lti} -

LTI} 4 00 ITN VI ITTONMEI{:TAL STTTDIBS ns-l0r ,. --f I rogi. "'-' ;i. |1"u, jr,rlCu t. ii..) ., . if r: ,.i case studies. Timher extraction" i , :tl b) Watcr resotrrces: i.lse nrld ovet'-utilizalion ol'surface and groturc{ wat(}r, Iloocls, clrpught, conflicts over rva{er. c) Mineral : use ancl expk:ilatiori, er:r,ironmental elJr:cts of c,rtr.acting nnd usingl n:iner:rrl rssourc$S, case .Stud'i.:l;. '-' -- -o d) Food resources: lY"rJl. f-oocl prolrlelns. changes causeci lry agriculture ancl over-grazine, eff]cts ol' Ulrit 1 : hltultitliseipli n a ry ltittu rc tf' r' rrviron rut:lrtal stutlies Dcfirritiorr, sqope an,J importance, ncr:rl lbr pr.rblic a'yval'cness. Urrit 2: Natural Rescun:cs: Reilervable anrl nort- ren elr,rble r'{!gr} ii recg" " Naturnl l'esources :rrrrI lssocintrrd rrrllllems a) Forest resourcesii [J.Ee and ovel.-r,xpluitation, detbrestatiru, rniniirg. darns and thc:r c{fucts crn {irre:t ind tribal peop)e. ' Ttole of an individunl irr conservirtic,n o{'nrturar resource.s, . I-.)quitaLrle use ol'resourr:es lor sustair:;rble Iifestyles. !i Ulrif 3:. Ecosystemo '. ' Coltr;epl uL an ecosvlil,€lllr . Structure and functi.;ri of an ecosvslctl. . Producersi consum*rs ancl decnnii,oi,a,,," . Energy florv in the i:.r:osl,steni. ' EcotogicaI successiirn. ' - J -'A_ ^ - r vr br ,rturr rE, uI I.vU!, tnodr:ntagricrtlture,fb'rrilizer-pcsticiclcprc'rblems.tvater[crgging.salirrity,casestuc{ies. e) Energy resources: Cr0rving etlerg-y lreeds, renewable an<J non-renewable energy sourlrcs. r.rse illler:nate snergy sorlr$e$. Cass stuc{iet;. l) L.and t"rotir"o, i:,rncl es a resourr)c. lancl dsgraelation. nran incftlced lanclslides, soil erosioi a,d desertirfication. i l " Introcluction, types, ' Iiocrd chains, ft:od \*ebs,urd ecolcr " Introcluction, types. char,lctcri stic ecologicuJ pyr,anticls. .\ l:istic fbat:u'es" strr"rcture and firnction bf'tlre 1bllowing er:osystenrs:- l. I'orcsi e,,us.),,tcnt , c. Dcscrt er:osystelrr d..Aquatic rri (ptnds, strsan:ls. lal<es. rivers. ocei{Ils. esl.rralies) Unif 4: Iliod ;:rntl its conservzrtion lrition: grnetic, spec:ies and ccoi;l,stent clivelsity. :.;.,:i fi t.atiur r trl' Jnrl i,r . Valuc of biotli . Inr{la as ir lno, , Ringr",r:51rxphir:al c . ' Biodiversity at ' :?:Tll!l*io*,,1,'.,productive use, social, etrricar, aestherir: anci oprion ve:ires l, Ni.Lttonal and local levels. b. (ir'asslafid . .fl.ot-sports ol' biodivrlrs it.r. ' 'T'lrreats to biodiversitv:.hahitnt loss, pi,aching of r,vilrllife. gran-rvipllilb corrflicts . llndauger.ed and enc{,ernic species of irrdia " fonq.l'vntiox 1{:fiin ri,:ct',;i[)'; In-:;itu rirrcl J]*-s'[u c,rrrserval.ion of bioilivcr.sity. j , l:; :' it. t:j ii l I ..i). t' V{

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Page 1: LTI} -

LTI}4 00


,. --f I rogi. "'-' ;i. |1"u,

jr,rlCu t. ii..) ., . if r:

,.icase studies. Timher extraction"i, :tl

b) Watcr resotrrces: i.lse nrld ovet'-utilizalion ol'surface and groturc{ wat(}r, Iloocls, clrpught, conflictsover rva{er.c) Mineral : use ancl expk:ilatiori, er:r,ironmental elJr:cts of c,rtr.acting nnd usingl n:iner:rrlrssourc$S, case .Stud'i.:l;.

'-' -- -o

d) Food resources: lY"rJl. f-oocl prolrlelns. changes causeci lry agriculture ancl over-grazine, eff]cts ol'

Ulrit 1 : hltultitliseipli n a ry ltittu rc tf' r' rrviron rut:lrtal stutliesDcfirritiorr, sqope an,J importance, ncr:rl lbr pr.rblic a'yval'cness.

Urrit 2: Natural Rescun:cs:Reilervable anrl nort- ren elr,rble r'{!gr} ii recg"


Naturnl l'esources :rrrrI lssocintrrd rrrllllemsa) Forest resourcesii [J.Ee and ovel.-r,xpluitation, detbrestatiru,rniniirg. darns and thc:r c{fucts crn {irre:t ind tribal peop)e.

' Ttole of an individunl irr conservirtic,n o{'nrturar resource.s,. I-.)quitaLrle use ol'resourr:es lor sustair:;rble Iifestyles.


Ulrif 3:. Ecosystemo '.

' Coltr;epl uL an ecosvlil,€lllr. Structure and functi.;ri of an ecosvslctl.. Producersi consum*rs ancl decnnii,oi,a,,,". Energy florv in the i:.r:osl,steni.' EcotogicaI successiirn.

' - J -'A_ ^ - r vr br ,rturr rE, uI I.vU!,tnodr:ntagricrtlture,fb'rrilizer-pcsticiclcprc'rblems.tvater[crgging.salirrity,casestuc{ies.e) Energy resources: Cr0rving etlerg-y lreeds, renewable an<J non-renewable energy sourlrcs. r.rseilller:nate snergy sorlr$e$. Cass stuc{iet;.l) L.and t"rotir"o, i:,rncl es a resourr)c. lancl dsgraelation. nran incftlced lanclslides, soil erosioi a,ddesertirfication. i l

" Introcluction, types,' Iiocrd chains, ft:od \*ebs,urd ecolcr" Introcluction, types. char,lctcri stic

ecologicuJ pyr,anticls. .\

l:istic fbat:u'es" strr"rcture and firnction bf'tlre 1bllowing er:osystenrs:-l. I'orcsi e,,us.),,tcnt ,

c. Dcscrt er:osystelrrd..Aquatic rri (ptnds, strsan:ls. lal<es. rivers. ocei{Ils. esl.rralies)

Unif 4: Iliod ;:rntl its conservzrtionlrition: grnetic, spec:ies and ccoi;l,stent clivelsity.:.;.,:i fi t.atiur r trl' Jnrl i,r. Valuc of biotli

. Inr{la as ir lno,

, Ringr",r:51rxphir:al c

. ' Biodiversity at ' :?:Tll!l*io*,,1,'.,productive use, social, etrricar, aestherir: anci oprion ve:iresl, Ni.Lttonal and local levels.

b. (ir'asslafid

. .fl.ot-sports ol' biodivrlrs it.r.

' 'T'lrreats to biodiversitv:.hahitnt loss, pi,aching of r,vilrllife. gran-rvipllilb corrflicts. llndauger.ed and enc{,ernic species of irrdia" fonq.l'vntiox 1{:fiin ri,:ct',;i[)'; In-:;itu rirrcl J]*-s'[u c,rrrserval.ion of bioilivcr.sity.

j, l:;




t' V{

Page 2: LTI} -

5: Env

b. Water pollutiorr

l Poilution

control measures of,:



acoidents. and holooqust,. Wasteland reclamati.on.. Consumerism and waste products.. Eni,ironment protection Act." {]r (Prevention ancl Crntrol of.pollution) Acr:.. Water (prevention and control orilorfutio;i;;t. Wildlife Protection Act

- - --. Forest Conservation Act.' fr,u.:r involved in enforcement of environme,tar regisration.. Public awareness.

Unit 7: Human population and the Environrnent. Population g.o*th, urriution u;;;;;;;;r'*!". ::*:li:n explosion * Famiry w-irr." pro"gr*,,,n,,=.' .E,nvironment and human health.' I{umrin Rights.f". Value Education..IilVi\IDS.



.t I

il \-u{;'' Wonren and Chilcl Welfare. ,


' Role of informatio,, r""noology in Environmsnt rirr4 human health. ,. CaSe StUdigS. er --- 4" ' " v'rrrrL'rrl (rlltl Illll

I::: 1:l oager-scfg-r.r EtrGHT quesrions are rerequtred to attempt FIVE questioni.


;l tffi:Iji;t:J:$'h3'ili:X1H::,i, ^g;i3fii, iiil,i

j,,,irr,:lq rlii;,,,. j

"i;lil:*1.X:1,:l;,ffi,,*:tm*i;;#f;l; iilili;"ilo?i,$;,ii;-ilj;j;',r,, A,rme<,aL,ac, -380 0,3


o) Brunner R.C.. ISiBg.


br: set cover{ng errtire syllabus. Stucien{s will bel





l,dia, Enrail:rna6,i,@icenei;;7[1 r'r r'rtrcr' r*r?rlJl

tJrurllter R.C.. I!)89. I lazar.l.,,," ivn"r.rr I.nino,_r.ri.,,, l\,{."r-:*^"-, irlrl r....l ,^,,,

c. Soilpollution l

d. Marine pollution i

e. Noise pollution i

f. Thermal pr:llution ;

g. Nuclear hazards I

. *:[o]'T:Yflig:n:rj:!1u1?.,uff"r:.und conrrot me&sures ot,urrian a,cr rndustriat wa'So].* of an individual in prevention "f Orffrii";.

"""' !rrlcourei ur ut'oan atlo lnollstrlal wastes'

Page 3: LTI} -

-'lark R.S., Marine }oilution, Clanderson press Orlillcl ( fB) , ,

^'$lJilffi,t,#Jrffiffi"1ltf,,"jfi,i.,If'u' i.[N,uo.,,,,,n,' 200,, E,,,,ironn,en,a;

fl De A.K , En,ironr'*,,roiCf,*iniu,ry, Wiley.Uastern L.rd.g)l}owntoEartlr,C*rrt,*fuitill."-andgnv,o,in:.,*rnl

:',{,$il;1ii;,i{,11;,mf**ir*'r; rbr sr rctries in tr}*li, Enyironnrenr &,lec,rrity

:l :iil'o''s R.8., rin,,v.rnp*;;;; ilil., hil;,"iiirio,r,, rlo,nbay ,{aru:ur Hisror.v $ocier,,,, ;;;.;

'i 'li{,J}:"]. I & wasron R r tqqs. crr:b*t Biuiiii,cisiiy r\.sse,ss,,,,.,,,,. .on,o,;;.;;;:,

l#jlillo:.:n"'-le' v'M' Iee5 Ettvirorrnretrrar *r,recliorr artr,,;r;;ilur, r-rouse.

,_,-j1.It#lrll"! *ri:"ou,, R.M. Iee6. .,rvi,onrrc,rai scie*,;*:4;terns ;;;;r,';;;

rn) M'haskar A'K"r\dareiiruazordous. l'echno-science I'rrblicatiorr (TIl) ' w *r/rLr

.unl \4itter T'.c. Jr. Er,'ii"r,*r, w;;;;tir prbrisrring co. 6rrio) octurn E.p. rgzr. runJa*.rirr, "ra.919uii'iv}.'ru,.rrrcJers ci,.-us,i, ,;z+p,,i] .ffi,xt rxfii*;,]J**,T;$l.ii;ri:;,i,;,[]:ifi:r-t,

ffi:i,*o, c. r,v, Lkr 34.ipr') survey of the E,viron,rr,ri'ijr_'uira,

fr*i..r. -.,r1 [Lrbr. H'use, Mr

y iii{ff Jf :_ #tr:nlJ:f y*m :+;:,, Essentia rr o r rlc;orogy B r r, :r, wer r sc ierr cc

, .Y?l tancl It, En"l,:y.l*'di;"r'o't,crrlal Ltttvs, ltut*s ct,iueliic,r, t:,,,upii;,;;;;;;; srandarcis,,'t) T'r'ivedi R' K' -*1.5 c"-i^i'"uod,ctio, r. sil.,orurir;,, .r*rt,,,,r-s",,,,;_;*;;,;r_,,) Wanger K.D.. f pgt" E,rri*,,r,*"f fra*r,g;,r_,,i. *.,r. S,,,i,iJ_,:. Crr,,,,,,,o6*,ufr;u, U.Sr\ 499p'v1 liaushik a ,,,pirbrishercrnlf Kaushik c'n' rersliffi;; dlrni,,rno,*ntur

s1:11{1ui,i, No,.,, zrno r.-r-., ..I LrulrDrr(il (rIJ)' 'rr u'|rvlr{rrllllcllltll

51:1141u,r1 Nei"l, Age lfiternatio,al')esrval s' and'Desrrral A. Basic course in llrr'irr.l,nrr,i ---- 'i

s*rrl'ta s'c' E,vironmentar scien;e.'Ne,t tu;,.;;':ffiI :{r"*r-i.jlll,,l.r$r, & co- (:rB)* ,?

sltaiina p'D' Eccrog]';*;i"rl-rr. Ir.asfcgi pirirrir:.riorrs. ( ic, .


"" '7',e4l.-*-.''''1*i*

lEf fi__, vy^*u'/

r ri rrfr*



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