magazine abs. 10 rules to ripped

30 Kevin Stock ©MuscleScience 2012

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Mandate #10

Know what you want!

“Which way do I go asked the cat? Where are you trying to get to?” Responded the… “I

don’t really care”… “then it doesn’t really matter which way you go…”

“Begin with the end in mind.”

-Steven Covey

So this is listed as Mandate #10, but could easily be the most important (but I’ll probably

say that about all the mandates :)

When I first embarked on my fitness journey about 13 years ago, I knew one thing…I

didn’t want to be fat anymore.

That was it.

I was much more clear on what I didn’t want rather than what I was really after. So sure

enough, not long after I wasn’t fat.

I was 5’11” 115lbs.

I’m not sure I had any fat, but I can tell you seeing every bone in my body is not nearly as

cool as seeing every muscle in the body.

So I know, this is an extreme example, but I think it gets the point across.

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Until you really, clearly understand EXACTLY what you want to look like, you’ll have

no clue the path you have to take to get there.

If you want to compete in Mr. Olympia and look like Ronnie Coleman, it’s a different

path than if you want to look like a bikini model.

So I urge you, get VERY CLEAR on what you want.

If your clarity is “lose 5lbs” or “gain some muscle” I can tell you the harsh reality right

now…It’s not going to happen. (or best case scenario, you will make some progress and

then regress back to/or worse than before).

Harsh. But I’ve seen this too many times that I feel like telling you anything but the ugly

truth would be a disservice.

BUT, if your end goal is to look exactly like Greg Plitt, then we have an absolutely clear

picture of the objective – the ultimate outcome.

And here’s another HUGE point.

Although the goal “look exactly like Greg Plitt” may seem impossible, and “lose 5 lbs”

seems a lot more realistic. I’d put my money on the person whose goal is to look like

cover model Plitt.


Perhaps, but that’s exactly the point. The goal of looking like Plitt is inspiring,

motivating, and exciting. That’s a goal that will carry me to the gym after a long days

work…it’s a clear picture that will get me to skip on the evening ice cream.

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Mandate #10 Homework: Get out your #2 lead pencil and an old school notebook and

write down exactly what you want to look like. This needs to be 2 things:

1. Extremely clear, vivid, descript

2. An ultimate outcome that excites the hell out of you. The thought simply PUMPS


Design you ideal body, or your ultimate goal.

Something that if you had right now you would feel totally awesome.

Get down to the nitty gritty, do you want a 29” waist and 17” biceps. What do you want

your weight to be (better get, your LBM…more on this in later Mandates).

Cut a picture out and tape it into your notebook. Now you have something to go after,

now you know where you are going.

But what do you do now? Good question.

The directions to this new you, this exact destination, is what we will continue to cover in

the MuscleScience Mandates.

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Mandate #9

“Do you really just want to lose 5 lbs?”

If you goal is to lose 5 lbs or add a little bit of muscle…this is the most important muscle

building, fat loss article you will ever read. Because unless you take this to heart I can tell

you this…It’s not going to happen.

Now I know that is harsh, and perhaps harsh enough that you will go out there and prove

me wrong!

But here’s the reality, and it’s more exciting than you think…

You need to AIM HIGHER!

Have a PURPOSE, a REASON, a DRIVE that is so motivating that it’s impossible for

you NOT to want to go after it.

Just thinking of the reason should cause your body to pump some endorphins, some


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Now when you have a reason like this, and an ultimate vision to match it (remember

Mandate #10 = the vision :) I don’t care what obstacles stand in your way. You will get


You will create the body and life you want.

This is what I’m talking about, by placing the stakes in the ground where you want

them, living on your terms, and not settling for what life gives you, but taking what

you want from life.

That’s so important I’m going to write that again:

MuscleScience Mandate #9:

Place stakes in the ground where you want them.

Live on your terms.

Don’t settle for what life gives you, but take what you want from life.

When you place the stakes in the ground, and take complete ownership of your body,

health, and life, that is when you are unbeatable.

And you do this with a driving purpose, without this, don’t even try…you have to have a

deep passionate WHY you want to create the best body you humanly can, why you want

to live healthy. Why you want that energy. Why you want to feel awesome.

For me, it’s pretty simple, there is basically nothing more important to me than health. If

you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anybody else.

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It’s not selfish, it’s actually the opposite, by taking care of yourself you will be able to

help more people, you will be able to work harder, better, more efficiently, and make

more of a difference in the world.

You will be a better student, parent, husband or wife.

I know this.

And I also know that looking good is cool too :)

Here’s a trick: Don’t give one seconds thought to what other people think.

This is true freedom.

Know your core values and live by them, and then forget what others think.

People might look at you weird when you pull a chicken breast out of your pocket in the

middle of a meeting/class/whatever, but hey, you’re ripped healthy and feeling good. And

he’s probably a fat type II diabetic, who thinks of himself as a victim of bad genetics.

I find it ironic that the one’s who don’t care about themselves are the ones that judge

others. Don’t judge others for their choice of not giving a damn about their body, health,

and life in general, and most people won’t judge you (and real people will admire you :)

Take control of your life, you put the stakes in the ground, and live on your terms.

Don’t live your life based on what others expect. Live based on the highest standard you

expect from yourself.

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Don’t live your life based on fear and avoidance of pain.

Know where you are going, and don’t stop until you get there. And when you get there,

smile, embrace your accomplishments and all those who helped you get there, and then

turn back around and look up and keep climbing.

Life’s a journey not a destination, don’t ever stop climbing.

Mandate #8 The One Goal EVERYONE Should Have





Let me tell you why this is SO crucial.

The minute you think you are satisfied with where you are at…

The minute you just want to “maintain” where you are…

The minute the fire and passion for improvement dies…

This is the crucial minute. The turning point.

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The reason why so few succeed. So few live the life they want with the body they want.

Because here’s the harsh truth…

If you’re not improving, if you’re not moving forward, you ARE moving backwards.

There is no such thing as “maintenance.”

Maintenance is just another word for regression, failure.

Harsh but true.

That is the EMMENCE importance of:

MuscleScience Mandate #8


Here’s a short list of things you can constantly be focusing on to improve your body,

health, energy, life:

1. Increasing your LBM (much much more on this later :)

2. Decreasing body fat

3. Increasing flexibility

4. Increasing cardiac capacity (i.e. increasing your heart’s health)

5. Last but probably MOST IMPORTANT…Always increasing your

KNOWLEDGE of health, nutrition, workouts, exercise (yes there IS a difference

between exercise and workouts, and if you don’t know what it is, make sure to

keep reading!)

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“The More You Know, The More You Grow.”

–My friend BPak, is right on with this one.

Tips to keep improving:

Set an ultimate vision (MuscleScience Mandate #10, if you haven’t read it yet, it’s a


Set one year goals, and then monthly goals, and then weekly outcomes to get you to your

ultimate vision.

(NOTE: if you follow these mandates you are going to get to your ultimate vision faster

than you can image, TIP: set your next “ultimate vision” before you reach your current

one. I know, sounds weird but it’s what will keep the fire alive!)

Everyday strive to be better than the day before.

Mandate #8 Homework

Write out your 1 year, 3 month, and 1 month goals.

Determine what you can do THIS WEEK to start you on your way to your 1 month goal.


Sharing your goals is a great way to publically hold yourself accountable, so I would love

to hear them and help hold you accountable! Share them here on the MuscleScience

Facebook Page!

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Mandate #7

“Do you take steroids?”

This is perfect.

Just yesterday, a big guy, probably about 50 pounds overweight, came up to me in the

gym and asked in his most polite manner,

“Do you take steroids?”

Instantly, the very first thing that pops in my head –

“You’re never going to make it.”

Of course, I did not say this.

I told him I am completely natural, and explained to him with hard work, and proper

nutrition it’s not that hard to get in great shape.

(And then referred him to MuscleScience, and hopefully he’s reading this Mandate #7 :)

But I just couldn’t shake the thought – that is the EXACT mindset that prevents

people from achieving and attaining a body and life they “desire.”

I put “desire” in quotes, because I believe, if someone really desired something they

wouldn’t expect a quick fix, they wouldn’t turn to a needle and a syringe as the only

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option, they wouldn’t think up every excuse of why they can’t get the results that

someone else achieved.

But I believe that if someone truly DESIRES something, they would put in the work,

whatever is necessary, to make it happen.

(NOTE: Steroids – I have nothing against people who decide to use steroids. But it’s

important to note here, MuscleScience (and all of the training) is about naturally building

the best physique, in a completely natural and healthy way. For me personally, I feel that

using steroids would be cheating myself, and cheating my ultimate goal of building the

best natural and healthy body to give me every means possible to live the most fulfilling,

energetic, healthy, and awesome life possible. I understand that other people have

different goals, and I in no way judge them on how they choose to live their life, and I

encourage you to do the same.)

That phrase that pops in my head, the one that goes – You’re never going to make it – it

also pops up when I hear…

“What supplements do you take?”


“Man you have good genetics. I wish I had genetics like you.”


“How do you find time to workout? I wish I had the time to get in shape too.”


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“Eating right is expensive. I wish I had the money to eat right.”



That brings us to…

MuscleScience Mandate #7

There are NO excuses.

There are NO magic pills or potions.

But there is a magic formula:

Knowledge + Hard Work + Discipline + Consistency = RESULTS =


Here’s another magic formula:

Excuses = FAILURE

Limiting Beliefs (i.e. “bad genetics,” magic supplements, ect...” = FAILURE)

The truth about excuses...

If it’s a priority to you, you’ll make it happen.

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It’s as simple as that.

My advice: make working out a priority as high as eating, as high as sleeping.

It needs to be something that you just do.

Once training is no longer an option but a lifestyle habit, this is when your life will

change in every way imaginable.

Mandate #6

The One Thing to NEVER Bring With

You to the Gym

You’ve heard it before.

You didn’t listen. I’m guilty too.

But I’m going to try again – for the good of your muscle building and fat loss efforts.

Leave your EGO at the door.

Why this little trick of the pros will work Muscle Building Magic:

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1. Your ego is bad for muscle building

When the ego enters the gym, it’s goal is to move weight.

It’s the movement of lots of weights that is going to impress that hot blonde on the

elliptical right?

Let me tell you, the ego looks stupid, and it’s not impressing the blonde, and it’s not

impressing any of the other egos in the gym that probably think they can lift more with

their egos.

BUT if you leave the ego at the door, the goal changes from moving a weight, to


When you focus on optimally training a muscle, this is when the magic happens.

I’m going to get a lot more into OPTIMALLY training a muscle so THEY GROW (and

not the ego :) with the MuscleScience T3 Training Method (so keep reading :)

Lesson: Train Muscle, Not Your Ego

2. Your ego will prevent you from attaining your physique/physical goals and


The ego is going to prevent this for a number of reasons.

Here’s a short list of how the ego will STOP you from ever achieving your potential:

• Lifting with ego, “moving weight” instead of “training a muscle,” will never let

you optimally develop your muscular potential.

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• You WILL get injured lifting with ego. I promise.

• The ego is not inspired. The ego will get you in the gym for a time, but it will

fizzle out (usually when it sees that there are other, bigger, egos in there that

makes their ego feel small and insecure. This equals to the ego quitting.)

Inspiration comes from within and it’s the one and only thing that will keep you going in

the gym day in and day out, to achieve your ultimate physique.

Tapping into this inspiration, you cannot be stopped.

Literally, no one can stop you.

When you are lifting for you, you don’t give a seconds thought that you only have 25s on

the bar and what others might think.

You know you are training the muscle not the ego.

You are completely independent and separate from the opinion of others.

Not only is that the secret to true freedom, total self-confidence, self-reliance, it’s the

secret to your ultimate success and fulfillment both in the gym and outside the gym.

So my homework for you is to never take your ego anywhere with you, but especially in

the gym because believe me the gym is filled with enough egos already.

By bringing your true inspiration into the gym, the dedication and results you achieve

will inspire other to leave their egos at the door as well.

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Mandate #5

One simple thing you can do to ENSURE

getting the physique you want

Do this one thing and you nearly guarantee yourself instant results.

The simple application of this MuscleScience Mandate can literally reverse the odds into

your favor.

That is the odds where 95% of people who set out to lose weight (better their body

composition) fail/give up in the first 2 weeks.

Let’s reverse that into your favor.

Apply this secret, and your odds, like magic, will give you a 95% success rate.

What is this secret?

MuscleScience Mandate #5

Surround yourself with people who FUEL your


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Now if you read this closely it is actually a two step process.

1. Surround yourself with the right people

This is huge.

If you spend all your time around people who constantly have chips, donuts, and soda

lying around, and haven’t broken a sweat since their last nightmare, it will be a constant

uphill battle for you.

If all your friends and social group go to happy hour Monday through Thursday, and then

get hammered on Friday and Saturday, again, an uphill battle awaits you.

The key is to surround yourself with people who take their health and self

improvement seriously. To have friends/coworkers that value working out is


To be able to talk and hangout with people that take their life, health, and success as

serious as you do is the secret to having that 95% success rate.

So if your current surroundings are closer to the first group I mentioned, that’s fine, but I

urge you, I BEG you, find some additional friends who share your passion to better your

body and your life.

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2. These people need to fuel your INSPIRATION

There is a key word in that phrase.

Can you pick it out? ☺

I cannot overestimate the importance of surrounding yourself with people that INSPIRE


You need to have people (or at least one person!) that you look up to, something to aspire

towards. And then you need to surround yourself with this person.

Whether it be in frequent person-to-person interaction (a mentor is PHENOMINAL for

this), or someone on television or the internet or whatever.

But get in frequent communication with this person/people. Listen to everything they say,

watch all their shows, read all their facebook post, everything.

The key is to have a source of constant inspiration that stems from a role model.

When you combine these two little things – surrounding yourself with people who are

getting the results you want and having an aspiration, a role model, to follow – you all

but ensure yourself all the success you could ever hope for.

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I hope you take this message to heart if you truly want to succeed in changing your body

– whether it be building muscle, burning fat, or simply improving your heath – find the

right people to associate with and immerse yourself with them!

If you are looking for someone to share a passion with in health, building muscle and

burning fat, feel free to add me on facebook, would love to get to know you and help

keep both our fires alive!

Mandate #4


“To fear nothing, not failure or suffering or even death, indicates that you value life the

most. You live to the extreme; you push limits; you spend your time building legacies.

Those do not die.”

~Criss Jami

True and enduring success starts with FEARLESSNESS.


You must become fearless to become more than you are right now. This discomfort of

change is exactly what keeps people stuck.

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Stuck in a rut. Stuck not pursuing their deeper dreams. Stuck in a comfortable but

passionless existence.

Forget comfort.

Become fearless to change, embrace it, knowing it is the path to your dreams.


You must become fearless to learn and expand your mind. The fear of admitting to

yourself that you don’t know everything, and what you think you do know may be wrong

is true courage that leads to a lifetime of growth. Be fearless in your pursuit to gain the

knowledge you need to keep moving forward.

FEARLESS To Pave Your Own Path

By becoming great, by growing, by not settling you are slapping social norms in the face.

This can be scary.

It’s easy to settle for mediocre and not aspire for anything – it’s what society expects

from us. Be fearless to go straight in opposition to society, and fearlessly pave your own

path to excellence.

FEARLESS To Be Honest with Yourself

Denial is one of the quintessential traits of cowards. Not being able to admit that you

need a change, that you need to expand your mind, that you aren’t living up to your

potential and highest standard is living a life a fear.

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Be fearless in being honest with yourself and this will clear the path for your unlimited

potential to be opened, for a true legacy to be built.

FEARLESS To Push Yourself to New Limits

This is where most people are afraid to go because it is unknown territory. Be fearless to

walk into this foreign territory and conquer it.

The further you track into the unknown, the further you push yourself to new limits, the

greater and greater the rewards on the other side.

FEARLESS To Abolish Mental Limitations

Trashing mental limitations, knowing your true greatness, and unlimited potential is the

only way to become the person you know deep down you were meant to be.

Be fearless to think big with no limitations, for that is what your life want to give you.

Mandate #3

PLEASE, Get OFF the Elliptical

Let’s play some MuscleScience trivia…

Question #1: What is the most important number to monitor?

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a.) Body Fat %

b.) Weight

c.) Max Bench Press

d.) Bicep measurement

Ok I’ll give you a clue…it’s NONE of these!

The hands down most important number to know, to monitor, and to constantly improve

is your LEAN BODY MASS!!!

Now I’m not saying those other numbers aren’t important, but your LBM is the

benchmark you should be gauging.

“MuscleScience” was chosen for a REASON, because these (Muscle and Science) are the

two most important things for:

• Looking your absolute best

• Being your absolute healthiest, fittest, awesomest self!

Where people go wrong (and it is my personal MISSION to get this hammered down to

everyone that wants to create their ultimate body) is that


If you want to get ripped, if you just want to get healthy, the key is to spend a whole lot

LESS time exercising and MORE TIME WORKING OUT.

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Exercise = Burning Calories

Workouts = Building Muscle

But for some reason, it’s a common belief that exercise (you know, elipicalling,

treadmilling, ect..and yes these words are ridiculous because doing them is ridiculous) is

the key to long term health.

NOTE: The only kind of exercising you should be doing is SSI Cardio (more info on this


It is my goal, it is the MuscleScience Mission, to make it known that burning calories is

NOT the key to long term health.


(i.e. Building Muscle = SSI Workouts/Nutrition/Supplementation :)

It is your body composition (LBM:BF) that determines health (and coincidently what

makes you look ripped as well!)

In the next 20 years or so, it will be common knowledge that MUSCLE is the solution to

some of the most prevalent diseases in the world, including diabetes (FYI few things

increase insulin sensitivity more than a hard workout, and diabetes = insulin résistance,

so instead of putting every fat person on Metformin, put these people on a SSI Nutrition

Plan, and a workout regimen, and type II diabetes disappears!).

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Building muscle is THE solution to the cure of countless diseases, and the solution to

long term health and vitality more so than any other indicator.

The correlation between muscle mass and body composition to health and longevity is

going to be undeniable.

So the point I want to hammer home is that if you just simply want to look awesome,

get ripped, feel good, and be a badass (or at least feel like a bad ass :) then


If you want long term health, long term youth and vitality and energy (and looking

damn good long term too) then WORKOUT.

If you want to waste lots of time, not look good, and minimize health benefits then


So PLEASE get off the elliptical and into the weight room!

Mandate #2

SSI – If you’re not using it, you simply

can’t get to where you want to go…

Muscle – Science

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We talked about “Muscle” and it’s VAST importance.

But there is just one way to get it…


Without science backing up your efforts in the gym and your nutrition and your

supplementation, you are really just hoping for a miracle (which will seem to never


It’s like trying to get to a place you’ve never been without a map. You will just wonder

and wonder, and in all likelihood never get there!

Here’s the worst thing…hundreds of people are telling you how to get there, but the

problem is they DON’T KNOW HOW TO READ A MAP (i.e. they don’t know anything

about the SCIENCE!)

I became a chemist to literally understand every single biochemical and physiological

process that would lead to building muscle and burning fat.

(I was tired of “WONDERING” around without a map!)

And thus, SSI was born.

“SSI” is the system that I developed and have operated under ever since (doing anything

else doesn’t make ANY sense!)

SSI = Strategic Scientific Integration

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It is the process of using a STRATEGIC system to bring about the results you are after

(building muscle and burning fat!) by INTEGRATING all aspects of nutrition,

workouts, exercise, and supplementation in a SCIENTIFIC manner to optimize results.

You can think of it this way:


The SCIENCE = the actual paved ROADS (using anything else won’t get you to your


The INTEGRATION = using the SHORTEST ROAD (straight line path!) to get there the


So what you want to do is find the MAP, look at the various ROADS to different

destinations, pick your destination, and choose the SHORTEST ROAD to get there.

The take home message is this:


Don’t listen to people who doesn’t understand the SCIENCE (what are they basing their

advice on??)

Do use a MAP.

Do pick a destination.

Do follow the shortest paved road there.


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Totally give everything of yourself and you will receive more than you can ever image.

But as everything in life, the key to success is GIVING, give first, give everything you

have, don’t leave anything in the tank, don’t leave anything on the starting line, and you

will receive beyond what you can imagine, beyond what you can believe.

MuscleScience is DEDICATED to living by this #1 Mandate as well:

(Straight out of the MuscleScience Handbook)

• We will GIVE the utmost VALUE to everyone we possible can in the

MuscleScience Community.

• We will GIVE the greatest amount of HELP to the GREATEST NUMBER of

people possible – serving them the best we possible can, and continuing to find

more and new ways to serve and help more and more people.

• We will GIVE a greater importance to our customers, co-workers, competitors,

and the community at large than to ourselves. We put everyone’s interests before

our own. We do everything in our power to get other people what they want and

need. We know that abundance and success (and happiness!) are things that are

attained by GIVING.

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• We will GIVE complete HONESTY. MuscleScience will always be genuine,

open, honest, and trustworthy.

MuscleScience is a company run on these Laws of Giving. We are a family that lives a

meaningful, fun, thrilling, and totally awesome life! Any by following these “Laws of

Giving” we are assured we are always doing the right thing.

By putting these Laws of Giving into your life, you will not only get maximal results

from the gym, but out of LIFE.

And lastly, the only way the Law of Giving works is if you are open to receiving.

• Allow (and be open to receiving) great VALUE to yourself, your dreams, and


• Allow consistent HELP from others.

• Allow yourself to be important, to live a meaningful, purpose driven life.

• Allow and expect HONESTY from others.

When much is given much will be received.

Give all you got and reap the rewards of a life second to none.


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Thank you so much for spending your time reading the “10 Rules to Ripped,” it means a

lot to me that you put your time and trust in MuscleScience.

I know putting these 10 Rules into action WILL change your/and anyone’s life for the


This is the foundation upon which all success will stem.

With this foundation, I am now so excited to share the “SSI System” with you!

Check it out HERE: MagazineAbs SSI System – Taking your Body and Life

to Whole New Limits!

MagazineAbs SSI System

See you on the inside!


The Science to Get You Naturally Ripped.