOlta- -(daad aha OWM akpl laa lW oaa b. rwrnraj p,tt a.r.bw4. 8ft.

Ik. dsAiM of Itf. aa tf w.r afieUl, btmt bhIh tot ip MHARRIS REMEDY CO. MF'B CHEMISTS.

Mar itct una htrceta, WT. I.Ol IS, MO.

Public SaleReal Estate


ON SiTUliUAT, FEBKUAUY 28, 1880.--AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M.,

70 ACJI2ES OP LiNDLyln? on both slds of I t Mississippi and Ten-nessee H lirond for ll, known as FETEBMITCHEL'8 ePING TrtACT. Tkrr.Nprl.iaf iiwr,fillin water, the best timbereduplsnil In West Tennessee. Keitnttlnl Ualld-Ini- c

tltn. unl wrll (bailrd Two rldeesrun iiaraiel to thdicllioit oneon either side witha gradual alone to tne roari-bed- . All those who spentDuiuuirr ni. vrtm niiir&s can ten jmi or ine nat-

ural betutr or th s tract. It will be sola In lots offrom 20 to SO acres.

In addition to this tr.irt, i bave another to be soldsame day. north c? Nonconnah Crf ek andeast of M. and T. H B. Forty acret ol this tisct lacleared; balance In good timber. This land Is equalto Mississippi river bo: torn and has bemtliul build-ing site on it. This tract will not be dirided .

M ps can be seen at the ofUce of Scales ft Win-chester, Attorneys, So. HH Kajlson street,

Mr. Peter liiteiiel will tase pleasure in showingthose over the land who go to look at it. Trainsrun every day 10 tbe lanL so that those who desireIt can iro out al 6:80 a m. and 2:30 p.m. and comeIn at 10 a m. ami 5 p.m.

No sucn opportunity has ever been eifered to menof nmall means who want suburban homes.Tkrhs of !?ALS-H- alf cash; balance In twelvemonths; lien retained on land.

of Salb Corner or Main and Madisonstreets. Memphis, Tenn. Title perfect.PETES MITCHEL.

Scales & Winchester, Atfys, at) Madison st.

A new and romplpte UnnR TO WCniiM'E.

bood. Selection of wife, Evidencea of Vlrcin-i- t,TemperameDta,fetpriltTt Ar)vee to Brid- -

H.i. nd. ''.V l.i'7 m aatrlawaf laa.laaLCjufal lli- -. r,an,. Ctt1tir.Tit. and CvartaAnB. to BUfS.. fl-- La- - i M.rr .f. tsi lmrm.Lni L. fa aJao a " Private Medical Adviser " od diaaas r.tmltina; from impure aezual LMociatinna. and on itlf ibmi ths" wta atl w arla.1 aftr ta. nwa y,!.U. rml m . Um mt

wiiia, it yraani n Ikw ml.Hn raawa a nil dT fatrk tKat (a, ia larr kr hink. Bad kau UJU aM, WiOl mM UU rVaa

B.tu inltN all iM.r frMa trrma ErPTTM U. Vr T'tV(Dr. rtdi mmi mm l LksA Xhrj will Uar. rtianinaj m Laay 1

8r"bDTTS' PlsVciTsAIITi Hh St.. m. tnh.

WAHTEDTHE Memphis Cooperage and Mannfacturlng Co.

contrac. with responsible parties for thedelivery ot 1,OOO OW4 Flreea or Otl-barr- rl

HtaveH and Mradlncon their switch. In tbecity of Memphis; or will buy In quantities or notles than 100 000 pieces on the line ot difteientrailroads. For particulars address

MEMPHIS COOPERAGE AND M'F'G. CO.,IX Madison trwt. Memrhl.. Tenn.


And Raonfatturera of Mahertj'a Patentrivnerving Casket or Corpse Cooler,

817 and 818 MECORII HT., EI PHISWB keep on hand full lines ot Metallic So

Walnut, Bone wood Finished Casket andCases, trimmed In the highest style ot ri. crders

Motl or Teleeranh will hnmmrtftv lilt.C. O n


I WILL bave tow-boa-ts of RAB-OOR- X atMemphis by the 16th or 20th of February.

will deliver to plantations in lots of "

one thousand (1000) bush'- - iess thanFor partlculari u " tne rnarllM Prtee.Memnh'- - - aiABTLN WALT, Front street,- address me, at New Orleans, carenoward k Flower, 113 Poydras street.

w c. RtPTiwrnr.

City Collecting Agency

THU undersigned have added to the Rental andEstate business, a department for toe col-

lections ot monthly bills of mercnanla, physiciansand others We will employ active and thoroughcollectors, and make prompt reports and returns ofall business placed In our hands. Try us, and weguarantee satisfaction.

AVEBV BKBXtiai, SO MaUllM .treet.


175-177-1- 79 Main St., EXemuliis.WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALER9 IN

Carriages, Buggies, Wagons!AMi-- i ati. ir iki wa vr

CAIlUIAiiK AKD WAON MATE'UALS !we have recently greatly enlarge i our Storehouse, and added to --our former stock a full line of


all kinds. General Agents for the Celebrated

Milburn, and Tennessee Farm Wagons !H. ClaTUi Jwtlal as, Matlll-vavm- .

M. GATFIN & Go.Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors.And Commission J9Xcrchants.QOa Bont street,HoweBi Adattsuur L. pt. kaihkt devote his wnole time to themvr charge. We bvionrwm Corton Wamhonse.

W. A. jAK.




296 and 298 I


for tnW B. I

Late of Harris, Mallory & Co. I





Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors294: Front street, Memphis, Tenn.




HTAgfat rmfhrntqMsLliOHT,



Wholesale Grocers, Cotton FactorsCOMIS ISSIOX MKKCnAIiTS,

384 'Front Street, 3MCoixxrlijs,are Liberal conslsnments

of Cotton, which be handled interest of the

1HD1IRW HTKWAKT. INDBCttnow uriram,



WS BATK ON HAND ABanns stuns, iron-ue- s.

piecesIron-Tie- s Tarions

barrelslbs. and Rib

100 Sugar all styles and100 barrels Refined and

And all pertatnlntt to our Una. To nnr



It. J. Clark.

aul Jeirerwaa,Welghlna and Bale or all OMtoa tooorrter Warthlnffton and Heinrt.




TO B. ft


We to make onwill for the best


Vo. fcsi J Front St., Memphis. Tenn.Aiyj

Stewail Brothers Co.,Cotton Factors and Commission Eerchants.

Vew OrlanM.



306 FRONT STREET,Mosbv tfs Sunt Block, : : : Memphis, ITenn



2000 Bajrffln? Jnte.2000 patterns.2000 lour,100,000

hhds. grades,York Hard




TKArE-niAlIV- S.





Tenn.prepared Advances




I W. CRiwrflRD,I Late of W. a. Galbreath & Co.

O. HWVX.a, H. tAA.KA.KY,netatpBta.




200 barrels Choice Orleanslasses and Syrup-- .

bags Coffees,kegs Nails,

lOtiO eases Assorted Canned Goods.500 packages Tobacco,100 barrels Whisky,

500,000 Cigars Domestic and Imported.mlebrated brand nf " Trarfn-Mj- rt " Mnnmrram.

1 It. SUtfGSM.




Tobaccos, Clears, case-good- etc, etc At presentour stock embraces :


Sleat Clear Sides.


otber articles







Hood L;iek" and " Grand Central" Floors, we Invite especial attention. These brands are manufacturedexclusively for our use and trade, and are bandied bv no other firm In any market.Oar w hiKltiew come from the bet distilleries of Ohio. Middle Tennessee and the "Blue-gras- sBcglon," may at all tunes be relied on to equal representation

arJtor1 Clra Is well kept up, and complete. Not only do we handle all of the most re-liable and popular domestic brands, but our house Is the Wholesale Depot PARK A TILFORD'3 bestand choicest Imported goods. Dealers particularly Invited to call and look for themselves. Boughtprior to the late advance, and for cash , we offering our stock " dead low," and claim to be able to com-pete with all markets and all competitors. All we a.k at tbe hands of the " trade" Is a trial.

0oL VV-- J " Is large, commodious and splendidly lighten. Samples are at all timesdisplayed to the best advantage, and sales effected under tbe personal supervision of tne senior memberof our Arm. WEIGH IS are carefully guarded, and liberal Cash Advan.s made on all consignmentsconfided to onr cm re.

ill. C.




Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,Mo. 258 Front Street, Memphis, Tenn.

eyParticnlsir ttntow Paid to the Wale of Coi.oif.jg3K. K.

Ma L M I A f E i M Is 06o

Grocers, Cotton Factors,AND SALT AGENTS,

Io. O Uniiftu street. : ; : : jyiempliig, Tenn.


Tobacco. Pies and Smoker's Articles.286 Main street, Memph!-an- d 310 East 54th street, New York.

Respectrullylntormthelr no, and the trad, that tner have on hand the largest and beat selectedo Uis tn the martreC trwortWrs aolieimd. and satisfaction gnaranteed.

K. A.









Lumber, Lath and Shingles,Dears. Baal. u Bllatd., aad svll lUaAa mt JfrneJUmm Boxes.

Onic aod Yard, foot or WaaklnffUm st. Haw and FlaBiag' Kills, North end Xtj IdSALXSBOOM CORNER Of UNION AND FRONT STREETS.

nemphla TeniteMee.

Oispensarv.Ne. 17 JEFFERSON STREET,

K t vr. Mm rra.t, Mrawphla.m lHftO.l

R JOHNSON I. tKwllird ot ell parties In(erestnl as by far the moat successful physicianIn the treatment of private or secret Otilcktrxirooeri and permanent cures gnaranteed In everyenae, male or remain. Recent kmh of Uonorrbeannd Syphilis eared In a few days, wlthjt the ne ofnsercury, eharwe of diet, wr blndraoee from business.anfo?"7 S"', " th M ""tu eradloa ed wltb- -!r???..,n ' ,hort Suflerers from Impotencrr 01 toi powers restored to free vuror n a

m"' .peedUy and perms--Particular attention paM to the Disease, ofWomen, and euro, guaranteed.Throat and Lung Diseases enred by new ui. urns ui oaustie or the knife.All oonaultailons strictly eonfldeoUai. "afndiAfnM aant ri A -- 11 . - &--

ny.ura nours from 8 a, m. to 9 p. m. 8aadaysrrom 8 to o p. m.

r. a. jeuivgor?. w.d.

Cbaocerr Sale of Real att.No-- 27Mare3eryCoorttf finelbi County-M- ary

BY..TL n lo'erlocutory decree for saleabove causes on the 2vh dav ofJanuary. 1880, 1 will sell, at publichhest bidder. In from of Uie MaSetofflee. Courthouse of Shelby county. HmpK.Taxing-distri- ct of Shelby county. Tennmaee.Ma", fefcrstary sa,

r 'i vu" Diat-awe- i anas, near Battled,ngloti 4 and U of the subdivision of tb. msl.tniA M atnlii laril mal a., tf r nrecord In wild court r In plat-boo- k N 1 rwLrninr

ZtZ. oZTZ. . ana is lbus de--Banning on an extended avenoe at thesou tbwest corner of lot No,bolit byDr. N. Blackwell; thenSait wlS Ttbasouth line of said lot No. 1, 17 ehalnsto tbTeattUna nl M Int. 1 .nH the Somen 111. road; thenos wet with saldad

seated south ofth. Somervl le road, aouth olthedovmtractr Beginning on the south line of tbe

v i.) j'.L.r .Z w,,u www tine or lotsouWiwest corner of said lot 11; thenos westf'lEii0 j2LNo" 10: east wltidlot aid

dower tract to tbe beginning.' iu ana witnoai redemption.

"r viatx, m ceruun lot situated in that part of Memphis, Suelby county. Ten.Chel laMdo'on--K.

W. RuSe?. msS Saaeuipuis, suuatea on tne northeast corner of tlftnand Sycamore streets, Chelsea.

Terms of Sale One-ha-lf cash; balance to iUeoDrinea?iMer UHn DOto' wltnout security;

Also, at the same time and place, for cash, th." J : - owtci vi aa. u Drown as anavenue between lots I aod 2 and 8 and 4 of Ibe sub- -

' "l lm rriain tract north of tb.Somervllle road, being a strip of land 4'60 enalnalong and about 20 feet wide. This Ftb. i 180iBmlth at Collier. Attorneys. tun

Triutee'a Nal.I DKB ami by virtue or a trust deed mad.

dated Atav 18, 1878, and recorded In the RegisteVaoffice of 8heiby county, TeonesM., in book ho. 124.

ul the Boathwest oorrer ot Seoond uid Mtie.X.v.aa.waa viv a. ucuiuuw, ODUU r Jtk tilWH . ftZpublic aud ton, to the highest bidder, th. followingdescribed property, to wit: "Situated nearBuntyaand described as follows: Beginning at the northeut corner ot tbe intersection of Speed and SdoUs-woo-davenues; thence tun with th. north line ofSpottswood avenue one hundred (100) feet to astake; thence north on. hundred (100) feet to avstake; thence west one hundred feet to a stake onth. east line of Speed avenue; unoe south with tberast line of Speed aVsoue one hundred (100) feet totnf.lT?,,?nIf,0t,tner wl,n be Improvemenuoasaid lot." Tbe equity $ redemption Is axpreastrwaived in Bald trust det d Thetttie I thought to begood, but I shall seH and ebnvey only as trusteeT

WSLTBK e? RJteK) H T. Trcwtft.NoB-Kealde- nt VnttM

No. 8484 In the Chancery Court of Shelby eoontv.- Tjrmeefr--Charlou- e At. Gailor et ai. vs. Mary ilIt appearing from affidavit tn this cans, that th.ucucimkhiis, aaary v. aDuress aou ner husband. Wm.UAnaress, are non residents of the state of Ten- -

...... wwmvu, a dbi Luej maM) tnetr in--pearance herein, at the courthouse of Stelbt ooantT.In Memphis. Tenn., on or before th. flrst aonday laMarch, 1880. and plead, answer or demur to com-plainant's bill, or the same will be taken foreoa-feaee- das to them and set for bearing exparte: andthat a copy of this order be published one. a week,for four successive weeks, In the Memphis AlipeaLThis 23d day ot January. 1 88aA copy attest: B J BLACK. Clerk and MasterBy a. B. M'Henry. Deputy a and M.Toung A Martin, Sola for eompl'nt, stat

Non-Reslde- Bt HoUaa.No. S48n In the Chancery Court of Shelby county

Tertnessee-Chvlo- tta at QaUor et aL va. Mary dIt appearing from affldavlt In this cause that Um

v. aimrew auu ner nusoana. Wm.CLAndress, are ot th. Stat, if Too--

U ia therefor, ordered. Tbat they Biak. tbelr ap--ui, uiuiuiuun oi eneioy count).In Memphis, Tenn., on or before the tin Monday, luMarch, 1880. and plead, answer or demur to com-

plainant's olll, or th. same will be taken for eon-ross- sd

as to them and set for bearing exparte: andthat a opy of this order be published once a week,tor four successive weeks. In the Memphis Appeal.This 28d day ot January. 1 880.A ropr-atte- st: R. j. BLACK. Clerk and Master.By X. a M'Henry, Deputy a and M.Young Al Martin, Sols, for eompl'nt. sat

Chaacerr Sal or Real Estate.No. 3333. B Chancery Court of Shelby count.W .Canada. Adm'r, vs. J. R Hudgens et aLBW. VIRTUE of an Interlocutory decree for sale,In the above cause on tbe 27th dav ofJanuary, 1880, 1 will eU, at public auction, tothebbzheat bidder. In front ot the Clark and Master' aofBoe, courthouse of ShelbyTaxing-Distri- of Shemy count,, TmeewiV6n

Matarday. braarr AW, HHO,vrlthlniegal hours, th. following described property,situated in Sbelby county, Tenn., lt: Known aaa portion of sections 18 and 14 of township l, rang.8 west ot the basis meridian of tb. Chickasaw ces-sion, bounded as follows: Beginning at tbe north-east earner of J. D. Plunket'e tract on sectionsouth one hundred and elgbty-Av- . iftpoles to J. D. Plonket's southeast corner on said?aoll??.,.!,': thence east on. hundred and twenty-tw- o(122) Poles to a stake on section 18; tbeoo.south one hundred and seven (107) poles to a stake;thence east twenty-fou- r (24) poles to a stake; thencanorth on. hundred and seven (107) poles to a stake-- ihence east on. hundred and twenty-fiv- e (125) pole,to stake; tbeoo north one hundred and eU-- h tr-ove (185) poles to tbe weat boundary; theneewesktw. hundred and seventy-on-e (271) poles to the be-

ginning, containing 884 acres, more or leas. Includ-ing two pieces ot two (2) and three (H) acres

by Wm. Edmondson and J. H. Morgan of 55acres sold to J. E. Felts, except the following partthereof: Commencing at a stake at HUderbrand'acorner; thence west ten (10) chains to a stake In trielane; thenos south 0 deg west along said lane seven(7) chains and twenty (20) links to a stake; tnenmeast eleven (11) chains aod thirteen (18) links to astake; thence north seven (7) chains and eleven (1 1 )links to the beginning, containing seven acre, andQv. chains.

Terms of Sale One-fourt-h cash; balance la 0and 12 months; purchaser executlnjt nouw with an.?rIT?8ecurttIi retained, etc This February4.1H0-- B. J. BLACK, Clerk and Master.L. B. M'Farland. Sot for oompln't. sat.Chapcerj Male or Real Estate for Par-

tition.No. 3224, R. Chancery Court of Shelbycounty Ma-

tilda Mathews et al. vs. Kllza Jan. Mayer et aLL Y virtue of an Interlocutory decree for sale, ra.1J tared In the above cause oo tbe 8J day ot Feb-ruary. 1880. M. B. 2, P. ISO, I will sell at publloauction, to tbe highest bidder, in front ot the Clerkand Master's office, courthouse ot Shelby county.Memphis, Tennessee, now known as th. Taxing-Distri- ct

ot Sbelby county, Tennessee, oo1 Hatarday, March , 1SSO.

within legal hours, the following described proeertrsituated In Shelby county. Tennessee: Being part ofa tract conveyed by Moses Cheek and wife to P. wPorter, July 12, 1864: Beginning at the southeasteorner of tbe lot on which Rev. T. P. Davidson form-erly reoldeo; thenos running east with Holly Springsavenue (which Is sometime known as Jack on streetextended) Ave hundred and sixty (5HU) feet to asiae, the southwest comer of Grot's lot, purchasedof W. Williams; thence north with Greer's linethree hundred and ten (310) rttn a stake; thenceeast five hundred and sixty (6tH feet to a stake ontoe east boundary ot said Davidson's lt; theneeisouth three hundred and tea 8 10) feet to tb. begin-ning, containing four acres, being same tract con-ve.e- d

by P. W. Porter to Andrew Mathews, February10, 1858. recorded In Register's office In book 2ri,page 25, to which reference Is made; same being thehomestead upon which stands a two story residenceand otber Improvements, known as Mathews's place.

Terms ot 6ale One-four- th cash; balance on acredit of P, 12 and 18 months; pureaaserex.-otln- g

notes, with approved personal security, bearing In-terest f roia dale ot sale for deferred payments; Ilearet Unfed, etc This Kebraary 13. 18HU.

AJ; BLACK. Clerk and Master.L. R M'Farland, Sol, f r eompl'nt. satA Notice.

No. 8405 In th. Chancer. Court of Sbelby county.Tail 1 A DttAlla, m, rr w,avUUvwv w. w. uaivruv - VA TTJ. A OO 'p-I- ttown Rolling Mill company etai.apoearina Iron iDMit in ihii m ii,.,defendant, Th. Youngs town Rolling MUM Company,

w. ,uv omhv vi .onnesaee; mat ItIs Indebted to the complainant In ths sum of S4104.evidenced by open account, and attachment havingbeen Issued and levied on lis property, as shown by '

tbe return of the sheriff:It It therefore ordered. That It make Kbherein, at the courthouse of Shelby eormty.

in Memphis, Tennessee, on or before th. nrstMonday in April, 180. and plea, answer ordemur to complainant's bill, or tbe same will betaken f confessed as to It and set for bearing ex-parte; and that a copy ot this order be publishedonce a week, tor four soeeeeatv. weeks, tn th. Mem-phis appeal. This Both day of January, 1880.t "SP K J BLACK, Clerk and Master.By B. JTHenry, Deputy caod M.

Metavtlf x Walker. Sols, for eompl'nt. M

J.A.FORREST & CODealers in

.Horses and Mules.61 A 6S Moaroe 81 sear Peabodr II otel.

X are receiving dally a large assortment otw HORSES and MOLES. Persons wantingstock will save money by calling before porehaalngelsewhere. Everything sold by us fully guaranteed.Order, soilelted.1


New Crop Grass SeedsONION-8XT- WHEAT,


GARDEN SEEDS!Fratt and Uraaaseotal Trees,Asparagus and Huubarb Roots,Strawberry Plants, etc Also,

Wrapping Paper, Paper-Bag- s and Twines,

223 Main street. Memphis. Tenn.