magazine 22-23

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Post on 17-Feb-2017




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    Anele Tshona from Mt Frere in the Eastern Cape house has been a haunted house for some time.

    It was odd that, there was something that looked like person that used to

    get through the gate. It would turn into a cat like creature and cry like a baby, explained Anele.

    She added, I am building a house but it does seem get to a completion stage. This happens despite having all the building material. Instead builders leave it hanging and vanish.

    However, after using the Revelation Church of God spiritual weapons, on the 26 December 2015, I went to the unfinished house. I was amazed to find colourful ropes entangled around a rusting nail in the yard and I believe it was black magic.

    The shock of discovering this made her think. Now the darkness, evil forces that held the completion of my house has been


    She said that she had never seen nor used those ropes and has no idea as to where they came

    from. It shows that evil forces are at play. She gave thanks to God and the Revelation Church of God.

    I was amazed to find colourful ropes entangled around a rusting nail in the yard and I believe it was black magic.

    Fear of evil magic.


    Q: What is iNtsebenzo?A: It is a special Service where we see Spiritual gifts demonstrated through the man of God Prophet Radebe. We usually observe instant miracles and people being delivered during all intsebenzo services.

    Q: Why the name iNtsebenzo?A: The name creates awareness to the fact that when you do come to the Revelation Church on Ntsebenzo day, you are not coming to worship and praise but you are on a different mission, you are coming to work, i.e fight for your own deliverance.The word Intsebenzo is derived from the word ukusebenza, meaning to work.

    Q: Why must there be iNtsebenzo in the Church. Is it because the bible tells us that Jesus died for us?A: The bible also tells us through lots of examples that Jesus did not only pray for the sick and troubled but he performed miracles, for example: A blind man approached Jesus for help

    and we see Jesus using mud and spit to heal the blind man.Naaman suffered from leprosy, the man of God tod him to dip himself in the river 7 times and after doing as was instructed, Naaman was cured. And the fact that He died means He took back the authority from Satan for us to use it with our faith.

    Q: What is Nkomishi?A: Its a small cup with Holy water used as an element to deliver people from poison amadliso angaphakathi komzimba.

    Q: What is mixed with the water in the small cup that people drink every Thursday?

    A: Nothing but Prayer and command by the man of God as per the Revelation directive from the Holy Spirit to deliver people from different illnesses.

    Q: What type of Intsebenzo does church have and when do they take place?A: Below is a list of all iNtsebenzo that church has: Weeklyi-Ntsebenzo I-Ntsebenzoyenkanyisoisevery Tuesday@12h30middayand5pm. I-NtsebenzoyeNkomishiisevery Thursday@12h30middayand5pm. I-NtsebenzoyoMoyaiseverySunday @12h30midday. IzibusisozasekuseniiseveryMonday morning@6am.

    MonthlyI-Ntsebenzo I-NtsebenzoyoMamaison1st Saturdayofamonth@8am. I-Ntsebenzoyesifuthoison1st Saturdayofamonth@12h30midday. INtsebenzoyezothando Love Friday is on 1st Friday of a month@5pm. IzikhalozabasebenziSpiritual UnionisonlastSaturdayof a month.


    Insebenzo Yokugezwa YezithakhazeloClan names (Izithakazelo) define who we are and tell the history of where we come from. The objective is to spiritually right the wrong deeds of the past that affects the present. That is performed every 2nd month of each year.

    Umsebenzi Wokuqinisa Ngephondo: This acts as a spiritual amour to shield you from evil attacks or stand against them. Anointed olive oil is used.

    Love Friday Love Friday @ 5pm on 1st Friday of the month. These services truly bring love blessings to ordinary peoples lives, testimonies on record are evident. It brings joy and satisfaction when we see people who have been in long

    relationships especially those that have given up hope of ever getting married, because their partners dont indicate such plans testifying that its finally happening after years OF STAYING TOGETHER.

    Cultural Heritage 1ST Saturday of the month @ 12midday. We at the Revelation Church of God celebrate our cultural heritage every first Saturday of the month. We come to church dressed in African attire as a symbol to God Almighty that we understand and embrace who we are. We still believe that God wants to reveal Himself to

    the African people as He did to the Israelites through Moses. When God first appeared to Moses, He referred to him as son of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob. He was calling him by his forefathers; he was telling him who he was and where he comes from. Thus, calling him by his clan name (emthakazela, isiduko, sereto).

    God wanted Moses to first know who he was before He could use him to deliver Israelites from spiritual bondage.God is using our leader, Prophet Radebe to restore Africaness. When we celebrate who we are on the first Saturday, we worship, sing and dance different African dance movements.

    Ma Afrika lets continue to enjoy our rhythm. It is good to know, understand and be proud of our roots. Our uniqueness!!! Come join us to celebrate our African Uniqueness!

    Special annual Intsebenzo