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WHERE DOES FLT COME FROM? Linguistics and Languages Department Ana C. Sánchez S.

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Linguistics and Languages Department

Ana C. Sánchez S.

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Ideas to Consider…

“I believe that one reason for the frequent swingsof the pendulum that have been taking place untilfairly recently is the fact that very few languageteachers have a sense of history about theirprofession and are thus unaware of the historicalbases of the many methodological options theyhave at their disposal.”

Marianne Celce-Murcia (2001)

What do you think about this affirmation?

Ana C. Sánchez

Page 3: Linguistics and Languages Department Ana C. … · Linguistics and Languages Department Ana C. Sánchez S. ... Suggestopedia (1970s) ... What are the advantages and disadvantages

Key Terms in TESOL

Approach: a set of assumptions about what is language, what is the best way to teach it (the external and internal conditions) and the nature of the subject matter to be taught

Method: an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material which is connected to the approach. It includes a procedure=specific steps in a class.

Technique: any particular trick, stratagem, contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective, and which is connected to the method

Ana C. Sánchez

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Key Terms in TESOL

An approach does not specify a procedure, the method does.

Procedure: the actual moment-to-moment techniques, practices and behaviors that operate in language teaching according to a particular method. At the level of procedure we are concerned with how tasks and activities are integrated into lessons and used as a basis for teaching and learning.

A method also involves objectives, syllabus, activities, Ls and Ts roles and materials

Ana C. Sánchez

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Key Terms in TESOL

Theory of Language: Specific theories of the nature of language may provide the basis for a particular teaching method. Richards & Rodgers (2001) state that it relates to the way language and language proficiency are seen. There are three views:

Structural View: language is a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning. The aim of language learning is the mastery of elements of this system.

Ana C. Sánchez

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Key Terms in TESOL

Functional View: language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning. This theory emphasizes the semantic and communicative dimension rather than just the grammatical characteristics of language, and leads to a specification and organization of language teaching content by categories of meaning and function rather than by elements of structure and grammar .

Ana C. Sánchez

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Key Terms in TESOL

Interactional View: language is a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations and for the performance of social transactions between individuals. Language is seen as a tool for the creation and maintenance of social relations. Interactional theories focus on the patterns of moves, acts, negotiation, and interaction found in conversational exchanges. Language teaching content, according to this view, may be specified and organized by patterns of exchange and interaction or may be left unspecified, to be shaped by the inclinations of Ls as interactors

Ana C. Sánchez

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Key Terms in TESOL

Language theory concerns a model of language competence and an account of the basic features of linguistic organization and language use.These theories are complemented by theories of language learning:

Some methods derive from a theory of language learning. It answers two questions:

What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in language learning?

What are the conditions that need to be met in order for these learning processes to be activated?

Ana C. Sánchez

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Key Terms in TESOL

Learning theories associated with a method at the level of approach may emphasize one or both of these dimensions.

Process-oriented theories build on learning processes such as habit formation, induction, hypothesis testing and generalization.

Condition-oriented theories emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place.

Theories may or may not lead to a method

Ana C. Sánchez

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Early FLT Methods

Grammar-Translation Method GTM (1840s-1940s)Proponents: Seidenstücker, Plötz, Ollendorf, MeidingerGoal: study an L2 and its literature in order to benefit from the

mental discipline and intellectual developmentCharacteristics translation and analysis of grammar rules are the main

teaching-learning techniques. The L1 is maintained as the reference system in L2

acquisition Reading and writing are the main focus Vocabulary is studied through bilingual vocabulary lists and

it’s taken exclusively from texts Accuracy is emphasized Grammar is taught deductivelyProcedure: T explains grammar, gives texts, Ss translate in and

out of the L2. Assessment is based on structures

Ana C. Sánchez

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Early FLT Methods

The Series Method SM (mid-nineteenth century)

Proponents: François Gouin

Goal: to achieve basic proficiency in the L2


It is based on his observations of how children learn the L1

L2 is facilitated through using it to accomplish events consisting on a sequence of related actions

New teaching items are presented in context, orally


The T performs a series of actions (15) until comprehension is

ensured. Then Ss perform them as a group and individually.

Assessment is based on Ss performance

Ana C. Sánchez

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Early FLT Methods

The Direct Method DM (19th century)

Proponents: Sauveur, Franke, Berlitz

Goal: to learn how to communicate in the L2


Instruction is conducted exclusively in the L2, everyday

vocabulary and oral skills are taught around Q and A

Exchanges in intensive classes

Grammar is taught inductively and accuracy is emphasized


New items are introduced orally through realia, pictures,

Gestures and interaction is established through questions,

dictation, conversation. Ss are assessed through oral interviews

Ana C. Sánchez

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20th century FLT Methods

The Audio-lingual Method (mid 1940s)

Proponents: Charles Fries

Goals: Use the L2 communicatively. Overlearning is needed


New items presented through dialogues featuring a structure

Ss-Ss drills (repetition, substitution, transformation, Q and A)

are the main techniques and grammar is taught inductively

Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing is the order for skills

Procedure: T reads a dialogue many times. Then they listen

and repeat, then drills take place switching places, Ss perform

the dialogue, some info is substituted by the Ss. Contrastive

analysis is used to predict some possible problems.

Ana C. Sánchez

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20th century FLT Methods

Communicative Language Teaching CLT (1970s - now)

Proponents: Widdowson, Savignon, Hymes, Canale & Swain

Goals: enable Ss to communicate in the L2 according to the

social context, the purpose and the interlocutors


Tasks are used (activities where negotiation of meaning and

interaction are needed to reach a conclusion or product)

All the skills are essential, grammar is taught inductively

L1 is not completely banned, but it’s not encouraged

Errors are seen as natural in FLL

Procedure: not fixed. However, it is paramount that Ts use

authentic materials, game-like activities, role plays, give Ss

Chances to use the L2 in a meaningful and purposeful way

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Alternative Approaches

Total Physical Response (1970s)

Proponents: James Asher

Goals: teach oral proficiency at a beginning level.


Attention to meaning is relevant, not attention to forms

A fixed number of items are carefully selected and presented

Comprehension is a means to an end

Imperative drills are the major classroom activity

Ss are active listeners and performers, speak when ready

Conversational dialogues appear after 120 hrs of instruction

Procedure: T-Ss and Ss-Ss commands repeatedly performed

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Alternative Approaches

The Silent Way (1970s)

Proponents: Caleb Gattegno

Goals: give beginners oral and aural facility in basic elements

of the L2. The general goal is near-native fluency in the TL


Vocabulary is a central dimension of learning. Lessons are

organized around grammar


The sounds of the L2 are introduced, Ss make words

There is no direct oral instruction or unnecessary modeling by the T. S/he presents items once using gestures, fidel charts, color charts, colored rods or other materials

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Alternative Approaches

Community Language Learning CLL (1970s)

Proponents: Charles Curran

Goal: to use the L2 in a communicative way


Ts are seen as counselors supporting Ls in their struggle

The L1 is used to provide a bridge and reduce anxiety

Procedure: Ss negotiate the class topic sitting in a circle.

A S raises his/her hand and tells the T a message in the L1

T whispers the message in the L2 to be said aloud by the S.

This is recorded and the dialogue goes on. The tape is played, sentences are repeated, the dialogue is written, Ss copy it, grammar and vocabulary are explained, Ss work in groups to make new sentences and dialogues

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Alternative Approaches

Suggestopedia (1970s)

Proponents: Georgi Lozanov

Goals: to achieve advanced conversational proficiency fast


Ts attempt to unblock Ss. Ts display a certain attitude & authority and new names and identities are chosen


Ss sit in a circle and grammar, vocabulary or questions are

Analyzed, then new material is presented (dialogue), while

listening to music T reads a dialogue in a special voice, Ss

follow it with the translation they have, relaxation exercises

can take place, silence, Ss close their books and leave silently.

At home they read again at night and when they get up.

Ana C. Sánchez

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Alternative Approaches

The Natural Approach NA (late 1970s)

Proponents: Krashen and Terrell

Goals: help beginners become intermediates


Acquisition is natural, learning is artificial

Conscious learning acts as a monitor of our production

The acquisition of structures has a predictable order

Comprehensible input is essential to speak fluently later

Ts must lower the affective filter to unblock acquisition

Procedure: Class starts with TPR, new words and sentences are

Introduced with objects, questions (T/F, yes/no, WH) that are

simple to understand

Ana C. Sánchez

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The Post-methods Era

Methods lost momentum because supposedly…

There is little room for the Ts’ own personal initiative and style

Good teaching is translated as following the procedure blindly

The cultural, political, institutional context is ignored

Why learning about Approaches and methods then?

To learn to use them, to understand when they can work

To participate in LL experiences that allow reflection

To identify the rich set of resources available for us teachers

To appreciate how theory and practice can be linked

To decide how to teach in a professional and informed way

Ana C. Sánchez

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The Post-methods Era

What is new for us in FLT? Approaches such as these…

Content-Based Instruction: L2 is a means, not an end. We do

not teach English, we teach something through English.

Readings are the basis to build communication and knowledge

Task-Based Learning: Ss learn by doing, the class must have

an outcome, Ss work in groups, exchanging information and

trying to get the result while using the L2 extensively

Multiple Intelligences: Ss learn in different ways, Ts must

include varied ways of presenting the same new items to give

Everyone the chance to succeed.

Collaborative Learning: Ss build learning from birth and work

with more advanced peers to reach a new level of knowledge

Ana C. Sánchez

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Your turn…

Why are methods useful for you?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of teaching without having a guiding structure like the one a method can give you?

Would you combine methods?

Why or why not?

Ana C. Sánchez