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Location-Based Spatial Query Processing in Wireless Broadcast Environments

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Location-Based Spatial Query Processing in Wireless

Broadcast Environments


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Location-based spatial queries (LBSQs) refer to spatial queries whose answers rely on the

location of the inquirer. Efficient processing of LBSQs is of critical importance with the

ever-increasing deployment and use of mobile technologies. We show that LBSQs have

certain unique characteristics that the traditional spatial query processing in centralized

databases does not address. For example, a significant challenge is presented by wireless

broadcasting environments, which have excellent scalability but often exhibit high-

latency database access. In this paper, we present a novel query processing technique

that, though maintaining high scalability and accuracy, manages to reduce the latency

considerably in answering LBSQs. Our approach is based on peer-to-peer sharing, which

enables us to process queries without delay at a mobile host by using query results cached

in its neighboring mobile peers. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach through a

probabilistic analysis, and we illustrate the appeal of our technique through extensive

simulation results.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

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SPATIAL query processing is becoming an integral part of many new mobile

applications. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the use of location-based

spatial queries (LBSQs), which represent a set of spatial queries that retrieve information

based on mobile users’ current locations [2], [29].

User mobility and data exchange through wireless communication give LBSQs

some unique characteristics that the traditional spatial query processing in centralized

databases does not address. Novel query processing techniques must be devised to handle

the following new challenges:

1. Mobile query semantics. In a mobile environment, a typical LBSQ is of the form

“find the top-three nearest hospitals.” The result of the query depends on the

location of its requester. Caching and sharing of query results must take into

consideration the location of the query issuer.

2. High workload. The database resides in a centralized server, which typically

serves a large mobile user community through wireless communication.

Consequently, bandwidth constraints and scalability become the two most

important design concerns of LBSQ algorithms.

3. Query promptness and accuracy. Due to user mobility, answers to an LBSQ will

lose their relevancy if there is a long delay in query processing or in

communication. For example, answers to the query “find the top-three nearest

hospitals” received after 5 minutes of high-speed driving will become

meaningless. Instead, a prompt, albeit approximate, answer, telling the user right

away the approximate top-three nearest hospitals, may serve the user much better.

This is an important issue, as a long latency in a high workload wireless

environment is not unusual.

The wireless environment and the communication constraints play an important role in

determining the strategy for processing LBSQs. In the simplest approach, a user

establishes a point-to-point communication with the server so that her queries can be

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answered on demand. However, this approach suffers from several drawbacks. First, it

may not scale to very large user populations. Second, to communicate with the server, a

client must most likely use a fee-based cellular-type network to achieve a reasonable

operating range. Third, users must reveal their current location and send it to the server,

which may be undesirable for privacy reasons [19]. A more advanced solution is the

wireless broadcast model [1], [15], [30]. It can support an almost-unlimited number of

mobile hosts (MHs) over a large geographical area with a single transmitter. With the

broadcast model, MHs do not submit queries. Instead, they tune in to the broadcast

channel for information that they desire. Hence, the user’s location is not revealed. One

of the limitations of the broadcast model is that it restricts data access to be sequential.

Queries can only be fulfilled after all the required on-air data arrives. This is why in some

cases; a 5-minute delay to the query “find the top-three nearest hospitals” would not be


Alleviating this limitation, we propose a scalable low-latency approach for processing

LBSQs in broadcast environments. Our approach leverages ad hoc networks to share

information among mobile clients in a peer-topeer (P2P) manner [17], [18]. The rationale

behind our approach is based on the following observations:

As mentioned previously, when a mobile user launches a nearest neighbor (NN)

query, in many situations, she would prefer an approximate result that arrives with

a short response time rather than an accurate result with a long latency.

The results of spatial queries often exhibit spatial locality. For example, if two

MHs are close to each other, the result sets of their spatial queries may overlap

significantly. Query results of a mobile peer are valuable for two reasons:

o they can be used to answer queries of the current MH directly and

o they can be used to dramatically reduce the latency for the current MH

relative to on-air information.

. P2P approaches can be valuable for applications where the response time is an

important concern. Through mobile cooperative caching of the result sets, query

results can be efficiently shared among mobile clients.

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In this paper, we concentrate on two common types of spatial searches, namely, kNN

queries and window queries (WQs). The contributions of our study are given as follows:

1. We identify certain characteristics of LBSQs that enable the development of

effective sharing methods in broadcast environments.

2. We introduce a set of algorithms that verify whether data received from

neighboring clients are complete, partial, or irrelevant answers to the posed query.

3. We utilize a P2P-based sharing method to improve the current approaches in

answering on-air kNN queries and WQs.

4. We evaluate our approach through a probabilistic analysis of the hit ratio in

sharing. In addition, through extensive simulation experiments, we evaluate the

benefits of our approach with different parameter sets.

Scope of the Project

The scope of the project is to reduce the latency considerably in answering

LBSQs. Our approach is based on peer-to-peer sharing, which enables us to process

queries without delay at a mobile host by using query results cached in its neighboring

mobile peers.

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Chapter 2 – Literature Review

2.1 Wireless Data Broadcast

In general, there are two approaches for mobile data access. One is the on-demand access

model, and the other is the wireless broadcast model. For the on-demand access model,

point-to-point connections are established between the server and the mobile clients, and

the server processes queries that the clients submit on demand. For the wireless broadcast

model, the server repeatedly broadcasts all the information in wireless channels, and the

clients are responsible for filtering the information. An example of such a system is the

Microsoft DirectBand Network. The advantage of the broadcast model over the on-

demand model is that it is a scalable approach. However, the broadcast model has large

latency, as clients have to wait for the information that they need in a broadcasting cycle.

If a client misses the packets that it needs, it has to wait for the next broadcast cycle.

To facilitate information retrieval on wireless broadcast channels, the server

usually transmits an index structure, along with data objects. A well-known broadcast

index structure is the (1, m) indexing allocation method [15]. As we can see in Fig. 2, the

whole index is broadcast preceding every 1=m fraction of the data file. Because the index

is available m times in one cycle, it allows a mobile client easy access to the index so that

it can predict the arrival time of its desired data in a timely manner, and once it knows the

arrival time, it only needs to tune into the broadcast channel when the data bucket arrives.

This mechanism is important for battery-based devices.

Thus, the general access protocol for retrieving data on a wireless broadcast

channel involves three main steps [15]:

The initial probe: A client tunes in to the broadcast channel and determines when the

next index segment will be broadcast.

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Index search: The client accesses a sequence of pointers in the index segment to figure

out when to tune in to the broadcast channel to retrieve the required data.

Data retrieval: The client tunes in to the channel when packets containing the required

data arrive and then downloads all the required information.

Two parameters, access latency and tuning time, characterize the broadcast

model. The access latency represents the time duration from the point that a client

requests its data to the point that the desired data is received. The tuning time is the

amount of time spent by a client listening to the broadcast channel, which proportionally

represents the power consumption of the client.

However, nearly all the existing spatial access methods are designed for databases with

random access disks. These existing techniques cannot be used effectively in a wireless

broadcast environment, where only sequential data access is supported. Zheng et al. [31]

proposed indexing the spatial data on the server by a space-filling curve. The Hilbert

curve [16] was chosen for this purpose because of its superior locality. The index values

of the data packets represent the order in which these data packets are broadcast. For

example, the Hilbert curve in Fig. 3 tries grouping data of close values so that they can be

accessed within a short interval when they are broadcast sequentially. The MHs use on-

air search algorithms [31] to answer LBSQs (kNN and WQs) over data that arrives in the

order prescribed by the Hilbert curve.

2.2 Spatial Queries

We focus on two common types of spatial queries, namely, kNNqueries and WQs. With

R-tree-based [10] spatial indices, depth-first search (DFS) [25] and best first search

(BFS) [13] have been the prevalent branch-and-bound techniques for processing NN

queries. The DFS method recursively expands the index nodes for searching NN

candidates. At each newly visited nonleaf node, DFS computes the ordering metrics for

all its child nodes and applies pruning strategies to remove unnecessary branches. When a

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leaf node is reached, the data objects are retrieved, and theNNcandidates are updated.

Comparatively, the BFS technique utilizes a priority queue to store nodes to be explored

through the search process. The nodes in the queue are sorted according to their

minimum distance (MINDIST) to the query point. During the search process, BFS

repeatedly dequeues the top entry in the queue and enquires its child nodes with their

MINDIST into the queue. When a data entry is dequeued, it is inserted into the result set.

For WQs that find objects within a specified area, the R-tree families [3], [26] provide

efficient access to disk-based databases. Basically, an R-tree structure groups objects

close to each other into a minimum bounding rectangle (MBR), and a range query only

visits MBRs that overlap with the query area.

2.3 Cooperative Caching

Caching is a key technique to improve data retrieval performance in widely distributed

environments [14], [21], [22]. Hara and Madria proposed three data replica allocation

methods in ad hoc networks by considering the access frequency from MHs to each data

item and the status of the network connection [12]. With the increasing deployment of

new P2P wireless communication technologies (for example, IEEE 802.11b/g and

Bluetooth), P2P cooperative caching becomes an effective sharing alternative [6], [11],

[28]. With this technique, MHs communicate with neighboring peers in an ad hoc manner

for information sharing instead of relying solely on the communication between remote

information sources. Yin and Cao [28] proposed three schemes, that is, CachePath,

CacheData, and HybridCache, for cooperative caching in ad hoc networks. With

CachePath, mobile nodes cache the data path and use it to redirect prospective requests to

a neighboring node, which has the data instead of fetching data from the remote data

center. With CacheData, intermediate nodes cache the data to serve prospective queries.

The HybridCache approach further improves performance by taking advantage of both

CacheData and CachePath while avoiding their weaknesses. P2P cooperative caching can

bring about several distinctive benefits to a mobile system: improved access latency,

reduced server workload, and alleviated point-to- point channel congestion. In this

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research, we leverage the P2P caching technique to alleviate the inherent access latency

limitation in wireless broadcast environments.

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Chapter 3 – System Analysis

3.1 Existing System

• Existing techniques cannot be used effectively in a wireless broadcast

environment, where only sequential data access is supported.

• It may not scale to very large user populations.

• In an existing system to communicate with the server, a client must most

likely use a fee-based cellular-type network to achieve a reasonable

operating range.

• Third, users must reveal their current location and send it to the server,

which may be undesirable for privacy reasons

3.4 Proposed System

• This System is a novel approach for reducing the spatial query access latency

by leveraging results from nearby peers in wireless broadcast environments.

• Our scheme allows a mobile client to locally verify whether candidate objects

received from peers are indeed part of its own spatial query result set.

• The method exhibits great scalability: the higher the mobile peer density, the

more the queries answered by peers.

• The query access latency can be decreased with the increase in clients.

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3.3 System Requirement Specification

Software Interface

JDK 1.5 Java Swing SQL Server

Hardware Interface







3.4 Modules:

Multiple peer simulation Module

Server Module

Sharing-based nearest neighbor query visualization Module

3.5 Software Description

Java Technology

Java technology is both a programming language and a platform.

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The Java Programming Language

The Java programming language is a high-level language that can be

characterized by all of the following buzzwords:


Architecture neutral

Object oriented



High performance






With most programming languages, you either compile or interpret a program so that you

can run it on your computer. The Java programming language is unusual in that a

program is both compiled and interpreted. With the compiler, first you translate a

program into an intermediate language called Java byte codes —the platform-

independent codes interpreted by the interpreter on the Java platform. The interpreter

parses and runs each Java byte code instruction on the computer. Compilation happens

just once; interpretation occurs each time the program is executed. The following figure

illustrates how this works.


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You can think of Java bytecodes as the machine code instructions for the Java

Virtual Machine (Java VM). Every Java interpreter, whether it’s a development tool or a

Web browser that can run applets, is an implementation of the Java VM. Java bytecodes

help make “write once, run anywhere” possible. You can compile your program into

bytecodes on any platform that has a Java compiler. The bytecodes can then be run on

any implementation of the Java VM. That means that as long as a computer has a Java

VM, the same program written in the Java programming language can run on Windows

2000, a Solaris workstation, or on an iMac.

The Java Platform

A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs.

We’ve already mentioned some of the most popular platforms like Windows 2000,

Linux, Solaris, and MacOS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of the

operating system and hardware. The Java platform differs from most other platforms in

that it’s a software-only platform that runs on top of other hardware-based platforms.

The Java platform has two components:

The Java Virtual Machine (Java VM)

The Java Application Programming Interface (Java API)

You’ve already been introduced to the Java VM. It’s the base for the Java

platform and is ported onto various hardware-based platforms.

The Java API is a large collection of ready-made software components that provide many

useful capabilities, such as graphical user interface (GUI) widgets. The Java API is

grouped into libraries of related classes and interfaces; these libraries are known as

packages. The next section, What Can Java Technology Do?, highlights what

functionality some of the packages in the Java API provide.

The following figure depicts a program that’s running on the Java platform. As

the figure shows, the Java API and the virtual machine insulate the program from the


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Native code is code that after you compile it, the compiled code runs on a specific

hardware platform. As a platform-independent environment, the Java platform can be a

bit slower than native code. However, smart compilers, well-tuned interpreters, and just-

in-time bytecode compilers can bring performance close to that of native code without

threatening portability.

What Can Java Technology Do?

The most common types of programs written in the Java programming language

are applets and applications. If you’ve surfed the Web, you’re probably already familiar

with applets. An applet is a program that adheres to certain conventions that allow it to

run within a Java-enabled browser.

However, the Java programming language is not just for writing cute, entertaining

applets for the Web. The general-purpose, high-level Java programming language is also

a powerful software platform. Using the generous API, you can write many types of


An application is a standalone program that runs directly on the Java platform. A

special kind of application known as a server serves and supports clients on a network.

Examples of servers are Web servers, proxy servers, mail servers, and print servers.

Another specialized program is a servlet. A servlet can almost be thought of as an applet

that runs on the server side. Java Servlets are a popular choice for building interactive

web applications, replacing the use of CGI scripts. Servlets are similar to applets in that

they are runtime extensions of applications. Instead of working in browsers, though,

servlets run within Java Web servers, configuring or tailoring the server.

How does the API support all these kinds of programs? It does so with packages

of software components that provide a wide range of functionality. Every full

implementation of the Java platform gives you the following features:

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The essentials: Objects, strings, threads, numbers, input and output, data

structures, system properties, date and time, and so on.

Applets: The set of conventions used by applets.

Networking: URLs, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), UDP (User Data gram

Protocol) sockets, and IP (Internet Protocol) addresses.

Internationalization: Help for writing programs that can be localized for users

worldwide. Programs can automatically adapt to specific locales and be displayed in the

appropriate language.

Security: Both low level and high level, including electronic signatures, public and

private key management, access control, and certificates.

Software components: Known as JavaBeansTM, can plug into existing component


Object serialization: Allows lightweight persistence and communication via Remote

Method Invocation (RMI).

Java Database Connectivity (JDBCTM): Provides uniform access to a wide range of

relational databases.

The Java platform also has APIs for 2D and 3D graphics, accessibility, servers,

collaboration, telephony, speech, animation, and more. The following figure depicts what

is included in the Java 2 SDK.


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Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard programming

interface for application developers and database systems providers. Before ODBC

became a de facto standard for Windows programs to interface with database systems,

programmers had to use proprietary languages for each database they wanted to connect

to. Now, ODBC has made the choice of the database system almost irrelevant from a

coding perspective, which is as it should be. Application developers have much more

important things to worry about than the syntax that is needed to port their program from

one database to another when business needs suddenly change.

Through the ODBC Administrator in Control Panel, you can specify the particular

database that is associated with a data source that an ODBC application program is

written to use. Think of an ODBC data source as a door with a name on it. Each door will

lead you to a particular database. For example, the data source named Sales Figures

might be a SQL Server database, whereas the Accounts Payable data source could refer

to an Access database. The physical database referred to by a data source can reside

anywhere on the LAN.

The ODBC system files are not installed on your system by Windows 95. Rather,

they are installed when you setup a separate database application, such as SQL Server

Client or Visual Basic 4.0. When the ODBC icon is installed in Control Panel, it uses a

file called ODBCINST.DLL. It is also possible to administer your ODBC data sources

through a stand-alone program called ODBCADM.EXE. There is a 16-bit and a 32-bit

version of this program, and each maintains a separate list of ODBC data sources.

From a programming perspective, the beauty of ODBC is that the application can

be written to use the same set of function calls to interface with any data source,

regardless of the database vendor. The source code of the application doesn’t change

whether it talks to Oracle or SQL Server. We only mention these two as an example.

There are ODBC drivers available for several dozen popular database systems. Even

Excel spreadsheets and plain text files can be turned into data sources. The operating

system uses the Registry information written by ODBC Administrator to determine

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which low-level ODBC drivers are needed to talk to the data source (such as the interface

to Oracle or SQL Server). The loading of the ODBC drivers is transparent to the ODBC

application program. In a client/server environment, the ODBC API even handles many

of the network issues for the application programmer.

The advantages of this scheme are so numerous that you are probably thinking there must

be some catch. The only disadvantage of ODBC is that it isn’t as efficient as talking

directly to the native database interface. ODBC has had many detractors make the charge

that it is too slow. Microsoft has always claimed that the critical factor in performance is

the quality of the driver software that is used. In our humble opinion, this is true. The

availability of good ODBC drivers has improved a great deal recently. And anyway, the

criticism about performance is somewhat analogous to those who said that compilers

would never match the speed of pure assembly language. Maybe not, but the compiler (or

ODBC) gives you the opportunity to write cleaner programs, which means you finish

sooner. Meanwhile, computers get faster every year.


In an effort to set an independent database standard API for Java, Sun

Microsystems developed Java Database Connectivity, or JDBC. JDBC offers a generic

SQL database access mechanism that provides a consistent interface to a variety of

RDBMSs. This consistent interface is achieved through the use of “plug-in” database

connectivity modules, or drivers. If a database vendor wishes to have JDBC support, he

or she must provide the driver for each platform that the database and Java run on.

To gain a wider acceptance of JDBC, Sun based JDBC’s framework on ODBC.

As you discovered earlier in this chapter, ODBC has widespread support on a variety of

platforms. Basing JDBC on ODBC will allow vendors to bring JDBC drivers to market

much faster than developing a completely new connectivity solution.

JDBC was announced in March of 1996. It was released for a 90 day public review that

ended June 8, 1996. Because of user input, the final JDBC v1.0 specification was

released soon after.

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The remainder of this section will cover enough information about JDBC for you

to know what it is about and how to use it effectively. This is by no means a complete

overview of JDBC. That would fill an entire book.

JDBC Goals

Few software packages are designed without goals in mind. JDBC is one that,

because of its many goals, drove the development of the API. These goals, in conjunction

with early reviewer feedback, have finalized the JDBC class library into a solid

framework for building database applications in Java.

The goals that were set for JDBC are important. They will give you some insight

as to why certain classes and functionalities behave the way they do. The eight design

goals for JDBC are as follows:

1. SQL Level API

The designers felt that their main goal was to define a SQL interface for Java.

Although not the lowest database interface level possible, it is at a low enough level for

higher-level tools and APIs to be created. Conversely, it is at a high enough level for

application programmers to use it confidently. Attaining this goal allows for future tool

vendors to “generate” JDBC code and to hide many of JDBC’s complexities from the end


2. SQL Conformance

SQL syntax varies as you move from database vendor to database vendor. In an effort to

support a wide variety of vendors, JDBC will allow any query statement to be passed

through it to the underlying database driver. This allows the connectivity module to

handle non-standard functionality in a manner that is suitable for its users.

3. JDBC must be implemental on top of common database interfaces

The JDBC SQL API must “sit” on top of other common SQL level APIs. This goal

allows JDBC to use existing ODBC level drivers by the use of a software interface. This

interface would translate JDBC calls to ODBC and vice versa.

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4. Provide a Java interface that is consistent with the rest of the Java


Because of Java’s acceptance in the user community thus far, the designers feel that they

should not stray from the current design of the core Java system.

5. Keep it simple

This goal probably appears in all software design goal listings. JDBC is no exception.

Sun felt that the design of JDBC should be very simple, allowing for only one method of

completing a task per mechanism. Allowing duplicate functionality only serves to

confuse the users of the API.

6. Use strong, static typing wherever possible

Strong typing allows for more error checking to be done at compile time; also, less

error appear at runtime.

7. Keep the common cases simple

Because more often than not, the usual SQL calls used by the programmer are simple

SELECT’s, INSERT’s, DELETE’s and UPDATE’s, these queries should be simple to perform

with JDBC. However, more complex SQL statements should also be possible.


TCP/IP stack

The TCP/IP stack is shorter than the OSI one:

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TCP is a connection-oriented protocol; UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a

connectionless protocol.

IP datagram’s

The IP layer provides a connectionless and unreliable delivery system. It

considers each datagram independently of the others. Any association between datagram

must be supplied by the higher layers. The IP layer supplies a checksum that includes its

own header. The header includes the source and destination addresses. The IP layer

handles routing through an Internet. It is also responsible for breaking up large datagram

into smaller ones for transmission and reassembling them at the other end.


TCP supplies logic to give a reliable connection-oriented protocol above IP. It

provides a virtual circuit that two processes can use to communicate.

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Internet addresses

In order to use a service, you must be able to find it. The Internet uses an address

scheme for machines so that they can be located. The address is a 32 bit integer which

gives the IP address. This encodes a network ID and more addressing. The network ID

falls into various classes according to the size of the network address.

Network address

Class A uses 8 bits for the network address with 24 bits left over for other

addressing. Class B uses 16 bit network addressing. Class C uses 24 bit network

addressing and class D uses all 32.

Subnet address

Internally, the UNIX network is divided into sub networks. Building 11 is

currently on one sub network and uses 10-bit addressing, allowing 1024 different hosts.

Host address

8 bits are finally used for host addresses within our subnet. This places a limit of

256 machines that can be on the subnet.

Total address


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The 32 bit address is usually written as 4 integers separated by dots.

Port addresses

A service exists on a host, and is identified by its port. This is a 16 bit number. To

send a message to a server, you send it to the port for that service of the host that it is

running on. This is not location transparency! Certain of these ports are "well known".


A socket is a data structure maintained by the system to handle network

connections. A socket is created using the call socket. It returns an integer that is like a

file descriptor. In fact, under Windows, this handle can be used with Read File and

Write File functions.

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

int socket(int family, int type, int protocol);

Here "family" will be AF_INET for IP communications, protocol will be zero, and type

will depend on whether TCP or UDP is used. Two processes wishing to communicate

over a network create a socket each. These are similar to two ends of a pipe - but the

actual pipe does not yet exist.

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Chapter 4 – System Design

Module 1

Module 2

Mobile Host1

Mobile Host 2

Finding nearest Neighbor

Mobile Host Centralized Server

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Module 3

Data Flow Diagram

Centralized Server





MH-Mobile HostMH-Mobile Host





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Chapter 5 - Module Description

5.1 Multiple peer simulation Module

The multiple peer simulation modules concurrently model a predefined number of mobile

hosts. It implements all the functionality of a single mobile host and provides the

communication facilities among peers and from peers to remote spatial database servers.

5.2 Server Module

The server module is responsible for storing points of interest indexed by an R-tree

structure. It performs NN queries from peers with pruning bounds and records the I/O

load and access frequency of the spatial database server.

5.3 Sharing-based nearest neighbor query visualization Module

The sharing-based nearest neighbor query visualization Module provides a rendering of

the verification process of a sharing-based NN query in a step-by-step manner. Users can

arbitrarily select a mobile host and launch a location-based NN query within the

simulation region.

5.4 In module given input and expected output

The Query location and preferred criteria are the input for Mobile Host. The Mobile Host

gets the results for the corresponding location and criteria, with considerably reducing

latency while getting results from neighboring peers.

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Chapter 6 – System Testing

The purpose of testing is to discover errors. Testing is the process of trying to

discover every conceivable fault or weakness in a work product. It provides a way to

check the functionality of components, sub assemblies, assemblies and/or a finished

product It is the process of exercising software with the intent of ensuring that the

Software system meets its requirements and user expectations and does not fail in an

unacceptable manner. There are various types of test. Each test type addresses a specific

testing requirement.


Unit testing

Unit testing involves the design of test cases that validate that the internal program

logic is functioning properly, and that program inputs produce valid outputs. All decision

branches and internal code flow should be validated. It is the testing of individual

software units of the application .it is done after the completion of an individual unit

before integration. This is a structural testing, that relies on knowledge of its construction

and is invasive. Unit tests perform basic tests at component level and test a specific

business process, application, and/or system configuration. Unit tests ensure that each

unique path of a business process performs accurately to the documented specifications

and contains clearly defined inputs and expected results.

Integration testing

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Integration tests are designed to test integrated software components to determine

if they actually run as one program. Testing is event driven and is more concerned with

the basic outcome of screens or fields. Integration tests demonstrate that although the

components were individually satisfaction, as shown by successfully unit testing, the

combination of components is correct and consistent. Integration testing is specifically

aimed at exposing the problems that arise from the combination of components.

Functional test

Functional tests provide systematic demonstrations that functions tested are

available as specified by the business and technical requirements, system documentation,

and user manuals.

Functional testing is centered on the following items:

Valid Input : identified classes of valid input must be accepted.

Invalid Input : identified classes of invalid input must be rejected.

Functions : identified functions must be exercised.

Output : identified classes of application outputs must be exercised.

Systems/Procedures: interfacing systems or procedures must be invoked.

Organization and preparation of functional tests is focused on requirements, key

functions, or special test cases. In addition, systematic coverage pertaining to identify

Business process flows; data fields, predefined processes, and successive processes must

be considered for testing. Before functional testing is complete, additional tests are

identified and the effective value of current tests is determined.

System Test

System testing ensures that the entire integrated software system meets requirements.

It tests a configuration to ensure known and predictable results. An example of system

testing is the configuration oriented system integration test. System testing is based on

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process descriptions and flows, emphasizing pre-driven process links and integration


White Box Testing

White Box Testing is a testing in which in which the software tester has

knowledge of the inner workings, structure and language of the software, or at least its

purpose. It is purpose. It is used to test areas that cannot be reached from a black box


Black Box Testing

Black Box Testing is testing the software without any knowledge of the inner

workings, structure or language of the module being tested. Black box tests, as most other

kinds of tests, must be written from a definitive source document, such as specification or

requirements document, such as specification or requirements document. It is a testing in

which the software under test is treated, as a black box .you cannot “see” into it. The test

provides inputs and responds to outputs without considering how the software works.

6.1 Unit Testing:

Unit testing is usually conducted as part of a combined code and unit test phase of

the software lifecycle, although it is not uncommon for coding and unit testing to be

conducted as two distinct phases.

Test strategy and approach

Field testing will be performed manually and functional tests will be written in


Test objectives

All field entries must work properly.

Page 29: Location Based - Documentation

Pages must be activated from the identified link.

The entry screen, messages and responses must not be delayed.

Features to be tested

Verify that the entries are of the correct format

No duplicate entries should be allowed

All links should take the user to the correct page.

6.2 Integration Testing

Software integration testing is the incremental integration testing of two or more

integrated software components on a single platform to produce failures caused by

interface defects.

The task of the integration test is to check that components or software

applications, e.g. components in a software system or – one step up – software

applications at the company level – interact without error.

Test Results: All the test cases mentioned above passed successfully. No defects


6.3 Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance Testing is a critical phase of any project and requires significant

participation by the end user. It also ensures that the system meets the functional


Test Results: All the test cases mentioned above passed successfully. No defects


Page 30: Location Based - Documentation

Chapter 7 – System Implementation

Technique used or algorithm used

Peer to Peer Communication technique

Nearest Neighbor Verification Method

Sharing Based Nearest Neighbor

Sharing Based Window Query


Maintaining high scalability and accuracy.

Reducing the latency while processing query to neighboring peers.


Now a day this is used in mobile search application to get the approximate result

in short time instead of getting accurate results in long time.

Sample Source Code

CentralizedServer.javaimport javax.swing.*;import java.io.*;import java.awt.*;import java.sql.*;import java.net.*;

public class CentralizedServer extends javax.swing.JFrame {

//ServerSocket ss2;ServerSocket ss3;Socket s2,s3;

Page 31: Location Based - Documentation

Socket s4,s6; Socket s5;

Socket s7;Socket s8;

Jdbc d = new Jdbc(); int Count = 1; String[] send;

String[] send1;String[] send2;String portno;String direction;String distance;String location;String criteria;

String mh1;String mh2;String mh3;

ResultSet rs; /** Creates new form CentralizedServer */ public CentralizedServer() { initComponents();

setVisible(true);setSize(1200,1000);try {

ss3 = new ServerSocket(6666); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }


private void initComponents() {

jLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); //jButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jButton2 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jButton3 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jButton4 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); jTextArea1 = new javax.swing.JTextArea(); jScrollPane2 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); jTextArea2 = new javax.swing.JTextArea();

Page 32: Location Based - Documentation

jLabel2 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jLabel3 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); //jButton5 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jButton6 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jSeparator1 = new javax.swing.JSeparator(); jButton7 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jButton8 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jLabel4 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jLabel5 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jLabel6 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jLabel7 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jLabel8 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jTextField1 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jTextField2 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jTextField3 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jTextField4 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jButton9 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jButton10 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jButton11 = new javax.swing.JButton();

setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); getContentPane().setLayout(null);

jLabel1.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 3, 18)); // NOI18N jLabel1.setText("Centralized Server"); getContentPane().add(jLabel1); jLabel1.setBounds(440, 30, 190, 30);

jButton2.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jButton2.setText("Process Query"); getContentPane().add(jButton2); jButton2.setBounds(130, 140, 140, 30);

jButton2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jButton2ActionPerformed(evt); } });

jButton3.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jButton3.setText("View MH_DB"); getContentPane().add(jButton3); jButton3.setBounds(130, 200, 140, 30);

jButton3.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jButton3ActionPerformed(evt); }

Page 33: Location Based - Documentation


jButton4.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jButton4.setText("View Query_DB"); getContentPane().add(jButton4); jButton4.setBounds(130, 260, 140, 30);

jButton4.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jButton4ActionPerformed(evt); } });

jTextArea1.setColumns(20); jTextArea1.setRows(5); jScrollPane1.setViewportView(jTextArea1);

getContentPane().add(jScrollPane1); jScrollPane1.setBounds(330, 140, 160, 210);

jTextArea2.setColumns(20); jTextArea2.setRows(5); jScrollPane2.setViewportView(jTextArea2);

getContentPane().add(jScrollPane2); jScrollPane2.setBounds(550, 140, 160, 210);

jLabel2.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jLabel2.setText("DB_Details"); getContentPane().add(jLabel2); jLabel2.setBounds(350, 90, 120, 30);

jLabel3.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jLabel3.setText("Server Info"); getContentPane().add(jLabel3); jLabel3.setBounds(570, 90, 120, 30);

jButton6.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jButton6.setText("Search Nearest Neighbour"); getContentPane().add(jButton6); jButton6.setBounds(770, 140, 210, 30);

jButton6.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jButton6ActionPerformed(evt); } }); getContentPane().add(jSeparator1);

Page 34: Location Based - Documentation

jSeparator1.setBounds(0, 402, 1200, 10);

jButton7.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jButton7.setText("Response To MH"); getContentPane().add(jButton7); jButton7.setBounds(770, 200, 150, 30);

jButton7.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jButton7ActionPerformed(evt); } });

jButton8.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jButton8.setText("Server Process"); getContentPane().add(jButton8); jButton8.setBounds(770, 250, 150, 30);

jButton8.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jButton8ActionPerformed(evt); } });

jLabel4.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 3, 18)); // NOI18N jLabel4.setText("Server DB Storage"); getContentPane().add(jLabel4); jLabel4.setBounds(430, 410, 190, 30);

jLabel5.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jLabel5.setText("PortNumber"); getContentPane().add(jLabel5); jLabel5.setBounds(300, 470, 150, 30);

jLabel6.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jLabel6.setText("Query Loc"); getContentPane().add(jLabel6); jLabel6.setBounds(300, 530, 130, 30);

jLabel7.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jLabel7.setText("Criteria"); getContentPane().add(jLabel7); jLabel7.setBounds(300, 590, 140, 20);

jLabel8.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jLabel8.setText("Query Results"); getContentPane().add(jLabel8); jLabel8.setBounds(300, 650, 140, 20);

Page 35: Location Based - Documentation

getContentPane().add(jTextField1); jTextField1.setBounds(530, 470, 110, 30); getContentPane().add(jTextField2); jTextField2.setBounds(530, 530, 110, 30); getContentPane().add(jTextField3); jTextField3.setBounds(530, 590, 110, 30); getContentPane().add(jTextField4); jTextField4.setBounds(530, 650, 110, 30);

jButton9.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jButton9.setText("Save"); getContentPane().add(jButton9); jButton9.setBounds(300, 710, 67, 25);

jButton9.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jButton9ActionPerformed(evt); } });

jButton10.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jButton10.setText("Clear"); getContentPane().add(jButton10); jButton10.setBounds(430, 710, 67, 25);

jButton10.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jButton10ActionPerformed(evt); } });

jButton11.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 2, 14)); // NOI18N jButton11.setText("Exit"); getContentPane().add(jButton11); jButton11.setBounds(570, 710, 67, 25);

jButton11.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jButton11ActionPerformed(evt); } });

pack(); mh1=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,"Enter MH-1 IP","localhost"); mh2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,"Enter MH-2 IP","localhost"); mh3=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,"Enter MH-3 IP","localhost");

Page 36: Location Based - Documentation

}// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents

try { s2 = ss2.accept();private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton2ActionPerformed// TODO add your handling code here: try {

s3 = ss3.accept();DataInputStream dis = new

DataInputStream(s3.getInputStream());String dd11= dis.readUTF();send = dd11.split("&");jTextArea2.append("Query Details :"+"\n"); for (int i = 0; i < send.length; i++)

{String string = send[i];

} //System.out.println(send[0]+""+send[1]+""+send[2]);

d.insertServer("insert into Requested_Hosts values('"+send[0]+"','"+send[1]+"','"+send[2]+"')");

jTextArea2.append(Count+"."+"Port Number :"+send[0]+"\n");

location=send[1];criteria=send[2];jTextArea2.append("Location : "+send[1]+"\n");jTextArea2.append("Criteria : "+send[2]+"\n");Count++;

} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();


private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton3ActionPerformed// TODO add your handling code here: try { String ss = d.retrive("select * from DD_Details"); String cols[] = ss.split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++)


Page 37: Location Based - Documentation

String string = cols[i];String[] MH = string.split("%");for (int j = 0; j < MH.length; j++)

{String string1 =




} } catch (Exception e) {

e.printStackTrace(); } }

private void jButton4ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton4ActionPerformed// TODO add your handling code here: try { jTextArea1.append("Query With Results : "+"\n"+"Portno Location Criteria Results "+"\n"); String ss1 = d.retriveResults("select * from Query_Results"); String cols1[] = ss1.split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < cols1.length; i++)

{String string1 = cols1[i];String[] QR = string1.split("%");for (int j = 0; j < QR.length; j++)

{String string2

= QR[j];


jTextArea1.append("\n"); }

} catch (Exception e) {



Page 38: Location Based - Documentation

private void jButton6ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton6ActionPerformed// TODO add your handling code here:

String s0 = send[0]; String s1 = send[1]; String s2 = send[2];


double servertime = System.currentTimeMillis();System.out.println("Server Time : "+servertime+" ms");

try {if(s0.equals("1111"))

{int PortNo = d.retrivePort("select Portno

from Query_Results where Location='"+send[1]+"'and Criteria='"+send[2]+"'");System.out.println("Port Number:

"+PortNo);s5 = new Socket(mh1,4444); DataOutputStream doutport = new


}else if(s0.equals("2222"))

{int PortNo = d.retrivePort("select Portno

from Query_Results where Location='"+send[1]+"'and Criteria='"+send[2]+"'");System.out.println("Port Number:

"+PortNo);s5 = new Socket(mh2,4445); DataOutputStream doutport = new


}else if(s0.equals("3333"))

{int PortNo = d.retrivePort("select Portno

from Query_Results where Location='"+send[1]+"'and Criteria='"+send[2]+"'");System.out.println("Port Number:

"+PortNo);s5 = new Socket(mh3,4446); DataOutputStream doutport = new


Page 39: Location Based - Documentation


}catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();



private void jButton7ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton2ActionPerformed// TODO add your handling code here: }

private void jButton8ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton2ActionPerformed// TODO add your handling code here:String ser0 = send[0];String ser1 = send[1];String ser2 = send[2];System.out.println("ser val "+ser0+" "+ser1+" "+ser2);



String fromServer = d.gettingResults("select Results from Query_Results where Location = '"+ser1+"' and Criteria = '"+ser2+"' ");

DataOutputStream dosser = new DataOutputStream(s3.getOutputStream());


}else if(ser0.equals("2222")){

String fromServer = d.gettingResults("select Results from Query_Results where Location = '"+ser1+"' and Criteria = '"+ser2+"' ");

DataOutputStream dosser = new DataOutputStream(s3.getOutputStream());


}else if(ser0.equals("3333")){

String fromServer = d.gettingResults("select Results from Query_Results where Location = '"+ser1+"' and Criteria = '"+ser2+"' ");

DataOutputStream dosser = new DataOutputStream(s3.getOutputStream());

Page 40: Location Based - Documentation

dosser.writeUTF(fromServer);}}catch (Exception er){er.printStackTrace();}


private void jButton9ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton2ActionPerformed// TODO add your handling code here:

String pno = jTextField1.getText(); String qlc = jTextField2.getText(); String cri = jTextField3.getText(); String rst = jTextField4.getText(); if(pno.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Enter Port Number"); } else if(qlc.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Enter Query Location"); } else if(cri.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Enter criteria"); } else if(rst.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Enter Results"); } else if(jButton6!=null) { String bu6mess = "Do You Want Save in Database?"; int b4 = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, bu6mess); if(b4==0) { try { d.insertServer("insert into Query_Results values('"+pno+"','"+qlc+"','"+cri+"','"+rst+"')"); } catch (Exception e) {

Page 41: Location Based - Documentation

e.printStackTrace(); } } }}

private void jButton10ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton2ActionPerformed// TODO add your handling code here: jTextField1.setText(""); jTextField2.setText(""); jTextField3.setText(""); jTextField4.setText("");}

private void jButton11ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton2ActionPerformed// TODO add your handling code here: System.exit(0);}

public static void main(String args[]) { new CentralizedServer(); }

// Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables private javax.swing.JButton jButton1; private javax.swing.JButton jButton10; private javax.swing.JButton jButton11; private javax.swing.JButton jButton2; private javax.swing.JButton jButton3; private javax.swing.JButton jButton4; private javax.swing.JButton jButton5; private javax.swing.JButton jButton6; private javax.swing.JButton jButton7; private javax.swing.JButton jButton8; private javax.swing.JButton jButton9; private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1; private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel2; private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel3; private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel4; private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel5;

Page 42: Location Based - Documentation

private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel6; private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel7; private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel8; private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane1; private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane2; private javax.swing.JSeparator jSeparator1; private javax.swing.JTextArea jTextArea1; private javax.swing.JTextArea jTextArea2; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField1; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField2; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField3; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField4; // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables}


import javax.swing.*;import java.io.*;import java.awt.*;import java.sql.*;

class Jdbc {

// insert Client Method Calls public String insertClient(String query)

{try {

Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Mobile","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate(query);

} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Connection Not Found"+e); } return "";


// insert Server Method Calls public String insertServer(String query)


Page 43: Location Based - Documentation

try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MobileServer","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate(query);

} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Connection Not Found"+e); } return "";


// retrive Method Calls public String retrive(String query)

{ String values = "";

try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MobileServer","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query); while(rs.next()) { values += rs.getString("Portno")+"%"+; }

} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return values;


// retriveResults Method Calls public String retriveResults(String query)

{ String rsts = "";

try {

Page 44: Location Based - Documentation

Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MobileServer","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query); while(rs.next()) { rsts += rs.getString("Portno")+"%"+ rs.getString("Location")+"%"+rs.getString("Criteria")+"%"+rs.getString("Results")+"&"; }

} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rsts;


// retrive Method Calls public String retriveFinalrst(String query)

{ String finalrst = "";

try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Mobile","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query);


finalrst += rs.getString(1);}

} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return finalrst;


// Search Method Calls

Page 45: Location Based - Documentation

public int search(String query){

int searchResults=0;try {

Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MobileServer","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(query); while(rs.next()) { searchResults=rs.getInt(1); } System.out.println(searchResults); JOptionPane jp=new JOptionPane();

} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return searchResults;

} // retrivePort Method Calls

public int retrivePort(String query){

int port =0;

try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MobileServer","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query); if(rs.next()==true) { port+= rs.getInt(1); JOptionPane jp=new JOptionPane(); jp.showMessageDialog(jp,"Port Number : "+port); }

} catch (Exception e) {

Page 46: Location Based - Documentation

e.printStackTrace(); } return port;

} // retriveMH2db Method Calls

public String retriveMH2db(String query){

String rst1 = "";

try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Mobile","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query); while(rs.next()) { rst1 += rs.getString("Results"); JOptionPane jp=new JOptionPane(); jp.showConfirmDialog(jp,"Do You Want Send Query To Nearest MobileHost"); }

} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rst1;

} public String gettingResults(String query)

{ String onlyServer="";

try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MobileServer","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(query); while(rs.next()) {

Page 47: Location Based - Documentation

onlyServer=rs.getString("Results"); } System.out.println(onlyServer); JOptionPane jp=new JOptionPane(); jp.showMessageDialog(jp,"Getting From Server : "+onlyServer);

} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return onlyServer;


public String neighbourSearch(String query){

String rtnport="";try {

Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MobileServer","sa",""); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(query); while(rs.next()) { rtnport=rs.getString("Portno"); } System.out.println(rtnport); JOptionPane jp=new JOptionPane(); jp.showMessageDialog(jp,"Neighbour Port : "+rtnport);

} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rtnport;


public static void main(String[] args) {

new Jdbc();}


Page 48: Location Based - Documentation

Chapter 8 – Conclusion & Future Enhancement

This paper presented a novel approach for reducing the spatial query access latency by

leveraging results from nearby peers in wireless broadcast environments. Significantly,

our scheme allows a mobile client to locally verify whether candidate objects received

from peers are indeed part of its own spatial query result set. The experiment results

indicate that our method can reduce the access to the wireless broadcast channel by a

significant amount, for example, up to 80 percent, in a dense urban area. This is achieved

with minimal caching at the peers. By virtue of its P2P architecture, the method exhibits

great scalability: the higher the mobile peer density, the more the queries answered by

peers. Therefore, the query access latency can be markedly decreased with the increase in


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