lo 1.7: the student is able to justify data from mathematical models based on the hardy-weinberg...

LO 1.7 : The student is able to justify data from mathematical models based on the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to analyze genetic drift and the effects of selection in the evolution of specific populations. SP 2.1 : The student can justify the selection of a mathematical routine to solve problems. Explanation : The Hardy-Weinberg equation describes allele frequencies in populations and how evolution occurs. In order for there to be equilibrium in a population, there must be conditions met. In reality, genetic drift and natural selection do occur. Without these two factors, populations would never evolve. Natural selection allows organisms to be more suited for the ever changing environment and genetic drift allows for generations to vary in size meaning the next generation will be either smaller or larger than the previous. The Hardy-Weinberg equations p²+2pq+q²=1 and p+q=1 can be used efficiently every time to figure the frequency of a certain allele or what phenotypes are present, assuming the population of interest is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Natural selection would mean an equation could not be applied to predict future generations because it varies from organism to organism and genetic drift would throw off the ratios of certain genetic frequencies dramatically. M.C. Question : If a population of dogs has a genetic frequency of white hair 0.21 (recessive), what will be the frequency of the codominant heterozygous trait of black with white spots? a) 0.5465 c) 0.3318 b) 0.3429 d) 0.4764 Learning Log/FRQ-Style Question : In order to truly obtain Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium, conditions must be met of the population. Tell what each is and explain it. Also be sure to include why a population

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LO 1.7: The student is able to justify data from mathematical models based on the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to analyze genetic drift and the effects of selection in the evolution of specific populations.

SP 2.1: The student can justify the selection of a mathematical routine to solve problems.

Explanation: The Hardy-Weinberg equation describes allele frequencies in populations and how evolution occurs. In order for there to be equilibrium in a population, there must be conditions met. In reality, genetic drift and natural selection do occur. Without these two factors, populations would never evolve. Natural selection allows organisms to be more suited for the ever changing environment and genetic drift allows for generations to vary in size meaning the next generation will be either smaller or larger than the previous. The Hardy-Weinberg equations p²+2pq+q²=1 and p+q=1 can be used efficiently every time to figure the frequency of a certain allele or what phenotypes are present, assuming the population of interest is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Natural selection would mean an equation could not be applied to predict future generations because it varies from organism to organism and genetic drift would throw off the ratios of certain genetic frequencies dramatically.

M.C. Question: If a population of dogs has a genetic frequency of white hair 0.21 (recessive), what will be the frequency of the codominant heterozygous trait of black with white spots?a) 0.5465 c) 0.3318b) 0.3429 d) 0.4764Learning Log/FRQ-Style Question: In order to truly obtain Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, conditions must be met of the population. Tell what each is and explain it. Also be sure to include why a population can/cannot be expected to meet the condition.


M.C. Question: If a population of dogs has a genetic frequency of white hair 0.21 (recessive), what will be the frequency of the codominant heterozygous trait of black with white spots?a) 0.5465 c) 0.3318b) 0.3429 d) 0.4764

Work:p+q=1 p²+2pq+q²=1p+0.21=1 0.79²+2(0.79)(0.21)+0.21²=10.79+0.21=1 2(0.79)(0.21)=0.3318

Learning Log/FRQ-Style Question: In order to truly obtain Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, conditions must be met of the population. Tell what each is and explain it. Also be sure to include why a population can/cannot be expected to meet the condition.

In a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, there must be no mutations, no natural selection, an infinitely large population, completely random mating, no net immigration or emigration, all individuals must produce the same number of offspring (no genetic drift), and generations may not overlap. No mutations is when no genetic difference occurs from the parents. Mutations are naturally occuring so you cannot truly stop them from happening. Natural selection is also naturally occuring when the female chooses the bigger, stronger male thus choosing for more desirable genes. This also shows how truly random mating cannot occur. A population cannot be infinitely large and grow without constraint because there is always going to be some kind of control mechanism in place like carrying capacity or a rise in predation. Organisms are always naturally coming and going and the only time immigration and emigration do not occur is in a zoo and on an isolated island. Genetic drift always happens because an animal cannot control how many babies it has at a time. Generations do overlap, especially in humans because we do not all mate and have babies at the same time (no mating season).

LO 3.31 The student is able to describe basic chemical processes for cell communication shared across evolutionary lines of descent.

SP 7.2 The student can connect concepts in and across domain(s) to generalize or extrapolate in and/or across enduring understandings and/or big ideas.

Explanation: Cells in biological organisms must communicate with each in order to conduct biological processes in unison and keep the body working functioning properly. This is generally performed through signal transduction, where a ligand (signal) is transmitted to a target cell where the signal is received by receptors and a cell response follows. This is done in a variety of ways depending on the distance of the signaling cell to the target cell. For example, there is close communication known as paracrine signaling. This could be neuron-to-neuron, cell-to-cell contact like the plasmodesmata connecting two plants cells, or induction like in early embryos. There is also longer distance communication called endocrine signaling. For example, in the endocrine system when the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline into the blood stream, it travels through the blood to reach its target cell.

M.C. Question: Which of the following is an example of paracrine signaling?A) An Adrenal gland secreting a hormoneB) A neuron passing an impulse along to the next neuronC) The transmission of a signal through the nervous

systemD) The travelling of growth factors in plants (such as

cytokinin) to other plant cells

Learning Log/FRQ-style Question: Discuss the special properties of hormones and describe the process, in terms of signal transduction, those properties allow them to do.


Which of the following is an example of paracrine signaling?

A) An Adrenal gland secreting a hormoneB) A neuron passing an impulse along to the next neuronC) The transmission of a signal through the nervous systemD) The travelling of growth factors in plants (such as cytokinin) to other plant cells

Discuss the special properties of hormones and describe the process, in terms of signal transduction, those properties allow them to do.

A special property of hormones is that they are non-polar and fat soluble. This allows the steroids to be able to diffuse easily across the plasma membrane. This process starts as the hormone is excreted by some type of gland, since hormones are part of the endocrine system. As the hormone approaches its target cell, it easily diffuses across the cell’s non-polar plasma membrane. It then binds to it receptor located in the cytoplasm. This new complex then enters the nucleus and binds to a specific gene located on the cell’s DNA. This gene then undergoes transcription and is turned into mRNA later to be made into a protein.

LO 4.7: The student is able to refine representations to illustrate how interactions between external stimuli and gene expression result in specialization of cells, tissues, and organs.

SP 1.3: the student can refine representations and models of natural and man-made phenomena and systems in the domain.

When a zygote is formed it starts mitosis and stem cells are formed. Once there are about eight stem cells, the director cells sends out signals to the other stem cells to differentiate. The stem cell takes in the external stimuli and activates the gene for expression. When the signal is received the cell starts to change to express or turn on a certain genes that make the cell a certain type of cell. An example would be a muscle cell, the cell receives the signal and the master control protein myoD and that is the point of no return. Now the myoD codes for proteins that turn on other genes needed for a muscle cell to function properly.

MC: Why are embryonic stems cells better to use in experiments than adult stem cells? A.) The embryonic stem cells are easier to work with in an experiment B.) The embryonic stem cells are not differentiated yet C.) The embryonic stem cells are differentiated D.) The adult stem cells are not big enough to use in a experiment

FRQ: Explain how embryonic stem cells can form different types of cells. Give one example of a cell that is differentiated.

Answer Key LO: 4.7• MC: B• FRQ:

Max 4pts. (each bullet worth 1 pt.)

External Stimuli • Explains that a cell receives signals from other cells• That causes a signal pathway to happen in the cell

Genes • Explains that the pathway turns on a gene

Transduction • Explains how the gene is transduced from the pathway and turned into mRNA

Translation • Explains how the mRNA is translated into proteins that cause more proteins to be transduced

Signals • The protein formed could also be used to make more signals to send out to other cells.

LO 3.3: The student is able to describe representations and models that illustrate how genetic information is copied between generations.

SP 1.2: The student can describe representations and models of natural or man-made phenomena and systems in the domain.

Explanation: The process of DNA replication begins when a “bubble” starts to from in the DNA strand, and at the end of each of the these bubbles is a replication fork, where is where the new strands of DNA will be elongating. Here at the fork, there are enzymes called DNA Polymerases, which builds the DNA as the shape of the DNA, a double-helix, begins to unwinds by the enzyme Helicase and remains separated with a single strand binder (SSB), which wedges itself between the two strands. When the helicase unzips the strands, the two original ones stay together (they don’t break apart/ “disassemble”) when nucleotides (A, T, C, G) come and bind with a strand. However, before this happens, a Primer (which is made of RNA) has to be placed in order for the process to begin, the primer is added by a primase, which places the primer at the five prime end of the leading strand. A DNA strand can only elongate/build in the direction five prime (5’) to three (3’) prime. The leading strand, the strand that goes in the direction 5’ to 3’ is continuously built by the polymerases. However other strand, the one that is oppositely oriented from the leading strand, the lagging strand goes in the direction 3’ to 5’. Because the lagging strand goes in this direction, the strand cannot be built continuously and forms these small spaces in the strand called Okazaki fragments. Since the DNA Polymerase (III) builds only 5’ to 3’, it has to go back and forth, and requires more primers. As the polymerases (III) are building the strands forward, DNA polymerase (I) removes the primer(s) in both the leading and lagging strands and replaces it with DNA. When the building is complete, an enzyme called DNA ligase will go to the leading strand and bind the 3’ end (which cannot bind with everything else by itself) and fuses it to the rest of the strand. The same kind of enzyme, DNA ligase, will do the same with the lagging strand, only it will bind the Okazaki fragments together as well, as the strand still contains those gaps. In case of any errors during replication, DNA polymerase will find and fix the mistakes, this is called mismatch repair. Usually if a part of the strand is damaged, a DNA-cutting enzyme (called nuclease) will cut out the damaged part, DNA polymerase will replace the damaged part, and DNA ligase will fuse the parts together.

M.C. Question: Which of the following statements about the replication of DNA is true?A) The strand containing the Okazaki fragments goes 5’ to 3’ B) Ligase builds the DNAC) Helicase unwinds the DNA as it moves down the double helix.D) There is only one origin when the replication process begins

FRQ Question: There is a difference between how some proteins work in the lagging strand of DNA than how they work in the leading strand of DNA. Describe the difference between the function of three out of the four given proteins below when theyare working on the leading strand and when they are working of the lagging strand.• Primase• DNA Polymerase I• DNA Polymerase II• DNA Ligase


M.C. Question (answer): Which of the following statements about the replication of DNA is true?A) The strand containing the Okazaki fragments goes 5’ to 3’ B) Ligase builds the DNAC) Helicase unwinds the DNA as it moves down the double helix.D) There is only one origin when the replication process begins

FRQ Question (answer): There is a difference between how some proteins work in the lagging strand of DNA than how they work in the leading strand of DNA. Describe the difference between the function of three out of the four given proteins below when they are working on the leading strand and when they are working of the lagging strand.• Primase• DNA Polymerase I• DNA Polymerase III• DNA Ligase

When Primase works in the leading strand of DNA, it synthesizes a single RNA primer from the 5’ end of the leading strand. When the Primase works in the lagging strand, it synthesizes a RNA primer from the 5’ end of each of the Okazaki fragments. On the leading strand, DNA Polymerase I removes the primer from the 5’ end of the leading strand and then replaces it with DNA. On the lagging strand, the DNA Polymerase I removes the primers from each of the 5’ ends of the Okazaki fragments and replaces them with DNA. The function of the DNA Polymerase III on the leading strand is to continue synthesizing the leading strand, not stopping, which adds onto the primer. The function of the DNA Polymerase III on the lagging strand is to elongate the Okazaki fragments, which adds onto the their primers. On the leading strand, DNA Ligase joins the 3’ end of DNA to the rest of the leading strand. While on the lagging strand, DNA Ligase fuses the Okazaki fragments together.

LO 1.1: The student is able to convert a data set from a table of numbers that reflect a change in the genetic makeup of a population over time and to apply mathematical methods and conceptual understandings to investigate the cause(s) and effect(s) of this change.

SP 1.5: The student can re-express key elements of natural phenomena across multiple representations in the domain. SP 2.2: The student can apply mathematical routines to quantities that describe natural phenomena.

Explanation: The changes in a gene pool of a population can be determined using the Hardy Weinberg equation. The Hardy Weinberg equation is p2+2pq+q2=1 where p represents the percent of the population that is homozygous dominant and heterozygous and q represents the percent of the population that is homozygous dominant; another portion of Hardy Weinberg equations is that p+q=1. By finding the p and q values, you can determine the frequency of dominant and recessive alleles in a gene pool and it allows you to observe allele frequency changes in that population over a given time period , in other words, it can demonstrate the rate of evolution numerically.

M.C. Question: In a flower population, red colored petals are dominant to purple petals. If the populations consists of 183 flowers and 47 are purple, what is the p2 value of that population to nearest hundredth?

A) .74B) .55 C) .38D) .07

FRQ Question:A) In a population of turtles , there are two different colors of shells. Brown which is dominant and green which is recessive. Using the table given, find the frequency of the recessive allele, the dominant allele, and heterozygous individuals.

B) Suppose a scientist studied this same turtle population50 years later and the allele frequencies were the same asGiven in the table in part A. List and explain 3 conditions that must bemet in so that this population could remain in equilibrium ?

Brown Shells 51 individuals

Green Shells 19 individuals

Answer Key: LO 1.1M.C. Question: In a flower population, red colored petals are dominant to purple petals. If the populations consists of 183 flowers and 47 are purple, what is the p2 value of

that population to nearest hundredth?A) .74B) .55 C) .38D) .07

FRQ Question:A) In a population of turtles , there are two different colors of shells. Brown which is dominant and green which is recessive. Using the table given, find the frequency of the

recessive allele, the dominant allele, and heterozygous individuals.

B) Suppose a scientist studied this same turtle population 50 years later and the allele frequencies were the same as Given in the table in part A. List and explain 3 conditions that must be met in so that this population could remain in equilibrium ?

51+19= 70

19/70= .271

(.271)2= .074

1-.271= .729

(.729)2= .531

(2)(.729)(.271)= .395


q value

q2 value

p value


2pq value

A) Frequency of recessive allele: .078Frequency of dominant allele: .729Frequency of heterozygous individuals: .395

B) The population of the turtles must be large. This characteristic must be met because a large population ensures that there is no genetic drift that could lead to the bottle neck effect or the founder effect . The entire population must also have no genetic mutations in any individuals. Mutations introduce new alleles into the population which can lead to alterations in the frequencies of the dominant and recessive alleles. The population must experience random mating to ensure that the dominant and recessive alleles are distributed uniformly across the entire population. If random mating does not occur, the expression of the recessive phenotype becomes more predominant in the population due to inbreeding or partners selecting each other based on like characteristics.

Brown Shell 59 individuals

Green Shell 19 individuals

LO 3.19 The student is able to describe the connection between the regulation of gene expression and observed differences between individuals in a population.

SP 7.1 The student can connect phenomena and models across spatial and temporal scales.

Explanation: Every cell in an organism contains an identical genome, but not every cell has the same structure or function. This is due to differential gene expression, or the expression of different sets of genes by different cell types. At any given time, only a small percentage of all of the genes within an organism are being expressed, while the others are turned off. This is incredibly important because it allows organisms to adapt when they are under various external pressures by turning on and off certain genes, and therefore determining which proteins will be coded for. Gene expression is most often regulated during transcription, but due to the complexity of eukaryotic cells, there are other control points at which gene expression can be regulated. One of the first factors that regulates gene expression is chromatin structure, the DNA-protein complex that comprises a eukaryotic chromosome. Some types of chromatin such as heterochromatin inhibit transcription due to the density of it, preventing genes within heterochromatin from being expressed. At the DNA level of gene expression regulation are histone modifications and DNA methylation. In histone acetylation, acetyl groups are added to histone tails (proteins that wrap around DNA) , preventing the histones from binding to nucleosomes, and therefore making the chromatin around DNA looser, allowing transcription proteins easier access to genes. DNA methylation has the opposite effect of acetylation. In this process, methyl groups are added to DNA, preventing it from being “unzipped” by RNA polymerase, and therefore inhibiting transcription (and gene expression). Both histone acetylation and DNA methylation are examples of epigenetic inheritance, where the modifications do not involve a change in DNA sequence, but the results can still be passed on to offspring (ex. Genes that have been methylated (turned off) in a parent will be turned off in the offspring). During transcription, proximal and distal control elements play the most important part in the regulation of gene expression. Groups of distal control elements are located upstream from the promoter and are known as enhancers. Proteins known as activators can bind to enhancers and stimulate transcription by causing mediator proteins to interact with proteins at the promoter. Silencers, or repressors, are a specific type of transcription factor that cause inhibition of gene expression by blocking an activator from an enhancer or by binding to a control element and turning off transcription despite the presence of activators. Even after transcription, gene expression (in eukaryotes) can continue to be regulated by processes such as alternative RNA splicing in which different mRNA molecules are produced with the help of spliceosomes and depending on which segments are treated as exons and which as introns. RNA interference is carried out by miRNA and siRNA, a process in which a destructive protein binds to an mRNA strand and destroys it. Translation of mRNAs can be blocked by regulatory proteins, or proteins can be degraded after translation as a last defense by being tagged by a ubiquitin, resulting in its engulfment by a proteasome. All of these opportunities for the regulation of gene expression result in differences within the population of a species. Expressed genes can be inherited, while others are caused by external pressures such as the environment and climate. In certain situations, organisms of the same species will respond differently due to their individual needs, which will result in the expression of certain genes and the silencing of others. This causes different proteins to be produced, and thus resulting in observed changes between individuals in a population.

Multiple Choice Question

Which of the following best explains why activators are so important for eukaryotic cells?

A. They reverse the effects of repressors so that more genes can be expressed.

B. They cause differential gene expression, which allows different cells to perform different functions.

C. They allow populations to evolve more quickly.

D. Without activators, transcription would not be able to occur.

FRQ Question

The regulation of gene expression is essential to all organisms. Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotes can

regulate gene expression at specific points other than during transcription. An example of this is the

degradation of a protein after it has served its purpose in the cell and is no longer needed if the cell

is to continue to function appropriately. Describe the process of protein degradation and how it can lead

to differences among individuals of a population.

Enhancer Promoter




Liver cellnucleus

Lens cellnucleus




Albumin gene not expressed

Crystallin genenot expressed

Crystallin geneexpressed

Liver cell Lens cell(a) (b)

Answer Key

Multiple Choice Question

Which of the following best explains why activators are so important for eukaryotic cells?

A. They reverse the effects of repressors so that more genes can be expressed.

B. They cause differential gene expression, which allows different cells to perform different functions.

C. They allow populations to evolve more quickly.

D. Without activators, transcription would not be able to occur.

FRQ Question

The regulation of gene expression is essential to all organisms. Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotes can

regulate gene expression at specific points other than during transcription. An example of this is the

degradation of a protein after it has served its purpose in the cell and is no longer needed if the cell

is to continue to function appropriately. Describe the process of protein degradation and how it can lead

to differences among individuals of a population.

Certain proteins within a cell are only needed for brief periods, synthesised in response to an immediate stimulus that caused a particular gene to be expressed. Once the threat has receded, there is often an abundance of a protein that is no longer of any use. To get rid of the excess proteins, cells use selective degradation, in which they attach molecules of the protein ubiquitin to the protein. Giant protein complexes known as proteasomes then recognise the ubiquitin-tagged proteins and degrade them. Selective protein degradation can produce differences in individuals of the same population because during a stressful event, the responses of the individuals will be different based on what genes they are currently expressing. The event can trigger some genes in some individuals to be turned on, while the same genes in others could be turned off. The different proteins produced could cause different behaviours in the individuals. During the process of degradation, some proteins obtain mutations that make them resilient of proteasomes which can often result in cancer. This could cause some individuals within a population to become sick while others remain healthy.

LO 4.1: The student is able to construct explanations based on scientific evidence as to how interactions of subcellular structures provide essential functions.

SP 6.2: The student can construct explanations of phenomena based on evidence produced through scientific practices.

Explanation: This learning objective asks how interactions between organelles and other structures are ( essential to cell function. A basic and critical intercellular interaction between subcellular structures involves the nucleus, the ribosomes, the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi apparatus. mRNA is created in the nucleus of the cell, where it travels to the rough ER. Ribosomes in the rough ER translate the mRNA into a protein. This protein is then sent in a vesicle to the cis (receiving) side of the Golgi apparatus, where the protein is modified for a specific function in the cell. The protein may be incorporated into another organelle which is created from a vesicle leaving the trans (sending) side of the cell: a lysosome, which is a hydrolytic enzyme- containing cell critical to digestion; the protein may also be secreted or imbedded into the plasma membrane of the cell through a vesicle.

M.C. Question: Which of the following is not a component of the endomembrane system?A) Golgi apparatus B) MitochondriaC) Smooth ERD) Peroxisomes

Learning Log/FRQ-style Question: Identify the vehicle that facilitates material exchange between organelles in a eukaryotic cell and describe a consequence of these interactions.


Which of the following is not a component of the endomembrane system?A) Golgi apparatus B) MitochondriaC) Smooth ERD) Peroxisomes

Identify the vehicle that facilitates material exchange between organelles in a eukaryotic cell and describe a consequence of these interactions.

Vesicles are components of the endomembrane system which serve to transport materials from organelle to organelle. For example, a motor protein transports a vesicle along the cytoskeleton network carrying a newly manufactured protein to the Golgi apparatus from the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In the Golgi, the protein is modified by adding compounds such as sugars, phosphate groups, and sulfate groups. The modified protein could then be embedded in the phospholipid membrane of a vesicle leaving the Golgi, which fuses with the plasma membrane of the cell, resulting in a new protein embedded in the cell membrane.

Learning Objective 4.21: The student is able to predict consequences of human actions on both local and global ecosystems.Science Practice 6.4: The student can make claims and predictions about natural phenomena based on scientific theories and models.Explanation: The student fully understands and is able to explain the impact that humans can have on the environment. The student should be able to predict the response from the local and global ecosystems based on actions of humans. This can be connected to the Science Practice because students must be understanding of theories about the impact of humans on local environments, as well as the entire world. For example, the student should be able to describe the global ecosystem’s response to excess burning of fossil fuels by humans. The scientific theory of global warming is based on the greenhouse effect. Due to excess burning of fossil fuels, there is a thick layer of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. This layer of greenhouse gas traps in heat from the Sun, gradually increasing the Earth’s temperatures. An example of local impact would be the overhunting of a predatory animal. Without the predator, the usual prey of the predator would grow in population and overwhelm the resources of the ecosystem. The draining of the resources would effect all the populations within the ecosystem.

Multiple Choice Question: Which of the following is most likely the effect that chopping down trees would have on a lake-shore environment?A. The bird population on the lake shore would increase.B. The water in the lake would become clearer, allowing more species of fish to exist in the lake. C. The loss of trees on the lake shore would lead to an increase in surface run-off.D. There would no effect on the lake shore.

FRQ: A group of teenagers visit the Amazon Rain Forest for Sprink Break. So impressed by the indigenous piranha, the teenagers decide to bring a couple back to Forsyth County. Describe the impact that placing piranhas in the Yadkin River would have on the local ecosystem. Include at least three examples of negative impact. Be sure to include at least one abiotic factor.

Multiple Choice Question: Which of the following is most likely the effect that chopping down trees would have on a lake-shore environment?A. The bird population on the lake shore would increase.B. The water in the lake would become clearer, allowing more species of fish to exist in the lake. C. The loss of trees on the lake shore would lead to an increase in surface run-off.D. There would no effect on the lake shore

FRQ: A group of teenagers visit the Amazon Rain Forest for Sprink Break. So impressed by the indigenous piranha, the teenagers decide to bring a couple back to Forsyth County. Describe the impact that placing piranhas in the Yadkin River would have on the local ecosystem. Include at least three examples of negative impact. Be sure to include at least one abiotic factor.

The piranha from the Amazon would be very well adapted to the river environment, as it is indigenous to the Amazon River. Therefore, the piranha would dominate the food chain in the river. As a result , the diversity of fish would decrease because of consumption by piranhas. Secondly, the population of producers would increase. This is because the piranhas would kill many of the primary consumers that eat the producers, so more of the producers would live longer. An abiotic factor would be that the oxygen levels in the water would increase. Because the producer population would increase, there would be more plants making oxygen in the water from photosynthesis.

Answer Key: Learning Objective 4.21

LO 1.6: The student is able to use data from mathematical models based on the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to analyze genetic drift and effects of selection on the evolution of specific populations.

SP 1.4: The student is able to evaluate data-based evidence that describes evolutionary changes in genetic makeup of a population over time.SP 2.1: The student is able to explain how biological systems use free energy based on empirical data that all organisms require constant energy input to maintain organization, to grow and to reproduce.

Explanation: Typically, genetic drift occurs in small populations, where infrequently-occurring alleles face a greater chance of being lost. Once it begins, genetic drift will continue until the involved allele is either lost by a population or is the only allele present at a particular gene locus within a population. Both possibilities decrease the genetic diversity of a population. Genetic drift is common after a population experiences a population bottleneck. A population bottleneck arises when a significant number of individuals in a population die or are otherwise prevented from breeding, resulting in a drastic decrease in the size of the population. Genetic drift can result in the loss of rare alleles, and can decrease the size of the gene pool. Genetic drift can also cause a new population to be genetically distinct from its original population, which has led to the hypothesis that genetic drift plays a role in the evolution of new species. Hardy-Weinberg was created to demonstrate the statistical population, so if the results of a Hardy-Weinberg test don’t equal the original numbers, the population is evolving.

FRQ-style Question: On the Island of Tristan da Cuhna lies a small isolated colony of 250 inhabitants that descended from 15 Europeans. One would predict that by chance the overwhelming majority of genetic disease present in Europeans would be absent in Tristan da Cuhna, because it was absent in the 15 founders. However some of the 15 founders were carriers of a genetic disease that causes high glaucoma levels. For this population the frequency of the recessive allele (g) is 0.3 and the frequency of the dominant allele (G) is 0.7. What is the frequency of the dominant phenotype? Identify a particular environmental change and describe how it might alter allelic frequencies in the population?

M.C. Question: Rapid random changes in gene pool frequencies occurring in a small population are likely due to?a) genetic drift b) variation among speciesc) Homologous structures d) embryological similarities


a) genetic drift b) variation among speciesc) Homologous structuresd) embryological similarities

On the Island of Tristan da Cuhna lies a small, isolated colony of 250 inhabitants that descended from 15 Europeans. One would predict that by chance the overwhelming majority of genetic disease present in

Europeans would be absent in Tristan da Cuhna, because it was absent in the 15 founders. However, some of the 15 founders were carriers of a genetic disease that causes high glaucoma levels. For this population, the frequency of the recessive allele (g) is 0.3 and the frequency of the dominant allele (G) is 0.7. What is the frequency of the dominant phenotype? Identify a particular environmental change and describe how

it might alter allelic frequencies in the population?

The frequency of the dominant phenotype: 0.91P= 0.7 q=0.3P^2= 0.49 q^2= 0.09 2pq=0.42P^2+2pq=0.49+0.42= 0.91

If there was a flood that by random, drowned 80% of the population it would most likely lead to an alteration in allelic frequencies. This is also known as the bottleneck affect where since it is now a small population, variations in genes are more likely to be spread and adopted by offspring.

Rapid random changes in gene pool frequencies occurring in a small population are likely due to?

LO 3.5: The student can justify the claim that humans can manipulate heritable information by identifying at least two commonly used technologies.SP 6.4: The student can make claims and predictions about natural phenomena based on scientific theories and models.

Explanation: Humans are able to manipulate DNA and RNA, the molecules that contain heritable information, by exploiting their properties to achieve a certain goal such as amplification and cloning. Amplification is accomplished through the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), which utilizes a small sample of DNA, the components that make up DNA such as DNA primers, Taq Polymerase, and dNTPs, and the manipulation of temperature via thermal cycling to convert a small sample of genetic material into any desired amount in a relatively short amount of time by mimicking DNA replication artificially. This method is especially useful in scenarios where DNA is scarce but many tests must be performed such as forensics. DNA cloning is made possible by using the plasmid of a bacteria. The original plasma and a gene of interest from another source is removed by using the same restriction enzyme, which allows for the gene of interest to be correctly inserted into the plasmid. This new recombinant DNA is reinserted into the bacteria and the bacteria will then transcribe the gene of interest and then translate the resulting RNA to create a desired product (protein). That protein can then be researched or applied to humans such as insulin.

Multiple Choice Question: Why must Taq Polymerase, an enzyme in bacteria found on hydrothermal vents, be used in place of DNA Polymerase during a Polymerase Chain Reaction?a) Annealing renders the DNA Polymerase unusableb) Taq Polymerase creates DNA faster than DNA Polymerasec) Taq Polymerase is thermostabled) DNA Polymerase becomes inactive after creating one strand of DNA

Free Response Question: Assume you are a scientist and a bodybuilder has approached you and has asked you to make insulin for him so that he can increase his glucose uptake and optimize his gains. The client, however, demands that you use insulin that occurs naturally in his own body. Describe the process in which you would make insulin for the bodybuilder.

Answer Key – LO 3.5Why must Taq Polymerase, a bacterial enzyme, be used in place of DNA Polymerase during a Polymerase Chain Reaction?

a) Annealing renders the DNA Polymerase unusable

b) Taq Polymerase has a faster creation rate than DNA Polymerase

c) Taq Polymerase is a thermostable enzyme

d) DNA Polymerase becomes inactive after creating one strand of DNA

Assume you are a scientist and a bodybuilder has approached you and has asked you to make insulin for him so that he can increase his glucose uptake and optimize his gains. The client, however, demands that you only give him insulin that occurs naturally in his own body. Describe the process in which you would obtain the specific insulin for the bodybuilder.

I would first obtain a sample of DNA from the client and obtain a culture of bacteria that is known for making insulin. I would then use the restriction enzyme that cuts out the DNA fragment that codes for insulin production on the client and bacteria and then insert the gene of interest from the client into the bacterial plasmid. I would then reinsert the recombinant DNA into the bacteria and wait to see whether or not the transformation was a success. If the bacteria is creating insulin, then I would allow the bacteria to replicate and create more insulin which I will then sell to the client.

LO 1.2: The student is able to evaluate evidence provided by data to qualitatively and quantitatively investigate the role of natural selection in evolution.SP 2.2: The student can apply mathematical routines to quantities that describe natural phenomena.SP 5.3: The student can evaluate the evidence provided by data sets in relation to a particular scientific question.

Explanation: Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over many generations. These changes effect the population phenotypically. Individual organisms born with advantageous characteristics are most likely to survive and have offspring. This is called Natural Selection. This passes favorable traits onto future generations until eventually all of the population has acquired this mutation. It is important to note here that it is the population that evolves, not an individual organism. These changes generally come about due to human interactions with the environment, natural disasters, and random mutations in DNA. This greatly affects the gene pool of small populations. Random mutations in DNA are caused by deviation and recombination during meiosis. Human interactions or natural disasters can force these mutations when the environment is changed, food becomes scarce, or a habitat is destroyed. Mathematical Equations, like the Hardy-Weinberg equation, are used to calculate changes in allele frequencies. This delivers indication for the existence of evolution in a population. The number of offspring that survive to produce the next generation, measures evolutionary success.

Multiple Choice Question: If the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium is met, what is the net effect? a.) evolution leading to a population better adapted to an unchanging environment b.) evolution leading to a population better adapted to a changed environment c.) very slow and continuous evolution with no increased adaptation d.) no evolution because the alleles in the population remain the sameFree Response Question: During the Industrial Revolution in England, more and more moths in London generally tended to be born black colored. Before the Industrial Revolution, there was about an equal number of black and white moths. Explain why this change in color may have occurred. Explain what would happen if all of sudden, the Industrial Revolution ended and the London air was completely purified of pollution.

Answer Key LO: 1.2

Multiple Choice Question: If the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium is met, what is the net effect? a.) evolution leading to a population better adapted to an unchanging environment b.) evolution leading to a population better adapted to a changed environment c.) very slow and continuous evolution with no increased adaptation d.) no evolution because the alleles in the population remain the sameFree Response Question: During the Industrial Revolution in England, more and more moths in London generally tended to be born black colored. Before the Industrial Revolution, there was about an equal number of black and white moths. Explain why this change in color may have occurred. Explain what would happen if all of sudden, the Industrial Revolution ended and the London air was completely purified of pollution.

FRQ Answer: The smog from the Industrial Revolution made air and trees turn very dark with soot from the factories. This change in the environment favored darker colored moths because they could hide more easily from their predators on the darker colored trees than their lighter colored friends could. If the city was to all of a sudden one day become completely clean, the drastic change in the environment would favor lighter colored moths. This would severely hurt the population because all of the darker colored moths would be caught by predators thus destroying a large part of the population.