love the way you lie analysis

This video featuring Eminem and Rihanna represents a huge contrast between the 2 opposite genders. Levi-Strauss will describe the whole video a dictation of a conflict between two 'binary oppositions.' Regardless of both Eminem & Rihanna not being physically part of the narrative, the use of their star power helps us imagine how they would of felt if they were in the position of the fellow actors. It helps us as an audience to relate to the celebrities. The video compares the different role of the boy and girl in a relationship and also represents the difference in perspective of the two genders. The video starts with a close up Rihanna which immediately engages the audience - especially those who are Rihanna fans. Here we are encouraged to follow and understand the girl’s feelings through Rihanna's voice and simultaneously the visuals help us understand the main theme of the video because the lyrics illustrate the meaning of the song (Goodwin). As Rihanna is singing, we see cross cuts to a girl and her boyfriend sleeping and cross cuts of her sitting with fire in her hand. This portrays the 'original equilibrium' of the video (Torodov). The fire connotates the girl's state of mind and noticeably, there is also fire in the background when Rihanna is singing, which represents the destructive mood the girl is under when they know that their guy may be cheating on her. This concept goes back to the general ideology of males being the dominant, cheating figures that see women as mere objects of sexual desire (Mulvey) and therefore don't think twice before committing adultery. The fire seems to give a literal meaning of the lyrics '' me burn...'' Suddenly the girl's eyes open, we hear a sudden breakthrough of Eminem’s powerful voice that goes hands in hand with the aggressive lyrics that the song has to offer. The voice of Eminem introduces the 'disruption' in the video (Torodov). The lyrics correspond with the visuals where we see the boy pushing himself onto her and almost trying to forcibly convince her. All throughout the portion sung by Eminem we see the aggressive conflict between the couple and the visuals seem to conform to the idea of male dominance because conventionally men have always managed to get it their way however what interestingly struck my attention was the equally harsh actions the girl responded the boy back with which allows the women of this generation to relate with and in fact allows them to feel in power. Rihanna re-enters the visuals once the chorus approaches which to some extent Goodwin will believe amplifies the lyrics as the star power accompanying the lyrics helps enhance and exaggerate the meaning and the main theme of the song. It emphasises the fall out however interestingly, the visuals seem to contradict the meaning of the lyrics because it shows the couple making out when the lyrics are referring to a break in their relationship. The contradictory visuals to the lyrics reflect the confused relationship the couple holds. Just before we experience another breakthrough of Eminem's rap we see fast edits between Rihanna singing and Eminem just wandering which hints the audience and prepares them for another portion of visual coming from a perspective of the boy. Throughout this video the audience is able to understand the conflict of the couple from the two gender perspective and Rihanna and Eminem's star power defines the relationship and also allows us audience to relate to the situation and in some cases we are encouraged to follow one's narrative more than the other's due to mere star attraction. As Eminem is singing, the visuals of the isolated boy sitting down encourages us to believe

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Love the way you lie analysis

This video featuring Eminem and Rihanna represents a huge contrast between the 2 opposite

genders. Levi-Strauss will describe the whole video a dictation of a conflict between two

'binary oppositions.' Regardless of both Eminem & Rihanna not being physically part of the

narrative, the use of their star power helps us imagine how they would of felt if they were in

the position of the fellow actors. It helps us as an audience to relate to the celebrities.

The video compares the different role of the boy and girl in a relationship and also represents

the difference in perspective of the two genders. The video starts with a close up Rihanna

which immediately engages the audience - especially those who are Rihanna fans. Here we

are encouraged to follow and understand the girl’s feelings through Rihanna's voice and

simultaneously the visuals help us understand the main theme of the video because the lyrics

illustrate the meaning of the song (Goodwin). As Rihanna is singing, we see cross cuts to a

girl and her boyfriend sleeping and cross cuts of her sitting with fire in her hand. This

portrays the 'original equilibrium' of the video (Torodov). The fire connotates the girl's state

of mind and noticeably, there is also fire in the background when Rihanna is singing, which

represents the destructive mood the girl is under when they know that their guy may be

cheating on her. This concept goes back to the general ideology of males being the dominant,

cheating figures that see women as mere objects of sexual desire (Mulvey) and therefore

don't think twice before committing adultery. The fire seems to give a literal meaning of the

lyrics '' me burn...''

Suddenly the girl's eyes open, we hear a sudden breakthrough of Eminem’s powerful voice

that goes hands in hand with the aggressive lyrics that the song has to offer. The voice of

Eminem introduces the 'disruption' in the video (Torodov). The lyrics correspond with the

visuals where we see the boy pushing himself onto her and almost trying to forcibly convince

her. All throughout the portion sung by Eminem we see the aggressive conflict between the

couple and the visuals seem to conform to the idea of male dominance because

conventionally men have always managed to get it their way however what interestingly

struck my attention was the equally harsh actions the girl responded the boy back with which

allows the women of this generation to relate with and in fact allows them to feel in power.

Rihanna re-enters the visuals once the chorus approaches which to some extent Goodwin will

believe amplifies the lyrics as the star power accompanying the lyrics helps enhance and

exaggerate the meaning and the main theme of the song. It emphasises the fall out however

interestingly, the visuals seem to contradict the meaning of the lyrics because it shows the

couple making out when the lyrics are referring to a break in their relationship. The

contradictory visuals to the lyrics reflect the confused relationship the couple holds.

Just before we experience another breakthrough of Eminem's rap we see fast edits between

Rihanna singing and Eminem just wandering which hints the audience and prepares them for

another portion of visual coming from a perspective of the boy. Throughout this video the

audience is able to understand the conflict of the couple from the two gender perspective and

Rihanna and Eminem's star power defines the relationship and also allows us audience to

relate to the situation and in some cases we are encouraged to follow one's narrative more

than the other's due to mere star attraction.

As Eminem is singing, the visuals of the isolated boy sitting down encourages us to believe

Page 2: Love the way you lie analysis

that he may be regretting his actions and possibly seeing himself in the wrong. Here Torodov

will describe to be the 'recognition,' portion of the problem in the narrative. This cuts to

visuals of flashbacks showing how the couple initially met which allows the audience to

follow up the narrative however it always cuts back to either show the girl crying or the boy

screaming and so the fast edits provide a comparison in which we see the contrast between

their current state and their previous state of relationship.

After all these visuals, we see the whole video coming to a new equilibrium (Torodov) and

visuals are seemingly slowing down. The visuals of Eminem offering a teddy bear to the girl

provides a literal understanding of the new equilibrium and it shows some hope of the couple

possibly getting back together.

Yet again Rihanna enters the visuals along with the chorus but this time we also see Eminem

accompanying her which to some extent reflects the reunion of the two individuals through

the stars. This time we see the couple becoming intimate again however we see elements of

flashback in which the boy goes attacking a boy for the girl. This ideally show how the

relationship initially worked out. The action code excites the audience in wanting to resolve

the problem (Barthes). Here we see the constant conflicts that the couple have managed to

overcome. Throughout the whole video the 'men' have been represented as the 'villain,'

(Propp) whether its Eminem's aggressive tone or the boy's aggressive attitude in fact you see

the boy breaking the mirror with his fist as if he's given up but we then see the girl smiling at

him from the background.

Eminem begins to rap again and this time the lyrics illustrate the meaning of the narrative

because the voice is accompanied by several close ups of the couple which builds up the

intimacy and also hints the couple resolving the issue however to a surprise we see the girl

walking again which irritates the boy again and this time he begins to destroy the bedroom

and forcibly grabs onto the girl. Propp will say that the girl at this moment is represented as

the 'princess,' as it shows her in a vulnerable situation.

A lot of fire is shown during the series of images as it enhances the idea of destruction in

their relationship in cast we see the girl lighting off a flame in her hands which conotates the

end of the relationship and we see a literal translation of the lyrics '' me burn....''

when the boy is set on fire downward up and the girl is in flames. The mis-en-scene of the

teddy on fire signifies the idea of the end of love and innocence (Barthes) and we see a shot

with Rihanna and Eminem looking up at a burnt house which portrays a very tough and

destroyed relationship but all this comes to an end with a simple shot of the couple lying in

bed together which noticeably is the shot that the whole video began with. The last shot

implies on a possible nightmare and thereby suggests that there is more to the story than all

that we are presented with hinting on a post life after the video ends. This leaves the audience

wondering about the whole concept and the use of enigma code (Barthes) will interest the

audience to watch it again to possibly resolve this problem.

From this video, I am highly influenced by the concept of disruption and equilibrium

(Barthes) and thereby have taken this further into our final music video which will portray a

life of a couple going through all their ups and downs in their relationship. Our video will

start off with a problem that will be seen resolved throughout the duration of our music video

along with visuals of their flashbacks that implies on their recall of memories and their time

spent together.