linking texts and images: non-hierarchic...

General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool Linking texts and images: non-hierarchic structures TEI@Oxford 2010-07 Oxford TEI Summer School 2010 1/62

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Page 1: Linking texts and images: non-hierarchic,segmentationandalignment Aspecialcaseoflinking:facsimiles

General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Linking texts and images: non-hierarchicstructures



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Page 2: Linking texts and images: non-hierarchic,segmentationandalignment Aspecialcaseoflinking:facsimiles

General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

General linking, segmentation and alignmentIn our encoded texts, we expect to be able to

put in simple links between sections of text, and point toexternal resourceslink text elements to pages images;represent correspondence or alignment among groups of textelementssynchronize elements of a text, representing temporalcorrespondences and alignments among text elementsspecify that one text element is identical to or a copy ofanotheraggregate possibly noncontinguous elementsspecify that different elements are alternatives to one anotherand to express preferences among the alternativesstore markup separately from the the data it describes

Some of these techniques we have already seen in the basic TEIwork, and the discussion of names.

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Simple linkingThe core TEI <ptr> and <ref> elements let you do the point to pointlinking we are used to on web pages, relying on XML IDs for internallinks:.


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<p>Wikipedia has a a good starter page on<ref

target=""> wavingcats</ref>, with links to more esoteric resources; our own

information is section <ref target="#cats">3</ref>. Here is a video ofmine:<ref target="../Graphics/cat.avi">

<graphic width="60px" rend="right" url="../Graphics/cat.jpg"/></ref>

</p><div xml:id="cats"><head>Cats</head><p>Lots of them</p>


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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Underlying assumptions of our linking

Use W3C identifying, pointing and linking mechanisms wherepossible

Use@xml:id to identify an element directly

Use XPointer to point to elements that do not have an@xml:id

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Complex pointing

The standard URI scheme allows for pointing

to documents other than the current document

to a particular element in a document other than the currentdocument using its xml:id;

but we also need to point

to a particular element using its position in the XML elementtree (standard XPointer schemes)

at arbitrary content in any XML document using TEI-de nedXPointer schemes

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

W3C XPointer schemes

element Identify elements by position within parent,recursively.

xpointer The rich scheme including XPaths and rangesdescribed in the XPointer Recommendation

xmlns Bind a pre x for use in subsequent pointer parts e.g.xmlns(xs=

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Text for XPointer examples



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<!-- seven divs here --><div xml:id="lastterm"><p>… </p><p>… </p><p><emph>'But'</emph>, said <name key="Stalky">Stalky</name>,

‘come to think of it, we've done more giddy jestingwith the Sixth since we've been passed over than anyone else in the last seven years.’</p>



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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Examples for XPointer schemes



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<ptr target="stalky.xml#element(lastterm)"/><ptr target="stalky.xml#element(1/1/8)"/>

xpointer() and xmlns():.


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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

A daily use for XPointer

The W3C XInclude speci cation is a good way to write compositedocuments; the <include> element's@href attribute allows forXPointers:.


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<div><p><xi:include href="stalky.xml#



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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

The TEI linking module

The linking module provides a generic <link> to let you specify apoint to point relationship between two or more elements, usingmultiple values for the@target attribute:.


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<quote><p xml:id="report1">"In our report of the wedding of<persName>Mr. Lee Kwee Law</persName> to <persName>Miss Chan Siew

Cheen</persName> we inadvertently left out the following, who alsosent presents:——"—<title>Straits Echo.</title>

</p></quote><p xml:id="comment1">And then they inadvertently left themout again.</p><link targets="#report1 #comment1"/>

Note that this is establishing a connection, not a direction.

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Groups of links

<linkGrp> is provided to group together sets of <link>s. In thefollowing example, it allows for stand-off notes, andcharacterisation of those notes:.


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<l xml:id="l2.79">A place there is, betwixt earth, air and seas</l><l xml:id="l2.80">Where from Ambrosia, Jove retires for ease.</l><l xml:id="l2.88">Sign'd with that Ichor which from Gods distills.</l><note xml:id="n2.79"><bibl>Ovid Met. 12.</bibl><quote xml:lang="la"><l>Orbe locus media est,

inter terrasq; fretumq;</l><l>Cœlestesq; plagas —</l>

</quote></note><note xml:id="n2.88"> Alludes to <bibl>Homer, Iliad 5</bibl></note><linkGrp type="imitationnotes"><link targets="#n2.79 #l2.79"/><link targets="#n2.88 #l2.88"/>


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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Segmenting text, and marking arbitrary points withindocuments

The linking module adds three useful new elements:

<ab> marks an block of text with no special semanticinterpretation

<seg> marks a range of text with no special semanticinterpretation

<anchor> marks an arbitrary point in the text

The rst two have helpful@type and@subtype attributes.

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Marking points

<anchor> is comparable to an HTML anchor:.


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<p>He was merely working up to a peroration,and the boys knew it; but McTurk cut through the frothing sentence, theothersechoing:</p><p>‘<anchor xml:id="MTa"/>I appeal to the Head,sir.’</p><p>‘I appeal to the head, sir.’</p><p>‘I appeal to the Head, sir.’<anchor xml:id="Sa"/></p><p>It was their unquestioned right. Drunkenness meant expulsion after apublic flogging. They had been accused of it. The case was the Head's, andthe Head'salone.</p><span from="#MTa" to="#Sa">the verbal appeal</span>

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Anonymous blocks

In this inscription, there are separate lines, but they are not poetry,or paragraphs, so we isolate themwith <ab> (or if we didn't want toencapsulate them we could use <lb/>):.


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<div><ab>JOSEPH STORY</ab><ab>ONLY SON OF</ab><ab>WILLILAM W. AND EMELYN STORY</ab><ab>BORN MAY 3rd 1847</ab><ab>AT BOSTON U.S.A</ab><ab>DIED NOV. 23rd 1853</ab><ab>AT ROME</ab>


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There are more speci c elements elsewhere in the TEI for markingsentences, words and characters, but sometimes we need to markan arbitrary span, using <seg>:.


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<q>Don't say <q><seg type="stutter">I-I-I</seg>'m afraid,</q> Melvin, just say <q>I'm


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Correspondence and alignment

First, consider the representation of a manuscript page:

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Manuscript Text



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<ab xml:id="N6"><lb/>and hat hire don in obedience ðe cnoweð hire manere

<lb/>and hire strencðe. he mai ðe vttre riwle chaungen efter<lb/>wisdom alse he isihð te inre mai beon best iholden.<anchor xml:id="N_6"/><lb/>Non ancre bi mine rede ne schal makien professiun.

<lb/>þet is. bihoten ase hest.</ab>

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Correspondence and alignment (cont.)

Now let us look at an edited version and a translation:.


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<p xml:id="edited_6">Nan ancre bi mi read ne schal makien professiun—þetis, bihaten aseheast—bute þreo þinges, þet beoð obedience, chastete, antstude-steaðeluestnesse<!-- ... --></p>



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<p xml:id="translated_6">My advice is that no anchoress should makeprofession—that is, bind herself to a vow—of more than three things,which are obedience, chastity, and stability of abode<!-- ... --></p>

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Correspondence and alignment (cont.)

We can express a relationship between the texts as follows:.


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<linkGrp type="translations"><link targets="#edited_6 #translated_6"/>

<!-- … --></linkGrp><linkGrp type="editions"><link targets="#N-f2r #N6"/>

<!-- … --></linkGrp>

meaning ‘this paragraph in the translated edition corresponds totext at that anchor in the original’.

There are many other ways of dealing with material like this!

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Synchronizing time-based materialIf you are linking together sequences which are aligned by time,there is a special stand-off linking element <when>, grouped insidea <timeline>. It has attributes:

absolute an absolute time for the eventinterval the length of the gap since the last event

unit the unit of time in which the interval value isexpressed

since a link to the previous event.


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<timeline xml:id="tl1" origin="#w0" unit="ms"><when xml:id="w0" absolute="11:30:00"/><when xml:id="w1" interval="unknown" since="#w0"/><when xml:id="w2" interval="100" since="#w1"/><when xml:id="w3" interval="200" since="#w2"/><when xml:id="w4" interval="150" since="#w3"/>


These <when> objects can be used in a <link> to associate points intime with points in the text.

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Marking interpretations

The <interp> element is used to store an interpretation of somekind about a text. It can appear anywhere and either

points to text segments to which it applies, using the@instattribute


is pointed at from text segments to which it applies, using the@ana attribute

For grouping sets of similar interpretations, we can use <interpGrp>

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Example of marking simple interpretation

A few days ago the Crown Prince of Schlossrattenheim hadan accident with his aeroplane, which overturned nearSchutzmeer. Fortunately his Royal Highness fell on a retiredWuerst-haendler whowas walking on the beach.The Crown Prince's devotion to his beloved subjects is wellknown, and this tactful deed was only another instance of it.



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<p xml:id="cp1" ana="#IR">The Crown Prince's devotion to his belovedsubjects is well known, and this tactful deed was onlyanother instance of it.</p><interp xml:id="IR">Irony</interp>

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Segmentation for part of speech analysisExeter College Oxford which has just celebrated its sixhundredth anniversary is not the only college which bearsthe same name as that of a city



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<w ana="#NP0">Exeter</w><w ana="#NN1">College</w><w ana="#NP0">Oxford</w><w ana="#DTQ">which</w><w ana="#VHZ">has</w><w ana="#AV0">just</w><w ana="#VVN">celebrated</w><w ana="#DPS">its</w><w ana="#CRD">six</w><w ana="#ORD">hundredth</w><w ana="#NN1">anniversary</w><w ana="#VBZ">is</w><w ana="#XX0">not</w><w ana="#AT0">the</w><w ana="#AJ0">only</w><w ana="#NN1">college</w><w ana="#DTQ">which</w><w ana="#VVZ">bears</w><w ana="#AT0">the</w><w ana="#DT0">same</w><w ana="#NN1">name</w><w ana="#CJS">as</w><w ana="#DT0">that</w><w ana="#PRF">of</w><w ana="#AT0">a</w><w ana="#NN1">city</w>Oxford TEI Summer School 2010 23/62

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Interpretation group



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<interpGrp type="POS"><interp xml:id="AJ0">adjective (unmarked) (e.g. GOOD, OLD)</interp><interp xml:id="AT0">article (e.g. THE, A, AN)</interp><interp xml:id="AV0">adverb (unmarked) (e.g. OFTEN, WELL, LONGER, FURTHEST)</interp><interp xml:id="CJS">subordinating conjunction (e.g. ALTHOUGH, WHEN)</interp><interp xml:id="CRD">cardinal numeral (e.g. 3, FIFTY-FIVE, 6609) (excl ONE)</interp><interp xml:id="DPS">possessive determiner form (e.g. YOUR, THEIR)</interp><interp xml:id="DT0">general determiner (e.g. THESE, SOME)</interp><interp xml:id="DTQ">wh-determiner (e.g. WHOSE, WHICH)</interp><interp xml:id="NN1">singular noun (e.g. PENCIL, GOOSE)</interp><interp xml:id="NN2">plural noun (e.g. PENCILS, GEESE)</interp><interp xml:id="NP0">proper noun (e.g. LONDON, MICHAEL, MARS)</interp><interp xml:id="NULL">the null tag (for items not to be tagged)</interp><interp xml:id="ORD">ordinal (e.g. SIXTH, 77TH, LAST)</interp><interp xml:id="PRF">the preposition OF</interp><interp xml:id="VBZ">-s form of the verb "BE", i.e. IS, 'S</interp><interp xml:id="VHZ">-s form of the verb "HAVE", i.e. HAS, 'S</interp><interp xml:id="VVN">past participle form of lex. verb (e.g. TAKEN, LIVED)</interp><interp xml:id="VVZ">-s form of lexical verb (e.g. TAKES, LIVES)</interp><interp xml:id="XX0">the negative NOT or N'T</interp>


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Aggregating non-contiguous elements

The <join> element is used like <link>, pointing to 2 or moreidenti ed fragments of text. It claims that they could be joined tocreate a new virtual element (the@result attribute). <joinGroup> isprovided to aggregate <join>s.

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<join> example.


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<lg><l><seg xml:id="L1">E</seg>lizabeth it is in vain you say</l>

<l>"<seg xml:id="L2">L</seg>ove not" — thou sayest it in so sweet a way:</l><l><seg xml:id="L3">I</seg>n vain those words from thee or L.E.L.</l>

<l><seg xml:id="L4">Z</seg>antippe's talents had enforced so well:</l>

<l><seg xml:id="L5">A</seg>h! if that language from thy heart arise,</l>

<l><seg xml:id="L6">B</seg>reath it less gently forth — and veil thine eyes.</l>

<l><seg xml:id="L7">E</seg>ndymion, recollect, when Luna tried</l>

<l><seg xml:id="L8">T</seg>o cure his love — was cured of all beside —</l>

<l><seg xml:id="L9">H</seg>is follie — pride — and passion — for he died.</l>




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targets="#L1 #L2 #L3 #L4 #L5 #L6 #L7 #L8 #L9" result="name"><desc>The beloved's name</desc>


(from Edgar Allan Poe).Oxford TEI Summer School 2010 26/62

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A special case of linking: facsimiles

Increasingly people want to do not just 'text' editions but texteditions with facing page (or otherwise linked) facsimile images.Indeed, some people want to just have images and create andelectronic facsimile (perhaps with a view to later eventualtranscription). The <facsimile> element (a sibling of <teiHeader>and <text> is provided to accommodate this desire.

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Digital Facsimiles

<facsimile> contains a representation of some written sourcein the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed orencoded text<surface> de nes a written surface in terms of a rectangularcoordinate space

@start points to an element which encodes the startingposition of the text

<zone> de nes a rectangular area contained within a<surface> element

Global@facs (facsimile) points directly to an image, or to a partof a facsimile element which corresponds with this element.

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Simplest case: 1:1 mapping with@facs

If a digital text contains one image per page or column (or similarunit), and no more complex mapping between text and image isenvisaged, then the@facs attribute may be used to point directly toa graphic resource..


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<text><body><pb facs="147_13.jpg" n="13"/><div><head>ESSENCE OF PARLIAMENT.</head><p>

<!-- Page 13 continues --></p><pb facs="147_14.jpg" n="14"/><p>Business done. -- The Commons still...

<!-- Page 14 continues --></p>



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Using@facs in conjunction with <facsimile>, <surface>,and <zone>

Using these attributes and elements together enables an editor to

associate multiple images with each page

record arbitrary planar coordinates of textual elements on anykind of surface and link such elements to digital facsimileimages of them

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The facsimile element is used to represent a digital facsimile. Itappears within a TEI document along with, or instead of, the textelement introduced in section 5 Default Text Structure. When thismodule is selected therefore, a legal TEI document may thuscomprise any of the following:

a TEI Header and a text element

a TEI Header and a facsimile element

a TEI Header, a facsimile element, and a text element

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The facsimile element is used to represent a digital facsimile. Itappears within a TEI document along with, or instead of, the textelement introduced in section 5 Default Text Structure. When thismodule is selected therefore, a legal TEI document may thuscomprise any of the following:

a TEI Header and a text element

a TEI Header and a facsimile element

a TEI Header, a facsimile element, and a text element

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The facsimile element is used to represent a digital facsimile. Itappears within a TEI document along with, or instead of, the textelement introduced in section 5 Default Text Structure. When thismodule is selected therefore, a legal TEI document may thuscomprise any of the following:

a TEI Header and a text element

a TEI Header and a facsimile element

a TEI Header, a facsimile element, and a text element

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The facsimile element is used to represent a digital facsimile. Itappears within a TEI document along with, or instead of, the textelement introduced in section 5 Default Text Structure. When thismodule is selected therefore, a legal TEI document may thuscomprise any of the following:

a TEI Header and a text element

a TEI Header and a facsimile element

a TEI Header, a facsimile element, and a text element

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<facsimile> Example in Context



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<!-- teiHeader here --></teiHeader><facsimile><graphic url="147_13.jpg" xml:id="p1"/><graphic url="147_14.jpg" xml:id="p2"/><graphic url="147_15.jpg" xml:id="p3"/>


<!-- body here --></body>


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The <surface> element may be used to indicate that there are twoimage les corresponding with the same area of the work:.


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<facsimile><surface><graphic url="147_13.jpg"/><graphic url="147_13-huge.jpg"/>

</surface><graphic url="147_14.jpg"/><graphic url="147_15.jpg"/><graphic url="147_16.jpg"/>


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The actual dimensions of the object represented are notdocumented by the surface element; instead, the surface is locatedwithin an abstract coordinate space, which is de ned by thefollowing attributes, supplied by the att.coordinated class:

@ulx gives the x coordinate value for the upper left corner of arectangular space

@uly gives the y coordinate value for the upper left corner of arectangular space.

@lrx gives the x coordinate value for the lower right corner of arectangular space.

@lry gives the y coordinate value for the lower right corner of arectangular space.

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Example drawing rectangles

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<surface> Example



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<facsimile><surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="700" lry="1000">

<!-- ... --></surface>


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<zone> in <surface>

To describe the whole image, we will also need to de ne a zone ofinterest which represents an area inside this surface. This zone ofinterest can be de ned by a <zone> element, within which we canplace the <graphic>:.


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<facsimile><surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="993" lry="1639"><zone ulx="93" uly="681" lrx="967" lry="1568"><graphic url="147_13.jpg"/>



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The <desc> element may also be used within either <surface> or<zone> to provide some further information about the area beingde ned.

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<desc> Example



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<facsimile><surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="993" lry="1639"><desc>Printed page</desc><zone ulx="96" uly="89" lrx="750" lry="657"><desc>Cartoon</desc><graphic url="147_13.jpg"/>

</zone><zone ulx="95" uly="681" lrx="990" lry="1568"><desc>Text section</desc><graphic url="147_13.jpg"/>



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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

More uses for <zone>

In addition to acting as a container for <graphic> elements, <zone>elements may also be used to select parts of each surface foranalytical purposes..


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<facsimile><surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="993" lry="1639"><desc>main text</desc><zone ulx="393" uly="681" lrx="967" lry="890"><desc>Cartoon</desc><graphic url="147_13.jpg"/>

</zone><zone ulx="507" uly="596" lrx="704" lry="768"><desc>Artist's signature</desc>



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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Linking transcription and facsimile

...1 give each relevant part of the facsimile an identi er

...2 using the@facs attribute, point from the transcription into the<facsimile>

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Linking transcription and facsimile: <facsimile>



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<facsimile><surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="993" lry="1639"><graphic url="147_10.jpg"/><zone xml:id="cartoonfacs" ulx="96" uly="89" lrx="950" lry="657"><desc>Cartoon</desc>

</zone><zone xml:id="textfacs" ulx="93" uly="681" lrx="967" lry="1568"><desc>Text section</desc>



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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Linking transcription and facsimile: text



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<body><pb n="p10"/><div facs="#cartoonfacs"><figure>

<!-- cartoon info here --></figure>

</div><div facs="#textfacs"><head>THE WALKERS</head><lg><l>There were eight pretty walkers...</l>



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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Pointing from <facsimile> to transcription with@startattribute

It is also possible to point in the other direction, from a <surface> or<zone> to the corresponding text. This is the function of the@startattribute, which supplies the identi er of the element containingthe transcribed text found within the <surface> or <zone>concerned.

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

@start attribute example: <facsimile>



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<facsimile><surface start="#p10" ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="993" lry="1639"><zone xml:id="cartoonfacs2" ulx="96" uly="89" lrx="950" lry="657"><desc>Cartoon</desc><graphic url="147_10.jpg"/>



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@start attribute example: text



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<body><pb xml:id="p10" n="10"/><div><figure>

<!-- cartoon info here --></figure>

</div><div><head>THE WALKERS</head><lg><l>There were eight pretty walkers...</l>



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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Gravestone Example: <facsimile>



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<facsimile><surface xml:id="grave" ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="355" lry="678"><graphic url="gravestone-cropped.jpg"/><zone ulx="83" uly="223" lrx="272" lry="256" xml:id="line1"/><zone ulx="92" uly="251" lrx="256" lry="282" xml:id="line2"/><zone ulx="21" uly="281" lrx="330" lry="308" xml:id="line3"/><zone ulx="36" uly="306" lrx="320" lry="332" xml:id="line4"/><zone ulx="85" uly="535" lrx="249" lry="556" xml:id="line5"/><zone ulx="97" uly="556" lrx="241" lry="576" xml:id="line6"/><zone ulx="58" uly="577" lrx="281" lry="595" xml:id="line7"/><zone ulx="68" uly="595" lrx="271" lry="613" xml:id="line8"/>


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Gravestone Example: text.


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<div facs="#grave"><p>Private Moulds' gravestone</p><div><ab><s facs="#line1">12851 PRIVATE</s><lb/><s facs="#line2">H. MOULDS</s><lb/><s facs="#line3">NORTHAMPTONSHIRE REGT.</s><lb/><s facs="#line4">23RD JULY 1916 AGED 21</s>

</ab><ab><s facs="#line5">LOVING SON OF </s><lb/><s facs="#line6">MRS MOULDS</s><lb/><s facs="#line7">PETERBORO, ENGLAND</s><lb/><s facs="#line8">FOR EVER WITH US</s><lb/>



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Gravestone Example: rendered

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Written by Martin Holmes at University of Victoria

Allows image annotation

Saves its les as pure TEI P5

Main window tutorial

Annotation window tutorial

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IMT: main windowIMTmain window:

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IMT: annotation windowIMTannotation window:

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Loading and Using Images

Loading Images: File / New: starts new imageFile / Import: option of keeping existingannotations and applying to new image

Using Images: Zooming: scale toolbar box, or Control +mousewheelScrolling: mousewheel (up/down); Shift +mousewheel (left-right), or scrollbars

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

De ning and Editing Categories

IMT makes you sort your annotations into categories (butwhich and howmany are up to you!)You use the 'category manager' to create categories where youcan de ne:

an xml:id for identi cationa title/description of the categorya colour for the annotation lines on the imagea shape: rectangle (default and only one used in web view),ellipse, cross or spiral

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Adding and Deleting Annotation Areas

Click on 'Annotations / New annotation' (or button), and aresizable shape will appear on the image

You can resize and move the area with the mouse

The area, when selected, will have a white bounding box --otherwise it will be the colour of its category

The shape depends on the de ned shape in the categoryyou've chosen

To delete, select it and then click on 'Annotations / Deleteannotation' or button -- the associated annotations will also bedeleted

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Adding Annotation Text

When an annotation is added, it has the last category you used

You can change this to any other category

You can provide an annotation title (stored as tei:head)

You can provide some text (any tei:div content, tei:p default)

You can change the generated xml:id with the ID button

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Hiding and Showing Annotations

You can hide and show annotations in the annotations window

You can select either individual annotations to display

Or you can choose not to display a whole category ofannotations

This is useful when working with lots of overlappingannotations

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Creating a "Web View"

As an example IMT produces a 'web view'

This includes a web page, with slightly shrunk image, whereyour annotations appear as mouse-over outlines with boxesdisplaying the annotations

Double-clicking on an annotation area produces a zoomed inversion of the image for that area

This is really just a proo ng tool, but has been used by some asthe basis for annotated facsimiles

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General linking, segmentation and alignment A special case of linking: facsimiles Introducing the Image Markup Tool

Two examples

Since Punch has so many cartoons, mixed in with text, the outputfrom the IMT can be used with great effect. For example: and uses acustomised IMT Web View to provide both line-by-linetranscriptions and editorial notes.

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IMT Schemas

It is important quickly to note that IMT XML les are pure TEI P5XML. The RELAX NG schema is available with the installed program,as is the TEI ODD le that Roma uses to generate this schema.

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The linking and transcr modules provides a wide range of tools tolet you describe relationships between parts of your text. If you usethese techniques, remember:

You should work out a naming scheme to assign ID attributes.You will need a lot of them

There are often several ways to do things; use the morespecialized markup when you can to make it easier for othersto read. Don't rely on@type attributes with unde nedmeanings everywhere

Control your vocabulary for token attributes like@type

The TEI only takes you as far asmarkup. Implementing all thisto make a fancy interactive text exploration web site may be alot of work.

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