life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 a healthy business from health in denmark...

life- changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique Engineers from everywhere International hires add new perspectives Stories of personal passion Patient focus guides our efforts The responsibility is yours Graduates take charge Coming home to China Novo Nordisk’s R&D facility attracts top scientists NAOMI JOHNSON Product transition discussion Princeton, USA THOMAS FLEMMING THORSEN On his way to a meeting Bagsværd, Denmark

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Page 1: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success




A healthy businessFrom health in Denmark to help in Mozambique

Engineers from everywhereInternational hires add new perspectives

Stories of personal passionPatient focus guides our efforts

The responsibility is yours Graduates take charge

Coming home to ChinaNovo Nordisk’s R&D facility attracts top scientists

NAoMI JohNSoNProduct transition discussion

Princeton, USA

ThoMAS FlEMMING ThoRSEN on his way to a meeting

Bagsværd, Denmark

Page 2: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

For more than 10 years, Novo Nordisk has achieved double-

digit sales growth – such consistently impressive financial

results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success is

attributable to our employees, who are joined together by the

aspiration to make a significant difference to patients, the

medical profession and society.

At Novo Nordisk, we believe in life-changing careers. here you

will not only change your professional life by working with

challenging tasks and inspiring colleagues; you will also be

part of making a real difference to the world we live in. By

putting people first in everything we do, we generate sustain-

able results and experience a very high level of commitment

amongst our colleagues.

In this magazine some of my colleagues tell their stories so that

you can read first-hand what it is like to work for Novo Nordisk

and see the opportunities this brings – such as working in other

countries, getting new challenges and making a real, tangible


I hope you enjoy the magazine.

lars Rebien Sørensen

Chief Executive officer



An expanding global company


The responsibility is yours

Surprises in the graduate programme


Product Supply: leaner and greener

Engineers from everywhere


The ultimate marketing challenge


Coming home to China


A commitment to change


A new approach to sales

PAGES 14-15

Stories of personal passion

– Following a dream

– For a young girl, an easier life


Volunteers help 3,573 people


Production waste becomes art

Employees TakeAction

PAGES 18-19

A healthy business

A change of direction

PAGE 6 “Employees feel they are involved in this big goal of

making a difference to patients' lives,” says graduate pro-

gramme participant Tamara Seedial. “You do feel that early on,

because you get the opportunity to meet the patients.”

PAGE 11 For Principal Scientist Zhang Jun, one of the top at-

tractions of the R&D centre is the opportunity to work with

new, innovative approaches. one of her projects, for example,

involves an exciting collaboration with three top hospitals in


PAGE 8 “Personally, it is great to be exposed to a new way of

doing business with much less hierarchy than in the US,” says

one of the international recruits, Christopher Monnier.

PAGE 14 Two Novo Nordisk employees explain how their work

has changed the lives of others.

PAGE 18 A free bicycle-lending service has been helping Novo

Nordisk employees get from one building to another at some

of the major company sites in Denmark.

Graduate programme

Research and development

Global mobility

Patient focus


Page 3: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

Novo Nordisk at a glance 54 Novo Nordisk at a glance

The 10 Essentials of the Novo Nordisk Way embody values

that include respect for one another, for the environment and

the societies on which we leave our footprint. In this way, we

ensure our business is sustainable: good relationships with

our stakeholders support our worldwide license to operate.

And we take this seriously; every year, affiliates and business

units around the world are audited against the Essentials by a

special team of facilitators.

our values also include a strong commitment to ambition. As

an employee at Novo Nordisk, you are actively encouraged to

develop your talents and explore your potential.

Because of our way of doing things, Novo Nordisk has earned

a reputation as a very attractive workplace, both in Denmark

and abroad. Internally, anonymous surveys show consistently

high employee ratings. In 2011, Novo Nordisk was rated

among the best places to work in Denmark and in countries

as diverse as the US, France, Poland,

Argentina, and South Africa.

> For more information, visit

An expanding global company

Novo Nordisk at a glance


A reputation for being the best

Novo Nordisk headquarters are located in Denmark, but with

market presence in 190 countries and research, develop-

ment, and production facilities spanning five continents, the

company’s global reach is growing. See the map for more


our primary focus is diabetes – and with more than 40 con-

secutive quarters of double-digit growth, we are the market

leader with around 50% of the total insulin market and 46%

of the modern insulin market, based on volume. In the biop-

harmaceuticals sector, Novo Nordisk has a leading position

within haemophilia care, growth hormone therapy and hor-

mone replacement therapy.

Innovation and urgency

We are at the cutting edge of innovation. Recent scientific

breakthroughs in diabetes care include the development of

the new human GlP-1 analogue Victoza®, launched in 2010

and achieving blockbuster status (>USD 1 billion in sales) after

just 29 months. In 2011, two new-generation insulins were

filed for regulatory approval in Europe, Japan, and the US, and

an oral insulin tablet is currently in clinical development.

Meanwhile, our haemophilia pipeline is expanding with sev-

eral new products in late-stage development.

A growing diabetes pandemic has lent a sense of urgency to

our work. As of 2011, the number of

people with diabetes worldwide was

estimated to be 366 million, and by 2030

this number is expected to grow to 552 million.

Novo Nordisk seeks to reverse this trend.

Apart from providing the best possible treat-

ment options, we are also deeply engaged in

initiatives to prevent diabetes and expand access

to care.

A growing, diverse, and mobile workforce

We are more than 33,000 employees and we recruit some

4,000 new colleagues globally every year. About 57% of the

current workforce is based outside of Denmark; this percent-

age is expected to grow to 75% over the next decade. The

workforce comprises more than 100 different nationalities and

diversity is viewed as a prerequisite for global growth and in-

novative thinking. our company language is English.

Values and sustainability

At Novo Nordisk, you are part of a unique company culture

and heritage, dating back to when co-founder August krogh

brought insulin production to Denmark in 1923. It is a values-

based way of doing business, anchored in what we call the

Novo Nordisk Way.

North America


International operations

Japan & korea

Region China

headquarters and corporate hubs

Research and development centres

Production facilities


Representative offices

Page 4: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

Tamara Seedial has enjoyed the feeling of truly making a difference during the gradu-ate programme.

Graduate Programme 76 Graduate Programme

Anirvan Dutt-ChaudhuriBusiness Processes Graduate

Current rotation: Io Market Access

and Commercial Effectiveness, Zurich,


I was surprised by how accessible peo-

ple make themselves to graduates. Col-

leagues of all levels, from recent alumni

to senior management, are ever ready

to meet with you and share their knowl-

edge and advice; it’s a testament to

how well recognised and perceived the

graduate programme is.

kasper VejeProduct Supply Graduate

Current rotation: Aseptic Production,

Clayton, US

The level of re-

sponsibility man-

agers trust gradu-

ates with. I had

high hopes com-

ing into the pro-

gramme and ex-

pected to be given meaningful tasks,

but never did I think that I would be

given tasks of the magnitude that I have

been given. As graduates, we are deeply

involved in many business-critical issues

and are often allowed to punch above

our weight, which has pushed me even

further than I had hoped for.

Elena Apostolova Business IT Graduate

Current rotation: IT System Manage-

ment, Bagsværd, Denmark

The ease of

moving from

one business

area to anoth-

er absolutely

amazed me. I

have seen people from IT going to sales,

colleagues from finance moving to

marketing, and professionals from IT

building a career in hR. We have end-

less opportunities for developing our

profiles, and a company that supports

us in it. Before starting to work at Novo

Nordisk, I thought the focus on personal

and professional development was just

words that every company would say to

attract the best talents, but for Novo

Nordisk it is reality.

Sona RastogiGlobal Marketing Graduate

Current rotation: Diabetes Marketing,

Princeton, US

The confidence

the line of busi-

ness has in the

graduates. It is

very encourag-

ing to be given

full responsibility of projects and the lib-

erty to run with them from the very start.

In addition, the large number of ex-

graduates in different areas and func-

tions within the organisation is very in-

spiring and reassuring. lastly, I have

been surprised by how awesome my

fellow graduates are with a combina-

tion of a go-getter spirit and a suppor-

tive and helpful attitude. I’m glad to be

part of the graduate programme and it

has been fantastic so far!

Thomas Flemming ThorsenCorporate Finance Graduate

Current rotation: Finance Projects,

Bagsværd, Denmark

I have been most

surprised by the

strong sense of

unity in the gradu-

ate group. As part

of the current

graduate group,

which encompasses more than 30 dif-

ferent nationalities, I have rich opportu-

nities to socialise with colleagues from

all over the world, learning more about

different cultures, sharing knowledge,

building a strong network across the

Novo Nordisk organisation, receiving

advice from former graduates on how

to make the most of the graduate ex-

perience, and much, much more.

> learn more about the graduate programme here

Graduate programme

Tamara Seedial joined the Novo Nordisk Graduate Programme

eighteen months ago. originally from Trinidad, she holds a BA

in chemical engineering and a Master’s in biotechnology.

her first of the three rotations in the programme involved get-

ting clinical trial applications approved for simultaneous launch

in 20 countries, and her managers gave her responsibility from

the outset:

“From Day one I got my own projects,” she says. “They say,

‘we will help you, but the responsibility and tasks are yours’.”

In her second placement, she worked as a clinical trial monitor

overseeing the trial she had gotten approved during her first

rotation. The continuity of work gave her the chance to see a

clinical trial working out in hospital in practice, and gave her an

insight into the difference such work can make to patients.


The responsibility is yours “All employees feel they are involved in

this big goal of making a difference to

patients’ lives,” she says. “You do feel

that early on, because you get the op-

portunity to meet the patients.”

open competition

After a spell in the newly-established

Bangalore office in India, Tamara’s final

rotation will take her back to headquar-

ters in Denmark to work in the compa-

ny’s haemophilia unit. After that, she

hopes to secure a position in the Regu-

latory Affairs department.

Tamara will be applying for a position

in open competition, but her chances

are good: about 96% of those who

complete the graduate programme have

taken up full time positions at Novo


Each year more than 30 participants are

chosen for the graduate programme,

which covers four basic areas: business

management & marketing, product sup-

ply, finance & business IT, and research

& development. Below are comments

from other graduates working around

the company and around the world.

“what was the biggest surprise for you in the graduate pro-gramme”

Page 5: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

8 Manufacturing / Global mobility Manufacturing / Global mobility 9

It began with

a philosophy

called clEAN®

– Novo Nor-

disk’s version

of the ‘lean’


practices de-

veloped by the

Japanese au-

tomaker Toyota. The little ‘c’ stands for

‘current’ and symbolises the fact that,

for Novo Nordisk, the philosophy is con-

stantly evolving.

Energy savings

Process and productivity improvements

were only the beginning. By 2011, the

cost of goods sold had fallen to just

19% of sales revenue, compared to

28.3% in 2003. As costs fell, the result-

ing financial savings were used to in-

crease Novo Nordisk’s spending for

research & development and expand

the company’s sales force. But there

were also environmental benefits, in

spite of significantly increased produc-


“clEAN® has had a major effect on our

energy consumption,” notes Senior

Project Manager Vibeke Burchard, who

tracks Novo Nordisk’s environmental

performance. “When you optimise pro-

duction, you can produce more with the

same amount of energy.”

over the years, major reductions in wa-

ter consumption, waste and Co2 emis-

sions have also been achieved by a lean-

er, greener Product Supply.

A culture of improvement

Meanwhile, the social bottom line now

shows employees who are more en-

gaged and better educated for their

jobs thanks to a constantly evolving,

clEAN®-based training programme that

also involves management. Vice Presi-

dent Marianne Prause-knudsen, who

has worked with clEAN® in Product

Supply in many different capacities,

puts it this way:

“Today clEAN® is not just a philosophy

– it is a culture of improvement, the

way we work. It’s our way of ensuring

that tomorrow will always be better

than today.”

When Novo Nordisk began to improve its production efficiency

back in 2003, it was mostly a question of making the com-

pany more financially competitive. But over the years, the

story unfolded into an extensive Triple Bottom line effort,

which not only lowered production costs but also reduced

the company’s environmental footprint and achieved some

important social goals.


Product Supply: leaner and greener


Global mobility

Christopher Monnier, a former usability

engineer at a US-based medical device

company. Christopher joined Novo Nor-

disk as a senior device engineer.

Surprisingly easy

Christopher and his wife found the tran-

sition to Danish life surprisingly easy,

thanks in part to the high level of English

that is spoken everywhere. Added to

this is their own adventurous spirit:

“We were really ready to leave the Mid-

west and try something different,” he

says. “We also knew about Novo Nor-

disk as a pharmaceutical company that

sponsors one of our favourite radio sta-

tions, National Public Radio.”

Engineers from everywhere

Device Research and Development

(DRD) is continuously working to fur-

ther develop user-friendly pens for in-

jection, and when Novo Nordisk hired a

group of new engineers from around

the world in 2011 to help develop new

medical devices in Denmark, the idea

was to add new perspectives to the

Danish engineering team.

“We are always looking for new skills

and ideas to add value to our efforts

in DRD. Engineers from outside of Den-

mark bring with them new professional

networks and experience in device en-

gineering,” says Corporate Vice Presi-

dent Thomas D Miller of Prefilled Device

Innovation, where all five of the new

recruits are working.

The new DRD engineers brought with

them a range of device engineering and

usability experience from the US, the

Uk, Ireland, Taiwan and holland. In re-

turn, one of the things their new com-

pany could offer them was a Danish

perspective on the idea of teamwork.

“Personally, it is great to be exposed to

a new way of doing business with much

less hierarchy than in the US,” says,


Christopher Monnier and his wife relocated to Denmark when he became senior R&D engineer at Novo Nordisk.

Vibeke BurchardSenior Project Manager Denmark

Experienced consultants from Novo Nordisk’s Global Mobility

Support team ease the transition to Denmark for international


For employees at production facilities around the world, the principles of cLEAN ® are now a way of life.

Read more here:

ABDEllATIF AhRoUDAPre-assembly in Product Supply

hillerød, Denmark


Page 6: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

Research and development 1110 Marketing

It’s an exciting time for Principal Scientist Zhang Jun to be

in China.

After 20 years of working abroad in the pharmaceutical indus-

try, she is now using all her talents at Novo Nordisk’s research

and development centre in Beijing, where she found a “critical

mass” of colleagues, resources and scientific challenges. And

that mass of talent and challenge has grown even greater

since Jun returned to her home country in 2010.

In the fall of 2012, the centre opened a USD 30-40 million

expansion, increasing its staff capacity from 130 to 200 and

adding new facilities for more advanced research capabilities.

The centre boasts research facilities that are “among the best

in the world,” says Jun, who works with preclinical drug can-

didates for the treatment of rheumatic arthritis.

For Jun, one of the top attractions of the centre is the oppor-

tunity to work with new, innovative approaches. one of her

projects, for example, involves an exciting collaboration with

three top hospitals in Beijing:

“This collaboration gives us access to a large and unique array

of fluid and tissue samples from actual patients, and that ac-

cess is critical,” she says. “This is cutting-edge, translational

research that can really increase our odds of success.”

Scientific exchanges

The new expansion has made the Chinese R&D centre a fully

integrated part of the Novo Nordisk research organisation,

which also includes facilities in Denmark and a research centre

in the US. Jun enjoys the visits and scientific exchanges with

her colleagues at these sites.

“We are all working on the same projects so we can all help

and support each other – sometimes through teleconferences

and sometimes face to face,” she says.

When asked whether she plans to travel to the US or Den-

mark, Jun replies with a laugh:

“Right now, I think it is more attractive for my colleagues to

come to China.”

Novo Nordisk R&D in China

In 1997, Novo Nordisk became the first non-Chinese pharma-

ceutical company to establish a research and development

facility in China. Today, the R&D centre in Beijing focuses both

on diabetes and biopharm research, and is one of three ‘pillars’

in Novo Nordisk’s research organisation. The other two are in

Denmark and the US.

Coming home to ChINA

Research and development

Cutting-edge science brought Zhang Jun back to her home country, where she now lives with her husband and son, and can be near her parents.

Tim Slee, age 47, has spent most of his Novo Nordisk career

helping to launch new products. For him, it’s the most exciting

part of the business – and a great way to use his background

in social studies, psychology and journalism. Particularly in the

pharmaceutical industry there is a lot of pressure to get a

product launch right due to the often immense amount of

resources used for developing innovative medications and


“It’s the ultimate marketing challenge,” he says. “My job is to

take the clinical data the company has developed and pack-

age it so that it can be easily understood by the specialists,

nurses and educators who will then be explaining it to


As Senior Global Marketing Director for Novo Nordisk’s

new-generation insulin degludec, Tim’s latest challenge has

been to prepare launch campaigns that are ready to roll with-

in days of a final product approval in key countries. This

involves a degree of uncertainty and a number of alternative

scenarios, depending on what regulators decide about the


help from the experts

Not long after he joined the company in 1998, he worked on

the launch of the insulin analogue NovoMix® 30. A few years

later, he was helping to launch Novo Nordisk’s long-acting

insulin analogue levemir® – first in Canada and later in Aus-


For the insulin degludec challenge, as with his previous launch

assignments, he was armed with a thorough knowledge of

the product. Years before it was submitted to authorities for

approval in 2011, he began working with experts involved in

the development of insulin degludec, learning how it works

and what it can mean to patients. he has also worked closely

with affiliates to learn about their specific marketing chal-

lenges and needs.

New opportunities

Tim has a large, diverse network – and a marketing team with

many different talents. But what happens to his own career

path after insulin degludec? Tim isn’t worried: “We have a

fantastic portfolio of products,” he says. “Every couple of

years there are new opportunities to become part of a new

major launch.”

The ultimate marketing challenge


Tim Slee has extensive launch experience from the pharma industry and is now preparing the campaign for Novo Nordisk’s new-genera-tion insulins.

Page 7: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

Until recently, innovation was primarily seen in relation to

product development. But Novo Nordisk is broadening its

definition of innovation to secure its future business. Support-

ed by senior management, an Innovation office has been es-

tablished, which focuses on unique and cross-functional

projects. Each project is anchored in the line of business and

nurtured by the Innovation office staff.

Examples of projects are

Base of the Pyramid:

a new business model for low-income countries.

Future Workplace:

finding new and more flexible ways of working together.

Future Field Force:

finding new ways to sell our products.

As an example, the Base of the Pyramid project has brought

about a new, innovative business model for selling insulin to

less well-off people in low-income countries. The business

model is the result of a collaboration between Novo Nordisk,

the health Ministry of kenya, several religious organisations

in kenya, and healthcare clinics in different parts of the

country. The very tangible result is that insulin vials from

Novo Nordisk are now being sold in kenya for a reduced

price, making treatment of diabetes much more affordable

for many kenyans.

Another concrete initiative is the introduction of lync as a

global communications tool to improve the communication

across geographies. This is done as part of the Future Work-

place project:

“We need to work efficiently together and select the best

people for a task independently of where they sit. In a virtual

meeting, you can have the richness of a face-to-face meeting

with colleagues all over the world,” notes Birgitte krejberg

Petersen, who heads the Future Workplace project.

12 Innovation Innovation 13

Doors that were closed are opening for

Novo Nordisk medical reps in the US. Re-

sponding to an extraordinary challenge

in many areas of the country, regional

sales organisations are transforming

their sales forces and offering customers

a whole new value proposition.

The challenge facing many medical reps

is that, in recent years, an increasing

number of US health systems have re-

stricted the reps’ access to physicians.

To deal with this problem, Novo Nordisk

changed the conversation.

The big picture

The new point of departure in the re-

stricted markets became health systems

executives, where decisions were now

being made. And the conversation be-

came less about products than about

helping these executives meet their own


“It’s important that the customers don’t

just see us as someone who brings

product-related stuff,” says leslie Foy,

who became one of two new ‘health

systems managers’ in an initial Regional

Model project in Seattle and Minneap-

olis. Today she meets regularly with

executives in two Washington State

healthcare systems.

“My goal is to help them understand

the opportunities that exist to improve

the care for patients with diabetes. So

the conversation is not ‘what do you

need from me?’ but rather a dialogue

about trends, best practices and the

big picture,” she says.

The courage to change

Since its initiation back in 2007, the Re-

gional Model has expanded into many

other restricted health system districts.

The results? By 2010, for example, the

Northwest Region had changed its sales

ranking from dead last to number three

among the 16 US regions. And in Seat-

tle, the launch of Novo Nordisk’s diabe-

tes treatment Victoza® became the best

in the nation.

Northwest Regional Business Director

Doug Speas, who helped engineer the

first Regional Model, is more than


“It’s great to work for an organisation

that has the courage to change,” he


A commitment to change A new approach to sales




In the Northwest Region of the US sales organisation, Health Systems Manager Leslie Foy helped pioneer a door-opening course of action.

Birgitte Krejberg Petersen conducts a virtual meeting with a colleague using Lync.

Page 8: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

Several years ago my mother had

blurred vision that turned out to be

a cataract. My father, who was an

anaesthesiologist, was curious about

whether this could be a complication

of another disease in progress. his

hunch was correct. We visited an

endocrinologist, who diagnosed my

mother with type 2 diabetes. The

doctor prescribed Mixtard® and

NovoPen® 3 for my mother.

That was the first time I saw the Novo Nordisk Apis bull sym-

bol. Since then, I had a dream to help people with diabetes

have a better life. Years later, it happened. I joined Novo Nor-


I have been working with Novo Nordisk Indonesia since June

2009 as a medical advisor. I am proud to be able to share the

knowledge that I have to help people in changing diabetes. As

a medical affairs manager, I find passion in expanding physi-

cians’ horizons on the treatment of diabetes so their patients

can have a better quality of life.

A big challenge for me was running the A1chieve™ pro-

gramme in Indonesia. A1chieve™ is a global, observational

study on the use of insulin therapy – the largest-ever of its

kind. Every milestone was a challenge for me: getting approv-

al from the ethical committee, arranging investigator meet-

ings, etc.

It was a great commitment. There were days where I was so

engrossed in my work that I didn’t even realize until I looked

at my watch that the entire day had flown by.

Today, the A1chieve™ study is complete, and we plan to show

the results at every diabetes congress held in Indonesia. Ulti-

mately, it will be the patients who will benefit from a more

intensive treatment – and we will continue to help people

with diabetes live happier, healthier lives.

14 Patient focus Patient focus 15

Patient focus

Luki Iskandarsyah MuliaMedical Affairs Manager Indonesia

Imagine a young

girl with human

growth hormone

deficiency be-

coming tense

with fear and

anxiety every

time she has to

take an injection

of growth hor-

mone. This was exactly the situation I

found myself in a year ago, when I was

invited to train Noa, 12, to use a Novo

Nordisk device.

For two years, Noa had used a com-

petitor’s ‘needle-free’ device and expe-

rienced pain and bruises after each in-

jection. It took 20 minutes for the

family to calm Noa so they could inject

her. her brother covered his ears to

block his sister’s screams. her mother

decided enough was enough, and con-

sulted her daughter’s physician for an


My team and I had just begun a cam-

paign promoting a new and innovative

message for our brand, calling it a

‘virtually pain-free growth hormone

treatment’. As part of the campaign,

we offered physicians a chance to test

our device on themselves.

To their surprise, they found it was

indeed pain-free. Noa’s physician, who

had tried the device, offered the

mother the chance to try it with Noa.

I conducted the training. Soon after, I

received an emotional letter from Noa’s


“Novo Nordisk made our lives easier

in just one day,” she wrote. “Before,

we were afraid and full of guilt

about hurting our child. Noa was in

terrible distress, which affected her at all

levels and required psychological inter-

vention as well. The night after being

trained on Norditropin®, Noa insisted on

injecting herself for the first time. No

more pain! No more blue bruises! No

more suffering! our child is joyful and

independent and full of self-esteem!”

Two days later, a friend of Noa’s family

contacted me and asked me to train

her daughter on Norditropin®. know-

ing I make a difference to patients

through my work is an honour for


Keren Nagar, HRT Sales Representative Israel

For a young girl, an easier life


The patients are what is most important to the employees of Novo Nordisk –pictured here is Ayse Naz Baykal of Turkey who has type 1 diabetes.

The first-person narratives on these pages show how our patient focus has affected the workinglives of two Novo Nordisk employees

– one in Indonesia and the other in Israel.

Following a dream

Stories of personal passion

AYSE NAZ BAYkAlTurkeyAyse has type 1 diabetes

Page 9: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

iNdiA: With a population that includes

some 60 million people with diabetes,

India is sometimes called the diabetes

capital of the world. It’s a fact that per-

haps makes this country the ideal place

in which to attempt a world record for

the number of diabetes screenings per-

formed within an eight-hour period.

And in 2011, that’s exactly what a

group of Novo Nordisk employees at

the Indian affiliate decided to do, with

the help of the company’s TakeAction

volunteer programme.

Supported by the company’s willing-

ness to allow employee engagement in

social and environmental projects dur-

ing working hours, the group enlisted

more than 100 healthcare professionals

to perform the necessary blood glucose

tests free of charge. Meanwhile, the

employee group began planning the

logistics of the event and set up a mas-

sively successful media campaign about

the record attempt.

The event was rolled out in Bangalore,

India, on 13 November 2011 – the day

before World Diabetes Day. Eight hours

later, the result was a record-breaking

3,573 diabetes screenings, verified by

an official from the Guinness Book of

World Records who monitored the

record attempt from start to finish.

The marathon screening event later won

the Novo Nordisk TakeAction Award for

the best volunteer project of 2011. It

was chosen from a field of 56 nominees

– which, in turn, represented just a

fraction of the number of TakeAction

projects, large and small, that were

rolled out in 2011 by Novo Nordisk

employees in every corner of the globe.

16 Employee engagement

Volunteers help 3,573 people

> Visit YouTube

Meet three TakeAction volunteers –

including one of the prime movers be-

hind the Indian project – in a film at

this YouTube site.

Employee engagement 17

Employee engagement

Production waste becomes art

Employees TakeActionNovo Nordisk employees are not only committed to changing

diabetes through their employment in the company. In the

spirit of the Triple Bottom line, they also care about what hap-

pens in the community and the environment in which they live

and work.

This is where the company’s volunteer programme TakeAction

comes to life, giving employees the chance to spend working

hours on projects that show social responsibility, help the en-

vironment – or both.

BrAzil: Novo Nordisk employees are encouraged to be so-

cially and environmentally responsible – and this was the

background for a TakeAction project at the company’s pro-

duction site in Montes Claros, Brazil. The idea was simple:

employees took waste products from their factory and

recycled them into an art workshop for unemployed family


The project became known as the Novartes workshops,

where participants explored their creativity and generated

much-needed income from the sale of their artwork. More

than 1,000 kilograms of factory waste was recycled in this

way, and some 900 people have benefited from the success-

ful workshops.

The art project paved the way for a more therapy-related

TakeAction project just a few months later, when the Take-

Action team at Montes Claros went out into the local com-

munity to offer diabetes and blood pressure screening. over

a series of weekends, 768 people were screened for diabetes

and 595 were screened for hypertension.

support Novo Nordisk’s business and therapy areas

deal with social and/or environmental issues

be employee-driven

involve two or more employees

To qualify as a TakeAction activity, it must:


Thousands lined up in Bangalore to be screened for diabetes during the eight-hour event.

Page 10: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

18 Novohealth / Medical careers Novohealth / Medical careers 19

As a medical doctor with some years of clinical experience, Flo-

rian Baeres had reached a crossroads in his career back in


“I had the feeling I had other skills that I would like to ex-

plore,” he recalls. “At that time, it was natural for me to

reconsider where I’d like to go.”




For several years now, a free bicycle-

lending service has been helping Novo

Nordisk employees get from one build-

ing to another at some of the major

company sites in Denmark. Employees

at these sites can simply ask at their

main reception desk, where they are

provided with a helmet and a key to

one of the specially-built bicycles parked


The Novo Nordisk bikes are an obvious

– and popular – solution at these loca-

tions, where the company occupies an

area the size of a small town. But the

service represents more than a healthy,

convenient and pollution-free way of

getting around.

After the bicycles have served Novo

Nordisk for two and a half years, they

are shipped off to a bicycle workshop in

Mozambique, where they are rebuilt to

fit local needs and will serve their ‘sec-

ond life’ as transportation for health-

care professionals.

Sustainable for everyone

The bicycle programme was set in mo-

tion by Novo Nordisk’s Department of

Corporate Sustainability together with

Novohealth, a worldwide company ini-

tiative to promote good health among


”This is a good example of how many

different aspects of sustainability can

be combined in a single project,” says

Martin kristiansen, head of the Global

Novohealth programme. “This initiative

combines health with both social and

environmental responsibility.

“The bikes have become extremely

popular as a means of transportation

between our sites, providing a great

opportunity to include physical activity

in an otherwise sedentary workday. At

the same time, we get a breath of fresh

air and arrive at our next meeting with

a higher level of engagement.”

The Novohealth programme

Novohealth is a global employee health

programme that gives Novo Nordisk

the opportunity to practise what it

preaches. The overall purpose of the

programme is to develop a workplace

culture that promotes healthy living for

all employees.

knowledge and training

Florian ended up finding a new career direction through

Novo Nordisk’s Pharmaceutical Medicine Programme (PMP).

The two-year programme is currently giving him a broad, on-

the-job introduction to the pharmaceutical industry, and at the

end of the introductory period, he will be offered a permanent

position at Novo Nordisk. Currently, he is a medical advisor with

Global Medical Affairs in Søborg, Denmark, where he works on

building and communicating medical knowledge and improv-

ing the medical benefits of Novo Nordisk products.

“I use my training to provide input to a variety of stakeholders

at Novo Nordisk,” he says. “I also have the possibility to ex-

pand my scientific knowledge and get excellent training to

improve what I do.”

A common purpose

“one of the amazing things about working at Novo Nordisk

is that here you get the feeling that everyone has a common

purpose. Everyone is pulling on the same string to ultimately

achieve goals for Novo Nordisk but also to the benefit of


Read more at this site

A change of direction


As a medical advisor at Novo Nordisk, Florian Baeres has found new ways to use his medical training and clinical experience.

Novo Nordisk bikes stand at attention outside company headquarters in Bagsværd, Denmark.

Medical careers

Medical careers

Medical doctors may well ask themselves: why should I use my

training in the pharma industry instead of working directly

with patients? Through Novo Nordisk’s Pharmaceutical Medi-

cine Programme, doctors such as Florian Baeres (pictured) are

discovering how they can help patients in

ways that are not possible in clinical practice.

> Read more at this site

Page 11: life- changing careers · life-changing careers 2012/2013 A healthy business From health in Denmark to help in Mozambique ... results are unheard of in the pharma industry. The success

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Novo Nordisk A/SNovo Alle2880 BagsværdDenmarkTel +45 4444 8888Fax +45 4442

Produced by: Global Talent Attraction, September 2012 Journalist and editing: Language Arts, Anne Nielsen

editing: Morten Ulsted, Anu Kerns, Jason Breaux Photography: Christian Alsing, Keld von Eyben, Miranda Parry,

and Novo Nordisk design: Britt Friis Grafisk Design Printed in Denmark by Bording A/S QR code is trademarked

by Denso Wave, inc