lorraine dearden director of admin node institute of education email: [email protected]

Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Lorraine DeardenDirector of ADMIN Node

Institute of EducationEmail: [email protected]

Page 2: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

IntroductionGive you a whirlwind tour of the economic

approach to evaluation

Can’t go into too much technical detailExcellent new review article by Blundell and Costa

Dias (forthcoming Journal of Human Resources) – borrow heavily from their exposition

But hope I get the essential ideas across so that you can judge which (if any) of the approaches may be useful

Along the way give some of my initial thoughts on how different approaches may be used

Page 3: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

The Evaluation ProblemQuestion which we want to answer is

What is the effect of some treatment (Di=1) on some outcome of interest (Y1i) compared to the outcome (Y0i) if the treatment had taken place (Di=0)

Don’t observe the counterfactualFine if treatment is randomly assigned, but in a

lot of economic and epidemiological settings this is not the case

The economic approach to evaluation involves methods that try and get around this selection problem

Page 4: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Selection ProblemSelection bias: is caused by

characteristics (observed (Z) and unobserved (v)) that affect both the decision to participate in the program and its outcomes

If participants are systematically different from non-participants with respect to such characteristics, then the outcome observed for non-participants does not represent a good approximation to the counterfactual for participants

Page 5: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Economic Evaluation MethodsConstructing the counterfactual in a convincing

way is the key requirementSix distinct, but related approaches, attempting

to deal with potential selection bias:Social experiment methodsNatural experimentsMatching methodsInstrumental variable methods (not going to

discuss)Discontinuity design methodsControl function methods (not going to discuss)

Page 6: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Assignment to treatmentSelection into treatment at time k is

assumed to be made on the basis of an index function D*D*ik = Zikc + vik

where c is the vector of coefficients and vik

the unobservable termThe treatment status is then defined as

Dit = 1 if D*ik > 0 and t > k

Dit = 0 otherwise

Page 7: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

What are we trying to measure?Express average parameters at time t>k at a

particular value of Zik= z as:Average treatment (ATE) for population (if individual

assigned at random to treatment)ATE(z) = E(i| Zik= z )

Average treatment effect on the treated (ATT)ATT(z) = E(i| Zik= z, Dit = 1 )= E(i| Zik= z, vik>-zc)Average treatment effect on the non-treated (ATNT)ATNT(z) = E(i| Zik= z, Dit = 0 )= E(i| Zik= z, vik<-zc)All these parameters identical if homogeneous

treatment effects

Page 8: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Outcome equationThe potential outcome for individual i at time t is

given by (ignoring other covariates (X) that impact on Y):

Y1it= + i + uit if Dit = 1

Y0it= + uit if Dit = 0 Hence we can write:

Y1it= + i Dit + uit

Collecting unobserved heterogeneity terms together:

Where is the ATE. Non-random selection occurs if e is correlated with D.

1it it it it it itY = + D + (u D ( )) + D +ei

Page 9: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

What does this mean?This implies e is either correlated with the regressors

determining assignment, Z and/or correlated with the unobservable component in the selection equation (v)

Consequently there are 2 forms of selection Selection on the observables Selection on the unobservables

If homogeneous treatment effect, selection bias only occurs if D correlated with u whereas if heterogeneous treatment effect could also arise if D correlated with idiosyncratic gain from treatment

Different estimators use different assumptions about assignment to identify the impact of the treatment


Page 10: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Social ExperimentClosest to the theory free method of a clinical

trialRelies on the availability of a random

assignment ruleThe assumptions required are:R1: E[ui|Di=1]= E[ui|Di=0]=E[ui]

R2: E[i|Di=1]= E[i|Di=0]=E[i]If conditions hold, can identify the average

effect in the experimental population using OLS (ATE)

Page 11: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Natural Experiments: Difference in Difference (DID) Estimator

DID approach uses a natural experiment to mimic the randomisation of a social experiment

Natural experiment – some naturally occuring event which creates a policy shift for one group and not anotherIt may be a change in health policy in one jurisdiction

but not anotherOr may refer to the eligibility of a certain group to a

change in health policy for which a similar group is ineligible

The difference in outcomes between the two groups before and after the policy change gives the estimate of the policy impact

Require longitudinal data or repeated cross section data (where samples are drawn from the same population) before and after the intervention

Page 12: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

DID EstimatorRewrite the outcome equation as:

Y1it= + i Dit + uit = + i Dit + i+t+it

i.e. u is decomposed into three terms: an unobserved fixed effect, an aggregate macro (time) shock and an idiosyncratic transitory shock

The main assumption underlying DID is that selection into treatment is independent of the transitory shock:

DID: E(uit | Dit)=E(i | Dit)+ it

that is R1 holds in first differences

Page 13: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

DID estimatorMeasures ATT

Doesn’t rule out selection on unobservables as long as fixed

DID estimator is just first difference estimator commonly used with panel data in presence of fixed effects

Problems if selection on idiosyncratic temporary shock, not common macro effect, compositional changes over time (repeated cross –sections)

But may have applications, for instance postcode lottery with health services, abolition/introduction of health program or service affecting health for a sub-group of the population

Page 14: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Matching MethodsAssumes all selection is based on observables

characteristics/matching variables (X) that you have in your data

OLS is a form of matching and will give you the ATT=ATE=ATNT if the X(i) are unaffected by the treatment(ii) contain all the variables that influence both the participation decision and the outcome of interest

(iii) there is common support (all values of X are observed amongst treated and non-treated)

Can use more flexible regression methods so if the effect of X’s is heterogeneous (testable) then ATT ATNT ATE

Page 15: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Propensity Score MatchingRegression approaches are a form of

matching approachPropensity score matching is another

matching approachShares a number of assumptions with

regression based approachesA lot more flexible but also much more

computationally expensive

Page 16: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

AssumptionsMatching is based on the following assumptionM1: Conditional Independence Assumption (CIA) –

condition on the set of observables X, the non-treated outcomes are independent of the participation status i.e.

Assumption M1 implies a conditional version of R1 E[ui|Di, Xi]= E[ui| Xi]

Slightly stronger assumption needed to get ATEDon’t need an equivalent of R2 to identify ATT as

selection on the unobservable gains is accommodated by matching but do need one more assumption – that each treated observation can be reproduced amongst the non-treated

0 |i i iY D X

Page 17: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Common SupportM2: All treated individuals have a counterpart

on the non-treated population any anyone constitutes a possible participant

So S the common support for X is the part of the distribution of X represented in the two groups

All individuals in the treatment group for whom there is not common support are excluded from the matching estimate

Page 18: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

MatchingInvolves selecting from the non-treated pool a

control group in which the distribution of observed variables is as similar as possible to the distribution in the treated group (by coming up with a set of weights for the control group to make it look like the treatment group)

There are a number of ways of doing this but they almost always involve calculating the propensity score pi(x) Pr{D=1|X=x}

Drop any individuals in treatment group who have propensity score greater than maximum in control group (to ensure common support)

Page 19: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

The propensity scoreThe propensity score is the probability of being

in the treatment group given you have characteristics X=x

How do you do this?Use parametric methods (e.g. logit or probit)

and estimate the probability of a person being in the treatment group for all individuals in the treatment and non-treatment groups

Rather than matching on the basis of ALL X’s can match on basis of this propensity score (Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983))

Page 20: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

How do we match?All matching methods come up with a way of

reweighting the control group ATT is the difference in the mean outcome in

the two groups (appropriately weighted)Nearest neighbour matching

each person in the treatment group choose individual(s) with the closest propensity score to them

can do this with (most common) or without replacement

not very efficient as discarding a lot of information about the control group

Page 21: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Kernel based matching each person in the treatment group is

matched to a weighted sum of individuals who have similar propensity scores with greatest weight being given to people with closer scores

Some kernel based matching use ALL people in non-treated group (e.g. Gaussian kernel) whereas others only use people within a certain probability user-specified bandwidth (e.g. Epanechnikov )

Choice of bandwidth involves a trade-off of bias with precision

Page 22: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Other methodsRadius matchingCaliper matchingMahalanobis matchingLocal linear regression matchingSpline matching…..

Page 23: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Matching an option?Need very good data – otherwise highly likely

selection on unobservables Common support – if some of treated cannot be

matched then definition of estimated parameter becomes unclear

Can also combine matching and DID methods - common support more problematic if using repeated cross-section

Applications in Epidemiology? If have well designed pilot study with well chosen control groups and rich survey data then usually good approach(EMA evaluation in UK)

Whether appropriate in other cases depends on questions and data availability

Page 24: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Regression Discontinuity DesignSome deterministic rule means that some

individuals below a threshold receive a treatment whereas those above to do not

Look at differences in outcomes for those just below and just above the threshold to look at impact of treatment

Like randomised control trial but only for a very specific group of individuals (UNLESS effect is constant across all participants – untestable)

Page 25: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

Example of RDDMedical treatment given on basis of

diagnostic test: compare impact of treatment for those just above and just below threshold

Date of birth and when you start school – children born on 31 August start school one year earlier than children born on 1 September – can look at whether better to start school at age 4 or 5 in neighbourhood of discontinuity

Page 26: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk






n ac







Aug92 May92 Feb92 Nov91 Aug91 May91 Feb91 Nov90 Day of Birth







n ac







Aug92 May92 Feb92 Nov91 Aug91 May91 Feb91 Nov90 Day of Birth







n ac







Aug92 May92 Feb92 Nov91 Aug91 May91 Feb91 Nov90 Day of Birth


Males Females

Page 27: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

IdeaThe RDD uses the discontinuous dependence of D on

z at z*.The variable z is an observable variable which can

also have an independent effect on the outcome of interest not just through its affect on D (unlike with the IV approach)

The RDD approach relies on continuity assumptions namely:

DD1: E(i|z) as a function of z is continuous at z=z*

DD2: E(i |z) as a function of z is continuous at z=z*DD3: The participation decision, D, is independent

from the participation gain i, in the neighbourhood of z*

Page 28: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

What potential RDD?Major drawback of discontinuity design is its

dependence on discontinuous changes in odds of participation dictated by the design of the policy

Means can only look at impact of policy at a certain margin dictated by the discontinuity – generalisability much more difficult without strong assumptions....

If rule can be manipulated and/or if it changes behaviour then finding might be spurious – new diagnostic tests question a lot of early RDD findingsSee Lee|Lemieux NBER methodological paper

Page 29: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

IV and Control FunctionNot going to discussControl Function approach accounts for selection

on unobservables by treating the endogeneity of D as an omitted variable problemRequires exclusion restrictions and distributional

assumptionsIV approach, like RDD requires finding a policy

accident/exogenous event that means some people get a treatment whilst others don’t. It assumes that the accident/exogenous event only impacts on the outcome through its effect on DUntestable assumption

Page 30: Lorraine Dearden Director of ADMIN Node Institute of Education Email: l.dearden@ioe.ac.uk

ConclusionsNumber of options when evaluating whether

something effective and think economic approach to evaluation could be used in epidemiology

Depends on nature of intervention, available data, question you want to answer

Each methods has advantages and disadvantages and involves assumptions that may or may not be credible and all these factors have to be carefully assessed