makalah phonology english

THE PAPER COMMON INDONESIAN NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS PRONUNCIATION PROBLEMS CREATED BY: Herry Rachmat Safi’i 14330039 Dedicated for Phonology Subject Fakultas Ilmu Keguruan dan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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Herry Rachmat Safi’i


Dedicated for Phonology Subject

Fakultas Ilmu Keguruan dan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


LAMONGAN – 2014 / 2014

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Assalamualaikum Wr... Wb...

Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing

the English paper assignment entitled “PRONUNCIATION PROBLEMS”.

The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have

guided in completing this paper. May be while I on the process making this paper,

some information couldn’t completely gathered. But I hope this paper can help the

readers to expand their knowledge about English Phonetic and Pronounciation


Hopefully we as a student in “Univertas Darul Ulum Lamongan” can work

more professional by using English as the second language whatever we done.

Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum Wr... Wb...


January 10th, 2017


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Kata Pengantar...............................................................................................................

Daftar isi.......................................................................................................................



1.1    Latar Belakang Masalah......................................................................................

1.2    Rumusan Masalah................................................................................................

BAB II                    


2.1    Pronunciation.......................................................................................................

2.2    Native and Non-native Speakers..........................................................................

2.3    Common Pronunciation Problems.......................................................................



3.1    Kesimpulan..........................................................................................................

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Many English learners have problems pronouncing these words correctly.

Believe or not, try this one. As a non-native speaker, I wonder If you can master

the differences in pronunciation between these words, will you easily improve

your pronunciation and be able to talk more like a native English speaker. Feel /

fell / fill, luck / look, bad / bed.

As everybody who has studied English as a foreign language knows –

English is a relatively easy language to learn, up to a point. It is easy and quick for

most learners to reach intermediate level, as the basic grammatical structures are

straight forward, and the vocabulary is simple and often has traces in students’

own languages. This is one reason why English has become so popular as an

international ‘lingua franca’ – to speak it to a level in which two people can

communicate is quite easy.

But then when students aim for a higher level, things get more difficult.

Advanced grammar is quite tricky, with numerous conditional and modal

constructions to deal with, but this is not the hardest part at all. The real

difficulties in mastering English to a proficient level are firstly all the phrasal

verbs and strange sayings that natives use of course it’s called pronunciation.

So why is English pronunciation so difficult? Why do students who speak

a high level of grammatical English, make so many mistakes when they actually

say their perfectly constructed sentences? I guarantee we all don’t know the cause.

This study investigates the problems in English pronunciation experienced

by learners whose first language is Indonesian. But we still need more advanced

research to answer all the common question yet, this is only small literature that I


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Dalam penulisan makalah ini, rumusan masalah yang akan dikaji


1. What is Pronunciation?

2. What is Native Speaker And Non-native Speakers?

3. Why there are some common pronunciation problem facing by non-native


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"Pronunciation" refers to the way in which we make the sound of

words.To pronounce words, we push air from our lungs up through our throat and

vocal chords, through our mouth, past our tongue and out between our teeth and

lips. (Sometimes air also travels through our nose.)

To change the sound that we are making, we mainly use the muscles of our

mouth, tongue and lips to control the shape of our mouth and the flow of air. If we

can control the shape of our mouth and the flow of air correctly, then our

pronunciation is clearer and other people understand us more easily.

Speakers of different languages tend to develop different muscles of the mouth for

pronunciation. When we speak a foreign language, our muscles may not be well

developed for that language, and we will find pronunciation more difficult. By

practising the foreign language pronunciation, our muscles develop and

pronunciation improves.

As well as creating correct vowel and consonant sounds using the muscles of our

mouth, tongue and lips, there are other important aspects of pronunciation,


word stress - emphasis on certain syllables in a word

sentence stress - emphasis on certain words in a sentence

linking - joining certain words together

intonation - the rise and fall of our voice as we speak

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A native speaker is someone who speaks a language as his or her first

language or mother tongue. Native speakers can often speak the language well

since it was part of their childhood development. A native speaker's language is

usually the language their parents speak and/or the language of their country of

origin. It is the only language of a monolingual person, and likely the first

language of a multilingual person which is acquired naturally in their native

environment and which serves as the basis for their sociolinguistic identity.

In the opposite, someone who has learned a particular language as a child

or adult rather than as a baby. It means antonym of native speaker: someone who

has another native tongue than the language being used especially English.

A "native speaker of English" refers to someone who has learned and used

English from early childhood. It does not necessarily mean that it is the speaker's

only language, but it means it is and has been the primary means of concept

formation and communication. It means having lived in a truly English-speaking

culture during one's formative years, so that English has been absorbed

effortlessly as by osmosis.

One can have been born and grown up in a country that lists English as one

of its official languages and not be a "native" speaker. For example, Canadians

from Quebec cannot automatically be considered native English speakers even

though many speak English quite well; they were brought up speaking French as a

first language and think in French (or Canardien, as I have heard unkind Parisians

refer to it). But the rest of Canada does largely consist of native speakers of


Speaking "like a native" of any language means more than just knowing

vocabulary and grammar. Many educated foreign speakers speak better formal

English than, say, many Americans or British or Australians. But formal English

is only one aspect of the language. Knowing instantly what slang means, what

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cultural references mean, how to reduce syntax to a bare minimum and still

convey precise meaning — all these things, and more, are what constitute native

speech. It's apparent that different people have different notions and different



In fact, Speaking is matter of habit. The acquistion of any habit is

accomplished through. Repeated and antring prachce on the part of the learner. An

Indonesian student who wants to pronounce an english world. Like “bow” / bau /

tends to say / bou / such as found. In the Indonesian word “ kerbau ” . which will

sound unenglish. Only through imitation. Constant drill and practice. Will he be

able to pronounce the english sounds correctly.

The difficulty encountered by the student in learning a second language is

couse by the different element found between his language and the target

language. The degree of difficulty in learning is also determined by the degree of

difference between the two languages.

On the other hand this is called transfering one’s natue sounds into foreign

language. Different elements in sound system between the native and the foreign

language may be of several kinds. One of them is the existence of a given sound

in the latter. Which is not found in the former.

Another learning problem may be caused by sounds which have the same

phonetic features in both languages but different their distribution. That is when

and where they may occur in an utterance. This can be illustrated by the so called

voiced stop consonant / b.d.g / voiceless stops that is / p /, / t / and / k /.

There is still another source of difficulty that is coused by similar sounds in the

two languages. Which have different variants or allophones. An allophones is a

conditional variant predictable environment.

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One problem is concerned with the indification of the foreign sound. This

is a matter of ear – training. Which means that his ears must be trained and drilled

in hearing the sound in question again and again till they get familiar with it and

can remember its acoustic quality.

Another problem has to do with the production of the foreign sounds by

his organs of speech. When has heard the sound produced by someone else. He

may be able to produce it himself by imitating the speaker. This is a matter of

training to move the speech organs. Or also called mouth Gymnastics. Which

should be practised over and over again.

Last, the Indonesian education system (or at least the system which today's

teenage and adult language learners passed through) tends to produce students

with preconceived notions of ways to be taught. Often this means passive learners

expecting to absorb information from the teacher, who is the center of a class, an

authority figure, and someone who must not be questioned. Language learning is

most effective in an environment where active students feel free to participate, get

involved and ask questions; an environment where students know that making

mistakes is the best way to learn, and where making a mistake does not result in

loss of face.

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The answer is teacher and Environment, teacher who is the center of a

class, an authority figure, and someone who must not be questioned. Teachers in

Linguistic have to know the fact that language learning is most effective in an

environment where active students feel free to participate, get involved and ask

questions; an environment where students know that making mistakes is the best

way to learn, and where making a mistake does not result in loss of face.