longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high ... · longitudinal dynamics of twin...

SLAC-PUB-16196 January 2015 Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high-energy linac * Zhen Zhang 1,2 , Yuantao Ding 1 , Agostino Marinelli 1 , Zhirong Huang 1 1 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 2 Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Abstract The recent development of two-color x-ray free-electron lasers, as well as the suc- cessful demonstration of high-gradient witness bunch acceleration in a plasma, have generated strong interest in electron bunch trains, where two or more elec- tron bunches are generated, accelerated and compressed in the same accelerating bucket. In this paper we give a detailed analysis of a twin-bunch technique in a high-energy linac. This method allows the generation of two electron bunches with high peak current and independent control of time delay and energy separa- tion. We find that the wakefields in the accelerator structures play an important role in the twin-bunch compression, and through analysis show that they can be used to extend the available time delay range. Based on the theoretical model and simulations we propose several methods to achieve larger time delay. Submitted to the Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams. * This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515.

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Page 1: Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high ... · Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high-energy linac Zhen Zhang,1,2 Yuantao Ding,1 Agostino Marinelli,1

SLAC-PUB-16196January 2015

Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high-energylinac∗

Zhen Zhang1,2, Yuantao Ding1, Agostino Marinelli1, Zhirong Huang1

1 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA2 Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China


The recent development of two-color x-ray free-electron lasers, as well as the suc-cessful demonstration of high-gradient witness bunch acceleration in a plasma,have generated strong interest in electron bunch trains, where two or more elec-tron bunches are generated, accelerated and compressed in the same acceleratingbucket. In this paper we give a detailed analysis of a twin-bunch technique ina high-energy linac. This method allows the generation of two electron buncheswith high peak current and independent control of time delay and energy separa-tion. We find that the wakefields in the accelerator structures play an importantrole in the twin-bunch compression, and through analysis show that they can beused to extend the available time delay range. Based on the theoretical modeland simulations we propose several methods to achieve larger time delay.

Submitted to the Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams.

* This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515.

Page 2: Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high ... · Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high-energy linac Zhen Zhang,1,2 Yuantao Ding,1 Agostino Marinelli,1

Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high-energy linac

Zhen Zhang,1, 2 Yuantao Ding,1 Agostino Marinelli,1 and Zhirong Huang1

1SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA2Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

(Dated: December 17, 2014)

The recent development of two-color x-ray free-electron lasers, as well as the success-ful demonstration of high-gradient witness bunch acceleration in a plasma, have generatedstrong interest in electron bunch trains, where two or more electron bunches are generated,accelerated and compressed in the same accelerating bucket. In this paper we give a detailedanalysis of a twin-bunch technique in a high-energy linac. This method allows the generationof two electron bunches with high peak current and independent control of time delay andenergy separation. We find that the wakefields in the accelerator structures play an impor-tant role in the twin-bunch compression, and through analysis show that they can be usedto extend the available time delay range. Based on the theoretical model and simulationswe propose several methods to achieve larger time delay.


The advent of the x-ray free electron laser(XFELs) represents a revolution in light sourcedevelopment that opens up atomic imaging atfemtosecond time scale. Despite the unequivo-cal success of existing XFELs [1–4], the growinguser demands lead to continuing improvementof the facility capabilities. Two-color pulses areone of these capabilities developed under user re-quirements, where two pulses of different photoenergy and with a variable time delay are gener-ated [5–9].

A recent experiment at the linac coherentlight source [10], has shown the considerable ad-vantages of driving a two-color XFEL with atrain of two electron bunches of different ener-gies. With respect to the standard single-bunchtwo-color methods, this twin-bunch technique al-lows to reach saturation for each bunch henceimproves the FEL output by over one order ofmagnitude. It allows the time-resolved diagnos-tic of the FEL pulse with a deflecting cavity, andit can be coupled to the hard x-ray self-seedingsystem to generate two quasi-Fourier transformlimited pulses.

Besides generating two-color XFELs, thetwin-bunch scheme can also find its applicationsin the beam-driven plasma acceleration, e.g.the two-bunch experiments at FACET [11, 12].Compared with the masking technique adoptednow [11], the twin-bunch method gives greater

flexibility in the control the charge distribution,peak current and time delay of the two bunches.This, in turn, leads to several advantages in theoperation of plasma wakefields accelerators sincea time delay between the drive bunch and wit-ness bunch provides a way to visualize the struc-ture of the wakefields and settle down the wit-ness bunch at the best accelerating phase.

The twin bunches can also be used in freshbunch scheme for the seeded free electron lasersto reduce the spectral noise [13]. Finally, twin-bunch method has also been used in two-colorThomson scattering sources [14].

The generation of electron bunch trains inhigh-brightness photo-injectors has been exten-sively discussed in the scientific literature [15–17]. In this paper, we present comprehen-sive beam dynamic analysis of the twin-bunchmethod in a high-energy linac, including the con-trol of the two pulses and the wakefield effects.We show that, thanks to the two-stage compres-sion system, it is possible to control the timedelay and energy separation of the two pulses in-dependently. Wakefields play an important rolein twin-bunch compression and can be used toobtain large time delay with methods proposedin the paper.

The paper is organized as follows. We be-gin in Sec. II with a detailed description and ba-sic considerations of the twin-bunch method. InSec. III, model analysis of the twin-bunch com-pression is given without the linac wakefields to

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show the independent control of the time delayand energy separation. In Sec. IV we analyze theeffects of the linac wakefields by theory and sim-ulations. In Sec. V several methods are discussedwith simulations to obtain large time delays. Fi-nally, we give concluding remarks in Sec. VI.


The twin-bunch method is schematically il-lustrated in Fig. 1. In a typical XFEL such asthe LCLS, there are usually two magnetic chi-canes as compressors in the beamline (BC1 andBC2). The electrons are generated by a pho-tocathode illuminated by a train of two laserpulses with a variable delay on the order of afew picoseconds. Note that this is different fromthe multi-bunch method in [18] in separate radio-frequency (RF) cycles. The two bunches are ac-celerated off-crest in the linear accelerators (L1and L2) and compressed by the two chicanes toincrease the peak current by a factor of ∼200.This process generates an energy difference be-tween the two bunches due to the off-crest accel-eration. In addition, the arriving time differencewill be compressed to the order of a few tens offemtoseconds.

Compared to the single bunch compression,twin-bunch compression has to achieve severalgoals at the same time: 1) control the time delay2) control the energy separation, 3) obtain highpeak current and 4) control the remaining energychirp (the latter is important to control the spec-tral properties of self-seeded XFELs [19, 20]).Usually these goals are coupled together. In theconfiguration of Fig. 1, there are several knobsto control the twin-bunch compression: initialtime delay after the injector, off-crest phases ofL1 and L2, and longitudinal dispersion R56 of

BC1 and BC2. The high-harmonic cavity (L1X)before BC1 can also be used to optimize the en-ergy chirp. Note that when we change the phaseof L1 and L2, the rf amplitude of these two linacsections will be adjusted so the energy gain iskept constant. In the practical implementationof the two-bunch scheme, we usually choose tofix the R56 of the two chicanes and vary otherknobs.



In this section we study a simplified modelof the longitudinal beam dynamics of the twin-bunch compression which doesn’t include linacwakefields. For the longitudinal phase space(z, δ), where z is the longitudinal coordinatewith head bunch at z < 0 and δ is the rela-tive energy spread, the transfer matrix of eachsection of the beamline in Fig. 1 can be writtenas

ML1 =

(1 0


), MBC1 =

(1 R


0 1


ML2 =

(1 0


), MBC2 =

(1 R


0 1

), (1)

where E0, E1, E2 are the beam average energiesat the entrance of L1, BC1 and BC2, respec-tively. h1, h2 denote the energy chirp addedby the off-crest acceleration in the linac andh1 = −k(E1−E0) tan(φ1)

E1, h2 = −k(E2−E1) tan(φ2)


with φ1, φ2 being the phases of L1 and L2 and kbeing wave number. The transfer matrix for thewhole beamline can be obtained by multiplyingall sections together



(1 +R

(1)56 h1 +R

(2)56 (h2 + h1


+R(1)56 h1h2) R



+R(2)56 (R


E0E1h2 + E0



(h2 + h1


+R(1)56 h1h2


(1)56 h2


+ E0E3

). (2)

Page 4: Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high ... · Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high-energy linac Zhen Zhang,1,2 Yuantao Ding,1 Agostino Marinelli,1


Electron Gun



Double Pulse

L2 L3 L1X

FIG. 1. A schematic layout of the two-bunch method to generate the two-color x-ray pulse (not to scale).

Here E3 is the final beam energy. We assume thethird linac section L3 accelerates the beam on-crest and there is no energy chirp added on thebeam. The energy separation at the exit of thephotoinjector can be neglected and the longitu-dinal separation is defined as the average longi-tudinal coordinate of the tail bunch minus theone of the head bunch. Then the final longitudi-nal separation and energy difference of the twobunches can be obtained by the transfer matrix

∆z =

(1 +R

(1)56 h1 +R

(2)56 (h2 + h1



+R(1)56 h1h2)

)∆z0 , (3)

δ =

(h2 + h1



(1)56 h1h2


E3∆z0 . (4)

We use the LCLS beamline parameters as anexample, which are shown in Table I. The initialtime delay of the two bunches can be varied from5 ps to 9 ps. It is known that the beam trans-verse emittance depends on the emission phaseat the cathode [21, 22] and varying time delaywill also change emittance. So it is undesirableto vary the time delay frequently. In the follow-ing analysis, for simplicity, we fix it at 6 ps. Fig-ure 2 shows the contours of the time delay andrelative energy separation, calculated by Eqs. (3)and (4). Simulation results by LiTrack [23] with-out the linac wakefields are also given in Fig. 2.Note that, in this analysis, we are neglectingnon-linear terms in the energy-chirp. This ap-proximation implicity takes into account the ef-fect of the harmonic linearizing cavity, which re-moves the second order time-energy correlationinduced by the injector and L1.

TABLE I. Beamline parameters of the LCLS for thetwin-bunch compression

Parameter Value Units

Total charge Q 150 pC

Initial peak current Ip 25 A

Initial time delay τ0 6 (5∼9) ps

L1 phase φ1 -20∼-40 deg

L2 phase φ2 -30∼-40 deg

L1X amplitude 0∼22 MV

L1X phase -160 deg

Injector energy E0 135 MeV

BC1 energy E1 220 MeV

BC2 energy E2 5 GeV

Final energy E3 13 GeV

R56 of BC1 -45.5 mm

R56 of BC2 -24.7 mm

The analysis results and the Litrack simula-tions agree well except for a small deviation inthe time delay, which is due to the nonlineareffects in the magnetic compression. With theabove definitions, a time delay means that thetail bunch has surpassed the head bunch duringthe compression process. The contour curves inFig. 2 imply a feature of the twin-bunch method.For the time delay. especially in the range from-250 fs to 50 fs, it mostly depends on φ2. As forthe energy separation, it is mostly determinedby φ1. In other words, we can control the timeand energy dimensions independently. This fea-ture can be understood by the analytical results.We take derivatives with respect to h1 and h2 in

Page 5: Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high ... · Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high-energy linac Zhen Zhang,1,2 Yuantao Ding,1 Agostino Marinelli,1


φ2 [deg]

φ1 [



Time delay [fs]



−150 −










−150 −


−50 0






−150 −



0 50






−150 −






−37 −36 −35 −34 −33 −32−38











φ2 [deg]

φ1 [



Relative energy separation

















−40 −38 −36 −34 −32 −30−40






FIG. 2. The contours of the time delay (up) andrelative energy separation (down) of the two bunches.The blue dashed line is the analysis results of Eqs. (3),(4) and the red line is the simulation results of Litrackwithout the linac wakefields. The amplitude of L1Xin this simulation is set to be zero.

Eqs. 3 and 4,




(1)56 (1 +R

(2)56 h2) +R




)∆z0 (5)


∂h2= (1 +R

(1)56 h1)R

(2)56 ∆z0 , (6)




(1)56 h2 +




E3∆z0 , (7)


∂h2= (1 +R

(1)56 h1)


E3∆z0 . (8)

When∣∣∣1 + h2R


∣∣∣ ≈ 0 and E1E2

∣∣∣1 + h1R(1)56

∣∣∣ ∣∣∣h2R(1)56

∣∣∣, we will have∣∣∣∣∂∆z


∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∂∆z


∣∣∣∣ , (9)∣∣∣∣ ∂δ∂h1∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣ ∂δ∂h2

∣∣∣∣ . (10)

Thus, the time delay and energy separation aredetermined by the phases of L2 and L1, respec-tively. The first condition means BC2 works

at around full compression and the second issatisfied well under the parameters of LCLS inTable I. The independent control of time delayand energy separation in the twin-bunch schemehas been confirmed in the experiment at theLCLS [10].


The longitudinal wakefields of the linaccan induce longitudinal-dependent energy loss,which have significant effects on the twin-bunchcompression. If this happens before the disper-sion section, for example the wakefields of L2,the time delay and energy separation will bechanged. For the wakefield after the final chi-cane, e.g. in L3, it will only change the en-ergy separation. So our analysis will focus onthe wakefields before the chicane.

The wake-induced relative energy loss at thelongitudinal coordinate z is (see. e.g. Ref [24,25])

δw(z) = − e2L


∫ ∞0

W (z)n(z − z′)dz′ , (11)

with W (z) the point charge wake function, c thespeed of light, γ the Lorentz factor, L the lengthof the linac and n(z) the longitudinal bunch dis-tribution normalized as

∫∞−∞ n(z)dz = N (N is

the total number of the electrons in the bunch).Consider the condition


2L σz s0 , (12)

where a is the pipe radius, σz the bunch lengthand s0 the characteristic length of the wakefields.The first inequality says that the length of struc-ture L is much larger than the catch-up distanceand the transient behavior of the wake can beignored. Under this condition, we can use thelimiting value of the steady-state wake for peri-odic structure

W (0+) =Z0c

πa2, (13)

where Z0 = 377Ω. Inserting Eq. (13) intoEq. (11), we obtain

δw(z) = −4reL


∫ ∞0

n(z − z′)dz′ , (14)

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with the classical electron radius re = 2.82 ×10−15 m. For simplicity, we assume that the twinbunches have a uniform current profile with fullbunch length Lb and longitudinal separation T ,i.e.:

n(z) = n0


, |z ± T2 | ≤


0 . otherwise(15)

Here n0 = NT and we define the “duty factor” as

η =LbT

, (16)

to represent the structure of the twin buncheswith 0 < η < 1 (no overlap between the twobunches). Inserting Eq. 15 into Eq. 14, we canget the wake-induced energy loss due to thewakefields as a function of the beam longitudinalcoordinate z

δw(z) = −δ0

0 , z < −T2 −



(z + T2 + Lb

2 ) , |z + T2 | ≤


12 , |z| < T

2 −Lb2

12 + 1

2Lb(z − T

2 + Lb2 ), |z − T

2 | ≤Lb2

1 . z > T2 + Lb



where δ0 = 4reLNγa2

. The beam longitudinal distri-bution and the relative energy loss are given inFig. 3. The stair-like distribution of energy lossindicates that the effects of the wakefields can bedivided into two types. One is changing the aver-age energy of the two bunches (as shown in ma-genta dashed line in the middle of Fig. 3) and theother is changing the energy chirp of each bunch.This can be understood better by rewriting theform of energy loss. Within the longitudinal co-

ordinate of the two bunches(|z ± T

2 | ≤Lb2

), the

energy loss can be rewritten as

δw(z) = − δ02T

z − δ02Lb

(1− η)

(z ± T


)= δGw (z) + δLw(z) . (18)

The sign ± corresponds to the positions of thetwo bunches. The first term on the right sideof Eq. 18, δGw (z), is an energy chirp over thewhole bunch, which is similar with the RF-induced chirp. We refer this kind of chirp as“global energy chirp”. The wake-induced globalenergy chirp can be compensated by adjustingthe phase of the linac sections. The secondterms, δLw(z), induces “local energy chirp” withδLw(z = ±T

2 ) = 0. The distribution of δLw(z) is

also given in the lower plot of Fig. 3. Taking thederivatives with respect to z in Eq. 18, we canget the slope of the energy chirp.


dz= − δ0

2T− δ0

2Lb(1− η)

=dδGw (z)


dz. (19)

The slope of the RF energy chirp in L2 is h2 ≈−k tan(φ2) when E2 E1. So in order to com-pensate δGw (z), φ2 needs to be adjusted by

∆φ2 ≈ −δ0 cos2(φ2)

2kT. (20)

For the local energy chirp, since 0 < η < 1,the slope is always negative, which will weakenthe beam compression. We define the compres-sion factor as

|C| =∣∣∣∣ 1

1 + hLR56

∣∣∣∣ =IfIi, (21)

where hL is the slope of local energy chirp andIi, If the peak current before and after the com-pression. C > 0 (< 0) means under (over) com-pression. The slope of the global energy chirp

Page 7: Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high ... · Longitudinal dynamics of twin electron bunches in a high-energy linac Zhen Zhang,1,2 Yuantao Ding,1 Agostino Marinelli,1


−1 −0.5 0 0.5 10




) /


−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1






/ δ


−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1−0.2



z / T



/ δ


FIG. 3. (Top) beam longitudinal distribution n(z),(middle) relative energy loss due to the wakefieldsδw(z) and (down) relative energy loss after compen-sating the energy change of the two bunch centers by

adjusting the RF chirp. Here we adopt η =√36 .

can be obtained as

hG = hL −dδLwdz

. (22)

With these definitions and approximations,we can get an analytical expression for the finaltime delay for a single bunch compressor:

∆T =T



η− 1

)R56 . (23)

For the double chicane compression system,we further assume that the wakefields beforeBC1 are negligible, and we get the equation forthe final time delay by replacing T by τ0


∆T =τ0C1C




η− 1


(2)56 , (24)

where C1 = 1


is the compression factor

of BC1. Since τ0 > 0, η < 1 and R56 < 0,the second term on the right side, named “wake-induced term”, is always negative and the firstterm, “compression term”, can be either, de-pending on the compression of the local energychirp. The value of the final time delay is thesum of these two terms.

Note that the condition to use the limitingvalue of the steady-state wake requires σz s0and s0 = 1.5 mm for the SLAC S-band struc-ture [24]. The bunch length after the injector is

∼ 6 ps and the compression factor of BC1 is ∼ 5.So the whole bunch length is usually ∼ 0.4 mmin L2 and the requirement of “much smaller”is not satisfied well. The resulting distributionof the energy loss induced by the wakefields isnot a perfect stair-like shape, but it has non-linear terms. However, these non-linear wakeshave little effect on the global properties of thetwin-bunches, such as their time delay and en-ergy separation and can be neglected in this sim-plified analysis.

Figure 4 shows a schematic representation ofthe effect of wakefields on the time delay. If weneglect the effect of wakefields, the time delayis zero when both bunches are close to full com-pression (i.e. maximum peak current) since bothbunches are accelerated at roughly the samephase. If we include wakefields, the physical pic-ture changes significantly. Since the wakefieldshave a stair-like shape, the local energy chirpis smaller than the average energy chirp of thetwin-bunch system. This means that the com-pression curve of the individual bunches in thelower plot of Fig. 4 is shifted to the right and thetwo bunches reach the maximum peak current ata delay different than 0.

Under Full Over


e del

ay [a


Under Full Over


k c





w/o wake

w/ wake

FIG. 4. A schematic representation of time delay(up) and peak current (down) versus the compressionmode. The dashed line is without the wakes and thesolid line is with the wakes.

Figure 5 shows the contours of time delay andenergy separation with linac wakefields in theLiTrack simulation. After including wakefields,the time delay is shifted left by ∼ 50 fs along φ2,which confirms that the wake-induced global en-ergy chirp can be compensated by tuning the

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phase of the linac. The change of the energyseparation contour can be divided into two con-ditions. When BC2 works at under-compression,the wakefields will decrease the energy separa-tion. At over-compression, the effect will be in-verse. This is because at over-compression thetwo bunches exchange their longitudinal order inL3 (the tail bunch comes first).

φ2 [deg]

φ1 [



Time delay [fs]



−150 −










−150 −





















0 50



−37 −36 −35 −34 −33 −32−38











φ2 [deg]

φ1 [



Relative energy separation

















−40 −38 −36 −34 −32 −30−40






FIG. 5. The contours of the time delay (up) andrelative energy separation (down) of the two bunches.The blue dashed line is the analysis results of Eqs. (3),(4) and the red line is the simulation results of Litrackwith the linac wakefields. The amplitude of L1X inthis simulation is set to be zero.

We now discuss the optimization of the twin-bunch compression for the LCLS using theLiTrack particle tracking code. We will use thebeam parameters in Table I. Note that, in ad-dition to the time delay and energy separation,peak current is another important parameter ofthe twin bunches. For example, when we applythis method to generate two-color hard x-rays inan FEL, the peak current needs to be ∼ 4 kA toacquire a reasonable gain-length.

To optimize the twin-bunch compression werun LiTrack simulations scanning the L1X am-plitude and the phases of L1 and L2. From the

scan results, we pick out “working points” withsuitable peak current and plot their energy sepa-ration and time delay, as shown in Fig 6. Figure6 also shows three typical phase spaces.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10







δ [%]












0.3 (b)(b)(b)





0.6 (c)(c)(c)






−50 0 500




t [fs]

−50 0 50 1000




t [fs]

−100 0 1000




I p



t [fs]

FIG. 6. Working points with peak current 3 kA ∼5 kA of the core part of the beam (up) and threetypical longitudinal phase spaces with current profiles(down) of the twin bunches at the exit of L3, whichare labeled (a), (b), (c) respectively.

TABLE II. The beamline parameters for the threetypical phase space in Fig. 6.

Beam (a) Beam (b) Beam (c)

L1 phase (deg) -25.4 -21.0 -25.5

L2 phase (deg) -35.7 -36.5 -39.4

L1X amplitude (MV) 20 19 21

From Fig. 6 it is clear that the peak cur-rent requirements limit the available ranges oftime delay and energy separation. Fox example,when the energy separation is 0.5 %, the timedelay is < 150 fs. It is also noticeable that thearea of working points has two branches. Thiscan be understood by Eq. 24. For a fixed peakcurrent, the compression factor can be eitherpositive or negative, corresponding to under orover compression of the individual bunches. Inthe first case, the final time delay is the sub-traction of the two terms in Eq. 24, correspond-ing to the lower branch, while the other branchcorresponds to two over-compressed bunches.Note how the upper branch gives larger timedelay with similar energy separation of the

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lower branch. Figure 6 (a) and (c) show typi-cal phase-spaces for two under-compressed andover-compressed bunches. The main change inthe beamline settings in Table II from (a) to (c)is the phase of L2 with the over-compressed casecorresponding to a more negative phase.

As the energy separation increases, the non-linear components of the L1 accelerating fieldbecome non-negligible. This can result in thetwo bunches being compressed to two oppo-site regimes, with the low enery bunch beingover compressed and the high-energy one under-compressed (see in Fig. 6 (b)). This case is notwell described by our theoretical model whichonly includes the linear term in the RF field.

The difference of RF energy chirp on the twinbunches can be compensated, at least partly,by increasing the amplitude and optimizing thephase of L1X. Moreover, we assumed the sameinitial peak current for the twin bunches in theprevious analysis. If we put more charge in thehead bunch, the wake-induced local energy chirpwill also help compensate the non-linear compo-nents of the RF energy chirp.


We have shown before that the time delay ofthe two bunches is strongly affected by longitudi-nal wakefields. In particular, we have identified awake-induced term in the delay that depends ona few independent parameters such as the beamenergy at BC2 and the BC2 R56.

From Eq. 24 follows that we have severalchoices to increase the wakefield-induced delay:reducing the beam energy of BC2; increasing theamplitude of the wakes; decreasing the duty fac-tor; increase bunch charge and increasing the

value of R(2)56 . However, the initial bunch charge

and duty factor are limited by other considera-tions, e.g. maintaining the beam emittance inthe injector. In what follows we will be con-cerned with the other three parameters.

The first method is to reduce the beam en-ergy of BC2. Here we vary it from 5 GeV to3 GeV and scan other variable parameters (theenergy loss due to reducing BC2 energy is com-

pensated by L3 and the final beam energy will bekept the same). As in the previous section, weselect working points for which the peak currentof both bunches is in the range 3kA < I < 5kAand plot them in Fig 7. We separate the work-ing points into two groups corresponding to thetail bunch being over or under-compressed. Theblue-square points are the results with the nom-inal beam energy of 5 GeV. Reducing the BC2beam energy moves the area of suitable workingpoints upwards, which means larger time delayunder the same energy separation.

0 0.5 10







δ [%]




0 0.5 10







δ [%]





= 5GeV


= 4GeV


= 3GeV

FIG. 7. Working points for different beam energy ofBC2. The tail bunch is under (left) and over (right)compression, respectively. The peak current require-ment is 3 kA∼ 5 kA of the core beam.

The second method is to increase the R56 ofBC2. The nominal BC2 R56 for 5 GeV electronbeam is −24.7 mm In our study, we increase theR56 by 20% to 50%. We also separate them intotwo groups and plot with time delay and energyseparation as shown in Fig. 8. Increasing R56 ofBC2 also shifts the area of working points up-wards and generates larger time delay.

The third method is to increase the wakefieldbefore BC2. This can be achieved by adding arectangular corrugated structure in the beam-line, a device known as a passive dechirper [26,27]. This device was originally developed to con-trol the beam energy chirp in linacs [28, 29]. Thegeometry of the device is shown in Fig. 9. Theparameters of the structure used here are givenin Table III. We can set different values of theaperture a to vary the wakefields (a =∞ corre-sponds to an open structure). For a give a, wescan all variable beamline parameters and plot

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0 0.5 10







δ [%]




0 0.5 10







δ [%]










FIG. 8. Working points for different R56 of BC2. Thetail bunch is under (left) and over (right) compres-sion, respectively. The peak current requirement is3 kA∼ 5 kA of the core beam.

working points out in Fig. 10. The amplitudeof the longitudinal wakefield is inverse propor-tional to a2. As the dechirper wakefield inten-sity increses (i.e. for small values of a), the areaof suitable working points will move towards theup-right corner — reaching larger time delay andlarger energy separation.


𝑦 𝑦


2𝑎 𝑝


𝑤 𝐼


FIG. 9. Geometry of dechirper parameters: longitu-dinal cut with two periods (left) and transverse cut(right).

TABLE III. Parameters of the corrugated structure

Parameter Value Units

Half-gap a > 2 mm

Period p 1 mm

Depth h 1 mm

Opening g 0.5 mm

Width w 24 mm

Length L 10 m

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.40







δ [%]





a=3 mm

a=2 mm

FIG. 10. Working points for different a of the wake-field structure. The peak current requirement is3 kA∼ 5 kA of the core beam.

From the above analysis we can summarizethe three methods together in Fig. 11. The solidellipse denotes the working points. Reducing thebeam energy and increasing the R56 of the dis-persion both move the ellipse upwards. Increas-ing wakefield before BC2 will move the ellipseup-right. All these three methods can help ex-tend the available range of the time delay andwe can combine them together to optimize theperformance of the twin-bunch method.

Relative energy separation 𝛿


e d


𝑊𝑎𝑘𝑒 ↑ 𝑅56 ↑

Peak current constraints

𝛾 ↓

FIG. 11. Schematic of the three methods to ac-quire large time delay for the two-bunch compressionscheme.


In this paper we studied the longitudinalbeam dynamics of generating high-energy andhigh-intensity twin bunches. The beam dynam-ics of twin-bunches is of great relevance for many

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fields, such as two-color XFELs, seeded FELsand beam-driven plasma acceleration. Our anal-ysis shows that the final time delay and energyseparation of the twin bunches can be controlledindependently while keeping the peak current ofthe two bunches within a suitable range. Wehave shown that wake fields have a strong influ-ence on the final time delay of the two bunchesand their effect can be used to our advantage

in controlling the twin-bunch dynamics. Basedon our theoretical analysis, we proposed threemethods to vary the time-delay by controllingthe effect of wakefields.


This work was supported under US Depart-ment of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.

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