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LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVANKOMAL JEEVAN













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LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan 159)159)

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LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan 159)159)

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LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan 159)159)

Thoughts that cross every parent’s mind……. At what stages in the

growth of my child will I need to provide

money for higher education

and start-in-life?

Can I plan properly so that my dreams for mychild do not remain unfulfilled for want of sufficient money

When and how will I be able to save such money ? Will the

accumulation be tax-free ?

Can I insulate my savings from a desire to

withdraw under one pretext or another ?

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LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan 159)159)

You can plan your target savings amount by saving in smaller annual installments instead of lump sum

Guaranteed sums will bepaid to you at your child’sage 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26years. i.e. when money isneeded most for child’s higher education, marriage and start-in-life.

Premiums waiver is available for a small additional premium, where future premiums are waived in case of unfortunate death of proposer parent and still all the benefits under the policy are protected.

You can create a large and guaranteed ‘Tax ‘Tax Free’Free’ capital for your child which will help him at every stage in life.

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LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan 159)159)

Plan Details : : For whom is the plan available? Children upto 10 years of ageFor what sums is insurance available?Rs. 1 lakh - Rs. 25 lakhsFor how many years is premium payable ?Up to child’s age 18 years. Premium Payment Mode ?Yly, Hly, Qly, Single Prem.

When does risk commence ? Two 2 years from the

date of commencement of

the policy


From policy anniversary

immediately following

completion of 7 years of

age, whichever is later.

Who can propose ? Father Mother (with own Income) Legal guardian in the absence of father & mother

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Age Premium Payable


Sum Assured Rs. 1 lakh 2 lakhs 5 lakhs 10 lakhs

0 18 7449 14694 36734 71,814

1 17 7938 15671 39178 76,665

2 16 8490 16775 41937 82,104

3 15 9111 18018 45044 88,229

4 14 9642 19080 47700 93,521

5 13 10427 20650 51624 1,01,263

6 12 11336 22467 56168 1,10,230

7 11 12414 24625 61561 1,20,814

8 10 13691 27178 67946 1,33,407

9 9 14680 29157 72892 1,43,256

10 8 16517 32831 82077 1,61,386

LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVANKOMAL JEEVAN

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LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan 159)159)

If policy is in full force (i.e. premiums are paid uptodate), payment schedule is as under. Example : Sum Assured Rs. 5 lakhs; Life Assured’s Age : 0 years

Guaranteed Addition : Rs.75 per thousand Sum Assured p.a. at the end of each policy year will be added provided the policy is in full force. This guaranteed is payable on Death of life assured (provided the risk has commenced) or on Maturity.

Loyalty Additions may also be payable on Maturity or on Death after risk commences depending on experience of the Corporation.

% of Sum Assured payable

On policy anniversary falling after child (life assured) attains age

Rs. 1 lakh (i.e. 20% of S.A.)

18 years

Rs. 1 lakh (i.e. 20% of S.A.)

20 years

Rs. 1.50 lakh (i.e. 30% of S.A.)

22 years

Rs. 1.50 lakh (i.e. 30% of S.A.)

24 years

Rs. 9.75 lakhs (Guaranteed Addn.) plus loyalty addition

26 years

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Illustration on Komal Illustration on Komal JeevanJeevan

End of


Benefit on Survival / Maturity at the end of YearGuarante

edVariable   Total  Scenario


o 2Scenario

1Scenario 2

18 20000 0 0 20000 2000020 20000 0 0 20000 2000022 30000 0 0 30000 3000024 30000 0 0 30000 3000026 195000 0 277000 195000 472000

Illustrations : Age at entry: 0 years Premium Paying Term: 1 Year Single Premium: Rs.73,980/- Policy Term: 26 years Sum Assured: Rs.1,00,000/-

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Illustration on Komal Illustration on Komal JeevanJeevan

Illustrations : Age at entry: 0 years Premium Paying Term: 1 Year Single Premium: Rs.73,980/- Policy Term: 26 years Sum Assured: Rs.1,00,000/-

YearYearTotal Total

Premium Premium paid till end paid till end

of yearof year

Benefit on Death during the year (Rs.)Benefit on Death during the year (Rs.)

GuaranteedGuaranteed VariableVariable TotalTotal

   Scenario 1Scenario 1 Scenario 2Scenario 2 Scenario 1Scenario 1 Scenario 2Scenario 2

11 7398073980 7398073980 00 00 7398073980 7398073980

22 7398073980 7398073980 00 00 7398073980 7398073980

33 7398073980 7398073980 00 00 7398073980 7398073980

44 7398073980 7398073980 00 00 7398073980 7398073980

55 7398073980 7398073980 00 00 7398073980 7398073980

66 7398073980 7398073980 00 00 7398073980 7398073980

77 7398073980 145000145000 00 1200012000 145000145000 157000157000

88 7398073980 152500152500 00 1600016000 152500152500 168500168500

99 7398073980 160000160000 00 2100021000 160000160000 181000181000

1010 7398073980 167500167500 00 2600026000 167500167500 193500193500

1515 7398073980 205000205000 00 6700067000 205000205000 272000272000

2020 7398073980 242500242500 00 128000128000 242500242500 370500370500

2626 7398073980 287500287500 00 277000277000 287500287500 564500564500

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Illustration : Survival Illustration : Survival BenefitBenefit

End of year

Benefit on Survival / Maturity at the end of Year

Guaranteed Variable   Total  

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

1820000 0 0 20000 20000

2020000 0 0 20000 20000

2230000 0 0 30000 30000

2430000 0 0 30000 30000

26195000 0 176000 195000 371000

 Illustration 2: Age at entry: 0 years Premium Paying Term: 18 years Annual Premium: Rs.7,281/- Policy Term: 26 years Sum Assured: Rs.1,00,000/- 

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Illustration: Risk CoverIllustration: Risk Cover Illustration 2: Age at entry: 0 years Premium Paying Term: 18 years Annual Premium: Rs.7,281/- Policy Term: 26 years Sum Assured: Rs.1,00,000/- 


Premium paid till

end of year

Benefit on Death during the year (Rs.)Guarantee

dVariable Total

  Scenario 1

Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2

1 7281 7281 0 0 7281 72812 14562 14562 0 0 14562 145623 21843 21843 0 0 21843 218434 29124 29124 0 0 29124 291245 36405 36405 0 0 36405 364056 43686 43686 0 0 43686 436867 50967 145000 0 3000 145000 1480008 58248 152500 0 5000 152500 1575009 65529 160000 0 8000 160000 168000

10 72810 167500 0 11000 167500 17850015 109215 205000 0 43000 205000 24800020 131058 227500 0 71000 227500 29850026 131058 242500 0 91000 242500 333500

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Illustration: Illustration: Assumptions andAssumptions and DisclaimerDisclaimer

i)    This illustration is applicable to a non-smoker male/female standard (from medical, life style and occupation point of view) life. ii)   The non-guaranteed benefits (1) and (2) in above illustration are calculated so that they are consistent with the Projected Investment Rate of Return assumption of 6% p.a.(Scenario 1) and 10% p.a. (Scenario 2) respectively. In other words, in preparing this benefit illustration, it is assumed that the Projected Investment Rate of Return that LICI will be able to earn throughout the term of the policy will be 6% p.a. or 10% p.a., as the case may be. The Projected Investment Rate of Return is not guaranteed. iii)  The main objective of the illustration is that the client is able to appreciate the features of the product and the flow of benefits in different circumstances with some level of quantification.

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LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan KOMAL JEEVAN (Plan 159)159)

• Is Medical Examination required? No, it is not required for this plan.• When does the policy vest in the Life Assured.? On the policy anniversary immediately after he/she attains majority• Can premium waiver be availed by proposer? Yes, upto the proposer’s age 50 years, on payment of small additional premium.

• Is Term Rider Benefit available ? Yes, it is available to the proposer to the extent of 20% of the basic Sum Assured under the policy not exceeding Rs.1 lakh & payable in case of unfortunate death of the proposer before the policy anniversary on which the child completes 18 years.

• Is Accident Benefit available under the plan ? No

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LIC of India presents LIC of India presents KOMAL JEEVANKOMAL JEEVAN

Popularity MeterPopularity Meter3,75,456 policies

sold in 2003-04in the 1st full year after introduction