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WORKING DRAFT 8/17/07 1 Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response August 2007 Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Designated Regional Coordinators Emergency Operations Plan

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Page 1: Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response · Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response I. Introduction and Background As in other parts of the nation, Louisiana



Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response

August 2007

Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Designated Regional Coordinators

Emergency Operations Plan

Page 2: Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response · Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response I. Introduction and Background As in other parts of the nation, Louisiana



Table Of Contents

I. Introduction and Background

II. Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response A. Infrastructure

i. NIMS Compliance ii. Regional structures iii. State and federal Interface

B. Critical Initiatives i. Communication ii. Patient Movement Process iii. Medical Queue for Mass Evacuation iv. Emergency Codes v. Special Needs Sheltering

III. Individual Hospital Response

Appendices Appendix A – Map of Louisiana Planning Regions Appendix B – Designated Regional Coordinators Appendix C– Hospitals by Region and Type Appendix D – Louisiana Emergency Support Function 8 – Health

and Medical Incident Command Structure Appendix E– Emergency Patient Transfer Process Appendix F - NIMS Compliance (to be developed) Appendix G - Interim Patient Tracking System Appendix H- Emergency Support Function 8 Hospital Emergency

Preparedness and Response for Hurricanes Appendix I – Hospital CEO Checklist Appendix J - Medical Institutional Evacuation Plan

Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response I. Introduction and Background As in other parts of the nation, Louisiana is susceptible to disasters, both natural and man-made, that could exceed the resources of any individual hospital. A disaster could result from incidents generating an overwhelming number of patients, from a smaller number of patients whose specialized medical requirements exceed the resources of the impacted facility (e.g., hazmat injuries, pulmonary, trauma surgery, etc.), or from incidents such as building or plant problems resulting in the need for partial or complete hospital evacuation.

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Impact of 2005 Hurricane Season Hurricane Season 2005 was the most active and deadly in our nation’s history. Louisiana was hit by one tropical storm and four hurricanes: Cindy, Dennis, Katrina and Rita. All of Louisiana’s coastal areas were impacted. As the result of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita 58 hospitals were evacuated (19 remain closed to this date). That evacuation involved the transportation of more than 15,000 hospital patients, staff, and visitors. All state and local resources were impacted. Federal support via the National Disaster Medical System was required. More than 1200 individuals lost their lives as a result of the storms. With federal funding provided through the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Hospital Bioterrorism Grant Program, Louisiana established an infrastructure to facilitate:

o Development of a plan of action in response to the identified needs o Upgrade the ability of hospitals and other healthcare entities to respond to

biological events, and o Development a multi-tiered systems in which local health care entities are

prepared to triage, treat, stabilize and refer multiple casualties to identified centers for care.

Individual hospitals developed inter-hospital plans to upgrade resources required to support an emergency response. II. Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response A. Infrastructure

i. Adoption of National Incident Management System (NIMS) NIMS was developed as a comprehensive national approach to incident management, applicable at all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines, to further improve the effectiveness of emergency response providers and incident management organizations across a full spectrum of potential incidents and hazard scenarios. Louisiana has adopted NIMS at all government departments and agencies as well as in the private public partnership of health care providers networked through the Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response (LHEPR). Further, LHERP encourages NIMS adoption by associations, partners, and suppliers.

ii. Regional structures

To facilitate the multi-layered response, nine (9) planning regions for private and public hospitals were identified. These regions correspond with those used by Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Office of Public Health.

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Appendix A includes a map of the Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Response regions. All hospitals “belong” to a region and have participated in the development of regional plans. Hospitals have been asked to identify a point of contact, known as the Hospital Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. Leadership for Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response is provided thru hospital volunteers known as Designated Regional Coordinators (DRCs). The primary responsibilities for the DRCs are:

o To serve as the liaison for hospitals with other health-related entities (i.e. Office of Pubic Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services) and on behalf of hospitals with non-health related entities (i.e) Office of Emergency Preparedness.

o To support the patient transfer process during a declared state of emergency

o To facilitate the identification of a medical evacuation queue during a declared state of emergency.

o To facilitate the development and implementation of regional and Inter-hospital emergency preparedness plans for designated regions in the State of Louisiana.

o To lead the region’s process for development of, testing of, continuous improvement of and management of regional hospital response to emergency situation:

o To be the leader for the region during a statewide emergency in which hospitals are tasked to respond.

Appendix B provides a listing of FY 05-06 Designated Regional Coordinators. Louisiana’s hospitals provide various levels of care. A classification system of hospitals was identified based on capabilities was identified. Hospitals serve voluntarily as one of three levels: o Designated Regional Hospitals (DRH) hospitals are larger acute care facilities with

emergency room capabilities and many subspecialty services. They serve voluntarily and have agreed to provide additional capacity and resources in the initial emergency response of a mass casualty or event.

o Tier 1 Hospitals: Hospitals with emergency department capabilities 24/7. o Tier 2 Hospitals: Hospitals that do not provide emergency room capabilities and

are more single service in nature such as psychiatric, rehabilitation, and/or long term acute service.

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Appendix D provides a listing of Louisiana’s hospitals by region and level of service, and their Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. Most of Louisiana’s HRSA Hospital Bioterrorism Grant Program funds have been directed to hospitals. Louisiana has received HRSA grant funds to improve communications, surge capacity, isolation capabilities, coordination, planning, training, and purchase pharmaceuticals, personal protective equipment, decontamination equipment enhancing our emergency response capabilities.

iii. State and Federal Interface The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Emergency Preparedness provides coordination on behalf of the State of Louisiana and all other state agencies, to the federal government through Emergency Support Function (ESF) 8 - Health and Medical Services, and the Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response. An Incident Command Structure for Emergency Support Function 8 – Health and Medical is included in Appendix E. NIMS Compliance will be addressed in Appendix F. B. Critical Initiatives Several critical initiatives have been developed by the Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response to support emergency preparedness: Initiatives include:

o Enhancing communication capabilities and interoperability for all hospitals; and o The development of a patient movement process to facilitate movement of

patients during a declared state of emergency. o Identification of a process to establish a medical queue during a mass


i. Communication EMSystem Louisiana hospitals implemented the emergency preparedness tool, EMSystem Resource Tracking. Hospitals participating in the EMSystem have been asked to report as needed: --- status of operations (open, limited, or closed) --- availability of beds by category (M/S, ICU, ped, psych, etc); and --- other resources that may be needed by hospitals in an emergency (blood products, fuel, pharmaceuticals, personnel, etc.)

This data warehousing includes inventories of available resources against which incoming data can be continuously compared, and that resources can be quickly assessed and distributed.

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Hospitals and other health care entities may receive an initial alert from the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) after identifying a potential threat through the use of blast fax and email. GOHSEP will coordinate the release of the alert with ESF 8 Incident Command. EMSystem also includes an alert and notification components allowing ESF 8 Incident Command structures to send request submission of specific information enabling coordination of activities during an event. EMSystem is compatible with Health and Human Services (HHS) Region VI enabling the federal government to oversee activities on the state level. Communication Systems The State identified communication systems for redundancy:

o Primary system- Internet email o Secondary system – Telephone and fax o Tertiary system– Two-way radios

All Tier 1 hospitals have at least one emergency two-way radio. A regional decision was as to the selection of a two way radio.

o Hospitals in Regions 2,3,4,5, and 9 – HEAR radio o Hospitals in Regions 1, 6,7,8 - 800 MHz radio

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Office of Emergency Preparedness, Designated Regional Coordinators and Designated Regional Hospitals are equipped with 800 MHz radios for statewide communications.

Ongoing Drills State-wide Radio Check: Every Monday at 0830 hours, a statewide radio check is completed. The radio checks are conducted with a rotating responsibility between the Designated Regional Coordinators at the state level. Regional Radio Checks: A radio check is conducted on a weekly basis among hospitals in Region 7 (Shreveport area), Region 6 (Alexandria area) and Region 1 (New Orleans). Region 8 hospitals (Monroe area) conduct a radio check daily. Region 2 (Baton Rouge) hospitals conduct a radio check every month. The radio checks are conducted with rotating responsibility of coordinators within each region. By the fall of 2006, each of the 9 regions will be conducting similar radio checks.

Communication remains a challenge even with the best of plans. During Hurricane Katrina most communications in Region 1 and all communications were lost in Region 9 due to many, many technical difficulties. Plans are underway to improve redundancy statewide.

ii. Patient Movement Process

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The hospital plans for evacuation are developed as worse case” scenario conditions. The litigious environment, the Homeland Security hearings’ criticisms, the weakened levees, fragile infrastructure, the weakened response capabilities, and overburdened staff add to the indirect factors that may facilitate hospital evacuations regardless of structural ability to shelter-in-place. From a strategic perspective, Louisiana continues to support the strategy that patients should not be moved on a “maybe” event (prior to a storm) as it is not in the best interest of the patient to move critical care patients. Our federal partners support the strategy of sheltering-in-place (SIP) provided it can be done so safely. Hospitals must evaluate hardening structures and increasing supply assets so that unnecessary movement of critical patients is minimized.

In the event patient movement is required, the Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response has facilitated the development of regional and statewide patient movement processes. The patient movement process is implemented only when the state has declared a state of emergency or as requested by the Louisiana Department of Health and Human Services. The HRSA Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response system provides the backbone of the regional and statewide patient movement processes. There are three components to the patient movement: resource availability, patient transfer process (In-State and Out-of-State) and patient tracking. Resource Availability With respect to resource availability, the Designated Regional Coordinator (DRC) from each region serves to support the process by identifying available resources in his/her region. Briefly, hospitals are asked to contact and work through the Designated Regional Coordinators to identify and/or request hospital-based resources available in regions throughout the state. DRCs “match” patient care needs with available resources in the state and facilitate the arrangement of a hospital-to-hospital transfer. Hospitals report resources available on an as needed base, to Designated Regional Coordinators through a resource tracking tool, EMSystems. EMSystem allows Louisiana to maximize existing resources. Patient Transfer In- State Movement of Patients Patient transfer includes the movement of patients from one region to another during a declared state of emergency. Hospitals are encouraged to exhaust all local resources before requesting support through the statewide patient transfer process. The Administrator/Medical Director on call from the hospital that has patients that need to be transferred outside the region should contact their Designated Regional Coordinator. (See Appendix B for contact information for the HRSA DRCs. The transferring hospital

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should have the specific information available regarding patient needs for their DRC. The “transferring” DRC will contact an “accepting” DRC with a referral request. The “accepting” DRC will contact hospitals in their region to identify available resources. If resources are not available, the accepting DRC will contact the HRSA Coordinator to advise that another alternative region must be identified. An “accepting” hospital will contact the transferring hospital regarding transfer resources. Transfer will be arranged per procedures of the transferring and receiving hospitals. A copy of the Emergency Patient Transfer Process is included in Appendix E. Out-of-State Movement of Patients In the event institutional plans fail, state and federal assets will be required to assist with the evacuation of medical institutions. Given the limited resources at the local and state levels, federal support will be required to support a medical institution evacuation plan. Planning Assumptions:

• All hospitals are primarily responsible for their own disaster evacuation plans. It is anticipated that hospitals will remain in control of all aspects of their facility evacuation plans, and will use pre-identified resources for execution of their plan.

• It is also anticipated that unknown and uncontrollable variables may interrupt and/or limit the facility’s ability to execute evacuation plans and that they may request assistance. This plan identifies the timelines, decisions, and assets that state and federal coordinated assets bring to bear when this plan is executed.

Specific plans for the medical evacuation of patients in Regions 1, 3, 4, 5 and 9 have been established and are available in Appendix J Medical Institutional Evacuation Plans. Patient Tracking An interim patient tracking system has been established by the Louisiana Hospital Association (LHA) to facilitate the identification of patients moved during a declared state of emergency. LHA has established a website for data collection and a second site for patient query. The State of Louisiana will establish a more comprehensive patient tracking system in the future. Hospitals may contact the Louisiana Hospital Association via email at [email protected]. The LHA will store the patient tracking data in central repository accessible via the web at www.lhaonline.org. A copy of the LHA Patient Tracking System is included in Appendix G.

iii. Medical Queue for Mass Evacuation

Consistent with the State’s plan to support mass evacuation, Designated Regional Coordinators assist in establishing a “medical queue” in cooperation with the regional unified command staff.

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To facilitate evacuation, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals and support agencies have identified a system of triggers and actions to assist. Triggers and supporting responses have been established based on “H-Hour” timeframes established by the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. H-Hour has been defined as H-Hour 0 = 24 hours prior to tropical storm force winds making landfall See Appendix H for the Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response: H - Hour Response As hospitals request assistance to evacuate particular units or entire buildings, the regional unified command will work to identify the medical queue. This will list which hospitals evacuate in order of priority. Evaluations will include weather conditions, flooding, structural condition of the facility, condition of patients, etc, and will be communicated to those assisting with the transportation assets (DODT). The Designated Regional Coordinator is responsible for assuring that the process is completed and communicated to the ESF 8 incident command structure and impacted hospitals.

iv. Emergency Code Uniformity Emergency Code uniformity enables many individuals at multiple facilities to respond consistently to emergencies, which ultimately enhances safety for patients, visitors, and staff. Reasons for seeking uniformity include:

• With the current nursing and other healthcare professional’s shortage, many organizations share personnel. Having a consistent code system reduces the amount of information an employee must learn or re-lean and lessens the opportunity for confusion during emergent or disaster events.

• Communication among hospitals and other agencies in a specific geographic

region during an emergency can be enhanced when there is a common language (for instance, DASH, DASH II, MMRS, and other statewide agreements that involve different regions).

• Communication during statewide, regional, or local weapons of mass

destruction (WMD) events will also be enhanced.

• The myriad of different systems using numbers, alpha codes, and color codes creates confusion, increases the likelihood of miscommunication, and potential for serious outcome to patient care.

Code Recommendations: The following code designations for emergency identification in healthcare organizations are recommended:

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CODE BLUE - Medical Emergency – Cardiac/Respiratory Arrest CODE RED - Fire

CODE GREY - Severe Weather CODE BLACK - Bomb CODE PINK - Infant/Child Abduction CODE YELLOW - Disaster – Mass Casualty CODE ORANGE - Hazardous Materials CODE WHITE - Security Alert – Violence/Hostage Note that while the above main colors remain constant, there is flexibility built into the system for individual hospital needs. Emergency code colors not stated may be used by individual organizations to address specific facility or geographic concerns. The goal is to have a common set of base colors and for hospitals to customize them to meet their needs albeit a response to these events is very similar hospital to hospital.

v. Special Needs Sheltering There is a growing vulnerable population in Louisiana. The vulnerable population is defined as being medically dependent or those individuals with ongoing medical needs that require support, but not hospitalization. Louisiana provides three types of shelters: General shelters, special needs shelters and hospital-based shelters. These shelters provide a triage network of shelter care for vulnerable patients. Depending upon the acuity of the shelteree, potential shelterees can be triaged to a general shelter; special needs shelter, or hospital shelter. Many hospitals in Louisiana signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2004 to provide assistance for the state supported Special Needs Sheltering network. Hospitals may choose to provide:

o direct sheltering or send personnel and supplies to state or local shelters.

o operation of an In-Hospital Special Needs or General Shelter.

o provide medical care to patients referred from a shelter (shelter referred) or self referred (walk-in) patients.

It is important to note, that while hospitals signed the MOU to assist with sheltering, hospitals are not required to provide sheltering. Rather, given an incident each hospital should identify the best use of its existing resources be it inpatient acute services or for sheltering.

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A process to reimburse hospitals for sheltering expenses has been developed by the Department of Health and Hospitals and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Louisiana Hospital Association has agreed to assist hospitals in submission of the appropriate documentation. Specific information related to FEMA reimbursement for sheltering expenses can be found at the Louisiana Hospital Association website: www.lhaonline.org. III. Maintenance of Individual Hospital’s Disaster Program This document addresses the relationships between and among hospitals and is intended to augment, not replace, each facility's disaster plan. This document does not replace but rather supplements the rules and procedures governing interaction with other organizations during a disaster (e.g., law enforcement agencies, the local emergency medical services, local public health department, fire departments, American Red Cross, etc). A checklist for the Hospital CEO has been identified and is attached as Appendix I.

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Appendix A

Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning Regions

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Appendix B Designated Regional Coordinators

FY 06-07


1 Norris Yarbrough Ochsner Foundation Hospital 504-842-3772

[email protected]

1 Cynthia Matherne Metropolitan Hospital Council 504-837-1171 [email protected]

1 Frank Folino Touro Infirmary 504-897-7990 [email protected]

2 Allyn Whaley-Martin Our Lady of the Lake RMC 225-765-8329 [email protected]

2 Ruth Turman Earl K. Long 225-358-1320 [email protected]

2 Connie DeLeo Baton Rouge General 225-387-7852 [email protected]

2 Wayne Edelen Earl K. Long 225-358-1108 [email protected]

3 Percy Mosely Terrebonne General Med Ctr 985-873-4271 [email protected]

4 Anjanette Hebert Lafayette General Med Ctr 337-289-7441 [email protected]

4 & 5 Liz Harmon HRSA Region 4 & 5 337-570-4230 [email protected]

5 Mark Severns Lake Charles Memorial Hosp. 337-436-6111 [email protected]

5 Lee Willeford CHRISTUS St. Patrick of L.C. 337-431-7859 [email protected]

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REGION COORDINATOR FACILITY OFFICE E-MAIL 6 Mary Tarver CHRISTUS St. Frances Cabrini 318-448-6861 [email protected]

7 Knox Andress LSUHSC-Shreveport 318- 813-3311 [email protected]

8 Mike Brame St. Francis Medical Center 318-327-4971 [email protected]

8 Sheila Mason Franklin Medical Center 318-435-9411 [email protected]

9 Keith Peek Slidell Memorial Hospital 985-649-8528 [email protected]; [email protected]

9 Karen Moise St Tammany Parish Hospital 985-898-4087 [email protected]

DHH Rosanne Prats DHH 225-342-3417 225-342-5168

[email protected]

LHA Asha Green LHA 225-928-0026 [email protected]

LHA Marcia Fries LHA 225-928-0026 [email protected]

LHA Tatsy Jeter LHA 225-928-0026 [email protected]

LHA Kendra Powell LHA 225-928-0026 [email protected]

LHA Coletta Barrett LHA 225-765-8851 [email protected]

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Appendix C Hospitals by Type and Region

(Updated 4/20/07)






1 Jefferson Behavioral Hospital of Kenner (Located inside Kenner Regional)

Psych T-2 Gary Chaney HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

504-464-8540 [email protected]

1 Orleans Children's Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 Lisa Miranda HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Plant Oper/Safety

504-896-9265 [email protected]

1 Orleans Community Care Hospital

Psych T-2 Paul B. Kavanaugh HRSA Emer Prep Coord/President/CEO

504-899-2500 [email protected]

1 Jefferson East Jefferson General Hospital

DRH T-1 Linda Daigle HRSA DRC/DRH Rep/Asst Admin

504-454-4000 [email protected]

1 Orleans Healthwest Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab T-2 Paul McCann Rachel Kancewick

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CEO HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director of Therapy

504-433-5551 [email protected]; [email protected]

1 Orleans Kindred Hospital - New Orleans

LTAC T-2 David Boyd HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Quality Mgmt

504-894-7649 [email protected]

1 Jefferson Louisiana Speciality Hospital (formerly Solara Hospital)

LTAC T-2 Stephanie T. Wells, CPA

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

504-349-2470 [email protected]

1 Orleans LSU-Medical Center of Louisiana DRH

Cathi Fontenot, Laurie Smith, Bob Sigilito

HRSA Emer Prep Coord

504-903-0283 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

1 Orleans Medical Center of Louisiana-University Laurie Smith HRSA Emer Prep Coor

504-903-3332 [email protected]

1 Orleans New Orleans Adolescent Hospital T-2 Shelby Price HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

504-896-4914 [email protected]

1 Orleans Ochsner Baptist Medical Center Eric Yancovich Wayne Hill

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief

504-897-5998 [email protected]; [email protected]

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Executive Officer

1 Orleans Ochsner Medical Center


Norris Yarbrough Melissa Mitchell

HRSA DRC/DRH Rep HRSA Emer Prep Coord

504-842-3772 [email protected]; [email protected]

1 Jefferson Ochsner Medical Center-Kenner

Acute w/ER

T-1 Eric Yancovich Robin Wallace

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director of Facilities HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Mgr of Plant Operations

504-831-3560 [email protected]; [email protected]

1 Jefferson Ochsner Medical Center-West Bank

Acute w/ER

T-1 Eric Yancovich Frank Urbeso

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director of Facilities

504-391-5161 [email protected]; [email protected]

1 Jefferson Omega Hospital Acute/LTD

T-2 10 Debbie Schenck Hospital Adminsitrator/Emergency Preparedness

504-832-4200 [email protected]

1 Orleans Psychiatric Pavilion New Orleans LLC

Psych T-2 24 Daniel Aguillard HRSA Emer Prep Coor/CEO

504-400-4631 [email protected]

1 Jefferson River Oaks Child and Adolescent Hospital

Psych (FWF)

T-2 Evelyn Notting HRSA Emer Prep Coord

504-734-1740 [email protected]

1 Jefferson River Oaks Hospital Psych T-2 Evelyn Notting HRSA Emer Prep Coord

504-734-1740 [email protected]

1 Jefferson Select Specialty Hospital

LTAC T-2 Robert Baker HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Officer

504-780-3025 [email protected]

1 Orleans Specialty Hospital of New Orleans (reopened 9/18/06)

T-2 Irving Sawyers, Jr. HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CEO

504-210-3000 504-210-3006 fax

[email protected]

1 Orleans St. John's Rehabilation Hospital

Rehab (FWF)

T-2 Robert S. Rotolo HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

225-767-7550 [email protected]

1 Orleans Touro Infirmary Acute w/ER

T-1 Frank Folino HRSA Emer Prep Coord

504-897-8780 [email protected]

1 Orleans Touro Rehabilitation Center

Rehab (FWF)

T-2 Frank Folino HRSA Emer Prep Coord

504-897-8780 [email protected]

1 Orleans Tulane University Hospital and Clinic

Acute w/ER

T-1 Natasha Wells HRSA Emer Prep Coord

504-988-3801 [email protected]

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1 Jefferson Tulane-Lakeside Hospital

Acute T-2 Anita Lindsey HRSA Emer Prep Coord

504-780-6500 [email protected]

1 Jefferson West Jefferson Medical Center


Mitch Leckelt HRSA DRC/DRH Rep/Asst Admin

504-347-5511 [email protected]

2 EBR Baton Rouge General Medical Center - Bluebonnet

Acute w/ER

T-1 105 Connie Deleo HRSA DRC/Infection Control Coordinator

225-381-6153 [email protected]

2 EBR Baton Rouge General Medical Center - Mid City


343 Cindy Munn HRSA Emer Prep Coord

225-381-6153 O 225-405-6575 C

[email protected]

2 EBR Behavioral Hospital of Baton Rouge

Psych T-2 24 Angie Maxwell HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

225-343-1994 [email protected]

2 EBR Benton Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab T-2 13 Amanda Pace HRSA Emer Prep CoordAdministrator/Compliance Officer

225-336-1000 [email protected]

2 EBR Bethesda Rehabililtation Hospital

Rehab T-2 14 Dr. Theresa Speight

HRSA Emer Prep Coord

225-356-2200 [email protected]

2 EBR Cypress Psychiatric Hospital

Psych (FWF)

T-2 30 Kenneth O'Rourke HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

225-383-6134 [email protected]

2 East Feliciana

Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System

Psych T-2 337 Sylvia Brinson HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety

225-634-0678 [email protected]

2 East Feliciana

Feliciana Forensic Facility

Psych T-2 235 Teresa J. Palmer HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Coord

225-634-0530 [email protected]

2 EBR Greater Baton Rouge Surgical Hospital

Acute T-2 10 Bradley Devillier HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

225-358-4908 [email protected]

2 East Feliciana

Gulf States LTAC of Feliciana

LTAC T-2 16 Wayne Dodge HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

225-683-1600 [email protected]

2 EBR Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Baton Rouge

Rehab T-2 80 Murry R. Harmon HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director Plant Operations/Safety

225-231-3100 [email protected]

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2 EBR Lane Memorial Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 137 Michelle Stevens HRSA Emer Prep Coord/ER Director

225-658-4174 [email protected]

2 EBR LSU-Earl K. Long Medical Center


161 Wayne Edelen, Jr. HRSA DRC/DRH Rep

228-358-1108 [email protected]

2 EBR Oceans Behavioral Hospital of Baton Rouge

T-2 18 Debbie Tullier HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

(225) 356-7030

2 EBR Ochsner Medical Center-Baton Rouge

Acute w/ER

T-1 201 Steven Miller HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Plant Operations Director

225-755-4488 [email protected]

2 EBR Our Lady of the Lake RMC


719 Allyn Whaley-Martin, CPHRM


225-765-8329 [email protected]

2 Pointe Coupee

Pointe Coupee General Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Chad Olinde HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Imaging/Safety HRSA Emer Prep Coord

225-683-5701 [email protected]

2 Ascension Prevost Memorial Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Lizabeth Simoneaux

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

225-474-2161 [email protected]

2 Ascension Promise Hospital @Ascension

LTAC T-2 54 Steve McQueen, RPh, CCS

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator Clinical Support Services

225-621-1335 225-572-3553

[email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]

2 EBR Promise Specialty Hospital of BR @ BR General


T-2 28 M. Bryan Day HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

225-381-2686 [email protected]

2 EBR Promise Specialty Hospital of BR @ Oschner


T-2 29 M. Bryan Day HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

225-381-2686 [email protected]

2 Iberville River West Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 80 R.L. Downs HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

225-687-8542 [email protected]

2 EBR SAGE Rehabilitation Institute

Rehab T-2 42 Jason Risley HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

225-819-0703 [email protected]

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2 EBR South Baton Rouge Rehabilitation Hospital

T-2 12 Ralph McEldowney

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

(225) 303-0572 [email protected]

2 Ascension St. Elizabeth Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 95 Leslie Norman, PhD,RN,CPJRM

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Assistant VP Quality & Risk Management

225-647-8540 [email protected]

2 EBR Surgical Specialty Centre

Acute T-2 14 Mike O'Deay HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Facility Manager

225-408-5742 [email protected]

2 EBR The Neuro Medical Center Rehab Hospital

Rehab T-2 27 Donna Johnson HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

225-906-4830 [email protected]

2 EBR The NeuroMedical Center Hospital

Acute T-2 23 Donna Johnson HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Mat Manager

225-906-4830 [email protected]

2 East Feliciana

Villa Feliciana Medical Complex

Acute T-2 598 James Bradham HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

225-634-4017 [email protected]

2 EBR Vista Surgical of Baton Rouge

Acute T-2 35 Sherry Mix HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

225-252-3027 [email protected]

2 EBR VitalSource Specialty Hospital

LTAC T-2 26 Candace Gautreaux HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

225-766-5001 [email protected]

2 West Feliciana

West Feliciana Parish Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 22 Mary Weller HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety & Infection Control

225-635-3811 [email protected]

2 EBR Woman's Hospital Acute T-1 225 Mike Meagher, CHCM, CHSP

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Risk Mgr

225-924-8605 [email protected]

3 Assumption

Assumption Community Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 15 Mattie Rojas Danny Blake

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Officer & Dietary Director HRSA Coordinator/DON

225-247-3183 [email protected]; [email protected]

3 St. Mary Franklin Foundation Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Charles Ibert HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Facility Mgr/Safety Dir

337-355-1261 [email protected]

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3 St. Mary Gulf States LTAC of Morgan City


T-2 15 Kimberly Dumas HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director of Nursing

985-653-8447 [email protected]

3 LaFourche

Lady of the Sea General Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 35 Helene Melancon HRSA Emer Prep Coord/

985-632-8371 [email protected]

3 St. John LaPlace Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab T-2 22 Linda Millburn HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director of Nursing

985-653-8447 [email protected]

3 Terrebonne

LSU-Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 147 Troy Ledet, MPA HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Plant & Mat Mgmt

985-873-2247 [email protected]

3 St. Charles

Luling Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.

Rehab T-2 16 Demetrix Tollider HRSA Emer Prep Coord


[email protected]

3 LaFourche

Ochsner-St. Anne General Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 35 Kathy Hebert HRSA Emer Prep Coord/IC nurse and Safety Officer

985-537-8367 [email protected]

3 Terrebonne

Physicians Surgical Specialty Hospital

Acute T-2 10 Connie Martin HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

985-853-1390 [email protected]

3 St. John River Parishes Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 106 Syl Pawol HRSA Emer Prep Coord/

985-653-1662 [email protected]; [email protected]

3 LaFourche

St. Anne Rehabilitation Hospital

LTAC T-2 10 Beth Boudreaux HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Nurse Liaison

985-537-7736 [email protected]

3 St. Charles

St. Charles Parish Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 56 Blake Boudreaux HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Facilities Oper

985-785-4266 [email protected]; [email protected]

3 St. James St. James Behavioral Health Hospital Candy Lewis Administrator/HRSA Emer Prep Coord

225-869-3788 [email protected]

3 St. James St. James Parish Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Kenneth Petit HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Enviro Svcs

225-869-5512 [email protected]

3 St. Mary Teche Regional Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 149 Margaret Lebouf HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir of Quality/Risk Management

985-380-4753 [email protected]

3 Terrebonne

Terrebonne General Medical Center


313 Dean Marcel Percy Mosely

HRSA Emer Prep Coord

985- 873-4107 [email protected]; [email protected]

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3 LaFourche

Thibodaux Regional Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 149 Eric Degravelle HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Human Resources

985-493-4587 [email protected]

4 Vermillion

Abbeville General Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 60 Lonnie Monteaux HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Dir

337-898-6566 [email protected]

4 Vermillion

Abrom Kaplan Memorial Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 35 Donna Gaspard HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Officer

337-643-5218 [email protected]

4 Acadia Acadia - St. Landry Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 33 Bekhi Labbe HRSA Emer Prep Coord/DON

337-684-4227 [email protected]

4 Acadia Acadia Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab (FWF)

T-2 11 Michelle Fontenot HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director of Safety

337-785-2111 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Acadia Vermilion Hospital (formerlyVermilion Hospital for Psychiatric and Addictive Medicine)

Psych T-2 72 Bruce Waldo Luis Betance Robert Kahn

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CEO HRSAEmerPrepCord/Adm HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir of Environment

337-234-5614 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

4 St. Landry Acadian Medical Center Acute w/ER

T-1 52 Tony Johnson HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-580-7500 [email protected]

4 Acadia American Legion Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 178 Russell Meche HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-788-6435 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Community Specialty Hospital

LTAC T-2 22 John E. Jumonville, III

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

337-234-4031 [email protected]

4 Acadia Compass Behavioral Center of Crowley

Psych T-2 24 Marc Cullen HRSA Emer Prep 337-785-8003 [email protected]

4 Acadia Crowley Rehab Hospital, L.L.C

Rehab (FWF)

T-2 15 Gil Pinac HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

337-783-2859 [email protected]

4 Iberia Dauterive Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 103 Candice Frioux HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337- 365-7311 [email protected]

4 St. Landry Doctors Hospital of Opelousas

Acute w/ER

T-1 171 Richard Michael HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-943-1708 [email protected]

4 St. Landry Eunice Extended Care Hospital

LTAC T-2 18 Kevin Frank HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-546-0024 [email protected]

4 Evangeline

Evangeline Extended Care Hospital-Mamou


T-2 12 Rita Simon, RN, BSN

HRSA Emer Prep Cood/Administrat

337-837-5250 [email protected]

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4 Lafayette Heart Hospital of Lafayette


T-1 32 Don Bujol HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-521-1036 [email protected]

4 Iberia Iberia Extended Care Hospital


T-2 16 Kent Kramer HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337- 369-1100 [email protected]

4 Iberia Iberia Medical Center Acute w/ER

T-1 101 Trent Hebert HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Plant Oper/Safety

337-364-0441 [email protected]

4 Iberia Iberia Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab T-2 24 Parker Templeton HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

337-364-6923 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Lafayette General Medical Center


296 Al Patin Anjanette Hebert

HRSA DRC/DRH Rep/Dir Sec HRSA Emer Prep Coord/DRC

337-289-7991 337-289-7441

[email protected]; [email protected]

4 Lafayette Lafayette General Surgical

Acute T-2 10 Susan Woollen HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-289-8099 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Lafayette Physical Rehabilitation Hospital

T-2 32 Johnny Landreth CEO/HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-314-1111 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Lafayette Surgical Specialty Hospital

Acute T-2 20 Selina Guidry HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Quality Officer

337-769-4202 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Louisiana Extended Care Hospital of Lafayette


T-2 76 Cayle Guillory HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-289-3171 [email protected]

4 Lafayette LSU-University Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 146 Me J. Matte HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-261-6786 [email protected]

4 Lafayette LSU-University Medical Center-Psych Unit James McFaul Regional Manager (337) 262-4100 [email protected]

4 St. Landry LTAC of Acadiana LTAC T-2 27 James H. Morgan HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

337-839-2022 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Meadowbrook Specialty Hospital of Lafayette

LTAC T-2 70 Wilson Boudreaux HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-232-1905 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Oceans Behavioral Hospital of Lafayette

Psych (FWF)

T-2 44 Nicholas Guillory HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

337-237-6444 [email protected]; [email protected]

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4 St. Landry Opelousas General Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 180 John Armand HRSA Emer Prep/ER Clinical Director

337-594-3982 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Optima Specialty Hospital

Psych T-2 24 Patricia Hebert HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator/CEO

337-991-0571 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Our Lady of Lourdes RMC

Acute w/ER

T-1 267 Paula Jenkins HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Risk Manager

337-289-2775 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Park Place Surgery Center

Acute T-2 10 Jason West HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator/CEO

337-237-8119 [email protected]

4 Evangeline

Savoy Medical Center Acute w/ER

T-1 180 Vickie Stagg HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-468-0179 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Southpark Community Hospital

Acute T-2 20 Rita Simon HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

337-769-4080 [email protected]

4 Lafayette Southwest Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 166 Sharif Omar HRSA Emer Prep Coord/

337-989-6767 [email protected]

4 Lafayette St. Landry Extended Care Hospital, LLC


T-2 41 Sheila Johnson HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-233-1307 [email protected]

4 Lafayette St. Luke's Specialty Hospital of Sunset

Rehab T-2 21 Laura Hebert HRSA Emer Prep CoordAdministrator

337-769-0094 [email protected]

4 St. Martin St. Martin Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Becky Yongue Rena Mouisset

HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-507-1232 [email protected]; [email protected]

4 Evangeline

Ville Platte Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 95 Lori R. Petrie, CFO Gene Matthews

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety

337-363-9412 [email protected]; [email protected]

4 Lafayette Women's and Children's Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 109 Gregory Davis HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-521-9101 [email protected]

5 Allen Allen Parish Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 49 Annette Belcher HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-738-9453 [email protected]

5 Beauregard

Beauregard Memorial Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 60 Greg Neely HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-462-7176 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu Calcasieu Oaks Geriatric Psych

Psych T-2 24 Donna Mead, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CEO

337-439-8111 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu Christus St. Patrick Hospital of Lake Charles


392 Lee Willeford Allen Abshire


337-431-7859 337-491-7112

[email protected]; [email protected]

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Prep Coor

5 Calcasieu Cornerstone Hospital of Southwest Louisiana


T-2 30 William D. Jean HRSA Emer Prep/CEO

337-527-1102 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu DeQuincy Memorial Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 19 Gayland Barrow HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Serive & Support Director

337-786-1218 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu Dubuis Hospital of Lake Charles


T-2 24 Ronald Hand HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

337-491-7752 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu Extended Care of Southwest Louisiana


T-2 29 Mark D. Severns HRSA DRC/DRH Rep/Chief Executive Officer

337-436-6111 [email protected]

5 Jefferson Davis

Jennings American Legion Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 137 Ruth Carnes HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Human Resources

337-616-7042 [email protected]

5 Jefferson Davis

Jennings Senior Care Hospital

Psych T-2 101 Connie Amy, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

337-824-1558 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu Lake Charles Memorial Hospital


324 Bill Wilkie HRSA Emer Prep Coord/

337-494-3176 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu Lake Charles Memorial Hospital - Gauthier Campus

Acute T-2 38 Butch Bennett HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CEO

337-480-7076 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu LSU-W O Moss Regional Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 74 Margaret Doucet HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Training & Dev Specialist/Emerg Prep Coord

337-475-8370 [email protected]

5 Allen Oakdale Community Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 60 Phil Rider HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Plant Oper

318-335-3700 [email protected]

5 Beauregard

Oceans Behavioral Hospital of Deridder

Psych T-2 20 Sheila Langston HRSA Emer Prep Coord/DON

337-460-9472 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu Rehab Hospital of Dequincy

Rehab (FWF)

T-2 33 Charlie Ball HRSA Coor/General Manager

337-786-6100 [email protected]

5 Jefferson Davis

Rehabilitation Hospital of Jennings

Rehab T-2 27 Michelle Fontenot HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Officer

337-821-5353 [email protected]

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5 Cameron South Cameron Memorial Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 49 Rita Simon, RN, BSN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-439-8111 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 120 Rob Daughdril Deanne Smith

HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-527-7034 337-527-4183

[email protected]; [email protected]

5 Jefferson Davis

WestEnd Hospital Psych T-2 20 Hank Goy HRSA Emer Prep Coord/

337-616-8122 [email protected]

5 Calcasieu Women and Children's Hospital, Lake Charles

Acute w/ER

T-1 84 Charlene Warren CNO/HRSA Emerg Prep Coord.

337-475-4136 [email protected]

6 Avoyelles Avoyelles Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 55 Michael Johnson HRSA Emer Prep Coor/Director of Plant Operations

318-240-6180 [email protected]

6 Vernon Bayne Jones Army Community Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 62 Dennis O'Reilly HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-531-3265 [email protected]

6 Avoyelles Bunkie General Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 33 Terry Riche HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-346-3316 [email protected]

6 Vernon Byrd Regional Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 60 John Bennett HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Facilities Mgmt

337-239-9041 [email protected]

6 Rapides Central Louisiana State Hospital

Psych T-2 196 Sam Mayeux HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-484-6636 [email protected]

6 Rapides Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital


246 Mary Tarver Charles Credo

HRSA DRC/DRH Rep/Sa & HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-448-6861 318-448-6900

[email protected]; [email protected]

6 Rapides Crossroads Regional Hospital

Psych T-2 70 Jimmy Rowles HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-445-5111 [email protected]

6 Rapides Dubuis Hospital of Alexandria


T-2 33 Michelle Hamilton HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-4484960 [email protected]

6 LaSalle Hardtner Medical Center Acute w/ER

T-1 35 Ray Atwell HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-495-3131 [email protected]

6 Rapides Healthsouth Rehabilitation of Alexandria

Rehab T-2 47 Mark Vercher HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Officer

318-449-1370 [email protected]

6 Rapides Healthsouth Riverside Hospital of Alexandria

LTAC T-2 28 Kemp Wright HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

318-767-2900 [email protected]

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6 Winn Healthsouth Specialty Hospital of Winnfield

LTAC T-2 20 Wendy Carpenter HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-648-3526 [email protected]

6 LaSalle LaSalle General Hospital


T-1 60 Brenda Smith HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director of General Services

318-992-9200 [email protected]

6 Vernon Leesville Rehab Hospital, LLC

Rehab T-2 16 Elizabeth Bennett HRSA Emer Prep Coord

337-395-8118 [email protected]

6 Rapides LSU-Huey P. Long Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 137 Kathey Nugent HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-473-1459 [email protected]

6 Concordia Promise Specialty Hospital of Miss-Lou

LTAC T-2 40 Regetta Woods, RN Sharon Boothe

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Clinical Case Manager

318-757-7575 [email protected]; [email protected]

6 Rapides Rapides Regional Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 285 Charles E. Luttrull HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Officer

318-473-3150 [email protected]

6 Concordia Riverland Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Billy Rucker HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-757-9551 [email protected]

6 Vernon Tri Parish Rehabilitation Hospital, LLC

Rehab T-2 33 Connie Ball HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Financial Officer

337-462-8880 [email protected]

6 Rapides VA -Dept. of Veteran's Affairs Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 331 Gary Speyrer HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-473-0010 [email protected]

6 Winn Winn Parish Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 60 Tony Acosta, PA-C HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-648-3012 [email protected]

6 Winn Woodlands Behavioral Center

Psych T-2 19 Barry Hines Link Martin

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-628-5445 [email protected]

7 Caddo Behavioral Hospital of Shreveport

Psych (FWF)

T-2 12 Debbie Priebe HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-636-7500 [email protected]

7 Bienville Bienville Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-2 21 Deborah Hilton, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir of Nursing

318-263-4700 [email protected]

7 Bossier Bossier Specialty Hospital

Acute T-2 12 Cynthia N. Laborde, BSN, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-549-4305 [email protected]

7 Caddo Brentwood Hospital Psych T-2 200 Doug Jones HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-564-4921 [email protected]

7 Red River Christus Coushatta Health Care Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Deborah Dalton, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Adminstrat

318-932-2205 [email protected]

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7 Bossier Christus Schumbert Bossier

Acute T-2 141 Susan Malloy, RRT

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CardioPulmonary

318-932-2205 [email protected]

7 Caddo Christus Schumpert Health System/St. Mary

Acute w/ER

T-1 474 Diane Jones HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-681-4500 [email protected]

7 Caddo Christus Schumpert Highland

Acute w/ER

T-1 160 Audrey Henderson, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/ED Mgr

318-681-5000 [email protected]

7 Webster Community Rehab Hospital of Coushatta

Rehab (FWF)

T-2 12 Denise Logan HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-932-1770 [email protected]

7 Webster Community Specialty Hospital of North Louisiana

LTAC T-2 43 Mark Goff Administrator/HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-377-5555 [email protected]; [email protected]

7 Bossier Cornerstone Hospital of Bossier City

LTAC T-2 102 John Sauls HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Dir Plant Eng

318-747-9500 [email protected]

7 DeSoto DeSoto Regional Health System

Acute w/ER

T-1 57 Sue Bridges HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-872-4610 [email protected]

7 Caddo Doctors Hospital of Shreveport, Inc.

Acute w/ER

T-1 108 Jeffery Cazes HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Compliance Ofcr/EPC

318-678-4448 [email protected]

7 Caddo Dubuis Hospital of Shreveport


T-2 36 Patricia Moore, RRT

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Respir Mgr

318-678-1006 [email protected]

7 Claiborne Homer Memorial Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 60 Debra B. Woodard, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/

318-927-2024 [email protected]

7 Caddo LifeCare Hospital - Shreveport


T-2 130 Diane Cloinger, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/IC

318-688-8504 [email protected]

7 Natchitoches

Louisiana Extended Care Hospital of Natchitoches


T-2 21 Kermit Simmons HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-354-2044 [email protected]

7 Caddo LSU Health Sciences Center, Shreveport


436 Donnell Chagnard HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-675-5000 [email protected]

7 Webster Minden Medical Center Acute w/ER

T-1 159 Kristie Copeland, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/IC

318-377-2321 [email protected]

7 Natchitoches

Natchitoches Regional Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 75 Danita Olivier HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Officer

318-214-4417 [email protected]

7 Caddo North Caddo Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Todd Cowan HRSA Emer Prep Coord/EMS

318-375-3235 [email protected]

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7 Caddo Promise Specialty Hospital of Shreveport

LTAC T-2 146 Jim Ray HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Plant Ops Dir

318-934-0524 [email protected]

7 Bossier Red River Behavioral Center LLC

Psych T-2 20 Linda K. Ellis HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-549-2033 [email protected]

7 Sabine Sabine Medical Center Acute w/ER

T-1 48 Kenny R. Carter HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Officer

318-256-5691 [email protected]

7 Caddo Shriners Hospitals for Children

Acute T-2 45 Shelly Horton HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Plant Ops Dir

318-226--3324 [email protected]

7 Webster Springhill Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 60 Theresa Dugger, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/IC

318-539-1000 [email protected]

7 Caddo St. Luke's Rehabilitation Hosp of Shreveport

Rehab T-2 60 Marc Pearce HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-631-2345 [email protected]

7 Caddo VA-Overton Brooks VA Medical Center

Acute T-1 112 Deborah Callahan HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Asst Eng Chief

318-221-8411 [email protected]

7 Bossier Willis - Knighton Bossier Health Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 114 Renata Snyder,RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Infection Control

318-212-7615 [email protected]

7 Caddo Willis-Knighton Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 369 Debbie Lear HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Asst Safety Of

318-212-8967 [email protected]

7 Caddo Willis-Knighton Pierremont Health Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 184 Lisa Stamper HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Infection Control

318-212-3615 [email protected]

7 Caddo Willis-Knighton South & Center for Women's Health

Acute w/ER

T-1 153 Lorraine Hall HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Infection Control

318-212-5610 [email protected]

8 Lincoln Allegiance Health Center of Ruston, L.L.C. 14 Jeff Garland [email protected]

8 Morehouse

Bastrop Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab (FWF)

T-2 15 Tena Hughes HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety Officer

318-556-1191 [email protected]

8 Caldwell Caldwell Memorial Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 47 Jane Fowler HRSA Emer Prep Coord/D.O.N.

318-649-6111 [email protected]

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8 Caldwell Citizens Medical Center Acute w/ER

T-1 40 Roger Ballard, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/DON/Education

318-649-6106 [email protected]

8 Ouachita Cornerstone Hospital at West Monroe

LTAC T-2 49 Bobby Hayden HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Facilities

318-397-5678 [email protected]

8 East Carroll

East Carroll Parish Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 23 Tasha Freeman HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-559-3761 [email protected]

8 Union Edgewood Hospital (DBA)

Psych T-2 32 Jennifer Qayyum HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-325-1145 [email protected]

8 Franklin Franklin Medical Center Acute w/ER

T-1 49 Sheila Mason, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/DON/Education

318-435-9411 [email protected]

8 Ouachita IASIS Glenwood Regional Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 242 Teresa Dozier George Rachal

HRSA DRC/DRH Rep/InfecCon HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Bio Sup

318-329-4776 318-329-4821

[email protected]; [email protected]

8 Ouachita Golden Age Senior Care Hospital

Psych (FWF)

T-2 12 Dorothy Smith, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/DON/Education

318-651-0920 [email protected]

8 Lincoln Green Clinic Surgical Hospital

Acute T-2 12 James W. McClung, MBA

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Chief Executive Officer

318-232-7700 [email protected]

8 Lincoln Health Paradigm Hospital

Psych T-2 15 Ronnie Cox HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-254-0142 [email protected]

8 Lincoln Healthsouth North LA Rehab. Hospital

LTAC T-2 90 Randy Goodwin HRSA Emer Prep Coord/ICP

318-251-3126 [email protected]

8 Jackson Jackson Parish Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Robby Roberts HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Facilities

318-395-4435 [email protected]

8 Union Liberty HealthCare Systems

Psych T-2 18 Toby Tubbs, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-281-2448 [email protected]

8 Morehouse

Liberty HealthCare Systems

Psych T-2 60 William P. Gunther HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-368-0110 [email protected]

8 Lincoln Lincoln General Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 159 Martin L. Best HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Asst VP/Dir Plant Oper/Emerg Prep

318-254-2494 [email protected]

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8 Ouachita Louisiana Extended Care of West Monroe


T-2 18 Theresa Marsala, RN, MEd, FACHE

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-329-4300 [email protected]

8 Ouachita LSU-E.A. Conway Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 247 Corine Sutton, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Ancil. Svcs

318-330-7596 [email protected]

8 Madison Madison Parish Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Ray Thorton HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-574-2374 [email protected]

8 Ouachita Monroe Surgical Acute T-2 10 Steve Miller HRSA Emer Prep Coord/VP-Facilities

318-410-0002 [email protected]

8 Morehouse

Morehouse General Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 60 Dickey Hodge HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Facilities

318-283-3600 [email protected]

8 Ouachita Ouachita Surgical Hospital

Acute T-2 10 W. Benjamin Patterson

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-322-1339 [email protected]

8 Ouachita P & S Surgical Center Acute T-2 10 Paul DeBona HRSA Emer Prep/Operating Room Manager/Safety Officer

318-998-8164 [email protected]

8 Ouachita Premier Rehabilitation Rehab T-2 20 Kathy Lingenfelter HRSA Emer Prep Coord/UR, IC/EH Nurse

318-812-1000 [email protected]

8 Richland Richardson Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 46 Betty Hill, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coor/ICP

318-728-4181 [email protected]

8 Richland Richland Parish Hospital - Delhi

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Alisha Murphrey, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/DON

318-878-5171 [email protected]

8 Richland Richland Parish Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab (FWF)

T-2 16 Mike Jones HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-728-4410 [email protected]

8 Ouachita St. Francis Medical Center


345 Mike Brame Mike Nolan

HRSA DRC/DRH Rep HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-327-4971 [email protected]; [email protected]

8 Ouachita St. Francis North Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 255 Stella Dannheim HRSA Emer Prep Coord/ED Manager

318-388-8139 [email protected]

8 Ouachita St. Francis Specialty LTAC (FWF)

T-2 50 Jo Dodd HRSA Emer Prep Coord/COO

318-327-4626 [email protected]

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8 Ouachita St. Patrick's Psychiatric Hospital

Psych (FWF)

T-2 28 Cindy Rogers, FACHE

HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-355-3480 [email protected]

8 Ouachita Sterlington Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab T-2 36 Cathy Perot HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

318-665-9950 [email protected]

8 Union Tri - Ward General Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-2 15 Allen Tuten HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator/CFO

318-285-5328 [email protected]

8 Union Union General Hospital Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Darra Jung HRSA Emer Prep Coord

318-368-8270 [email protected]

8 West Carroll

West Carroll Parish Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 33 David McSwain, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CAN

318-428-6180 [email protected]

9 St. Tammany

Doctors Hospital of Slidell

Acute T-2 10 Pinky Bradford, RN Holly Braue

HRSA Emer Prep Coor/Adm HRSA Emer Prep Coord

504-832-2115 [email protected]; [email protected]

9 St. Tammany

Fairway Medical Center Acute T-2 21 David Guzan, CASC Kory Krista

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CEO HRSA Emer Prep Coord

985-766-7770 [email protected]; [email protected]

9 St. Tammany

Greenbrier Hospital Psych T-2 26 John M. Dean HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

985-893-2970 [email protected]

9 St. Tammany

Gulf States LTAC of Covington

LTAC T-2 58 Vicki Torres Herman Frank

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

985-875-7525 [email protected]; [email protected]

9 Livingston

Gulf States LTAC of Denham Springs

LTAC T-2 59 Richard Daughdrill HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

225-665-2664 [email protected]

9 Tangipahoa

Gulf States LTAC of Hammond


T-2 40 Timothy Burke HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

985-543-3881 [email protected]

9 Washington

Gulf States LTAC of Washington/St. Tammany (Bogalusa Campus)

LTAC T-2 14 Gayla Pittman HRSA Emer Prep Coord

985-730-7040 [email protected]

9 St. Tammany

Gulf States LTAC of Washington/St. Tammany (Slidell Campus)

LTAC T-2 20 Tara Roberts, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

985-326-0440 [email protected]

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9 Tangipahoa

Hood Memorial Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Edward Dugar, RN Martha Payne, RN

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Risk Mgnt

985-748-9485 [email protected]; [email protected]

9 St. Tammany

Lakeview Regional Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 178 Sabrina Estrade Eric Evans Tina Coker

HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Asst Plant Ops

985-867-3800 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

9 St. Tammany

Louisiana Heart Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 58 Tania Loumiet, RN HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Inf Control

985-690-7904 985-966-8359C

[email protected]

9 Washington

LSU Bogalusa Medical Center (Inpatient Campus)

Acute w/ER

T-1 90 Beverly Sheridan HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director of Education

985- 730-6775 [email protected]

9 Washington

LSU Bogalusa Medical Center (Outpatient Campus)

Psych T-2 18 Beverly Sheridan HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Director of Education

985- 730-6775 [email protected]

9 Tangipahoa

LSU-Lallie Kemp Regional Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 22 Lisa Bruhl HRSA Emer Prep Cord/Dir Hum Res HRSA Emer Prep Cord/Comm Coor

985-878-1385 [email protected]

9 Washington

Magnolia Behavioral Healthcare, LLC

Psych T-2 30 George Holinga HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CEO

985-735-9104 [email protected]

9 Tangipahoa

North Oaks Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 269 Sherry Collura HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Risk Mgr

985-230-6602 [email protected]

9 Tangipahoa

North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab (FWF)

T-2 27 Pam Smith HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Risk Mgr

985-230-6104 [email protected]

9 St. Tammany

Northshore Regional Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 165 Travis Sisson HRSA Emer Prep Coord/CFO

985- 646-5261 [email protected]

9 St. Tammany

Regency Hospital of Covington

LTAC T-2 38 Mark Thompson HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Saftey Officer

985-867-3935 [email protected]

9 Washington

Riverside Medical Center

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Brian Smith HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Facilities Director/Safety Officer

985-839-4431 [email protected]

9 St. Tamman


Slidell Memorial Hospital

DRH T-1 182 Keith Peek HRSA Emer Prep Coor/I.S. Tech/Special Respon Team

985-649-8528 (O) 985-960-1536 (C)

[email protected]; smhcommandcenter.org

9 St. Tammany

Southeast Louisiana Hospital

Psych T-2 446 Cindy Little HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Safety

985-626-6351 [email protected]

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9 Tangipahoa

Southeast Regional Medical Center

LTAC T-2 14 Monica Nix HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

225-978-3618 C

[email protected]

9 St. Tammany

Southern Surgical Hospital

Acute T-2 37 Ramirez James HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator & CEO

985-641-0600 [email protected]

9 St. Helena St. Helena Parish Hospital

Acute w/ER

T-1 25 Denise Stewart Deanne Broussard

HRSA Emer Prep Coord HRSA Emer Prep Coord

225-222-6111 [email protected]; [email protected]

9 St. Tamman


St. Tammany Parish Hospital


223 Karen Moise, RN, CI

HRSA DRH Rep/Inf Control Coord

985-898-4087 985-705-7552 C

[email protected]

9 Tangipahoa

United Medical Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehab T-2 20 John M. Day HRSA Emer Prep Coord/Administrator

504-242-4246 [email protected]

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Appendix D Louisiana Emergency Support Function 8

Incident Command Structure


Department of Health and Hospitals



Designated Regional Coordinator (DRC)




Office of Public Health



Office of Public Health

Bureau of EMS


Medical Transportation Services

State Operated

Special Needs Shelters


Emergency Preparedness Coordinator



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Appendix E

Emergency Patient Transfer Process

The HRSA Hospital Emergency Preparedness Grant has facilitated the development of regional and statewide patient transfer processes. Consistent with the DHH Office of Public Health, the state has been divided into nine regions. The volunteer Designated Regional Coordinator (DRC) from each region has agreed to support the patient transfer process by identifying available resources in their region. Each region has a Designated Regional Coordinator (and backup) to assist. The process for patient transfer is as follows:

1) The Administrator/Medical Director on call from the hospital that has patients that need to be transferred outside the region should contact their Regional Designated Regional Coordinator. The transferring hospital should have the following information available for their DRC:

Patient Name: Preliminary Diagnosis Resources Needed: Physician Support Type of Bed Other special needs Hospital Information: Hospital Name:

Contact Person for transfer: Telephone Number:

Transfer approved by: Whether staff will accompany patient (s)

2) The “transferring” DRC should contact “accepting” DRC with a referral request. The transferring DRC will provide patient and hospital information. Please note the HRSA Coordinator on-call is available for back-up assistance.

3) The accepting DRC will contact hospitals in their region for available resources. The DRC will provide the potential accepting hospitals with limited patient and hospital information consistent with HIPAA guidelines until appropriate resources have been identified. If resources are not available, the accepting DRC will contact the HRSA Coordinator to advise that another alternative region must be identified.

4) The accepting hospital will contact the transferring hospital regarding transfer resources. Transfer will be arranged per procedures of the transferring and receiving hospitals.

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5) If transportation is needed, the DHH Office of Public Health EMS line should be accessed (225-763-5729) for assistance.

6) The accepting DRC will notify the transferring DRC of the proposed referral arrangements.

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Appendix F NIMS Compliance To be Develooped

Element 1: Adoption of National Incident Management System (NIMS) NIMS was developed as a comprehensive national approach to incident management, applicable at all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines, to further improve the effectiveness of emergency response providers and incident management organizations across a full spectrum of potential incidents and hazard scenarios. Louisiana has adopted NIMS at all government departments and agencies as well as in the private public partnership of health care providers networked through the Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response (LHEPR). Further, LHERP encourages NIMS adoption by associations, partners, and suppliers. Most incidents are managed locally. In other instances, incidents that begin with a single response discipline within a single jurisdiction may rapidly expand to multidiscipline, multijursidictional incidents requiring significant additional resources and operational support. The LHPR has implemented and institutionalized processes, systems, procedures and/or plans to ensure effective cross-jurisdicational coordination between multiple local incident command structures (ICS) organizations responding to an incident covering a large geographical area. Element 2: Incident command, whether at local, state, or federal levels, has the authority and flexibility to modify procedures and organizational structures as necessary to align with the operating characteristics of their specific jurisdiction or to accomplish the mission in the context of a particular hazard scenario. ICS incorporates measurable objectives. LHPEPR strongly encourages implementation and institutionalization processes, procedures, and/or plans that incorporate measurable objectives to ensure fulfillment of incident management goals. Objective setting will begin at the top of incident command structure and communicated throughout the organization. LHEPR plan will implement and institutionalize processes, procedures and/or plans to ensure that ICS uses common terminology for organizational functions, resource descriptions, and incident facilities.

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Appendix G Louisiana Hospital Association


PURPOSE: In the event of a disaster, patients will be displaced from hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes. A mechanism is needed so that patients can be tracked when transported to and from hospitals, nursing homes and special needs shelters. In an event of such disaster, this patient-tracking plan will be implemented and executed. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS: Once an evacuation is triggered, hospitals and nursing homes will provide a list of their patients being transferred and the identified data set in MS Excel format to the DRC databanks and Louisiana Hospital Association via email at [email protected]. The LHA will store the patient tracking data in central repository accessible via the web at www.lhaonline.org. The federal NDMS will update LHA on the list of evacuees (via the same e-mail address) being evacuated through the federal government patient evacuation pathway to an out of state Veterans Administration (VA) Federal Coordinating Center (FCC) identified by the Global Patient Movement Requirement Center (GPMRC).

The GPMRC minimum data set includes: A. Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial (three separate columns) B. Person ID Type (List = NATO, None, Other, SSN) C. Person ID (SSN) D. Last known address E. Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) F. Insured (List = Yes, No) G. VSI (Very Serious Injury) H. Gender I. Race J. Transferring facility K. Receiving facility L. “Chief Complaint” (5 areas): Critical Care/ ICU, Med/Surge, Psych, Burn, Pediatric M. Emergency Contact Information

Hospitals and nursing homes that self-evacuate through a commercial pathway will notify the LHA of the receiving facility location of their patients. The NDMS will notify LHA with the receiving facility location of patients that are evacuated via the federal NDMS system. LHA will work with the receiving hospitals to continue to maintain current patient information via the identified mechanism. LHA will also work with the media to disseminate the web address for the use by the general public to recover information about family members that have been evacuated. For those hospitals that are self-evacuating it is necessary to complete a minimum data set to include A, C, D, E, H, I, J, K, L, M of the data set listed above.

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Appendix H

Louisiana Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response H - Hour Response

Hospital Evacuation Plan Timeline for Hospital Evacuation

July 6, 2007

1) Definitions: ⇒ H-Hour: 0 = 24 hours prior to tropical storm force winds making landfall

For planning purposes H- hour has been chosen as the determining factor. H- Hour will be determined by Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, (GOSHEP)

2) Timeline for Evacuation ⇒ H-Hour 96 - H-Hour 73

State ESF 8 • Notify DRCs and other ESF(s) partners regarding possible need to initiate

Medical Institution Evacuation Plan. • Request identification of regional ICS contact information for all airheads to be

returned within 4 hours (~H-Hour 92.) and request that hospital network begin monitoring emails and other notification channels.

• State ESF 8 (HRSA staff) will : o request activation of EMSystem and 3 day call roster o communicate H-Hour timeline, conference call schedule, and schedule

radio roll call with DRCs o report to State EOC by H-Hour 76 o summarize and monitor EMSystem results

Hospital DRC

• Alert hospitals regarding potential need to activate emergency response plans: shelter in place and/or evacuation (partial or full). Hospitals should re-confirm evacuation and/or shelter in place resources, and evaluate census reduction activities.

• Request hospitals to complete update EMSystem by H-Hour 76. • Forward copies of Form 1 to hospitals. • Request hospitals to review evacuation plans and should private plans fail,

request federal assistance as soon as possible. • Alert airhead DRC/Designee hospital resource. • Prepare to report to command center and/or airhead. • Prepare 3 day call roster

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Hospitals • Notify hospital incident command of potential threat • Update EMSystem by H-HOUR 76 • Evaluate threat matrix for hospital • Verify evacuation and/or shelter in place resources

⇒ H- Hour 72

State ESF 8 • Conduct conference call to make decision regarding activation of MIEP. • Identify activation timeframe for MIEPs.

H- Hour 72 to H- Hour 61

Hospital DRC • Report to command center and/or airhead

• Update hospitals regarding plans to status of MIEP activation • Request to hospitals: o confirmation of evacuation and/or shelter in place resources as soon as

possible but no later than H-Hour 60 via the EMSystem. o implement census reduction strategies, o update EMSystem. • Forward patient evacuation requests to State ESF 8 as they arrive from

requesting hospitals. (email address or fax number). • Notify hospitals of patient evacuation status as manifest information becomes

available. Hospitals

• Notify the DRC re: proposed response: shelter in place or evacuate; and potential need for augmentation of evacuation plans as soon as possible, but no later than H-Hour 60 via the EMSystem.

• If hospitals request patient evacuation assistance, hospitals should complete Form 1 and forward to the DRC as soon as possible, but no later than H-Hour 60 to (email address or fax number).

• Should begin patient transfer preparation process. Regional Airhead

• Prepare airhead to receive evacuation resources and patients. o Communication links o Security o Public Affairs o Traffic flow o PPE o Support resources- computer, printer, copier

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State ESF 8 State ESF 8:

• Will forward federal evacuation requests to Global Patient Resource Management Center (GPRMC).

• Monitor progress of patient movement. • Monitor progress of storm.

Federal ESF 8 GPRMC will

• Determine availability of NDMS hospital resources. • Forward patient manifests to State ESF 8 and Hospital DRC.

DOD will

• Activate MIEP plans H-Hour 60

Hospitals Hospitals must confirm plans to shelter in place or evacuate (partial or full); and need for augmentation of evacuation plans or shelter in place assistance via EMSystem. DRCs & State ESF 8 DRCs and State ESF 8 will confirm federal requests for patient evacuation

H- Hour 60 to H- Hour 51

Hospitals • Hospitals requesting federal evacuation assistance should update Form 1 at

intervals identified by the process (i.e. every 2 hours) • Hospitals should

• continue patient transfer preparation process. Patients should be ready to begin transfer process no later than H Hour 51.

• Coordinate with DRC to move patients to airhead as requested. Hospital DRCs

DRCs will forward patient evacuation requests to GPMRC as they arrive from requesting hospitals • DRC will receive patient manifest as they become available from GPRMC. • DRC reviews patient manifest with Regional Airhead staff. • DRC works with EMS and hospitals to “pull” patients to airhead.

Regional Air Medical Command (AMC)

• Airhead ready to receive first patients by H-Hour 51.

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• Incident Commander works with EMS Coordinator and Hospital Coordinator to “pull” patients from hospitals via staged ambulances.

• Hospital and EMS DRCs work with Hospital Loading Officer to move patients to AMP.

• Monitor progress of storm. State ESF 8

• Monitor GPRMC patient manifest as they become available; forward to airhead/DRC.

• Monitor progress of patient movement. • Monitor progress of storm.

Federal ESF 8

• GPRMC will forward patient manifests to State ESF 8 and Hospital DRC as they become available.

⇒ H- Hour 51

• Patient movement to AMC begins.

H- Hour 51 - H Hour 24 Hospitals

• Hospitals requesting assistance should update Form 1 at intervals identified by the process (i.e. every 2 hours)

Hospitals should: • continue patient transfer preparation process. Patients should be ready to

begin transfer process no later than H Hour 51. • coordinate with DRC to move patients to AMC.

Hospital DRC

DRCs will: • forward patient evacuation requests to GPMRC as they arrive from requesting

hospitals • Reviews patient manifest with airhead staff. • Coordinates with EMS and hospitals to “pull” patients to airhead

Regional Air Medical Command (AMC)

• Incident Commander works with EMS Coordinator and Hospital Coordinator to “pull” patients from hospitals via staged ambulances.

• Hospital and EMS DRCs work with Hospital Loading Officer to move patients to AMC.

• Monitor progress of storm.

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State ESF 8 • Monitor patient manifest as they become available; forward to DRC/airhead. • Monitor progress of patient movement. • Monitor progress of storm.

Federal ESF 8

• GPRMC will forward patient manifests to State ESF 8 and Hospital DRC as they become available.

⇒ H- Hour 24

• AMC Incident Commander monitors continued evacuation operations, makes

determination as to timeframe to discontinue operations and communicates to State ESF 8.

• AMC monitors dispatch plans for completion within timeframe to discontinue operations.

H-Hour 24- H-Hour 0

⇒ H- Hour 18 State ESF 8 will conduct conference call with federal, state, and local partners to review status of evacuation progress

Hospital DRC

• Work with AMC to determine final patient evacuation transports; initiates plans for other patients to shelter in place.

• Communicates final plans for evacuation to hospitals. • Communicates Forms 2 and 3 for completion by hospitals in 4 hours ( H Hour 20) • Forward Completed Forms 2 and 3 to State ESF 8.

Hospitals • Finalize patient transport process. • Complete Forms 2 and 3 and forward to DRC

Regional AMC

• AMC will monitor dispatch plans for completion within timeframe to discontinue evacuation transports.

State ESF 8

• Monitor progress of patient movement. • Monitor progress of storm. • Prepare reports from Forms 1, 2 and 3. • Communicate Form 3 to ESF8 and other ESFs at GOHSEP.

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⇒ H- Hour 12

• Air evacuations discontinued.

Regional AMC • Incident Commander initiates plans to discontinue operations. • Incident Commander identifies final timeframe to evacuate AMP,

Hospital DRC

• Evacuates to shelter in place location

⇒ H- Hour 6

State ESF 8 will conduct conference call with federal, state, and local partners to review status of evacuation progress

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Appendix I Louisiana Hospital Association

Hospital CEO Checklist


Actions for Consideration in Preparation for a Hurricane

Review Hurricane Preparedness policies & procedures

Review Hurricane Security and Safety Plan for your hospital and make adjustments as required

o Ensure plans address safety issue with hospital designs, especially those with a lot of glass.

o Ensure an adequate inventory of supplies, including medications, blood and blood products, food, water, fuel, linens, and oxygen to sustain operations for up to 7 days is available. (Keep in mind that dialysis centers, rape crisis centers, and retail pharmacies will be closed, so those patients will seek treatment at hospitals).

Review transferring and evacuating procedures and protocols

o Review policies to back-up patient and employee records.

Ensure that process for admitting and discharging patients is identified.

o Review pre-admission checklist for patients admitted from other facilities or from home to ensure that all necessary information on the patient will be collected.

o Review protocols for patient flow, including coordination with physician and transportation services and offering of support services such as pharmaceuticals to patients that will be discharged

o Ensure that Chief of Medical Staff is involved in patient discharge process

Ensure that backup emergency generators work

o Ensure hospital water chillers and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are on emergency generator system.

o Ensure emergency backup power system support key ancillary areas, such as morgue and other buildings.

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o Ensure that emergency power plans are extended beyond 24 hours. Know how long the generator is expected to last.

o Ensure staff is trained to repair any problems that might arise with the generators.

o Verify your hospital has portable generators in case the main generators fail

Determine alternate communication methods for key staff in the event traditional communication systems are compromised

o Check the status of your hospital’s emergency two-way radio, such as your HEAR or 800 MHz radio; Ensure your understanding of how to operate the equipment and identify your role with that communication system

o Ensure hospital has a alternative form of communication that links to other hospitals, LHA, local Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and Fire/Rescue

Review Mutual Aid Agreements to reinforce commitment of support with other hospitals and State Office of Emergency Preparedness

Review or develop alternative plan for elevator access to ensure patient can be transported throughout the hospital in the event of power lost or damages to elevators.

Educate employees regarding current events & review plans regularly.

Ensure that all staffing and sheltering issues are addressed in your emergency plan

o Ensure relief teams for staffing are in place to ensure staff is well rested to prevent burnout.

o Ensure behavioral healthcare services are provided. Ensure stress levels and post-traumatic issues of staff members and their family members are addressed before, during, and after the event.

o Ensure childcare centers are open in the hospital for the staff and their children. Work with local childcare agencies to identify those that might be able to help during a disaster.

o Evaluate need for “cash on hand” to advance employees so that they can support their families and come to work.

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Review and ensure that your Hospital Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS or HICS) procedures are in place. Identify your role and the roles of your key staff members within that process.

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Appendix J

Medical Institution Evacuation Plan

Regions 1,3,4,5, and 9

(To Be Developed)