loyalty – the true test of faith - masjid abu...

2 Loyalty – the True Test of Faith The reality for many Muslims is that their faith is realised in the streets of Cairo and the rubble of Homs. In this arena many Muslims are confronted with the reality of who they are and what they actually stand for. Allah sets forth an excellent example in the Prophet Ibraheem (ϡϼδϟ ϪϴϠϋ): And, when Abraham said to his father and his people, "Indeed, I am disassociated from that which you worship, Except for He who created me; and indeed, He will guide me." And he made it a word remaining among his descendants that they might return [to it]. [Surah Az-Zukhruf] The testimony of faith demands commitment and loyalty: Commitment and loyalty to the creed itself, and commitment and loyalty to every single Muslim who professes this testimony. Similarly the testimony necessitates, as exemplified by the Prophet Ibraheem (ϡϼδϟ ϪϴϠϋ) that you actively oppose every creed which contradicts it and disassociate yourself from all those people who defile its meaning. The military coup in Egypt and the genocide in Syria have both exposed Muslims who not only have abandoned their brethren to the cruelty of their oppressors but in some cases have actively supported their slaughter providing moral, political and even religious justification for their murder. Allah stated in the Quran, in words which could not be more unequivocal that: But whoever kills a believer intentionally - his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment. [Surah An-Nisa] 1400 years ago like today Muslims were confronted by loss of life, targeted killings and mutilation. Allah revealed sixty verses of the Quran regarding the Battle of Uhud, where seventy of the most senior companions including the uncle of the Prophet (ϢϠγϭ ϪϴϠϋ Ϳ ϰϠλ), Humza, were martyred and mutilated. It is from the Sunnah of Allah since the beginning of time that he sends intense trials which separate people according to their true loyalties. “Allah would not leave the believers in that [state] you are in [presently] until He separates the evil from the good...” [Surah Aal Imran] The terror of the Battle of Uhud propelled the hypocrites into plain view. They had previously been attacking the believers from within while sheltering for protection under the banner of Islam, enjoying the privileges of brotherhood while conducting their affairs as enemies. As the Prophet Muhammad (ϢϠγϭ ϪϴϠϋ Ϳ ϰϠλ) marched to the mountains of Uhud and drew closer to the army of the Quraysh until they were virtually in sight of each other, 300 fighters under the leadership of Abdullah bin Ubai abandoned the Prophet (ϢϠγϭ ϪϴϠϋ Ϳ ϰϠλ) and the believers, protesting at his decision to leave Medina, and marched back in ignominy. It was the boldest manifestation to date of the hypocrites and an exposition of their reality. The more severe the trial, the clearer the separation of the believers and the more intense the fear the bolder the statements of the hypocrites become: And [remember] when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease said, ”Allah and His Messenger did not promise us except delusion”. [Surah al-Ahzaab] Egypt stands today at a pivotal moment as it did thousands of years ago where another tumultuous struggle was played out between the Messenger of Allah, Musa (ϡϼδϟ ϪϴϠϋ) and the archetypal tyrant, Pharaoh. There as today, massacres were committed of innocent children. Allah stated in the Quran: And [recall] when We saved your forefathers from the people of Pharaoh, who afflicted you with the worst torment, slaughtering your [newborn] sons and keeping your females alive. And in that was a great trial from your Lord. [Surah Al- Baqarah] There as today, those who professed their faith in Allah and actualised their worship with prostration were tortured and killed, their bodies displayed in full view to strike terror through the population: [Pharaoh] said, "You believed him before I gave you permission. Indeed, he is your leader who has taught you magic. So I will surely cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I will crucify you on the trunks of palm trees, and you will surely know which of us is more severe in [giving] punishment and more enduring." [Surah Taha] There as today, a highly sophisticated media apparatus justified the oppression through the essential three components of manipulation of the masses, namely, the demonization of the people who carry the message, the creation of a great lie to spread hysteria, and the threat that peoples’ lifestyles are at risk from a foreign culture and values: They said, "Indeed, these are two magicians who want to drive you out of your land with their magic and do away with your most exemplary way. [Surah Taha] The response of Musa (ϡϼδϟ ϪϴϠϋ) when the Children of Israel became despondent and vented their frustration on the very noble Messenger sent to guide them out of oppression and slavery, gives us a clear blue print for victory: Moses said to his people, "Seek help through Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah. He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous. [Surah Al-A`raaf] Patience and steadfastness is a pre-requisite for victory, and that victory comes only from Allah. The decree of Allah must come to pass and He confers authority on the land to whom He wills. The atrocities of the oppressors and the treachery of the hypocrites cannot cause true believers to lose motivation or weaken in their determination and resolve. The final goal for true believers is not to hold a particular seat of power, or to have authority on the land or even to exact revenge on a particular tyrant. These forms of political activism are only a means to the final goal which is to glorify Allah by making His word the highest. We are indeed ordered to make Allah our

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Post on 15-May-2018




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Loyalty – the True Test of Faith

The reality for many Muslims is that their faith is realised in the streets of Cairo and the rubble of Homs. In this arena many Muslims are confronted with the reality of who they are and what they actually stand for. Allah sets forth an excellent example in the Prophet Ibraheem ( ): And, when Abraham said to his father and his people, "Indeed, I am disassociated from that which you worship, Except for He who created me; and indeed, He will guide me." And he made it a word remaining among his descendants that they might return [to it]. [Surah Az-Zukhruf] The testimony of faith demands commitment and loyalty: Commitment and loyalty to the creed itself, and commitment and loyalty to every single Muslim who professes this testimony. Similarly the testimony necessitates, as exemplified by the Prophet Ibraheem ( ) that you actively oppose every creed which contradicts it and disassociate yourself from all those people who defile its meaning. The military coup in Egypt and the genocide in Syria have both exposed Muslims who not only have abandoned their brethren to the cruelty of their oppressors but in some cases have actively supported their slaughter providing moral, political and even religious justification for their murder. Allah stated in the Quran, in words which could not be more unequivocal that: But whoever kills a believer intentionally - his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment. [Surah An-Nisa] 1400 years ago like today Muslims were confronted by loss of life, targeted killings and mutilation. Allah revealed sixty verses of the Quran regarding the Battle of Uhud, where seventy of the most senior companions including the uncle of the Prophet ( ), Humza, were martyred and mutilated. It is from the Sunnah of Allah since the beginning of time that he sends intense trials which separate people according to their true loyalties. “Allah would not leave the believers in that [state] you are in [presently] until He separates the evil from the good...” [Surah Aal Imran] The terror of the Battle of Uhud propelled the hypocrites into plain view. They had previously been attacking the believers from within while sheltering for protection under the banner of Islam, enjoying the privileges of brotherhood while conducting their affairs as enemies. As the Prophet Muhammad ( ) marched to the mountains of Uhud and drew closer to the army of the Quraysh until they were virtually in sight of each other, 300 fighters under the leadership of Abdullah bin Ubai abandoned the Prophet ( ) and the believers, protesting at his decision to leave Medina, and marched back in ignominy. It was the boldest manifestation to date of the hypocrites and an exposition of their reality. The more severe the trial, the clearer the separation of the believers and the more intense the fear the bolder the

statements of the hypocrites become: And [remember] when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease said, ”Allah and His Messenger did not promise us except delusion”. [Surah al-Ahzaab] Egypt stands today at a pivotal moment as it did thousands of years ago where another tumultuous struggle was played out between the Messenger of Allah, Musa ( ) and the archetypal tyrant, Pharaoh. There as today, massacres were committed of innocent children. Allah stated in the Quran: And [recall] when We saved your forefathers from the people of Pharaoh, who afflicted you with the worst torment, slaughtering your [newborn] sons and keeping your females alive. And in that was a great trial from your Lord. [Surah Al-Baqarah] There as today, those who professed their faith in Allah and actualised their worship with prostration were tortured and killed, their bodies displayed in full view to strike terror through the population: [Pharaoh] said, "You believed him before I gave you permission. Indeed, he is your leader who has taught you magic. So I will surely cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I will crucify you on the trunks of palm trees, and you will surely know which of us is more severe in [giving] punishment and more enduring." [Surah Taha] There as today, a highly sophisticated media apparatus justified the oppression through the essential three components of manipulation of the masses, namely, the demonization of the people who carry the message, the creation of a great lie to spread hysteria, and the threat that peoples’ lifestyles are at risk from a foreign culture and values: They said, "Indeed, these are two magicians who want to drive you out of your land with their magic and do away with your most exemplary way. [Surah Taha] The response of Musa ( ) when the Children of Israel became despondent and vented their frustration on the very noble Messenger sent to guide them out of oppression and slavery, gives us a clear blue print for victory: Moses said to his people, "Seek help through Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah. He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous. [Surah Al-A`raaf] Patience and steadfastness is a pre-requisite for victory, and that victory comes only from Allah. The decree of Allah must come to pass and He confers authority on the land to whom He wills. The atrocities of the oppressors and the treachery of the hypocrites cannot cause true believers to lose motivation or weaken in their determination and resolve. The final goal for true believers is not to hold a particular seat of power, or to have authority on the land or even to exact revenge on a particular tyrant. These forms of political activism are only a means to the final goal which is to glorify Allah by making His word the highest. We are indeed ordered to make Allah our


final goal and to seek help through Him and draw closer to Him. From these calamities will rise a new generation of leaders who have proven their loyalty to the testimony of faith under intense scrutiny. Who have seen with their own eyes the treachery of the hypocrites and who have seen nations that claimed to occupy the moral high ground, readily abandon their own principles of freedom of expression and self-determination. There are no easy or immediate solutions. The seismic events unfolding in the Muslim world are a test for us all but to different degrees of intensity. When Musa was conferred

with the great duty of taking the message of belief in Allah to the Pharaoh and ending his oppression, his response was to ask for Prophethood to also be conferred on his brother, Harun. While the wisdom for this request can be explained from many perspectives the close of his supplication makes clear beyond any doubt that their mission was primarily one of glorifying and venerating their Lord.

That we may exalt You much, and remember You much.

Indeed, You are of us ever Seeing. [Surah Taha] By Abu Haneefa Sohail [Edited]

The First Ten days of Dhul Hijjah

By the Dawn; By the ten Nights; [Surah Al-Fajr]

According to a large group of mufassireen, the oath in the above verse substantiates the greatness and sacredness of the first ten nights of Dhul Hijjah in the eyes of Allah. The Prophet ( ) too, has clearly mentioned the importance and the virtue of these blessed moments. It is reported by Abdullah Ibne Abbaas radhiyallahu anhuma that the Prophet ( ) said, “No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these (first ten days of Dhul Hijjah).” Thereupon, some companions of the Prophet ( ) said, “Not even Jihaad?” He replied, “Not even jihaad, except that of a man who does it by putting himself and his property in danger (for Allah’s sake) and does not return with any of these things.” [Bukhaari] In another Hadeeth reported by Aboo Hurayrah radhiyallahu anhu, the Prophet ( ) said, “On no days is the worship of Allah desired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhul Hijjah. The fast of each of these days is equal to the fast of a whole year, and the worship of each of these nights is equal to the worship of Laylatul Qadr.” [Tirmidhi] The reward of ibaadah in these days increases abundantly and the results are honoured with specified blessings and mercies by the Creator. There are certain specific acts of virtue in these blessed days of Dhul Hijjah which are enumerated and explained below: 1. Upon sighting the moon of Dhul Hijjah, those people intending to perform Ud`hiyyah/Qurbaani should neither cut their hair nor clip their nails until the Qurbaani is performed. This is a mustahab (desirable) act derived from Hadeeth of the Prophet ( ) wherein he has said:

“A person should neither clip his nails nor cut his hair until he performs qurbaani”. [Ibn Maajah] 2. These days are so blessed that a day’s fast is equivalent to a year’s fast and a night’s devotion is equivalent

to the ibaadah of Laylatul Qadr. The indication is towards the fact that we should endeavor to perform as many virtuous acts as possible in these days. [Tirmidhi]

3. 9th Dhul Hijjah is the day of Arafah in which the main fardh of Hajj is performed i.e. wuqoof Arafah. This is a great moment for the pilgrims when the Mercy of Allah descends upon them in abundance and their sins are forgiven and du’aa accepted. Allah, through His Compassion and Mercy, has not deprived the non-pilgrims of his mercy, but rather, shown the way to His Pleasure. The Prophet ( ) was asked about the fast of the day of Arafah. He said, “It compensates for the (minor) sins of the past and the coming year.” [Ibn Maajah] 4. The reciting of Takbeeraat of Tashreeq after every fardh Salaat from the Fajr of 9th Dhul Hijjah to the Asr of 13th Dhul Hijjah (i.e. total of twenty three fardh Salaat). It is waajib upon men to recite this takbeer once after every fardh Salaat audibly. The women should recite it silently.

5. The Sunnah of Ibraahem alayhi salaam – the Qurbaani. It is to be performed on 10th, 11th or 12th Dhul Hijjah. One may sacrifice a thousand animals on days other than these, but it will never be regarded or considered a Qurbaani.

The Prophet ( ) said: “There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Qurbaani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgement with its horn, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart.” [Tirmidhi & Ibn Maajah]

May Allah ta’aalaa bless us with spiritual gains and His Pleasure in these blessed moments. Aameen. By Shaykh Maulana Saleem Dhorat [Edited]

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Employment Law - Know Your Legal Rights

Unfair dismissals, wrongful dismissals, discrimination, harassment at work, compromise agreements and redundancies … youmay have come across these claims in the media and some of you may have been the victim of this but do we actually knowour right?

In a constantly changing market place and no certainty for the future, many employers are taking precautionary measures tosafeguard their business. As a result businesses are being forced to downsize and reduce working hours leading tog g g gredundancies or in some cases dismissals. Some employees feel victimised and discriminated against and all this has led to a17% rise in employment claims filed with the tribunal. (Source: tribunals Statistics Quarterly).

So what exactly are the rights of employers and employees? Well an employer can reduce the working hours of an employeeand offer redundancy where it can be shown that the business is indeed unable to sustain the level of employment.Alternative work should be considered but where this is not an option then the employer may well stand within reason. Ofcourse the employer must provide a written contract at the commencement of the employment setting out among otherthings the role of the employee, rights responsibilities and complaints process. Any redundancy package must conform tothe statutory amount that is due to the employee.

Employees enjoy certain rights by law and contract for example holiday pay, sick pay, maternity leave and so on. Howeverwhere they feel disadvantaged, employees can raise their complaints internally and give the employer a reasonable periodto investigate or bring a claim within 3 months. Usually claims filed with the tribunal will receive bring to light the nature ofthe complaint and put both parties in a position where they can consider settlement or proceed to trial. Employers who donot wish to have their business and goodwill exposed may often consider settlement but where the claim is vexatious ormisconceived, the employer may want to set an example by proceeding to trial and claiming damages in full. It is thereforeimportant to assess the substantive merits of each claim.

UK Border Agency has been warning employers that they need to take precautions as to whom they are employing.Employers should check that the employee has the right to reside and work in the UK. Most recently the UK Border agencyhas made arrests in the Whitechapel area, they arrested three employees who were working illegally, and the employer nowfaces a total fine of £30,000, £10,000 per illegal worker.

NR Legal Solicitors provides specialist employment law services and regularly hold seminars for employers and employees onl l i i f l fi d di l hlegal issues concerning matter of employment. To find out more or to discuss your matter, please contact Naheem Razwanon 020 8509 1681 or email [email protected].

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