lp 3 mg iv eng, insulintherapy

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Insulin therapy

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The Discovery of Insulin

• 1916- Nicolae Paulescu isolated the insulin

• 1921- N Paulescu published his papers

1923- Frederick Grant Banting and John James RickardMacleod were awarded the Nobel prize for the discovery of


• 1958- Frederick Sanger determined the primary structure of

insulin, awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 

• 1969-Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin determined the spatial

conformation of the molecule by X-ray diffraction 

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Endocrine pancreas

•  Islets of Langerhans- 2% of pancreatic mass

 – β cells: insulin, C peptide, amilyn

 – α cells: glucagon, GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin

 – δ cells: somatostatin

 – PP cells: pancreatic polypeptide

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Insulin structure

• Small protein - molecular weight = 5800


• Two chains held together by 2 disulfide bonds

 – A chain, acid, 21 aa

 – B chain, basal, 30 aa

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Biosynthesis of insulin

• Preproinsulin – Proinsulin  – Insulin + C Peptide

(connecting peptide)

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Control of insulin secretion

• Stimuli that promote insulin secretion:

 – Primarily: elevated blood glucose concentrations

 –  Neural stimuli: sight and taste of food

 – Amino acids and fatty acids

• Two phases of insulin secretion:

 – First- phase : 2’ after nutrient ingestion (10-15’) 

 – Second phase - sustained until normoglycemia is restored

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Physiologic Effects of Insulin

• facilitates entry of glucose into muscle, adipose and several

other tissues (facilitated diffusion –  glucose transportors

GLUT; 8 types)

• stimulates the liver to store glucose in the form of glycogen;

inhibits gluconeogenesis;

•  promotes synthesis of fatty acids in the liver; inhibits

 breakdown of fat in adipose tissue

• Stimulates protein synthesis; anabolic effect (stimulates the

uptake of amino acids)

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When to start insulintherapy

• Type 1 diabetes mellitus

• Gestational diabetes

• Type 2 diabetes mellitus


Oral medication failed to control blood glucose level – Acute decompensation : sever illness or major surgery

 – Pegnancy or breastfeeding

 – Hepatic and renal failure

 – Allergies to oral medications

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Types of insulin

• Basal  – slow absorbtion and long action

 – Intermediate acting insulin

 – Long acting insulin

• Prandial

 – Rapid acting

 – Short acting

• Combined insulin

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Types of insulin

Insulin type/action


Brand names

(generic name in brackets)Dosing Schedule

•Rapid-acting analogue (clear)

•Onset: 10-15 minutes

•Peak: 60-90 minutes

•Duration: 3-5 hours

Apidra® (insulin glulisine)

Humalog® (insulin lispro)

 NovoRapid® (insulin aspart)

Usually taken right before eating, or to lower high

 blood glucose


•Onset: 30 minutes

•Peak: 2-3 hours

•Duration: 6.5 hours



Insuman Rapid

Taken about 30 minutes before eating, or to lower

high blood glucose

•Intermediate-acting (cloudy)

•Onset: 1-3 hours

•Peak: 5-8 hours

•Duration: up to 18 hours


 Novolin®ge NPH

Often taken at bedtime, or twice a day (morning

and bedtime)

•Long-acting analogue (clear and

colourless)•Onset: 90 minutes

•Peak: none

•Duration: up to 24 hours (Lantus 24 hours,

Levemir 16-24 hours)

Lantus® (insulin glargine)

Levemir® (insulin detemir)Usually taken once or twice a day


A single vial or cartridge contains a fixed ratio of

insulin (the numbers refer to the percent of rapid-

or fast-acting insulin to the percent of

intermediate-acting insulin)


 NPHHumulin® (30/70)

• Novolin®ge (30/70, 40/60, 50/50)



•Humalog® Mix25 and Mix50

• NovoMix 30

Depends on the combination

Adapted from the Canadian Diabetes Association 2008

Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Diabetes in Canda

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Insulin therapy regimens

• Basal regimen( once/twice daily )

• Basal-plus

Basal bolus• Twice daily

• Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion

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Normal insulin profile

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Insulin therapy regimens

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Modes of administration

• Subcutaneous

• Intravenous

Intramuscular• Inhalation

• Intraperitoneal

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Insulin Delivery Devices

• Insulin syringes

• vials

• Insulin Pens

 – (cartridges, prefilled pens

• Insulin Pump

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Insulin injection site

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Side effects

• Hypoglycemia

• Weight gain

Lipodystrophy• Allergic reaction

• Edema