literature circle book by: annie moore and shelby pullins

Literature Circle Book Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins

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Post on 19-Jan-2018




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C haracter The Giver In the book The Giver Jonas is the main character. He follows all of the rules. He is a protagonist. Jonas was intelligent. We know this because this was one of the traits that made the elders select him to be the “Receiver Of Memory”. He also had integrity and courage. He was also chosen to be the Receiver because the elders said that he had the “capacity to see beyond”. He would also gain wisdom, that he did not have yet. Later in the story Jonas is angry because as he receives more memory he feels like everyone in the community should be able to make their own decisions.


Page 1: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins

Literature Circle BookLiterature Circle BookBy: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins

Page 2: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins


In the story, The Giver The Giver by Lois Lowry, the setting take place in a community where people must follow specific rules on how to live or they can be released from the community. The story starts sometime in October and the setting moves from the main character Jonas’ home to his school, and then to many other places throughout the community where he visits. Then in December, he goes to the auditorium for the ceremonies. Later on in the story the setting moves to the House of the Old where Jonas receives his memories.

Page 3: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins


In the book The Giver The Giver Jonas is the main character. He follows all of the rules. He is a protagonist. Jonas was intelligent. We know this because this was one of the traits that made the elders select him to be the “Receiver Of Memory”. He also had integrity and courage. He was also chosen to be the Receiver because the elders said that he had the “capacity to see beyond”. He would also gain wisdom, that he did not have yet. Later in the story Jonas is angry because as he receives more memory he feels like everyone in the community should be able to make their own decisions.

Page 4: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins


In the book The Giver The Giver , , The Giver is a major character because without this character the plot would not develop. The Giver is a dynamic character because he changes roles as he was once the receiver, he then becomes the giver. The Giver is also a protagonist because he helps Jonas. He has wisdom and is the most important of the elders. He knows what the real world is like. His skin is wrinkled and the job has aged him. He knows more than anyone in the town and his job is of great honor. He cares about the people in the community which is why he stays when Jonas runs away so that he could help the people cope with their new memories.

Page 5: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins


In the book The Giver The Giver , , Asher is a minor and static character because trouble he causes throughout the community. He does not change. He may be an antagonist because of the is constantly getting reprimanded by teachers , elders, and other adults in the community for breaking minor rules. Asher is Jonas’ up-beat, curious, mischievous best friend. He is not a bad kid, he just has a way of getting into trouble.

Page 6: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins


In the book The Giver The Giver , , Lily is a minor character because even though she reappears throughout the story but her role is not important to the plot. Lilly could be considered an antagonist because of how she suggests breaking rules to her family. Lilly is Jonas’ little sister. Lilly has a mind of her own. She has many ideas and does not always want to follow the rules. She is young but mature for her age. Lilly is outgoing and speaks her mind. She doesn’t understand all of the rules and things that she needs to understand about the town but she is learning and beginning to understand more every day.

Page 7: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins


In the book The Giver The Giver , , Jonas’ dad is a minor character because he is not important to the plot of the story. He is a good father and husband. He does not always follow all of the rules. He is honest and caring. We know this because he is a nurturer and he is very passionate about his work. He loves and cares for all of the new children.

Page 8: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins

PPlot – Rising Actionlot – Rising Action

Aircrafts flew over the community Jonas’ dad found out the name of the new

child Gabriel. Jonas is excited about the ceremony of

twelve and is wondering about what his assignment will be.

Jonas had his first stirrings. They went to the ceremony. Gabe did not get released

Page 9: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins

PPlot – Rising Action lot – Rising Action (Continued)(Continued)

The ceremony begins. They got to the ceremony of twelve. Jonas was skipped. He was last because he was “selected” to be the receiver of

memory. Jonas got his instructions and began his first day of training. Jonas received happy and sad memories. Jonas began to receive more painful memories. Jonas stops taking his pills. Jonas learned how to give Gabe memories so he began to give

him small happy memories so that he wouldn’t stir at night.

Page 10: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins

PPlolot – Rising Action t – Rising Action (Continued)(Continued)

Jonas finds out what they do when people get “released”. Conflict: Man vs. Self

Jonas doesn’t want to go home because he feels that his father lied to him and kills new children. Conflict: Man vs. Man

Jonas stays the night with The Giver. Jonas cries.

Page 11: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins

PPlot - Climaxlot - Climax

The climax of the story was when Jonas ran away. He had to run away to change things in his community. He took Gabe with him.

Conflict:Man VS Nature – Jonas VS Nature. Jonas had to go

through the elements of nature ( rain , snow , sleet , and hail) he also had to fight through hunger. He had to sleep in shrubbery and was put to the test on many occasions when he ran away.

Page 12: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins

MMood - Definitionood - Definition

Mood - The atmosphere that pervades a literary work with the intention of evoking a certain emotion or feeling from the audience.

Page 13: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins


The book The Giver, by Lois Lowery is very suspenseful. The passage " Jonas felt more and more certain that the destination lay ahead of him" really describes the mood of the end of this book. The quote captures The mood and Jonas's excitement for a better life for him and Gabriel. The life that Jonas lived before is awful compared to the life he is struggling to live. –Roland and Kyra

In the book, The Giver the mood is very serious. A lot has been happening and Jonas has been very frightened lately by the new memories and different things that The Giver has shown him. Jonas is a very brave kid and the novel is very intense. "That night, Jonas was forced to flee. He felt the dwelling shortly after the sky became dark and the community still." (Pg. 163) – BAV1

The mood at the end of the story is excitement and joy. When Jonas runs away, he is excited about a better life for him and Gabriel. "Downward, downward, faster and faster. Suddenly he was aware with certainty and joy that below, ahead, they were waiting for him; and they were waiting, too, for the baby. For the first time, he heard something that he knew to be music. He heard people singing."

Page 14: Literature Circle Book By: Annie Moore and Shelby Pullins

TTheme and heme and RResolutionesolution

One of the most important themes in The Giver is the significance of memory to human life. Without memory, there is no pain—if you have not experienced real pain then you can’t know what real joy or happiness or victory feels like. At some point in the past the community in The Giver decided to eliminate all pain from their lives. To do so, they had to give up the memories of their society’s collective experiences. Not only did this allow them to forget all of the pain that had been suffered throughout human history, it also prevented members of the society from wanting to engage in activities and relationships that could result in conflict and suffering, and eliminated any longing for the for the things the community gave up in order to live in total peace and harmony , because you can’t miss something that you never remember having. According to the novel, however, memory is essential. The Committee of Elders does recognize the practical applications of memory—if you do not remember your errors, you may repeat them—so it designates a Receiver to remember history for the community. But as Jonas undergoes his training, he learns that just as there is no pain without memory, there is also no true happiness. From the story I learned that you should cherish you memories because they make you who you are. Whatever you’ve been through makes you a stronger person and you need the memories of pain and heartache to show you how far you’ve come. The quote ."Downward, downward, faster and faster. Suddenly he was aware with certainty and joy that below, ahead, they were waiting for him; and they were waiting, too, for the baby. For the first time, he heard something that he knew to be music. He heard people singing.“ encompasses the theme of this story. Jonas had been through a lot but it only made him stronger, and he knew what pure joy felt like because he had felt pain. He knew what happiness was only because he had once felt sadness. When he was sledding down that mountain I’m sure he was thankful for all of the sad and painful memories that he had because it just made the ride even better.