mainsheet september 2010

M A I N S H E E T The Official Publication of the Nedlands Yacht Club (Inc) The Esplanade Nedlands Western Australia 6009 Ph: 9386 5496 Fax: 9386 5821 Editors: Barrie & Bev Dimond (email: [email protected]) September 2010 Action at the Hobie 16 Worlds at Weihei, China 2010. Above left: Natalie and Jasmine Hill Womens World Champions Above Right: Natalie and Jasmine in action. Left: Alex Landwehr and Phil King, Right: Gavin Colby and Sasha Marks READ OPEN CATS NEWS PAGE 12 CATAMARAN SAILORS ON WORLD STAGE

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September 2010 issue of mainsheet


Page 1: Mainsheet September 2010


The Official Publication of the

Nedlands Yacht Club (Inc)

The Esplanade


Western Australia 6009

Ph: 9386 5496 Fax: 9386 5821

Editors: Barrie & Bev Dimond

(email: [email protected])

September 2010

Action at the Hobie 16 Worlds at Weihei, China 2010. Above left: Natalie and Jasmine Hill Womens World Champions Above Right: Natalie and Jasmine in action. Left: Alex Landwehr and Phil King, Right: Gavin Colby and Sasha Marks READ OPEN CATS NEWS PAGE 12


Page 2: Mainsheet September 2010

Next Mainsheet Deadline: Friday 26th November Please email all submissions to the editor at: [email protected] For any Mainsheet queries, please contact Barrie or Bev Dimond on: 9332

Coming Events Saturday 18 September for a Sailors' Swap Meet

YWA Catsail Clinic September 18th—19th

Try Sailing—Open to Public September 18th

Cat Classic 26-27th September

Junior Learnt To Sail Course 1 September 28th—October 2nd

Opening Day Sunday 3rd October

Welcome to new members Sunday 3rd October 4pm—6pm

Junior Learn to Sail Course 2 October 4th— October 10th

Adult Learn to sail Day 1 of 6 Saturdays October 9th

Transition to Racing Day 1 of 6 October 10th

Family Dinghy Social Sail October 10th

NYC Website Information:

NYC Email Address: [email protected]

NYC Website Email Address: [email protected]

Mainsheet on-line Back copies of Mainsheet are available at the NYC website.

Go to and select Newsletters from the

Club Information Menu.

OOD duties coming up? Why not check out the current OOD guidelines for members

available from the NYC web site? Go to and select Cluub Documents from the Club

Information Menu, then choose Club Policies and Prccedures. There you will find the latest information on Officer of the

Day Duties.

Page 2 June 2010

Page 3: Mainsheet September 2010

Page 3 June 2010

Commodore’s Report

Since the last Mainsheet there have been plenty of meetings, a new Managing Secretary, improvements to the administration of the club, lots of maintenance work but, for most of us, not as much sailing as we would like. Fortunately, the next few months will see this balance swing back in favour of the time on the water. Some of our members have had the opportunity to do some serious sailing and I want to acknowledge the NYC members who have been away competing internationally at a very high level and performing brilliantly.

August saw our Hobie 16 sailors competing at the World Titles in China in and it is great to know that NYC Hobie sailors are the best in Australia and

some of the best in the world. Congratulations to sisters Natalie and Jasmine Hill who took out first place in the Women’s World Championship. Wonderful results also for Gavin Colby and Sasha Marks, Darren Smith and Jasmine Hill and Can Owen and Susan Ferris who were placed 2nd, 3rd and 7th respectably in the Open World Championships. A mighty fine effort also was the 6th in the World Youth Championships by Alex Landwehr and Phil Davis. My sincere congratulations to these sailors and to all in the big contingent of NYC Hobie 16 sailors who went to the World Titles. Our Open Cat sailors Brett Burvill and Ryan Duffield have also completed a wonderful European campaign including beating the world’s best at the Flens Super Sail event on the Baltic Sea in Germany on a F18 Edge and in the following week being placed 4th overall in the World Titles on a Windrush built Tornado

Off the water, Saturday September 4th saw a group of club members including office bearers, management committee members, section captains, sub committee representatives, past commodores and other assorted invitees give up a morning to be involved in the initial step of an ongoing planning process. This was very well facilitated by Hobie 16 sailor, Graham Cuckow. Not only will this process assist in planning and see the development of a strategic plan, it is also hoped that we will strengthen communication networks within the club and build materials and processes that can be resources for future planning and management In this initial workshop, attendees were encouraged to identify NYC’s strengths and describe the kind of club we want NYC to be. A big focus of this meeting was also the identification of the many issues we face at NYC ranging from infrastructure needs, fleet development and training, finances and volunteering to communication challenges and membership growth. As you will all understand, good planning makes everyone’s job easier and I am delighted to see this process begun. Thankyou to those club members who willingly and enthusiastically engaged in the session and I look forward to engaging with even more NYC members as this process continues. I also encourage all members to talk to your section representatives about this planning and take the opportunity to feed ideas through them. Winter has also seen many jobs completed around the club. The Winter Busy Bees have been well attended and a number of volunteers have stayed on after lunch to complete tasks. Many thanks to these dedicated folk. The whole club appreciates your enthusiasm and dedication. Ernie Horne, chair of the Maintenance Committee, has done a great job and it is a credit to his organisation that over the first 4 winter busy bees of the 75 jobs identified, 61 were completed. With 2 more busy bees before the season starts, the club will be in a great shape. For those of you who haven’t been around over winter, choosing to do your boat’s annual maintenance elsewhere or have been holidaying in warmer climes, you will have missed all the work associated with the much awaited deep sewer. With the NYC work completed including installation of the tank and pump, the associated electrical upgrade and the decommissioning of the old septic system, we are now only waiting on

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Page 4 June 2010

Sailors Swap Mart - Buy, Sell and Trade in September

Saturday 18 September Nedlands Yacht Club is hosting a Sailors Swap Mart. Selling, buying and trading starts at 8:30 AM Sales and trades must be complete by 10:30 AM Admission: A gold coin donation Bring small, sailing related items that you can carry such as PFDs, wetsuits, small fittings for boats or sailing books. Or come to buy some great used equipment. If you have large items you would like to sell, such as engines or trailers, please only bring a picture and di-mensions of your item. NYC strongly encourages you to bring items that benefit our youth sailors, such as used gear in good condition. Sellers can bring their own table and chairs if they would like. Tables and chairs will not be provided. Meet on lawn in front of the NYC Junior Club House. Boats, large items and equipment can be sold anytime online. Fill out the form for a free ad on our online No-tice Board at Shauna McGee Kinney [email protected] ** new email Feb 2010 SKYPE shaunamcgee2000 (+61) 0435 089 797 * new mobile Apr 2009 (+61) 08 9467-2663

Nedlands City Council to complete their component of the work off site before the final connection. Many thanks to Barrie Dimond for his supervision and coordination of this big job. Many thanks also to all of you for your willingness to pay the sewer levy so that we had the funds to get this vital bit of development done. With the start of the 2010-2011 season less than 4 weeks away, I hope all our regular sailors are ready to get out on the water. For those of you who don’t get out sailing as much as you would like, I encourage you to make this season the one that turns this around. If you need some help or advice, contact your section repre-sentative or speak to Alison in the office and she will be able to put you in touch with a member who can help you. See you all out on the water soon. Juliann Lloyd-Smith Commodore

Commodore’s Report Cont.

Page 5: Mainsheet September 2010

The Sunday 22 August Act-Belong-Commit Try Sailing Day was a big success. There were two types of sailboat experiences. The cruiser skippers took people out for fun-sailing and the competitive skippers took interested people racing. The Nedlands Yacht Club skippers were delighted with the enthusiasm from the attendees. A number of our Nedlands Yacht Club members that weren't sailing cruisers also pitched

in. Instructor Evelyn lent some of her own spray-tops and jackets to members, Wayne Fay helped show people around the facility and get information out about future public events, Julia helped make our guests comfort-able before and after the racing and our Officer of the Day - Don Mullaley explained the various sailing activi-ties that members participate in. Hobie sailors - Nelson and his crew helped cruisers launch down the ramp. Cruisers Kryz, Colin Redmond, Rod Bryant, Andre, Ross, Alan Reynolds and others kept the visitors laughing and talking. Of the 21 participants, a large group of 16 attendees joined us from a social group called NYC had several attendees from Act-Belong-Commit's directory and several individuals and couples from the Com-munity News announcement. The participants ages ranged from university students to late-career adults. We had about equal numbers of men and women. Ian Smart, Shauna Kinney and Colin R found it quite easy to sort crew onto boats. The cruiser crew had already introduced themselves to crew and sorted themselves. The racers were delighted with the interest and ability from their crew. Several participants would like to come back and Try Sailing again. Many asked about the Learn to Sail classes and the crew fees. Colin R, Wayne and I will make follow up calls. Please feel free to contact Colin R or me with ideas or suggestions.


June 2010 Page 5

NYC Training

Leading up to and during the new sailing season NYC will be offering a wide range of training courses and programs aimed at existing and new members.

Learn to sail

If you are looking for an opportunity to introduce a junior friend, brother or sister into the wonderful world of sailing then NYC is conducting two Junior Learn To Sail courses in the coming school holidays. Contact Alison at the office ([email protected] or 9386 5496 or visit Training at for more info and online enrolment). Grown-ups and teenagers – don’t miss out on the fun! We have the Adult Learn To Sail course which will run for 6 Saturday mornings starting Saturday 19 October. Contact Alison or visit the NYC website for details and registration. Family Social Sailing is a new opportunity for adults and juniors who have learnt to sail under the “Get Into Small Boat Sailing” program to use the Puffin Pacers to practice sailing skills in a casual atmosphere under the guidance of our very experienced instructor Kent Isaacson. This is a new program and subject to interest will run every second Sunday morning. Dates can be found in the calendar section of the NYC website ( A small hire fee for the Pacers helps cover wear and tear for fleet maintenance ($20/boat/

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day). Junior Training

NYC continues to develop its support program for junior sailing under the considerable success of a transition based program developed by the Training Committee with the help of our very committed instructors. The 2010-11 junior program will consist of: Junior Transition To Racing is a 6 week course conducted by Evelyn Doernberg on Sunday mornings. This is aimed at junior sailors who have completed a learn to sail course and would like to learn to sail Manly Jun-iors. The first round runs 10 October – 7 November. This course is free to members and Manly Juniors are available for lease on a half-season ($150) or weekly ($20) basis.

Intermediate Junior Training will be run each Sunday morning throughout the season (subject to normal breaks) by Lily Loughman. This level is aimed at Manly Junior or Flying 11 sailors with a focus on fun, boat handling skills to help sailors get around a typical sailing course with their friends.

Advanced Junior Training will be offered to those Manly Junior and Flying 11 sailors who are keen to hone their starting skills, their upwind tactics and use the most awesome sail of their boat – the spinnaker. Matt Fry will be happy to pick up from the level you are at the moment and help you improve over the course of the season. A Junior Fleet Busy Bee is being conducted on Saturday 2 October starting at 12.00 for our Manly Junior and Flying 11 lease boats. If you have experience with minor repairs and maintenance applicable to this activity we would welcome your assistance on the day.

Catamaran Training As this issues goes to print, NYC will be hosting Yachting WA’s Cat Sail weekend training program. The en-thusiasm and engagement of Ingrid Landwehr has been critical in establishing this program with Yachting WA and we look forward to subsequent reports and activities in this area. Cruiser Section Training

Training opportunities in the cruiser fleet are being developed through section activity. Please refer to the Cruiser report for further details. Training Committee

The incoming committee would like to express our sincere thanks to Karen Bassett who is standing down after a strong role in junior training and fleet development over a number of years. The group welcome Gavin Jones who will be taking over where Karen left off! The NYC training committee for 2010-11 is Rob Loughman, Shauna McGee Kinney, Evelyn Doernberg, Gavin Jones, Tony Hermoso, Gareth Robinson, Kent Isaacson, and Matt Fry. The present emphasis on junior training will continue into 2011. Members are invited to bring other section training needs to the committee via their section training rep.

NYC Training Cont.

June 2010 Page 6

Page 7: Mainsheet September 2010

Tony, Rob, Evelyn, Shauna and Kent at a recent training planning meeting. Rob Loughman and Evelyn Doernberg

NYC Training Cont.

June 2010 Page 7

Nedlands Yacht Club Looks Forward

NYC conducted the first of a series of strategic planning workshops on the 4th September, involving the Man-agement Committee members, representatives from subcommittees, members from each of the sailing sections as well as our two employed staff, Managing Secretary Alison Robinson and Bosun Keith Jackson. The 3 hour session kicked off the development of a long and short term plan for the club. In her opening re-marks, Commodore Juliann identified the significant progress that had been made in the club in the last few years, building on the strengths of earlier planning. Now the time had come to develop new plans to help shape the future of the club. Graham Cuckow led the morning’s activities to start the high level planning process and at the same time to help develop a shared understanding across the various participants and groups. Graham indicated that plan-ning provided the opportunity to improve systems and implement strategies to take the club forward on a year by year basis, including make it easier for member volunteers who put so much time into the club to make sure we all get our Sunday Sailing.

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The session went well with plenty of good ideas and interaction, with everyone having fun and enjoying the session. Individuals in the group were eager to facilitate improvements to club activities. Several participants from satellite groups including the Treasurer - Brian Wooler, the Hobie Section - Glenn Fairey / Aileen Arm-strong and Open Catamaran Section Gavin Parker guided the break out sessions which contributed to insight-ful discussions. During strategic planning exercises, valuable feedback and offers to help were given by Training - Rob Lough-man / Evelyn Doernberg, 125 Section - David Feldman and Juniors - Karen Bassett. Output from this initial session will be available shortly for review and input from a broader selection of people from across the club (we couldn’t do it all at once). If you have issues to raise or good suggestions don’t be shy – talk to someone on the management committee or your section rep. Or, contact Alison if you are not sure who to talk to. Epitomising the NYC spirit, the quote of the morning went to Karyn Hill who’s reflex response to a request from Graham for a volunteer was “I’ll help…oh you’d better tell me what its for.” Go Karyn! The Club Man-agement and event organisers were very grateful to all participants for giving up their Saturday morning. Fu-ture sessions are on the drawing board to pull concepts from the first session together and to gather input from a wider range of members over the next couple of months as the ideas and suggestions are turned into a longer term plan. If you would like to join the group and help us get there, please contact Alison Robinson at 08 9386 5496 or [email protected]

Nedlands Yacht Club Looks Forward

June 2010 Page 8

Above Left: Graham and Aileen cap-ture the group’s interactions. :Above Right Juliann captures an-other thought! Left: Talking one at a time and lis-tening made for a good combination at the September NYC strategy ses-sion.

Page 9: Mainsheet September 2010

Boat and Trailer Relocation Recently a number of boats and trailers in the Cat Compound, Cruiser hard standing area and other storage areas were moved to new locations as part of the rationalisation of the storage areas and re-allocation of storage bays. This review and rationalisation has be-come an annual process due to the ever increasing demand for boat storage at NYC and around the river and the fact that the Cat Compound and Cruiser hard standing areas have now been filled close to their capacity. Club By-law 6.3 states "Priority to any storage location shall be determined by the Committee each year taking into account the degree to which each boat has participated in the sailing events of the Club." Also, Club By-law 6.4 states "The Commit-tee may shift any boat, which is not regularly active in Club events, to another location within the Club premises, or request

the owner to move it from Club premises." The re-allocation of storage bays has been, and will continue to be carried out within these by-laws. If your boat and/or trailer have disappeared from where you last left them then they may have been moved to another storage bay. Please check with your Section's Storage Officer or the Club Storage Officer (9387 6953) regarding your new bay allocation. Arrangements will be made for inspections to be carried out on mooring lines to boats in jetty pens and on moorings and the reports, when available, will be sent to owners so that they can carry out any repair works. It should be noted that the responsibility lies with members to look after their moorings, etc and to keep their storage bays clean and tidy. Another by-law that is designed to assist in the management of storage is Club By-law 6.2 which states "A boat or trailer, whether

in Covered Shed; Fenced Compound; Hardstanding; Mooring or Pen, may not be stored in another location, except with

permission of the Committee." If you require too store your boat and/or trailer, please contact the Club Managing Secretary or Club Storage Officer. It is essential that the boat’s name and sail number be placed on boats stored at the Club to assist in managing the Club’s storage facilities and racing organisation. Club By-law 5.3 states "The Name and Sail number of a boat entered on the Club "Boat Reg-

ister" shall be clearly marked in letters not less than 50mm in height, on the outside of the hull and on any associated boat

Trailer and/or Tender." Boats and/or trailers that can not be identified will be removed and locked away until they are claimed by the owners or, if not claimed, may be disposed of by the Club. This segment has contained a number of by-laws that have been developed over the years to assist in the administration of the Club. They have been included for member’s information and guidance and it is requested that members comply with these requirements. Don Mullaley,

Club Storage Officer.

Storage Stories

June 2010 Page 9

The old boat ramp winch from the cruiser hard stand area. Ric found out how heavy it was when it broke his heavy duty jack, loading onto the trailer.

Page 10: Mainsheet September 2010


June 2010 Page 10

Winter racing roundup

We’ve seen some spectacular sailing days this winter so at least the dry weather has been good for something! Good attendances for the winter series provided opportunities to pit boat on boat irrespective of division. Its been good clean fun, even when 90 per cent of the fleet got very confused in one of the mid winter starts (Oh yes, and thanks John M for ruling a re-start that allowed Osprey to make the flag drop despite a very late launch!).

New comers

The section takes delight in welcoming some relatively new faces to the NYC racing scene. According to the photographic evidence, Malcolm and Andrew (Beats Working) and Jamie, Daniel and Craig (Hot Tub) seem to exhibit the well recognised balance of friendly competition and sheer sailing joy that encapsulates the Cruiser fleet spirit. Welcome aboard lads and we hope to catch up with more of our new cruiser sailors early in the new season. Our sailing environment

Low winter run-off has kept the river uncharacteristically clear in recent weeks with visibility to the river bot-tom out past our jetty. This is a great reminder at how pristine and beautiful our river is, despite washing through a buzzing capital city. But as they say – this is no accident. Here’s how you can help… � Inboard motored yachts are required to carry bilge pillows (available from yachting and marine shops)

to absorb fuel and oil from the motor to help prevent discharge into the river. � Please complete an incident reporting form (from the office) for any incidents involving pollution such

as fuel or oil spills, on water or land. � Any spill of more than 10 litres needs to be reported to Swan River Trust.

For more environmental matters, please refer to the 2010/11 sailing program (the yellow book) or the NYC Pollution Control Management Plan available in the office or from David Cliff, section environmental rep. Input to improve our Environmental Management System is always welcome.

Skipper a “clipper”?

Thinking about racing? Aspiring racing cruisers can rest assured that getting the most out of your boat is a lot easier than it was when square rigs ruled the 19th century. Anyone thinking about racing but are unsure what to do next are encouraged to catch up with Cruiser Training Assistant Vice Commodore Mike Fitzgerald to arrange a “clipper skipper” buddy to introduce them to racing. Having a skipper buddy will enable you to join a currently racing boat for some club events then have ongoing support from your buddy skipper to help you commence club racing activities. Mike is also interested to hear from any one interested in cruiser crew training, please contact Mike to express interest in a friendly structured training course for prospective new cruiser crews. Cruising News

Cruiser sailor Kryz Czarzasty has offered to develop a Saturday Cruising Skills Group 1100-1200 on sailing weekends. This is a good way for those new to cruisers to get some hints and practical solutions from experi-enced sailors and meet some fellow crazy cruisers.

Cruise in company briefing night 19 November

Don’t forget to block your diary out for the NYC Garden Island Cruise in Company 27-28 November 2010. The club has written to sailing clubs that have moorings installed at Pig Trough Bay to arrange use of moor-ings for the weekend and so far responses are encouraging. A cruise in company briefing night is

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Cruisers Cont.

June 2010 Page 11

planned for Friday 19 November, further advice on email via Peter. If you don’t currently receive email con-tact from the Cruiser Section Secretary, please contact Peter Heydenrych via [email protected].

Section rep change over

The incoming section office bearers would like to thank the outgoing team for their contribution to making the NYC Cruiser section a great group! We would particularly like to thank Ian Smart for his excellent Sunday sailing 12.30 briefing “under the tree” in the Cruiser Compound and we look forward to the new Cruiser Cap-tain following this hallowed tradition. Our reps for 2010-11 are:

Next issue…

Shark Bay calling! Left: Andrew and Malcolm Meumann ([email protected]). The name says it all…

Right: Jamie Thomasson (right) and Daniel Bear (plus Craig, sorry we missed you this time). Jamie, what’s with the extra flota-tion device?

Captain…………… Greg Hill Safety Assistant…… Jim Marriott

Secretary…………. Peter Heydenrych Storage Assistant…. Ray North

Treasurer………… Brian Pearcey Training Assistant…. Mike Fitzgerald

Regatta Rep……... Barrie Dimond Nom/Record Co-ord. Julia Cheong

Mainsheet Scribe... Rob Loughman Handicapper……….. Fred Gibson

Protest Committee. Ric Fairey House Committee…. Bev Dimond

“ Don Mullaley Grounds Committee. John Collier

“ Rod Bryant Environmental Rep… David Cliff

Page 12: Mainsheet September 2010

Page 12 June 2010

Open Cats

In July and August several Tornado sailors from Nedlands travelled to Europe to compete in events leading up to and including the F18 World Championships and the Tornado World Championships. This year’s F18 Worlds held at Erquy in France was a showcase of professional sailors with eleven Australian teams competing. Our own Brett Burvill and Ryan Duffield took two of the only Australian made F18s “The EDGE” made locally at Windrush to compete against a fleet of 159 boats for the F18 World Championships. The fleet being so large was split into two fleets, Gold and Silver, and the top 40 boats from each fleet would then compete the finals. Brett and Ryan were ecstatic to be sailing amongst a huge list of professional sailors and finishing 29th beating many professional sailors in doing so. Brett and Ryan moved on to start their Tornado competition by sailing and winning the Flens Super Sail at Kellenhusen on the Baltic sea in Germany a week before the Tornado World Commenced beating many of the professional teams doing their pre worlds preparation. Another Nedlands sailor Paul Raymond, paired with a Darwin sailor David Beeby, flew straight to the Tor-nado Worlds. The Australians were the second biggest contingent behind the Germans at the Tornado Worlds. Prior to the commencement of the Tornado Worlds the Tornadoes had a new experience competing in the Trave Super Sail event which was conducted on the Trave River. Racing on a river that is 150 metres wide was very different to sailing on open water. Sailing right in front of thousands of spectators perched on the river sidewalk and wharfs was definitely a new experience for everyone. You could feel and hear everything the spectators were experiencing. Very close and difficult sailing. Altogether five Australian teams competed in the Tornado World Championships held at bottom of the Baltic Sea at Travemunde in Germany. The Tornado Worlds was part of Travemünder Woche (English translation: Travemünde Week) which is the second largest annual race week in sailing in Germany behind Keil Week. Other fleets that sailed during Travemünder Woche included A Cat, Hobie 16 and F18s. The competitors were only able to sail on three of the four days scheduled with sailing being cancelled on the third day due to lack of wind. Brett and Ryan were not able to repeat their success from the previous weekend but finished 4th overall. Paul and Dave were extremely happy to finish 20th out of a fleet of 50 boats. Paul comments “Considering we had 25 kgs more weight than the majority of crews I think we did extremely well. The races with the light breeze really made it hard to be competitive, but when the wind was blowing we had really good boat speed”. Ryan Duffield has returned to compete in the Tornado European Championships on Lake Gada in Italy which commences 15 September. Unfortunately Brett’s work commitment has kept him back in Australia. One of the good things to come out of Europe is that there two more Tornadoes heading back to Nedlands to bolster the local Tornado fleet. Nedlands Yacht Club has the largest Tornado fleet in Australia, if not the World with 15 Tornadoes registered in the club so expect to see more Tornadoes sailing this season. The German F18 Nationals followed the Tornado Worlds at Travemunde in Germany. 46 boats were regis-tered so there is a good fleet of F18’s here in Germany. The Nationals were scheduled to be run over three days. Friday Day 1 saw Brett and Ryan position themselves well in 2nd place behind the Italians in the first race and finish 1st in the second. Their close rivals the Italian team collided with another boat whilst in 6th po-sition taking the bow of their Hobie Wildcat off and had to withdraw from sailing for the remainder of the

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Open Cats Cont. day’s races, but replaced the hull with another to be back on the water for Saturday’s sailing. Brett and Ryan finished strongly on Saturday to be in 1st on points and were looking strong to finish the regatta on a high. The wind failed to materialise on Sunday. In what was considered a very poor decision the Regatta jury awarded the Italian’s average points on their performance in one race only and gave the championship to the Italians with Brett and Ryan getting relegated to 2nd on a technicality. A disappointing result. Brett’s second EDGE also performed well with a 4th. AUS 501 (4th) was sailed by a second Australian team, their first sail on the boat being heat one. The field included several former F18 world title holders.

Paul Raymond also jumped on a Capricorn as skipper on day 2 of the German Nationals with a local German sailor who’s skipper had to withdraw and managed to drag it from 46th up to 27th in just 3 races. Disappointed that racing didn’t happen on day 3. Paul commented “I was hoping for some wind on day 3 as I was just start-ing to get the feel of the Capricorn, not having sailed one before. We actually got in the top 10 in the last race yesterday so I was looking forward to seeing how much better I could get this thing going. The F18s are nearly as much fun as the Tornado especially when there is a good size fleet”. If you’re interested in moving up to a whole lot of fun enquire now to find out how you can enjoy what many people are missing out on. Sailing on the fastest boat on the river! It’s just FUN. Contact Paul Peterson on 0427 072 373 or Paul Raymond on 0422 618 605 or email [email protected].

Left: Brett Burvill and Ryan Duffield

Below Right: Paul Raymond and crew David Beeby at the Tornado


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Page 14 June 2010

Hobie Cats

Nedlands Yacht Club and WA can boast new world sailing champions. The sister act of Natalie and Jasmine Hill took out the Women’s 2010 Hobie 16 World Championships. The field included teams from France, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Philippines and USA Sailed recently in Weihai, China, they battled under extreme pressure, knowing they could not afford a single poor race. This achievement was all the more meritorious due to several of their competitors having trained full time, attended to by coaches and lavish beach support. Fortunately the girl’s determination, discipline and exceptional fitness saw them through. Underpinned no doubt by the informal, but upstaging beach support duo of Trevor Hughes and Mark Landwehr. The girls were popular winners with Nat, hands red raw from working the main, taking the spotlight at the awards, heaping praise onto her crew and younger sister, Jas. 16 sailors from Nedlands Yacht Club attended the World Championships. The club boasts a number of World and National champions and is well known throughout the sailing world for the quality of its sailing fleet. The bar was set high for these teams to do well. In the finals of the open division, past world champion Gavin Colby with Sasha Marks came second behind the French. Darren Smith now teaming with Jasmine Hill crewing took third place. Cam Owen and Sue Ferris took a creditable seventh in the open final field of 56 boats. Australia dominated the results winning the Grand Masters (Anthony Dutchatell and Evelyn Curtis), the Mas-ters (Rod and Kerry Waterhouse) and in the Youth (Jason Waterhouse and Lisa Darmanin). Winner of the Open was Jerome Le Gal from France. The Open event was seriously affected by a lack of wind. Two complete days were lost and on a third only one race was sailed. Perhaps Australia's results would have been even better in this event if more races could have been held. Other notable performances by West Australians included Alex Landwehr and Phil Davis 6th in the Youth. Rod Hodgkin and Lucy Bromel, 5th in the Grand Masters. Taylor Booth and Emma Sturgeon, 8th in the Open. The Chinese hosts could not have been more helpful or hospitable. No expense or courtesy was spared. Free translators were provided and even a team of enthusiastic young men became available just to carry sailor’s boats in and out of the water. A yacht club building was constructed in the last six weeks prior to the event when the organisers saw it was needed. Administration of the event by the International Hobie Association was very professional as usual. Each team had a different boat for each race with sixty brand new factory provided boats waiting for them on the beach. The colour scheme for the sails is matched by boat number to enable smooth organisation of boat rotation among sailors. The quality of the fleet was high and included Olympic sailors. Unfortunately the USA was not strongly rep-resented this year. The Hobie Worlds were a big event for the city of Weihai and the people were extremely hospitable. Much of the City was flagged out in Hobie signs and symbols welcoming the sailors. Competitors were made to feel like rock stars as they were inundated with photographers and many were interviewed for Chinese Television. All of this resulting in a great event and final result for the sailors and supporters from Neddies Yacht Club. Further information including photos and U Tube footage can be found on the net. Phil King

Page 15: Mainsheet September 2010

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June 2010 Page 15

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Page 16: Mainsheet September 2010

June 2010 Page 16










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service is provided with the backup of a fully equipped workshop located at

the rear of Sail Power. Please contact me with any enquiries.

Mobile: 0412 944 909 Email: [email protected]

Unit 2/ 23 Carrington Street Nedlands 6009