little sales hinges guide


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How To Maximize Your Profits Quickly & At Little Or No Cost

Little Hinges Swing BIG Doors!

Little Sales & Marketing Hinges SwingBIG Increases in Productivity and Income!

A Practical Guide by Rubin Wald, PresidentThe Practical Guides Company, Inc.

Rubin, you're amazing!Robert G. Allen, Millionaire Maker & Best Selling Author of Nothing Down, Creating Wealth & Multiple Streams of Income

Rubin has a brilliant marketing mind. His marketing skills get results.Ron Finklestein, Award Winning Sales Consultant & International Author of 6 Business Books

Copyright 2015, Rubin Wald & The Practical Guides Company, Inc., All Rights Reserved


Little Sales & Marketing Hinges SwingBIG Increases in Productivity and Income!

Rubin's Endorsements & Testimonials

Wow, Rubin Wald has given the clearest description of the difference between imagination and visualization that I have ever encountered. It will help you transform your dreams of wealth into physical reality.Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, Co-author, The One Minute Millionaire

Rubin's 3 perspective shift formula for success is easy to understand and implement.Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach & Co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul Series

The sales people in my organization who are serious about getting to the next level really love Rubin's program.Nick Palumbo, Opus Advisory Group, representing Guardian Life Ins. Co.

Rubin's ideas are brilliant and innovative!Dr. Eugene Hummel, ND, Alternative Health Options

Rubin, you're amazing!Robert G. Allen, Millionaire Maker & Best Selling Author of Nothing Down, Creating Wealth & Multiple Streams of Income

Rubin has a brilliant marketing mind. His marketing skills get results.Ron Finklestein, Award Winning Sales Consultant & International Author of 6 Business Books

Little Hinge Table of Contents

Page 3 - Hinge #1: What We Measure Improves. What We Measure and Report Improves Exponentially

Page 5 - Hinge #2: It's All Just Feedback!

Page 6 - Hinge #3: Create a higher priced, DELUXE version of your basic product/service

Page 7 - Hinge #4: Slack Adjuster!

Page 8 - Hinge #5: BOOM!

Page 10 - Hinge #6: Because . . .

Page 11 - Hinge #7: What you REWARD is what you get more of!

Page 12 - Hinge #8: The right word or sentence can generate a lot more income for you!

Page 13 - Hinge #9: The Hawthorne Effect

Page 14 - Hinge #10: The Power of BIG Goals!

Page 15 Hinge #11: Failure is the Portal to Success!

Page 16 - Hinge #12: A Special Gold Hinge: The Incredible Quantum Perspective


Little Hinge #1

What We Measure Improves.

What We Measure and Report Improves Exponentially!

An obscure 19th century principle has the power to exponentially increase your sales and your income, yet not one in a thousand sales people or business owners is aware of this hinge's potential to make its user rich.

Called the Pearson Principle, these 11 words have the power to rock your world! Yes, just by measuring a few of your activities you can grow your sales and increase your profits. And by reporting what you measure, your profits can take a quantum leap increase!

A Compelling example. In the 1990s, direct response marketing expert, Dan Kennedy, worked with thousands of chiropractors and dentists to help them increase their businesses. The doctors were required to send in reports of what they had done the previous week to build their practices. Since they were investing a lot of money, they did so.

A stunning discovery! Even those doctors who did nothing else but send in a weekly report increased their profits, in some cases rather dramatically.

Another example. A pro football team loses all but two of its games. The head coach is fired and a new coach takes charge of the team. Before the new season starts, this coach meets individually with each player, armed with their individual performance numbers for the previous year. So, if the quarterback completed an average of 15 passes last year, his goal is to complete 16 passes-3-the first game, 17 the second game and so forth. If the running back averaged 5 yards a carry, his goal for the first game is 5 1/2 yards, six for the second game, etc. At the end of the season, the team won 9 games!

More proof. Business guru Ron Finklestein, the Napoleon Hill of the 21st century for his book, Nine Principles for Inspired Action, credits accountability as a major reason for the success of his famous Business and Sales Advisory Groups that teach business owners and sales people to be more successful.

So the 'secret' to potentially blasting your sales and income into the stratosphere is MEASUREMENT and ACCOUNTABILITY!

So who will you report your measurements to?

Your family is probably too emotionally involved in your success (or lack of success) to be objective.

Your friends? They really like you just the way you are!

A competitor? Forget about it!

Choose carefully. Depending on what motivates you, you may want to make a investment in an accountability partner, such as a coach or consultant. This could be an very important factor in your business growth.

Make Measure and Report an important hinge for your business or career! It only tales a little time to accurately measure your activities and even less time to report them but the results can be humongous!


Little Hinge #2

It's All Just FEEDBACK!

It's just feedback! Don't personalize it, it's just feedback! Don't get too excited by it or too frustrated or depressed by it . . . it's just feedback!

An observer at a baseball game in Yankee Stadium watched as Babe Ruth struck out three times in a row. His fourth time at bat, in the ninth inning with the Yankees losing by one run and a man on base, the Babe hits a home run to win the game.

The observer noted the expression on the Babe's face when he hit the game-winning home run was exactly the same as the three times he struck out.

It's just feedback! If the Babe had brooded about striking out; if he doubted himself and his ability; if he feared coming up to bat again, would he have won the game with a home run?

It's all just feedback and it applies to my life too and to yours!!

A marketing strategy doesn't work. A sale falls through. You get your biggest order ever. It's all feedback! Just keep going and growing.

Rx: Read this little hinge six times a day this month and get on with your business! (And with your life.)


Little Hinge #3

Create a higher priced, DELUXE versionof your basic product or service

You'll find that, when you offer a deluxe version first, up to 20% of your customers or clients will accept the deluxe offer. Automatically you start off making a lot more money.

It gets even better! If the deluxe version is not accepted, by starting with the deluxe version and then retreating to your basic product or service, you will discover that a higher percentage of your prospects are accepting your basic product or service. And you can even charge a higher price for your basic version than you are now charging.

A psychological reality is at work here. By rejecting your deluxe version, in some unconscious way, your prospect feels obligated to you and will accept your basic offer, even paying a higher price than you are now charging.

A win-win-win situation is created whether the deluxe version or the basic version is purchased. Sales increase! Commissions increase! Customer and client satisfaction increase!

This is a powerful sales and marketing strategy. It's a little hinge that swings BIG sales!


Little Hinge #4


You're having a slow month. Or a normal month but you want more! Here's a strategy to take up the slack and bring your revenues up to your monthly average . . . or higher!

A plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California, offers a $100,000 package and a $200,000 package. The husbands of two of his female clients separately approach the doctor with an unusual request. Could the doctor create a Million Dollar package so they could really impress their wives! So the doctor creates a Whatever We Do, You Can Have! Package. And his slow months become a thing of the past.

A hardware store in a small town suddenly is dealing with the reality of a Home Depot that opened nearby. Its customers still shop in the store but mainly for the convenience of purchasing small items such as nails and screws. So, upon the advice of his trusty marketing consultant, the owner starts carrying a line of really high end Bar-B-Que grills with huge profit margins. He only has to sell a few of them to take up the slack of his losses to Home Depot.

An ice cream parlor in New York City has a $25,000.00 sundae on its menu. It sells a few a year to celebrities and other wealthy patrons. It takes a lot of $8.00 sundaes to equal the profits of one $25,000 sundae!

Coaches and consultants put on three day, five day, week-long Seminars, Boot-camps, Retreats, etc. Why? Clients pay big money to attend them!

Be creative. Every business and practice has plenty of room for one or more slack adjuster! Every company can provide its sales people with a really large high ticket product or service, a little hinge that swings an obscenely big commission!-7-

Little Hinge # 5

B O O M !

Here's a simple process to get your business booming. It won't cost you any money to set it up but you would be wise to prepare for a tsunami of new and repeat business! I heard about it from Jay Abraham, marketing guru extraordinaire.

It's based on the principle that we all want to be seen, to feel valued, visible, cared for and appreciated by those we do business with.

A day or two after a patient has a procedure or you conclude a sale with a client/customer, call them up and inquire whether all went well with the procedure or transaction. Ask how they are feeling and do they have any questions or concerns.

A week or so later, call them again.

A month later, a 3rd call!Systematize these follow-up calls. Put them in your calendar, have your assistant remind you.Get in the habit of doing this and you'll have everyone you do business with talking and thinking about you all the time. Why? Because NOBODY does it!

You and your practice or company will be top of mind. You'll be-8-recommended to everyone your clients or customers know. They will giveyou business they now take elsewhere and defend you if anyone gives you any negative feedback online.

And when you are contacting these people who have done business with you, remind them why you are special. Tell them about any new products and services they may be interested in. Reinforce your guarantee policy, your return policy, anything that makes your business unique and you stand out.

It's been established that up to 10% of those doing business with you forget that you exist every month they don't hear from you. It's harder, and much more expensive, getting a new customer or client than staying in touch with the ones who already know and trust you.

Add simple phone calls and they'll never forget you! It's another little hinge that swings BIG doors.

The dentist Jay Abraham taught to follow up with his patients saw his practice BOOM!


Little Hinge # 6

Because . . .

A powerful trigger word helping us get what we want!

Actual experiment by Harvard social psychologist Ellen Langer:

1. She asked a small favor of people waiting in line to use a copier, Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the Xerox machine ?

60% of those asked let her get to the head of the line.

She now added a reason for her request,

Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I'm in a rush?

94% let her get ahead in line.

Her last request included no real reason to justify her request,

Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?

93% let her go to the head of the line. The word because triggers an automatic compliance response! Even when you don't give a reason. Try using it the next time you want something. Why? Just because!


Little Hinge # 7

What you REWARDis what you get more of!

Joe Girard is in the Guinness Book of World Records for selling the most cars in a single year. Each month he would mail over 15,000 cards to his customers and prospects. The theme was different but the message was the same. Happy Valentine's Day, I Like You!, Happy New Year, I Like You! Happy Birthday, I Like You! Now, when you need a new car, aren't you going buy from someone who likes you?

Reward the behavior you want more of:

*Want more referrals? Reward those who refer!

*Send hand written, personalized thank you notes.

(A muffler repair shop quoted me a much lower price than my local garage. I sent a thank you note. A month later, I had to return to the shop. My thank you note was taped to their counter! I realized mine might have been the first thank you note they ever got from a customer. They felt good and I felt good.)

*Have appreciation events for your customers, clients or patients.

*Unexpected gifts create good will.

(I had a client in Germany who loved single malt scotches. I came across an article about how they were made and sent it to him. He was thrilled!)


Little Hinge # 8

The right word or sentence can generate a lot more income for you!*

Some Proven Examples:

Motor oil sales increased dramatically when a service station used Is your oil at the safe driving level? instead of Can I check your oil?

When a pharmacist finds out what the problem is, he picks out a remedy and says This will give you quick relief!

Here's how one store employed curiosity to sell out a large number of toothbrushes: After making a sale, the owner, sales person or clerk would say, Have you ever used a scientific toothbrush? The customer would reply, What's that? The response, while handing the toothbrush to the customer, Its bristles are adjusted to clean between the teeth to prevent decay.

A coffee shop doubled sales of pastries by taking the assumptive close. When a customer ordered a coffee, the clerk would say, Would you like a donut or a muffin with your coffee?

When a person orders a drink, instead of asking Large or small?, just say Large?

Asking for his or her opinion is a proven way to get a business owner to want to talk with you about what you have to offer.

* Many of the examples on this page are from two books by Elmer Wheeler, Tested Sentences that Sell and Sizzlemanship: New Tested Sentences that Sell.


Little Hinge # 9

The Hawthorne Effect

An early attempt of industrial research was conducted in the 1920s at the Hawthorne Works, the largest telephone factory of AT&T. The idea was to test the effects of increased lighting on productivity. Then it was expanded to include other variables, such as work breaks.

The problem the researchers ran into was that productivity increased whether the lighting was increased or decreased! Same with work breaks.

The key to understanding the Hawthorne Effect is to keep experimenting! So, if you want to increase your sales or improve your marketing results, keep making changes and trying new tactics and strategies.

You'll probably discover that, just adding one change may make little or no difference but a lot of changes, added all at once, can make a BIG difference in your productivity and profits! (At the Hawthorne Works, these little changes added up to a 30% increase in production.)

A men's clothing store was about to go out of business. As a last resort, a marketing consultant was hired. After observing the store for a few days, he told the owner to do the following all at once...change the store hours, rearrange the merchandise in the store and put a big fish tank in the display window. Sales improved 30% and the business was saved!

This is the Hawthorne Effect in action. Each individual change might have little or no effect. A few actions, done simultaneously, can have a BIG effect!

(This Hinge was found in Dale Dauten's marvelous book The Max Strategy)


Little Hinge # 10

BIG Goals Produce the Best Outcomes!

Studies by psychologists Gary Latham and Edwin Locke showed that:

Setting goals increases performance and productivity up to 25%

Setting goals easily increases motivation and enhances performance

Setting BIG Goals produce the Best Outcomes!

To quote Latham, We found that if you want the largest increase in motivation and productivity, then big goals lead to the best outcomes. Big goals significantly outperform small goals, medium-sized goals and vague goals. It comes down to attention and persistence which are two of the most important factors in determining performance. Big goals help focus attention and they make us more persistent. The result is we're much more effective when we work, and much more willing to get up and try again when we fail.

So by setting a big goal, you are helping yourself achieve that goal!

(This hinge was discovered in Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler's book, BOLD)-14-

Little Hinge # 11

Failure is the Portal to Success!

Thomas J. Watson, the founder of IBM, asked for his formula for success replied,

It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure.

Anne Sullivan, the teacher who taught the deaf and blind Helen Keller to communicate, wrote

Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose not the one you began with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember.


Little Hinge # 12

A special Gold Hinge!

The Incredible Quantum Perspective

Seth Godin said it best: Change your perspective to change your behavior. When you change your behavior, you can start achieving what you now consider 'impossible'!

The Incredible Quantum Perspective is a 21st Century approach to bringing abundance and joy into your life FAST!

Whatever you want, you aren't going to get it doing what you've always done.You need a PERSPECTIVE SHIFT because science, in particular physics, has always defined the limits of human achievement what is possible and what is impossible. For over 300 years, the classical science perspective has governed the way we approach getting what we want for our lives.

Quantum physics, today's mainstream science, clearly shows the limitations of relying on the classical perspective and provides 3 perspective-shifting principles that change the way we behave toward our goals!

Perspective Shift #1: Niels Bohr's Complementarity Principle eliminates the distinction between a mental goal and its physical equivalent because mental and physical are two aspects of a larger, inclusive reality. Our challenge is to transform our mental goals into their physical equivalents and this requires a different set of behaviors than going after what we don't believe we already have.


Perspective Shift #2: The role of the observer you and me in quantumscience is totally pro-active. So, if you want a better life, mentally observe yourself living that life! This is a key part of transforming your mental reality into its physical equivalent.

Perspective Shift #3: Uncertainty! Werner Heisenberg won the Nobel Prize for his work on uncertainty. His conclusion: Uncertainty in reality is constant. There is no master plan keeping us from getting whatever we desire. No chance, no fate, no luck!

The Incredible Quantum Perspective gives you the knowledge and the practical tools to change your thinking and your behavior. You don't even have to understand the science to see results any more than you have to understand how a car works in order to drive one!

The Incredible Quantum Perspective is a 13 Week Program that gives you everything you need for fast results. To become happily involved with it, Email: [email protected]



This seminar is for you if you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, a sales manager, an ambitious sales person. It is for anyone looking to get a slight edge over their competition. Because that slight advantage, that little hinge, often determines who makes the sale, whose team is #1, which business will thrive!If you want more confidence, more money, more joy, more financial freedom, more enthusiasm, sign up to attend this seminar NOW!

Ron Finklestein, voted Best Sales Trainer in Akron, 2013 & 2014, and Rubin Wald, endorsed by both Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield, have teamed up to create a dynamic Seminar that teaches you easy to apply sales and marketing tactics and strategies, psychological trigger words and powerful universal principles you can use immediately to increase your sales and profits.

Limited to only 15 participants, you get all the following:

*Breakfast! *Networking! *Two hours of incredible knowledge you can implement immediately to increase your business, sales and income.

Each attendee will receive both a copy of Ron's brilliant book, Make a Difference: From Being Successful to Being Significant that secret millionaire, James Malinchak, endorsed on the front cover. (A $20.00 value)and a copy of Rubin's latest guide book, Little Sales & Marketing Hinges that can Swing BIG increases in Your Productivity and Income. (A $49.00 value)

A full, 100% Money-back Guarantee. At the end of the Seminar,if you do not feel you have gotten your money's worth in knowledge you can use immediately to further your career, your $25 will be refunded in full. And you can still keep both handouts!Go to this Eventbrite link to enroll:


LITTLE HINGES SWING BIG DOORS SEMINAR GIVES YOU POWERFUL TRIGGER WORDS, UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES & SELLING SKILLS TO IMMEDIATELY INCREASE YOUR SALES AND PROFITS!Wed, March 18, 2015 in Fairlawn from 7:30 A.M. To 10:00 A.M.This important seminar is for you if you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, a sales manager, an ambitious sales person looking to get a slight edge over your competition. That small advantage, that little hinge, often determines who makes the sale, whose team is #1, which business will thrive!Because you want more confidence, more money, more joy, more financial freedom, more enthusiasm, sign up to attend this seminar NOW!

International Author Ron Finklestein, voted Best Sales Trainer in Akron, 2013 & 2014, and Rubin Wald, endorsed by both Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield, have teamed up to create a dynamic Seminar that teaches you easy to apply sales and marketing tactics and strategies, psychological trigger words and powerful universal principles you can immediately use to increase your sales and profits.

Limited to only 15 participants, you get all the following:

*Breakfast! *Networking! *And two hours of incredible knowledge you can implement immediately to increase your business, sales and income.

Each attendee receives both a copy of Ron's brilliant book, Make a Difference: From Being Successful to Being Significant that secret millionaire, James Malinchak, endorsed on the front cover. (A $20.00 value) and a copy of Rubin's latest guide book, Little Sales & Marketing Hinges that can Swing BIG Increases in Your Productivity and Income. (A $49.00 value)

A full, 100% Money-back Guarantee. If you do not feel you have gotten your money's worth in knowledge and resources you can use immediately to further your career, your $25 will be refunded. And you can still keep both handouts!To enroll, Go to this Eventbrite link:



11 Hidden Secrets For Getting BIG Increases in Productivity and Income Without Any Investment!

This is a business owner or sales person's dream, having that little edge over your competition, that slight advantage that results in your getting the business.

LITTLE HINGES SWING BIG DOORS is a practical guide that gives you 11 tactics, strategies and systems for getting more income and jumping to the top of your profession immediately !

Do you want exponential growth? Hinge #1 reveals an obscure 19th century principle that can explode your sales and your income, yet not one in ten thousand sales people or business owners is aware of its potential to make its user rich.

Want to learn how to make your prospect feel obligated to do business with you. Hinge #3 reveals how.

If you don't know what a Slack Adjuster is, you're leaving a lot of money in someone else's pocket instead of yours!

B O O M!! Get your business or practice booming with this so very easy to implement Hinge #5.

All it takes is the right word or two to generate a lot more income for you. You'll learn why in Hinge#8

Here's how to get your own copy of Little Sales & Marketing Hinges Swing BIG Increases in Productivity and Income! Go to: and click on the Paypal Button. More information? Call Rubin Wald, author and publisher at 917-334-8356.

Rubin has a brilliant marketing mind. His marketing skills get results. Ron Finklestein, Award Winning Sales Consultant & International Author