los mandatos informales español 3. informal commands (affirmative) take the form and drop the. or...

Los mandatos informales Español 3

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Page 1: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

Los mandatos informales

Español 3

Page 2: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

Informal commands (affirmative)

Take the form and drop the .


Just use the form if that’s easier to remember!

preparar -->



tú s

él / ella / ud



Page 3: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

Informal Commands (Negative)

To make a negative tú command, start with the form of the verb, drop the , and add the ending.




yo oopposite tú

-ar--> es -er/-ir--> as

¡No prepares!¡No barras!¡No sirvas!

Page 4: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

Opposite endings

Verbs that end in -ar won’t take the -as ending, but instead will take .

Verbs that end in -er or -ir won’t take the -es ending, but instead will take .



Page 5: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar


1. cantar (+)6. escribir (-)

2. mirar (+)7. comer (+)

3. beber (-)8. salir (-)

4. escuchar (+)9. hacer (-)

5. hablar (-)10. perder (-)



¡No bebas!


¡No hables!

¡No escribas!


¡No salgas!

¡No hagas!

¡No pierdas!

Page 6: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

-car, -gar, -zar verbs

When we make negative commands from a verb that ends in -car, -gar, or -zar, we make some spelling changes to keep the original sound.

Page 7: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar


For verbs that end in -car, the changes to , then we add the opposite ending, which will ALWAYS be since these are -ar verbs!



Page 8: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar


For verbs that end in -gar, the changes to .


Page 9: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar


For verbs that end in -zar, the changes to a .

Remember these rules only apply to


negative commands

Page 10: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

¡A practicar!

11. buscar:

12. pagar:

13. cruzar:

14. empezar:

¡No busques!

¡No pagues!

¡No cruces!

¡No empieces!

Page 11: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

Irregular Affirmative + Commands

Venir ¡Ven! Come!Decir ¡Di! Say! Tell!Salir ¡Sal! Go out! Leave!Hacer ¡Haz! Do! Make!Tener ¡Ten! Have!Ir ¡Ve! Go!Poner ¡Pon! Put!

Vin Diesel has 10 weapons.

Page 12: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

Negative Irregulars



¡No vayas

¡No seas!

Don’t go!

Don’t be!

Page 13: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

¡A practicar!

1. Poner

2. Tener

3. Venir

4. Salir

5. Hacer

6. Decir

¡No pongas!

¡No tengas!

¡No vengas!

¡No salgas!

¡No hagas!

¡No digas!

Don’t put!

Don’t have!

Don’t come!

Don’t go out! Don’t leave!

Don’t do! Don’t make!

Don’t say! Don’t tell!

Page 14: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

Common Expressions

Be careful!

Come here!

Tell me the truth!

Don’t go!

Don’t tell me! You don’t say!

Don’t be afraid!

Put on the hat!

Don’t be like that!

Page 15: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

Reflexive Verbs & Commands with DIRECT OBJECTS PRONOUNS

With the affirmative command all we did

was ____________ the object pronoun to the affirmative command. (Notice we added an accent mark to keep the stress in the original place. Un, Dos, Tres BAM!)


Page 16: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar


15. lavarse (tú) _________________

16. secarse (tú)_______________

Lávate- Wash yourself!

Sécate- Dry yourself!

Page 17: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar


17. Vender la casa _________________

18. Prestar el dinero ________________

19. Escuchar a nosotros _____________

20. Dar a mi _______________________

¡Véndela! Sell it!

¡Préstalo! Loan it!

¡Escúchanos! Listen to us!

¡Dame! Give me!

Page 18: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

Negative Commands

The difference with the negative commands is that the object pronoun will be placed _______________ the verb.


Page 19: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

RECUEDA..USE “TE” because they are informal Tú Commands

21. No levantarse __________________

22. No secarse ____________________

23. No comerse ____________________

¡No te levantes! Don’t get yourself up!

¡No te seques! Don’t dry yourself!

¡No te comas! Don’t gobble down yourself!

Page 20: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

24. No comprar el carro


25. No apagar la lámpara


¡No lo compres! Don’t buy it!

¡No la apagues! Don’t turn it off!

Page 21: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

1. Ten cuidado

2. Ven aca! Ven aquí!

3. Ven conmigo

4. Hazme un favor!

5. Dime la verdad!

6. Pon la mesa!

7. Ponte los zapatos!

8. Be patient!

Page 22: Los mandatos informales Español 3. Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the. OR Just use the form if thats easier to remember! preparar

9. Be organized!

10. Don’t go!

11. Don’t worry!

12. Vete!

13. Sal!

14. Se simpático!

15. No me digas!