major studio 1

PUPA major studio 1 Rachel Law

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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PUPA . major studio 1. Rachel Law. Concept. ‘Pupa’ is an art performance installation exploring the illusion of power within a transformation as well as the unknowable nature of a chrysalis-self. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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PUPA major studio 1Rachel Law

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Concept‘Pupa’ is an art performance installation exploring the illusion of power within a transformation as well as the unknowable nature of a chrysalis-self.The title ‘Pupa’ refers to the lifestage of insects undergoing transformation, as well as the Latin word for ‘doll’.

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precedents (technique)Klaus Obermaier, Apparation (2004): Matreyek, Dreaming of Lucid Living (2009):

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precedents (concept)Paolo Ventura, Automaton (2011): Fristch: Shaw: Rohmer’s Triple Agent, William Gibson’s Idoru , Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness & Wong Kar Wai’s 2046

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Stage 1Inspired by de Kooning’s statement: ‘flesh was the reason why oil painting was created’Motif idea: myth of Pygmalion and Galatea bring things to ‘life’ via transformation

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Stage 1 iteration-execution

art performance-live painting pieceType 1: timed animation using 3-d modelling overlaying; separate bones combining to form the final shape of a skull which will ‘leap’ from the wallType 2: using openCV edge detection to overlay polygonal pixel shapes while painting to transform the flat colour into 3-D

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Stage 1 iteration&sketches

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Stage 1 iteration&sketches

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Stage 1 iteration&sketches

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Stage 1 problemsToo literal interpretation of ‘flesh’ did not capture the nuances of powerlessness and unknowableTime limit 2 weeks to complete a 3-d rendered humanoid skeleton animation is close to impossibleNo depth, no real form, seemed like an easy way out

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Stage 2 ideasExplore more kinds of ‘flesh’ Earth? Mud? Moss? Light? Makeup? reinterpret the concept of ‘painting?’ Related mythologies of Frankenstein/Golem and current modern manifestations of Pygmalion myth i.e makeover tv shows or even shows like My Fair LadyStill need a form(!)

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Stage 2 explorations

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Stage 2 explorations (using light particles to paint) (using sand and lightbox)

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Stage 3 ideas Solidify choice on ‘painting’ using ‘light’New modern interpretation motifs transformative sequences from the ‘magical girl’ cartoon genre (form problem solved!)execution choice using ofxKinect or chromascreening?

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further developmentsComplete the full animationSwitch from greenscreening to ofxkinect to make the installation fully interactive to any participant

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?endThank you for listening!