li^muistamsisi^^a^ohfahs/-everyforestnewspaper/... · 2018. 9. 13. · 7&t: t^l ;•...

7&T: t^L ;• /.''^ferw^^Tp^; - .... ^...^ . ,..-.. r.^.:-:-...,ix! x A"!^f?. ^BgigBSMa ..I. -HI I.I 1 . . , M.I^^K^ IVi*A» Or TBX DAY, •fs- •^'^•jv S^ A. WMCAL writer »7« thai paualyalt ^1^ ^Libfc voa^l^Mcuw W^JwntaMiiMd' -.. *Jf-«h» ; pi—W» af > m i H * t t " t i l * [• "'~T 74VSJVMB\tte^'Wta^MtrtMfflMfi^f^fc- m n , be adds, "nvold» »Bcnne pca> ttbte the wrapping up ^ tha throat in eoatlbrtera, mufflers, bows, etc. Wfcejt ottoe DM tkrcwAbecatnee aoeue1o«iid t r ' demands that tha hiblt be .'•mUtJ^pertewml IV' , ,~ " . ? «5^ fitacurAXT. Taoxnov, U speaking ' of the aqmaron* jekea et_hd* turpejaeei - Mtd: " That of the hatchway was beet" SOOMOM patent had sot baud it, and ^repeated Ur'.'Ia m of ay riaitaol inapecttee. It wat said that 1 -was naked' -to daine the proper, dfmentiona of a ^ state wbea Jte haa revisited i k native place ha has bean addraawd at "• John hat<4iwi^,aMJbat I replled^l'That CUK BawUoda." paad«j^poJi theeiae af tha Jbsu and tSr number of etapt-eheia to tit on.'" {gWtKhftJiWllJSBl, explorations lo Kaahgar, found a of peapte*ery low in tha scale of chrlH« taiaaa. r Thata were met-witfc on tha ahorta ¢^ Laka'lGuP-yo>, llrlng lit mi* trabte hate eauatracteu of reeda ap-d braachee twisted together.; Xhaitclgthi iB# it ataxia of, the fibers 0¾ a kintVc-f laka-waad,"T»a ,i *ith their Beta and aonnthntad .-.the, whole of thait ' T-HHNew York eoReapoodehtof the r' <%ieagQ Journal taya that.«0» than •"Jtiatlii'yearii ago be waa ordered by tfcr ;' editor of the New; York Tribune to pre-. - pere~aa obituary oMfrtir low Weed, who - ttUl Hrea, Vut'lr in faAle^tUb. -'The ' London T^<irf» gftem ^bauna o^ltnyy > of the great Djii'ebr Wellington waa teTenleen yean beforr hi* receiving auai^ additions until ha waa no-wore. . ~. ~- " ----- ~-OOTTOJI-****-©}! ntanttfactnre iabe-' owning a marked industry ip the^ovthr- JB»n are B©, large millt in Nfir , Orkansj^and others. ft Baton , Bo aw, Shreveportj NatehetTVlcktburg, Dallas, Memphis, Nashville, and-even St.' Louis- 'and Chicago. A ton of awd pioducee twenty gallons otsul, worth.$8.50, while UM refuse cake, worth $30 per toil, ii valuable at feed Tor domestic apimalt .andior fertilising land. ';"'-" "Wiaid-bm, JuMtiee, and Moderation. VOLPMEI Ii. TORE^T, ^A l iDi^ qo.,OHIO: THtJllSpAy, APRI L 4,1878. -*. NUMBER A Lnrattren, Constantinople taytit if tot astonishing that General Ignatteft towif Tarkay, the debt- of wntoa oonn- l?j aatoonta, inroand numbera, to 6yj<)0, DOO.00W., or XS80,g00^<». Tha^oatisr debt U l,600^00i000f.; thaaoaaolidatod, S.'OeOjOOO^OpOf . ThU latter iathtu.d'i* tribated: Eaglanjl noidjH, 860,000,000ft; IHSee; iyOfl^OOO.OOOti .Tarkey, 620,-i.i 000.00W.; ItalyvWS^OOJXWf,; Balgiwn, a^Holhv»«U:Me,QW,000f/ Bmtakvdoaa sot figorejs thk lint, ".and hanea tiw - -- *"-\Miaaa topertnrbable calm of Gederal geraral jjapara .here, ia axaasiainjthe^ qaaaakn o! the peewriary tademn«5*fo be paid by a banirnpt anddiamembered comitrypmta bagixiuiug \UMIJ o n t a g a i i ^ <a^^jflj[aort taiUift daag, the French hoidert ?)f Ottoman bondt being^adnoed to r*i«C,. J:-^"I ">j.'i^ -.A . fax srtfamal currency paper money- nawln ttafiM Japaaiwat engrared j»d priatad in Waa* Yarh »ty> japanete Bxrzsw or IHJMBSTIO HSWB. Two'eklMwt o( Hr^WaitiaVwart fatally peiaeaad at Brpj»«t», ,0»tario; by. e*ting wiM p«r»alp«. Two athert are aotca^eetad Wiarrlva . ^ •"..•;.'."•• fgt-BiPMtM Conrt "U Hew OtJtaat. tn eaaral Aadanaa'i etae, haf demJad the ip- pUeatiaa for a'.ratreafhtg, aid thepriwnet bM >eatirelejaad froai priw*. . . A aaii^iotrt o.«arr«l lock: 'place fear, akilta iroai V*rtajfl«,-^y.,' brtw'aaa Will ftaay-aadv Leaom Bo>weU,-wfcU6-nwat*i it- Seay'ilclili»g~B*»wcll with e. club, fieiiy fled. 000,d00f.i .Garmany a*d Auatria, -40¾^ I A woki* aad m'nd^ereltlfied' "at TUB- aaHaa, a atatioa «a Mm 0. * I t * ; ^ *aa»t: of 'VlaMaae^ led. In ttUmptWf to board taatrain tfesy ftUbttirMa thaeani«ys U>\h Ma^cW^twot.^ • - c'"- FrFt-KiLunt, Q^Waibfagton Htlghtt, .Wtlo x is aaadiiaf ^f^nit^fma.^ci-" de'nUlly dWaarged it, th»«h4rfeitrikin> "him in the. groin, patting, npward, and ^If^fi^not ftBcrtitj;. knawp^'Bvt .•jjactjr artitta prepared" the ^caignt, »n,d Jb»d : them redrawn by pur bait American- ^yr.iiu, V. Of! n«Tii>j «tfiny*»Timi twwa the wajt^and. kne«t. >iX« bu .since Mtt. JVBTKX CijTro»g,- who pMtei the wmferwith barhuabandTttWath. iogton, it a tltinder, erect lady, between ,fifty-*nd tixty yaar> of age, N hat a twiak- : ling marry black eye and dark hair wftb tcajpoalya line of tilTer in^tj 'di ^- plainly, and it loYed by everyi>ody. The wife of Senator Davit ia her warmest" — friend t aha it lata -in aiae,. her hair ita little grayer^Andier ayee largejigajiitl;: Bhe it a^tehifble,- plain wovafl.^Srhom any.on* would be better for knowing. '85*ytone.who"kno#t^^bath."'.-''' §ux State Gaplogitt of Georgk re- .porta: that her agricultural, pattoral, and lumber reeoirrcw are equal, if not •uperJor, to.anyr^tata^.Ae Pacific '.slope, or-in the NorUiwett. She hat. ' watft pawer far mort-Tatuable and more g«Mrow^dUruae^t£aii New;&» . In gold the > equal to" Califomu, in coppe r -to;Tan neesee, in* coal to Penu- tylvanit, in iron to the mott product!Yt country, in pasturage to Kentucky, in toil U. Iowa,Jn lnmber to Maine, and. in _ climate the it better and muie unchange- |fcwd,-and-Ky.a handle It tha tide. The -.^- . abie than any of them. A ifovax and valuable application of ^UrtArttj AmmigniA^ pr.. f n t A . j .1..1 bar. Tha mnttrationn onnaiat oijoenea la Japaaftta life and hittory, 1¾¾ work warperformed pnderthfr-iuperYiaion of Japanese committionera appointed. for the purpose. ?*«y were 'tnrewd-e&ough toget one'ride-of^ebotee engraredandj: printed by one eatabUthment,' and_' jjther tide by another, to that they had a check on the numbet printed. No ex- penta waa. spared 1 to'make' iha-' notes at perfect at possible, and thay ate superior hj design and executfontoour own notes. The name plan was\ adopted v it that used with ovti' :QBfl nattonal eurfency--the general design being the tame for all ine, baaka 487"Japan, tha only Yariatioat Japan, the being in.thetitles af the br^nchea . A Viiunrx mechanician-, hat recently aucoecded, after many frurtleat trial** in conttructing * : tewing-_machine which dortnot require theperjou working at ft to submit to the unpleaaant. and un- healthy neceatJty of conttant bodily^ex- «rtion,.Yi» J , setting the machine in rno^ Won by the foot. Siooe, fotpeeuniary reasons, the application of electricity, iteam or water power wat -impoatibla, the inYeotor of tbV new machine wat/e- ttricted to gravitation or eluticity, and bei prtferrinf the latter fqroei na» con- trived to make tpringt ttrong enough to keep an ordinary siaed-machfne In .mo-, tion ioi bourt. A sytttm of cog-wheels it arraagad u nderneeth-the «nrface, of (he-table Upon which-Hfcfr facbihe it a«r«rthekw, that Ooaorsi ^«(a>«tte was i«g -! ialatad into the order' of : liawnrr-ip t£s city of-Cinaiaaati. 'Mr. Qaarga Graaaav .nowteveaty-jntieyaart alaga, d B i.i^. ~. ""kitn^~an~o&JmKxir^p^¥ r yiiri*- licet ti-fiocS t«v»irt«B, ia^lKKaiawat Co,, Ohier, / t l i . u o d w / f -frsighV trata ^Sauiraay died. -JSha^Qraanbaekupartyvatt. ia convention at Sprlbgfitld, Ill./ott"the jettHaresjaaBd- uomiaatcd- Stats aSoenv A platform of reiMntioni wtt adapjUd injfavar eta green-, back policy r in (he Utut oi Icgal-tendtrcur< ^sacy to thef ull limit of «1,000,000. lAWauxr Catp trO last, amtntremplpyed at Eainey'j -coalworks, »eYtniMUt« north of 'Wttaellni^-'W^ Vs. , watersibed by a matt 3= Sorth StaJfcrdtBrt, Xaglaajl, Five eorptet were laeoveraif, with . ttdrty pertoiu ttill la ths pit, aa4 it wat fearadlut wa^dtad. . ••'•'. -, " ' ;•-•• . TaK complete neYamlfty ofTrsaet i>Hl>t war <LHMtlpst agiwtlat Europe it ditjalaV •Ug t< t^o»e:a>cat aaaettBtavl Thtra.ii ar 00N9BESS10JUL. _ . ia the Htaatt, March 2«, {O. -BlaiaVmude a condtmsatery speech in -regard ta the t » pbtatauatof Ptltstw <m ta« Halifax Ce— mittisa. Tat Hoaaa: )*iat Maatatiaa to Fratorflte«ttk»«OTp - ' aaxtety taatfaaaea-afcaaJa ba ttnw atHve. If tt« hlttbtitdalar'aaieaiiiii whuaotaart are watted by wtf'abt will basoaie tee pow> LORD 8AUtBt*T, «ha saeesads Lard JteihyattneBrittth aRantery of State for Fo'Mfgn' Affairi, bat iawed a eircular to AmbateadorfdiatteiAmtfteamt of 'a poMey •"that can h o t ^ m a J t m a ptsaaaali teMa> -naat v gftet JIIW>islHWilir»«aBaMi> and; England. '-' .- ^:. .^ , —~- •. AjtoruaJt'-telagraH ittvt: v * A '.ftukiaC breeK etdatsted at' ten iaaaataa,' hat '•termed -tea iMiugaat Vitiiatiat.ta Monnt .•Peiloa, art sapterfT Matriaiisa' . The 1«- tnrienls are. 1a%«teBs:g JMMT jKnitioiri. Xhelotttt on both aldu are heavy,- Kjiws af-aoother battle it numtaterily axpteteit ^Loko Dxast hat retched. - J IiUfce Hoaw pi j<orttt.1ie itatrd. that hit ioiigaaUaa was not an aceoaat bft'demaad tor ifce tahmuir "ti0B~btth# whole! treaty to-tit Conjrea*. ^rd^Bta^astield^tplalBed that Lord W^-mi^^i^tvi^^mm^S^ff^SL^^& stfe_i_^_; : out TK»ri'op«'''r»oeIved ex-fretidtat^Pnurt, mwraing and had both hit. legs cut. o« b#- hit wUt, aid teiTfcSafarday., ebattrd^^eo. of. toapttoss,.Ntnd to badly-hort that h« lived only three-noun, dying in great agony.. ptgtated wattbeat nfry yaart oisgs; and leaves a.wife tad family, who reside atPort- lanAOhio,,-. -f-.-,-_ : . , I - r ^ - "'.'.';..-.-.- - THX north-b'onhd-teain oa the C!tvelaad r Tutearawat Valley and WhetHae; Bailiroad; when bttweta Matdlloa and FaMony Ohio; -wta Itrnelt by lightning, a few daytago.. Thtjingrnter and-brakemaa raoeived.ilight injnriet aaoat -thslmwt'and lower limbi,. bat:the pateaqger* aaeaped without more -than a terrible ihaltfng u p and a uodden fright •-•-•• corridor*! the Jail at-Mavch Chun*, Pa., on the morning of March 28, for'compircfty in the m«id»>' of^torgan-PoweUrBrine boi»'at Samailt Hill, on U t evehllrg of March 2, •'.1878. Fithax rwat Ante -of -thVmett Influ- ential member* of the Molty McQuirc, At*e- -Bhrtkm, and a more int^lllg«rit man than mott'of hit eompaa'iboi. - •• - "-.- ' A* aa tntt-'tar»dee«>a»traao^ai'Wirkt«- b^rra Pa., df ltgailont wers pretefi\.Trom all parts oX Lui«rn*. County.. The prootesiOn watlTSnlle long, flvt thootand mtn being In lintf- htaring" bainert appropriately;,in-., icrlbedi Toe »WeWattt were- crowded with 'ipectatora.. A matt n»e^t&n t t t e e ter «4 the AjBtrlcaoApiteger awaitedTQ'en i»-i Ortit in the hajl of the '«fwl»t a Guard,' htm to_tbVEope, who rectiVed ^hlm with every mark of dutinotlau T.*. /\ * ' " ~ TflK London Timet' Soma correspondent teVegrsph* at' followi:' Pope Leo.'s.alltKiu-. tion, deUvirtd^tjh^ ^oniitt^Tpur^daf; giTea the Italfan«Venera)^atrtftotioni-- the alio lion to the.Church's eapUvlty lii very inlldi Hit Hollnete exprteaet no Intention '.'te*tkuggie''-lor the; rteovary^'af-hlt'terapor-- alitiea.-. . .... :.".--. ,'" , . ' ^ . TlTB Conwterciafi tondosi.corteepondent telegrapht: "Mjr own InfojmatioB Jtad* .ma".te,bentvt Mitt Engtand hat. retolved UpohTlar'mpre/.w.aTlike'-leteaaarel than^tlitl inert pilling out of reserves,'and-Hiat lo\, •truotida'i lelegrtphecf te.AtfmrrBi.Bfornby 1 wilJ;befoHowtd very thortly by declaration o^wa^ v one^9wer'orwodther.i , .^ v '; 'r^x^xfeand'i^utBja aie_JLi tuct att}-^ tudrt to w ard. each ,c th cr - la'" the- n e ighbor-j Hood-of. Gppitantipople, that eren. if..there ak CeatmittioBar *f Apdeuitare tad »0^00 of Hhi Forestry Comititstea ptnnt Tat Tariff Bill wat made the tpeciat erusr far Aprils . ' ' . . •• I n ths cWaate, Martei 27, a bill wa. Intro- duced for aTBaUsajteaaioaa tolndlaai who^ terved i a % » W a r of »81«. A resolatio* wat agreed to te reiamane John' Say aad William L. KeltfBat for eiptasta ijt tat eoataattd aaat east sf WUltem P.JCsltegg at Senator treat Loulttaaa. . ,. . ,.£•«< T " " asuae,ahflr>t«ai» te prevent .AiitM-T-Ia tha rrtnt * * iatrc- daettea af e'aatagteat-dltttitt ja-tfceeoaa- UT.-ThaejQaiieliilcsst*nii<sii.DssttS(1 FUM,SBos«nlartot vote.resaUad iaags by the Speaker cattng-biaYote agajatt » e minority report of Iks eoeamlttes awarding theteattothe EepabUeaa eeatestaat , In tee Beasts, .mats* ?S, the Senate biU teamead an act te provide for the tale sf~a portioa si the reservatioa sf,iba-Ckjafed- erited K-tonrj^awa, awl Foxes of tie Misteuri tribes of fndUat in tht-Stetet M Kansas and Nebraska, wat diajataecTbriefly, amtadadraadeatsad . A'number of. the th.e"eiplrtHoi"of the moruli dl 'the FaciSc T Fund bill wat rtaamed.r eonrideration was resumed of tat Maateehai fllnaing In the itouae. bill rsergaaiaiag tha. toa-vttw was taken "up aad dabatoa at tsaai Bowlaad'i sabatiteU)- artesian; matter tea vate ajHaiiiltea Cot adapted. The^blli;paisod-28 -to" Mat rttolaUem far aa -tatewf-eaalM tattatotej Wy,. wat -laid over. te >he flwerti Ajsem- Ja the -Saaatv tea jotet raiiKtlBa pntviatng for a joist eomaiUtee ot tke^tW4 hetes.te sx- amine and report upon the adrtethlhty of pai^haaiag addHioaal grtaad sad ersctiag taMttmoaatioas for taa oraralas of pMrite in the tattitettea fr the Paaeatioa of the Deaf and vuarb; was reported bade aad' adapted. XV. oWehaerV Heate bill, to' relfive-hard ttaate brjrsatUf s stay sf ex- eoatiok for two year*, wat reported b a d aad tedaaaitely -aastaasiaa. After aa, rmmsaasamuipt-af loeat^ltgitlttltn, Milt -wataiatetda^tr^«».aaa^(Haj . the dehmer tew so property eta. be »old en SATB hi^C feaef frteaste exsco'tioo witeost tabaeqaent eUim, aad ieneniea than anylhiasjofthe f the widow must J>fct_kex 'adwar' frnm the pertuation on the lace of the moneyrteeived-oa tale. Mr. Bo,th'ibiB to r- • -r--.. - ^ mate 830,000 fo/tbe repairs, of public was taken upf^abj£ply debated, n i l pOatpoBtd-to next' wati. &. Bastetter'i blfl amtadiMtke law to as to give widows resident la Oaio mors property tfetenpt from extcutte»t wet-Ja*rply-^d^ aad defeated. ~~ ^ *~ aette' con tatted election, eastriat question? being upon ths-Tctoiutien.efthe'raajority- _. . • -.. . ,- ., a,, . r af the'Election CammittetuteclariagDean aitd awomr^aled him ta j^^frff'- »r^*- entitled te- the tm^-.A *te wjiiiakenon , srfatekiMUltsd fa givingJDeaa toeteatbyavotecilUttelU. ' ' - In tnefiouae, Marsh 2%^tr. Ede>, Chair', mta-df the Cemtnittee' on War Claims, re- ported back the bill approprUtin^ 8420,000 for the payment of ejafiat retorted 'allowa- i>le bythe CcmmrtsiofcrtoXCIainu. Pawed.' -The Bouae went IhurCommlttee, of the Whole, Mr Beebe in^the chair, on- the S Hvate calendar. The nrtt billon the calen- i ' ' is'notia clearly-defined-pprpote to.make THOHA8 P . FltKaa banaid inthe^ ^wa^'an aeeldent may pr^ipfua hoiiUlltlM bUityof colfitiona on railroads, it" now; itmsobject of experiment in tte'Mar aciilat stai ion. It conaiatt of an electric. mirror, in which ail the moven^vntton a- MM 1M kikiaaaaraa in length «ra brought a^tjrJMtWifc-Mjf^ " - - atetintj matt i viTotoHow exaotfy the pto- ga^tj»«v»fy-frai». By thit Btaaasitfat aSfM aglcj'raped ^ aaaTbaetrttraly avotdwi, and arrangements are being into ) for the general introduction •tatojMponaat: tha new invention; A sTXw IPompeii hit* 1 teen ditooverecT in Ifcary . At tha foot of libuaf Gargaao- a buried town hat been " "" .bonaaa befny twenty feet below the aur- tampte of Uteatv-waa nrtt broanht to Ugit, th«n a portico com- etrluquu without eapital, and, Aa*Uy, a Cecropolk covering nearly toiu ttaaa. ThV Italian guvwnmeut "Baa" tefcan ateaamres to oontteu* the excava- tkmt o* a large acala, aad hat already dtecavarad a mon unseat aractod 1n honor of Paaapey after hiarrietory over the pirates. The town it the ancient Sippn- ttda, of which Strabo' and IJvy tpeakv *aaT*fcieh waa barted by an earthquake. -JCs. C^wsaivlaadford of " Tha Duke erf WaBhtrioa," NawcaatJ«H«.Tyne, boaate of being the largest subject of <iueen Victoria. He wat born only in $BMt and Bteasunte reuad the M laches, round tha wmirt 8fi inches, and " tbecalf of the leg 85. He weight pounda. He waa brought up a jdnter, but oampelied fremhit ttte to „ give up the occupation. -Hit apptilitela nothing extraordinary, and he it a V/jaejIentfe' drinket, hut amokea a great deal, to which, habit a. medical corres- —poodant of the ianort attribute* hit . having "rather irregular/action of the heart i spring it wound up with the greatest facility. The velocity at which the machine worka It-entlrely at jhe. option of the peraon using it, andLcjn.' ba T*g- nSteJ ad libitom. and in, the aiurplett manner. HUB LOCISK MCLAWJEOIH, of tha Cincinnati School of Dem'gn; - after many experiments, bat discovered the tacret of- the tamout Xfiaogea faience, a racetit French impTovementhi oaramica, a*d hat been applying ittc thaofatmrm- tattou of pottery at the maaufaatory of P.-lW-Ooultor AOo. r 4frthtea*^ ; ..IM Driving Park was ^nw* v r w M J . 6. Smith and many, 'others... • " . IT ii' reported that the t«hoo'ner"^:.C, Breed hat beta lost o f "Mauitowoe, Wit., with-all her-crew. She left Chi cage pa the Wd Marco, iignt, on nex_artVtri p ofTKi" season, forEtcsusby, whsraiiht was intend- ifii to'load with>|aand return.- The vessel was owned-by Etgtae-Matalvet, of Gl eve- tend, whojbelievte the wtnt dowmiaattora.. Captain William Bogert, of Cltvslasd,-cote-' reanded her, but ths ertW mostly belonged inChfea«a. ' . ", •---.- " Jotavn. aaa fesk "Ersttel brothers, aged twtatyHtrst wdjtwaaiy-ojwi years, reepec- ttvety, ware «eaatsera:Cooiilll«,Teii,u., on Bta levaat was witessssd >JLS< leatt ten thoaaaad'paopla. Thejrlme wktea brought Joseph aad Teak Bntaal to 1 thr'gaUowi correspondent of the Giocttt aaya that the chief difference between this decora- tkmand that .of all' otherjdnda of i ^ , ^ , „ordtr MLte ? nigh) of^ovtmber s^m-^^^p 'r^»n^«^w _,.t ... .. pftliftelvet, named ftattell Alltebu^livirig inthevieisityof CookYille. . - - 8xvxju^hajad(«d men are. employed on the tenia! ia th« permaaeai Waterworka, In fjalthuuts? County, Md,; tad fttuutuf- The object oftne Rttttitml IT war thould be "declared, would be to close'the Dardaaellet •ndcaptare'the fleet in'the Sea of Marmora. It it thought the Banians-would at dace take the.fort on the Europei'ilde of the *&ait if the ^lglifll ifoDpt at Maltawere embarked. The jioirit- o(' conta^t'lt the vicinity,af Qatllpoli. •-•-. .•r.'-' -; iitha'Britiah Boat«N>f Commoht^oa the night ef th*2Sth : of lateS/lfou . Qataornt Hardyijooretery of State ior'War, replying tovtriouii quetti6Vi7ta*Jitwaanece»tary u> call orff the nrtt^claai of .the "army reserve,, nmnbering thirteen Uion.»»ad, - a n d (he militia reserve, which jrtt.betwWh twenty; flvt t'ad^renty-tlx thousand. Th'o Queen's •car wa* ^ae.^Lppro»riaUag tl.oOO to pax -thA-BarthoJomtw County, Indiaaa, Agrl- eulturaXSoafsty, for t|)t ate and peeupaUo'n Of ita Fair Oroanu* for, military parposts, from Stptember,; 1863, to "June, 18«, and li^muiStamSiSi^^a^ S t t e t ^ ^ a a ^ a a ^ r a a t d brtbV bHlt. J iKrodu«d'or*i.•»•>*..*> Bouae. .Adjourned till Monday, In thr Senate, ApTH-1, tea PaeueSailtoad FuodinjBjU eamtupendMewi. Beak tad 'Chriitiauey made strong Sflramtnti in fjtvor sf, ths legal power ofthe GVrarnment. to enaotmeh;"'legiiUUoa as would protect IheinUrtilroF tee people agtiatt the evi- dent bad faith: of tee corporations. - Secre- tary Sherman wee-before the Banking and Currency Committee,- girlng Kit vtewi Tit' coiuidtrable Kngth fn regard to reeumption, tie probtbte efleet of the -Silver'Bif),-ete. Thec^nfarenee wjlibt reeamed eeitThurt- ,day In the House* Mr. ntrttell Intro- duced A Joint.rttolutlon wonsstag an. •inendmeat tbjhe ConHitutiSn, fdrSiadhog. sMumptlou on payment if a claim for lottet growing out ofthedeetnictioa of praperty withia the limlU of the 8uteeengage4ia rabeBjopT '.,' : ...... ... : '* T':' OHIO lEtHSLATVRK. meesaga to tfaet effect would b» pttetated probably Monday. Thi» wouTd be fallowed by.a proclamatioa ealling outtnch bf -the reserve tercet at'might be~ required.". Mr. out that tills it notaartm^ bodfinent of the militia,"which, would, not lake place until it was neceiaary to tend the regylari ahroad. ' ' AN intelligtut tcrreign. correspondent •writes: It ii tertate that EQgland and .Bjiitte htve now reached the mott critical poibt.of (heir ^tercourte,and.there ia more probability of war than peace . ..Russia ii making every effort Ultolate England from -. la'the-Seaate. Match 2», the following bills were -passedt Mr. $eed't Hosse bill, reducing-road taxei and ths feet "of road supervisofs(aboutfortj par cant, allaband)^ ' -MrrOreVn't Hodte hill amending-thfccrimi- ' aal cede « t f te reqaire Prosecuting Atlor In teeSenate, March 2«; bills were passed: To pr.eVsat fraad it the salt of ferUliten, have a printed aaalysit " thereon doibiwgt all ahe wiatet matg - whatha ate ia (mat THI hone always ground on Waf onher"KEadaM tjireetimteaaiare«a^Hatefa*m. "I» aaJectinfar *" ~ - Pu<^"abevealli of cultivation." TWti the girl "to such anext off and-married i firatet,- : : >"gr«a. be OT servants. . liigX iismljlatet V -yat rata are at pfeaty now.aa i palmtatt 4ay»" ofth* Bes| ^ T n go*ulo sweat] every cet»<we*t \ tbring yerhome fer stiipeJ tliirkiam t: ai< tkaraiiWt i^lkU . ^a.ttsflKL—S .- J^tb«rain J tn9tbiit , tb-eat1 _ ^wbif*:d«Ua^nia*wStete]gBiga1 ja?r!a pok whan .a pfflicwaaa :,bjr providing Utatevery package of fertiltetr offered for sale-shall have a prints" sf its edinpoaeat parte dispteysd 'teeom; ' ' ' eel poll te pettcy- t*}ua<l j i U a c i L b i l l s were p s i through a s fast as the Clerk eoabtread the titles and call the-roll, the -regular iota in eaaheate being M yeat,«; naVt, lOBt," Bytalfpi ' .«^ree_thsrt vers barely rsesfbers enoai Hit for ths unanimous-vote-to mike the constitutional- majority, the rest baring- goae home te ' remain'' till Tuesday. Mr. Ssedmaa'i Seaate bill authorising the city- pf .Toledo td tell tae-ToIKIo and Wood rill e BaUroad/wat ^sported fremJhe Committee, on BaUroadi, read the third ..lime and passed. On March 29, thsSeuete", after diiposfnf of a few. fortaal. metttges'from' the lions* rued until nee, among ... . Hr, Dodo's^re- lating to duties of City Auditors and City .Treasurers.. Section 1 makH it unlawful for the City Trteiarei of any city of th« flritelasite purchase fr<5»iueh-ciry, s+4*; -** ' ._---.- ^.. .1. ' --(or 3ii la any manner interested la the purchase or prog te arltlajr from 'the salsof say bond or bands oTctrtlfieatss at iadsbitdatis bflach" oity, Section 2, itnrduty of the AuSlter. or tncrT cityj-wheri bnnds of the and the great freedom with which the .pigment seems to have been laid on. laid bare, the ("The proceaa of burning .; caneea the yarioua tinta to mingle and bWoiHa^ ifielr manner which adds greatly to toftneat and beauty,-producing acci- dental effceto imfoetibto to obtain -in any other way, notwithstanding which tbtre I t IrtiP an appearance of ^heavy impaato preserved, aad a loading of the pigmento in the high lights which aavort very much of the work of the beat painters in oil Indeed, the coloration resulting irom the giaae it richer than the color of any painter-whatever,'-. -*MMT TriJB-wig-TBe' fe*-. "ongliaT ) of Henry M. Stanley, the African wJgtetftr, wte gtaee ^la last' expedition mwliaaji raaaitijig to many honors in BaMojfte.; 0 » wag bom near Denbigh, "Watet, in 1«40. Hit parentage was Jowiy^uthewj»le«UBatein receiving a pretty good education when a mere chUo^-^At_fiftean he want aa cabin boy f% veeasTbomrtkto New Orleans, and there he found a ntftatroo i . the mer- cantile houM of Henry H. Stanler who adopted the lad, and^eatoweoThfii own name upon him. tTufortuoately the merchant died leaving no' will, tod youBw 8t»«»tey wat thfearn upon h*t owa reaourtea. He hat since been knot^ a by -bit--adopted name,, although on occa- PBSrALSNCK Oi SUICJDB. Iff DEfc jtA&r. From an i eficial report lately pub- liahed at Copenhagen it- appean that, out of a population of aomething leas I.OtiqOdg ho fewer than 16,111 su- iddea have occurred during the teat blasting -rr aecessary, for which dynamite is used, A gang «f men had prepared a blast sear the lake, the fuse poo nested wite_ wbi**b ^*tttnv T-rvmttartlT italisd Iu sums .uakaowa way. A terriaa exptottou eu- tasd^ the B A were unable to get out of Its reacht and tome of them" were literally blown te pieces . Tw6 were killed, two metteily wrandsd, aad a ftfth atrieaaly injural:: •; ' •'-:"•:„• " : . POTTS, arrested^ for horie-steallhg, broke Jail at it* Yantou, Indiana, tame weeks ago. On the Whet MarohT)epatyMarshal Jones, of Mt. Vsrssn. aad Itepaty Marshal ^VT. XT Bromaw, o7HaawlWerwi^ arrested Potts in Kentucky, below Cincinnati Bat. Jones went back te aft. Vernon on tie 10th, leaving the prltoaer hand-enssd in charge of Brokaw. Both disappeared. Hot long ago, Brokaw*i body was found la the river . ,- - ,._- - . ^ .-.- one milt below Mt Varnoa, with hit head thirty yaart in Denmark . JB* highest-| apdfaee badly arekea. it is lapposed that ens Davkvbrcwteria lew of Potts, overtook them JIB* killed Brakaw, releasing tea, aad ths two throwing tee bod; traJity o( Aastes aaatary, it Iraotliksl thai "Engtead eta gel tny otaar ally. B+enTurkey it IUtety te be moreJavataaly ditpotsd toward Saatte than toward Eng- land, aad Iks &rsad Duke Nicholas it pay- lug freqtieat v&iteto the Saltan, aa General -igsstien* arrivet- In Con-detail ttttttaoplediraetraesjotiationt fora bfaevo- tent n«tttrtUty,1f not "actual alliance, wlH bagTUj^ Of coarse, thie. iipafthe first time jhjjuSBtlU anTKiglajd hj^'^**" "H-r". *frm involVedTrTwarrasKlyas hereteforsj a-peace- the InvdIVedlBltSTraadris hereteforsj a-peaot- ful tciutlod of dificultiei may yet be found,, but the present eritii it decidedly worse 1 than any of lis predecessors, and it Js quite probable that boQ natTontniiyfind warIssi, intolerable than oontlnuat uncertainty and- alarm. " ' • • ' neye to secure the consent 61 the Court in open court before entering a nolle prosequi ia any criminal case; Mr, Detnpcjrs House bill .Providian that .turnpike 'oOmpaaisa 'snail be compeneatedwhaa cOmp*Bpl to re- move teligates by reason of tee sxteniioa of thee«r^U.uJ'Upft mMtciptiity^jtr, city aire to b v sold, te'take charge «f tee sale, by. advertisias; the >ame.->for. aals, de- posit-proceeds of sale with the City Treas- ure*, .and report to .GounciUSarticulars gt •ale'a^daaountrecerved therefrom. Section &• mak'et it the duty of the Treasurer end Auditor to publish menthly^ in-one-or mnrr leading.cewipspsre of theMNty,, a balance' theet of their reapectlvf-asoouats^Fltfi the bityfsjid. with a •tatemeb't of the attouutbf woB6y,;te«n In' ttrOreatury^aad^o what -partieular fund the tame belongs. It shall be the duty of aneh -Treatarer, in-hit teonthly-report, to state"whstesueh money Ji thai kepi.- Section i. That any City'Aa- "dlteror"CrtyTreasarer'vio'ating the pro- Visions of thU act, shall be liable te be Te- moTcd_frnm_afn« in the njaknert.rovlded i:f>for thV remoral of-oSeersiii thi Munloipal being to removed, ahsllbe in- . again fllliuch office. Adjourned i n u l Tuesday afternoon," T . V''-"^ Stubbed floats bfrl aataariaing the- vaca- tion of abandontdtarapiksaadpiank roads, aad their tstebUshmtat as.eouaty roadt; Mr.^roxe'i Seaate bill making; it a ptaaten ttery Bffsnss for ; say sehool teacher ' have criminal intercourse with one hit pupils,' although with heK consent. A message waa received from the Gov- ernor, nominating Hon. Lyman S. Jsckaon, '&?•$"???£*•£. ••V 0 ^ " ' : ^ • ^ ^ S e n a t o r from Perry CounWto be.Truttee s ,,^ -m ^ . s . .-_»,»i»..i ... ~ •- t'aad^iOT'Qqjhaaj'Hiimti I tothctr prftent age ind »iae, KlIaTxIfea. • 'AIM ••»•"*»• j.".1°. i a. . .* vice Hon. Thomas Kwing reijgsed. The norainstioa was-immediately'aad maul- mousif-osuatmsd. A memje-wai al^re- eeived from the Governor eomteaatng' TrattetSj. Billi Tftrc jsstrd Jreqniriag,- Pireetersof inb-sehool "districts to make legal tid reportt'teteetewmAiBprwteriMag ^^ ^ ruuAoli-waei-riaoe, proceedings by•marteriaT men, labor- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Z en, and lub-contractors,' to forestall pay' stractcr; provid' lag —agatest —the -'importation -of-cattle him the other day. V - ^ - - Jawr» -v. lUutlU^iesnsst.trsst- 1 i E u t l b e ^ c e » £ i Wring worj? '. •-.-•—_-_ AeAtesrsetsjsx^.;.! .^ -- : . -: -- -^aknstHteo^tteiteteitt-lkssT^ VpoaJtHBSRwlr; - - Trust wntBtte taat tea* what eaeaai _^_.^te/srtles»w; -_ •>!.'..„.; A MAS wb^i0wa^rma^up|te»t»iA, : ^-- " * ' jack away t hangs hte aaaw, on one particular pafjand la^a Ut leemi' I on thefback »f a chair on going te bad, '. it .not a mjttwho wJHput in t*u-hc*ta..^ aday uhleai watched; .."• BOB IjfGaasou.' aaked a preacher Whether the fatted calf waa mate o€-M V male,- M Ecmak,"^ course; rtipited aW ; ^preaeKet," fori am now" ttu^a; ttUate^ male,"" which wta jjontideraw aa exotkT^v lentaell on the wicked Bob-V ;- A 4<iRtaTKU did a weddiDg^ceretaoay "up •brown!' the other day w4ea aa <•••: married Kr. David U Brown,»brown- , haired man, clotbaddh brown suiting, to • Jiiaa ^Mina ie Frown, a brown apad ^^ - arden, likewtes dreaeed in brow*. - .rJoBirBre'rhave- more fight in tiBtnaoytning of i their Nie, but tstera ia t» method in ..thcir~\madaeta; they wttV^ pitcli-into^t. meeting house when they;, are furious jiist at anxiously at^-thay will into a sleeping, babjrin itt cratiVe. ^ A. SALooj-xxxpea, havtng atertati• tn a building where truaka haaV. ade,. asked a friend what ha hast Queer fete. Barely, sajs the Boston Herald, does una hpitv nf a lady's attaching herself to such strange pete as the-writer saw at Mrs . ' Uncoln't,' No, 64-Howard-street; a few' dayt agd.' LivrBgfn the" family m^m.Akms^^mi ^¢5^1^^835¾¾ ^ ^ Lincoln; ..They are African .lions, a apeciet not easily reared in this country, but Mrs. Lincoln has succeeded, by the exercise of great, care, in rearing them ' " ' The male ment to the principal contractor; provid' agajnit —the -importation -of-cattle UttJ'wilh ttii Tr'tas f»ts>; : tTnanrtiutf.' lumber wat reached in 18717 when 80S persons eo&uaitted tuicida, being about forty-eight out of eTerjr 100,0«:Jahaifc. ^^^•Suf^ into tee river. taate. The paaaaate teem more given to the crime than the inhabitants of the tpwna, and those guilty of it areltener- ally people about 'fifty yaart of ago. About one-fifth of the number are wo- men; mostly unmarried, while the ntlm- berj>f_ma«ied_ffleji:Wk£ it greater than that of the bachelors. The months of April, May and June are the mott fatal,- nearly half the num- ber of tuicidet beiug.jcouuuitted during these three months. The favorite mode of telMettructlon apneara'tohe hanging, especially among the men, in whose caae about eighty-three per centum of all the Ntfefolee were effected in that way. Among women about ttrtj- j-rj iwhim — of the-suicides are by'drowning. Poit- oningandthe death' by fire-armi are' very rare, barely tome four or five per centum. Drunkenneat it yearly two*. fifths af the suicide* considered to have baan ihsj cause. It may be worth re-. marking that aukidet among sailort and are jaeajly unknown. ..again reached Sewfoaatdland, and a tec-- -Garried, aad debate resumed. Mr. Sawyer oud telegraph wire wtited the two con ' ' - ••• - tinente. THI vicinity ofXeuisville, Ky^ftas addsd oaa of thVmoet naadisk erimat yet chroni- otedon Keatecky'i black list of dark deede. ^aaybrsak raeeatly persoas wiidlng around "tost Itlaad," ia what are known at the "Wet Woods," dlsoavtrad the at t lag. aabiai Lying; ra-safoovaer wart tta'^eauTass'Wm'i . rtldtuUflatlat Mr', aad -Mrs. Maarow^ijm .old maa and womaa, etch nearly sixty yeariaf age . So tigrii .of the heads of the victim* could be found by either gentleman. Near the house, however, a tptde wat found ratting agtiatt a rail fence, and upon It freah dirt, giving evidence tht^it had-been uied.very recently. No hears ware found, however. . ' FOREIGN SUMMARY. jUrappttat few a Last Cable. --- --. • ~" fat. Wefcotai.] : '" The "Great Baaatrn'' was fitted out with apparatus, which may be likened to an enormous fishing-hook and line, and wat tent to the spot where the treasure had been lost. The line wat of hemp interwoven wrth wire. Twice the cable wat eeiaed and* brought almost to the surface. Twice it slipped from the disappointed fishermen, tmt the third timeitwaeeecured. It was then united with the cable on board, which was ''paid out" until the great iteamer general incorporation .. law, by in clndiag -library- aad art attoelatibets, aad societies;- for . detecting'eriminala, ...... In the House, Mr. Williams,.oil (eave. offered a reaolnfion, which was adopted, rt» chins that charges have been made againat the -charaettr of as officer of the House (J. V. DeLong, Engrossing Clerk), aad-prerid- fag-fortes appoiBttaantr-ef a committee of three te investigate the charge and report to the BToats for action. The Cbajr an- -nounced as the committee provided for by weighs about two hundred and fifty pounda,. and the featale "perhaps fifty pounda lata. Key- have been at ihie honte on gowaftt-Jvaet teawiast. Sep- - _- temtber.jiod until within a-umtun-ne/ar^J* '^^y,/;»?; had.tbe rnb^.of:-w>c_alace, goinj about th^roomtf^wrth"cop«uerabi« freedom. 'As a measure of "caution the police, i£ougblt*4he ^creatures -should -be_ re- itrtinsd, aad their _ quartart are now better W'jritii the- old aign,. ''TritteSf' Tactory;"^ "Oh,"-4taid'theJ3end, 'Jttet chang% the T tea £>, anJ it v*Hi soft ye* , .^actiyj",--' '•••'< -'_L'•-''-'• P W e V t e w Voud a Dea^M^waat, and a great deal more taucy^When you have bought one fine thing you mutt buy toil more, that your appearance may Car all- of a'piece; .but it je easier tp sup- press the jrtt- desire than to tutisTyaU '" . A CJUHEV6,YAHT "told a woman .fn . Mankalb, Minn'.; who bad lost; a far""' ctpe,. that the had dreamed fha't a aeich- hor, a reipectabre woman , had atefonIt. The loaeifi aetiar ei> the dreatiii trt—s) the neighbor of the theft, bat nothing . wat j tujued up except a !Jb|rturt. " Ak'eichange hw thit startling pteea of fnlenjgence: "Nothing will Its wotm . thia spring 'by^the fair_ tea, except '.••*>. t ume thi s at tract! ve" though pictoreecue costume will notbacoate Tage'until tbewarm-weatiteraetaia. A CHICAGO tewing-machine girl to Colorattoafew L years ago and mtrrirtf' a man who hat since died, leaving her Mi fortune of $800,060 and'SO.OOft heme} of catue. and.yet, no'dottbt, mtuayaaw-- , fng-tBacfrhie giris Wilj . reteain airtritt--"-^ thfl tHifllfiY ti^v, 'Ut 1 marry metv *ms> .<—>S are afl TBlOrtmU Du»e Nichtlsa iliued with the Saltan on March t!, In Cormrantinople. . A CoaWAirtiaonJr^apecitl aaya it ia thonght Sefvtt Pataa will te wtthOraw her *stt,at_Bumte aad a e aowb^lliea. Aa stplWi "The scene on Board at the'black' line wattw'waa- exciting be- yond description, It waa first taken to the testing-room, and a signal intended for Vaienfia waa tent ovir it, to prove Whether or not'it was perfect through- out itt whole length, If it had proved to be imperfect, all the tabor spent upon it would have been kmt-.The electri- eiaaa waited braathletaly-for-aa answer^ The clerk hi the signal-house at Valentin watT drowsy when-thetf-antwer came,- and disbalraved hit ears. Many disin- terested people, and even tome of the promoter* of the cable, did not think it possible to recover a wire that had sunk in thouaandt of fathomt of water.. But the clerk in the little station connected with the. thore-end of the cable of 1865 suddenly found himself in communica- tion with a vessel wtuated TTfthe'"mfddler of the Atlantic. The delay aggravated the anxious watchers on the ship, and a second (Signal waa sent. . How aston- ished th'St tiavplc-minded Irish tele- graph operator; wat! Fire minute* paused, and then Hie antwer came.' -The {efaief electrician gave a loud cheer, which was repeated by every « a n on fapardj loan*n to bit ear-. -Mrancvu iw wf cvmn^iwa iwuvmwt tut uj *_ _r tee-rtsoluaon Mesars. WiUiamt, Ball, and" "****. Quinby. - Mr. Stxtro'a House bill suthoris- ing the "levy of a speeial.tex in Hamiltetf County to open, and oomptete QltnwayAvt- ~a«e, rawed. Mr. Bsed't Hoats bill sppro- priatiag 12,000 for survey aad correct estate upon them; the animala -were accus- tomed to walk into the kitchen or parlor* among guests, and to go back to their quarters .without offering harm to any one. A year ago the lioneae used toixs- cbpy the time couch with the lady at foment af the DcrBi. and- Penntylvaaia,- wat passed. , Pcnnivl-, i -rr.'. T-^ . —-»—. -:-.--1 vania has Just «m>ropjtetedW,000 for the Tdght, but now. the haa grown full Jarge Mr. Ctrnenter'a Houte bill to be taken upon jt^comnnm bedstead. max purpose. setting toe pay of Township Attetaon it two dollar* per day, waa passed. Mr. Thorp moved torecoaaider the vote ol teeCindanetiSoatoeruBailroed ratolatioa. The animals are quite a curiosity, sad; in- their gentleness, show plainly how potent in tie-law oLWndnett, even with the brute creation. .---.' intrsdueed a Joint retolatiea calUsg for in- forsaatioB when any part of the public works of the State are-ft-us»-by any raff road «ontpattyra«44f-to,-bywlMktt«teority r aad whtt legfttetion ia neeestary.- The rules were tutptnded and the retolutioo adopted—but one dittehting vote. Mr. Potter's bill authoriticg.the Board of Kda- cation of Cleveland to levy a apeoial tax for a library passed. Mr.-Clough introduced a bill authofUi'ng the city ot'Hamilton te iaaue bonds aad borrow money to construct Works. -Mr.. .Bjerrickli general bill Water fw.-iteeif--.satw- -i» ^^---- to allowevery by popular vote on hath was passed, ~-~ •• fa the Senate, March 27, after second reading ofthe bills-and other routine bus- iness, tee following bills were read the third tine aad passed: Mr. Forrett't Senate bill, providing for ths-aunaal examination of alt life intsrance companies by the Superin- tendent oMnsuraace, tnd forbiddldg suck companies from investing their capital in railroad stocka; Mr. StabbV House bill to .compel owners of hedge fences along high- ways te keep them trimmed within limits of siifeetbifV and six feet wide; Mr. WU- sen's Sentte-hill teenring te policy hoidstr who hare paid three years' prrrninnis in life insnrance companies the equitable surren- der value of their polioles until such time as the net death losses ahsil exhautttever. ty' five per cent, of the retenre aecnmultted at the date of diicoritinuaoee, and thereby eoatteaiag the policy until the holders equitable- in urest it- e t htu ated. A1 s o - a aumber of local bUlt, Mr. Stxtro't House more limited' than formerly, although they have a safe out-door run and a room adjoining the kHchen,irith only a ttroug wire door asperating the apart- RMffWr^' atiVi 1XHCOTH iM M If ¢6 Willi liVT pete aa ladies are with their poodle*, aba play* with them, feeds them from' her hands, and has taught them various tricks. They win kite her at her bid- ding, jump through a hoop, etc Be- if,, lump e«Ute pcJ ice reetrictiont were placed He Capaered. _jBmtt<*l Tree Freas . 1 The other day when the Silver Bill passed the Senate, a citizen who wanted a- glaaa of beer entered' a saloon on Randolph-street , threw down.a half* dollar and aaked: "Heard about the passage of the Sil- ver Bill?" . . •'.:•• " Not vh»t I knows of,' f waa the calm :->-WeHi it' hat' patted, and that half- dollar it now worth fifty-five cen ta," ' The saloonist looked hard at the money, made change very slowly and asked: " You heard about de baatage of dot copper pill, eh V "Sol What bill tttiatr.^- " It voth a pill vast aaya dot all der coppers in der pountry are wort dree cento apiece.' 1 . He hanfled out three tens, a nickel and five penniet, counting each penny three, and returning, according to thi count, -fifty* cen te. The--drinker thnrly scraped tie. money off HSf coun- ter, coughed and tried te astute, tnd aa he slowly sauntered out he teat heard mntttriag WjtWt •*"* tWt 1!-H BiHran movement •woVliL-conttajtc to progjesu. ill live till the crowded, and never own" dnnaHBreskfdil Tabte. " ; XMU wkfc I ware « tfiii tea --' - aoata. -- swum tawic a t iwsr-aalu, tM.ttH tbe ttrsaaft; 1 wsoM pot » j Ita; tall down, aaa pataa aaj Omj - • •oata*^ Aad ifotj mj Ugy Ule awajr In', .iln— jiudlaaskj, ( - And too Hay wUa 1 *«ant*> aaia'la aaetr • neat-; • - ? Asd-Uaotnoae cute and ahetsHataa, wa^taia ,-• I could bat die, - ' JVrta mj Uuy 1W»J»* tiny we* te«sa*at at UMtrbeaL. -OtAs-jnaastei. . A* unpleaaant way of pattiog tiH tiling was innocently adopted by tint * Sew York car-driver," who, liltatfally ignorant that his interlocutor waa Mr. Beechec replteel to thus geitletaaai't , query whether be did sat thhtk it potat ble to dispenae with mrtniTigtirrirtrt aB day on Sunday:. "Yea, nr, Id*; bat there's no- hope for it to long at tfcejy keep that Beecber theater open la Broett- Jyn; the. «an have te run te modate that." A_Wawna3t tanner, befng/ aaU a yoke-of-oxen to paiy D teid 1 hlm---h«j»aUi not JaefrtwttVi -nger . "Why," said aTaaan, f stay aad take tome of your eeaai ki i . of money." "But what tiuW I em* said the fanner, " whan any ^aanvamw- oxen are all goaaf* *Why, fe« then work for me, and get smiaa A aPscrAt, to the Sashvfite -from Hnntin#rkw, rtttoe .flat-JBi daughter oi Eaquira EUiab, that place, ahot hartelftti .... heart with a rflte, applying ktt the hammer . . . • «,'—. • -*•. j- ._r ,I> yeu hare a fast boy, and want to/" keep him at home, put a ten-aia jdley ^. and twokegt of htger in the cuter, awsl tell the other boys to '' ootae round. * __ IT takes a great many bricks te baikl a house; but the more a aMaearree Jai his. hat, the teat he w » laid klteaji a-growing. ( i e>« •. -THK aslntojiaragraptie* l«6ea 1 orphan aafqami to Vuart a wtJa, he dodges- the. terrible aaath ~- ^*y FTy;., • arm - •*& twt% mtW e^fa^a^a^^^^^. _ _ tjllg^aa JVb^^>^' Inovrn to pay- * OM o»,» "^Tf ^^•^^^atVie-t^vj-- ,::;gi!^ wj.*-*'- ' ;

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Page 1: li^muiStamSiSi^^a^ohfahs/-everyForestNewspaper/... · 2018. 9. 13. · 7&T: t^L ;• /.''^ferw^^Tp^; -....^...^.,..-.. r.^.:-:-...,ix!xA"!^f?. ^BgigBSMa IVi*A..I. -H» OI I.rI 1



bull ^ f e r w ^ ^ T p ^ - ^ ^ - r^--ixxA^f

^ B g i g B S M a I - H I II 1 M I ^ ^ K ^ IViAraquo O r TBX DAY


bull ^ ^ bull j v

S ^

A WMCAL writer raquo7laquo thai paualyalt ^1^ ^Libfc voa^l^Mcuw W^JwntaMiiMd - Jf-laquohraquo pimdashWraquo af gt m i H t t t i l [bull

~T 74VSJVMBtte^Wta^MtrtMfflMfi^f^fc-m n be adds nvoldraquo raquoBcnne pcagt ttbte the wrapping up ^ tha throat in eoatlbrtera mufflers bows etc Wfcejt ottoe DM tkrcwAbecatnee aoeue1olaquoiid tr tWwUtBiit demands that tha hiblt be

bullmUtJ^per tewml IV ~


fitacurAXT Taoxnov U speaking of the aqmaron jekea et_hd turpejaeei - Mtd That of the hatchway was beet

SOOMOM patent had sot baud it and ^repeated UrIa m of a y riaitaol inapecttee It wat said that 1 -was naked

-to daine the proper dfmentiona of a


state wbea Jte haa revisited i k native place ha has bean addraawd at bull John

hatlt4iwi^aMJbat I replled^lThat CUK BawUoda paadlaquoj poJi theeiae af tha Jbsu and tSr number of etapt-eheia to tit on

gWtKhftJiWllJSBl explorations lo Kaahgar found a of peapteery low in tha scale of chrlHlaquo taiaaa r Thata were met-witfc on tha ahorta cent^ LakalGuP-yogt llrlng lit mi trabte hate eauatracteu of reeda ap-d braachee twisted together Xhaitclgthi iB it ataxia of the fibers 0frac34 a kintVc-f laka-waadTraquoaiith their Beta and

aonnthntad -the whole of thait

T-HHNew York eoReapoodehtof the r ltieagQ Journal taya that laquo0raquo than bullJtiatliiyearii ago be waa ordered by tfcr editor of the New York Tribune to pre-

- pere~aa obituary oMfrtir low Weed who - ttUl Hrea Vutlr in faAle^tUb-The London T ltirfraquo gftem ^bauna o^ltnyy

gt of the great Djiiebr Wellington waa teTenleen yean beforr hi

receiving auai^ additions until ha waa no-wore ~ ~ - -----

~-OOTTOJI--copy ntanttfactnre iabe- owning a marked industry ip the^ovthr-

JBraquon are BcopyW seven large millt in Nfir Orkansj^and others ft Baton Bo aw Shreveportj NatehetTVlcktburg Dallas Memphis Nashville and-even St Louis-and Chicago A ton of awd pioducee twenty gallons otsul worth$850 while UM refuse cake worth $30 per toil ii valuable at feed Tor domestic apimalt

andior fertilising land -

Wiaid-bm JuMtiee a n d M o d e r a t i o n



A Lnrattren Constantinople taytit if tot astonishing that General Ignatteft

towif Tarkay the debt- of wntoa oonn-lj aatoonta inroand numbera to 6yjlt)0 DOO00W or XS80g00^ltraquo Tha^oatisr debt U l600^00i000f thaaoaaolidatod SOeOjOOO OpOf ThU latter iathtudi tribated Eaglanjl noidjH 860000000ft IHSee iyOfl OOOOOOti Tarkey 620-ii

00000W ItalyvWS OOJXWf Balgiwn a^HolhvraquolaquoUMeQW000f Bmtakvdoaa sot figorejs thk lint and hanea tiw

mdash - - - - Miaaa topertnrbable calm of Gederal geraral jjapara here ia axaasiainjthe^ bull qaaaakn o the peewriary tademnlaquo5fo be paid by a banirnpt anddiamembered comitrypmta bagixiuiug UMIJ ontagaii^ lta^^jflj[aort taiUift daag the French hoidert )f Ottoman bondt being^adnoed to rilaquoC J- I gtji^ -A

fax srtfamal currency paper money-nawln ttafiM Japaaiwat engrared jraquod priatad in Waa Yarh raquotygt japanete


TwoeklMwt o( Hr^WaitiaVwart fatally peiaeaad at Brpjraquolaquotraquo 0raquotario by eting wiM plaquorraquoalplaquo Two athert are aotca^eetad Wiarrlva ^ bull bull bull bull

f g t - B i P M t M Conrt U Hew OtJtaat tn eaaral Aadanaai etae haf demJad the ip-

pUeatiaa for aratreafhtg a id thepriwnet bM gteatirelejaad froai priw A aaii^iotrt olaquoarrlaquol lock place fear akilta iroai Vrtajfllaquo-^y brtwaaa Will ftaay-aadv Leaom BogtweU-wfcU6-nwati i t -Seayilcliliraquog~Braquowcll with e club fieiiy fled

000d00fi Garmany ad Auatria -40frac34^ I A woki aad mnd^ereltlfied at TUB-aaHaa a atatioa laquoa Mm 0 I t ^ aaraquot of VlaMaae led In ttUmptWf to board taatrain tfesy ftUbttirMa thaeanilaquoys Ugth

Ma^cW^twot^ bull - c-FrFt-KiLunt Q^Waibfagton Htlghtt

Wtloxis aaadiiaf ^f^nit^fma^ci- denUlly dWaarged it thraquolaquoh4rfeitrikingt him in the groin patting npward and

^If^fi^not ftBcrtitj knawp Bvt bulljjactjr

artitta prepared the ^caignt raquond Jbraquod them redrawn by pur bait American-^yriiu V Of nlaquoTiigtj laquotfinyraquoTimi twwa the wajt and knelaquot gtiXlaquo bu since

Mtt JVBTKX CijTroraquog- who pMtei the wmferwith barhuabandTttWath iogton it a tltinder erect lady between

fifty-nd tixty yaargt of ageNhat a twiak- ling marry black eye and dark hair wftb tcajpoalya line of tilTer in^tj di

^- plainly and it loYed by everyigtody The wife of Senator Davit ia her warmest mdash friend t aha it lata -in aiae her hair ita little grayer^Andier ayee largejigajiitl Bhe it a^tehifble- plain wovafl Srhom anyon would be better for knowing 85ytonewhoknot^^bath-

sectux State Gaplogitt of Georgk re-porta that her agricultural pattoral

and lumber reeoirrcw are equal if not bulluperJor toanyr^tata^Ae Pacific

slope or-in the NorUiwett She hat watft pawer far mort-Tatuable and more glaquoMrow^dUruae^tpoundaii Newampraquogland In gold the gt equal to Califomu in coppe r - to Tan neesee in coal to Penu-tylvanit in iron to the mott productYt country in pasturage to Kentucky in toil U IowaJn lnmber to Maine and in _ climate the it better and muie unchange- |fcwd-and-Kya handle It tha tide The

-^- abie than any of them

A ifovax and valuable application of ^UrtArttj AmmigniA^ p r f n t A j 11

bar Tha mnttrationn onnaiat oijoenea la Japaaftta life and hittory 1frac34frac34 work warperformed pnderthfr-iuperYiaion of Japanese committionera appointed for the purpose laquoy were tnrewd-eampough toget oneride-of^ebotee engraredandj printed by one eatabUthment and_ jjther tide by another to that they had a check on the numbet printed No ex-penta waa spared1 to make iha- notes at perfect at possible and thay ate superior hj design and executfontoour own notes The name plan was adoptedvit that used with ovti QBfl nattonal eurfency--the general design being the tame for all ine baaka 487Japan tha only Yariatioat Japan the being inthetitles af the br nchea

A Viiunrx mechanician- hat recently aucoecded after many frurtleat trial in conttructing tewing-_machine which dortnot require theperjou working at ft to submit to the unpleaaant and unshyhealthy neceatJty of conttant bodily^ex-laquortionYiraquoJ setting the machine in rno^ Won by the foot Siooe fotpeeuniary reasons the application of electricity iteam or water power wat -impoatibla the inYeotor of tbV new machine wate-ttricted to gravitation or eluticity and bei prtferrinf the latter fqroei naraquo con-trived to make tpringt ttrong enough to keep an ordinary siaed-machfne In mo- tion ioi bourt A sytttm of cog-wheels it arraagad u nderneeth-the laquonrface of (he-table Upon which-Hfcfr facbihe it

alaquorlaquorthekw that Ooaorsi ^laquo(agtlaquotte was ilaquog - ialatad into the order of l iawnrr- ip tpounds city of-Cinaiaaati Mr Qaarga Graaaav nowteveaty-jntieyaart alaga d B i i^ ~ kitn^~an~oampJmKxir^p^yenryiiri-l icet ti-fiocS tlaquovraquoirtlaquoB ia^lKKaiawat Co Ohier t l i u o d w f -frsighV trata ^Sauiraay

died -JSha^Qraanbaekupartyvatt ia convention at Sprlbgfitld Illottthe jettHaresjaaBd-uomiaatcd- Stats a S o e n v A platform of reiMntioni wt t adapjUd injfavar e ta green- back policyr in (he Utut oi Icgal-tendtrcurlt

^sacy to thef ull limit of laquo1000000

lAWauxr Catp trO last amtntremplpyed at Eaineyj -coalworks raquoeYtniMUtlaquo north of Wttaellni^-W^ Vs watersibed by a matt

3= Sorth StaJfcrdtBrt Xaglaajl

Five eorptet were laeoveraif with ttdrty pertoiu ttill la ths pit aa4 it wat fearadlut w a ^ d t a d bullbullbull - bull-bullbull TaK complete neYamlfty ofTrsaet igtHlgtt war ltLHMtlpst agiwtlat Europe it ditjalaV bullUg tlt t oraquoeagtcat aaaettBtavl Thtraii

ar 00N9BESS10JUL _

i a the Htaatt March 2laquo O-BlaiaVmude a condtmsatery speech in -regard ta the t raquo pbtatauatof Pt l t s tw ltm talaquo Halifax Cemdash mittisa Tat Hoaaa )iat Maatatiaa to FratorfltelaquottkraquolaquoOTp -

aaxtety taatfaaaea-afcaaJa ba ttnw atHve If t tlaquo hlttbtitdalaraaieaiiiii whuaotaart are watted by wtfabt will basoaie tee powgt

LORD 8AUtBtT laquo h a saeesads Lard J te ihyat tneBr i t t th aRantery of State for FoMfgn Affairi bat iawed a eircular to AmbateadorfdiatteiAmtfteamt of a poMey

bullthat can h o t ^ m a J t m a ptsaaaali teMagt -naat v gf te t JIIWgtislHWilirraquolaquoaBaMigt and England - - ^ ^ mdash ~ -bull AjtoruaJt-telagraH i t t v t v A ftukiaC breeK etdatsted at ten iaaaataa hat bulltermed -tea iMiugaat Vitiiatiatta Monnt bullPeiloa art sapterfT Matriaiisa The 1laquo-tnrienls are 1alaquoteBsg JMMT jKnitioiri Xhelot t t t on both aldu are heavy- Kjiws af-aoother battle it numtaterily axpteteit ^ L o k o D x a s t hat retched -J IiUfce Hoaw pi jltorttt1ie itatrd that hi t ioiigaaUaa was not an aceoaat bftdemaad tor ifce tahmuir ti0B~btth whole treaty t o - t i t Conjrea ^ r d ^ B t a ^ a s t i e l d ^ t p l a l B e d that Lord

W^-mi^^i^tvi^^mm^S^ff^SL^^amp stfe_i_^_ out TKraquorioplaquorraquooeIved ex-fretidtat^Pnurt

mwraing and had both hit legs cut olaquo b- hit wUt a i d teiTfcSafarday ebattrd^^eo

of toapttossNtnd to badly-hort that hlaquo lived only three-noun dying in great agony ptgtated wat tbea t nfry yaart o i s g s and leaves awife tad family who reside atPort-lanAOhio - -f---_ I - r ^ - ---- T H X north-bonhd-teain oa the Ctvelaadr

Tutearawat Valley and WhetHae Bailiroad when bttweta Matdlloa and FaMony Ohio

-wta Itrnelt by lightning a few daytago Thtjingrnter and-brakemaa raoeivedilight injnriet aaoat -thslmwtand lower limbi batthe pateaqger aaeaped without more -than a terrible ihaltfng u p and a uodden fright bull - bull - bull bull mdash

corridor the Jail at-Mavch Chun Pa on the morning of March 28 forcompircfty in the mlaquoidraquogt of^torgan-PoweUrBrine boiraquoat Samailt Hill on U t evehllrg of March 2

bull1878 Fithax rwat Ante -of -thVmett Influshyential member of the Molty McQuirc Ate-

-Bhrtkm and a more int^lllglaquorit man than mottof hit eompaaiboi - bullbull - -- A aa tntt-tarraquodeelaquogtaraquotraao^aiWirktlaquo-

b^rra Pa df ltgailont wers pretefiTrom all parts oX Luilaquorn County The prootesiOn watlTSnlle long flvt thootand mtn being In lintf- htaring bainert appropriatelyin- icrlbedi Toe raquoWeWattt were- crowded with ipectatora A matt nraquoe^tampn t t t e e

ter laquo4 the AjBtrlcaoApiteger awaitedTQen i raquo - i Ort i t in the hajl of the laquofwlraquotaGuard

htm to_tbVEope who rectiVed ^hlm with every mark of dutinotlau T ~ TflK London Timet Soma correspondent teVegrsph at followi Pope LeosalltKiu- tion deUvirtd^tjh^ ^on i i t t^Tpur^daf giTea the ItalfanlaquoVenera)^atrtftotioni-- the alio lion to theChurchs eapUvlty lii very inlldi Hit Hollnete exprteaet no Intention

tetkuggie-lor the rteovary^af-hltterapor--alitiea- - - ^ TlTB Conwterciafi tondosicorteepondent telegrapht Mjr own InfojmatioB Jtad

matebentvt Mitt Engtand hat retolved UpohTlarmprewaTlike-leteaaarel than^tlitl inert pilling out of reservesand-Hiat lo bulltruotidai lelegrtphecf teAtfmrrBiBfornby1

wilJbefoHowtd very thortly by declaration o^wa^fbyvone^9werorwodtheri ^v

r^x^xfeand i^utBja aie_JLi t u c t att-^ tudrt to w ard each c th cr - la the- n e ighbor-j Hood-of Gppitantipople that eren ifthere


CeatmittioBar f Apdeuitare tad raquo 0 ^ 0 0 of Hhi Forestry Comititstea ptnnt Tat Tariff Bill wat made the tpeciat erusr far A p r i l s bull bull bull bdquo bull bullbull

In ths cWaate Martei 27 a bill wa Introshyduced for aTBaUsajteaaioaa tolndlaai who^ terved i a raquo W a r of raquo81laquo A resolatio wat agreed to te reiamane John Say aad William L KeltfBat for e iptas ta ijt tat eoataattd aaat east sf WUltem PJCsltegg at Senator treat Loulttaaapoundbulllaquolt T asuae ahf lrgttlaquoa iraquo te prevent

AiitM-T-Ia tha rrtnt iatrc-

daettea af eaatagteat-dltttitt ja-tfceeoaa-UT-ThaejQaiiel i i lcsstniiltsi i DssttS(1 FUMSBoslaquonlarto t voteresaUad i a a g s by the Speaker cattng-biaYote agajatt raquo e minority report of Iks eoeamlttes awarding theteattothe EepabUeaa eeatestaat

In tee Beasts mats S the Senate biU teamead an act te provide for the tale sf~a portioa s i the reservatioa sfiba-Ckjafed-erited K-tonrj^awa a w l Foxes of t i e Misteuri tribes of fndUat in tht-Stetet M Kansas and Nebraska wat diajataecTbriefly amtadadraadeatsad Anumber of the

theeiplrtHoiof the moruli dl the FaciScT

Fund bill wat rtaamedr eonrideration was resumed of tat Maateehai

fllnaing In the itouae

bill rsergaaiaiag tha toa-vttw was taken up aad dabatoa at tsaai Bowlaadi sabatiteU)- artesian matter tea vate ajHaii i l tea Cot adapted The^bllipaisod-28 -to M a t rttolaUem far aa

-tatewf-eaalM tattatotej Wy wat -laid over

te gthe flwerti Ajsem-Ja the -Saaatv tea

jotet raiiKtlBa pntviatng for a jo is t eomaiUtee ot tke^tW4 h e t e s t e sx-amine and report upon the adrtethlhty of pai^haaiag addHioaal grtaad sad ersctiag taMttmoaatioas for taa oraralas of pMrite in the tattitettea f bull r the Paaeatioa of the Deaf and vuarb was reported bade aad adapted XV o W e h a e r V Heate bill to relfive-hard ttaate b r j r s a t U f s stay sf ex-eoatiok for two year wat reported b a d aad tedaaaitely -aastaasiaa After aa rmmsaasamuipt-af loeat^ltgitlttltn Milt

- w a t a i a t e t d a ^ t r ^ laquo raquo a a a ^ ( H a j the dehmer tew so property eta be raquoold en SATB hi^C feaef frteaste exscotioo w i t e o s t tabaeqaent eUim aad ieneniea than anylh ias jof the f the widow must Jgtfct_kex adwar frnm the pertuation on the l a c e of the moneyrteeived-oa tale Mr BothibiB to r- bull -r-- - ^

mate 830000 fo tbe repairs of public was taken upf^abjpoundply debated n i l

pOatpoBtd-to n e x t wat i amp Bastetteri blfl amtadiMtke law to as to give widows resident la Oaio mors property

t f e t e n p t from extcutteraquot wet-Jarply-^d^ aad defeated ~~ ^ ~

aette con tatted election eastr iat question being upon ths-Tctoiutieneftheraajority-

_ bull - - a bull r a f theElection CammittetuteclariagDean aitd awomr^aled him ta j^^frff- raquor^- entitled te- the tm^-A t e wji i iakenon

srfatekiMUltsd fa givingJDeaa t o e t e a t b y a v o t e c i l U t t e l U - In tnefiouae Marsh 2^tr Edegt Chair mta-df the Cemtnittee on War Claims re-ported back the bill approprUtin^ 8420000 for the payment of ejafiat retorted allowa-

igtle bythe CcmmrtsiofcrtoXCIainu Pawed -The Bouae went IhurCommlttee of the Whole Mr Beebe in^the chair on- the

SHvate calendar The nrtt billon the calen-i

isnotia clearly-defined-pprpote tomake THOHA8 P F l t K a a Wat banaid inthe^ ^wa^an aeeldent may p r ^ i p f u a hoiiUlltlM

bUityof colfitiona on railroads it now itmsobject of experiment in tteMar aciilat stai ion It conaiatt of an electric mirror in which ail the moven^vntton a-MM 1M kikiaaaaraa in length laquora brought a ^ t j r J M t W i f c - M j f ^ - - bull atetintj matt i viTotoHow exaotfy the pto-ga^tjraquolaquovraquofy-frairaquo By thit Btaaasitfat

aSfM aglcjraped ^ aaaTbaetrttraly avotdwi and arrangements are being

into ) for the general introduction bulltatojMponaat tha new invention

A sTXw IPompeii hit1 teen ditooverecT in Ifcary At tha foot of libuaf Gargaao-a buried town hat been bonaaa befny twenty feet below the aur-

tampte of Uteatv-waa nrtt broanht to Ugit thlaquon a portico com-poaadaf etrluquu without eapital and AaUy a Cecropolk covering nearly toiu ttaaa ThV Italian guvwnmeut Baa tefcan ateaamres to oontteu the excava-tkmt o a large acala aad hat already dtecavarad a mon unseat aractod 1n honor of Paaapey after hiarrietory over the pirates The town it the ancient Sippn-ttda of which Strabo and IJvy tpeakv aaTfcieh waa barted by an earthquake

-JCs C^wsaivlaadford of Tha Duke erf WaBhtrioa NawcaatJlaquoHlaquoTyne boaate of being the largest subject of ltiueen Victoria He wat born only in $BMt and Bteasunte reuad the M laches round tha wmirt 8fi inches and

tbecalf of the leg 85 He weight pounda He waa brought up a

jdnter but oampelied f rem hit ttte to bdquo give up the occupation -Hit apptilitela

nothing extraordinary and he it a VjaejIentfe drinket hut amokea a great

deal to which habit a medical corres-mdashpoodant of the ianort attribute hit having rather irregularaction of the

heart ^frac34 i

spring it wound up with the greatest facility The velocity at which the machine worka It-entlrely at jhe option of the peraon using it andLcjn ba Tg-nSteJ ad libitom and in the aiurplett manner

HUB LOCISK MCLAWJEOIH of tha Cincinnati School of Demgn - after many experiments bat discovered the tacret of- the tamout Xfiaogea faience a racetit French impTovementhi oaramica ad hat been applying ittc thaofatmrm-tattou of pottery at the maaufaatory of P-lW-Ooultor AOor4frthtea^

IM Driving Park was ^nw v r w M

J 6 Smith and many others bull bull I T ii reported that the tlaquohooner^C Breed hat beta lost o f Mauitowoe Wit with-all her-crew She left Chi cage pa the Wd Marco iignt on nex_artVtri p ofTKi season forEtcsusby whsraiiht was intend-ifii toload withgt|aand return- The vessel was owned-by Etgtae-Matalvet of Gl eve-tend whojbelievte the wtnt dowmiaattora Captain William Bogert of Cltvslasd-cote- reanded her but ths ertW mostly belonged inChfealaquoa bull - - - - bull

Jo tavn aaa f e s k Ersttel brothers aged twtatyHtrst wdjtwaaiy-ojwi years reepec-ttvety ware laquoeaatseraCooiil l llaquoTeii u on

B t a levaat was witessssd gt J L S lt leatt ten thoaaaadpaopla Thejrlme wktea brought Joseph aad Teak Bntaal to1 thrgaUowi

correspondent of the Giocttt aaya that the chief difference between this decora-tkmand that of all otherjdnda of i ^ ^ bdquoordtr MLtenigh) of^ovtmber

s^m-^^^p r^raquon^laquo^w _t p f t l i f t e l v e t named ftattell Alltebu^livirig

inthevie is i tyof CookYille -- 8xvxju^hajad(laquod men are employed on

the tenia ia thlaquo permaaeai Waterworka In fjalthuuts County Md tad fttuutuf-

The object oftne Rttttitml IT war thould be declared would be to closethe Dardaaellet bullndcaptarethe fleet inthe Sea of Marmora It i t thought the Banians-would at dace take thefort on the Europeii lde of the

ampait if the ^lglifll ifoDpt at Maltawere embarked The jioirit- o( conta^tlt the vicinityaf Qatllpoli bull-bull- bullr - - iithaBritiah BoatlaquoNgtf Commoht^oa the night ef th2Sthof l a t e S l f o u Qataornt Hardyijooretery of State iorWar replying tovtriouii quetti6Vi7taJitwaaneceraquotary ugt call orff the nrtt^claai of the army reserve nmnbering thirteen Uionraquoraquoad - a n d (he militia reserve which jrttbetwWh twenty flvt tad^renty-tlx thousand Tho Queens

bullcar wa ^ae^LpproraquoriaUag tloOO to pax -thA-BarthoJomtw County Indiaaa Agrl-eulturaXSoafsty for t|)t ate and peeupaUon Of ita Fair Oroanu for military parposts from Stptember 1863 to June 1 8 laquo and

li^muiStamSiSi^^a^ S t t e t ^ ^ a a ^ a a ^ r a a t d brtbV bHltJiKrodulaquodoribullraquobullgtgt Bouae Adjourned till Monday

In thr Senate ApTH-1 tea PaeueSailtoad FuodinjBjU e a m t u p e n d M e w i Beak tad Chriitiauey made strong Sflramtnti in fjtvor sf ths legal power ofthe GVrarnment to enaotmehlegiiUUoa as would protect IheinUrtilroF tee people agtiatt the evishydent bad faith of tee corporations - Secreshytary Sherman wee-before the Banking and Currency Committee- girlng Kit vtewi Tit coiuidtrable Kngth fn regard to reeumption t i e probtbte efleet of the -SilverBif)-ete Thec^nfarenee wj l ib t reeamed eeitThurt-

day In the House Mr ntrttell Introshyduced A Jointrttolutlon wonsstag an bullinendmeat tbjhe ConHitutiSn fdrSiadhog sMumptlou on payment if a claim for lottet growing out ofthedeetnictioa of praperty withia the limlU of the 8u teeengage4 ia rabeBjopT T


meesaga to tfaet effect would braquo pttetated probably Monday Thiraquo wouTd be fallowed by a proclamatioa ealling outtnch bf -the reserve tercet atmight be~ required Mr

out that tills it notaartm^ bodfinent of the militiawhich would not lake place until it was neceiaary to tend the regylari ahroad

A N intelligtut tcrreign correspondent bullwrites It i i tertate that EQgland and Bjiitte htve now reached the mott critical poibtof (heir ^tercourteandthere ia more probability of war than peaceRussia ii making every effort Ultolate England from

- lathe-Seaate Match 2raquo the following bills were -passedt Mr $eedt Hosse bill reducing-road taxei and ths feet of road supervisofs(aboutfortj par cant allaband)^

-MrrOreVnt Hodte hill amending-thfccrimi- aal cede laquo t f te reqaire Prosecuting Atlor

In teeSenate March 2laquo bills were passed To preVsat fraad i t the salt of ferUliten

have a printed aaalysit thereon

doibiwgt all ahe wiatet matg -whatha ate ia (mat

THI hone always ground on Waf onherKEadaM tjireetimteaaiarelaquoa^Hatefam

Iraquo aaJectinfar ~ -

Pult^abevealli of cultivation TWti the girl to such anext off and-married i firatet-gtgrlaquoa be OT servants

liigX iismljlatet V

-yat rata are at pfeaty nowaa i palmtatt 4ayraquo ofth Bes| ^ T n goulo sweat] every cetraquoltwet tbring yerhome fer stiipeJ tliirkiam t ailt t k a r a i i W t i ^ l k U ^ a t t s f l K L mdash S -J^tblaquorainJtn9tbiittb-eat1 _

^wbifdlaquoUa^niawStete]gBiga1 jara pok whan a pfflicwaaa

bjr providing Utatevery package of fertiltetr offered for sale-shall have a prints sf its edinpoaeat parte dispteysd

teeom eel poll te pettcy-tualtl j i U a c i L b i l l s were p s i through as fast as the Clerk eoabtread the titles and call the-roll the -regular i o t a in eaaheate being M y e a t laquo naVt lOBt B y t a l f p i

laquo^ree_thsrt v e r s barely rsesfbers enoai Hit for ths unanimous-vote-to mike the constitutional- majority the rest baring-goae home te remain till Tuesday Mr Ssedmaai Seaate bill authorising the city-pf Toledo td tell tae-ToIKIo and Wood rill e BaUroadwat ^sported f remJhe Committee on BaUroadi read the third lime and passed bull

On March 29 thsSeuete after diiposfnf of a few fortaal metttgesfrom the l i o n s

rued until nee among

Hr Dodos^reshylating to duties of City Auditors and City Treasurers Section 1 makH it unlawful for the City Trteiarei of any city of thlaquo flritelasite purchase frlt5raquoiueh-ciry s + 4 - _ - - - - ^ 1 --(or 3 i i la any manner interested la the purchase or prog te arltlajr from the salsof say bond or bands oTctrtlfieatss at iadsbitdatis bflach oity Section 2 makeail itnrduty of the AuSlter or tncrT cityj-wheri bnnds of the

and the great freedom with which the pigment seems to have been laid on

laid bare the (The proceaa of burning caneea the yarioua tinta to mingle and bWoiHa^

ifielr manner which adds greatly to toftneat and beauty-producing accishydental effceto imfoetibto to obtain -in any other way notwithstanding which tbtre I t IrtiP an appearance of ^heavy impaato preserved aad a loading of the pigmento in the high lights which aavort very much of the work of the beat painters in oil Indeed the coloration resulting irom the giaae it richer than the color of any painter-whatever-

-MMT TriJB-wig-TBe


ongliaT ) of Henry M Stanley the African

wJgtetftr wte gtaee la last expedition mwliaaji raaaitijig to many honors in BaMojfte 0raquo wag bom near Denbigh

Watet in 1laquo40 Hit parentage was Jowiy^uthewjraquolelaquoUBatein receiving

a pretty good education when a mere chUo - At_fiftean he want aa cabin boy

f veeasTbomrtkto New Orleans and there he found a ntftatroo i the mershycantile houM of Henry H Stanler who adopted the lad and eatoweoThfii own name upon him tTufortuoately the merchant died leaving no will tod youBw 8traquolaquoraquotey wat thfearn upon ht owa reaourtea He hat since been knot a by

-bit--adopted name although on occa-


From an i eficial report lately pub-liahed at Copenhagen it- appean that out of a population of aomething leas

IOtiqOdg ho fewer than 16111 su-iddea have occurred during the teat

blasting -rr aecessary for which dynamite i s used A gang laquof men had prepared a blast sear the lake the fuse poo nested wite_ wbib ^tttnv T-rvmttartlT italisd Iu sums

uakaowa way A terriaa exptottou eu-t a s d ^ t h e B A were unable to get out of Its reacht and tome of them were literally blown te pieces Tw6 were killed two metteily wrandsd aad a ftfth atrieaaly injural bull bull - bull bdquo bull

POTTS arrested^ for horie-steallhg broke Jail at i t Yantou Indiana tame weeks ago On the Whet MarohT)epatyMarshal Jones of Mt Vsrssn aad Itepaty Marshal

^VT XT Bromaw o7HaawlWerwi^ arrested Potts in Kentucky below Cincinnati Bat Jones went back te aft Vernon on t i e 10th leaving the prltoaer hand-enssd in charge of Brokaw Both disappeared Hot long ago Brokawi body was found la the river

- - _ - - ^ - - one milt below Mt Varnoa with hit head thirty yaart i n Denmark JB highest-| apdfaee badly arekea i t is lapposed that

ens Davkvbrcwteria lew of Potts overtook them J I B killed Brakaw releasing tea

aad ths two throwing tee bod

traJity o( Aastes aaatary it I raot l iks l thai Engtead eta gel tny otaar ally B+enTurkey it IUtety te be moreJavataaly ditpotsd toward Saatte than toward Engshyland aad I k s amprsad Duke Nicholas it pay-lug freqtieat vampiteto the Saltan aa General -igsstien arrivet- In Con-deta i l ttttttaoplediraetraesjotiationt fora bfaevo-tent nlaquotttrtUty1f not actual alliance wlH bagTUj^ Of coarse thie i i p a f t h e first time jhjjuSBtlU anTKiglajd h j ^ ^ H-r frm involVedTrTwarrasKlyas hereteforsj a-peace- the InvdIVedlBltSTraadris hereteforsj a-peaot-ful tciutlod of dificultiei may yet be found but the present eritii it decidedly worse1

than any of lis predecessors and it Js quite probable that boQ natTontniiyfind warIssi intolerable than oontlnuat uncertainty and-alarm bull bull bull

neye to secure the consent 61 the Court in open court before entering a nolle prosequi ia any criminal case Mr Detnpcjrs House bill Providian that turnpike oOmpaaisa snail be compeneatedwhaa cOmpBpl to reshymove teligates by reason of tee sxteniioa of t h e e laquo r ^ U u J U p f t mMtciptiity^jtr

city aire to b v sold tetake charge laquof tee sale by advertisias the gtame-gtfor aals deshyposit-proceeds of sale with the City Treasshyure and report to GounciUSarticulars gt bullalea^daaountrecerved therefrom Section ampbull maket it the duty of the Treasurer end Auditor to publish menthly^ in-one-or mnrr leadingcewipspsre of theMNty a balance theet of their reapectlvf-asoouats^Fltfi the bityfsjid with a bulltatemebt of the attouutbf woB6ytelaquon In ttrOreatury^aad^o what -partieular fund the tame belongs It shall be the duty of aneh -Treatarer in-hit teonthly-report to statewhstesueh money

J i thai kepi- Section i That any CityAa-dlterorCrtyTreasarervioating the pro-Visions of thU act shall be liable te be Te-moTcd_frnm_afnlaquo in the njaknertrovlded

ifgtfor thV remoral of-oSeersiii thi Munloipal being to removed ahsllbe in-

again fllliuch office Adjourned i n u l Tuesday afternoonT V-^

Stubbed floats bfrl aataariaing the- vacashytion of abandontdtarapiksaadpiank roads aad their tstebUshmtat aseouaty roadt Mr^roxei Seaate bill making it a ptaaten ttery Bffsnss for say sehool teacher have criminal intercourse with one hit pupils although with heK consent A message waa received from the Govshyernor nominating Hon Lyman S Jsckaon

ampbull$poundbullpound bull bull V 0 ^ ^ bull ^ ^ S e n a t o r from Perry CounWto beTruttee s ^ -m s -_raquoraquoiraquoi ~ bull bull- taad^iOTQqjhaajHiimti I tothctr prftent age ind raquoiae KlIaTxIfea bull AIM bull bull raquo bull raquo bull j1deg i a vice Hon Thomas Kwing reijgsed The

norainstioa was-immediatelyaad maul-mousif-osuatmsd A memje-wai a l^re -eeived from the Governor eomteaatng TrattetSj Billi Tftrc jsstrd Jreqniriag-Pireetersof inb-sehool districts to make

legal tid reporttteteetewmAiBprwteriMag ^^ ^ ruuAoli-waei-riaoe proceedings bybullmarteriaT men labor- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Z

en and lub-contractors to forestall pay stractcr provid

lag mdashagatest mdashthe -importation -of-cattle

him the other day V - ^ - - J a w r raquo

-v lUutlU^iesnssttrsst- bull 1 iEutlbe^ce raquo pound i Wring worj

bull--bullmdash_-_ AeAtesrsetsjsx^ -- - - - -^aknstHteo^tteiteteitt-lkssT^

VpoaJtHBSRwlr - - Trust wntBtte taat tea what eaeaai

_^_^tesrtlesraquow -_ bullgtbdquo A MAS wb^i0wa^rma^up|teraquotraquoiA^--

jack awayt hangs hte aaaw on one particular pafjand la^a Ut leemi I on thefback raquof a chair on going te bad bull it not a mjttwho wJHput in tu-hcta^ aday uhleai watched bull

BOB IjfGaasou aaked a bull preacher Whether the fatted calf waa mate oeuro-M bull V male- M Ecmak^ course rtipited aW

^preaeKet fori am now ttu^a t tUate^ male which wta jjontideraw aa exotkT^v lentaell on the wicked Bob-V -

A 4ltiRtaTKU did a weddiDg ceretaoay up bullbrown the other day w4ea aa ltbullbullbull married Kr David U Brownraquobrown- haired man clotbaddh brown suiting to bull Jiiaa ^Mina ie Frown a brown apad ^^ -

arden likewtes dreaeed in brow - rJoBirBrerhave- more fight in

tiBtnaoytning of i their Nie but tstera ia traquo method in thcir~madaeta they wttV pitcli-into^t meeting house when they are furious jiist at anxiously at -thay will into a sleeping babjrin itt cratiVe ^ A SALooj-xxxpea havtng atertatibull

tn a building where truaka haaV ade asked a friend what ha hast

Queer fete Barely sajs the Boston Herald does

una hpitv nf a ladys attaching herself to such strange pete as the-writer saw at Mrs Uncolnt No 64-Howard-street a few dayt agd LivrBgfn the family

m^mAkms^^mi ^cent5^1^^835frac34frac34 ^ ^ Lincoln They are African lions a apeciet not easily reared in this country but Mrs Lincoln has succeeded by the exercise of great care in rearing them

T h e male

ment to the principal contractor provid agajnit mdashthe -importation -of-cattle

UttJwilh ttii Trtas fraquotsgt tTnanrtiutf

lumber wat reached in 18717 when 80S persons eoampuaitted tuicida being about forty-eight out of eTerjr 1000laquoJahaifc ^^^bullSuf^

mdash into tee river taate The paaaaate teem more given to the crime than the inhabitants of the tpwna and those guilty of it areltener-ally people about fifty yaart of ago About one-fifth of the number are woshymen mostly unmarried while the ntlm-berjgtf_malaquoied_fflejiWkpound it greater than that of the bachelors

The months of April May and June are the mott fatal- nearly half the numshyber of tuicidet beiugjcouuuitted during these three months The favorite mode of telMettructlon apnearatohe hanging especially among the men in whose caae about eighty-three per centum of all the Ntfefolee were effected in that way Among women about ttrtj- j-rj iwhim mdash of the-suicides are bydrowning Poit-oningandthe death by fire-armi are very rare barely tome four or five per centum Drunkenneat it yearly two fifths af the suicide considered to have baan ihsj cause It may be worth re- marking that aukidet among sailort and

are jaeajly unknown

again reached Sewfoaatdland and a tec-- -Garried aad debate resumed Mr Sawyer oud telegraph wire w t i t e d the two con - bull bull bull bull -tinente

THI vicinity ofXeuisville Ky^ftas addsd oaa of thVmoet naadisk erimat yet chroni-otedon Keateckyi black list of dark deede ^ a a y b r s a k raeeatly persoas wiidlng around t o s t Itlaad ia what are known at the Wet Woods dlsoavtrad the

at t lag aabiai Lying ra-safoovaer wart tta^eauTassWmi

rtldtuUflatlat Mr aad -Mrs Maarow^ijm old maa and womaa etch nearly sixty yeariaf age So tigrii of the heads of the victim could be found by either gentleman Near the house however a tptde wat found ratting agtiatt a rail fence and upon It freah dirt giving evidence tht^it had-been uiedvery recently No hears ware found however


jUrappttat few a Last Cable --- -- bull ~ fat Wefcotai]

The Great Baaatrn was fitted out with apparatus which may be likened to an enormous fishing-hook and line and wat tent to the spot where the treasure had been lost The line wat of hemp interwoven wrth wire Twice the cable wat eeiaed and brought almost to the surface Twice it slipped from the disappointed fishermen tmt the third timeitwaeeecured It was then united with the cable on board which was paid out until the great iteamer

general incorporation law by in clndiag -library- aad art attoelatibets aad societies- for detectingeriminala In the House Mr Williamsoil (eave offered a reaolnfion which was adopted rtraquo chins that charges have been made againat the -charaettr of a s officer of the House (J V DeLong Engrossing Clerk) aad-prerid-fag-fortes appoiBttaantr-ef a committee of three te investigate the charge and report to the BToats for action The Cbajr an--nounced as the committee provided for by

weighs about two hundred and fifty pounda and the featale perhaps fifty pounda lata Key- have been at ihie honte on gowaftt-Jvaet teawiast Sep- - _-temtberjiod until within a-umtun-near^J ^^yraquo hadtbe rnb of-wgtc_alace goinj about th^roomtf^wrthcoplaquouerabilaquo freedom As a measure of caution the police ipoundougblt4he ^creatures -should -be_ re-itrtinsd aad their _ quartart are now

better Wjritii the- old aign TritteSf Tactory^ Oh-4taidtheJ3end Jttet chang the T tea poundgt anJ it vHi soft ye

^ a c t i y j - - bullbullbulllt -_Lbull--bull

P W e V t e w Voud a D e a ^ M ^ w a a t and a great deal more taucy^When you have bought one fine thing you mutt buy toil more that your appearance may Car all- of a p i e c e but i t j e easier tp supshypress the j r t t - desire than to tutisTyaU that fo l law i t A CJUHEV6YAHT told a woman fn Mankalb Minn who bad lost a far ctpe that the had dreamed fhat a aeich-hor a reipectabre woman had atefonIt bull The loaeifi aet iar eigt the dreatiii t r t mdash s ) the neighbor of the theft bat nothing wat j tujued up except a Jb|rturt

A k e i c h a n g e h w thit startling pteea of fnlenjgence Noth ing will Its wotm thia spring b y ^ t h e bull fair_ tea except

bull bull gt

t ume thi s at tract ve though pictoreecue costume will notbacoate Tageuntil tbewarm-weatiteraetaia

A CHICAGO tewing-machine girl to Colorattoa fewL years ago and mtrrirtf a man who hat since died leaving her

Mi fortune of $800060 andSOOOft heme of catue andyet nodottbt mtuayaaw-- fng-tBacfrhie giris Wilj reteain airtritt---^ thfl tHifllfiY ti^v Ut1 marry metv msgt ltmdashgtS

are afl

TBlOrtmU Duraquoe Nichtlsa iliued with the Saltan on March t In Cormrantinople

A CoaWAirtiaonJr^apecitl aaya it ia thonght Sefvtt Pataa will te wtthOraw her sttat_Bumte aad a e aowb lliea bull Aa stplWi

The scene on Board at theblack line wattwwaa- exciting beshy

yond description It waa first taken to the testing-room and a signal intended for Vaienfia waa tent ovir it to prove Whether or notit was perfect throughshyout itt whole length If it had proved to be imperfect all the tabor spent upon it would have been kmt-The electri-eiaaa waited braathletaly-for-aa answer^ The clerk hi the signal-house at Valentin watT drowsy when-thetf-antwer came-and disbalraved hit ears Many disinshyterested people and even tome of the promoter of the cable did not think it possible to recover a wire that had sunk in thouaandt of fathomt of water But the clerk in the little station connected with the thore-end of the cable of 1865 suddenly found himself in communicashytion with a vessel wtuated TTfthemfddler of the Atlantic The delay aggravated the anxious watchers on the ship and a second (Signal waa sent How astonshyished thSt tiavplc-minded Irish teleshygraph operator wat F i r e minute paused and then Hie antwer came -The

efaief electrician gave a loud cheer which was repeated by every laquo a n on fapardj l o a n thccapteinckn to bit ear-

-Mrancvu iw wf cvmn^iwa iwuvmwt tut uj _ _r tee-rtsoluaon Mesars WiUiamt Ball and Quinby - Mr Stxtroa House bill suthoris-ing the levy of a speeialtex in Hamiltetf County to open and oomptete QltnwayAvt-

~alaquoe rawed Mr Bsedt Hoats bill sppro-priatiag 12000 for survey aad correct estate

upon them the animala -were accusshytomed to walk into the kitchen or parlor among guests and to go back to their quarters without offering harm to any one A year ago the lioneae used toixs-cbpy the time couch with the lady at foment af the DcrBi

and- Penntylvaaia- wat passed Pcnnivl- i -rr T-^ mdash-raquomdash ----1 mdash vania has Just laquomgtropjtetedW000 for the Tdght but now the haa grown full Jarge

Mr Ctrnentera Houte bill to be taken upon jt^comnnm bedstead m a x purpose setting toe pay of Township Attetaon i t two dollar per day waa passed Mr Thorp moved torecoaaider the vote o l teeCindanetiSoatoeruBailroed ratolatioa

The animals are quite a curiosity sad in- their gentleness show plainly how potent in tie-law oLWndnett even with the brute creation - - -

intrsdueed a Joint retolatiea calUsg for in-forsaatioB w h e n any part of the public works of the State are-ft-usraquo-by any raff road laquoontpattyralaquo44f-to-bywlMkttlaquoteorityr aad whtt legfttetion ia neeestary- The rules were tutptnded and the retolutioo adoptedmdashbut one dittehting vote Mr Potters bill authoriticgthe Board of Kda-cation of Cleveland to levy a apeoial tax for a library passed Mr-Clough introduced a bill authofUing the city otHamilton te iaaue bonds aad borrow money to construct

Works -Mr Bjerrickli general bill Water fw-iteeif-- satw-

-iraquo ^----

to allowevery by popular vote on hath was passed ~-~ bullbull

fa the Senate March 27 after second reading ofthe bills-and other routine busshyiness tee following bills were read the third t ine aad passed Mr Forrettt Senate bill providing for ths-aunaal examination of alt life intsrance companies by the Superinshytendent oMnsuraace tnd forbiddldg suck companies from investing their capital in railroad stocka Mr StabbV House bill to

compel owners of hedge fences along highshyways te keep them trimmed within limits of s i i fee tb i fV and six feet wide Mr WU-sens Sentte-hill teenring te policy hoidstr who hare paid three years prrrninnis in life insnrance companies the equitable surrenshyder value of their polioles until such time as the net death losses ahsil exhauttteverty five per cent of the retenre aecnmultted at the date of diicoritinuaoee and thereby eoatteaiag the policy until the holders equitable- in urest i t - e t htu ated A1 s o - a aumber of local bUlt MrStxtrot House

more limited than formerly although they have a safe out-door run and a room adjoining the kHchenirith only a ttroug wire door asperating the apart-RMffWr^ at iVi 1XHCOTH iM M If cent6 Will i liVT pete aa ladies are with their poodle aba play with them feeds them from her hands and has taught them various tricks They win kite her at her bidshyding jump through a hoop etc Be-if lump

elaquoUte pcJ ice reetrictiont were placed

He Capaered _jBmttltl Tree Freas1

The other day when the Silver Bill passed the Senate a citizen who wanted a- glaaa of beer entered a saloon on Randolph-street threw downa half dollar and aaked

Heard about the passage of the Silshyver Bill bull bull bull

Not vhraquot I knows offwaa the calm

-gt-WeHi it hat patted and that half-dollar it now worth fifty-five cen ta The saloonist looked hard at the

money made change very slowly and asked

You heard about de baatage of dot copper pill eh V

Sol What bill tttiatr^- It voth a pill vast aaya dot all der

coppers in der pountry are wort dree cento apiece1

He hanfled out three tens a nickel and five penniet counting each penny three and returning according to thi count -fifty cen te The--drinker thnrly scraped tie money off HSf counshyter coughed and tried te astute tnd aa he slowly sauntered out he teat heard mntttriag WjtWt bull tWt1-H BiHran movement bullwoVliL-conttajtc to progjesu

ill live till the crowded and never own dnnaHBreskfdil Tabte XMU wkfc I ware laquo tfiii tea -- - bull aoata - -

swum tawic at iwsr-aalu tMttH tbe ttrsaaft

1 wsoM pot raquo j Ita tall down aaa pataa aaj Omj - bull bulloata^ Aad ifotj mj Ugy Ule awajr In

i lnmdash

jiudlaaskj ( -And too Hay wUa 1 laquoantgt aaiala aaetr bull

neat- bull -

Asd-Uaotnoae cute and ahetsHataa wa^taia -bull I could bat die -

JVrta mj Uuy 1WraquoJraquo tiny we telaquosaat at UMtrbeaL -OtAs-jnaastei

A unpleaaant way of pattiog tiH tiling was innocently adopted by tint Sew York car-driver who liltatfally ignorant that his interlocutor waa Mr Beechec replteel to thus geitletaaait query whether be did sat thhtk it potat ble to dispenae with mrtniTigtirrirtrt aB day on Sunday Yea nr Id bat theres no- hope for it to long at tfcejy keep that Beecber theater open la Broett-

Jyn the laquoan have te run te modate that

A_Wawna3t tanner befng aaU a yoke-of-oxen to paiy D teid1hlm---hlaquojraquoaUi not JaefrtwttVi

-nger Why said aTaaan f stay aad take tome of your eeaai ki i of money But what tiuW I em said the fanner whan any aanvamw-oxen are all goaaf Why felaquo then work for me and get smiaa

A aPscrAt to the Sashvfite -from Hnntinrkw rtttoe flat-JBi daughter oi Eaquira EUiab that place ahot h a r t e l f t t i heart with a rflte applying ktt the hammer

mdash bull laquo mdash bull - bull j- _r Igt yeu hare a fast boy and want to

keep him at home put a ten-aia jdley and twokegt of htger in the cuter awsl tell the other boys to ootae round __

IT takes a great many bricks te baikl a house but the more a aMaearree Jai his hat the teat he w raquo laid k l t e a j i a-growing (

i e gt laquo mdash mdash bull -THK asln to jiaragraptie llaquo6ea 1

orphan aafqami to Vuart a wtJa he dodges- the terrible aaath

~ - ^ y FTy bull arm - bullamp twt m tW e^fa^a^a^^^^^ _ _ tjllg^aa JVb^^gt^

Inovrn to pay- OM oraquoraquo ^Tf

^^bull^^^atVie-t^vj-- gi^


Vpoundraquoi8secti^pound^^ -ampampampMOampttit-iamp6gamp-


JrlaquoJStng w-tr

vampUHp -g^rT

twKYlaquoj l t _ ilaquo i wjS t^irefieive [ in- xetttewivftrtiiiwl w4wJLdu [etrda He hsect never heard from

l i i mlttnampcuctoi Jl Blt3jLujtiampd j-Thii roan like all the rest of the f aheap oard publishery who offer

0etnmUU MIh Agt-WRampKON fbtaajt

ltrlaquorBonigeP8lffn|laquooraquoi OiMJcaftwra Blocks -Offiea Udunto

J i a k c J l ^ i ^ H i i l bull

bullv wii-~- laquo~tagt9

mdash881^ M^ortty bdquobdquobull 34

Wtfl bullbull bull -J ^^iiulP 0laquomraquolaquo_^raquo^laquo^ 418- ^S^aL- ffOylyraquol ew Jmdashbulllaquo+bulllaquoraquolaquoraquolaquo WSJ bull ampJASampfraquoJtZ BttttlMiuitgt raquoeraquo -1^^^^106frac34

trniMou 1 _ Miwttr-

ampamppound W i l l i mdash OBtrade wJSM KU 7araquo

ee raquolaquolaquogtbull 403

bullm -3tolaquo^aAtradeWCKT^~^r WMMlJMKltB -bull

Jplusmn BJohnon ^ 1 frac34 1 ^ G g Zdaauhwart

ndgemdash ~-^---^ __bull John R13ellraquore-

CwsiatadoBM- bull S- bull 5^=- - ~ Wllaquolaquorlaquofiyton y a ajrajd aot learn

- UM Bradcratid so mln tbimifoflUWior

3EE jeraquoraquoi tirjMii p

Jbllowing are the officer -ifceted-fortha toiwsampip- bull+mdashrgt-

JvlJSjafteeBmdash- V bull _ v T

v M V bull l ^ Wdeg Wgtn ltbullbullraquo 5frac34frac34^frac34 j AoTuon mdash

^TtwlraquopSraquoaffo-fmsss tb eitttSsraf bull yueeMBdvScloityi Frtaa bull gt-

B R I ^ L D CAKES amp PIES - -bull_ OEpBry-motnlot ^--^-

alaquo-Wjti-brCpidILoncamprttlVhoaw- -1

bull ^ _ bull ixrtfo k i ^ pf^iojjorjeTd

ekryen-gtW^ Dyorv -iii_-_A ttBtraquo-Jr F Nyo -T bullAaawtjor ij-- Jgt -AJtekartdiMv -gt

IWoilt^-B^ gv^MgwtafiV

bullraquo bull laquo raquo gt bull

tmampLjMiagaii of Portland a t^itfy of jiiiiiet^wo vtwriii nsjl i ic

^tijraeeibf a^ copper witton whiok bull^wjtth^nrout of tfie eamprth of V gar-[bullflwi-iri KonmtbHui and^hid) Was amp once on theovfcropagt presented by ^I^grfiMtp^WashihetoB rOn i t ^ta^ctaKrJBUom bull -joBjg HWJiUue ltPr^dentijjiiiiu_tlie center it re

^Wfeeletttrraquo bull-copy W-- Hie-oncient^ iamp^j^adynieWpcr- h exiib go6(f Heiiri ng ^ frac34 jam gltioa latejlec^ S u ietiTeingt

jSeri jraquoVayn( abpdtttie great elni 1frac34 gt on BagtOD Common wlteQ^hat en-Svetainie was only prtsttirs ior-eowa

jpraquoj nd-sbef reniiembefs- iaoveftwr fe^t^nwgtokJa-deatb and his lyhitt m


JP ^^ riuAiawas thrown into a 1iigh S -M-Trtkte ot excite^nint-lost^ffeelt- eurojr

0^ilic^usbciisf^n pf-itwocent ^ tlfe t^ree ^ ^ ifiiwk8 doing buslaess laquoit that place ^yi-4rijlaquo-Citilaquolaquoi8 bank suppfhsion of bullbullf -- Monday -was close^^icliowed by

Wgt-gttHtt ot thraquoHnacoT^i ^hjch closed pound$ ^afa doors on V^ednes3ay bveavig Rgt^-rThe-^uapention -of tKesfihmlcg bull has thrown th8-_Avbftle -couuty-iii

i tarrible alarnvajwi it yjH bea ^^ l l t f icun-matter to -get-- faVroen tlt5

luch extraordinary inducemelaquotJ tr IHIWrara - I h $ 0 rda na T GX

---Ki^^ alonewithout tba jrlntlMoi the name- would cost

0000frac34frac34frac34 Sonjny-pmon wjth

faod cotomonjudgerttlaquo4itltight to-Upir thai they could not- afford to

pv poaage do tbraquo priuting and

Jacking audaendtham at iuujh a jetan^o tot -20 ccnts^ -Hadrtni

young nqjao patronized hia iraquoonw bullffice heeoulii liaVe^got nfa cards at any lime aiid as copyh^) - as we cAn posViilypTinttheru


laquonlaquoraquograquo in PlaquortGsollaquorraquo

bBraquolnelaquolaquo you ltJraquoa IStoW 9laquo - day

aoilaamplw worth is trie Ad dxan Sttoaog- 4 Co- PortUn3 Mat a Bill

I bullbulln ntaka monny rlaquotlaquor at wprk for iUtbanat ^oythiBf ejM Capital QOtreailad Wraquo will-atatt yon bull-|ljLaayraquouTlaquo at home mad by tba

ilaquoduairisnraquoi--llaquo-laquoiigt WOBSO boya and gtrnr wantad laquoraquoerywgtTft tty work-fcirnai -Sow Uyour raquomraquoiCoaty oatgt and Mrmt fMi ASdJapaTitae ~OS^Polaquo laadauiaa ~- -bull-bull- --mdash

^BAN^Ep^B^mH^ -^araquorpoundrg5Sidiaaaa^l5Jgtr---

l i n prepared to do Ilbujlaquof4logtinraquo nSJUllaquo-inraquo on Vbort laquoolico Igtrlaquo-i4t4hlaquo tsoli neon-

^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ i amp a i a bdquo ----^^ bull - -yorertOhlo

(^ire JKlaquo-O- tot


5 ^ 0 ^ 1 frac34 frac34 frac34 rei-wyrKii^JFrr rr-K-KEPS A FULL^xbdKOP ^---- COFFIBEr SWIffij S |rcy^$q^jdigt - --igt ^c^^b^^^v--^ bull mdash^A-ud^iUMpt be-beat ni-^mdash

Q ^ L I ^ f K l C E




ltgSnbscrlbe for vour bpme jAger

Jsectlaquo^iigtaL-inon-ey in tliejp-^hesfld _ ^ a y feauma bullbull ^wiholpinj to^ralTdjip -our oire

^jX bull- -A new-patent Excjehriorgaa- ma ^Sgbino placedin the Rowjey-Etobae



noffa of the neighborhoodsmdash- L^

^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ 8 ^ 4 6 ^ ^ ^ 1 7 ^ ) ^ 1 ^ a$oaffogthead and neck^ Jer

Bawfe^ the owner qf the ing aa aljgbtly burned on

the face nd hands The office 1frac34frac34frac34 bullwarconsfderably damaged


A BIbodcurdling- sicjcehihg _raquogedygt occurred at half-pastsix oskek on^Moffday evening -at

umbnsr- An old inan riamed-v(Jlaquoorga Wiemarr between eixt

J^jnd jsevenny years of agerahot and J-inatantly killed hi son and after- ^bullrarda blew his own brains oat -ffiy - -bull_ laquo ltraquolaquolaquo

v-i The Coshocton Conrity Agrienl-igjgi Society offars a premium of

jfilaquo ~thV greatest number of i killed by one person f7-f6r

ilrt Moandyyl ffirllffl-thlTdn 83 K for the fifth

p t ^ ^ I b r e e paitons liying in l i e par-^i^iSofAsaumption Ltfusiana have

^^HR)adn ri ng th a wait-year 9000 ri^sared the oil ajid sold

-forgt^eventy-fiVe cents

_ _ TThere is no truth inf the rumor bull^Ij^bat any of the parties to theBeech-frac34gtrr-Tilton scandal Intenrl torevivc

|poundlaquoS4ampe-raquolaquotTory controrfiTpy - bull - 7-- - raquo i ^ j -

Bohef t McJampgm^^Anvk W y c iatier man aiffi^ayor of Warft-1 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 fit bullWamprr^r-y^^^

llaquofcgtlaquo bullbull 2fo-xipjpMKfr of elfiidren in the Soldiers ptometft Xenia llaquolaquot-vceli

JTTCT 6Q4lt -

and-get the newspf yaxii oftnlb-^

calityX BysendirfginTi uaTncyon

latlon We cannot give a ohiQma

with the paper but eart-^ive ibe-



Its lalreaaclton and WarW-reoowsed rspataUsa wss tha asatt-Maw to hlaa-PTrolaquotfjB|ok[ingt bull bull _ bull bull bull


known antf PBltltigtoelaquolMl 1MI mtny jl the bulllaquobull called SriUrttiiMtKlnHwtiicfc-ere oftrta M etiei IMWlaquo-laquoraquoTraquo i t laquoraquolaquobull tltir Mraquot M M laquo raquoMtttlaquo4 (Uraquof ((Uken^tM from etatejmdash bullflrt wlaquol in M6elaquoiW raquoraquot oeon ttio raquou raquoMtttlaquo4 laquoWf ltUkltn tlaquoK fjom^tjmjrt

CA$TOClCT(FNr XTOTAltY fUBLIC Conveyancer i gt and Collector ofUttjms^^- -bull--

bullro tae raquogtHraquoraquoHiirfltafPraquontiJiu Wd

ayOtFiln nfi)taltlaquoTOM-tgolaquolaquo8jgtaa-jfa -

3Dr G J Garter


^ i ^ c ^ pound f a i R i ^

T^^Mefey^MllSrWMte Cori^^atersp raaexrj^l KTPIITG coRis p^pWR

PljQWS-r-inipejW Hed laeke^Ballj Siufth- and SovthJfcnd

JfJM MAilVkoJit) V-

f ynySaute-yorth Ea So iOi tF -^nkT laquorrraquoraquolaquoJraquoBlaquo^traquoktjf raquogtlaquot ^ raquo T |raquotT

TKf^t p-M-fceu c tiraquoluraquo da)y txargtt -gtM4alaquo^i bull raquo h raquo U raquo w raquo bull bull --

JMgtRfH ROUXD bull ieate-- Mnlf Braquo Tlaquoe4o Klaquo fta

iilumbae^ iv uelaquoa 6 W^w Utilaquojtr A f i i raquo raquo t bdquo - bull __ UlaquoU4re 10 M 8 18 i t

lnifjaritfMj-u i t bullbulllaquoraquo 1 raquo mdash iMiriin- i l 41 7aTmdashltlaquosectbullbull

^ ^


ffteo ovMKollor Dry (3oolthraquotolaquo wtrrnu-totl

HI v lid

All work 1-Iy


i K W i l l i R m s With IXvfcnlzmMiJtftlitoo Ohio will bet-

art laquolaquoiaiiraquoUlraquoOflloB- iorett QMonnt laquonlt ftigtd Mqnraquoraquoraquoy bulltrntluuedty-Qf elaquoli month bull SATTSRHOTIO^ QVABAmBBD



bullbullr^iaampcUdn aoarantelaquo4- v-17JSf TORKST e^

^bullRtTSSE^la f fe lOE

amp6rnejt fit i t i w TAND raquo 0 1 A R Y P U B L I C -All bSlaquotdraquolaquooiitniraquotlaquod to him gtin reeyire

iomtlaquottlaquonlaquolaquorTraquoHraquorOaraquoraquoW araquolljr laquo4Uot-JedwtilJ^edJtPontrKiU^ic oirefwUy JJiiAil ContrjMU Afc oirefwlly 6rraquow laquolaquoraquoraquoiB KffraquotTi-rtgtiBlnTraquotlaquor-Ariy SUtlaquor

bullrill laquo4raquo reetlire prnart u i InottdUt nbull tloa bull -JX bull mdash- - bull HrOm- -


WRHf Jhuffgigt__an^Phatmamgti -

No 2 0ltW eUow^ BloektoreuOWil JSPtiyslctans prescriigtttona carefully ixmnoinrdeU by1 apaTSoh ot- 17jeara

^experir nee 4amp-

gpoundregmgt 1H SHjgV

ni7W~UTrV Ppectiwlf a ipeclslly raquomdashraquo B S T i i i j done proinpiry ialllncriDmeHofet-

tin Beptlr Store 4raquo


- PZAtER^lmdash

Fi 1 ^ G^opBtie^ --bullIr -Trampif ^SlaquoCilaquokF4|d or Hlderaquo raquoraquod Produce J ^Ama-St bullForeeijOMdP-^


^ bull s - m

W^--^J toREsiTraquoflffiOr

ZimmvwHttHampBejrlieii _^- - -o-Proprietors bullbull-bullbull bulljfeCrolaquoJ VKiss^nHtaitiy nnhauU

agi^fagapualky- - feyii frac34^ ffeeki-Charges alwaygrealaquooBable

J W Y O T J N G r i i

ContratAb^^Juirder _^-FOTBST OHIO bull

Is- prepared to make bids on Bnlld-bull0 Frame or Briok Storre Dwelilbgn-gtr-Public Edlftoee and furnUa7-pfaiiraquo

raquoad iniiruotipu tor tampe same If you ereuolDg to-builltJ do not tail to let him Bevt raquo ctiraquonfraquotubd tin the work

^affnjrdere left aty^jTSyte Orecery writ tie prornptiyraquoilaquoir6gtd to--JUraquoo


bull P I A W ANP QRraquoAMENTAi T^^Kefmenoe gt Odd Fellow Bitfok

FdreraquovOblo __bullmdash - 29a8


I have for sale over TOO farms rangshying from 20 to 200 acres oaclitrt Harflin Wynndotiind Hancock Countlelaquo CUIQ nud JljirsUulland Stark CQUntles Indi-ano to be adld at bargains 1

If you wanttlaquoMy or raquoell any Wild of property cnll on or address

Cr-A ST6QKT0Nbullbullbullbdquo-bull v Real JiUta Agent -

- raquobull lioroal7Oi SffirPee ocr Hat of Farriis for solOi

^ I s ^ u S a ^ J a a f a ^ ^ H ^ a u u raquo_L K I T H Q T ^ K B D


f^Amd[of horse epizootic^ is i^Jgt^5f-laquoft Morrow couuty


liintMlaquo6U women vote on^ i^jonal qoesllons

1 fiF BrotfftB rrqit pretcrtpuon lor ispiitpfy (liarthjj tiuwUclaquoi (eiteii it) IIVM I00laquo)-cigttilt wttk-

ItCOSTS KOBE TO ftHHUMiTtllit THAU 00frac34 bull IWIUTraquoI hrameUeBjrhiimHid tonelie EITHER Of TH6 F0aESraquoID HHCHINSS the lti|rrellaquolaquoitraquo ktfnwnttt laquo11 laquonHererraquogtAree of

^^^^^^v^^Hmh^miU^ ^ - bullbullM

HS^eftXMAriSHlrns UNSURPASiEO mdash~-T3oiletEtt7aB7 other befor0r7 lng tH8 WHITS


bullraquo - J


gt ^ 5 5 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 frac34 [cOALtpoundl^SEEDmd UAjdkfNE OZLSr --bull bull bull--bull-jj EvSrylhingsottatBoTJofu PricesJM- bull-bull-bull

^WftampHkSOU Fiireet Oblo^AwllSf Wt-ia1


Thaundereigned hflve so-nutiiy 8 0 0 1 8 ^ 8 1 frac34 ) ] frac34 ^ such WtfrMely lpgtw pneei that tbeyaxs olmostdeprive^ ot rest 6nac^uivt~ttierjof --


Joys CaTTBbots -Mena Calf ltd _Sp^ 3ocrts bull -v

~ r ^iow^ ^ 0 1 ^ Q N ^ Q C p g

Atttaje^^ V4T

Dl^yenG STOliEi

-tlanriausinMAUIty-kare raquoraquouit of raquoilaquoifot vitdllw ft tiio iylaquotoio TTio poirerfulliflaquo(r]nlaquolaquo pnBtrtle ettke JfraquoTiwt- OmqnamolrXmHy mtiiu i ^ ~ bull- - --mdashgt raquobull mdash



fogs Boofe ex Oflsr faints ^alaquod Varnishes^ JirO^ t S ^THB aSSOB TO ^

r BU v DRU as en EAR


^I-OTBTTI^Gr CLlt^imi^ro^-A gpadsiiitpf C|othesfor-ig^^^

i i^iife GotLiRSARra tiiii TOlaquo Torn REST hdsm-mnjip


JK^Bi^ampS0N fSSSft


Asthma Nervou DobiHty

CONSUMPXIOIbK X or4cteftet a enre of bullraquoitlaquolaquolaquoraquo ofpraquola-rgl raquo04 4ntraquon)M nUnlaquo it i daoraquon rraquoW bullraquolaquoraquolaquoorclaquo itt^rtBiai^ nuieiMHMU _raquo - mdash _ the rraquolaquoawbraquo CeuajaptlM be beee M Ulaquo delaquo

noMlceted raquoa iBrtriMe aBletKm wave B r fee


Ulgtlaquoimdulaquoicy Lgtrey ^ FTftrerie bdquo pMubSi vi tiebull TVgtlKlybullbull

12-33001-lNH mdash 1 47 2 W-v

bull 9iai bull

8 tomdash--HV 8S4 S 16 raquo 18 T lraquo 10 laquo raquo raquo

iu 4raquo raquom

1040am tlSpattaaUsa

iMnejeujrt ffi

bull t laquo ( i r e i bull bull Tuiruuv^ AnIra ai PMiibMrtil U raquo FltMtraquor)H i raquotay-i1^laquo

bullU^ raquoraquoraquoltnjlaquoky vtraquorioDbdquogt Hio4gteet Uallaquovrraquore

Xjit iuibue

12 i Spa iasrr -i raquo

bull I t f - raquo bull bull

2 46 B4Q

818 raquo 4 laquo

JIW - bull raquo raquo

T9laquoT 10 3laquo


VM l raquo r 8 40 4 88 raquoW 8 14

88raquo ^bullbull

ntraquol motkwwr draquoy bull -gtfleu C i craquonjlaquogtHgte

M oil t bull raquo laquo TMt Bttlttb

raquoiraquolaquoHo)i raquomj rlaquoQlraquottolaquo tklaquo beveli u w e l bull traquoFlaquoie

u v i mdash fi^onel^ninr^loVOawTrTinaiflioi^uliie

rtdiam CTraquo)-tPlttfmdashmdashe^r-C1mdashilaquogt|ieiilaquo Mdltwill earen the raquonraquoriraquoi that bare teetr rfae la went ar tfoper dllaquoeherilt from Hke M n k

UooeUwtlrlwepUoaaMa Re

tin W e l l e mdash t - - nfaerof wHAk

laquolhnr4iUM en rooted iroaraquo theirelnecheU wlonel Qonanaptlop Ouiebullwill io e Uort Use

laquorraquod]atlaquolt^raquotftVtfmdashmdashraquo ^1--niraquoiegtiiei ^ j j bdquo mdash - - _ -116 JB ftmalriihouU coauVnUVkiep Jtcraquoee4

SlSleiU - - - - - -raquolnrelnraquoltl ntl-aTa laquopeoielly subjeoud

Tl)ertlaquorlieTialtrboniDgtraquo(aireateT etUatioBel diwuo inH reaitim ooaMll

etDJoi^r- core tini If tiot raquorrraquote4 bullcra-terttineteetn fetel Coamm

HnletuiirtnSuenie will prevent uwell U e lOftke aelnfel nod pr-wtratiH eitaeagtgtt0shiati

Sotpenkintl-aTa laquopeoiAlly subjooud bulltSrrngtraquofWhraquoTllraquobotradeaMCraquoroeU1JeoeiiY

mioirttoe mdashbdquo ^mdash_ rraquoioHMt_koiiraquox 4laquol9_L 4^ueifcbnnaBently oUnnlaquo the (tiaeateteiuweret Men It b e certeln eodiefe Ceun Tteatif

is CraquoGJlaquo4 br residioiu-Alrreiaelaus i poKieiortkeairtolnled |Me-ue

S u5T oipclled aDrttjjwviqlM Uwraquo egt potwnouj eeaiimrthefmaeui

ia the lai ltiiipound4 i i - - _ - r mdash _ - mdash mdash - oonraquoelt potiooout eeaiimrthefmaetiea laquof tfci UiWe ropy mueoMiiibneiieeiirtkh-w-eo IWMkMtttfthswthniiUTViejpel The Qrt KSrraquofiVCltpoundilniEUan SariiUrteMreefthea the mtusl ef (elaquo teecer therein eereyeeetiT uprfMtbc^di|ffnc-a A ecrfeot-AathtDe-Bealt

Through Ooache between Qatrott u d Onlumbui on toih expreea gtrraquogtraquoe

Ciyeeocaraquolaquolaquotoiri uilaquode^t CuJowboa lltt eUpdloUeimtb at well e as Tptgt- doxoi allpointnorth bullbull -- bull

bull W-ATTCtCW Oeraquo Tkka Aft ^^^laquo i ^^raquoMraquo^e iraquolaquoeeMieraquoraquoraquoraquoeraquo

amp jppound jr^amp a Bamp bull-bull pondecaad aiapa Card _^

-bull ^UkijrtteoNov Jlth 1877 - - -lUAINSQOISO rSflT -

bull bullbullbull jtc-h- raquolaquo-7 Tltraquo 8-

laquoJTlaquon-tviJ^sia bullbull ^rlaquo rKxpajt -

laquoet a NtlT

iltaba 5ter

_Uliraquonoe vjrrvtnraquo - - iraquo -jKiiiiReld - 7 01 reatKoe-Sr

143m _ bdquo i sio iSraquo

- i J M

li6raquopm 6 raquo 5 raquo ^ TE

_Jlaquot i n igt 1frac34 -i raquo bull

5 4 0 - raquoM 7 7 i V l l raquo

fQBEBT --9frac34 iiia - - 1040 raquo laquo l3raquolaquom VgtrtWeyiit -jLaTpinUMei XjtL^

i-WMewitfc - 5tav cent48 -bullbull i t-hlimdash -bullmdash-^-- - - ^ mdash gt - mdash ^ - - -

IU H2raquoi~


tiuieraquo if by fftr tbo inoet potent - - T r -^lii ltjo3y( raquoraquod pbraiiteeal cureoflaii



ruts rtKBtn(euit _ - -RoasviiraoR- AlaquotW BMlfcHrnlaquoCAT It eetr upon thenyvem m If by ndK eaeeeUe

C n i i n raquo itUr it lewont irapenuol

roirauiirTloK-AsTieM^ It aetr upon the nyiteiL - jug tSe flime of it eerteln roeeoea is taoee die-

ltMclaquoo -t llymettth - KtW5raquo-raquoe-


-raquoraquo V7S - JaoiKa-iAS^mdash ~ bull

No 4 K O J raquolaquo--raquo jr v nibi bull Flaquolaquot VwiSe

iraquoraquolaquoraquoEprlaquoBraquogtrtraquo H i U

0Meraquowbleh-laquottiWetblaquo4r rooraquolaquogt deep lete the ceniUtntlon laquoi feUU to Die hepBlnea ef neeikled

Tbfs Droit Cere is toM by Ifedieiae Qytlen jtgtrmiihoutteworWraquotlaquogtraquo per hpettei K e t t trial bottle 8100 --Jf you eeesM prooelaquoe]itli yourrlourityit ^drbfrjoit Tree-ef reipeeeee ea bull

bullmdashbullmdash IgtWitwrui bullbull

Mnnoflulit Jrtillo -AUinnee -fiocbejter - Pittrtilrr

jUOrjrJOQ 310raquoraquo ~

bull _ 6 ^-^2 ft TIC- bullraquo ^ bull -^-4 8frac34frac34 410 -1 sn ix

JOllf 6 raquo I B 1 -l a l H S 8 55-1 4SU bull la Vi ir a 1Vgt bull 4 Men i Sees - I laquo 3 S S T raquo raquo 1 2

laquoltraquobull HIS S00 llSueee 6 221 -IJWAeHOJ1 rpspraquo-

iuwiliu at gTteBrbdquo -

gt- -r-JeW-fflCHOtSDNf =^- (eWaeeef lthugtlaquo senie MlaquoMlaquoI arwigtM

T ^ Z T ile^CIC^LtVOIlT

^ 1 ^ 0 ^ 4 5 1 frac34 5 1 1 ^

^iitfiiiAK^ra wmtC ra- P-i lr JPrii V i iBUniWl^UUrtUlcllyWcptfcitarATTMe =v- bdquo1 yHeraquoTlaquoltCUigiiraquolgtitliyeraquolteiJtBeter4at AH J SthurtlJiiUiicPiiK-uuaiiyi _ -^-^-- 1 JUTBRB


Glaquo fraquoraquoi A ticket not

m-^ OiueianAti^aQd^js^ftOleTelnd-

l-Tjineeraquora(etkHtlaquoeae^ li-aV^lil

$fofffirpamp ClaiTiage pound r MAKER ^-^-

r (On-ZlninjcfKHn ritrlaquot TjrrVsSily-to-dobull r mdash bull

JiAl^ XtNElaquoOnso80IJTraquo gt STATtUKlaquo K_ uamp-t Sin$ T

hnh-jHky-- bull l3sin 7 raquo p i e l

llS|rintlaquo - 1raquo 1 1 W I I laquo r laquo iiffln --bdquobullraquo-laquoraquo m titti -8-1 f Siraquorlaquor Ar_-- lo nuv oi A tu PVHfcHH-- -10 4Tinraquo 10frac34 bullbulllaquo a JilaquonWtt--iV-=-Ur I-m 11 laquot- _4_S1- Biitsrotiiit J^rjiffiji-siiMtj ii--

laquo j SprihuitlJmdash flieytoft bullbull-


- tT^r

riraquo Cm

I Itt

iifs iiV gt 11 u

i Titiffluj^liVRmrli irnllii 1 Flndtsy at j (LfWa riiriraquoiid l4gt-p laquoVjar in

J-c- Cfcrci a I arry- raquo

-aVricaiNr-rrt l if-d inoacv bull-- = -

Blaquoi tlie^Kfrtli

- r - - - i M DO a in iVndbull - bull bull IS p - l i l JJbdquo raquo ^ - laquot bdquo11 ti ie^xEorn^uiHl amplfij7mArJu FliKUaTai

n i -w raquoraquo aiid^a-jm- o^rxur-l frac34 AIX

mdash | e-riTiigt~- ex-Titrb -bullACiiujiiiiNiJiJ t ampil raquogtraquo - Diylon bull bull - I M J - mdash bull air_

bullbull ytk aiv li A BEEoi i ibsT

^DS ERTISB^ votimr 1frac34 ry

o f v i S IH-M A CAlf

^C-n-er--afa_g-goiaet -FurcsCOirio


Prices aniTers Made SaMctory pp yovr jiom pap-Tjy niuw autt raquo 7 irn-TiTi- i laquoraquokmjr yonr neighbor 10 takert ai bullbull A v B f l T k w i We4elaquoTef ieD 4 year Induce them to siiliscribc |

The Most Extensive Manufactory of Seed Organs m T H K WOULDl


- J (


tlnbaef lblaquo Nnbsclbr


j wigtiRsa^ bull - mdash lleulcrSii-mdash

Nfty^ppr^ 8|ga^ines



The lltost 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ftuluLijj^UitgiisoMpii 32

iutumtTUA - iSuriuitfteWmdash mdashi-raquortipniiraquo - bull i )laquoti-rltBtu bullbull -laquoraquoie- ^ Krnton -bull

ffUUKST- ---1 VurtyAt--

-il^ilrpyje -- iTimif - bull -

I li Vprtair - ^ 3 - - ^ - ^ - -

^iraquodraquore --bull dendii thy -

iTaF-laquooNosoniraquo ---jnlsir^sltei-Sp-MH

- 1) SCpw-4-0ftraquoaraquo-r-oueia raquo j laquobull bullbull -lt bull 8 CC mdash

lraquotraquo-ltijraquo rfr-raquo- w 00raquoa

an-io 4S tgtia V laquo

II 45 l i IV-1-W bull

bullIM bull 1 4 -laquo

bull3 If)

4pound J ^


19laquo J W siienr t t l --- i n bull-bull 4 -S-im raquo laquo4 5 W4-^44raquoi

bull at C Hm T f l l t e i - = 7 ItMti

bull p I4raquo

Von 0 and 10 rmLUilyyeH eUe tf net ltalr

lltLJ|H_||l|||l i bull _ VWor-ciieilwn otfNo4_S raquoraquo4-4 btwee _gtraquobull-

du-kvuTia Cinciii-nnil ~ rgtllaquoepliiif conclicfcon Xolaquo gt raquo _ - bull raquo hetweee

TnnrXi)tTniiburaquo tftAS-^TOWAftOt-S U bull irt-ilioiJsffS wi D W OBJtOft

L i i -y f i j v n g g Qee

JlaquoT4raquot Hecuer

--_ N e w s p a p e r Iie-vv lraquotmdashApytSrtfin who tokesfl papr rtrnlnr

ry from the pnsuiflicemdashwhethnr Uirtrted tu hilaquo nsvmc or unoiiicr or whether he aubmiijvtl or bull^jlfjeAOiHiblofor the pay

mdashIf aaenoanrdcrt hlraquor ppcr eloepedlfe m-gtt (Htysft krreirlaquoirrraquoor 4be--publuhor iaxy w)ntlnuotogtoiiAitlaquoutU pjyiaeritiy a e j e mi l tullcet tbowiiuic aiaouut mDeiiiorit -ociakeiV Iromtheofictor q6t r - -amp_r-The wurU lmraquoe duWed-tlifft-rrfluinF to

rraquohraquonewpraquogtierlaquoend pariolicaU rruia thejMHt nftiee or rcmoviraquo|r and laftrlii tuern nnralUd for lnraijtr r i c u evidence of lntltii-tplaquotiai fraud - - - bull - -

The IdghttBst Xbrnai-fif The SimplMrt

The Het BsnbU The Moet Popaltr

SEWIraquoa HACHfflBS Zt U eaelly nuclei etoedt i

dlaquonfcletftread loekgtetlraquoltlL kewaeef^ reeraUttte-C MPWIOBB Met 8_aWtv

an evW rfo laquoAlaquo whole n e p laquofraquoaiir werawlthaat rheace

I7raquolaquoKIgtoreieetUraquoigtM_wlaquoeilaquoAeeMea dHrcthU mrniiMr tiMgt-9e egtn4 trghout


FOR SALE CHEAP T)ire 1-lioisc Spring ^ igon gooltl oTdir w i i f ecH-cheap t(Viitclaquot llngoflicc i-

Ml e t i -

i v mdash bull gt

fraquoMejMplaquollaquot- P A T T B W U raquor todiee mieee meet cklaquoegteigtlaquo gtlaquobulllaquo -are ewt en bull creteim enperior leeMy 4raquo laquowe amltt ean 6e nntrlaquofeoel Bgt etay OMtWl dlretttone ndUiraquottrmHraquoraquo oraquo eanA eneels^e ^ mdashrmdash-bullbull

Seixt f lee Ceae je KlMMreUed ClaquoJlaquo-to(raquoraquotlaquo o I d O O Jaatoraquoraquo

DOMESTIC SeWteg lUonfel Oo KwTort

laquo f


- Rrtfenria laquoaurtwf UiiWampt~

Tnfku Leant fbrett raquoniiitsgtlaquov

- fcraquoT) ICvm ^ Wiglt | raquo ( A

bullsr rltm laquoltblaquo jMak Ohwrcb laquotraquoraquo tat raquodi ef eseti moats if N X i

tilaquof raquocraquor)WraquoJntiraquor great h n b Satfesifc of tart uloraquoU rt

W i H f swetief bullcerj KMnenAjy e bullgtbullraquogtltbull ssUJifcalli School raquo tS i JU nerv aOSifaStW _-__ - - - mdash

tuiHf i t tflraquo Preibj-triito Cearebefery i o^ir4jiMiMhlaquotUlaquomkU(lViii Klaquor^ikgt

-bull - -- rraquogf^raquolo- -raquo gt bull - bull -v

bullV bullbull-bull ^ O H l i J T N C T S

bull HI ii IIILJi I- ttw gtBatiraquort4araquo ^ bull --^ -_ bull-bull I

lS^ampfoamp^rfU VhUnj _ jtolttgeraquo t waiwJLfcgfeyttei ik -V-j^ iU^ jjear 4la HOI--- -raquobullraquobull bull - bull -

bull ] bull VeTSrerif)Mpaid- to print sale hillsWr jsbnrtnoico^ fojnember that w^4o- good worJs jWng yuut jHfttfliig fo us s i i


-Tlraquoraquolaquo4feete have-Arte up -mdash Doi]otbrgettpiw8raquoettbei bullgt ^TUstewtfcle^rtiiuo^ 7 ] 7-~JBekd a u eway Vocal piper 4 -Ctommernee to jump tWsrope bull bullr-Sweet 1 thsiiss ffflaquoltlvlaquortlseuiiiriiti

bullHtil ve tUaGHy Bakery man a call

on- Wu Tlaquofr fait - - - - - bull - -iTjast Satuniny-ttn^Mgndfy-ttfraquo tqwri waayscy fuli-ofpoundttudldiHagt wtioylaquoV tSlaquolty bull etigagstf-in ipjaifc-utgjf good worci tor~themselves 7

1 bullbullbullbull raquo - 7 - - -

gt laquoIrlaquok suTurii) 10 Traquoraquo tsrzasafs crcraquour bull HI j i ^1frac34frac34-^1

-y trimmed free of t-hajse

1mdash Tiie f i n amp x ieff^ bis a iocaTedJtor-j n w - 7 x v bull _ T- W ho M Id that o w K Wa Wore bullbull slrert ^riMH^~ r4~^bullbull -^-^ ~~~

r laquo+iraquolaquo Helltiome TWlncs of J WrrTStrst bull V- bullbullbullbull 7 ~ mdashIn God Ave tru-at11 for tho oHier elglifceuti bull bull-7 - bull bullbull bull-poundlire candidate wereIn the-field


Tbeantiual election of ofBcersbf the bullAl7 E Bmlaquoiy- BcUc^^laquos J)rtd on formagtraquoVni Taawdaj evening Mr Stockton w -TbatUfrnpat the rAllKlaquo4Jiraquoiflot e-laquokcidSujraquor|upoundraquoudeut bull-k-etbeen put ujii ^ v bullbullbullbull

^mWraquoll Paper bought jeuHlgwJ ^ - -^J -bull Jf( bull=mdashgtbullbull- - -M^i^-ftiuewJiiiiaai border iy~ ~~ - bull - ^^- -- bull bull -bull- - Otewile Phittips ~ bdquo V^ -

|laquopnJwrv^rtlNlaquoraquorainalaquot1Pbartonraquo- - bull laquo Blaquolaquo4I Mlaquoflaquorvllaquo4raquotlaquo

At ttieeiMtfog lata on M o n 4 y f e ^ f f ^

Hajrv Bowers wore ejected sitjwiv raiiwitiprtfcu (FoMft) precinct 7-

--^-- ^ jilaquoirttlaquoiraquoir_- --^

A-rge blaelcsnake WM cut out o f log a^oat thrbft fbijas north of K1raquobyone dny-Ujjt^Tregk wlycli aMwtred fl- feet tndjthr^q tlaquobe3

Braquo fejj^tll^ )ia^rtiaybltji)tfa^eiraquoU jjuttSatraer ^v r--- gti bull gt-

Craquofplaquo)flaquoMleB Offleena

^ - 1 - The ^felbwMfig corporatimi7sectffi^

bull)OFe^erfreIcftiw| HitTiSpIaWJ -=rt--lt|ownji8menmdashS W iJi^gs it- DV -^llaquormVAMagranraj^^ r- J-CI^-raquorPrMgorpound - -


Wegtiwraquo^ try to apeak a gopd^Trord for wijrof our^sitliens wbo ari ehtrff prtMtng and laquo111 not bcfbackwttd to bullpeakhigxif tiie nearcotDpgtfoiijof Hie neW- t(le factory The proprietor nieiwiB blMllien v -

U t O a l t o i _ - - ^-

To niiTa newspaper be it-fever w anii [ Tlicrer e evary Utile favor you glrtflp tbe way of ndvertUfngf Job worky or by enoonraglng some persyh to subecrltie iAJtp^rcctated - Kick ^ntd tlmearoul igty jsupp^tluB a pajertliat euppprt^ou

yfHrOtx Buy

^nwliei at Hal^n =-Tlifi wiiaat-J

hborliiood^-growing nicely in

f-Watl ^pertrininied free^fehaifce atruieedrugstore bull-rVV

mdashMovingday1 was one of ywtttiie aiid prIng-Hke day- - V - ^l6oraquoj8 to-rent EnquiretttMc-P^$pound$^^

8-orgtT-J-HrWol4 Was any on e-ft bled r

Court ltus adjdurnecL- Soaie caudidatelaquogotleft Eyujvcandjdtwjet md April liaa raquofaowlaquor ltJTtipon us TJ1erei8lRrS onntimirialion-

- rftre ag^gsar^trnwEr^tee his fo^achV^-bull bullbullbullbull bull---bullbull--

Thelaquoeeda arebeHig pat in tbeir Uittle-litft bullbull - ^ bull gtbull-i Give a wide iier^h tojaH klhdol

cent^e]np Joli us bull bullbull Kirbycan boftet jof soijoe fine^i

lookingdamach- -gt-^--bull bull Qft aiadr^ter^hltrte1ephDBe-on

Eriday evening bull --bullbull--- -=--= ^ -

FindUy elecledk NationalMay-or^mdashylaquouyaacgbdquo bull_ ^--^- bull bullbull Go to the drug it6Ve of~ J S Halefer W i l l j P raquo p e V bullbull V

Getyour oatraquo in and prepare to kttark yotir corn -ground --bull 4Tlte total nnmbcr oPVotea cas^

in this tow1nsBipere 89frac34-bullbullbullbull bullpound A school tearber j iyei ntJJilfc

on Saturday Ipt-TheJltBwawiUTgte bettejfrraquoinaberaquo

er every we^k Subscribe-no^ ieWrieewaab^Mbesat laquoalei ifor

60 oelaquo tlaquo- Buy one Very ebeap mdashGetthene^ singing book Sougi

for the new Lite oT Jolip Wtpinpound r~Tierflrtalk ooirtting amp)raj tnsr

|laquoectien mens wogee oh tUe PlfSbm troSaj-t

~Mt BIanehardionUfalaquoT-|yBrrrHTAfigtl1^ f=g^ai 1 raquo I laquo i h raquo l u laquo H l y i M I n f l n m ^ C 1 _ rS- - i = J --- JSll

Treiusret JpbnmdashHeflampxn MarehlaquoJgt-Trnt SUek

bullbullbull-bull - raquo )raquo I^Hi i r ja l iW^i^V bull bull bull -i bull - bull a -

Henry euro Hedges laquof the Grand jLcdffe of il- T 3 0 ^ ff r SOate rtgliio gtvH doliyern-piliblic add few in Odd Feliowa-Hall ior-

vslA QbioFridnjt- eviyngApril frac34 9th IfTiS V Tbgt rolaquolaquopoundew^t tiie Order ffojrr t^tigtmottadinj towns

rivitrd te-1gtepieatntgt -v--

rjdegSaRltiraquoofTiVjbbotlnB towni are out on tbe-ttteets tffooTtlireeey^iln^jojtbe laquoiiraquoi ^Vgitrpoundojj jlot be -bejbjnd ttfepounds^ertowhii-s~~ bull-bullbullK v

4rlaquottW-ulaquoi)iri bull deg bull

f^uMnt^hjUiHU |laquotlW Jemaijilir

I raquo laquo t l U t k n sc^witr J f n m raquoiraquolniiiTHtraquolaquo gtlaquoU4tn

tOraquorrtraquotrt bullreitlytyCW Wlkat)-^-Flotrr $6 40 tn 660 Potatoes3p ctV- bullbull -- -----Hainlaquoi 10 ctebull - - bull i bdquo

jrrfBcipfr nv- ^- laquottlaquorvifrto-l5ct ----=gt -

jjj6jr^sectbjjigllaquoj Sfts) DoorsantiEifl frlng - aud~Araquoh j^lpiglitg^fura 11b d IUI cheap if iiot rjraquolaquoapei as $t con be boughtjuiywbere- AVMrWilliams ln Vracthal car^ntor lie knows iost what yoil TiNint for hi in a (wiTta lid get- p i -ilaquo e--

-ltClaquoTTMtiigtlaquolaquoeHyigty 3ilaquofraquoi=raquofc-) AV4Mraquot4iii0petJgtirgt~ Oatii 23npraquor-Va -- t


bull qlaquovSwd7flreg JWs ^^


wt-li Q ltii]l-o_n ^Prpliibition OoinitVi-Cnineiitio-n a Kfodly iiiimfeer^-mpt ht tiretpwir|

luril^iiikiiff^on S tiinliVyand iibmlTiiled ilie follltiwitag tipet -

Auditor^MvW)iWeraquoidgt-----gt-- lrobateJndgtmdashTjewijCEmmoni

-amp~vw^m f nrimdash KBiiTiwUle

Ingt5rraquoary Dlreetoft-iA Hosve - u----I - ACter ^selecting ri_centrftr- copis

rnlflee the raeetijigwts adrfreampjetF L TaiuClingi ofLObe^-J

rwrily to trtfendtoerltworirfrithe Pen ixA Ifner- ilellrjiit totind at DrgtA

STAlaquo8ilraquotH iiflloeor^t tliphfeottHoiiiie ffe Invites nil -ofjjjjs fifeiid tiicall 0frac34 hfe-wFiBnJunSift ltpf_ahjt1ilngin (lis

[linegtjitli)fiikioiH^iantimcd v^EOtf]

by Mr 4 ^ 2 mdash

bulllaquolaquolaquoltbull 1-rtiia dm tlje ttijvwr^r

fuini^r nta The lwppy RuAjtU -^jBlaquofed4^^tftkjtrk ~

J LUursoa lias retnnunl -Irpm H visit in Souljierii Ohio 7 - poundktra are tilt bhwminjr yoiinp

7-laquoHraptre irtSJtvBlaTnchiM^^ -1 B J Hugtiesis liwking at tiie

xighu IM fleveiand thia laquocek - JBm~$i arcii ike^tlCToCSTrarj J J m o w n a bountJiag bay

DJS Yost C CltbkBnd W C Stoker rlaquo- tlectwf metnbraof-tbo

ScEpo l Botnf l ~___ ^ T - ^ - ^

- P Backs hold 4iaa a nelaquoS cont r~oi-fmut and is n w laquo I M the bull fJomirercial IIoiilaquoe -

tiitbia Thsin f ttMm at tmjrtt 4be warl bull -TEe-inen audi htiyi o(^Vfinrtohs-b u rg^ 1 n d ulgoiaampo_ hael nafiug^port of jwnptajr-- bull - -bdquobull

mdash JuSfweJrc^at Stockton Ocoit [jLwunsofradlwfleiae 8110frac34^ lJfW8gir

in ^feffiVse^ForWIrOAjBtt 11878 f Krraquo R 8ronraquo aJflffiwyiaelir-EHsi

WliiCisakBMlu)tl -

lgimoifa-ceillpifAir the fove Wtera wiH please aay that thev kriadvertisedi

bull bdquo - - -SV-FPiEBcntiraquoil--- bull - ^ ^ - mdashimdash - i t i r 7 V

W-t6ne Il-wdwa^ bulllaquoore4rur-Kum1 repel vedrty Harlow Cook ai a7Bgtl ndgt t^ k raquo8 t o r e v -r -

6 w U ^=-^^- f-J-- Vi--V--i---- -XraquoJ^iR^Mf)enth^r-^Illlio In

Forjcstdv^ry Ttie-digty of eadi eekf

TwotjraquorojraquoBjeptjMii board near tborlaquollrondlBSti^ulsdayji|giit^llfey weieklaquorrd nalaquor V _ - - 1 ^ - - - - -

gtbullraquo j~raquo - Fraquorsgt KOvl egtrofJfarmtt-go to a fgtulldhig - ^ i t t fifismltiger i Cp QnreyVpV -4^

_ i -gt bull-bull -laquo-rlodri twirrajljcei 1_ - -mdash raquo- mdashi)r Jlbberfsonb^kenSii raquoiirde-

itver a nifsjilonary hddresraquoJut--tfle Pr laquo- lyteriAU lt-iiurch bull - 7 - bull _r -An elt-ctlon ItaS tbe-Jsaino eftectn Borne voter an green

M x n i o n i Who-dnes not hate

friends ami to leuVe tlTel

neighbors rtrirt move to nnothcriratc or even tot~distant part of tjiis-wate r 1 HL locate themselves-

[aMeftg - stratjglaquors-Ve think -tfaat laquo tlie-ftwriy families who- have left us

e h hdt ene bnt wliojau a-ioftRpotIn-rtefr hearilevotedtxpound ujwlvelyto thp many good ftieiidetiHjrj huve l^n behiiidwtav trut that they may reach Uicfetieatlnatltfrt safely ^-

snmmer xelioo boys -^^Paper^iaiigWg promptly djtie by JesiraquoeHuraquor- As he iinjIereiSfioSBiBbiM- 111 oss gl v e Ififri a catt

_ J ^Btt^^Cfalies^iye^-ahieSerythhiJ ^[-tnthe bull^onfwlimifry Una at the CH

Bnkcrj Sod cheap -mdash Vraquoras theldtckori- In this prectnct^

Tf~raquodVerlleing-fdoit pay w b y ^ o ourlHwliiesiiaieiiplttont a slgu-bouitl In font otbclrjoom -How naany cgatoraersrwouH they gef i f they i i a i

_ 5 raquo I ^ a ^ l ^ J 3 ( E l J raquo t 3 B l t i S t a w ~JL - J roeH-answer lheseo eKISigtvgt tl e_y

copybullutrntliftill) say tliat-af ertlshig-iu a rftwspaperdoesufrtpiiy we win give them tiieuse of our -eolwntis-for-notJK log for ajlmiterr periadr We nmuito Ihose who laquorraquo too poor (eud^ertWend thosewho- asy-h dont^pey A sign-UOardcnHtellerer^ttilny L

c M Gr Jlgtber|laquo IIRS gaupound_lo 1gtj^-daymdash_eihcrwtMi the Uny ytumeA -oQ

copy Brgteklaquo~tlie barter laquoDltgT|tod H Kraquo^y -bull-- bull bull ~i

_fr d Stlaquo^raakergt mlaquolaquoraquoity was 78 P^tteraoa bull ffie rest of thtoftwrs-a^^Rqwitlicans

Traquota is it e tini laquo4 yoar bulllita raquolaquoraquoraquoiMraquot fanefiksti comet

- n-sraquongt ii on ttraquo wiof-bull v Jfc raquorraquojislaquor tin IsMrMrtlratai) - iTkp^mit wltbmuiiorloj

lt B Hnglies and son are build-JRf a iraquoew meaUsbi^pV Ctiarlie Sttrwart has (poke for a big piece

^brftjit -bull)bull Doe Yost lins nV0veltJ his hinise

back from Hie street 1 A Pit figtret and efiija^huvu_ruovcd in wi

tba oidTgaC Henry GfrfiWle U tiie new May

frac34of Mw BkMknrd -P^eek jatsybargtrand Jo I g t ^ s o j


An old lady named Orth waiTpuriod ohT uoeday

A gtIrrRlunehartdle-l on Tueslaybt ijfffcoM ifivr^ He lived Hour iJnn-k - - - - - ^ - _ _- s -bull-bull bull -7

Sererai fjajits took plaoeon electlon

cents bull pittr --bullbullbulllaquobull _ ^Wbartonsburgh honewf the JIvlI

bullstbBirtiirtS places of Its tire In-^aU dot county

^ ^ plusmn ^ ^ n ^ a t o gt o n f l O k ^ b n ^ C o d k V at the Ercshyierlan-Church next-Sun day morning -i-Subseriptfons fer the NEWS WIH bftf1^flaquo ^isfenow bhf ily engag-U

af ^ SfreXton(I ditclnng andrViind^rgfouod gt


an April fSot Spa 1 OT astrafgut one Ouees-it was laquo11 three --1- -

mdashOne oTtho largest stocks of Wall fipOTeVerXroughtToVFoMst- just- 1-] ceived at Hales drug stoTie _mdashTlyrry munt-nt igtsijitiMited jraquo tiraquow

in oserenefrnni^of uijndb^tdefeated mlaquou ^ v e Wranie aerene-jninds ^bulljron^IIorjie Bnokets Iran ^Well

Buckets Chiirnsrahd- MilkllPans for salcehwip aVStockton A-Cooks -

J^Tresh and constant supply of elioiceMllHncry andJ^Ancy Goods of A^sjj^HarraquofrSbBtWTtreP^

i -i-Since the suspension of J h e two Findllaquoy hanks audsoveraltith^rs Foe-

^es^jiofisTjqt vvAUtaJiahk as-bad-as

Some youngboys have bee irroa st-JngMiickens In thescbool honsesever-

had better|ook out In tlTe futue V- The b^TaTl light but Saturday afshyternoon for neighboring towns and hesaiPiVSni -Sntll JMdndjyJb renoon-

The enenayvof h- bride never speaks weir of t ilaquo wedding ^7^ fPhaitonsbltjrgEt- h^s4-Mpoundbeen troubled with tlHeyea iateiy- bull Stockton 6laquo)k i r is W ^ I f e e -

fcit cbeapjIigoodraquo and notions Lot Plaafing^Remeaibor tKat psh8Witzfeiraquo-pwpaiceltftb plow

i^rarJifc-- - - ^ - -

BrojMjr^i^^tie^iiJCUiJn was fntgtwn Moudaj ~ - bull V-- O tgt tSa-w anlaquoT 6wraquoV of Keulaquo ] ton Vveref tpWntjaliJrdiiy^ V ~lt jtev W-S PAlaquoJ of Keiiton jireaehi

laquo f t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i S ^ i i ^ f ^laquo rowiyi^laquople^htlt^rfromJtib

PALJrtBiTrf IKeKtUburgh railroad JatjCvIday---- -- V bull ~-mdashr~~~V~ -bull71laquo jrsrHAtK an^ MS sectMttE Yojrxa visited the tows of -Wljartoiis- burghlastweek_ 77 bullbullbull

Mihs tsjDnctotiS and Miss IlMMAf WvKts ot- Dunkirk were vlfftihg1

friends here lastFrlduybull - bull - WlLt H fAntKXHT Giso GWlaquoMr

and BYJtojf WooraquoBorirnf Dunkirk^) were-In tewrr^oirfnesAij bull ~ AVhpn iw^Vwocijj^i Kgnfon

Igpe to HieGoiuen Stotei uajwMJl tske alo u gj among ot her thingstha^araaidi ibat bull gt -bull- -- i V __ -L C^SEEaAif^rifJrbycanieii^to seethe boys (and lthogirls4olaquo)^laquot evslaquoIBg CHABtzYbABgrovralatsluce^ helefr Forest 7 7 7


traquoeaks kotae (bull



SsrBOABOINS liODCIKtt-sa _ SoiHlroi Scott-bullHquJiy Forest O

laquo - - bull bull bull bull bull - - -

iK3r--V- SS



-AiUfK^AYLOB ot Kenton gaye us |8call onFrida^Hharecentlyppr-laquoiiaraquoedgtjm inteiesC-in the flrai- of iiooie JfcCoVftundrytnen -bull 7 Mr Wjjtjyiuio ^ ^ J K laquof KiraquoK xsOuutJTTlrSved- here yes^rday - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 ^ ^ frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ ^ ^ ^ frac34 ur liaiicltjq^

Are prepared tij-_HirllPtogeltty- of [every description on7 reasonable-terms -Jf-yioti- have any thin) tb ^ell or trade see J ODE^BxVTTi _ amp Cou75laquoycao irad on-a ca|toca-

Inteao^tayinein r o r ^ - t T i V e o raquo l ^ ^ i e wifl blaquo liberaly advertised

Iiibtraquofflaquofiii4^einji -- ----T MOew^voodXraina houseJJIV gtroonraquoraquo S

ITried mdash -- - laquott-^nd bulaquo 13 Vpoiifida o f PwfohesttfcWikpJPs^f-^ bullbull-V Tho-tre6fc ftglifa of Seiaton -are Been at night fciroy(5t six1 mileWpV Miistbea light ciiybull bull bull - V

lgtjt every ofUwhA ismdashinterested

pieee pf-Jing^arpe^rjttleeheap

Tit atiy tf the iatajeri ofVthts

Shoaid- you be a denpoitdca slaquofleregt from any of-the^ffeetflJo^j^p^pstB

tliver complaint fudigifttlon ferf sucK 4 gtck Knila(jhe paipltatlpu Of the


Mr J t SJScott ntjd firmily-left for Donaidsoir JnA last eveittngl bullHlaquoinfr6ifdlt4oTnakb jtifeT iiia^ fu- ttfre home- 7-- 7 V7 gt 7ampe eiircful of thie-aparkg wlroh bufnifig bntslt andbull-other trash thatanrniail accuftiujateaaround the premises^ bull 177 bull 7-Ncwa flt8u7phtnfr^olti8laquohraquoaio repair Hve brolc-rn gais that his-[lugliter-s follow hrealts swinging aioundSnnJda^ eycijiiyjfl7_lrV7 OurBrhool nxorms-Were scen

wnikiiigJo School half an hour hcfoTe- tiimrrf n^-i^trfa^TGreV- tliey wMit ftiuUahcjCajittle

heart eoufStomachi- JblluatjieOTtfve n|ss diiraquoliielaquos ofithe^iead n4rvousi

bullprostration low 8pirftsAe yoii n ed-hot suffer another dsy Twr tfosfes of August iloWer will reUerfc-gtltgtlaquoatt once fisihpte Wtties-lfrcehts^TA0 lairslze 73 centF^iPoiltiVeiy sold by alj tfrspoundela3f jrbggists In^hejyv-Sj ^^

m l i iuin^ tha-month of MarciiV90 j

nioney orders were-issued- by-the Fortflt postoSiGf-^-tTid sniaiiest fitiniberfiar seyeral montlis VA iprivate-indivHrual of Yah Wert offers a premium to Ite first -rnfinln t~t w)Yj^iil ^iluirffgil i piiblicat thdr-iiextCAUttty faifr

A petition Avill be presciited to tlicCotrncil7to-hlght prayiiijthat a lain ppost-boer-ctcd o t the in-JnFacctinhof lfmn street ai-id tiie railroad - bull __ ---- j

FJ)e^jd^erton6JgtrTlic7njgHj4j ii sier~grettgtf the ear of every us who lias ^ccasiontopass the

artt-m bull^hftl^- iRJIraquofT n-i-ond itistiTp ^ - -^^777-To run a newspaper without oc-

casionhjty iuldiaiiiBg-an item that aljfoffia7ilurjlaquottofiraquolaquo-wek^

^onld be-like--1 tinning a rail withoHtoccasjoiiai-accideiits-

T l j c l e g t i o n passed V-off-^very

Page 16 fcctloa 3 nt tho Mar-lHj-f-y prcsi

gr--f-raquo _ lea

mdashThe forest Sswg nrttferthrclmrge of Harvey yHraquornis a good smatlfmncii for -tlielaquoBa3geVgtf Bine town pajr W-gt like to apeak a good J vvordfbr onergctleyoung joirrnaliBts--BlufftonTSew x

mdashchsh-fn-liand williliuijnoVo t-gtraquoa prbtniBe-to-pay Believing the oliove

^kMy^sKu-^^m^i-f^i^^^s^ more Wall Tupcr fur cash-inhaiid than bull -bull for prom iraquoe-1lt -pa y

pleasantly ~y -pn i MiidSy seven pernors were bapshy

tised by the-Methndtsyittirec ot whom were tken In as full members _

Tbeoitv-Ukcn-elosed Its door last fcg o r ^ bull ^ g ^ S g S ^ ^ ^ ^ b - ^ - ^ a a Friday on aec-untof Indebtedness I t | 1 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 ^ w i t h - o o l o e t I

--SenU SO eeifts to Wt-H Betd Rlaquoich-estlaquoN VJfor 35pksIn^ortedgowtr

is the third bakery tltatf hasibroke up In the saigtgtehuildlng

TJrerc-are quite a number of miir-riageabiedaughters here bul they seem togo oft very skiw^mdashPerhs-jw011 cc-ceunt of the bashfulness of the young men

phtti-frec for 2 years mdashPersons contributing spring poetry

will be required to hand in tbe names I of the friends whom tliey have sefetedl on Tuesday last BV=ltraquound --frac34im laquolaquo lraquolaquoreiraquo Tint fur~iiiib1ilaquoBi(iintint laquo laquo - 1 I11 t raquo -laquo raquo bdquo bdquo i l ~ ~ as besrert not fur ppblicsiion but as evidence of good faith ^- --

mdashBy refrencetoanothsT column you will nofice tliat the City isekery has changed hands We welcome tiie new proprietor inourmidit arid would ad- vise our readers to give him a cull

-Bro-TJavisTrf^tf^atoniitort will never smoke another cigar If 8am Howard ltif Pindiay gets hold of him Bra you should not tormpuftfem he-

ivktly at th is -p lacc V There was ess druhkenessthan

toa-ST^kefore _qn tint was day

ever 86

John MlaquoClnrg would iuf-jrm the readers of the NEWS that he keeps a in-H stock of Tgar coffee tea jjroyjsious^cjwhicli heissdraquo ling at the lowest prli-es^^pall-itt-

TJMJ Kenton Jitpitbfiean office lias been -remu-ved to ChesneyJs biock tin Columfiti8jitreet__7From there wiITbe issued TraquoP pnppr bullif the county SuccesS|BJL-O Miller in your hew quarters s

Wehad the pjcusare of calling on T H Garter whifein Kitbjv

as usual behind theepninei- selling [goodsfaster thnn he could nvp

them up Thus yoji see adyerti-[singpays _L bullbullbullbullbullbull

ChteFTustice Chase says Xlt z^v-tT -- i I raquoiraquo from the ew optra called thraquo

j U n i o n is among^be best- Cheapest Onlmesof rvorniaHdi^ sploodfdlt ar-and moat progressive of Aiwencau rngtd n-rthe pisno by Charlie Bsklaquor o bullbullraquobull - i ^ ^ ithe olaquoebrlaquotlaquol Amerlolaquon composer No Collogifl ^Itiseiim worth^^11^-t^ r gt bdquo h l Q u r ( r bdquo n t U aolttreaders wbo braquovlt-


ns he hfcdn ripping time lust fall at

a)dX- J BiO-J Marslial

Tneioilowittgis the tp ticket elected Trustee W euro Groef1 J D V7giier ami J Ii l u o u t j Clerk HVShoamakdr -Ifcai unf 1 P-Smith AssessorTlobli Pat-1 tlaquorson CmiViublM impwn HlaquoTlaquoJ xt and St^plicir Arnold


mdashPut und fresh dnigi at Sulligers nrugTilore notwithstanding some diiintcreetcd jiei60iis awert to the conshytrary-and thlaquoy are tolielintl by every one fraquorthey are not bought foVany one t rjefscks part iculnr benefit - j

mdashIt If calrrrniid serene thi morn and I the weather has a spring ipjiennuusi j

yilchwo would Ulcato have

summer laiiajprejjared-afr^mdash^- ampc

iprii Sherien

raquoJuUSBtiiqrgt JloWbr raquo gu-1 raquottraquot Blttontraquo3JSH

j -Vee of ehfirge )^ yoagt fibaie psplaquon aawCHaa-roaayl othersi

fWeZJwvf for-grade thefolloivittgi widRat-KABM te Vscksoa-^--


bullStSfa - bullu^ iamit toxraquoflaquolaquo -hi $ ^bull l 1 1 - --7mdashmdashmdash j-j+tka+- y bullbullbullbullusii bullbull n ^-

RlaquoniwrraquoxrfrSlaquoatlDf irooiji iluttOTis Si DmrLion7bslSBeein ^WaTTST

feg barrrs- (fHrnent-Jtid wagon shod f splendid wellef good WStfor oteMit anrt bdquo bdquo - _ raquo^aAjooraquolaquorcJmd^^lraquotrlaquolaquoi gvergtiOae of bullbullbullbull Mors S raquo laquo Ko^OEs^s^IstBa^^h-e^iaiWf- - ^ trade i ^ - laquo _


ftjraquoJoiie The first objee^lutHe with the Amershy

ican people Is to get rich the seeond the fli-st

rU i frtu ~ _(- ___V - -= - - Volcangetbull freraquohbull brettiand cakes|

bullvery-morning nt the City Bakery

bullbullBUSi-yjsM L ^ e A t s -bull

D^K K S qjc^poundaraquos - ^ bull WsiiHld Immediatgt4-

--- At WikoJpgTOclry

^QPXSferXle by Johi 61ritlt ^

B a EXSMINGER amp CO Of Caroy hnve5niHilaquo-d Wkirgestpck-of TrunkH VnUses Ac for the trade Pl-f Ilifnrn Pdeg mdash mdashr-

I laquom - 4frac34 bull pound - bull


fraquor oinraquo 7Pjilaquo 8J0(raquo

-HOOStt-Ai-D Jttr4m2hbpoundgtFBv9laquo] Sindtnlty HOUMBOOBTMU lour TOODJS weiirornisbsd good brtek foBudatiocs A~Traquolaquo11 gt i fnnA mmiraquor ^ lf-n n^a In ^ p nvA laquoWampMgtWUW Hltmu l laquoia iHuvmiH L bull n ~ bull -^ - ^ ^ laquomdash v raquo

A- ti-h K-gtv raquoraquogt Airraquo iTz ^ fTrrvr fVi-PPT talning a-frams barnrbullAdjolalifg hqjue I X r i U v J i J T i j ^di -rt -Fortaleo^traae PrioelMOOj ^ ^ ^ - r ^ m ^ A FARM of 80 Aorts tn Jnoksoa-Tp Wyaodov OouDtv O AbotK-80^Aflfraquoraquo olearsd log liotose anbraquorn Tnts-fvm 11 off$rraquod at abftiitaia PraquoyoienTsaiiMje awv-riltSraquo-raquoW^----- -

-JL 4JTOCK7-of Dry^GooflsOSroeerieSj KotloDS Hsts gtDd0aplaquoV Boots and Snoea Aclor sale or will tradsfor a Jarm ot other prdcerly--eftock raquoli clean j no ibelf wore goods WurUtvoicsraquotfoiK jaOOtt First-oust iocsUop witl) -good trade C-stablsbea Besgt 0J reasoa for

bullbullHtagj-y ^ bull bullbull-

A Twb-STOHSrruma ^ o o s e an J Lpmoomtlnlpg 6ioom 1 battery IbiSlsV hail upTatalrs and down ITorth and West frontDjubl-dfxJtvejaotU on nortil shie Gjod well raquond eisuio House uen^-andBsvefbeen ocenptsj Oo doubiapkeForeraquoi0 Xotmt-oris third down baltDoe-ln X 3 raquond years Prc |raoor v _- v w- 1- bull

Oneaoda lialf story frame-bouse on -Jfojinoruian ttreoy X^anai j fl-rodu-a1) eltofatidSwatsr[ fj-uitj fuii ilaquofciraquoitoeJ raquo^r V ^ v V 77 -bullbullbull 7-J - OceSt^ryrmaHOURS and8 lot on

iE3ltirfhsuelttvXilma ontc^tiou con-tlolaquo four routnr sisblt cistern UgtU weil fenced will sell or trade -lor iota J^FoMlPJraquoJlaquo4l20O bullbullbull-- _-^

sniTnmnsv-iia toFoWt j ni story n-imeioj|8 nearly new-3 roeus Well ol wsterj Lot Mi2dfl ft wlaquoU fenced vad rflats nfr J7i per ) rj iuanrad for S yeaji^pWcecentcentcent0 V- lt - - -

OaeonfeioVoffm otttl6t-raquouartgterflvraquo

(n Oitmpbeila isladd laFpreat -Fries bullw - A - - i - -bull___ -

I T nuwtorS in Lloek ltS Gormleji raquo4i3i-turn to ytiTett-) -tnry dwefUaj hoSraquoe 6

Js u corBn MUGS bullTTviJiJyjijitiia gt or fc TTIIS pro|orty

itfonth when nit rented T fermf 2

ml iwjtlllijjiomVAs bullty renU forSrtpraquor

one-thira Ami other cgbnlty prodaceraquotoken in [Priceinsaa exchange fof goods-ltjr repairing in eitherdeiarTrn iTfal Ie0Iu5kcj-H -


- HoTsis-Wgtraquot PiiHerraquotgtD-flr poundMlaquototy frarts-J banainfCohEirining lifroomB^ll in irood reMiir-A ood flnre romu ifatit rtoll well anOit ocea-piedv ijiirn reiUs for MO) pir-year indjfroc-rnpicl Will miiluimufura Itrui^tliUHOHie

gtlaquorarctUraquoacii K Ylt1(1 CAW save ASper-cCfftV by l l lying bull iiainlaquoa i-uoibaiinwe aadlf ^oLirlliirmssoIB CEn8mingersOoeoBSW bull

tr6y O Don t forglaquot it- - - | ^ J raquolaquoTJ- framsfl fct on Burt Ft PatierioB mdashmdash -=- Otiigt_ 7 rulgtrlaquo- Weil laquoA4iistcru Wood lJomlaquo

week In yonr otvn to-vn f5 out- [ bullgtgt of laquomraquoUyrtiit HM-fajt _irilaquo JOoo

rt a bu-tne^sJit-wtta^-^gaEina^ta^^^rTn^ iilaquo^r^^VniT7rg^=^i^-i fe4raquoheexeraquoonilaquokegrej4tpsvit t ju i |7 e raquof SpoJ wraquoor plenty oriiMitlirniit 4o i i m e i n e y work write frgtr plaquorilcuajs|bulllt A eraquoPlaquooilaquoe-fer somcono ricoraquot4D6

HraquoiHHrf3o te j i 1 F-^1 Maine - ^ f bull-bullrreStwkof Igtrytioodraquo 1 n good ihtpe^iirt

W l ^ T O ^

Ksa-HsvlDg fereUMd talaquo las] Plaquorlorraquond -Oook sMiVfea laquoSM oi_8 D Wolaquol I bavlaquo (oazked I

Qfm -bull i ^

nowxr -ir^F^oi^ ^N^-^v- T bull bull - _ - bull_ a-

CQOK 8TOVB at theBast MOTS HaaaWsl for-iqtdingarraquo a loag tlasa

I have on haad tblaquo--aixslaquot stoaklaquobull

laquoF gtI3 - __ - _-_tAIfiD---4 7 bull 7 -

JAPANNED WAJtE bullvr Brought to Forest Olrs aaa a aaQ when injjsed of anytalag ta yay UsMt

JSF-BOOFINO ^aslts6ms6mraquo

tplaquordraquogtr on short inotioe - bull_ - bull


pac^eoju - 7 -AT^BOTTOMFJMOKs =

^ e i m ^ E - ^ -bAiArtii-


flll^ffTj^^BilEI) mdash=VorSrUgt-At bull


-Tulrfi-LPii Plenty- f ddtiiMtlr Will invoiced -Htfceirt-t OCOiJh j ^iHi^-tmyirrWltl^^tooa tracte

trtablishcjl TavialaquoBH nude c u r - -

rtopi settiiic raquoOJOraquo1BlaquoW-laquoraquo1 i a n not eafbt tobemdashwtfk ttraquo IMMSMM

hor^B V LiTin ^11^80^011^88 laquotreoti I Will jell or trlaquodeforraquooe4tcnm riec4200r r

- A t -

WV^tentsP-irPAPERil -imdashSlaquoraquogtTflybick-Of -Merftmrdine i-nrnnting-nf

1 iryienulaquo urifctfieit Wools rind bull hcAlt

HEXICAN emilaquo tirilticeriesUoaIltnnltr hcios rn tlnrnrnraquoirraquo jhlaquoj Thlraquo if nnt uf the


tocknia laquoar lift bullbullULiike-jrfirt tade nee is Evoapayment will invoice about Stl-

099=- hiigtto It if inCliKiiipiiJBn ioitnty on the liroErt (lime- itgtHi raquo ftuantiins town-with 11 rosM njrruundiot country ueoupctitiuii

Stock of Dmi Medieincn HIKI Fiilsrju cfi flr^t-clase quality Partftadc Alettes in cootl--pirments In voice ftbowt iijiii bull ----|

- I

St Mmlaug LiuUuuaty FOIL KAX AJTB m m

- - - I a raquo IHgt 1wgt a i gt v mm

Y-onr inturesteand go to Mc( hskey s j for supplies in thsWHy of iTYehaTV pTmtnr mill iHmber rrd i-e

~f- i^^-^A raquo --raquoJncn we raquoiraquon lo jejlor llianoM of for other K = raquo PTopm raiUlaquondyVdblaquo eano-dtrtide raquolaquo4

raquo I w t p a e y e H Tnill- raacliincry in lest-r 1 fueeies in ilui rupulttll p^f-tOwn I5MI infj^

Xcrmt remirtiil iVortti


bullT rare ellanffe


A New Twortitory Frame House ampni Blanrfiard St-Forest and 0raquolaquo acre of

UIT-KMMUI trrtit 800rA-ipbeTrjrbush-bull-bullii-giapvstmdashVV ill trade fr u 3muil tanh irice cent1200 - - bull bull bull bull

Also lOdteset of ground otraquo eo of Limn mid Davis strct-ts Forefet Oiilo -

All who wish to DuyJn or out tols1) In GageWtTdrtlon to theiltyofVjresl 0bull^^vllTpfaH^e see plot of addition nhd get prices from Mr Chraquos Stockton j WiHselleiitireorcufnVajftlot^iIisto orJLWGago We will mnke prices h fine husineia g te Full pirtfculars of and terms to suit tiie pnrchaser- -Jthcabovo furnished by soplying tlti

Atldre9WatFliiday O bull- - bull bull - - J-Odenbaugu-ndH-lt- orest H P GAOE 2 8^ Acres of land slxjut 40 roris west

- r J i f - T ^ ^ l 0 of Forest on tho double 1 sugtnrf laquoi - - - ^ - mdash-iPike- Welt fenced into 2 Selils This-ta ^ n bdquo U o l ^ a e a n e l ^ laquo o H i e mlaquot f lMrawf 1 ^ ^ ^

years with fnfercat Price $75 per j sirs

ter tnillioh dollars Students citl ici- sev P I I I P J a n y l i m n

of hud tbe pleasure of hosrlog tnis snperb

new catalogue tnldrees Hartsliof-ri L L D-

F u r vw Qlaquorcsnurir fsll fn rtmlaquoirphlaquori Ihn I bn^lnti 1 yiU w t n

r bullrbeautiml tnolodies pefeUlned thcre ln id f any Jtind laquot onr prices

acre Address Odonbsughltt CoForest We will sell you any Piano laquor Organ

rnlaquomfraquoorirlaquod raquot bull discount of no plusmn0 M percent frum tbeitst pries We jnaaa ^ _ mdash - i ygtu want anTrslrumoot

President Alliance

f5cnie say that thif precinct vot-j nraquoi 1 laquolta to deggt^^ raquolaquoiraquo raquoJP-^ nr- j r h draquor to sopplyjhe demand- liery per |

j o g wts tl Pgu others suy ^hajL^tv^i-iaiQJ lpound-raquooilaquoelaquolaquoton of a piano or

j All tneeeJiAva Been nicely Arranged for 0 Pisno and Organ 80 popular la (his |

eooipoaiiioit tbst ihepubinherwascom- i

1laquo Tgtr

purchase Address

bullJ OjampfcampX-UGJfSGSZ bull-bull - F C H K S T oHfo bullbullbullbullbull-Offlci- in Dr Stnnsells office

iseior jwraquod _

Cowsarc fcedingpnncw 51 ass

until after Snndny A man at a Ktiitltcman horsi this molnf s raid -that wrrwould have sjiring ) (summer wcntlterfcon

rcmuiii j ifiou

was all dohp up square Niiw lot ^Or p ahould tjiiy n copy tlHipvtfiified fraquor Wck indidatf^f vFree so rents -pTrtiHsieo^^y F T _ laquo bdquo - raquo aiiiesuibiiei-i r t leainnamatps n( l t l l lok e 0 f a ^ W e r + r ) 1 p n o r t h e r J l i j J |L43ftI)r i i i rr nvnileth nothing But rah lor the-ilaquo wlaquor Foihn s dn^mnati 0 itfli V I i f l l l r l l K I bappv Wiows who laquovro MectlpJ mdash- - - - ^ r ~ V U U l i l hfw hjjfjoritf Ohlv threi bull i laquoraquo0 BV amp mm



TMttlaloMiitveiyseMimnye eiwberaquo Kctsn prorvta ta tar I mrpriiJqj saudotee for UMBahMSMsai dnn l u t i m k raquo belaquoa nimdlsa Ssr I nataaowlttaettcleetaelnhtflligssii

_bull Thraquoalaquorieraquoj KuUaf I t s f f Isa TraquoSgtagtforlaquoTrlaquoilaquoraquoraitlaquoniaeocraquoltJltraquo -

Traquo itcck owner raquosd XarsMisa is I A 4aftgt bottle ofM bullraquoltbull a aaa

laquoIORI d raquo laquoigtfalBet ef H I Orworifceep lijam ltootltQt-hflisua iiau fcaa wwr-iwcB ehoalderrmt iaesmdasht raquoraquo ssa bulltlacn or poieoDOse icptonaadlmmmmt SBca dnwteck to stock srManlaquo sa t bis I

It cotes orery cxttnal Kelaquosas bullraquo kMsa sjUmwiew icnueket twita^sisasa^sa wtU^anrlnctetie rto ete

neaiSpwXiMalaquoLbuselaquoal a Sat laquoJ1 cansTHtW-woratot liiilKSfli sssstSMtI tuamplr la tbe itMFue bulllt laquo jSilUsa bull

ban^Hsldt epndas mtt etc^Md Sst St Ucolirijr veliisbJe to raquoraquobullraquo

It U Uwctnpeet lesinlj la tks lissM pdwamtesUieiBaeeietatte ssas sss t laquoppuclaquouclaquourMwinywssraquoMssa raquolaquoraquobullgt bull aexiesa aoimsTiBiwiM sraquo bullbullbull ^-laquoa

SUeeoebottlei tbe teiaw ease fcsssrsasss ^-frac34

I bull)laquor4 timfs tiie lraquolraquoncc were gsi tlaquoraquo Sghf ebilrd fellows to bed

wraquoi~-pound fuels day well rpent itsa^ Vr-

wftnlvil tn art j ___ _ _ - _ - - _ laquobull ftSMit for I tlTo Io- bull OT (iiiiE liiri pfljicr jlaquo I bull r i -h i-f 1 i n tii- hc i K-Mi-rL^l pr - in t - t^ laquonrriljcrlaquo wiAi-iciUi livtHT- i-ruyanri ti1 fin f i r n ots of- iiincy rsnv^- l ipHnrtrr ] i -1- h-nvs i n n i

fliraquoi ilaquoT itt_ Olrr-p rIr Hrlaquoiimfl it wr vA nl ro hny hltl]i|^ mi i1 h re j nxiii lor Jf r tilaquo in cx fr poraquo(ijri bull Mnnn Sraquoin(bull0 ltf pniur nrl jwjiirraquonlftH fmi ndttcrj V[ 1 frac34

U^HjtLuri fniin ilaquoviiraquow( y

He are pmr^ro^ to print SraquoIR Hai IIflfiraquoK BtLtM ainlcgttlgtcr JOB VORK ns-r+iffHf r thlaquo fthfljpwt 5itlificHni pn imntiCi PtorT tioi^-iave gtottt cr-ioi raquot X 1-1 Nrws i Jfire -

raquo^gtow jgt V iimrtnPBlgtftrihi

bullp-THrjir yotxr Jot bull bull=raquolaquo bullsfasiln liitu a l w f i u j r


Slaquonrtuaky Ouio Oa Laka triex KJfT-mt t e l r fruwlmdashl Ttaabest

aHXIK-KKr-rtKO u raquo V t b 7 M t a W I i 0 bull - - bull - mdash i i i m n t j i L L

ifTf laquoTellaquofrraquopa ComvtiiTSmi Andletii) ( | ^ I I K of n y V ^ ^ ^ I i(leraquoe in tnr i-esntry Kat

Hiwtraquoraquoc=tRgtji StedwtJ blaquoB O ^ f S j s s l i f ^ laquo laquo tfwltosnitrwowre

pound2U2SL bull ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ raquo s f l


t laquo~- ^



- bull bull bull gt - -


laquo bull 1 -ZK



totb saanhaadiaf I W M ijjtfw

jswfe poundmlaquo j^4tb$Tlaquo7 oaejaoat toiunww m i T _ ^ _ _ - - Wttfc aa^mamp^rSiinrrpJWRited

myself naxt corning lit the patients dw- I wlaquo fUd to see there was no crape o -ft Turing th aervejatvwho admttte4Be I berried trembling to tnejiaeae things to try specialty farming

tajhlaquo BBM raquo7 (k|nM b laquo k raquo laquo

s s s a m s H m j p tawlwicmd

I | M ^ D t t o k n S i r f t M i l

Ban ft tela Jbr tare

aMaaataa raquobullgt talaquo tu i imn l t ii i i i i i i i i igiatfcgttraquotMtt- bull-bull -M n W at laquoBy SaTst saw

_ - - - - j j g a j a k t a n o o r j kSttfll _ m gtbullbull a w raquolaquogtraquo-I taraquopatattvd tokno

I laquoM mmK M lirio Mr H4raquonagtto Kafir thara raquo oft b laquobulllaquolt by ttsrs r aa4 laquobull tk M M appetrt

I TMMffen 1 MB raquo01 mdash

mdashJraquoalti)jigtli wiltns Attierti


iS faS - -^ ^gtrtyriraquofiwi-ij

_ JtodlCJJ80Cltty MJWie bullecnrtwMd to assemble once ijeiut

of mutgricdmgrtl6ivand r T- ltsff i fr

aud^BrTfwront Nt v- laquolaquo jBroqW6nv 4 Jiving professional

budget 1 Onhi- lace- Sflu luuwut^oyl^

nmet totI laquoid

WaWew bull hid raquoajht

my patient did I passed t Praquo idTcMM iawhiehto


-sickroom Good-mprnfng Doc cried the inshy

valid rising fsom a sumptuous break-tiatr wiping hi mouth with one hand iwd axtonding me tpounde other -fir George ycai Md bring me- through famously I That stuff was mighty nasty but it did the hud new Im sound as a dollar this somiagJL^^ ~~ f Before fwnid-wplTri servi entered the same by^ whom I

-^tyftur ttU wWj^ttekt fe Boiera dead sir JDtraquodaedeuoe1 Theres iCgoJ-I

ypul forgot to call at Bottrslbe for that)drench yesterday

just like you when mr baek is pursed -- - Nltrlaquofr the man replied Is topped and gotk o | my way from the doctors and gavi it according to direction v

fJUt my_ruckT crieds Tophamj emiting -the - table tYou see Itoc Bolter was my fastest trottegt-I counted oa winning a mint of money oaJhim at the coming races arid now-hers goo arid kjcked_the-Jbueket Well rgttwee to his woalaquor raquo the wet-says Here Dickr hand the doctor that medicine hataeitom the latvteL He mayjsjretl 510119frac34frac34^frac34^frac34frac34frac341^85^8^ Jsect)L may set me on a freSsp^jaodlhereT ao telling how soon I may tieea another -deae ^

This kind-of farming as is well known oooaUta in the selection of some one of thestaple product of the soil and glv-ing the attention to this alone ttow^l consider making specialties deg few of the elsawntarof ywcessfnl farming Bwfc there if ideal of discrimination arising because of the foUerwing reasons whicE are obvious to the general reader Some Po^joStof^owwuntry SJlaquo totayyua-81 lor speojalij fmfi^Iirraquooch por-tions nothing wfll grow in abundancec

said|raquotrt we olaquoft obtain a little of nearly everything Tn sniefc Joqalittev general fanning seems ajaecessitj^ana wilL in-deed gtve frac34 man living^ AgainTioampte men are sosituatedrthat a-certain

w it painted on an old ItaVern signi and to if aftera

_ of weary rambling over the dusty 1 of therapeutic1 tore wMttfned as_

for refreshment as thetired hafts before the inriting-sign-

LwlaquoTing hospitable welcome to the ^tSfter-within bull - - r- bull =

^^jQeaial Pr Cupps Like-Father- GrisMraquo that-otbergood old man well nevet^eeikn morlaquoraquo -No-monument Hlaquoirksgthk lastrraquostlny-plaQe ThegbUd --ofnadertahers poeaessedtiiey a-spark

5 frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 frac34 ^ ifouldttot suffBTthistobf Jklaquo raquobull his aurTiving rprofessional

-hfethren few of M 1 fear haTejnoney to lt^laquon4fiLtblaquofVray - _ bull bull ^tgtvBow doyoung dbctowj-as raleH i laquo t t h e i r first straquortTdoeried a cynlcai-^lookgtg M Drat tlie foot of the ampble wltti a-nose as sharp asfte^ Hp of Iriit ~laquoijrhTano8tmdashleaTing out of bourse ex-- ceptional case like that of a man swal-

_ bri which ^Teaji BimonBottefiH^erbull-bull--bullmdashbull-

Can- it be I mentally exclaimed at it -was BoW potion that cured the

z^~ raquoia^tht^k411ithe horse strung cBagnaf curenmstantial

laquoyenidencerraquotraquoyraquote bull- - - bull_bull ^ QuisU yncWng the botqe I^rent

f the twth was aniltoaiissd

t6ok~it crimination majriWplaoeA ateong our elements gtraquo tWitiinnVlaquoralaquo bulluyctimiui poundaraiug iftinferiM-traquolaquowraquoof= JMfcjanyPJF raquo1i-i T- A i 3 - -mdash~ l-i -3^J=lUi - - T U D aTrtiisn

ill) Way1 XI U1U HUM ITHBMJiminmdashraquoj it never came out Topham Sounded my praises everywheret and sexwr the locatdeath-list was pretty equally filled wgtththe names of old Dingos jatbjnts and my own bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

kindstrikibg thftraquorthA

bull Formicddiraquoaa recentiy beenfaund^ to possess powerful preaetratiTe proper-ttefs exceeding jwhehaddedtoilaquocfd-raquooln- tlooiyeven earoolic acid and to felaquor_paf-r lowing- V fish-bone Or dropping sud i i

-^enly faalaquoVrtereraquothjere|s no ctagtloe--Ttcuutiy euhsble for adding- to = fruit ^^bullbull^tte-se^-to-Bearaquoestraquoijd--s-WhMIaak-^aiCM From-one-quarter to one-half mdash iVk how do people come to-trust their

^Hves deliberately iniaexperiencedhands bull Whats the philosophy of i tr r ^^Eopular ij^ojaicjBr prphably sug- geated^ne

Sttul c Or^heek-in-the youngstor another hinted

bull- lt-Ifscostly hteitthink remarked bull-_ Sat ehaif Whereon had cbnyergod_raquo BlaquombBref inqairipg looft -s ^- raquo Come- doctor give us yonr expe= ^vjfjjnee pfr the point was mo^edjtad ^ taeooiMiedk v r^tgtJlmeytM case ot pure luck11id

frac34 tell us abojititf^we Cupps was not the man

Wont entreated to refose - _ -

ffl -young men now-a^dayse beglaquon enter the profession- with other advan-bulltamsthaA we-oldfellows had The

r-pjptio hospitals rriw accessible to stu-

bull -mnch-by bbservafion-whichwe-were lef toftnd out through expert men te on -rimx -laquonraquo patients

-Though I took my degree after a bullbullbull exajaiaation I doubt if I __ a hays distinguished-by-in^

bullwSetfon between the Incipient stages of iickenpox and- measles Had J been

a-mdash cslled-te- treat a simpl esse of rheuma-T5^^laquoi_i ten to one I Jhonld hatefound a

-IwUte^willingraquos4-3gtaseedi -^-fentenclaquoofampnTSti3ir--without stoo-

^^bull-VPampg to bull the--vktinCwbat he had |^^^jsraquoTi(laquoiwtit Hy first patient was

SA ^PeVcy-T^pham -a young manh6had iapound7-inherited a gplwdid cowtitution as welt

- L - WM jast maxingTwy laquoL r^T^h]both the fiase no doubt wOulQ

hAve fallen into Dingos hands for he ^^1 ^fiioateoiUedtbepractlcethereaboutbut

br fflabsence on a distantcaflr Come quick sir urged- the mes-

Seleitlflc ani UieW Bottle or green glass is mada_of the commonest materials in about the fob ltudng proportions^Sand_100 parts kelp or impur soda SOY wood-ashes 40 bull bullpottersCclay 100 cjilleti)r broken | laselO(k bullbull bull -bull Professor -Nawcomb saysJ SoJsmall is the- earth compared with the celestial bullSpaces that if one shouldshut his eyes and fire at random in the air the

juices jrom -one-quarter per cent Is the ltjiHUvtity-requisite to preserve vinegar fruit juices glue ink etc-- -lt - - bull-- - Qurles Napier an English scientist

has beentesting the truth-of Lieblgs theory that liquor drinking is compsti ble with animal food butnQt with a farinaceous djet -5e-experimeni was tried^en twenty-seven liquor drinking persons withreaulte Bubatantisting the Liebig theory bullmdash bullbull bull Aiiuriiing chimney when the soot

hamps been lighted-by a fire- in tfiltrfiffcgt place cap be extingujshed by shutting all the doors Sn IB Mom BO as to yn-vent any cutrent of sir up the chimney then by throwing a fewhandfuls of

ate im

common salt upon the fire in the STE or on the hearth the fife in the cbi ney will be immediately distinguished ithe philosophy of fhisj8 thatp4B=he process of bnrniog the bull salt muriatic

~-1J^mdash -Jmdash^-mdash-r -hich is a prompt iclltfgas is-eVol red extinguisher of-fiw -vAnemlDentr French-scientist latelj presented a note to the Frensb Academy on the antiteticjproperties of-bichro-mate- of pofcm Experiments had

^ ua two kinds of iacsateg ric spMaatoy lana-iraquof and fnlaquortljraquormlng Oeneral farm-jaceo iMi in raising sometfflm of all the stapi pBwampaa^otrdirKtt7-TUlaquoi kind of fsrxaiag seUom a ma food enougn amr-to

fallk of giving to antWtTW^

as the world has~it he can make a livshying thus smphr for a iv

abjjtr i little fi some other bniineis whilt

AaBUaotl i t^i i agtsttawists iiaw covered sUfcJiawCabalmdash ^^^ laquo^^^ ^^v^p^degvew^swav---fww^s)a^^av

oaatodwitkHehMat aad jwve^fc^ tr at p tooea^

n tWraquo should ex)ead limbs sotaf as is liBnawry After i^nawiampiw^imaaiji M wtSa There is nothing so _

for 10frac14 purpose alaquosgtcd home-made soft wishes to BOM made from ly (or potajh) and

a man caret

teTs _ _ wlaquoBtwwmr

poke for such a man But jf a mto deshysires both a Bvingand income from the farm alone we would Kcomjnehd him a the surest and safest way to secure

bullmount of general farming is all that is necewary Qeneral farming U suited to certain tocaJIties- and to eertaih men namely to those localities where the snilhot a varied_cnrlaquoctlaquor-^)fjinaa kinds with M-chejiucal eteaest abundance as- to warrant any leh( and extensive production of any one thing [ and to those men who ar unconshycerned as to whether they make money faster not or to thosejfhofsrm in conshynection witVsome otheravocaiiw Bpe-cialty farmine belongs to those IocUitMs wherej parjfrcnlar tSng i to advmVsjtej-and more jthoielien- who wjsnto their raquoolc avocation jind^gsi the most ttey can out of i t Witt bull prbperdiay

then sponaity

welw doeen or eighteen pounds of eggs This is equiTalent to saying ttort gU pounds cf com will ptedw when fed to this hen one jiooids of eggs A pound of pork on the contrary requires about five and one-third pound of corn tor its production When eggs are twenty-four cents a doaeji and pork ten cents a pound we haTe the bushelof corn proshyducing 4)588 worth of ergs and but 105 wortt of pork --

BiBXDifo a horse is generally done is the JflguIar Tien with a broad-bladed lancet and when the vein is sufScieawy prsssedaod secured saaato caoseitjo-swells then the point of the knee is sent in withthe left hand ant chtting upward makes all the opening necesshysary When sufficientblood U -taken the cut ought to iw squeesed together and fastened with a pin By pressing the vein below the wound the blood will ehootouiln stream and fail claiur into th bucket araquody towoelve i t

IK ^selecting flour first -look to the motor Ji t t f t white wHh a gteUowiah

l Ifit-ia wUte

heejvsnessmdashwet and knead a little of it between your fingeh^if it works soft andstiokyj it i poor -5Chenthrow a mtle hunp of dried Awr against A smooth surface if it falls like powder

S ^ ^ s i l ^ ^ S laquo f f i ^ i ^ lore wpeoiauj-to 4 ^ 8 frac34 ^ frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 ^ tt^raquo^smire^ifijt

bull 4001laquo a good sign Jt amp safe to buy four thnt wjlt^laquond TU^Jraquoese-iests These usedefafe given by all old flw

bullthey pertain to-a-mattet

them- If a niah is pursuing Bpeculfies hlaquo can at~the salne time growgtenough of-the other staple prpiinctefor the do-roaads ofhis famiry- and no farmer whatever elseshe-may do should fait of having a large garden1 and taking good r ^ raquo T i Tylaquo^raquof lvj f t T raquogt ilaquoniltr iy c

surely ^ _ ^ BreeVOag Stock on tJw Kfm^-SavB

the Jnririlaquotraquoo Yorher In VlewTof t ie marketfor choice stock lately-thrown open to our farmers bf theLexportatlon otlattlsmidiueal to^Enrope it-ber

^hooves them to t iy increased attention to the raising of superior animals on the farm- A late report on ihe Amerlean-meat trade by Professor Sheldon of the Cirincestir Agricultural College Engshyland after furnishing a ansae ofinforma- tioq on the subject comes tolhe -cbii-elusion thatrdeepite some fluctuations the~lt dead meat trade vrill rapidly Inshycrease and thatappliances for its sue- eeesful management will be multipHeoV ijhanceadf bringing down a- bird would - _ j - _ laquo laquo ^ bdquo rn- bdquo_laquoraquo nt tii

^e better than S a t of a cometof ^ ^ J i f t pound $ ^ P - P -traffic - wilt-he in jraquo great ^neacure-pro-portipnate to tile excellence of the pro-duct aDdihelimit4olhe quahtityshrjK ped wilLbe^hejtciwage capacity of ves-eeis crossing the^Atlantioj -for owibgJto the falling off in ourirhportsj the nnm-ber of Bhipsengsged in thtransatlantic tJRadewiil be tooTsmallfoSffbrdroomfor a IHrge export of meat together-with other merchandise withont aavanclncthe freight to figureTEaTwiU rofiibit further expOrtafloB -~bull-bull -bull--bull - The -experienceof many thriving bullfarmers alh over the country-proves that a better run of animals 1s obtained by breeding them- on the farm than by purchasing them Hbre care is bestowed in selecting the likely^aftspririgs of tried animals they will go on fattening more rapidly and uniformly than strangers picked up here and there- for it takes some time before these get acquainted and become con tent enough to lajt-on flesh kindly in their nlaquow bull home and moreover- the tendency of pricejHor young stock is upwards and the probashybility is very strong that ere long it will bullnot pay farmers togo into the market for young animal Inany^case it is as a rule more profi tables to- breed the stock one hand

^ _ bdquo _ amp


bdquo Donotplaht tre$s deeper thanis nec ek^vm-Aiav^ha^the addltion^f--o^nraquo4laquosaryAMKtalit thi fepts well nr_Uian

French scientific papers contain ae counts -of -an -expenmeht -by -a-Mons Carrelet who took two dwarf pearsmdash-pesrs grafted on the quincemdash and grafted the stem of one inverted on the stem of the other growing so that the-roots of the grafted one were on the top as-t branches are These roots finally be-

- r came true branches pushed out leaves ltkmi Mr Percys taking onut a^^nd shoota and iritfine bore quinces

bull^jrwfulrate gtH laquo Without staying^o inquire fBrlher bull 5f -snatclttd my nt and- sallied- forth

y r i i laquo feraettint in - aew pill-bags -Where]

stoek-of-earn pies ein niy

r v-J- r-AIarrivod to findmy patient taking ^ ^ i i i ^BiTat ahawfuJ nite sure enohgh ^ -bullbull Pokerin hand he Was lajf ingaoout

highly detrimental to 6-was ki

Has in a manner 1 rftmritere

jlaquottlaquoi B a d i t H e was kill ing snakes h e been dog hydrophobia

hundredQfpari ofTheTgtichromate mor-dinary water prevents the- putrefaction of-al l sorts of-organic-matter such as meat urine e t c v A thousandth part of hirfimrqlaquo)A provgnt beer from turning sour Alter threernohths1 immersion in

may l ie calculaiad i u o e a n i m v una biuhel1 -ot-qorn yraquolaquorjyr art to by

whole pOe in a piece of ItroMrty that bullobodyTa took itottlM taxsiTbmi heres when his evermttta lock froee to him agin^ and the next summer a new railroad scheme^oned every last hnn^ dred hed mvestrt into raquobull aqiare thoushysand- I might folaquon and toll yon bow be married a woman- so poor ah was about to be set into-the streetcause she eouMnt pay house reraquotlaquoad hovkaide of two months afterward she Ml heir to a whole raft-of property is BafiUos aadirhile they was oMnin hraquolaquo from saeia about it she got killed la a ssaash-up and the railroad company had to aSell cut in big figures but taid raquoraquo in my sggravatin yolaquo aiiv amiabout i t There aint a set of brains la this room but what could dance all around the works In hiaJead asvsh TUm in the week bujb luck is luck gentlftne and the man that holds the most trumps dont always rake the pot -- bull --- v ^ - v ^ ^ - bdquo mdash i bull bull

with srilnian oast or with black specks in it refuse it Next examine it draquo

TKE anoient Greeks the Bacedonfamr an4 the Romans of theanterCmeerBsn eravmen who tii hygieaics in health and strength were laquo0 strangely superior to us^rsstrictaithemselTW toltmemlaquoraquot per

thhour com-

diem to- which they devoted the between-sunseLaBa night Theraquo menced their days wo x at oayi and-kepi it up till |t vs comple fioithed till lite in the afternoon neowaary then thetoftk a bath pasetd an beur in the -glaquoaaaslumL and dedicashyted the cool evening nOnTt-to^oodcbeer muaic dances sac pleessnt converse- tion Tiechildren of hatBre IndianB hunters and teahmen foliOwpie same plan j they breakfast laquop m a cold iia-

cult With a enp of coffee perhaps if they have the ingredients and time to cook then march or hunt till- theygo Into araquonprtoeatad restrand he jri parshyadise for a few hours

FtJBTLBfteggiiareheld i n wherever they--are found as well by Europeans asottiersr They bavea rt^r soft shellfand are about the size ofa pigeohs^egg-The1 mother turObt-lagt thrice a year at intervals--ot two or three weeksdepositing in one night as msnyWa hundred at a layfng An ex--periencedeye and bandarj4ulred(to detect the eggs as- they-are always in- geniousljr covered up with sand but whin they are huntodijery few eaoapeT The Oronoco Indians nbtein from these eggs na kind of1 clear sweet oil which they use Instead of butter Jn the month of FejDrnrytwhentBe blfti waters6i ihe Oroiiooo hampVe reOeded nut lionaof turtles comeon shore krdeposit their eggs The certelatl and abund-AncepfTfie harvest isTsucSThatIt is esshytimated bythe acre The yearly gathshyering ahdut the mouth of the riveV alone is about five thousand jars of oiVahdit takes five thousand eggs to make a jar

foaafasHif so had akae^thalaquosi he d )vmm that bull bull U M rpoundZ d pound k u u _ gt bruag t h a t _ _ laquof iSattorof afeTetlaquofttfgt

had tacked a couple o baadiwa more en to his Bat mosey was no count to him no atoren to a child for inatoad of buyin oat a toney bar down gtfn| ^- --ft_^iA^tf ggt what iid the foolraquo bat

Ae w g wwTarred B

ai i MW rot wait

dfMUUMI bullrt wiraquoUr _ Tttsllraquogtartraquoet^laquoathlaquo

HJJCT Bothers are eitheroompeltea to stay away from church and theater or

-woman ook her little one in hersima tol^K^^i^ laquo ^ hear a famous preacher The loud voice =275555frac34frac34frac34^frac34frac34 from the phBform awoke the-child and made it cry and iu^aaiber got up and Warteavingthe hall when the--rainister jtojplaquodier_M JH^^Mt-gm Woman doai go awa- The babr doeant disturb ale It iraquot for that sir I leave ah_e replied with aperfect

Tgtnfirmir^rfBrs^e^Bpoundj^^ J raquo laquo b the baby1 L- v -

- W gt I W ErartVa5Mil raquo bull hraquo TU MkgtM bullrilBtsakieV- -

TkstUboniiii4klaquoik7 - laquot JUMlaquoJlaquo1 tbt nlaquon In th SMOD

twUf t i aftiTS QnlM-jrkm J STwUk

n i M Mctpi fljfc laquoflaquor rtk i K tfHHk UM

f a u n ft aiM laquobull ssaw wtM VMM WlaquoSwalaquoKOraquo laquoMlrlaquoltlaquot Wattn-sstha bull - 5 T

TH ttnutm

w i ^ m w ^ aTraquoT7 _

ifam at j y a ^ raquo t raquo a gt W ^ jCaa^Sampigart raquo bull

wU^faf i se Htm psrt bullMrtlt l lglrf tt

^ ^ a ^ ^ f e w t ^ ^ - -atcopymdash


^m^poundixT3tbull i bulllaquo raquo-| | it--

jtoeWRTreg1 afek inr

a)nsnkraquo tot On paMfe salaquo bullmrttaMi to OrMtnrCgtasult Traquoipi tsfemkainattrlaquoa4 Craraquof ClirwtjTIli bull bull bull bull H I M tot TSraM 0raquoM I n k OM i w laquo ft raquogttM U laquoBraquo KhiW raquolaquolt bulladOkafvWtkranav UkartwwctoSMlaquotgtMraquo w laquo mt raquobull vtokMtraquoirMr M M M M Ukatlatffaa trtm laquo bull nsfc Bft TOWaa VJMlTWJf BOXU

WTllj - - bull- - -to sav Mlaquo

laquoHPrraquosshu psraquocgt iK-ftwa VKmlrlaquovTact

Lixixai rsatts 9

MsMtorto saj Man r JKgt pH for UMT Cclaquoc0laquot^armtMltOMDgtfnraquolaquo(i 8047


ylaquo yraquo d vVr ^ gtH it RTMSt tCKtlllH

tflaquo wlU ttwbom friMml to twta a nm thiU mmm


_ torjhtMii


^^jyffig^^liss torn

uWtifiiflS poundjjT K f t c r a M

bull n l csVtatBMl H l t a n S K t l n ficMH n t t i i

amp^7^B^^sssirpoundisi laquoKnji UM frtMa Mtagiii s n Mint ssS Ut

J H I I K M gtM rWMtd to a n - M i to ampbull

frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34 ayfey 5frac34frac34frac34frac34 tlaquolaquoJ2r wt mtn

tawWoni sMe Olaquo

titHkiii _ raquojelaquojj Ic-tfct _ _

r M a t o d ^ ^ ^ r u T a ^ l u ^ u ^ w r S p S A f 0 ^ -^rjMiofwiii^raquonKajrWltajrlaquoktolaquodt bull tgtit UlaquoraquoAlaquo~T u l ^ t i p S a i TSlca^iJa^^lLUUta SWM eoli


(UEftMtal AHKIWr



^hey were plante4 jn the nursery rows

a solution meat was hardended and dry of South America and yields a oe^n of

It is thus argued that not only can roots become branches but that the sap can

_ mdash flow upward throngkinverted stems as in the excitement-Uie- 4rell as when the stems are in their nor-

was stored -bullbull mal condition If we say of the surface of the earth

that it is thfrltoit oithepoundraquorth ahd^ie beginning of the atmosphere we are not-correct in reference to the-latter The air begins waeh below thegjannd antl vre-jought to say that where -the ground whichTls ainixture of earth

Ikngwgt meant deltrium tremoi gtsh was ths decision of llr Topshy

is own more practioed- judgment ampp fri terafng toward me in a lucTd TV iawftsBnt A bull-- mdash ti ^rvegofemDoc he said i- V bull I did my beat to calm him-assured fe him I should bring him round placed ri my fingers on his pulse and began to bullcimnt the beats bat darting from me he

^ i i e la jmed - - bull - - SS There goes the biggest snake yetmdash

AtoU serpent of alltL making a slash -witk the pokej Uiat caused mo to dodge Linto the comer

two to watch him and ac-

pound g

companieabT the man who had sum- hwed am 1 hurried home to procure such remedies as 1 should conclude the

- case requiredmdash a point I must confess I wasvery far from clesr upon I had

been reared in a temperate-pommnnity i- bad seen little of intoxVatlon- or its fflbeta and my reading had not borne ^apeclally in that direction bull-0 f Before reaching my office however V I-decided what con rue to take Therf

jraano time to _ consult booksi Beeidesj -I Was aabaaed to do that in the pres- ence of the man who waited to carry back the physic He would have taken

j4 j i-for a eonfesaiop of Ignorance and -- woitld have tost no lime in proclaiming -f )IMa donof bullOvethauling laquoraquoy supply of drags

bull taking a little faaan every 0raquo I peo-bull bulltISSa iMbdquo UiSuasjHlBiam^^ - In r^ j_M

Neyetplace th^rooft in contact-with knows how an pilln tieTlaquoflk of his tnannaa mdash L_lt Z bull ain(Magt~ rtw VJai bull VraquolaquofV (bull wsteirtfc ffTTgt manure

THE culture oicoffee in California is becoming profitable Th^planl grows as vigorously as in countries

Btrong aroTnaiic flavor ^^aoww auce generally speaking should scarcely bei-ao- thick as white sauces and i t is wellto bear in minu that all those jrhtoh are intended to-mask the various dishes of poultry or meat should be of-a sufficient consisshytency to slightly adhere to the fowls or joints over which they re poured For browning and thickening sauces etc browned flour may be properly em-plnyftd

PnbrESSOB BILEY regards themigralt tion of insects as due to their multiply ing moreTapidiy thun Tjf support attributed

t bay been my ^diagnoais_bttt 1 water wd air ends from there the atshymosphere exists alone His no wonder that no particular attention was paid to theair in the soil its presence there does BWinake any direct impression on any ef OUT senses we infer its presence more from other experiences and conse-

luent conclusions The human mind bullrmprly locked upon the air as some-

thing nnsubifantial spiritual although men saw the effect of hurricanes po wonder then no one thought of the air hidden In the ground which cannot even blow the hat from our headrmdashbull - ^

Ibelr wains migrations of rats are

to the same cause and similar observations have been made an to other animals- Many insects

^hat are not normally of a migfatory tendency exhibit it when preesecTby dearth of food - In these cases they colshylect together and migrate in large bodies

To uraquoe up cold meat rT Prepare your meat as for hash fill-a-deep dish with

-Team-StaadlsaVIVaek bullbull_bull IWsdBwitl Brasktstt ^tl^fl _

- It does beat all how some folks gits along in the- -world said-a red-nosed man in a crowd sitting around the stove fti a oornw grocery the ptber nigh jNowthares -tbat Eom ^tandish look athim if he aint been foUered by a

streak of bull-htadid bull Jack I want to know wjiat you call i t He come tothis town without a dollar in his pocket or a decent dud on his back but before three days be struck a job o i heTpih in a biler factoryat five or six lollara a week anaTTiybull Jrvih^the-torli

aixnins oh his back it wasnt four months before youd a thought by the looks of the kid that he-waft aoUd with tcmmelnuahaiidhnlWBmmlnfliwget on election day as airy other chap in the ward I dont say uhe waslai but he wasnt one -of the kind of felfen to go and wake the--boes up out of a sound bull lj-mdashfind out soasthin to da Hgt nap to wasnt even passably good-lookin bqt some how it jest seemed to come-natshyural to him to cram on style and he had a knack of sliekin1- himself no and alshyways lookin tidy and neat as soon as he was out of the scop thitfrbeen more of a blesHB than a rich daddy would_a been to him In -knockin aroUn3tte world aflve done Ive noticed that the main run of people generally is tolerabl laquopt tn ^ gt t fellers own idee of hiaself

SrmlraquomdashVfkttt FanMilnsk _ rgtSMlriM-wMlirlaquolaquo^laquoAlltlaquotiJfiaasjl fc rjwgt ySfcwTinitojj S j ^ l WsTgs^MXgg^Cay raquoah^w

^ ^ ^ 0 l l ^ r M n h o a laquo laquo C t a Ssrnkt

-rtocx Buxxna oxgt cnrsTarl

fi 1 raquo miiim KiMtfr S( to ttr Urmim asiTy raquo J^^iSw^ ft mdash- totally

JiLBlaquolaquoSM tau U pTet 4riMU tMtokwS ~w nwrVALOmdashrxlaquox M shsiwr



bull4 ktatr IMWIW



-Eipocitn took MSB I-raquoTraquoHlaquoUf lraquotraquot w

laquo S0SH- paJ^tottferaquosTtolaquolklaquo1 is Ik ltraquobullbull twu tnameo to rstn mm B3ltlaquo to inm H IHw raquo 4 lWlt(j~raquofrf M11raquo wif i ingtar iwj |Bf tm WBBW W I

1st IBM to l 7 t s s f t t j w a j atmtisf 1BM to irtss fts^

amp^^f^ Ibaa BMe Mrlb to laquortsi M

w n i t i r T - laquo bullfe bullwlBrto laquonsi M M 11st BaUt M BBS)

UBpsTleTrM UriTwBjtit t l a t t fTwsjgr to SiiajBZJmraquo^OatostQlt| SIM Ot^^^ - _ l i raquo r LIBEBTT Fa-OMMssmat M ibaA ptkw lut nptrto bullraquoraquomdashTtrttrR SB NaVBS rtTUffilpBlM It fajlTIt HBnp ITn iBtapilsn-MMrtyWI

WOOL-Ia Batoii dl frssti tnl tit kmaVtoil tkr Juuiunlua tad trs t s u M t art crisis Bttwii-iBst wtr n nlaquoraquody ut a m fmsJsJy to J W U I T laquoM mdash bmU t s i t p l raquo MiiHWBllt iPraquo-toast fast pcton I B n S n M l SUMSBBBS laquo1

^ C0KO1FTOI man juttiii jaati

- cafcTiai ygti^Wltli- fiBlaquoraquolaquo (XnntfmJ -^mmMtf U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i p f ^t amp^^^^^^^^^^^^

A1UU4 tnttnitlai liVollrrty^tf-Urrmi traquo u oraquolaquoifctottVis MS tfirti ttvm til itliT S S S t t o m

_ _ omilolaquoliraquolaquo flit BMW bdquo rttsaft wSRSWRuiwasr Lst5raquocampwraquorB^laquo-i FELLOWS HYP0PH08PHITE8

forBlMMMwBM artfnSwM ttrktoet rimA waMtant n t i l u ntouitoS

VrenAltW I K l w JBnMAraquoiBlaquo

1|fgS7ISmrVJraquoa^K n-gtoM DtewtrvWi bull - bull--

mr U p L ^ ^ ^ (^IWEaUftitito m^S^mW^^^^SS

I aWlaaraquoawA at am ^ t a f s i s mdash ^ bull bull bull A M ^ raquo awawMiawaT afi iuittiajiTitoiFBm

- bull gt bull


M-mxampM ktmi ^mW ^MW^^mniifipmi - bull bull T bull M u n l l ~tU ~-dL ftj tha mm it r t U B I A d bull a M M tt Ik esa ef

COKBVMFTK u 4 tff BIHMII tr^tte fcmdashrraquo TatmdashI Tn II i l IT r T In i t ClietOwDok tsr mv bottk tt ttraal or mnii

^ S k -sa isuntstpiM a 1 Uftn to-ooascMJ _ i o m t cciM u ( _rraquon strwtioM fa t i t i i r t 0 bull c k l laquo t t l lt l i t M l i laquo U W gt laquo n K owaa-9 M0SMM00ftltraquo4t SWlaquotWraquoraquoTlaquo

1 Zu1

JAHOAL-W008 f-pagttl1rnlaquomlr for laquotUtoltM of tkt bull h i l l bdquotod ^JHUBiT aumi l l tB)raquo tool IB bullrVVVflMsiftl ffwwHftislftfcwiBV It BWTCC ycwnoM ftck mtU_cTUlraquoitr~iT ta Iti Mtloa Itk fwi jMawwUtltil ott-JT rtoraquorfl^Slraquorrotraquortlraquot Ait iurisortlfhiiBri a oUwt BwfclxctJi raquoligtk _ - mdash w mdash H f t B i n t M forbullwfaj to 1~laquot mtmt ncc^a atMir ktn blaquolaquo oJbtOl toBto raquofraquo BttK BtaftroM aMttcfttn tto

strapAJBwwraquoAiraquoltraquoraquoltaraquoi M k h w Oa V iliftliTii mU m fMjtmt-mrm AiiMOInmuwirtmiJtt mm mm bullHt^Ririmim In Utrt tfi

bullrt fm in mmlMma

^xspound^^tsyL_^ -TBTTrrxTaiBtt-oi tf wy aTWrBaysj TmtfiiJNUmrr raquofrth MHtr n i l e w l s

s^^r ilaquogs2 PrtcBjiesB4t-cltMiaiftraquowaf^raquoraquowrBm



THE 4 Q 0 D 4 W


For 3dULPT auad

UaJKITSTDIUTSOaiP - _ raquolaquobull

bulla pto w o laquooa nvw nlaquowpmdashiio IHUII 9imwmii ottsBtoa s4 aikiM lusdiiiBIJIBIi 1 BBBBttas sat StSpIUBl B0SJ4BO mdash

People who still adhere to the leok-at-bullbull Is doeter

cariosity in

^ laquo ^ t - r ^ L t o J gt f ^ t ^ f ^ ^ -sbot-forhenl nrat khowerl him hi

ASOTHSB iconcolastnow steps to the front and with an old document written

by one 01 the original Boston tea-spillers proves that there werepresent at that interesting teance no white men disshyguised as Indians Oh hang it Dont lop the thing off limb by limb that way Make a clean thing of it There was no tea there were no ships there wasno trouble no stamp act no dissatisfaction no colonies no warjjo Fonrth of -Tuly no nothing George Washington was a myth the Revolutionary War was a hypothesis were merely supposed to be existing and nothing is real but the his- torical motrn that destroy everything we ever believed By heaven- there were white men disguised as Indians at that tea party thousands of em Woswear bulltt raquos know it we were there and saw em Put that nthe school booksmdash AsrtMBdfott ftttwk^ftj

lish the great egg eaters receive-an-naally from Ireland one hundred and HiUtyniilllowsbf eggs and front Franec over one hundred and thirty millions The great object i s to get fresh ones and m a n y modes are resorted to to as- certain this important point Some dealers place them in water when if fresh t h e y will l i e o n their sides if bad they standon one end

G B A V I K S and sahces shonMbe table very hot atUthera is all the more necessity lor the cojik to raquoce to this point as from their being usually served In small quantities they are more liable to cool f|uickly than if they worn in a larger body Those muice of which

or egg form a-component part

for granted a good deal of the time If he Wears good clothes and puts on airs and carries himself with a swing as though be was somebody the heft of the peopfewiU conclude that he is and boost him along accordin Thats alt in the world that ever give Ton StandIsh his start He carried sail like a man with money out at interest and itwasnt no thne-at-ait till he had He wasnt what youd call smartmdashnot by a long

hash cover it with tomatoes over which sprinkle with bread crumbs with a little butterblaquoke until nfoely browned II Preparenjaat as for hash make-it in rolls (like a sausage) by binding it with raw egg tie eaclrToil carefully in cabshybage leaf and boil one-half to three-quarters of an hour In weak stock

^ ^ - - ^ ^ A ^ ^ - 1 ^ J ^ S = deg ^ 4 - laquo r i k s thick enough to see mighty rrtar food among airjcnown races bullifte Kng-j laquo Fromsoftih scrap-iron in thebWt

factory it wasnt no time at all till he found himself pullin the checks otera

toneltl family and if-It hadnt been for the give-away rig they chucked him in

hadnt sense enough to ran a wheelbarshyrow Tom wasnt no band at all for en-giueeriuor plannin or lookin ahead furdern youd throw a live hog He hadnt the sign of an eye for business at sll an not the shadder of a gift for speculatin In fact he hadnt nothin but lest the stabbornest kind of luck-

cream shouldbe well stirred as won as these ingredients are added to them and must old chap gits into a cbokin never be allowed to boil as in ^hatcase night aaa-JBBBawa^ov^r- to -

they would instantly curdle - _ Jjimt^mi j | laquo j f

to youd a thought he was the b ig bug who owned the turnout takin a twist at the l ines for his own amusement He kept his eyes and ears open and in a little while learned all the ways of the

sr-eHtat arid he couldnt a talked and acted any more like an oyster ion BtUtsif hed ahad a hide full of blue blood himself T h e next I knowed a rich old cove had took a great fancy to him and hid give him the job of travshye l ing all over the world with him nigh about tn look after his baggage cuss waiters and take care of hisk


yolaquor-toBfalaquo-BBd-felaquo1-6i-yoiir-Tgtnlt somsUms -express not s lUlaquoe curiosity rsxsrd U) Dr BV Pletees original uwthod eTdUtiBfrnithlus all terms of ehronie disshyease witaont pertoampBl eensultatlon Some even suppose that he aeeompllshes this through etairvoyaaee n s o m t othsr speef o f f rbfetilaquonal Jogllery AH this U BUerly false He elaiau to determine disease by the rational methods of seicow oaly Says Comjev- In hit MegiapUeal Eaeyelojpwfla BiograVUeal

poundlaquo gr11 I T^jf fn bull Vt psrirtiviiithM each of the natural seieaees the UvesSgstoT ~

sf this aiittm - 1 wcatsrprflBEiT^JXirrx prooeeds seoording ta ttfiiem slaquoltstu The geologist igt~ UeahlnetlugtearBtly deter-miaes and describes the cWift of reck which a t has rtlaquovlaquor m a rroa the mis ate specishymen on his table And th chemist la bis laboratory raquootlaquos the eonstUaenU of taeaua with thesams precision that h aaalyse a erystal of reek salt Tae-aaalocoms syBMm developed by Dr Fi etc ia JtedTesl 8ilaquon it worthy ot hi gealB and hat mads h name jastly celebrated For a fall sxpli nation of this Ingeniou system of diafawslBt see the Peoples Common Sense Medical Adshyviser tent postpaid to any address on- reshyceipt of one dollar sad Kty-eents Ad-dress-the author BV Blero M Dbdquo BnSalo Jf Y bull bull bull bull - bull

The hoasekeeper l lr cook who sti economy in the kitchen oap do so In onl reotion by always using DooiKTs Y f poundo-W-DXJ^-_U wi l l be found a truly | nomicaland-vainBole atstttant in bskln cnlta rolls bresd cake of all kinds i sauffisisand mostsil articleprepared i ilnnr tnd whyJ-JWsate In m l n g l Doeley Powder yeu save in a m la th lag In patience ia everythingand bull thlaquo baking is done It Is taraed oat l | palatsble- and wholesome to that morsel Iseatea up and no waste

M O T E B M [Mothers I Mo then I DonM to prooar sfrs Wlnslows Boo thing J Tor alldiHasBSiBeideat toth psrtod oft ins in children It relieve ths child pain care wind colio regulates t h a t raquo d bygiriag relief snd-health to thee gittes rest to the mcthv It is tn o ld | weli-tried remedy


olt TlOKTIWX Stt iertlnln ttmrn ltlt nit MiifflLfL lt bullraquo bottkt o( tkt VBOrrlKI nttoetL - r ^ h t u d M B - I ^ ^ ^ U

Ko 4raquoattn|

Vayftw it tort fcy traquo DTwasjIiU

ti iCHAIIQiGGlFT^ TnHt LUSMMM attains l a m Mrtt avmna t1ri)egtimTlflaquo(lMlitStt nt-for OeonktlB- rlaquo -Itrr T I M SeniBsokt Mcud t I n vwk| laquotjgt-^ ^ ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^ frac34 ^ HnaoroatStheUoiu rortrr n n k t tor too roaa 101111(1 raquofl bull rjttttofrirt titStr tt 1 ta m l rjtttto raquotr wso^rlU forward at 01 l l l l a m WtaMfetBMan - -9 00 r gtKper I nto i-

TJlictraquoijiiii 1 (teat Aal


md iaimumm^mmt

Mont thaav tfcfee-qBerters of s Bi siaee John-tons Aaodyae 1

was lBTfnfedr bullod It it to-dayl wtdehr known at well s i the I

vabasMe UHsmat and laquoxBtnal reaisdl the WM-Id -Mo family aboard be wllf a day - -

^ bull bull -

Tllf l-yp bull f n---^J_ -


B n t t u U H B I T U B Alwari raquohran atsii Bss atwi raquoraquotagtatlaquo j

_ __ jimmiU TB WBaB 1 B w t N l W B t n t t - l t Btottad OBlaquoraquoBtolla-i

iBBBlttfts ~mlaquotalaquosaraquoltstBraquo t raquo raquo l 1 t -UatBWtelaquoMwtkMawtWBlaquoiatWllaquo

aou raquoi atti atnaicf TWaanmi

mwm iratorbqiciaa


y-f-TBttbrat tat IIIIMISBI trtantoiMtmaS

t-It bullbull 0 ot^adMUto



taawaara raquo ^ laquo J tolaquoTt laquoBlaquoaraquo

tmmtm mdashlt Matt far (MaBwttt flBlllSjSIBgaWtfJBeatB bullbulllaquoraquoraquogtraquo lnfortMHtoa aal rat iHlattttt t l W l l

B K A X S r O O T B B laquo M l 1 TIO raquoraquo14



Page 2: li^muiStamSiSi^^a^ohfahs/-everyForestNewspaper/... · 2018. 9. 13. · 7&T: t^L ;• /.''^ferw^^Tp^; -....^...^.,..-.. r.^.:-:-...,ix!xA"!^f?. ^BgigBSMa IVi*A..I. -H» OI I.rI 1

Vpoundraquoi8secti^pound^^ -ampampampMOampttit-iamp6gamp-


JrlaquoJStng w-tr

vampUHp -g^rT

twKYlaquoj l t _ ilaquo i wjS t^irefieive [ in- xetttewivftrtiiiwl w4wJLdu [etrda He hsect never heard from

l i i mlttnampcuctoi Jl Blt3jLujtiampd j-Thii roan like all the rest of the f aheap oard publishery who offer

0etnmUU MIh Agt-WRampKON fbtaajt

ltrlaquorBonigeP8lffn|laquooraquoi OiMJcaftwra Blocks -Offiea Udunto

J i a k c J l ^ i ^ H i i l bull

bullv wii-~- laquo~tagt9

mdash881^ M^ortty bdquobdquobull 34

Wtfl bullbull bull -J ^^iiulP 0laquomraquolaquo_^raquo^laquo^ 418- ^S^aL- ffOylyraquol ew Jmdashbulllaquo+bulllaquoraquolaquoraquolaquo WSJ bull ampJASampfraquoJtZ BttttlMiuitgt raquoeraquo -1^^^^106frac34

trniMou 1 _ Miwttr-

ampamppound W i l l i mdash OBtrade wJSM KU 7araquo

ee raquolaquolaquogtbull 403

bullm -3tolaquo^aAtradeWCKT^~^r WMMlJMKltB -bull

Jplusmn BJohnon ^ 1 frac34 1 ^ G g Zdaauhwart

ndgemdash ~-^---^ __bull John R13ellraquore-

CwsiatadoBM- bull S- bull 5^=- - ~ Wllaquolaquorlaquofiyton y a ajrajd aot learn

- UM Bradcratid so mln tbimifoflUWior

3EE jeraquoraquoi tirjMii p

Jbllowing are the officer -ifceted-fortha toiwsampip- bull+mdashrgt-

JvlJSjafteeBmdash- V bull _ v T

v M V bull l ^ Wdeg Wgtn ltbullbullraquo 5frac34frac34^frac34 j AoTuon mdash

^TtwlraquopSraquoaffo-fmsss tb eitttSsraf bull yueeMBdvScloityi Frtaa bull gt-

B R I ^ L D CAKES amp PIES - -bull_ OEpBry-motnlot ^--^-

alaquo-Wjti-brCpidILoncamprttlVhoaw- -1

bull ^ _ bull ixrtfo k i ^ pf^iojjorjeTd

ekryen-gtW^ Dyorv -iii_-_A ttBtraquo-Jr F Nyo -T bullAaawtjor ij-- Jgt -AJtekartdiMv -gt

IWoilt^-B^ gv^MgwtafiV

bullraquo bull laquo raquo gt bull

tmampLjMiagaii of Portland a t^itfy of jiiiiiet^wo vtwriii nsjl i ic

^tijraeeibf a^ copper witton whiok bull^wjtth^nrout of tfie eamprth of V gar-[bullflwi-iri KonmtbHui and^hid) Was amp once on theovfcropagt presented by ^I^grfiMtp^WashihetoB rOn i t ^ta^ctaKrJBUom bull -joBjg HWJiUue ltPr^dentijjiiiiu_tlie center it re

^Wfeeletttrraquo bull-copy W-- Hie-oncient^ iamp^j^adynieWpcr- h exiib go6(f Heiiri ng ^ frac34 jam gltioa latejlec^ S u ietiTeingt

jSeri jraquoVayn( abpdtttie great elni 1frac34 gt on BagtOD Common wlteQ^hat en-Svetainie was only prtsttirs ior-eowa

jpraquoj nd-sbef reniiembefs- iaoveftwr fe^t^nwgtokJa-deatb and his lyhitt m


JP ^^ riuAiawas thrown into a 1iigh S -M-Trtkte ot excite^nint-lost^ffeelt- eurojr

0^ilic^usbciisf^n pf-itwocent ^ tlfe t^ree ^ ^ ifiiwk8 doing buslaess laquoit that place ^yi-4rijlaquo-Citilaquolaquoi8 bank suppfhsion of bullbullf -- Monday -was close^^icliowed by

Wgt-gttHtt ot thraquoHnacoT^i ^hjch closed pound$ ^afa doors on V^ednes3ay bveavig Rgt^-rThe-^uapention -of tKesfihmlcg bull has thrown th8-_Avbftle -couuty-iii

i tarrible alarnvajwi it yjH bea ^^ l l t f icun-matter to -get-- faVroen tlt5

luch extraordinary inducemelaquotJ tr IHIWrara - I h $ 0 rda na T GX

---Ki^^ alonewithout tba jrlntlMoi the name- would cost

0000frac34frac34frac34 Sonjny-pmon wjth

faod cotomonjudgerttlaquo4itltight to-Upir thai they could not- afford to

pv poaage do tbraquo priuting and

Jacking audaendtham at iuujh a jetan^o tot -20 ccnts^ -Hadrtni

young nqjao patronized hia iraquoonw bullffice heeoulii liaVe^got nfa cards at any lime aiid as copyh^) - as we cAn posViilypTinttheru


laquonlaquoraquograquo in PlaquortGsollaquorraquo

bBraquolnelaquolaquo you ltJraquoa IStoW 9laquo - day

aoilaamplw worth is trie Ad dxan Sttoaog- 4 Co- PortUn3 Mat a Bill

I bullbulln ntaka monny rlaquotlaquor at wprk for iUtbanat ^oythiBf ejM Capital QOtreailad Wraquo will-atatt yon bull-|ljLaayraquouTlaquo at home mad by tba

ilaquoduairisnraquoi--llaquo-laquoiigt WOBSO boya and gtrnr wantad laquoraquoerywgtTft tty work-fcirnai -Sow Uyour raquomraquoiCoaty oatgt and Mrmt fMi ASdJapaTitae ~OS^Polaquo laadauiaa ~- -bull-bull- --mdash

^BAN^Ep^B^mH^ -^araquorpoundrg5Sidiaaaa^l5Jgtr---

l i n prepared to do Ilbujlaquof4logtinraquo nSJUllaquo-inraquo on Vbort laquoolico Igtrlaquo-i4t4hlaquo tsoli neon-

^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ i amp a i a bdquo ----^^ bull - -yorertOhlo

(^ire JKlaquo-O- tot


5 ^ 0 ^ 1 frac34 frac34 frac34 rei-wyrKii^JFrr rr-K-KEPS A FULL^xbdKOP ^---- COFFIBEr SWIffij S |rcy^$q^jdigt - --igt ^c^^b^^^v--^ bull mdash^A-ud^iUMpt be-beat ni-^mdash

Q ^ L I ^ f K l C E




ltgSnbscrlbe for vour bpme jAger

Jsectlaquo^iigtaL-inon-ey in tliejp-^hesfld _ ^ a y feauma bullbull ^wiholpinj to^ralTdjip -our oire

^jX bull- -A new-patent Excjehriorgaa- ma ^Sgbino placedin the Rowjey-Etobae



noffa of the neighborhoodsmdash- L^

^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ 8 ^ 4 6 ^ ^ ^ 1 7 ^ ) ^ 1 ^ a$oaffogthead and neck^ Jer

Bawfe^ the owner qf the ing aa aljgbtly burned on

the face nd hands The office 1frac34frac34frac34 bullwarconsfderably damaged


A BIbodcurdling- sicjcehihg _raquogedygt occurred at half-pastsix oskek on^Moffday evening -at

umbnsr- An old inan riamed-v(Jlaquoorga Wiemarr between eixt

J^jnd jsevenny years of agerahot and J-inatantly killed hi son and after- ^bullrarda blew his own brains oat -ffiy - -bull_ laquo ltraquolaquolaquo

v-i The Coshocton Conrity Agrienl-igjgi Society offars a premium of

jfilaquo ~thV greatest number of i killed by one person f7-f6r

ilrt Moandyyl ffirllffl-thlTdn 83 K for the fifth

p t ^ ^ I b r e e paitons liying in l i e par-^i^iSofAsaumption Ltfusiana have

^^HR)adn ri ng th a wait-year 9000 ri^sared the oil ajid sold

-forgt^eventy-fiVe cents

_ _ TThere is no truth inf the rumor bull^Ij^bat any of the parties to theBeech-frac34gtrr-Tilton scandal Intenrl torevivc

|poundlaquoS4ampe-raquolaquotTory controrfiTpy - bull - 7-- - raquo i ^ j -

Bohef t McJampgm^^Anvk W y c iatier man aiffi^ayor of Warft-1 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 fit bullWamprr^r-y^^^

llaquofcgtlaquo bullbull 2fo-xipjpMKfr of elfiidren in the Soldiers ptometft Xenia llaquolaquot-vceli

JTTCT 6Q4lt -

and-get the newspf yaxii oftnlb-^

calityX BysendirfginTi uaTncyon

latlon We cannot give a ohiQma

with the paper but eart-^ive ibe-



Its lalreaaclton and WarW-reoowsed rspataUsa wss tha asatt-Maw to hlaa-PTrolaquotfjB|ok[ingt bull bull _ bull bull bull


known antf PBltltigtoelaquolMl 1MI mtny jl the bulllaquobull called SriUrttiiMtKlnHwtiicfc-ere oftrta M etiei IMWlaquo-laquoraquoTraquo i t laquoraquolaquobull tltir Mraquot M M laquo raquoMtttlaquo4 (Uraquof ((Uken^tM from etatejmdash bullflrt wlaquol in M6elaquoiW raquoraquot oeon ttio raquou raquoMtttlaquo4 laquoWf ltUkltn tlaquoK fjom^tjmjrt

CA$TOClCT(FNr XTOTAltY fUBLIC Conveyancer i gt and Collector ofUttjms^^- -bull--

bullro tae raquogtHraquoraquoHiirfltafPraquontiJiu Wd

ayOtFiln nfi)taltlaquoTOM-tgolaquolaquo8jgtaa-jfa -

3Dr G J Garter


^ i ^ c ^ pound f a i R i ^

T^^Mefey^MllSrWMte Cori^^atersp raaexrj^l KTPIITG coRis p^pWR

PljQWS-r-inipejW Hed laeke^Ballj Siufth- and SovthJfcnd

JfJM MAilVkoJit) V-

f ynySaute-yorth Ea So iOi tF -^nkT laquorrraquoraquolaquoJraquoBlaquo^traquoktjf raquogtlaquot ^ raquo T |raquotT

TKf^t p-M-fceu c tiraquoluraquo da)y txargtt -gtM4alaquo^i bull raquo h raquo U raquo w raquo bull bull --

JMgtRfH ROUXD bull ieate-- Mnlf Braquo Tlaquoe4o Klaquo fta

iilumbae^ iv uelaquoa 6 W^w Utilaquojtr A f i i raquo raquo t bdquo - bull __ UlaquoU4re 10 M 8 18 i t

lnifjaritfMj-u i t bullbulllaquoraquo 1 raquo mdash iMiriin- i l 41 7aTmdashltlaquosectbullbull

^ ^


ffteo ovMKollor Dry (3oolthraquotolaquo wtrrnu-totl

HI v lid

All work 1-Iy


i K W i l l i R m s With IXvfcnlzmMiJtftlitoo Ohio will bet-

art laquolaquoiaiiraquoUlraquoOflloB- iorett QMonnt laquonlt ftigtd Mqnraquoraquoraquoy bulltrntluuedty-Qf elaquoli month bull SATTSRHOTIO^ QVABAmBBD



bullbullr^iaampcUdn aoarantelaquo4- v-17JSf TORKST e^

^bullRtTSSE^la f fe lOE

amp6rnejt fit i t i w TAND raquo 0 1 A R Y P U B L I C -All bSlaquotdraquolaquooiitniraquotlaquod to him gtin reeyire

iomtlaquottlaquonlaquolaquorTraquoHraquorOaraquoraquoW araquolljr laquo4Uot-JedwtilJ^edJtPontrKiU^ic oirefwUy JJiiAil ContrjMU Afc oirefwlly 6rraquow laquolaquoraquoraquoiB KffraquotTi-rtgtiBlnTraquotlaquor-Ariy SUtlaquor

bullrill laquo4raquo reetlire prnart u i InottdUt nbull tloa bull -JX bull mdash- - bull HrOm- -


WRHf Jhuffgigt__an^Phatmamgti -

No 2 0ltW eUow^ BloektoreuOWil JSPtiyslctans prescriigtttona carefully ixmnoinrdeU by1 apaTSoh ot- 17jeara

^experir nee 4amp-

gpoundregmgt 1H SHjgV

ni7W~UTrV Ppectiwlf a ipeclslly raquomdashraquo B S T i i i j done proinpiry ialllncriDmeHofet-

tin Beptlr Store 4raquo


- PZAtER^lmdash

Fi 1 ^ G^opBtie^ --bullIr -Trampif ^SlaquoCilaquokF4|d or Hlderaquo raquoraquod Produce J ^Ama-St bullForeeijOMdP-^


^ bull s - m

W^--^J toREsiTraquoflffiOr

ZimmvwHttHampBejrlieii _^- - -o-Proprietors bullbull-bullbull bulljfeCrolaquoJ VKiss^nHtaitiy nnhauU

agi^fagapualky- - feyii frac34^ ffeeki-Charges alwaygrealaquooBable

J W Y O T J N G r i i

ContratAb^^Juirder _^-FOTBST OHIO bull

Is- prepared to make bids on Bnlld-bull0 Frame or Briok Storre Dwelilbgn-gtr-Public Edlftoee and furnUa7-pfaiiraquo

raquoad iniiruotipu tor tampe same If you ereuolDg to-builltJ do not tail to let him Bevt raquo ctiraquonfraquotubd tin the work

^affnjrdere left aty^jTSyte Orecery writ tie prornptiyraquoilaquoir6gtd to--JUraquoo


bull P I A W ANP QRraquoAMENTAi T^^Kefmenoe gt Odd Fellow Bitfok

FdreraquovOblo __bullmdash - 29a8


I have for sale over TOO farms rangshying from 20 to 200 acres oaclitrt Harflin Wynndotiind Hancock Countlelaquo CUIQ nud JljirsUulland Stark CQUntles Indi-ano to be adld at bargains 1

If you wanttlaquoMy or raquoell any Wild of property cnll on or address

Cr-A ST6QKT0Nbullbullbullbdquo-bull v Real JiUta Agent -

- raquobull lioroal7Oi SffirPee ocr Hat of Farriis for solOi

^ I s ^ u S a ^ J a a f a ^ ^ H ^ a u u raquo_L K I T H Q T ^ K B D


f^Amd[of horse epizootic^ is i^Jgt^5f-laquoft Morrow couuty


liintMlaquo6U women vote on^ i^jonal qoesllons

1 fiF BrotfftB rrqit pretcrtpuon lor ispiitpfy (liarthjj tiuwUclaquoi (eiteii it) IIVM I00laquo)-cigttilt wttk-

ItCOSTS KOBE TO ftHHUMiTtllit THAU 00frac34 bull IWIUTraquoI hrameUeBjrhiimHid tonelie EITHER Of TH6 F0aESraquoID HHCHINSS the lti|rrellaquolaquoitraquo ktfnwnttt laquo11 laquonHererraquogtAree of

^^^^^^v^^Hmh^miU^ ^ - bullbullM

HS^eftXMAriSHlrns UNSURPASiEO mdash~-T3oiletEtt7aB7 other befor0r7 lng tH8 WHITS


bullraquo - J


gt ^ 5 5 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 frac34 [cOALtpoundl^SEEDmd UAjdkfNE OZLSr --bull bull bull--bull-jj EvSrylhingsottatBoTJofu PricesJM- bull-bull-bull

^WftampHkSOU Fiireet Oblo^AwllSf Wt-ia1


Thaundereigned hflve so-nutiiy 8 0 0 1 8 ^ 8 1 frac34 ) ] frac34 ^ such WtfrMely lpgtw pneei that tbeyaxs olmostdeprive^ ot rest 6nac^uivt~ttierjof --


Joys CaTTBbots -Mena Calf ltd _Sp^ 3ocrts bull -v

~ r ^iow^ ^ 0 1 ^ Q N ^ Q C p g

Atttaje^^ V4T

Dl^yenG STOliEi

-tlanriausinMAUIty-kare raquoraquouit of raquoilaquoifot vitdllw ft tiio iylaquotoio TTio poirerfulliflaquo(r]nlaquolaquo pnBtrtle ettke JfraquoTiwt- OmqnamolrXmHy mtiiu i ^ ~ bull- - --mdashgt raquobull mdash



fogs Boofe ex Oflsr faints ^alaquod Varnishes^ JirO^ t S ^THB aSSOB TO ^

r BU v DRU as en EAR


^I-OTBTTI^Gr CLlt^imi^ro^-A gpadsiiitpf C|othesfor-ig^^^

i i^iife GotLiRSARra tiiii TOlaquo Torn REST hdsm-mnjip


JK^Bi^ampS0N fSSSft


Asthma Nervou DobiHty

CONSUMPXIOIbK X or4cteftet a enre of bullraquoitlaquolaquolaquoraquo ofpraquola-rgl raquo04 4ntraquon)M nUnlaquo it i daoraquon rraquoW bullraquolaquoraquolaquoorclaquo itt^rtBiai^ nuieiMHMU _raquo - mdash _ the rraquolaquoawbraquo CeuajaptlM be beee M Ulaquo delaquo

noMlceted raquoa iBrtriMe aBletKm wave B r fee


Ulgtlaquoimdulaquoicy Lgtrey ^ FTftrerie bdquo pMubSi vi tiebull TVgtlKlybullbull

12-33001-lNH mdash 1 47 2 W-v

bull 9iai bull

8 tomdash--HV 8S4 S 16 raquo 18 T lraquo 10 laquo raquo raquo

iu 4raquo raquom

1040am tlSpattaaUsa

iMnejeujrt ffi

bull t laquo ( i r e i bull bull Tuiruuv^ AnIra ai PMiibMrtil U raquo FltMtraquor)H i raquotay-i1^laquo

bullU^ raquoraquoraquoltnjlaquoky vtraquorioDbdquogt Hio4gteet Uallaquovrraquore

Xjit iuibue

12 i Spa iasrr -i raquo

bull I t f - raquo bull bull

2 46 B4Q

818 raquo 4 laquo

JIW - bull raquo raquo

T9laquoT 10 3laquo


VM l raquo r 8 40 4 88 raquoW 8 14

88raquo ^bullbull

ntraquol motkwwr draquoy bull -gtfleu C i craquonjlaquogtHgte

M oil t bull raquo laquo TMt Bttlttb

raquoiraquolaquoHo)i raquomj rlaquoQlraquottolaquo tklaquo beveli u w e l bull traquoFlaquoie

u v i mdash fi^onel^ninr^loVOawTrTinaiflioi^uliie

rtdiam CTraquo)-tPlttfmdashmdashe^r-C1mdashilaquogt|ieiilaquo Mdltwill earen the raquonraquoriraquoi that bare teetr rfae la went ar tfoper dllaquoeherilt from Hke M n k

UooeUwtlrlwepUoaaMa Re

tin W e l l e mdash t - - nfaerof wHAk

laquolhnr4iUM en rooted iroaraquo theirelnecheU wlonel Qonanaptlop Ouiebullwill io e Uort Use

laquorraquod]atlaquolt^raquotftVtfmdashmdashraquo ^1--niraquoiegtiiei ^ j j bdquo mdash - - _ -116 JB ftmalriihouU coauVnUVkiep Jtcraquoee4

SlSleiU - - - - - -raquolnrelnraquoltl ntl-aTa laquopeoielly subjeoud

Tl)ertlaquorlieTialtrboniDgtraquo(aireateT etUatioBel diwuo inH reaitim ooaMll

etDJoi^r- core tini If tiot raquorrraquote4 bullcra-terttineteetn fetel Coamm

HnletuiirtnSuenie will prevent uwell U e lOftke aelnfel nod pr-wtratiH eitaeagtgtt0shiati

Sotpenkintl-aTa laquopeoiAlly subjooud bulltSrrngtraquofWhraquoTllraquobotradeaMCraquoroeU1JeoeiiY

mioirttoe mdashbdquo ^mdash_ rraquoioHMt_koiiraquox 4laquol9_L 4^ueifcbnnaBently oUnnlaquo the (tiaeateteiuweret Men It b e certeln eodiefe Ceun Tteatif

is CraquoGJlaquo4 br residioiu-Alrreiaelaus i poKieiortkeairtolnled |Me-ue

S u5T oipclled aDrttjjwviqlM Uwraquo egt potwnouj eeaiimrthefmaeui

ia the lai ltiiipound4 i i - - _ - r mdash _ - mdash mdash - oonraquoelt potiooout eeaiimrthefmaetiea laquof tfci UiWe ropy mueoMiiibneiieeiirtkh-w-eo IWMkMtttfthswthniiUTViejpel The Qrt KSrraquofiVCltpoundilniEUan SariiUrteMreefthea the mtusl ef (elaquo teecer therein eereyeeetiT uprfMtbc^di|ffnc-a A ecrfeot-AathtDe-Bealt

Through Ooache between Qatrott u d Onlumbui on toih expreea gtrraquogtraquoe

Ciyeeocaraquolaquolaquotoiri uilaquode^t CuJowboa lltt eUpdloUeimtb at well e as Tptgt- doxoi allpointnorth bullbull -- bull

bull W-ATTCtCW Oeraquo Tkka Aft ^^^laquo i ^^raquoMraquo^e iraquolaquoeeMieraquoraquoraquoraquoeraquo

amp jppound jr^amp a Bamp bull-bull pondecaad aiapa Card _^

-bull ^UkijrtteoNov Jlth 1877 - - -lUAINSQOISO rSflT -

bull bullbullbull jtc-h- raquolaquo-7 Tltraquo 8-

laquoJTlaquon-tviJ^sia bullbull ^rlaquo rKxpajt -

laquoet a NtlT

iltaba 5ter

_Uliraquonoe vjrrvtnraquo - - iraquo -jKiiiiReld - 7 01 reatKoe-Sr

143m _ bdquo i sio iSraquo

- i J M

li6raquopm 6 raquo 5 raquo ^ TE

_Jlaquot i n igt 1frac34 -i raquo bull

5 4 0 - raquoM 7 7 i V l l raquo

fQBEBT --9frac34 iiia - - 1040 raquo laquo l3raquolaquom VgtrtWeyiit -jLaTpinUMei XjtL^

i-WMewitfc - 5tav cent48 -bullbull i t-hlimdash -bullmdash-^-- - - ^ mdash gt - mdash ^ - - -

IU H2raquoi~


tiuieraquo if by fftr tbo inoet potent - - T r -^lii ltjo3y( raquoraquod pbraiiteeal cureoflaii



ruts rtKBtn(euit _ - -RoasviiraoR- AlaquotW BMlfcHrnlaquoCAT It eetr upon thenyvem m If by ndK eaeeeUe

C n i i n raquo itUr it lewont irapenuol

roirauiirTloK-AsTieM^ It aetr upon the nyiteiL - jug tSe flime of it eerteln roeeoea is taoee die-

ltMclaquoo -t llymettth - KtW5raquo-raquoe-


-raquoraquo V7S - JaoiKa-iAS^mdash ~ bull

No 4 K O J raquolaquo--raquo jr v nibi bull Flaquolaquot VwiSe

iraquoraquolaquoraquoEprlaquoBraquogtrtraquo H i U

0Meraquowbleh-laquottiWetblaquo4r rooraquolaquogt deep lete the ceniUtntlon laquoi feUU to Die hepBlnea ef neeikled

Tbfs Droit Cere is toM by Ifedieiae Qytlen jtgtrmiihoutteworWraquotlaquogtraquo per hpettei K e t t trial bottle 8100 --Jf you eeesM prooelaquoe]itli yourrlourityit ^drbfrjoit Tree-ef reipeeeee ea bull

bullmdashbullmdash IgtWitwrui bullbull

Mnnoflulit Jrtillo -AUinnee -fiocbejter - Pittrtilrr

jUOrjrJOQ 310raquoraquo ~

bull _ 6 ^-^2 ft TIC- bullraquo ^ bull -^-4 8frac34frac34 410 -1 sn ix

JOllf 6 raquo I B 1 -l a l H S 8 55-1 4SU bull la Vi ir a 1Vgt bull 4 Men i Sees - I laquo 3 S S T raquo raquo 1 2

laquoltraquobull HIS S00 llSueee 6 221 -IJWAeHOJ1 rpspraquo-

iuwiliu at gTteBrbdquo -

gt- -r-JeW-fflCHOtSDNf =^- (eWaeeef lthugtlaquo senie MlaquoMlaquoI arwigtM

T ^ Z T ile^CIC^LtVOIlT

^ 1 ^ 0 ^ 4 5 1 frac34 5 1 1 ^

^iitfiiiAK^ra wmtC ra- P-i lr JPrii V i iBUniWl^UUrtUlcllyWcptfcitarATTMe =v- bdquo1 yHeraquoTlaquoltCUigiiraquolgtitliyeraquolteiJtBeter4at AH J SthurtlJiiUiicPiiK-uuaiiyi _ -^-^-- 1 JUTBRB


Glaquo fraquoraquoi A ticket not

m-^ OiueianAti^aQd^js^ftOleTelnd-

l-Tjineeraquora(etkHtlaquoeae^ li-aV^lil

$fofffirpamp ClaiTiage pound r MAKER ^-^-

r (On-ZlninjcfKHn ritrlaquot TjrrVsSily-to-dobull r mdash bull

JiAl^ XtNElaquoOnso80IJTraquo gt STATtUKlaquo K_ uamp-t Sin$ T

hnh-jHky-- bull l3sin 7 raquo p i e l

llS|rintlaquo - 1raquo 1 1 W I I laquo r laquo iiffln --bdquobullraquo-laquoraquo m titti -8-1 f Siraquorlaquor Ar_-- lo nuv oi A tu PVHfcHH-- -10 4Tinraquo 10frac34 bullbulllaquo a JilaquonWtt--iV-=-Ur I-m 11 laquot- _4_S1- Biitsrotiiit J^rjiffiji-siiMtj ii--

laquo j SprihuitlJmdash flieytoft bullbull-


- tT^r

riraquo Cm

I Itt

iifs iiV gt 11 u

i Titiffluj^liVRmrli irnllii 1 Flndtsy at j (LfWa riiriraquoiid l4gt-p laquoVjar in

J-c- Cfcrci a I arry- raquo

-aVricaiNr-rrt l if-d inoacv bull-- = -

Blaquoi tlie^Kfrtli

- r - - - i M DO a in iVndbull - bull bull IS p - l i l JJbdquo raquo ^ - laquot bdquo11 ti ie^xEorn^uiHl amplfij7mArJu FliKUaTai

n i -w raquoraquo aiid^a-jm- o^rxur-l frac34 AIX

mdash | e-riTiigt~- ex-Titrb -bullACiiujiiiiNiJiJ t ampil raquogtraquo - Diylon bull bull - I M J - mdash bull air_

bullbull ytk aiv li A BEEoi i ibsT

^DS ERTISB^ votimr 1frac34 ry

o f v i S IH-M A CAlf

^C-n-er--afa_g-goiaet -FurcsCOirio


Prices aniTers Made SaMctory pp yovr jiom pap-Tjy niuw autt raquo 7 irn-TiTi- i laquoraquokmjr yonr neighbor 10 takert ai bullbull A v B f l T k w i We4elaquoTef ieD 4 year Induce them to siiliscribc |

The Most Extensive Manufactory of Seed Organs m T H K WOULDl


- J (


tlnbaef lblaquo Nnbsclbr


j wigtiRsa^ bull - mdash lleulcrSii-mdash

Nfty^ppr^ 8|ga^ines



The lltost 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ftuluLijj^UitgiisoMpii 32

iutumtTUA - iSuriuitfteWmdash mdashi-raquortipniiraquo - bull i )laquoti-rltBtu bullbull -laquoraquoie- ^ Krnton -bull

ffUUKST- ---1 VurtyAt--

-il^ilrpyje -- iTimif - bull -

I li Vprtair - ^ 3 - - ^ - ^ - -

^iraquodraquore --bull dendii thy -

iTaF-laquooNosoniraquo ---jnlsir^sltei-Sp-MH

- 1) SCpw-4-0ftraquoaraquo-r-oueia raquo j laquobull bullbull -lt bull 8 CC mdash

lraquotraquo-ltijraquo rfr-raquo- w 00raquoa

an-io 4S tgtia V laquo

II 45 l i IV-1-W bull

bullIM bull 1 4 -laquo

bull3 If)

4pound J ^


19laquo J W siienr t t l --- i n bull-bull 4 -S-im raquo laquo4 5 W4-^44raquoi

bull at C Hm T f l l t e i - = 7 ItMti

bull p I4raquo

Von 0 and 10 rmLUilyyeH eUe tf net ltalr

lltLJ|H_||l|||l i bull _ VWor-ciieilwn otfNo4_S raquoraquo4-4 btwee _gtraquobull-

du-kvuTia Cinciii-nnil ~ rgtllaquoepliiif conclicfcon Xolaquo gt raquo _ - bull raquo hetweee

TnnrXi)tTniiburaquo tftAS-^TOWAftOt-S U bull irt-ilioiJsffS wi D W OBJtOft

L i i -y f i j v n g g Qee

JlaquoT4raquot Hecuer

--_ N e w s p a p e r Iie-vv lraquotmdashApytSrtfin who tokesfl papr rtrnlnr

ry from the pnsuiflicemdashwhethnr Uirtrted tu hilaquo nsvmc or unoiiicr or whether he aubmiijvtl or bull^jlfjeAOiHiblofor the pay

mdashIf aaenoanrdcrt hlraquor ppcr eloepedlfe m-gtt (Htysft krreirlaquoirrraquoor 4be--publuhor iaxy w)ntlnuotogtoiiAitlaquoutU pjyiaeritiy a e j e mi l tullcet tbowiiuic aiaouut mDeiiiorit -ociakeiV Iromtheofictor q6t r - -amp_r-The wurU lmraquoe duWed-tlifft-rrfluinF to

rraquohraquonewpraquogtierlaquoend pariolicaU rruia thejMHt nftiee or rcmoviraquo|r and laftrlii tuern nnralUd for lnraijtr r i c u evidence of lntltii-tplaquotiai fraud - - - bull - -

The IdghttBst Xbrnai-fif The SimplMrt

The Het BsnbU The Moet Popaltr

SEWIraquoa HACHfflBS Zt U eaelly nuclei etoedt i

dlaquonfcletftread loekgtetlraquoltlL kewaeef^ reeraUttte-C MPWIOBB Met 8_aWtv

an evW rfo laquoAlaquo whole n e p laquofraquoaiir werawlthaat rheace

I7raquolaquoKIgtoreieetUraquoigtM_wlaquoeilaquoAeeMea dHrcthU mrniiMr tiMgt-9e egtn4 trghout


FOR SALE CHEAP T)ire 1-lioisc Spring ^ igon gooltl oTdir w i i f ecH-cheap t(Viitclaquot llngoflicc i-

Ml e t i -

i v mdash bull gt

fraquoMejMplaquollaquot- P A T T B W U raquor todiee mieee meet cklaquoegteigtlaquo gtlaquobulllaquo -are ewt en bull creteim enperior leeMy 4raquo laquowe amltt ean 6e nntrlaquofeoel Bgt etay OMtWl dlretttone ndUiraquottrmHraquoraquo oraquo eanA eneels^e ^ mdashrmdash-bullbull

Seixt f lee Ceae je KlMMreUed ClaquoJlaquo-to(raquoraquotlaquo o I d O O Jaatoraquoraquo

DOMESTIC SeWteg lUonfel Oo KwTort

laquo f


- Rrtfenria laquoaurtwf UiiWampt~

Tnfku Leant fbrett raquoniiitsgtlaquov

- fcraquoT) ICvm ^ Wiglt | raquo ( A

bullsr rltm laquoltblaquo jMak Ohwrcb laquotraquoraquo tat raquodi ef eseti moats if N X i

tilaquof raquocraquor)WraquoJntiraquor great h n b Satfesifc of tart uloraquoU rt

W i H f swetief bullcerj KMnenAjy e bullgtbullraquogtltbull ssUJifcalli School raquo tS i JU nerv aOSifaStW _-__ - - - mdash

tuiHf i t tflraquo Preibj-triito Cearebefery i o^ir4jiMiMhlaquotUlaquomkU(lViii Klaquor^ikgt

-bull - -- rraquogf^raquolo- -raquo gt bull - bull -v

bullV bullbull-bull ^ O H l i J T N C T S

bull HI ii IIILJi I- ttw gtBatiraquort4araquo ^ bull --^ -_ bull-bull I

lS^ampfoamp^rfU VhUnj _ jtolttgeraquo t waiwJLfcgfeyttei ik -V-j^ iU^ jjear 4la HOI--- -raquobullraquobull bull - bull -

bull ] bull VeTSrerif)Mpaid- to print sale hillsWr jsbnrtnoico^ fojnember that w^4o- good worJs jWng yuut jHfttfliig fo us s i i


-Tlraquoraquolaquo4feete have-Arte up -mdash Doi]otbrgettpiw8raquoettbei bullgt ^TUstewtfcle^rtiiuo^ 7 ] 7-~JBekd a u eway Vocal piper 4 -Ctommernee to jump tWsrope bull bullr-Sweet 1 thsiiss ffflaquoltlvlaquortlseuiiiriiti

bullHtil ve tUaGHy Bakery man a call

on- Wu Tlaquofr fait - - - - - bull - -iTjast Satuniny-ttn^Mgndfy-ttfraquo tqwri waayscy fuli-ofpoundttudldiHagt wtioylaquoV tSlaquolty bull etigagstf-in ipjaifc-utgjf good worci tor~themselves 7

1 bullbullbullbull raquo - 7 - - -

gt laquoIrlaquok suTurii) 10 Traquoraquo tsrzasafs crcraquour bull HI j i ^1frac34frac34-^1

-y trimmed free of t-hajse

1mdash Tiie f i n amp x ieff^ bis a iocaTedJtor-j n w - 7 x v bull _ T- W ho M Id that o w K Wa Wore bullbull slrert ^riMH^~ r4~^bullbull -^-^ ~~~

r laquo+iraquolaquo Helltiome TWlncs of J WrrTStrst bull V- bullbullbullbull 7 ~ mdashIn God Ave tru-at11 for tho oHier elglifceuti bull bull-7 - bull bullbull bull-poundlire candidate wereIn the-field


Tbeantiual election of ofBcersbf the bullAl7 E Bmlaquoiy- BcUc^^laquos J)rtd on formagtraquoVni Taawdaj evening Mr Stockton w -TbatUfrnpat the rAllKlaquo4Jiraquoiflot e-laquokcidSujraquor|upoundraquoudeut bull-k-etbeen put ujii ^ v bullbullbullbull

^mWraquoll Paper bought jeuHlgwJ ^ - -^J -bull Jf( bull=mdashgtbullbull- - -M^i^-ftiuewJiiiiaai border iy~ ~~ - bull - ^^- -- bull bull -bull- - Otewile Phittips ~ bdquo V^ -

|laquopnJwrv^rtlNlaquoraquorainalaquot1Pbartonraquo- - bull laquo Blaquolaquo4I Mlaquoflaquorvllaquo4raquotlaquo

At ttieeiMtfog lata on M o n 4 y f e ^ f f ^

Hajrv Bowers wore ejected sitjwiv raiiwitiprtfcu (FoMft) precinct 7-

--^-- ^ jilaquoirttlaquoiraquoir_- --^

A-rge blaelcsnake WM cut out o f log a^oat thrbft fbijas north of K1raquobyone dny-Ujjt^Tregk wlycli aMwtred fl- feet tndjthr^q tlaquobe3

Braquo fejj^tll^ )ia^rtiaybltji)tfa^eiraquoU jjuttSatraer ^v r--- gti bull gt-

Craquofplaquo)flaquoMleB Offleena

^ - 1 - The ^felbwMfig corporatimi7sectffi^

bull)OFe^erfreIcftiw| HitTiSpIaWJ -=rt--lt|ownji8menmdashS W iJi^gs it- DV -^llaquormVAMagranraj^^ r- J-CI^-raquorPrMgorpound - -


Wegtiwraquo^ try to apeak a gopd^Trord for wijrof our^sitliens wbo ari ehtrff prtMtng and laquo111 not bcfbackwttd to bullpeakhigxif tiie nearcotDpgtfoiijof Hie neW- t(le factory The proprietor nieiwiB blMllien v -

U t O a l t o i _ - - ^-

To niiTa newspaper be it-fever w anii [ Tlicrer e evary Utile favor you glrtflp tbe way of ndvertUfngf Job worky or by enoonraglng some persyh to subecrltie iAJtp^rcctated - Kick ^ntd tlmearoul igty jsupp^tluB a pajertliat euppprt^ou

yfHrOtx Buy

^nwliei at Hal^n =-Tlifi wiiaat-J

hborliiood^-growing nicely in

f-Watl ^pertrininied free^fehaifce atruieedrugstore bull-rVV

mdashMovingday1 was one of ywtttiie aiid prIng-Hke day- - V - ^l6oraquoj8 to-rent EnquiretttMc-P^$pound$^^

8-orgtT-J-HrWol4 Was any on e-ft bled r

Court ltus adjdurnecL- Soaie caudidatelaquogotleft Eyujvcandjdtwjet md April liaa raquofaowlaquor ltJTtipon us TJ1erei8lRrS onntimirialion-

- rftre ag^gsar^trnwEr^tee his fo^achV^-bull bullbullbullbull bull---bullbull--

Thelaquoeeda arebeHig pat in tbeir Uittle-litft bullbull - ^ bull gtbull-i Give a wide iier^h tojaH klhdol

cent^e]np Joli us bull bullbull Kirbycan boftet jof soijoe fine^i

lookingdamach- -gt-^--bull bull Qft aiadr^ter^hltrte1ephDBe-on

Eriday evening bull --bullbull--- -=--= ^ -

FindUy elecledk NationalMay-or^mdashylaquouyaacgbdquo bull_ ^--^- bull bullbull Go to the drug it6Ve of~ J S Halefer W i l l j P raquo p e V bullbull V

Getyour oatraquo in and prepare to kttark yotir corn -ground --bull 4Tlte total nnmbcr oPVotea cas^

in this tow1nsBipere 89frac34-bullbullbullbull bullpound A school tearber j iyei ntJJilfc

on Saturday Ipt-TheJltBwawiUTgte bettejfrraquoinaberaquo

er every we^k Subscribe-no^ ieWrieewaab^Mbesat laquoalei ifor

60 oelaquo tlaquo- Buy one Very ebeap mdashGetthene^ singing book Sougi

for the new Lite oT Jolip Wtpinpound r~Tierflrtalk ooirtting amp)raj tnsr

|laquoectien mens wogee oh tUe PlfSbm troSaj-t

~Mt BIanehardionUfalaquoT-|yBrrrHTAfigtl1^ f=g^ai 1 raquo I laquo i h raquo l u laquo H l y i M I n f l n m ^ C 1 _ rS- - i = J --- JSll

Treiusret JpbnmdashHeflampxn MarehlaquoJgt-Trnt SUek

bullbullbull-bull - raquo )raquo I^Hi i r ja l iW^i^V bull bull bull -i bull - bull a -

Henry euro Hedges laquof the Grand jLcdffe of il- T 3 0 ^ ff r SOate rtgliio gtvH doliyern-piliblic add few in Odd Feliowa-Hall ior-

vslA QbioFridnjt- eviyngApril frac34 9th IfTiS V Tbgt rolaquolaquopoundew^t tiie Order ffojrr t^tigtmottadinj towns

rivitrd te-1gtepieatntgt -v--

rjdegSaRltiraquoofTiVjbbotlnB towni are out on tbe-ttteets tffooTtlireeey^iln^jojtbe laquoiiraquoi ^Vgitrpoundojj jlot be -bejbjnd ttfepounds^ertowhii-s~~ bull-bullbullK v

4rlaquottW-ulaquoi)iri bull deg bull

f^uMnt^hjUiHU |laquotlW Jemaijilir

I raquo laquo t l U t k n sc^witr J f n m raquoiraquolniiiTHtraquolaquo gtlaquoU4tn

tOraquorrtraquotrt bullreitlytyCW Wlkat)-^-Flotrr $6 40 tn 660 Potatoes3p ctV- bullbull -- -----Hainlaquoi 10 ctebull - - bull i bdquo

jrrfBcipfr nv- ^- laquottlaquorvifrto-l5ct ----=gt -

jjj6jr^sectbjjigllaquoj Sfts) DoorsantiEifl frlng - aud~Araquoh j^lpiglitg^fura 11b d IUI cheap if iiot rjraquolaquoapei as $t con be boughtjuiywbere- AVMrWilliams ln Vracthal car^ntor lie knows iost what yoil TiNint for hi in a (wiTta lid get- p i -ilaquo e--

-ltClaquoTTMtiigtlaquolaquoeHyigty 3ilaquofraquoi=raquofc-) AV4Mraquot4iii0petJgtirgt~ Oatii 23npraquor-Va -- t


bull qlaquovSwd7flreg JWs ^^


wt-li Q ltii]l-o_n ^Prpliibition OoinitVi-Cnineiitio-n a Kfodly iiiimfeer^-mpt ht tiretpwir|

luril^iiikiiff^on S tiinliVyand iibmlTiiled ilie follltiwitag tipet -

Auditor^MvW)iWeraquoidgt-----gt-- lrobateJndgtmdashTjewijCEmmoni

-amp~vw^m f nrimdash KBiiTiwUle

Ingt5rraquoary Dlreetoft-iA Hosve - u----I - ACter ^selecting ri_centrftr- copis

rnlflee the raeetijigwts adrfreampjetF L TaiuClingi ofLObe^-J

rwrily to trtfendtoerltworirfrithe Pen ixA Ifner- ilellrjiit totind at DrgtA

STAlaquo8ilraquotH iiflloeor^t tliphfeottHoiiiie ffe Invites nil -ofjjjjs fifeiid tiicall 0frac34 hfe-wFiBnJunSift ltpf_ahjt1ilngin (lis

[linegtjitli)fiikioiH^iantimcd v^EOtf]

by Mr 4 ^ 2 mdash

bulllaquolaquolaquoltbull 1-rtiia dm tlje ttijvwr^r

fuini^r nta The lwppy RuAjtU -^jBlaquofed4^^tftkjtrk ~

J LUursoa lias retnnunl -Irpm H visit in Souljierii Ohio 7 - poundktra are tilt bhwminjr yoiinp

7-laquoHraptre irtSJtvBlaTnchiM^^ -1 B J Hugtiesis liwking at tiie

xighu IM fleveiand thia laquocek - JBm~$i arcii ike^tlCToCSTrarj J J m o w n a bountJiag bay

DJS Yost C CltbkBnd W C Stoker rlaquo- tlectwf metnbraof-tbo

ScEpo l Botnf l ~___ ^ T - ^ - ^

- P Backs hold 4iaa a nelaquoS cont r~oi-fmut and is n w laquo I M the bull fJomirercial IIoiilaquoe -

tiitbia Thsin f ttMm at tmjrtt 4be warl bull -TEe-inen audi htiyi o(^Vfinrtohs-b u rg^ 1 n d ulgoiaampo_ hael nafiug^port of jwnptajr-- bull - -bdquobull

mdash JuSfweJrc^at Stockton Ocoit [jLwunsofradlwfleiae 8110frac34^ lJfW8gir

in ^feffiVse^ForWIrOAjBtt 11878 f Krraquo R 8ronraquo aJflffiwyiaelir-EHsi

WliiCisakBMlu)tl -

lgimoifa-ceillpifAir the fove Wtera wiH please aay that thev kriadvertisedi

bull bdquo - - -SV-FPiEBcntiraquoil--- bull - ^ ^ - mdashimdash - i t i r 7 V

W-t6ne Il-wdwa^ bulllaquoore4rur-Kum1 repel vedrty Harlow Cook ai a7Bgtl ndgt t^ k raquo8 t o r e v -r -

6 w U ^=-^^- f-J-- Vi--V--i---- -XraquoJ^iR^Mf)enth^r-^Illlio In

Forjcstdv^ry Ttie-digty of eadi eekf

TwotjraquorojraquoBjeptjMii board near tborlaquollrondlBSti^ulsdayji|giit^llfey weieklaquorrd nalaquor V _ - - 1 ^ - - - - -

gtbullraquo j~raquo - Fraquorsgt KOvl egtrofJfarmtt-go to a fgtulldhig - ^ i t t fifismltiger i Cp QnreyVpV -4^

_ i -gt bull-bull -laquo-rlodri twirrajljcei 1_ - -mdash raquo- mdashi)r Jlbberfsonb^kenSii raquoiirde-

itver a nifsjilonary hddresraquoJut--tfle Pr laquo- lyteriAU lt-iiurch bull - 7 - bull _r -An elt-ctlon ItaS tbe-Jsaino eftectn Borne voter an green

M x n i o n i Who-dnes not hate

friends ami to leuVe tlTel

neighbors rtrirt move to nnothcriratc or even tot~distant part of tjiis-wate r 1 HL locate themselves-

[aMeftg - stratjglaquors-Ve think -tfaat laquo tlie-ftwriy families who- have left us

e h hdt ene bnt wliojau a-ioftRpotIn-rtefr hearilevotedtxpound ujwlvelyto thp many good ftieiidetiHjrj huve l^n behiiidwtav trut that they may reach Uicfetieatlnatltfrt safely ^-

snmmer xelioo boys -^^Paper^iaiigWg promptly djtie by JesiraquoeHuraquor- As he iinjIereiSfioSBiBbiM- 111 oss gl v e Ififri a catt

_ J ^Btt^^Cfalies^iye^-ahieSerythhiJ ^[-tnthe bull^onfwlimifry Una at the CH

Bnkcrj Sod cheap -mdash Vraquoras theldtckori- In this prectnct^

Tf~raquodVerlleing-fdoit pay w b y ^ o ourlHwliiesiiaieiiplttont a slgu-bouitl In font otbclrjoom -How naany cgatoraersrwouH they gef i f they i i a i

_ 5 raquo I ^ a ^ l ^ J 3 ( E l J raquo t 3 B l t i S t a w ~JL - J roeH-answer lheseo eKISigtvgt tl e_y

copybullutrntliftill) say tliat-af ertlshig-iu a rftwspaperdoesufrtpiiy we win give them tiieuse of our -eolwntis-for-notJK log for ajlmiterr periadr We nmuito Ihose who laquorraquo too poor (eud^ertWend thosewho- asy-h dont^pey A sign-UOardcnHtellerer^ttilny L

c M Gr Jlgtber|laquo IIRS gaupound_lo 1gtj^-daymdash_eihcrwtMi the Uny ytumeA -oQ

copy Brgteklaquo~tlie barter laquoDltgT|tod H Kraquo^y -bull-- bull bull ~i

_fr d Stlaquo^raakergt mlaquolaquoraquoity was 78 P^tteraoa bull ffie rest of thtoftwrs-a^^Rqwitlicans

Traquota is it e tini laquo4 yoar bulllita raquolaquoraquoraquoiMraquot fanefiksti comet

- n-sraquongt ii on ttraquo wiof-bull v Jfc raquorraquojislaquor tin IsMrMrtlratai) - iTkp^mit wltbmuiiorloj

lt B Hnglies and son are build-JRf a iraquoew meaUsbi^pV Ctiarlie Sttrwart has (poke for a big piece

^brftjit -bull)bull Doe Yost lins nV0veltJ his hinise

back from Hie street 1 A Pit figtret and efiija^huvu_ruovcd in wi

tba oidTgaC Henry GfrfiWle U tiie new May

frac34of Mw BkMknrd -P^eek jatsybargtrand Jo I g t ^ s o j


An old lady named Orth waiTpuriod ohT uoeday

A gtIrrRlunehartdle-l on Tueslaybt ijfffcoM ifivr^ He lived Hour iJnn-k - - - - - ^ - _ _- s -bull-bull bull -7

Sererai fjajits took plaoeon electlon

cents bull pittr --bullbullbulllaquobull _ ^Wbartonsburgh honewf the JIvlI

bullstbBirtiirtS places of Its tire In-^aU dot county

^ ^ plusmn ^ ^ n ^ a t o gt o n f l O k ^ b n ^ C o d k V at the Ercshyierlan-Church next-Sun day morning -i-Subseriptfons fer the NEWS WIH bftf1^flaquo ^isfenow bhf ily engag-U

af ^ SfreXton(I ditclnng andrViind^rgfouod gt


an April fSot Spa 1 OT astrafgut one Ouees-it was laquo11 three --1- -

mdashOne oTtho largest stocks of Wall fipOTeVerXroughtToVFoMst- just- 1-] ceived at Hales drug stoTie _mdashTlyrry munt-nt igtsijitiMited jraquo tiraquow

in oserenefrnni^of uijndb^tdefeated mlaquou ^ v e Wranie aerene-jninds ^bulljron^IIorjie Bnokets Iran ^Well

Buckets Chiirnsrahd- MilkllPans for salcehwip aVStockton A-Cooks -

J^Tresh and constant supply of elioiceMllHncry andJ^Ancy Goods of A^sjj^HarraquofrSbBtWTtreP^

i -i-Since the suspension of J h e two Findllaquoy hanks audsoveraltith^rs Foe-

^es^jiofisTjqt vvAUtaJiahk as-bad-as

Some youngboys have bee irroa st-JngMiickens In thescbool honsesever-

had better|ook out In tlTe futue V- The b^TaTl light but Saturday afshyternoon for neighboring towns and hesaiPiVSni -Sntll JMdndjyJb renoon-

The enenayvof h- bride never speaks weir of t ilaquo wedding ^7^ fPhaitonsbltjrgEt- h^s4-Mpoundbeen troubled with tlHeyea iateiy- bull Stockton 6laquo)k i r is W ^ I f e e -

fcit cbeapjIigoodraquo and notions Lot Plaafing^Remeaibor tKat psh8Witzfeiraquo-pwpaiceltftb plow

i^rarJifc-- - - ^ - -

BrojMjr^i^^tie^iiJCUiJn was fntgtwn Moudaj ~ - bull V-- O tgt tSa-w anlaquoT 6wraquoV of Keulaquo ] ton Vveref tpWntjaliJrdiiy^ V ~lt jtev W-S PAlaquoJ of Keiiton jireaehi

laquo f t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i S ^ i i ^ f ^laquo rowiyi^laquople^htlt^rfromJtib

PALJrtBiTrf IKeKtUburgh railroad JatjCvIday---- -- V bull ~-mdashr~~~V~ -bull71laquo jrsrHAtK an^ MS sectMttE Yojrxa visited the tows of -Wljartoiis- burghlastweek_ 77 bullbullbull

Mihs tsjDnctotiS and Miss IlMMAf WvKts ot- Dunkirk were vlfftihg1

friends here lastFrlduybull - bull - WlLt H fAntKXHT Giso GWlaquoMr

and BYJtojf WooraquoBorirnf Dunkirk^) were-In tewrr^oirfnesAij bull ~ AVhpn iw^Vwocijj^i Kgnfon

Igpe to HieGoiuen Stotei uajwMJl tske alo u gj among ot her thingstha^araaidi ibat bull gt -bull- -- i V __ -L C^SEEaAif^rifJrbycanieii^to seethe boys (and lthogirls4olaquo)^laquot evslaquoIBg CHABtzYbABgrovralatsluce^ helefr Forest 7 7 7


traquoeaks kotae (bull



SsrBOABOINS liODCIKtt-sa _ SoiHlroi Scott-bullHquJiy Forest O

laquo - - bull bull bull bull bull - - -

iK3r--V- SS



-AiUfK^AYLOB ot Kenton gaye us |8call onFrida^Hharecentlyppr-laquoiiaraquoedgtjm inteiesC-in the flrai- of iiooie JfcCoVftundrytnen -bull 7 Mr Wjjtjyiuio ^ ^ J K laquof KiraquoK xsOuutJTTlrSved- here yes^rday - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 ^ ^ frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ ^ ^ ^ frac34 ur liaiicltjq^

Are prepared tij-_HirllPtogeltty- of [every description on7 reasonable-terms -Jf-yioti- have any thin) tb ^ell or trade see J ODE^BxVTTi _ amp Cou75laquoycao irad on-a ca|toca-

Inteao^tayinein r o r ^ - t T i V e o raquo l ^ ^ i e wifl blaquo liberaly advertised

Iiibtraquofflaquofiii4^einji -- ----T MOew^voodXraina houseJJIV gtroonraquoraquo S

ITried mdash -- - laquott-^nd bulaquo 13 Vpoiifida o f PwfohesttfcWikpJPs^f-^ bullbull-V Tho-tre6fc ftglifa of Seiaton -are Been at night fciroy(5t six1 mileWpV Miistbea light ciiybull bull bull - V

lgtjt every ofUwhA ismdashinterested

pieee pf-Jing^arpe^rjttleeheap

Tit atiy tf the iatajeri ofVthts

Shoaid- you be a denpoitdca slaquofleregt from any of-the^ffeetflJo^j^p^pstB

tliver complaint fudigifttlon ferf sucK 4 gtck Knila(jhe paipltatlpu Of the


Mr J t SJScott ntjd firmily-left for Donaidsoir JnA last eveittngl bullHlaquoinfr6ifdlt4oTnakb jtifeT iiia^ fu- ttfre home- 7-- 7 V7 gt 7ampe eiircful of thie-aparkg wlroh bufnifig bntslt andbull-other trash thatanrniail accuftiujateaaround the premises^ bull 177 bull 7-Ncwa flt8u7phtnfr^olti8laquohraquoaio repair Hve brolc-rn gais that his-[lugliter-s follow hrealts swinging aioundSnnJda^ eycijiiyjfl7_lrV7 OurBrhool nxorms-Were scen

wnikiiigJo School half an hour hcfoTe- tiimrrf n^-i^trfa^TGreV- tliey wMit ftiuUahcjCajittle

heart eoufStomachi- JblluatjieOTtfve n|ss diiraquoliielaquos ofithe^iead n4rvousi

bullprostration low 8pirftsAe yoii n ed-hot suffer another dsy Twr tfosfes of August iloWer will reUerfc-gtltgtlaquoatt once fisihpte Wtties-lfrcehts^TA0 lairslze 73 centF^iPoiltiVeiy sold by alj tfrspoundela3f jrbggists In^hejyv-Sj ^^

m l i iuin^ tha-month of MarciiV90 j

nioney orders were-issued- by-the Fortflt postoSiGf-^-tTid sniaiiest fitiniberfiar seyeral montlis VA iprivate-indivHrual of Yah Wert offers a premium to Ite first -rnfinln t~t w)Yj^iil ^iluirffgil i piiblicat thdr-iiextCAUttty faifr

A petition Avill be presciited to tlicCotrncil7to-hlght prayiiijthat a lain ppost-boer-ctcd o t the in-JnFacctinhof lfmn street ai-id tiie railroad - bull __ ---- j

FJ)e^jd^erton6JgtrTlic7njgHj4j ii sier~grettgtf the ear of every us who lias ^ccasiontopass the

artt-m bull^hftl^- iRJIraquofT n-i-ond itistiTp ^ - -^^777-To run a newspaper without oc-

casionhjty iuldiaiiiBg-an item that aljfoffia7ilurjlaquottofiraquolaquo-wek^

^onld be-like--1 tinning a rail withoHtoccasjoiiai-accideiits-

T l j c l e g t i o n passed V-off-^very

Page 16 fcctloa 3 nt tho Mar-lHj-f-y prcsi

gr--f-raquo _ lea

mdashThe forest Sswg nrttferthrclmrge of Harvey yHraquornis a good smatlfmncii for -tlielaquoBa3geVgtf Bine town pajr W-gt like to apeak a good J vvordfbr onergctleyoung joirrnaliBts--BlufftonTSew x

mdashchsh-fn-liand williliuijnoVo t-gtraquoa prbtniBe-to-pay Believing the oliove

^kMy^sKu-^^m^i-f^i^^^s^ more Wall Tupcr fur cash-inhaiid than bull -bull for prom iraquoe-1lt -pa y

pleasantly ~y -pn i MiidSy seven pernors were bapshy

tised by the-Methndtsyittirec ot whom were tken In as full members _

Tbeoitv-Ukcn-elosed Its door last fcg o r ^ bull ^ g ^ S g S ^ ^ ^ ^ b - ^ - ^ a a Friday on aec-untof Indebtedness I t | 1 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 ^ w i t h - o o l o e t I

--SenU SO eeifts to Wt-H Betd Rlaquoich-estlaquoN VJfor 35pksIn^ortedgowtr

is the third bakery tltatf hasibroke up In the saigtgtehuildlng

TJrerc-are quite a number of miir-riageabiedaughters here bul they seem togo oft very skiw^mdashPerhs-jw011 cc-ceunt of the bashfulness of the young men

phtti-frec for 2 years mdashPersons contributing spring poetry

will be required to hand in tbe names I of the friends whom tliey have sefetedl on Tuesday last BV=ltraquound --frac34im laquolaquo lraquolaquoreiraquo Tint fur~iiiib1ilaquoBi(iintint laquo laquo - 1 I11 t raquo -laquo raquo bdquo bdquo i l ~ ~ as besrert not fur ppblicsiion but as evidence of good faith ^- --

mdashBy refrencetoanothsT column you will nofice tliat the City isekery has changed hands We welcome tiie new proprietor inourmidit arid would ad- vise our readers to give him a cull

-Bro-TJavisTrf^tf^atoniitort will never smoke another cigar If 8am Howard ltif Pindiay gets hold of him Bra you should not tormpuftfem he-

ivktly at th is -p lacc V There was ess druhkenessthan

toa-ST^kefore _qn tint was day

ever 86

John MlaquoClnrg would iuf-jrm the readers of the NEWS that he keeps a in-H stock of Tgar coffee tea jjroyjsious^cjwhicli heissdraquo ling at the lowest prli-es^^pall-itt-

TJMJ Kenton Jitpitbfiean office lias been -remu-ved to ChesneyJs biock tin Columfiti8jitreet__7From there wiITbe issued TraquoP pnppr bullif the county SuccesS|BJL-O Miller in your hew quarters s

Wehad the pjcusare of calling on T H Garter whifein Kitbjv

as usual behind theepninei- selling [goodsfaster thnn he could nvp

them up Thus yoji see adyerti-[singpays _L bullbullbullbullbullbull

ChteFTustice Chase says Xlt z^v-tT -- i I raquoiraquo from the ew optra called thraquo

j U n i o n is among^be best- Cheapest Onlmesof rvorniaHdi^ sploodfdlt ar-and moat progressive of Aiwencau rngtd n-rthe pisno by Charlie Bsklaquor o bullbullraquobull - i ^ ^ ithe olaquoebrlaquotlaquol Amerlolaquon composer No Collogifl ^Itiseiim worth^^11^-t^ r gt bdquo h l Q u r ( r bdquo n t U aolttreaders wbo braquovlt-


ns he hfcdn ripping time lust fall at

a)dX- J BiO-J Marslial

Tneioilowittgis the tp ticket elected Trustee W euro Groef1 J D V7giier ami J Ii l u o u t j Clerk HVShoamakdr -Ifcai unf 1 P-Smith AssessorTlobli Pat-1 tlaquorson CmiViublM impwn HlaquoTlaquoJ xt and St^plicir Arnold


mdashPut und fresh dnigi at Sulligers nrugTilore notwithstanding some diiintcreetcd jiei60iis awert to the conshytrary-and thlaquoy are tolielintl by every one fraquorthey are not bought foVany one t rjefscks part iculnr benefit - j

mdashIt If calrrrniid serene thi morn and I the weather has a spring ipjiennuusi j

yilchwo would Ulcato have

summer laiiajprejjared-afr^mdash^- ampc

iprii Sherien

raquoJuUSBtiiqrgt JloWbr raquo gu-1 raquottraquot Blttontraquo3JSH

j -Vee of ehfirge )^ yoagt fibaie psplaquon aawCHaa-roaayl othersi

fWeZJwvf for-grade thefolloivittgi widRat-KABM te Vscksoa-^--


bullStSfa - bullu^ iamit toxraquoflaquolaquo -hi $ ^bull l 1 1 - --7mdashmdashmdash j-j+tka+- y bullbullbullbullusii bullbull n ^-

RlaquoniwrraquoxrfrSlaquoatlDf irooiji iluttOTis Si DmrLion7bslSBeein ^WaTTST

feg barrrs- (fHrnent-Jtid wagon shod f splendid wellef good WStfor oteMit anrt bdquo bdquo - _ raquo^aAjooraquolaquorcJmd^^lraquotrlaquolaquoi gvergtiOae of bullbullbullbull Mors S raquo laquo Ko^OEs^s^IstBa^^h-e^iaiWf- - ^ trade i ^ - laquo _


ftjraquoJoiie The first objee^lutHe with the Amershy

ican people Is to get rich the seeond the fli-st

rU i frtu ~ _(- ___V - -= - - Volcangetbull freraquohbull brettiand cakes|

bullvery-morning nt the City Bakery

bullbullBUSi-yjsM L ^ e A t s -bull

D^K K S qjc^poundaraquos - ^ bull WsiiHld Immediatgt4-

--- At WikoJpgTOclry

^QPXSferXle by Johi 61ritlt ^

B a EXSMINGER amp CO Of Caroy hnve5niHilaquo-d Wkirgestpck-of TrunkH VnUses Ac for the trade Pl-f Ilifnrn Pdeg mdash mdashr-

I laquom - 4frac34 bull pound - bull


fraquor oinraquo 7Pjilaquo 8J0(raquo

-HOOStt-Ai-D Jttr4m2hbpoundgtFBv9laquo] Sindtnlty HOUMBOOBTMU lour TOODJS weiirornisbsd good brtek foBudatiocs A~Traquolaquo11 gt i fnnA mmiraquor ^ lf-n n^a In ^ p nvA laquoWampMgtWUW Hltmu l laquoia iHuvmiH L bull n ~ bull -^ - ^ ^ laquomdash v raquo

A- ti-h K-gtv raquoraquogt Airraquo iTz ^ fTrrvr fVi-PPT talning a-frams barnrbullAdjolalifg hqjue I X r i U v J i J T i j ^di -rt -Fortaleo^traae PrioelMOOj ^ ^ ^ - r ^ m ^ A FARM of 80 Aorts tn Jnoksoa-Tp Wyaodov OouDtv O AbotK-80^Aflfraquoraquo olearsd log liotose anbraquorn Tnts-fvm 11 off$rraquod at abftiitaia PraquoyoienTsaiiMje awv-riltSraquo-raquoW^----- -

-JL 4JTOCK7-of Dry^GooflsOSroeerieSj KotloDS Hsts gtDd0aplaquoV Boots and Snoea Aclor sale or will tradsfor a Jarm ot other prdcerly--eftock raquoli clean j no ibelf wore goods WurUtvoicsraquotfoiK jaOOtt First-oust iocsUop witl) -good trade C-stablsbea Besgt 0J reasoa for

bullbullHtagj-y ^ bull bullbull-

A Twb-STOHSrruma ^ o o s e an J Lpmoomtlnlpg 6ioom 1 battery IbiSlsV hail upTatalrs and down ITorth and West frontDjubl-dfxJtvejaotU on nortil shie Gjod well raquond eisuio House uen^-andBsvefbeen ocenptsj Oo doubiapkeForeraquoi0 Xotmt-oris third down baltDoe-ln X 3 raquond years Prc |raoor v _- v w- 1- bull

Oneaoda lialf story frame-bouse on -Jfojinoruian ttreoy X^anai j fl-rodu-a1) eltofatidSwatsr[ fj-uitj fuii ilaquofciraquoitoeJ raquo^r V ^ v V 77 -bullbullbull 7-J - OceSt^ryrmaHOURS and8 lot on

iE3ltirfhsuelttvXilma ontc^tiou con-tlolaquo four routnr sisblt cistern UgtU weil fenced will sell or trade -lor iota J^FoMlPJraquoJlaquo4l20O bullbullbull-- _-^

sniTnmnsv-iia toFoWt j ni story n-imeioj|8 nearly new-3 roeus Well ol wsterj Lot Mi2dfl ft wlaquoU fenced vad rflats nfr J7i per ) rj iuanrad for S yeaji^pWcecentcentcent0 V- lt - - -

OaeonfeioVoffm otttl6t-raquouartgterflvraquo

(n Oitmpbeila isladd laFpreat -Fries bullw - A - - i - -bull___ -

I T nuwtorS in Lloek ltS Gormleji raquo4i3i-turn to ytiTett-) -tnry dwefUaj hoSraquoe 6

Js u corBn MUGS bullTTviJiJyjijitiia gt or fc TTIIS pro|orty

itfonth when nit rented T fermf 2

ml iwjtlllijjiomVAs bullty renU forSrtpraquor

one-thira Ami other cgbnlty prodaceraquotoken in [Priceinsaa exchange fof goods-ltjr repairing in eitherdeiarTrn iTfal Ie0Iu5kcj-H -


- HoTsis-Wgtraquot PiiHerraquotgtD-flr poundMlaquototy frarts-J banainfCohEirining lifroomB^ll in irood reMiir-A ood flnre romu ifatit rtoll well anOit ocea-piedv ijiirn reiUs for MO) pir-year indjfroc-rnpicl Will miiluimufura Itrui^tliUHOHie

gtlaquorarctUraquoacii K Ylt1(1 CAW save ASper-cCfftV by l l lying bull iiainlaquoa i-uoibaiinwe aadlf ^oLirlliirmssoIB CEn8mingersOoeoBSW bull

tr6y O Don t forglaquot it- - - | ^ J raquolaquoTJ- framsfl fct on Burt Ft PatierioB mdashmdash -=- Otiigt_ 7 rulgtrlaquo- Weil laquoA4iistcru Wood lJomlaquo

week In yonr otvn to-vn f5 out- [ bullgtgt of laquomraquoUyrtiit HM-fajt _irilaquo JOoo

rt a bu-tne^sJit-wtta^-^gaEina^ta^^^rTn^ iilaquo^r^^VniT7rg^=^i^-i fe4raquoheexeraquoonilaquokegrej4tpsvit t ju i |7 e raquof SpoJ wraquoor plenty oriiMitlirniit 4o i i m e i n e y work write frgtr plaquorilcuajs|bulllt A eraquoPlaquooilaquoe-fer somcono ricoraquot4D6

HraquoiHHrf3o te j i 1 F-^1 Maine - ^ f bull-bullrreStwkof Igtrytioodraquo 1 n good ihtpe^iirt

W l ^ T O ^

Ksa-HsvlDg fereUMd talaquo las] Plaquorlorraquond -Oook sMiVfea laquoSM oi_8 D Wolaquol I bavlaquo (oazked I

Qfm -bull i ^

nowxr -ir^F^oi^ ^N^-^v- T bull bull - _ - bull_ a-

CQOK 8TOVB at theBast MOTS HaaaWsl for-iqtdingarraquo a loag tlasa

I have on haad tblaquo--aixslaquot stoaklaquobull

laquoF gtI3 - __ - _-_tAIfiD---4 7 bull 7 -

JAPANNED WAJtE bullvr Brought to Forest Olrs aaa a aaQ when injjsed of anytalag ta yay UsMt

JSF-BOOFINO ^aslts6ms6mraquo

tplaquordraquogtr on short inotioe - bull_ - bull


pac^eoju - 7 -AT^BOTTOMFJMOKs =

^ e i m ^ E - ^ -bAiArtii-


flll^ffTj^^BilEI) mdash=VorSrUgt-At bull


-Tulrfi-LPii Plenty- f ddtiiMtlr Will invoiced -Htfceirt-t OCOiJh j ^iHi^-tmyirrWltl^^tooa tracte

trtablishcjl TavialaquoBH nude c u r - -

rtopi settiiic raquoOJOraquo1BlaquoW-laquoraquo1 i a n not eafbt tobemdashwtfk ttraquo IMMSMM

hor^B V LiTin ^11^80^011^88 laquotreoti I Will jell or trlaquodeforraquooe4tcnm riec4200r r

- A t -

WV^tentsP-irPAPERil -imdashSlaquoraquogtTflybick-Of -Merftmrdine i-nrnnting-nf

1 iryienulaquo urifctfieit Wools rind bull hcAlt

HEXICAN emilaquo tirilticeriesUoaIltnnltr hcios rn tlnrnrnraquoirraquo jhlaquoj Thlraquo if nnt uf the


tocknia laquoar lift bullbullULiike-jrfirt tade nee is Evoapayment will invoice about Stl-

099=- hiigtto It if inCliKiiipiiJBn ioitnty on the liroErt (lime- itgtHi raquo ftuantiins town-with 11 rosM njrruundiot country ueoupctitiuii

Stock of Dmi Medieincn HIKI Fiilsrju cfi flr^t-clase quality Partftadc Alettes in cootl--pirments In voice ftbowt iijiii bull ----|

- I

St Mmlaug LiuUuuaty FOIL KAX AJTB m m

- - - I a raquo IHgt 1wgt a i gt v mm

Y-onr inturesteand go to Mc( hskey s j for supplies in thsWHy of iTYehaTV pTmtnr mill iHmber rrd i-e

~f- i^^-^A raquo --raquoJncn we raquoiraquon lo jejlor llianoM of for other K = raquo PTopm raiUlaquondyVdblaquo eano-dtrtide raquolaquo4

raquo I w t p a e y e H Tnill- raacliincry in lest-r 1 fueeies in ilui rupulttll p^f-tOwn I5MI infj^

Xcrmt remirtiil iVortti


bullT rare ellanffe


A New Twortitory Frame House ampni Blanrfiard St-Forest and 0raquolaquo acre of

UIT-KMMUI trrtit 800rA-ipbeTrjrbush-bull-bullii-giapvstmdashVV ill trade fr u 3muil tanh irice cent1200 - - bull bull bull bull

Also lOdteset of ground otraquo eo of Limn mid Davis strct-ts Forefet Oiilo -

All who wish to DuyJn or out tols1) In GageWtTdrtlon to theiltyofVjresl 0bull^^vllTpfaH^e see plot of addition nhd get prices from Mr Chraquos Stockton j WiHselleiitireorcufnVajftlot^iIisto orJLWGago We will mnke prices h fine husineia g te Full pirtfculars of and terms to suit tiie pnrchaser- -Jthcabovo furnished by soplying tlti

Atldre9WatFliiday O bull- - bull bull - - J-Odenbaugu-ndH-lt- orest H P GAOE 2 8^ Acres of land slxjut 40 roris west

- r J i f - T ^ ^ l 0 of Forest on tho double 1 sugtnrf laquoi - - - ^ - mdash-iPike- Welt fenced into 2 Selils This-ta ^ n bdquo U o l ^ a e a n e l ^ laquo o H i e mlaquot f lMrawf 1 ^ ^ ^

years with fnfercat Price $75 per j sirs

ter tnillioh dollars Students citl ici- sev P I I I P J a n y l i m n

of hud tbe pleasure of hosrlog tnis snperb

new catalogue tnldrees Hartsliof-ri L L D-

F u r vw Qlaquorcsnurir fsll fn rtmlaquoirphlaquori Ihn I bn^lnti 1 yiU w t n

r bullrbeautiml tnolodies pefeUlned thcre ln id f any Jtind laquot onr prices

acre Address Odonbsughltt CoForest We will sell you any Piano laquor Organ

rnlaquomfraquoorirlaquod raquot bull discount of no plusmn0 M percent frum tbeitst pries We jnaaa ^ _ mdash - i ygtu want anTrslrumoot

President Alliance

f5cnie say that thif precinct vot-j nraquoi 1 laquolta to deggt^^ raquolaquoiraquo raquoJP-^ nr- j r h draquor to sopplyjhe demand- liery per |

j o g wts tl Pgu others suy ^hajL^tv^i-iaiQJ lpound-raquooilaquoelaquolaquoton of a piano or

j All tneeeJiAva Been nicely Arranged for 0 Pisno and Organ 80 popular la (his |

eooipoaiiioit tbst ihepubinherwascom- i

1laquo Tgtr

purchase Address

bullJ OjampfcampX-UGJfSGSZ bull-bull - F C H K S T oHfo bullbullbullbullbull-Offlci- in Dr Stnnsells office

iseior jwraquod _

Cowsarc fcedingpnncw 51 ass

until after Snndny A man at a Ktiitltcman horsi this molnf s raid -that wrrwould have sjiring ) (summer wcntlterfcon

rcmuiii j ifiou

was all dohp up square Niiw lot ^Or p ahould tjiiy n copy tlHipvtfiified fraquor Wck indidatf^f vFree so rents -pTrtiHsieo^^y F T _ laquo bdquo - raquo aiiiesuibiiei-i r t leainnamatps n( l t l l lok e 0 f a ^ W e r + r ) 1 p n o r t h e r J l i j J |L43ftI)r i i i rr nvnileth nothing But rah lor the-ilaquo wlaquor Foihn s dn^mnati 0 itfli V I i f l l l r l l K I bappv Wiows who laquovro MectlpJ mdash- - - - ^ r ~ V U U l i l hfw hjjfjoritf Ohlv threi bull i laquoraquo0 BV amp mm



TMttlaloMiitveiyseMimnye eiwberaquo Kctsn prorvta ta tar I mrpriiJqj saudotee for UMBahMSMsai dnn l u t i m k raquo belaquoa nimdlsa Ssr I nataaowlttaettcleetaelnhtflligssii

_bull Thraquoalaquorieraquoj KuUaf I t s f f Isa TraquoSgtagtforlaquoTrlaquoilaquoraquoraitlaquoniaeocraquoltJltraquo -

Traquo itcck owner raquosd XarsMisa is I A 4aftgt bottle ofM bullraquoltbull a aaa

laquoIORI d raquo laquoigtfalBet ef H I Orworifceep lijam ltootltQt-hflisua iiau fcaa wwr-iwcB ehoalderrmt iaesmdasht raquoraquo ssa bulltlacn or poieoDOse icptonaadlmmmmt SBca dnwteck to stock srManlaquo sa t bis I

It cotes orery cxttnal Kelaquosas bullraquo kMsa sjUmwiew icnueket twita^sisasa^sa wtU^anrlnctetie rto ete

neaiSpwXiMalaquoLbuselaquoal a Sat laquoJ1 cansTHtW-woratot liiilKSfli sssstSMtI tuamplr la tbe itMFue bulllt laquo jSilUsa bull

ban^Hsldt epndas mtt etc^Md Sst St Ucolirijr veliisbJe to raquoraquobullraquo

It U Uwctnpeet lesinlj la tks lissM pdwamtesUieiBaeeietatte ssas sss t laquoppuclaquouclaquourMwinywssraquoMssa raquolaquoraquobullgt bull aexiesa aoimsTiBiwiM sraquo bullbullbull ^-laquoa

SUeeoebottlei tbe teiaw ease fcsssrsasss ^-frac34

I bull)laquor4 timfs tiie lraquolraquoncc were gsi tlaquoraquo Sghf ebilrd fellows to bed

wraquoi~-pound fuels day well rpent itsa^ Vr-

wftnlvil tn art j ___ _ _ - _ - - _ laquobull ftSMit for I tlTo Io- bull OT (iiiiE liiri pfljicr jlaquo I bull r i -h i-f 1 i n tii- hc i K-Mi-rL^l pr - in t - t^ laquonrriljcrlaquo wiAi-iciUi livtHT- i-ruyanri ti1 fin f i r n ots of- iiincy rsnv^- l ipHnrtrr ] i -1- h-nvs i n n i

fliraquoi ilaquoT itt_ Olrr-p rIr Hrlaquoiimfl it wr vA nl ro hny hltl]i|^ mi i1 h re j nxiii lor Jf r tilaquo in cx fr poraquo(ijri bull Mnnn Sraquoin(bull0 ltf pniur nrl jwjiirraquonlftH fmi ndttcrj V[ 1 frac34

U^HjtLuri fniin ilaquoviiraquow( y

He are pmr^ro^ to print SraquoIR Hai IIflfiraquoK BtLtM ainlcgttlgtcr JOB VORK ns-r+iffHf r thlaquo fthfljpwt 5itlificHni pn imntiCi PtorT tioi^-iave gtottt cr-ioi raquot X 1-1 Nrws i Jfire -

raquo^gtow jgt V iimrtnPBlgtftrihi

bullp-THrjir yotxr Jot bull bull=raquolaquo bullsfasiln liitu a l w f i u j r


Slaquonrtuaky Ouio Oa Laka triex KJfT-mt t e l r fruwlmdashl Ttaabest

aHXIK-KKr-rtKO u raquo V t b 7 M t a W I i 0 bull - - bull - mdash i i i m n t j i L L

ifTf laquoTellaquofrraquopa ComvtiiTSmi Andletii) ( | ^ I I K of n y V ^ ^ ^ I i(leraquoe in tnr i-esntry Kat

Hiwtraquoraquoc=tRgtji StedwtJ blaquoB O ^ f S j s s l i f ^ laquo laquo tfwltosnitrwowre

pound2U2SL bull ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ raquo s f l


t laquo~- ^



- bull bull bull gt - -


laquo bull 1 -ZK



totb saanhaadiaf I W M ijjtfw

jswfe poundmlaquo j^4tb$Tlaquo7 oaejaoat toiunww m i T _ ^ _ _ - - Wttfc aa^mamp^rSiinrrpJWRited

myself naxt corning lit the patients dw- I wlaquo fUd to see there was no crape o -ft Turing th aervejatvwho admttte4Be I berried trembling to tnejiaeae things to try specialty farming

tajhlaquo BBM raquo7 (k|nM b laquo k raquo laquo

s s s a m s H m j p tawlwicmd

I | M ^ D t t o k n S i r f t M i l

Ban ft tela Jbr tare

aMaaataa raquobullgt talaquo tu i imn l t ii i i i i i i i i igiatfcgttraquotMtt- bull-bull -M n W at laquoBy SaTst saw

_ - - - - j j g a j a k t a n o o r j kSttfll _ m gtbullbull a w raquolaquogtraquo-I taraquopatattvd tokno

I laquoM mmK M lirio Mr H4raquonagtto Kafir thara raquo oft b laquobulllaquolt by ttsrs r aa4 laquobull tk M M appetrt

I TMMffen 1 MB raquo01 mdash

mdashJraquoalti)jigtli wiltns Attierti


iS faS - -^ ^gtrtyriraquofiwi-ij

_ JtodlCJJ80Cltty MJWie bullecnrtwMd to assemble once ijeiut

of mutgricdmgrtl6ivand r T- ltsff i fr

aud^BrTfwront Nt v- laquolaquo jBroqW6nv 4 Jiving professional

budget 1 Onhi- lace- Sflu luuwut^oyl^

nmet totI laquoid

WaWew bull hid raquoajht

my patient did I passed t Praquo idTcMM iawhiehto


-sickroom Good-mprnfng Doc cried the inshy

valid rising fsom a sumptuous break-tiatr wiping hi mouth with one hand iwd axtonding me tpounde other -fir George ycai Md bring me- through famously I That stuff was mighty nasty but it did the hud new Im sound as a dollar this somiagJL^^ ~~ f Before fwnid-wplTri servi entered the same by^ whom I

-^tyftur ttU wWj^ttekt fe Boiera dead sir JDtraquodaedeuoe1 Theres iCgoJ-I

ypul forgot to call at Bottrslbe for that)drench yesterday

just like you when mr baek is pursed -- - Nltrlaquofr the man replied Is topped and gotk o | my way from the doctors and gavi it according to direction v

fJUt my_ruckT crieds Tophamj emiting -the - table tYou see Itoc Bolter was my fastest trottegt-I counted oa winning a mint of money oaJhim at the coming races arid now-hers goo arid kjcked_the-Jbueket Well rgttwee to his woalaquor raquo the wet-says Here Dickr hand the doctor that medicine hataeitom the latvteL He mayjsjretl 510119frac34frac34^frac34^frac34frac34frac341^85^8^ Jsect)L may set me on a freSsp^jaodlhereT ao telling how soon I may tieea another -deae ^

This kind-of farming as is well known oooaUta in the selection of some one of thestaple product of the soil and glv-ing the attention to this alone ttow^l consider making specialties deg few of the elsawntarof ywcessfnl farming Bwfc there if ideal of discrimination arising because of the foUerwing reasons whicE are obvious to the general reader Some Po^joStof^owwuntry SJlaquo totayyua-81 lor speojalij fmfi^Iirraquooch por-tions nothing wfll grow in abundancec

said|raquotrt we olaquoft obtain a little of nearly everything Tn sniefc Joqalittev general fanning seems ajaecessitj^ana wilL in-deed gtve frac34 man living^ AgainTioampte men are sosituatedrthat a-certain

w it painted on an old ItaVern signi and to if aftera

_ of weary rambling over the dusty 1 of therapeutic1 tore wMttfned as_

for refreshment as thetired hafts before the inriting-sign-

LwlaquoTing hospitable welcome to the ^tSfter-within bull - - r- bull =

^^jQeaial Pr Cupps Like-Father- GrisMraquo that-otbergood old man well nevet^eeikn morlaquoraquo -No-monument Hlaquoirksgthk lastrraquostlny-plaQe ThegbUd --ofnadertahers poeaessedtiiey a-spark

5 frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 frac34 ^ ifouldttot suffBTthistobf Jklaquo raquobull his aurTiving rprofessional

-hfethren few of M 1 fear haTejnoney to lt^laquon4fiLtblaquofVray - _ bull bull ^tgtvBow doyoung dbctowj-as raleH i laquo t t h e i r first straquortTdoeried a cynlcai-^lookgtg M Drat tlie foot of the ampble wltti a-nose as sharp asfte^ Hp of Iriit ~laquoijrhTano8tmdashleaTing out of bourse ex-- ceptional case like that of a man swal-

_ bri which ^Teaji BimonBottefiH^erbull-bull--bullmdashbull-

Can- it be I mentally exclaimed at it -was BoW potion that cured the

z^~ raquoia^tht^k411ithe horse strung cBagnaf curenmstantial

laquoyenidencerraquotraquoyraquote bull- - - bull_bull ^ QuisU yncWng the botqe I^rent

f the twth was aniltoaiissd

t6ok~it crimination majriWplaoeA ateong our elements gtraquo tWitiinnVlaquoralaquo bulluyctimiui poundaraiug iftinferiM-traquolaquowraquoof= JMfcjanyPJF raquo1i-i T- A i 3 - -mdash~ l-i -3^J=lUi - - T U D aTrtiisn

ill) Way1 XI U1U HUM ITHBMJiminmdashraquoj it never came out Topham Sounded my praises everywheret and sexwr the locatdeath-list was pretty equally filled wgtththe names of old Dingos jatbjnts and my own bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

kindstrikibg thftraquorthA

bull Formicddiraquoaa recentiy beenfaund^ to possess powerful preaetratiTe proper-ttefs exceeding jwhehaddedtoilaquocfd-raquooln- tlooiyeven earoolic acid and to felaquor_paf-r lowing- V fish-bone Or dropping sud i i

-^enly faalaquoVrtereraquothjere|s no ctagtloe--Ttcuutiy euhsble for adding- to = fruit ^^bullbull^tte-se^-to-Bearaquoestraquoijd--s-WhMIaak-^aiCM From-one-quarter to one-half mdash iVk how do people come to-trust their

^Hves deliberately iniaexperiencedhands bull Whats the philosophy of i tr r ^^Eopular ij^ojaicjBr prphably sug- geated^ne

Sttul c Or^heek-in-the youngstor another hinted

bull- lt-Ifscostly hteitthink remarked bull-_ Sat ehaif Whereon had cbnyergod_raquo BlaquombBref inqairipg looft -s ^- raquo Come- doctor give us yonr expe= ^vjfjjnee pfr the point was mo^edjtad ^ taeooiMiedk v r^tgtJlmeytM case ot pure luck11id

frac34 tell us abojititf^we Cupps was not the man

Wont entreated to refose - _ -

ffl -young men now-a^dayse beglaquon enter the profession- with other advan-bulltamsthaA we-oldfellows had The

r-pjptio hospitals rriw accessible to stu-

bull -mnch-by bbservafion-whichwe-were lef toftnd out through expert men te on -rimx -laquonraquo patients

-Though I took my degree after a bullbullbull exajaiaation I doubt if I __ a hays distinguished-by-in^

bullwSetfon between the Incipient stages of iickenpox and- measles Had J been

a-mdash cslled-te- treat a simpl esse of rheuma-T5^^laquoi_i ten to one I Jhonld hatefound a

-IwUte^willingraquos4-3gtaseedi -^-fentenclaquoofampnTSti3ir--without stoo-

^^bull-VPampg to bull the--vktinCwbat he had |^^^jsraquoTi(laquoiwtit Hy first patient was

SA ^PeVcy-T^pham -a young manh6had iapound7-inherited a gplwdid cowtitution as welt

- L - WM jast maxingTwy laquoL r^T^h]both the fiase no doubt wOulQ

hAve fallen into Dingos hands for he ^^1 ^fiioateoiUedtbepractlcethereaboutbut

br fflabsence on a distantcaflr Come quick sir urged- the mes-

Seleitlflc ani UieW Bottle or green glass is mada_of the commonest materials in about the fob ltudng proportions^Sand_100 parts kelp or impur soda SOY wood-ashes 40 bull bullpottersCclay 100 cjilleti)r broken | laselO(k bullbull bull -bull Professor -Nawcomb saysJ SoJsmall is the- earth compared with the celestial bullSpaces that if one shouldshut his eyes and fire at random in the air the

juices jrom -one-quarter per cent Is the ltjiHUvtity-requisite to preserve vinegar fruit juices glue ink etc-- -lt - - bull-- - Qurles Napier an English scientist

has beentesting the truth-of Lieblgs theory that liquor drinking is compsti ble with animal food butnQt with a farinaceous djet -5e-experimeni was tried^en twenty-seven liquor drinking persons withreaulte Bubatantisting the Liebig theory bullmdash bullbull bull Aiiuriiing chimney when the soot

hamps been lighted-by a fire- in tfiltrfiffcgt place cap be extingujshed by shutting all the doors Sn IB Mom BO as to yn-vent any cutrent of sir up the chimney then by throwing a fewhandfuls of

ate im

common salt upon the fire in the STE or on the hearth the fife in the cbi ney will be immediately distinguished ithe philosophy of fhisj8 thatp4B=he process of bnrniog the bull salt muriatic

~-1J^mdash -Jmdash^-mdash-r -hich is a prompt iclltfgas is-eVol red extinguisher of-fiw -vAnemlDentr French-scientist latelj presented a note to the Frensb Academy on the antiteticjproperties of-bichro-mate- of pofcm Experiments had

^ ua two kinds of iacsateg ric spMaatoy lana-iraquof and fnlaquortljraquormlng Oeneral farm-jaceo iMi in raising sometfflm of all the stapi pBwampaa^otrdirKtt7-TUlaquoi kind of fsrxaiag seUom a ma food enougn amr-to

fallk of giving to antWtTW^

as the world has~it he can make a livshying thus smphr for a iv

abjjtr i little fi some other bniineis whilt

AaBUaotl i t^i i agtsttawists iiaw covered sUfcJiawCabalmdash ^^^ laquo^^^ ^^v^p^degvew^swav---fww^s)a^^av

oaatodwitkHehMat aad jwve^fc^ tr at p tooea^

n tWraquo should ex)ead limbs sotaf as is liBnawry After i^nawiampiw^imaaiji M wtSa There is nothing so _

for 10frac14 purpose alaquosgtcd home-made soft wishes to BOM made from ly (or potajh) and

a man caret

teTs _ _ wlaquoBtwwmr

poke for such a man But jf a mto deshysires both a Bvingand income from the farm alone we would Kcomjnehd him a the surest and safest way to secure

bullmount of general farming is all that is necewary Qeneral farming U suited to certain tocaJIties- and to eertaih men namely to those localities where the snilhot a varied_cnrlaquoctlaquor-^)fjinaa kinds with M-chejiucal eteaest abundance as- to warrant any leh( and extensive production of any one thing [ and to those men who ar unconshycerned as to whether they make money faster not or to thosejfhofsrm in conshynection witVsome otheravocaiiw Bpe-cialty farmine belongs to those IocUitMs wherej parjfrcnlar tSng i to advmVsjtej-and more jthoielien- who wjsnto their raquoolc avocation jind^gsi the most ttey can out of i t Witt bull prbperdiay

then sponaity

welw doeen or eighteen pounds of eggs This is equiTalent to saying ttort gU pounds cf com will ptedw when fed to this hen one jiooids of eggs A pound of pork on the contrary requires about five and one-third pound of corn tor its production When eggs are twenty-four cents a doaeji and pork ten cents a pound we haTe the bushelof corn proshyducing 4)588 worth of ergs and but 105 wortt of pork --

BiBXDifo a horse is generally done is the JflguIar Tien with a broad-bladed lancet and when the vein is sufScieawy prsssedaod secured saaato caoseitjo-swells then the point of the knee is sent in withthe left hand ant chtting upward makes all the opening necesshysary When sufficientblood U -taken the cut ought to iw squeesed together and fastened with a pin By pressing the vein below the wound the blood will ehootouiln stream and fail claiur into th bucket araquody towoelve i t

IK ^selecting flour first -look to the motor Ji t t f t white wHh a gteUowiah

l Ifit-ia wUte

heejvsnessmdashwet and knead a little of it between your fingeh^if it works soft andstiokyj it i poor -5Chenthrow a mtle hunp of dried Awr against A smooth surface if it falls like powder

S ^ ^ s i l ^ ^ S laquo f f i ^ i ^ lore wpeoiauj-to 4 ^ 8 frac34 ^ frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 ^ tt^raquo^smire^ifijt

bull 4001laquo a good sign Jt amp safe to buy four thnt wjlt^laquond TU^Jraquoese-iests These usedefafe given by all old flw

bullthey pertain to-a-mattet

them- If a niah is pursuing Bpeculfies hlaquo can at~the salne time growgtenough of-the other staple prpiinctefor the do-roaads ofhis famiry- and no farmer whatever elseshe-may do should fait of having a large garden1 and taking good r ^ raquo T i Tylaquo^raquof lvj f t T raquogt ilaquoniltr iy c

surely ^ _ ^ BreeVOag Stock on tJw Kfm^-SavB

the Jnririlaquotraquoo Yorher In VlewTof t ie marketfor choice stock lately-thrown open to our farmers bf theLexportatlon otlattlsmidiueal to^Enrope it-ber

^hooves them to t iy increased attention to the raising of superior animals on the farm- A late report on ihe Amerlean-meat trade by Professor Sheldon of the Cirincestir Agricultural College Engshyland after furnishing a ansae ofinforma- tioq on the subject comes tolhe -cbii-elusion thatrdeepite some fluctuations the~lt dead meat trade vrill rapidly Inshycrease and thatappliances for its sue- eeesful management will be multipHeoV ijhanceadf bringing down a- bird would - _ j - _ laquo laquo ^ bdquo rn- bdquo_laquoraquo nt tii

^e better than S a t of a cometof ^ ^ J i f t pound $ ^ P - P -traffic - wilt-he in jraquo great ^neacure-pro-portipnate to tile excellence of the pro-duct aDdihelimit4olhe quahtityshrjK ped wilLbe^hejtciwage capacity of ves-eeis crossing the^Atlantioj -for owibgJto the falling off in ourirhportsj the nnm-ber of Bhipsengsged in thtransatlantic tJRadewiil be tooTsmallfoSffbrdroomfor a IHrge export of meat together-with other merchandise withont aavanclncthe freight to figureTEaTwiU rofiibit further expOrtafloB -~bull-bull -bull--bull - The -experienceof many thriving bullfarmers alh over the country-proves that a better run of animals 1s obtained by breeding them- on the farm than by purchasing them Hbre care is bestowed in selecting the likely^aftspririgs of tried animals they will go on fattening more rapidly and uniformly than strangers picked up here and there- for it takes some time before these get acquainted and become con tent enough to lajt-on flesh kindly in their nlaquow bull home and moreover- the tendency of pricejHor young stock is upwards and the probashybility is very strong that ere long it will bullnot pay farmers togo into the market for young animal Inany^case it is as a rule more profi tables to- breed the stock one hand

^ _ bdquo _ amp


bdquo Donotplaht tre$s deeper thanis nec ek^vm-Aiav^ha^the addltion^f--o^nraquo4laquosaryAMKtalit thi fepts well nr_Uian

French scientific papers contain ae counts -of -an -expenmeht -by -a-Mons Carrelet who took two dwarf pearsmdash-pesrs grafted on the quincemdash and grafted the stem of one inverted on the stem of the other growing so that the-roots of the grafted one were on the top as-t branches are These roots finally be-

- r came true branches pushed out leaves ltkmi Mr Percys taking onut a^^nd shoota and iritfine bore quinces

bull^jrwfulrate gtH laquo Without staying^o inquire fBrlher bull 5f -snatclttd my nt and- sallied- forth

y r i i laquo feraettint in - aew pill-bags -Where]

stoek-of-earn pies ein niy

r v-J- r-AIarrivod to findmy patient taking ^ ^ i i i ^BiTat ahawfuJ nite sure enohgh ^ -bullbull Pokerin hand he Was lajf ingaoout

highly detrimental to 6-was ki

Has in a manner 1 rftmritere

jlaquottlaquoi B a d i t H e was kill ing snakes h e been dog hydrophobia

hundredQfpari ofTheTgtichromate mor-dinary water prevents the- putrefaction of-al l sorts of-organic-matter such as meat urine e t c v A thousandth part of hirfimrqlaquo)A provgnt beer from turning sour Alter threernohths1 immersion in

may l ie calculaiad i u o e a n i m v una biuhel1 -ot-qorn yraquolaquorjyr art to by

whole pOe in a piece of ItroMrty that bullobodyTa took itottlM taxsiTbmi heres when his evermttta lock froee to him agin^ and the next summer a new railroad scheme^oned every last hnn^ dred hed mvestrt into raquobull aqiare thoushysand- I might folaquon and toll yon bow be married a woman- so poor ah was about to be set into-the streetcause she eouMnt pay house reraquotlaquoad hovkaide of two months afterward she Ml heir to a whole raft-of property is BafiUos aadirhile they was oMnin hraquolaquo from saeia about it she got killed la a ssaash-up and the railroad company had to aSell cut in big figures but taid raquoraquo in my sggravatin yolaquo aiiv amiabout i t There aint a set of brains la this room but what could dance all around the works In hiaJead asvsh TUm in the week bujb luck is luck gentlftne and the man that holds the most trumps dont always rake the pot -- bull --- v ^ - v ^ ^ - bdquo mdash i bull bull

with srilnian oast or with black specks in it refuse it Next examine it draquo

TKE anoient Greeks the Bacedonfamr an4 the Romans of theanterCmeerBsn eravmen who tii hygieaics in health and strength were laquo0 strangely superior to us^rsstrictaithemselTW toltmemlaquoraquot per

thhour com-

diem to- which they devoted the between-sunseLaBa night Theraquo menced their days wo x at oayi and-kepi it up till |t vs comple fioithed till lite in the afternoon neowaary then thetoftk a bath pasetd an beur in the -glaquoaaaslumL and dedicashyted the cool evening nOnTt-to^oodcbeer muaic dances sac pleessnt converse- tion Tiechildren of hatBre IndianB hunters and teahmen foliOwpie same plan j they breakfast laquop m a cold iia-

cult With a enp of coffee perhaps if they have the ingredients and time to cook then march or hunt till- theygo Into araquonprtoeatad restrand he jri parshyadise for a few hours

FtJBTLBfteggiiareheld i n wherever they--are found as well by Europeans asottiersr They bavea rt^r soft shellfand are about the size ofa pigeohs^egg-The1 mother turObt-lagt thrice a year at intervals--ot two or three weeksdepositing in one night as msnyWa hundred at a layfng An ex--periencedeye and bandarj4ulred(to detect the eggs as- they-are always in- geniousljr covered up with sand but whin they are huntodijery few eaoapeT The Oronoco Indians nbtein from these eggs na kind of1 clear sweet oil which they use Instead of butter Jn the month of FejDrnrytwhentBe blfti waters6i ihe Oroiiooo hampVe reOeded nut lionaof turtles comeon shore krdeposit their eggs The certelatl and abund-AncepfTfie harvest isTsucSThatIt is esshytimated bythe acre The yearly gathshyering ahdut the mouth of the riveV alone is about five thousand jars of oiVahdit takes five thousand eggs to make a jar

foaafasHif so had akae^thalaquosi he d )vmm that bull bull U M rpoundZ d pound k u u _ gt bruag t h a t _ _ laquof iSattorof afeTetlaquofttfgt

had tacked a couple o baadiwa more en to his Bat mosey was no count to him no atoren to a child for inatoad of buyin oat a toney bar down gtfn| ^- --ft_^iA^tf ggt what iid the foolraquo bat

Ae w g wwTarred B

ai i MW rot wait

dfMUUMI bullrt wiraquoUr _ Tttsllraquogtartraquoet^laquoathlaquo

HJJCT Bothers are eitheroompeltea to stay away from church and theater or

-woman ook her little one in hersima tol^K^^i^ laquo ^ hear a famous preacher The loud voice =275555frac34frac34frac34^frac34frac34 from the phBform awoke the-child and made it cry and iu^aaiber got up and Warteavingthe hall when the--rainister jtojplaquodier_M JH^^Mt-gm Woman doai go awa- The babr doeant disturb ale It iraquot for that sir I leave ah_e replied with aperfect

Tgtnfirmir^rfBrs^e^Bpoundj^^ J raquo laquo b the baby1 L- v -

- W gt I W ErartVa5Mil raquo bull hraquo TU MkgtM bullrilBtsakieV- -

TkstUboniiii4klaquoik7 - laquot JUMlaquoJlaquo1 tbt nlaquon In th SMOD

twUf t i aftiTS QnlM-jrkm J STwUk

n i M Mctpi fljfc laquoflaquor rtk i K tfHHk UM

f a u n ft aiM laquobull ssaw wtM VMM WlaquoSwalaquoKOraquo laquoMlrlaquoltlaquot Wattn-sstha bull - 5 T

TH ttnutm

w i ^ m w ^ aTraquoT7 _

ifam at j y a ^ raquo t raquo a gt W ^ jCaa^Sampigart raquo bull

wU^faf i se Htm psrt bullMrtlt l lglrf tt

^ ^ a ^ ^ f e w t ^ ^ - -atcopymdash


^m^poundixT3tbull i bulllaquo raquo-| | it--

jtoeWRTreg1 afek inr

a)nsnkraquo tot On paMfe salaquo bullmrttaMi to OrMtnrCgtasult Traquoipi tsfemkainattrlaquoa4 Craraquof ClirwtjTIli bull bull bull bull H I M tot TSraM 0raquoM I n k OM i w laquo ft raquogttM U laquoBraquo KhiW raquolaquolt bulladOkafvWtkranav UkartwwctoSMlaquotgtMraquo w laquo mt raquobull vtokMtraquoirMr M M M M Ukatlatffaa trtm laquo bull nsfc Bft TOWaa VJMlTWJf BOXU

WTllj - - bull- - -to sav Mlaquo

laquoHPrraquosshu psraquocgt iK-ftwa VKmlrlaquovTact

Lixixai rsatts 9

MsMtorto saj Man r JKgt pH for UMT Cclaquoc0laquot^armtMltOMDgtfnraquolaquo(i 8047


ylaquo yraquo d vVr ^ gtH it RTMSt tCKtlllH

tflaquo wlU ttwbom friMml to twta a nm thiU mmm


_ torjhtMii


^^jyffig^^liss torn

uWtifiiflS poundjjT K f t c r a M

bull n l csVtatBMl H l t a n S K t l n ficMH n t t i i

amp^7^B^^sssirpoundisi laquoKnji UM frtMa Mtagiii s n Mint ssS Ut

J H I I K M gtM rWMtd to a n - M i to ampbull

frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34 ayfey 5frac34frac34frac34frac34 tlaquolaquoJ2r wt mtn

tawWoni sMe Olaquo

titHkiii _ raquojelaquojj Ic-tfct _ _

r M a t o d ^ ^ ^ r u T a ^ l u ^ u ^ w r S p S A f 0 ^ -^rjMiofwiii^raquonKajrWltajrlaquoktolaquodt bull tgtit UlaquoraquoAlaquo~T u l ^ t i p S a i TSlca^iJa^^lLUUta SWM eoli


(UEftMtal AHKIWr



^hey were plante4 jn the nursery rows

a solution meat was hardended and dry of South America and yields a oe^n of

It is thus argued that not only can roots become branches but that the sap can

_ mdash flow upward throngkinverted stems as in the excitement-Uie- 4rell as when the stems are in their nor-

was stored -bullbull mal condition If we say of the surface of the earth

that it is thfrltoit oithepoundraquorth ahd^ie beginning of the atmosphere we are not-correct in reference to the-latter The air begins waeh below thegjannd antl vre-jought to say that where -the ground whichTls ainixture of earth

Ikngwgt meant deltrium tremoi gtsh was ths decision of llr Topshy

is own more practioed- judgment ampp fri terafng toward me in a lucTd TV iawftsBnt A bull-- mdash ti ^rvegofemDoc he said i- V bull I did my beat to calm him-assured fe him I should bring him round placed ri my fingers on his pulse and began to bullcimnt the beats bat darting from me he

^ i i e la jmed - - bull - - SS There goes the biggest snake yetmdash

AtoU serpent of alltL making a slash -witk the pokej Uiat caused mo to dodge Linto the comer

two to watch him and ac-

pound g

companieabT the man who had sum- hwed am 1 hurried home to procure such remedies as 1 should conclude the

- case requiredmdash a point I must confess I wasvery far from clesr upon I had

been reared in a temperate-pommnnity i- bad seen little of intoxVatlon- or its fflbeta and my reading had not borne ^apeclally in that direction bull-0 f Before reaching my office however V I-decided what con rue to take Therf

jraano time to _ consult booksi Beeidesj -I Was aabaaed to do that in the pres- ence of the man who waited to carry back the physic He would have taken

j4 j i-for a eonfesaiop of Ignorance and -- woitld have tost no lime in proclaiming -f )IMa donof bullOvethauling laquoraquoy supply of drags

bull taking a little faaan every 0raquo I peo-bull bulltISSa iMbdquo UiSuasjHlBiam^^ - In r^ j_M

Neyetplace th^rooft in contact-with knows how an pilln tieTlaquoflk of his tnannaa mdash L_lt Z bull ain(Magt~ rtw VJai bull VraquolaquofV (bull wsteirtfc ffTTgt manure

THE culture oicoffee in California is becoming profitable Th^planl grows as vigorously as in countries

Btrong aroTnaiic flavor ^^aoww auce generally speaking should scarcely bei-ao- thick as white sauces and i t is wellto bear in minu that all those jrhtoh are intended to-mask the various dishes of poultry or meat should be of-a sufficient consisshytency to slightly adhere to the fowls or joints over which they re poured For browning and thickening sauces etc browned flour may be properly em-plnyftd

PnbrESSOB BILEY regards themigralt tion of insects as due to their multiply ing moreTapidiy thun Tjf support attributed

t bay been my ^diagnoais_bttt 1 water wd air ends from there the atshymosphere exists alone His no wonder that no particular attention was paid to theair in the soil its presence there does BWinake any direct impression on any ef OUT senses we infer its presence more from other experiences and conse-

luent conclusions The human mind bullrmprly locked upon the air as some-

thing nnsubifantial spiritual although men saw the effect of hurricanes po wonder then no one thought of the air hidden In the ground which cannot even blow the hat from our headrmdashbull - ^

Ibelr wains migrations of rats are

to the same cause and similar observations have been made an to other animals- Many insects

^hat are not normally of a migfatory tendency exhibit it when preesecTby dearth of food - In these cases they colshylect together and migrate in large bodies

To uraquoe up cold meat rT Prepare your meat as for hash fill-a-deep dish with

-Team-StaadlsaVIVaek bullbull_bull IWsdBwitl Brasktstt ^tl^fl _

- It does beat all how some folks gits along in the- -world said-a red-nosed man in a crowd sitting around the stove fti a oornw grocery the ptber nigh jNowthares -tbat Eom ^tandish look athim if he aint been foUered by a

streak of bull-htadid bull Jack I want to know wjiat you call i t He come tothis town without a dollar in his pocket or a decent dud on his back but before three days be struck a job o i heTpih in a biler factoryat five or six lollara a week anaTTiybull Jrvih^the-torli

aixnins oh his back it wasnt four months before youd a thought by the looks of the kid that he-waft aoUd with tcmmelnuahaiidhnlWBmmlnfliwget on election day as airy other chap in the ward I dont say uhe waslai but he wasnt one -of the kind of felfen to go and wake the--boes up out of a sound bull lj-mdashfind out soasthin to da Hgt nap to wasnt even passably good-lookin bqt some how it jest seemed to come-natshyural to him to cram on style and he had a knack of sliekin1- himself no and alshyways lookin tidy and neat as soon as he was out of the scop thitfrbeen more of a blesHB than a rich daddy would_a been to him In -knockin aroUn3tte world aflve done Ive noticed that the main run of people generally is tolerabl laquopt tn ^ gt t fellers own idee of hiaself

SrmlraquomdashVfkttt FanMilnsk _ rgtSMlriM-wMlirlaquolaquo^laquoAlltlaquotiJfiaasjl fc rjwgt ySfcwTinitojj S j ^ l WsTgs^MXgg^Cay raquoah^w

^ ^ ^ 0 l l ^ r M n h o a laquo laquo C t a Ssrnkt

-rtocx Buxxna oxgt cnrsTarl

fi 1 raquo miiim KiMtfr S( to ttr Urmim asiTy raquo J^^iSw^ ft mdash- totally

JiLBlaquolaquoSM tau U pTet 4riMU tMtokwS ~w nwrVALOmdashrxlaquox M shsiwr



bull4 ktatr IMWIW



-Eipocitn took MSB I-raquoTraquoHlaquoUf lraquotraquot w

laquo S0SH- paJ^tottferaquosTtolaquolklaquo1 is Ik ltraquobullbull twu tnameo to rstn mm B3ltlaquo to inm H IHw raquo 4 lWlt(j~raquofrf M11raquo wif i ingtar iwj |Bf tm WBBW W I

1st IBM to l 7 t s s f t t j w a j atmtisf 1BM to irtss fts^

amp^^f^ Ibaa BMe Mrlb to laquortsi M

w n i t i r T - laquo bullfe bullwlBrto laquonsi M M 11st BaUt M BBS)

UBpsTleTrM UriTwBjtit t l a t t fTwsjgr to SiiajBZJmraquo^OatostQlt| SIM Ot^^^ - _ l i raquo r LIBEBTT Fa-OMMssmat M ibaA ptkw lut nptrto bullraquoraquomdashTtrttrR SB NaVBS rtTUffilpBlM It fajlTIt HBnp ITn iBtapilsn-MMrtyWI

WOOL-Ia Batoii dl frssti tnl tit kmaVtoil tkr Juuiunlua tad trs t s u M t art crisis Bttwii-iBst wtr n nlaquoraquody ut a m fmsJsJy to J W U I T laquoM mdash bmU t s i t p l raquo MiiHWBllt iPraquo-toast fast pcton I B n S n M l SUMSBBBS laquo1

^ C0KO1FTOI man juttiii jaati

- cafcTiai ygti^Wltli- fiBlaquoraquolaquo (XnntfmJ -^mmMtf U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i p f ^t amp^^^^^^^^^^^^

A1UU4 tnttnitlai liVollrrty^tf-Urrmi traquo u oraquolaquoifctottVis MS tfirti ttvm til itliT S S S t t o m

_ _ omilolaquoliraquolaquo flit BMW bdquo rttsaft wSRSWRuiwasr Lst5raquocampwraquorB^laquo-i FELLOWS HYP0PH08PHITE8

forBlMMMwBM artfnSwM ttrktoet rimA waMtant n t i l u ntouitoS

VrenAltW I K l w JBnMAraquoiBlaquo

1|fgS7ISmrVJraquoa^K n-gtoM DtewtrvWi bull - bull--

mr U p L ^ ^ ^ (^IWEaUftitito m^S^mW^^^^SS

I aWlaaraquoawA at am ^ t a f s i s mdash ^ bull bull bull A M ^ raquo awawMiawaT afi iuittiajiTitoiFBm

- bull gt bull


M-mxampM ktmi ^mW ^MW^^mniifipmi - bull bull T bull M u n l l ~tU ~-dL ftj tha mm it r t U B I A d bull a M M tt Ik esa ef

COKBVMFTK u 4 tff BIHMII tr^tte fcmdashrraquo TatmdashI Tn II i l IT r T In i t ClietOwDok tsr mv bottk tt ttraal or mnii

^ S k -sa isuntstpiM a 1 Uftn to-ooascMJ _ i o m t cciM u ( _rraquon strwtioM fa t i t i i r t 0 bull c k l laquo t t l lt l i t M l i laquo U W gt laquo n K owaa-9 M0SMM00ftltraquo4t SWlaquotWraquoraquoTlaquo

1 Zu1

JAHOAL-W008 f-pagttl1rnlaquomlr for laquotUtoltM of tkt bull h i l l bdquotod ^JHUBiT aumi l l tB)raquo tool IB bullrVVVflMsiftl ffwwHftislftfcwiBV It BWTCC ycwnoM ftck mtU_cTUlraquoitr~iT ta Iti Mtloa Itk fwi jMawwUtltil ott-JT rtoraquorfl^Slraquorrotraquortlraquot Ait iurisortlfhiiBri a oUwt BwfclxctJi raquoligtk _ - mdash w mdash H f t B i n t M forbullwfaj to 1~laquot mtmt ncc^a atMir ktn blaquolaquo oJbtOl toBto raquofraquo BttK BtaftroM aMttcfttn tto

strapAJBwwraquoAiraquoltraquoraquoltaraquoi M k h w Oa V iliftliTii mU m fMjtmt-mrm AiiMOInmuwirtmiJtt mm mm bullHt^Ririmim In Utrt tfi

bullrt fm in mmlMma

^xspound^^tsyL_^ -TBTTrrxTaiBtt-oi tf wy aTWrBaysj TmtfiiJNUmrr raquofrth MHtr n i l e w l s

s^^r ilaquogs2 PrtcBjiesB4t-cltMiaiftraquowaf^raquoraquowrBm



THE 4 Q 0 D 4 W


For 3dULPT auad

UaJKITSTDIUTSOaiP - _ raquolaquobull

bulla pto w o laquooa nvw nlaquowpmdashiio IHUII 9imwmii ottsBtoa s4 aikiM lusdiiiBIJIBIi 1 BBBBttas sat StSpIUBl B0SJ4BO mdash

People who still adhere to the leok-at-bullbull Is doeter

cariosity in

^ laquo ^ t - r ^ L t o J gt f ^ t ^ f ^ ^ -sbot-forhenl nrat khowerl him hi

ASOTHSB iconcolastnow steps to the front and with an old document written

by one 01 the original Boston tea-spillers proves that there werepresent at that interesting teance no white men disshyguised as Indians Oh hang it Dont lop the thing off limb by limb that way Make a clean thing of it There was no tea there were no ships there wasno trouble no stamp act no dissatisfaction no colonies no warjjo Fonrth of -Tuly no nothing George Washington was a myth the Revolutionary War was a hypothesis were merely supposed to be existing and nothing is real but the his- torical motrn that destroy everything we ever believed By heaven- there were white men disguised as Indians at that tea party thousands of em Woswear bulltt raquos know it we were there and saw em Put that nthe school booksmdash AsrtMBdfott ftttwk^ftj

lish the great egg eaters receive-an-naally from Ireland one hundred and HiUtyniilllowsbf eggs and front Franec over one hundred and thirty millions The great object i s to get fresh ones and m a n y modes are resorted to to as- certain this important point Some dealers place them in water when if fresh t h e y will l i e o n their sides if bad they standon one end

G B A V I K S and sahces shonMbe table very hot atUthera is all the more necessity lor the cojik to raquoce to this point as from their being usually served In small quantities they are more liable to cool f|uickly than if they worn in a larger body Those muice of which

or egg form a-component part

for granted a good deal of the time If he Wears good clothes and puts on airs and carries himself with a swing as though be was somebody the heft of the peopfewiU conclude that he is and boost him along accordin Thats alt in the world that ever give Ton StandIsh his start He carried sail like a man with money out at interest and itwasnt no thne-at-ait till he had He wasnt what youd call smartmdashnot by a long

hash cover it with tomatoes over which sprinkle with bread crumbs with a little butterblaquoke until nfoely browned II Preparenjaat as for hash make-it in rolls (like a sausage) by binding it with raw egg tie eaclrToil carefully in cabshybage leaf and boil one-half to three-quarters of an hour In weak stock

^ ^ - - ^ ^ A ^ ^ - 1 ^ J ^ S = deg ^ 4 - laquo r i k s thick enough to see mighty rrtar food among airjcnown races bullifte Kng-j laquo Fromsoftih scrap-iron in thebWt

factory it wasnt no time at all till he found himself pullin the checks otera

toneltl family and if-It hadnt been for the give-away rig they chucked him in

hadnt sense enough to ran a wheelbarshyrow Tom wasnt no band at all for en-giueeriuor plannin or lookin ahead furdern youd throw a live hog He hadnt the sign of an eye for business at sll an not the shadder of a gift for speculatin In fact he hadnt nothin but lest the stabbornest kind of luck-

cream shouldbe well stirred as won as these ingredients are added to them and must old chap gits into a cbokin never be allowed to boil as in ^hatcase night aaa-JBBBawa^ov^r- to -

they would instantly curdle - _ Jjimt^mi j | laquo j f

to youd a thought he was the b ig bug who owned the turnout takin a twist at the l ines for his own amusement He kept his eyes and ears open and in a little while learned all the ways of the

sr-eHtat arid he couldnt a talked and acted any more like an oyster ion BtUtsif hed ahad a hide full of blue blood himself T h e next I knowed a rich old cove had took a great fancy to him and hid give him the job of travshye l ing all over the world with him nigh about tn look after his baggage cuss waiters and take care of hisk


yolaquor-toBfalaquo-BBd-felaquo1-6i-yoiir-Tgtnlt somsUms -express not s lUlaquoe curiosity rsxsrd U) Dr BV Pletees original uwthod eTdUtiBfrnithlus all terms of ehronie disshyease witaont pertoampBl eensultatlon Some even suppose that he aeeompllshes this through etairvoyaaee n s o m t othsr speef o f f rbfetilaquonal Jogllery AH this U BUerly false He elaiau to determine disease by the rational methods of seicow oaly Says Comjev- In hit MegiapUeal Eaeyelojpwfla BiograVUeal

poundlaquo gr11 I T^jf fn bull Vt psrirtiviiithM each of the natural seieaees the UvesSgstoT ~

sf this aiittm - 1 wcatsrprflBEiT^JXirrx prooeeds seoording ta ttfiiem slaquoltstu The geologist igt~ UeahlnetlugtearBtly deter-miaes and describes the cWift of reck which a t has rtlaquovlaquor m a rroa the mis ate specishymen on his table And th chemist la bis laboratory raquootlaquos the eonstUaenU of taeaua with thesams precision that h aaalyse a erystal of reek salt Tae-aaalocoms syBMm developed by Dr Fi etc ia JtedTesl 8ilaquon it worthy ot hi gealB and hat mads h name jastly celebrated For a fall sxpli nation of this Ingeniou system of diafawslBt see the Peoples Common Sense Medical Adshyviser tent postpaid to any address on- reshyceipt of one dollar sad Kty-eents Ad-dress-the author BV Blero M Dbdquo BnSalo Jf Y bull bull bull bull - bull

The hoasekeeper l lr cook who sti economy in the kitchen oap do so In onl reotion by always using DooiKTs Y f poundo-W-DXJ^-_U wi l l be found a truly | nomicaland-vainBole atstttant in bskln cnlta rolls bresd cake of all kinds i sauffisisand mostsil articleprepared i ilnnr tnd whyJ-JWsate In m l n g l Doeley Powder yeu save in a m la th lag In patience ia everythingand bull thlaquo baking is done It Is taraed oat l | palatsble- and wholesome to that morsel Iseatea up and no waste

M O T E B M [Mothers I Mo then I DonM to prooar sfrs Wlnslows Boo thing J Tor alldiHasBSiBeideat toth psrtod oft ins in children It relieve ths child pain care wind colio regulates t h a t raquo d bygiriag relief snd-health to thee gittes rest to the mcthv It is tn o ld | weli-tried remedy


olt TlOKTIWX Stt iertlnln ttmrn ltlt nit MiifflLfL lt bullraquo bottkt o( tkt VBOrrlKI nttoetL - r ^ h t u d M B - I ^ ^ ^ U

Ko 4raquoattn|

Vayftw it tort fcy traquo DTwasjIiU

ti iCHAIIQiGGlFT^ TnHt LUSMMM attains l a m Mrtt avmna t1ri)egtimTlflaquo(lMlitStt nt-for OeonktlB- rlaquo -Itrr T I M SeniBsokt Mcud t I n vwk| laquotjgt-^ ^ ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^ frac34 ^ HnaoroatStheUoiu rortrr n n k t tor too roaa 101111(1 raquofl bull rjttttofrirt titStr tt 1 ta m l rjtttto raquotr wso^rlU forward at 01 l l l l a m WtaMfetBMan - -9 00 r gtKper I nto i-

TJlictraquoijiiii 1 (teat Aal


md iaimumm^mmt

Mont thaav tfcfee-qBerters of s Bi siaee John-tons Aaodyae 1

was lBTfnfedr bullod It it to-dayl wtdehr known at well s i the I

vabasMe UHsmat and laquoxBtnal reaisdl the WM-Id -Mo family aboard be wllf a day - -

^ bull bull -

Tllf l-yp bull f n---^J_ -


B n t t u U H B I T U B Alwari raquohran atsii Bss atwi raquoraquotagtatlaquo j

_ __ jimmiU TB WBaB 1 B w t N l W B t n t t - l t Btottad OBlaquoraquoBtolla-i

iBBBlttfts ~mlaquotalaquosaraquoltstBraquo t raquo raquo l 1 t -UatBWtelaquoMwtkMawtWBlaquoiatWllaquo

aou raquoi atti atnaicf TWaanmi

mwm iratorbqiciaa


y-f-TBttbrat tat IIIIMISBI trtantoiMtmaS

t-It bullbull 0 ot^adMUto



taawaara raquo ^ laquo J tolaquoTt laquoBlaquoaraquo

tmmtm mdashlt Matt far (MaBwttt flBlllSjSIBgaWtfJBeatB bullbulllaquoraquoraquogtraquo lnfortMHtoa aal rat iHlattttt t l W l l

B K A X S r O O T B B laquo M l 1 TIO raquoraquo14



Page 3: li^muiStamSiSi^^a^ohfahs/-everyForestNewspaper/... · 2018. 9. 13. · 7&T: t^L ;• /.''^ferw^^Tp^; -....^...^.,..-.. r.^.:-:-...,ix!xA"!^f?. ^BgigBSMa IVi*A..I. -H» OI I.rI 1


- Rrtfenria laquoaurtwf UiiWampt~

Tnfku Leant fbrett raquoniiitsgtlaquov

- fcraquoT) ICvm ^ Wiglt | raquo ( A

bullsr rltm laquoltblaquo jMak Ohwrcb laquotraquoraquo tat raquodi ef eseti moats if N X i

tilaquof raquocraquor)WraquoJntiraquor great h n b Satfesifc of tart uloraquoU rt

W i H f swetief bullcerj KMnenAjy e bullgtbullraquogtltbull ssUJifcalli School raquo tS i JU nerv aOSifaStW _-__ - - - mdash

tuiHf i t tflraquo Preibj-triito Cearebefery i o^ir4jiMiMhlaquotUlaquomkU(lViii Klaquor^ikgt

-bull - -- rraquogf^raquolo- -raquo gt bull - bull -v

bullV bullbull-bull ^ O H l i J T N C T S

bull HI ii IIILJi I- ttw gtBatiraquort4araquo ^ bull --^ -_ bull-bull I

lS^ampfoamp^rfU VhUnj _ jtolttgeraquo t waiwJLfcgfeyttei ik -V-j^ iU^ jjear 4la HOI--- -raquobullraquobull bull - bull -

bull ] bull VeTSrerif)Mpaid- to print sale hillsWr jsbnrtnoico^ fojnember that w^4o- good worJs jWng yuut jHfttfliig fo us s i i


-Tlraquoraquolaquo4feete have-Arte up -mdash Doi]otbrgettpiw8raquoettbei bullgt ^TUstewtfcle^rtiiuo^ 7 ] 7-~JBekd a u eway Vocal piper 4 -Ctommernee to jump tWsrope bull bullr-Sweet 1 thsiiss ffflaquoltlvlaquortlseuiiiriiti

bullHtil ve tUaGHy Bakery man a call

on- Wu Tlaquofr fait - - - - - bull - -iTjast Satuniny-ttn^Mgndfy-ttfraquo tqwri waayscy fuli-ofpoundttudldiHagt wtioylaquoV tSlaquolty bull etigagstf-in ipjaifc-utgjf good worci tor~themselves 7

1 bullbullbullbull raquo - 7 - - -

gt laquoIrlaquok suTurii) 10 Traquoraquo tsrzasafs crcraquour bull HI j i ^1frac34frac34-^1

-y trimmed free of t-hajse

1mdash Tiie f i n amp x ieff^ bis a iocaTedJtor-j n w - 7 x v bull _ T- W ho M Id that o w K Wa Wore bullbull slrert ^riMH^~ r4~^bullbull -^-^ ~~~

r laquo+iraquolaquo Helltiome TWlncs of J WrrTStrst bull V- bullbullbullbull 7 ~ mdashIn God Ave tru-at11 for tho oHier elglifceuti bull bull-7 - bull bullbull bull-poundlire candidate wereIn the-field


Tbeantiual election of ofBcersbf the bullAl7 E Bmlaquoiy- BcUc^^laquos J)rtd on formagtraquoVni Taawdaj evening Mr Stockton w -TbatUfrnpat the rAllKlaquo4Jiraquoiflot e-laquokcidSujraquor|upoundraquoudeut bull-k-etbeen put ujii ^ v bullbullbullbull

^mWraquoll Paper bought jeuHlgwJ ^ - -^J -bull Jf( bull=mdashgtbullbull- - -M^i^-ftiuewJiiiiaai border iy~ ~~ - bull - ^^- -- bull bull -bull- - Otewile Phittips ~ bdquo V^ -

|laquopnJwrv^rtlNlaquoraquorainalaquot1Pbartonraquo- - bull laquo Blaquolaquo4I Mlaquoflaquorvllaquo4raquotlaquo

At ttieeiMtfog lata on M o n 4 y f e ^ f f ^

Hajrv Bowers wore ejected sitjwiv raiiwitiprtfcu (FoMft) precinct 7-

--^-- ^ jilaquoirttlaquoiraquoir_- --^

A-rge blaelcsnake WM cut out o f log a^oat thrbft fbijas north of K1raquobyone dny-Ujjt^Tregk wlycli aMwtred fl- feet tndjthr^q tlaquobe3

Braquo fejj^tll^ )ia^rtiaybltji)tfa^eiraquoU jjuttSatraer ^v r--- gti bull gt-

Craquofplaquo)flaquoMleB Offleena

^ - 1 - The ^felbwMfig corporatimi7sectffi^

bull)OFe^erfreIcftiw| HitTiSpIaWJ -=rt--lt|ownji8menmdashS W iJi^gs it- DV -^llaquormVAMagranraj^^ r- J-CI^-raquorPrMgorpound - -


Wegtiwraquo^ try to apeak a gopd^Trord for wijrof our^sitliens wbo ari ehtrff prtMtng and laquo111 not bcfbackwttd to bullpeakhigxif tiie nearcotDpgtfoiijof Hie neW- t(le factory The proprietor nieiwiB blMllien v -

U t O a l t o i _ - - ^-

To niiTa newspaper be it-fever w anii [ Tlicrer e evary Utile favor you glrtflp tbe way of ndvertUfngf Job worky or by enoonraglng some persyh to subecrltie iAJtp^rcctated - Kick ^ntd tlmearoul igty jsupp^tluB a pajertliat euppprt^ou

yfHrOtx Buy

^nwliei at Hal^n =-Tlifi wiiaat-J

hborliiood^-growing nicely in

f-Watl ^pertrininied free^fehaifce atruieedrugstore bull-rVV

mdashMovingday1 was one of ywtttiie aiid prIng-Hke day- - V - ^l6oraquoj8 to-rent EnquiretttMc-P^$pound$^^

8-orgtT-J-HrWol4 Was any on e-ft bled r

Court ltus adjdurnecL- Soaie caudidatelaquogotleft Eyujvcandjdtwjet md April liaa raquofaowlaquor ltJTtipon us TJ1erei8lRrS onntimirialion-

- rftre ag^gsar^trnwEr^tee his fo^achV^-bull bullbullbullbull bull---bullbull--

Thelaquoeeda arebeHig pat in tbeir Uittle-litft bullbull - ^ bull gtbull-i Give a wide iier^h tojaH klhdol

cent^e]np Joli us bull bullbull Kirbycan boftet jof soijoe fine^i

lookingdamach- -gt-^--bull bull Qft aiadr^ter^hltrte1ephDBe-on

Eriday evening bull --bullbull--- -=--= ^ -

FindUy elecledk NationalMay-or^mdashylaquouyaacgbdquo bull_ ^--^- bull bullbull Go to the drug it6Ve of~ J S Halefer W i l l j P raquo p e V bullbull V

Getyour oatraquo in and prepare to kttark yotir corn -ground --bull 4Tlte total nnmbcr oPVotea cas^

in this tow1nsBipere 89frac34-bullbullbullbull bullpound A school tearber j iyei ntJJilfc

on Saturday Ipt-TheJltBwawiUTgte bettejfrraquoinaberaquo

er every we^k Subscribe-no^ ieWrieewaab^Mbesat laquoalei ifor

60 oelaquo tlaquo- Buy one Very ebeap mdashGetthene^ singing book Sougi

for the new Lite oT Jolip Wtpinpound r~Tierflrtalk ooirtting amp)raj tnsr

|laquoectien mens wogee oh tUe PlfSbm troSaj-t

~Mt BIanehardionUfalaquoT-|yBrrrHTAfigtl1^ f=g^ai 1 raquo I laquo i h raquo l u laquo H l y i M I n f l n m ^ C 1 _ rS- - i = J --- JSll

Treiusret JpbnmdashHeflampxn MarehlaquoJgt-Trnt SUek

bullbullbull-bull - raquo )raquo I^Hi i r ja l iW^i^V bull bull bull -i bull - bull a -

Henry euro Hedges laquof the Grand jLcdffe of il- T 3 0 ^ ff r SOate rtgliio gtvH doliyern-piliblic add few in Odd Feliowa-Hall ior-

vslA QbioFridnjt- eviyngApril frac34 9th IfTiS V Tbgt rolaquolaquopoundew^t tiie Order ffojrr t^tigtmottadinj towns

rivitrd te-1gtepieatntgt -v--

rjdegSaRltiraquoofTiVjbbotlnB towni are out on tbe-ttteets tffooTtlireeey^iln^jojtbe laquoiiraquoi ^Vgitrpoundojj jlot be -bejbjnd ttfepounds^ertowhii-s~~ bull-bullbullK v

4rlaquottW-ulaquoi)iri bull deg bull

f^uMnt^hjUiHU |laquotlW Jemaijilir

I raquo laquo t l U t k n sc^witr J f n m raquoiraquolniiiTHtraquolaquo gtlaquoU4tn

tOraquorrtraquotrt bullreitlytyCW Wlkat)-^-Flotrr $6 40 tn 660 Potatoes3p ctV- bullbull -- -----Hainlaquoi 10 ctebull - - bull i bdquo

jrrfBcipfr nv- ^- laquottlaquorvifrto-l5ct ----=gt -

jjj6jr^sectbjjigllaquoj Sfts) DoorsantiEifl frlng - aud~Araquoh j^lpiglitg^fura 11b d IUI cheap if iiot rjraquolaquoapei as $t con be boughtjuiywbere- AVMrWilliams ln Vracthal car^ntor lie knows iost what yoil TiNint for hi in a (wiTta lid get- p i -ilaquo e--

-ltClaquoTTMtiigtlaquolaquoeHyigty 3ilaquofraquoi=raquofc-) AV4Mraquot4iii0petJgtirgt~ Oatii 23npraquor-Va -- t


bull qlaquovSwd7flreg JWs ^^


wt-li Q ltii]l-o_n ^Prpliibition OoinitVi-Cnineiitio-n a Kfodly iiiimfeer^-mpt ht tiretpwir|

luril^iiikiiff^on S tiinliVyand iibmlTiiled ilie follltiwitag tipet -

Auditor^MvW)iWeraquoidgt-----gt-- lrobateJndgtmdashTjewijCEmmoni

-amp~vw^m f nrimdash KBiiTiwUle

Ingt5rraquoary Dlreetoft-iA Hosve - u----I - ACter ^selecting ri_centrftr- copis

rnlflee the raeetijigwts adrfreampjetF L TaiuClingi ofLObe^-J

rwrily to trtfendtoerltworirfrithe Pen ixA Ifner- ilellrjiit totind at DrgtA

STAlaquo8ilraquotH iiflloeor^t tliphfeottHoiiiie ffe Invites nil -ofjjjjs fifeiid tiicall 0frac34 hfe-wFiBnJunSift ltpf_ahjt1ilngin (lis

[linegtjitli)fiikioiH^iantimcd v^EOtf]

by Mr 4 ^ 2 mdash

bulllaquolaquolaquoltbull 1-rtiia dm tlje ttijvwr^r

fuini^r nta The lwppy RuAjtU -^jBlaquofed4^^tftkjtrk ~

J LUursoa lias retnnunl -Irpm H visit in Souljierii Ohio 7 - poundktra are tilt bhwminjr yoiinp

7-laquoHraptre irtSJtvBlaTnchiM^^ -1 B J Hugtiesis liwking at tiie

xighu IM fleveiand thia laquocek - JBm~$i arcii ike^tlCToCSTrarj J J m o w n a bountJiag bay

DJS Yost C CltbkBnd W C Stoker rlaquo- tlectwf metnbraof-tbo

ScEpo l Botnf l ~___ ^ T - ^ - ^

- P Backs hold 4iaa a nelaquoS cont r~oi-fmut and is n w laquo I M the bull fJomirercial IIoiilaquoe -

tiitbia Thsin f ttMm at tmjrtt 4be warl bull -TEe-inen audi htiyi o(^Vfinrtohs-b u rg^ 1 n d ulgoiaampo_ hael nafiug^port of jwnptajr-- bull - -bdquobull

mdash JuSfweJrc^at Stockton Ocoit [jLwunsofradlwfleiae 8110frac34^ lJfW8gir

in ^feffiVse^ForWIrOAjBtt 11878 f Krraquo R 8ronraquo aJflffiwyiaelir-EHsi

WliiCisakBMlu)tl -

lgimoifa-ceillpifAir the fove Wtera wiH please aay that thev kriadvertisedi

bull bdquo - - -SV-FPiEBcntiraquoil--- bull - ^ ^ - mdashimdash - i t i r 7 V

W-t6ne Il-wdwa^ bulllaquoore4rur-Kum1 repel vedrty Harlow Cook ai a7Bgtl ndgt t^ k raquo8 t o r e v -r -

6 w U ^=-^^- f-J-- Vi--V--i---- -XraquoJ^iR^Mf)enth^r-^Illlio In

Forjcstdv^ry Ttie-digty of eadi eekf

TwotjraquorojraquoBjeptjMii board near tborlaquollrondlBSti^ulsdayji|giit^llfey weieklaquorrd nalaquor V _ - - 1 ^ - - - - -

gtbullraquo j~raquo - Fraquorsgt KOvl egtrofJfarmtt-go to a fgtulldhig - ^ i t t fifismltiger i Cp QnreyVpV -4^

_ i -gt bull-bull -laquo-rlodri twirrajljcei 1_ - -mdash raquo- mdashi)r Jlbberfsonb^kenSii raquoiirde-

itver a nifsjilonary hddresraquoJut--tfle Pr laquo- lyteriAU lt-iiurch bull - 7 - bull _r -An elt-ctlon ItaS tbe-Jsaino eftectn Borne voter an green

M x n i o n i Who-dnes not hate

friends ami to leuVe tlTel

neighbors rtrirt move to nnothcriratc or even tot~distant part of tjiis-wate r 1 HL locate themselves-

[aMeftg - stratjglaquors-Ve think -tfaat laquo tlie-ftwriy families who- have left us

e h hdt ene bnt wliojau a-ioftRpotIn-rtefr hearilevotedtxpound ujwlvelyto thp many good ftieiidetiHjrj huve l^n behiiidwtav trut that they may reach Uicfetieatlnatltfrt safely ^-

snmmer xelioo boys -^^Paper^iaiigWg promptly djtie by JesiraquoeHuraquor- As he iinjIereiSfioSBiBbiM- 111 oss gl v e Ififri a catt

_ J ^Btt^^Cfalies^iye^-ahieSerythhiJ ^[-tnthe bull^onfwlimifry Una at the CH

Bnkcrj Sod cheap -mdash Vraquoras theldtckori- In this prectnct^

Tf~raquodVerlleing-fdoit pay w b y ^ o ourlHwliiesiiaieiiplttont a slgu-bouitl In font otbclrjoom -How naany cgatoraersrwouH they gef i f they i i a i

_ 5 raquo I ^ a ^ l ^ J 3 ( E l J raquo t 3 B l t i S t a w ~JL - J roeH-answer lheseo eKISigtvgt tl e_y

copybullutrntliftill) say tliat-af ertlshig-iu a rftwspaperdoesufrtpiiy we win give them tiieuse of our -eolwntis-for-notJK log for ajlmiterr periadr We nmuito Ihose who laquorraquo too poor (eud^ertWend thosewho- asy-h dont^pey A sign-UOardcnHtellerer^ttilny L

c M Gr Jlgtber|laquo IIRS gaupound_lo 1gtj^-daymdash_eihcrwtMi the Uny ytumeA -oQ

copy Brgteklaquo~tlie barter laquoDltgT|tod H Kraquo^y -bull-- bull bull ~i

_fr d Stlaquo^raakergt mlaquolaquoraquoity was 78 P^tteraoa bull ffie rest of thtoftwrs-a^^Rqwitlicans

Traquota is it e tini laquo4 yoar bulllita raquolaquoraquoraquoiMraquot fanefiksti comet

- n-sraquongt ii on ttraquo wiof-bull v Jfc raquorraquojislaquor tin IsMrMrtlratai) - iTkp^mit wltbmuiiorloj

lt B Hnglies and son are build-JRf a iraquoew meaUsbi^pV Ctiarlie Sttrwart has (poke for a big piece

^brftjit -bull)bull Doe Yost lins nV0veltJ his hinise

back from Hie street 1 A Pit figtret and efiija^huvu_ruovcd in wi

tba oidTgaC Henry GfrfiWle U tiie new May

frac34of Mw BkMknrd -P^eek jatsybargtrand Jo I g t ^ s o j


An old lady named Orth waiTpuriod ohT uoeday

A gtIrrRlunehartdle-l on Tueslaybt ijfffcoM ifivr^ He lived Hour iJnn-k - - - - - ^ - _ _- s -bull-bull bull -7

Sererai fjajits took plaoeon electlon

cents bull pittr --bullbullbulllaquobull _ ^Wbartonsburgh honewf the JIvlI

bullstbBirtiirtS places of Its tire In-^aU dot county

^ ^ plusmn ^ ^ n ^ a t o gt o n f l O k ^ b n ^ C o d k V at the Ercshyierlan-Church next-Sun day morning -i-Subseriptfons fer the NEWS WIH bftf1^flaquo ^isfenow bhf ily engag-U

af ^ SfreXton(I ditclnng andrViind^rgfouod gt


an April fSot Spa 1 OT astrafgut one Ouees-it was laquo11 three --1- -

mdashOne oTtho largest stocks of Wall fipOTeVerXroughtToVFoMst- just- 1-] ceived at Hales drug stoTie _mdashTlyrry munt-nt igtsijitiMited jraquo tiraquow

in oserenefrnni^of uijndb^tdefeated mlaquou ^ v e Wranie aerene-jninds ^bulljron^IIorjie Bnokets Iran ^Well

Buckets Chiirnsrahd- MilkllPans for salcehwip aVStockton A-Cooks -

J^Tresh and constant supply of elioiceMllHncry andJ^Ancy Goods of A^sjj^HarraquofrSbBtWTtreP^

i -i-Since the suspension of J h e two Findllaquoy hanks audsoveraltith^rs Foe-

^es^jiofisTjqt vvAUtaJiahk as-bad-as

Some youngboys have bee irroa st-JngMiickens In thescbool honsesever-

had better|ook out In tlTe futue V- The b^TaTl light but Saturday afshyternoon for neighboring towns and hesaiPiVSni -Sntll JMdndjyJb renoon-

The enenayvof h- bride never speaks weir of t ilaquo wedding ^7^ fPhaitonsbltjrgEt- h^s4-Mpoundbeen troubled with tlHeyea iateiy- bull Stockton 6laquo)k i r is W ^ I f e e -

fcit cbeapjIigoodraquo and notions Lot Plaafing^Remeaibor tKat psh8Witzfeiraquo-pwpaiceltftb plow

i^rarJifc-- - - ^ - -

BrojMjr^i^^tie^iiJCUiJn was fntgtwn Moudaj ~ - bull V-- O tgt tSa-w anlaquoT 6wraquoV of Keulaquo ] ton Vveref tpWntjaliJrdiiy^ V ~lt jtev W-S PAlaquoJ of Keiiton jireaehi

laquo f t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i S ^ i i ^ f ^laquo rowiyi^laquople^htlt^rfromJtib

PALJrtBiTrf IKeKtUburgh railroad JatjCvIday---- -- V bull ~-mdashr~~~V~ -bull71laquo jrsrHAtK an^ MS sectMttE Yojrxa visited the tows of -Wljartoiis- burghlastweek_ 77 bullbullbull

Mihs tsjDnctotiS and Miss IlMMAf WvKts ot- Dunkirk were vlfftihg1

friends here lastFrlduybull - bull - WlLt H fAntKXHT Giso GWlaquoMr

and BYJtojf WooraquoBorirnf Dunkirk^) were-In tewrr^oirfnesAij bull ~ AVhpn iw^Vwocijj^i Kgnfon

Igpe to HieGoiuen Stotei uajwMJl tske alo u gj among ot her thingstha^araaidi ibat bull gt -bull- -- i V __ -L C^SEEaAif^rifJrbycanieii^to seethe boys (and lthogirls4olaquo)^laquot evslaquoIBg CHABtzYbABgrovralatsluce^ helefr Forest 7 7 7


traquoeaks kotae (bull



SsrBOABOINS liODCIKtt-sa _ SoiHlroi Scott-bullHquJiy Forest O

laquo - - bull bull bull bull bull - - -

iK3r--V- SS



-AiUfK^AYLOB ot Kenton gaye us |8call onFrida^Hharecentlyppr-laquoiiaraquoedgtjm inteiesC-in the flrai- of iiooie JfcCoVftundrytnen -bull 7 Mr Wjjtjyiuio ^ ^ J K laquof KiraquoK xsOuutJTTlrSved- here yes^rday - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 ^ ^ frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ ^ ^ ^ frac34 ur liaiicltjq^

Are prepared tij-_HirllPtogeltty- of [every description on7 reasonable-terms -Jf-yioti- have any thin) tb ^ell or trade see J ODE^BxVTTi _ amp Cou75laquoycao irad on-a ca|toca-

Inteao^tayinein r o r ^ - t T i V e o raquo l ^ ^ i e wifl blaquo liberaly advertised

Iiibtraquofflaquofiii4^einji -- ----T MOew^voodXraina houseJJIV gtroonraquoraquo S

ITried mdash -- - laquott-^nd bulaquo 13 Vpoiifida o f PwfohesttfcWikpJPs^f-^ bullbull-V Tho-tre6fc ftglifa of Seiaton -are Been at night fciroy(5t six1 mileWpV Miistbea light ciiybull bull bull - V

lgtjt every ofUwhA ismdashinterested

pieee pf-Jing^arpe^rjttleeheap

Tit atiy tf the iatajeri ofVthts

Shoaid- you be a denpoitdca slaquofleregt from any of-the^ffeetflJo^j^p^pstB

tliver complaint fudigifttlon ferf sucK 4 gtck Knila(jhe paipltatlpu Of the


Mr J t SJScott ntjd firmily-left for Donaidsoir JnA last eveittngl bullHlaquoinfr6ifdlt4oTnakb jtifeT iiia^ fu- ttfre home- 7-- 7 V7 gt 7ampe eiircful of thie-aparkg wlroh bufnifig bntslt andbull-other trash thatanrniail accuftiujateaaround the premises^ bull 177 bull 7-Ncwa flt8u7phtnfr^olti8laquohraquoaio repair Hve brolc-rn gais that his-[lugliter-s follow hrealts swinging aioundSnnJda^ eycijiiyjfl7_lrV7 OurBrhool nxorms-Were scen

wnikiiigJo School half an hour hcfoTe- tiimrrf n^-i^trfa^TGreV- tliey wMit ftiuUahcjCajittle

heart eoufStomachi- JblluatjieOTtfve n|ss diiraquoliielaquos ofithe^iead n4rvousi

bullprostration low 8pirftsAe yoii n ed-hot suffer another dsy Twr tfosfes of August iloWer will reUerfc-gtltgtlaquoatt once fisihpte Wtties-lfrcehts^TA0 lairslze 73 centF^iPoiltiVeiy sold by alj tfrspoundela3f jrbggists In^hejyv-Sj ^^

m l i iuin^ tha-month of MarciiV90 j

nioney orders were-issued- by-the Fortflt postoSiGf-^-tTid sniaiiest fitiniberfiar seyeral montlis VA iprivate-indivHrual of Yah Wert offers a premium to Ite first -rnfinln t~t w)Yj^iil ^iluirffgil i piiblicat thdr-iiextCAUttty faifr

A petition Avill be presciited to tlicCotrncil7to-hlght prayiiijthat a lain ppost-boer-ctcd o t the in-JnFacctinhof lfmn street ai-id tiie railroad - bull __ ---- j

FJ)e^jd^erton6JgtrTlic7njgHj4j ii sier~grettgtf the ear of every us who lias ^ccasiontopass the

artt-m bull^hftl^- iRJIraquofT n-i-ond itistiTp ^ - -^^777-To run a newspaper without oc-

casionhjty iuldiaiiiBg-an item that aljfoffia7ilurjlaquottofiraquolaquo-wek^

^onld be-like--1 tinning a rail withoHtoccasjoiiai-accideiits-

T l j c l e g t i o n passed V-off-^very

Page 16 fcctloa 3 nt tho Mar-lHj-f-y prcsi

gr--f-raquo _ lea

mdashThe forest Sswg nrttferthrclmrge of Harvey yHraquornis a good smatlfmncii for -tlielaquoBa3geVgtf Bine town pajr W-gt like to apeak a good J vvordfbr onergctleyoung joirrnaliBts--BlufftonTSew x

mdashchsh-fn-liand williliuijnoVo t-gtraquoa prbtniBe-to-pay Believing the oliove

^kMy^sKu-^^m^i-f^i^^^s^ more Wall Tupcr fur cash-inhaiid than bull -bull for prom iraquoe-1lt -pa y

pleasantly ~y -pn i MiidSy seven pernors were bapshy

tised by the-Methndtsyittirec ot whom were tken In as full members _

Tbeoitv-Ukcn-elosed Its door last fcg o r ^ bull ^ g ^ S g S ^ ^ ^ ^ b - ^ - ^ a a Friday on aec-untof Indebtedness I t | 1 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 ^ w i t h - o o l o e t I

--SenU SO eeifts to Wt-H Betd Rlaquoich-estlaquoN VJfor 35pksIn^ortedgowtr

is the third bakery tltatf hasibroke up In the saigtgtehuildlng

TJrerc-are quite a number of miir-riageabiedaughters here bul they seem togo oft very skiw^mdashPerhs-jw011 cc-ceunt of the bashfulness of the young men

phtti-frec for 2 years mdashPersons contributing spring poetry

will be required to hand in tbe names I of the friends whom tliey have sefetedl on Tuesday last BV=ltraquound --frac34im laquolaquo lraquolaquoreiraquo Tint fur~iiiib1ilaquoBi(iintint laquo laquo - 1 I11 t raquo -laquo raquo bdquo bdquo i l ~ ~ as besrert not fur ppblicsiion but as evidence of good faith ^- --

mdashBy refrencetoanothsT column you will nofice tliat the City isekery has changed hands We welcome tiie new proprietor inourmidit arid would ad- vise our readers to give him a cull

-Bro-TJavisTrf^tf^atoniitort will never smoke another cigar If 8am Howard ltif Pindiay gets hold of him Bra you should not tormpuftfem he-

ivktly at th is -p lacc V There was ess druhkenessthan

toa-ST^kefore _qn tint was day

ever 86

John MlaquoClnrg would iuf-jrm the readers of the NEWS that he keeps a in-H stock of Tgar coffee tea jjroyjsious^cjwhicli heissdraquo ling at the lowest prli-es^^pall-itt-

TJMJ Kenton Jitpitbfiean office lias been -remu-ved to ChesneyJs biock tin Columfiti8jitreet__7From there wiITbe issued TraquoP pnppr bullif the county SuccesS|BJL-O Miller in your hew quarters s

Wehad the pjcusare of calling on T H Garter whifein Kitbjv

as usual behind theepninei- selling [goodsfaster thnn he could nvp

them up Thus yoji see adyerti-[singpays _L bullbullbullbullbullbull

ChteFTustice Chase says Xlt z^v-tT -- i I raquoiraquo from the ew optra called thraquo

j U n i o n is among^be best- Cheapest Onlmesof rvorniaHdi^ sploodfdlt ar-and moat progressive of Aiwencau rngtd n-rthe pisno by Charlie Bsklaquor o bullbullraquobull - i ^ ^ ithe olaquoebrlaquotlaquol Amerlolaquon composer No Collogifl ^Itiseiim worth^^11^-t^ r gt bdquo h l Q u r ( r bdquo n t U aolttreaders wbo braquovlt-


ns he hfcdn ripping time lust fall at

a)dX- J BiO-J Marslial

Tneioilowittgis the tp ticket elected Trustee W euro Groef1 J D V7giier ami J Ii l u o u t j Clerk HVShoamakdr -Ifcai unf 1 P-Smith AssessorTlobli Pat-1 tlaquorson CmiViublM impwn HlaquoTlaquoJ xt and St^plicir Arnold


mdashPut und fresh dnigi at Sulligers nrugTilore notwithstanding some diiintcreetcd jiei60iis awert to the conshytrary-and thlaquoy are tolielintl by every one fraquorthey are not bought foVany one t rjefscks part iculnr benefit - j

mdashIt If calrrrniid serene thi morn and I the weather has a spring ipjiennuusi j

yilchwo would Ulcato have

summer laiiajprejjared-afr^mdash^- ampc

iprii Sherien

raquoJuUSBtiiqrgt JloWbr raquo gu-1 raquottraquot Blttontraquo3JSH

j -Vee of ehfirge )^ yoagt fibaie psplaquon aawCHaa-roaayl othersi

fWeZJwvf for-grade thefolloivittgi widRat-KABM te Vscksoa-^--


bullStSfa - bullu^ iamit toxraquoflaquolaquo -hi $ ^bull l 1 1 - --7mdashmdashmdash j-j+tka+- y bullbullbullbullusii bullbull n ^-

RlaquoniwrraquoxrfrSlaquoatlDf irooiji iluttOTis Si DmrLion7bslSBeein ^WaTTST

feg barrrs- (fHrnent-Jtid wagon shod f splendid wellef good WStfor oteMit anrt bdquo bdquo - _ raquo^aAjooraquolaquorcJmd^^lraquotrlaquolaquoi gvergtiOae of bullbullbullbull Mors S raquo laquo Ko^OEs^s^IstBa^^h-e^iaiWf- - ^ trade i ^ - laquo _


ftjraquoJoiie The first objee^lutHe with the Amershy

ican people Is to get rich the seeond the fli-st

rU i frtu ~ _(- ___V - -= - - Volcangetbull freraquohbull brettiand cakes|

bullvery-morning nt the City Bakery

bullbullBUSi-yjsM L ^ e A t s -bull

D^K K S qjc^poundaraquos - ^ bull WsiiHld Immediatgt4-

--- At WikoJpgTOclry

^QPXSferXle by Johi 61ritlt ^

B a EXSMINGER amp CO Of Caroy hnve5niHilaquo-d Wkirgestpck-of TrunkH VnUses Ac for the trade Pl-f Ilifnrn Pdeg mdash mdashr-

I laquom - 4frac34 bull pound - bull


fraquor oinraquo 7Pjilaquo 8J0(raquo

-HOOStt-Ai-D Jttr4m2hbpoundgtFBv9laquo] Sindtnlty HOUMBOOBTMU lour TOODJS weiirornisbsd good brtek foBudatiocs A~Traquolaquo11 gt i fnnA mmiraquor ^ lf-n n^a In ^ p nvA laquoWampMgtWUW Hltmu l laquoia iHuvmiH L bull n ~ bull -^ - ^ ^ laquomdash v raquo

A- ti-h K-gtv raquoraquogt Airraquo iTz ^ fTrrvr fVi-PPT talning a-frams barnrbullAdjolalifg hqjue I X r i U v J i J T i j ^di -rt -Fortaleo^traae PrioelMOOj ^ ^ ^ - r ^ m ^ A FARM of 80 Aorts tn Jnoksoa-Tp Wyaodov OouDtv O AbotK-80^Aflfraquoraquo olearsd log liotose anbraquorn Tnts-fvm 11 off$rraquod at abftiitaia PraquoyoienTsaiiMje awv-riltSraquo-raquoW^----- -

-JL 4JTOCK7-of Dry^GooflsOSroeerieSj KotloDS Hsts gtDd0aplaquoV Boots and Snoea Aclor sale or will tradsfor a Jarm ot other prdcerly--eftock raquoli clean j no ibelf wore goods WurUtvoicsraquotfoiK jaOOtt First-oust iocsUop witl) -good trade C-stablsbea Besgt 0J reasoa for

bullbullHtagj-y ^ bull bullbull-

A Twb-STOHSrruma ^ o o s e an J Lpmoomtlnlpg 6ioom 1 battery IbiSlsV hail upTatalrs and down ITorth and West frontDjubl-dfxJtvejaotU on nortil shie Gjod well raquond eisuio House uen^-andBsvefbeen ocenptsj Oo doubiapkeForeraquoi0 Xotmt-oris third down baltDoe-ln X 3 raquond years Prc |raoor v _- v w- 1- bull

Oneaoda lialf story frame-bouse on -Jfojinoruian ttreoy X^anai j fl-rodu-a1) eltofatidSwatsr[ fj-uitj fuii ilaquofciraquoitoeJ raquo^r V ^ v V 77 -bullbullbull 7-J - OceSt^ryrmaHOURS and8 lot on

iE3ltirfhsuelttvXilma ontc^tiou con-tlolaquo four routnr sisblt cistern UgtU weil fenced will sell or trade -lor iota J^FoMlPJraquoJlaquo4l20O bullbullbull-- _-^

sniTnmnsv-iia toFoWt j ni story n-imeioj|8 nearly new-3 roeus Well ol wsterj Lot Mi2dfl ft wlaquoU fenced vad rflats nfr J7i per ) rj iuanrad for S yeaji^pWcecentcentcent0 V- lt - - -

OaeonfeioVoffm otttl6t-raquouartgterflvraquo

(n Oitmpbeila isladd laFpreat -Fries bullw - A - - i - -bull___ -

I T nuwtorS in Lloek ltS Gormleji raquo4i3i-turn to ytiTett-) -tnry dwefUaj hoSraquoe 6

Js u corBn MUGS bullTTviJiJyjijitiia gt or fc TTIIS pro|orty

itfonth when nit rented T fermf 2

ml iwjtlllijjiomVAs bullty renU forSrtpraquor

one-thira Ami other cgbnlty prodaceraquotoken in [Priceinsaa exchange fof goods-ltjr repairing in eitherdeiarTrn iTfal Ie0Iu5kcj-H -


- HoTsis-Wgtraquot PiiHerraquotgtD-flr poundMlaquototy frarts-J banainfCohEirining lifroomB^ll in irood reMiir-A ood flnre romu ifatit rtoll well anOit ocea-piedv ijiirn reiUs for MO) pir-year indjfroc-rnpicl Will miiluimufura Itrui^tliUHOHie

gtlaquorarctUraquoacii K Ylt1(1 CAW save ASper-cCfftV by l l lying bull iiainlaquoa i-uoibaiinwe aadlf ^oLirlliirmssoIB CEn8mingersOoeoBSW bull

tr6y O Don t forglaquot it- - - | ^ J raquolaquoTJ- framsfl fct on Burt Ft PatierioB mdashmdash -=- Otiigt_ 7 rulgtrlaquo- Weil laquoA4iistcru Wood lJomlaquo

week In yonr otvn to-vn f5 out- [ bullgtgt of laquomraquoUyrtiit HM-fajt _irilaquo JOoo

rt a bu-tne^sJit-wtta^-^gaEina^ta^^^rTn^ iilaquo^r^^VniT7rg^=^i^-i fe4raquoheexeraquoonilaquokegrej4tpsvit t ju i |7 e raquof SpoJ wraquoor plenty oriiMitlirniit 4o i i m e i n e y work write frgtr plaquorilcuajs|bulllt A eraquoPlaquooilaquoe-fer somcono ricoraquot4D6

HraquoiHHrf3o te j i 1 F-^1 Maine - ^ f bull-bullrreStwkof Igtrytioodraquo 1 n good ihtpe^iirt

W l ^ T O ^

Ksa-HsvlDg fereUMd talaquo las] Plaquorlorraquond -Oook sMiVfea laquoSM oi_8 D Wolaquol I bavlaquo (oazked I

Qfm -bull i ^

nowxr -ir^F^oi^ ^N^-^v- T bull bull - _ - bull_ a-

CQOK 8TOVB at theBast MOTS HaaaWsl for-iqtdingarraquo a loag tlasa

I have on haad tblaquo--aixslaquot stoaklaquobull

laquoF gtI3 - __ - _-_tAIfiD---4 7 bull 7 -

JAPANNED WAJtE bullvr Brought to Forest Olrs aaa a aaQ when injjsed of anytalag ta yay UsMt

JSF-BOOFINO ^aslts6ms6mraquo

tplaquordraquogtr on short inotioe - bull_ - bull


pac^eoju - 7 -AT^BOTTOMFJMOKs =

^ e i m ^ E - ^ -bAiArtii-


flll^ffTj^^BilEI) mdash=VorSrUgt-At bull


-Tulrfi-LPii Plenty- f ddtiiMtlr Will invoiced -Htfceirt-t OCOiJh j ^iHi^-tmyirrWltl^^tooa tracte

trtablishcjl TavialaquoBH nude c u r - -

rtopi settiiic raquoOJOraquo1BlaquoW-laquoraquo1 i a n not eafbt tobemdashwtfk ttraquo IMMSMM

hor^B V LiTin ^11^80^011^88 laquotreoti I Will jell or trlaquodeforraquooe4tcnm riec4200r r

- A t -

WV^tentsP-irPAPERil -imdashSlaquoraquogtTflybick-Of -Merftmrdine i-nrnnting-nf

1 iryienulaquo urifctfieit Wools rind bull hcAlt

HEXICAN emilaquo tirilticeriesUoaIltnnltr hcios rn tlnrnrnraquoirraquo jhlaquoj Thlraquo if nnt uf the


tocknia laquoar lift bullbullULiike-jrfirt tade nee is Evoapayment will invoice about Stl-

099=- hiigtto It if inCliKiiipiiJBn ioitnty on the liroErt (lime- itgtHi raquo ftuantiins town-with 11 rosM njrruundiot country ueoupctitiuii

Stock of Dmi Medieincn HIKI Fiilsrju cfi flr^t-clase quality Partftadc Alettes in cootl--pirments In voice ftbowt iijiii bull ----|

- I

St Mmlaug LiuUuuaty FOIL KAX AJTB m m

- - - I a raquo IHgt 1wgt a i gt v mm

Y-onr inturesteand go to Mc( hskey s j for supplies in thsWHy of iTYehaTV pTmtnr mill iHmber rrd i-e

~f- i^^-^A raquo --raquoJncn we raquoiraquon lo jejlor llianoM of for other K = raquo PTopm raiUlaquondyVdblaquo eano-dtrtide raquolaquo4

raquo I w t p a e y e H Tnill- raacliincry in lest-r 1 fueeies in ilui rupulttll p^f-tOwn I5MI infj^

Xcrmt remirtiil iVortti


bullT rare ellanffe


A New Twortitory Frame House ampni Blanrfiard St-Forest and 0raquolaquo acre of

UIT-KMMUI trrtit 800rA-ipbeTrjrbush-bull-bullii-giapvstmdashVV ill trade fr u 3muil tanh irice cent1200 - - bull bull bull bull

Also lOdteset of ground otraquo eo of Limn mid Davis strct-ts Forefet Oiilo -

All who wish to DuyJn or out tols1) In GageWtTdrtlon to theiltyofVjresl 0bull^^vllTpfaH^e see plot of addition nhd get prices from Mr Chraquos Stockton j WiHselleiitireorcufnVajftlot^iIisto orJLWGago We will mnke prices h fine husineia g te Full pirtfculars of and terms to suit tiie pnrchaser- -Jthcabovo furnished by soplying tlti

Atldre9WatFliiday O bull- - bull bull - - J-Odenbaugu-ndH-lt- orest H P GAOE 2 8^ Acres of land slxjut 40 roris west

- r J i f - T ^ ^ l 0 of Forest on tho double 1 sugtnrf laquoi - - - ^ - mdash-iPike- Welt fenced into 2 Selils This-ta ^ n bdquo U o l ^ a e a n e l ^ laquo o H i e mlaquot f lMrawf 1 ^ ^ ^

years with fnfercat Price $75 per j sirs

ter tnillioh dollars Students citl ici- sev P I I I P J a n y l i m n

of hud tbe pleasure of hosrlog tnis snperb

new catalogue tnldrees Hartsliof-ri L L D-

F u r vw Qlaquorcsnurir fsll fn rtmlaquoirphlaquori Ihn I bn^lnti 1 yiU w t n

r bullrbeautiml tnolodies pefeUlned thcre ln id f any Jtind laquot onr prices

acre Address Odonbsughltt CoForest We will sell you any Piano laquor Organ

rnlaquomfraquoorirlaquod raquot bull discount of no plusmn0 M percent frum tbeitst pries We jnaaa ^ _ mdash - i ygtu want anTrslrumoot

President Alliance

f5cnie say that thif precinct vot-j nraquoi 1 laquolta to deggt^^ raquolaquoiraquo raquoJP-^ nr- j r h draquor to sopplyjhe demand- liery per |

j o g wts tl Pgu others suy ^hajL^tv^i-iaiQJ lpound-raquooilaquoelaquolaquoton of a piano or

j All tneeeJiAva Been nicely Arranged for 0 Pisno and Organ 80 popular la (his |

eooipoaiiioit tbst ihepubinherwascom- i

1laquo Tgtr

purchase Address

bullJ OjampfcampX-UGJfSGSZ bull-bull - F C H K S T oHfo bullbullbullbullbull-Offlci- in Dr Stnnsells office

iseior jwraquod _

Cowsarc fcedingpnncw 51 ass

until after Snndny A man at a Ktiitltcman horsi this molnf s raid -that wrrwould have sjiring ) (summer wcntlterfcon

rcmuiii j ifiou

was all dohp up square Niiw lot ^Or p ahould tjiiy n copy tlHipvtfiified fraquor Wck indidatf^f vFree so rents -pTrtiHsieo^^y F T _ laquo bdquo - raquo aiiiesuibiiei-i r t leainnamatps n( l t l l lok e 0 f a ^ W e r + r ) 1 p n o r t h e r J l i j J |L43ftI)r i i i rr nvnileth nothing But rah lor the-ilaquo wlaquor Foihn s dn^mnati 0 itfli V I i f l l l r l l K I bappv Wiows who laquovro MectlpJ mdash- - - - ^ r ~ V U U l i l hfw hjjfjoritf Ohlv threi bull i laquoraquo0 BV amp mm



TMttlaloMiitveiyseMimnye eiwberaquo Kctsn prorvta ta tar I mrpriiJqj saudotee for UMBahMSMsai dnn l u t i m k raquo belaquoa nimdlsa Ssr I nataaowlttaettcleetaelnhtflligssii

_bull Thraquoalaquorieraquoj KuUaf I t s f f Isa TraquoSgtagtforlaquoTrlaquoilaquoraquoraitlaquoniaeocraquoltJltraquo -

Traquo itcck owner raquosd XarsMisa is I A 4aftgt bottle ofM bullraquoltbull a aaa

laquoIORI d raquo laquoigtfalBet ef H I Orworifceep lijam ltootltQt-hflisua iiau fcaa wwr-iwcB ehoalderrmt iaesmdasht raquoraquo ssa bulltlacn or poieoDOse icptonaadlmmmmt SBca dnwteck to stock srManlaquo sa t bis I

It cotes orery cxttnal Kelaquosas bullraquo kMsa sjUmwiew icnueket twita^sisasa^sa wtU^anrlnctetie rto ete

neaiSpwXiMalaquoLbuselaquoal a Sat laquoJ1 cansTHtW-woratot liiilKSfli sssstSMtI tuamplr la tbe itMFue bulllt laquo jSilUsa bull

ban^Hsldt epndas mtt etc^Md Sst St Ucolirijr veliisbJe to raquoraquobullraquo

It U Uwctnpeet lesinlj la tks lissM pdwamtesUieiBaeeietatte ssas sss t laquoppuclaquouclaquourMwinywssraquoMssa raquolaquoraquobullgt bull aexiesa aoimsTiBiwiM sraquo bullbullbull ^-laquoa

SUeeoebottlei tbe teiaw ease fcsssrsasss ^-frac34

I bull)laquor4 timfs tiie lraquolraquoncc were gsi tlaquoraquo Sghf ebilrd fellows to bed

wraquoi~-pound fuels day well rpent itsa^ Vr-

wftnlvil tn art j ___ _ _ - _ - - _ laquobull ftSMit for I tlTo Io- bull OT (iiiiE liiri pfljicr jlaquo I bull r i -h i-f 1 i n tii- hc i K-Mi-rL^l pr - in t - t^ laquonrriljcrlaquo wiAi-iciUi livtHT- i-ruyanri ti1 fin f i r n ots of- iiincy rsnv^- l ipHnrtrr ] i -1- h-nvs i n n i

fliraquoi ilaquoT itt_ Olrr-p rIr Hrlaquoiimfl it wr vA nl ro hny hltl]i|^ mi i1 h re j nxiii lor Jf r tilaquo in cx fr poraquo(ijri bull Mnnn Sraquoin(bull0 ltf pniur nrl jwjiirraquonlftH fmi ndttcrj V[ 1 frac34

U^HjtLuri fniin ilaquoviiraquow( y

He are pmr^ro^ to print SraquoIR Hai IIflfiraquoK BtLtM ainlcgttlgtcr JOB VORK ns-r+iffHf r thlaquo fthfljpwt 5itlificHni pn imntiCi PtorT tioi^-iave gtottt cr-ioi raquot X 1-1 Nrws i Jfire -

raquo^gtow jgt V iimrtnPBlgtftrihi

bullp-THrjir yotxr Jot bull bull=raquolaquo bullsfasiln liitu a l w f i u j r


Slaquonrtuaky Ouio Oa Laka triex KJfT-mt t e l r fruwlmdashl Ttaabest

aHXIK-KKr-rtKO u raquo V t b 7 M t a W I i 0 bull - - bull - mdash i i i m n t j i L L

ifTf laquoTellaquofrraquopa ComvtiiTSmi Andletii) ( | ^ I I K of n y V ^ ^ ^ I i(leraquoe in tnr i-esntry Kat

Hiwtraquoraquoc=tRgtji StedwtJ blaquoB O ^ f S j s s l i f ^ laquo laquo tfwltosnitrwowre

pound2U2SL bull ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ raquo s f l


t laquo~- ^



- bull bull bull gt - -


laquo bull 1 -ZK



totb saanhaadiaf I W M ijjtfw

jswfe poundmlaquo j^4tb$Tlaquo7 oaejaoat toiunww m i T _ ^ _ _ - - Wttfc aa^mamp^rSiinrrpJWRited

myself naxt corning lit the patients dw- I wlaquo fUd to see there was no crape o -ft Turing th aervejatvwho admttte4Be I berried trembling to tnejiaeae things to try specialty farming

tajhlaquo BBM raquo7 (k|nM b laquo k raquo laquo

s s s a m s H m j p tawlwicmd

I | M ^ D t t o k n S i r f t M i l

Ban ft tela Jbr tare

aMaaataa raquobullgt talaquo tu i imn l t ii i i i i i i i i igiatfcgttraquotMtt- bull-bull -M n W at laquoBy SaTst saw

_ - - - - j j g a j a k t a n o o r j kSttfll _ m gtbullbull a w raquolaquogtraquo-I taraquopatattvd tokno

I laquoM mmK M lirio Mr H4raquonagtto Kafir thara raquo oft b laquobulllaquolt by ttsrs r aa4 laquobull tk M M appetrt

I TMMffen 1 MB raquo01 mdash

mdashJraquoalti)jigtli wiltns Attierti


iS faS - -^ ^gtrtyriraquofiwi-ij

_ JtodlCJJ80Cltty MJWie bullecnrtwMd to assemble once ijeiut

of mutgricdmgrtl6ivand r T- ltsff i fr

aud^BrTfwront Nt v- laquolaquo jBroqW6nv 4 Jiving professional

budget 1 Onhi- lace- Sflu luuwut^oyl^

nmet totI laquoid

WaWew bull hid raquoajht

my patient did I passed t Praquo idTcMM iawhiehto


-sickroom Good-mprnfng Doc cried the inshy

valid rising fsom a sumptuous break-tiatr wiping hi mouth with one hand iwd axtonding me tpounde other -fir George ycai Md bring me- through famously I That stuff was mighty nasty but it did the hud new Im sound as a dollar this somiagJL^^ ~~ f Before fwnid-wplTri servi entered the same by^ whom I

-^tyftur ttU wWj^ttekt fe Boiera dead sir JDtraquodaedeuoe1 Theres iCgoJ-I

ypul forgot to call at Bottrslbe for that)drench yesterday

just like you when mr baek is pursed -- - Nltrlaquofr the man replied Is topped and gotk o | my way from the doctors and gavi it according to direction v

fJUt my_ruckT crieds Tophamj emiting -the - table tYou see Itoc Bolter was my fastest trottegt-I counted oa winning a mint of money oaJhim at the coming races arid now-hers goo arid kjcked_the-Jbueket Well rgttwee to his woalaquor raquo the wet-says Here Dickr hand the doctor that medicine hataeitom the latvteL He mayjsjretl 510119frac34frac34^frac34^frac34frac34frac341^85^8^ Jsect)L may set me on a freSsp^jaodlhereT ao telling how soon I may tieea another -deae ^

This kind-of farming as is well known oooaUta in the selection of some one of thestaple product of the soil and glv-ing the attention to this alone ttow^l consider making specialties deg few of the elsawntarof ywcessfnl farming Bwfc there if ideal of discrimination arising because of the foUerwing reasons whicE are obvious to the general reader Some Po^joStof^owwuntry SJlaquo totayyua-81 lor speojalij fmfi^Iirraquooch por-tions nothing wfll grow in abundancec

said|raquotrt we olaquoft obtain a little of nearly everything Tn sniefc Joqalittev general fanning seems ajaecessitj^ana wilL in-deed gtve frac34 man living^ AgainTioampte men are sosituatedrthat a-certain

w it painted on an old ItaVern signi and to if aftera

_ of weary rambling over the dusty 1 of therapeutic1 tore wMttfned as_

for refreshment as thetired hafts before the inriting-sign-

LwlaquoTing hospitable welcome to the ^tSfter-within bull - - r- bull =

^^jQeaial Pr Cupps Like-Father- GrisMraquo that-otbergood old man well nevet^eeikn morlaquoraquo -No-monument Hlaquoirksgthk lastrraquostlny-plaQe ThegbUd --ofnadertahers poeaessedtiiey a-spark

5 frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 frac34 ^ ifouldttot suffBTthistobf Jklaquo raquobull his aurTiving rprofessional

-hfethren few of M 1 fear haTejnoney to lt^laquon4fiLtblaquofVray - _ bull bull ^tgtvBow doyoung dbctowj-as raleH i laquo t t h e i r first straquortTdoeried a cynlcai-^lookgtg M Drat tlie foot of the ampble wltti a-nose as sharp asfte^ Hp of Iriit ~laquoijrhTano8tmdashleaTing out of bourse ex-- ceptional case like that of a man swal-

_ bri which ^Teaji BimonBottefiH^erbull-bull--bullmdashbull-

Can- it be I mentally exclaimed at it -was BoW potion that cured the

z^~ raquoia^tht^k411ithe horse strung cBagnaf curenmstantial

laquoyenidencerraquotraquoyraquote bull- - - bull_bull ^ QuisU yncWng the botqe I^rent

f the twth was aniltoaiissd

t6ok~it crimination majriWplaoeA ateong our elements gtraquo tWitiinnVlaquoralaquo bulluyctimiui poundaraiug iftinferiM-traquolaquowraquoof= JMfcjanyPJF raquo1i-i T- A i 3 - -mdash~ l-i -3^J=lUi - - T U D aTrtiisn

ill) Way1 XI U1U HUM ITHBMJiminmdashraquoj it never came out Topham Sounded my praises everywheret and sexwr the locatdeath-list was pretty equally filled wgtththe names of old Dingos jatbjnts and my own bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

kindstrikibg thftraquorthA

bull Formicddiraquoaa recentiy beenfaund^ to possess powerful preaetratiTe proper-ttefs exceeding jwhehaddedtoilaquocfd-raquooln- tlooiyeven earoolic acid and to felaquor_paf-r lowing- V fish-bone Or dropping sud i i

-^enly faalaquoVrtereraquothjere|s no ctagtloe--Ttcuutiy euhsble for adding- to = fruit ^^bullbull^tte-se^-to-Bearaquoestraquoijd--s-WhMIaak-^aiCM From-one-quarter to one-half mdash iVk how do people come to-trust their

^Hves deliberately iniaexperiencedhands bull Whats the philosophy of i tr r ^^Eopular ij^ojaicjBr prphably sug- geated^ne

Sttul c Or^heek-in-the youngstor another hinted

bull- lt-Ifscostly hteitthink remarked bull-_ Sat ehaif Whereon had cbnyergod_raquo BlaquombBref inqairipg looft -s ^- raquo Come- doctor give us yonr expe= ^vjfjjnee pfr the point was mo^edjtad ^ taeooiMiedk v r^tgtJlmeytM case ot pure luck11id

frac34 tell us abojititf^we Cupps was not the man

Wont entreated to refose - _ -

ffl -young men now-a^dayse beglaquon enter the profession- with other advan-bulltamsthaA we-oldfellows had The

r-pjptio hospitals rriw accessible to stu-

bull -mnch-by bbservafion-whichwe-were lef toftnd out through expert men te on -rimx -laquonraquo patients

-Though I took my degree after a bullbullbull exajaiaation I doubt if I __ a hays distinguished-by-in^

bullwSetfon between the Incipient stages of iickenpox and- measles Had J been

a-mdash cslled-te- treat a simpl esse of rheuma-T5^^laquoi_i ten to one I Jhonld hatefound a

-IwUte^willingraquos4-3gtaseedi -^-fentenclaquoofampnTSti3ir--without stoo-

^^bull-VPampg to bull the--vktinCwbat he had |^^^jsraquoTi(laquoiwtit Hy first patient was

SA ^PeVcy-T^pham -a young manh6had iapound7-inherited a gplwdid cowtitution as welt

- L - WM jast maxingTwy laquoL r^T^h]both the fiase no doubt wOulQ

hAve fallen into Dingos hands for he ^^1 ^fiioateoiUedtbepractlcethereaboutbut

br fflabsence on a distantcaflr Come quick sir urged- the mes-

Seleitlflc ani UieW Bottle or green glass is mada_of the commonest materials in about the fob ltudng proportions^Sand_100 parts kelp or impur soda SOY wood-ashes 40 bull bullpottersCclay 100 cjilleti)r broken | laselO(k bullbull bull -bull Professor -Nawcomb saysJ SoJsmall is the- earth compared with the celestial bullSpaces that if one shouldshut his eyes and fire at random in the air the

juices jrom -one-quarter per cent Is the ltjiHUvtity-requisite to preserve vinegar fruit juices glue ink etc-- -lt - - bull-- - Qurles Napier an English scientist

has beentesting the truth-of Lieblgs theory that liquor drinking is compsti ble with animal food butnQt with a farinaceous djet -5e-experimeni was tried^en twenty-seven liquor drinking persons withreaulte Bubatantisting the Liebig theory bullmdash bullbull bull Aiiuriiing chimney when the soot

hamps been lighted-by a fire- in tfiltrfiffcgt place cap be extingujshed by shutting all the doors Sn IB Mom BO as to yn-vent any cutrent of sir up the chimney then by throwing a fewhandfuls of

ate im

common salt upon the fire in the STE or on the hearth the fife in the cbi ney will be immediately distinguished ithe philosophy of fhisj8 thatp4B=he process of bnrniog the bull salt muriatic

~-1J^mdash -Jmdash^-mdash-r -hich is a prompt iclltfgas is-eVol red extinguisher of-fiw -vAnemlDentr French-scientist latelj presented a note to the Frensb Academy on the antiteticjproperties of-bichro-mate- of pofcm Experiments had

^ ua two kinds of iacsateg ric spMaatoy lana-iraquof and fnlaquortljraquormlng Oeneral farm-jaceo iMi in raising sometfflm of all the stapi pBwampaa^otrdirKtt7-TUlaquoi kind of fsrxaiag seUom a ma food enougn amr-to

fallk of giving to antWtTW^

as the world has~it he can make a livshying thus smphr for a iv

abjjtr i little fi some other bniineis whilt

AaBUaotl i t^i i agtsttawists iiaw covered sUfcJiawCabalmdash ^^^ laquo^^^ ^^v^p^degvew^swav---fww^s)a^^av

oaatodwitkHehMat aad jwve^fc^ tr at p tooea^

n tWraquo should ex)ead limbs sotaf as is liBnawry After i^nawiampiw^imaaiji M wtSa There is nothing so _

for 10frac14 purpose alaquosgtcd home-made soft wishes to BOM made from ly (or potajh) and

a man caret

teTs _ _ wlaquoBtwwmr

poke for such a man But jf a mto deshysires both a Bvingand income from the farm alone we would Kcomjnehd him a the surest and safest way to secure

bullmount of general farming is all that is necewary Qeneral farming U suited to certain tocaJIties- and to eertaih men namely to those localities where the snilhot a varied_cnrlaquoctlaquor-^)fjinaa kinds with M-chejiucal eteaest abundance as- to warrant any leh( and extensive production of any one thing [ and to those men who ar unconshycerned as to whether they make money faster not or to thosejfhofsrm in conshynection witVsome otheravocaiiw Bpe-cialty farmine belongs to those IocUitMs wherej parjfrcnlar tSng i to advmVsjtej-and more jthoielien- who wjsnto their raquoolc avocation jind^gsi the most ttey can out of i t Witt bull prbperdiay

then sponaity

welw doeen or eighteen pounds of eggs This is equiTalent to saying ttort gU pounds cf com will ptedw when fed to this hen one jiooids of eggs A pound of pork on the contrary requires about five and one-third pound of corn tor its production When eggs are twenty-four cents a doaeji and pork ten cents a pound we haTe the bushelof corn proshyducing 4)588 worth of ergs and but 105 wortt of pork --

BiBXDifo a horse is generally done is the JflguIar Tien with a broad-bladed lancet and when the vein is sufScieawy prsssedaod secured saaato caoseitjo-swells then the point of the knee is sent in withthe left hand ant chtting upward makes all the opening necesshysary When sufficientblood U -taken the cut ought to iw squeesed together and fastened with a pin By pressing the vein below the wound the blood will ehootouiln stream and fail claiur into th bucket araquody towoelve i t

IK ^selecting flour first -look to the motor Ji t t f t white wHh a gteUowiah

l Ifit-ia wUte

heejvsnessmdashwet and knead a little of it between your fingeh^if it works soft andstiokyj it i poor -5Chenthrow a mtle hunp of dried Awr against A smooth surface if it falls like powder

S ^ ^ s i l ^ ^ S laquo f f i ^ i ^ lore wpeoiauj-to 4 ^ 8 frac34 ^ frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 ^ tt^raquo^smire^ifijt

bull 4001laquo a good sign Jt amp safe to buy four thnt wjlt^laquond TU^Jraquoese-iests These usedefafe given by all old flw

bullthey pertain to-a-mattet

them- If a niah is pursuing Bpeculfies hlaquo can at~the salne time growgtenough of-the other staple prpiinctefor the do-roaads ofhis famiry- and no farmer whatever elseshe-may do should fait of having a large garden1 and taking good r ^ raquo T i Tylaquo^raquof lvj f t T raquogt ilaquoniltr iy c

surely ^ _ ^ BreeVOag Stock on tJw Kfm^-SavB

the Jnririlaquotraquoo Yorher In VlewTof t ie marketfor choice stock lately-thrown open to our farmers bf theLexportatlon otlattlsmidiueal to^Enrope it-ber

^hooves them to t iy increased attention to the raising of superior animals on the farm- A late report on ihe Amerlean-meat trade by Professor Sheldon of the Cirincestir Agricultural College Engshyland after furnishing a ansae ofinforma- tioq on the subject comes tolhe -cbii-elusion thatrdeepite some fluctuations the~lt dead meat trade vrill rapidly Inshycrease and thatappliances for its sue- eeesful management will be multipHeoV ijhanceadf bringing down a- bird would - _ j - _ laquo laquo ^ bdquo rn- bdquo_laquoraquo nt tii

^e better than S a t of a cometof ^ ^ J i f t pound $ ^ P - P -traffic - wilt-he in jraquo great ^neacure-pro-portipnate to tile excellence of the pro-duct aDdihelimit4olhe quahtityshrjK ped wilLbe^hejtciwage capacity of ves-eeis crossing the^Atlantioj -for owibgJto the falling off in ourirhportsj the nnm-ber of Bhipsengsged in thtransatlantic tJRadewiil be tooTsmallfoSffbrdroomfor a IHrge export of meat together-with other merchandise withont aavanclncthe freight to figureTEaTwiU rofiibit further expOrtafloB -~bull-bull -bull--bull - The -experienceof many thriving bullfarmers alh over the country-proves that a better run of animals 1s obtained by breeding them- on the farm than by purchasing them Hbre care is bestowed in selecting the likely^aftspririgs of tried animals they will go on fattening more rapidly and uniformly than strangers picked up here and there- for it takes some time before these get acquainted and become con tent enough to lajt-on flesh kindly in their nlaquow bull home and moreover- the tendency of pricejHor young stock is upwards and the probashybility is very strong that ere long it will bullnot pay farmers togo into the market for young animal Inany^case it is as a rule more profi tables to- breed the stock one hand

^ _ bdquo _ amp


bdquo Donotplaht tre$s deeper thanis nec ek^vm-Aiav^ha^the addltion^f--o^nraquo4laquosaryAMKtalit thi fepts well nr_Uian

French scientific papers contain ae counts -of -an -expenmeht -by -a-Mons Carrelet who took two dwarf pearsmdash-pesrs grafted on the quincemdash and grafted the stem of one inverted on the stem of the other growing so that the-roots of the grafted one were on the top as-t branches are These roots finally be-

- r came true branches pushed out leaves ltkmi Mr Percys taking onut a^^nd shoota and iritfine bore quinces

bull^jrwfulrate gtH laquo Without staying^o inquire fBrlher bull 5f -snatclttd my nt and- sallied- forth

y r i i laquo feraettint in - aew pill-bags -Where]

stoek-of-earn pies ein niy

r v-J- r-AIarrivod to findmy patient taking ^ ^ i i i ^BiTat ahawfuJ nite sure enohgh ^ -bullbull Pokerin hand he Was lajf ingaoout

highly detrimental to 6-was ki

Has in a manner 1 rftmritere

jlaquottlaquoi B a d i t H e was kill ing snakes h e been dog hydrophobia

hundredQfpari ofTheTgtichromate mor-dinary water prevents the- putrefaction of-al l sorts of-organic-matter such as meat urine e t c v A thousandth part of hirfimrqlaquo)A provgnt beer from turning sour Alter threernohths1 immersion in

may l ie calculaiad i u o e a n i m v una biuhel1 -ot-qorn yraquolaquorjyr art to by

whole pOe in a piece of ItroMrty that bullobodyTa took itottlM taxsiTbmi heres when his evermttta lock froee to him agin^ and the next summer a new railroad scheme^oned every last hnn^ dred hed mvestrt into raquobull aqiare thoushysand- I might folaquon and toll yon bow be married a woman- so poor ah was about to be set into-the streetcause she eouMnt pay house reraquotlaquoad hovkaide of two months afterward she Ml heir to a whole raft-of property is BafiUos aadirhile they was oMnin hraquolaquo from saeia about it she got killed la a ssaash-up and the railroad company had to aSell cut in big figures but taid raquoraquo in my sggravatin yolaquo aiiv amiabout i t There aint a set of brains la this room but what could dance all around the works In hiaJead asvsh TUm in the week bujb luck is luck gentlftne and the man that holds the most trumps dont always rake the pot -- bull --- v ^ - v ^ ^ - bdquo mdash i bull bull

with srilnian oast or with black specks in it refuse it Next examine it draquo

TKE anoient Greeks the Bacedonfamr an4 the Romans of theanterCmeerBsn eravmen who tii hygieaics in health and strength were laquo0 strangely superior to us^rsstrictaithemselTW toltmemlaquoraquot per

thhour com-

diem to- which they devoted the between-sunseLaBa night Theraquo menced their days wo x at oayi and-kepi it up till |t vs comple fioithed till lite in the afternoon neowaary then thetoftk a bath pasetd an beur in the -glaquoaaaslumL and dedicashyted the cool evening nOnTt-to^oodcbeer muaic dances sac pleessnt converse- tion Tiechildren of hatBre IndianB hunters and teahmen foliOwpie same plan j they breakfast laquop m a cold iia-

cult With a enp of coffee perhaps if they have the ingredients and time to cook then march or hunt till- theygo Into araquonprtoeatad restrand he jri parshyadise for a few hours

FtJBTLBfteggiiareheld i n wherever they--are found as well by Europeans asottiersr They bavea rt^r soft shellfand are about the size ofa pigeohs^egg-The1 mother turObt-lagt thrice a year at intervals--ot two or three weeksdepositing in one night as msnyWa hundred at a layfng An ex--periencedeye and bandarj4ulred(to detect the eggs as- they-are always in- geniousljr covered up with sand but whin they are huntodijery few eaoapeT The Oronoco Indians nbtein from these eggs na kind of1 clear sweet oil which they use Instead of butter Jn the month of FejDrnrytwhentBe blfti waters6i ihe Oroiiooo hampVe reOeded nut lionaof turtles comeon shore krdeposit their eggs The certelatl and abund-AncepfTfie harvest isTsucSThatIt is esshytimated bythe acre The yearly gathshyering ahdut the mouth of the riveV alone is about five thousand jars of oiVahdit takes five thousand eggs to make a jar

foaafasHif so had akae^thalaquosi he d )vmm that bull bull U M rpoundZ d pound k u u _ gt bruag t h a t _ _ laquof iSattorof afeTetlaquofttfgt

had tacked a couple o baadiwa more en to his Bat mosey was no count to him no atoren to a child for inatoad of buyin oat a toney bar down gtfn| ^- --ft_^iA^tf ggt what iid the foolraquo bat

Ae w g wwTarred B

ai i MW rot wait

dfMUUMI bullrt wiraquoUr _ Tttsllraquogtartraquoet^laquoathlaquo

HJJCT Bothers are eitheroompeltea to stay away from church and theater or

-woman ook her little one in hersima tol^K^^i^ laquo ^ hear a famous preacher The loud voice =275555frac34frac34frac34^frac34frac34 from the phBform awoke the-child and made it cry and iu^aaiber got up and Warteavingthe hall when the--rainister jtojplaquodier_M JH^^Mt-gm Woman doai go awa- The babr doeant disturb ale It iraquot for that sir I leave ah_e replied with aperfect

Tgtnfirmir^rfBrs^e^Bpoundj^^ J raquo laquo b the baby1 L- v -

- W gt I W ErartVa5Mil raquo bull hraquo TU MkgtM bullrilBtsakieV- -

TkstUboniiii4klaquoik7 - laquot JUMlaquoJlaquo1 tbt nlaquon In th SMOD

twUf t i aftiTS QnlM-jrkm J STwUk

n i M Mctpi fljfc laquoflaquor rtk i K tfHHk UM

f a u n ft aiM laquobull ssaw wtM VMM WlaquoSwalaquoKOraquo laquoMlrlaquoltlaquot Wattn-sstha bull - 5 T

TH ttnutm

w i ^ m w ^ aTraquoT7 _

ifam at j y a ^ raquo t raquo a gt W ^ jCaa^Sampigart raquo bull

wU^faf i se Htm psrt bullMrtlt l lglrf tt

^ ^ a ^ ^ f e w t ^ ^ - -atcopymdash


^m^poundixT3tbull i bulllaquo raquo-| | it--

jtoeWRTreg1 afek inr

a)nsnkraquo tot On paMfe salaquo bullmrttaMi to OrMtnrCgtasult Traquoipi tsfemkainattrlaquoa4 Craraquof ClirwtjTIli bull bull bull bull H I M tot TSraM 0raquoM I n k OM i w laquo ft raquogttM U laquoBraquo KhiW raquolaquolt bulladOkafvWtkranav UkartwwctoSMlaquotgtMraquo w laquo mt raquobull vtokMtraquoirMr M M M M Ukatlatffaa trtm laquo bull nsfc Bft TOWaa VJMlTWJf BOXU

WTllj - - bull- - -to sav Mlaquo

laquoHPrraquosshu psraquocgt iK-ftwa VKmlrlaquovTact

Lixixai rsatts 9

MsMtorto saj Man r JKgt pH for UMT Cclaquoc0laquot^armtMltOMDgtfnraquolaquo(i 8047


ylaquo yraquo d vVr ^ gtH it RTMSt tCKtlllH

tflaquo wlU ttwbom friMml to twta a nm thiU mmm


_ torjhtMii


^^jyffig^^liss torn

uWtifiiflS poundjjT K f t c r a M

bull n l csVtatBMl H l t a n S K t l n ficMH n t t i i

amp^7^B^^sssirpoundisi laquoKnji UM frtMa Mtagiii s n Mint ssS Ut

J H I I K M gtM rWMtd to a n - M i to ampbull

frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34 ayfey 5frac34frac34frac34frac34 tlaquolaquoJ2r wt mtn

tawWoni sMe Olaquo

titHkiii _ raquojelaquojj Ic-tfct _ _

r M a t o d ^ ^ ^ r u T a ^ l u ^ u ^ w r S p S A f 0 ^ -^rjMiofwiii^raquonKajrWltajrlaquoktolaquodt bull tgtit UlaquoraquoAlaquo~T u l ^ t i p S a i TSlca^iJa^^lLUUta SWM eoli


(UEftMtal AHKIWr



^hey were plante4 jn the nursery rows

a solution meat was hardended and dry of South America and yields a oe^n of

It is thus argued that not only can roots become branches but that the sap can

_ mdash flow upward throngkinverted stems as in the excitement-Uie- 4rell as when the stems are in their nor-

was stored -bullbull mal condition If we say of the surface of the earth

that it is thfrltoit oithepoundraquorth ahd^ie beginning of the atmosphere we are not-correct in reference to the-latter The air begins waeh below thegjannd antl vre-jought to say that where -the ground whichTls ainixture of earth

Ikngwgt meant deltrium tremoi gtsh was ths decision of llr Topshy

is own more practioed- judgment ampp fri terafng toward me in a lucTd TV iawftsBnt A bull-- mdash ti ^rvegofemDoc he said i- V bull I did my beat to calm him-assured fe him I should bring him round placed ri my fingers on his pulse and began to bullcimnt the beats bat darting from me he

^ i i e la jmed - - bull - - SS There goes the biggest snake yetmdash

AtoU serpent of alltL making a slash -witk the pokej Uiat caused mo to dodge Linto the comer

two to watch him and ac-

pound g

companieabT the man who had sum- hwed am 1 hurried home to procure such remedies as 1 should conclude the

- case requiredmdash a point I must confess I wasvery far from clesr upon I had

been reared in a temperate-pommnnity i- bad seen little of intoxVatlon- or its fflbeta and my reading had not borne ^apeclally in that direction bull-0 f Before reaching my office however V I-decided what con rue to take Therf

jraano time to _ consult booksi Beeidesj -I Was aabaaed to do that in the pres- ence of the man who waited to carry back the physic He would have taken

j4 j i-for a eonfesaiop of Ignorance and -- woitld have tost no lime in proclaiming -f )IMa donof bullOvethauling laquoraquoy supply of drags

bull taking a little faaan every 0raquo I peo-bull bulltISSa iMbdquo UiSuasjHlBiam^^ - In r^ j_M

Neyetplace th^rooft in contact-with knows how an pilln tieTlaquoflk of his tnannaa mdash L_lt Z bull ain(Magt~ rtw VJai bull VraquolaquofV (bull wsteirtfc ffTTgt manure

THE culture oicoffee in California is becoming profitable Th^planl grows as vigorously as in countries

Btrong aroTnaiic flavor ^^aoww auce generally speaking should scarcely bei-ao- thick as white sauces and i t is wellto bear in minu that all those jrhtoh are intended to-mask the various dishes of poultry or meat should be of-a sufficient consisshytency to slightly adhere to the fowls or joints over which they re poured For browning and thickening sauces etc browned flour may be properly em-plnyftd

PnbrESSOB BILEY regards themigralt tion of insects as due to their multiply ing moreTapidiy thun Tjf support attributed

t bay been my ^diagnoais_bttt 1 water wd air ends from there the atshymosphere exists alone His no wonder that no particular attention was paid to theair in the soil its presence there does BWinake any direct impression on any ef OUT senses we infer its presence more from other experiences and conse-

luent conclusions The human mind bullrmprly locked upon the air as some-

thing nnsubifantial spiritual although men saw the effect of hurricanes po wonder then no one thought of the air hidden In the ground which cannot even blow the hat from our headrmdashbull - ^

Ibelr wains migrations of rats are

to the same cause and similar observations have been made an to other animals- Many insects

^hat are not normally of a migfatory tendency exhibit it when preesecTby dearth of food - In these cases they colshylect together and migrate in large bodies

To uraquoe up cold meat rT Prepare your meat as for hash fill-a-deep dish with

-Team-StaadlsaVIVaek bullbull_bull IWsdBwitl Brasktstt ^tl^fl _

- It does beat all how some folks gits along in the- -world said-a red-nosed man in a crowd sitting around the stove fti a oornw grocery the ptber nigh jNowthares -tbat Eom ^tandish look athim if he aint been foUered by a

streak of bull-htadid bull Jack I want to know wjiat you call i t He come tothis town without a dollar in his pocket or a decent dud on his back but before three days be struck a job o i heTpih in a biler factoryat five or six lollara a week anaTTiybull Jrvih^the-torli

aixnins oh his back it wasnt four months before youd a thought by the looks of the kid that he-waft aoUd with tcmmelnuahaiidhnlWBmmlnfliwget on election day as airy other chap in the ward I dont say uhe waslai but he wasnt one -of the kind of felfen to go and wake the--boes up out of a sound bull lj-mdashfind out soasthin to da Hgt nap to wasnt even passably good-lookin bqt some how it jest seemed to come-natshyural to him to cram on style and he had a knack of sliekin1- himself no and alshyways lookin tidy and neat as soon as he was out of the scop thitfrbeen more of a blesHB than a rich daddy would_a been to him In -knockin aroUn3tte world aflve done Ive noticed that the main run of people generally is tolerabl laquopt tn ^ gt t fellers own idee of hiaself

SrmlraquomdashVfkttt FanMilnsk _ rgtSMlriM-wMlirlaquolaquo^laquoAlltlaquotiJfiaasjl fc rjwgt ySfcwTinitojj S j ^ l WsTgs^MXgg^Cay raquoah^w

^ ^ ^ 0 l l ^ r M n h o a laquo laquo C t a Ssrnkt

-rtocx Buxxna oxgt cnrsTarl

fi 1 raquo miiim KiMtfr S( to ttr Urmim asiTy raquo J^^iSw^ ft mdash- totally

JiLBlaquolaquoSM tau U pTet 4riMU tMtokwS ~w nwrVALOmdashrxlaquox M shsiwr



bull4 ktatr IMWIW



-Eipocitn took MSB I-raquoTraquoHlaquoUf lraquotraquot w

laquo S0SH- paJ^tottferaquosTtolaquolklaquo1 is Ik ltraquobullbull twu tnameo to rstn mm B3ltlaquo to inm H IHw raquo 4 lWlt(j~raquofrf M11raquo wif i ingtar iwj |Bf tm WBBW W I

1st IBM to l 7 t s s f t t j w a j atmtisf 1BM to irtss fts^

amp^^f^ Ibaa BMe Mrlb to laquortsi M

w n i t i r T - laquo bullfe bullwlBrto laquonsi M M 11st BaUt M BBS)

UBpsTleTrM UriTwBjtit t l a t t fTwsjgr to SiiajBZJmraquo^OatostQlt| SIM Ot^^^ - _ l i raquo r LIBEBTT Fa-OMMssmat M ibaA ptkw lut nptrto bullraquoraquomdashTtrttrR SB NaVBS rtTUffilpBlM It fajlTIt HBnp ITn iBtapilsn-MMrtyWI

WOOL-Ia Batoii dl frssti tnl tit kmaVtoil tkr Juuiunlua tad trs t s u M t art crisis Bttwii-iBst wtr n nlaquoraquody ut a m fmsJsJy to J W U I T laquoM mdash bmU t s i t p l raquo MiiHWBllt iPraquo-toast fast pcton I B n S n M l SUMSBBBS laquo1

^ C0KO1FTOI man juttiii jaati

- cafcTiai ygti^Wltli- fiBlaquoraquolaquo (XnntfmJ -^mmMtf U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i p f ^t amp^^^^^^^^^^^^

A1UU4 tnttnitlai liVollrrty^tf-Urrmi traquo u oraquolaquoifctottVis MS tfirti ttvm til itliT S S S t t o m

_ _ omilolaquoliraquolaquo flit BMW bdquo rttsaft wSRSWRuiwasr Lst5raquocampwraquorB^laquo-i FELLOWS HYP0PH08PHITE8

forBlMMMwBM artfnSwM ttrktoet rimA waMtant n t i l u ntouitoS

VrenAltW I K l w JBnMAraquoiBlaquo

1|fgS7ISmrVJraquoa^K n-gtoM DtewtrvWi bull - bull--

mr U p L ^ ^ ^ (^IWEaUftitito m^S^mW^^^^SS

I aWlaaraquoawA at am ^ t a f s i s mdash ^ bull bull bull A M ^ raquo awawMiawaT afi iuittiajiTitoiFBm

- bull gt bull


M-mxampM ktmi ^mW ^MW^^mniifipmi - bull bull T bull M u n l l ~tU ~-dL ftj tha mm it r t U B I A d bull a M M tt Ik esa ef

COKBVMFTK u 4 tff BIHMII tr^tte fcmdashrraquo TatmdashI Tn II i l IT r T In i t ClietOwDok tsr mv bottk tt ttraal or mnii

^ S k -sa isuntstpiM a 1 Uftn to-ooascMJ _ i o m t cciM u ( _rraquon strwtioM fa t i t i i r t 0 bull c k l laquo t t l lt l i t M l i laquo U W gt laquo n K owaa-9 M0SMM00ftltraquo4t SWlaquotWraquoraquoTlaquo

1 Zu1

JAHOAL-W008 f-pagttl1rnlaquomlr for laquotUtoltM of tkt bull h i l l bdquotod ^JHUBiT aumi l l tB)raquo tool IB bullrVVVflMsiftl ffwwHftislftfcwiBV It BWTCC ycwnoM ftck mtU_cTUlraquoitr~iT ta Iti Mtloa Itk fwi jMawwUtltil ott-JT rtoraquorfl^Slraquorrotraquortlraquot Ait iurisortlfhiiBri a oUwt BwfclxctJi raquoligtk _ - mdash w mdash H f t B i n t M forbullwfaj to 1~laquot mtmt ncc^a atMir ktn blaquolaquo oJbtOl toBto raquofraquo BttK BtaftroM aMttcfttn tto

strapAJBwwraquoAiraquoltraquoraquoltaraquoi M k h w Oa V iliftliTii mU m fMjtmt-mrm AiiMOInmuwirtmiJtt mm mm bullHt^Ririmim In Utrt tfi

bullrt fm in mmlMma

^xspound^^tsyL_^ -TBTTrrxTaiBtt-oi tf wy aTWrBaysj TmtfiiJNUmrr raquofrth MHtr n i l e w l s

s^^r ilaquogs2 PrtcBjiesB4t-cltMiaiftraquowaf^raquoraquowrBm



THE 4 Q 0 D 4 W


For 3dULPT auad

UaJKITSTDIUTSOaiP - _ raquolaquobull

bulla pto w o laquooa nvw nlaquowpmdashiio IHUII 9imwmii ottsBtoa s4 aikiM lusdiiiBIJIBIi 1 BBBBttas sat StSpIUBl B0SJ4BO mdash

People who still adhere to the leok-at-bullbull Is doeter

cariosity in

^ laquo ^ t - r ^ L t o J gt f ^ t ^ f ^ ^ -sbot-forhenl nrat khowerl him hi

ASOTHSB iconcolastnow steps to the front and with an old document written

by one 01 the original Boston tea-spillers proves that there werepresent at that interesting teance no white men disshyguised as Indians Oh hang it Dont lop the thing off limb by limb that way Make a clean thing of it There was no tea there were no ships there wasno trouble no stamp act no dissatisfaction no colonies no warjjo Fonrth of -Tuly no nothing George Washington was a myth the Revolutionary War was a hypothesis were merely supposed to be existing and nothing is real but the his- torical motrn that destroy everything we ever believed By heaven- there were white men disguised as Indians at that tea party thousands of em Woswear bulltt raquos know it we were there and saw em Put that nthe school booksmdash AsrtMBdfott ftttwk^ftj

lish the great egg eaters receive-an-naally from Ireland one hundred and HiUtyniilllowsbf eggs and front Franec over one hundred and thirty millions The great object i s to get fresh ones and m a n y modes are resorted to to as- certain this important point Some dealers place them in water when if fresh t h e y will l i e o n their sides if bad they standon one end

G B A V I K S and sahces shonMbe table very hot atUthera is all the more necessity lor the cojik to raquoce to this point as from their being usually served In small quantities they are more liable to cool f|uickly than if they worn in a larger body Those muice of which

or egg form a-component part

for granted a good deal of the time If he Wears good clothes and puts on airs and carries himself with a swing as though be was somebody the heft of the peopfewiU conclude that he is and boost him along accordin Thats alt in the world that ever give Ton StandIsh his start He carried sail like a man with money out at interest and itwasnt no thne-at-ait till he had He wasnt what youd call smartmdashnot by a long

hash cover it with tomatoes over which sprinkle with bread crumbs with a little butterblaquoke until nfoely browned II Preparenjaat as for hash make-it in rolls (like a sausage) by binding it with raw egg tie eaclrToil carefully in cabshybage leaf and boil one-half to three-quarters of an hour In weak stock

^ ^ - - ^ ^ A ^ ^ - 1 ^ J ^ S = deg ^ 4 - laquo r i k s thick enough to see mighty rrtar food among airjcnown races bullifte Kng-j laquo Fromsoftih scrap-iron in thebWt

factory it wasnt no time at all till he found himself pullin the checks otera

toneltl family and if-It hadnt been for the give-away rig they chucked him in

hadnt sense enough to ran a wheelbarshyrow Tom wasnt no band at all for en-giueeriuor plannin or lookin ahead furdern youd throw a live hog He hadnt the sign of an eye for business at sll an not the shadder of a gift for speculatin In fact he hadnt nothin but lest the stabbornest kind of luck-

cream shouldbe well stirred as won as these ingredients are added to them and must old chap gits into a cbokin never be allowed to boil as in ^hatcase night aaa-JBBBawa^ov^r- to -

they would instantly curdle - _ Jjimt^mi j | laquo j f

to youd a thought he was the b ig bug who owned the turnout takin a twist at the l ines for his own amusement He kept his eyes and ears open and in a little while learned all the ways of the

sr-eHtat arid he couldnt a talked and acted any more like an oyster ion BtUtsif hed ahad a hide full of blue blood himself T h e next I knowed a rich old cove had took a great fancy to him and hid give him the job of travshye l ing all over the world with him nigh about tn look after his baggage cuss waiters and take care of hisk


yolaquor-toBfalaquo-BBd-felaquo1-6i-yoiir-Tgtnlt somsUms -express not s lUlaquoe curiosity rsxsrd U) Dr BV Pletees original uwthod eTdUtiBfrnithlus all terms of ehronie disshyease witaont pertoampBl eensultatlon Some even suppose that he aeeompllshes this through etairvoyaaee n s o m t othsr speef o f f rbfetilaquonal Jogllery AH this U BUerly false He elaiau to determine disease by the rational methods of seicow oaly Says Comjev- In hit MegiapUeal Eaeyelojpwfla BiograVUeal

poundlaquo gr11 I T^jf fn bull Vt psrirtiviiithM each of the natural seieaees the UvesSgstoT ~

sf this aiittm - 1 wcatsrprflBEiT^JXirrx prooeeds seoording ta ttfiiem slaquoltstu The geologist igt~ UeahlnetlugtearBtly deter-miaes and describes the cWift of reck which a t has rtlaquovlaquor m a rroa the mis ate specishymen on his table And th chemist la bis laboratory raquootlaquos the eonstUaenU of taeaua with thesams precision that h aaalyse a erystal of reek salt Tae-aaalocoms syBMm developed by Dr Fi etc ia JtedTesl 8ilaquon it worthy ot hi gealB and hat mads h name jastly celebrated For a fall sxpli nation of this Ingeniou system of diafawslBt see the Peoples Common Sense Medical Adshyviser tent postpaid to any address on- reshyceipt of one dollar sad Kty-eents Ad-dress-the author BV Blero M Dbdquo BnSalo Jf Y bull bull bull bull - bull

The hoasekeeper l lr cook who sti economy in the kitchen oap do so In onl reotion by always using DooiKTs Y f poundo-W-DXJ^-_U wi l l be found a truly | nomicaland-vainBole atstttant in bskln cnlta rolls bresd cake of all kinds i sauffisisand mostsil articleprepared i ilnnr tnd whyJ-JWsate In m l n g l Doeley Powder yeu save in a m la th lag In patience ia everythingand bull thlaquo baking is done It Is taraed oat l | palatsble- and wholesome to that morsel Iseatea up and no waste

M O T E B M [Mothers I Mo then I DonM to prooar sfrs Wlnslows Boo thing J Tor alldiHasBSiBeideat toth psrtod oft ins in children It relieve ths child pain care wind colio regulates t h a t raquo d bygiriag relief snd-health to thee gittes rest to the mcthv It is tn o ld | weli-tried remedy


olt TlOKTIWX Stt iertlnln ttmrn ltlt nit MiifflLfL lt bullraquo bottkt o( tkt VBOrrlKI nttoetL - r ^ h t u d M B - I ^ ^ ^ U

Ko 4raquoattn|

Vayftw it tort fcy traquo DTwasjIiU

ti iCHAIIQiGGlFT^ TnHt LUSMMM attains l a m Mrtt avmna t1ri)egtimTlflaquo(lMlitStt nt-for OeonktlB- rlaquo -Itrr T I M SeniBsokt Mcud t I n vwk| laquotjgt-^ ^ ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^ frac34 ^ HnaoroatStheUoiu rortrr n n k t tor too roaa 101111(1 raquofl bull rjttttofrirt titStr tt 1 ta m l rjtttto raquotr wso^rlU forward at 01 l l l l a m WtaMfetBMan - -9 00 r gtKper I nto i-

TJlictraquoijiiii 1 (teat Aal


md iaimumm^mmt

Mont thaav tfcfee-qBerters of s Bi siaee John-tons Aaodyae 1

was lBTfnfedr bullod It it to-dayl wtdehr known at well s i the I

vabasMe UHsmat and laquoxBtnal reaisdl the WM-Id -Mo family aboard be wllf a day - -

^ bull bull -

Tllf l-yp bull f n---^J_ -


B n t t u U H B I T U B Alwari raquohran atsii Bss atwi raquoraquotagtatlaquo j

_ __ jimmiU TB WBaB 1 B w t N l W B t n t t - l t Btottad OBlaquoraquoBtolla-i

iBBBlttfts ~mlaquotalaquosaraquoltstBraquo t raquo raquo l 1 t -UatBWtelaquoMwtkMawtWBlaquoiatWllaquo

aou raquoi atti atnaicf TWaanmi

mwm iratorbqiciaa


y-f-TBttbrat tat IIIIMISBI trtantoiMtmaS

t-It bullbull 0 ot^adMUto



taawaara raquo ^ laquo J tolaquoTt laquoBlaquoaraquo

tmmtm mdashlt Matt far (MaBwttt flBlllSjSIBgaWtfJBeatB bullbulllaquoraquoraquogtraquo lnfortMHtoa aal rat iHlattttt t l W l l

B K A X S r O O T B B laquo M l 1 TIO raquoraquo14



Page 4: li^muiStamSiSi^^a^ohfahs/-everyForestNewspaper/... · 2018. 9. 13. · 7&T: t^L ;• /.''^ferw^^Tp^; -....^...^.,..-.. r.^.:-:-...,ix!xA"!^f?. ^BgigBSMa IVi*A..I. -H» OI I.rI 1


laquo bull 1 -ZK



totb saanhaadiaf I W M ijjtfw

jswfe poundmlaquo j^4tb$Tlaquo7 oaejaoat toiunww m i T _ ^ _ _ - - Wttfc aa^mamp^rSiinrrpJWRited

myself naxt corning lit the patients dw- I wlaquo fUd to see there was no crape o -ft Turing th aervejatvwho admttte4Be I berried trembling to tnejiaeae things to try specialty farming

tajhlaquo BBM raquo7 (k|nM b laquo k raquo laquo

s s s a m s H m j p tawlwicmd

I | M ^ D t t o k n S i r f t M i l

Ban ft tela Jbr tare

aMaaataa raquobullgt talaquo tu i imn l t ii i i i i i i i i igiatfcgttraquotMtt- bull-bull -M n W at laquoBy SaTst saw

_ - - - - j j g a j a k t a n o o r j kSttfll _ m gtbullbull a w raquolaquogtraquo-I taraquopatattvd tokno

I laquoM mmK M lirio Mr H4raquonagtto Kafir thara raquo oft b laquobulllaquolt by ttsrs r aa4 laquobull tk M M appetrt

I TMMffen 1 MB raquo01 mdash

mdashJraquoalti)jigtli wiltns Attierti


iS faS - -^ ^gtrtyriraquofiwi-ij

_ JtodlCJJ80Cltty MJWie bullecnrtwMd to assemble once ijeiut

of mutgricdmgrtl6ivand r T- ltsff i fr

aud^BrTfwront Nt v- laquolaquo jBroqW6nv 4 Jiving professional

budget 1 Onhi- lace- Sflu luuwut^oyl^

nmet totI laquoid

WaWew bull hid raquoajht

my patient did I passed t Praquo idTcMM iawhiehto


-sickroom Good-mprnfng Doc cried the inshy

valid rising fsom a sumptuous break-tiatr wiping hi mouth with one hand iwd axtonding me tpounde other -fir George ycai Md bring me- through famously I That stuff was mighty nasty but it did the hud new Im sound as a dollar this somiagJL^^ ~~ f Before fwnid-wplTri servi entered the same by^ whom I

-^tyftur ttU wWj^ttekt fe Boiera dead sir JDtraquodaedeuoe1 Theres iCgoJ-I

ypul forgot to call at Bottrslbe for that)drench yesterday

just like you when mr baek is pursed -- - Nltrlaquofr the man replied Is topped and gotk o | my way from the doctors and gavi it according to direction v

fJUt my_ruckT crieds Tophamj emiting -the - table tYou see Itoc Bolter was my fastest trottegt-I counted oa winning a mint of money oaJhim at the coming races arid now-hers goo arid kjcked_the-Jbueket Well rgttwee to his woalaquor raquo the wet-says Here Dickr hand the doctor that medicine hataeitom the latvteL He mayjsjretl 510119frac34frac34^frac34^frac34frac34frac341^85^8^ Jsect)L may set me on a freSsp^jaodlhereT ao telling how soon I may tieea another -deae ^

This kind-of farming as is well known oooaUta in the selection of some one of thestaple product of the soil and glv-ing the attention to this alone ttow^l consider making specialties deg few of the elsawntarof ywcessfnl farming Bwfc there if ideal of discrimination arising because of the foUerwing reasons whicE are obvious to the general reader Some Po^joStof^owwuntry SJlaquo totayyua-81 lor speojalij fmfi^Iirraquooch por-tions nothing wfll grow in abundancec

said|raquotrt we olaquoft obtain a little of nearly everything Tn sniefc Joqalittev general fanning seems ajaecessitj^ana wilL in-deed gtve frac34 man living^ AgainTioampte men are sosituatedrthat a-certain

w it painted on an old ItaVern signi and to if aftera

_ of weary rambling over the dusty 1 of therapeutic1 tore wMttfned as_

for refreshment as thetired hafts before the inriting-sign-

LwlaquoTing hospitable welcome to the ^tSfter-within bull - - r- bull =

^^jQeaial Pr Cupps Like-Father- GrisMraquo that-otbergood old man well nevet^eeikn morlaquoraquo -No-monument Hlaquoirksgthk lastrraquostlny-plaQe ThegbUd --ofnadertahers poeaessedtiiey a-spark

5 frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 frac34 ^ ifouldttot suffBTthistobf Jklaquo raquobull his aurTiving rprofessional

-hfethren few of M 1 fear haTejnoney to lt^laquon4fiLtblaquofVray - _ bull bull ^tgtvBow doyoung dbctowj-as raleH i laquo t t h e i r first straquortTdoeried a cynlcai-^lookgtg M Drat tlie foot of the ampble wltti a-nose as sharp asfte^ Hp of Iriit ~laquoijrhTano8tmdashleaTing out of bourse ex-- ceptional case like that of a man swal-

_ bri which ^Teaji BimonBottefiH^erbull-bull--bullmdashbull-

Can- it be I mentally exclaimed at it -was BoW potion that cured the

z^~ raquoia^tht^k411ithe horse strung cBagnaf curenmstantial

laquoyenidencerraquotraquoyraquote bull- - - bull_bull ^ QuisU yncWng the botqe I^rent

f the twth was aniltoaiissd

t6ok~it crimination majriWplaoeA ateong our elements gtraquo tWitiinnVlaquoralaquo bulluyctimiui poundaraiug iftinferiM-traquolaquowraquoof= JMfcjanyPJF raquo1i-i T- A i 3 - -mdash~ l-i -3^J=lUi - - T U D aTrtiisn

ill) Way1 XI U1U HUM ITHBMJiminmdashraquoj it never came out Topham Sounded my praises everywheret and sexwr the locatdeath-list was pretty equally filled wgtththe names of old Dingos jatbjnts and my own bullbullbullbullbullbullbull

kindstrikibg thftraquorthA

bull Formicddiraquoaa recentiy beenfaund^ to possess powerful preaetratiTe proper-ttefs exceeding jwhehaddedtoilaquocfd-raquooln- tlooiyeven earoolic acid and to felaquor_paf-r lowing- V fish-bone Or dropping sud i i

-^enly faalaquoVrtereraquothjere|s no ctagtloe--Ttcuutiy euhsble for adding- to = fruit ^^bullbull^tte-se^-to-Bearaquoestraquoijd--s-WhMIaak-^aiCM From-one-quarter to one-half mdash iVk how do people come to-trust their

^Hves deliberately iniaexperiencedhands bull Whats the philosophy of i tr r ^^Eopular ij^ojaicjBr prphably sug- geated^ne

Sttul c Or^heek-in-the youngstor another hinted

bull- lt-Ifscostly hteitthink remarked bull-_ Sat ehaif Whereon had cbnyergod_raquo BlaquombBref inqairipg looft -s ^- raquo Come- doctor give us yonr expe= ^vjfjjnee pfr the point was mo^edjtad ^ taeooiMiedk v r^tgtJlmeytM case ot pure luck11id

frac34 tell us abojititf^we Cupps was not the man

Wont entreated to refose - _ -

ffl -young men now-a^dayse beglaquon enter the profession- with other advan-bulltamsthaA we-oldfellows had The

r-pjptio hospitals rriw accessible to stu-

bull -mnch-by bbservafion-whichwe-were lef toftnd out through expert men te on -rimx -laquonraquo patients

-Though I took my degree after a bullbullbull exajaiaation I doubt if I __ a hays distinguished-by-in^

bullwSetfon between the Incipient stages of iickenpox and- measles Had J been

a-mdash cslled-te- treat a simpl esse of rheuma-T5^^laquoi_i ten to one I Jhonld hatefound a

-IwUte^willingraquos4-3gtaseedi -^-fentenclaquoofampnTSti3ir--without stoo-

^^bull-VPampg to bull the--vktinCwbat he had |^^^jsraquoTi(laquoiwtit Hy first patient was

SA ^PeVcy-T^pham -a young manh6had iapound7-inherited a gplwdid cowtitution as welt

- L - WM jast maxingTwy laquoL r^T^h]both the fiase no doubt wOulQ

hAve fallen into Dingos hands for he ^^1 ^fiioateoiUedtbepractlcethereaboutbut

br fflabsence on a distantcaflr Come quick sir urged- the mes-

Seleitlflc ani UieW Bottle or green glass is mada_of the commonest materials in about the fob ltudng proportions^Sand_100 parts kelp or impur soda SOY wood-ashes 40 bull bullpottersCclay 100 cjilleti)r broken | laselO(k bullbull bull -bull Professor -Nawcomb saysJ SoJsmall is the- earth compared with the celestial bullSpaces that if one shouldshut his eyes and fire at random in the air the

juices jrom -one-quarter per cent Is the ltjiHUvtity-requisite to preserve vinegar fruit juices glue ink etc-- -lt - - bull-- - Qurles Napier an English scientist

has beentesting the truth-of Lieblgs theory that liquor drinking is compsti ble with animal food butnQt with a farinaceous djet -5e-experimeni was tried^en twenty-seven liquor drinking persons withreaulte Bubatantisting the Liebig theory bullmdash bullbull bull Aiiuriiing chimney when the soot

hamps been lighted-by a fire- in tfiltrfiffcgt place cap be extingujshed by shutting all the doors Sn IB Mom BO as to yn-vent any cutrent of sir up the chimney then by throwing a fewhandfuls of

ate im

common salt upon the fire in the STE or on the hearth the fife in the cbi ney will be immediately distinguished ithe philosophy of fhisj8 thatp4B=he process of bnrniog the bull salt muriatic

~-1J^mdash -Jmdash^-mdash-r -hich is a prompt iclltfgas is-eVol red extinguisher of-fiw -vAnemlDentr French-scientist latelj presented a note to the Frensb Academy on the antiteticjproperties of-bichro-mate- of pofcm Experiments had

^ ua two kinds of iacsateg ric spMaatoy lana-iraquof and fnlaquortljraquormlng Oeneral farm-jaceo iMi in raising sometfflm of all the stapi pBwampaa^otrdirKtt7-TUlaquoi kind of fsrxaiag seUom a ma food enougn amr-to

fallk of giving to antWtTW^

as the world has~it he can make a livshying thus smphr for a iv

abjjtr i little fi some other bniineis whilt

AaBUaotl i t^i i agtsttawists iiaw covered sUfcJiawCabalmdash ^^^ laquo^^^ ^^v^p^degvew^swav---fww^s)a^^av

oaatodwitkHehMat aad jwve^fc^ tr at p tooea^

n tWraquo should ex)ead limbs sotaf as is liBnawry After i^nawiampiw^imaaiji M wtSa There is nothing so _

for 10frac14 purpose alaquosgtcd home-made soft wishes to BOM made from ly (or potajh) and

a man caret

teTs _ _ wlaquoBtwwmr

poke for such a man But jf a mto deshysires both a Bvingand income from the farm alone we would Kcomjnehd him a the surest and safest way to secure

bullmount of general farming is all that is necewary Qeneral farming U suited to certain tocaJIties- and to eertaih men namely to those localities where the snilhot a varied_cnrlaquoctlaquor-^)fjinaa kinds with M-chejiucal eteaest abundance as- to warrant any leh( and extensive production of any one thing [ and to those men who ar unconshycerned as to whether they make money faster not or to thosejfhofsrm in conshynection witVsome otheravocaiiw Bpe-cialty farmine belongs to those IocUitMs wherej parjfrcnlar tSng i to advmVsjtej-and more jthoielien- who wjsnto their raquoolc avocation jind^gsi the most ttey can out of i t Witt bull prbperdiay

then sponaity

welw doeen or eighteen pounds of eggs This is equiTalent to saying ttort gU pounds cf com will ptedw when fed to this hen one jiooids of eggs A pound of pork on the contrary requires about five and one-third pound of corn tor its production When eggs are twenty-four cents a doaeji and pork ten cents a pound we haTe the bushelof corn proshyducing 4)588 worth of ergs and but 105 wortt of pork --

BiBXDifo a horse is generally done is the JflguIar Tien with a broad-bladed lancet and when the vein is sufScieawy prsssedaod secured saaato caoseitjo-swells then the point of the knee is sent in withthe left hand ant chtting upward makes all the opening necesshysary When sufficientblood U -taken the cut ought to iw squeesed together and fastened with a pin By pressing the vein below the wound the blood will ehootouiln stream and fail claiur into th bucket araquody towoelve i t

IK ^selecting flour first -look to the motor Ji t t f t white wHh a gteUowiah

l Ifit-ia wUte

heejvsnessmdashwet and knead a little of it between your fingeh^if it works soft andstiokyj it i poor -5Chenthrow a mtle hunp of dried Awr against A smooth surface if it falls like powder

S ^ ^ s i l ^ ^ S laquo f f i ^ i ^ lore wpeoiauj-to 4 ^ 8 frac34 ^ frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 ^ tt^raquo^smire^ifijt

bull 4001laquo a good sign Jt amp safe to buy four thnt wjlt^laquond TU^Jraquoese-iests These usedefafe given by all old flw

bullthey pertain to-a-mattet

them- If a niah is pursuing Bpeculfies hlaquo can at~the salne time growgtenough of-the other staple prpiinctefor the do-roaads ofhis famiry- and no farmer whatever elseshe-may do should fait of having a large garden1 and taking good r ^ raquo T i Tylaquo^raquof lvj f t T raquogt ilaquoniltr iy c

surely ^ _ ^ BreeVOag Stock on tJw Kfm^-SavB

the Jnririlaquotraquoo Yorher In VlewTof t ie marketfor choice stock lately-thrown open to our farmers bf theLexportatlon otlattlsmidiueal to^Enrope it-ber

^hooves them to t iy increased attention to the raising of superior animals on the farm- A late report on ihe Amerlean-meat trade by Professor Sheldon of the Cirincestir Agricultural College Engshyland after furnishing a ansae ofinforma- tioq on the subject comes tolhe -cbii-elusion thatrdeepite some fluctuations the~lt dead meat trade vrill rapidly Inshycrease and thatappliances for its sue- eeesful management will be multipHeoV ijhanceadf bringing down a- bird would - _ j - _ laquo laquo ^ bdquo rn- bdquo_laquoraquo nt tii

^e better than S a t of a cometof ^ ^ J i f t pound $ ^ P - P -traffic - wilt-he in jraquo great ^neacure-pro-portipnate to tile excellence of the pro-duct aDdihelimit4olhe quahtityshrjK ped wilLbe^hejtciwage capacity of ves-eeis crossing the^Atlantioj -for owibgJto the falling off in ourirhportsj the nnm-ber of Bhipsengsged in thtransatlantic tJRadewiil be tooTsmallfoSffbrdroomfor a IHrge export of meat together-with other merchandise withont aavanclncthe freight to figureTEaTwiU rofiibit further expOrtafloB -~bull-bull -bull--bull - The -experienceof many thriving bullfarmers alh over the country-proves that a better run of animals 1s obtained by breeding them- on the farm than by purchasing them Hbre care is bestowed in selecting the likely^aftspririgs of tried animals they will go on fattening more rapidly and uniformly than strangers picked up here and there- for it takes some time before these get acquainted and become con tent enough to lajt-on flesh kindly in their nlaquow bull home and moreover- the tendency of pricejHor young stock is upwards and the probashybility is very strong that ere long it will bullnot pay farmers togo into the market for young animal Inany^case it is as a rule more profi tables to- breed the stock one hand

^ _ bdquo _ amp


bdquo Donotplaht tre$s deeper thanis nec ek^vm-Aiav^ha^the addltion^f--o^nraquo4laquosaryAMKtalit thi fepts well nr_Uian

French scientific papers contain ae counts -of -an -expenmeht -by -a-Mons Carrelet who took two dwarf pearsmdash-pesrs grafted on the quincemdash and grafted the stem of one inverted on the stem of the other growing so that the-roots of the grafted one were on the top as-t branches are These roots finally be-

- r came true branches pushed out leaves ltkmi Mr Percys taking onut a^^nd shoota and iritfine bore quinces

bull^jrwfulrate gtH laquo Without staying^o inquire fBrlher bull 5f -snatclttd my nt and- sallied- forth

y r i i laquo feraettint in - aew pill-bags -Where]

stoek-of-earn pies ein niy

r v-J- r-AIarrivod to findmy patient taking ^ ^ i i i ^BiTat ahawfuJ nite sure enohgh ^ -bullbull Pokerin hand he Was lajf ingaoout

highly detrimental to 6-was ki

Has in a manner 1 rftmritere

jlaquottlaquoi B a d i t H e was kill ing snakes h e been dog hydrophobia

hundredQfpari ofTheTgtichromate mor-dinary water prevents the- putrefaction of-al l sorts of-organic-matter such as meat urine e t c v A thousandth part of hirfimrqlaquo)A provgnt beer from turning sour Alter threernohths1 immersion in

may l ie calculaiad i u o e a n i m v una biuhel1 -ot-qorn yraquolaquorjyr art to by

whole pOe in a piece of ItroMrty that bullobodyTa took itottlM taxsiTbmi heres when his evermttta lock froee to him agin^ and the next summer a new railroad scheme^oned every last hnn^ dred hed mvestrt into raquobull aqiare thoushysand- I might folaquon and toll yon bow be married a woman- so poor ah was about to be set into-the streetcause she eouMnt pay house reraquotlaquoad hovkaide of two months afterward she Ml heir to a whole raft-of property is BafiUos aadirhile they was oMnin hraquolaquo from saeia about it she got killed la a ssaash-up and the railroad company had to aSell cut in big figures but taid raquoraquo in my sggravatin yolaquo aiiv amiabout i t There aint a set of brains la this room but what could dance all around the works In hiaJead asvsh TUm in the week bujb luck is luck gentlftne and the man that holds the most trumps dont always rake the pot -- bull --- v ^ - v ^ ^ - bdquo mdash i bull bull

with srilnian oast or with black specks in it refuse it Next examine it draquo

TKE anoient Greeks the Bacedonfamr an4 the Romans of theanterCmeerBsn eravmen who tii hygieaics in health and strength were laquo0 strangely superior to us^rsstrictaithemselTW toltmemlaquoraquot per

thhour com-

diem to- which they devoted the between-sunseLaBa night Theraquo menced their days wo x at oayi and-kepi it up till |t vs comple fioithed till lite in the afternoon neowaary then thetoftk a bath pasetd an beur in the -glaquoaaaslumL and dedicashyted the cool evening nOnTt-to^oodcbeer muaic dances sac pleessnt converse- tion Tiechildren of hatBre IndianB hunters and teahmen foliOwpie same plan j they breakfast laquop m a cold iia-

cult With a enp of coffee perhaps if they have the ingredients and time to cook then march or hunt till- theygo Into araquonprtoeatad restrand he jri parshyadise for a few hours

FtJBTLBfteggiiareheld i n wherever they--are found as well by Europeans asottiersr They bavea rt^r soft shellfand are about the size ofa pigeohs^egg-The1 mother turObt-lagt thrice a year at intervals--ot two or three weeksdepositing in one night as msnyWa hundred at a layfng An ex--periencedeye and bandarj4ulred(to detect the eggs as- they-are always in- geniousljr covered up with sand but whin they are huntodijery few eaoapeT The Oronoco Indians nbtein from these eggs na kind of1 clear sweet oil which they use Instead of butter Jn the month of FejDrnrytwhentBe blfti waters6i ihe Oroiiooo hampVe reOeded nut lionaof turtles comeon shore krdeposit their eggs The certelatl and abund-AncepfTfie harvest isTsucSThatIt is esshytimated bythe acre The yearly gathshyering ahdut the mouth of the riveV alone is about five thousand jars of oiVahdit takes five thousand eggs to make a jar

foaafasHif so had akae^thalaquosi he d )vmm that bull bull U M rpoundZ d pound k u u _ gt bruag t h a t _ _ laquof iSattorof afeTetlaquofttfgt

had tacked a couple o baadiwa more en to his Bat mosey was no count to him no atoren to a child for inatoad of buyin oat a toney bar down gtfn| ^- --ft_^iA^tf ggt what iid the foolraquo bat

Ae w g wwTarred B

ai i MW rot wait

dfMUUMI bullrt wiraquoUr _ Tttsllraquogtartraquoet^laquoathlaquo

HJJCT Bothers are eitheroompeltea to stay away from church and theater or

-woman ook her little one in hersima tol^K^^i^ laquo ^ hear a famous preacher The loud voice =275555frac34frac34frac34^frac34frac34 from the phBform awoke the-child and made it cry and iu^aaiber got up and Warteavingthe hall when the--rainister jtojplaquodier_M JH^^Mt-gm Woman doai go awa- The babr doeant disturb ale It iraquot for that sir I leave ah_e replied with aperfect

Tgtnfirmir^rfBrs^e^Bpoundj^^ J raquo laquo b the baby1 L- v -

- W gt I W ErartVa5Mil raquo bull hraquo TU MkgtM bullrilBtsakieV- -

TkstUboniiii4klaquoik7 - laquot JUMlaquoJlaquo1 tbt nlaquon In th SMOD

twUf t i aftiTS QnlM-jrkm J STwUk

n i M Mctpi fljfc laquoflaquor rtk i K tfHHk UM

f a u n ft aiM laquobull ssaw wtM VMM WlaquoSwalaquoKOraquo laquoMlrlaquoltlaquot Wattn-sstha bull - 5 T

TH ttnutm

w i ^ m w ^ aTraquoT7 _

ifam at j y a ^ raquo t raquo a gt W ^ jCaa^Sampigart raquo bull

wU^faf i se Htm psrt bullMrtlt l lglrf tt

^ ^ a ^ ^ f e w t ^ ^ - -atcopymdash


^m^poundixT3tbull i bulllaquo raquo-| | it--

jtoeWRTreg1 afek inr

a)nsnkraquo tot On paMfe salaquo bullmrttaMi to OrMtnrCgtasult Traquoipi tsfemkainattrlaquoa4 Craraquof ClirwtjTIli bull bull bull bull H I M tot TSraM 0raquoM I n k OM i w laquo ft raquogttM U laquoBraquo KhiW raquolaquolt bulladOkafvWtkranav UkartwwctoSMlaquotgtMraquo w laquo mt raquobull vtokMtraquoirMr M M M M Ukatlatffaa trtm laquo bull nsfc Bft TOWaa VJMlTWJf BOXU

WTllj - - bull- - -to sav Mlaquo

laquoHPrraquosshu psraquocgt iK-ftwa VKmlrlaquovTact

Lixixai rsatts 9

MsMtorto saj Man r JKgt pH for UMT Cclaquoc0laquot^armtMltOMDgtfnraquolaquo(i 8047


ylaquo yraquo d vVr ^ gtH it RTMSt tCKtlllH

tflaquo wlU ttwbom friMml to twta a nm thiU mmm


_ torjhtMii


^^jyffig^^liss torn

uWtifiiflS poundjjT K f t c r a M

bull n l csVtatBMl H l t a n S K t l n ficMH n t t i i

amp^7^B^^sssirpoundisi laquoKnji UM frtMa Mtagiii s n Mint ssS Ut

J H I I K M gtM rWMtd to a n - M i to ampbull

frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34 ayfey 5frac34frac34frac34frac34 tlaquolaquoJ2r wt mtn

tawWoni sMe Olaquo

titHkiii _ raquojelaquojj Ic-tfct _ _

r M a t o d ^ ^ ^ r u T a ^ l u ^ u ^ w r S p S A f 0 ^ -^rjMiofwiii^raquonKajrWltajrlaquoktolaquodt bull tgtit UlaquoraquoAlaquo~T u l ^ t i p S a i TSlca^iJa^^lLUUta SWM eoli


(UEftMtal AHKIWr



^hey were plante4 jn the nursery rows

a solution meat was hardended and dry of South America and yields a oe^n of

It is thus argued that not only can roots become branches but that the sap can

_ mdash flow upward throngkinverted stems as in the excitement-Uie- 4rell as when the stems are in their nor-

was stored -bullbull mal condition If we say of the surface of the earth

that it is thfrltoit oithepoundraquorth ahd^ie beginning of the atmosphere we are not-correct in reference to the-latter The air begins waeh below thegjannd antl vre-jought to say that where -the ground whichTls ainixture of earth

Ikngwgt meant deltrium tremoi gtsh was ths decision of llr Topshy

is own more practioed- judgment ampp fri terafng toward me in a lucTd TV iawftsBnt A bull-- mdash ti ^rvegofemDoc he said i- V bull I did my beat to calm him-assured fe him I should bring him round placed ri my fingers on his pulse and began to bullcimnt the beats bat darting from me he

^ i i e la jmed - - bull - - SS There goes the biggest snake yetmdash

AtoU serpent of alltL making a slash -witk the pokej Uiat caused mo to dodge Linto the comer

two to watch him and ac-

pound g

companieabT the man who had sum- hwed am 1 hurried home to procure such remedies as 1 should conclude the

- case requiredmdash a point I must confess I wasvery far from clesr upon I had

been reared in a temperate-pommnnity i- bad seen little of intoxVatlon- or its fflbeta and my reading had not borne ^apeclally in that direction bull-0 f Before reaching my office however V I-decided what con rue to take Therf

jraano time to _ consult booksi Beeidesj -I Was aabaaed to do that in the pres- ence of the man who waited to carry back the physic He would have taken

j4 j i-for a eonfesaiop of Ignorance and -- woitld have tost no lime in proclaiming -f )IMa donof bullOvethauling laquoraquoy supply of drags

bull taking a little faaan every 0raquo I peo-bull bulltISSa iMbdquo UiSuasjHlBiam^^ - In r^ j_M

Neyetplace th^rooft in contact-with knows how an pilln tieTlaquoflk of his tnannaa mdash L_lt Z bull ain(Magt~ rtw VJai bull VraquolaquofV (bull wsteirtfc ffTTgt manure

THE culture oicoffee in California is becoming profitable Th^planl grows as vigorously as in countries

Btrong aroTnaiic flavor ^^aoww auce generally speaking should scarcely bei-ao- thick as white sauces and i t is wellto bear in minu that all those jrhtoh are intended to-mask the various dishes of poultry or meat should be of-a sufficient consisshytency to slightly adhere to the fowls or joints over which they re poured For browning and thickening sauces etc browned flour may be properly em-plnyftd

PnbrESSOB BILEY regards themigralt tion of insects as due to their multiply ing moreTapidiy thun Tjf support attributed

t bay been my ^diagnoais_bttt 1 water wd air ends from there the atshymosphere exists alone His no wonder that no particular attention was paid to theair in the soil its presence there does BWinake any direct impression on any ef OUT senses we infer its presence more from other experiences and conse-

luent conclusions The human mind bullrmprly locked upon the air as some-

thing nnsubifantial spiritual although men saw the effect of hurricanes po wonder then no one thought of the air hidden In the ground which cannot even blow the hat from our headrmdashbull - ^

Ibelr wains migrations of rats are

to the same cause and similar observations have been made an to other animals- Many insects

^hat are not normally of a migfatory tendency exhibit it when preesecTby dearth of food - In these cases they colshylect together and migrate in large bodies

To uraquoe up cold meat rT Prepare your meat as for hash fill-a-deep dish with

-Team-StaadlsaVIVaek bullbull_bull IWsdBwitl Brasktstt ^tl^fl _

- It does beat all how some folks gits along in the- -world said-a red-nosed man in a crowd sitting around the stove fti a oornw grocery the ptber nigh jNowthares -tbat Eom ^tandish look athim if he aint been foUered by a

streak of bull-htadid bull Jack I want to know wjiat you call i t He come tothis town without a dollar in his pocket or a decent dud on his back but before three days be struck a job o i heTpih in a biler factoryat five or six lollara a week anaTTiybull Jrvih^the-torli

aixnins oh his back it wasnt four months before youd a thought by the looks of the kid that he-waft aoUd with tcmmelnuahaiidhnlWBmmlnfliwget on election day as airy other chap in the ward I dont say uhe waslai but he wasnt one -of the kind of felfen to go and wake the--boes up out of a sound bull lj-mdashfind out soasthin to da Hgt nap to wasnt even passably good-lookin bqt some how it jest seemed to come-natshyural to him to cram on style and he had a knack of sliekin1- himself no and alshyways lookin tidy and neat as soon as he was out of the scop thitfrbeen more of a blesHB than a rich daddy would_a been to him In -knockin aroUn3tte world aflve done Ive noticed that the main run of people generally is tolerabl laquopt tn ^ gt t fellers own idee of hiaself

SrmlraquomdashVfkttt FanMilnsk _ rgtSMlriM-wMlirlaquolaquo^laquoAlltlaquotiJfiaasjl fc rjwgt ySfcwTinitojj S j ^ l WsTgs^MXgg^Cay raquoah^w

^ ^ ^ 0 l l ^ r M n h o a laquo laquo C t a Ssrnkt

-rtocx Buxxna oxgt cnrsTarl

fi 1 raquo miiim KiMtfr S( to ttr Urmim asiTy raquo J^^iSw^ ft mdash- totally

JiLBlaquolaquoSM tau U pTet 4riMU tMtokwS ~w nwrVALOmdashrxlaquox M shsiwr



bull4 ktatr IMWIW



-Eipocitn took MSB I-raquoTraquoHlaquoUf lraquotraquot w

laquo S0SH- paJ^tottferaquosTtolaquolklaquo1 is Ik ltraquobullbull twu tnameo to rstn mm B3ltlaquo to inm H IHw raquo 4 lWlt(j~raquofrf M11raquo wif i ingtar iwj |Bf tm WBBW W I

1st IBM to l 7 t s s f t t j w a j atmtisf 1BM to irtss fts^

amp^^f^ Ibaa BMe Mrlb to laquortsi M

w n i t i r T - laquo bullfe bullwlBrto laquonsi M M 11st BaUt M BBS)

UBpsTleTrM UriTwBjtit t l a t t fTwsjgr to SiiajBZJmraquo^OatostQlt| SIM Ot^^^ - _ l i raquo r LIBEBTT Fa-OMMssmat M ibaA ptkw lut nptrto bullraquoraquomdashTtrttrR SB NaVBS rtTUffilpBlM It fajlTIt HBnp ITn iBtapilsn-MMrtyWI

WOOL-Ia Batoii dl frssti tnl tit kmaVtoil tkr Juuiunlua tad trs t s u M t art crisis Bttwii-iBst wtr n nlaquoraquody ut a m fmsJsJy to J W U I T laquoM mdash bmU t s i t p l raquo MiiHWBllt iPraquo-toast fast pcton I B n S n M l SUMSBBBS laquo1

^ C0KO1FTOI man juttiii jaati

- cafcTiai ygti^Wltli- fiBlaquoraquolaquo (XnntfmJ -^mmMtf U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i p f ^t amp^^^^^^^^^^^^

A1UU4 tnttnitlai liVollrrty^tf-Urrmi traquo u oraquolaquoifctottVis MS tfirti ttvm til itliT S S S t t o m

_ _ omilolaquoliraquolaquo flit BMW bdquo rttsaft wSRSWRuiwasr Lst5raquocampwraquorB^laquo-i FELLOWS HYP0PH08PHITE8

forBlMMMwBM artfnSwM ttrktoet rimA waMtant n t i l u ntouitoS

VrenAltW I K l w JBnMAraquoiBlaquo

1|fgS7ISmrVJraquoa^K n-gtoM DtewtrvWi bull - bull--

mr U p L ^ ^ ^ (^IWEaUftitito m^S^mW^^^^SS

I aWlaaraquoawA at am ^ t a f s i s mdash ^ bull bull bull A M ^ raquo awawMiawaT afi iuittiajiTitoiFBm

- bull gt bull


M-mxampM ktmi ^mW ^MW^^mniifipmi - bull bull T bull M u n l l ~tU ~-dL ftj tha mm it r t U B I A d bull a M M tt Ik esa ef

COKBVMFTK u 4 tff BIHMII tr^tte fcmdashrraquo TatmdashI Tn II i l IT r T In i t ClietOwDok tsr mv bottk tt ttraal or mnii

^ S k -sa isuntstpiM a 1 Uftn to-ooascMJ _ i o m t cciM u ( _rraquon strwtioM fa t i t i i r t 0 bull c k l laquo t t l lt l i t M l i laquo U W gt laquo n K owaa-9 M0SMM00ftltraquo4t SWlaquotWraquoraquoTlaquo

1 Zu1

JAHOAL-W008 f-pagttl1rnlaquomlr for laquotUtoltM of tkt bull h i l l bdquotod ^JHUBiT aumi l l tB)raquo tool IB bullrVVVflMsiftl ffwwHftislftfcwiBV It BWTCC ycwnoM ftck mtU_cTUlraquoitr~iT ta Iti Mtloa Itk fwi jMawwUtltil ott-JT rtoraquorfl^Slraquorrotraquortlraquot Ait iurisortlfhiiBri a oUwt BwfclxctJi raquoligtk _ - mdash w mdash H f t B i n t M forbullwfaj to 1~laquot mtmt ncc^a atMir ktn blaquolaquo oJbtOl toBto raquofraquo BttK BtaftroM aMttcfttn tto

strapAJBwwraquoAiraquoltraquoraquoltaraquoi M k h w Oa V iliftliTii mU m fMjtmt-mrm AiiMOInmuwirtmiJtt mm mm bullHt^Ririmim In Utrt tfi

bullrt fm in mmlMma

^xspound^^tsyL_^ -TBTTrrxTaiBtt-oi tf wy aTWrBaysj TmtfiiJNUmrr raquofrth MHtr n i l e w l s

s^^r ilaquogs2 PrtcBjiesB4t-cltMiaiftraquowaf^raquoraquowrBm



THE 4 Q 0 D 4 W


For 3dULPT auad

UaJKITSTDIUTSOaiP - _ raquolaquobull

bulla pto w o laquooa nvw nlaquowpmdashiio IHUII 9imwmii ottsBtoa s4 aikiM lusdiiiBIJIBIi 1 BBBBttas sat StSpIUBl B0SJ4BO mdash

People who still adhere to the leok-at-bullbull Is doeter

cariosity in

^ laquo ^ t - r ^ L t o J gt f ^ t ^ f ^ ^ -sbot-forhenl nrat khowerl him hi

ASOTHSB iconcolastnow steps to the front and with an old document written

by one 01 the original Boston tea-spillers proves that there werepresent at that interesting teance no white men disshyguised as Indians Oh hang it Dont lop the thing off limb by limb that way Make a clean thing of it There was no tea there were no ships there wasno trouble no stamp act no dissatisfaction no colonies no warjjo Fonrth of -Tuly no nothing George Washington was a myth the Revolutionary War was a hypothesis were merely supposed to be existing and nothing is real but the his- torical motrn that destroy everything we ever believed By heaven- there were white men disguised as Indians at that tea party thousands of em Woswear bulltt raquos know it we were there and saw em Put that nthe school booksmdash AsrtMBdfott ftttwk^ftj

lish the great egg eaters receive-an-naally from Ireland one hundred and HiUtyniilllowsbf eggs and front Franec over one hundred and thirty millions The great object i s to get fresh ones and m a n y modes are resorted to to as- certain this important point Some dealers place them in water when if fresh t h e y will l i e o n their sides if bad they standon one end

G B A V I K S and sahces shonMbe table very hot atUthera is all the more necessity lor the cojik to raquoce to this point as from their being usually served In small quantities they are more liable to cool f|uickly than if they worn in a larger body Those muice of which

or egg form a-component part

for granted a good deal of the time If he Wears good clothes and puts on airs and carries himself with a swing as though be was somebody the heft of the peopfewiU conclude that he is and boost him along accordin Thats alt in the world that ever give Ton StandIsh his start He carried sail like a man with money out at interest and itwasnt no thne-at-ait till he had He wasnt what youd call smartmdashnot by a long

hash cover it with tomatoes over which sprinkle with bread crumbs with a little butterblaquoke until nfoely browned II Preparenjaat as for hash make-it in rolls (like a sausage) by binding it with raw egg tie eaclrToil carefully in cabshybage leaf and boil one-half to three-quarters of an hour In weak stock

^ ^ - - ^ ^ A ^ ^ - 1 ^ J ^ S = deg ^ 4 - laquo r i k s thick enough to see mighty rrtar food among airjcnown races bullifte Kng-j laquo Fromsoftih scrap-iron in thebWt

factory it wasnt no time at all till he found himself pullin the checks otera

toneltl family and if-It hadnt been for the give-away rig they chucked him in

hadnt sense enough to ran a wheelbarshyrow Tom wasnt no band at all for en-giueeriuor plannin or lookin ahead furdern youd throw a live hog He hadnt the sign of an eye for business at sll an not the shadder of a gift for speculatin In fact he hadnt nothin but lest the stabbornest kind of luck-

cream shouldbe well stirred as won as these ingredients are added to them and must old chap gits into a cbokin never be allowed to boil as in ^hatcase night aaa-JBBBawa^ov^r- to -

they would instantly curdle - _ Jjimt^mi j | laquo j f

to youd a thought he was the b ig bug who owned the turnout takin a twist at the l ines for his own amusement He kept his eyes and ears open and in a little while learned all the ways of the

sr-eHtat arid he couldnt a talked and acted any more like an oyster ion BtUtsif hed ahad a hide full of blue blood himself T h e next I knowed a rich old cove had took a great fancy to him and hid give him the job of travshye l ing all over the world with him nigh about tn look after his baggage cuss waiters and take care of hisk


yolaquor-toBfalaquo-BBd-felaquo1-6i-yoiir-Tgtnlt somsUms -express not s lUlaquoe curiosity rsxsrd U) Dr BV Pletees original uwthod eTdUtiBfrnithlus all terms of ehronie disshyease witaont pertoampBl eensultatlon Some even suppose that he aeeompllshes this through etairvoyaaee n s o m t othsr speef o f f rbfetilaquonal Jogllery AH this U BUerly false He elaiau to determine disease by the rational methods of seicow oaly Says Comjev- In hit MegiapUeal Eaeyelojpwfla BiograVUeal

poundlaquo gr11 I T^jf fn bull Vt psrirtiviiithM each of the natural seieaees the UvesSgstoT ~

sf this aiittm - 1 wcatsrprflBEiT^JXirrx prooeeds seoording ta ttfiiem slaquoltstu The geologist igt~ UeahlnetlugtearBtly deter-miaes and describes the cWift of reck which a t has rtlaquovlaquor m a rroa the mis ate specishymen on his table And th chemist la bis laboratory raquootlaquos the eonstUaenU of taeaua with thesams precision that h aaalyse a erystal of reek salt Tae-aaalocoms syBMm developed by Dr Fi etc ia JtedTesl 8ilaquon it worthy ot hi gealB and hat mads h name jastly celebrated For a fall sxpli nation of this Ingeniou system of diafawslBt see the Peoples Common Sense Medical Adshyviser tent postpaid to any address on- reshyceipt of one dollar sad Kty-eents Ad-dress-the author BV Blero M Dbdquo BnSalo Jf Y bull bull bull bull - bull

The hoasekeeper l lr cook who sti economy in the kitchen oap do so In onl reotion by always using DooiKTs Y f poundo-W-DXJ^-_U wi l l be found a truly | nomicaland-vainBole atstttant in bskln cnlta rolls bresd cake of all kinds i sauffisisand mostsil articleprepared i ilnnr tnd whyJ-JWsate In m l n g l Doeley Powder yeu save in a m la th lag In patience ia everythingand bull thlaquo baking is done It Is taraed oat l | palatsble- and wholesome to that morsel Iseatea up and no waste

M O T E B M [Mothers I Mo then I DonM to prooar sfrs Wlnslows Boo thing J Tor alldiHasBSiBeideat toth psrtod oft ins in children It relieve ths child pain care wind colio regulates t h a t raquo d bygiriag relief snd-health to thee gittes rest to the mcthv It is tn o ld | weli-tried remedy


olt TlOKTIWX Stt iertlnln ttmrn ltlt nit MiifflLfL lt bullraquo bottkt o( tkt VBOrrlKI nttoetL - r ^ h t u d M B - I ^ ^ ^ U

Ko 4raquoattn|

Vayftw it tort fcy traquo DTwasjIiU

ti iCHAIIQiGGlFT^ TnHt LUSMMM attains l a m Mrtt avmna t1ri)egtimTlflaquo(lMlitStt nt-for OeonktlB- rlaquo -Itrr T I M SeniBsokt Mcud t I n vwk| laquotjgt-^ ^ ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^ frac34 ^ HnaoroatStheUoiu rortrr n n k t tor too roaa 101111(1 raquofl bull rjttttofrirt titStr tt 1 ta m l rjtttto raquotr wso^rlU forward at 01 l l l l a m WtaMfetBMan - -9 00 r gtKper I nto i-

TJlictraquoijiiii 1 (teat Aal


md iaimumm^mmt

Mont thaav tfcfee-qBerters of s Bi siaee John-tons Aaodyae 1

was lBTfnfedr bullod It it to-dayl wtdehr known at well s i the I

vabasMe UHsmat and laquoxBtnal reaisdl the WM-Id -Mo family aboard be wllf a day - -

^ bull bull -

Tllf l-yp bull f n---^J_ -


B n t t u U H B I T U B Alwari raquohran atsii Bss atwi raquoraquotagtatlaquo j

_ __ jimmiU TB WBaB 1 B w t N l W B t n t t - l t Btottad OBlaquoraquoBtolla-i

iBBBlttfts ~mlaquotalaquosaraquoltstBraquo t raquo raquo l 1 t -UatBWtelaquoMwtkMawtWBlaquoiatWllaquo

aou raquoi atti atnaicf TWaanmi

mwm iratorbqiciaa


y-f-TBttbrat tat IIIIMISBI trtantoiMtmaS

t-It bullbull 0 ot^adMUto



taawaara raquo ^ laquo J tolaquoTt laquoBlaquoaraquo

tmmtm mdashlt Matt far (MaBwttt flBlllSjSIBgaWtfJBeatB bullbulllaquoraquoraquogtraquo lnfortMHtoa aal rat iHlattttt t l W l l

B K A X S r O O T B B laquo M l 1 TIO raquoraquo14

