manning - always more than one - ch 1


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Manning - Always More Than One - Ch 1


EBJNJL rrudr bqB81PAP551A1 DUKEUNIVERSITYPRESSurhcm cnd Londonzo1 P|R0gS N0If J0B Bf B!P!0!!0B! 0Bff O NF 0WaId a Caj bCB8C0! bC! In Esthcr Bick's psychcanaIytic thccry, thc inmnt's rcIaticn tc thc wcrId is mcdiatcd by thc skin's capacity tc scrvc as a ccntaincr mr cxpcricncc: "In its mcst primitivc mrm, thc parts cf thc pcrscnaIity arc fcIt tc havc nc binding forcc amcngst thcmscIvcs and must thcrcforc bc hcId tcgcthcr in a way that is cxpcricnccd by thcm passivcIy,by thc skinmncticning as a bcundary" :g8,, ::). Bcmrc thcrc can bc intrc]ccticn cr prc]ccticn, Bick argucs that thc infant must bcccmc "abIc tc hcId himscIf tcgcthcr in his cwn 'skin' in thc abscncc cf thc cxtcrnaI hcIding cb]cct, withcut spiIIing cut and mIIing tcbits"zooz, zog). As thc inmnt dcvcIcps, ccntainmcnt incrcasingIy cx-prcsscs cchcsicn cf scIf,as fostcrcd by thc ccntinucd intcracticn with thc carctakcr:"if thc carcgivcr is mcaningfuIIy prcscnt, thcn thc inmnt's mind wiII IikcIy bc cxpcricnccd as intcgratcd-as bcund and hcId tcgcthcr, whiIc if thc carcgivcr is mcaningmIIy abscnt, thcn thc infant's mind wiII IikcIy bc cxpcricnccd as unintcgratcd-as brckcn and mIIing tc picccs"Iaancc zoog, ,). Trcugh an cmphasis cn particuIar forms cf intcracticn-mrms that spccicaIIy invcIvc skin-tc-skin tcuch-an infant is givcn thc rcccp-tacIc ncccssary mr cvcntuaI intcractivc scIf-sumcicncy. With thc skin cIcscd by a scnsc cf scIf-ccntainmcnt, thc inmnt wiII nct Iatcr risk thc dctcrritcri-aIizaticn causcdby Icakagc, a dctcrritcriaIizaticn that,in truc psychcana-|ytic form, wi|| ccmc with myriad symptcms asscciatcd with thc ncccssity cf crcating "scccnd skins." What if Ihc 8kh wcrc nct a ccntaincr! What if thc skin wcrc nct a Iimit JI whCh 8c 0cgh8 Jhd chd8 WhJI if thc 8khwcrc a pcrcus, tcpc|cgicaI 8ulhchgU mylJdUIchIJ8IlJIJIhJIhcdthclcJI0hbctwccndicr-cnt miIicus,cach cf thcm a muItiplicity cf insidcs and cutsidcs! FcIIcwing psychcanaIyticthccrysuchas that pcsitcd by Bick,skin-as-ccntaincr rc-inmrccs fccIings cf aIivcncss and cxistcncc, whcrcas thc Iack cf ccntain-mcnt mstcrs a statc cf incchcrcncc asscciatcd with anxicty and annihiIa-ticn. Withcut scIf-ccntainmcnt,"thc inmnt fcars that its scIf wiII disscIvc and,uItimatcIy,Icak intca IimitIcssspacc"IaIrancc zoog,g). Tc pcsit skin-as-ccntaincr asthcstarting pcint Ior thc ncticn cf intcractivcscIf-sumcicncy is tc bcgin with thc idca that thc wcII-ccntaincd human is cnc whc can activcIy and prctcctivcIy)takc part in scIf-scIf intcracticns. ScIf-scIf intcracticns dcpcnd cn a strict bcundary bctwccn insidc and cutsidc.Thcy cccur within thc rcaIm cf cIcarIy bcundcdscIvcs,incIuding thc cIcar bcundcdncss cf cb]ccts. Intcracticn is undcrstccd hcrc as thc cnccuntcr bc-twccn twc scIf-ccntaincd cntitics human-tc-human cr human-tc-cb]cct). What if instcad cf pIacing scIf-scIf intcracticn at thc ccntcr cf dcvcIcp-mcnt, wc wcrc tc pcsit rt|cticn as kcy tc cxpcricncc! RcIaticn,undcrstccd hcrc in a !amcsian scnsc, is a making apparcnt cf a third spacc cpcncd up mr cxpcricncc in thc making. This third spacc cr intcrvaI) is activc with thc tcndcncics cf intcracticn but is nct Iimitcd tc thcm.' RcIaticn mIds cxpcri-cncc intc it such that what cmcrgcs is aIways mcrc than thc sum cf its parts. FinaIIy, what if ncithcr skin ncr scIf wcrc thc starting pcint Ior thc ccm-pIcx intcrrcIaticnaI matrix cf bcing and wcrIding! Bcing and wcrIding dc-pcnd cn thc activitycfrcaching-tcward. Rcaching-tcward Iorcgrcunds thc rcIaticnaIity inhcrcnt in cxpcricncc, a kind cf fccIing-with thc wcrId. This tcnding-tcwardis ascnsing-withthat dccsnct cccur strictIy at thc IcvcI cf thc scnscry-motcr.It happcnsacrcssstrata,bcthactuaI and virtuaI. A Iccking bcccmcs a tcuching, a fccIing bcccmcs a hcaring. But nct cn thc skincr inthcbcdy.Acrcssstrata,bcthccncrctcand abstract,that ccn-stitutc an asscmbIagc. This asscmbIagc is a scnsing bcdy in mcvcmcnt,a bcdy-wcrId that is aIways tcnding, attcnding tc thc wcrId. !n cquaI mcasurc, thc wcrId aIsc tcnds tcward thc bcccming-bcdy. Bcdy-wcrIding is much mcrc than ccntainmcnt, much mcrc than cnvcIcpc. It is a ccmpIcx fccIing-asscmbIagc that is activc bctwccn dicrcnt cc-ccnstitutivc miIicus. It is individuaticn bcmrc it is scIf, a hcIding cf asscciatcd miIicus that IoId in, cn, and thrcugh cnc ancthcr. Fcr thc asscciatcd miIicu is ncvcr "bctwccn" ccnstitutcd scIvcs: thc assccIatcd mIIicu Is thc rcscnant cId cf individuaticn,activcaIwaysinccnccrt withthcbcccmingsitcngcndcrs. Bcccming-scIf is cnc cf thc ways in which this mIding bcdy-wcrIding) cx-prcsscs itscIfbut ncvcr tcward a tctaIizaticn cf scI|-a|ways tcward ccn-2tl Al Tl . k tMl! tinucd individuaticn. "Tc think individuaticnit is ncccssary tcccnsidcr bcing nct as substancc, mattcr cr mrm, but as a tcnsiIc cvcrsaturatcd sys-tcm bcycndthc IcvcI cf unty"Smcndcn :gg, z).ScIf is a mcdaIityasinguIarity cnthcpIanccf individuaticnaIwayscnthc way tcward ncw foIdings. Tcsc mIdingsbringintc appcarancc nct a mIIy ccnstitutcd human,aIrcady-ccntaincd,but cc-ccnstitutivcstratacf mattcr,ccntcnt, form,substancc,and cxprcssicn. ThcscIf is nct ccntaincd.It is a foId cf immancnt cxprcssibiIity. DanicI Stcrn's acccunt cf infancy cxprcsscs thisin psychcIcgicaI tcrms. Fcr Stcrn, rcIatcn is aIways thc hrst prncpIc cf wcrIding: "Hcw wc cxpcri-cncc curscIvcs in rcIaticn tc cthcrs prcvidcs a basic crganizing pcrspcctivc mr aII intcrpcrscnaI cvcnts" :g8, 6).Stcrn's argumcnt makcs rcIaticn pri-mary, ccnstituting thc rcIaticnaI asthc vcry ccrc thrcugh which any kind cf scnsc cf scIf isccnstitutcd. WhiIcBick'sand Iatcr Ogdcn's psychcana-Iyticthccricsmakcintcracticna ncccssity,thcir matrix is nct rcIaticnaI: it aIwaysprcsuppcscsaccnstitutcd,bcundcdscIf andcthcrcr scIf and scIf).Stcrn,cn thc cthcr hand,trcats thc rcIaticn as thc ncdc cf crcativc intcrpcrscnaI pctcntiaI,shiing, I wcuId arguc, frcm a scIf-scIf mcdcIcf intcracticn whcrc thc rcIaticn is pcsitcd as passivc bctwccn activc sub]ccts) tcward a radicaIIy cmpiricaI ncticn cf immancnt rcIaticnaIity whcrc rcIa-ticn is ccnsidcrcd as "rcaI" as thc tcrms in thc rcIaticn. Stcrn bcgins in thc prcvcrbaI rcaIm,suggcsting that "scvcraIscnscs cf thc scIf dc cxist Icng pricr tc scIf-awarcncss and Ianguagc" :g8, 6). With thc asscrticn that thcrc arc "scvcraI scnscs cf sclf,"Stcrn cmphasizcs that tcndcncicscutIincd in carIy infancy dc nct buiId tcward accntaincd vicw cf scIf,but rathcr Icad tcward thc crcaticn cf a muItipIicity cf strata, cach cf thcm dicrcntIy cxprcssivc undcr variabIc ccnditicns. FcrStcrn,a ccrcscnsccf scIf invcIvcsancn-scIf-rccxivcawarcncss :g8, 6).PrcvcrbaI awarcncss is Iinkcd by Stcrn tc dircct cxpcricncc. Dircct cxpcricncc is cf thc crdcr o thc cvcnt.SimiIar tc WiIIiam !amcs's ccnccpt cf "purc cxpcricncc,'' dchncd as thc virtual ncnccnscicus) cdgc tc all livcd cxpcricncc,dircctcxpcricncc is amrmcf immancnt hcIdingStcrn caIIs this crganizaticn) thrcugh which cvcnts bcccmc cxpcricnccd as such. Dircct cxpcricncc takcs pIacc nct in thc sub]cct cr in thc cb]cct,but in thc rcIaticn itscIf Thc asscciatcd miIicu is activc with tcndcncics, tunings, ncpcnt agtatcns, cach cf which arc fcIt bcmrc thcy arc kncwn as such, ccntributing tc a scnsc cf thc hcw cf thc cvcnt in its unmIding. Acccrding tc Stcrn, cvcnts in car|y inmncy | tcward thc crcaticn cf mcdcs cf crga- l` lWAKOAl lIA K Y h K Nh h Ol'h hl. l' nizaticn. Thcsc mcdcs cf crganizaticn dc nct prccxist cxpcricncc-thcy arc immancnt tcit. Thrcugh thc cIding cf rcIaticnsin thc asscciatcd miIicu cf crganizaticn),thcinmntdcvcIcps.Ccntrary tcpsychcanaIytic thccry, dcvcIcpmcnt forStcrn dccs nct ccmc in discrctc stagcs: "dcvcIcpmcnt cc-curs in Icaps and bcunds; quaIitativc shifts may bc cnc cf its mcst cbvicus fcaturcs" :g8, 8).Quantum Icaps cf dcvcIcpmcnt cccur in a hactaI mcdc cf rcIaticn whcrc cvcnts buiId cn cvcnts, cach ct thcm accting at cncc thc inmnt and thc cnvircnmcnt, aItcring what Stcrn caIIs thc "scciaI fccI" cf thc inmnt. In a dircct critiquc cf a systcm that wcuId scck tc ccntain cxpcricncc and dcvcIcpmcnt,Stcrn writcs: "I qucsticn thc cntirc ncticn cf phascs cf dcvcIcpmcnt dcvctcd tc spccic cIinicaI issucs such as craIity, attachmcnt, autcncmy,indcpcndcncc,andtrust ....Thc quantum shis in thcscciaI 'prcscncc' and ' fccI' cf thc inmnt can . . . nc Icngcr bc attributcd tc thc dc-parturc frcm cnc spccic dcvcIcpmcntaI task-phasc and thc cntrancc intc thc ncxt" :g8, :o). Ncw scnscs cf scIf arc kcy tcStcrn's mcdcI cf dcvcIcpmcnt. UnIikc thc idca that thc scIf rcsts in a ccntainmcnt cf skin,Stcrn prcpcscs that scIvcs buiIdcntc and thrcughcncancthcr in intimatcrcIaticn with a changing cnvircnmcnt. Thcscscnscs cf scIf arcdcncd as thccmcrgcnt,ccrc,sub-]cctivc, and vcrbaI scIvcs, ncnc cf which is strictIy succcssivc. Stcrn's scnscs cf scIf arc Icss bcundcd phascs than fractaI phasc-spaccs ccmpcscdcf intcrwcavingstrata."Onccformcd,cachscnsccf scIf rc-mainsfuIIy functicning and activcthrcughcut Iifc. AII ccntinuc tc grcw and cccxist"Stcrn :g8, zz). Ncstratum is cvcr ccmpIctcIy disarticuIatcd cm ancthcr in thc crcaticn cf cmcrgcnt scnscs cf scIf. Rathcr, strata vccr thrcugh and acrcsscnc ancthcr in thc asscciatcd miIicu's intcnsivc cId-ing.Asthcinfant agcsandbcccmcsvcrbaI,mr instancc,thcirscnsccf bcing acchcrcnt,wiIIIuI,physicaIcntity-forcgrcundingstrata phasing tcward crganizaticn -may intcrmcsh with thc ustraticn cf nct bcing abIc tc cxprcss thcfccIing-vcctcr cf intcnsity that rcmains a kcy aspcct cf thc tcnding tcwardcchcrcncc-forcgrcunding thc strata phasing tcward thc virtuaI cr immancncc. Evcry bcccming is tintcd with this dcubIc articuIa-ticn. Thcrc is nc stabIc prc- and pcstvcrbaI statc. Thcrc is nc stabIc idcntity that cmcrgcs cncc and mr aII. Bcccming-human is cxprcsscd singuIarIy and rcpcatcdIy in thc muItiphasing passagc hcm thc fccIing cf ccntcnt tc thc ccntcnt cf fccIing, a shi frcm thc mrcc cf divcrgcnt hcws tc a systcmatic intcgraticn. This is nct a ccntainmcnt tcward a stab|c 8cl.I is a mcmcntary cchcsivcncss, a scnsc cf sclf that 8!w0yrc|110D CO!Orcu by Ih0 intcrwcav-CHAl Tl k ON l .Ing cf forccs that bcth dIrcct and dcstabIIIzc thc "scIf's" prctc-unIhcatIcn Intc an"!."WIth aII apparcnt cchcsIvcncssthcrc rcmaIns thc ccct cf thc IncabIc that acts IIkc a shadcw cn aII drcams cf ccntaInmcnt. Fcr dcubIc artIcuIatIcn rcmInds us that sInguIar pcInts cf IdcntIhcatIcn aIways rcmaIn mIrcd wIthIn thcccmpIcx forccscf thcIr prcartIcuIatIcn,prcartIcuIatIcn nct strIctIy asthcbcmrc cf artIcuIatIcn,but thc wIthncss cf thc unuttcr-abIc, \h0 \u0D0~\h0 qu8-B0Xt088D\0 sharc cf cxprcssIbIIIty-wIthIn Ianguagc. Thcrc Is nc scIf that Is nct aIsccmcrgcnt,prcvcrbaI,acctIvcIy crIcntcd tcward IndIvIduatIcn. Acct Is ccntraI tc Stcrn's anaIysIs cf hcw scnscs cf scIf dcvcIcp.ScckIng tc mcvc bcycnd thc IImItIng rcaIm cf thc scnscry-mctcr schcma, whIch prcpcscsdIrcct IInkagcs bctwccn crgans and cb]ccts,Stcrn dcvcIcps thc Idca cf"vItaIItyaccts." Mcrc than any cthcr aspcct cf hIs wcrk cn prcvcrbaI scnscs cf scIf and cmcrgcnt IndIvIduatIcns, It Is thc ccnccpt cf "vItaIIty af-fcct" that undccs thc nctIcn cf scIf asccntaInmcnt. Acct In thIs ccntcxt can bc undcrstccd as thc prcacccIcratIcn cf cxpcrI-cncc as It acts cn thc bcccmIng-bcdy. PrcacccIcratIcn rcfcrs tc what has nct yct bccn ccnstItutcd but has an ccct cn actuaIIzatIcn. !n thc ccntcxt cf a mcvcmcnt, It Is thc vIrtuaI cxpcrIcncc cf a wcIIIng Intc mcvcmcnt that prc-ccdcs thc actuaI dIspIaccmcnt. Acct mcvcs, ccnstItutIng thc cvcnt that, In many cascs, bcccmcs-bcdy. YItaIIty accts arc a rangc cf acct "cIIcItcdby changcs In mctIvatIcnaI statcs, appctItcs, and tcnsIcns"Stcrn :g8, ). Tc undcrstand vItaIIty af-fccts and thc rcIc thcy pIay Incmcrgcnt Infant prcccsscs,Stcrn's ccnccpt cf amcdaIIty Is kcy.!n a dcparturc cmthc Idca cf scnsc-prcscntatIcn -whcrc a scnsc Is Iccatcdcn thc skIn,assccIatcd dIrcctIy tctcuch,for In-stancc-Stcrn forcgrcunds thc rcscarch that shcws that ncwbcrns cpcratc by crcss-mcdaI transfcr.Crcss-mcdaItransfcr-thc fccIIng cf tcuch that cccursInthcsccIng,mr cxampIc-happcnswIthcut adIscrctc IcarnIng curvc. "Nc IcarnIng Is nccdcd InItIaIIy, and subscqucnt IcarnIng abcut rcIa-tIcns acrcss mcdaIItIcs can bc buIIt upcn thIs Innatc basc" Stcrn g8, 8). Crcss-mcdaI ccrrcspcndcncc, and, cvcn mcrc sc, amcdaIIty thc Idca that pcrccptIcn dccs nct Iccatc ItscIf In a scnsc mcdaIIty but ccurscs bctwccn In rhythms that buIId ccrrcspcndcnccs rathcr than rcIy cn aIrcady-cccurrIng sItcsmr scnsatIcn),Stcrnargucs,transccndsthcscnsc"channcI."ThIs causcsa shIft tcwarda supra-mcdaI In-bctwccnncss whcrc scnsc-cvcnts takc form that arc ncIthcr dIrcctIy assccIatcd tc an crgan ncr tc an cb]cct. Amoda|ity forcrcunds nct thc scnsc ItscIf but Its rcIatIcnaI pctcntIaI. "!t Is ` l` lIWltJ hKh h M h l\O'h h . l' nct,thcn, a simpIc issuc cf a dircct transIaticn acrcss mcdaIitics. Rathcr, it invcIvcs an cnccding intc a stiII mystcricus amcdaI rcprcscntaticn, which can thcn bc rcccgnizcd in any cf thc scnscry mcdcs"Stcrn :g8, :). Amc-daIity makcs apparcnt that thc infant functicns ccmmrtabIy in thc abstract ccncrctcncss cf thc radicaIIy cmpiricaI. thc rcIaticn. ThcinmntisnctapassivcsIatccraprctc-ccntaincr)intccrcntc whichthc wcrIdcanbc writtcn. Thc infant isitscIf ancmcrgcnt cxpcri-cncc an cxpcrimcnt in cmcrgcncc), an individuaticn cf intcrwcaving strata activc in thc crcaticn cf cntcgcnctic wcrIdings. Thcsc wcrIdings arc acc-tivc. Thcy mcct thc infant haIhay,transmrming,at cach IcvcI cf thc cc-ccnstitutivc strata cf cxpcricncc, bcing and wcrIding as thcy ccmc tcgcthcr. Thisccming-tcgcthcr is nct bascd cn ccgnitivc ccnhrmaticn. It is prcccn-scicus, situatcd in a purc cxpcricncc cf prctc-awarcncss. It is an immancnt bcccming-prcscnt cf cxpcricncc in cxpcricncc, thc hcIing cf a "deja-vu" in a ncwncss withcut, as yct, a past cr a futurc. In prcccnscIcus purc cxpcri-cncccf cntcgcnctic wcrIding, wc havc nct yct succumbcd tcthc prcmisc cfIincar timc, Iiving instcad in thc activc tcpcIcgy cf spacctimcs cf cxpcri-cncc that many aduIts spcnd thcir Iifctimcs rcsisting. At thc hcart cf thcsc cxpcricntiaI tcpcIogics is vitaIity acct. Acct can bc thcught cf as supra-mcdaI. It cpcratcs acrcss rcgistcrs: "an acct cxpcricncc is nct bcundtc any cnc mcdaIity cf pcrccpticn"Stcrn :g8,).Prcccnscicus, accts aItcr thc mrcc cf thc cvcnt,shaping it bc-ycnd its actuaI ccnstituticn. Accts cxcccd thc rcaIm cf thc mcdaI,tcnd-ing tcward thc cdgc cf cxpcricncc whcrc amcdaIity takcsshapc. Think cf vitaIity acct as a spccics cf acct,anacctivc tuning that cpcratcs as a kind cf virtuaI cvcnt acrcss myriad actuaIizaticns,crcating dcphasings in cxpcricncc. If,for Stcrn's ccrc scnsc cf scIf,thc crganizaticnaI stratum is thc dcminant mcdc tcward which dircct cxpcricncc unmIds, vitaIity acct can bc undcrstccd asa cc-ccnstitutivcquaIitativcinastratum that prc-vidcs a tcnding-tcward immancnt hcIing in thc ccnstituticn cf thc cvcnt. Organizaticn is thcrcmrc aIways aIsc cxpcricntiaI and acctivc-a hcIding cfrcIaticns. Acccrding tc Suzannc Iangcr, this quaIity cfIih-Iiving acccm-panics us thrcugh "aII thc vitaI prcccsscs cfIifc,such as brcathing, gctting hungry . . ., cIiminating, mIIing asIccp . . ., cr fccIing thc ccming and gcing cf cmcticns and thcughts" Stcrn g8, ). Wc arc ncvcr withcut thc prcscncc cf vitaIity accts. Thc asscciatcd mi|icu Wcfc thc forcc cf |ifc-Iiving agitatcs is rst cf aII a hcIding c| 0cct9th0ch0c8. Frcm itsbirth,thc infant I8 PR0I8t0 lttlh1g8u| I0Iythat trans-ducc intc vitaIity accts Stcrn :g8,). Thcsc fccIings dcubIc-articuIatc thcrcIaticnbctwccnccntcntandcxprcssicn.ThcymakcpaIpabIcthat ccntcnt and cxprcssicnarc twc aspcctscf thc samc stratum,"cxprcssicn having just as much substancc as ccntcnt and ccntcnt ]ust as much form as cxprcssicn" DcIcuzc and Cuattari :g8,,). YitaIity accts cxprcss, shad-ing intc and cut cm ccntcnt. Expcricncc is, cm thc bcginning, infcstcd with thisdcubIc articuIaticn. YitaIity accts arc inhnitcIy muItipIicitcus. Thcy cannct bc pinncd dcwn cr asscciatcd with any hnaIity tc thc ccntcnt cf anact.Stcrn spcaks cf "a thcusand smiIcs, a thcusand gctting-cut-cf-chairs, a thcusand variaticns cf pcrformancc cf any and aII bchavicrs ... cach cnc prcscnt[ing| a dicrcnt vitaIity acct" :g8,6).YitaIity accts functicn in thc asscciatcd miIicu cf rcIaticn: thcy mcrgc with cxpcricncc's tcndings-tcward fccIing and cmcrgc as thc hcIing cf thc cvcnt. Stcrn writcs:"Thc scciaI wcrId cxpcricnccd by thc infant is primariIy cnc cf vitaIity accts bcmrc it is a wcrId cf formaI acts"g8,,).YitaIity af-hcts ccIcr immancnt cvcnts. Nct yct cxpcricnccd as such, immancnt cvcnts arc thc ncxus thrcugh which cxpcricncc bcgins tc form. Stcrn's ccrc scnsc cf scIf is bascd cn hcw thcsc cxpcricnccs vccr thc bcccming-scIf tcward ncw formscf rcIaticn. Thcsc ncw formscf rcIaticnin turnfccd thc prc-ccss thrcugh which thc inmnt bcccmcs dicrcntiatcd. Dicrcncc dccs nct cccur thrcugh thc strati caticn cf scIf and cthcr cr insidc and cutsidc. Dif-fcrcncccmbcIdcnsprcccssuaIshiftingsbctwccnstratathatforcgrcund andbackgrcundmcdcscf cxpcricncc, cach cf thcm acctcd by Incipicnt rcachings-tcward, a rcaching-tcward nct cf thcsub]cct,but cf cxpcricncc itscIf. Scnscs cf cchcrcncc cmcrgc that unfoId as fccIings cf warmth,intcn-sity,tcxturc, anguish. Cchcrcncc in thc rcaIm cf thc ccnstitutivc cvcnt. Thccvcnt,fcdby vitaIiq accts,prcmptcd by amcdaIrcIays,andrc-rcutcdby scnscscf cchcrcnccacctivctcnaIiticsdcphasing),takcsthc formnct cf discrctc"thingssccn,hcard cr tcuchcd"but cf "quaIiticscf shapc,numbcr,intcnsityIcvcI"Stcrn:g8,,). Prcccnscicus cxpcricncc is purc and dircct in thc scnsc that it cIds virtuaI cvcnts at thc cusp cf thcir b0CCmIBg0Ctu0. In this cntwincmcnt with thc quaIitativc, a Iiving cf fccI-ing crcatcs a taking-mrm cf cxprcssicn. This taking-form cf cxprcssicn is thc dynamic cf bcccming-scIvcs. lcr Stcrn acctivc attuncmcnt is kcy tc intcrpcrscnaI bcccming. Acc-tivc attuncmcnt is ancthcr mcdc cf immancnt rcIaticn whcrc thc rcIaticn lJUCJy l0C0U08 th0ulClt0U unity Cl th0 80l. Attuncmcnt is a mcrging-wlhU 9laly .lhcl8Jru88cxcrcncc8l0wJrdcmcrcnt cvcnts.N0|8 Y H l.\ K Yh!WhOlh ) fccling-cf but afccling-with.In acctivcattuncmcnt,a rclaticnal mcrg-ing cccurs that crcatcs a dcphasing cf vitality accts arcund ncw acctivc ccntcurs. This dcphasing is as much a shi in prcccss as a shih in lcvcl.!t activatcs what Simcn dcn calls a transducticn, a rcdistributicn cf prcccsscs inthc making. This cxpcricncc is nct rcduciblc tcthc pclcs cf thc cvcnt, mcthcr and child. It happcns in thcir intcrval and is cc-ccnstitutivc cf a bc-ccming that always cxcccds thcir "sclvcs." In carly inmncy,Stcrn argucs, "intcrpcrscnal rclatcdncssdccsnct yct cxist asdistinct cmrclatcdncsstcthings":g8, 6) .Aninmnt isnct pciscd tc rcspcnd tc a human mcrc than shc is tcrcspcnd tc thcquality and tcxturc cflight cr tc thc tcuch cf scund. This dccs nct mcan that thc in-mnt is ncccssarily cn thc autistic ccntinuum, as suggcstcd -pcjcrativcly-by Ogdcn. In thc carly pcricd cf a child's lih, rclaticnal pctcntial is at its mcst cxtrcmc. This hypcrrclaticnality has nct yct mund thc mcans tc sub-tract singularitics cm thc virtual wcb cf thc asscciatcd milicu, a subtrac-ticn that will latcr allcw a forcgrcunding cf discrctc cvcnts tc bc scparatcd cut cmthc ccmplcx rclaticnal bcmbardmcnt cf thcir backgrcunds.Fcr thc inmnt, cxpcricncc is always rst a qualitativc mcrging cf cdgc and ccn-tcur, intcnsity and acct. "Thc infant is asccial, but by virtuc cf bcing indis-criminatc, nct by virtuc cf bcing unrcspcnsivc, as suggcstcd by psychcana-lytic mrmulaticns cf a stimulus barricr that prctccts thc infant mr thc rst fcw mcnths cflifc" Stcrn :g8, 6 ).This ascciality is nct against thc sccial. It is a suprascciality,a rclaticnality activatcd at thc vcry intcrval cf rclaticn itsclf,nct yct having landcd cn individualizaticn. This is rclaticnality at its mcst intcnsivc, an cpcning tc thc ccmplcx clding cf multiplicity as yct un-dicrcntiatcd. Tcpcsit this quality cf rclaticnality as"autistic" is bcth tc radically misrcprcscnt suprascciality by ncgating its rclaticnal forcc) and tc simpli[ autism by assuming that autism and thc asccial arc cnc and thc samc). Undcrstandinghcwthissuprascciality wcrkswill allcwustcbcttcr undcrstand thc rclaticnship bctwccn vitality accts, acctivc tcnality,and acctivc attuncmcnt. This will inturnlcadtcabcttcrundcrstanding cf autism. Intcnsivc rclaticnality-a livcd cxpcricncc cf acctivc attuncmcnt at its prcccnscicuslimit- gctsbackgrcundcdinmcstadults.Thisrcsultsin a mcrc limitcd capacity tcfccl thc mrcc cf prcacccIcraticn,tchcar andcn-gagc with thcbctwccnncss cf prcarIcuaIUnwIhthcmcrc-thancf cx-pcricncc inthcmak|n.A8Ih80UUkw 800kIU dcmUh8IlJIC,JuI8IC8, CI1AI!'l'II kONI! cn thccthcr hand,dc nct IcscthIs quaIIty. In hcr vIdcc In Mq Icnjucjt, Amanda Baggs zoo,) cmphasIzcs thIs mndamcntaI dIcrcncc. In thIs twc-part vIdcc Baggs rst crcatcsa scundIng-scnsIng cnvIrcnmcnt by mcvIng thrcugh spacc whIIc actIvatIng and bcIng-actIvatcd by thc wcIIIng cnvIrcn-mcntaIIty cf thc mIIIcu. Shc mcvcs sIcwIy and carcmIIy, tcuchIng, smcIIIng, scundIng thc cnvIrcnmcnt. Thcn, In part twc, shc chaIIcngcs thc ncticn that by "transIatIng" thIs cxpcrIcncc Intc spckcn Ianguagc shc wIII makc It mcrc "ccmpIcx" cr mcrc "rcaI." Trcughthc ]uxtapcsItIcncf twc ways cf cngagIng thc cnvIrcnmcnt, Baggs mrcgrcundsthc Inadcquacy cf ccnccpts that appIy hIcrarchIcaI dI-chctcmIcs tc cxpcrIcncc IIkc Ianguagc vcrsus scnsatIcn, ccgnItIcn vcrsus thc prcccnscIcus). ln Mq Icnjucjt dccs nct rc]cct Ianguagc cutrIght. What It dccs Is usc hrst mcvcmcnt andscnsatIcn and thcn Ianguagc tc InquIrc Intc cur tcndcncy tc pIacc Ianguagc as thc dctcrmInant cf cxpcrIcncc. Why wcuId wc assumc that Ianguagc can tcuch cvcry aspcct cf cxpcrIcncc, and why arc cthcr ways cf scnsIngcr cxprcssIng thccnvIrcnmcnt sIdcIIncd! Thrcugh anIntcnscdancccf thccnvIrcnmcnt InItscc-ccmpcsIng cf a bcdy,thc vIdcc shcws thc cmcrgcncc cf an assccIatcd mIIIcu that cannct scIcIy bc addrcsscd In vcrbaI Ianguagc. Thc mIIIcu Is hypcrrcIatIcnaI, cvcry act caIIIng forth a dcphasIng, a transductIcn, a wcIIIng cf an cnvIrcnmcn-taIIty that ccnstItutIvcIy chaIIcngcs thc cncncss cf thc scIf scparatcd frcm thc mIIIcu cf IntcractIcn,Its skIn Intact.Hcr hands mcvIng thrcugh run-nIng watcr, Baggs zoo,) cxpIaIns:"It Is abcut bcIng In a ccnvcrsatIcn wIth cvcry aspcct cf my cnvIrcnmcnt, rcactIng physIcaIIy tc aII parts cf my sur-rcundIngs." Thcrc Is nc standard IntcractIcn cr ccntaInmcnt hcrc, nc prIvI-IcgIng cf thc wcrd cvcr thc actIvIty,nc scnsc cf sub]cct andcb]cct,bcdy and mIIIcu, cr scIf andscIf.It Is nct,as Baggszoo,) cmphasIzcs, abcut symbcIIzIng cxpcrIcncc:"In thIs part cf thc vIdcc thc watcr dccsn't sym-bcIIzc anythIng. I am ]ust IntcractIng wIth thc watcr as thc watcr Intcracts wIth mc." In Mq Icnjucjt Is abcut forcgrcundIng thcrIch hcId cf rcIatIcn activatcd thrcugh muItIplc IntcrwcavIng strata In a ccntInucusdcubIc ar-tIcuIatIcn cf ccntcnt and cxprcssIcn. In much cf thc IItcraturc, autIsm Is assccIatcd wIth a dcvcIcpmcntaI In-capacIty tc crcatc mcanIngmI cmpathctIc) rcIatIcns.' ln Mq Icnjucjt ccun-tcrs this cIaim wIth a strcng pcIItIcaI statcmcnt. Tcc chcn, Baggs says, pcr-scnhccd is dircct|y asscciatcdtc vcrba| intcracticn, whIch Is thcn pcsItcd as rc|aticna| ity.luu8hg a dif!crcnt mcdc| cntircIy, backcd by an cthIcs cf dicrcncchJgg8`8 9dcu Ilctl8l8 um cu u thc most intcnsc rcIaticna| ity, 1` lWKll. KTKNl8IU l 9 cnc cf scund and Iight,smcII and tcuch, activc nct simpIy mr thc human but in a withncss cf bcdy-wcrIding that chaIIcngcs thc vcry ncticn that thc human is at thc ccntcr cf rcIaticnaI) cxpcricncc. Baggs mcvcs thrcugh thc cnvircnmcnt and it mcvcs thrcugh hcr,hcIing-with itsmrmsand Iorccs,cxprcssing it as it cxprcsscs hcr. With and withcut Ianguagc, Baggs is at pains tc dcmcnstratc that rcIaticn is thc hcw cf thc wcrId's cc-cmcrgcncc. Ttrt is nctlinj |ut rt|cticn. !t is prcciscIy this intcnsivc rcIaticnaIity,thc vidcc suggcsts, that ccn makcs it dimcuIt mr autistics tc intcract with cthcrs. Fcr autistics dc nct as casiIy subtract ccntainmcnt Ircm thc cxpcricncc cf rcIaticn. Thcy dc nct tcnd tc rst and mrcmcst abstract thcmscIvcs -thcir "scIf" -Ircmthccmcrgcnt cnvircnmcnt. This is prcciscIy a ncurctypicaI tcndcncy, as prcpcncnts cf ncurcdivcrsity wcuId say. Whcn ccntainmcnt is nc Icngcr thc cndpcint and thc starting pcint)cf cxpcricncc,subtracticncmthc hypcrrcIaticncf syncsthctic andcrcss-mcdaI cxpcricncc Iags bchind. Thc unicd vcrbaI scIf is nc lcngcr thc rst tc cmcrgc. Baggs zoo,) cxpIains, citing a scciaI ccntcxt whcrc shc wcuId bc assumcd tc bc "ncnrcIaticnal":"! mcan that whcn ! am arcund a grcup cf pccpIc, thcir vciccsmay turn intc thc scund cf watcr, thcir mcvcmcnts may aII scrt cf bIcnd tcgcthcr, but in thcir mcvcmcnts !scc pattcrnsnct cnIy cf individuaIs but cf thc pccpIc intcracting withina grcup,and thc individual's pIacc within thc grcup,and thcir ccct cn thc grcup and thc grcup's ccct cn thcm, and cn cach cthcr. ! scc this pcrtitu|cr|q wcII whcn nct trying tc undcrstand what thcy'rc saying tc cach cthcr." Thc ccmpIcxity cfvitaIity accts and hcw thcy crcatc cIds cf intcnsity is apparcnt in Baggs's statcmcnt abcut thc chaIIcngc cf mcing scciaI cnvircn-mcnts. As shc makcs cIcar, it is nct that shc "withdraws" cr that shc can't cngagc. !t is that thc fccIing cf thc cvcnt-its vitaIity acct-takcs cvcr tc such a dcgrcc that shc cannct cxtricatc a"ccntaincd scIf"mr intcracticn cm thccvcnt's dynamic cmcrgcncc.Amanda Baggs dircctIy cxpcricnccs thccvcnt'svitaIity,thcmrcccf itstaking-mrm.Thiscxpcricnccshapcs hcr bcdying,caIIing mrth a cId cf rcIaticn thrcugh which shc cmcrgcs as a muItipIicity rathcr than a static,intcractivc scIf. Tc intcract in a scIf-ccntaincd vcrbaI way wcuId invcIvc parsing this muItipIc taking-mrm intc a singIc activity cf Iorm-taking. Fcr Baggs, it wcuId mcan parsing cnc vcry minutc aspcct cf actuaI cxpcricncc cm thc widcr and richcr rcaIm cf purc cxpcricncc. !nmntsbathc inpurccxpcricncc. Thisstatcof guasi-ccnscicusncss is cf thc cdgc,nct thc ccntcr. Iis on|, ul thc kl n h Ih08k h 8 Cun80crcd|n l0t |l A l! T|tk ON l\ its tcpcIcgicaI IoIdings with and thrcugh thc asscciatcd miIicu that is thc wcrId's bcccming. Purc cxpcricncc is a rcIaticnaI, amcdaI statc. !t rcachcs-tcwardcxpcricncc in thc making. !n thisstatc, wcrIding is pcrccivcd di-rcctIy.QuaIiticsarcmrcgrcundcd,andthrcughthcdcubIcarticuIaticn cf ccntcntand cxprcssicn,individuating scnscs cf scIf bcgintccmcrgc. FccIing-vcctcrsprcdcminatc,nctccgniticns,acticns,crpcrccpticnsas such. ThcscfccIingsarccc-ccnstitutivccf bcing and wcrIding,invcstcd, aIways, in thc miIicu and its asscciaticns, ncvcr dcIibcratcIy Iincar cr causaI. "Thc cIcmcnts that makc up thcsc cmcrgcnt crganizaticns arc simpIy dicr-cnt sub]cctivc units cm thcsc cf aduIts whc, mcst cf thc timc, bcIicvc that thcy sub]cctivcIy cxpcricnccunitssuchas thcughts,pcrccpticns,acticns, and sc cn, bccausc thcy must transIatc cxpcricncc intc thcsc tcrms in crdcr tc cnccdc it vcrbaIIy" (Stcrn :g8,6,). Thc inmnt-wcrId rcIaticn acctivcIy tuncs tc thc mrcc-cId cf cvcnts in-Iorming. Acctivc attuncmcnt is a prcccnscicus tuning-with that sparks a ncw sct cf rcIaticns that in turn acct hcw singuIar cvcnts cxprcss thcm-scIvcs in thc timc cf thc cvcnt.SubtIc and cngcing, acctivc attuncmcnts "givc much cf thc imprcssicn cf thc quaIity cf thc rcIaticnship" Stcrn :g8, ) . Acctivc attuncmcnt makcs fcIt thc activaticn ccntcurs cf cxpcricncc, thc intcnsity,as Suzannc Iangcr wcuId say, cf virtuaI fccIing. This Iinks acctivc attuncmcnt tc acctivc tcnaIity rathcr than cithcr tc cmpathy cr tc thc matching cf bchavicr. Stcrn dcncs this as a ncttlinj c]]ttlinj. !f fccI-ing is nct scccndary tccxpcricnccbut isthc vcry activity cf rcIaticn that makcs up cxpcricncc, acctivc attuncmcnt nccdnct bc scIcIy Iccatcd cn a human scaIc. !f ccnccivcd bcycnd human intcracticn, acctivc attuncmcnt might wcIIdcscribcthc rcIaticnaIcnvircnmcntcc-crcatcdbymcvcmcnt andscund in Amanda Baggs's vidcc In Mq Icnjucjt. Acctivc attuncmcnt: an cpcn hcId cf dicrcntiaticn cut cf which a singuIarity cf fccIing cmcrgcs and mcrgcs. A tuning nct cf ccntcnt but cf cxprcssicn-with. SinguIaritics such as cmcrgcnt scIvcs arc cc-ccnstitutcd in a hcId cf cx-pcricncc. Thcy rcach-tcward in a wcrIding that bcccmcs thcm. This wcrId-ing is intcnsicd by vitaIity accts that thcmscIvcs tunc tc thc wcrId, caIIing mrth Ianding sitcs. Thcsc Ianding sitcsarc Icssaspccicncdccf spacc-timc than thc ccnditicns Ior thc prcpcIIing cf thc cvcnt's actuaIizaticn. !n Baggs's ln Vq Lcnjucjt, wc fccI thc cmcrgcnt Ianding sitcs cvcry timc a ccn-I0ul 0cgh8 tc scund, tak|ng-|orm in thc cvcnt cf its cxprcssibiIity. A thrcc-part 80chcmJkc8th|s |c|t. l Bc 80chc0cgh8w|th Baggs mcing thc windcw, hcr DJtk!Uu8.A IUhJ8Uuhdhg JttUmmc8 thc mU90mchI U hcr hands |' OWA| tII A| . kA 8 ?8 k N 8 |!t I l8 |t I . l'I Iduttcring at hcr sidcs as shc rccks back and Iorth. Wc arc IuIIcd by thc mcvc-mcnt, which thcn shiIts quitc scamIcssIy tc thc mcvcmcnt cf a mctaI im-pIcmcnt scraping against asurmcc. This scraping ccntinucstc mcvc with thc rhythm cf thc tcnaI singing, adding tcit,but cn ancthcr pIanc cf cx-pcricncc. Ncw, wc scc cnIy thc hand, thc impIcmcnt and its shadcw cn thc waII: a tcnaI rhythm in scraping mcvcmcnt. Thcn, ancthcr shift, this timc tchngcrs mcving aIcng a ccmputcr kcybcard,crcating a schcr,pIushicr scund, aIigncd, stiII, with thc scund cf thc vcicc. Thcrc is nc cut hcrc: thc vidcc ccntinucs this way. This thrcc-part transiticn makcs fcIt hcw thc Iand-ing cccurs. !t's nct that thcsc arc discrctc sitcs-thcy arc ccntinuitics in thc scundingthrcugh whichccrtain quaIiticscf shiIt cf rcscnanccarcmrc-grcundcd.Each ccntcur stands cut Ior itscIf asarcmarkabIc pcint prc-ciscIy bccausc cf thc mcvcmcnt carrying-acrcss. Tcsc rcmarkabIc pcints arc Iandings, but Iandings cnIy in thc scnsc that thcy activatc thc mrcc cf transiticn that is thc carrying-acrcss. Ianding sitcs arc mrcc-cIds tcnding tcward rcIaticnaI mrm. Thrcugh thc cvcntncss cf Iorcc taking mrm,Iandings sitc thc cnvircnmcnt bcdying such that it ccaIcsccs intc a singuIarity tc which wc can attach ccntcnt. This bcccming-cvcnt cfwcrIding cr Ianding is hrst and mrcmcst a fccIing, a way cf rcIating,a mcdc cf cngagcmcnt. Subtractcd intc an actuaI cccasicn, thc cvcnt IoIds thc inhnity cf pctcntiaI Iandings intc a singuIar itcraticn, an it-craticn pciscd, aIways,tc individuatc again,undcr dicrcnt andncw ccn-diticns. !ndividuaticnhappcns atthcsurmcc,nctcf thcskin,but thrcugha surmcIng muItIpIicity,"a smccth, amcrphcusspacc . . . ccnstitutcdby an accumuIaticn cf prcximitics,...cach accumuIaticn[dchning|a zcnc cf indisccrnabiIity prcpcr tc ' bcccming' mcrc than a Iinc and Icss than a sur-mcc;Icssthan a vcIumc and mcrc than a surmcc) "(DcIcuzc and CuattarI :g8,, 88). Whcn thc skin bcccmcs nct a ccntaincr but a muItidimcnsicncd tcpcIcgicaI surmcc that mIds in, thrcugh, and acrcss spacctimcs cf cxpcri-cncc,what cmcrgcs isnct a scIf but thc dynamic mrmcf a wcrIding that rcIuscscatcgcrizaticn.Bcycnd thchuman,bcycnd thcscnsccf tcuch cr visicn, bcycnd thc cb]cct, what cmcrgcs is rcIaticn. I 2CHAlTl! ltON